
第 1 页 共 16 页
90234Th 的半衰期为24天。
4g 90234Th 经过72天还剩下( ) A .0.5g B .1g C .2g
D .3.5g 【解答】解:根据半衰期为24天,经过72天,发生3次衰变,
依据m =m 0(12)3,代入数据,解得:m =4×(12)3=0.5g ,故A 正确,BCD 错误; 故选:A 。
2.(3分)如图所示为运动员跳高时的精彩瞬间,下列说法正确的是( )
A .运动员起跳时地面对他的支持力等于他所受的重力
B .运动员起跳以后在上升过程中处于失重状态
C .运动员在最高点处于平衡状态
D .运动员在下降过程中处于超重状态
【解答】解:A 、运动员起跳时受到竖直向下的重力与竖直向上支持力作用,运动员的加速度向上,地面对他的支持力大于他所受的重力,故A 错误;
B 、运动员起跳以后在上升过程中运动员的加速度方向向下,运动员处于失重状态,故B 正确;
C 、运动员在最高点受到竖直向下的重力作用,加速度方向向下,运动员处于失重状态,没有处于平衡状态,故C 错误;
D 、运动员在下降过程中加速度方向向下,运动员处于完全失重状态,故D 错误。
故选:B 。
3.(3分)如图所示,一束由红光和紫光组成的复色光,垂直等边三棱镜ABC 的一边入射
下列说法正确的是( )。

2020-2021学年江苏省苏州中学高一上学期月考数学试题一、填空题1.如果全集{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}U =,{2,5,8}A =,{1,3,5,7}B =,那么()UA B ⋂等于________. 【答案】{}1,3,7【分析】由全集U 和补集的定义求出UA ,再由交集的运算求出()U AB ⋂.【详解】解:∵全集{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}U =,{2,5,8}A =, ∴{1,3,4,6,7}UA =,又{1,3,5,7}B =得,(){}1,3,7U A B =,故答案为:{}1,3,7.2.设集合{12}A xx =<<∣,{}B x x a =<∣满足A B ,则实数a 的取值范围是________. 【答案】2a【分析】根据真子集的定义、以及A 、B 两个集合的范围,求出实数a 的取值范围. 【详解】由于集合{|12}A x x =<<,{|}B x x a =<,且满足A B , ∴2a , 故答案为:2a .3.函数1()3f x x=+-的定义域为________. 【答案】[)()1,33,-⋃+∞【分析】根据二次根式的性质以及分母不为0求出函数的定义域即可. 【详解】解:由题意得:1030x x +⎧⎨-≠⎩,解得:1x ≥-且3x ≠,故函数的定义域是:[)()1,33,-⋃+∞, 故答案为:[)()1,33,-⋃+∞.4.满足条件,{1,2,3} M {1,2,3,4,5,6}的集合M 的个数为________. 【答案】6【分析】根据题意得M 中必须有1,2,3这三个元素,因此M 的个数应为集合{4,5,6}的非空真子集的个数.【详解】根据题意:M 中必须有1,2,3这三个元素, 则M 的个数应为集合{4,5,6}的非空真子集的个数,因为集合{4,5,6}的非空真子集有{4},{5},{6},{4,5},{4,6},{5,6},共6个. 故答案为:6【点睛】结论点睛:如果一个集合有n 个元素,则它的子集的个数为2n 个,它的真子集个数为2 1.n -5.函数1,0(),00,0x x f x x x π+>⎧⎪==⎨⎪<⎩,则((1))f f -=________.【答案】π【分析】求出(1)0f -=,从而((1))(0)f f f -=,由此能求出结果.【详解】∵函数1,0(),00,0x x f x x x π+>⎧⎪==⎨⎪<⎩,∴(1)0f -=,((1))(0)f f f π-==故选:π6.已知{44}A xa x a =-<<+∣,{1B x =<-∣或5}x >,且A B R =,则实数a 的取值范围为_________(用区间表示). 【答案】(1,3)【分析】由已知结合两集合端点值间的关系列不等式组求得答案. 【详解】解:∵{44}A xa x a =-<<+∣,{1B x =<-∣或5}x >, 若A B R =,则4145a a -<-⎧⎨+>⎩, 即13a <<.∴实数a 的取值范围为(1,3). 故答案为:(1,3).7.如图所示的对应中,能构成A 到B 的映射的序号是________.【答案】(2)(3)【分析】由题意利用映射的定义,判断各个选项是否符合条件,从而得出结论. 【详解】按照映射的定义,集合A 中的每一个元素在集合B 中都有唯一确定的象,而对于选项(1),集合A 中的元素b 在集合B 中没有象,故排除选项(1);显然,(2)(3)满足条件;选对于项(4),集合A 中的元素2在B 中有2个元素b 、c 和它对应,故排除选项(4), 故答案为:(2)(3).8.已知集合01P x y x ⎧==⎨+⎩∣,集合{}24Q y y x ==-+∣,则P Q =________. 【答案】(1,2)(2,4]-⋃【分析】可以求出集合P ,Q ,然后进行交集的运算即可. 【详解】∵{12P xx =-<<∣或2}x >,{4}Q y y =∣, ∴(1,2)(2,4]P Q ⋂=-⋃. 故答案为:(1,2)(2,4]-⋃.9.下列函数中,表示同一函数的是________. (1)()||f x x =,2()g x x =(2)2()f x x =2()g x x =;(3)21()1x f x x -=-,()1g x x =+;(4)()11f x x x =+-2()1g x x =-【答案】(1)【分析】根据两函数的定义域与对应法则是否相同,即可判断两个函数是否相同,对选项进行逐一判断..【详解】解:(1)()||f x x =,2()||g x x x ==,函数的定义域相同,对应法则相同,所以是相同的函数.(2)()f x =R ,2()g x =的定义域是[)0,+∞;两个函数的定义域不相同,所以不是相同的函数.(3)21()1x f x x -=-的定义域是{}|1x R x ∈≠,()1g x x =+的定义域是R ,两个函数的定义域不相同,所以不是相同的函数;(4)()f x =[)1,+∞,()g x =(][),11,-∞-+∞,两个函数的定义域不相同,所以不是相同的函数.故答案为: (1) 10.已知(21)f x -=()f x =________.)0x ≥ 【分析】求出函数(21)f x -定义域为12xx ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭∣,令21(0)t x t =-,代入(21)f x -=.【详解】解:函数(21)f x -定义域为12xx ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭∣, 令21(0)t x t =-,代入(21)f x -=得()0)f t t =≥,所以()0)f x x ==≥.)0x ≥. 11.若实数,x y 满足2244x y x +=,则22S x y =+的取值范围是________.【答案】[]0,16【分析】把S 表示为关于变量x 的二次函数,由20y可求得x 的范围,在x 的取值范围内利用二次函数的性质即可求得其最值,从而得其范围.【详解】由2244x y x +=,得()22144y x x =-, 由()221404y x x =-,解得04x , 代入22Sx y =+得,()222213321444433S x x x x x x ⎛⎫=+-=+=+- ⎪⎝⎭,[0,4]x ∈,由于函数S 在[]0,4上单调递增,当0x =时S 取得最小值为0;当4x =时S 取得最大值为16, 故S 的取值范围为[]0,16. 故答案为:[]0,16.【点睛】易错点睛:解答本题时,学生容易漏掉求x 的范围,从而得出错误的结论.利用函数的思想研究数学问题时,一定要注意求函数的自变量的取值范围,即遵循“函数问题定义域优先”的原则.二、解答题12.已知集合{}22,2A a a a =++,若3A ∈,求实数a 的值. 【答案】32-【分析】根据题意,可得23a +=或223+=a a ,然后根据结果进行验证即可. 【详解】由题可知:集合{}22,2A a a a =++,3A ∈ 所以23a +=或223+=a a ,则1a =或32a =-当1a =时,222a a a +=+,不符合集合元素的互异性, 当32a =-时,1,32⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭A ,符合题意 所以32a =-【点睛】本题考查元素与集合的关系求参数,考查计算能力,属基础题.13.已知{}2320A xx mx m =-+<∣. (1)若3A ∈,求m 的取值范围; (2)若0A ∈且1A ∈,求m 的取值范围. 【答案】(1)(27,)+∞;(2)(,3)-∞-.【分析】(1)根据3A ∈,可得出27320m m -+<,解出m 的范围即可; (2)根据0A ∈且1A ∈,可得出20320m m m <⎧⎨-+<⎩,解出m 的范围即可.【详解】解:(1)由3A ∈,所以27320m m -+<,解得27m >, 所以m 的取值范围为(27,)+∞; (2)由0A ∈,且1A ∈, 所以20320m m m <⎧⎨-+<⎩,解得3m <-.所以m 的取值范围为(,3)-∞-. 14.求下列函数的值域:(1)223y x x =+-,[2,2]x ∈-;(2)2y x=-,[1,0)(0,2)x ∈-⋃. 【答案】(1)[4,5]-;(2)(,1)[[2,)-∞-⋃+∞. 【分析】(1)22 23(1)4y x x x =+-=+-,结合定义域,求出y 的最大值和最小值即可;(2)分[1,0)x ∈-和(0,2)x ∈两段,根据反比例函数2y x=-的单调性即可得值域. 【详解】(1)2223(1)4y x x x =+-=+-, ∵[2,2]x ∈-,∴当1x =-时,y 取得最小值4-; 当2x =时,y 取得最大值5, ∴函数的值域为[4,5]-. (2)当[1,0)x ∈-时,2y x=-单调递增,[2,)y ∈+∞; 当(0,2)x ∈时,2y x=-单调递增,(,1)y ∈-∞-, ∴函数的值域为(,1)[[2,)-∞-⋃+∞. 15.作出函数21()1x f x x +=-的图象,并直接作答下列问题:(1)()f x 的图象与x 轴的交点坐标为________,与y 轴的交点坐标为________; (2)不等式()3f x <的解集为_________.【答案】图象答案见解析;(1)102⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,,()0,1-;(2)(,1)(4,)-∞⋃+∞.【分析】直接作出函数的图象(1)由()0f x =可得图象与x 轴的交点坐标,由(0)1f =-,可得与y 轴的交点坐标, (2)由()3f x <,即2131x x +<-,结合函数图象可得答案. 【详解】图象如图所示:(1)令()0f x =,即2101x x +=-,解得12x =-,令0x =,则(0)1f =-,故()f x 的图象与x 轴的交点坐标为1,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,与y 轴的交点坐标为()0,1-; (2)不等式()3f x <,即2131x x +<-,结合图象可得解集为(,1)(4,)-∞⋃+∞, 故答案为:(1)1,02⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,(0,1)-;(2)(,1)(4,)-∞⋃+∞.16.(1)已知二次函数()f x ,且满足(0)1f =,(1)()2f x f x x +-=,求()f x 的表达式;(2)已知()f x 是一次函数,且(())41f f x x =-,求()f x 的表达式.【答案】(1)2()1f x x x =-+;(2)1()23f x x =-或()21f x x =-+. 【分析】(1)设()f x 的表达式为2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++≠,由(0)1f =,可得1c =,由(1)()2f x f x x +-=,可列出关于a 和b 的方程组,解之即可;(2)设()f x 的表达式为()(0)f x kx m k =+≠,由(())41f f x x =-,可列出关于k 和m 的方程组,解之即可.【详解】解:(1)设()f x 的表达式为2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++≠,∵(0)1f =,(1)()2f x f x x +-=,∴1c =,()22(1)(1)2a x b x c ax bx c x ⎡⎤++++-++=⎣⎦,化简得,22ax a b x +-=,∴220a a b =⎧⎨+=⎩,解得11a b =⎧⎨=-⎩,∴2()1f x x x =-+.(2)设()f x 的表达式为()(0)f x kx m k =+≠,∵(())41f f x x =-,∴()41k kx m m x ++=-,即2(1)41k x m k x ++=-,∴24(1)1k m k ⎧=⎨+=-⎩,解得213k m =⎧⎪⎨=-⎪⎩或21k m =-⎧⎨=⎩, ∴1()23f x x =-或()21f x x =-+. 17.(1)求函数1y x =-+的值域;(2)求函数21()()12f x x m =--+在[]1,2上的最大值()g m . 【答案】(1)9,4⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦;(2)221(1)1,12()1,121(2)1,22m m g m m m m ⎧--+<⎪⎪=⎨⎪⎪--+>⎩. 【分析】(1)利用换元法,令0t =≥,则23x t =-,故22y t t =-++,再结合配方法即可得解;(2)分1m <,12m 和2m >三类,讨论()f x 在[]1,2上的单调性,从而得解.【详解】解:(1)令0t =≥,则23x t =-,∴ 2221931224y t t t t t ⎛⎫=--+=-++=--+ ⎪⎝⎭,∵ 0t ≥, ∴ 当12t =时,y 取得最大值94,∴函数的值域为9,4⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦.(2)21()()12f x x m =--+的开口方向向下, 对称轴为x m =,当1m <时,()f x 在[]1,2上单调递减,21()(1)(1)12g m f m ==--+;当12m 时,()f x 在[)1,m 上单调递增,在(,2]m 上单调递减,()()1g m f m ==;当2m >时,()f x 在[]1,2上单调递增,21()(2)(2)12g m f m ==--+.综上,221(1)1,12()1,121(2)1,22m m g m m m m ⎧--+<⎪⎪=⎨⎪⎪--+>⎩. 【点睛】关键点睛:本题考查利用换元法求函数值域和二次函数的动轴定区间问题,讨论对称轴与区间端点的大小是解决本题的关键.。
江苏省苏州中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试语文试题 Word版含答案

1.在下面一段话的空缺处填入词语,最恰当的一组是( )(2分)①一场大规模的空袭,使这繁华的城市 .②我真的怕他离开,刚刚摆脱了恐惧凄凉的感觉,再也不想品尝这的滋味了。
"A.面目全非茕茕孑立矫饰 B。
改头换面茕茕孑立掩饰C.改头换面举目无亲矫饰 D.面目全非举目无亲掩饰ﻩ【答案】A【解析】面目全非:形容事物变化很大.改头换面:比喻只改变外表和形式,其内容、实质不变. 茕茕孑立:形容无依无靠,非常孤单.举目无亲:比喻单身在外,人地生疏,孤零零的,四处游荡。
下列诗歌中的桃花,不具..( )(2分)A.一夜清风动扇愁,背时容色入新秋.桃花眼里汪汪泪,忍到更深枕上流。
在浑沌的灯光里,渗入了一派清辉,却真是奇迹! ▲。

江苏省苏州市高一上学期语文第一次月考试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共4题;共8分)1. (2分)依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是()①“历尽天华成此景,人间万事出艰辛。
A . 出类拔萃卓尔不群与众不同B . 与众不同卓尔不群出类拔萃C . 卓尔不群出类拔萃与众不同D . 出类拔萃与众不同卓尔不群【考点】2. (2分)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A . 大型体育赛事往往是一个国家或地区经济发展的加速器和催化剂。
B . 杜绝过度医疗,除了加强宣传教育外,还要靠制度保障医疗机构正常运转,调控盲目扩张的逐利行为。
C . 虚拟的网络世界之所以有无尽吸引力,就在于一个主要原因是你能隐藏身份,生活在一个虚幻迷离的世界里。
D . “虎妈”、“狼爸”引发了人们对家庭教育的思考。
【考点】3. (2分)下句空白处依次应填入的词语是()〔〕四婶,〔〕后来雇用的女工,大抵()懒()馋,〔〕馋而且懒,左右不如意,〔〕也还提起祥林嫂。
A . 只有因为或或而且所以B . 唯独由于非即或者所以C . 只有因为非即或者所以D . 只有因为或或甚至所以【考点】4. (2分)把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是()①因为艺术须能泯灭实质与形式的分别,而达到这种天衣无缝的境界的只有音乐。

A (1) (2) (3) (4)第8题图高一数学月考模拟1一、填空题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分)1. 如果全集{}8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1=U ,{}2,5,8A =,{}1,3,5,7B =,那么(U C A )B =________;2. 设集合A={x |1<x <2},B={x |x <a }满足A ≠⊂B ,则实数a 的取值范围是 ___;3. 函数1()3f x x=-的定义域为____________; 4. 满足条件{}{}1,2,31,2,3,4,5,6M ⊂⊂≠≠的集合M 的个数是_________;5. 函数1,0(),00,0x x f x x x π+>⎧⎪==⎨⎪<⎩, 则((1))f f -=___________;6. 已知集合A ={m +2,2m 2+m },若3∈A ,则m 的值为________;7. 已知集合{|44}A x a x a =-<<+,集合{|15}B x x x =<->或,且R A B =,则实数a 的取值范围是;8. 如图所示的对应中,能构成A 到B 的函数的序号是;9. 已知集合0{|P x y =,集合2{|4}Q y y x ==-+,则P Q ⋂=______________;10. 下列四组函数中,表示同一函数的是_____________;(1)(),()f x xg x==(2)2()()f x g x ==(3) 21(),()11x f x gx x x -==-+(4)()()f x g x ==11. 已知(21)f x -=,则()f x =_______________;12. 若实数x y ,满足2244x y x +=,则22s x y =+的取值范围为_______________.二、解答题:(本大题共5小题,共40分) 13.已知A ={x ∣3x 2-mx +2m <0},(1)若3∈A ,求m 的取值范围;(2)若0∈A 且1∈∕A ,求m 的取值范围.14.求下列函数的值域:(1)223y x x =+-,[2,2]x ∈-(2) 2y x=-,[1,0)(0,2)x ∈-15.作出函数21()1x f x x +=-的图象,并直接作答下列问题: ①()f x 的图象与x 轴的交点坐标为_________,与y 轴的交点坐标为_________;② 不等式()3f x <的解集为__________________.16.(1)已知二次函数()f x ,且满足(0)1,(1)()2f f x f x x =+-=,求()f x 的表达式; (2)已知)(x f 是一次函数, 且14))((-=x x f f ,求()f x 的表达式.17.(1)求函数13y x x =-+-的值域;(2)求函数21()()12f x x m =--+在[1,2]上的最大值()g m . xyO【答案】。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 如图,程序框图所进行的求和运算是A. B.C.D.第10题图参考答案:C2. (5分)若函数f(x)=(a﹣3)?a x是指数函数,则f()的值为()A. 2 B.2C.﹣2D.﹣2参考答案:考点:指数函数的定义、解析式、定义域和值域.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:根据指数函数的定义可得a﹣3=1,a>0,a≠1,先求出函数解析式,将x=代入可得答案.解答:∵函数f(x)=(a﹣3)?a x是指数函数,∴a﹣3=1,a>0,a≠1,解得a=8,∴f(x)=8x,∴f()==2,故选:B点评:本题主要考查了指数函数的定义:形如y=a x(a>0,a≠1)的函数叫指数函数,属于考查基本概念.3. 已知关于某设备的使用年限x和所支出的维修费用y(万元)如右图所示,若由资料知y对x呈线性相关关系,且线性回归方程的回归系数,估计使用10年时,维修费用是()(参考公式:)A.12.2B.12.3C.12.38D.12.4参考答案:A略4. 直线通过第二、三、四象限,则系数需满足条件(A)(B)(C)同号(D)参考答案:C5. 在一次歌手大奖赛上,七位评委为歌手打出的分数如下:9.4,8.4,9.4,9.9,9.6,9.4,9.7,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,所剩数据的平均值和方差分别为()A.9.4,0.484 B.9.4,0.016 C.9.5,0.04 D.9.5,0.016参考答案:D【分析】根据题意,利用平均数、方差公式直接计算即可.【解答】解:去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,所剩数据为9.4,9.4,9.6,9.4,9.7,其平均值为(9.4+9.4+9.6+9.4+9.7)=9.5,方差为 [(9.4﹣9.5)2+(9.4﹣9.5)2+(9.6﹣9.5)2+(9.4﹣9.5)2+(9.7﹣9.5)2]=0.016,故选D.【点评】本题考查用样本的平均数、方差来估计总体的平均数、方差,属基础题,熟记样本的平均数、方差公式是解答好本题的关键.6. 函数的零点所在的大致区间()A.(0,1)B.(1,2)C. (2,3)D.(3,4)参考答案:B7. 在直角坐标系中,直线x+y+1=0的倾斜角是()A.30°B.60°C.120°D.150°参考答案:D【考点】直线的倾斜角.【专题】直线与圆.【分析】利用直线的倾斜角与斜率的关系即可得出.【解答】解:设直线x+y+1=0的倾斜角为θ,θ∈[0°,180°).直线化为,∴tanθ=﹣,∴θ=150°,故选:D.【点评】本题考查了直线的倾斜角与斜率的关系,属于基础题.8. 在一个锥体中,作平行于底面的截面,若这个截面面积与底面面积之比为1∶3,则锥体被截面所分成的两部分的体积之比为()A.1∶B. 1∶9C. 1∶D. 1∶参考答案:D略9. 若则一定有()A. B. C. D.参考答案:D本题主要考查不等关系。

一.填空题:(每题5分,共70分)1、已知集合,集合, 且,则实数的值为 ▲ .2、函数的定义域为___ ▲ .3、下列函数:①y=x 与y=;②y=与;③y=与y= ④y=中,图象完全相同的一组是(填正确序号) ▲ .4、已知,则集合A 的个数是_____▲______ .5、函数的值域 ▲ .6、已知,则=____▲____.7、关于x 的方程有负根,则应满足的条件是 ▲ .8、设函数f (x )=,则f [f ()]= ▲ .9、50名学生参加跳远和铅球两项测试,跳远、铅球测试及格的分别有40人和31人,两项测试均不及格的有4人,两项测试全都及格的人数是 ▲ .{}1,0A =-{}0,1,2B x =+A B Íx 31--=x x y 2x xx 0x y =0)(x x )1)(1(11-+=-×+x x y x x 与{}A 1,2,3f Ì̹¹]3,1[,24)(2-Î+-=x x x x f )()2(,32)(x f x g x x f =++=)(x g 57+=a xa ïîïíì>+£--1||,111||,2|1|2x xx x 2110、若f(x)=-x 2+2x 与g(x)=在区间[1,5]上都是减.函数, 则的取值范围是 ▲ .11、函数y =a x 在[0,1]上的最大值与最小值和为3,则函数y =在[0,1]上的最大值是 ▲ .12、若-1<x <0,在下列四个不等式:①<5x <0.5x ; ②0.5x <<5x ;③5x <<0.5x ;④5x <0.5x <中,成立的是(填正确序号) ▲ .13、已知函数分别由下表给出:则的值 ▲ ;不等式的解为 ▲ .14、下列几个命题:①方程有一个正实根,一个负实根,则;②函数是偶函数,但不是奇函数;③函数的值域是,则函数的值域为;④函数的定义域为,则函数的定义域是,其中正确的有_____▲_______.二.解答题、证明题:(15,16,17三题每题14分,18,19,20三题每题16分,共90分)。

2020-2021学年江苏省苏州中学高一(上)月考数学试卷(1)试题数:17.满分:01.(填空题.5分)如果全集U={}.A={2.5.8}.B={}.那么(∁U A )∩B 等于___ .2.(填空题.5分)设集合A={x|1<x <2}.B={x|x <a}满足A ⫋B.则实数a 的取值范围是___ .3.(填空题.5分)函数f (x )= √x +1 + 13−x 的定义域为___ .4.(填空题.5分)满足条件{1.2.3}⫋M ⫋{}的集合M 的个数为___ .5.(填空题.5分)函数 f (x )={x +1, x >0π, x =00, x <0.则f (f (-1))=___ . 6.(填空题.5分)已知集合A={m+2.2m 2+m}.若3∈A .则m 的值为___ .7.(填空题.5分)已知A={x|a-4<x <a+4}.B={x|x <-1或x >5}.且A∪B=R .则实数a 的取值范围为 ___ (用区间表示).8.(填空题.5分)如图所示的对应中.能构成A 到B 的映射的序号是___ .9.(填空题.5分)已知集合 P ={x|y =0√x+1} .集合Q={y|y=-x 2+4}.则P∩Q=___ . 10.(填空题.5分)下列函数中.表示同一函数的是___ .(1)f (x )=|x|.g (x )= √x 2 ;(2)f (x )= √x 2 .g (x )= (√x)2 ;(3)f (x )= x 2−1x−1 .g (x )=x+1;(4)f (x )= √x +1•√x −1 .g (x )= √x 2−1 .11.(填空题.5分)已知 f (2x −1)=2x+√2x−1 .则f (x )=___ .12.(填空题.5分)若实数x.y 满足x 2+4y 2=4x.则S=x 2+y 2的取值范围是___ .13.(问答题.8分)已知A={x|3x 2-mx+2m <0}.(1)若3∈A .求m 的取值范围;(2)若0∈A 且1∈A .求m 的取值范围.14.(问答题.8分)求下列函数的值域:(1)y=x2+2x-3.x∈[-2.2];.x∈[-1.0)∪(0.2).(2)y=−2x的图象.并直接作答下列问题:15.(问答题.8分)作出函数f(x)=2x+1x−1① f(x)的图象与x轴的交点坐标为___ .与y轴的交点坐标为___ ;② 不等式f(x)<3的解集为___ .16.(问答题.8分)(1)已知二次函数f(x).且满足f(0)=1.f(x+1)-f(x)=2x.求f(x)的表达式;(2)已知f(x)是一次函数.且f(f(x))=4x-1.求f(x)的表达式.17.(问答题.8分)(1)求函数y=x−1+√3−x的值域;(x−m)2+1在[1.2]上的最大值g(m).(2)求函数f(x)=−122020-2021学年江苏省苏州中学高一(上)月考数学试卷(1)参考答案与试题解析试题数:17.满分:01.(填空题.5分)如果全集U={}.A={2.5.8}.B={}.那么(∁U A )∩B 等于___ .【正确答案】:[1]{1.3.7}【解析】:由全集U 和补集的定义求出C U A.再由交集的运算求出(C U A )∩B .【解答】:解:∵全集U={}.A={2.5.8}.∴C U A={}.由B={}得.(C U A )∩B={1.3.7}.故答案为:{1.3.7}.【点评】:本题的考点是集合的混合运算.直接利用运算的定义求出.由于是用列举法表示的集合故难度不大.2.(填空题.5分)设集合A={x|1<x <2}.B={x|x <a}满足A ⫋B.则实数a 的取值范围是___ .【正确答案】:[1]a≥2【解析】:根据真子集的定义、以及A 、B 两个集合的范围.求出实数a 的取值范围.【解答】:解:由于 集合A={x|1<x <2}.B={x|x <a}.且满足A ⫋B.∴a≥2.故答案为:a≥2.【点评】:本题主要考查集合间的关系.真子集的定义.属于基础题.3.(填空题.5分)函数f (x )= √x +1 +13−x的定义域为___ . 【正确答案】:[1]{x|x≥-1且x≠3}【解析】:根据二次根式的性质以及分母不为0求出函数的定义域即可.【解答】:解:由题意得: {x +1≥03−x ≠0.解得:x≥-1且x≠3. 故函数的定义域是:{x|x≥-1且x≠3}.故答案为:{x|x≥-1且x≠3}.【点评】:本题考查了求函数的定义域问题.考查二次根式的性质.是一道基础题.4.(填空题.5分)满足条件{1.2.3}⫋M ⫋{}的集合M 的个数为___ .【正确答案】:[1]6【解析】:根据题意M 中必须有1.2.3这三个元素.因此M 的个数应为集合{4.5.6}的非空真子集的个数.【解答】:解:根据题意:M 中必须有1.2.3这三个元素.则M 的个数应为集合{4.5.6}的非空真子集的个数.所以是6个故答案为:6【点评】:本题主要考查子集、真子集的概念及运算.5.(填空题.5分)函数 f (x )={x +1, x >0π, x =00, x <0.则f (f (-1))=___ . 【正确答案】:[1]π【解析】:求出f (-1)=0.从而f (f (-1))=f (0).由此能求出结果.【解答】:解:∵函数 f (x )={x +1, x >0π, x =00, x <0.∴f (-1)=0.f (f (-1))=f (0)=π.故选:π.【点评】:本题考查函数值的求法.考查函数性质等基础知识.考查运算求解能力.是基础题.6.(填空题.5分)已知集合A={m+2.2m 2+m}.若3∈A .则m 的值为___ .【正确答案】:[1]- 32【解析】:根据集合元素的特征.即可求出.【解答】:解:∵集合A={m+2.2m 2+m}.若3∈A .∴m+2=3.且2m 2+m≠3.或m+2≠3.且2m 2+m=3.解得m=1.或m=- 32.当m=1时.∴m+2=3.2m2+m=3.故1舍去.故答案为:- 32【点评】:本题考查了元素与集合的关系.属于基础题.7.(填空题.5分)已知A={x|a-4<x<a+4}.B={x|x<-1或x>5}.且A∪B=R.则实数a的取值范围为 ___ (用区间表示).【正确答案】:[1](1.3)【解析】:由已知结合两集合端点值间的关系列不等式组求得答案.【解答】:解:∵A={x|a-4<x<a+4}.B={x|x<-1或x>5}.若A∪B=R.则{a−4<−1a+4>5.即1<a<3.∴实数a的取值范围为(1.3).故答案为:(1.3).【点评】:本题考查并集及其运算.关键是对两集合端点值关系的处理.是基础题.8.(填空题.5分)如图所示的对应中.能构成A到B的映射的序号是___ .【正确答案】:[1](2)(3)【解析】:由题意利用映射的定义.判断各个选项是否符合条件.从而得出结论.【解答】:解:按照映射的定义.集合A中的每一个元素在集合B中都有唯一确定的象. 而对于选项(1).集合A中的元素b在集合B中没有象.故排除选项(1);显然.(2)(3)满足条件;选对于项(4).集合A中的元素2在B中有2个元素b、c和它对应.故排除选项(4). 故选:(2)(3).【点评】:本题主要考查映射的定义.属于基础题.9.(填空题.5分)已知集合P={x|y=0√x+1} .集合Q={y|y=-x2+4}.则P∩Q=___ .【正确答案】:[1](-1.2)∪(2.4]【解析】:可以求出集合P.Q.然后进行交集的运算即可.【解答】:解:∵P={x|-1<x<2或x>2}.Q={y|y≤4}.∴P∩Q=(-1.2)∪(2.4].故答案为:(-1.2)∪(2.4].【点评】:本题考查了描述法的定义.交集的定义及运算.考查了计算能力.属于基础题.10.(填空题.5分)下列函数中.表示同一函数的是___ .(1)f(x)=|x|.g(x)= √x2;(2)f(x)= √x2 .g(x)= (√x)2;(3)f(x)= x 2−1x−1.g(x)=x+1;(4)f(x)= √x+1•√x−1 .g(x)= √x2−1.【正确答案】:[1](1)【解析】:判断函数的定义域与对应法则是否相同.即可判断两个函数是否相同.【解答】:解:(1)f(x)=|x|.g(x)= √x2 =|x|.利用函数的定义域相同.对应法则相同.所以是相同的函数.(2)f(x)= √x2的定义域是R.g(x)= (√x)2的定义域是x≥0;两个函数的定义域不相同.所以不是相同的函数.(3)f(x)= x 2−1x−1的定义域是x≠1.g(x)=x+1的定义域是R.两个函数的定义域不相同.所以不是相同的函数;(4)f(x)= √x+1•√x−1的定义域是x≥1.g(x)= √x2−1的定义域是x≥1或x≤-1.两个函数的定义域不相同.不是相同的函数.故答案为:(1).【点评】:本题考查函数的基本知识的应用.判断两个函数是否相同.关键是定义域与对应法则相同.11.(填空题.5分)已知f(2x−1)=2x+√2x−1.则f(x)=___ .【正确答案】:[1]x+√x+1x≥0)【解析】:先求出函数f(2x-1)定义域为{x|x≥ 12}.令t=2x-1(t≥0).代入f(2x−1)=2x+√2x−1.即可得出答案.【解答】:解:函数f(2x-1)定义域为{x|x≥ 12}.令t=2x-1(t≥0).代入f(2x−1)=2x+√2x−1中.得f(t)=t+1+√t(t≥0).所以f(x)=x+1+√xx≥0).故答案为:f(x)=x+1+√x(x≥0).【点评】:本题考查换元法求函数解析式.属于基础题.12.(填空题.5分)若实数x.y满足x2+4y2=4x.则S=x2+y2的取值范围是___ .【正确答案】:[1][0.16]【解析】:把S表示为关于变量x的二次函数.由y2≥0可求得x的范围.在x的取值范围内利用二次函数的性质即可求得其最值.从而得其范围.【解答】:解:由x2+4y2=4x.得y2= 14(4x−x2) .由y2= 14(4x−x2)≥0.解得0≤x≤4.代入S=x2+y2得.S=x2+ 14(4x−x2) = 34x2 +x= 34(x+23)2- 13.x∈[0.4].S在[0.4]上单调递增.当x=0时S取得最小值为0;当x=4时S取得最大值为16.故S的取值范围为[0.16].故答案为:[0.16].【点评】:本题考查二次函数在闭区间上的最值问题.考查学生运用知识分析解决问题的能力.属中档题.13.(问答题.8分)已知A={x|3x2-mx+2m<0}.(1)若3∈A.求m的取值范围;(2)若0∈A且1∈A.求m的取值范围.【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)根据3∈A .可得出27-3m+2m <0.解出m 的范围即可;(2)根据0∈A 且1∈A .可得出 {2m <03−m +2m <0.解出m 的范围即可.【解答】:解:(1)∵3∈A .∴27-3m+2m <0.解得m >27.∴m 的取值范围为(27.+∞);(2)∵0∈A .且1∈A .∴ {2m <03−m +2m <0.解得m <-3. ∴m 的取值范围为(-∞.-3).【点评】:本题考查了元素与集合的关系.考查了计算能力.属于基础题.14.(问答题.8分)求下列函数的值域:(1)y=x 2+2x-3.x∈[-2.2];(2) y =−2x .x∈[-1.0)∪(0.2).【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)y=x 2+2x-3=(x+1)2-4.结合定义域.求出y 的最大值和最小值即可;(2)分x∈[-1.0)和x∈(0.2)两段.根据反比例函数 y =−2x 的单调性.求出y 的最大值或最小值即可.【解答】:解:(1)y=x 2+2x-3=(x+1)2-4.∵x∈[-2.2].∴当x=-1时.y 取得最小值-4;当x=2时.y 取得最大值5.∴函数的值域为[-4.5].(2)当x∈[-1.0)时. y =−2x 单调递增.y∈[2.+∞);当x∈(0.2)时. y =−2x 单调递增.y∈(-∞.-1).∴函数的值域为(-∞.-1)∪[2.+∞).【点评】:本题考查函数值域的求法.考查学生的逻辑推理能力和运算能力.属于基础题.15.(问答题.8分)作出函数 f (x )=2x+1x−1 的图象.并直接作答下列问题: ① f (x )的图象与x 轴的交点坐标为___ .与y 轴的交点坐标为___ ;② 不等式f (x )<3的解集为___ .【正确答案】:(- 12 .0); (0.-1); (-∞.1)∪(4.+∞)【解析】:先画出函数的图象.根据图象.即可求出相对应的答案.【解答】:解:图象如图所示:① 令f (x )=0.即 2x+1x−1 =0.解得x=- 12 .令x=0.则f (0)=-1.故f (x )的图象与x 轴的交点坐标为(- 12 .0).与y 轴的交点坐标为(0.-1); ② 不等式f (x )<3.即 2x+1x−1 <3.结合图象可得解集为(-∞.1)∪(4.+∞).故答案为:① (- 12.0).(0.-1);② (-∞.1)∪(4.+∞).【点评】:本题考查了函数图象的画法和应用.属于基础题.16.(问答题.8分)(1)已知二次函数f(x).且满足f(0)=1.f(x+1)-f(x)=2x.求f(x)的表达式;(2)已知f(x)是一次函数.且f(f(x))=4x-1.求f(x)的表达式.【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)设f(x)的表达式为f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0).由f(0)=1.可得c=1.由f (x+1)-f(x)=2x.可列出关于a和b的方程组.解之即可;(2)设f(x)的表达式为f(x)=kx+m(k≠0).由f(f(x))=4x-1.可列出关于k和m的方程组.解之即可.【解答】:解:(1)设f(x)的表达式为f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0).∵f(0)=1.f(x+1)-f(x)=2x.∴c=1.[a(x+1)2+b(x+1)+c]-(ax2+bx+c)=2x.化简得.2ax+a-b=2x.∴ {2a=2a+b=0 .解得{a=1b=−1.∴f(x)=x2-x+1.(2)设f(x)的表达式为f(x)=kx+m(k≠0). ∵f(f(x))=4x-1.∴k(kx+m)+m=4x-1.即k2x+m(k+1)=4x-1.∴ {k 2=4m (k +1)=−1 .解得 {k =2m =−13或 {k =−2m =1 . ∴f (x )=2x- 13 或f (x )=-2x+1.【点评】:本题考查利用待定系数法求函数的解析式.考查学生的逻辑推理能力和运算能力.属于基础题.17.(问答题.8分)(1)求函数 y =x −1+√3−x 的值域;(2)求函数 f (x )=−12(x −m )2+1 在[1.2]上的最大值g (m ).【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)利用换元法.令t= √3−x ≥0.则x=3-t 2.故y=-t 2+t+2.再结合配方法即可得解;(2)分m <1.1≤m≤2和m >2三类.讨论f (x )在[1.2]上的单调性.从而得解.【解答】:解:(1)令t= √3−x ≥0.则x=3-t 2.∴y=3-t 2-1+t=-t 2+t+2=- (t−12)2 + 94 . ∵t≥0.∴当t= 12 时.y 取得最大值 94 .∴函数的值域为(-∞. 94 ].(2) f (x )=−12(x −m )2+1 的开口方向向下.对称轴为x=m.当m <1时.f (x )在[1.2]上单调递减.g (m )=f (1)= −12 (m-1)2+1;当1≤m≤2时.f (x )在[1.m )上单调递增.在(m.2]上单调递减.g (m )=f (m )=1; 当m >2时.f (x )在[1.2]上单调递增.g (m )=f (2)= −12 (m-2)2+1.综上.g (m )= { −12(m −1)2+1,m <11,1≤m ≤2−12(m −2)2+1,m >2 .【点评】:本题考查利用换元法求函数值域和二次函数的动轴定区间问题.考查分类讨论思想、逻辑推理能力和运算能力.属于中档题.。

2020-2021学年江苏省苏州中学高三英语一模试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThere have been many great painters in the rich history of Chinese art. Here are four of the greatest painters from China.Li Cheng (919—967, Five Dynasties and early Song Dynasty)Li Cheng contributed greatly to one of the golden ages of landscape paintings in world history. During his time, he was considered the best landscape painter ever. He is remembered especially for the winter landscapes he created and for simple compositions of tall, old evergreens set against a dry landscape. Several of his paintings are in thin ink which gives them a foggy appearance.Fan Kuan (990—1020 , Song Dynasty)Fan Kuan began his career by modeling Li Cheng's work but later created his own style, claiming that the only true teacher was nature. His finest workTravelers among Mountains and Streamsis a masterpiece of landscape painting and many future artists turned to it for inspiration.Qi Baishi (1864-1957)One of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters, Qi Baishi is known for not being influenced by Western styles like most painters of his time. He can be considered as the last great traditional painter of China. He painted almost everything from insects to landscapes. He is regarded highly in Chinese art for the freshness that he brought to the familiar types of birds and flowers, insects and grass.Wu Guanzhong (1919—2010)Widely considered as the founder of modern Chinese painting , Wu Guanzhong has painted various aspects of China, like its architecture, plants, animals, people and landscapes. Wu went on to combine Western and Chinese styles to create a unique form of modem art. In 1992, he became the first living Chinese artist whose work was exhibited at the British Museum.1.What do we know about Li Cheng?A.He loved landscape paintings.B.He copied many artists' work.C.His work gained worldwide recognition.D.He was considered as Fan Kuan's teacher.2.What is the main feature of Qi Baishi's paintings?A.They have foggy appearances.B.They lack diversity in the theme.C.They come under Western influence.D.They show advanced traditional painting skills.3.What did the four Chinese painters have in common?A.They were all modern painters.B.They all created landscape paintings.C.They were all impacted by Western art.D.They were all pioneers intraditional art history.BElonMusk is a symbol of passion, hard work and success. A person may work hard in his life, but when hard work goes along with passion and a new idea, then something is created that astonishes the world. As the founder of big companies like PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors, Elon Musk is a guide and inspiration for the youth around the world.Elon Musk was born on June 28,1971 inPretoria,South Africa. He was the eldest of three children. His father Errol Musk, a British-born South African, was an engineer. Musk spent his childhood inSouth Africaand at the age of 9, he got his first personal computer. This got Elon interested in programming and he started to learn on his own. At the age of 12, he made his first computer game, Blaster, which earned him $500 when he sold the source code to a magazine.When he was 17, he decided to leave home and had wanted to move to theUnited Statesafter graduating from a secondary school inPretoria. However, he was unable to move to theUnited States. In 1989, Elon Musk moved toCanada, where his mother’s s lived. After obtaining Canadian citizenship, Musk went toMontreal. Due to a lack of money, he found a low-paying job. At the age of 19, he enteredQueensUniversityinKingston,Ontario, studying there for two years. Finally, in 1992, his dream came true—he moved to theUnited States.As a teenager, Musk struggled with depression. But then he realized that the most important thing was presenting himself with the right questions. The day he started doing this, everything started to get easier.Musk thought that a human being had to expand the limits of his consciousness—to ask the right questions and get answers to them; thus he asked the best question of all: what will have the greatest impact on the futureof humans? Musk found that these things were the Internet and space exploration.The life of Elon Musk is inspiring. He found success on the Internet, without much formal learning. By reading books and using his willpower and dedication, he reached a level of knowledge that is difficult to imagine. He did not give up until he achieved his dreams. Elon Musk truly stands out among other billionaires because of his leadership abilities, positive attitude, ability to know when to take risks, and belief in futuristic technologies.4. According to the passage, Elon Musk gained knowledge of computer by ________.A. teaching himselfB. learning from his fatherC. taking online coursesD. studying inQueensUniversity5. What made things easier for Elon Musk when he suffered from depression?A. Expanding knowledge by reading books.B. Asking himself the right questions.C. Achieving success on the Internet.D. Designing computer games.6. What can we learn from the passage?A. It’s never too late to learn.B. Youth means limitless possibilities.C. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.D. He who doesn’t advance falls backward.7. Which words can best describe Elon Musk according to the passage?A. Optimistic and generous.B. Ambitious and determined.C. Independent and helpful.D. Adventurous and realistic.CAt any moment, about half the world’s population is wearing denim(牛仔布)clothes. But few realize tiny bits of denim have been adding up to a surprising amount of pollution in water, as a new study shows.Sam Athey, one of the study’s authors, says, “Even though denim is made of a natural material—cotton, it contains chemicals.” Cotton fibers were treated with many types of chemicals, she notes. Some improve its durability and feel. Others give denim its distinctive blue color1 .Athey and her team washed jeans and found that about 50,000 microfibers came off from each pair per wash. Not all of those fibers make their way into the environment. Wastewater treatment plants catch about 83 to 99 percent ofthem. Catching 99 percent may sound pretty good. But one percent of 50,000 is still 500 fibers per wash. And since every pair of jeans is washed again and again, it still adds up to lots of microfibers entering the water environment.Denim microfibers showed up in sediment(沉淀物)from the Great Lakes. More of these fibers polluted a series of shallow lakesin southern Ontario. They even turned up in sediment from the Arctic Ocean in northernCanada. The team found denim accounted for 12 to 23 percent of microfibers in the sediment. There were other microfibers too. But the team focused on denim because so many people wear jeans.“Everyone wears jeans so they could be our largest input of microfibers into our streams and soils,” Athey says. “An easy way to limit that is by washing our jeans less often.” Athey grew up thinking she should wash her jeans after wearing them every couple of times, but most jean companies recommend washing them no more than once a month. “The solution is not that you shouldn’t wear jeans,” she says. “We need to buy fewer denim clothes and only wash them when they truly need it.”8. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Chemicals are contained in natural cotton.B. Chemicals can make denim color1 ful.C. Chemicals prevent fibers from falling.D. Chemicals can make the life of denim longer.9. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Denim.B. Sediment.C. Microfibers.D. Chemicals.10. What does the author mainly want to tell us through Athey’s words ?A. To avoid wearing jeans.B. To reduce denim consumption.C. To wash jeans more often.D. To limit input in denim production.11. In which section of a magazine might the text be found?A. Science.B. Entertainment.C. Tourism.D. Geography.DThefirst thing we notice about new people are their faces. The next time we see these people, we remember them because we remember their faces. This seems like a simple process. However, scientists found that it is not such a simple process. The section of the brain that is responsible for face recognition seems to work differently for different people. Some people have great difficulty remembering and recognizing faces, while others almost never forget a face.Normal babies are born with a natural ability to recognize faces. In fact, their face recognition abilities are much better than their parents. Babies are most highly skilled at face recognition at six months. But by nine months, they lose this skill. By nine months, a baby’s face-recognition skills are about the same as an adult’s.Unfortunately, some people are not born with this ability to recognize faces. The part of the brain that is responsible for face recognition doesn’t work for them. This condition is called face blindness. People with verysevere face blindness cannot even recognize their own faces. In fact, people with this condition can sometimes be frightened when they look in the mirror. They don’t recognize their own face, so for a second they are startled when they see this unfamiliar face.Face blindness is not always severe. Scientists believe up to 10 percent of the population may be affected by face blindness to some degree, yet many people with mild face blindness might not even know they have it. They have no reason to know they are different from anyone else until someone points it out. This is similar to people with color1 blindness. Colorblind people can’t see the difference between certain color1 s such as red and green, until someone tells them that green and red are two different color1 s.There is no cure for face blindness. So for the time being, people with face blindness need to find simple techniques to compensate for their problem. They can try to recognize people by their hairstyle, their voice, or their glasses. Hopefully, in the future as scientists learn more about this condition, they may find a cure.12. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. The way to improve one’s face-recognition skills.B. The simple process of the brain to recognize others’ faces.C. The fact that some people have face-recognition problems.D. The importance of face recognition in human communication.13. When do children have the best face-recognition skills?A. At birth.B. Half a year old.C. Nine months old.D. In adolescence.14. What does the underlined word “startled” in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?A. Depressed.B. Confused.C. Embarrassed.D. Surprised.15. What does the author think of the problem of face blindness?A. People need to take it seriously.B. Certain techniques can make up for it.C. It will be cured in the near future.D. It has the same effect with color1 blindness.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

江苏省苏州市吴江中学2020-2021学年高一上学期第一次质量检测数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.集合{}1,0,1,3A =-,{}1,2,3B =,A B =( )A .{}1,0,1,1,2,3-B .{}1,3C .{}1,0,1,2,3-D .{}1,0,2-2.集合M ={x |-1≤x <2},N ={x |1≤x ≤3},如图所示阴影部分所表示的集合为( )A .{|23}x x <≤B .{|23}x x ≤≤C .{|12}x x ≤<D .{|12}x x <≤3.条件:2p x >,条件:3q x >,则p 是q 的( ) A .必要非充分条件 B .充分非必要条件 C .充要条件 D .既非充分也非必要条件4.不等式||22x x x x>--的解集为( ) A .{x |0<x <2}B .{x |x ≠2}C .∅D .{x |x <0或x >2}5.已知a >b >c >0,m =b -ca ,n =a -cb ,则( ) A .m ≥n B .m >nC .m ≤nD .m <n6.满足{}{2}1,2,3,4,5A ⊆,且A 中元素之和为偶数的集合A 的个数是( )A .5B .6C .7D .87.已知实数,x y 满足41x y -≤-≤-,145x y -≤-≤,则9x y -的取值范围是( )A .[]7,26-B .[]1,20-C .[]415,D .[]115,8.在R 上定义运算⊙:a ⊙b =ab +2a +b ,则满足x ⊙(x -2)<0的实数x 的取值范围为( ) A .{x |0<x <2} B .{x |-2<x <1} C .{x |x >1或x <-2}D .{x |-1<x <2}9.下列各式中,最小值为2的有( )A .2222a b b a+B .1(0)x x x+<C .4(2)2x x x +>-+ D 2二、多选题10.设全集为U ,集合A ,B 满足,A B 则以下说法正确的有( )A .A ∅B .A ∩B =AC .()U A B ⋂=∅D .)(UA B =∅11.给出下列四个条件:①22a x a y >②110x y<<③22x y >>其中能成为“x >y ”的充分条件的是( ) A .①B .②C .③D .④12.已知a b c d ,,,均为实数,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .若,a b c d >>,则ac bd > B .若0,0ab bc ad >->,则0c da b-> C .若,a b c d >>,则a d b c ->- D .若,0a b c d >>>,则a b d c>三、填空题13.若命题1:1,1,p x x∀><则¬p 为________. 14.若集合2{|210}A x ax ax =-+<=∅,则实数a 的取值范围是________. 15.不等式解集211x ≤+的解集________. 16.已知x >0,y >0,且3x y +=,则141x y ++的最小值为________.四、解答题17.已知全集U =R ,集合M ={x|x≤3},N ={x|x<1},求M ∪N ,(∁U M )∩N ,(∁U M )∪(∁U N )18.求下列关于x 的不等式的解集: (1)2x ≤5-x ; (2)|32|3x -> (3)221x x -≥- (4)(2)(1)x x x --<.19.已知集合2{|210}A x R ax x =∈++=,其中a R ∈. (1)1是A 中的一个元素,用列举法表示A ;(2)若A 中有且仅有一个元素,求实数a 的组成的集合B ; (3)若A 中至多有一个元素,试求a 的取值范围.20.已知1:22x p x +>-,2:50q x ax -+>. (1)若p ⌝为真,求x 的取值范围;(2)若q ⌝是p ⌝的充分不必要条件,求实数a 的取值范围.21.某地方政府准备在一块面积足够大的荒地上建一如图所示的一个矩形综合性休闲广场,其总面积为3000平方米,其中场地四周(阴影部分)为通道,通道宽度均为2米,中间的三个矩形区域将铺设塑胶地面作为运动场地(其中两个小场地形状相同),塑胶运动场地占地面积为S 平方米.(1)分别写出用x 表示 y 和用x 表示 S 的函数关系式(写出函数定义域); (2)怎样设计能使S 取得最大值,最大值为多少?22.已知不等式2364ax x -+>的解集为{x |x <1或x >b } (1)求a ,b 的值; (2)解关于x 的不等式2.cx ab x c-+>-参考答案1.C 【分析】根据交集的运算直接进行求解即可. 【详解】{}{}{}1,0,1,31,2,31,0,1,2,3A B =-=-.故选:C 【点睛】本题主要考查集合的定义和交集的运算,属于基础题. 2.B 【分析】设全集为R ,根据文氏图可得所求集合为()M N R ,计算即可得解.【详解】 设全集为R ,{|1RM x x =<-或}2x ≥,根据文氏图可得阴影部分所表示的集合为:(){}|23RM N x x =≤≤,故选:B. 【点睛】本题考查了集合文氏图的表示,考查了集合补集和交集的运算,属于基础题. 3.A 【分析】根据集合{}2x x >与集合{}3x x >的关系,直接判断出p 是q 的何种条件. 【详解】因为{}2x x > {}3x x >, 所以p 是q 的必要非充分条件, 故选:A . 【点睛】本题考查充分条件、必要条件的判断,难度较易.若p 以集合A 的形式出现,q 以集合B 的形式出现,即(){}(){},A x p x B x q x ==,若A B ,则p 是q 的充分不必要条件,若B A ,则p 是q 的必要不充分条件. 4.D 【分析】 将不等式||22x x x x>--,转化为02xx <-,即()20x x ->求解. 【详解】 因为不等式||22x xx x>--, 所以02xx<-,即()20x x ->, 解得0x <或 2x >, 所以不等式||22x x x x>--的解集为: {x |x <0或x >2} 故选:D 【点睛】本题主要考查绝对值不等式的解法,还考查了转化求解问题的能力,属于基础题. 5.D 【分析】通过作差法比较大小,由()(1)m n b ca a cb b a c -=--+=-+,判断正负即可得解. 【详解】 作差可得:()()(1)m n b ca a cb b a c b a b a c -=--+=-+-=-+,因为a >b >c >0,所以0,10b a c -<+>, 所以0m n -<,所以m n <. 故选:D . 【点睛】本题考查了作差法比较大小,考查了计算能力,属于基础题.6.C 【分析】根据条件可得2A ∈,又A 中元素之和为偶数,写出满足条件的集合A ,即可得答案. 【详解】 因为{}{2}1,2,3,4,5A ⊆,所以2A ∈,又A 中元素之和为偶数,所以满足条件的集合A 有{2,4}、{1,2,3}、{1,2,5}、{2,3,5}、{1,2,3,4}、{1,2,4,5}、{2,3,4,5}共7个, 故选:C 【点睛】本题考查集合间的包含关系,考查分析理解的能力,属基础题. 7.B 【分析】令m x y =-,4n x y =-,则343n m x n m y -⎧=⎪⎪⎨-⎪=⎪⎩,然后根据不等式的性质即可求出答案.【详解】解:令m x y =-,4n x y =-,则343n m x n m y -⎧=⎪⎪⎨-⎪=⎪⎩,则85933z x y n m =-=-, 41m -≤≤-,5520333m ∴≤-≤, 又15n -≤≤,8840333n ∴-≤≤,∴80315923z x y n m -=-=-≤≤,故选:B . 【点睛】本题主要考查不等式的性质的应用,考查逻辑推理和计算能力,属于中档题. 8.B 【分析】根据题中的新定义列出不等式,求不等式解集即可. 【详解】由a ⊙b =ab +2a +b ,得x ⊙(x -2)=x (x -2)+2x +x -2=x 2+x -2<0, 解得-2<x <1,所以实数x 的取值范围为{x |-2<x <1}, 故选:B 【点睛】以新定义为平台,考查一元二次不等式的解法,属于简单题. 9.AC 【分析】选项ABC 直接利用基本不等式求解判断;选项D 用对勾函数()0,0by ax a b x=+>>的性质求解判断; 【详解】A. 22222a b b a +≥=,当且仅当2222a b b a =,即 0a b =≠时取等号,所以其最小值为2,故正确; B. 112x x x x ⎛⎫+=--+≤- ⎪-⎝⎭,当且仅当1x x -=- ,即1x =-时取等号,所以求最大值为-2,无最小值,故错误; C.44222222x x x x +=++-≥=++,当且仅当422x x +=+,即0x =时,取等号,所以求最小值为2,故正确;D.221+==,令t =≥1y t t=+在)+∞递增,所以 2y ≥,故其最小值为2,故错误;故选:AC【点睛】本题主要考查基本不等式的应用以及对勾函数的应用,还考查了运算求解的能力,属于中档题. 10.BC 【分析】根据集合间关系,再结合文氏图,逐个判断即可得解. 【详解】如图,对A ,不能确定集合A 为空集,故不能判断A ∅,故A 错;对B ,若A B ,根据文氏图可得: A ∩B =A 正确; 对C ,若A B ,根据文氏图可得:()U A B ⋂=∅正确; 对C ,若A B ,根据文氏图可得:)(U A B =∅错误.故选:BC. 【点睛】本题考查了集合间的关系,考查了补集和交集的概念,同时考查了文氏图的应用,属于基础题. 11.ABD 【分析】利用不等式的性质对选项逐一判断,即可得答案. 【详解】原题等价于“( )”是“x >y ”的充分条件,即“选项”可推出“x >y ”成立,对于①:由22a x a y >,及20a >,所以x y >成立,故①满足题意;对于②:由110x y<<,左右同取倒数,可得0x y >>,所以x y >成立,故②满足题意;对于③:由22x y >,可得x y >,不能推出x y >,故③不满足题;y =[0,)+∞为单调递增函数,可得0x y >≥,所以x y>成立,故④满足题意. 故选:ABD 【点睛】本题考查充分条件定义、不等式的性质的应用,考查分析理解,逻辑推理的能力,属基础题. 12.BC 【分析】结合不等式性质,由同向可加性可知A 项缺少条件,C 项正确;B 项可证正确;D 项通过列举法可证错误. 【详解】若0a b >>,0c d >>,则ac bd <,故A 错; 若0ab >,0bc ad ->,则0bc adab ->,化简得0c d a b->,故B 对; 若c d >,则d c ->-,又a b >,则a d b c ->-,故C 对; 若1a =-,2b =-,2c =,1d =,则1a d =-,1b c =-,1a bd c==-,故D 错; 故选:BC . 【点睛】本题考查由不等式的基本性质判断不等关系是否成立,属于基础题 13.0011,1x x ∃>≥ 【分析】根据含有一个量词的命题的否定方法,直接可得结果. 【详解】因为全程命题的否定是特称命题, 所以¬p 为:0011,1x x ∃>≥,故答案为:0011,1x x ∃>≥ 【点睛】 本题考查全称命题的否定,属基础题.14.[0,1]【分析】对二次项系数a 是否为0进行讨论,根据二次函数图像与性质,列出不等式,即可得答案.【详解】当0a =时,不等式可化为10<,不成立,故为空集,满足题意;当0a ≠时,根据二次函数图像与性质可得20(-2)40a a a >⎧⎨∆=-≤⎩,解得01a <≤, 综上01a ≤≤.故答案为: [0,1]【点睛】本题考查一元二次不等式的解法,涉及分类讨论的思想,属基础题.15.()[),11,-∞-+∞ 【分析】将原不等式进行移项,通分,合并,可得解集.【详解】 由211x ≤+得2101x -≤+,即()2101x x -+≤+,即101x x -≥+,解得1x <-或1≥x , 所以原不等式的解集为:()[),11,-∞-+∞. 故答案为:()[),11,-∞-+∞.【点睛】 本题考查分式不等式的解法,注意在不知分母的正负时,不可在不等式的两边同时乘以分母,可以移项,通分,属于基础题.16.94【分析】由3x y +=,可得()1114x y ++=⎡⎤⎣⎦,利用1的代换结合基本不等式求出最小值. 【详解】 3x y +=,14x y ∴++=,()1114x y ++=⎡⎤⎣⎦ ()()141141141915541414144y x x y x y x y x y ⎛⎫⎛⎫+⎡⎤+=+++=++≥+= ⎪ ⎪⎣⎦+++⎝⎭⎝⎭当且仅当3141x y y x x y +=⎧⎪+⎨=⎪+⎩,即4353x y ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩时取等号 故答案为:94 【点睛】本题考查基本不等式的应用,考查学生计算能力,属于中档题.17.M ∪N ={x|x≤3},(∁U M )∩N =∅,(∁U M )∪(∁U N )={x|x≥1}【解析】试题分析:由M ,N 以及全集U=R ,求出M 与N 的并集,M 补集与N 的交集,M 补集与N 补集的并集即可试题解析:由题意得M ∪N ={x|x≤3},∁U M ={x|x>3},∁U N ={x|x≥1},[来则(∁U M )∩N ={x|x>3}∩{x|x<1}=∅,(∁U M )∪(∁U N )={x|x>3}∪{x|x≥1}={x|x≥1}.考点:集合的交并补运算18.(1)5|3x x ⎧⎫≤⎨⎬⎩⎭;(2){|0x x <或}3x >;(3){}|01x x ≤<;(4){|22x x -<<.【分析】根据不等式的解法,逐个求解即可.【详解】(1)由2x ≤5-x ,可得53x ≤,解集为5|3x x ⎧⎫≤⎨⎬⎩⎭;(2)由|32|3x ->,可得323x ->或323x -<-,解得0x <或3x >,解集为{|0x x <或}3x >;(3)由221x x -≥-整理可得01x x ≤-,所以01x ≤<, 解集为{}|01x x ≤<;(4)整理(2)(1)x x x --<可得:2420x x -+<,解得22x -<<+{|22x x <<【点睛】本题考查了一元二次不等式、分式不等式、绝对值不等式的求法,考查了计算能力,属于基础题.19.(1)1,13A ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭;(2) {}0,1B =;(3){|1a a ≥或0}a =.【分析】(1)若1∈A ,则a =﹣3,解方程可用列举法表示A ;(2)若A 中有且仅有一个元素,分a =0,和a ≠0且△=0两种情况,分别求出满足条件a 的值,可得集合B .(3)集合A 中至多有一个元素包括有两种情况,①A 中有且仅有一个元素,②A 中一个元素也没有,分别求出即可得到a 的取值范围.【详解】解:(1)∵1是A 的元素,∴1是方程ax 2+2x +1=0的一个根,∴a +2+1=0,即a =﹣3,此时A ={x |﹣3x 2+2x +1=0}.∴x 1=1,213x =-,∴此时集合113A ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭,; (2)若a =0,方程化为x +1=0,此时方程有且仅有一个根12x =-, 若a ≠0,则当且仅当方程的判别式△=4﹣4a =0,即a =1时,方程有两个相等的实根x 1=x 2=﹣1,此时集合A 中有且仅有一个元素,∴所求集合B ={0,1};(3)集合A 中至多有一个元素包括有两种情况,①A 中有且仅有一个元素,由(2)可知此时a =0或a =1,②A 中一个元素也没有,即A =∅,此时a ≠0,且△=4﹣4a <0,解得a >1,综合①②知a 的取值范围为{a |a ≥1或a =0}【点睛】本题考查的知识点是集合中元素与集合的关系,一元二次方程根的个数与系数的关系,难度不大,属于基础题.考点:1、元素与集合的关系;2、集合的表示.20.(1)2x ≤或5x ≥(2)a <【分析】(1)先解分式不等式得出25x <<,再由p 与p ⌝的关系得出p ⌝为真时x 的取值范围; (2)由题意得出q 是p 的必要不充分条件,从而得到5a x x <+对于任意25x <<恒成立,由基本不等式求出5x x +的最小值,即可得出实数a 的取值范围. 【详解】(1)122x x +>-等价于()()12220x x x ⎧+->⎨-≠⎩,解得25x << :25p x ∴<<,由p ⌝为真知:2x ≤或5x ≥;(2)q ⌝是p ⌝的充分不必要条件,则q 是p 的必要不充分条件.故2:50q x ax -+>对于任意25x <<恒成立故5a x x <+,由基本不等式可知5x x+≥x =故a <【点睛】本题主要考查了根据非命题的真假求参数,根据充分不必要条件求参数,属于中档题. 21.(1)1500030306,6500S x x x ⎛⎫=-+<< ⎪⎝⎭(2)矩形场地50,60x m y m ==时,运动场的面积最大,最大面积是22430m【解析】试题分析:(1)塑胶运动场地占地面积S 为中间三个矩形面积的和.其中大矩形的宽为a 米,长为()2x -米.两个小矩形的长为a 米,宽为62x -米.其中26y a =+,则62y a -=.根据矩形的面积公式可用x 表示y 和S 的函数关系式.根据各边长为正及3000xy =可得x 的范围.(2)由(1)知1500030306,6500S x x x ⎛⎫=-+<< ⎪⎝⎭,用基本不等式求其最值. 解:(1)由已知3000,26xy a y =+=∴6,6x y >>,故3000y x =, 由6y >,解得500x <,∴()30006500y x x=<<. ()()()46210S x a x a x a =-+-=-,根据26a y +=,得1500332y a x =-=-, ∴()150015000210330306,6500S x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=--=-+<< ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.(2)15000303063030303023002430S x x ⎛⎫=-+≤-=-⨯= ⎪⎝⎭, 当且仅当150006x x=,即50x =时等号成立,此时60y =. 所以,矩形场地50,60x m y m ==时,运动场的面积最大,最大面积是22430m . 考点:1函数解析式;2基本不等式.22.(1)1,2a b ==;(2)详见解析.【分析】(1)根据不等式2364ax x -+>的解集为{x |x <1或x >b },得到1,b 是方程2320ax x -+=的两根,且0a >,然后利用根与系数的关系求解.(2)由(1)将原不等式转化为()()10cx x c -->,再分1c <- ,1c =-,10c -<<,0c ,01c <<,1c =,1c >七种情况讨论求解.【详解】(1)因为不等式2364ax x -+>的解集为{x |x <1或x >b },所以1,b 是方程2320ax x -+=的两根,且0a >,所以321,b b a a+==,‘ 解得1,2a b ==;(2)由(1)知解不等式2.cx a b x c-+>-即为:10cx x c ->-, 即()()10cx x c -->, 当1c <-时,不等式为()10x x c c ⎛⎫--< ⎪⎝⎭,解得1c x c<<, 当1c =-时,不等式为()210x -+>,无解,当10c -<<时,不等式为()10x x c c ⎛⎫--< ⎪⎝⎭,解得1x c c <<, 当0c 时,不等式为0x ->,解得0x <,当01c <<时,不等式为()10x x c c ⎛⎫--> ⎪⎝⎭,解得x c <或1x c >, 当1c =时,不等式为()()110x x -->,解得1x ≠,当1c >时,不等式为()10x x c c ⎛⎫--> ⎪⎝⎭,解得1x c<或x c >, 综上:当1c <-时,原不等式的解集为:1|x c x c ⎧⎫<<⎨⎬⎩⎭; 当1c =-时,原不等式的解集为:∅;当10c -<<时,原不等式的解集为:1|x x c c ⎧⎫<<⎨⎬⎩⎭; 当0c 时,原不等式的解集为:{}|0x x <;当01c <<时,不等式的解集为: {|x x c <或1x c ⎫>⎬⎭, 当1c =时,原不等式的解集为:{}|1x x ≠;当1c >时,不等式的解集为: {1|x x c<或}x c >, 【点睛】本题主要考查一元二次不等式的解法及其应用,还考查了分类讨论的思想和运算求解的能力,属于中档题.。


在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 若平面向量两两所成的角相等,且,则等于()A.2 B.5 C.2或5 D.或参考答案:C【考点】向量的模.【专题】平面向量及应用.【分析】由题意可得每两个向量成的角都等于120°,或都等于0°,再由,由此分别求得、、的值,再根据==,运算求得结果【解答】解:由于平面向量两两所成的角相等,故每两个向量成的角都等于120°,或都等于0°,再由,①若平面向量两两所成的角相等,且都等于120°,∴=1×1×cos120°=﹣,=1×3×cos120°=﹣,=1×3×cos120°=﹣.====2.②平面向量两两所成的角相等,且都等于0°,则=1×1=1,=1×3=3,=1×3=3,====5.综上可得,则=2或5,故选C.【点评】本题主要考查两个向量的数量积的定义,求向量的模,体现了分类讨论的数学思想,属于基础题.2. 在样本的频率分布直方图中,共有11个小长方形,若中间一个长方形的面积等于其他十个小长方形面积的和的且样本容量是160,则中间一组的频数为()A.32B.0.2C.40D.0.25参考答案:A3. 已知是R上的单调递增函数,则实数的取值范围( )A.B.C.D.参考答案:D略4. 已知一元二次不等式的解集为,则的解集为()A.B.C.D.参考答案:D5. 已知集合,,则下列对应关系中不能看作从到的映射的是( ).A.B.C.D.参考答案:C略6. 从一批产品中取出三件产品,设A=“三件产品全不是次品”,B=“三件产品全是次品”,C=“三件产品至少有一件是次品”,则下列结论正确的是()A.A与C互斥B.任何两个均互斥C.B与C互斥D.任何两个均不互斥参考答案:A略7. 函数的单调递增区间为()A. (-∞,1]B. (-∞,2]C. [2,+∞)D. [1,+∞)参考答案:D8. 如果a>1,b<﹣1,那么函数f(x)=a x+b的图象在()A.第一、二、三象限B.第一、三、四象限C.第二、三、四象限D.第一、二、四象限参考答案:B【考点】指数函数的图象变换.【专题】转化思想.【分析】先考查 y=a x的图象特征,f(x)=a x+b 的图象可看成把 y=a x的图象向下平移﹣b(﹣b>1)个单位得到的,即可得到 f(x)=a x+b 的图象特征.【解答】解:∵a>1,∴y=a x的图象过第一、第二象限,且是单调增函数,经过(0,1),f(x)=a x+b 的图象可看成把 y=a x的图象向下平移﹣b(﹣b>1)个单位得到的,故函数f(x)=a x+b的图象经过第一、第三、第四象限,不经过第二象限,故选 B.【点评】本题考查函数图象的变换,指数函数的图象特征,体现了转化的数学思想.9. 已知,,,那么()(A)(B)(C)(D)参考答案:C略10. (5分)已知f(x)=x7+ax5+bx﹣5,且f(﹣3)=5,则f(3)=()A.﹣15 B.15 C.10 D.﹣10参考答案:A考点:函数奇偶性的性质.专题:计算题.分析:设g(x)=x7+ax5+bx,则可证明其为奇函数,从而f(x)=g(x)﹣5,先利用f(﹣3)=5求得g(3),再代入求得f(3)即可解答:设g(x)=x7+ax5+bx,∵g(﹣x)=﹣x7﹣ax5﹣bx=﹣g(x),即g(﹣x)=﹣g(x)∵f(﹣3)=g(﹣3)﹣5=5∴g(﹣3)=10,∴g(3)=﹣g(﹣3)=﹣10∴f(3)=g(3)﹣5=﹣10﹣5=﹣15故选 A点评:本题考查了利用函数的对称性求函数值的方法,发现函数f(x)为奇函数加常数的特点,是快速解决本题的关键二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 在等比数列中,已知,则_________.参考答案:12. = .参考答案:6略13. 已知函数的图象必过定点,则点的坐标为▲ .参考答案:略14. 若sin α是方程x2 +x– 1 = 0的根,则sin 2 ( α +)的值是______________。

江苏省苏州市苏州中学2021-2022学年高一(上)第一次月考物理试题学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________一、单选题1. 一辆电动汽车从A地到B行驶的路线图如图所示。
实际从A 地到B地用时30min,下列说法正确的是()A.整个过程中车的位移为20kmB.经过路标C时车的速度方向为由A指向BC.整个运动过程车的平均速度为24km/h,方向由A指向BD.整个运动过程车的平均速度为40km/h,方向一直在变2. 已知a、b、c三个物体在0~10s时间内的运动规律如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.10s末,a、b、c三个物体的瞬时速度相等B.在0~10s时间内,a的平均速率最大,b、c的平均速率相等C.在0~10s时间内,a、b、c三个物体都向同一方向运动D.在0~10s时间内,a的平均速率最大,b的平均速率小于c的平均速率3. 为了研究汽车的启动和制动性能,现用甲、乙两辆完全相同的汽车在平直公路上分别进行实验。
实验测得甲、乙两车的运动时间相等,且两车运动的位移之比为.则的值为()A.B.C.D.4. A、B两辆列车在能见度很低的雾天里在同一轨道上同向行驶,A车在前,速度vA =10 m/s,B车在后,速度vB=30 m/s。
已知B车在进行刹车测试时发现,若车以30 m/s的速度行驶时,刹车后至少要前进1800 m才能停下,假设B车刹车过程中加速度恒定。
为保证两辆列车不相撞,则能见度至少要达到()A.400 m B.600 m C.800 m D.1600 m5. 某一列车,其首端从站台的A点出发到尾端完全出站都在做匀加速直线运动,站在站台上A点一侧的观察者,测得第1节车厢全部通过A点需要的时闻为t,假设每节车厢长度都相同,那么第3节车厢全部通过A点需要的时间为()A.B.t C.t D.t=8 m/s的初速度沿光滑斜面向上滑,设沿斜面向上为正,加6. 一个物体以v速度为-2 m/s2,冲上最高点之后,又以相同的加速度往回运动,下列说法正确的是()A.5 s末的速度为2 m/s B.物体经10 s返回到出发点C.6 s内的位移是12 m D.5 s内的路程是15 m7. A、B两质点在同一平面内同时向同一方向做直线运动,它们的位置—时间图象如图所示,其中A是顶点过原点的抛物线的一部分,B是过点(0,3)的一条直线,两图象相交于坐标为(3,9)的P点,则下列说法不正确的是()A.质点A做初速度为零、加速度为2 m/s2的匀加速直线运动B.质点B以2 m/s的速度做匀速直线运动C.在前3 s内,质点A比B向前多前进了9 mD.在3 s前某时刻质点A、B速度相等,紧接着速度变化8. 一质点做匀加速直线运动时,速度变化△v时发生位移x1同样的△v时发生位移x,则该质点的加速度为()2A.B.C.D.9. 意大利著名物理学家伽利略开科学实验之先河,奠定了现代物理学的基础。

2020-2021学年苏州市第一高级中学高三英语一模试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOne day when I was 5, my mother blamed me for not finishing my rice and I got angry. I wanted to play outside and not to be made to finish eating my old rice. When angrily opening the screen door (纱门) with my foot, I kicked back about a 12-inch part of the lower left hand corner of the new screen door. But I had no regret, for I was happy to be playing in the backyard with my toys.Today, I know if my child had done what I did, I would have blamed my child, and told him about how expensive this new screen door was, and I would have delivered a spanking (打屁股) for it. However, my parents never said a word. They left the corner of the screen door pushed out, creating an opening, in the defense against unwanted insects.For years, every time I saw that corner of the screen, it would constantly make me think about my mistake. For years, I knew that everyone in my family would see that hole and remember who did it. For years, every time I saw a fly buzzing (嗡嗡) in the kitchen, I would wonder if it came in through the hole that I had created with my angry foot. Iwould wonder if my family members were thinking the same thing, silently blaming me every time a flying insect entered our home, making life more terrible for us all. My parents taught me a valuable lesson, one that a spanking or stern (严厉的) words perhapscould not deliver. Their silent punishment for what I had done delivered a hundred stern messages to me. Above all, it has helped me become a more patient person and not burst out so easily.1. When the author damaged the door, his parents _______.A. gave him a spankingB. left the door unrepairedC. told him how expensive it wasD. blamed him for what he had done2. The experience may cause the author _______.A. not to go against his parents’ willB. to have a better control of himselfC. not to make mistakes in the futureD. to hide his anger away from others3. What is the main idea of this text?A. Parents is the best way to solve problems.B. Parents are the best teachers of their children.C. Adults should ignore their children’s bad behavior.D. Silent punishment may have a better effect on educating people.BMy first week working in a restaurant, one of the servers said something that stuck with me: Everyone should work in a restaurant for at least a year. At the time, I didn't get it, but I took the advice to heart and worked in restaurants on and off for the next eight years. Before realizing it, I mastered many important skills, one of which is communication skill.When I was little, I was so shy that I used to hide behind my mom whenever someone spoke to me. And when I first started in restaurants, I had two personalities: Restaurant Lizzy and Home Lizzy. It was easier to pretend to be a different person while at work, since it was so different from who I actually was. But gradually, the skills I learned working in restaurants helped Home Lizzy come out of her shell in the real world.When you work in a restaurant, you don't have the luxury of hiding behind your parents to avoid talking to people. I'm still 110% an introvert, but restaurant work helped me communicate. Working in a restaurant not only helped me speak clearly, deliberately and directly but also taught me how to talk about almost everything. Some guests don't want their servers to interact too much with them, and that's fine. But some sit at the bar simply to chat with you. You learn how to judge your guests' level of interest in communicating with you, and how to exit a conversation at the appropriate time.My restaurant work is something that I'm most proud of and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without those eight years of experience. If you're still on the fence about working in a restaurant for that long, start with one year. I doubt that you'll look back.4. What did the writer think of the server's words?A. Impressive.B. Ridiculous.C. Amusing.D. Logical.5. What do we infer from Paragraph 2?A. The writer tried different jobs.B. The writer became more sociable.C. The writer used an invented name.D. The writer had a hard time at work.6. Which of the following best describes the writer's restaurant work?A. Boring.B. Relaxing.C. Worthwhile.D. Unchallenging.7. What message does the writer try to convey in this passage?A. A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.B. Things are difficult before they are easy.C. Communication skills advance your career.D. Restaurantwork helps to achieve a better self.CCoke was introduced by the Coca Cola company in 1886, making it a rather true andtested favorite of generations of people in over 200 countries. This list should give you some ideas on how to get more from your coke than usual.. Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster (除锈剂). If you have a bunch of small rusty objects, put them in coke overnight and give them a goodscrubin the morning. Coke helps to break down the rust, making cleaning much easier. Be sure to throw out the used coke when you are done with it or you might be taking a trip to the doctor.. Like the previous item, the citric acid (柠檬酸) in coke makes for an excellent window cleaner. This is especially useful for car windows. Pour a can of coke over the window and rub the window, then wipe it off with a wet cloth to remove any sugary matter from the sugar in the drink. As coke is fullof sugar, you should clean the sticky matter off the window glasses, or it will be not a cleaner but a dirt.. For those of you who live in areas where skunk (臭鼬) smells can be an issue from time to time, one can of coke added to water with detergent (清洁剂) really helps to break the smell down. If you have been sprayed, stand in the shower and cover yourself from head to toe with coke — wait for a few minutes, then wash yourself with a shower. Coke is an excellent hair treatment so you get two tips for the price of one with this item!. Pots can sometimes get black on the bottom. The black is almost impossible to remove; this is caused by over-cooking. To remove the black and renew your pot, pour in a can of coke (or as much as you need to cover the blackened area by an inch) and put it on the stove on a low heat. After an hour or so, wash the pot as normal.8. What does the underlined word “scrub”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Start.B. Cleaning.C. Shake.D. Example.9. What is important while using coke to clean car windows?A. Use a dry cloth.B. Rub the window lightly.C. Don’t pour too much coke.D. Clean the sugary matter thoroughly.10. For which purpose does coke have to be mixed with other material?A. To get rid of the black on the pot.B. To breakdown the rust,C. To remove smells.D. To clean windows.11. What type of writing is this text?A. An advertisement.B. A review.C. A news report.D. A practical guide.DAn anti-obesity program for Australian girls didn’t lead to any improvements in their diet, physical activities or body weight a year later, according to a new report.Findings from the school-based intervention (介入), which involved exercise sessions and nutrition workshops for lower-income girls, are the latest disappointment in a lot of research attempting tohead offadult obesity and the disease risks that come with it.Especially during the middle-and high-school years, girls’ physical activity reduces obviously, according to lead researcher David Lubans, from theUniversityofNewcastleinNew South Wales,Australia. He said, “In the future we need to make the programs more interesting and exciting and present information in a way that is meaningful to adolescent girl.”Lubans and his workmates conducted their study in 12 schools in low-income areas ofNew South Wales. At the start of the study, girls in both groups weighed an average of close to 130pounds, with about four in ten considered overweight. Over the next year, adolescents in the intervention group were given pedometers (计步器) to encourage walking and running and invited to nutrition workshops and regular exercise sessions during the schoolday and at lunchtime. Participation in some of those activities were less than ideal. For example, the girls went to only one-quarter of lunchtime exercise sessions, and less than one in ten completed at-home physical activity or nutrition challenges, the researchers reported. At the end of the year, girls in both groups had gained a similar amount of weight and there was no difference in their average body fat.Preventive medicine researcher Robert Klesges said that although some anti-obesity programs have helped adults lose weight, the teen population has always been a source of failure for researchers. “The common belief is: nothing works,” he said. “And we have got to get beyond that.”“We need to think outside the box,” said Klesges, who wasn’t involved in the new study. “That could include learning from what has worked in adult studies, such as giving meal replacement drinks or prepared foods to teens who have trouble making changes to their diet. Or, it could mean using a “step-care” method — rather thanresearchers or their doctor telling them to keep doing the same thing.” Klesges said.12. The underlined words “head off” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “________”.A. damageB. defendC. preventD. affect13. The methods used in the program to stop obesity don’t include ________.A. walking and runningB. inviting them to nutrition workshopsC. joining exercise sessions regularlyD. giving meal replacement drinks14. The main reason for the failure of the anti-obesity program is probably that ________.A. the participants didn’t take an active part in itB. the program was not interesting and exciting to participantsC. the participants didn’t get extra nutrition or exercise helpD. the program didn’t pay attention to healthy exercise15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. As researchers, it is important to have creative research methods.B. Researchers need to give meals or prepare foods to participants.C. Teen girls have no difficulty in making changes to their diet.D. Some ant-obesity programs have not helped adults lose weight.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
江苏省苏州中学2020-2021学年第一学期高三1月调研考试 英语试题及答案

1.What are the two speakers talking about?A. A weekend plan.B. Rubbish.C. Home-made cookies.2.What will Kate probably do tomorrow?A. Go camping.B. Go shopping.C. Watch a film.3.When is Paul's birthday?A. July 11th.B. July 7th.C. July 12th.4.What does the woman like least?A. Tea.B. Juice.C. Coffee.5.What will the man get?A. A textbook on sale.B. A textbook with a perfect cover.C. A textbook for free.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Husband and wife.C. Driver and passenger.7.Where is the woman going first today?A. Her home.B. The Walmart.C. Her grandma's.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
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一、 填空题(5×14=70)
1. A ={x |x >1或x <-2},B ={x |-3≤x ≤2},则A ∩B =______________;
2. 函数y =的定义域为________________
3. 已知()21=3+2f x x x +-,则()f x 的解析式为
4.设函数7()2f x ax bx =-+,已知(5)17f -=,则(5)f =
5. 函数y =的单调减区间是
6. 函数2()||f x x x =-+的单调增区间为 .
7. 已知函数21,0,(),2,0
x x f x x x ⎧+≤=⎨->⎩若()10,f x =则___________x =
8. 若函数()y f x =是R 上的奇函数,则函数(2)1y f x =-+的图象必过点
9. 若),1(31>=+-a a a 则=--2323a
10. 求值4
440.0081(4)16---++-=________ 11. 奇函数()f x 的定义域是R ,且当320()21x f x x x >=+-时,,则当0x <时
()f x =
y a x a x =-+-+的定义域为R ,则a 的取值范围是 13. 函数f (x )= ax 2+4(a +1)x -3在(-∞, 2)上递增,则a 的取值范围是__ .
14.已知函数)(x f 满足),()(x f x f =-当)0,(,-∞∈b a 时总有
()()0()f a f b a b a b
->≠- 若)2()1(m f m f >+,则实数m 的取值范围是 .
15.(本题14分) 已知集合},02|{},01
5|{2<--=≤+-=m x x x B x x x A (1)当3=m 时,求)(B C A R
(2)若}41|{<<-=x x B A ,求实数m 的值
16. (本题14分)判断下列函数的奇偶性(请写出详细的判断过程)
f x x =+- (2)()||||(0)f x x a x a a R a =-++∈≠且
17. (本题16分)求下列函数的值域:
13)(-+=x x x f (1112)x x -≤<<≤或 (2)22223()1x x f x x x -+=-+
18. (本题14分)设0≤x ≤2, 求124
325x x y -=-⋅+的最大值和最小值.
19. (本题16分)已知函数2120,1()102,2
2 2.
x x f x x x x x x --≤⎧⎪⎪=-<<⎨⎪⎪-≥⎩ , , ,
(1)求3((()))2f f f 值;(2)画出()f x 的图象;(3)求不等式()3f x >的解集。
20. (本题16分)函数2()1ax b f x x +=+是定义在(-1,1)上的奇函数,且12()25
f = (1)确定函数()f x 的解析式;(2)判断并证明()f x 在(-1,1)上的单调性
(3)解不等式(1)()0f t f t -+<。