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Lesson 1

I .Rearrange the words in these sentences in the correct order.

1. games/played/yesterday/in their room/the children/quietly


2. a new school/built/they/in our village/last year


3. before lunch/the letter/in his office/quickly/he/read


II . Fill in the blanks.

1.This is p______ land; you can’t walk across it.

2.We had a long telephone c_______ yesterday.

3.Tom pays no a_______ to the teacher in class.

4.We can’t b______ so much homework.

5.Don’t speak to your classmates r______

III. Translation.







IV. Reading.

Last Saturday evening I went to the cinema with a friend. We had very good seats. The film was very good , we think, but we did not enjoy it. Two tall people were

sitting in front of us and they were talking loudly. They were spoiling the film for us. We couldn’t see it very well and we couldn’t hear it very well. I got angry and decided to say something. ‘Could you perhaps sit lower in your seats’I asked politely. The woman turned round immediately. ‘Please be quiet, ‘she said.’We can’t hear the film.’

1.Where did the writer go with a friend


2.How were they talking


3.How did the writer ask them to sit lower


4.How did the woman turn round


Business is business.公事公办

Mind your business少管闲事

When angry, count a hundred.每当动怒时,先要冷静一下。

Lesson 2

I .Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.

Example : She is a clever girl. What a clever girl!

is a rude person.


2. The weather is terrible.


are beautiful pictures.


’s expensive furniture.


apples are lovely and red.


II . Translation.









III. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(一般现在时或现在进行时)“What are you looking at ” I asked my mother. She was looking out of the window.“A car has just stopped outside our house,”mother answered. “Someone________(get) out of the car. It’s your Aunt Lucy. She always ______(visit) us at the wrong moment. She never ______(phone) us in advance(事先). Now she __________(walk) towards our front door.

“And now she _________(ring) the bell! I said as the front doorbell rang loudly. My mother and I opened the front door and greeted Aunt Lucy (you leave)”“Where ______________(you go)”“We_________(go) to visit you!” my mother said. “You never _______(phone) me in advance!” said Aunt Lucy.

Never too old to learn.活到老学到老
