





1.金属矩形线圈abcd 在匀强磁场中做如图所示的运动,线圈中有感应电流的是()


2.如图所示电路中,r 是电源的内阻,R 1和R 2是外电路中的电阻,如果

用P r 、P 1和P 2分别表示电阻r 、R 1和R 2上所消耗的功率,当R 1=R 2=r

时,P r ∶P 1∶P 2等于()






I-U 图线,图中图像与横轴夹角α=45°,下列说法



B.此导体的电阻R =2Ω

C.I -U 图线的斜率表示电阻的倒数,所以电阻R =cot45°=1.0Ω

D.在R 两端加6.0V 电压时,每秒通过电阻截面的电量是6.0C

4.如图所示,圆形线圈垂直放在匀强磁场里,第1秒内磁场方向指向纸里,如图(b ).若磁感应强度大小随时间变化的关系如图(a ),那么,下面关于线圈中感应电流的说法正确的是()






A.a、b两处的磁感应强度的大小不等,B a>B b

B.a、b两处的磁感应强度的大小不等,B a<B b
































其磁场互不影响,当开关s闭合后,则小磁针北极(黑色一端)指示磁场方向正确的是() A.a B.b C.c D.d





























(3)用电压表和改装后的灵敏电流计测干电池的电动势和内阻,实验小组设计了如图乙所示的a、b两种电路,则能够比较准确地完成实验的电路图为_____.(填“a”或“b”)(4)根据选择好的电路,调节滑动变阻器读出了几组电压表和灵敏电流计的示数,并作出U﹣I G图象如图丙所示.由作出的U﹣I G图线求得干电池的电动势E=_____V,内阻


四、计算题:(本题共4小题,共42分.解答时写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位)16.(9分)如图所示,已知电源电动势E=20V,内阻r=lΩ,当接入固定电阻R=3Ω时,电路中标有“3V,6W”的灯泡L和内阻R D=1Ω的小型直流电动机D都恰能正常工作.试求:(1)流过灯泡的电流



17.(9分)如图所示,MN 、PQ 是两条彼此平行的金属导轨,水平放置,匀强磁场的磁感线垂直导轨平面.导轨左端连接一阻值R=2Ω的电阻,电阻两端并联一电压表V ,在导轨上垂直导轨跨接一质量为0.1kg 的金属棒ab ,ab 与导轨间动摩擦因数μ=0.5,导轨和金属棒ab 的电阻均不计.现用恒力F=0.7N 水平向右拉ab 运动,当ab 开始匀速运动时,电压表V 的示数为0.4V .g 取10m/s 2

(1)在图上标明ab 运动时的电流方向;

(2)求ab 匀速运动时的速度大小

(3)求ab 匀速运动时电阻R 的电功率及恒力F 做功的功率

18.(10分)如图,两平行金属导轨间距离0.40L m =,导轨和水平面的夹角是θ,导轨所在的平面内分布着磁感应强度0.50B =的匀强磁场,金属导轨的一端接有电动势4.5E V =、内阻0.50Ωr =的直流电源,现把一个质量0.04m kg =的导体棒ab 放在金属导轨上,导体棒始终静止,导体棒与金属导轨垂直且接触良好,导体棒与金属导轨接触的两点间的电阻0 2.5ΩR =,导轨电阻不计,g 取10m/s 2.






19.(14分)如图甲所示,竖直挡板MN左侧空间有方向竖直向上的匀强电场和垂直纸面向里的水平匀强磁场,电场和磁场的范围足够大,电场强度E=40N/C,磁感应强度B随时间t变化的关系图象如图乙所示(磁场垂直纸面向里为正方向).t=0时刻,一质量m=8×10﹣4kg、电荷量q=+2×10﹣4C的微粒在O点具有竖直向下的速度v=0.12m/s,O’是挡板MN 上一点,直线OO'与挡板MN垂直,取重力加速度g=10m/s2.求:






最新六年级英语毕业考试卷及答案 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,那一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出.(10分) 1.A.hand B. gave C. map D. plan 2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get 3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet 4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard 5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下来短语.(10分) 1.全世界 the world 2.制定计划 a 3.去游泳 4.长城 the 5.起床 三、单项选择.(10分) 1. Your pen is newer than . A. mine B. me C. her 2. Zhuhai is than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful A. to draw B. draw C. drew 4. How she go to school in the morning? A. is B. does C. do

5. That is American national flag. There fifty stars on it. A. a, is B. an, are C. an, is 6. What film are you going to ? A. see B. watch C. look 7. Rome than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmer 8. My grandfather usually the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters 9. Listen! Xiaoling in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing 10. Yesterday my parents and I our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按照要求改写下列句子.(15分) 1. It‘s nine thirty in the morning.(对划线部分提问) ? 2. The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing.(对划线部分提问) ? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she 改写) 4. What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答)


六年级英语暑期期末测试题 一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、下面5个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“√” ,不相符的图片下打“×” 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) 五、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2、飞机 3、步行 4、交通灯 5、等待 6.电影院 7.书店 8.右转 9.北 10.自行车 六、找出一个不同类的词 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go bad HJK srt mnl AHGK

( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway ( )5. A. yellow B. rule C. red D. Green ( ) 6. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 7. A. north B. party C. south D. east ( ) 8. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( )9. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library ( )10. A. plane B. cinema C.bike D. bus 七.单选 ()1. A: How do you go to the USA? B:I go ____ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane ()2. Remember the traffic rules. ___at a yellow light. A. stop B. wait C. go D. go straight ()3. How can I get to _______park? A. Zhongshan B. the Zhongshan C. a Zhongshan ()4. Is it far _______here? A. for B. of C. from ( ) 5. How do you go to school? I often go to school_____ foot. A. by B. on C. in ( ) 6. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 7. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office ()8. You see a red light, You must ______. A. go B. wait C. stop ()9当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you? B、How do you go to school? ()10、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、You're welcome. B、No,thanks. 四、情景会话。选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: I'm sorry. I am new here. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ___________. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: ___________. You can see the hospital. Amy: And then? Policeman: It's ___________ the hospital. Amy: Oh, I see. ___________ Policeman: __________ 五、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语 ( )1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? A.No,it’s not far. ( )2.Can I go on foot? B.You can go by bus ( )3.Where is the library? C. It’s near the post office. ( )4.Is it far from here? D. You are welcome.


最新六年级英语下册测试卷 班级:________姓名:________学号:________得分:________ 听力部分: 一、选出你所听到的单词,音标与词组(播一遍) ( 1. A. plan B. plane C. brown D. please ) 2. A. would B. word C. world D. could ( ) ( 3. A. talk B. take C. tall D. tell ) 4. A. open B. opera C. often D. after ( ) ( 5. A. live B. life C. five D. leave ) 6. A. /ei/ B. / / C. / / D. / / ( ) 7. A. /au/ B. / / C. / / D. / / ( ) ( 8. A. write a story B. writing stories ) C. right story D. write story

( 9. A. an English boy B. an English toy ) C. interesting boy D. Internet boy 10. A. music club B. music class ( ) C. new garden D. news club 二、选择你所听到的句子(播一遍) ( ) 1. A. It is 9:30 on Saturday morning. B. It is 9:40 on Thursday morning. C. It is 9:40 on Sunday morning. D. It is 9:45 on Tuesday morning. ( ) 2. A. What are you going to do this afternoon? B. What’s he going to do this afternoon? C. What book are you going to read this afternoon? D. What car are you going to buy this afternoon? ( ) 3. A. I’d love to join you. B. I’d like to join you. C. I’d like to draw a new picture. D. You’d like to have some new coins. ( ) 4. A. Who wants to write an e-mail?


闽教版小学英语六年级毕业班英语测试卷 班级:姓名: Ⅰ. 写出与下列字母相邻的两个字母(写出大小写并注意书写格式)。4分 Ee Ii Mm Vv Ⅱ. 从右栏中选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号里。 10分 (A) ()1.go swimming A. 在秋天 ()2.a red sweater B. 吃早餐 ()3.turn on the TV C. 去游泳 ()4.in fall D. 一件红色的毛衣 ()5.have breakfast E. 开电视 (B) ()1.下雨天 A.play basketball ()2. 起床 B.on Sunday ()3. 打篮球 C. get up ()4. 在星期日 D. on duty ()5. 值日 E. a rainy day Ⅲ. 情景问答,从右栏中选择合适的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号里。8分 (A) ()1. Can you run? A. I like apples. ()2. Happy birthday! B. I’m from China. ()3. What do you like? C. Thank you. ()4. Where are you from? D. Yes, I can. (B) ()1. What are they doing? A. It’s eighty yuan. ()2. How is the weather today? B. My name is Sally. ()3. How much is it? C. It’s a sunny day. ()4. What’s your name? D. They are running. Ⅳ. 给下列图片选择正确的单词、词组或句子,并将序号写在相应图片下的括号里。 5分 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )


人教版小学六年级英语下册期末试题及答案 姓名_________ 学校_________ 班级_________ 听力部分(共30分) 一、听句子选出句中所包含的单词:(5分) ( ) 1. A. wash B. washed C. washing D. washed ( ) 2. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. angry ( )3. A. tall B. taller C. short ( )4. A. go B. went C. want D. goes ( )5. A. big B. biger C. bigger D. strong 二、听问句选答语:(5分) ( ) 1. ’m fine. ’m nine. ’m 50kg. ( ) 2. A. The elephant. B. The cat. ( ) 3. ’m angry have a headache. C. I feel sick. ( ) 4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I did. ( ) 5. A. It’s black. B. It’s a clock. C. It’s four o’clock. 三、听短文判断正误:(10分) ( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend. ( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday. ( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes. ( ) 4. Father cooked supper. ( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper. 四、听短文补全对话:(10分) Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, We took some________. We were__________. 笔试部分 一、按要求写词语:(15分) (序数词)____ (反义词) ________ (比较级)_______ (复数) _____ (现在分词)_______ (第三人称单数以及过去式)_____ ______ (过去式)________ ’t (完全形式)______ (复数) _________ (过去分词)________ (名词)_______ 12. large (最高级)________ 13. hot (反义词)________ 14 fifth (基数词)___________ 二、选择:(15分) ( ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend? A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do ( ) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday. A. wash B. washes C. washed ( ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow. A. are going B. are go to C. are going to ( ) 4. I failed my English test. I am ______. A. happy B. sad C. excited. ( ) 5. How____you feeling? ----- I’m feeling better. A. am B. are C. do ( ) 6. It’s raining outside. Tom______bored. A. feel B. does C. feels ( ) 7. What did you do yesterday?


小学英语六年级英语开学摸底测试卷及答案 一.词汇。(10分) 1. tall( 反义词) 2. have( 单三形式) 3. leaf (复数) 4. sheep (复数) 5. take( 现在分词) 6. she( 形物代) 7. can’t (全写)8. we (宾格) 9. child(复数)10. nine(序数词) 二.单项选择。(10分) 1. I usually get up 6:40. A. at B. in C. for D.on 2. Thank you for me about your day. A. tell B. telling C. tell D. to tell 3. There is apple tree i the garden and there is bird in the tree. A . a, an B. an, a C. a ,the D. the , a 4.Look at the monkeys! They are trees. A.climb B. climbs C.climbing D. to climbs 5. This is our classroom. is next to . A. Your, our B. Your, ours C. Yours, ours D. Our, your 6. Let’s breakfast together. A. has B. have C. is having D. to have 7. Mary’s mother tells her her homework. A. fish B.finishing C. to finish D.finishes 8. —Where your friend live? —She in London. A. is, live B. do, live C. does, lives D. do, living 9. Listen! Jack an English song in the next room. A. is singing B.sing C. sings D. to sing 10. at the blackboard. Can you it? A. Watch, see B. See, look C.see, look at D. Look, see 三.用下列括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. There are some (sheep) on the ground. 2. Mary and Nancy (be) good friends. 3. Jack (have) three lovely dogs. 4. Mary teaches (we) English. 5. This is (I ) book. 6. Miss Hua (teach) math. 7. There are two (Chinese) over there. 8. Nancy failed twice. She tried a (three) time. 9. Let’s (go) out for a walk. 10. My mother asks me (have) breakfast. 四.按要求完成下列各题。(10分) 1. She is a student. (变成复数形式)


小学六年级英语毕业考试题及答案小学六年级英语毕业考试题及答案 Ⅰ.听录音,根据所听句子顺序为下列图片标序号。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ()()()()() Ⅱ.听录音,根据所听句子为下列答语标序号。(每小题1分, 共5分) ()1.Yes,Idid. ()2.It’seastofthecinema ()3.Ihurtmyfinger. ()4.Heisanengineer. ()5.I’m48kg. Ⅲ.听录音,补全短文。(5分) ItwaslastSunday.KittyCatandhermother Theywent.Kittysawabeautifulbutterfly.Shetocatchit.Butthe butterflyflewaway.Kittyandhermotherwentbackhome.Theyhadlots offish. 笔试部分(WritingPart)35分 Ⅳ.选出与所给单词划线部分发音不同的一项。(每小题1分, 共5分) ()1.bikeA.likeB.kiteC.live ()2.sadA.cakeB.angryC.happy

()3.noseA.orangeB.openC.home ()4.getA.sevenB.bedC.evening ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/2713194977.html,ually Ⅴ.并根据首字母提示写出单词或词组的正确形式,补全句子。(每小题1分,计5分) 1.Amyisr_now. 2.Thebookstoreisn__________thepostoffice. 3.Ieatlunchat__________. 4.Mikelikesw___. 5.Therearefours________inayear. Ⅵ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1.Whatyoudolastweekend? A.are B.did C.do ()2.Sarahisgoingtoherroomtomorrowmorning. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning ()3.Jone'smotherinafactory. A.work B.works C.worked ()4.Myclassroomisthan. A.biger,yours B.bigger,your C.bigger,yours. ()5.Gostraighttenminutes.Thenturnleftthehospital. A.for,in B.for,at C.on,at Ⅶ.情景对话。选择恰当的选项填在相应的横线上。(每空1.5分,共7.5分)


松北区2017-2018学年度上学期 六年级英语周测试卷(六上) 一、单项选择(共20分,每小题1分) Ⅰ:语音测试:找出一个与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 ()16.farA.pizzaB.gaveC.ask ()17.rightA.scienceB.cinemaC.hospital ()18.notebook A. crossing B.noseC.follow ()19.townA.rowB.downC.window ()20.straightA.saidB.afraidC.hair Ⅱ:根据所给句子内容,选择正确答案。 ( )21.-______ .Where is the school? -It’s over there. A.Excuse me B.Hello https://www.360docs.net/doc/2713194977.html,e on ( )22.-Where is the science museum? -It’s_______the library. A.near to B.next C.near ( )23.-Is there a cinema near your home? -______ . A.Yes,there isn’t. B.Yes,there is. C.No,there is. ( )24.-How can I______thebookstore? A.get to B. get C.gets ( )25.Turn right ______the hospital. A. at B. in C.on ( )26.-The restaurant is next to the park______Dongfang Street. A.to B.on C.for ( )27. The school is ______the left. A.in B.with C.on ( )28.I’d like to do things _____ a new way. A.on B.in C.by ( )29.He sit on the chair.There is a light______his head. A.on B.above C.under ( )30.Songhua River runs____Harbin. It’s our mother river. A.across B.over C.through ( )31.-______interesting film it is! –Thanks. A.How B.What C.What an ( )32.Is it far ______ here? A.for B.of C.from ( )33.Can you help me_____ the Italian restaurant? A.finding B.find C.finds ( )34.- ______do you come to school? -By taxi. A.How B.Where C.Which ( )35.Which word of the following has a different stress from others? A.museum B.Italian C.straight


长江路小学六年级英语第一单元测试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题听两遍。10分) ( )1. A. large B. laugh C. loud ( )2. A. shout B. sharp C. show ( )3. A. strong B. small C. sad ( )4. A. way B. what C. weak ( )5. A. happy B. happily C. glad ( )6. A. wake B. waking C. woke ( )7. A. sad B. wanted C. asked ( )8. A. in the hole B. in the forest C. in the ground ( )9. A. come out B. get out C. look out ( )10. A. cheer for B. look for C. well done 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题听两遍。10分) ( )1.A.He is in the forest. B.I was in the forest. C.She was in the forest. ( )2.A.Yes ,it is. B.Yes, he does. C.Yes, he did. ( )3.A.H e’s sad. B.Because he’s in the net. C.Because he’s happy. ( )4.A.Yes ,I do. B.It’s my car. C.By bus. ( )5.A.I'm in the library. B.I watch TV . C.I read an interesting book. 三、听录音,完成短文。(听三遍。10分) 1.A mouse_______ by and________the lion up. 2.There was a_______in the ______ . 3.The mouse made a big______ in the net with his_______. 4.He is a_______boy. He laughs_____ . 5.He is______at table tennis. ______done! 学校_________________________ 班级______________________姓名_________________________ ------------------------------装--------------------------------订--------------------------------线--------------------------



2016年六年级上册英语第一单元测试题 满分:100分考试时间:90分钟姓名:_________ 分数:________ 一、根据汉语意思写出单词或短语。(21分,每空分) 电影院__________十字路口___________医院__________ 博物馆___________ 科学____________ 右___________ 左__________ 转弯______________邮局____________ 书店 ___________餐馆_________ 问____________ 笔直地____________ 特点____________ 二. 选出不同类的单词(10分) () B. hospital C. museum D. bike () 2. B. bookstore C. turn D. shop () 3. A. where B. how C. wow D. what () 4. A. plane B. foot C. bus D. ship () 5. A. pear B. near C. on D. behind 三. 单项选择。(25分) () is the cinema -- It’s near here. A. What B. Where ()2. What ___ interesting film! A. a B. / C. an

() 3.—Where is the hospital -- It’s _______ the museum. A. next B. near to C. next to () 4. _____ can I get to the science museum A. Where B. How C. What () left at the school. A. Go B. At C. Turn () 6. I want to see a film. I can go to the ________. A. hospital B. post office C. cinema () 7.--Is Grandpa there --__________ A. Yes, he isn’t. , he is. C. No, he isn’t. () Where is the school --It’s next to the museum. A. Sorry B. Thank you C. Excuse me () 9. The park is ____ Dongfang Street. A. at B. to C. on () 10. Turn left _____ the bookstore. A. at B. to C. on 四.翻译成中文。(8分) want to send it today. ___________________________ don’t know. _____________________ ’s near the door. __________________


六年级英语综合测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选图画(每小题2分,共10分) 听下面五段录音,请你选出与录音内容相应的图片,并将其标号写在题前括号内,每组对话读两遍。 ()1. A B ()2. A B ( ) 3. A B

( ) 4. A B ( ) 5. A B 二、听录音,选答语(每小题2分,共10分) 根据所听内容,选择相应的答语,将字母标号填在题后横线上,每个问句读两遍。 A.Oh,right.Thanks. B.He likes singing and dancing. C.We went there by plane. D.To the park. E.No,I did my homework at home. 1.________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.___________ 三、听录音,写单词(每小题2分,共10分) 听下面一段短文,将所缺的单词填入题后横线上,短文读三遍。 John went to Xinjiang 1. month. He 2. lots of grapes in Turpan. He rode a horse at Mt.Tianshan. But he fell off the horse and 3. his foot. Don’t worry about him.He is OK now. He also 4. many gifts and took lots of 5. for his friends. 1.________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.___________ 笔试部分 四、图文配伍(每小题2分,共10分)


小学六年级英语毕业测试题 一、找出不属于同一类的选(5分) 2.swim (现在分词形式) ____

3.big (形容词比较级)________ 4.go (过去式)_____ 5.read (过去式) ____ 评卷人 单项选择(20 分) 得分 ()1.1s your sister playing now ? _______ A. Yes, she i sn B. No, she isn C. No, he i sn ()2. Which season do you like best ? I like _______ best. A. fish B. Fall C. Blue ()3. Where does the rain come from ? It comes from the ___________ . A. water B. Clouds C. Sun

()4. The traffic light is yellow,

so you may ________ . A. stop B. Wait C. Go ()5. I my grandparents last Sunday . A. visiting B. Visited C. Visit ()6.My grandfather is than me . A. tall B. Taller C. Tallest ()7. She often ____________ Tv on Sunday morning . A. watch B. Watchs C. Watches ()8.My mother is doing the __________________ . A. a dish B. Dishes C. Dish ()9. We are doing _______________________________ e xperiment . A. a B. An C. / ()10. What did you do yesterday ? I ____ the flowers. A. water B. Waters C. Watered 评卷人 得分四、连词成句,注意标点符号。(10分)


六年级英语毕业班冲刺英语模拟测试卷 英语 (全卷100分,测试时间为50分钟) 一、语音、词汇。34% (一)在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ()clean ()kitchen ()evening ()watermelon ()colour (二)根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分) ['bju:t?f?l][t?'de?] ['w??t?] [swi?t] [sw??] ()()()()()(三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、How l_____ are your pants? T_____ are 82cm. 2、W_____ is the matter? My throat is s____. My nose h____. 3、W______ did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. What a_____ you? 4、S arah’s mother is going to buy a n____ dress for her. So she is very h_______ 5、Turn left at the cinema, then go s_______. (四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) My name is Jack . I am a p______ of Grade One . I’m in No.1 Middle S______ . On _______ I get up at six o’cl ock . I have b_________ at seven and then I go to school by bike . We begin our class at eight o’clock in the m_______ . We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon . At noon , I have l_______ at home . Classes are o_____ at four fifteen in the afternoon . After class , we often p_____ football in the afternoon . I go home at about five . I have supper at about six thirty in the evening . I do my homework at seven thirty . At w_______ , I watch TV . I often go to bed at ten . I’m very h______ . (五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、We are going to have a picnic . 2、Tom, please help me to answer the phone. 3. According to the weather report, it will snow tomorrow. 4. Tom, please help yourself. 二、句型、情景表达。35 % (一)选择填空。将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%)


六年级英语测试题1-5六年级英语测试题(1---5) 班级姓名 一、选择不同类的单词(10) ( ) 1 A hamburger B cola C rice D meat ( ) 2 A duck B dog C noisy D sheep ( ) 3 A cent B basketball C football D baseball ( ) 4 A want B enioy C shine D sun ( ) 5 A doctor B classroom C teacher D worker 二、根据问题选择答案(20) ( ) 1 Is it really a dog ? A It’s five dollars . ( ) 2 Can I help you ? B A cola ,please . ( ) 3 Here you are ? C No ,it isn’t . ( ) 4 How much is it ? D I’m from London . ( ) 5 What do you want to drink ? E I want a pen . ( ) 6 What are you going to do ? F Thank you . ( ) 7 What the time ? G It is raining . ( ) 8 Where are you from ? H I’m going to go swimming . ( ) 9 What’s the weather like ? I Yes ,he is . ( ) 10 Is Sam reading a book ? J It’s twelve . 三、单项选择(30) ( ) 1 _______ is the hot dog ? It’s two dollars . A How B How many C How much ( ) 2 The smarts are going have dinner _____six o’clock .


忆德分六年级英语下册周练测试卷 一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are ( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly ( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter 二、单词辨音:从 A.B.C中找出一个画线部分发音不同于其他画线部分的单词,并将其序号填在括号中。(10分) ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/2713194977.html, B.take C.have ()2.A.bus https://www.360docs.net/doc/2713194977.html,puter C.cup ()3.A.why B.my C.your ()4.A.picture B.it C.nice ()5.A.do B.no C.old 三、按要求改写下列单词。(20分) 1.sad(反义词) 2.did(原形) 3.heavy(比较级) 4.play(过去式) 5.thin( 比较级) 6. have(第三人称单数形式) 7.take(过去式) https://www.360docs.net/doc/2713194977.html,e(现在分词) 完全形式) 10. know(同音词) 9.can′t( 四、英汉互译。(20分) 1. have a sore throat 2.感冒 3. watch TV 4.发烧 5. buy presents 6.学英语 7. play the piano 8.踢足球 9. wash clothes 10.听音乐 五、选择。(10分) ()1.I’m ______ than you. A.tall B.taller C.short ()2.What ______ you do yesterday?
