
固有频率在ADAMS/Linear 和ADAMS/Vibration 中的理解在ADAMS 中,固有频率是通过本征向量计算的,为了更好的理解计算结果中各个参数的意义,解决仿真中常见的问题,在这里理论联合实际对一些基本知识在ADAMS 中的应用做一基本论述。
在此,不涉及ADAMS/Linear 的扩展命令,所有的线性化命令实际都是在图形界面操作所得的。
对于单自由度系统,如经典的弹簧——质量——阻尼系统,质量m 的运动方程有:c k x x x m m '''++=或 0m xc x k x '''++= (1) 这里x 为质量m 的位移,k 为弹簧刚度系数,c 为阻尼系数。
根据无阻尼固有圆频率和阻尼比的定义重写等式(1):220n n x x x ζωω'''++= (2)这里:无阻尼固有圆频率(Undamped Natural Frequency )mkn =ω (3) 阻尼比(Damping Ratio )nm ckm c ωζ22==(4) 可以看出,无阻尼固有圆频率n ω只是弹簧刚度k 和质量m 的函数,与阻尼值无关。
ADAMS/Linear 实际上计算无阻尼固有圆频率的方法有所不同,它使用拉普拉斯(Laplace )在仿真运行点对模型变换为线性矩阵,再通过本征值向量(Eigenvalues )计算系统的固有圆频率和阻尼比,但计算结果与上述计算是等效的。
一般,本征值λ由实部(Real part )r λ和虚部(Imaginary part )i λ两部分组成:i r λλλ±=,因此,方程式(2)可以写为:0222=++n n ωλζωλ (5)本征值λ由下式决定:当阻尼比ζ>1,12-±-=ζωζωλn n (6) 当阻尼比ζ<1,21ζωζωλ-±-=n n j (7) 令:n r ζωλ-=;21ζωλ-=n i 。

更好的选择是设计运载火箭适配器(launch vehicle adapter)结构。
这部分,将设计一个(launch vehicle adapter)的隔离mount,以在有效频率范围降低发射震动传到敏感部件的部分。
三个bushings将launch vehicle adapter和火箭连接起来。
3.1需创建的东西:振动执行器、输入通道、输出通道完全非线性模型打开模型在install dir/vibration/examples/tutorial satellite 文件夹下可将其复制到工作木录。
加载Adams/vibration模块:Tools/ plugin Manager.仿真卫星模型:仿真看其是否工作正常,仿真之前关掉重力,这个仿真太阳能板在太空中的位置。

( 1)
确定发动机谐次 r 的范围采用以下公式 60 ωi 60 ωi ・ ≤r ≤ π・ π 2 nmax 2 nmin
( 2)
式中 , nmax 、 nmin分别为发动机最高 、 最低工作转速 。 通过式 ( 1) 、 式 ( 2) 可以看出 , 在动力传动轴系转动 过程中 , 当发动机升速或者降速时 , 轴系将会遇到多个 临界转速 , 即会发生多次共振 。但在升速或者降速过 程中短时间通过临界转速不会建立起共振工况 。因此 需要关注的是在发动机工作转速范围内出现的临界转 速 , 尤其是发动机激振力矩幅值较大的谐次对应的临
2. 2 仿真测试
由于机车传动轴的扭转振动在运转过程中属于强 迫振动 , 而且发动机内部激振很复杂 , 所以在仿真过程 中计算机不可能模拟发动机的激振过程 。本文在仿真 过程中采用的测试方法为给系统一单位力 δ, 然后测 试系统的自由扭转振动情况[ 7 ] 。通过仿真软件对系统
为了准确反映传动轴系各个部件的相互关系 , 根 据零件的二维图纸和技术参数 , 将它们的实际运动关 系简化成 ADAMS 中的理想约束 , 组装成一个完整的轴 系 。传动系统模型总成如图 4 所示 。
第 31 卷 第 6 期 基于 ADAMS 的柔性传动轴系扭转振动分析 79
①假设传动系统中各构件之间的装配误差为零 , 即忽略各构件之间的装配误差 。 ②假设传动系统各构件之间的摩擦力为零 , 即忽 略各构件之间的摩擦力 。 ③假设所有构件均为匀质构件 , 构件的轴心偏心 距为零 , 即忽略构件由于偏心引起的横向振动 。 ④假设液力变矩器端的阻尼为零 , 弹簧的阻尼为 零。 ⑤假设振源只有发动机 , 即忽略整车其余部分传 来的振动 。 1. 2. 3 建立构件柔性体模型 要在多体动力学分析中建立模型的柔性体 , 则必 须先对各个构件进行有限元分析 , 得到其各阶振型和 固有频率 ,然后利用模态中性文件 (MNF) ,导入多体系 统中 , 实现构件的柔性化 。本文采用 ADAMS/ Flex 模 块的构件网格模式 ( Geometry) ,首先定义好柔性体的附 着点 ,即柔性件与其它构件的连接点 。定义好附着点 后 ,需要在附着点的附近的网格结点上选取适当数量 结点作为力的作用点 , 作用点的数量和位置根据模型 精度 的 需 要 来 选 取 。最 后 , 将 选 取 的 结 点 转 换 成 ADAMS 的标识 ID , 就可以生成模态中性文件 。图 1 、 图 2、 图 3 所示为飞轮 、 前联轴节 、 齿轮轴有限元模型 , 表 1 为其构件的前 6 阶模态对应的固有频率 。

在 ADAM S进行动力学分析后 ,可生成有限元软件
使用的载荷文件 (即. lod文件 ) ,利用此文件可向有限
元软件输出动力学仿真后的载荷谱和位移谱信息 。有
件 ,以进行应力 、应变以及疲劳寿命的评估分析和研
究 ,这样可得到基于精确动力学仿真结果的应力应变
分析结果 ,提高计算精度 。可见 , ADAM S软件与有限
元软件结合 ,能很好地研究刚柔耦合动力系统的静态
与动态特性 。本文选用的有限元软件为 ANSYS。
2 柔性基础隔振系统频域分析
ADAM S软 件带 有振 动分 析模块 ADAM S \ V ibra2 tion,利 用该 模块 , 能 对 ADAM S 模型 进行频 域分 析 。 ADAM S \V ibration对于非线性因素的处理是在系统工 作点附近对其进行线性化 ,因此严格来说 , ADAM S \V i2 bration模块并不适合研究非线性系统 。本节所作的频 域分析均是将非线性隔振系统在其平衡点处进行线性 化后进行的 。
图 3所示为柔性基础上隔振系统的振级落差曲 线 ,图中虚线为被隔振设备上各测点加速度信号的平 均功率谱密度 ,点划线为柔性基础上各测点加速度信 号的平均功率谱密度 ,实线为两者之差 ,即振级落差曲 线 。从图上可以看出 , 5. 74 Hz与 10. 54 Hz为系统在 竖直方向存在的两阶刚体运动固有频率 。根据基于刚
为振级落差方法 。本文采用加速度振级落差作为评价
隔振系统性能的指标 ,并讨论系统参数对隔振性能的影 响。本章若无特别说明 ,加速度级均以 1 mm / s2为参考 值 ,位移的功率谱均以 1 mm为参考值来得到分贝值 。
对于如图 1 所示的柔性基础隔振系统 ,利用 AD2 AM S \V ibration模块在被隔振设备 1质心处设置激振器 1,从 1 Hz至 1 000 Hz作正弦扫描 ,力幅值为 2 000 N; 在被隔振设备 2质心处设置激振器 2,同样从 1 Hz至 1 000 Hz作正弦扫描 ,力幅值为 3 000 N;在柔性基础上 各个隔振器附近均匀设置 9个输出通道以测量基座的 加速度 。在被隔振设备 1与 2上各设置 5个输出通道 测量被隔振设备振动加速度级 。

河北科技师范学院学报 第25卷第2期,2011年6月Journa l of H ebe iN o r ma lU n i ve rs i ty o f Science&T echno l ogy V o.l25N o.2Jun,2011基于ADA M S/V ibrati on的曲轴受迫振动分析马淑英,陈立东,刘荣昌,陈建伟(河北科技师范学院机电工程学院,河北秦皇岛,066600)摘要:在对刚柔耦合曲轴系模型建立的基础上,给出了曲轴受迫振动的分析方法,利用A da m s/V i brati on软件对给定载荷条件下的曲轴扭转振动进行了动态仿真,仿真计算结果表明,在曲轴圆角处的位移和速度有一突变,说明在圆角处易产生变形,与实际相符。
关键词:曲轴;ADAM S;振动分析;振动模型中图分类号:TK422 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7983(2011)02-0050-06曲轴系统作为发动机上主要的运动部件,它的性能优劣直接关系到发动机乃至整车的性能、可靠性和寿命。
1 曲轴的振动分析方法由于曲轴的结构和受力情况都比较复杂,在计算曲轴轴系的振动特性时,一般都要将轴系简化为比较简单的力学模型,以便于求解。
目前,多采用H o lzer法、传递矩阵法、有限元法、弹性波法、模态分析法等曲轴振动分析方法,其中传递矩阵法因计算方便快速应用最广,有限元法因计算精度高而受人青睐,弹性波传播法兼具上述两种方法的特点,开始被引入曲轴振动计算[3]。

ADAMS 分析实例—定轴轮系和行星轮系传动模拟有一对外啮合渐开线直齿圆柱体齿轮传动。
已知 20,4,25,5021====αmm m z z ,两个齿轮的厚度都是50mm 。
⒈ 启动ADAMS双击桌面上ADAMS/View 的快捷图标,打开ADAMS/View 。
在欢迎对话框中选择“Create a newmodel ”,在模型名称(Model name )栏中输入:dingzhouluenxi ;在重力名称(Gravity )栏中选择“Earth Normal (—Global Y )”;在单位名称(Units )栏中选择“MMKS –mm ,kg,N ,s,deg ”。
图1-1 欢迎对话框⒉ 设置工作环境2.1 对于这个模型,网格间距需要设置成更高的精度以满足要求。
在ADAMS/View 菜单栏中,选择设置(Setting )下拉菜单中的工作网格(Working Grid )命令。
系统弹出设置工作网格对话框,将网格的尺寸(Size )中的X 和Y 分别设置成750mm 和500mm ,间距(Spacing )中的X 和Y 都设置成50mm 。
然后点击“OK ”确定。
2.2 用鼠标左键点击选择(Select )图标,控制面板出现在工具箱中。
2.3 用鼠标左键点击动态放大(Dynamic Zoom )图标,在 模型窗口中,点击鼠标左键并按住不放,移动鼠标进行放大或缩小。
1 在ADAMS/View 零件库中选择圆柱体(Cylinder )图标,参数选择为“NewPart ”,长度(Length )选择50mm (齿轮的厚度),半径(Radius )选择100mm (10025042z m 1=⨯=⨯) 。
图 2-1 设置工作网格对话框图3—1设置圆柱体选项3.2 在ADAMS/View 工作窗口中先用鼠标任意左键选择点(0,0,0)mm,然后选择点(0,50,0).则一个圆柱体(PART_2)创建出来。

( 煤炭科 学研究 总院 太原 研究 院 , 太原 0 00 ) 3 06
An lss o i r t n c a a t r t s o c o fe it n ay i n v b a i h r c e i i fmir r e ps o o Sc
Fe un yHz rq e c( )
图 3运动学激振器
2 建立微 型摆式 内燃机 的振动模 型
Tme sc i (e )
2. 建 立微型摆 式 内燃 机的输入 通道 1
图 1微型摆式内燃机在工作过程中受到在水平方向上的激励
将图 1 2中的力作为边彳 振动分析的激振力 ,将激振力施 和 亍
Ke y wor : br to c r c e itc ; ir r es ng p s o e i ; ds Vi a i n ha a t r si s M c o f e wi it n ng ne ADAM S
中 图分 类 号 iH1 文 献标 识码 : T 6 A
1 引言
ctn cai hc aaeorm cai , hc 0 pe eth rcse suei , u i m h s w i i a r l l a m h s w i C1i l n epoess对 qezn t ge n m hs p l g e n m h "m m t t g saig dctn tte Ol m .h uapoesdb eo7rs oolgo p aac .u 一 hpn a utga h let e e gr rcse t f, tny odi a er ebt n i Sz i T s y h 7e in np n

. 扇叶 2减振法兰盘 3电磁离合器总成 . . 扇 叶安装 在散热 1
6 ,宰第9 M C 琨 代 曩 田 件 4 『 卿
ww mc1 5 o m 9 0.o
T新技术新产品 e r d c & N w T c n lg wP o ut e eh o y o
了导致结 构损坏的 主要原 因,并针 对 问题 的原 因提 出了
解决方案 。
1 . 电磁风扇 离合器仿真模型 的建 立
在A a 环境中,建立以减振法兰盘的中心作为坐 d ms 标原点 ,以电磁风扇离合器转动轴的轴向方向为 轴,
以电磁风扇 离合器的径 向为 轴  ̄z l轴的坐标 系 。根据 电 : l
在电磁风扇离合器质心位置施加的频率范围为1 ~ 10 的快速旋转正弦扫描 ,以电磁风扇离合器质心 0 Hz 在径向的位移响应作为输出,进行频率扫描分析 ,扫 描后所得频率响应曲线如图3 所示。由图3 可知 ,在频 率为3.7 处频率响应曲线出现峰值,说明原结构在 36Hz
3 . H 附 近会 发生共振 ,即表 明当连接减振 法 兰盘的 37z 6
在A a 中将表2 d ms 中的减振法兰盘刚度参数赋给模 拟减振法兰盘的衬套,然后进行仿真计算 。得到改进结 构的相应固有频率。对改进结构同样进行频率扫描 分
析,所得频率响应曲线如图4 所示。由图4 可知, ̄6t Ot z
处频率响应曲线出现峰值,说明改进结构在外界激励频 率为6 H l会出现弯曲共振。由于弯曲固有频率提高到 0 z t  ̄

Engineering MECHANICS,Vol.14,2007,No.4,p.259–268259VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF ROTARY DRIERFrantiˇs ek Palˇc´a k*,Martin Vanˇc o*In this paper the transfer of vibration from motor to the bottom group of rotary drieris analyzed in the ADAMS/Vibration module environment.Excitation from unba-lanced motor shaft is transferred through bearings mounted in side shields to thetransmission device and bottom plate.Output results were time-domain courses ofdisplacement,velocity,acceleration and transfer functions,frequency response func-tions and modal coordinates corresponding to excitation frequency.Key words:vibration,rotary drier,frequency response1.Description of goalsThe goal of vibration analysis of rotary drier developed by Bosch Siemens Hausgeraete, Michalovce was the evaluation of vibration transfer from motor to the bottom plate.Ob-tained results should be used as comparative values for experimental results from point of view of allowed level of vibration.To obtain physically relevant results for basic insight of its functional and vibrational properties3D model of drier bottom plate(Fig.1)includes bearings,transmission-device with belt and bottom plate with attachment elements.Fig.1:Scheme of drier’s bottom plate2.Task stepsThe requested research oriented to the virtual dynamic analyses of mechanical system with gross motions dictates to adopt mechanical system simulation technology to perform *Assoc.Prof.F.Palˇc´a k,Ph.D.,MSc.M.Vanˇc o,Strojn´ıcka fakulta,Slovensk´a technick´a univerzita v Brati-slave,N´a m.slobody17,81231Bratislava260Palˇc´a k al.:Vibration Analysis of Rotary Drier following task steps:1.For dynamic simulation with3D-Submodel of drier motor including bearing,transmis-sion device and belt(without bottom plate)an unbalance of200mg on rotor(rotation 2730rpm)and torsion of100Hz,200Hz and300Hz was used as dynamic load.The results were time dependent quantities on the outer ring of the bearing,side shields and stator(rigid bodies).2.Vibration of the motor was investigated using MSC.ADAMS/Vibration.Obtained resultscontain frequency response functions from excitation point on motor to the outer ring, side shields and stator.3.Based on the results form thefirst and second step a virtual numerical3D-Model ofdrier bottom plate was developed.Time-domain dynamic analyses were used to verify functionality and proper behavior of model.The time dependent displacements,velocities and accelerations of the bearings outer rings,side shields and stator(rigid bodies)were obtained for simulations based on the same loading conditions as in step1.4.Final step was dedicated to analyze transfer of vibration from motor to defined pointson bottom plate(Fig.7).Excitation was caused by rotating unbalanced mass within the range from0.1Hz to10000Hz.Fig.2:3D model of drier bottom plate3.Theoretical background of used computational technologyVibration analysis is a frequency domain simulation of MSC.ADAMS models.This simulation can be a normal modes analysis in which the eigenvalues and mode shapes for the model are computed.The frequency domain simulation can also be a forced response analysis using the input and output channels along with the vibration actuators.Input channels provide a port into our system so we can obtain a plot of the frequency response or drive our system with an input force using a vibration actuator.When we create an input function a vibration actuator applies an input force to vibrate the system.A vibration actuator can contain expressions that let us use both time and frequency inputs.Each input channel must reference only one vibration actuator but each vibration actuator,however, can be associated with multiple input channels.Engineering MECHANICS 261Swept sine defines a constant amplitude sine function being applied to the model.f (ω)=F [cos(θ)+j sin(θ)](1)where :f is the fequency ωdependet forcing function,F is the magnitude of the force and θis the phase angle.Fig.3:Principle of leading and lagging excitationsTransfer function is the magnitude and phase response produced by a given input channel at a given frequency ωfor a given output channel.For frequency response computation,the linearized model is represented as:s x (s )=A x (s )+B u (s ),(2)y (s )=C x (s )+D u (s )(3)where:s is the Laplace variable and A ,B ,C and D are state matrices for the linearized model.The system transfer function can be represented as :H (s )=y (s )u (s )=C (s I −A )−1B +D (4)where :H (s )is the transfer function for the model and I is the identity matrix of dimension equal to the number of system states.For a given vibration analysis,the system frequency response y (s )is given as :y (s )=H (s )u (s ).(5)Modal coordinates are states in the frequency domain solution associated with a specific mode.Modes most active in a frequency response can be identified from the modal coordi-nates.The modal coordinates are computed as :x (s )=(s I −A )−1B u (s ).(6)PSD of output channels for given input PSDs is given as :p (s )=H ∗(s )U (s )H (s )(7)where :p (s )is the matrix of power spectral density,H ∗(s )is the complex conjugate trans-pose of H (s )and U (s )is the matrix of input spectral density.262Palˇc´a k al.:Vibration Analysis of Rotary Drier 4.Modelling of contact forcesFor models of contacts in our model were used2D impact force contacts,which include the interaction between planar geometric elements(circle and point).F n=k(g e)+STEP(g,0,0,d max,c max)d gd t.(8)In Eq.(8)g represents the penetration of one geometry into another,d g/d t is the penetration velocity at the contact point,e is a positive real value denoting the force exponent,d max is a positive real value specifying the boundary penetration to apply the maximum damping coefficient c max.The bearing model depicted on the Fig.4is advanced bearing model with possibility of ball settling and enabling to obtain relevant contact forces between inner ring and bearing ball(Fig.5).Fig.4:Advanced bearing model for contact forces and possibility of ball settlingFig.5:Time course of contact force between inner ring and bearing ballEngineering MECHANICS263 On the Fig.6is comparison of time courses of response forces infixed joint connecting bearing outer ring with ground with excitation from unbalanced mass and without excitation.Idealized geometric constraintsTo preserve guidance of belt against pulley and balls against rings in bearings there were used planar joints.Fig.6:Time courses of response forces infixed joint connecting bearing outerring with ground;small wawes are caused by unbalanced massFig.7:Frequency response function of AS shield accelerationand transfer function of AS shield acceleration264Palˇc´a k al.:Vibration Analysis of Rotary Drier 5.Disscusion of obtained resultsOn the Fig.7is frequency response function and transfer function corresponding to the excitation by unbalanced mass of200mg on the rotor.On Fig.8is steady state portion of force response in attachment mount(MOUNT1) after low passfiltering with cut offfrequency200Hz because working range of drier is about excitation frequency45.5Hz.On Fig.9is time range between0.2and0.2219corresponding to one revolution of motor shaft.Fig.8:Force response in attachment mount(MOUNT1on Fig.2)to the excitation from motorFig.9:FFT analysis of displacement response of bottomplate in attachment mount(MOUNT1)Engineering MECHANICS265 From results yields that lower value(45.5Hz)corresponding to rotation of unbalance mass and higher value(554.6Hz)is caused by excitation due to contact of belt segments with pulley.In this section we deals with obtained frequency response functions(FRF from excitation point to the center of gravity of the outer ring,end shields,stator and bottom plate).Input point of excitation is located on the motor shaft.On the Fig.10is depicted the frequency response function of bottom plate center of mass acceleration.Fig.10:Frequency response function of bottom plate center of mass acceleration with frequency and magnitude axes in linear scaleFig.11:Position of output points for requested vibration responses Other response outputs are denoted OP1–OP9according to Fig.11with defined positions of output points.Output points OP6,OP7,OP8and OP9are on attachment mounts of bottom plate to the ground.266Palˇc´a k al.:Vibration Analysis of Rotary Drier Onfigure Fig.12are results for acceleration of output points,because acceleration is often used as a measured quantity in real experiments.For comparison the frequency357.73Hz was selected,because in this value we can see amplification of responses.Fig.12:Frequency response functions for accelerations of bottom plate output points (frequency and magnitude axis are in linear scale)Fig.13:Modal coordinates corresponding to excitation frequency45.5Hz from input channel in horizontal(x-direction)are displayed in the upper plot,and frominput channel in vertical(y-direction)are displayed in the lower plot From whole frequency spectrum we concentrate on responses corresponding to the exci-tation frequency45.5Hz.On Fig.13we see which of normal modes(165,480in y-direction and139,165,480in x-direction)have highest values of modal coordinates.In Tab.1are sorted modal coordinates according to their magnitudes for excitation frequency(45.5Hz) at input channel in horizontal x-direction,resp.vertical y-direction.Engineering MECHANICS267 Input channel x-direction Input channel y-directionMode Modal Coordinate Mode Modal Coordinate4800.3584164800.5845751650.1688511650.2334241390.0794611390.02575174930.0335*******.02182631410.022********.01554532460.022********.007555511590.01912462460.007445551700.01866871410.007268041550.01849122550.006971452500.01574752450.00660005Tab.1:Modal coordinates for excitation frequency45.5Hz from input channelin horizontal x-direction,resp.vertical y-direction in the tabular form6.ConclusionTo obtain better understanding of vibration transfer from motor to the bottom plate all three types of obtained results,from functional,time domain and frequency domain analyses were presented in this paper.It can be concluded,that all obtained results are acceptable from physical point of view and with respect to accuracy and performance are in line with expectations.The FFT analysis of results from dynamic simulation of the motor in time domain confirmed correctness of the excitation frequency45.5Hz corresponding to the rotation 2730rpm.In thefirst dynamic time domain simulation we detected unwanted influence of belt,which is documented by FFT analysis on Fig.6(frequency554.6Hz)corresponding to excitation of belt segments(for one revolution of shaft,12.2segments passes over shaft pulley and therefore12.2·45.5=555.1).From Fig.8we can conclude that the highest values of acceleration are on attachments points of bottom plate to the ground(OP6,OP7,OP8 and OP9).For documentation how is possible to obtain better insight into modal properties we preparedfigures Fig.9with modal coordinates related to excitation frequency(45.5Hz).The highest modal coordinates give us information which normal modes(165,480in y-direction and139,165,480in x-direction)contribute to unwanted frequency response.As was stated,from methodical point of view the virtual model used for this research consist of rigid motor shaft and bottom plate with compliant attachments,which is initial phase of reality representation for study of vibration transfer to the bottom plate.The main goal in next steps of research will be to achieve properties of virtual3D-model of drier bottom group closer to the reality.A necessary refining of the virtual3D-model of bottom group should be achieved using input data obtained by physical experiments(nonlinear characteristics of compliant attachment elements).Further step of refining the rigid parts considered in the initial model(shaft,side shields,bottom plate)should be replaced by flexible bodies.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic VEGA under the grant number1/2092/05.This support is gratefully acknowledged.268Palˇc´a k al.:Vibration Analysis of Rotary DrierReferences[1]Harris C.M.,Piersol A.G.:Harris’Shock and Vibration Handbook–Fifth Edition,McGraw-Hill,2002[2]Inman D.J.:Engineering Vibration,Prentice Hall,Inc.,2001[3]Mathews C.:Engineers’Guide to Rotating Equipment,Professional Engineering PublishingLimited,2002[4]Mobley K.R.:Vibration Fundamentals,Newnes–Reed Elsevier Group,1999Received in editor’s office:January16,2006Approved for publishing:May25,2006Note:The paper is an extended version of the contribution presented at the national con-ference with international participation Engineering Mechanics2005,Svratka,2005.。

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图4齿轮箱振动分析模型750kW风力发电机齿轮箱的振动分析作者:付松, 吴金强, Fu Song, Wu Jinqiang作者单位:新疆大学机械工程学院刊名:工程机械英文刊名:CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT年,卷(期):2011,42(2)1.崔宁博设备诊断技术--振动分析及其应用 19882.李增刚ADAMS入门详解与实例 20043.陈立平;张云清机械系统动力学分析及ADAMS应用教程 20054.丁玉美数字信号处理 20025.尹炼;刘文洲风力发电 20026.宫靖远;贺德馨风电场工程技术手册 20067.应怀樵现代振动与噪声技术 20098.丁康;李魏华;朱小勇齿轮及齿轮箱故障诊断实用技术 2005本文链接:/Periodical_gcjx201102005.aspx。

Good vibration characteristics are purchase motivator and improve customer satisfaction
Need good way to measure design
Optimum NVH often conflicts with other attributes such as durability or vehicle dynamic
Need way to balance competing requirements
Significant effort spent to understand and quantify customer NVH requirements into
objective terms and define specific tests
System eigenvalues shift according to
Panel deployment angle Locking condition Contact condition Actual spring rates
This shift affects attitude control margin, pointing jitter magnitude, and structural loading conditions
1 Take your system to different operating points to analyze vibratory behavior (without having to create new models)
2 Include effects of hydraulics, controls, and other subsystems on vibration characteristics
ADAMS Vibration 振动分析模块教程

Frequency domain analysis helps designers improve
ADAMS/Vibration 11.0 Capabilities
Frequency domain input forcing functions Frequency response function calculations Modal participation tables Forced vibration animation Forced vibration plotting Generate linear subsystems
How Does It Work? Simplified/Unified Approach
Motion or Vibration Simulation Process
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Time or Frequency Domain Inputs
Plots, Animation, Tables, other time and frequency data
在Win2000下需安装ADAMS Vibration补 丁才可使用; 需设置两个系统环境变量:
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Industry Efforts and Metrics
Good vibration characteristics are purchase motivator and improve customer satisfaction

2 Include effects of hydraulics, controls, and other subsystems on vibration characteristics
Analyze Vibratory Behavior in Different Configurations
Railcar Example:
System eigenvalues shift according to
Equivalent conicity Suspension stiffnesses Damper characteristics
ADAMS/Vibration Walk-Through
How Does It Work? Sபைடு நூலகம்mplified/Unified Approach
Motion or Vibration Simulation Process
Time or Frequency Domain
Plots, Animation, Tables, other time and frequency data
Part of process can be quantified with analytical tools
Suppliers must “tune” their systems/components (right the first time) to prototype vehicle or else they are responsible for NVH resolution

1 理论分析此车型的传动轴采用不等速万向节连接,传动轴转动时会产生2阶振动,2阶振动大小跟传动轴夹角及传递的扭矩大小有关[2],在固有模态分析的基础上,进行激励频域响应分析,提取变速箱的振动各方向响应。
式中,n传动轴理论平均转速;R驱动轮滚动半径 0.496 m;V行车速度10Km/h;i是驱动桥总传动比:4.11。
2 系统固有模态仿真分析在ADAMS中建立如下的振动仿真分析模型如图3所示。
运行仿真后,地面约束改成 三角函数位移时,ADAMS 计算 出系统的固有频率和阻尼比保持 不变。改变地面位移的参数方程, 观察不同的隔振效果。(给质量块 单自由度约束,添加地面位移驱 动,再给地面单自由度约束)
固有频率在 ADAMS/Linear 和 ADAMS/Vibration 中的理解 在 ADAMS 中,固有频率是通过本征向量计算的,为了更好的理解计算结
果中各个参数的意义,解决仿真中常见的问题,在这里理论联合实际对一些基本 知识在 ADAMS 中的应用做一基本论述。
在此,不涉及 ADAMS/Linear 的扩展命令,所有的线性化命令实际都是在图 形界面操作所得的。
1 2
2 2 n
2 n
2 2 n
n2 n
cos ,或
r 2r i2
显然,当实部 r =0 时,系统阻尼比ζ =0;当虚部 i =0 时,ζ =1。所以
当阻尼比大于或等于 1 时为过阻尼或临界阻尼,此时本征值不能被计算即无振动 解,阻尼值的结果均报告为 1。
如果修改阻尼系数为 10 N-sec/m,再次在静平衡仿真点计算本征值,结果如 图 4:
可以得到阻尼系数的改变会影响到阻尼比、实部值和虚部值,但不会改变系 统的固有频率,同样与理论推导的结果同样完全一致。
现在,将上述模型中的移动副删除,去处质量 m 的强制约束使其拥有 6 个 自由度,执行同样的线性化命令后得到的本征值如图 6 所示。
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更好的选择是设计运载火箭适配器(launch vehicle adapter)结构。
这部分,将设计一个(launch vehicle adapter)的隔离mount,以在有效频率范围降低发射震动传到敏感部件的部分。
三个bushings将launch vehicle adapter和火箭连接起来。
打开模型在install dir/vibration/examples/tutorial satellite 文件夹下可将其复制到工作木录。
加载Adams/vibration模块:Tools/ plugin Manager.
关掉重力:Settings——Gravity ;
仿真:tool面板——simulation ,设置仿真时间是15s,步长为500;点击,将停在仿真后mode
创建输入通道:payload adapter中心创建两个输入通道(全局x和y方向)并为其创建振动执行器。
g2/Hz,我们将采用一个等效力normalized to a value of 1的输入,因为我
vibration—build—input channel
Vibration——Build——Output Channel——New.
Vibration——review——display eigenvalue table
5.2To view the table of modal coordinates:
Vibration——Review——Display Modal Info Table.
0.1HZ激励下的modal coordinates