
经典的合成反应一、 卤化反应 (一) 卤加成反应 1. 卤素的加成 1)烯烃X 2CC XX 2=Cl 2, Br 2机理c c c c c c x xR 1R R 34R 1R 4R 334R R ①x-R 1R 4R 3R 34R R 1②+c c c c δ-加硼烷CH 3-CH=CH 2BH 3(CH 3-CH 2-CH 2)3B23CH 3CH 2CH 2Br反马氏产物C 6H 13C CHBH O 70℃,2hC CC 6H 13HHO B 25℃,2hC CC 6H 13HH2C CC 6H 13HHI90%I 2/NaOH/H 2O 2H 2O3)不饱和羧酸 2. 卤化氢的加成加卤化氢H X C C H X =H C l, H B r, HI机理C R1R3+C R2C R2HH反向同向CH 3CH=CH 2CH 3CHBrCH 3CH 3CH 2CH 2BrMarkovnikov 加成反Markovnikov 加成Ph-CH=CH 2HBrHBr H 2O 2或光照Ph--C-CH 3Ph-CH 2CH 2Br Br反马氏规则3. 次卤酸(酯)、N-卤代酰胺加成C CX 2CCX+H 2OHXX 2=Cl 2, Br 2+(二) 卤代反应 1.烃类 1)脂肪烃芳烃卤代反应 机理+E+Eπ-络合物HEE +H +σ-络合物HX X-H ++-σ-络合物举例:Cl CH 3+CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3BrClBr ++22OHOHBr°0 COH BrBr BrH 2O 2H 2O 2Br 22Br 2/Bu-NH 2-70 COHBrBr OHBrBr °OHOHOH2.羰基化合物羰基化合物的卤代反应机理OR R'δδCC OHB C COBHCOC COC C C等于C OHCOO HC OCHCOCH1)醛、酮酮α-H 卤代反应R- C - CH 3OR- C - CH 2BrO2亲电取代反应C CHCCC COC CH OHOH酸催化机理C C H OH慢C C C C X碱催化机理举例:O 2NC-CH 3O O 2N C-CH 2BrOHBrBr 2+氯霉素的制备溴对酮的加成CH 2CH 2CHH 2C OHC CHCH 2CH 33COHCH 2CH 23BrH 2C OCH 2CH 2CH 3H Br HBr-Br 2C CH 2CH 2CH 32C OCHCH 2CH 3H 3C OBr+(1.5%)(58%)酮自由基反应(饱和烃、苄位和烯丙位的卤取代反应、某些不饱和烃的卤加成反应以及羧基、重碳基的卤置换反应)α-羰基自由基取代OCC O R'H R''R'''+Br2+CC OR'Br R''R'''Br 22Br光O +HBrOHBrO O O OBrBr CHOCHO Br2)羧酸衍生物 3.醇、酚、醚 1)醇 2)酚 3)醚4.羧酸1)羧羟基2)羧酸脱羧5.其他官能团的卤代反应1)卤化物2)磺酸酯3)芳香重氮盐化合物二、烃化反应(一)碳原子的烃化反应1.芳烃的烃化Friedel-Crafts 烷基化反应芳烃与卤代烃、醇类或烯类化合物在Lewis催化剂(如AlCl3,FeCl3, H2SO4, H3PO4, BF3, HF等)存在下,发生芳环的烷基化反应。

有机合成反应操作规程有机合成反应操作规程一、实验室准备工作1. 实验室环境整洁,确保实验区域没有杂物和易燃物。
2. 所有的仪器、设备和试剂都应处于良好的工作状态,确保能够正常操作。
3. 个人穿戴实验室所需的防护用品,包括实验服、手套、护目镜和实验室鞋。
4. 检查实验室中的应急处理设备,如消防器材和急救箱等。
二、试剂准备1. 仔细查看试剂的物质安全数据表(MSDS),了解试剂的性质、危险性和操作注意事项。
2. 使用纯度较高的试剂,避免有机杂质对实验结果的影响。
3. 将试剂按照实验所需的量准备好,并注意正确标记试剂瓶。
三、实验操作1. 在操作前,将实验步骤仔细阅读,并确保对操作流程有充分的了解。
2. 使用正确的仪器和设备进行各项操作,并确保其正常工作。
3. 按照实验步骤逐步进行反应操作,注意操作的顺序和时间控制。
4. 使用适当的容器和反应条件,避免溶剂和试剂的蒸发和挥发。
5. 在操作过程中,注意观察反应物的颜色、温度、气味等变化,并记录相关观察结果。
6. 在处理有机溶剂和有机试剂时,注意对其蒸汽的远离点燃源,并保持通风良好。
7. 使用适当的电子天平、滴定仪、分光光度计等测量仪器,确保实验结果的准确性。
8. 在反应物和产物的处理过程中,遵循环保原则,妥善处理废弃物。
四、安全注意事项1. 所有操作必须在通风良好的实验室内进行,避免有机蒸汽的积聚。
2. 当操作易燃或有毒的试剂时,注意提前做好安全隔离措施和防护措施。
3. 在操作有机物时,禁止吸烟、饮食和使用手机等不必要的行为。
4. 在发生意外或紧急情况时,及时采取相应的应急措施,并向实验室负责人报告。
5. 实验结束后,将实验台面和仪器设备彻底清洁,并将实验废弃物正确处理。
五、实验记录1. 在实验过程中,及时记录实验的所有数据和观察结果。
2. 实验记录应准确、详细,并包括实验开始和结束的时间,使用的试剂和仪器设备的规格型号等信息。
3. 实验记录应保留在实验室内,以备将来参考和查阅。

经典化学合成反应标准操作醛酮的经典合成目录1.前言 (4)2.由醇合成醛酮 (4)2.1铬(VI)试剂 (4)2.1.1 Jones氧化(Cr2O3/H2SO4/acetone) (4)2.1.2 Collins氧化(Cr2O3.2Py) (5)2.1.3 PCC(Pyrindium Chlorochromate)氧化 (8)2.1.4 PDC(Pyrindium Dichromate)氧化 (9)2.2 用活性MnO2氧化 (10)2.2.1 用活性MnO2氧化示例一: (10)2.3用DMSO氧化 (11)2.3.1 DMSO-(COCl)2氧化(Swern Oxidation) (11)2.3.2 DMSO-SO3-Pyridine (12)2.4 用氧铵盐氧化 (13)2.4.1 用氧铵盐氧化示例: (13)2.5 用高价碘试剂氧化 (14)2.5 .1 Dess-Martin氧化反应示例: (14)2.5.2 IBX氧化反应示例: (15)2.6 亚硝酸钠和醋酐氧化 (15)2.6.1 亚硝酸钠和醋酐氧化示例 (15)2.6 TPAP-NMO 氧化 (16)2.6.1 TPAP-NMO 氧化示例 (16)2.7 1,2-二醇的氧化 (16)2.7.1 1,2-二醇的氧化示例一: (17)2.7.1 其他1,2-二醇的氧化相关文献: (18)3.由卤化物合成醛酮 (18)3.1 由伯卤甲基和仲卤甲基的氧化合成醛酮 (18)3.1.1 用DMSO氧化(Kornblum反应) (18)3.1.2用硝基化合物氧化(Hass反应) (20)3.1.3用乌洛托品氧化(Sommelet反应) (21)3.1.4用对亚硝基二甲苯胺氧化吡啶翁盐氧化(Kröhnke反应) (22)3.1.5用胺氧化物氧化 (22)3.2 由二卤甲基或二卤亚甲基合成醛酮 (23)3.2.1 由二卤甲基合成醛反应示例: (23)3.3 由有机金属化合物的酰化合成醛酮 (24)3.3.1 由有机金属化合物的酰化合成醛酮示例 (25)3.4 由Pd催化反应合成醛 (25)4.由活泼甲基或活泼亚甲基烷烃合成醛酮 (25)4.1 用SeO2氧化合成醛酮 (26)4.1.1 用SeO2氧化合成醛酮示例 (26)4.2用空气氧化合成酮 (26)4.2.1用空气氧化合成酮反应示例: (27)4.3 用铬酸氧化合成酮 (27)4.3.1 用铬酸氧化合成酮示例 (27)4.4用高锰酸盐氧化合成酮 (29)4.5 用醌氧化合成酮 (29)5.由羧酸及其衍生物合成醛酮 (30)5.1由羧酸合成醛 (30)5.1.1用金属氢化物还原 (30)5.1.2由脱CO2合成醛 (31)5.1.3由羧酸合成酮 (31)5.2由酰氯及酸酐合成醛酮 (33)5.2.1用Rosenmund法合成 (33)5.2.2用金属氢化物还原 (34)5.3由酯及内酯合成醛 (35)5.3.1 酯通过DIBAL还原为醛示例: (36)5.4由酰胺合成醛酮 (36)5.4.1 由酰胺合成醛酮 (37)5.4.2 McFadyen-Stevens Reaction (38)5.5由酯或酰氯经Weinreb酰胺合成醛酮 (39)5.5.1 由Weinreb酰胺还原合成醛反应示例一 (40)5.5.2由Weinreb酰胺还原合成酮反应示例: (41)5.6由氰合成醛酮 (41)5.6.1DIBAL 还原腈到醛示例(最重要的方法) (42)5.6.2Li(EtO)3AlH 还原腈到醛示例(较重要的方法) (43)5.6.3Ranney Ni 加氢还原氰到合成醛示例 (43)5.6.4有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮示例 (44)6. 由烯烃、芳环合成醛酮 (46)6.1 由烯烃臭氧氧化合成醛 (46)6.2 烯烃用OsO4/NaIO4氧化合成醛 (47)6.3 烯烃经由有机硼化合物中间体的烯烃甲酰化合成醛 (47)6.5 由烯烃的甲酰化合成醛 (48)6.5.1 Vilsmeyer反应 (48)6.5.2 Duff’s 甲酰化 (51)6.5.3 Reimer-Tiemann 甲酰化 (52)6.5.4 Gattermann甲酰化 (53)6.5.5 多聚甲醛/甲醇镁苯酚甲酰化 (53)6.5.6氯化锡/多聚甲醛苯酚甲酰化 (54)6.5.7重氮化后甲酰化 (54)6.6烯烃经加成-氧化反应合成酮 (56)6.6.1 烯烃经加成-氧化反应合成酮示例 (56)7. 由炔烃合成醛酮 (57)7.1 由加成-氧化反应合成醛酮 (57)7.2 由氧化反应合成酮 (57)7.3 由加成-水解反应合成酮 (58)7.4 由加成-还原反应合成酮 (59)7.5 由加成-烷基化,酰化等反应合成酮 (59)8. 由醚及环氧化合物合成醛酮 (59)8.1 Claisen重排 (59)8.2酸催化下环氧化物重排 (61)8.2.1 酸催化下环氧化物重排合成醛酮示例一 (61)8.3氧化法 (61)8.4 水解法缩醛或酮合成醛酮 (61)9. 由胺合成醛 (62)9.1胺的氧化 (62)9.1.1 胺的氧化合成醛反应示例: (63)9.2 由胺经由西佛碱的方法 (64)9.2.1 由胺经由西佛碱合成醛示例 (64)9.3 自苯胺衍生物合成 (64)10. 由硝基化合物合成醛酮 (64)11. 由Friedel-Crafts反应合成芳基酮 (65)11.1 由Friedel-Crafts反应合成芳基酮示例 (68)12. Dieckmann 缩合脱酸 (69)13. 由合成子合成醛酮 (71)14. 由砜合成醛酮 (71)15. Michael 反应和类似反应(Addition, Condensation) (71)1.前言醛和酮是一类重要的有机化合物,其合成在有机合成中占有非常重要的地位。

经典合成反应操作--酮还原成亚甲基化学⽅法将醛或酮的羰基直接转化为亚甲基的⽅法有:1) Clemmensen还原;2) Wolff-Kishner-黄鸣龙还原;3) LiAlH4-AlCl3法;4) NaBH4-CF3CO2H法;5) Et3SiH-BF3或CF3CO2H法;6) HI-Phosphorus法;7) 催化氢化法。
哈佛的Andrew Myers在其关于腙衍⽣物⼯作中报导了⽤Sc(OTf)3作催化剂的有效的低温Wolff-Kishner还原。
较为常见的⽅法是转化为醇羟基除去;另外,可以将醛或酮转化为⼄⼆硫醇的缩醛或酮,再⽤Raney Ni氢化还原为亚甲基;另外,也有报导将醛或酮转化为对甲苯磺酰肼的腙,再⽤DIBAL或NaBH(OAc)3还原。
下图⼤致描述了克莱门森(Clemmensen)还原的机理:实例1. Clemmensen还原芳基酮于1L的圆底烧瓶中,加⼊120克锌粉、12克氯化汞、200ml⽔,5-6ml浓盐酸,振摇后将液体倒出抛弃。
随后依次加⼊75ml⽔,175ml浓盐酸,100ml甲苯,50克(0.28mol) β-苯甲酰基丙酸。
芳胺化反应 经典化学合成反应标准操作

经典化学合成反应标准操作芳胺化反应目录一.前言 (1)二.影响Buchwald 反应的因素及Buchwald 反应的应用 (2)2.1 卤素对反应的影响............................................................................................................2.2 取代基团电子性对反应的影响.......................................................................................2.3 配体对反应的影响............................................................................................................2.4 胺与苯基三氟甲磺酸酯的反应(Triflate) .................................................................2.5 对伯胺及仲胺的选择性....................................................................................................2.6 对手性的影响 ....................................................................................................................2.7 与吡咯及吲哚的反应........................................................................................................2.8 关环反应.............................................................................................................................2.9 卤代苯转化为苯胺反应.................................................................................................... 三.反应操作示例..............................................................................................3.1 典型操作一 ........................................................................................................................3.2 典型操作二 ........................................................................................................................四、参考文献 .....................................................................................................概 述取代的芳胺、酰基芳胺及芳醚类化合物在药物化学中有着重要的作用, 长期以来一直没有一个较为通用的、温和的方法制备他们。

1. 反应前的活化步骤在有机合成反应中,反应物通常需要经过某种方式的活化才能参与反应。
2. 反应中的反应步骤反应中的反应步骤是指反应物之间发生的化学反应。
3. 反应后的消除步骤反应后的消除步骤是指反应产物的形成和分离过程。
1. 反应条件的选择在进行有机合成反应时,需要选择适当的反应条件,包括温度、溶剂、催化剂等。
2. 反应物的准备和配制在进行有机合成反应前,需要准备和配制好反应物。

同时每种反应的标准操作,均可作为模板套用于书写客户的final report,这样可以大大节省研究人员书写final report的时间,也相应减少在报告中的文法错误。
药明康德新药开发有限公司化学合成部2005-6-281•胺的合成a)还原胺化b)直接烷基化c)腈的还原d)酰胺的还原e)硝基的还原f)叠氮的还原g) Hoffman 降解h)羧酸通过Cris重排2. 羧酸衍生物的合成a)酰胺化的反应b)酯化反应c)腈转化为酯和酰胺d)钯催化的插羰反应e)酯交换为酰氨3. 羧酸的合成a)醇氧化b)酯水解c)酰胺的水解d)腈的水解e)有机金属试剂的羰基化反应f)芳香甲基的氧化4. 醛酮的合成a) Weinreb酰胺合成醛酮b)醇氧化c)酯的直接还原d)有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮5•脂肪卤代物的合成a)醇转化为脂肪溴代物通过PBr3转化通过PPh3 与CBr4转化HBr直接交换通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与LiBr交换、b)醇转化为脂肪氯代物通过S0CI2转化通过PPh3与CCl4转化HCl直接交换c)醇转化为脂肪碘代物通过PPh3与12转化通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与Nal交换6. 芳香卤代物的合成a)San dermyyer 重氮化卤代b)直接卤代c)杂环的酚羟基或醚的卤代7. 醇的合成a)羧酸或酯的还原b)醛酮的还原c)卤代烃的水解d)吡啶的氧化转位8. 酚的合成a)San dermayer 重氮化反应b)醚的水解c)Bayer-vigerlar 氧化d)硼酸的氧化9. 腈的合成a)磺酸酯或卤代烃的取代b)酰胺的脱水c)芳卤代烃的氰基取代10. 硝化反应11. 醚的合成a)芳香醚的合成酚与烷基卤代烃的直接烷基化Mitsu nobu 芳香醚化Buckwald 芳香醚化b)脂肪醚的合成醇的醚化12•脲的合成a)胺与异腈酸酯的反应b)用三光气合成脲c)羰基二咪唑(CDI)合成脲d)对硝基苯酚碳酰胺合成脲13. 烯烃的合成a) Wittig 反应b)羟基的消除c)Wittig-Horner 反应合成,-不饱和酯14. 磺酸及磺酰氯的合成a)氯磺化反应合成磺酰氯b)从硫醇合成磺酰氯c)磺化反应15. 氨基酸的合成a) Streck反应合成b)手性氨基酸的合成16. 偶联反应a) Suzuki Coupli ngb) Buckwald 芳胺化,芳酰胺化、c)Heck反应17. Mitsunobu 反应a)醇的反转b)胺的取代18. 脱羟基反应19. 酮还原为亚甲基20. 氨的保护及脱保护策略a)用碳酰胺作保护基b)苄基保护21. 醇的保护及脱保护策略a)用硅醚进行保护b)其他醚类保护22. 羧基的保护Boc 脱保护1格氏反应还原胺化卤化反应S u z u k i coupling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 2磺化反应n-BuLi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L i A l H 4 还原 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4P0CI3 的杂环氯代3水解反应-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5NaH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___________NBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------———————————氢化反应m-CPBA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 EDC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6用二光气成脲——7芳卤用n -B u L i i处理后与W e in r e b 酰胺成酮 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7Boc上保护To a soluti on of A (2.72 g, 13.9 mmol) and tetramethylam monium hydroxide pen tahydrate (5.62 g, 31.0 mmol) in aceto nitrile (270 mL) was added di-tert-butyldicarb on ate (3.79 g; 17.4 mmol) and the resulting solution was allowed to stir 18 h at rt and concentrated. The residue was partitio ned betwee n Et2O/H2O; the phases were separated and the aqueous phase extracted twice more with Et2O. The aqueous phase was brought to pH 4 with solid citric acid and extracted with CHCI3 (3x100 mL). The orga nic extracts were comb in ed, dried (Na2SO4) andconcen trated to afford 2.58 g (63 perce nt) B as a white foam.Boc 脱保护Tert-Butyl 2-(2-methoxyphe no xy)ethylcarbamate (23.8 g, 89 mmol) in dichlorometha ne (10 ml) was cooled to 0 deg C and stirred as a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid: dichloromethane (1:1,40 ml) was added dropwise. The mixture was allowed to warm to rt, stirred for 2 hours and concen trated in vacuo. The residue was take n back up in dichlorometha ne (100 ml) and thesolutio n was washed with saturated aqueous sodium hydroge n carb on ate (3*20 ml) and aqueous sodium hydroxide (10percent, 3*20 ml), dried (Na2SO4), filtered and concentrated in vacuo to provide 2-(2-methoxyphe no xy)ethylam ine (13 g, 88perce nt yield) as a light yellow solid.Return格氏反应A stirred mixture of magn esium tur nings (23.6 g, 0.98 mol) and Et2O (200 mL) un der n itroge n is treated with a crystal of iodi ne and about 5perce nt of a soluti on of bromoetha ne (56.3 ml, 0.75 mol) in Et2O (375 mL). When the react ion starts, the rema in der of the bromoetha ne solutio n is added, dropwise at a rate sufficient to maintain a gentle reflux. After the addition, stirring is continued for 1 hour. T o this solution ofethylmagnesium bromide was slowly added a solution of 4-cya nopyridi ne (39 g, 0.375 mol) in Et2O (750 ml). The react ion mixture was warmed at reflux for 12 hours, treated with con ce ntrated H2SO4 (125 ml)/H2O (125 ml), and then washed three times with Et2O (250 ml). The aqueous portio n was made basic (PH 9) with 15perce nt NaOHReturnOsoluti on and extracted five times with 250 ml portions of Et20. The comb ined Et20 extracts were dried (MgSO4), and the solve nt was removed un der reduced pressure to afford a brow n oil (48.4 g, 95perce nt).卤化反应To a stirred solution of 8-methyl-1-nitro-naphthalene (10.6g, 56.32 mmol) and iron (III) chloride (0.45 g, 2.77 mmo) in CCI4 (150 ml) heated to 60 C was added dropwise (3.0 ml, 58.23 mmol) of bromine. After one hour, the react ion mixture was poured into saturated NaHCO3 solutio n, and the layers were separated. The aqueous layer was re-extracted with CH2CI2. The comb ined orga nic layers were dried (MgSO4) and the solve nt was removed un der reduced pressure. The crude residue was recrystallized from etha nol and the mother liquors were concen trated and then flash chromatographed on silica, eludi ng hexa nes:ethyl acetate (12: 1).ReturnReturn还原胺化 HO H 2NA solution of 2-ami no-4-ethylphe nol (1.00 g. 7.28 mmol), 2-naphthaldehyde (1.13 g, 7.28 mmol), and p-tolue nesulfo nic acid (0.05 g) in metha no I (50 ML) was stirred at room temp for 24 h. To the resultant solution, sodium borohydride (0.82 g, 22 mmol) was added in small portions. After additi on was completed, the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min and concen trated un der vacuum. The residue was the n subjected to colu mn chromatography on silica gel eluted with 10percent ethyl acetate in hexane and followed by recrystallization (aqueous metha nol) yielded 450 mg (22perce nt) of an alytically pure product.Retur n+V HSuzuki coupli ngTo a mixture of 4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-[1,3,2]dioxaborolan-2-yl)-1H-indole (2 g, 8.2 mnmol)and 3-bromobe nzene (0.87 ml, 8.3 mmol) in THF (28 ml) were added palladium catalystPd(PPh3)4 (284 mg, 0.25 mmol) and the freshly prepared sodium hydroxide solution (984 mg in9 ml of water).The system was degassed and the n charged with n itroge n for three times. Themixture was stirred un der n itroge n at 70 ° C oTlbiatie^i6rheoiliuti on was cooled to room temperature, diluted with ethyl acetate and separated from water layer. The ethylacetate soluti on was washed by brine, dried over Na2SO4 and concen trated. The residue waspurified on a silica gel colu mn eludi ng with hexa nes: EtOAc 9:1 to give 1.38 g (78%yield) of4-phenyl-1H-indole as a colorless liquid.Return磺化反应Chlorosulfo nic acid (4.66g, 40 mmol) is added dropwise to a cold (0 2,3-dihydro-2-trifluoroacetyl-1H-Benz[de]isoquinoline (2.9g, 8 mmol) in chloroform (800 ml).C for 30 minutes. ° The cold bath is then removed and the solution is stirred at room temperature for 1 hour thencautiously poured into ice water. The orga nic layer is separated, dried over magn esium sulfate and concen trated to afford the titlecompo und. The crude product is purified by colu mn chromatography eluted with 10% acetic ether in petroleum ether (2.36 g, 81% yield).酯化反应A mixture of 4-hydroxymethy In aphthoic acid (10 g, 50 mmol), metha no I (300 ml), and concen trate H2SO4 (2 ml) was refluxed overni ght. The in solubles were filtered off and the filtrate was concen trated. The residue was take n up in ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous NaHCO3 (2*), brine, dried over MgSO4, and concen trated to give a yellow oil. Silica gel colu mn chromatography using ethyl acetate/hexa ne (1/3) gave the desired product as a yellow oil (3.3 g,35%yield).Retur nC) solutio n ofThe result ing soluti on is stirred at 0HOHO水解反应sodium hydroxide (35ml) in tetrahydrofura n (130ml) was stirred un der reflux for 18 hours. The mixture was n eutralised using 2N hydrochloric acid, and extracted with dichlorometha ne (3x).The comb ined orga nic soluti ons were dried (MgSO4), and evaporated un der reduced pressure. The crude product was purified by column chromatography on silica gelusing an gradient of dichloromethane: methanol (100:0 to 97:3) to afford the title compound as a solid (3.11g,47.8%yield).硝化反应NO2To a cold (0 °C) suspension of 1-methylnaphthalene (5 g, 35.2 mmol) in HNO3 was added H2SO4 (5 ml) dropwise. After stirri ng the react ion for one hour, the soluti on was diluted with ethyl acetate and washed with water (3*), aqueous saturated NaHCO3 (2*) and brine, dried over MgSO4, and concen trated. The product was purified by silica gel colu mn chromatography using ReturnA solution of 1-Methyl-naphthalene-2-carboxylicacid methyl ester (7.20g, 35mmol) and 2NelutionRetur nOHethyl acetate: hexa ne (5: 95) and recrystallized from metha nol to give yellow n eedles (0.22g, 33% yield).n-BuLiTo a dry three-n ecked roun d-bottomed flask with an additi on funnel and at -78 inertatmosphere was charged with an hydrous THF (500 ml). A soluti on of n-butyllithium (2.5 Min hexane, 88 ml, 220 mmol) was added dropwise followed by addition of a solution of aceton itrile (10.43 ml, 200 mmol) in an hydrous THF (100 ml). The in ternal temperature wasmaintained below -70 °C duri ng the en tire additi on process. After 2 hr at -78 °C a soluti on of Trifluoro-acetic acid ethyl ester (14.2 g, 100 mmol) in an hydrous THF (30 ml) was added dropwise and the mixture was stirred for 1.5 hr. T o the mixture was added acetic an hydride to que nch the react ion. The reacti on mixture was allowed to warm up to rt. A precipitate was filtered and the filtrate was concentrated to give a brown oil, which was used in the next step withoutpurificatio n.ReturnLiAlH4还原A solution of 2,3-naphthale nedicarboxylic acid (4.6 g, 0.023 mole) in dry THF (135 ml, warmed toReturn°C under O50 ° to maintain solution) is added dropwise over 15 minutes to a 1.15 M lithium aluminum hydride solution in THF (45 ml, 0.052 mole). The solution is stirred 3 hours after which TLC indicated consumption of diacid and formation of a new major product. The reaction is quenched carefully with THF-water, then 2N hydrochloric acid (40 ml) is added, and the resulting mixture is extracted 3 times with ether. The comb ined ether extracts are washed with water (2 times), with saturated sodium bicarb on ate soluti on (1 time), with water, and are dried (sodium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated to give a tan solid (3.67 g). The solid is recrystallized from ethyl acetate giving the title compound (2.91 g, 67.3%yield) as a light tan crystalline material.Retur n POCI3的杂环氯代HO ClTo a suspension of 2,4-dihydroxy-5,6-dimethylpyrimidine (6.2 g, 0.044 mol) in POCl3 (25 ml) wasslowly added N,N-dimethyla nili ne (6.18 ml, 0.049 mol). The mixture was then refluxed at 125 Cfor 3 hours. After this time, the starti ng material completely dissolved in dicat ing that the reactio n was completed. The react ion mixture was cooled and the n poured slowly onto ice to que nchthe POCl3 (cauti on[ exothermic]). A precipitate formed, which was filtered and washed withice-cold water. The precipitate was dried un der high vacuum overni ght to yield2,4-dichloro-5,6-dimethyl-pyrimidine (7.2 g, 0.041 mol, 92%yield) as a yellow solid.Retur nNaHSodium hydride (50% in min eral oil, 5.5 g, 0.11 mol) was added porti on wise at 0 nitrogen atmosphere to a solution of 2-aminobenzenethiol (12 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (120 ml).After 0.5 h, ben zyl chloride (11.5 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (80 ml) was added in 0.5 h. The solutionwas stirred for 3 h while the temperature was allowed to rise to rt, then it was poured into ice/water (1000 g). The precipitate was filtered, dissolved in ethyl acetate and washed with brine. Theorga nic layer was dried over Na2SO4 and evaporated. The solid obta ined was ground in pentane (19.3 g, 90% yield).NBSA mixture of 2,4-Dichloro-6-ethyl-5-fluoro-pyrimid ine (27.46 gand n-bromosucci nimide (27.02 g , 0.152mol) in CH2Cl2 (170 ml) wasrefluxed un der a nitroge natmosphere for 36 h. Then washed by water, the aqueous was extracted by CH2Cl2. The comb ined orga nic layer was washed by saturated Na2S2O3 and brine, dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated to give a white solid which was purified by colu mn chromatography eluted with 50% acetic ether in petroleum ether (34 g, 88.6%yield).°C under aRetur nNBS,0.14mol), AIBN (1.32 g)H 2NClClClm-CPBAA solution of 85% m-chloroperoxybe nzoic acid (19 g, 94 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (350 ml)was added at—-0 °C to a solution of 2-Benzylsulfanyl-phenylamine (19 g, 88 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (400 ml). Themixture was allowed to warm to rt in 3 h, then it was washed with a 5% Na2S2O3 soluti on, 10%NaHCO3 solution and brine. The organic layer was dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated. Thesolid was ground in pentane (19 g, 95% yield).Return 氢化反应A mixture of ethyl 3-(N-be nzylam ino )-3-methylbutyrate hydrochloride (25g, 0.1 mol) andlOperce nt Pd-C (2g) in 250 ml of dried alcohol was hydroge nated un der 55 psi H2 for four days.The react ion medium was the n filtered and evaporated un der reduced pressure to provide anamber oil which gradually crystallized upon sta nding (18 g, 100% yield).Retur nHClNH 2ReturnEDCOTo a 0 ° C mixture of BoL-tyrosine (2.04 g, 7.26 mmol) and amylamine (0.63 gl, 7.26 mmol) inmethyle ne chloride (30 ml) is added 1-(3-dimethylami nopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) (1.53 resulting solution is diluted with methylene chloride (30 ml) and washed successively with 0.5 M HCl (40 ml), water (20 ml) and sat aq sodium bicarb on ate (25 ml). The orga nic phase is dried over magn esium sulfate and concen trated to a foam (1.84 g, 72.4%yield), sufficie ntly pure to carry into the n ext step. An an alytical sample is obta ined by HPLC.g, 9.9 mmol ). The white mixture is stirred at 0 C for 5 min and at room temp for 23 hrs. TheRetur n三光气成脲To a solution of 2-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-nitroaniline (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) in toluene (10 ml)triethylamine (0.13 ml, 1.64 mmol) and triphosgene (88.4 mg, 0.3 mmol) were added. Thereaction mixture was stirred at 70 ° C for 2 hours, the n cooled to room temperature. Then more 2-(tert -butyldimethylsilyloxy)- 4-n itroa nil ine (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) was added. The result ingmixture was allowed to stir at 70 ° C for 48 hours the n cooled to room temperature. The react ion mixture was partiti oned betwee n water and ethyl acetate. The comb ined orga nic phase waswashed with brine, dried over MgSO4 and filtered. Removal of solve nt at reduced pressure andchromatography of the result ing oil on silica gel (hexa ne: ethyl acetate, 10:1) gave 1,3-Bis-(2-hydroxy-4-nitro-phenyl)-urea (130 mg, 31%yield). Retur n 芳卤用n-BuLi 处理后与Weinreb 酰胺成酮To a solution of diisopropylamine (17.69 ml, 0.135 mole) in THF (200 ml) at argon wasadded n-butyllithium (54.0 ml, 2.5M in hexa ne, 0.135 mole), followed after 5 min bydropwise a solution of 2-fluoro-4-methylpyrid ine (10 g, 0.090 mole) in THF (20 ml). After stirri ng for 15 min at -78 ° C, a solution of Nmethoxy-N-methyl-3-trifluoromethylbenzamide (23.08 g, 0.099 mole) in THF (10 ml) was added dropwise. After stirri ng for more 5 mi n, the react ion wasC and que nched by pouri ng into w^teo ml) and ethyl acetate (400 ml).The layers were separated, and the aqueous layer washed with ethyl acetate (200 ml). The ethyl acetate extracts were comb in ed, dried over an hydrous sodium sulfate, filtered, and concen trated to an oil whichCl O O Cl心丁 3NO 2—78 ° C underallowed to warm to 0was chromatographed on silica gel with 20perce nt ethyl acetate in hexa ne to give 21.6 g of 2-(2-Fluoro-pyridi n-4-yl)-1-(3-trifluoromethyl-phe nyl)-etha none (84.8%yield).Return。

经典化学合成反应标准操作目录1.前言 (2)2.氰基转化为酯 (2)3.氰基转化为酰胺 (2)3.1丙稀酰胺的合成 (2)3.2苯乙酰胺的合成 (3)6. 从氰基合成酰胺6.1氰基水解腈加水可以分解为伯酰胺。
6.1.1 盐酸水解腈为伯酰胺示例[3]HCl, H2OCN CONH2In a 3-l. three-necked round-bottomed flask equipped with glass joints are placed 200 g. (1.71 moles) of benzyl cyanide and 800 ml. of 35% hydrochloric acid. The flask is fitted with a reflux condenser, a thermometer, and an efficient mechanical stirrer. At a bath temperature of about 40° the mixture is stirred vigorously. Within a period of 20–40 minutes the benzyl cyanide goes into solution. During this time, the temperature of the reaction mixture rises about 10°above that of the bath. The homogeneous solution is kept in the bath with, or without, stirring for an additional 20–30 minutes. The warm water in the bath is replaced by tap water at about 15–20°, and the thermometer is replaced by a dropping funnel from which 800 ml. of cold distilled water is added with stirring. After the addition of about 100–150 ml., crystals begin to separate. When the total amount of water has been added, the mixture is cooled externally with ice water for about 30 minutes. The cooled mixture is filtered by suction. Crude phenylacetamide remains on the filter and is washed with two 100-ml. portions of water. The crystals are then dried at 50–80°. The yield of crude phenylacetamide is 190–200 g. (82–86%).6.1.2 浓硫酸水解不饱和腈为伯酰胺示例[4]CNCONH 21. H 2SO 42. NH 3To 106 g of 84 % sulfuric acid, was added 50 g of acrylonitrile. After stirring for 30 min at r.t., the resulting mixture was heated to 95 ℃, and stirred for 2 h. After cooling, the solid was collected by suction, and the filter cake was transferred into a beaker. To the ice-cooled solid, was added aq. ammonia with the speed that keep the temperature less than 50℃. The precipitated ammonium sulphate was filtered off, and the filtrate was cooled. The precipitate was collected by filtration, and the filter cake was washed by water, dried in vacuum to give the desired product.6.1.3 H 2O 2-K 2CO 3-DMSO 体系水解腈为伯酰胺示例[1]ClCN30% H 2O 2, K 2CO 3DMSO, rt, 5 minClONH 2To a stirred solution of 4-chlorobenzonitrile (1.37 g, 0.01 mol) in DMSO (3 ml), cooled in a ice bath, was added 30% H 2O 2 (1.2 ml) and K 2CO 3, the reaction was allowed to warm up to r.t. (strong exothermic effect was observed). After 5 min., distilled water (50 ml) was added, cooling applied, and the product was collected by filtration, yield 85%.6.1.4 NaOH(aq.)-CH 2Cl 2相转移催化体系水解腈为伯酰胺[2]CN(n -C 4H 9)N +HSO 4-30 % H O , CH Cl NH 2OTo a magnetically stirred dichloromethane solution (1.5 ml) of o -tolunitrile (0.5 g, 4.27 mmol) cooled in an ice ba th, are added 30% hydrogen peroxide (2.0 ml), tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate(0.290 g, 0.85 mmol), and a 20% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (1.6 ml). Thereaction mixture is allowed to warm up to r.t. and maintained under stirring. After 1.6 h, dichloromethane is added, the organic layer is separated, washed with brine, and dried with sodium sulphate. The solvent is removed under reduced pressure to leave a white solid from which pu re o-toluamide is obtained by chromatography on silica gel. Yield 0.485 g (97%).6.2 Ritter反应碳正离子加成到腈基的氮原子上生成的腈盐加水分解得到相应的酰胺加水可以分解为酰胺。

经典化学合成反应标准操作有机氟化合物的合成1. 前言 (2)2. 通过不饱和C-C键的加成合成氟化合物 (4)3. 通过重氮盐合成氟化合物 (7)3.1 Balz-Schiema nn 反应 (7)3.2 从a -氨基酸合成a -氟代羧酸 (10)4. 亲核氟代 (12)4.1 .环氧开环合成氟化合物 (12)4.2 .氧被氟取代合成氟化合物 (13)4.3.硫被氟取代合成氟化合物 (20)4.4 .磺酸酯被氟取代合成氟化合物 (22)5. 亲电氟代 (24)5.1 芳环的亲电氟代 (25)5.2 通过烯醇,烯醇醚,烯醇酯及烯胺合成a -氟代羰基化合物 (27)5.3 有机金属化合物的氟代 (29)5.4 不对称亲电氟代 (31)6. 三氟甲基的引入(Trifluoromethylation ) (34)6.1 自由基三氟甲基化 (34)6.2 亲电三氟甲基化 (35)6.3 亲核三氟甲基化 (36)参考文献411.刖言1771年Scheele 第一次报导了氟化氢,1836年Dumas 和Peligot 报导了第一个有机氟化合物:一氟甲烷的合成,而元素氟的制备则在50年后,1886年Henri Moissan 分 离到了氟气。
Table 1 H ,F ,Cl 的比较HF Cl 电子排布 1s 1 2s 22p 5 3s 23p 53d 0电负性 2.1 4.0 3.0 电离能(kcal/mol) 315 403 300 键能 C-X (kcal/mol) 99 111 78 键长C-X (?)1.091.321.77氟原子半径小,是电负性最强的元素,这种极强烈的电负性增加了氟与碳的亲和力。
因此它们所形成的C-F 键要比C-H 键能大得多,明显地增强了含氟有机化合物的稳定性。
Cl 2 [ C CC J n Cl 2氟原子的引入导致有机及无机化合物具有独特的物理、化学性能及生理活性。
经典化学反应Heck 反应-

经典化学合成反应标准操作Heck 反应目录1. 前言 (2)2. 分子内的Heck反应 (3)2.1 生成烯基取代的反应 (3)2.1.1 分子内Heck反应化生成环外双键示例 (4)2.2 形成季碳中心的反应 (5)2.2.1 分子内不对称Heck反应示例 (6)2.3 多烯大环的合成 (6)2.2.1 Heck反应用于合成大环多烯示例 (7)3. 分子间的Heck 反应 (8)3.1 常规分子间Heck反应 (8)3.1.1 Pd(OAc)2-P(o-tol)3体系用于不饱和羧酸酯的Heck反应标准操作三 (9)3.1.2 不饱和酮的Heck反应标准操作 (10)3.1.3 杂环芳香卤代物和不饱和羧酸酯的Heck反应标准操作一 (10)3.1.4 杂环芳香卤代物和不饱和羧酸酯的Heck反应标准操作二 (10)3.1.5 芳香卤代物和不饱和羧酸的Heck反应合成反式3-芳基不饱和酸示例 .. 113.1.6 非共轭双键Heck反应示例 (11)3.2 不对称分子间Heck反应 (12)3.3 非常用离去基团的Heck反应(Irina P. Beletskaya Chem. Rev. 2000, 100,3009-3066) (12)3.3.1 重氮盐参与的Heck反应示例 (13)3.3.2 酰氯参与的Heck反应示例 (15)1. 前言通常把在碱性条件下钯催化的芳基或乙烯基卤代物和活性烯烃之间的偶联反应称为Heck反应。
自从20世纪60年代末Heck 和Morizoki独立发现该反应以来,通过对催化剂和反应条件的不断改进使其的应用范围越来越广泛,使该反应已经成为构成C-C键的重要反应之一。
另外,Heck反应具有很好的Trans选择性R XPd(0)Z RZX = I, Br, OTf, etcZ = H, R, Ar, CN, CO2R, OR, OAc, NHAc, etc研究表明,Heck反应的机理有一定的规律,通常认为反应共分四步:(a)氧化加成(Oxidative addition): RX (R为烯基或芳基,X=I > TfO > Br >> Cl)与Pd0L2的加成,形成PdⅡ配合物中间体;(b)配位插入(Cordination-insertion):烯键插入Pd-R键的过程;(c)β-H的消除;(d)催化剂的再生:加碱催化使重新得到Pd0L2。

同时每种反应的标准操作,均可作为模板套用于书写客户的final report,这样可以大大节省研究人员书写final report的时间,也相应减少在报告中的文法错误。
药明康德新药开发有限公司化学合成部2005-6-28目录1.胺的合成a)还原胺化b)直接烷基化c)腈的还原d)酰胺的还原e)硝基的还原f)叠氮的还原g)Hoffman降解h)羧酸通过Cris 重排2.羧酸衍生物的合成a)酰胺化的反应b)酯化反应c)腈转化为酯和酰胺d)钯催化的插羰反应e)酯交换为酰氨3.羧酸的合成a)醇氧化b)酯水解c)酰胺的水解d)腈的水解e)有机金属试剂的羰基化反应f)芳香甲基的氧化4.醛酮的合成a)Weinreb 酰胺合成醛酮b)醇氧化c)酯的直接还原d)有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮5.脂肪卤代物的合成a)醇转化为脂肪溴代物通过PBr3 转化通过PPh3 与CBr4 转化HBr直接交换通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与LiBr交换、b)醇转化为脂肪氯代物通过SOCl2转化通过PPh3 与CCl4 转化HCl直接交换c)醇转化为脂肪碘代物通过PPh3 与I2 转化通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与NaI交换6.芳香卤代物的合成a)Sandermyyer 重氮化卤代b)直接卤代c)杂环的酚羟基或醚的卤代7.醇的合成a)羧酸或酯的还原b)醛酮的还原c)卤代烃的水解d)吡啶的氧化转位8.酚的合成a)Sandermayer 重氮化反应b)醚的水解c)Bayer-vigerlar 氧化d)硼酸的氧化9.腈的合成a)磺酸酯或卤代烃的取代b)酰胺的脱水c)芳卤代烃的氰基取代10.硝化反应11.醚的合成a)芳香醚的合成酚与烷基卤代烃的直接烷基化Mitsunobu 芳香醚化Buckwald芳香醚化b)脂肪醚的合成醇的醚化12.脲的合成a)胺与异腈酸酯的反应b)用三光气合成脲c)羰基二咪唑(CDI)合成脲d)对硝基苯酚碳酰胺合成脲13.烯烃的合成a)Wittig 反应b)羟基的消除c)Wittig-Horner 反应合成,-不饱和酯14.磺酸及磺酰氯的合成a)氯磺化反应合成磺酰氯b)从硫醇合成磺酰氯c)磺化反应15.氨基酸的合成a)Streck 反应合成b)手性氨基酸的合成16.偶联反应a)Suzuki Couplingb)Buckwald 芳胺化,芳酰胺化、c)Heck 反应17.Mitsunobu 反应a)醇的反转b)胺的取代18.脱羟基反应19.酮还原为亚甲基20.氨的保护及脱保护策略a)用碳酰胺作保护基b)苄基保护21.醇的保护及脱保护策略a)用硅醚进行保护b)其他醚类保护22.羧基的保护Boc脱保护-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 格氏反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1还原胺化---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2卤化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2S u z u k i coupling------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 磺化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3酯化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3水解反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3硝化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4n-BuLi------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 L i A l H4还原-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 P O C l3的杂环氯代----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 NaH--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 NBS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 氢化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6m-CPBA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 EDC--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6用三光气成脲---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 芳卤用n-BuLi 处理后与Wei nr eb酰胺成酮-----------------------------------------------------------------7Boc 上保护OHH 2NHO OOO OOO OHN HO OHO O A BTo a solution of A (2.72 g, 13.9 mmol) and tetramethylammonium hydroxide pentahydrate (5.62 g, 31.0 mmol) in acetonitrile (270 mL) was added di-tert-butyldicarbonate (3.79 g; 17.4 mmol) and the resulting solution was allowed to stir 18 h at rt and concentrated. The residue was partitioned between Et2O/H2O; the phases were separated and the aqueous phase extracted twice more with Et2O. The aqueous phase was brought to pH 4 with solid citric acid and extracted with CHCl3 (3.x.100 mL). The organic extracts were combined, dried (Na2SO4) and concentrated to afford 2.58 g (63 percent) B as a white foam.ReturnBoc 脱保护OON HOO OOH 2NTert-Butyl 2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethylcarbamate (23.8 g, 89 mmol) in dichloromethane (10 ml) was cooled to 0 deg C and stirred as a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid: dichloromethane (1:1, 40 ml) was added dropwise. The mixture was allowed to warm to rt, stirred for 2 hours and concentrated in vacuo. The residue was taken back up in dichloromethane (100 ml) and the solution was washed with saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate (3*20 ml) and aqueous sodium hydroxide (10percent, 3*20 ml), dried (Na2SO4), filtered and concentrated in vacuo to provide 2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethylamine (13 g, 88percent yield) as a light yellow solid.Return格氏反应NCNNOA stirred mixture of magnesium turnings (23.6 g, 0.98 mol) and Et2O (200 mL) under nitrogen is treated with a crystal of iodine and about 5percent of a solution of bromoethane (56.3 ml, 0.75 mol) in Et2O (375 mL). When the reaction starts, the remainder of the bromoethane solution is added, dropwise at a rate sufficient to maintain a gentle reflux. After the addition, stirring is continued for 1 hour. T o this solution of ethylmagnesium bromide was slowly added a solution of 4-cyanopyridine (39 g, 0.375 mol) in Et2O (750 ml). The reaction mixture was warmed at reflux for 12 hours, treated with concentrated H2SO4 (125 ml)/H2O (125 ml), and then washed three times with Et2O (250 ml). The aqueous portion was made basic (PH 9) with 15percent NaOHsolution and extracted five times with 250 ml portions of Et2O. The combined Et2O extracts were dried (MgSO4), and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure to afford a brown oil (48.4 g, 95percent).Return还原胺化OHO H 2N+HON HA solution of 2-amino-4-ethylphenol (1.00 g. 7.28 mmol), 2-naphthaldehyde (1.13 g, 7.28 mmol), and p-toluenesulfonic acid (0.05 g) in methanol (50 ML) was stirred at room temp for 24 h. To the resultant solution, sodium borohydride (0.82 g, 22 mmol) was added in small portions. After addition was completed, the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min and concentrated under vacuum. The residue was then subjected to column chromatography on silica gel eluted with 10percent ethyl acetate in hexane and followed by recrystallization (aqueous methanol) yielded 450 mg (22percent) of analytically pure product.Return卤化反应O 2NO 2NBrTo a stirred solution of 8-methyl-1-nitro-naphthalene (10.6g, 56.32 mmol) and iron (III) chloride (0.45 g, 2.77 mmo) in CCl4 (150 ml) heated to 60°C was added dropwise (3.0 ml, 58.23 mmol) of bromine. After one hour, the reaction mixture was poured into saturated NaHCO3 solution, andthe layers were separated. The aqueous layer was re-extracted with CH2Cl2. The combined organic layers were dried (MgSO4) and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. The crude residue was recrystallized from ethanol and the mother liquors were concentrated and then flash chromatographed on silica, eluding hexanes:ethyl acetate (12: 1).ReturnSuzuki couplingBrBOO NH+NH To a mixture of 4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-[1,3,2]dioxaborolan-2-yl)-1H-indole (2 g, 8.2 mnmol) and 3-bromobenzene (0.87 ml, 8.3 mmol) in THF (28 ml) were added palladium catalystPd(PPh3)4 (284 mg, 0.25 mmol) and the freshly prepared sodium hydroxide solution (984 mg in 9 ml of water).The system was degassed and then charged with nitrogen for three times. The mixture was stirred under nitrogen at 70 °C oil bath for 6 hours. The reaction solution was cooled to room temperature, diluted with ethyl acetate and separated from water layer. The ethyl acetate solution was washed by brine, dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated. The residue was purified on a silica gel column eluding with hexanes: EtOAc 9:1 to give 1.38 g (78%yield) of4-phenyl-1H-indole as a colorless liquid.Return磺化反应NOFFFNOFFFSOClOChlorosulfonic acid (4.66g, 40 mmol) is added dropwise to a cold (0°C) solution of2,3-dihydro-2-trifluoroacetyl-1H-Benz[de]isoquinoline (2.9g, 8 mmol) in chloroform (800 ml). The resulting solution is stirred at 0°C for 30 minutes. The cold bath is then removed and the solution is stirred at room temperature for 1 hour then cautiously poured into ice water. The organic layer is separated, dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated to afford the title compound. The crude product is purified by column chromatography eluted with 10% acetic ether in petroleum ether (2.36 g, 81% yield).Return 酯化反应HOHO O HOO OA mixture of 4-hydroxymethylnaphthoic acid (10 g, 50 mmol), methanol (300 ml), and concentrate H2SO4 (2 ml) was refluxed overnight. The insolubles were filtered off and the filtrate was concentrated. The residue was taken up in ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous NaHCO3 (2*), brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to give a yellow oil. Silica gel column chromatography using ethyl acetate/hexane (1/3) gave the desired product as a yellow oil (3.3 g, 35%yield).Return水解反应OO OHOA solution of 1-Methyl-naphthalene-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester (7.20g, 35mmol) and 2N sodium hydroxide (35ml) in tetrahydrofuran (130ml) was stirred under reflux for 18 hours. The mixture was neutralised using 2N hydrochloric acid, and extracted with dichloromethane (3x). The combined organic solutions were dried (MgSO4), and evaporated under reduced pressure. The crude product was purified by column chromatography on silica gelusing an elution gradient of dichloromethane: methanol (100:0 to 97:3) to afford the title compound as a solid (3.11g, 47.8%yield).Return硝化反应2To a cold (0°C) suspension of 1-methylnaphthalene (5 g, 35.2 mmol) in HNO3 was added H2SO4 (5 ml) dropwise. After stirring the reaction for one hour, the solution was diluted with ethyl acetate and washed with water (3*), aqueous saturated NaHCO3 (2*) and brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated. The product was purified by silica gel column chromatography usingethyl acetate: hexane (5: 95) and recrystallized from methanol to give yellow needles (0.22g, 33% yield).Returnn-BuLiEtOCF 3O CF 3O NCTo a dry three-necked round-bottomed flask with an addition funnel and at -78°C under inert atmosphere was charged with anhydrous THF (500 ml). A solution of n-butyllithium (2.5 M in hexane, 88 ml, 220 mmol) was added dropwise followed by addition of a solution of acetonitrile (10.43 ml, 200 mmol) in anhydrous THF (100 ml). The internal temperature was maintained below -70°C during the entire addition process. After 2 hr at -78°C a solution of Trifluoro-acetic acid ethyl ester (14.2 g, 100 mmol) in anhydrous THF (30 ml) was added dropwise and the mixture was stirred for 1.5 hr. T o the mixture was added acetic anhydride to quench the reaction. The reaction mixture was allowed to warm up to rt. A precipitate was filtered and the filtrate was concentrated to give a brown oil, which was used in the next step without purification.ReturnLiAlH4还原HOHO O HOHOA solution of 2,3-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (4.6 g, 0.023 mole) in dry THF (135 ml, warmed to50° to maintain solution) is added dropwise over 15 minutes to a 1.15 M lithium aluminum hydride solution in THF (45 ml, 0.052 mole). The solution is stirred 3 hours after which TLC indicated consumption of diacid and formation of a new major product. The reaction is quenched carefully with THF-water, then 2N hydrochloric acid (40 ml) is added, and the resulting mixture is extracted 3 times with ether. The combined ether extracts are washed with water (2 times), with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (1 time), with water, and are dried (sodium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated to give a tan solid (3.67 g). The solid is recrystallized from ethyl acetate giving the title compound (2.91 g, 67.3%yield) as a light tan crystalline material.ReturnPOCl3的杂环氯代NN HO OHNClClTo a suspension of 2,4-dihydroxy-5,6-dimethylpyrimidine (6.2 g, 0.044 mol) in POCl3 (25 ml) was slowly added N,N-dimethylaniline (6.18 ml, 0.049 mol). The mixture was then refluxed at 125 °C for 3 hours. After this time, the starting material completely dissolved indicating that the reaction was completed. The reaction mixture was cooled and then poured slowly onto ice to quench the POCl3 (caution[exothermic]). A precipitate formed, which was filtered and washed with ice-cold water. The precipitate was dried under high vacuum overnight to yield2,4-dichloro-5,6-dimethyl-pyrimidine (7.2 g, 0.041 mol, 92%yield) as a yellow solid.ReturnNaHHSH 2N Cl+SNH 2Sodium hydride (50% in mineral oil, 5.5 g, 0.11 mol) was added portionwise at 0 °C under a nitrogen atmosphere to a solution of 2-aminobenzenethiol (12 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (120 ml). After 0.5 h, benzyl chloride (11.5 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (80 ml) was added in 0.5 h. The solution was stirred for 3 h while the temperature was allowed to rise to rt, then it was poured into ice/water (1000 g). The precipitate was filtered, dissolved in ethyl acetate and washed with brine. The organic layer was dried over Na2SO4 and evaporated. The solid obtained was ground in pentane (19.3 g, 90% yield).ReturnNBSNN FCl ClN N FCl ClBrA mixture of 2,4-Dichloro-6-ethyl-5-fluoro-pyrimidine (27.46 g , 0.14mol), AIBN (1.32 g) and n-bromosuccinimide (27.02 g , 0.152mol) in CH2Cl2 (170 ml) was refluxed under a nitrogen atmosphere for 36 h. Then washed by water, the aqueous was extracted by CH2Cl2. The combined organic layer was washed by saturated Na2S2O3 and brine, dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated to give a white solid which was purified by column chromatography eluted with 50% acetic ether in petroleum ether (34 g, 88.6% yield).Return 氢化反应O ONH OONH2Cl ClA mixture of ethyl 3-(N-benzylamino)-3-methylbutyrate hydrochloride (25g, 0.1 mol) and10percent Pd-C (2g) in 250 ml of dried alcohol was hydrogenated under 55 psi H2 for four days. The reaction medium was then filtered and evaporated under reduced pressure to provide an amber oil which gradually crystallized upon standing (18 g, 100% yield).Returnm-CPBAS NH2SNH2OA solution of 85% m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (19 g, 94 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (350 ml)was added at –5 – 0 °C to a solution of 2-Benzylsulfanyl-phenylamine (19 g, 88 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (400 ml). The mixture was allowed to warm to rt in 3 h, then it was washed with a 5% Na2S2O3 solution, 10% NaHCO3 solution and brine. The organic layer was dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated. The solid was ground in pentane (19 g, 95% yield).ReturnEDCNH 2O+H OTo a 0°C mixture of Boc -L-tyrosine (2.04 g, 7.26 mmol) and amylamine (0.63 gl, 7.26 mmol) in methylene chloride (30 ml) is added 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) (1.53 g, 9.9 mmol ). The white mixture is stirred at 0°C for 5 min and at room temp for 23 hrs. The resulting solution is diluted with methylene chloride (30 ml) and washed successively with 0.5 M HCl (40 ml), water (20 ml) and sat aq sodium bicarbonate (25 ml). The organic phase is dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated to a foam (1.84 g, 72.4%yield), sufficiently pure to carry into the next step. An analytical sample is obtained by HPLC.Return三光气成脲NH 2ONO 2Si O Cl ClO Cl ClO 2NH N H NOHOHNO 2+To a solution of 2-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-nitroaniline (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) in toluene (10 ml) triethylamine (0.13 ml, 1.64 mmol) and triphosgene (88.4 mg, 0.3 mmol) were added. The reaction mixture was stirred at 70 °C for 2 hours, then cooled to room temperature. Then more 2-(tert -butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-nitroaniline (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) was added. The resulting mixture was allowed to stir at 70 °C for 48 hours then cooled to room temperature. The reaction mixture was partitioned between water and ethyl acetate. The combined organic phase was washed with brine, dried over MgSO4 and filtered. Removal of solvent at reduced pressure and chromatography of the resulting oil on silica gel (hexane: ethyl acetate, 10:1) gave 1,3-Bis-(2-hydroxy-4-nitro-phenyl)-urea (130 mg, 31%yield).Return芳卤用n-BuLi 处理后与Weinreb 酰胺成酮N FF FFN O O+F FF ONFTo a solution of diisopropylamine (17.69 ml, 0.135 mole) in THF (200 ml) at –78°C underargon was added n-butyllithium (54.0 ml, 2.5M in hexane, 0.135 mole), followed after 5 min by dropwise a solution of 2-fluoro-4-methylpyridine (10 g, 0.090 mole) in THF (20 ml). After stirring for 15 min at –78°C, a solution of N -methoxy-N-methyl-3-trifluoromethylbenzamide (23.08 g, 0.099 mole) in THF (10 ml) was added dropwise. After stirring for more 5 min, the reaction wasallowed to warm to 0°C and quenched by pouring into wate r (400 ml) and ethyl acetate (400 ml). The layers were separated, and the aqueous layer washed with ethyl acetate (200 ml). The ethyl acetate extracts were combined, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, filtered, and concentrated to an oil which was chromatographed on silica gel with 20percent ethyl acetate in hexane to give 21.6 g of 2-(2-Fluoro-pyridin-4-yl)-1-(3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-ethanone (84.8%yield).Return。

文档经典化学合成反应标准操作Suzuki 反应编者:德军、武伟药明康德新药开发化学合成部目录1 前言 (3)1.1 Suzuki反应的通式 (3)1.2 Suzuki反应的机理 (3)1.3 Suzuki反应的特点及研究方向 (4)2 有机硼试剂的合成 (4)2.1 通过金属有机试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸 (4)2.1.1 通过Grinard试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸示例 (4)2.1.2 通过有机锂试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸示例 (5)2.2 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯 (6)2.2.1 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯示例(一) (9)2.2.2 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯示例(二) (10)2.2.3 通过芳基硼酸转化为芳基硼酸酯 (10)2.3 烯基硼酸酯的制备 (10)2.4 烷基硼酸酯的制备 (10)3 催化剂的制备 (11)3.1 Pd(PPh3)4的制备 (11)3.2 Pd(PPh3)2Cl2的制备 (12)3.3 Pd(dppf)Cl2的制备 (12)4Suzuki偶联的应用 (12)4.1 普通的芳卤和芳基硼酸的Suzuki偶联 (13)4.1.1 Pd(PPh3)4-Na2CO3-DME-H2O 体系Suzuki偶联反应示例 (14)4.2 大位阻芳基硼酸参与Suzuki偶联反应 (14)4.3 含敏感功能团的芳基硼酸(酯)参与Suzuki偶联反应 (15)4.3.1 芳基硼酸频哪酯和芳基卤代物的Suzuki偶联 (16)4.3.2 带着酯基底物的Suzuki偶联反应示例(一) (16)4.3.3 带着酯基底物的Suzuki偶联反应示例(二) (17)4.4 杂环芳基硼酸参与Suzuki偶联反应 (17)4.5烷基硼酸参与Suzuki偶联反应 (18)4.6烯基硼酸参与Suzuki偶联反应 (19)4.7 Triflate参与Suzuki偶联反应 (19)4.7.1芳基的三氟甲基磺酸酯与芳基硼酸偶联示例 (20)4.7.2 芳基的Triflate与芳基硼酸偶联示例 (20)4.8 芳基氯参与Suzuki偶联反应 (21)4.8.1钯催化下芳基氯参与Suzuki偶联反应示例(一) (21)4.8.2钯催化下芳基氯参与Suzuki偶联反应示例(二) (22)4.9 镍催化体系用于Suzuki偶联反应 (22)4.9.1 NiCl2(dppf)和n-BuLi催化下芳基氯参与Suzuki偶联反应示例 (22)4.10 其他方法 (23)4.10.1 直接Pd/C用于Suzuki偶联反应示例 (23)4.10.2 直接Pd(OAc)2用于Suzuki偶联反应示例 (23)1 前言1.1 Suzuki反应的通式在钯催化下,有机硼化合物与有机卤素化合物进行偶联反应,这就提供了一类常用和有效的合成碳-碳键化合物的方法,我们称之为Suzuki 偶联反应,或Suzuki-Miyaura 偶联反应。

经典化学合成反应标准操作醛酮的经典合成目录1.前言 (4)2.由醇合成醛酮 (4)2.1铬(VI)试剂 (4)2.1.1 Jones氧化(Cr2O3/H2SO4/acetone) (4)2.1.2 Collins氧化(Cr2O3.2Py) (5)2.1.3 PCC(Pyrindium Chlorochromate)氧化 (8)2.1.4 PDC(Pyrindium Dichromate)氧化 (9)2.2 用活性MnO2氧化 (10)2.2.1 用活性MnO2氧化示例一: (10)2.3用DMSO氧化 (11)2.3.1 DMSO-(COCl)2氧化(Swern Oxidation) (11)2.3.2 DMSO-SO3-Pyridine (12)2.4 用氧铵盐氧化 (13)2.4.1 用氧铵盐氧化示例: (13)2.5 用高价碘试剂氧化 (14)2.5 .1 Dess-Martin氧化反应示例: (14)2.5.2 IBX氧化反应示例: (15)2.6 亚硝酸钠和醋酐氧化 (15)2.6.1 亚硝酸钠和醋酐氧化示例 (15)2.6 TPAP-NMO 氧化 (16)2.6.1 TPAP-NMO 氧化示例 (16)2.7 1,2-二醇的氧化 (16)2.7.1 1,2-二醇的氧化示例一: (17)2.7.1 其他1,2-二醇的氧化相关文献: (18)3.由卤化物合成醛酮 (18)3.1 由伯卤甲基和仲卤甲基的氧化合成醛酮 (18)3.1.1 用DMSO氧化(Kornblum反应) (18)3.1.2用硝基化合物氧化(Hass反应) (20)3.1.3用乌洛托品氧化(Sommelet反应) (21)3.1.4用对亚硝基二甲苯胺氧化吡啶翁盐氧化(Kröhnke反应) (22)3.1.5用胺氧化物氧化 (22)3.2 由二卤甲基或二卤亚甲基合成醛酮 (23)3.2.1 由二卤甲基合成醛反应示例: (23)3.3 由有机金属化合物的酰化合成醛酮 (24)3.3.1 由有机金属化合物的酰化合成醛酮示例 (25)3.4 由Pd催化反应合成醛 (25)4.由活泼甲基或活泼亚甲基烷烃合成醛酮 (25)4.1 用SeO2氧化合成醛酮 (26)4.1.1 用SeO2氧化合成醛酮示例 (26)4.2用空气氧化合成酮 (26)4.2.1用空气氧化合成酮反应示例: (27)4.3 用铬酸氧化合成酮 (27)4.3.1 用铬酸氧化合成酮示例 (27)4.4用高锰酸盐氧化合成酮 (29)4.5 用醌氧化合成酮 (29)5.由羧酸及其衍生物合成醛酮 (30)5.1由羧酸合成醛 (30)5.1.1用金属氢化物还原 (30)5.1.2由脱CO2合成醛 (31)5.1.3由羧酸合成酮 (31)5.2由酰氯及酸酐合成醛酮 (33)5.2.1用Rosenmund法合成 (33)5.2.2用金属氢化物还原 (34)5.3由酯及内酯合成醛 (35)5.3.1 酯通过DIBAL还原为醛示例: (36)5.4由酰胺合成醛酮 (36)5.4.1 由酰胺合成醛酮 (37)5.4.2 McFadyen-Stevens Reaction (38)5.5由酯或酰氯经Weinreb酰胺合成醛酮 (39)5.5.1 由Weinreb酰胺还原合成醛反应示例一 (40)5.5.2由Weinreb酰胺还原合成酮反应示例: (41)5.6由氰合成醛酮 (41)5.6.1DIBAL 还原腈到醛示例(最重要的方法) (42)5.6.2Li(EtO)3AlH 还原腈到醛示例(较重要的方法) (43)5.6.3Ranney Ni 加氢还原氰到合成醛示例 (43)5.6.4有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮示例 (44)6. 由烯烃、芳环合成醛酮 (46)6.1 由烯烃臭氧氧化合成醛 (46)6.2 烯烃用OsO4/NaIO4氧化合成醛 (47)6.3 烯烃经由有机硼化合物中间体的烯烃甲酰化合成醛 (47)6.5 由烯烃的甲酰化合成醛 (48)6.5.1 Vilsmeyer反应 (48)6.5.2 Duff’s 甲酰化 (51)6.5.3 Reimer-Tiemann 甲酰化 (52)6.5.4 Gattermann甲酰化 (53)6.5.5 多聚甲醛/甲醇镁苯酚甲酰化 (53)6.5.6氯化锡/多聚甲醛苯酚甲酰化 (54)6.5.7重氮化后甲酰化 (54)6.6烯烃经加成-氧化反应合成酮 (56)6.6.1 烯烃经加成-氧化反应合成酮示例 (56)7. 由炔烃合成醛酮 (57)7.1 由加成-氧化反应合成醛酮 (57)7.2 由氧化反应合成酮 (57)7.3 由加成-水解反应合成酮 (58)7.4 由加成-还原反应合成酮 (59)7.5 由加成-烷基化,酰化等反应合成酮 (59)8. 由醚及环氧化合物合成醛酮 (59)8.1 Claisen重排 (59)8.2酸催化下环氧化物重排 (61)8.2.1 酸催化下环氧化物重排合成醛酮示例一 (61)8.3氧化法 (61)8.4 水解法缩醛或酮合成醛酮 (61)9. 由胺合成醛 (62)9.1胺的氧化 (62)9.1.1 胺的氧化合成醛反应示例: (63)9.2 由胺经由西佛碱的方法 (64)9.2.1 由胺经由西佛碱合成醛示例 (64)9.3 自苯胺衍生物合成 (64)10. 由硝基化合物合成醛酮 (64)11. 由Friedel-Crafts反应合成芳基酮 (65)11.1 由Friedel-Crafts反应合成芳基酮示例 (68)12. Dieckmann 缩合脱酸 (69)13. 由合成子合成醛酮 (71)14. 由砜合成醛酮 (71)15. Michael 反应和类似反应(Addition, Condensation) (71)1.前言醛和酮是一类重要的有机化合物,其合成在有机合成中占有非常重要的地位。
有机合成反应经典反应 Suzuki反应

经典化学合成反应标准操作1 前言 ................................................................................................................... 21.1 Suzuki 反应的通式........................................................................................ 2 1.2 Suzuki 反应的机理........................................................................................ 2 1.3 Suzuki 反应的特点及研究方向 ...................................................................... 32 有机硼试剂的合成 ........................................................................................... 32.1 通过金属有机试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸 ........................................................ 3 2.1.1 通过 Grinard 试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸示例 ............................................... 3 2.1.2 通过有机锂试剂制备单取代芳基硼酸示例 .................................................... 4 2.2 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯 ............................................................... 5 2.2.1 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯示例(一)............................................ 8 2.2.2 通过二硼烷频哪酯制备芳基硼酸酯示例(二)............................................ 9 2.2.3 通过芳基硼酸转化为芳基硼酸酯 .................................................................... 9 2.3 烯基硼酸酯的制备 ....................................................................................... 9 2.4 烷基硼酸酯的制备 ....................................................................................... 93 催化剂的制备 ................................................................................................. 103.1 Pd(PPh3)4 的制备 ........................................................................................ 10 3.2 Pd(PPh3)2Cl2 的制备 .................................................................................... 11 3.3 Pd(dppf)Cl2 的制备 ..................................................................................... 114 Suzuki 偶联的应用 ...................................................................................... 114.1 普通的芳卤和芳基硼酸的 Suzuki 偶联 ........................................................ 12经典合成反应标准操作—Suzuki 反应4.1.1 Pd(PPh3)4-Na2CO3-DME-H2O 体系 Suzuki 偶联反应示例 .................... 13 4.2 大位阻芳基硼酸参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ........................................................ 13 4.3 含敏感功能团的芳基硼酸(酯)参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ................................ 14 4.3.1 芳基硼酸频哪酯和芳基卤代物的 Suzuki 偶联 ............................................ 15 4.3.2 带着酯基底物的 Suzuki 偶联反应示例(一) ............................................ 15 4.3.3 带着酯基底物的 Suzuki 偶联反应示例(二) ............................................ 16 4.4 杂环芳基硼酸参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ............................................................ 16 4.5 烷基硼酸参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ................................................................... 17 4.6 烯基硼酸参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ................................................................... 18 4.7 Triflate 参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ..................................................................... 18 4.7.1 芳基的三氟甲基磺酸酯与芳基硼酸偶联示例............................................... 19 4.7.2 芳基的 Triflate 与芳基硼酸偶联示例 ........................................................... 19 4.8 芳基氯参与 Suzuki 偶联反应 ...................................................................... 20 4.8.1 钯催化下芳基氯参与 Suzuki 偶联反应示例(一) ..................................... 20 4.8.2 钯催化下芳基氯参与 Suzuki 偶联反应示例(二) ..................................... 21 4.9 镍催化体系用于 Suzuki 偶联反应 ............................................................... 21 4.9.1 NiCl2(dppf)和 n-BuLi 催化下芳基氯参与 Suzuki 偶联反应示例 ............... 21 4.10 其他方法 ................................................................................................. 22 4.10.1 直接 Pd/C 用于 Suzuki 偶联反应示例 ...................................................... 22 4.10.2 直接 Pd(OAc)2 用于 Suzuki 偶联反应示例 ............................................... 22Page 1 of 24经典合成反应标准操作—Suzuki 反应1 前言1.1 Suzuki 反应的通式 在钯催化下,有机硼化合物与有机卤素化合物进行偶联反应,这就提供了一类常用 和有效的合成碳-碳键化合物的方法,我们称之为 Suzuki 偶联反应,或 Suzuki-Miyaura 偶联反应。
经典化学反应Mitsunobu 反应-

经典化学合成反应标准操作Mitsunobu 反应目录1.前言 (2)2.醇的翻转 (3)2.1 Mitsunobu 法醇的构型翻转合成方法示例 (7)3.Mitsunobu 醚化反应 (8)3.1 Mitsunobu 法醚的合成方法示例 (9)4.Mitsunobu 氨基取代反应 (10)4.1 Mitsunobu 法利用苯磺酰胺合成胺方法示例 (13)4.2 Mitsunobu 法利用DPPA合成伯胺方法示例 (13)4.3 Mitsunobu 法分子内关环合成相应的环状胺方法示例 (14)4.4 Mitsunobu 法合成丙二烯方法示例 (14)5.Mitsunobu 硫代反应 (16)5.1 Mitsunobu 法合成硫醚方法示例 (16)6.Mitsunobu 卤代反应 (18)6.1 Mitsunobu 法合成卤代物方法示例 (18)7.其他手性翻转试剂 (20)1. 前言1967年,Oyo Mitsunobu 报导了在三苯膦(PPh3)和偶氮二甲酸二乙酯(DEAD)作用下酸和醇缩合成酯的新方法1。
经过多年的研究和发展,形成了一大类合成方法,我们称之为Mitsunobu 反应。
2.醇的翻转在Mitsunobu 反应中,DEAD 和三苯膦首先生成一个活性的甜菜碱式中间体(betaine intermediate ),这个活性中间体夺取作为亲核试剂的酸的质子并同时活化醇,随后经过S N 2取代,得到手性翻转的酯;将得到的酯水解,其净结果是醇的构型翻转。
R O R OH Ar O23反应在很温和的条件下进行,通常反应温度是在0o C 到室温,大部分基团都不会影响反应。
但亲核试剂质子的pKa 值必须小于甜菜碱式中间体(betaine intermediate )的pKa 值(~13),否则亲核试剂的质子不能被中间体(betaine intermediate )夺取,反应不能进行。

合成反应的操作方法可以总结为以下几个步骤:1. 确定所需合成物和反应方程式:首先确定所需的合成物,然后查找相应的反应方程式。
2. 准备实验设备和试剂:根据反应方程式,准备所需的实验设备和试剂。
3. 测量物质:根据反应方程式,准确地测量出所需的底物和试剂。
4. 混合反应物:根据反应方程式,将底物和试剂按照一定的比例倒入反应容器中。
5. 加热和反应:根据反应方程式和实验需求,选择适当的温度和加热方法。
6. 反应结束和产物分离:当反应达到理想条件后,停止加热。
7. 产物纯化和检测:对产物进行纯化和检测。
8. 结果分析和数据处理:根据实验结果进行数据处理和结果分析。
9. 安全注意事项:在进行合成反应实验时,需要注意实验室安全事项。

同时每种反应的标准操作,均可作为模板套用于书写客户的final report,这样可以大大节省研究人员书写final report的时间,也相应减少在报告中的文法错误。
药明康德新药开发化学合成部2005-6-28目录1.胺的合成a)还原胺化b)直接烷基化c)腈的还原d)酰胺的还原e)硝基的还原f)叠氮的还原g)Hoffman降解h)羧酸通过Cris 重排2.羧酸衍生物的合成a)酰胺化的反应b)酯化反应c)腈转化为酯和酰胺d)钯催化的插羰反应e)酯交换为酰氨3.羧酸的合成a)醇氧化b)酯水解c)酰胺的水解d)腈的水解e)有机金属试剂的羰基化反应f)芳香甲基的氧化4.醛酮的合成a)Weinreb 酰胺合成醛酮b)醇氧化c)酯的直接还原d)有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮5.脂肪卤代物的合成a)醇转化为脂肪溴代物通过PBr3 转化通过PPh3 与CBr4 转化HBr直接交换通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与LiBr交换、b)醇转化为脂肪氯代物通过SOCl2转化通过PPh3 与CCl4 转化HCl直接交换c)醇转化为脂肪碘代物通过PPh3 与I2 转化通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与NaI交换6.芳香卤代物的合成a)Sandermyyer 重氮化卤代b)直接卤代c)杂环的酚羟基或醚的卤代7.醇的合成a)羧酸或酯的还原b)醛酮的还原c)卤代烃的水解。

经典化学合成反应标准操作酯类化合物的合成目录1.概述:32. 羧酸酯类化合物的合成:32.1 羧酸和醇的酯化反应示例:32.1.1 硫酸作催化剂的酯化反应示例:42.1.2 盐酸(氯化氢)作催化剂的酯化反应示例:42.1.3 亚硫酰氯作催化剂的酯化反应示例:52.1.4 乙酰氯作催化剂的酯化反应示例:52.1.5 对甲苯磺酸作催化剂的酯化反应示例:62.1.6 吡啶衍生物作除水剂的酯化反应示例:72.1.7 苯并三唑衍生物作除水剂的酯化反应示例:82.2 羧酸盐和卤烃作用的酯化反应示例:82.3 羧酸(或盐)和硫酸酯、磺酸酯酯化的示例:92.4 酸酐和醇、酚的酯化反应示例:102.5 酰氯和醇、酚的酯化反应示例:122.6 酯交换的反应示例:132.7 腈的醇解反应示例:163. 其他酯类化合物的合成:174.参考文献:181.概述酯化反应最简单的形式是:R'COOH R''OH R'COOR''H2O(1)也是最常用的制备酯的方法。

经典化学合成反应标准操作1. 前言通常把在碱性条件下钯催化的芳基或乙烯基卤代物和活性烯烃之间的偶联反应称为Heck反应。
自从20世纪60年代末Heck 和Morizoki独立发现该反应以来,通过对催化剂和反应条件的不断改进使其的应用范围越来越广泛,使该反应已经成为构成C-C键的重要反应之一。
另外,Heck反应具有很好的Trans选择性R XPd(0)Z RZX = I, Br, OTf, etcZ = H, R, Ar, CN, CO2R, OR, OAc, NHAc, etc研究表明,Heck反应的机理有一定的规律,通常认为反应共分四步:(a)氧化加成(Oxidative addition): RX (R为烯基或芳基,X=I > TfO > Br >> Cl)与Pd0L2的加成,形成PdⅡ配合物中间体;(b)配位插入(Cordination-insertion):烯键插入Pd-R键的过程;(c)β-H的消除;(d)催化剂的再生:加碱催化使重新得到Pd0L2。
第一篇该反应的报道是Heck 在1972年发表。
I+Pd(OAc)2 (20 mol%)n Bu N (1 eq)NMP, 100°C, 2hNolley, .; Heck, R. F.; Tetrahedron 1972, 37, 2320Mori 和Ban于1977年首次报道了分子内的Heck反应:BrNAcCO2MeNAcCO2MePd(OAc)2 (2 mol%)PPh, DMFTMEDA (2 equaiv)125°C, 5h43%Mori, M.; Ban, K.; Tetrahedron1977, 12, 1037经过三十多年的发展,Heck反应的应用也越来越广泛。
2. 分子内的Heck反应生成烯基取代的反应该类反应主要用于生成环外双键。
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同时每种反应的标准操作,均可作为模板套用于书写客户的final report,这样可以大大节省研究人员书写final report的时间,也相应减少在报告中的文法错误。
药明康德新药开发化学合成部2005-6-28目录1.胺的合成a)还原胺化b)直接烷基化c)腈的还原d)酰胺的还原e)硝基的还原f)叠氮的还原g)Hoffman降解h)羧酸通过Cris 重排2.羧酸衍生物的合成a)酰胺化的反应b)酯化反应c)腈转化为酯和酰胺d)钯催化的插羰反应e)酯交换为酰氨3.羧酸的合成a)醇氧化b)酯水解c)酰胺的水解d)腈的水解e)有机金属试剂的羰基化反应f)芳香甲基的氧化4.醛酮的合成a)Weinreb 酰胺合成醛酮b)醇氧化c)酯的直接还原d)有机金属试剂对腈加成合成酮5.脂肪卤代物的合成a)醇转化为脂肪溴代物通过PBr3 转化通过PPh3 与CBr4 转化HBr直接交换通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与LiBr交换、b)醇转化为脂肪氯代物通过SOCl2转化通过PPh3 与CCl4 转化HCl直接交换c)醇转化为脂肪碘代物通过PPh3 与I2 转化通过相应的氯代物或磺酸酯与NaI交换6.芳香卤代物的合成a)Sandermyyer 重氮化卤代b)直接卤代c)杂环的酚羟基或醚的卤代7.醇的合成a)羧酸或酯的还原b)醛酮的还原c)卤代烃的水解d)吡啶的氧化转位8.酚的合成a)Sandermayer 重氮化反应b)醚的水解c)Bayer-vigerlar 氧化d)硼酸的氧化9.腈的合成a)磺酸酯或卤代烃的取代b)酰胺的脱水c)芳卤代烃的氰基取代10.硝化反应11.醚的合成a)芳香醚的合成酚与烷基卤代烃的直接烷基化Mitsunobu 芳香醚化Buckwald芳香醚化b)脂肪醚的合成醇的醚化12.脲的合成a)胺与异腈酸酯的反应b)用三光气合成脲c)羰基二咪唑(CDI)合成脲d)对硝基苯酚碳酰胺合成脲13.烯烃的合成a)Wittig 反应b)羟基的消除c)Wittig-Horner 反应合成α,β-不饱和酯14.磺酸及磺酰氯的合成a)氯磺化反应合成磺酰氯b)从硫醇合成磺酰氯c)磺化反应15.氨基酸的合成a)Streck 反应合成b)手性氨基酸的合成16.偶联反应a)Suzuki Couplingb)Buckwald 芳胺化,芳酰胺化、c)Heck 反应17.Mitsunobu 反应a)醇的反转b)胺的取代18.脱羟基反应19.酮还原为亚甲基20.氨的保护及脱保护策略a)用碳酰胺作保护基b)苄基保护21.醇的保护及脱保护策略a)用硅醚进行保护b)其他醚类保护22.羧基的保护Boc脱保护-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1格氏反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 还原胺化---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2卤化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Suzuki coupling-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 磺化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 酯化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 水解反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 硝化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 n-BuLi------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 LiAlH4还原-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 POCl3的杂环氯代----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 NaH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 NBS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 氢化反应---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 m-CPBA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 EDC---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 用三光气成脲---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 芳卤用n-BuLi处理后与Weinreb酰胺成酮-----------------------------------------------------------------7Boc 上保护OHH 2NHO OOO OOO OHN HO OHO O A BTo a solution of A (2.72 g, 13.9 mmol) and tetramethylammonium hydroxide pentahydrate (5.62 g, 31.0 mmol) in acetonitrile (270 mL) was added di-tert-butyldicarbonate (3.79 g; 17.4 mmol) and the resulting solution was allowed to stir 18 h at rt and concentrated. The residue was partitioned between Et2O/H2O; the phases were separated and the aqueous phase extracted twice more with Et2O. The aqueous phase was brought to pH 4 with solid citric acid and extracted with CHCl3 (3.x.100 mL). The organic extracts were combined, dried (Na2SO4) and concentrated to afford 2.58 g (63 percent) B as a white foam.ReturnBoc 脱保护OON HOO OOH 2NTert-Butyl 2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethylcarbamate (23.8 g, 89 mmol) in dichloromethane (10 ml) was cooled to 0 deg C and stirred as a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid: dichloromethane (1:1, 40 ml) was added dropwise. The mixture was allowed to warm to rt, stirred for 2 hours and concentrated in vacuo. The residue was taken back up in dichloromethane (100 ml) and the solution was washed with saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate (3*20 ml) and aqueous sodium hydroxide (10percent, 3*20 ml), dried (Na2SO4), filtered and concentrated in vacuo to provide 2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethylamine (13 g, 88percent yield) as a light yellow solid.Return格氏反应NCNNOA stirred mixture of magnesium turnings (23.6 g, 0.98 mol) and Et2O (200 mL) under nitrogen is treated with a crystal of iodine and about 5percent of a solution of bromoethane (56.3 ml, 0.75 mol) in Et2O (375 mL). When the reaction starts, the remainder of the bromoethane solution is added, dropwise at a rate sufficient to maintain a gentle reflux. After the addition, stirring is continued for 1 hour. To this solution ofethylmagnesium bromide was slowly added a solution of 4-cyanopyridine (39 g, 0.375 mol) in Et2O (750 ml). The reaction mixture was warmed at reflux for 12 hours, treated with concentrated H2SO4 (125 ml)/H2O (125 ml), and then washed three times with Et2O (250 ml). The aqueous portion was made basic (PH 9) with 15percent NaOH solution and extracted five times with 250 ml portions of Et2O. The combined Et2O extracts were dried (MgSO4), and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure to afford a brown oil (48.4 g, 95percent).Return还原胺化OHO H 2N+HON HA solution of 2-amino-4-ethylphenol (1.00 g. 7.28 mmol), 2-naphthaldehyde (1.13 g, 7.28 mmol), and p-toluenesulfonic acid (0.05 g) in methanol (50 ML) was stirred at room temp for 24 h. To the resultant solution, sodium borohydride (0.82 g, 22 mmol) was added in small portions. After addition was completed, the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min and concentrated under vacuum. The residue was then subjected to column chromatography on silica gel eluted with 10percent ethyl acetate in hexane and followed by recrystallization (aqueous methanol) yielded 450 mg (22percent) of analytically pure product.Return卤化反应O 2NO 2NBrTo a stirred solution of 8-methyl-1-nitro-naphthalene (10.6g, 56.32 mmol) and iron (III) chloride (0.45 g, 2.77 mmo) in CCl4 (150 ml) heated to 60°C was added dropwise (3.0 ml, 58.23 mmol) of bromine. After one hour, the reaction mixture was poured into saturated NaHCO3 solution, and the layers were separated. The aqueous layer was re-extracted with CH2Cl2. The combined organic layers were dried (MgSO4) and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. The crude residue was recrystallized from ethanol and the mother liquors were concentrated and then flash chromatographed on silica, eluding hexanes:ethyl acetate (12: 1).Return Suzuki couplingBrBOO NH+NH To a mixture of 4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-[1,3,2]dioxaborolan-2-yl)-1H-indole (2 g, 8.2 mnmol) and3-bromobenzene (0.87 ml, 8.3 mmol) in THF (28 ml) were added palladium catalyst Pd(PPh3)4 (284 mg, 0.25 mmol) and the freshly prepared sodium hydroxide solution (984 mg in 9 ml of water).The system was degassed and then charged with nitrogen for three times. The mixture was stirred under nitrogen at 70 °C oil bath for 6 hours. The reaction solution was cooled to room temperature, diluted with ethyl acetate and separated from water layer. The ethyl acetate solution was washed by brine, dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated. The residue was purified on a silica gel column eluding with hexanes: EtOAc 9:1 to give 1.38 g (78%yield) of 4-phenyl-1H-indole as a colorless liquid.Return 磺化反应NOFFFNOFFFSOClOChlorosulfonic acid (4.66g, 40 mmol) is added dropwise to a cold (0°C) solution of2,3-dihydro-2-trifluoroacetyl-1H-Benz[de]isoquinoline (2.9g, 8 mmol) in chloroform (800 ml). The resulting solution is stirred at 0°C for 30 minutes. The cold bath is then removed and the solution is stirred at room temperature for 1 hour then cautiously poured into ice water. The organic layer is separated, dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated to afford the title compound. The crude product is purified by column chromatography eluted with 10% acetic ether in petroleum ether (2.36 g, 81% yield).Return酯化反应HOHO O HOOOA mixture of 4-hydroxymethylnaphthoic acid (10 g, 50 mmol), methanol (300 ml), and concentrate H2SO4 (2 ml) was refluxed overnight. The insolubles were filtered off and the filtrate was concentrated. The residue was taken up in ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous NaHCO3 (2*), brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to give a yellow oil. Silica gel column chromatography using ethyl acetate/hexane (1/3) gave the desired product as a yellow oil (3.3 g, 35%yield).Return水解反应OO OHOA solution of 1-Methyl-naphthalene-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester (7.20g, 35mmol) and 2N sodium hydroxide (35ml) in tetrahydrofuran (130ml) was stirred under reflux for 18 hours. The mixture was neutralised using 2N hydrochloric acid, and extracted with dichloromethane (3x). The combined organic solutions were dried (MgSO4), and evaporated under reduced pressure. The crude product was purified by column chromatography on silica gelusing an elution gradient of dichloromethane: methanol (100:0 to 97:3) to afford the title compound as a solid (3.11g, 47.8%yield).Return硝化反应2To a cold (0°C) suspension of 1-methylnaphthalene (5 g, 35.2 mmol) in HNO3 was added H2SO4 (5 ml)dropwise. After stirring the reaction for one hour, the solution was diluted with ethyl acetate and washed with water (3*), aqueous saturated NaHCO3 (2*) and brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated. The product was purified by silica gel column chromatography using ethyl acetate: hexane (5: 95) and recrystallized from methanol to give yellow needles (0.22g, 33% yield).Returnn-BuLiEtOCF 3O CF 3O NCTo a dry three-necked round-bottomed flask with an addition funnel and at -78°C under inert atmosphere was charged with anhydrous THF (500 ml). A solution of n-butyllithium (2.5 M in hexane, 88 ml, 220 mmol) was added dropwise followed by addition of a solution of acetonitrile (10.43 ml, 200 mmol) in anhydrous THF (100 ml). The internal temperature was maintained below -70°C during the entire addition process. After 2 hr at -78°C a solution of Trifluoro-acetic acid ethyl ester (14.2 g, 100 mmol) in anhydrous THF (30 ml) was added dropwise and the mixture was stirred for 1.5 hr. To the mixture was added acetic anhydride to quench the reaction. The reaction mixture was allowed to warm up to rt. A precipitate was filtered and the filtrate was concentrated to give a brown oil, which was used in the next step without purification.ReturnLiAlH4还原HOHO O HOHOA solution of 2,3-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (4.6 g, 0. mole) in dry THF ( ml, warmed to 50° to maintain solution) is added dropwise over 15 minutes to a 1.15 M lithium aluminum hydride solution in THF (45 ml, 0.052 mole). The solution is stirred 3 hours after which TLC indicated consumption of diacid and formation of a new major product. The reaction is quenched carefully with THF-water, then 2N hydrochloric acid (40 ml) is added, and the resulting mixture is extracted 3 times with ether. The combined ether extracts are washed with water (2 times), with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (1 time), with water, and are dried (sodium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated to give a tan solid (3.67 g). The solid is recrystallized fromethyl acetate giving the title compound (2.91 g, 67.3%yield) as a light tan crystalline material.ReturnPOCl3的杂环氯代NNHOOH NClClTo a suspension of 2,4-dihydroxy-5,6-dimethylpyrimidine (6.2 g, 0.044 mol) in POCl3 (25 ml) was slowly added N,N-dimethylaniline (6.18 ml, 0.049 mol). The mixture was then refluxed at 125 °C for 3 hours. After this time, the starting material completely dissolved indicating that the reaction was completed.The reaction mixture was cooled and then poured slowly onto ice to quench the POCl3(caution[exothermic]). A precipitate formed, which was filtered and washed with ice-cold water. The precipitate was dried under high vacuum overnight to yield 2,4-dichloro-5,6-dimethyl-pyrimidine (7.2 g, 0.041 mol, 92%yield) as a yellow solid.ReturnNaHHSH 2N Cl+SNH 2Sodium hydride (50% in mineral oil, 5.5 g, 0.11 mol) was added portionwise at 0 °C under a nitrogen atmosphere to a solution of 2-aminobenzenethiol (12 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (120 ml). After 0.5 h, benzyl chloride (11.5 ml, 0.1 mol) in DMF (80 ml) was added in 0.5 h. The solution was stirred for 3 h while the temperature was allowed to rise to rt, then it was poured into ice/water (1000 g). The precipitate was filtered, dissolved in ethyl acetate and washed with brine. The organic layer was dried over Na2SO4 and evaporated. The solid obtained was ground in pentane (19.3 g, 90% yield).ReturnNBSN NFClCl N NFClClBrA mixture of 2,4-Dichloro-6-ethyl-5-fluoro-pyrimidine (27.46 g,0.14mol), AIBN (1.32 g) and n-bromosuccinimide (27.02 g,0.152mol) in CH2Cl2 (170 ml) was refluxed under a nitrogen atmosphere for 36 h. Then washed by water, the aqueous was extracted by CH2Cl2. The combined organic layer was washed by saturated Na2S2O3 and brine, dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated to give a white solid which was purified by column chromatography eluted with 50% acetic ether in petroleum ether (34 g, 88.6% yield).Return 氢化反应O ONH OONH2Cl ClA mixture of ethyl 3-(N-benzylamino)-3-methylbutyrate hydrochloride (25g, 0.1 mol) and 10percent Pd-C (2g) in 250 ml of dried alcohol was hydrogenated under 55 psi H2 for four days. The reaction medium was then filtered and evaporated under reduced pressure to provide an amber oil which gradually crystallized upon standing (18 g, 100% yield).Returnm-CPBAS NH2SNH2OA solution of 85% m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (19 g, 94 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (350 ml)was added at –5 –0 °C to a solution of 2-Benzylsulfanyl-phenylamine (19 g, 88 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (400 ml). The mixture wasallowed to warm to rt in 3 h, then it was washed with a 5% Na2S2O3 solution, 10% NaHCO3 solution and brine. The organic layer was dried over Na2SO4, and evaporated. The solid was ground in pentane (19 g, 95% yield).ReturnEDCNH 2O+H OTo a 0°C mixture of Boc-L-tyrosine (2.04 g, 7.26 mmol) and amylamine (0.63 gl, 7.26 mmol) in methylene chloride (30 ml) is added 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) (1.53 g, 9.9 mmol). The white mixture is stirred at 0°C for 5 min and at room temp for 23 hrs. The resulting solution is diluted with methylene chloride (30 ml) and washed successively with 0.5 M HCl (40 ml), water (20 ml) and sat aq sodium bicarbonate (25 ml). The organic phase is dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated to a foam (1.84 g, 72.4%yield), sufficiently pure to carry into the next step. An analytical sample is obtained by HPLC.Return三光气成脲NH 2ONO 2Si O Cl Cl ClO Cl Cl ClO 2NHN H NOHOHNO 2+To a solution of 2-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-nitroaniline (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) in toluene (10 ml) triethylamine (0.13 ml, 1.64 mmol) and triphosgene (88.4 mg, 0.3 mmol) were added. The reaction mixturewas stirred at 70 °C for 2 hours, then cooled to room temperature. Then more 2-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-nitroaniline (200 mg, 0.75 mmol) was added. The resulting mixture was allowed to stir at 70 °C for 48 hours then cooled to room temperature. The reaction mixture was partitioned between water and ethyl acetate. The combined organic phase was washed with brine, dried over MgSO4 and filtered. Removal of solvent at reduced pressure and chromatography of the resulting oil on silica gel (hexane: ethyl acetate, 10:1) gave 1,3-Bis-(2-hydroxy-4-nitro-phenyl)-urea (130 mg, 31%yield).Return芳卤用n-BuLi 处理后与Weinreb 酰胺成酮N F FFN O O+F FF ONFTo a solution of diisopropylamine (17.69 ml, 0. mole) in THF (200 ml) at –78°C under argon wasadded n-butyllithium (54.0 ml, 2.5M in hexane, 0. mole), followed after 5 min by dropwise a solution of 2-fluoro-4-methylpyridine (10 g, 0.090 mole) in THF (20 ml). After stirring for 15 min at –78°C, a solution of N-methoxy-N-methyl-3-trifluoromethylbenzamide (23.08 g, 0. mole) in THF (10 ml) was added dropwise. After stirring for more 5 min, the reaction was allowed to warm to 0°C and quenched by pouring into water (400 ml) and ethyl acetate (400 ml). The layers were separated, and the aqueous layer washed with ethyl acetate (200 ml). The ethyl acetate extracts were combined, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, filtered, and concentrated to an oil which was chromatographed on silica gel with 20percent ethyl acetate in hexane to give 21.6 g of 2-(2-Fluoro-pyridin-4-yl)-1-(3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-ethanone (84.8%yield).Return。