



一国的经济和法律制度通常是由其政治制度决定的。政治制 度(political system)是指一国的政府产生的规则与行政 规则的总称,即政府体制。两个分析尺度: – 政府是强调集体主义目标还是强调个人主义目标?
集体主义(collectivism)强调集体的目标处于首要地位。古希 腊哲学家柏拉图在《共和国》中谈到:个人权利属于大多数人的 利益,而财产应为公众共有。 个人主义(individualism)的哲学观点是:个人在经济和政治 追求方面享有充分的自由。柏拉图的弟子亚里斯多德认为,个人 利益可凌驾于国家利益之上,个人在经济上、政治上的自由应是 社会生活原则,因为个体的多样性和财产私有化是人们所希望的。
– 市场经济:生产与消费活动都是私人属性的,由个人 依据市场信息而作出决定;整体上是市场机制(供求关 系与价格变动)起支配或者调节作用,其效率来源于市 场竞争。代表是:香港、新加坡、美国
– 指令性经济(计划经济):生产活动具有国有属性, 生产和消费由政府管理,其效率来源于政府组织优秀 人才对生产与需要的科学计算。20世纪70年代以前的 部分社会主义国家
国际服务贸易伴随着国际间人员的流动以及大量商品的国际 运输与买卖而出现的。世界贸易组织的《服务贸易总协定》 (GATS)规定:服务贸易包括四种形式: – 从一国境内向任何其他国家境内提供的服务,即“越境 提供”,如跨国商品运输服务、运输保险服务等; – 在一国境内向任何其他国家的服务消费者提供服务,即 “境外消费”,如旅游服务; – 通过任何在其他国家境内的商业机构提供服务,即“商 业存在”,如境外设立的零售店、律师事务所; – 一国自然人在任何其他国家境内提供的服务,“自然人 移动”,如“洋打工”。



Full block
I. Full block layout
The full-blocked layout style has no indentation. Everything is ranged left. There is no punctuation in the address and after the salutation and the complimentary close.
Principles of business letter writing
2〕The second principle is conciseness :
Try to make your message brief and to the point. Avoid using long words and sentences. Use daily expressions to replace jargons. Express yourself in an orderly and logical way. A good business letter should be natural, human and easy to read.
❖ Avoid using "you approach" when conveying bad news. In this situation, you have to handle it tactfully.
Instead of saying: ‘Your letter is not clear at all. I cannot understand it.’
also called Semi-block: : This is similar to the Full-blocked layout style but the date is placed on the right. The Subject is centered. The complimentary close and the signature start from the middle.

国际商务Lesson 15 Powerpoint Notes

国际商务Lesson 15 Powerpoint Notes

Lesson 15 Chapter 8Slide 1Title Page – different business cultures and negotiations. A business negotiator should have some understanding of different cultures, customs and business conventions of different countries.Slide 2There are two main rules of international business. The first is that the seller is expected to adapt to the buyer. The second is that the visitor is expected to observe the local customs. To observe the local customs doesn’t mean to copy the local behavior, just be yourself. But of course, you should include being aware of local sensitivities and generally honoring local customs, habits and traditions.Slide 3One classification of organizational style distinguishes between people who are task-oriented and people who are people-oriented. People who are purely task-oriented are concerned entirely with achieving a business goal. They are not concerned about the affect that their actions have on the people that they will come into contact with. As negotiators they will be very tough, very aware of tactical ploys and anxious to make maximum use of them. The American business culture is usually very task or achievement oriented.Slide 4People-oriented persons, on the other hand, are highly concerned about the well-being of those who work for them or around them. In this respect, they give time to some small talk before the meeting starts because they believe this will improve communication and lay the basis for possible future relationships.Slide 5This can be a great divide between business cultures. Deal-focused people are basically task-oriented while relationship-focused people are more people-oriented. Conflicts can arise when deal-focused export marketers try to do business with prospect from relationship-focused markets.Slide 6Many relationship-focused people find deal-focused types pushy, aggressive and offensively blunt. In return, deal-focused types often consider their relation-ship focused counterparts vague and unintelligible.Slide 7The vast majority of the worlds markets are relation-ship oriented. The Arab world and most of Africa, Latin America and the Asian Pacific region are where business gets done through intricate networks of personal contacts.Slide 8Spatial behavior means personal space. Every human being is surrounded by an invisible envelope of air called a ‘space bubble’ which varies in size according to where in the world they grew up and the particular situation of that culture.Slide 9Among business people all over the world the handshake is the most common form of physical contact. Make sure you make a good impression with your handshake.Slide 10Climate and culture both play a role in our dress behavior. In the tropical and desert climates, businessmen will often wear an open necked shirt and cotton trousers. But even in those markets it may be safer to wear a suit coat to the first meeting, just in case. In most parts of the world, business women can choose between a good dress, suit, or blouse and skirt. For men, a dark suit, nice tie and dark socks will cover most meetings with high status individuals.Slide 11In most European cultures the custom is to greet people with a kiss. Some cultures kiss up to three times and it can be uncomfortable. If you do not feel comfortable with kissing or being kissed the people will understand, remember it is part of their culture so they are treating you as they would treat a fellow countryman. If you do decide to kiss you don’t actually touch a persons face, you kiss the air a couple of millimeters away. The British kiss once, the French twice while the people from the northern part of Europe kiss three times.Slide 12In Asian countries a business card is treated with respect. It is usually given and received with both hands. Other countries treat it a lot more casually, don’t take this offensively, it doesn’t mean that they don’t respect you or your business card.Slide 13Do you give a gift to a foreign business contact? Some cultures are very uncomfortable with receiving gifts and some companies have very strict policies on their staff receiving gifts, especially if they are in a purchasing position. If you do give a gift make sure it is wrapped nicely. Some cultures will be offended with some gifts. The Chinese for example believe that a gift of a clock or a watch is bad luck. Usually it is good manners to open the gift in front of the giver and express your appreciation.Slide 14Title Page -Wining and DiningSlide 15Many people have individual preferences for eating food. For example Muslims do not drink alcohol or eat any pork product. Jewish people also only eat kosher food which is prepared in a certain way. Most Hindus are strict vegetarians and so are Buddhists. Knowing the fundamental element of local business protocol shows your counterpart that you are a serious and committed potential supplier or partner. Making fewer mistakes will give you an edge over your less conscientious competitors.Slide 16Title Page – Etiquette in eating.Slide 17The napkin should be placed on your lap. In a high class restaurant the waiter will do this for you. You should never tuck your napkin into your collar.Slide 18When eating soup you should choose the rounded spoon if you have a selection. Dip the spoon away from you into the soup bowl and this will also prevent any drips from falling on you. As you near the end of the soup, tilt the bowl away from you to scoop, not toward you. Slide 19Which knife or fork do I use? Usually at a western style dinner you will be given at least three courses. A good rule to remember is to start the first course with the outer utensils, the second course with the next set and keep going until all the courses are done. Each course has a clean set of cutlery.Slide 20When you are finished eating a course put your knife and fork together across your plate. This will signal the waiter to take away the plate. If you are just having a rest from eating and you haven’t finished rest your knife and fork on the edges of your plate.Slide 21Title Page – Wine EtiquetteSlide 22Wine is classified into two categories – red and white. Red wine is served at room temperature while white wine is served chilled. Red and white wines are served in different glasses as a rule. When holding a wine glass it should be held by the stem, this prevents your body heat from affecting the temperature of the wine. If you prefer not to drink just tell the host. If you do decide to drink it is wise to keep an eye on how much you drink, being drunk could spoil your reputation and also cause a lot of embarrassment.Slide 23Title Page – Now we will look at the different negotiating styles of different cultures.Slide 24The American style is very direct and they try to demand the same from their counterparts. Generally Americans openly disagree and use aggressive persuasive tactics such as threats and warnings. Americans tend to make concessions throughout the negotiations, settling one issue at a time and then proceeding to the next. The American negotiator enters the negotiating room confidently and talking assertively. The Americans make decisions based upon the bottom line and on cold, hard facts. They do not play favorites. Economics and performance count, not people. Business is business.Slide 25German negotiators are known for very thorough preparation. In other words, in particular the German preparation for negotiations is superb. They are also well known for sticking to their negotiating positions in the face of pressure tactics. When dealing with Germans be prepared to get right to the point. The German negotiator will put the issues and the bids clearly, firmly and assertively. When negotiating with German people expect them to take more time than the Americans but less time than Asian negotiators.Slide 26French negotiators are reputed to have three main characteristics in international dealings. Firmness, and an insistence on using French, and a decidedly lateral style in negotiating. The French are very expressive. They love to argue. Expect the negotiation decision to take longer than in most Western countries.Slide 27The British are old hands at international business. Their history of negotiation in international business goes back centuries. The depth of their knowledge is without comparison. When you negotiate with the British your presentation should be detailed and to the point. Britain is an orderly society and it is very important to be punctual. Arrange appointments in advance and prepare an agenda as early as possible.Slide 28Russians have clear agendas and no strategy or tactic is off limits. When arriving at a negotiation have clear objectives and make only a few concessions early in the discussions. If you play by their rules you will lose. Be ready for hardball tactics, a tough, sometimes confrontational approach with emotional outbursts. When dealing with Russians use patience, patience and more patience.Slide 29The Australians are a tough breed of people and they enjoy competition. They encourage long term business relationships and they prefer to work with people that they count as friends. Australians shun formality and are recognized as some of the friendliest business people in the world. Negotiations move at a quick pace, so show up on time and come prepared. When dealing with an Australian be direct, the Australians can spot deception and lies and they will walk away from the negotiation if they feel people are not being honest. The Australians will bargain but only to a small degree. They do a lot of research and will know all about prospective companies and culture before the first meeting.A handshake is only a pleasantry a signature means business.Slide 30Chinese tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the direct manner of the American businessman. Chinese take time to see whether their prospective business contacts are really reliable human beings, for example, by inviting themto a party or dinner first. Also the decision making process of the Chinese is considered to be very slow and time consuming. This is because most Chinese companies have many levels of decision making. The Chinese negotiator is distinguished by their concern for ‘face and specialization.Slide 31Letters of introduction are essential for doing business in Japan. As in much of Asia, having connections in Japan is the only wayto get through the front door, unless one represents an internationally recognized brand name. Individualism is not a characteristic of Japanese negotiators. They usually negotiate in teams of at least three people. The Japanese will not discuss points that are not part of the prearranged agenda. Small talk will be kept to a minimum and inquiries into personal lives will be rarely made or accepted.Slide 32Koreans often make emotional pleas part of their negotiating style. They are not beyond painting themselves as poor, humble peasants. In reality the Koreans only respect hard line, strong opponents. Speak clearly and simply. Koreans are known as tough negotiators. When calculating your first price, allow some room for bargaining. Women play a very subservient role in Korean business.Slide 33Indian negotiators like to build a comfortable relationship with people before starting any negotiations. Be prepared for a long drawn out negotiation. The Indian loves to bargain, so remember to give a higher price at the first negotiation. Be aware that most traditional Indian food is eaten with fingers rather than a knife, fork or chopsticks.Avoid using your left hand for passing items, especially food. The left hand is considered dirty because it is used by Indians for personal hygiene.。

国际商务ch15 International servics.ppt

国际商务ch15 International servics.ppt
Global Transformations in the Services Sector
The rise in services trade is due to changes in the environment and in technology.
Global Transformations in the Services Sector
Reduction of government regulation.
Technological advancement.
Problems in Service Trade
New problems have emerged in the service sector together with the increase in the importance of service trade.
National and economic security issues result in barriers to entry. Additional problems in the performance of services abroad—tradition, regulation, etc.
The Role of Services in the U.S.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the United States has seen itself as a primary international competitor in:
The Production of Goods
The Role of Services in the U.S.

国际商务谈判课件 ppt

国际商务谈判课件 ppt

在达成协议之前,对已讨论的问 题进行总结,确保双方对协议内
根据谈判结果,起草并签署协议, 确保协议的法律效力和可执行性。
在协议签署后,对协议的执行情况 进行跟进,确保双方履行协议内容 。
目 录
• 国际商务谈判概述 • 国际商务谈判的核心要素 • 国际商务谈判的流程 • 国际商务谈判的策略与技巧 • 国际商务谈判案例分析
国际商务谈判是指跨越国界的商 务活动中,不同国家或地区的利 益相关者为了达成协议而进行的 交流与协商。
国际商务谈判涉及不同文化、法 律和利益诉求,需要具备高度的 专业知识和跨文化沟通能力。
对所涉及的利益进行合理评估,为谈判中的 取舍提供依据。
在达成协议后,确保利益的持久性和稳定性 ,防止未来的冲突和纠纷。
明确谈判的主题、目的和预期结果, 确保谈判方向不偏离。
对谈判对手、市场、产品等相关信息 进行收集,以便更好地了解谈判背景 。
一个美国公司和一家日本公司在进行合作谈判时,由于文化差异导致沟通障碍 和误解。通过了解和适应对方的文化习惯,双方最终成功达成协议。


《国际商务文化》ppt课 件
• 国际商务文化概述 • 不同国家的商务文化 • 国际商务礼仪与沟通 • 国际商务谈判 • 国际商务环境与策略 • 国际商务案例分析
国际商务文化是指在跨国经营和贸易 中,不同国家和地区的文化背景、价 值观、行为准则和商业惯例的集文化具有多样性,不同 国家和地区之间存在差异,但普 遍重视关系和人情世故,商业决 策往往需要考虑到人际关系因素

根据不同国家和地区的文 化习俗,选择合适的着装 ,如西装、职业装等。
遵循商务礼仪,保持礼貌 、得体的举止,如握手、 打招呼、致谢等。
了解不同文化背景下的交 际习惯,如称呼、问候、 告别等,以避免误解和冲 突。
1 2
在商务沟通中,倾听是关键。要全神贯注地听取 对方意见,避免打断对方或过早表达自己的观点 。
在表达自己的观点时,要使用简洁明了的语言, 避免使用模棱两可或含糊不清的措辞。
由于政治原因导致的业务损失 风险,如政局动荡、贸易壁垒 等。


这一理论认为,一个新产品的技术发展大致有三个阶段:新产品阶段,成 熟阶段,标准化阶段。
在新产品阶段,技术上尚处于创新阶段,所需的主要资源是发达的科学技 术和大量的研究经费,新产品是一种科技知识密集型的产品,只有少数科研发达 的国家才拥有这些资源,从而拥有新产品生产的比较优势,新产品往往首先出现 在少数发达工业国家。
国际贸易理论起源于 17 世纪欧洲资本原始积 累时期的重商主义学说。重商主义学说的核心 是其对财富的看法,他们把金银货币看作是财 富的唯一形态,是一切经济活动的目的。重商 主义认为,由于对外贸易可以使一国从国外获 得金银从而使财富增加。因此国家必须积极干 预经济生活,鼓励出口、限制进口,以保证金 银货币的流入和社会财富的增长。重商主义学 说又分为“货币差额论”和“贸易差额论”。
而规模经济理论认为这一假设是不完全的。 在现代化社会大生产中,许多产品的生产
具有规模报酬递增的特点,即通过扩大生产规 模,每单位生产要素的投入会有更多的产出。 尤其是现代化的工业,大规模的生产反而会降 低单位产品成本。
另外,传统贸易理论假设各国生产的产品都是同质同样的,国际市场是完 全竞争的。
波特的论题是一个国家的四大特性形成了当地 企业竞争的环境,这些特性促进或阻碍了竞争优势的 建立。 这些特性分别是: 1.生产要素禀赋—一个国家生产要素的状况,如熟练 劳动力或特定产业内竞争所必需的基础设施; 2.需求情况—该产业产品或服务的国内需求特性; 3.相关与支持产业—该国有无具有国际竞争力的供给 产业和相关产业;

中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 15 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.ppt

中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 15 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.ppt
the phone? A: 你可以电话报名。不过,要等到你把注册费汇款进账后才能予以展位
A: 你可以电话报名。不过,要等到你把注册费汇款进账后才能予以展位 确认。
B: That’s understood. I’d like to go ahead with the reservation. A: 你要底楼展位还是二楼展位? B: Do the prices depend on the location? A: 底楼位置好,当然也就贵一点。不过二楼展位可免收3平方米的展位费。 B: Then a stand on the second floor. A: 好的。你要预订现场广告吗? B: I think we need a double colored balloon scroll. A:没问题。一个二楼标准展位的费用是12,000 元,一只气球广告费为1,
Clerk: 请先告诉我您的现住址、电话号码、电子邮件地址和您的企业行业范 围。
Robert: I’m at Krause House, 123 Euclid Avenue, Bloomington, IN60678, USA. The phone number is 867 902 475, and my e-mail address is wayne@. The company’s name is Bloomington Auto Assembling Corporation.
Lin: 欢迎到我们的展位来。我是晨光文具公司的林平。请看看我们的产 品。
Willie: Hi, I’m Willie from England. I found these teaching aids very interesting.
Lin: 这些是我们的新设计,专门为幼儿园和小学阶段的小孩子设计的, 颜色非常明亮醒目。



When is a Lie a Lie?
Affirmative Partially
True Statements
Factors Affecting Negotiation Ethics
experiences of the negotiator
opportunities for displaying trust trustworthiness
Demonstrate Place
the negotiation in a longer term context
Being an ethical negotiator is not easy. It requires you to be honest and trusting while still trying to get the best result for yourself and your company. You will not always know when someone is trying to cheat you. You can only control your own actions. If everyone were to act ethically in their business dealings, the world would be a better place. The place it can start is with you.
with the other party
Incentives Relationship Relative


苹果公司以高端定位和品牌形象为核心,通过推出具有 影响力的产品和服务,吸引全球消费者。苹果注重品质 控制和用户体验,通过不断的技术创新和设计优化,提 升品牌价值和市场份额。
华为注重自主研发和技术创新,拥有大量的知识产权。通过 加强知识产权保护ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้华为在国际市场上树立了良好的形象, 并有效避免了技术侵权纠纷。
华为积极参与国际标准和行业组织的 制定,与全球众多企业和机构展开合 作。通过参与标准制定和国际合作, 华为不断提升自身技术水平和行业影 响力。
分析目标市场的竞争状况,包括竞争 对手、市场份额和产品差异化等。
了解目标市场的消费者需求和消费习 惯,以制定有针对性的营销策略。
了解目标市场的法律制度和法律 法规,以确保企业遵守当地法律

评估企业在目标市场中面临的法律 风险,包括知识产权侵权、反垄断 法、劳动法和税法等。
阿里巴巴通过搭建全球领先的电子商务平 台,为全球商家和消费者提供在线交易服 务。通过全球化运营和技术创新,阿里巴 巴的跨境电商业务迅速发展壮大。
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Classroom Performance System
Which of the following is not an element in the marketing mix? a) product attributes b) communication strategy c) distribution strategy d) production strategy
Markets can be segmented by: geography demography (人口统计学) (sex, age, income, race, education level, etc.) sociocultural factors (social class, values, religion, lifestyle choices) psychological factors (personality)
II. Market Segmentation
Market segmentation (市场细分) involves identifying distinct groups of consumers whose purchasing behavior differs from others in important ways. (automobiles; computers)
III. Product Attributes
A product is like a bundle of attributes (特性). Products sell well when their attributes match consumer needs. If consumer needs were the same everywhere, a firm could sell the same product worldwide. But, consumer needs vary from country to country depending on culture and the level of economic development.
International Business 7e
by Charles W.L. Hill
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 15
Global Marketing and R&D
Distribution Strategy
Figure 15.1: A Typical Distribution System
Differences Between Countries
There are four main differences in distribution systems: 1. retail concentration 2. channel length 3. channel exclusivity 4. channel quality
The marketing mix (市场营销组合) is the set of choices the firm offers to its targeted market. It is comprised of: 1) product attributes 2) distribution strategy 3) communication strategy 4) pricing strategy
Market Segmentation
Firms need to be aware of two key market segmentation issues: 1. the differences between countries in the structure of market segments (A segment of consumers in China in the 50-to-60 age range has few parallels in other countries.) 2. the existence of segments that transcend national borders When segments transcend national borders, a global strategy is possible.
IV. Distribቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱtion Strategy
A firm’s distribution strategy (the means it chooses for delivering the product to the consumer) is a critical element of the marketing mix. How a product is delivered depends on the firm’s market entry strategy. Firms that manufacturer the product locally can sell directly to the consumer, to the retailer, or to the wholesaler. Firms that manufacture outside the country have the same options plus the option of selling to an import agent.
I. The Globalization Of Markets And Brands
Theodore Levitt argued that world markets were becoming increasingly similar, making it unnecessary to localize the marketing mix. The current consensus is that while the world is moving towards global markets, cultural and economic differences among nations limit any trend toward global consumer tastes and preferences. In addition, trade barriers and differences in product and technical standards also limit a firm's ability to sell a standardized product to a global market.
Product And Technical Standards
National differences in product and technological standards force firms to customize the marketing mix. Government-mandated product standards can make mass production difficult. Idiosyncratic (另类的) decisions made in the past on technical standards can influence future marketing strategies. (DVD equipment manufactured for sale in the US will not play DVDs recorded on equipment manufactured for sale in Great Britain, Germany and France.)
Differences Between Countries
1. Retail Concentration In a concentrated retail system, a few retailers supply most of the market. In a fragmented retail system, there are many retailers, no one of which has a major share of the market.
Economic Development
A country’s level of economic development has important marketing implications. Consumers in highly developed countries tend to demand a lot of extra performance attributes. Consumers in less developed nations tend to prefer more basic products.
Developed countries tend to have greater retail concentration, while developing countries are more fragmented.
Differences Between Countries
2. Channel Length Channel length refers to the number of intermediaries between the producer and the consumer. When the producer sells directly to the consumer, the channel is very short. When the producer sells through an import agent, a wholesaler, and a retailer, a long channel exists. Countries with fragmented retail systems tend to have longer channels, while countries with concentrated systems have shorter channels.