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()1. Where does the two speakers have their dinner?

A. At Miss White’s.

B. At Mr. King’s.

C. At a restaurant.

()2. What color skirt is Jane’s new English teacher wearing?

A. Red.

B. Blue.

C. White.

()3. What does the woman think of the room?

A. New.

B. Small.

C. Clean.

()4. What does Lily want to do this afternoon?

A. Play football.

B. Play basketball.

C. Go to a movie. ()5. What does Toney want Santa Claus to bring him?

A. A bike.

B. A volleyball.

C. Milk and cookies. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)



()6. What is Peter doing now?

A. Walking the dog.

B. Cleaning the kitchen.

C. Watching


()7. How will Peter and his mom get to the supermarket?

A. On foot.

B. By bike.

C. By bus.


()8. What did Ms. Jones do last night?

A. She looked after Rose.

B. She had a party.

C. She went to see Mrs. Black.

()9. How soon will Paul’s parents come back?

A. In 3 days.

B. In 4 days.

C. In a week.


()10. What is the man going to do in Beijing?

A. Visit his friend.

B. Attend a meeting.

C. Study. ()11. Where are the two speakers?

A. On a train.

B. On a plane.

C. On a bus. ()12. How soon will the two speakers arrive in Beijing?

A. In two hours.

B. In an hour.

C. In half an hour.

A. buy seeds

B. sell flowers

C. plant trees

D. pick fruits ()22.What did the broken bag think of itself at first?

A. Clever

B. Special

C. Useless

D. Ugly

()23. How did the broken bag feel after it knew everything?


B. Surprised

C. Anxious

D. Embarrassed

()24. What does the story mainly tell us?

A. It takes time for trees to grow.

B. Everyone is useful in the world.

C. If you smile to the world, it will smile bake.

D. Make full of a thing before throwing it away.


Have you ever heard that “success is a journey, not a destination(终点)” ?As a man aged 30, I believe it’s true. It is, in fact, my law of life(生活准则). In my eyes, what matters is not necessarily where you are at the end, but what you achieve while you are trying along the way. It means that no matter what, as long as you try, you can never fail. It means you can learn from your mistakes and continue on the journey a little wiser.

I think St. Louis Rams, a professional American football team in Missouri, as a whole shared my law of life. They played every game with their full potential (潜能) instead of letting a few winning games go to their heads. They had the goal of playing in every Super Bowl, a football game played in the US each year on the first Sunday in February. Even though they lost some games, they didn’t give up.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the ability to be on top in the end, to win the game, what matters is that you worked hard the whole time. You should understand that success is a non-ending journey. Everyone should realize that someone will win and someone will lose, but what’s important is that both sides need to try their best. After all, it’s not who wins or loses, but how well you play the game and you should remember this in your life.

()25.What does the writer mainly talk about in paragraph 1?

A. His biggest success

B. His dream for the future

C. His understanding of his law of life

D. His achievements in the past few years

()26. What does the underlined part “go to their head” mean in Chinese?

A. 去领导办公室

B. 获得一等奖



()27.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. We should try to win every game.

B. What should try our best whatever we do.

C. We should understand the meaning of life.

D. We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

()28.What’s the best title for the passage?
