托福 TOEFL IBT GRE GMAT 必备语法高效总结

形容词+补足语:(构成形容词短语)形容词+介词短语:A jacket similar to yoursDarwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.形容词+不定式短语:Parents eager to support their children’s efforts形容词+动名词短语:A waiter busy serving the guests形容词+that:If a diamond is heated without oxygen , it will turn to graphite , a form of carbon so soft that it is used as a lubricant.多形容词并列修饰:(后置)We can easily point to inequalities, social and economic, but there is still a deep-seated belief that, no matter what his wealth or his job, each man is fundamentally equal with every other.多形容词与“形容词+补足语”并列:John was a ranchman, big, quiet, unlettered, and strong as horse.The+最高级+of+所属范围:Certain zoologists regard crows the most intelligent of birds. Of all metals, gold is the least useful.of属格的逻辑语义关系:主谓关系:从右往左翻译(不及物动词)The arrival of my mother动宾关系:从左往右翻译(及物动词)America’s invasion of Iraq同位关系:(二者互相说明)The city of RomeThe news of the team’s victory基本句型:(一)主语+系动词+表语系动词:链接主语和后面成分的词表语:又称主语补足语,在动词后面补充说明主语性质的成分(名词、形容词)Learning English is very important.He became a teacher.The leaf will turn yellow in autumn.简单句叠加为复杂难句:(定语复杂化)✓Vitamins are organic compounds.✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth of life. (添加形容词短语)✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. (形容词短语复杂化)✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. (介词短语插入)(二)主语+谓语(不及物动词)+【状语】状语:用来修饰说明动作发生的原因、方式、地点、时间的成分(副词、介词短语)They shouted loudly(方式状语)He died at home (地点状语)He died in 2007(时间状语)简单句叠加为复杂难句:(定语从句复杂化)✓This trend began during the Second World War.✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to this conclusion. (定语从句)✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to this conclusion that the specific demands cannot generally be foreseen in detail. (添加同位语从句)✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands thata government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannotgenerally be foreseen in detail. (添加定语从句) (make demands of 对…提出要求)(三)主语+谓语+宾语These children are playing football.简单句叠加为复杂难句:✓The emphasis helped to obscure the great importance.✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman helped to obscure the great importance. (分词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance. (介词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions an consequences of international trade. (介词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions an consequences of international trade that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth century. (添加定语从句)(四)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(双宾语)间接宾语:人,动作的接受者。

科普类1.aer, aero, aeri=air,aerial adj.航空的, 生活在空气中的, 空气的, 高耸的n.天线aerobic a. 增养健身法的(pl.)n.有养运动aeromechanics n.航空力学aerogram n.无线电报, 航空邮件aerospace n.航空宇宙aerosphere n.大气层aeroview n.空中俯瞰图aerophotography n.航空摄影术2.agr=(field, land) =acreagriculture n.农业, 农艺, 农学massacreagronomy n.农艺学, 农学agrology n.土壤学, 实用土壤学agrarian adj.有关土地的, 耕地的(为ian作为后缀表示形容词“。
)3.anthrop=humananthrop ology n.人类学paleoanthrop ology n.古人类学misanthrop ist n.厌恶人类者, 厌世者anthrop表示“人类”,而此处出现的后缀是ology,表示学科,因此anthropology就是人类学;而paleo作为前缀就是“古代”的意思,所以paleoanthropology是古人类学的意思;mis作为前缀表示“错误,厌恶”的意思,因此misanthropist表示“厌恶人类者, 厌世者”。
4.aqua=wateraquar ium n.养鱼池, 玻璃缸, 水族馆(-ium表示“场所,容器”)aquat ic a.水生的,水栖的(-ic一般表示形容词)op aque n.不透明物adj.不透明的, 不传热的, 迟钝的(op-一般表示“阻碍,反”对)Hydra-Hebe S.H.E.5.astro, aster=starastronom ical a.天文学的(-ical表示形容词)astro nomy n. 天文学(-nomy表示“某一领域”)astronom er n.天文学家,宇航员(-er表示“人”,或者“动作的发出者”)astrospace n.宇宙空间astro naut n.太空人, 宇航员(-naut表示“人”)dis aster n.灾难, 天灾, 灾祸(dis-表示“分开,否定”的意思)6.bio, bi=lifebio logist n.生物学家(-ist表示“人”)bio graphy n.传记(-graphy表示“写”)anti bio tic n.抗生素adj.抗生的(anti-表示“反对,反抗”;-ic表示形容词或者名词)bio sphere n.生物圈(-sphere表示“球,圈”)bio cid e n.生物杀灭剂(-cide表示“切,杀死”)a bio sis n.无生命(a-表示“加强”,或者“否定”;;-sis表示名词)sym bio sis n.[生]共生现象, 合作,互利关系(sym-表示“共同,一起”;-sis表示名词) 7.celer=quickac celer ate v.加快,加速(acc-表示加强,-ate表示动词,形容词或者名词)celer ity n.敏捷, 快速(-ity表示抽象名词)ac celer ator n.加速者, 加速器(acc-表示“加强”)ac celer ation n.加速度(acc-表示“加强”)de celer ate v.(使)减速(de-表示“向下,破坏,消极”的意思)de celer ation n. 减速(-tion表示名词)excel excellent8.chron=timechron ic adj.慢性的, 延续很长的chron icle n.编年史v.编入编年史(-icle表示“集合名词”)chron ology n.年代学, 年表(-ology表示“某一领域”)syn chron ize v.同步(syn-表示相同,同时;-ize表示“使。

必备材料 补充材料
科学出版社出版 纸质版和模考软件 模考界面与考试类似 按单项分四本书,无套题 适合基础一般或中等的学 生中期使用
朗文版权、新东方引进 各单项各一本 学生可根据自身弱项购买 适合基础薄弱学生使用初期使用
《TOEFL核心词汇21天突破》 李笑来 编著 《TOEFL词汇》 王玉梅 编著 《七天搞定托福单词》无老师 编著
OG – 官方指南
The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test --- 新托福官方指南(第3版)
考查内容、考查方式、 题型解析、评分标准、 模考试题 试题难度较低
托福IBT --备考资料指南
必备材料 补充FL词汇词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 编著 《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法45天突破版》 《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法乱序版》
《TOEFL词汇精选》张红岩 编著 《词以类记》 张红岩 编著 《托福词汇10000》张洪伟、戴云 编著
新航道畅销书 考题的回忆式整理 比TPO更有时效性 口语真经价值高
初级、中级、高级、 模拟试题上下册
新托福考试综合教程(绿皮LONGMAN) 模考试题 基础一般学生初期使用 新托福强化训练(KAPLAN) 模考软件,4套 原版与新航道的引进版 无加试部分,适于中间过渡阶段使用

一、托福口语教材1.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests》这本教材是由ETS(托福考试主办机构)出版的,其中包含了多套真实的托福口语考试题目。
2.《Barron's TOEFL iBT》这本教材是备考托福的经典教材之一,其中包含了详细的托福口语考试介绍、策略和练习题目。
toefl ibt词汇 2.0

toefl ibt词汇2.0
托福ibt 词汇 2.0 指的是托福网考(Internet-Based Test)所需的词汇量在 2.0
具体来说,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 包括以下几个方面:
1.阅读部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有3000 个左右。
2.听力部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有4000 个左右。
3.写作部分:需要掌握约8000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有2000 个左右。
4.口语部分:需要掌握约6000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有1500 个左右。
需要注意的是,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 只是一个大致的参考数字,实际考试中所需
ibt toefl 重点版

例题:Describe one difficult thing you thought that you couldn’t accomplish but you accomplished at last. Explain why you think that thing was difficult for you to accomplish. Topic sentence One difficult thing for me to accomplish but I accomplished at last was passing CFT-4. Supporting ideas 1. Oral French is not easy to understand. 2. My roommates had a bad influence on me.
ETS 官方判分标准
Topic Development 话题展开 Delievery 口语表达 Language Use 语言运用 How fully & coherently do you present your ideas?
How clear your response is?
How effectively do you use grammar & vocabulary?
因果关系+ 事实列举
For instance, the sentence "I've read a newspaper today" in French is "Je'ai vu un journal aujourd'hui." Fortunately, I managed to grasp the sentence meaning by following each French word very carefully.

1.The Official Guide To The New TOEFL iBT (新托福考试官方指南,俗称官方指南或OG)复习IBT,最权威的就是这本ETS出版的官方指南了,这本书的题目虽然不多,也比较基础,但是其指导性、权威性是此书的最大亮点。
2.DELTA’s Key To The Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice for the IBT(俗称蓝色Delta)这本书的难度不高,属于中等偏下一些,它的优点是题目丰富,适合我们掌握了IBT考试技巧和考试方向后,开始着手练习的材料。
3.VOA、 Discovery和National GeographicA: VOA这些材料原版地道,口语流利,可以培养语感,应对托福习惯的出题方式,正好适合应对新托福听力考试的所需。
另外也可以听写Standard VOA。
VOA的Special English 更适合实力不太好的同学。
Standard Voa,难度稍高。
B: Discovery和VOA Science Report这两种资料涉及的范围和新托福听力有很大的交集,对熟悉各个领域的话题很有帮助,而且材料有一定的学术性和深度。
4.老托福的听力Part C应对新托福最好的精听和听写材料莫过于此。

2006年12月1日TOEFL iBT机经汇总阅读第一篇:关于mineral的,9种矿物占了地壳重量的99%。
主要在地球的地壳里,有两种,一种是abundant mineral, 一种是scarce mineral , 一种储量多,但是实际用的少;另一种储量小,但是实际用得多,我们应该好好调整使用,要不几十年后就用完了。
还有mineral 是怎样形成的。
先将农业从“烧一处森林(burning forest)住一阵就转战”的模式转到固定地农耕的模式,前者没有后者好(如drainage,种树等,有题),后者有灌溉,种果树等等。
TOEFL iBT机经汇总写作

老题了,学校是否应投资sports and social activties the same as classes and libraires.11月19日writing部分第一个是关于四天工作好还是5天工作好。
第二个就是sports and social activities 是否与学术一样重要以及拨一样的经费。

托福必考知识点归纳总结托福考试是国际英语能力测试系统(TOEFL iBT)的缩写,是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)组织的一项用于评估非英语母语国家的学生和专业人士的英语能力的考试。
一、听力部分1. 听力材料的种类:托福听力测试主要包括学术类和日常生活类两种听力材料。
2. 听力考试题型:托福听力考试主要包括单项选择、多项选择、听力题目排序等题型。
3. 听力技巧:托福听力测试的考试时间较短,需要考生具备较强的听力技巧。
二、阅读部分1. 阅读材料的种类:托福阅读测试涉及各种话题的学术材料和文章,主要包括社会科学、自然科学、历史、文学等各种类别的文章。
2. 阅读考试题型:托福阅读考试主要包括选择题、填空题、配对题等题型,要求考生根据文章内容完成题目要求。
3. 阅读技巧:托福阅读测试的难度较大,需要考生具备较强的阅读技巧。
三、写作部分1. 写作题目的类型:托福写作主要包括综合写作和独立写作两种类型。
2. 写作评分标准:托福写作主要根据内容、结构和语言三个方面进行评分。
3. 写作技巧:托福写作测试的时间紧张,需要考生具备较强的写作技巧。

托福必备资料之书籍篇(1)The Official ETS Study Guide (OG)作者:美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)重要等级:☆☆☆☆☆评价:目前最权威的备考材料,题目少但权威,具有指导意义。
(2)《新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题》(Delta新托福教程)Delta's Key to the Next Generation Toefl Test: Advanced Skill Practice for the Ibt重要等级:☆☆☆☆☆作者:Nancy.Gallagher评价:该书不错,题目丰富此书适合考前2-3个月时冲刺或者说作为强化训练用。
(3)How to Prepare for the TOEFL iBT (Barron新托福教程)重要等级:☆☆☆☆作者:Pamela Sharpe Ph.D. 原版书籍(音频CD版)评价:Barron出的IBT指导教材,此书的听力内容比较丰富,还有各种口音。

一、托福听力资料推荐1.《Barron's TOEFL iBT with Audio CDs and MP3s》这本教材是备考托福听力的经典教材之一,它包含了丰富多样的听力练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福听力考试的题型和格式。
2.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 1》这是由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,里面包含10套真实的托福考试听力部分的题目。
二、托福阅读资料推荐1.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 2》同样由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,这本书包含了5套真实的托福考试阅读部分的题目。
2.《The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test with DVD-ROM, Fifth Edition》这本书是托福考试官方推荐的备考资料,它不仅包含了阅读部分的练习题,还有其他三个部分(听力、口语和写作)的练习题。
三、托福口语资料推荐1.《Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT》这本书重点讲解了托福口语部分的备考技巧和策略,同时提供了大量的口语练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福口语考试的题型和要求。

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托福学习资料托福学习资料托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)是一个全球性的英语能力考试,主要为非英语国家的学生和专业人士提供英语水平的评估。
托福考试分为托福纸笔考试(TOEFL PBT)和托福电子考试(TOEFL iBT)。
以下是一些建议和提供的学习资料:1. 托福官方指南:托福官方指南是全面了解考试内容和格式的最佳资源。
2. 托福词汇书:托福考试中涉及大量的英语词汇。
3. 听力练习材料:托福听力部分是一个考察考生听力理解能力的重要环节。
4. 阅读练习材料:托福阅读部分要求考生对英语文章进行理解和分析。
5. 口语练习材料:托福口语部分要求考生进行口语表达能力的展示。
6. 写作练习材料:托福写作部分要求考生进行写作表达能力的展示。
TOEFL iBT Reading概述+词汇

1. The word “championed” in the
passage is closest in meaning to
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直接代入法 :代入词汇含义。
推断法 : 1. 判断所在位置。 2. 注意:词本身(词根词缀),句间关系 (指示代词,连接词),消极&积极.
These questions ask you to identify the meanings of individual words and phrases (目 的) as they are used in the reading passage (a word might have more than one meaning, but in the reading passage, only one of those meanings is relevant.) Vocabulary that is tested actually occurs in the passage; there is no “list of words” that must be tested. Usually a word or phrase is chosen to be tested as a vocabulary item because understanding that word or phrase is important to understanding a large or important part ompioned” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○changed ○debated ○created ○supported

TOEFL iBT真题大全——独立口语、写作部分目录======================================================口语第一题 (1)口语第二题 (3)独立写作 (5)口语第一题2005年11-12月z说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。
z Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.z空闲时间用来做什么?z描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration/ public events或者moment。
z Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.2006年1月z说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。
z你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么?z你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area。
2月z杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个z一个你记忆深刻的ceremony或事件3月z好老师的characterz说一个你敬佩/ admire的人的好性格z Describe a book that you think is interesting4月z The most efficient transportation in your countryz说近100年最important的invention之一5月z characteristics of friends;z The person who influenced you/描述对你影响最深刻的人并说明原因。
6月z Important characteristics in friends/.说一个从朋友身上发现的人格特质z说一个参加过的memorial活动之类的z A popular activity in your country/说说你的国家喜欢的sport, game或者activity7月z The favorite area in your live city/介绍你最喜欢的城市的一个地方.z Do you like to use the little extra money or save it latter/你是想把多余的一点点钱马上用掉,还是存z Describe the job/career you wish to pursue. Give reasons. / 你喜欢什么样的职业8月z what do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?/ 如何当好父母,好的父母应该具有什么品质z你的目標是什麼,沒講究大小目標,但是要敘述它的重要性以及會影響你什麼z Describe one difficulty you have encountered and how you overcome it. /要求描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解决这个challenge9月z喜剧、音乐剧、舞台戏剧你喜欢哪个?为什么?z What will you do to relax yourself?z介绍一所school you attend,为什么它对你特别?/ 谈论你印象比较深的一所学校z The most memorable events in your childhood10月8日z当你远离家的时候,最想念什么?/When you are away from home, what do you miss most?口语第二题2005年11-12月z电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。
TOEFL- iBT口语背诵材料

Question 11. Person=Personalities1. ParentsMy mother is the person whom I admire most due to her so many good personalities like talented, tolerant and most of all, her spirit of dedication. First of all, she is such atalented person who not only has great achievements i n her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Furthermore, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. And the most beautiful thing about her is that she has a beautiful mind. Thrifty as she is in the daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. The ways she does and thinks make me want to be the person like she is. That is why I think my mother is the person I admire most.2. Teacher (万能人物;可替换的角色有:parent, leader, friend, ideal spouse, celebrity)A good teacher should have the following personalities. First of all, a good teacher makes herself available to all students and she knows which students need extra assistance. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, who knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts. What is more, she would show her great ability when her students are making mistakes, she would let them know why they are wrong and how they are going to do to correct them, rather than simply punish them. For most students, a good teacher is also a helper who can lift them to new heights. Just like an old saying goes, " GIVE ME A FISH AND I EAT FOR A DAY, TEACH ME TO FISH AND I EAT FOR A LIFE TIME". This must be a philosophy of every good teacher.3. FriendsA good friend should have the following personalities like trustworthy, helpful and positive. First of all, a trustworthy person is someone whom I can rely on especially when I am in difficulty; he/she will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he/she must be someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener tosupport me and inspired me by saying that I deserved a second chance and never pushing myself too hard would be a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize I overcame those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say “prepare for the worst and hope for the best”, we seldom do it whe n we face up with the worse situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule.In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my response. “What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”4. LeaderA good leader should have these criteria:1. Have a vision.Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision. A vision is a direction—an attractive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you don't know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers. With a vision you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights—an important function of any leader.2. Seize opportunity.Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with people who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, especially those that come from different backgrounds and age groups.3. Communication is key.Be accessible to everyone in the organization. Companies need to realize that the old model of the leaders sitting on top of the pyramid and the managers executing orders does not work in today’s environment. The person at the top cannot be the only leader. There have to be various people within the company acting in this role. There are many companies stuck in a rut where the managers are waiting to be told what to do. That doesn’t work.4. Be proactive.Promote continuous exploration of yourself and other leaders within the organization. Be accou ntable for what you do. If there is an issue in the company, don’t say you didn’t know anything about it. Look at the organization and constantly ask what can be improved.2. Event1. Reading booksWhen I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lotsof difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. (Diego) is like a mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: Never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. I’ve stuckon that wisdom all the time ever since I read this book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief.2. Listening to the musicMy favorite music is___, which is sung by___.The reasons why I love that song are based on the following aspects.First of all, it relaxes my mind.Second, I always have a greater efficiency after listening to music.Third, by listening to the music, I can learn something about the rhythm, which teaches me how to balance complicated situation.Last, enjoying all kinds of music, like rock n roll, punk or classic, I come to visit different world and learn how to appreciate arts.Music is a worldwide language without any translation, by listening to the music; we can share our emotions with different people around the world.3. Sports: 理由(雷同音乐)1.It relaxes my mind.2.I have a greater efficiency on study after the outdoor activities.3.Outdoor activities offer me not only more fresh air but also the chance toembrace the nature.4.I also meet some new friends when I am doing some activities, like playingbasketball.4. Spring Festival:In my country, the most impressive/memorable/popular/favorite/social celebration is Spring Festival, which is also called Chinese Lunar New Year.On Spring Festival Eve, we Chinese people usually do a thorough cleaning for their houses to clean up all the ill-fortunes may have been in the family and make the way for the incoming good luck. In the evening, family members get together coming back from everywhere, make Jiaozi, dumplings boiled in the water, sit around the table, toast toeach other, wish everybody good luck and health. After the feast, usually in the midnight, children will gather around to play fireworks to light up the sky. During the whole night, we usually stay up and make every light in our house on. The next morning, people will greet their relatives and friends usually face to face. When you eat rice glue ball, called yuanxiao in China, it means you come to the end of this great new year celebration.Spring Festival means the whole world to Chinese people and we all consider it a chance for our family members reunion and gather best wishes for the coming year together.5. My most embarrassing moment:The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in school was when I was walking along the sidewalk back to school from getting some lunch. My eye caught a beautiful car and I lost sight of where I was going. Next thing I knew, BANG, I walked straight into a pole, hitting my whole head on it. I fell on the ground and my friends just laughed. Even though it was very embarrassing, it made our day 'cause we will never forget it. The days go by; I will still laugh as long as I remember it. But I don’t care about it anymore, sometimes, the embarrassing thing just puts smile on other people’s faces.6. The most difficult moment:The most difficult moment that I’ve ever had was when I prepared for the IBT. It became so hard for me since I’d never had a chance to talk in English for quite a long time. I could barely open my mouth; let alone, how to cover the whole test within the time limitation. I was rather upset and almost lost my heart. My friend Tom/Mary saw me one day andhe/she inspired me by saying that if I couldn’t overcome that task, how could I survive in the States and make my dream come true. All of a sudden, I realized how small this task would be in the whole process of making my dream come true. And he/she suggested that I should make a well-organized plan to divide my goal into several little parts, which are attractive and attainable. And just like that, for the first time, I thought it was not that hard and I gradually had a faith in conquering this. Day by day, the more I practiced, the more confidence I gained.7. Ambition:I have always had a burning ambition to be a psychotherapist. I want to help people solve their emotional problems, recover from mental illnesses, and regain their self-confidence. An increasing number of people, under so much pressure at work, have been deeply depressed in recent years. Therefore, the role of a psychotherapist in keeping our society strong and healthy is getting more and more important. Being a highly self-motivated person, I feel confident about my ability to make my dream come true. As the well-known saying goes, "Where there's a will, there's a way." I believe that I will become an outstanding psychotherapist some day.8. Chances for the Volunteer for 2008 OlympicsOr Shanghai Expo:IF I’d ever had a chance to do something that I wish for, I would like to be a volunteer for Olympics held in China in 2008. First of all, it is a great honor to be part of this opportunity coming once or never. I can put my English fully into use. Being an interpreter, I can not only provide our foreign people the convenience in life but also let them know more about China. I am not saying that I want to wipe out some cultural barriers with my little effort; I am saying that I want to spare no effort to contribute to this great banquet.3. Place1. Places of Interest/Attractions= Description:If I’d had a chance to visit a place I’ve never been to, I would like to go to Imperial Palace, which is also called Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China.In the heart of Beijing, it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in China, and the world at large. Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years later, having a history so far of some 580 years. Twenty-four emperors from the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties lived and ruled China from there. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times, although they maintained the original architectural style.The reasons why I love there so much are based on the following aspects.First of all, the ancient buildings record the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors, especially good for our young people to get familiar with our past. Furthermore, they are the symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture.Last, they are standing there to make us understand our past; When we are facing the past, what we must do is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.2. Restaurants and Café:If I had to say what features of restaurant and café I cared most, I would consider them from the following three angles.First of all, the food there must be very delicious and nutritious. I like something pretty from appearance and tasty from inside. It is better to taste it like my mom’s cuis ine because it makes me feel I am the happiest in the world. Like hotpot. I feel good when I am having it.Second, the service there must be very considerate, which means, the waiters and waitresses there must be very nice and patient.Last, the atmosphere there must be very comfortable. Like the sofa there makes me feel at home and I can sit there for a whole day without tiredness. There better has some light music and quiet surroundings because I usually want to have a nice conversation with my friends.T hose aspects I’ve mentioned above are the standards I care when I choose to go to a restaurant.3. Favorite Room=description:My favorite room is my living room. It’s rectangular with the door on the left side of the south wall. In the wall opposite the door is a picture window. Below the window is a sofa.A rectangular coffee table is in front of sofa. Facing the sofa are two armchairs. An abstract painting is on the west wall. This bright and uncluttered room is my best place to hide from outside world to make me relax, think freely, and live comfortably.4. Object:1. Internet:One of the most important inventions in the past 100 years, for me, is the internet and it has greatly changed our life from the following benefits it has brought to our life.First of all, we have emails, the innovative way of writing letters because of the internet. With emails, we don’t have to go to the post office to buy some envelopes and stamps to send letters. All we have to do is just to click on the “send’ button and in no minute, itmay help us send 10 mails at one time. What is more, we can not only send the content we want to say to our friends but also attach the pictures, music and even video to the email if we want to share them with friends.Second, with internet, we have MSN to take place international phone-call, which means we save not only money but time. If you have a camera, you can see the faces of your friends.Other two points:1.Online shopping, like buying books on 2.E-business, an innovative way of doing business; it provides anotherplatform of trading goods with cheaper cost on place and a “win-win”solution for both buyers and sellers, like 2. Poem:Among novel, magazine and poem, I like poem best. I love poem the first time I read a poem called “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake; it is read like “To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” I love it fi rstly because it tells a profound meaning within such a few words, which teaches me how to write concisely. Furthermore, every poem has its own rhythm inside of it. Learning about rhythm does so great to my future because it tells me how to see the beauty. Last, poem is one form of arts, and I can learn how to appreciate arts.3. Musicals:Among drama, comedy and musicals, I prefer musicals because of the following aspects. First and foremost, I can learn how to sing some English songs. I clearly remembered the first time I saw a musical called “the Sound of Music”, I was so crazy about it. Especially, when I was hearing the famous song, “Do-Re-Mi”, I couldn’t help learning to sing it right away with such a melody. Furthermore, since musicals are composed of four elements, which are music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. I can not only learn those beautiful songs, but also learn the foreign culture by understanding those spoken dialogues. The cozy plots teach me that for a family, the most important thing is to take care of every family member with all respect and love. Last, inspired by that great musical, I happen to love seeing musicals, which offers me a great path to get close to arts.4. Transformation:When it comes to the most efficient transportation, I would like to say the subway with the following aspects. First of all, unlike automobile, subway never costs too much oil so that it won’t cause heavy air pollution to the city; and if t here is the decreasing air pollution, it will ease the severe global warming to some extent. Besides, it is faster than driving a car since there will be no traffic jam at all. With the time saved, we can have a nice breakfast and even feel fresh after we arrive at our office every morning. And since there is no traffic jam, it will decrease the accidents and numbers of people’s dying from the car crash.5. City (Integrated):Friend, places of interests, restaurant and café。
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