



BEC中级商务英语考试复习资料BEC中级商务英语考试复习资料立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的BEC中级商务英语考试复习资料,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!由于波动的股市仍在继续影响并购交易,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)已暂停出售所持中国券商中金公司(CICC)的股份。

它告诉贝恩资本(Bain Capital)和TPG等参与竞购的私人股本公司,它们的出价过低。

Morgan Stanley has put the sale of its stake in mainland brokerage China International Capital Corp on hold, telling private equity bidders including Bain Capital and TPG that their offers are too low as jittery equity markets continue to take a toll on deals.中金公司的交易表明,潜在买家与卖家之间的'预期通常会相差何其之远。

The CICC deal provides evidence of just how far apart the expectations of potential buyers and sellers generally remain.由于可以获得的借贷资金数额大幅减少,收购公司不愿为新交易支付高价,而卖方仍然希望得到6个月之前可能拿到的金额。

With their access to vast sums of borrowed money curtailed, buy-out firms are reluctant to pay top price for new deals while sellers are still hoping to get as much as they would have received six months ago.从中金公司交易程序启动伊始,相关私人股本公司的高管就表示担心,自己也许会买在最高点。



BEC中级写作讲义2Writing Part One第一部分写作相对第二部分的写作而言,该部分更注重内容的覆盖度,而对语言的要求相对宽松。



Some titles can be placed before the name of the recipient:•Dr. Ishamel•Prof. John Smith•Dean Ivy Wallace•Captain Jack. Jones•Sister MaryUse the addressee's last name in the salutation unless you are very familiar with each other.无名称谓Dear Sir 或Dear Sir or Madam ( Dear Sirs ×)一般性往来:Dear Friend(s),Dear Customers,Dear Colleagues,Dear Readers,结束语:SincerelyYours sincerelySincerely yoursYours truly,Best regards题型介绍Memo在BEC 中级写作中,memo主要是针对公司内部的交流,告知或提醒公司内部员工有关商务或公司内部活动的事宜,用于联系工作、交流信息,是处理一般公务时常用的一种简便函件。

特点:A:形式简单,用途广泛B:交际功能和版面设计不像其他正式文本那么严格C:所用词语比较简明通俗D:使收件人容易明白并迅速传播开备忘录由标题、正文、署名、发文日期和地点四部分组成To:(收件人)Subject:(事宜)From:(发件人)Date:(日期)标题MEMO收件人To:发件人From:发文日期Date:事宜Subject:正文BodyE-mail电子邮件To: 接受者的电子邮件地址。



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[商务英语].Business.English.CD.1.-.Testing.iso Liveabc.商務英語必備1000字1.X脱口说-商务英语口语09新编剑桥商务英语(中级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社商务计划书写作汇总话题商务英语终级汇总剑桥商务英语email系列汇总听力BEC中级大礼包【口语听力阅读写作】剑桥BEC真题集第二辑中级听力MP3bec中级听力_新东方高媛媛bec中级非常全面的资料,口语,听力,词汇BEC中级辅导电子版(口语,听力,写作,阅读)剑桥商务英语BEC中级阅读、口语、听力资料大汇集BEC高级听力真题精华人邮版BEC中级真题(第三辑)听力MP32008年bec听力应试技巧BEC中级听说指南听力MP3BEC中级教材配套听力MP3剑桥商务英语证书初级试题及听力MP3集萃[2008.4.24更新]BEC高级教材(经科版)+听力MP3+教师用书新版BEC听力高级听力[剑桥商务英语BEC]中级和高级经济科学出版社配套听力bec中级辅导(听力阅读口语写作)[商务英语BEC]剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破听力材料:[初级+中级+高级][全][商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇[商务英语BEC][经验]商务英语证书考试及其听力考试浅谈[商务英语BEC][听力]中级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]高级听力分册[商务英语BEC][听力]剑桥听力文本1-6[商务英语BEC][听力]BEC中级听力全真试题及答案剑桥商务英语BEC高级考试辅导(听力口语)商务英语BEC听力水平提高的方法剑桥商务英语(BEC)听力考试应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力精品讲义商务英语证书考试听力考试浅谈剑桥商务英语BEC中级听力讲义阅读剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题(彩色版)商务英语bec高级:极速阅读[PDF+WORD双版本]bec中级阅读_新东方耿耿恩波机构BEC高级阅读讲义剑桥商务英语(bec)中级阅读全真试题商务英语高级阅读真题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读全真试题[商务英语BEC][阅读]中级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]剑桥商务英语阅读全真试题及答案[商务英语BEC][阅读]高级阅读分册[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading[商务英语BEC][阅读]Reading-five 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[商务英语BEC][初级写作]新东方-初级商务英语flash-写作-刘军[商务英语BEC][写作]商务英语信函模板[商务英语BEC][写作]中级作文分册[商务英语BEC][写作]商务英语写作指南[商务英语BEC][写作]商务写作[商务英语BEC][写作]国际商务书信大全[商务英语BEC][写作]高级写作词汇分册[商务英语BEC][写作]常见商务文体写作范例[商务英语BEC][辅导]常见商务文体写作范例[商务英语BEC][词汇]BEC高级写作词汇分册商务英语BEC高级备考:写作范文大汇总商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组剑桥商务英语(BEC)写作考试应试技巧剑桥商务英语(BEC)段落写作训练汇总剑桥商务英语BEC中级写作精品讲义商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组商务写作:要求升迁面试常用表达商务英语合同写作经典句子及其词组[商务英语BEC][写作]商务信函的书写规则汇总商务英语辅导:BEC段落写作训练汇总BEC的写作应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级写作讲义.rar口语新东方BEC口语--许乃夫课件全集BEC中级口语新东方谢娇岳环球网校:BEC考官口语讲座最常用商务口语200句(WORD版)商务英语口语900句MP3及LRC歌词专家谈剑桥BEC口语考试的制胜法BEC中级口语新东方讲义《1+X脱口说商务英语口语》[MP3]教你一招轻松对付bec口语考试部分情景英语口语290商务口语-----酒店商务英语100句最常用商务口语(转)商务会话中最常用的口语100句商务交际中闪光的英语口语集锦商务口语提高10点秘籍[商务英语BEC]NO-BOOK商务英语口语-含文本[商务英语BEC]商务英语口语900句-[mp3+文本]!值得下载![商务英语BEC]BEC口语笔记[商务英语BEC]BEC高级口语讲义(新东方)[商务英语BEC]商务英语初级@高级口语doc格式[商务英语BEC]商务英语初级@高级口语chm格式[商务英语BEC][高级口语]新东方-高级商务英语flash-口语-李淼[商务英语BEC][初级口语]新东方-初级商务英语flash-口语-李淼[商务英语BEC][口语]最常用商务口语200句[商务英语BEC][口语]中级口语分册[商务英语BEC][口语]银行英语口语[商务英语BEC][口语]新东方商务英语口语教程[商务英语BEC][口语]外贸英语口语[商务英语BEC][口语]听力口语篇[商务英语BEC][口语]商务英语口语900句[商务英语BEC][口语]高级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]高级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]高级口语分册[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC中级口语分册讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]初级商务英语口语讲义[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC高级口试真题及应考提示[商务英语BEC][口语]BEC中级口试全真试题剑桥商务英语BEC高级考试辅导(听力口语)专家谈剑桥商务英语BEC口语考试的制胜法宝剑桥商务英语(BEC)口语考试的制胜法宝BEC剑桥商务英口语测试范围及其应试技巧剑桥商务英语BEC中级口语精品讲义剑桥商务英语口语测试范围及其应试技巧。


• Write 40-50 words.
Possible Answer
Dear colleagues, I would like to inform you that I will leave this department in order to take over a new job in the sales department. My new employment will start on March 8th, 2012 and my main duty will be to visit clients and provide samples. Best regards, Sherry
for you. ➢Thank you.
Due to the recent changes in government pension laws, the Head of Finance with give a presentation on Tuesday 1 July at 5.30 pm in the canteen to outline any effect on the current company-based pension scheme. Staff with this policy are welcome to attend.
• Write an email to all staff.
– telling them which department you are moving to – saying when you will be moving department – explaining what your new responsibilities will be



BEC中级写作电子讲义第三讲商务便函与便条审题:Mr Smith, your boss, told you to ask Ms Liu to attend a sales presentation on a new product. Write a note to Ms Liu:*saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;*informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held有同学写成Mr Smith told me to ask who wants to attend有同学写成Please write a note to Ms Liu asking her to attend a sales presentation.一定要把题目看清楚,再下笔写。

(一)商务便函一般公司企业往往都印有按照自己公司风格的商业便函,请看下列例子:大企业往往拥有许多分支机构,其商务便函信笺就包含较多的内容,如:商务便函一般由以下几个部分组成:1、Memo:Memo是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum,此外还有Internal Memorandum和Interoffice Memorandum,其意思都是一样的。

2、To:这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用,如:To:Mr. John Smith,Sales Manager3、From:这一标题后应写发信人的姓名与职衔:职衔可根据需要决定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。



事由必须简洁明了,不要用完整的句子,如:Changes in Travel Advance FormPromotion of StaffVacation ScheduleParticipation in Training Programmes6、Message商务便函还可以根据实际需要在末尾增加发信人的姓名首字母、附件、副本抄送等。






1.1 考试内容概述BEC中级写作考试主要包括邮件写作和报告写作两大部分。



1.2 写作技巧•明确主题:在写作过程中,要确保主题明确,内容全面。




第二部分:邮件写作技巧2.1 邮件写作基本结构邮件写作一般包括称呼、引言、正文、结尾等部分。


2.2 常见邮件写作类型•询问邮件:询问产品信息、服务条款等内容。



2.3 邮件写作注意事项•礼貌用语:礼貌用语可以提高邮件文化程度。



第三部分:报告写作技巧3.1 报告写作基本结构报告一般包括摘要、引言、主体部分、结论等。


3.2 常见报告写作类型•调研报告:通过调查和数据分析,总结问题和解决方案。



3.3 报告写作注意事项•数据准确:报告中的数据必须真实可靠,避免虚假和夸大。





剑桥商务英语中级备考资料In the realm of business English exams, the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Intermediate stands as a prestigious milestone. As candidates prepare for this challenging exam, they often seek out comprehensive study materials to ensure their success. This article aims to guide you through the journey of BEC Intermediate preparation, providing insights into the exam structure,key areas of focus, and strategies for effective revision.**Exam Overview**The BEC Intermediate exam is divided into four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Each sectiontests a different skill set, requiring candidates to demonstrate a range of language abilities. The Reading section评估了考生理解商务场景中的文本和图表的能力,而Writing部分则着重于撰写商务邮件和报告。





BEC写作简介:1写作目的与要求1 Can make notes that are useful to both him/herself and tocolleagues.2 Can write most letters he/she is likely to be asked to do; such errorsas occur will not prevent understanding of the message.3 Can write a simple report.写作考试共进行45分钟,占总成绩的25%,小作文占10分,大作文占20分。

更多的报名信息和成绩查询方法请上网了解:教育部考试中心2测试范围与选材1、身份介绍(Personal Identification)2、工作环境与日常事务(The office,general business,environmentand routine)3、接待与闲暇活动(Entertainment of clients,free time,relationships with colleagues and clients)4、商务旅行(Travel)5、健康(Health)6、购买与销售(Buying and selling)7、公司结构、系统及程序(Company structures,systems,processes)8、产品与服务(Products and services)9、成果与成就(Results and achievements)其外,还会涉及其他的一般商务话题(Business issues)。

3测试题型分析题型:1.商务便条类;2.商务便函类;3.商务书信类;4. 商务报告类注意:BEC不是单纯的英语考试,也不是考察商务知识。

对策:学习、模仿高水平的论文例题解析:You work for a company which produces laser printers.You are visiting another company,Softcell, to buy some computersoftware for your department.They have expressed an interest inyour company’s printers and you would like to take twentybrochures and three sample printers with you.相关词汇:laser, inkjet, projector (Barco), photocopier (Xerox), fax machine, scanner, computer, monitor相关词汇:company literature; brochure; leaflet; flyer; white book; data sheet; prospectus●Write a short note to Mr. Jim Asano,the Sales Manager.●Asking for his permission to take these items.●Explaining why you want them.●Mentioning the time and date when you want to collectthem.Write 40-50 words on your Answer Sheet.便函便条类题目的结构Input: situation descriptionTask: memo, note, emailcontent pointsWrite: internal message (40-50 words)注意:格式;发挥部分要确切评分标准BEC写作评分方法级别第一部分分数5 全部完成答题要求9或10分.●所有内容点都已包括在内并在答题要求允许的情况下加以发挥●语言规范、自然;错误最少,均属小错。



Give details
There are growing problems with one Of our suppliers, Sorenson. Could you look into this and give me some more information? How do Sorenson’s costs compare with those of our other suppliers? Also, could you say what action we should take with regard to this supplier?
武汉大学 BEC 培训中心
BEC 中级写作讲义
部分 功能
例如:给出指示,解释 写作要求(格式及覆 内部交流文件(形式为中性/非正式
发展进程,征求意见, 盖要点)
电子邮件)40-50 字
函件:如解释,道歉, 一段文字材料,选自 商务函件或简短的报告中性/正式
武汉大学 BEC 培训中心
now employs nearly 400 individuals.
(3)统一性与一致性(Unity and Coherence)
(4)强调(Emphasis) ①位置 ②重复
(5) 将句中关系紧密的词尽量靠近。 比较下面三对句子:
商务函件(信件,传 或建议(形式可为便函
真,电子邮件,便函),或 电 子 邮 件 ) 120-140



BEC中级作文Time: 45minutesNotes: Note writing is very easy・ Just write as you speak to another person face to face. You write a note when you want to speak to the person who is now absent. You write it in a very informal style: the language is simple and easy, and only a few sentences are needed・Write down the date first (sometimes you can even drop this down when it is not important). Then spell his or her name, usually the first name, since it is very friendly and intimate. Next begin the message at another line and finish it to the end.Finally end the note with your name, also first name.(For further reference, see Student Book Page 78.)Messages: For further reference, see Student Book P.14.E-mails: For further reference, see Student Book P.37.Memos: A few words should be said about the format of memos. Generally they have all the features of letters in format. But they usually have more formalities and features that will make them easy to be recognized and filed・ These features are:A typed or printed headingDateFile or reference numbersReader's full nameWriter's full nameSubject lineA distribution listYou may not need to include all of these items in every memo. What features should be included depend on the memo you are writing.(For further reference, see Student Book Page 109.)Reports: Directions are available in Student Book. See Page 81・82.Letters: Directions are available in Student Book・ See Page 79-80.Appendix:BEC商务信函写作攻略第一章格式问题1•格式:BEC的写作中请采用平头式的写法。



.BEC中级作文模板、例题超全解析题型: 1 .商务书信类; 2 .商务便条便函类;3.商务信函类; 4.商务报告类商务书信类这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条 ( 电话留言条 ) 等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到 120 —140 词左右。

题目结构:Input: 1 situation description 2 task 3 target readerReading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter)Write: business letter (120-140 words)【例题】You have organised a production conference for your company which will be held on 10 October 2005. The followingis the letter of confirmation you received from the Conference Centre.Read the letter and fax below, which gives details of the conference.Then, using all information from the fax, write your letter to John Smith at the Nuffield Conference Centre, explaining the changes to the arrangements.Do not include postal addresses.Write 120-140 words on separate sheet.Dear Conference Organiser,I am writing to confirm the arrangements for the conference.DATE AND TIME:10th October-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.NUMBER OF GUESTS:50ROOMS RESERVED10 a. m. to 12: 30 p.m.CONFERENCE HALL 32 p.m. to 5 p.m.SEMINAR ROOMS 1, 2, and 3CATERING:Coffee--11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Lunch-12:30p.m. to 2p.m.Conference Centre RestaurantTea-4 p.m.We look forward to welcoming your company to the Nuffield Conference Centre.Yours faithfully,John Smith.Today your Production Manager has sent you the fax below with changes he would like to make to the conference arrangementsFAXI ’m afraid we have to make some last-minute changes to the arrangements for ourproduction conference.1.Ten more guests have accepted.2.The President wants only one hour for lunch, and just a simple buffet-not seated in therestaurant.The Conference Speaker (Tom Moors) can’tcome until 2 pm. So he will give his presentation inthe afternoon. Can we move the seminars to the morning?Sorry about this!Sam2.商务便函与便条审题:Mr Smith, your boss, told you to ask Ms Liu to attend a sales presentation on a new product.Write a note to Ms Liu:*saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;*informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held(一)商务便函一般公司企业往往都印有按照自己公司风格的商业便函,请看下列例子:MemoTo: ( 收信人 )From: (发信人)Date: (日期)Subject:(事由)Message: (正文)商务便函一般由以下几个部分组成:1 、Memo: Memo是 Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum备忘录2、To:这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用,如:To : Mr. John Smith,Sales Manager3、From:这一标题后应写发信人的姓名与职衔:职衔可根据需要决定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。



一、BEC中级(Vantage)Part Ⅰ例一(课堂带写,三段式):➢You are the Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. ➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:✓Telling her who you are going to see and when✓Asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation✓Telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.➢Write on your answer sheet.例二(课堂5分钟快速练习,一段式):➢You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month, you are going to London to discuss an important contract.➢Write a note of 40-50 words to your assistant:✓Saying when you want to leave and return✓Asking him to book flights✓Telling him which hotel to book.➢Write on your answer sheet.例三(课堂10分钟常规练习,三段/一段式):➢Your company has just opened a new office in the United States. You have agreed to go and work there for six months.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your colleagues:✓Explaining why you will be absent✓Saying when you are leaving the office✓Expressing your wish to keep in touch➢Write on your answer sheet——请假、缺席●典型的开头部分写作●典型的正文部分写作●典型的结尾部分写作例一(课堂带写):➢You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.➢Write an email of 40-50 words to your line manager:✓Requesting time off work to go to the seminar✓Saying when the seminar is✓Explaining why you want to go➢Write on your answer sheet例二(课堂10分钟常规练习):➢You are a regional sales manager for an international company. You have been asked to go toa meeting at your company’s head office. You cannot go, so somebody else will go in yourplace.➢Write an email of 40-50 words to Erica Young, who is organizing the meeting: ✓Apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting✓Explaining why you cannot go✓Saying who will go➢Write on your answer sheet2) 告知信息●典型的文章结构●典型的开头部分写作●典型的结尾部分写作●真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写):➢You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to cancel your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:✓Informing them of the cancellation and giving the reason✓Stating a new date and time for the meeting✓Requesting suggestions for the agenda➢Write on your answer sheet.例二(课堂5分钟快速拓展练习):➢You are the Research and Development Director of an engineering company, which is a subsidiary of a large corporation. The Chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your staff:✓Informing them of the visit✓Telling them why the visitor is coming✓Telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for him➢Write on your answer sheet.例三(课堂5分钟快速拓展练习):➢You are the managing director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to all staff:✓Thanking them for their contribution✓Explaining why profits increased✓Telling them what their reward will be.➢Write on the answer sheet例四(课堂10分钟常规练习):➢You need to inform your marketing team about a radio advertising campaign for one of your company’s new products.➢Write an email of 40-50 words to your team:✓Reminding them which new product is✓Explaining why you’ve chosen to advertise on radio✓Saying what you expect, the advertising campaign to achieve➢Write on your answer sheet3) 组织会议培训活动●典型结构●典型的开头部分写作例一(课堂带写):➢You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to staff:✓Explaining why the course is necessary✓Saying which members of staff should attend✓Announcing when the course will start➢Write on the answer sheet例二(课堂10分钟常规练习):➢You have been asked to organize your company’s staff training program. Before the program starts you would like to identify training areas that staff are interested in.➢Write a memo of 40-50 words to all staff:✓Saying when the training program will start✓Asking for suggestions for what to include in the program✓Giving a deadline for suggestions.➢Write on your answer sheet4) 询问类及其他●典型结构●典型的开头部分写作例(课堂5分钟快速练习):➢You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.➢Write a note of 40-50 words to Mr. Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager: ✓Enquiring about the reason for the delay✓Stating when the components are needed✓Suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.➢Write on your answer sheet.二、BEC中级(Vantage)Part Ⅱ1.文体——Correspondence / Report / Proposal2.写作者的口吻3.语言的整合4.按照文体讲解:1)Business Correspondence●考试频率●7种内容类型(补充求职信和简历)●基本格式:1)Make Change●写作的注意事项●典型的开头部分写作●典型的正文部分写作●真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写):➢Your Managing Director has asked you to reply to the letter below which is about a proposed educational visit to your company by a local school. He has written his comments on theletter.SUNDSTORM TECHNICAL COLLEGEDear Mr. Takahashi,Re: Educational VisitThank you for your recent letter accepting our request for an educational visit to your company.a group of 35 students, aged between 17 and 18, and will be taking part in the visit as part of their careers development program.I would like to suggest Friday 10th December. The group will leave here at 9:00am and should beIunderstand the trainingofficer is willingto give a talk to the students about the company ’s training program. This will be of considerable value, and I wondered if it would be most effectiveFinally, would it be possible for the students to talk to some new employees in an informal ‘I would be grateful if you could inform me as to whether these proposals are suitable and would like to thank you once again for your cooperation with the scheme for ‘School and Business Links ’.Yours sincerely, Yamaguchi,Headteacher➢ Write a letter of 120-140 words to the head teacher explaining the changes the ManagingDirector would like to make to the visit.➢ Write on your answer sheet.例二(课堂12分钟快速练习):➢ The company where you work is organizing a sales conference. Your Sales Manager hasasked you to reply to the letter below, from a transport hire company called A1 Coaches, concerning arrangements for the conference. He has written his comments on the letter.➢ Write a letter of 120-140 words to Mr. Otley of A1 Coaches, to make sure that thearrangements are changed.➢ Do not include address.➢ Write on your answer sheet.Dear Conference Organizer,Transport arrangements-Sales Conference 9/10 DecemberFollowing your telephone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm the coach and car hire details for your Sales Conference in December.8:15 amTransfer passengers to Whitestone Conference Centre by 9 am48 passengers-1 coach8:45 am Collect Chairman and guests from your Head Office (Silver Street) to arrive atConference Centre by 9 am.10 passengers-2 car6:00 pm Collect all delegates from Conference Centre. Take to Grand Hotel, for overnight stay. 48 passengers-1 coach 10 car passengers-2 cars9:00 am Transfer delegates from Grand Hotel to Conference Centre.10:30 am1:00 pmPlease confirm that these arrangements are correct.Yours sincerely,PJ OtleyA1 Coaches Ltd.例三(课堂20分钟常规练习):➢You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company’s new product, which is a polish for cars. You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are going to advertise with. You have also received a memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign.➢Write a letter of 120-140 words to Mr. Ellwood at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him or any other information that you require.➢Do not include addresses➢Write on your answer sheet2) 推荐信●推荐信的分类——自荐与推荐●推荐信的原则——开门见山●推荐信的典型开头部分写作——开门见山●真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写——自荐):➢You work for RCT, a company which sells business stationery. RCT is interested in becoming an agent for Novestat, a company which manufactures paper products.➢Read Novestat’s advertisement below, on which you have made some notes.➢Then, using all your notes, write a letter of 120-140 words to James Dowling at Novestat.➢Do not include addresses.➢Write on your answer sheet.NOVESTATAGENTS REQUIREDFOR A NEW PAPER PRODUCTNovestat, a leading manufacturer of business stationery, is delighted to announce its exciting new range of designer paper products. This range allows customers to create their own business stationery to the highest professional standards, using their own computer printers.We are looking for companies world-wide to distribute the NOVESTAT DESIGNER PAPER range.➢➢➢Then, please write to James Dowling, Novestat, Unit 3, Basing EASTAT, Hampton, Middlesex,例二(课堂20分钟快速拓展练习——推荐信):➢The international organization you work for makes an award every month to a person in each department based on the following criteria:✓Productivity✓Relations with customers✓Contribution to the team➢Your line manager has asked you to recommend someone from your department for this month’s award.➢Write your recommendation, stating who the person is and the reason for your choice.Describe how this person meets each of the three criteria for receiving the award.➢Write 200-250 words on your answer sheet.专题:求职信与简历(Covering Letter / Letter of Application and Resume):例一:求职信➢You have seen a job with a multi-national company advertised in a newspaper.➢Write a letter to the company applying for the job. Refer to relevant factors such as the nature of the job and why you are interested in it, your qualification and experience, what you are doing now and what you could contribute to the position.➢Write 200-250 words on your answer sheet.Letter of ApplicationRoom 320, Building 3, Lane 5130 Nanjing RoadHuangpu DistrictShanghai, 200000P. R. China22 June, 2008Mr. Julian ProctorDirector of Sales & MarketingFortune Travel Agency4490 Emmett AvenueLondon, WC1 AC1UKDear Mr. Proctor,I wish to apply for the position of Regional Sales Manager, as advertised in today’s Toronto Star.As the attached resume suggests, my experience in the travel industry has prepared me for this challenging position and I would welcome the opportunity to work for a prestigious and well respected employer such as Fortune Travel.My academic background includes a degree in Business Administration from Queen’s University, where I completed all of my marketing courses with honors. I also have two years of experience in advertising and public relations, when I designed and implemented a marketing plan for Interprovincial Business Systems. My communication skills have always been a major asset to me and I take pride in my ability to work well with others in a managerial and supervisory capacity. These skills will allow me to contribute to your sales and marketing effort from the start.I would really appreciate an opportunity of interview to further discuss my qualification and fitment to the position. I’m available anytime in the following 3 months and I’m looking forward to your favorable reply!Yours sincerely,John StevenJohn StevenEncl: Resume3)解释信/报告●中高级考试对于“解释信/报告”要求的异同点●典型的开头部分写作●典型的结尾部分写作例一(课堂带写):➢You are the manager of a TV and radio repair workshop. One of your employees has received the letter below about a faulty cassette player which he inspected. He has his comments on the customer’s letter and asked you to write a reply.➢Write a letter of 120-140 words to the customer, using the employee’s comments and explaining why your company cannot repair the cassette player.➢Do not include address➢Write on your answer sheet35 Dorset RoadLondon W612 September 2007Mr. D. MasonRadio World6 Adelaide ParkLondon W6Dear Mr. Mason,Re: Repair of Tashita Cassette PlayerYou returned our cassette player to us on 5th 1. A problem with the volume control2.Yours sincerely,Paul Johnson例二(课堂带写——报告):➢ Your company or organization is becoming more successful. In order for this success tocontinue, you want to expand and increase the budget of your department. The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.➢ Write a report of 200-250 words, explaining why your department needs more money, andinclude the following points:✓ Whether extra staff are needed (and if so, why?)✓ Whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made✓ What plans you have for future development✓ How the investment would generate extra business.➢ Write on your answer sheet.4) 多选一 题型特点及中高级区别➢ Your company exports to a number of countries around the world and is looking for a newagent for international freight. The Export Sales Manager has asked you to write a proposal saying which agent you recommend.➢ Read the two advertisements below, on which you have already made some notes.➢ Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your proposal of 120-140 words for the ExportSales Manager.➢ Write on your answer sheet.5)询问类●常用句型例题:●The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is looking for new premises. YourManaging Director is interested in Waterside Industrial Park, and has asked you to write a letter to find out more information.●Read Waterside Industrial Park’s advertisement below, on which your Managing Director hasalready made some notes.●Then, using all your Managing Director’s handwritten notes, write your letter to RosemaryBrown at Waterside Industrial Park.●Do not include postal addresses.●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.6)投诉信●典型结构●典型开头部分写作●典型结尾部分写作●You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointedwith the course and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the training company.●Read the advertisement below, which gives details of the course. You have already madesome notes on the advertisement.●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your letter to Moira Geddings at GBGCertification Services.●Do not include postal addresses.●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.7)道歉信●典型结构●典型开头部分写作●典型结尾部分写作例题●You are the secretary in a company which makes plastic tableware. Your boss has left theletter below for you to answer.●Write a letter of 120 - 140 words to Ms. Jereme, explaining the reason for the damagedgoods. Use the information in her letter and the notes from your boss.●Do not include addresses.●Write on your Answer Sheet.五、BEC高级(Higher)PartⅠ----图表作文●图表作文的文章结构1)引言部分2)主体段落3)结论部分The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words.The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services.The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994.There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997.In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing.●图表作文常用的语言手段1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。



late •describing the effect on other staff •suggesting what they should do about the
字数要求 Write 40-50 words
To: P. Jones From: Luisa Gambon Date: 1 November, 2002 Subject: Lateness Mr Jones, I have noticed that you often arrive late for work, especially on Monday mornings. As your colleagues are starting to complain about that, you understand that unless this habit changes, I will take disciplinary action against you. Come and see me tomorrow at 9 a.m. in my office. Thank you.
To: CC: Subject:
备忘录 (Memo/Memorandum)
主要是用来提醒、督促对方或就某个问 题提出自己的意见或看法。
To: From: Date: Subject:
Memo 1.To: 收信人的姓名与职衔 如 To: Mr. John Smith, Sales Manager 2.From: 发信人的姓名与职衔 3.Date: 英式英语 -- 日、月、年 如 15th August, 2018



BEC中级写作电子讲义第一讲BEC写作概述1测试范围与选材1、身份介绍(Personal Identification)2、工作环境与日常事务(The office,general business,environment and routine)3、接待与闲暇活动(Entertainment of clients,free time,relationships with colleagues and clients)4、商务旅行(Travel)5、健康(Health)6、购买与销售(Buying and selling)7、公司结构、系统及程序(Company structures,systems,processes)8、产品与服务(Products and services)9、成果与成就(Results and achievements)其外,还会涉及其他的一般商务话题(Business issues)。

例题解析:●You work for a company which produces laser printers.You are visiting another company,Softcell, to buy some computer software for your department.They have expressed an interest in your company‘s printers and you would like to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with you.相关词汇:laser, inkjet, projector (Barco), photocopier (Xerox), fax machine, scanner, computer, monitor相关词汇:company literature; brochure; leaflet; flyer; white book; data sheet; prospectus●Write a short note to Mr. Jim Asano,the Sales Manager.●Asking for his permission to take these items.●Explaining why you want them.●Mentioning the time and date when you want to collect them.Write 40-50 words on your Answer Sheet.便函便条类题目的结构Input: situation descriptionTask: memo, note, emailcontent pointsWrite: internal message (40-50 words)注意:格式;发挥部分要确切注意:content; accuracy; conciseness【例题】●Christmas is coming. Your company is going to hold the annual Christmas party. As the secretaryof the general manager, you help arrange the preparation for it.●Write a memo to all employees.●Announcing the planned party.●Welcoming all employees to join it.●Introducing the programs of it.●Mention the time and place that it takes place.●Write 40—50 words on your Answer Sheet.商务书信类这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条)等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到120—140词左右。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

作文部分Time: 45minutesFunctions/CommunInput Response RegistePARTr icative Task. giving Rubric only (plus Internal Neutral/instructions, layout of output communication informalexplaining a text type) (medium maydevelopment, be note orasking for message or 1comments, memo or e-requesting mail) (40-50information, words)agreeing torequestsCorrespondence: . One or more pieces Business Neutral/explaining, of input from: correspondenc formalapologizing, business e ( mediumreassuring, correspondence may becomplaining (medium may be letter, fax2 letter, fax or e- or e-mail )Report: describingmail), internal or shortsummarizingcommunication report orProposal: (medium may be note, proposaldescribing, memo or e-mail), (medium maysummarizing, notice, advert, be memo or e-recommending,graphs, charts, etc.mail ) (120-persuading(plus layout if140 words)output is fax or e-mail)Notes: Note writing is very easy. Just write as you speak to another person face to face. You write a note when you want to speak to the person who is now absent. You write it in a very informal style: the language is simple and easy, and only a few sentences are needed.Write down the date first (sometimes you can even drop this down when itis not important).Then spell his or her name, usually the first name, since it isvery friendly and intimate.Next begin the message at another line and finish it to the end.Finally end the note with your name, also first name.(For further reference, see Student Book Page 78.)Messages: (For further reference, see Student Book Page 14.)E-mails:(For further reference, see Student Book Page 37.)Memos: A few words should be said about the format of memos. Generally they have all the features of letters in format. But they usually have more formalities and features that will make them easy to be recognized and filed. These features are:A typed or printed headingDateFile or reference numbersv1.0可编辑可修改Reader ’ s full nameWriter ’ s full nameSubject lineA distribution listYou may not need to include all of these items in every memo. Whatfeatures should be included depend on the memo you are writing.(For further reference, see Student Book Page 109.)Reports: Directions are available in Student Book. See Page 81-82.Letters:Directions are available in Student Book. See Page 79-80.Appendix:BEC商务信件写作部分攻略以下是商业信函的写法:第一章格式问题1.格式问题:请同学们在BEC的写作中采用平头式的写法。

收信人的姓名和地址置于信纸的左上方地址、称呼和结束礼词后没有标点符号日期在右上方段落从定格开始,段落之间的行距为两行(但在考试中由于受答题卡限制,请同学们酌情考虑)写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方2.称呼和结束礼词的注意事项:称呼的写法遵循下列原则:Dear Sir or Madam写信给某一公司,不确定具体的收信人Dear Sir对男士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear Madam对女士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear Mr Smith对男士Dear Ms Smith对已婚或未婚的女士Dear Mrs Smith对已婚女士Dear Miss Smith对未婚女士Dear John (此处John为英语中常用男对朋友或你比较熟悉的人(通常为多年生名 )意伙伴)称呼与结束礼词存在对应的关系,请同学们特别注意:Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfullyDear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Smith Yours sincerelyDear John Best wishes以下均为错误用法:Dear Mr JohnDear Mr John Smith3.日期:在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。


例如: 12 06 2003在英国指的是: 6 月 21 日在美国指的是:12 月 6 日因此日期要写成:12 June 2003注释:在BEC考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。

但是12 06 2003的用法仍然是可以使用的,因为BEC为英版考试。


天后不必写th 、 rd 、 nd 或者 st 。

第二章写法问题预备参加bec 考试的同学们由于缺乏商务写作的实际经验,对于写作部分都比较郁闷。

恩波结合历年考试实际,为大家准备了15 类共计 50 个经典的实战句型,供大家在考场上使用。

我们对每一个句型都模拟了一种环境:1.信件的开头:We are wri ting to enquire aboutWe are writing in connection withWe are interested in and we would like to know环境:You want to know the prices of some air conditioners.We are interested in your air conditioner and we would like to knowthe prices of some air conditioners.You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you wantfurther information.We are writing in connection with the advertisement in thenewspaper yesterday.You want to know if the company you are writing to organizes holidays toAfrica.We are writing to inquire about the holidays to Africa that yourcompany organizes.2.回信的开头:Thank you for your letter of (date) asking if ⋯enquiring about ⋯We have received your letter ofenclosing ⋯(date)concerning ⋯境:A company wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if yousell photocopiers.Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company. He also sent his curriculum vitae.We have received your letter of 18 December, enclosing yourcurriculum vitae.A company sent you a fax on 3 June. They wanted to know if you weregoing to the marketing conference in London.Thank you for your fax of 3 June, asking if I was going to themarketing conference in London.A woman telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No.599 had arrived.Thank you for your telephone call this morning concerning the order No. 599.3.信件的尾:一般尾:I look forward to receiving your reply/order/products/ect.Looking forward to hearing from you.如果你在信件中提供了信息:I hope that this information will help you.Please contact me if you need any further information.Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.Please let me know if you need any further information.4.引入主题:With reference toFurther toWith regard toI am writing in connection with注:引入主题的句子可以被写在信件的开头,但with regard to不能用于信件的开头。
