




每小题1分,共20分)1、下列宪法分类中,属于传统分类的是()A 成文宪法和不成文宪法B 社会主义宪法和资本主义宪法C 钦定宪法、民定宪法、协定宪法 D真实宪法和虚假宪法E 刚性宪法和柔性宪法2、下列选项中,成文宪法和不成文宪法国家都具有的宪法表现形式有()A 宪法典B 宪法基本原则C 宪法规范D 宪法性法律E 宪法惯例3、根据宪法规定,我国有权行使宪法监督权的机关是()A 全国人大常委会B 最高人民法院C 全国人大D 省、自治区、直辖市的人大及其常委会E 最高人民检察院4、特别行政区的行政长官在法律地位上是()A 特别行政区的首长 B特别行政区立法会的首长 C 特别行政区司法机关的首长D 中央政府在特别行政区的代表E 特别行政区政府的首长5、我国有权制定地方性法规的有()A 省、自治区的人大及其常委会B 省、自治区人民政府所在地的市人大及其常委会C 直辖市的人大及其常委会D 国务院批准的较大的市的人大及其常委会E 计划单列市和沿海开放城市的人大及其常委会6、我国宪法关于土地所有权的规定是()A 所有的土地都属于国家所有B 城市的土地属于国家所有C 农村的土地都属于集体所有D 自留地、宅基地、自留山属于个人所有E 农村和城市郊区的土地,除法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于集体所有7、世界上第一个系统地规定基本人权,并被马克思称之为第一个人权宣言的是()A 英国1689年的《权利法案》B 美国1776年的《独立宣言》C 法国1789年的《人权宣言》D 英国1215年的《自由大宪章》E 苏维埃俄国1918年的《被剥削劳动人民权利宣言》8、我国的民族区域自治地方有()A 自治区B 自治州C 自治县D 民族乡E 自治市9、我国的下列法律中,你认为属于宪法性法律的()A 《中华人民共和国刑法》 B《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》C 《中华人民共和国国籍法》D 《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》E 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》10、当今世界中,违宪审查制度的模式有()A 立法机关监督模式B 司法机关监督模式C 专门机关监督模式D 司法审查制E 宪法法院制11、世界上第一部成文宪法是()A 英国1215年《自由大宪章》B 英国1689年《权利法案》C 法国1789年《人权宣言》D 1787年《美利坚合众国宪法》E 法国1791年《宪法》12、民族自治地方自治机关干部的民族化,我国法律的要求是()A 自治机关所有的干部都应当由少数民族公民担任B 自治机关所有的干部都应当由实行区域自治的少数民族公民担任C 民族自治地方的人大常委会中,应当有实行区域自治民族的公民担任主任或副主任D 自治机关的干部应由当地少数民族的公民担任E 自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任13、在我国的国家机构中,实行个人负责制的国家机关有()A 行政机关B 军事机关 C审判机关 D 检察机关 E 权力机关14、我国选举权的实质平等体现在()A 代表的选举以一定的人口数为基础B 享有选举权的公民可以平等地参加选举C 规定了城乡之间产生1名代表的不同人口比例D 投票时实行1人1票的原则E 规定了民族之间产生1名代表的不同人口比例15、我国在出生取得国籍上采取的原则是()A 出生地主义原则B 血统主义原则C 归化主义原则D 登记主义原则E 出生地主义和血统主义相结合原则16、我国现行宪法规定公民享有的自由权有()A 言论自由和出版自由B 宗教信仰自由C 迁徙自由和罢工自由D 结社自由E 集会、游行、示威自由17、言论免责权是指人大代表在()不受法律追究A 各种会议上的发言B 任何场合的发言和表决 C人大各种会议上的发言D 人大全体会议上的发言和表决E 人大各种会议上的表决18、根据宪法的规定,人民法院上下级之间的关系是()A 上级人民法院领导下级人民法院的工作B 上级人民法院监督下级人民法院的工作C 最高人民法院监督地方各级人民法院和专门人民法院的工作D上级人民法院指导下级人民法院的工作E 最高人民法院统一领导各级人民法院的工作19、在联邦制的国家,联邦政府和成员国政府之间的关系是()A 指导和被指导的关系B 中央和地方的关系C 整体和组成部分的关系D 监督和被监督的关系E 领导和被领导的关系20、从全国人大的构成看,我国实行的代表制度是()A 地域代表制B 职业代表制C 地域和职业相结合的代表制D 以地域代表制为主的地域代表制和职业代表制的结合E 界别代表制二、名词解释(每个3分,共15分)1、宪法监督2、选举制度3、人民代表大会制4、特别行政区5、总理负责制三、判断说明(先判断正误,然后说明正确或错误的理由,判断1分,说明2分,共12分)1、在我国,凡是享有选举权的公民都同时享有被选举权2、特别行政区的所有机关都是自治机关3、国务院有权制定行政法规,所以国务院是国家的立法机关4、平等就是无差别对待四、辨析题(辨析二者之间的异同。



中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷国际经济学(闭卷)卷学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名(单选,共20题,每题2分)1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( )A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respectivewelfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( )bor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( )A.Australia would export the land-intensive product.B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product.C.Both countries would export some of each product.D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country.4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( )A.the price of manufactures.B.the relative wage.C.the real wage.D.the relative price of manufactures.5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except:A.which country will export which product. ( )B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C.the volume of trade.D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.6, If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, then ( )A.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.7, When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction, we have ( )A.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.8, If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this must ( )A.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.9, A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefit ( )A.foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B.domestic manufacturers of steel.C.domestic consumers of steel.D.workers in the steel industry.10, If the poor AID(aid of international development) recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will ( )A.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.11, A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend to experience ( )A.no change in terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.12, The most common form of price discrimination in international trade is ( )A.non-tariff barriers.B.V oluntary Export Restraints.C.dumping.D.preferential trade arrangements.13, An appreciation of a country’s currency ( )A.decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price ofits imports.B.raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.C.lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.D.raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of itsimports.14, Under Purchasing Power Parity, ( )A.E$/E = P i US/ P i E.B.E$/E = P i E / P i US.C.E$/E = P US / P E.D.E$/E = P E / P US.15, Under the monetary approach to the exchange rate, ( )A. a reduction in the money supply will cause immediate currencydepreciation.B. a rise in the money supply will have no effect on exchange rate.C. a rise in the money supply will cause immediate currency appreciation.D. a rise in the money supply will cause a proportional long-run currencydepreciation.16, When EP*/P rises, ( )A.IM will rise.B.IM may rise or fall.C.IM will fall.D.IM is not affected.17, In the short run, a temporary increase in fiscal policy causes ( )A.a shift of the DD curve to the left, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.B. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.C. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency depreciation.D.a shift of the DD curve to the left, a decrease in output, andcurrency depreciation.18, How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? ( )A.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.B.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↓→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.C.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↑→AD ↑, and Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑.D.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by less. 19, Under fixed rates, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Monetary policy can affect only output.B.Monetary policy can affect only employment.C.Monetary policy can affect only international reserves.D.Monetary policy can not affect international reserves.20, Under fixed exchange rate, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Devaluation causes a rise in output.B.Devaluation causes a decrease in output.C.Devaluation has no effect on output.共5题,每题6分)1,An Economy can produce goods A using labor and capital and goods B using labor and land. Calculate the effects of the fall in the relative price of goods B on the income of the specific factors capital and land.2, suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a countervailing tariff that offsets its effect, so that in the end relative price in the second country are unchanged. What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?3, Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.4, International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.5,What is the Fisher Effect? Provide an example.6,Suppose E is fixed at E0 and that the asset markets are in equilibrium.Suddenly output rises. What monetary measures keep the current exchange rate constant given unchanged expectations about the future rate?(共1题,10分)A small country imports peanuts at the price of $10 per bag. The demand curve is D=400-10P. The supply curve is S=50+5PDetermine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects: A: The increase in the domestic priceB: The quota rentsC: The consumption distortion lossD: The production distortion loss.四.Essay Questions(共2题,每题10分)1,Comparing the interindustry trade and intraindustry trade.2, Construct a table that will summarize the effects of money market and output market changes on the long-run nominal dollar/ euro exchange rate.中南财经政法大学---------学年第----学期期末考试答案和评分标准课程名称:《国际经济学》()卷课程代号:_02013020_考试形式:闭卷使用对象:1,Because good B uses land, a fall in its relative price will result in a fall in rental rates on land, and an increase in the return to capital.2,The first country is worse off by subsidy and a foreign tariff while the second one is better off by subsidy in the first one and its own tariff.3, Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.4,This statement is typically "true…but". Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, and more factors than goods, then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is "true". However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.5, All else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.6, •Since output rises, demand for domestic money rises; this increase in money demand normally pushes the domestic interest rate upwards. To prevent appreciation of home currency (given E0is expected) the central bank buys foreign assets in foreign exchange market.•This eliminates excess demand for domestic money because the central bank issues money to pay for the foreign assets it buys.•The bank increases the money supply in this way until asset markets clear with E = E0 and R = R*.三.计算题A: D-S=50,P=20(3分)B: (20-10)*50=500(3分)C: 100*10*0.5=500(2分)D:50*10*0.5=250(2分)四.论述题1, Interindustry trade reflect comparative advantage while intraindustry trade doesnot reflect comparative advantage.(4分)The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable while interindustry trade is predictable.(3分)The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.(3分)。



中南财经政法大学20XX-20XX学年第一学期《市场营销管理》期末考试试题(A卷)考试对象:工商管理专业20XX级本期末试卷满分为80分,占课程总成绩的80%;平时成绩占课程总成绩的 20%。























一、名词解释(每题2分,共10分)1、价值规律2、市场机制3、借贷资本4、成本价格5、跨国公司二、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1、单位商品的价值量与()A. 包含在商品中的社会必要劳动量成正比B. 包含在商品中的个别劳动量成正比C. 生产该商品的部门劳动生产率成正比D. 生产该商品的个别企业的劳动生产率成正比2、市场机制的核心是()A. 价格机制B. 竞争机制C. 供求机制D. 利率机制3、在资本主义商品价值中,工人新创造的价值是()A. C + VB. C + V + MC. V + MD. C + M4、资本家用于购买劳动力的可变资本,它的价值()A.由工人的具体劳动转移到新产品中B.由工人的抽象劳动转移到新产品中C. 由工人的生产中重新创造出来D. 一次全部转移到新产品中并随产品出售一次收回E. 一次全部投入生产过程并随商品销售一次全部收回5、某企业的一台机器价值10万元,其使用年限为5年,每年该机器生产的产品为1万件,不考虑无形磨损,该机器生产的每件产品中所包含的机器折旧费是()A. 20元B. 10元C. 2元D. 1元6、通过组织股份公司扩大单个资本生产规模属于()A. 资本集聚B. 资本集中C. 资本积累D. 资本垄断7、在资本主义工资形式上,工人的()A. 劳动全部表现为有酬劳动B. 劳动全部表现为无酬劳动C. 必要劳动和剩余劳动在时间上能明确地表现出来D. 必要劳动和剩余劳动在空间上能明确地表现出来8、剩余价值与全部预付资本的比率是()A. 剩余价值率B. 利润率C. 平均利润率D. 年剩余价值率9、平均利润形成以后,超额利润是()A. 个别价值低于社会价值的差额B. 个别价值高于社会价值的差额C. 个别生产价格低于社会生产价格的差额D. 个别生产价格低高于社会生产价格的差额10、商业资本家支出的各种流通费用也要获得()A. 垄断利润B. 产业利润C. 平均利润D. 超额利润11、在农业资本有机构成低于社会平均资本有机构成的条件下,农产品的社会生产价格()A. 大于农产品价值B. 小于农产品价值C. 等于农产品价值D. 与农产品价值无关12、当代主要发达资本主义国家一般处于()A. 自由竞争资本主义阶段B. 垄断竞争资本主义阶段C. 一般垄断资本主义阶段D. 国家垄断资本主义阶段13、垄断价格的出现表明,垄断能()A. 创造出新的价值,从而不违背价值规律B. 增加商品价值总量,不受价值规律制约C. 提高或压低个别商品的价格,但受价值规律制约D. 增加商品价值总量使之与商品价格总额相等14、金融资本是指()A. 银行与非银行金融机构资本的总和B. 银行自有资本和借入资本的总和C. 垄断的工业资本和垄断的银行资本的融合D. 国家银行资本与私人银行资本的融合15、在社会主义市场经济中,调节经济活动应该()A. 完全依赖“看得见的手”的调节B. 完全依赖“看不见的手”的调节C. 把“看得见的手”和“看不见的手”对立起来D. 把“看得见的手”和“看不见的手”结合起来三、多项选择题(在每小题的备选答案中选出两个以上正确答案。



注:试验因素 A 有三个水平。 ⑴写出原假设及备择假设; ⑵写出 SST,SSA,SSE, f T , f A , f e ,MSA,MSE,n 以及 P 值; ⑶判断因素 A 是否显著。
第 2 页(共 3 页)
得分 ------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------------- 封 ----------------------------- 线 ---------------------------------------------------------
课程名称: 《统计学》 (B)卷 ) 课程代号:09008050 考试形式:闭卷、笔试 使用对象:
题号 分值 得分
一 10
二 14
三 14
四 10
( ②、时效性 ③、准确性 ( ②、样本容量与总体方差成反比
) )
3、统计中计算数值型数据的平均数时,依据资料的不同,平均数的计算形式有 ( ①、算术平均数 ②、移动平均数 ③、调和平均数 4、某商业企业今年与去年相比,各种商品的价格总指数为 117.5%,这一结果说明 ( ①、商品零售价格平均上涨了 17.5% ②、商品零售量平均上涨了 17.5% ③、由于价格提高使零售额增长了 17.5% 5、指出下列表述中哪些肯定是错误的 (
五 12
六 40
______________________________________________________________________________ 得分 评阅人



哈看看以可家大�料资关相的查上网是上以 。区场市贸集村农碍障无造构力大�作合场市贸集村农际国展开极积�度力发 开作合场市贸集村农的区地边周快加。则原的享共源资、补互势优、动联域区持坚⑥ 。则原的伐步设建型好友境环和型约节源资场 市贸集村农立建快加、路思新创、顾兼筹统、展发谐和、快又好又、本为人以持坚⑤ 则原的念理理管设建新创�施设套配善完持坚④ 。程过的进渐、期长 项一是设建场市贸集村农。则原的地用约节、迁拆明文、进渐序循�实现足立持坚③ 。则原的保环色绿、导指类分�宜制地因持坚 ②
步进术技进促 、2 。化大最的率效配分现实 、1
则规的律规一这用运 势优心核挥发、4 利福者费消高提、3
考参供仅 用作的争竞 容内的争竞关有页 631 第论概通流品商�则准的律规一 这用运及以点特、用作的中域领通流在律规争竞述论�际实内国合联 �1� 题述论、五 。答回来面方能功 本基及标目�容内要主�义定的策政通流从以可�性属本基的策政通流于关 。统系的系体成自个一是策政通流�程过通流品商个整是象对的策政通流③ 。志意和断判值价的构机共公会社现体策政通流② 等法办�例条�章规政行及规法律法 有式形要主其 �入介开公的域领通流品商对而益利共公会社他其及益权者费消护 保�正公与平公的争竞障保�动活通流调协�展发业产通流进促�败失场市正矫
了为构机共公会社即 �策政共公的象对用使为通流品商以是策政通流谓所① 页 792 至 292 第�么什是性属本基的策政通流品商�5� 。大增也性能可的 生发险风�大扩动活域领性直垂�说来的总�大增性难困与性杂复的理管④ 息信和术技新得获部外从以难③ 衡平不的术技和量流的间之节环个各生发会② 死过用占�定固且�大增入投① �端弊的化体一直垂 垒壁入进成形并力断垄使行可⑤ 高提力能术技�大扩域领动活关相④ 整调的后事�前事做可动活的间节环各③ 象对售销和源购采的立独证保能② 用费易交等督监�涉交�寻搜了省节① �点优的化体一直垂 。合结本 资现实�并合�组重节环通流�产生的上以厂工或厂工把业企指化体一直垂 页 86 第论概通流品商�弊利的化体一直垂通流述简�4� 性新革 的上理管织组③ 性新革的式方营经② 销多利薄行实 d 货退以可 d 品商的量大出列陈 c 价标码明行 实售销品商 b 店商出进在自由自虑顾无毫以可客顾 a �性新革的式方售销① 页 74 第�征特新革的店售零往以于对相店货百述简�3� 。平水展发的统系流物会社个整于决取还且而�况状展发的统 系通流售零个整及平水营经的商售零于决取仅不量质展发与存生的者费消 。赖依的统系通流对者费消为现表还�赖依的通流对费消② 。本成流物的者费消了约节地大极并�识知费消品商的全安学科了供提者费消 为动活等送配品商�示展�传宣过通商售零�后最�利便的上间时物购供提的度 限大最者费消为�营经间时长续连过通商售零�次再�境环物购的能功闲休有具 了供提者费消为也 �本成间空和间时的者费消了约节仅不而从�局布和计设的当 适行进铺店对并 �铺店立设点地的者费消近接能可尽在商售零次其�能职管保和 存储的品商对者费消了行代�本成寻搜的者费消了低降而从 �合组品商的富丰供 提者费消为识知门专与本资其用利�人理代买购的者费消为作商售零�先首。赖 依的段阶通流售零对为现表接直赖依的通流对费消�中活生济经实现在① 页 22 第�里哪在现表用作约制的费消对通流�2� 。展发的力产生了进促�围范间空和间时的换交于用者产生了约节 �围范间空和模规的换交品商了大扩步一进 �现出的人商 。态形本资的早最上史历 是本资人商此因。本资的利获中从并回收�出卖再买购�付预先为化转始开币货 �现出的人商于由�时同。利谋中从并�卖后买先�买而卖为�人介中当充中程 过换交在是而 �要需接直的己自足满为是再不为行卖买的人商。化变的新了生发 系关换交的有原使�现出的人商。生产业商�成完的工分会社次三第着随② 。展发的产生品商了进促�围范与模规的换交 了大扩 。换交了便方大大而从�的离分是以可都上间空在且而上间时在仅不段阶 个两这�段阶的买和段阶的卖即�程过的同不个两为解分换交品商的时这。换交 品商的介媒为币货为展发换交物物由式形换交使 �成完的工分会社次二第①




D.丁认为,张某对房屋的毁损没有过错,且此情况不止一家,银行应将贷款做坏账处理。 坚持还贷是一厢情愿
4、甲出生前,甲母因服用不良药物,导致甲手脚残疾。关于胎儿甲民事权益的保护,下 列哪一选项是正确的?
A.甲出生后,甲可向医药公司主张赔偿 B.甲出生后,甲不得向医药公司主张赔偿 C.甲出生时是死体的,甲父不得向医药公司主张赔偿 D.甲出生时是死体的,甲母不得向医药公司主张赔偿 5、关于监护,下列哪一表述是错误的? A.甲委托医院照料其患精神病的配偶乙,甲可与医院约定,因乙的行为造成他人损害的,
水冲毁。张某尽管生活艰难,仍想方设法还清了银行贷款,对此周围多有议论。根据 民法的有关规定,下列哪一观点可以成立? A.甲认为,房屋被洪水冲毁属于不可抗力,张某无须履行还款义务,坚持还贷多此一举。 B.乙认为,张某已不具备还贷能力,无须履行还款义务,坚持还贷是为难自己。
C.丙认为,张某与银行的贷款合同并未因房屋被冲毁而消灭,坚持还贷是严守合同、诚 实信用
陆甲口头同意后,将陆甲的片酬 30000 元以陆甲的名义赠与李乙。对于这一民事行为 的效力,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.有效,理由是陆军是其法定代理人,有权处理其财产 B.有效,理由是陆军已征得陆甲的同意
第 2 页(共 5 页)
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中南财经政法大学 2016–2017 学年第一学期 期末考试试卷















中南财大 国际经济学--双语期末试卷

中南财大 国际经济学--双语期末试卷

中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷国际经济学(闭卷)卷学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名(单选,共20题,每题2分)1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( )A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respectivewelfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( )bor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( )A.Australia would export the land-intensive product.B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product.C.Both countries would export some of each product.D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country.4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( )A.the price of manufactures.B.the relative wage.C.the real wage.D.the relative price of manufactures.5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except:A.which country will export which product. ( )B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C.the volume of trade.D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.6, If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, then ( )A.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.7, When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction, we have ( )A.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.8, If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this must ( )A.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.9, A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefit ( )A.foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B.domestic manufacturers of steel.C.domestic consumers of steel.D.workers in the steel industry.10, If the poor AID(aid of international development) recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will ( )A.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.11, A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend to experience ( )A.no change in terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.12, The most common form of price discrimination in international trade is ( )A.non-tariff barriers.B.V oluntary Export Restraints.C.dumping.D.preferential trade arrangements.13, An appreciation of a country’s currency ( )A.decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price ofits imports.B.raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.C.lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.D.raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of itsimports.14, Under Purchasing Power Parity, ( )A.E$/E = P i US/ P i E.B.E$/E = P i E / P i US.C.E$/E = P US / P E.D.E$/E = P E / P US.15, Under the monetary approach to the exchange rate, ( )A. a reduction in the money supply will cause immediate currencydepreciation.B. a rise in the money supply will have no effect on exchange rate.C. a rise in the money supply will cause immediate currency appreciation.D. a rise in the money supply will cause a proportional long-run currencydepreciation.16, When EP*/P rises, ( )A.IM will rise.B.IM may rise or fall.C.IM will fall.D.IM is not affected.17, In the short run, a temporary increase in fiscal policy causes ( )A. a shift of the DD curve to the left, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.B. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.C. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency depreciation.D. a shift of the DD curve to the left, a decrease in output, andcurrency depreciation.18, How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? ( )A.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.B.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↓→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.C.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↑→AD ↑, and Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑.D.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by less. 19, Under fixed rates, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Monetary policy can affect only output.B.Monetary policy can affect only employment.C.Monetary policy can affect only international reserves.D.Monetary policy can not affect international reserves.20, Under fixed exchange rate, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Devaluation causes a rise in output.B.Devaluation causes a decrease in output.C.Devaluation has no effect on output.共5题,每题6分)1,An Economy can produce goods A using labor and capital and goods B using labor and land. Calculate the effects of the fall in the relative price of goods B on the income of the specific factors capital and land.2, suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a countervailing tariff that offsets its effect, so that in the end relative price in the second country are unchanged. What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?3, Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.4, International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.5,What is the Fisher Effect? Provide an example.6,Suppose E is fixed at E0 and that the asset markets are in equilibrium.Suddenly output rises. What monetary measures keep the current exchange rate constant given unchanged expectations about the future rate?(共1题,10分)A small country imports peanuts at the price of $10 per bag. The demand curve is D=400-10P. The supply curve is S=50+5PDetermine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects: A: The increase in the domestic priceB: The quota rentsC: The consumption distortion lossD: The production distortion loss.四.Essay Questions(共2题,每题10分)1,Comparing the interindustry trade and intraindustry trade.2, Construct a table that will summarize the effects of money market and output market changes on the long-run nominal dollar/ euro exchange rate.中南财经政法大学---------学年第----学期期末考试答案和评分标准课程名称:《国际经济学》()卷课程代号:_02013020_考试形式:闭卷使用对象:1,Because good B uses land, a fall in its relative price will result in a fall in rental rates on land, and an increase in the return to capital.2,The first country is worse off by subsidy and a foreign tariff while the second one is better off by subsidy in the first one and its own tariff.3, Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.4,This statement is typically "true…but". Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, and more factors than goods, then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is "true". However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.5, All else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.6, •Since output rises, demand for domestic money ris es; this increase in money demand normally pushes the domestic interest rate upwards. To prevent appreciation of home currency (given E0is expected) the central bank buys foreign assets in foreign exchange market.•This eliminates excess demand for domes tic money because the central bank issues money to pay for the foreign assets it buys.•The bank increases the money supply in this way until asset markets clear with E = E0 and R = R*.三.计算题A: D-S=50,P=20(3分)B: (20-10)*50=500(3分)C: 100*10*0.5=500(2分)D:50*10*0.5=250(2分)四.论述题1, Interindustry trade reflect comparative advantage while intraindustry trade doesnot reflect comparative advantage.(4分)The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable while interindustry trade is predictable.(3分)The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.(3分)。



中南财经政法大学公司金融期末考试真题一、单项选择题1、反映债务与债权人之间的关系是()A、企业与政府之间的关系B、企业与债权人之间的财务关系C、企业与债务人之间的财务关系D、企业与职工之间的财务关系2、根据简化资产负债表模型,公司在金融市场上的价值等于:()A、有形固定资产加上无形固定资产B、销售收入减去销货成本C、现金流入量减去现金流出量D、负债的价值加上权益的价值3、公司短期资产和负债的管理称为()A、营运资本管理B 代理成本分析C、资本结构管理D、资本预算管理4、反映股东财富最大化目标实现程度的指标是()A、销售收入B 市盈率C 每股市价D净资产收益率5、企业财务管理的目标与企业的社会责任之间的关系是()A、两者相互矛盾B、两者没有联系C、两者既矛盾又统一D 两者完全一致6、财务管理的目标是使()最大化。

A、公司的净利润B 每股收益C、公司的资源D、现有股票的价值7、下列陈述正确的是()。





每小题1分,共20分)1、普通法院在审理具体案件的过程中,对使用于该案的法律的合宪性进行审查,这种宪法监督方式叫()A事先审查 B事后审查 C宪法控诉 D附带性审查 E司法审查2、世界上最早对基本人权给予系统确认的纲领性文件是()A1776年美国的《独立宣言》 B1689年英国的《权利法案》C1789年法国的《人权宣言》 D1918年俄国的《被剥削劳动人民权利宣言》 E1215年英国的《自由大宪章》3、现行宪法规定,全国人大常委的组成人员不得担任国家——的职务A行政机关 B审判机关 C军事机关D检察机关 E 权力机关4、下列基本权利中,我国宪法加以确认的有()A 选举权B 被选举权C 创制权D 复决权E 控告检举权5、在我国,将直接选举的范围扩大到县一级的是()A1953的选举法 B1979年的选举法 C1986年修改的选举法D1995年修改的选举法 E1983年的选举发修正案6、在我国宪法中明确规定保护公民人格尊严的是()A 1954年宪法 C1975年宪法 B1978年宪法D1982年宪法 E1999年的宪法修正案7、现阶段我国的人民是指()A全体的社会主义劳动者 B拥护社会主义的爱国者 C拥护祖国统一的爱国者 D 社会主义建设者 E广大的海外侨胞和港澳台同胞8、当今各国有关公民一词的最基本含义是() A出生在该国的人 B该国享有政治权利的人C具有该国国籍的人 D18岁以上的人 E居住在该国的人9、我国实行直接选举的区域,候选人当选的条件是()A候选人获得全体选民的过半数以上的赞同B选区全体选民过半数以上参加投票C候选人获参加投票的选民半数以上的赞同D选区三分之二以上的选民参加投票E候选人获得参加投票的三分之二以上选民的赞同10、根据宪法规定,有权审查批准国民经济和社会发展计划的机关是()A全国人大常委会B全国人大C国务院D国家发展改革委员会 E国家主席11、我国的宪法修正案由全国人大以——的2/3以上多数通过才能生效()A全体代表 B出席代表 C应有代表 D到会代表 E 实有代表12、省级人大代表可以向——提出书面辞呈()A选举他的人民代表大会 B选举他的人民代表大会常务委员会C本级人民代表大会 D本级人民代表大会常务委员会E上级人大常委会13、我国实行直接选举的区域有()A县(包括自治县) B乡、民族乡、镇 C不设区的市D市辖区 E设区的市14、下列人员中,人民法院或人民检察院可以决定暂时停止他们选举权利行使的是()A正在受侦查、起诉的人员 B正在受劳动教养和拘留处罚的人员C正在取保候审的人员 D被判处拘役、管制而正在服刑的人员E正在人民法院接受审判的人员15、根据宪法的规定,只能由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任的职务是()A自治区主席 B自治州州长 C人民法院院长D自治县县长 E民族自治地方人大常委会的主任或副主任16、社会主义精神文明建设的根本任务是要提高中华民族的()A文化素质 B思想道德素质 C道德素质D科学文化素质 E科学素质17、我国宪法规定的公民的人身自由包括()A人身自由不受侵犯 B人格尊严不受侵犯C住宅不受侵犯 D通信自由和通信秘密受国家法律保护E迁徙自由18、现行宪法规定,地方各级审计机关对——负责()A本级人民政府 B本级人民代表大会 C上级审计机关D本级人大常委会 E本级人大和人民政府19、欧洲大陆的第一部成文宪法是()A1791年法国宪法 B1215年英国的《自由大宪章》C1689年英国的《权利法案》 D1789年法国的《人权宣言》E德国1919年的《威玛宪法》20、宪法规定,国务院总理人选的提名权和任命权属于()A全国人大主席团 B国家主席 C全国人大常委会D全国人大常委会委员长 E中共中央得分评卷人二、名词解释(每个3分,共15分)1、政权组织形式2、特别行政区3、宗教信仰自由4、宪法惯例5、不成文宪法得分评卷人三、判断说明(先判断正误,然后说明正确或错误的理由,判断1分,说明2分,共12分)1、成文宪法的国家,没有和不承认宪法惯例的约束力()2、我国的人民民主专政是对劳动人民的民主和对阶级敌人专政的统一()3、人民代表大会制是我国基本的政治制度()4、我国建立和实行民族区域自治制度是为了实现国家的统一()得分评卷人四、辨析题(辨析二者之间的异同。




将下列各小题中唯一的正确选项的代码分别填入答题纸中相应 的位置。

一、非形式理论基础:(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 【参考答案】:若 p ,则 q ;若 r ,则 s 。

或者 p ,或者 r ;所以,或者 q ,或者 s 。


已 知小李或者是武汉人,或者是南京人;所以,小李或者是湖北人,或者是江苏人。

1. 下列选项中,逻辑形式与其他各项差别最大的是:( ) (A) 有的音乐是美妙的。

(B) 如果今天是除夕,那么明天就是春节。

(C) 此物物美而且价廉。

(D) 不是张文,就是李玲去参观了世博。

2. 判断“是武汉人,就是湖北人” 与“若X大于Y,则Y小于X”的逻辑形式中:( ) (A) 常项相同变项相同 (B) 常项不同变项相同 (C) 常项相同变项不同 (D) 常项不同变项不同3. 下列四组概念中,外延间逻辑关系与其他各组差别最大的是:( ) (A) 白马,黑马 (B) 湖北省,武汉市 (C) 法院,法官 (D) 抢劫犯,盗窃犯4. 下列四组判断中,真假关系与其他各组差别最大的是:( ) (A) 此鸟能飞。

// 此鸟不能飞。

(B) 雷锋不是自私的。

// 有的人不是自私的。

(C) 有人好学。

// 有人不好学。

(D) 所有法官都公正。

// 所有法官都不公正。

5. 下列各个陈述中,不违反逻辑基本规律的是:( ) (A) 我不认为一切金属都是固体,也不认为一切金属都不是固体。

(B) 我从不参与有无鬼神的争论,因为他们的两种观点我都不赞成。

(C) 经验主义不能一概都反对,例如工作经验、生产经验等,就不应该反对。

(D) 这次考试我一定能通过,因为我这次信心十足,家里人也都鼓励我、支持我。

6. 所有的白马都是马,所以,所有的马都是白马。

——该推理所犯的逻辑错误是:( ) (A) 两不可 (B) 推不出 (C) 偷换论题 (D) 自相矛盾7.下列概念的限制或概括中,不正确的是:( ) (A) “松树”概括为“松树林” (B) “中学生”概括为“学生” (C) “高等院校”限制为“北京大学” (D) “元素”限制为“金属元素” 8. 下列划分中,属于“子项相容”的是:( ) (A) 生物可分为动物和植物。



中南财经政法大学2004-2005学年第一学期期末考试试卷Final Exam For New Horizon College English Learners《新视野大学英语(三)》(课程代号:11054010)B卷(闭卷)Jan. 2005 注意事项:1.所有客观题答案均填写在机阅答题卡上;客观题答案写在试卷后所附的自制答题卡上。


3 请首先用铅笔在答题卡上按示范正确填写考号。

考号共六位,即:03(年级)+ 班号两位+ 个人学生证号后两位。




4. 试卷内型不填。

5. 用铅笔填写,要更正一定清擦干净后再填写正确答案,不填或填写错误,责任自负。

6. 考试时间为2小时。


7. 寒假期间,请完成各班老师布置的作业,并完成第三册后两单元的阅读及自主听力。

Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)Section A 10%Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear:M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it's necessary.Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?You will read:A. At the office.B.In the waiting room.C.At the airport.D.In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore A) "At the office" is the best answer. You should choose[A]and mark it with a single line through the center.1. A. In a shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hospital. D. In a bus2. A. By car. B. By rushing. C. By walking D. By bus.3. A. Find out where the stoplight is.B. Give the man directions to the bus station.C. Get directions to the bus station.D. Get to the grocery store.4. A. He has been to church. B. The red wallet cost two dollars.C. The broom was on the bottom.D. He has searched there carefully.5. A. At a library. B. At a store. C. At a bank. D. At a doctor's.6. A. The story of a novel. B. Looking for a job.C. A report of an accident.D. The whereabouts of a book.7. A. To occupy himself with the woman's work.B. To go along to meet her friend with Tony.C. To go along to meet her friend with her.D. To meet her friend for her.8. A. He will walk. B. He will drive.C. He will take a cab.D. He will take a bus.9. A. To renew her passport.B. To try to get a driving license.C. To go to the hospital for a medical check.D. To spend the weekend with her mother10. A. Cigarettes become cheaper recently.B. He's gained a profit from his business.C. He has promised to keep smoking cigarettes.D. He guesses that smoking releases anxiety.Section B Compound Dictation ( 10 % ) (Please transfer your answers onto the Answer Sheet attached to this test paper.)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to Sl0 you are required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the mainpoints in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.When John (S1) that morning, he remembered that his mother was going (S2) hospital. He hadn't (S3) worked out what was wrong with her. He knew, ( S4 ) , that she hadn't been well for some time now, and it had become almost (S5) to him to see her eyes narrowed in a sudden attack of pain, and her hand (S6) against her heart. Their own doctor, who she had finally gone to for (S7) , had sent her to a specialist who knew all about these things.(S8)During the weeks since then the pains had come even more often, and the narrowed eyes became an almost permanent part of her expression. (S9)_____________________________________ John, a considerate person, tried to think what it would be like to have toothache all the time and how bad-tempered that would make you.So when his mother went into hospital, John was going to stay with his aunt and his father would stay on at home by himself. However, John didn't feel much happier . (S10).Part II Vocabulary and Structure ( 15% )Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B) ,C) and D) . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.11. Although cats can’t see in complete darkness, their eyes are much more to lightthan are human eyes.A. glowingB. brilliantC. sensitiveD. sensible12. The passive voice indicates that the subject is the of the action.A. performerB. receiverC. modifierD. carrier13. There is a special for calculating distance, if speed and time are known.A. formationB. informationC. formalityD. formula14. She cut her hair short and tried to herself as a man.A. decorateB. disguiseC. disgustD. distinguish15. Most people who travel in the course of their work are giving traveling .A. incomeB. allowancesC. wagesD. pay16. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of medical profession women are inthe .A. shortageB. minimumC. scarcityD. minority17. Nobody knows yet how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system willdown the economy.A. putB. settleC. dragD. knock18. I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already in debt me.A. toB. forC. ofD. with19 John his father very much in all his ways.A. reactsB. respondsC. resemblesD. remembers20. Aluminum offers higher to corrosion than many other metals.A. resistanceB. refusalC. rejectionD. elimination21. Reading the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what weread ours.A. rectifiesB. prolongsC. minimizesD. furnishes22. Figures in 1998 showed that crimes had decreased in the previous years.A. publishedB. deliveredC. releasedD. relieved23. We are ____ from drinking alcohol during working hours.A. subtractedB. prohibitedC. preventedD. blocked24. The country is engaged in a nation-wide ________ to get rid of those backward things and tocatch up with the advanced countries.A. settlementB. necessityC. reformD. correction25. I bought a washing-machine and asked to have it sent to my house. The manager of the storepromised to make a prompt _____.A. deliveryB. relayC. supplyD. transport6. A new spaceship was _____ at Cape Kennedy yesterday.A. motivatedB. releasedC. transmittedD. launched27. There was a 0.3 per cent rise in the cost-of-living _____.A. markB. gradeC. indicationD. index28. The tension _____ as the guest of honor was about to announce the winner.A. mountedB. accentedC. climbedD. raised29. The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received _____ injuries.A. fatalB. excessiveC. radicalD. exaggerated30. Parents should ________ their language when children are present.A. moderateB. qualifyC. temperD. intensify31. There is no easy solution to Japan’s labour ________ .A. declineB. vacancyC. shortageD. rarity32. The newly-built Science Building seems ________ enough to last a hundred years.A. spaciousB. sophisticatedC. substantialD. steady33. The ________ for the destruction of the woods done by man ultimately lies in the hands of theyoung, who will start doing something about it.A. methodB. remedyC. replacementD. substitute34. There was a long ________ in Parliament on the question of capital punishment.A. debateB. talkC. debatingD. argument35. The company went ________ because of its poor management.A. insolventB. bankruptC. destituteD. impoverishment36. The chairman made a few ________ remarks.A. conventionalB. acceptedC. customaryD. established37. The pupil of the eye dilates and ________ in respond to light.A. pactsB. reducesC. contractsD. compresses38. Thousands died or emigrated during the Irish ________ .A. famulusB. familiarityC. famineD. familism39. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ________ the speakers stopped forrefreshments.A. at largeB. at intervalsC. at easeD. at random40. After several nuclear disasters, a ________ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A. quarrelB. suspicionC. argumentD. controversyPart III Reading Comprehension ( 40% )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Questions 41~45 are based on the following passage.Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientificstudy of lying. According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a ―white lie‖, such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. However, this is only one side of the story. Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling. This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way.Research has also been done into the way people’s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual. To the trained observer, they are saying, ―I wish I were somewhere else now‖. They also tend to touch certain parts of the face more often, in particular the nose. One explanation of this may be that lying causes a slight increase in blood pressure. The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressure makes it itchy.Another gesture which gives liars away is what the writer Desmond Morris in his book Manwatching calls ―the mouth cover‖. He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth. Such a gesture can be interpreted as an unconscious attempt on the part of the liar to stop himself or herself from lying. Of course, such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth, or squirming about in a chair cannot be taken as proof that the speaker is lying. They simply tend to occur more frequently in this situation. It is not one gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things, and in particular the context in which the lie is told.41. According to Professor Jellison, a ―white lie‖ appears to be a lie _______.A. that is told to mean the oppositeB. that a liar tells unconsciouslyC. that the teller tends to profit or gain some advantage from itD.told harmlessly to avoid offending people42. Research on lying suggests that women_______.A. are more skilled at telling less serious lies than menB .tell more lies than menC. end to flatter people more often than men doD. are better at telling lies at parties than men do43. When people lie, they tend to rub their noses in order to _____.A. stop themselves from lyingB. get rid of itchC. avoid offensive smellD. give a hint of lying44. One reason people sometimes cover their mouths while lying is that ______.A. they wish those words had not come out of their mouthsB. mouth is very sensitive to physical changes caused by lyingC. they are trying unconsciously to stop themselves from telling liesD. they regret that their lies might hurt other people’s feelings45. We can know from the passage that ______.A. certain gestures can be used as proofs to judge whether a speaker is lying or notB. politicians and businessmen lie more often than ordinary peopleC. some gestures are proofs of lying only if they occur frequentlyD. there is no simple way to judge if people tell lies or notPassage 2Questions 46~50 are based on the following passage.If an animal is moved from its home in the tropics to a cold climate, it will die if it is not kept warm. And animals accustomed to cold climates will die if they are moved to the tropics. Many plants, too, will die if they are removed from the place where they normally grow and are transplanted into an unfamiliar soil. Almost every species is adapted to life in a particular place by its organs and their functions and by permanent habits. The specialized adaptation has great advantages, for it enables many organisms to survive under different conditions. It also has disadvantages, for it means that the life of most species is controlled by local conditions.Living things are not scattered over the earth at random; most species have definite habits for living places. Ecology is the study of how organisms live in their environment. This means finding out how an organism survives and reproduces in certain surroundings. By environment we mean not only the soil and the climate but the living things of the same species and other species, plant or animal. Most living things are slaves to their environment. Some can alter certain features of their environment to suit themselves; a beaver, for example, can make ponds by building dams, many birds and insects can build elaborate nests to provide shelter for their young. But these skills are restricted and highly specialized. Most organisms must adapt their bodies to fit in with their surroundings, and since they can adapt only to particular surroundings, they are found only in places where they can live successfully with the least effort.Plants find these favorable places by trial and errors. The wind carries their seeds and spores great distances. If the seeds land in a favorable environment, they grow and reproduce. If they are deposited in an unfavorable environment, they die. Animals, on the other hand, search until they find a favorable environment.46. The main idea of this passage can be summarized as: _______.A. different habits of animals and plantsB. living things and their surroundingsC. plants and animals: slaves of their surroundingsD.animals’ ability to adapt themselves to their surroundings47. What is meant by adaptation?A.The ability of living things to survive in a particular place under difficult conditions.B.The control of most species of living things by local conditions.C.The ability of living things to find out some kind of specific surroundings for their survival.D.The permanent habits of most living things.48. Living things can adapt themselves to their surroundings mainly through____.A. their organs and the organs’ specific functionsB.their specialized permanent habitsC.their local living conditionsD. both A and B49. Animals are different from plants mainly in that _____.A. they can more or less alter their surroundingsB. their organs are highly specialized to their surroundingsC. they are looking for a favorable environment for their survivalD. they usually have their own specialized habits50. What information is implied but not stated in the passage?A. Animals are not completely restricted or confined to their surroundings.B. Plants are completely confined to their surroundings.C. Human beings are the only animals who can alter their surroundings.D.The specialized adaptation is very important for living things to survive under different conditions.Passage3Questions 51~55 are based on the following passage.In the United States there are two major political parties, the Democratic and the Republican. The Democratic party is the older of the two, tracing its history back to the time of Andrew Jackson in 1820s. The Republican party, which followed the Federalist party and the Whigs, was organized in the 1850s primarily as an antislavery party. Since antislavery sentiment was strongest in the manufacturing area of the North and East, the Republican party logically adopted the protective tariff and other ideas furthering the growth of manufacturing in the United States. In 1860 the Democratic party was split into two factions, the northern and the southern Democrats, each putting up its own candidate for president. While the two factions together polled more votes than did the Republican ticket, the Republicans received a total higher than that of either faction of the Democrats, and Abraham Lincoln was elected president.From 1860 to the present day there have been many attempts to found new parties. But whenever a third party has had considerable appeal at the polls, one of both of the major parties in the next election has embraced the platform accounting for its appeal, and the third party has faded away.Over the years, therefore, the positions of the two major parties have been changing and adapting themselves to the currently important problems of public policy. At one time the Democratic party was considered to be a party standing up for state rights, and the Republican party a party representing the interests of business and industry. A clearcut difference between the two parties, however, has not existed for more than half a century. If one reads the platforms of the two parties, one finds that there is very little difference between them. Each party seems to beappealing to practically every group of voters. Unlike the political parties of Europe, and unlike the Conservatives and Laborites in England, the political parties in the United States are the collections of many disparate (不同的) elements.51. At first, the platform of the Republican party was centered around __________A. antislavery policiesB. developing manufacturingC. settling the disputes between factionsD.solving social problems52. According to the passage, Lincoln was elected because ___________A. his antislavery policiesB. the Democratic party was split upC. his penetrating speechesD. the Democratic party was for himThe third parties cannot survive in America because ____________A. they don't have appealing policiesB. the two major parties always adapt their policies to the public's interestC. they lack of fundsD.they are not allowed to take part in the election54. Nowadays, the two major parties____________A. have quite similar platformsB. don't' have any conflictsC. appeal to different groups of peopleD.have strayed away from the values they cherished in the past55. The two major parties in Britain are_________A.similar with those in AmericaB.Similar with those in EuropeC.the collection of many different elementsD.different from those in AmericaPassage 4Questions 56~60 are based on the following passage.After too long on the Net, even a phone call can be a shock. My boyfriend’s Liverpudlian accent suddenly becomes indecipherable (难辨认的) after the clarity of his words on screen; a secretary’s tone seems more rejecting than I’d imagined it would be. Time itself becomes fluid—hours become minutes, and alternately seconds stretch into days. Weekends, once a highlight of my week, are now just two ordinary days.For the last three years, since I stopped working as a producer for Charlie Rose, I have done much of my work as a telecommuter. I submit articles and edit them via E-mail and communicate with colleagues on Internet mailing lists.My boyfriend lives in England, so much of our relationship is computer-mediated. If Idesired, I could stay inside for weeks without wanting anything. I can order food, and manage my money, love and work. In fact, at times I have spent as long as three weeks alone at home, going out only to get mails and buy newspapers and groceries. I watched most of the blizzard (暴风雪) of 2002 on TV.But after a whil e, life itself begins to feel unreal. I start to feel as though I’ve merged with my machines, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another mode on the Net. Others on line report the same symptoms. We start to strongly dislike the outside forms of s ocializing. It’s like attending an A.A. meeting in a bar with everyone holding a half-sipped drink. We have become the Net opponents’ worst nightmare.What first seemed like a luxury, crawling from bed to computer, not worrying about hair, and clothes and face, has become an avoidance, a lack of discipline. And once you start replacing real human contact with cyber-interaction, coming back out of the cave can be quite difficult.At times, I turn on the television and just leave it to chatter in the background, something that I’d never done previously. The voices of the programs soothe me, but then I’m jarred by the commercials. I find myself sucked in by soap operas, or compulsively needing to keep up with the latest news and the weather. ―Dateline‖, ―Frontline‖, ―Nightline‖, CNN, New York 1, every possible angle of every story over and over and over, even when they are of no possible use to us. Work moves from foreground to background.56. Compared to the clear words of her boyfriend’s on screen, his accent becomes ____.A.unidentifiableB. unbearableC. unrealD. misleading57. The passage implies that the author and her boyfriend live in _____.A. different cities in EnglandB. different countriesC. the same cityD. the same country58. What does the last paragraph mean?A. She is so absorbed in the TV programs that she often forgets her work.B. In order to keep up with the latest news and the weather, she watches TV a lot.C. In order to get some comfort from TV programs, she, sometimes, turns on the television.D. Having worked on the computer for too long, she becomes a bit odd.59. What is the author’s attitude toward computer?A. She dislikes it because TV programs are more attractive.B. She dislikes it because it cuts off her relationships with the outside world.C. She has become bored with it.D. She likes it because it is very convenient.60. The phrase ―coming back out of the cave‖ in the fifth paragraph means _____.A. coming back homeB. going back homeC. living a luxurious lifeD. restoring direct human contactPart IV Translation ( 10% )Direstions : Read the following passage and translate it into decent English.1000年来,英格兰王国一直试图征服欧洲,或者抵御来自欧洲大陆的入侵。


















A.时间和利润 B.利润和成本C.风险和报酬D.风险和贴现率2.低风险、低收益证券所占比重小,高风险、高收益证券所占比重高的投资组合属于()。

A.冒险型投资组合 B.适中型投资组合C.保守型投资组合 D.随机型投资组合3.某项贷款年利率为10%,银行要求的补偿性余额为20%,则贷款的实际利率是()。

A.8% B.12.5%C.10% D.6.4%4.信用条件一般是指()。

A.信用标准 B.信用期限和现金折扣C.信用级别 D.预期的坏账损失率5.在下列股利政策中,股利与利润之间保持固定比例关系,体现风险投资与风险收益对等关系的是()。

A.剩余政策 B.固定股利政策C.固定股利比例政策 D.正常股利加额外股利政策6.下列因素引起的风险中,投资者可以通过证券投资组合予以消减的是()。

A.宏观经济状况变化B.能源状况变C.发生经济危机 D.被投资企业出现经营失误7.联合杠杆系数为2,财务杠杆系数为1,则经营杠杆系数为()。

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.2.258.每股盈余无差别点是指()。

A.利润总额 B.筹资总额C.息税前利润额 D.成本总额9.权益净利率=()。

A.资产净利率×权益比率 B.资产净利率×权益乘数C.销售净利率×权益比率 D.资产周转率×权益乘数10.资本保全约束要求企业发放的股利或投资分红不得来源于()。

A.当期利润B.留存收益C.未分配利润 D.股本或原始投资二多选1.上市公司发放股票股利可能导致的结果有()。

A.公司股东权益内部结构发生变化 B.公司股东权益总额发生变化C.公司每股利润下降 D.公司股份总额发生变化2.资金市场一般包括()。

A.黄金市场 B.证券市场 C.外汇市场 D.货币借贷市场3.下列关于非系统风险的正确选项有A.非系统风险又称公司特别风险B.非系统风险高低可用贝塔系数表示C.非系统风险可通过证券组合投资来消除D.非系统风险高于系统风险4.在个别资金成本中须考虑所得税因素的是()。



中南财经政法大学法理学中南财经政法大学本科法理学期末考试题发表时间:2021-10-03 00:21阅读次数:604所属分类:法理学研习园地标签:中南财经政法大学2021❷C2021学年第一学期本科法理学期末考试题(A卷)一、填空题:(共10题,每题1分)1. 法具有告示、指引、评价、()、教育、()等规范作用。



4. 规范性法律文件的系统化主要有法的清理、法的()和法的()三种形式。

5. 公法和私法的划分存在于()法系,普通法与衡平法的划分存在于()法系。

二、单项选择题:(共5题,每题1分)1. 宪法应由全体代表的()以上多数通过。



A无权利能力人B限制权利能力人C无行为能力人D限制行为能力人4. 一般认为,正当程序原则的源头是()°A《英国大宪章》B法国人权宣言C美国独立宣言D美国联邦宪法5. 西方语境的司法机构包括()。

A法院B法院和检察院C法院、检察院和警察部门D检察部门与警察部门三、判断题:(共10题,每题1分)1. 法的起源乂称法源2. 国际条约是当代中国法的形式之一。


4. 程序法属于公法的范围。

5. 正当防卫是免除法律责任的条件之一。


7. 法学专家对相关法律的解释属有权解释。




四、辩析题:(共4题,每题5分)1. 部门规章和政府规章2. 第一性权利与第二性权利3. rf]法独立原则与司法权独立行使原则4.法律事件与法律行为五、简答题:(共3题,每题6分)1. 正当程序的意义2. 法律面前人人平等包含的基本精神3.执法的待征。

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