



本科生毕业设计 (论文)
Worlds Collide:
Exploring the Use of Social Media Technologies for
Online Learning
注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:①翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;②翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);③译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。

2. 外文原文应以附件的方式置于译文之后。



附件:《计算机辅助翻译》教学大纲课程中文名称:计算机辅助翻译课程英文名称: Computer-aided Translation课程号:××××课程属性:专业选修课(全校开放)开课学期:秋季学期、暑期小学期总学时:32学时(创新课,实验室教学,全部在实验室机房上课)学分:2先修课程:无面向对象:翻译专业/ 全校学生开课院/ 部(室/所):外国语学院翻译研究所、课程教学目标:计算机辅助翻译技术能够帮助职业译员优质、高效、轻松地完成翻译工作;与纯人工翻译相比,质量相同或更好,翻译效率可提高20%-50%。





本课程主要向学生讲授现代计算机辅助翻译原理,以当前翻译行业使用率最高的机辅翻译软件SDL TRADO为S 例,讲授机辅翻译软件的操作方法,学生随堂开展软件使用训练,做到理论与实践紧密结合,通过一个学期的训练,具备现代译员所需的基本工具操作技能。

通过课程学习,学生能够了解计算机辅助翻译常见术语内涵,掌握计算机辅助翻译软件SDL TRADO的S 基本使用方法。




熟练掌握语料对齐等TRADO工S 具,及其它计算机常用文字处理和桌面排版工具。




实验室管理信息系统外文翻译nXXX universities。

The management of these laboratories is a critical component of the overall management system。

Implementing scientific and modern management practices can XXX the level of teaching and research。

The laboratory n management system utilizes computer XXX n to manage computer are。

hardware systems。

and testing through the n of computer technology and management science.nXXX ns。

With the help of computer orks。

these XXX n。

The system can manage laboratory resources。

including equipment。


and personnel。

and provide real-time data on laboratory ns.The laboratory n management system can also XXX。

The system can automate data n and analysis。

cing the time and effort required for manual data entry。

The system can also streamline laboratory workflows。

XXX.XXX efficiency。

the laboratory n management system can enhance the quality of teaching and research。



信IB与电腐China Computer&Communication 软件卄域;与惑用2021年第5期智能导学系统应用研究综述周沟羽马玉慧岑斐斐(渤海大学教育科学学院,辽宁锦州121000)摘要:智能导学系统是借助人工智能技术让计算机扮演虚拟导师向学习者传授知识,提供学习指导的适应性学习支持系统,已经广泛应用于美国的教育领域,在促进学生个性化学习方面发挥了重要的作用.本文首先分析了智能导学系统的定义与发展历程,进而从脚本知识库、学生模型、教师模型、交互模块4个方面分析了智能导学系统的组成,最后从情感感知、诊断控制、语义分析、动态交互4个方面分析了智能教学系统的未来发展方向.关键词:智能导学系统;ITS;个性化学习;学生模型中图分类号:TP391.41;TP183文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-9767(2021)05-115-03A Summary of Application Research on Intelligent Learning Guidance SystemZHOU Mingyu,MA Yuhui,CEN Feifei(School of Educational Science,Bohai University,Jinzhou Liaoning121000,China)Abstract:Intelligent learning guidance system is an adaptive learning support system that uses artificial intelligence technology to allow computers to act as virtual tutors to impart knowledge to learners and provide learning guidance.It has been widely used in the education field of the Un让ed States and has played an important role in promoting students z personalized learning,effect.This article first analyzes the definition and development of the intelligent learning guidance system,and then analyzes the composition of the intelligent learning guidance system from four aspects:script knowledge base,student model,teacher model,and interactive module.Finally,it analyzes the composition of the intelligent learning guidance system from emotion perception,diagnosis control, and semantic analysis.Analyze the future development direction of intelligent teaching system in four aspects of dynamic interaction.Keywords:intelligent learning guidance system;ITS;personalized learning;student model0引言随着人工智能技术的快速发展,智能导学系统应运而生并开始应用在教育领域,不仅能够为学习者提供个性化的学习方法,还能提高学习的效率与质量。



毕业设计外文文献翻译专业交通运输姓名张有节同组成员赖思琪杨鹏指导老师刘习华Campus Network planning and Construction At present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues. The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc..The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexes us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students' life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to be awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software...etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for thebalance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.The time today's knowledge-based economy and information technology have the development and popularization of Internet in the world have decided the time the network will become the main tool for information. With the development of computer network technology, network has become an important platform for the exchange of information. Internet-based e-learning with time-sensitive, shared, interactive and many of the characteristics of the individual, so it has a traditional teaching model of unmatched advantages. It created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model at the time and space limitations, the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, greatly improve the teaching efficiency and teaching effectiveness, teaching and learning activities to enable a new level. Do a good job in the design of the campus network, are among the schools, both internal and external communication between the key and convenient.21st century the size of the campus network and application level are reflected in schools and science teaching and learning environment an important component of the force, so we should make use of existing campus conditions, design a secure, unified campus network.Large Campus Network DesignBusinesses operating large campus networks are increasingly looking for infrastructure upgrades to:(1) Handle high bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast Improve backbone capacity for shared Ethernet or FDDI campus backbones(2) Support applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA(3) Offer high availability, performance, & manageability for your company's intranet.Use Layer 2, Layer 3, or ATM backbone solutions to expand your large campus network. In typical designs, the buildings or different parts of the campus connect together across a high performance, switched backbone. Network redundancy andhigh availability is provided at each layer. A high capacity, centralized server farm provides resources to the campus, and when combined with Cisco IOS, network management strategies support QoS, security, troubleshooting, and other common management features from end to end.Medium Campus Network Design A medium campus consists of one large building or several buildings. Networking for a medium campus is designed for high availability, performance, and manageability. This is also called a 'collapsed backbone' design for medium campus networks. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3)Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA Based on the Cisco A VVID architecture, these intelligent network platforms and products provide the basis for a complete network solution.Small campus networks DesignIn most cases, network redundancy is not the top priority, but cost effectiveness is. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。



本科毕业设计任务书基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:学生学号:指导教师:2012年 5月 18日指导教师签名:教学部主任审查签名:本科毕业设计开题报告基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统本科毕业设计中期检查表本科毕业设计答辩记录表本科毕业设计成绩评定汇总表本科毕业设计工作总结基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统本科毕业设计文献综述基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统1选题背景和意义1.1选题背景随着科技的进步和全社会信息化程度的进一步加深,越来越多的人开始通过网络来了解和获得各种自己需要的信息,特别是一些专业人员对自己专业信息的需要。












Internet 时代, 造就了人们新的工作和生活方式,其互联性、开放性和共享信息的模式,打破了传统信息传播方式的重重壁垒,为人们带来了新的机遇。






2、网站的定义2.1 如何定义网站确定网站的任务和目标,是建设网站所面临的最重要的问题。

为什么人们会来到你的网站? 你有独特的服务吗? 人们第一次到你的网站是为了什么? 他们还会再来吗? 这些问题都是定义网站时必须考虑的问题。







2.2 网站的内容和功能在网站的内容方面,就是要做到新、快、全三面。






未来的计算机辅助翻译将更加个性化,能够根据用户的需求和偏好,提供更 加贴合用户需求的翻译服务。例如,根据用户的语言习惯和常用词汇,计算机辅 助翻译软件可以自动调整翻译策略,提高用户的翻译体验。
总之,计算机辅助翻译的研究方法和应用实践都取得了显著的进展。未来的 发展趋势将更加注重翻译的精准性和个性化服务,同时机器翻译的普及也将为人 们带来更加便捷的翻译体验。
计算机辅助翻译教学方法与资 源
01 教学方法
02 教学资源
03 实际应用案例
04 展望未来
05 参考内容
随着全球化的加速和语言障碍的日益突出,计算机辅助翻译(CAT)已成为 翻译行业的趋势。然而,对于许多翻译专业的学生和从业者来说,如何有效地利 用计算机辅助翻译工具和方法仍然是一个挑战。因此,本次演示将探讨计算机辅 助翻译教学方法与资源,希望为翻译教学者和实践者提供有益的参考。
2、个性化定制的需求增加:不同的翻译项目可能需要根据其特定的需求和 场景,选择不同的计算机辅助翻译教学方法与资源。未来的发展趋势将更加倾向 于满足个性化定制的需求。
3、协作翻译平台的普及:随着多人协同翻译技术的发展,未来的翻译行业 可能将更加依赖于协作翻译平台。这些平台将有助于提高翻译效率,减少错误, 并保持术语和风格的统一。
计算机辅助翻译教学方法与资源在实际应用中具有广泛的价值。以下是一个 实际案例:某大型跨国公司需要翻译一份涉及机械领域的文件。由于文件专业性 较强,人工翻译的难度较大。因此,该公司采用了计算机辅助翻译教学方法与资 源来解决这一问题。
首先,该公司通过在线课程和培训,教会译者如何使用常用的计算机辅助翻 译工具和软件,如Trados、MemoQ等。这些工具可以帮助译者进行术语管理、多 人协同翻译等操作,提高了翻译效率。



本科生外文译文课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握外文课文中的主要知识点,包括专业词汇、语法结构和文章组织。

2. 学生能够准确翻译外文课文,理解其深层含义,并能进行相关领域的知识拓展。

3. 学生能够对外文课文进行批判性阅读,分析文章的论证方式和逻辑结构。

技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学翻译技巧,对外文课文进行准确、流畅的翻译。

2. 学生能够通过小组讨论、课堂展示等形式,提高自己的表达能力和团队合作能力。

3. 学生能够运用批判性思维,对外文课文进行深入分析,提高自己的思辨能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够增强对所学专业的兴趣和热情,培养自主学习的能力。

2. 学生能够尊重不同文化背景,培养跨文化交际的意识。

3. 学生能够通过外文译文的学习,拓宽国际视野,增强国家意识和责任感。






二、教学内容本课程教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 外文课文翻译基本技巧:包括词汇、语法、句型结构等方面的翻译方法,以及翻译过程中的常见问题与对策。

2. 外文课文分析与解读:对教材中的精选文章进行深度剖析,理解文章的论证方式、逻辑结构和作者观点。

3. 批判性阅读与思考:培养学生对外文课文进行批判性思考,分析文章的优点和不足,提高学生的思辨能力。

4. 跨文化交际能力培养:通过对比分析中外文化差异,提高学生在实际翻译中的跨文化交际能力。





- 35 -校园英语 / 高等教育研究【摘要】以南京江宁区大学生为调查对象,对谷歌翻译、有道词典等翻译软件在大学生中的应用现状进行了问卷调查。


【关键词】翻译软件 大学生 英语学习 改进设计一、前言信息时代的高速发展逐步淘汰了以人工翻译为手段的相对低效率的工作,试想全球化的大环境下人们每天都在经历着或震撼人心或鸡毛蒜皮的事,全球每时每刻都在发生演绎着不同的故事,倘若只靠机械的人工翻译,最传统的纸质词典当然不能满足社会对翻译的需求,至少难以满足人们对新闻资讯的接受度。



对于普通人来说,高效率的机器翻译系统的普及还不是很广泛,但手机翻译APP 却越来越广泛地应用于人们的日常生活及工作中。

目前,中国市场己经推出许多英语翻译APP 例如有道、谷歌、金山词霸、海词等。

乍看之下它们的功能似乎比较全面,平时生活中随意查词,得到初步的解释,不影响人们理解英语,但深入了解及使用后则会发现,翻译APP 中还是存在着许多问题的。



调查显示,手机翻译APP 在英语专业学生中使用率极高,达到了90%,可见手机翻译软件已经成为英语专业学生不可或缺的一部分。




毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:计算机系专业:计算机科学与技术班级:姓名:学号:外文出处:Web-Based Network education System1. IntroductionComputers and web applications bring a significant revolution in our social life and especially to our traditional mechanism of education. The era of education enable us to access mass of information whose remarkable character is digital so that computers can recognize and deal with this kind of expression of information. Digital campus construction is already on going in order to catch the new trend in quality education. The main functions of digital campus cover with distance such as web classroom, courseware on demand, distance examination. The digital campus information management system includes information management system, office automation system, administration examination system and virtual community such as online tutoring, bulletin board system etc. With the intensification of distance web education, how to estimate learning effect locally is an important issue. A comprehensive education system which utilizes information technology of the network to carry on college course to educate, it offers from the network classroom, essential study links discussing, answering questions, and processing homework to examination to teachers and students. This system should also support management activity of the educational administration, such as online course project, roll management, follow-up of quality. The self-adapted examination system is a sub-system of the Networking Institute's demonstration project. In Internet Universal, distance learning is by telephone, television, video and communications, asynchronous transmission mode of teaching information. In recent years, based on the introduction Internet Distance learning, World Wide Web Recognized as the most powerful curriculum information dissemination media, the Internet has hundreds of courses, there are more schools and teachers are being considered for Web Teaching. For Web Teaching, and that is using the World Wide Web as a teaching medium, transmission teaching in the implementation of online teaching, teaching management, and online testing and online exchanges. Realistic and complete implementation based on Web Teaching requires a user-friendly and efficient support online teaching platform support. Currently there are some in the international market such products, such as Lotus Company Learning Space , the British Columbia University computer science department development Web CT ,WBT System Company Top Class And Canada Simon Fraser University development Virtual. Many companies and schools are also being developed or is ready to develop similar software, such as the key institutions in preparation for the development of modern distancelearning and teaching support system. Online teaching platform should be aware of the support functions, which can or should provide the ancillary support, all of which feature current products, for effective online teaching is very important.2.The main characteristicTeachers can keep a student's screens' voice display and send information to all students or a group of broadcast; teachers can watch and listen to a student 's information, and control the student's keyboard and mouse , and do "hand in hand" type of guidance, and arbitrary switching among students ; and remote window control guidance, the window of multimedia network classroom software can control the intelligent rolling and teachers teaching in various other functions at the same time, the teacher can remote control machine on a number of students at the same time and also can let all (a group or a) student screens arranged in "the black screen", and lock the keyboard and mouse, reminding the attention of students; intelligent rolling screen: the screen broadcast and remote control operation uses the original smart scroll, free rolling technology, which need not undertake screen scaling, receiving students in the broadcast in the process of watching the operation; the mouse capture: it supports soft cursor, animated mouse cursor, mouse cursor broadcasting, even in windowed mode which can reflect the real-time changes in morphology and mouse; multi-point monitoring: multimedia network classroom software support multiple windows simultaneously with the same When the watch, which can also watch window distributed across multiple machines, real-time monitoring of all the other students in the state machine; broadcast: multimedia network classroom software support more audio and video file formats, support for VCD, MP3, W AV and other documents play online ; automatic login: students on the machine automatically log in the teacher machine; multimedia network classroom software has strong system stability, ensure the teaching process smoothly; perfect functions, beautiful interface which is easy to use the direct and concise operation, using the unified mode of operation; software, multimedia network classroom software does not need a server, simple installation, convenient upgrade and maintenance; hardware compatibility: multimedia network classroom software contents all the card, sound card, display card and can demonstrate good performance, and won't appear any unstable phenomenon.3. Design multimedia network classroom of thoughtIn the multimedia network classroom design, it focuses on solving the user pays as the following issues: (1)the multimedia network classroom is easy to use and individualized demand. Because each teacher for computer to different extent, teachers need to multimedia network classroom is simple and easy to use, one will see, will soon be able to undertake informatizal teaching. The computer master degree higher teacher needs according to computer and information understanding, personalized teaching.(2) multimedia network classroom and practicalteaching function. Information teaching is a means of teaching, its purpose is to improve the effect of teaching. This means whether the teaching habits, whether there is a wealth of practical teaching function, really help teachers for teaching, improve the effect of teaching has become the most concern of the teacher.(3)multimedia network classroom teaching management function. If a student who attends class does not listen to the teacher carefully, has nothing to do with the classroom things, such as playing games, or simply add or remove programs are headaches in teachers teaching; and in order to guarantee the teaching effection carrying smoothly, it also requires a corresponding teaching management function to assist.4.The multimedia network classroom program advantagesMultimedia network classroom solution has the following advantages.(1)Simple and easy to use, multimedia network classroom software use a graphical interface, whoes each function has a corresponding button, operating on a stick out a mile, so that teachers can see use it easily. (2)Flexible customized, which meets the demand of personal teaching. The teacher can customize multimedia network classroom software interface, icon, toolbar and also can customize the class model at the same time by using multimedia network classroom run concurrent design, each function of teaching can manage any combination and arbitrary. (3)Multimedia network classroom original thumbnail display mode which can make the whole class of the students computer screen contents show to teachers at the same time and let teachers watch easily in global.(4)practical teaching function of multimedia network classroom software offers practical and rich pedagogical features, including screen broadcasting, video broadcasting, voice broadcasting, issued procedures, and collection operations.(5)Supporting a variety of teaching strategies, which can use the broadcast function to broadcast the teacher's own screen to everyone.(6)teaching management function in the multimedia network classroom, which is subject to the control of the teacher, students can be remotely set machine, and the multimedia network classroom is also enhanced by many teachers and students interaction, such as "remote control", which fully ensured between student and teacher interaction.(7)In order to guarantee the teaching carrying out smoothly, the teacher wants multimedia network classroom software to help manage the students' situation. Multimedia network classroom software is provided for locking the computer black screen and hush functions(8) Multimedia network classroom daily maintenance workload is very big, the teacher does not have too much time to manage multimedia network classroom maintenance, hoping multimedia network classroom software can provide very good maintenance function. Multimedia network classroom with remote settings, document publishing, charge, delete, remote command, remote control and other functions.(9)multimedia network classroom software has strong system stability, high soft, hardware environment compatibility, regardless of level of computer configuration, graphics cards, sound card type, which can guarantee the normal operation of multimedia network classroom.(10)because of the multimedia network classroom is a pure software implementation, simple installation,upgrade and maintenance which is very convenient.5. The main functions of software in multimedia network teaching(1)Teaching function, including screen broadcasting, screen monitoring, voice broadcast, audio monitor, video broadcasting, electronic drawing board, news release, issued a document, collect documents, documents and other functions which the teacher in the class is the most commonly used functions.(2)Teaching management, multimedia network Teaching management function can ensure the teaching be carried out smoothly, including the class model, group management, call sign, lock computer, silent, black screen log. (3)Maintenance, for the convenience of teachers to multimedia classroom network maintenance, multimedia network teaching provides remote settings and other functions.6. Multimedia network teaching system buildingMultimedia network classroom is a small LAN environment, generally uses the 100M switching to the desktop, you can ensure that the audio and video files well transmission. Computer selection of good effects and economic benefits principle, selection of the computer multimedia network classroom should let the minimum guarantee the smooth operation of multimedia courseware, and commonly used methods of software, such as Word, Powerpoint, teacher's machine configuration is higher than the students machine configuration , and the best buying support WOL function computer.Finally the teacher machine, student machine, switching with twisted pair link, which sets the TCP / IP protocol, transfering through network, should instals on the multimedia network classroom software and a complete multimedia network classroom building.基于网络的教学系统1导言计算机和网络应用带来了重大变革,我们的社会生活,特别是我们的传统机制的教育得到了重大变革。



外文文献翻译外文资料翻译FOREIGN LITERATURE TRANSLATION专业:金融工程姓名:黄亚刚指导教师:基于组合VaR的未来现金套利风险实证分析陈荣达a,b,c,*,李聪a,王维金a,王泽aa浙江财经大学金融学院,中国杭州,310018b浙江财经大学财富管理和定量投资协同创新中心,中国杭州,310018c浙江监管和政策研究中心,中国摘要本文通过用ETF组合替换现货指数来构建正向套利头寸,并且最新的数据估计期货无风险套利区间。



根据成分VaR和边缘VaR 的分析,我们应当通过增加期货资产头寸和减少现货头寸来最小化组合VaR,这可以最小化一定收益的风险。






基于copula 技术的在险价值模型是测量其它风险性资产市场风险的基本原理性方法。

在Embrechts 和 Straumann将Copula引入金融风险分析后,许多学者做了大量更加广泛和具体的研究。

Sornette在粒子物理学中用ϕq 场理论解决了组合最优值问题。

Sornette 引入了理性泡沫模型的一般化形式,即风险资产的收益分布表现为幂率尾。

Clemente 和 Romano运用极值理论和Copula研究意大利资本市场并运用模特卡罗模拟方法计算多种资产组合的在险价值。



石家庄经济学院本科生毕业设计外文文献题目石家庄经济学院本部校园网网络规划设计姓名姬云飞学号************学院信息工程学院专业通信工程指导教师张晨燕Campus Network planning and ConstructionAt present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues. The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc..The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexes us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students' life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to be awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software...etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for the balance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.The time today's knowledge-based economy and information technology have the development and popularization of Internet in the world have decided the time the network will become the main tool for information. With the development of computer network technology, network has become an important platform for the exchange of information.Internet-based e-learning with time-sensitive, shared, interactive and many of the characteristics of the individual, so it has a traditional teaching model of unmatched advantages. It created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model at the time and space limitations, the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, greatly improve the teaching efficiency and teaching effectiveness, teaching and learning activities to enable a new level. Do a good jobin the design of the campus network, are among the schools, both internal and external communication between the key and convenient.21st century the size of the campus network and application level are reflected in schools and science teaching and learning environment an important component of the force, so we should make use of existing campus conditions, design a secure, unified campus network. Large Campus Network DesignBusinesses operating large campus networks are increasingly looking for infrastructure upgrades to:(1) Handle high bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast Improve backbone capacity for shared Ethernet or FDDI campus backbones(2) Support applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA(3) Offer high availability, performance, & manageability for your company's intranetUse Layer 2, Layer 3, or ATM backbone solutions to expand your large campus network. In typical designs, the buildings or different parts of the campus connect together across a high performance, switched backbone. Network redundancy and high availability is provided at each layer. A high capacity, centralized server farm provides resources to the campus, and when combined with Cisco IOS, network management strategies support QoS, security, troubleshooting, and other common management features from end to end.Medium Campus Network DesignA medium campus consists of one large building or several buildings. Networking for a medium campus is designed for high availability, performance, and manageability. This is also called a 'collapsed backbone' design for medium campus networks. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA Based on the Cisco AVVID architecture, these intelligent network platforms and products provide the basis for a complete network solution.Small campus networks DesignIn most cases, network redundancy is not the top priority, but cost effectiveness is. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。



外文翻译---基于网络的教学系统Web-XXX services。

With the development of the。

online XXX way for students to access XXX introduce the features and advantages of Web-XXX.2.Features of Web-Based ork n SystemWeb-XXX System has several key features that make it an effective platform for online learning。


it provides a wide range of nal resources。



and online XXX to students at any time and from any n。


the system supports interactive learning。

enabling students to participate in online ns。

submit assignments。

and receive feedback from instructors。


it offers personalized learning。


the system provides a secure and reliable platform for online learning。

XXX of student data and n.3.Advantages of Web-Based ork n SystemWeb-XXX。

it provides greater flexibility and convenience。

allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own XXXfor students who have other commitments。


趣 , 而拓宽学生 学习和交流 的界面 , 足社 会对专 l 进 满 生之 间 的 在线 交 流 , 助 学 生 及 时 解 决 问 题 。 帮
业双语人才 的需求 。通过英汉 双语教育 , 还可 以更好 j
2可 以 实现 个性 化 教 学 .
地 贯彻素质教育 , 创新人才 , 强学生 的创 新意 l 培养 增
《 学 与管 理 》 教
21 0 0年 1 2月 2 0日
网络辅助 立体 化 双 语 教 学 系统 的研 究
◎ 吉林 延边大 学 田和 军 郭振平
随着科学 技术迅猛发展 和国际交 流的 日益加强 ,『 词汇和英文 表述 , 而淡化基础知识 的学习 , 将会 产生
对人 才素质 的要求不 断提 高 , 对专业技术基础好又 能 l 倒 置 的 负 面效 应 , 生 在 认 识 上会 有一 定 的 抵 触 本末 学 运用外语进行科研 和交 流的人才的需求也 日益增 加 。I 情绪 , 势必挫伤部分学生学习的积极性 。为了降低学

} 信息量 , 也增强 了课 堂的感染力。 :
二、 网络辅助双语教学的优势及实践探讨 尽管有 了多媒体技术 的支持 , 但是课堂教学 还受

所谓 的双语教学 , 就是用两种不 同语言进行学科 I
教育的教学活动, 一般是指用母语和非母语讲授的教 l 限的课时 、 的环境 等因素制约 , 以实现 因材 有 嘈杂 难
直 接 采 用 英 文 授 课 , 生 往 往 会 因 集 中注 意 力 于 英 语 l 学 网络 系统 也 为教 师 个 别指 导 提供 了便 利 。

1 45・
田和军 郭振平 : 网络辅助立体化双语教学系统的研究


















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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 外文翻译---基于网络的教学系统河北建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:计算机系专业:计算机科学与技术班级:计 084 班姓名:韩增展学号:2008309413 外文出处:puters can recognize and deal with this kind of expression of information. Digital campus construction is already on going in order to catch the new trend in quality education. The main functions of digital campus cover with distance such as web classroom, courseware on demand, distance examination. The digital campus information management system includes information management system, office automation system, administration examination system and virtual community such as online tutoring, bulletin board system etc. With the intensification of distance web education, how to estimate learning effect locally is an important issue. A comprehensive education system which utilizes information technology of the network to carry on college course to educate, it offers from1 / 15the network classroom, essential study links discussing, answering questions, and processing homework to examination to teachers and students. This system should also support management activity of the educational administration, such as online course project, roll management, follow-up of quality. The self-adapted examination system is a sub-system of the Networking Institute’s demonstration project. In Internet Universal, distance learning is by telephone, television, video and communications, asynchronous transmission mode of teaching information. In recent years, based on the introduction Internet Distance learning, World Wide Web Recognized as the most powerful curriculum information dissemination media, the Internet has hundreds of courses, there are more schools and teachers are being considered for Web Teaching. For Web Teaching, and that is using the World Wide Web as a teaching medium, transmission teaching in the implementation of online teaching, teaching management, and online testing and online exchanges. Realistic and complete implementation based on Web Teaching requires a user-friendly and efficient support online teaching platform support. Currently there are some in the international market such products, such as Lotus Company Learning Space , the British---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Columbia University computer science department development Web CT ,WBT System Company Top Class And Canada Simon Fraser University development Virtual. Many companies and schools are also being developed or is ready to develop similar software, such as the key institutions in preparation for the development of modern distance learning and teaching support system. Online teaching platform should be aware of the support functions, which can or should provide the ancillary support, all of which feature current products, for effective online teaching is very important. 2. The main characteristic Teachers can keep a student’s screens’ voice display and send information to all students or a group of broadcast; teachers can watch and listen to a student ‘s information, and control the student’s keyboard and mouse , and do hand in hand type of guidance, and arbitrary switching among students ; and remote window control guidance, the window of multimedia network classroom software can control the intelligent rolling and teachers teaching in various other functions at the same time, the teacher can remote control machine on a number of students at the same time and also can let all (a group or a) student screens arranged in the black screen, and lock the3 / 15keyboard and mouse, reminding the attention of students; intelligent rolling screen: the screen broadcast and remote control operation uses the original smart scroll, free rolling technology, which need not undertake screen scaling, receiving students in the broadcast in the process of watching the operation; the mouse capture: it supports soft cursor, animated mouse cursor, mouse cursor broadcasting, even in windowed mode which can reflect the real-time changes in morphology and mouse; multi-point monitoring: multimedia network classroom software support multiple windows simultaneously with the same When the watch, which can also watch window distributed across multiple machines, real-time monitoring of all the other students in the state machine; broadcast: multimedia network classroom software support more audio and video file formats, support for VCD, MP3, WAV and other documents play online ; automatic login: students on the machine automatically log in the teacher machine; multimedia network classroom software has strong system stability, ensure the teaching process smoothly; perfect functions, beautiful interface which is easy to use the direct and concise operation, using the unified mode of operation; software, multimedia network classroom software does not need a server, simple installation, convenient upgrade---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ and maintenance; hardware compatibility: multimedia network classroom software contents all the card, sound card, display card and can demonstrate good performance, and won’t appear any unstable phenomenon. 3. Design multimedia network classroom of thought In the multimedia network classroom design, it focuses on solving the user pays as the following issues: (1)the multimedia network classroom is easy to use and individualized demand. Because each teacher for computer to different extent, teachers need to multimedia network classroom is simple and easy to use, one will see, will soon be able to undertake informatizal teaching. The computer master degree higher teacher needs according to computer and information understanding, personalized teaching.(2) multimedia network classroom and practical teaching function. Information teaching is a means of teaching, its purpose is to improve the effect of teaching. This means whether the teaching habits, whether there is a wealth of practical teaching function, really help teachers for teaching, improve the effect of teaching has become the most concern of the teacher.(3)multimedia network classroom teaching management function. If a student who attends class does not5 / 15listen to the teacher carefully, has nothing to do with the classroom things, such as playing games, or simply add or remove programs are headaches in teachers teaching; and in order to guarantee the teaching effection carrying smoothly, it also requires a corresponding teaching management function to assist. 4.The multimedia network classroom program advantages Multimedia network classroom solution has the following advantages.(1) Simple and easy to use, multimedia network classroom software use a graphical interface, whoes each function has a corresponding button, operating on a stick out a mile, so that teachers can see use it easily. (2)Flexible customized, which meets the demand of personal teaching. The teacher can customize multimedia network classroom software interface, icon, toolbar and also can customize the class model at the same time by using multimedia network classroom run concurrent design, each function of teaching can manage any combination and arbitrary. (3) Multimedia network classroom original thumbnail display mode which can make the whole class of the students computer screen contents show to teachers at the same time and let teachers watch easily in global.(4)practical teaching function of multimedia network classroom software offers practical and rich pedagogical features,---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ including screen broadcasting, video broadcasting, voice broadcasting, issued procedures, and collection operations.(5) Supporting a variety of teaching strategies, which can use the broadcast function to broadcast the teacher’s own screen to everyone.(6) teaching management function in the multimedia network classroom, which is subject to the control of the teacher, students can be remotely set machine, and the multimedia network classroom is also enhanced by many teachers and students interaction, such as remote control, which fully ensured between student and teacher interaction.(7) In order to guarantee the teaching carrying out smoothly, the teacher wants multimedia network classroom software to help manage the students’ situation. Multimedia network classroom software is provided for locking the computer black screen and hush functions(8) Multimedia network classroom daily maintenance workload is very big, the teacher does not have too much time to manage multimedia network classroom maintenance, hoping multimedia network classroom software can provide very good maintenance function. Multimedia network classroom with remote settings, document publishing, charge, delete, remote command, remote control and other functions.(9) multimedia7 / 15network classroom software has strong system stability, high soft, hardware environment compatibility, regardless of level of computer configuration, graphics cards, sound card type, which can guarantee the normal operation of multimedia network classroom.(10) because of the multimedia network classroom is a pure software implementation, simple installation, upgrade and maintenance which is very convenient. 5. The main functions of software in multimedia network teaching (1)Teaching function, including screen broadcasting, screen monitoring, voice broadcast, audio monitor, video broadcasting, electronic drawing board, news release, issued a document, collect documents, documents and other functions which the teacher in the class is the most commonly used functions.(2)Teaching management, multimedia network Teaching management function can ensure the teaching be carried out smoothly, including the class model, group management, call sign, lock computer, silent, black screen log. (3)Maintenance, for the convenience of teachers to multimedia classroom network maintenance, multimedia network teaching provides remote settings and other functions. 6. Multimedia network teaching system building Multimedia network classroom is a small LAN environment, generally uses the 100M switching to the desktop,---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------you can ensure that the audio and video files well transmission.Computer selection of good effects and economic benefitsprinciple, selection of the computer multimedia networkclassroom should let the minimum guarantee the smooth operationof multimedia courseware, and commonly used methods of software,suc h as Word, Powerpoint, teacher’s machine configuration ishigher than the students machine configuration , and the bestbuying support WOL function computer. Finally the teachermachine, student machine, switching with twisted pair link,which sets the TCP / IP protocol, transfering through network,should instals on the multimedia network classroom software anda complete multimedia network classroom building. 基于网络的教学系统 1 导言计算机和网络应用带来了重大变革,我们的社会生活,特别是我们的传统机制的教育得到了重大变革。
