ACCA F2知识要点汇总(精简版)

F2 .Labor turnover在 F2 的考纲当中,对大家有这样的一个要求“calculate the level, and analyze the costs and causes of labor turnover”。
这篇文章就是对于 labor turnover rate(离职周转率)的计算就考试当中有可能会出到的考题类型为大家做一个说明和总结。
Labor turnover rate 这是一个非常小的知识点,正如大家所见它的计算公式也非常简单,但是它却成了很多同学比较容易错的一个知识点,归其原因,还是大家对于公式的理解不是特别透彻。
下面我们就先从它的定义出发来分析一下什么叫做 labor turnover.“Labor turnover is a measure of the proportion of people leaving relative to the average number of people employed”. 离职周转率是指离职且需要替换回来的员工数量和公司平均员工总人数的比。
例如题目中会给出这样的条件”A company employed3641 employees at the beginning of 20x1 and at the end of the year employees number were 3735”,那么公司平均员工数就等于(3641+3735)/2。

2. Absorption process
3. Predetermined absorption rate
4. Under/over absorbed
5. Blanket absorption rate VS. separate absorption rate
6.1 Absorption costing
Absorption costing is a method of costing in which the costs of an item are built up as the sum of direct costs and a fair share of overhead costs, to obtain a full cot of a fully-absorbed cost.
Overhead costs are costs that cannot be economically directly to cost units. Overheads are another term for indirect costs.
Overhead costs are charged to a cost centre, which mig 1
Direct labour 1
Direct expense 1
Direct cost 3
Production overhead 1
Full production cost 4
6. Ledger entries for manufacturing cost
7. Non-manufacturing overheads
acca f知识要点汇总(精简版)

☆技巧 AC = MC + (Closing Inventory – Opening Inventory) x OAR *The absorption costing requires subjective judgments.预算估计主观判断太多 *There is often more than one way to allocate the overheads.制造成本分摊可操纵
Arbitrary apportionment 任意分配
Problems when implementing ABC:
‐ 耗时
‐ 需要上层支持,因为缺乏信息
‐ Project team 运作,成员来自各个部门
‐ IT 部门支持
‐ 了解成本结构
‐ Cost‐benefit analysis★成本效益分析
Sales volume: Stable high volume
Initially profits keep increase as initial set‐up and fixed costs are recovered
材料人工等 Marketing and distribution economies are achieved
适合 decision making as it highlights contribution Fixed cost are treated as period costs Profit depends on sales and efficiency
Disadvantage Danger that products sold on marginal contribution – fail to cover fixed costs Doesn’t comply with IAS 2,需要调整报表 Necessitates analysis of mixed costs between FC and VC

1.抽样的概念单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling)将调查总体全部观察单位编号,再用抽签法或随机数字表随机抽取部分观察单位组成样本.优点:操作简单,均数、率及相应的标准误计算简单.缺点:总体较大时,难以一一编号.系统抽样(systematic sampling)又称机械抽样、等距抽样,即先将总体的观察单位按某一顺序号分成n个部分,再从第一部分随机抽取第k号观察单位,依次用相等间距,从每一部分各抽取一个观察单位组成样本.优点:易于理解、简便易行.缺点:总体有周期或增减趋势时,易产生偏性.分层抽样(stratified sampling)先按对观察指标影响较大的某种特征,将总体分为若干个类别,再从每一层内随机抽取一定数量的观察单位,合起来组成样本.有按比例分配和最优分配两种方案. 优点:样本代表性好,抽样误差减少.以上四种基本抽样方法都属单阶段抽样,实际应用中常根据实际情况将整个抽样过程分为若干阶段来进行,称为多阶段抽样.各种抽样方法的抽样误差一般是:整群抽样≥单纯随机抽样≥系统抽样≥分层抽样.多级抽样(Multistage sampling)也叫多阶段抽样或阶段抽样,以二级抽样为例,二级抽样就是先将总分组,然后在第一级和第二中分别随机地抽取部分一级单位和部分二级单位。
整群抽样(cluster sampling)是先将调查总体分为群,然后从中抽取群,对被抽中群的全部单元进行调查。

高顿财经ACCA 2014年ACCA 考试F2管理会计考前最新知识点本文由高顿ACCA 整理发布,转载请注明出处 Responsibility accounting is a system of accounting that segregates revenue and costs into areas of personal responsibility in order to monitor and assess the performance of each part of an organization.The main responsibility centers are:Cost center – the performance of a cost center manager is judged on the extent to which cost targets have been achieved.Revenue center – Within an organization, this is a centre or activity that earns sales revenue. And whose manager is responsible for the revenue earned but not for the costs incurred.Profit center – A part of the business whose manager is responsible and accountable for both costs and revenue. The performance of a profit center manager is measured in terms of the profit made by the centre.Investment center – A profit center with additional responsibilities for investment and possibly also for financing, and whose performance is measured by its return on capital employed (ROCE)..更多ACCA 资讯请关注高顿ACCA 官网:。
干货整理:ACCA F2科目41条笔记分享

干货整理:ACCA F2科目41条笔记分享ACCA F2全称是Management Accounting,这一门课程是管理会计的内容,课程总体难度不大,差异分析的部分考试可能有些难度,另外一些财务比率的计算需要掌握,为今后的学习打好基础。
以下是学员整理的一些F2学习笔记供新学员参考:1.Target cost=target selling price–target profit=market price–desired profit margin.2.cost gap=estimated cost–target cost.3.TQM:①preventing costs②appraisal costs③internal failure costs④external failure cost4.Alternative costing principle:①ABC(activity based costing)②Target costing③Life cycle④TQM8.Time series:①trend②seasonal variation:⑴加法模型sum to zero;⑵乘法模型sum to4③cyclical variation④random variation9.pricipal budget factor关键预算因子:be limited the activities10.budget purpose:①communication②coordination③compel the plan④motivative employees⑤resource allocation11.Budget committee的功能:①coordinated②administration12.Budget:①function budget②master budget:1.P&L;2.B/S;3.Cash Flow13.Fixed Budget:不是在于固不固定,而是基于一个业务量的考虑,financail expression.Flexible Budget:包含了固定成本和变动成本,并且变动成本的变化是随着业务量的变化而改变。
ACCA F2 EOQ考试干货分享

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
这些公式在考试中是不给的,需要同学们理解记忆滴。 另外在使用 EOQ 公式时,大家要注意: 1. 成本相关,只包括这些受订单数量影响的成本; 2. 公式中所有量的单位要统一,如 CH 题目中是每存储一个产品 oneweek 的成 本是多少,而 Demand 是 one annual 的产品需求量,这两个单位,一个是 week,一个是 annual,要统一,一般以 annual 做单位则要在题目的 CH 基础上 * 52 weeks。 2.批量折扣 BULKDISCOUNTS
文章解析 订购量增加,平均存货量上升,年度总的储存成本增加 订购量增加,订货的次数减少,年度总的订购成本减少
这个模型基于的假设是:买价是固定的;需求和间隔时间是固定的;储存成本受 平均存货量影响;订单成本不受订购量影响;不考虑缺货成本。 所以年储存成本和订购成本的总和先减少,后上升,如上图所示。总的成本最低 点对应的订购数量就是 EOQ,且恰好总成本那条抛物线的最低点和 total holding cost 与 total ordering cost 两条线的交点是重合的,因此可以令 totalholding cost = total ordering cost, 即 Q/2×CH= D/Q×CO, 从而将 EOQ 算出来。
大宗购买折扣是否值得采用呢?当价格降低时,如果一次订货量更多,则年储存 成本会上升,所以是否采用这种折扣需要计算分析。即分别算出 EOQ 和刚好能获 得折扣的订货水平下的年总成本(储存、再订购和购买成本),选出最低的那 个,从而判断是否选择折扣优惠。 常用方法为试错法来计算和判断。 Step1:先正常计算出 EOQ Step2:计算出在 EOQ 情况下的 Totalcosts(包括 purchasecost、totalholding cost、totalordering cost) Step3:计算出刚好能获得 discount 的 quantity 的情况下的 Total costs(包括 purchasecost、totalholding cost、totalordering cost) Step4:选择 total costs 最小时的订货数量
ACCA F2课程主要讲的什么内容?

包含用基准衡量一个企业的业绩,区别业绩测量指标,还应掌握一些比率的计算包括NPVIRR Payback,Ratio,ROI,RI,Financial Ratio&Non-Financial Ratio。
ACCA F2学习方法推荐:
第 1 页。
ACCA学习资料 F2比率分析

他们被认为是在同一时间,因为:ROCE = ROS x资产周转率营业利润= 营业利润x 收入动用资本收入动用资本这种关系可用于考试的计算。
例如,如果你被告知,一个业务的销售利润率和资产周转率2 5%,那么它的ROCE(x 2 5%)将降至10%。
考前必读! ACCA F2的学习方法与做题思路(一)

正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)中华会计网校会计人的网上家园ACCA 考前必读!F2的学习方法与做题思路(一)F2做为ACCA管理会计体系下的初级阶段课程, 目的是帮助学员初步建立起管理会计的概念, 以及成本、财务分析、预算决策、内部控制、管理会计的基础理念; 全科教材围绕着人工,原材料,管理费用等与企业生产成本相关的因素进行不同需要的数学计算,将企业有限的资源最大化的利用,最终取得利润最大化的目的。
F2的具体学习目标如下:A .The nature, source and purpose of managementinformationA.管理信息的本质、来源和目的1. Accounting for management ; 1. 管理会计2. Sources of data ; 2. 数据的来源3 Cost classifications ; 3. 成本的划分4 Presenting information 4. 信息的呈现B. Cost accounting techniques. B. 成本会计1. Accounting for material, labour and overheads; 1.原材料、人工和管理费用的记账2. Absorption and marginal costing ; 2. 吸收成本法和边际成本法3. Cost accounting methods ; 3. 成本会计4. Alternative cost accounting principles . 4. 其他成本会计的原则C. Budgeting C.预算1. Nature and purpose of budgeting ; 1. 预算的本质和目的2. Statistical techniques ; 2. 统计技术3. Budget preparation ; 3. 预算编制4. Flexible budgets ; 4. 弹性预算5 Capital budgeting and discounted cash flow ; 5. 资本预算和折现现金流6 Budgetary control and reporting; 6. 预算的控制和汇报。

2014年ACCA考试F2管理会计总汇17本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处4.4 Reorder levelThe re-order level is the level of stockholding at which a fresh order is placed with a supplier.Re-order level = maximum supply lead time (in days or weeks) maximum daily or weekly demand for the item.What stock control system to use?Minimum stock levelThe minimum stock level for an item of stock is a warning level.Minimum stock level = re-order level – (average demand for the item each day/month x average length of lead time in days/months)Maximum stock levelThe maximum stock level is a stock level that should never be exceeded.Maximum stock level = reorder level + reorder quantity – (minimum usage per day x Minimum lead time per order)Example :Z Ltd. places an order of 500 units, to replenish its stock of a particular component Whenever the stock balance is reduced to 300 units. The order takes at least four days to be delivered and Z ltd. uses at least 50 components each day. What is the maximum stock level?Solution:Reorder level : 300 unitsReorder quantity: 500 unitsMinimum usage: 50 units (minimum usage) x 4 days (minimum lead time) = 200 units Total = 300 + 500 – 200 = 600 unitsThe maximum level is 600 units.Example :Calculate the re-order level, minimum stock level and maximum stock level from the Following date.Minimum lead time 4 daysAverage lead time 5 daysMaximum lead time 7 daysMaximum usage 500 units/dayMinimum usage 300 units/dayRe-order quantity 5,400 unitsSolution:Reorder level = Maximum usage x Maximum lead time= 500 units x 7 days = 3500unitsMinimum stock level = Reorder level – average demand for items x average lead time = 3500 – 400 units x 5 days= 1,500 unitsMaximum stock level = Reorder level + reorder quantity – minimum lead time xMinimum usage= 3500 + 5400 – 300units x 4 days= 7700 unitsExample for the whole session:1. A company determines its order quantity for a raw material by using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model.What would be the effects on the EOQ and the total annual holding cost of a decrease in the cost of ordering a batch of raw material?EOQ Total annual holding costA. Higher LowerB. Higher HigherC. Lower HigherD. Lower LowerSolution is D.If there is a decrease in the cost of ordering a batch of raw material, then the EOQ will also be lower( as the numerator in the EOQ equation will be lower). If the EOQ is lower, than average inventory held (EOQ /2) with also be lower and therefore the total annual holding costs will also be lower.2. What is the economic batch quantity used to establish?OptimalA. reorder quantityB. reorder levelC. cumulative production quantityD. inventory level for productionSolution is CThe economic batch quantity is used to establish the cumulative production quantity. 更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:X。
ACCA PAPER F2 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 管理会计考试讲义笔记 06 Material Costs

CH6 MATERIAL COSTS1. WHAT IS INVENTORY CONTROL1.1 inventory control systemThis chapter will concentrate on a inventory control system for materials. Controls should cover the following functions.The ordering of stockThe purchase of stockThe receipt of goods into storeStorageThe issue of stock and maintenance of stock at the most appropriate level1.2 The objective of inventory controlThe overall objective of stock control is, therefore, to maintain stock levels so that the total of the following costs is minimized:Holding costsOrdering costsStockout costs1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of holding stockThe basis of the theoretical calculations of an EOQ and an optimal ROL is that there are advantages and disadvantages of holding stock (of buying stock in large or small quantities). The advantages include:the need to meet customer demandtaking advantage of bulk discountsreducing total annual re-ordering costThe disadvantages include:storage costsinsurance costs of stock and warehouserent of warehouserates of ware housecost of capital tied up in stockdeterioration, obsolescence, and theft.The aim behind the calculations of EOQ and ROL is to weigh up these, and other advantages and disadvantages and to find a suitable compromise level.2.EOQ2.1 calculation of EOQWhen determining how much to order at a time, an organisation will recognise that:as order quantity rises, average stock rises and the total annual cost of holding stock risesas order quantity rises, the number of orders decreases and the total annualre-order costs decreaseThe total of annual holding and re-order costs first decreases, then increases. The point at which cost is minimised is the EOQ. This cost behaviour is illustrated by the graph in Figure 1.The way in which this EOQ is calculated is based on certain assumptions, including:constant purchase priceconstant demand and constant lead-timeholding-cost dependent on average stockorder costs independent of order quantityThe assumptions result in a pattern of stock that can be illustrated graphically as shown in Figure 2.The FormulaUsing the standard ACCA notation in which:CHcost of holding a unit of stock for a yearCO=cost of placing an orderD=annual demandalso:TOC=total annual re-ordering costTHC=total annual holding costx=order quantitythen:average stock=x/2THC=x/2×CHand:number of orders in a year=D/xTOC=D/x×COThe total annual cost (affected by order quantity)is:C=THC+TOC=x/2×CH+D/x×COThis formula is not supplied in exams – it needs to be understood (and remembered).The value of x, order quantity that minimizes this total cost is the EOQ, given by an easily remembered formula:Use of EOQ FormulaYou need to take care over which figures you put into the formula, particularly in multiple-choice questions. The areas to beware of fall into two categories: Relevant costs – only include those costs affected by order quantity. Only include those holding costs which (in total in a year)will double if you order twice as much at a time. Only include those order costs which (in total in a year)will double if you order twice as often. (Thus, fixed salaries to storekeepers or buying department staff will be excluded.)Consistent units–ensure that figures inserted have consistent units. Annual demand and cost of holding a unit for a year. Both holding costs and re-ordering costs should be in £, or both in pence.2.2 Bulk DiscountsA common twist to exam questions is to ask students to evaluate whether bulk discounts are worth taking. While prices reduce, total annual holding costs will increase if more stock is ordered at a time, so the matter needs a little thought. The common approach is one of trial and error. This involves finding the total annual cost (holding cost, re-ordering cost and purchasing cost)at the level indicated by the EOQ and at the level(s)where discount first becomes available.Figure 3 shows total costs (now including cost of purchasing the stock)plotted against order quantity with discount incorporated.Point A represents the cost at the order quantity indicated by the EOQ. If stock is ordered in larger quantities, total costs will increase to point B1, at which stage bulk discounts are available, bringing the costs down to point B. Any calculations will involve finding which cost out of A, B or C is the lowest, as Example 1 will show.Example 1Moore Limited uses 5,000 units of its main raw material per month. The material costs £4 per unit to buy, supplier’s delivery costs are £25 per order and internal ordering costs are £2 per order. Total annual holding costs are £1 per unit. Thesupplier has offered a discount of 1% if 4,000 units of the material are bought at a time.Required:a.Establish the economic order quantity (EOQ)ignoring the discount opportunities.Determine if the discount offer should be accepted.Example 1 solutionsPurchase (no discount)60000 units×4240000Holding costs (1×1800/2)900Ordering costs (60000/1800 ×27)900Total cost241800Purchase (with 1% discount)240000×99%237600Holding cost (1×4000/2)2000Ordering costs (60000/4000×27)405Total cost240005Should accept the discount offer.3.RE-ORDER LEVELSAs important as how much to order at a time is the question of when to order more stock. If an order is placed too late, when stocks have been allowed to run too low, a ‘stock-out’ will occur, resulting in either a loss of production or loss of sales, or possibly both.If orders are placed too soon, when there are still substantial supplies in stock, then stock levels and holding costs will be unnecessarily high. The re-order level as explained below should not be confused with the stock control levels referred to in textbooks. When it comes to calculating re-order levels, three sets of circumstances can be envisaged.3.1 Lead-time is zero‘Lead-time’ is the interval between placing an order with a supplier and that order arriving. It is unlikely that this could be reduced to zero –it would require astonishingly co-operative and efficient suppliers. If it were possible, a re-order level of zero could be adopted. An organisation could simply wait until it ran out of stock, click its corporate fingers, and stock would arrive instantaneously.3.2 Constant demand, fixed finite lead-timeThe assumption of constant demand is consistent with the assumptions underlying the EOQ formula. If suppliers take some time to provide goods, orders need to be placed in advance of running out. Figure 4 illustrates the problem and itssolution.If the lead-time is, say, 5 days, an order has to be placed before stocks have been exhausted. Specifically, the order should be placed when there is still sufficient stock to last 5 days, i.e:3.3 Re-order level (ROL)Demand in lead-timeSo, if lead-time for a particular stock item is 5 days and daily demand is 30 units, the re-order level would be 5 days at 30 units per day, 150 units.Variable demand in the lead-timeIf demand in lead-time varied, it could be described by means of some form of probability distribution. Taking the previous example of the demand in lead-time being 150 units, we’re considering the possibility of demand being more than 150 or less than that. See Figure 5.Note: This aspect of stock control produces a few problems. The EOQ formula requires that demand (and lead-time)for a stock item be constant. Here the possibility of demand varying or lead-time varying or both varying is introduced. Setting that problem aside, most ACCA syllabuses at the lower levels avoid any discussion of uncertainty or probability distributions. However, uncertainty in lead-time demand in stock control has featured in exams.In these circumstances, a firm could place an order with a supplier when the stock fell to 150 units (the average demand in the lead-time). However, there’s a 33% chance (0.23+0.08+0.02 0.33)that demand would exceed this re-order level, and the organisation would be left with a problem. It is therefore advisable to increase the re-order level by an amount of ‘buffer stock’ (safety stock).3.4 Buffer stockBuffer stock is simply the amount by which ROL exceeds average demand in lead-time. It is needed when there is uncertainty in lead-time demand to reduce the chance of running out of stock and reduce the cost of such shortages.If a ROL of 160 units was adopted, this would correspond to a buffer stock of 10 units (and reduce the chance of running out of stock to 0.08+0.02 0.1, or 10%). A ROL of 170 is equivalent to a buffer stock of 20 and reduces the chance of running out to 2%, and a ROL of 180 implies 30 units of buffer stock (and no chance of running short).3.5 Optimal Re-order LevelsThis leaves the problem of how to calculate the optimal ROL. There are two common ways in which one could determine a suitable re-order level (if theinformation was available):A tabular approach –Calculate, for each possible ROL (each level of buffer stock)the cost of holding different levels of buffer stock and the cost incurred if the buffer is inadequate (‘stock-out’ costs). The optimal re-order level is that level at which the total of holding and stock-out costs are a minimum.A ‘service level’ approach – An organization has to determine a suitable level of service (an acceptably small probability that it would run out of stock), and would need to know the nature of the probability distribution for lead-time demand. These two would be used to find a suitable ROL.(1)Reorder levelWhen stocks reach this level, an order should be placed to replenish stocks. The reorder level is determined by consideration of the following:The maximum rate of consumptionThe maximum lead time (the maximum lead time is the time between placing an order with a supplier, and the stock becoming available for use)Reorder level maximum usage X maximum lead time(2)Minimum levelThis is a warning level to draw management attention to the fact that stocks are approaching a dangerously low level and hat stockouts are possible.Minimum level=reorder level–(average usage×average lead time)(3)Maximum levelThis also acts as a warning level to signal to management that stocks are reaching a potentially wasteful level.Maximum level reorder level+reorder quantity –(minimum usage X minimum lead time)(4)Reorder quantityThis is the quantity of stock which is to be ordered when stock reaches the reorder level. If it is set so as to minimize the total costs associated with holding and ordering stock, then it is known as the economic order quantity.(5)Average stockThe formula for the average stock level assumes that stock levels fluctuate evenly between the minimum (or safety)stock level and the highest possible stock level (the amount of stock immediately after an order is received, i.e. safety stock+reorder quantity).Average stock safety stock+1/2 reorder quantity4.THE STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS4.1 Periodic stocktakingPeriodic stocktakin is a ‘process whereby all stock items are physically counted and valued at a set point in time, usually at the end of an accounting period.Continuous stocktaking is ‘the process of counting and valuing selected items at different times on a rotating basis’. This involves a specialist team counting and checking a number of stock items each day, so that each item is checked at least once a year. Valuable items or items with a high turnover could be checked morefrequently.4.2 Perpetual inventory systemA perpetual inventory system involves recording every receipt and issue of stock as it occurs on bin cards and stores ledger accounts.Section III Stock valuationFIFO (First In, First Out)LIFO (Last In, First Out)FIFO assumes that materials are issued out of stock in the order in which they were deliver ed into stock:issues are priced at the cost of the earliest deliveiy remaining in stock.Using FIFO,the cost of issues and the closing stock value in the example would be as follows.Date ofissue Quantity issued ValueUnits££4May200100 o/s at£2200100 at £2.10 210410 11May400300 at£2.10630100at£2.12212842 20May100100at£2.12212Cost of issues 1,464Closing stock value 200100at£2.12212100at£2.402404521,916*5.CUMULATIVE WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICINGLIFO assumes that materials are issued out of stock in the reverse order to which they were delivered:the ost recent deliveries are issued before earlier ones,and are priced accordingly.Using LIFO,the cost of issues and the closing stock value in the example above would be as follows.Date of issue Quantity issued ValuationUnits££4May200 200at£2.1042011May400300at£2.12636100at£2.10210846 20May100100 at£2.40240Cost of issues1,506Closing stock value200100at£2.002004101,916 The cumulative weighted average pricing method calculates a weighted average price for all units in stock. Issues are priced at this average cost,and the balance of stock remaining would have the same unit valuation. The average price is determined by dividing the total cost by the total number of units.A new weighted average price is calculated whenever a new delivery of materials into store is received. This is the key feature of cumulative weighted average pricing.In our example,issue costs and closing stock values would be as follows.Date Received Issued Balance stock value Unit costUnits Units Units£££Opening stock100 200 2.003May400840 2.10*5001,040 2.084May200(416) 2.08416300624 2.089May300636 2.12*6001,260 2.1011May400(840) 2.10840200420 2.1018May100240 2.40*300660 2.2020May100(220) 2.20220Closing stock value200440 2.204401,916 ProfitabilityFIFO > weighted average > LIFODifferent stock valuation methods produced different costs of sale and hence different profits. As opening stock values and purchase costs are the same for each method, the different costs of sale are due to different closing stock valuations. The differences in profits therefore equal the differences in closing stock valuations.The profit differences are only temporary.。

ACCAPAPERF2MANAG...CH6 MATERIAL COSTS1. WHAT IS INVENTORY CONTROL1.1 inventory control systemThis chapter will concentrate on a inventory control system for materials. Controls should cover the following functions.The ordering of stockThe purchase of stockThe receipt of goods into storeStorageThe issue of stock and maintenance of stock at the most appropriate level1.2 The objective of inventory controlThe overall objective of stock control is, therefore, to maintain stock levels so that the total of the following costs is minimized:Holding costsOrdering costsStockout costs1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of holding stockThe basis of the theoretical calculations of an EOQ and an optimal ROL is that there are advantages and disadvantages of holding stock (of buying stock in large or small quantities). The advantages include:the need to meet customer demandtaking advantage of bulk discountsreducing total annual re-ordering costThe disadvantages include:storage costsinsurance costs of stock and warehouserent of warehouserates of ware housecost of capital tied up in stockdeterioration, obsolescence, and theft.The aim behind the calculations of EOQ and ROL is to weigh up these, and other advantages and disadvantages and to find a suitable compromise level.2.EOQ2.1 calculation of EOQWhen determining how much to order at a time, an organisation will recognise that:as order quantity rises, average stock rises and the total annual cost of holding stock risesas order quantity rises, the number of orders decreases and the total annualre-order costs decreaseThe total of annual holding and re-order costs first decreases, then increases. The point at which cost is minimised is the EOQ. This cost behaviour is illustrated by the graph in Figure 1.The way in which this EOQ is calculated is based on certain assumptions, including:constant purchase priceconstant demand and constant lead-timeholding-cost dependent on average stockorder costs independent of order quantityThe assumptions result in a pattern of stock that can be illustrated graphically as shown in Figure 2.The FormulaUsing the standard ACCA notation in which:CHcost of holding a unit of stock for a yearCO=cost of placing an orderD=annual demandalso:TOC=total annual re-ordering costTHC=total annual holding costx=order quantitythen:average stock=x/2THC=x/2×CHand:number of orders in a year=D/xTO C=D/x×COThe total annual cost (affected by order quantity)is:C=THC+TOC=x/2×CH+D/x×COThis formula is not supplied in exams –it needs to be understood (and remembered).The value of x, order quantity that minimizes this total cost is the EOQ, given by an easily remembered formula:Use of EOQ FormulaYou need to take care over which figures you put into the formula, particularly in multiple-choice questions. The areas to beware of fall into two categories: Relevant costs – only include those costs affected by order quantity. Only include those holding costs which (in total in a year)will double if you order twice as much at a time. Only include those order costs which (in total in a year)will double if you order twice as often. (Thus, fixed salaries to storekeepers or buying department staff will beexcluded.)Consistent units–ensure that figures inserted have consistent units. Annual demand and cost of holding a unit for a year. Both holding costs and re-ordering costs should be in £, or both in pence.2.2 Bulk DiscountsA common twist to exam questions is to ask students to evaluate whether bulk discounts are worth taking. While prices reduce, total annual holding costs will increase if more stock is ordered at a time, so the matter needs a little thought. The common approach is one of trial and error. This involves finding the total annual cost (holding cost, re-ordering cost and purchasing cost)at the level indicated by the EOQ and at the level(s)where discount first becomes available.Figure 3 shows total costs (now including cost of purchasing the stock)plotted against order quantity with discount incorporated.Point A represents the cost at the order quantity indicated by the EOQ. If stock is ordered in larger quantities, total costs will increase to point B1, at which stage bulk discounts are available, bringing the costs down to point B. Any calculations will involve finding which cost out of A, B or C is the lowest, as Example 1 will show.Example 1Moore Limited uses 5,000 units of its main raw material per month. The material costs £4 per unit to buy, supplier’s delivery costs are £25 per order and internal ordering costs are £2 per order. Total annual holding costs are £1 per unit. The supplier has offered a discount of 1% if 4,000 units of the material are bought at a time.Required:a.Establish the economic order quantity (EOQ)ignoring the discount opportunities.Determine if the discount offer should be accepted.Example 1 solutionsPurchase (no discount)60000 units×4240000Holding costs (1×1800/2)900Ordering costs (60000/1800 ×27)900Total cost241800Purchase (with 1% discount)240000×99%237600Holding cost (1×4000/2)2000Ordering costs (60000/4000×27)405Total cost240005Should accept the discount offer.3.RE-ORDER LEVELSAs important as how much to order at a time is the question of when to order more stock. If an order is placed too late, when stocks have been allowed to run too low, a ‘stock-out’ will occur, resulting in either a loss of production or loss of sales, or possibly both.If orders are placed too soon, when there are still substantial supplies in stock, then stock levels and holding costs will be unnecessarily high. The re-order level as explained below should not be confused with the stock control levels referred to in textbooks. When it comes to calculating re-order levels, three sets of circumstances can be envisaged.3.1 Lead-time is zero‘Lead-time’ is the interval between placing an order with a supplier and that order arriving. It is unlikely that this could be reduced to zero –it would require astonishingly co-operative andefficient suppliers. If it were possible, a re-order level of zero could be adopted. An organisation could simply wait until it ran out of stock, click its corporate fingers, and stock would arrive instantaneously.3.2 Constant demand, fixed finite lead-timeThe assumption of constant demand is consistent with the assumptions underlying the EOQ formula. If suppliers take some time to provide goods, orders need to be placed in advance of running out. Figure 4 illustrates the problem and itssolution.If the lead-time is, say, 5 days, an order has to be placed before stocks have been exhausted. Specifically, the order should be placed when there is still sufficient stock to last 5 days, i.e:3.3 Re-order level (ROL)Demand in lead-timeSo, if lead-time for a particular stock item is 5 days and daily demand is 30 units, the re-order level would be 5 days at 30 units per day, 150 units.Variable demand in the lead-timeIf demand in lead-time varied, it could be described by means of some form of probability distribution. Taking the previous example of the demand in lead-time being 150 units, we’re considering the possibility of demand being more than 150 or less than that. See Figure 5.Note: This aspect of stock control produces a few problems. The EOQ formula requires that demand (and lead-time)for a stock item be constant. Here the possibility of demand varying or lead-time varying or both varying is introduced. Setting that problem aside, most ACCA syllabuses at the lower levels avoid any discussion of uncertainty or probability distributions. However, uncertainty in lead-time demand in stock control hasfeatured in exams.In these circumstances, a firm could place an order with a supplier when the stock fell to 150 units (the average demand in the lead-time). However, there’s a 33% chance (0.23+0.08+0.02 0.33)that demand would exceed this re-order level, and the organisation would be left with a problem. It is therefore advisable to increase the re-order level by an amount of ‘buffer stock’ (safety stock).3.4 Buffer stockBuffer stock is simply the amount by which ROL exceeds average demand in lead-time. It is needed when there is uncertainty in lead-time demand to reduce the chance of running out of stock and reduce the cost of such shortages.If a ROL of 160 units was adopted, this would correspond to a buffer stock of 10 units (and reduce the chance of running out of stock to 0.08+0.02 0.1, or 10%). A ROL of 170 is equivalent to a buffer stock of 20 and reduces the chance of running out to 2%, and a ROL of 180 implies 30 units of buffer stock (and no chance of running short).3.5 Optimal Re-order LevelsThis leaves the problem of how to calculate the optimal ROL. There are two common ways in which one could determine a suitable re-order level (if theinformation was available):A tabular approach –Calculate, for each possible ROL (each level of buffer stock)the cost of holding different levels of buffer stock and the cost incurred if the buffer is inadequate (‘stock-out’ costs). The optimal re-order level is that level at which the total of holding and stock-out costs are a minimum.A ‘service level’ approach –An organization has todetermine a suitable level of service (an acceptably small probability that it would run out of stock), and would need to know the nature of the probability distribution for lead-time demand. These two would be used to find a suitable ROL.(1)Reorder levelWhen stocks reach this level, an order should be placed to replenish stocks. The reorder level is determined by consideration of the following:The maximum rate of consumptionThe maximum lead time (the maximum lead time is the time between placing an order with a supplier, and the stock becoming available for use)Reorder level maximum usage X maximum lead time(2)Minimum levelThis is a warning level to draw management attention to the fact that stocks are approaching a dangerously low level and hat stockouts are possible.Minimum level=reorder level–(average usage×average lead time)(3)Maximum levelThis also acts as a warning level to signal to management that stocks are reaching a potentially wasteful level.Maximum level reorder level+reorder quantity –(minimum usage X minimum lead time)(4)Reorder quantityThis is the quantity of stock which is to be ordered when stock reaches the reorder level. If it is set so as to minimize the total costs associated with holding and ordering stock, then it is known as the economic order quantity.(5)Average stockThe formula for the average stock level assumes that stock levels fluctuate evenly between the minimum (or safety)stock level and the highest possible stock level (the amount of stock immediately after an order is received, i.e. safety stock+reorder quantity).Average stock safety stock+1/2 reorder quantity4.THE STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS4.1 Periodic stocktakingPeriodic stocktakin is a ‘process whereby all stock items are physically counted and valued at a set point in time, usually at the end of an accounting period.Continuous stocktaking is ‘the process of counting and valuing selected items at different times on a rotating basis’. This involves a specialist team counting and checking a number of stock items each day, so that each item is checked at least once a year. Valuable items or items with a high turnover could be checked morefrequently.4.2 Perpetual inventory systemA perpetual inventory system involves recording every receipt and issue of stock as it occurs on bin cards and stores ledger accounts.Section III Stock valuationFIFO (First In, First Out)LIFO (Last In, First Out)FIFO assumes that materials are issued out of stock in the order in which they were deliver ed into stock:issues are priced at the cost of the earliest deliveiy remaining in stock.Using FIFO,the cost of issues and the closing stock value in the example would be as follows.Date ofissue Quantity issued ValueUnits££4May200100 o/s at£2200100 at £2.10 210410 11May400300 at£2.10630100at£2.12212842 20May100100at£2.12212Cost of issues 1,464Closing stock value 200100at£2.12212100at£2.402404521,916*5.CUMULATIVE WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICINGLIFO assumes that materials are issued out of stock in the reverse order to which they were delivered:the ost recent deliveries are issued before earlier ones,and are priced accordingly.Using LIFO,the cost of issues and the closing stock value in the example above would be as follows.Date of issue Quantity issued ValuationUnits££4May200 200at£2.1042011May400300at£2.12636100at£2.10210846 20May100100 at£2.40240Cost of issues1,506Closing stock value200100at£2.002004101,916 The cumulative weighted average pricing method calculates a weighted average price for all units in stock. Issues are priced at this average cost,and the balance of stock remaining would have the same unit valuation. The average price isdetermined by dividing the total cost by the total number of units.A new weighted average price is calculated whenever a new delivery of materials into store is received. This is the key feature of cumulative weighted average pricing.In our example,issue costs and closing stock values would be as follows.Date Received Issued Balance stock value Unit costUnits Units Units£££Opening stock100 200 2.003May400840 2.10*5001,040 2.084May200(416) 2.08416300624 2.089May300636 2.12*6001,260 2.1011May400(840) 2.10840200420 2.1018May100240 2.40*300660 2.2020May100(220) 2.20220Closing stock value200440 2.204401,916 ProfitabilityFIFO > weighted average > LIFODifferent stock valuation methods produced different costs of sale and hence different profits. As opening stock values and purchase costs are the same for each method, the different costs of sale are due to different closing stock valuations. The differences in profits therefore equal the differences in closing stock valuations.The profit differences are only temporary.。
ACCA F2知识点:Accounting for labor

ACCA F2知识点:Accounting for labor Accounting for labor是ACCA F2中的基本内容。
首先我们梳理一下labor cost有两种方法:计时工资和计件工资。
计件工资很简单,用Units produced x rate of pay per unit.计时工资相对复杂一点,有三部分:1.BASIC PAY:BAISC RATE X TOTAL WORKED HOURS;2.PREMIUM:PREMIUM RATE X TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS;3.Bonus:bonus可能有两种一种是individual;一种是group。
另外在这个知识点中经常考的是让我们判断direct labor cost和indirect labor cost 有四种情况 labor cost for direct labor:basic pay production hours+overtime premium for specific labor cost for indirect labor:Overtime pay(basic+premium)for specific reason3.indirect labor cost for direct labor:Basic pay for non-production hours+overtime premium for general requirement+bonus4.indirect labor cost for indirect labor.others以上知识尤其是DIRECT LABOR COST&INDIRECT LABOR COST的判断,是考试的常见点,希望大家可以很好地掌握。
ACCA F2《管理会计》考试内容介绍

ACCA F2《管理会计》考试内容介绍
ACCA F2内容介绍
F2 主要介绍了什么是管理会计,管理信息的性质、来源和目的;成本会计原理和方式、成本分类、成本计算方法;预算和标准成本计算、业绩衡量、短期决策方法等。
ACCA考试科目F2重要知识:Planning and Control

ACCA考试科目F2重要知识:Planning and Control 2019年01月07日ACCA考试科目F2把管理活动总结为三个词:planning, control and decision-making. 这里通过举例讲解一下Planningand control.小编再送一个考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频1.Planning(关键词是objective/goal andstrategy)(i) Establish the company’sgoal: increase profit by 20% in five years.(ii) Identify alternativestrategies to achieve the goal:Increase market sharethrough price promotionDevelop new products withhigher customer value (i.e. better price/quality mix)Cost reductionAcquisition ofcompetitors(iii) Analyze the alternativesand make a choice, e.g. develop new products(iv) State the expectedoutcomes towards the goal in the form of annual budget把总目标分解成五个年度目标,并用预算的形式表达出来(如:每年的销售额是多少,其中新产品带来多少销售,新产品开发费用是多少,利润是多少)注:F2不要求考生设定目标或选择策略,只要求判断哪些活动属于Planning。
2. Control (关键词是Compare) (i) Obtain data about actualresults(ii) Compare the actual withthe plan (e.g. with the profit stated in annual budget)(iii) Take improvement actionsand/or revise the original plan 如果实际和计划有差异,可能是实际执行的问题,也可能是计划本身不合理。
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●单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling)
●系统抽样(systematic sampling)
●分层抽样(stratified sampling)
先按对观察指标影响较大的某种特征,将总体分为若干个类别,再从每一层内随机抽取一定数量的观察单位,合起来组成样本.有按比例分配和最优分配两种方案. 优点:样本代表性好,抽样误差减少.
●多级抽样(Multistage sampling)
●整群抽样(cluster sampling)
●配额抽样(Quota sampling)
●Re‐order level = maximum demand x maximum lead time
●Min. stock level = re‐order level –(average demand x average lead time)
●Max. stock level = re‐order level + re‐order quantity – (min. demand x min. time) ●Average inventory =safety inventory + 1/2 reorder quantity
•repeated distribution (or reciprocal) method , include algebraic method (设X,Y)•direct method (不考虑X,Y对彼此的分摊)
•step-down method(仅考虑X或Y对彼此的分摊)
AC = MC + (Closing Inventory – Opening Inventory) x OAR
Laspeyre Price Index=∑PnQo
;Laspeyre Quantity Index=
Paascℎe Price Index=∑PnQn
;Paascℎe Quantity Index=
Fisℎer Price Index=√Laspeyre Price Index ×Paascℎe Price Index
7.Process Costing –必须会用FIFO & Weight Average解题,计算WIP或者OUTPUT
8.ABC –要知道它和AB的区别。
9.Life Cycle Costing:
●Introduction: Few competitors + High promotion cost + Basic quality
●Growth: New competitors + New distribution outlets being found + Product
quality improvement made + Customer feedback received
●Maturity: Most competitive + Product Upgrade
●Decline: Exit strategy to be identified
●Relevant costs: future + incremental 是决定人可以影响的成本主要有:Avoidable costs, Differential costs and Opportunity costs ●Non-relevant costs: 与做决定无关的成本.
主要有:Sunk costs, Committed costs, and Nominal (imputed) costs
Correlation coefficient (r) & Coefficient of determination (r2)
NPV 和IRR的优缺点:13.差异
●Profitability Ratios 盈利能力
✧Gross Profit Margin: Gross Profit Revenue
x 100%
✧Operating Profit Percentage: PBIT (profit before interest and tax)
x 100%
✧Return on Capital:
Total equity + NCL
x 100%
✧Employed Return on Equity: Profit after Tax & Preference dividends
Total equity
x 100%
●Liquidity Ratios:
✧Current Ratio:
Current Asset
Current Liabilities
= X:1,该数值﹥1比较好
✧Quick Ratio (Acid Ratio) : Current Asset−Inventories
Current Liabilities
= X:1
●Efficiency Ratios:
✧Inventory turnover period: Inventories
Cost of sales
x 365 days
✧Payables/ Receivables payment period: Trade payables/receivable
Cost of sales
x 365 days
✧Working capital cycle: Inventory days + Receivable days – Payable days
✧Asset Turnover:
Total Assets−CL
= X times
●Position Ratios:
✧Interest cover: PBIT (profit before interest & tax)
Finance Costs
= X times
Total equiry + NCL
= X times。