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1.Action speaks louder than words 1628 事实胜于雄辩

2.Age before beauty 1843 老人优先

3.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 1659 只读书不玩耍,聪敏的孩子也变傻

4.Always look on the bright side 1726 没有过不去的坎儿

5.Art is long and life is short 1380 艺术永恒,生命短暂

6.Bad news travel fast 1592 好事不出门,坏事传千里

7.The best defense is a good offense 1799 最好的防守就是进攻

8.The best is yet to be 1864 好日子还在后头

9.The best friends must part 1611 朋友虽好,终须一别

10.Better safe than sorry 1837 宁可慢而稳妥,免得急躁悔恨

11.Be what you appear to be 1377 表里如一

12. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush 1450 两鸟在林不如一鸟在手

13.Birds of a feather flock together 16th c 物类聚集人以群分

14.Blessings brighten as they take flight 1742 生在福中不知福

15.Business before pleasure 1767 先工作,后生活

16.Calamity is the touchstone of a brave man 1602 烈火试真金;危难见真情

17.Children and fools speak the truth 1537 童言无欺

18.Circumstances alter cases 1678 具体问题具体对待; 水无定势

19.Civility cost nothing 1706 礼让不吃亏

20.Constant dropping wears away a stone 13th c. 水滴石穿

21. A contented mind is a continual feast 1535 知足常乐

22.The course of love never did run smooth Shakespeare 好事多磨。

23.Courtesy is contagious U.S. 与人方便,与己方便

24.Cut your coat according to your cloth 1546 量入为出

25.The darkest hour is just before dawn 1650 黑暗是黎明的前兆

26.Diligence is the mother of good luck 1591 好运来自于勤奋

27.Do as you would be done 1596 己所不望,勿施于人

28.Don’t give up the ship 1813 誓死不降

29.Don’t judge a book by its cover 1929 人不可貌相,海不可斗量

30.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 17th不要一棵树上吊死;狡兔有三窟

31.Don’t put the cart before the horse 1520 切勿本末倒置

32.Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater 1853 切勿因噎废食

33.The early bird catches the worm 1636 笨鸟先飞

34.Easy come, easy go 1832 来得快,去得也快

35.Eat to live, don’t live to eat Greek 活着不为吃,吃是为活命

36.The end crowns the work 16th c. 成败输赢论英雄;拿分说话

37.Everybody’s business is nobody’s business 1611 责任到人

38.Every land has its own law 1628 国有国法,家有家规

39.Every little helps 1787 捐多捐少,不在多少

40.Everyman is his own worst enemy 1643 最大的敌人是你自己

41.Every man is the architect of his own future Roman 未来在你手中

42.Every picture tells a story 1847 纸包不住火

43.Every tub must stand on its own bottom 1564 做人要自立

44.Example is better than precept 1400 以身作则

45.Experience is the mother of wisdom 16th c 经验是智慧之母

46.The eyes are the mirrors of the soul 1545 眼睛是心灵的窗户

47.Faith will move mountains Bible 人心齐,泰山移

48.Fine feathers make fine birds 16th c 人持衣衫马持鞍

49.First come, first served 1548 先来先到

50.The first impressions are the most lasting 1700 难忘第一面

51.The first step is the hardest 1596 万事开头难

52.Fortune favors the brave ancient 天佑勇者

53.Forgive and forget 1377 宽容大量,不计前嫌

54.Four eyes are more than two 1591 人多力量大

55.God help those who help themselves ancient 天助自己帮助自己的人

56.God made the country and man made the town ancient 谋事在人成事在天

57.The golden age was never the present age 1732 昔日总是胜于今朝

58. A golden key can open any door 1580 金钱万能

59. A good beginning is half the battle 1733 好的开始就是成功的一半

60. A good beginning make a good ending 1300 好的开局必定有好的结局

61. A great city, a great solitude Greek 城市大,人情薄

62.Haste makes waste 1546 欲速则不达

63.Health is not valued until sickness comes 1553 生在福中不知福

64. A hedge between keeps friendship green 1707 保持距离,友谊常青

65.He who would climb the ladder must begin from the bottom 1710 从小事做起

66.Hoist your sail when the wind is fair 1583 顺风杨帆,抓住时机

67.Honesty is the best policy 1605 诚实为上上之策

68.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst 1565 作最好的希望作最坏的打算

69.Horses for courses 1891 人尽其才,物尽其用

70. A house divided against itself cannot stand Bible 团结则立;分裂则亡

71.If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well 1746 不做则以,一做到底

72.If you don’t make mistakes you don’t make anything 1889 不要怕犯错误

73.If you want a thing done well, do it yourself 1541 工欲善,自己干

74.Ill-got goods never thrives 16th c 君子取财有道

75.It is better to be happy than wise 1546 开心就好

76.It is better to be right than in the majority 1691 不随大流不跟风

77.It is better to give than receive 1710 给总比拿好

78.It is better to laugh than to cry 笑比哭好

79.It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive 1881 过程远比结果重要

80.It is easy to be wise after the event 1616 事后诸葛亮;马后炮

81.It is never too late to learn 1678 学习无止境

82.It is never too late to mend 1590 人能改过,事能改善

83.It is not what you know, but who you know 学历不敌人缘

84. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step 千里之行,始于脚下

85.Knowledge and wisdom are far from being one 1783 学问不等于聪明

ughter is the best medicine 笑是良药

87.Lend your money and lose your friend 1474 借钱之时;反目之日

88.Life is what you make it 1897 历史是自己写的
