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__--- 针对现有照明电路这个致命缺陷,保瓦博士DL系列智能照明节电控制系统是以电磁感应方式将供电系统的输入电压予以优化,采用AC-AC直接变换技术调整电压,输给照明负载的电压为灯具设计电压的最佳值,这样既节省用电,智能照明控制系统又延长灯具的寿命,同时也保证了照明标准要求的三重目的。

__--- 根据电工基本原理P=U2/R,设灯具上施加的电压为U,灯光的阻抗设为定值电阻R,那么它在原电压U0下消耗的功率为P0,适当降低电压至U1后,这时消耗的功率P1将随电压的平方关系下降。其有功节电率表示为:

__--- ε% = 1-(U1 /U0) 2 ×100%






1 采用智能照明控制系统的优越性

1.1 良好的节能效果


1.2 延长光源的寿命




1.3 改善工作环境,提高工作效率



1.4 实现多种照明效果


1.5 管理维护方便


1.6 有较高的经济回报率


2 智能照明控制系统的构成




3 智能照明控制系统的控制范围和控制内容




















■ 含有该项控制;

▲ 部分区域含有该项控制,视具体情况而定。

Abstract: Intelligent lighting control system the main aim is to save energy, smart lighting control system with a variety of "pr e-set" control mode and control components, at different times on different degrees of illumination for accurate set-up and rati onal management of energy-saving. This automatic adjustment of the illumination means, take full advantage of the natural o utdoor light, only when necessary when the lamp or light to the required brightness, use the least energy to ensure that the required illumination level, energy-saving effect is very clear, usually ranging from more than 30%.

Keywords: Intelligent lighting control system bus-type star-shaped structure

1 the use of intelligent lighting control system for the superiority of

1.1 good energy saving effect

Intelligent lighting control system using the main purpose is to save energy, smart lighting control system with a variety of "pre-set" control mode and control components, at different times on different degrees of illumination for accurate set-up and rational management of energy-saving. This automatic adjustment of the illumination means, take full advantage of the natur al outdoor light, only when necessary when the lamp or light to the required brightness, use the least energy to ensure that the required illumination level, energy-saving effect is very clear, usually ranging from more than 30%. In addition, the intellig ent lighting control system for fluorescent lamp dimming control, etc., due to the use of a fluorescent active tunable filter elec tronic ballast technology and reduce the harmonic content, to improve the power factor and reduce the low-voltage reactive p ower loss.

1.2 to extend the life span of light source

Light source can not only extend the life savings, but also significantly reduce the workload of lamp replacement, reducin g the operating costs of lighting systems, management and maintenance becomes simple.

Both the thermal radiation source, or gas discharge light source, voltage fluctuations are a major cause of light damage.

Therefore, the effective suppression of the fluctuations in voltage can extend the life of light sources.

Intelligent lighting control system can successfully suppress the surge voltage power grid, but also have a voltage limit an d the conjugate stream functions of filtering, to avoid over-voltage and under-voltage damage to the light. The use of soft-sta rt and soft turn-off technology, to avoid the impact of current damage to the light. Through this method, the light source to e xtend the life span of usually 2 to 4 times.

1.3 to improve the working environment, improve efficiency

Good working environment is to improve the efficiency of a necessary condition. Good design and reasonable choice of li ght source, lamps and lighting quality control systems, can improve the quality of lighting.

Intelligent lighting control system dimming control panel module to replace the traditional lighting of the level switch control is an effective way to control the overall room illumination value, thereby enhancing the uniformity of illumination. At the sa me time, this control method used in electrical components have also solved the stroboscopic effect, will not create uncomfor table, confused, feeling eyestrain.

1.4 to achieve a variety of lighting effects

A wide range of lighting control, the same building can have a variety of artistic effect, for a lot of construction hyperchro mic. Modern buildings, lighting is not simply to meet people on the visual effect of light and shade, they should have control of a variety of programs to make buildings more vivid, more artistic, giving a wealth of visual effects and aesthetics. As an example of a project, building the exhibition hall, lecture hall, lobby, atrium, etc., if with intelligent lighting control system, acc ording to different times, different uses, different effects, using the corresponding pre-set scene control, can achieve the wealt h of artistic effect.

1.5 facilitate the management of maintenance

Intelligent lighting control system for the control of lighting based on the automatic control of modular-based, supplemente d by manual control, preset lighting scenes to the parameters stored in the EPROM Digital, these information is very conveni ent to set up and replaced, so that building lighting management and maintenance easier.

1.6 have a high economic rate of return

Our reference point for the Shanghai region, from energy-saving lights and provincial estimates of the two made a come t o this conclusion: with three to five years, the owner can recover the basic intelligent lighting control system to increase the total costs. Intelligent lighting control system can improve the environment and improve employee productivity and reduce mai ntenance and management costs, but also for the owners to save a substantial amount of costs.

2 intelligent lighting control system components

We know that the intelligent lighting control system of building control system is only one part of the. If you want to focu s on the various control systems to the control center to control, then the control system must have the standard communica tion interface and protocol version. Although such a system integration is feasible in theory, but it is very difficult to put into practice. Thus, in engineering, intelligent management of our building a distributed system, distributed, that is relatively indepe ndent of each control subsystem, self-contained, the implementation of specific control, intelligent building management syste

m control subsystem of the relative independence, self-contained, the implementation of specific control, intelligent building ma nagement system from the control subsystem is a signal collection and monitoring role.

At present, the intelligent lighting control system in accordance with sub-network topology, the following two forms, namely, bus and star-shaped structure-based hybrid. Both forms have the characteristics of a number of bus more flexibility, easy ex pansion, control of relative independence, lower costs; mixed some high reliability, fault diagnosis and rule out the simple, ea sy access to the agreement, transfer rate higher.

Engineering design, we consider the building of intelligent lighting control system as an independent subsystem, use of int ernational standards and agreements of the communication interface text, into the intelligent building management systems. In telligent lighting control system uses a distributed, distribution-based approach, that is, the dimming control unit is relatively in dependent, self-contained, non-interfering, through centralized management and information interfaces, and intelligent building management system linked to the achievement of the building control center subsystem of the collection and monitoring of th e signal. In short, the intelligent lighting control should be the main system is a centralized management, and the main trunk and information interface components consisting of the regional implementation of the same sample of control and signal net works; its subsystems should be a dimmer by the various types of modules , control panels, illumination detector dynamic an d static and dynamic components consisting of detectors, respectively, of the regional implementation of the specific control o f different networks, the main system and subsystems, such as between the components through the interface to connect, to achieve data transmission.

3 Intelligent lighting control system and control of the control of the content

A project to control the use of intelligent lighting control system include the following categories: technology office hall, co mputer center and other important room, lecture hall, such as multi-function hall, exhibition hall, conference center, lobby and courtyard, walkways and elevators, such as the Office of Public site; building facade lighting in general and also by the intel ligent lighting control systems to control switch signal.

Control the content of the term of the Interpretation:

(1) clock control

Clock management, etc. through the electrical components, to achieve the normal work of regions for the state of lighting in different time control.

(2) the automatic adjustment control illumination

Through each module and illumination dimming dynamic electrical components such as detectors, to achieve under normal conditions in the regions for the normal work of the state of the automatic lighting dimming control, making the region, such as illumination will not be outside with the sunshine factors change, and always maintain the default value in the illuminatio n around.

(3) control of the regional scene

Through each dimmer module and the control panel and other electrical components, to achieve under normal conditions i n the regions for the normal work of the state of the scene lighting control switch.

(4) static and dynamic detection of control

Through each dimming modules and electrical components, such as movement detectors, to achieve under normal conditi ons in the regions for the normal work of the state of the automatic lighting control switch.

(5) Reduction state of emergency control

Through each of the normal lighting control module, such as dimming of the electrical components, to achieve a state of emergency for the normal work of the various districts in the state of lighting and to give up the number of relief, such as di mming control.

(6) Manual remote control

Through the infra-red remote control, to achieve under normal conditions in the regions for the normal work of the state o f lighting control and manual control of the regional scene.

(7) Emergency lighting control

Here mainly refers to the control of intelligent lighting control system to the special region by the implementation of the e mergency lighting control, including the following two controls:

1) under normal illumination and the automatic adjustment control of the regional scene with the regulation of the normal

work of lighting the same manner as the control.

2) a state of emergency automatic discharge dimming control, through each of the emergency lighting dimming control mo dule, such as electrical components, to achieve a state of emergency for the regions under a state of emergency lighting di mmers, such as giving up control, so that the accident in the state of emergency lighting to reach 100%.

These are the characteristics of intelligent lighting control systems analysis and office buildings in a specific application in a number of experiences, hoping to play the role of forward, so that the field of technology in the lighting to fully play its rol e.

■ with the control;

▲ part contains the control region, as the case may be.
