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a regular supply of water and oxygen from Earth is impractical in the extreme and would probably defeat the purpose of establishing a permanent station on Venus.
Second, as far as we know, there are no reservoirs of water on Venus' surface, and
tshuelfuprliaIcnnaecttiesda,gtcmroanotstapeinhdserhewa,rmdrlayidtaiennuygpomxyogsetnlyoorfwcaatrebrovnadpioorx.iWdea,tneirtraongdeonx, yagnedn would therefore prob综ab合ly h写ave作to be supplied to Venus from Earth. The idea of ensuring
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Many scientists believe it would be possible to maintain a permanent human presence on Mars or the Moon. On the other hand, conditions on Venus are so extreme and inhospitable that maintaining a human presence there would be impossible.
W托 福ri写ti作ng
Integrated writing 综合写作
阅读 听力 笔记Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Independent writing 独立写作
字数 逻辑
语言 例子
Integrated writing 综合写作
速度 关键词 生词和专有词汇
InInteteggrraateteddwwrritiitningg 综综合合写写作作
IndeInptengdraetnetdwwrirtitningg 独综立合写写作作
IndeInptengdraetnetdwwrirtitningg 独综立合写写作作
题目分类 分析范文 逻辑结构
IndeInptengdraetnetdwwrirtitningg 独综立合写写作作
Third, very little sunlight reaches the planet s surface. About 60 percent of the sunlight that hits Venus is reflected back into space by the thick clouds that fill the atmosphere, which means that only 40 percent of the sunlight can get through the clouds. Below these clouds is a dense layer of carbon dioxide, which blocks even more light, so very little light reaches the surface. The lack of light would prevent the use of solar power cells, so humans could not get electricity to power their machines and equipment.
First, atmospheric pressure at Venus’ surface is at least 90 times greater than the pressure at Earth’s surface. This means that a force of 100 kilograms is pressing down on every square centimeter of surface. All spacecraft that have landed on Venus have been crushed by this extreme pressure within an hour of landing. Almost anything humans might land on Venus would be crushed as well.
分类句子 引用名言 拒绝Chinglish
IndeInptengdraetnetdwwrirtitningg 独综立合写写作作
自己的经历 名人经历
具体阐述such as
介绍定义或背景——影响结果 联系当今——反面陈述 联系责任——举例子——给出结论
Should the government focus more on preserving natura从l e正nvi反ron面m描ent述an两d l种ess人on的e看con法omic development? To begin with, as the foundation of society economy is of to我p p赞rio成rit的y in看al法l na:tio现ns.状The thriving of a country dWecehoponesonemdismicopdnaeictvsteselohcpaomvneoegmnotynwceiolblnebdyriitoninogdnpsne.aoTtopiodlenabay,al bgckoloutbonadpliazoravieteisrotfnyrohama因反nsdoa此面hnlrueen::angdae措细ytri.opTn施节rootdmo一u举aacnie个n例odtta例chihne造ar子a.inU成smen所fd的ofoeo带cut结thbst来aie果nndd的elych,o坏etnhaoel处tmhnyey,glect of economic development, government is a major force. Ther总e is结no excuse for a government to shun the