

unit 6 产品说明书的翻译

unit 6 产品说明书的翻译

Useful Words and Expressions
常用词汇 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 成分/配料 功能 主治/适应症 用法 规格 包装 净含量 保质期 副作用
1 Ingredients/Components 2 Functions 3 Indications 4 Usage 5 Specifications/Specs 6 Package/Packing 7 Net content 8 Shelf life 9 Side effects

3. 说明书的翻译-产品用途
典型结构: 1. It meets/satisfies the demands/needs of… 它能满足…的需 求/需要。 2. It is greatly used in… 它广泛应用于…(场所或领域) 3. It offers… for…它为…提供… 例句: 1.本产品能满足目前所有的需求。(current) The product meets all current demands. 2.该机器适用于建筑工地,仓库等地进行设备安装。 (construction sites; warehouses; installation) The product is suitable for use in construction sites and warehouses for installation of equipment.
Appealing 号召性
产品说明书品种繁多,不同商品的说明书内容及特 点也不尽相同。一般来说,产品说明书包括以下几 个部分: 1.商品的特征、功能和成分 2.安装/使用/服用/饮用/食用的方法 3.注意事项 4.主要性能、指标及规格

Product Description 商务英语 产品说明书介绍ppt

Product Description 商务英语 产品说明书介绍ppt
3. Syntax Features
3.过去分词+名词 (说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求)
All cable shall be type SEOW-A or better and U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.
所有电缆都应该是SEOW-A类以上的标准的电缆, 并通过美国UL认证可用于潜水系统。
3. Syntax Features
validity 有效期 Expiring 失效期 References 参考文献 Formula(Formulation) 分子式 Recommendations 建议 Remark(s) 注意 Attention 注意 Tolerance 耐受性 Further information 补充资料 Batch No 批号 Made in 由……制造 Produced by 由…生产 Manufactured(Manfd)by 由…制造
• 1.1 Cosmetic • 1.2 Drug • 1.3 Electronic products • 1.4 Household appliances • 1.5 Automobile
2.Linguistic features
• Objective • Concise • Professional Appealing
3. Syntax Features
be active against

be intended to

be administrated in



Monday, November 24, 2014
(1)语篇结构特征:产品说明书通常由标题,正文, 结尾和附录构成。
Monday, November 24, 2014 2014-11-24
(1)(情态动词)+be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 此模式极适用于接收传真与接听语音呼叫。 This mode is convenient for receiving both faxes and voice calls. (2)(情态动词)+be+介词短语 新型机器必须是结构简单紧凑的。 The new type of machine should be of simple and 2014-11-24 compact construction. Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014

5. 全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地感觉,配 合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得更为有效地美 白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令肌肤澄净白皙。
NEW NIVEA VISAGE Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.

世纪商务英语翻译unit6 Product descriptions 产品说明

世纪商务英语翻译unit6 Product descriptions 产品说明

Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
II. 产品说明书的翻译技巧(3) 2. 熟悉英语产品说明书中的常用句型
Sec 2
句型是语言结构的要素,因此熟悉英文产品说明书中的常见句型对成功 地翻译原文十分必要。 (1)(情态动词)be +形容词/过去分词+目的状语 该句型主要用于文章的开头,说明该产品的用途。例如: The product is used for creating your own hair style special for creating your look and shaping beautiful hair. 译文:使用本品能将头发随意梳理定型,彰显个性,秀发出众。
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 6
It is moderate, sweet and bitter. Heart, liver,lung, kidney and stomach are organs to be acted upon. It has powerful and persistent action in replenishing vitality, producing body fluids, strengthening the feminine principle and building up vital energy as well as the blood.
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
Sec 3
Sec 4
药品说明书的翻译目的是让外国消费者了解和熟悉所推销药品之全部信息, 从而激发他们的购买欲,并最终促使购买行为发生。这就要求译文一定要做到 简洁流畅,通俗易懂,符合译入语的行文要求。英语和汉语属于不同语系,在 句子展开方面有 很大的区别,英语讲究形合,以主谓结构统摄全句;而 汉语偏重意合, 追求形散而神不散。



产品‎说明‎书范‎文英‎文版‎‎篇一‎:‎电子‎产品‎说明‎书—‎—媒‎体音‎响英‎文说‎明书‎范例‎(中‎英)‎便‎携式‎多媒‎体音‎响‎P o‎r t‎a b‎l e‎M‎u l‎t i‎m e‎d i‎a‎A c‎o u‎s t‎i c‎s‎使用‎说明‎书‎U s‎e r‎’s‎M‎a n‎u a‎l‎专注‎于完‎美音‎质的‎追求‎??‎C‎o n‎c e‎n t‎r a‎t e‎o‎n‎p e‎r f‎e c‎t‎s o‎u n‎d‎p u‎r s‎u i‎t?‎感‎谢您‎使用‎本公‎司出‎品的‎数码‎产品‎,为‎了让‎您轻‎松体‎验产‎品,‎我们‎随机‎配备‎了内‎容详‎尽的‎使用‎说明‎,您‎从中‎可以‎获取‎有关‎产品‎的介‎绍,‎使用‎方法‎等方‎面的‎知识‎。


‎‎T h‎a n‎k‎y o‎u‎f o‎r‎u s‎i n‎g‎t h‎i s‎d‎i g‎i t‎a l‎p‎r o‎d u‎c t‎o‎f‎o u‎r‎p a‎n y‎.‎I n‎o‎r d‎e r‎t‎o‎l e‎t‎y o‎u‎e x‎p e‎r i‎e n‎c e‎t‎h e‎p‎r o‎d u‎c t‎s‎w i‎m m‎i n‎g l‎y,‎d‎e t‎a i‎l e‎d ‎i n‎s t‎r u‎c t‎i o‎n‎i s‎p‎r o‎v i‎d e‎d‎w h‎i c‎h‎y o‎u‎c a‎n‎f i‎n d‎t‎h e‎p‎r o‎d u‎c t‎’s‎i‎n t‎r o‎d u‎c t‎i o‎n,‎u‎s a‎g e‎a‎n d‎o‎t h‎e r‎i‎n f‎o r‎m a‎t i‎o n‎.‎B e‎f o‎r e‎u‎s i‎n g‎t‎h i‎s ‎p r‎o d‎u c‎t,‎p‎l e‎a s‎e‎r e‎a d‎t‎h e‎m‎a n‎u a‎l‎c a‎r e‎f u‎l l‎y,‎s‎o‎t h‎a t‎y‎o u‎c‎a n‎c‎o r‎r e‎c t‎l y‎u‎s e‎i‎t.‎I‎n‎c a‎s e‎o‎f‎a n‎y‎p r‎i n‎t i‎n g‎o‎r‎t r‎a n‎s l‎a t‎i o‎n‎e r‎r o‎r,‎w‎e‎a p‎o l‎o g‎i z‎e‎f o‎r‎t h‎e‎i n‎c o‎n v‎e n‎i e‎n c‎e.‎A‎s‎f o‎r‎t h‎e‎c o‎n t‎e n‎t ‎c h‎a n‎g e‎,‎w e‎a‎r e‎s‎o r‎r y‎f‎o r‎n‎o‎f u‎r t‎h e‎r‎n o‎t i‎c e‎.‎一、‎产‎品概‎述‎G e‎n e‎r a‎l‎I n‎f o‎r m‎a t‎i o‎n‎本机‎是一‎款外‎观小‎巧,‎设计‎精美‎、携‎带方‎便多‎媒体‎小音‎响,‎适用‎于家‎居、‎户外‎旅游‎、办‎公室‎等场‎所,‎随时‎随地‎享受‎音乐‎带来‎的轻‎松,‎为您‎的电‎脑、‎数码‎音乐‎播放‎器、‎手机‎等视‎听产‎品提‎供超‎值完‎美的‎音质‎。


三. 标签式说明书。这类说明书是指附
在产品包装或直接附在产品上的纸或其它 材料制成的标签。最常见的是成衣上的标 签,上面标有衣物名称、面料成分、尺码 、颜色和洗涤说明等。
四. 印在包装上的说明书。有些产品的
文字说明直接印在其外包装(包装盒、 包装罐、包装瓶等)上,例如许多食品 和饮料的文字说明就属此类,其中包括 产品名称、商标、成分、净重、贮存及 保质期等。
脂肪酸占69%”同属译者添加的信息,在原文里 根本没被提及。所以这段译文根本没有如实地反 映原文的产品信息。
由此可见,消费者可能会因为一份有完整准确信 息的商品说明书而信赖该产品,也可能因为一份 蹩脚的说明书而认为该产品同样拙劣。目前,在 商品说明书的翻译中,存在乱译(random translation)和错译(mistranslation)的现 象。乱译指译者在翻译过程中不忠实于原文的信 息,任意添加原文中不存在的信息或任意删去原 文中存在的信息。错译指译者没有正确地理解原 文的语言,或者对译入语的语言掌握不好,辞不 达意,以至于使译文的信息与原文的信息大相径 庭,提供给译入语读者的是错误的信息。诸如用 词含糊不清、错字、错用术语、语法错误、赘述 等等都属于错译范围。这些错误会大大影响翻译
译文:全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地 感觉,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得 更为有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令 肌肤澄净白皙。
一、语篇结构特征:产品说明书 通常由标题,正文,结尾和附录构 成。
二 、句法特征
的状语 This mode is convenient for receiving both



(3) 条式风格突出,版面设计独特
由于说明书涉及的内容较多,一般采用条式排列,使 其内容清楚明了。同时为了达到吸引消费者的目的,往往 采用不同于其他产品的特殊字体和版面模式来突出该产品, 如黑体字标题、数字序号,特殊符号等。
Ⅱ. 说明书的翻译技巧 根据以上所述产品说明书的语言特点,在翻译时要注意以下几点:
酒分为38℃、52℃、60℃等等。有译者将38℃、52℃、 60℃ⅩⅩⅩ酒译为the 38℃52℃,60℃ⅩⅩⅩ。这样直译, 外国人能否看得懂就难说了,因为他(她)们未必清楚中 国白酒的度数实为酒精的百分比含量。为了与英语表达相 吻合,最好改译成thliquors(ⅩⅩⅩ)containing 38%,52 %or 60%alcohol。
This machine is equipped with a gear transmission mechanism, and its multi-dies are arranged in line. It can draw steel, aluminum, brass and other kinds of metal wires.
(1) 语言客观准确 (2) 句子结构简单 (3) 使用主观语言以加强感染力 (4) 采用条式风格的版式设计 (5) 语言表达上以严谨复杂的句子为主 (6) 多用一些短语 (7) 多用一些祈使句和简单句
1. HiFi high-fidelity surround sound, deep bass sound vibrations


3. 请勿将相机暴露于 温差变化剧烈的环 境中.
a) Take care not to expose the camera to sudden changes in temperature. b) Please make sure the 6pcs to-be-charged batteries are all of the rechargeable type.
Food label(标签)confirmation code:SPQ421023-B462
Product standard No.: QB/T1433.2 Shelf life: 12 months
Production license code: QS4210 0801 0133
Hygiene license code: E sanitary food certificate No.(2007)0378 Production date: see the package
Shelf life: Two years
Suitable Crowd:Apply to all people Storage: Avoid strong 命名):*** Effective compositions: Borneol(冰片),mint(薄荷), etc. Function: Relieve skin irritation, improve skin metabolism. Administration: Apply to the affected part. Several times a day. Warnings: Never apply it to face. Wait a few days between each tube. Validity term: Tow years. Storage: Kept out of children’s reach. Avoid strong light.



高考英语范文产品说明书1. 英语Computer is the most famous invention now. It has many advantages and disadvantages.For the good side, first of all, it's so convenient that we can use it to do our account. The second, as the developing of internet, computers made our world smaller and smaller. Third, we have a lot of fun with computers; it's really useful for us. For the disadvantages, first, we spend more time before computers and less time on communications with others, it makes our society colder. Then, within the inventing of online games, many children trapped in the games and give up their study. It'sa serious problem. The last, now scientists have found that computers are somewhat harmful to our health.Generally speaking, computer is very important to our life though it's not a perfect invention.2. 高分急求产品说明的英文全文翻译The earth handed down in the family side prosperous times reappear “the earth handed down in the family side”functionality health foods series Tuchia nationality palmophyllum tea west Hubei the Tujia national minority to takethe food habit and the keeping in good health health care relations. Is good at adjusting human body vitality leaning using food Leng Re fine inside and outside to be balanced. Within the boundaries of Enshi, in the remote mountain glen, the bamboo grove proliferates, the bamboo leaves have become health foods which the Tujia national minority women and children all know the raw material, the modern science chemical examination: The bamboo leaves include the massive flavanone, can promote the blood circulation, discharges in the blood the toxic substance, the refrigeration quenches thirst, promotes saliva or body fluids effect of the diuresis. the unperturbed nature purifies the mind except bothersome in the palmophyllum effective component including the flavanone, the phenolic acid, the anthraquinone, in the fat, the polysaccharide, the amino acid, the trace element and so on, has fine anti-effects and so on free radical, oxidation resistance, enables the flesh to beautify, has good effects and so on expansion blood capillary, unblock microcycle, is the cerebrum can activate, the sleep to be able to improve. --The second session of international natural oxidation resistance conference (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, international free radical Research society, Chinese freeradical biology and medicine specialized committee) the gold throat swallows the advantage throat including piece , to sing the sound dragon boat clear to adjust the history the perpetual flow static flow, in this side water and soil we hoped that will leave behind section of legends and glory the history and the present, the past and the future intense collision, some changes, however some nothing left , in the Wuling deep place, clear rivers and streams both banks, was livingCrowd of Tujia national minority children they breathed the forest fresh to taste the mountain spring glycol maintain rich original ecology diet culture resources at here, all had not changed。


准确性 1)贮存 ) 简洁性
Keep airtight in a dry and cool place. Away from light.
密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存 密封避光, 2)禁忌症 )
It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug
Free of sugars, starch, yeast, wax, and preservatives 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂,脂肪 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂, 油和防腐剂。 油和防腐剂。 Each soft gel is certified to contain no artificial preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, starch, yeast or wax. 本品不含任何人工防腐剂,人工 本品不含任何人工防腐剂, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 无发硣剂和防腐剂。 无发硣剂和防腐剂。
生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编, 生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电 传真, 话,传真,电子邮件等便于客户联系的有关信 息资料。 息资料。
产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见, 产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修 维修记录卡, 卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及 保养维修相关资料。 保养维修相关资料。
过去分词+名词 过去分词 名词
(说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求) 说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求
All cable shall be type SEOW-A or better SEOWand U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.



Start The Tractor By Preheater
Follow These Steps
※ Turn the ignition key to position B ※ Press the switch, start the preheater, and then hold on 25 seconds ※ Turn the ignition key to position C and continue to press the switch until the engine starts up. ※ After the engine starts, release the ignition key and switch, if the engine has not been a successful start after two or three times, and also accompanied by black smoke coming out from the exhaust tube, then try not use preheater, directly start the engine.
Note Before adjusting or checking function tool, be sure to turn off the tool and unplug the power plug.
Operation of the switches ※ Before plugging the tool power plug, make sure the trigger switch is working properly, which can return to "OFF 'key position when released. ※ Pulled the trigger switch to start the tool, release the trigger switch can be turned off ※ When need to continuous operation, pull the trigger switch and then press the lock button ※ To make the locked tool close down, pull the trigger switch button in the end, and then release



商品说明书中英文翻译对照【药物名】对乙酰氨基酚【其他名称】乙酰氨基酚;扑热息痛;退热净;醋氨酚;Acetaminophen;N-acetyl-P-aminophenol【英文名称】 Paracetamol【适应症】用于感冒及流感,发热,减轻中度疼痛如关节痛、神经痛、肌肉痛、头痛、偏头痛、痛经、牙痛等症状。

















【药物配伍】 1、长期饮酒或正在应用其他肝酶诱导剂时,尤其是巴比妥类或其他抗痉挛药的患者,连续使用本品,有发生肝脏毒性反应的危险。




3. Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.
4. Asverin is provided with an expectorating action which has never been found in any conventional antitussive agents so far available in the market.
许多产品介绍还会做出一定的承诺,包括产品会给消 费者带来哪些好处。比如:“移动性能出色的VAIO Y21系列有着卓越的电池续航能力,标配电池的待机 时间长约4小时,外出差旅或者去图书馆、咖啡厅带 上VAIO Y21系列,可以让您从容应对。”这样,消 费者就不用为没有电而发愁了。此外,产品介绍最好 能突出利益的支持点,也就是该产品能解决的关键 问题,如:“Are you always busy with work and never seem to have the time to vacuum your floors regularly? Then we have the solution for you.”这种 产品能够帮助消费者解决定期清洁地板的问题,这是 消费者购买该产品的原始动力。
2. 成人每日用量:每次2—3片,每日2—3次。 15日为一疗程,疗效不明显时可继续服用第二 疗程。 译文:The average daily dose for adults is 2 to 3 tablets each time, 2 to 3 times daily. Fifteen days may be considered as a course of treatment. If the curative effect is not apparent hitherto, a second course may be taken.



企业简介Henan HongLei Heavy Industry machinery Co., Ltd is a heavy machinery productional factory .As a specific designated enterprise by National industry department and National construction department , HeNan Honglei heavy industry Co.,ltd. integrates technology ,designing,manufacture,fixing.We assemble a group of experienced technical staff & professional senor engineer,which lead our company to be a comprehensive industry.It has stong technology , fine equipment. It mainly has Jaw crusher,impact crusher,sand-making machine, vibrating screen crusher ,and sand-making machinery.Moreover,the company produces raymond crusher,ball mill, vertical shaft impact crusher and other minery ,building machinary.The company has been satisfying the customer's need by high-quality and the perfect service. And occupy the market through scientific technology and innovation.We will supply the best service,the lowest price and the best product with the beliefs" the first quality ,the fine service".All these make us come up to first class of industrial company ."high effect ,good quality ,timely service" mirrors the business culture .We not only satisfy the domestic requirement ;moreover ,we make our effort to create market abroad. We warmly welcome customers around world to visit and cooperate.河南宏磊重工机械有限公司是集科研,设计,制造,安装为一体的大型综合型企业,拥有一批经验丰富的专业技术人员,具有实践经验的高级工程师。

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