
计算机专业复试面试问题含答案1. 请介绍一下自己及自己的学术背景。
2. 你为什么选择继续深造计算机专业?回答:我对计算机科学和技术有浓厚的兴趣,也意识到计算机技术在现代社会的重要性。
3. 你在本科阶段的研究方向是什么?回答:在本科阶段,我主要关注了人工智能和机器学习方向。
4. 你对人工智能的发展有什么看法?回答:我认为人工智能是当前科技领域的热点和前沿领域。
5. 请谈谈你对大数据的理解。
6. 你在团队合作中的角色是什么?回答:在团队合作中,我通常会担任团队的协调者和沟通者的角色。
7. 请谈谈你对软件工程的理解。

软件工程师英语面试题软件工程师英语面试题1. “How would you deal with changes being made a week or so before the ship date?2. “How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won’t fix it.3. “Write a function that counts the number of primes in the range [1-N]. Write the test cases for this function.4. “Given a MAKEFILE (yeah a makefile), design the data structure that a parser would create and then write code that iterates over that data structure executing commands if needed.5. “Write a function that s an integer into a linked list in ascending order. Write the test cases for this function.6. “Test the save dialog in Notepad. (This was the questionI enjoyed the most).7. “Write the InStr function. Write the test cases for this function.8. “Write a function that will return the number of days in a month (no using System.DateTime).9. “You have 3 jars. Each jar has a label on it: white, black, or white&black. You have 3 sets of marbles: white, black, and white&black. One set is stored in one jar. The labels on the jars are guaranteed to be incorrect (i.e. white will not contain white). Which jar would you choose from to give you the best chances of identifying the which set of marbles in is in which jar.10. “Why do you want to work for Microsoft.11. “Write the test cases for a vending machine.“Those were the questions I was asked. I had a lot of discussions about how to handle situations. Such as a tester isfocused on one part of an SDK. During triage it was determined that that portion of the SDK was not on the critical path, and the tester was needed elsewhere. But the tester continued to test that portion because it is his baby. How would you get him to stop testing that portion and work on what needs to be worked on?“Other situations came up like arranging tests into the different testing buckets (functional, stress, perf, etc.).”。

1、职业的.发展计划;Q: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now on?A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be more exciting.2、为什么要离开现在的这家公司;Q: Why did you leave your current job?A: Well, I’m hoping to get an offer of a better position. I desired a challenge position which could improve my skills in testing field, especially I want to specialize in automation testing and performance testing field. I also like work in a bilingual work environment which could improve my oral English.3、工作中分配给同事的任务他们不配合怎么办(这个是根据我的情况询问的);Q: How will you handle the problem as the work which has been assigned to your colleagues, but they did not lie in with what you have assigned to them?A: Maybe the mutual munication was not enough, or the arrangement was unreasonable. Adjust the arrangement in a reasonable scope, and have totally munication with relative person. In a word, all our effort was focus on improve the efficiency.4、工作中每周都会一到两次早上7点or晚上7-8点要开电话会议,你会怎么样?Q: There is one time or twice conference call at 7-8o’clock a week, what will happen to you?A: As to me, I will attend the meeting on time, and take notes on every important point; As long as we doing that,our work would be more efficient and our product quality would be improved.模板,内容仅供参考。

1 . 用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明1年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL2. 嵌入式系统中经常要用到无限循环,你怎么样用C编写死循环呢?while(1){}或者for(;;){}3. 用变量a给出下面的定义a) 一个整型数(An integer)b)一个指向整型数的指针( A pointer to an integer)c)一个指向指针的的指针,它指向的指针是指向一个整型数( A pointer to a pointer to an intege)rd)一个有10个整型数的数组( An array of 10 integers)e) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针是指向一个整型数的。
(An array of 10 pointers to integers)f) 一个指向有10个整型数数组的指针( A pointer to an array of 10 integers)g) 一个指向函数的指针,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数(A pointer to a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns an integer)h) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针指向一个函数,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数( An array of ten pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer )答案是:a) int a; // An integerb) int *a; // A pointer to an integerc) int **a; // A pointer to a pointer to an integerd) int a[10]; // An array of 10 integerse) int *a[10]; // An array of 10 pointers to integersf) int (*a)[10]; // A pointer to an array of 10 integersg) int (*a)(int); // A pointer to a function a that takes an integer argument and returns an integerh) int (*a[10])(int); // An array of 10 pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer4.关键字static的作用是什么?这个简单的问题很少有人能回答完全。

2022计算机考研复试专业课常问问题汇总1 操作系统的目标和功能?2 操作系统的运行机制?3 操作系统中断和异常?4 什么是程序局部性?为什么会有程序的空间局部性?5 比较TCP与UDP?6 网络体系结构实现和理论有什么区别?7 为了实现重定位需要哪些硬件?8 数据库保护(访问)的内容有哪些?9 交互式系统中,非剥夺策略怎么理解?10 DBA的职责是什么?11 系统调用的定义?12 死锁是什么?13 CPU不执行程序的时候干什么?14 举例解释一下同步和互斥?15 解释一下管程?16 在可交分区管理中需要哪些硬件机制?17 中断和陷入有什么异同?18 数据库系统和文件系统相比有什么优点?19 java和Python的区别?20 特征值和特征向量有什么用?21 字典树?22 进程调度算法。
23 32位系统能上16G内存吗?24 最小生成树mst;25 编译原理?26 DNS工作过程?27冯诺依曼体系结构?28操作系统的基本概念?29点击一个链接的网络过程?30数据库完整性操作。
34 JVM。
37数据库查询语句怎么写更高效?38全概率公式?39傅里叶级数?40操作系统有哪些部分?41离散数学有哪些部分?42大数据?43 什么是多态?44 什么是重载,封装?45 Spring Ioc and AOP。
46 动态规划。
47 迪杰斯特拉最短路径。
48 旅行商问题。
49 全概率公式。
50 贝叶斯公式。
51快排和插入排序哪个更高效?52 中断具体是怎么做的?53 中断隐指令。
54 范式的定义。
55 ACID。
56 索引建的多好还是少好?57 tcp/ip。
58 网络的拓扑结构。
59 强连通图。
60 分层有什么好处?61 IP,v4,v6的区别?62 https协议是怎么实现的?63 ssl协议是什么?64 xml和html。
65 cookie是什么,有什么用?66 uml是什么?67 时间局部性和空间局部性?68 为什么要考研,有没有读博的打算?69 谈谈你的毕设。

云南大学计算机软件与理论专业考研复试面试问题附面试技巧/自我介绍范文/快速提分技巧第一部分:面试问题(含通用、专业、英文面试问题)复试面试问题整理通用面试问题:1. 为什么你选择云南大学作为你的研究生目的地?2. 你对云南大学的计算机软件与理论专业有什么了解?3. 你在大学期间参加过哪些社团或活动?这些经历对你有什么影响?4. 你认为你的研究生涯应该如何帮助你实现未来的职业目标?5. 你在计算机科学或软件工程方面的研究经历是什么?6. 你在项目中遇到的非常大挑战是什么?你是如何解决的?7. 描述一下你在团队合作中的角色和职责。
8. 在你的研究生涯中,你希望研究哪些具体的主题或领域?9. 你对学术研究的看法是什么?你希望在未来的研究中实现什么目标?10. 你在未来的学习和工作中,如何处理压力和挑战?专业类面试问题:1. 描述一下你对计算机软件与理论专业的理解和兴趣。
2. 你能解释一下你在本科阶段学习过的计算机科学或软件工程的重要概念或技术吗?3. 在你的观点中,计算机软件与理论的主要趋势和发展方向是什么?4. 描述一下你使用过的编程语言和工具,以及你对其的熟练程度。
5. 你是否有过实际的项目经验,或者参与过相关的实践课程?6. 对于数据结构和算法的理解和应用如何?7. 你能解释一下什么是人工智能,以及它在计算机软件与理论中的地位吗?8. 你对软件质量保证和测试的理解是什么?9. 对于软件工程中的各种模型和框架,你的理解是什么?10. 你如何理解云计算和其在计算机软件与理论中的作用?英文提问的面试问题:1. Can you briefly introduce yourself and your academic background in English?2. What is your understanding of the field of computer science in English?3. Please describe in English one of your previous projects or courses that related to computer science or software engineering.4. In your opinion, what are some of the latest trends in computer science or software engineering?5. Can you discuss your research interests and how they align with the field of computer science or software engineering?第二部分:考研复试面试自我介绍范文1、开场白尊敬的各位老师,大家好!首先,我要感谢老师们给予我这次复试的机会,让我有机会向你们展示自己的才华和潜力。

软件测试英语面试题及答案### 软件测试英语面试题及答案1. What is software testing?Software testing is the process of evaluating a software application or system to determine whether it meets the specified requirements and to identify any defects or issues that might be present. It is a key phase in the software development life cycle and plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of the software product.Answer: Software testing is a systematic process that involves verifying and validating a software application to ensure it meets the requirements and is free from defects. It is essential to improve the quality of the software and to ensure that it functions correctly under various conditions.2. What are the different types of software testing?There are several types of software testing, including:- Functional Testing: Testing individual components or features for both expected and unexpected inputs and comparing the actual results with the expected results.- Non-functional Testing: Evaluating the performance, reliability, usability, and other attributes of the software. - Regression Testing: Ensuring that new changes to thesoftware have not adversely affected existing features.- Integration Testing: Testing the combination of software components to ensure they work together as expected.- System Testing: Testing the complete, integrated software system to evaluate its compliance with the specified requirements.- Acceptance Testing: The final testing stage where the software is tested to ensure it meets the user's acceptance criteria.Answer: The various types of software testing are designed to cover different aspects of software quality. They include functional, non-functional, regression, integration, system, and acceptance testing, each serving a specific purpose in the overall testing process.3. What is the difference between white box testing and black box testing?- White Box Testing: Also known as structural testing or code-based testing, it involves testing the software with knowledge of its internal structure and workings. It is used to check the internal logic and flow of the program.- Black Box Testing: This type of testing is performed without any knowledge of the internal workings of the application. It focuses on the functionality of the software and how it responds to inputs.Answer: White box testing requires an understanding of the software's internal code and structure, while black box testing is based on the software's functionality and externalbehavior. The choice between the two depends on the testing objectives and the information available to the tester.4. What is the purpose of test cases and test suites?Test cases are detailed descriptions of the test scenarios that are designed to verify specific aspects of the software. They include the input, expected results, and the steps to execute the test. A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped together to cover a particular feature or functionality of the software.Answer: Test cases and test suites are essential for structured testing. They provide a systematic approach to testing, ensuring that all aspects of the software are evaluated. Test cases help in identifying defects, while test suites help in organizing and prioritizing the testing efforts.5. How do you handle a situation where you find a bug that is not reproducible?When a bug is not reproducible, it can be challenging to diagnose and fix. The steps to handle such a situation include:- Documenting the Bug: Record all the details about the bug, including the steps taken, the environment, and any error messages.- Analyzing the Bug: Try to understand the conditions under which the bug might occur by analyzing the logs, code, andsystem state.- Isolating the Bug: Attempt to isolate the bug by changing one variable at a time to see if the bug can be reproduced. - Communicating with the Team: Discuss the bug with the development team to get insights and possible solutions.- Prioritizing the Bug: If the bug cannot be reproduced, it may be necessary to prioritize it based on its impact and the likelihood of it occurring again.Answer: Reproducibility is key to resolving bugs. However, when a bug is not reproducible, thorough documentation, analysis, isolation, communication, and prioritization are crucial steps in managing the issue effectively.6. How do you prioritize testing efforts?Prioritizing testing efforts is essential to ensure that the most critical parts of the software are tested first. The factors that influence prioritization include:- Risk Assessment: Testing areas with the highest risk of failure first.- Business Value: Prioritizing features that provide the most value to the business.- User Impact: Focusing on features that impact the user experience the most.- Resource Availability: Considering the availability of testing resources.- Development Progress: Aligning testing with the development schedule to ensure that testing is completed in time.Answer: Effective prioritization of testing efforts is a balance between risk, value, user impact, resource availability, and development progress. It's important to have a clear understanding。

一般性备考:总结常见热门话题 英语口试备考:考前提前了解考试形式 专业备考:不必担心专业词汇太少 听力备考:不建议听英语考试的听力材料 口试评分标准:分项打分与整体打分 无论参加哪种形式的口语考试,说一口流利、准确的英语都是通过考试的关键所在。
一般性备考可以分为下面几个部分: 1..应试材料的准备:为了准备口语考试,可以准备一些材料,如《英语中级口语教程》、《四、六级英语口语应试》等。
2. 制定复习计划:根据备考时间与所要参加的口试类型制定复习计划。
常见口语话题总结如下:Laid-off worker's problem、Reforms of housing policy 、Going abroad 、Globalization 、Information age、Environmental protection and economic development 、Online learning 、2008 Olympic, Beijing、Economic crisis 。

计算机考研--复试英语Abstract 1In recent years, machine learning has developed rapidly, especially in the deep learning, where remarkable achievements are obtained in image, voice, natural language processing and other fields. The expressive ability of machine learning algorithm has been greatly improved; however, with the increase of model complexity, the interpretability of computer learning algorithm has deteriorated. So far, the interpretability of machine learning remains as a challenge. The trained models via algorithms are regarded as black boxes, which seriously hamper the use of machine learning in certain fields, such as medicine, finance and so on. Presently, only a few works emphasis on the interpretability of machine learning. Therefore, this paper aims to classify, analyze and compare the existing interpretable methods; on the one hand, it expounds the definition and measurement of interpretability, while on the other hand, for the different interpretable objects, it summarizes and analyses various interpretable techniques of machine learning from three aspects: model understanding, prediction result interpretation and mimic model understanding. Moreover, the paper also discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by machine learning interpretable methods and the possible development direction in the future. The proposed interpretation methods should also be useful for putting many research open questions in perspective.摘要近年来,机器学习发展迅速,尤其是深度学习在图像、声⾳、⾃然语⾔处理等领域取得卓越成效.机器学习算法的表⽰能⼒⼤幅度提⾼,但是伴随着模型复杂度的增加,机器学习算法的可解释性越差,⾄今,机器学习的可解释性依旧是个难题.通过算法训练出的模型被看作成⿊盒⼦,严重阻碍了机器学习在某些特定领域的使⽤,譬如医学、⾦融等领域.⽬前针对机器学习的可解释性综述性的⼯作极少,因此,将现有的可解释⽅法进⾏归类描述和分析⽐较,⼀⽅⾯对可解释性的定义、度量进⾏阐述,另⼀⽅⾯针对可解释对象的不同,从模型的解释、预测结果的解释和模仿者模型的解释3个⽅⾯,总结和分析各种机器学习可解释技术,并讨论了机器学习可解释⽅法⾯临的挑战和机遇以及未来的可能发展⽅向.Abstract 2Deep learning is an important field of machine learning research, which is widely used in industry for its powerful feature extraction capabilities and advanced performance in many applications. However, due to the bias in training data labeling and model design, research shows that deep learning may aggravate human bias and discrimination in some applications, which results in unfairness during the decision-making process, thereby will cause negative impact to both individuals and socials. To improve the reliability of deep learning and promote its development in the field of fairness, we review the sources of bias in deep learning, debiasing methods for different types biases, fairness measure metrics for measuring the effect of debiasing, and current popular debiasing platforms, based on the existing research work. In the end we explore the open issues in existing fairness research field and future development trends.摘要:深度学习是机器学习研究中的⼀个重要领域,它具有强⼤的特征提取能⼒,且在许多应⽤中表现出先进的性能,因此在⼯业界中被⼴泛应⽤.然⽽,由于训练数据标注和模型设计存在偏见,现有的研究表明深度学习在某些应⽤中可能会强化⼈类的偏见和歧视,导致决策过程中的不公平现象产⽣,从⽽对个⼈和社会产⽣潜在的负⾯影响.为提⾼深度学习的应⽤可靠性、推动其在公平领域的发展,针对已有的研究⼯作,从数据和模型2⽅⾯出发,综述了深度学习应⽤中的偏见来源、针对不同类型偏见的去偏⽅法、评估去偏效果的公平性评价指标、以及⽬前主流的去偏平台,最后总结现有公平性研究领域存在的开放问题以及未来的发展趋势.Abstract 3TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) is a lightweight, fast and cross-platform open source machine learning framework specifically designed for mobile and IoT. It’s part of TensorFlow and supports multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, embedded Linux, and MCU etc. It greatly reduces the barrier for developers, accelerates the development of on-device machine learning (ODML), and makes ML run everywhere. This article introduces the trend, challenges and typical applications of ODML; the origin and system architecture of TFLite; best practices and tool chains suitable for ML beginners; and the roadmap of TFLite.摘要: TensorFlow Lite(TFLite)是⼀个轻量、快速、跨平台的专门针对移动和IoT场景的开源机器学习框架,是TensorFlow 的⼀部分,⽀持安卓、iOS、嵌⼊式Linux以及MCU等多个平台部署.它⼤⼤降低开发者使⽤门槛,加速端侧机器学习的发展,推动机器学习⽆处不在.介绍了端侧机器学习的浪潮、挑战和典型应⽤;TFLite的起源和系统架构;TFLite的最佳实践,以及适合初学者的⼯具链;展望了未来的发展⽅向.Abstract 4The rapid development of the Internet accesses many new applications including real time multi-media service, remote cloud service, etc. These applications require various types of service quality, which is a significant challenge towards current best effort routing algorithms. Since the recent huge success in applying machine learning in game, computervision and natural language processing, many people tries to design “smart” routing algorithms based on machine learning methods. In contrary with traditional model-based, decentralized routing algorithms (e.g.OSPF), machine learning based routing algorithms are usually data-driven, which can adapt to dynamically changing network environments and accommodate different service quality requirements. Data-driven routing algorithms based on machine learning approach have shown great potential in becoming an important part of the next generation network. However, researches on artificial intelligent routing are still on a very beginning stage. In this paper we firstly introduce current researches on data-driven routing algorithms based on machine learning approach, showing the main ideas, application scenarios and pros and cons of these different works. Our analysis shows that current researches are mainly for the principle of machine learning based routing algorithms but still far from deployment in real scenarios. So we then analyze different training and deploying methods for machine learning based routing algorithms in real scenarios and propose two reasonable approaches to train and deploy such routing algorithms with low overhead and high reliability. Finally, we discuss the opportunities and challenges and show several potential research directions for machine learning based routing algorithms in the future.摘要:互联⽹的飞速发展催⽣了很多新型⽹络应⽤,其中包括实时多媒体流服务、远程云服务等.现有尽⼒⽽为的路由转发算法难以满⾜这些应⽤所带来的多样化的⽹络服务质量需求.随着近些年将机器学习⽅法应⽤于游戏、计算机视觉、⾃然语⾔处理获得了巨⼤的成功,很多⼈尝试基于机器学习⽅法去设计智能路由算法.相⽐于传统数学模型驱动的分布式路由算法⽽⾔,基于机器学习的路由算法通常是数据驱动的,这使得其能够适应动态变化的⽹络环境以及多样的性能评价指标优化需求.基于机器学习的数据驱动智能路由算法⽬前已经展⽰出了巨⼤的潜⼒,未来很有希望成为下⼀代互联⽹的重要组成部分.然⽽现有对于智能路由的研究仍然处于初步阶段.⾸先介绍了现有数据驱动智能路由算法的相关研究,展现了这些⽅法的核⼼思想和应⽤场景并分析了这些⼯作的优势与不⾜.分析表明,现有基于机器学习的智能路由算法研究主要针对算法原理,这些路由算法距离真实环境下部署仍然很遥远.因此接下来分析了不同的真实场景智能路由算法训练和部署⽅案并提出了2种合理的训练部署框架以使得智能路由算法能够低成本、⾼可靠性地在真实场景被部署.最后分析了基于机器学习的智能路由算法未来发展中所⾯临的机遇与挑战并给出了未来的研究⽅向.Abstract 5In recent years, the rapid development of Internet technology has greatly facilitated the daily life of human, and it is inevitable that massive information erupts in a blowout. How to quickly and effectively obtain the required information on the Internet is an urgent problem. The automatic text summarization technology can effectively alleviate this problem. As one of the most important fields in natural language processing and artificial intelligence, it can automatically produce a concise and coherent summary from a long text or text set through computer, in which the summary should accurately reflect the central themes of source text. In this paper, we expound the connotation of automatic summarization, review the development of automatic text summarization technique and introduce two main techniques in detail: extractive and abstractive summarization, including feature scoring, classification method, linear programming, submodular function, graph ranking, sequence labeling, heuristic algorithm, deep learning, etc. We also analyze the datasets and evaluation metrics that are commonly used in automatic summarization. Finally, the challenges ahead and the future trends of research and application have been predicted.摘要:近年来,互联⽹技术的蓬勃发展极⼤地便利了⼈类的⽇常⽣活,不可避免的是互联⽹中的信息呈井喷式爆发,如何从中快速有效地获取所需信息显得极为重要.⾃动⽂本摘要技术的出现可以有效缓解该问题,其作为⾃然语⾔处理和⼈⼯智能领域的重要研究内容之⼀,利⽤计算机⾃动地从长⽂本或⽂本集合中提炼出⼀段能准确反映源⽂中⼼内容的简洁连贯的短⽂.探讨⾃动⽂本摘要任务的内涵,回顾和分析了⾃动⽂本摘要技术的发展,针对⽬前主要的2种摘要产⽣形式(抽取式和⽣成式)的具体⼯作进⾏了详细介绍,包括特征评分、分类算法、线性规划、次模函数、图排序、序列标注、启发式算法、深度学习等算法.并对⾃动⽂本摘要常⽤的数据集以及评价指标进⾏了分析,最后对其⾯临的挑战和未来的研究趋势、应⽤等进⾏了预测.Abstract 6With the high-speed development of Internet of things, wearable devices and mobile communication technology, large-scale data continuously generate and converge to multiple data collectors, which influences people’s life in many ways. Meanwhile, it also causes more and more severe privacy leaks. Traditional privacy aware mechanisms such as differential privacy, encryption and anonymization are not enough to deal with the serious situation. What is more, the data convergence leads to data monopoly which hinders the realization of the big data value seriously. Besides, tampered data, single point failure in data quality management and so on may cause untrustworthy data-driven decision-making. How to use big data correctly has become an important issue. For those reasons, we propose the data transparency, aiming to provide solution for the correct use of big data. Blockchain originated from digital currency has the characteristics of decentralization, transparency and immutability, and it provides an accountable and secure solution for data transparency. In this paper, we first propose the definition and research dimension of the data transparency from the perspective of big data life cycle, and we also analyze and summary the methods to realize data transparency. Then, we summary the research progress of blockchain-based data transparency. Finally, we analyze the challenges that may arise in the process of blockchain-based data transparency.摘要:物联⽹、穿戴设备和移动通信等技术的⾼速发展促使数据源源不断地产⽣并汇聚⾄多⽅数据收集者,由此带来更严峻的隐私泄露问题, 然⽽传统的差分隐私、加密和匿名等隐私保护技术还不⾜以应对.更进⼀步,数据的⾃主汇聚导致数据垄断问题,严重影响了⼤数据价值实现.此外,⼤数据决策过程中,数据⾮真实产⽣、被篡改和质量管理过程中的单点失败等问题导致数据决策不可信.如何使这些问题得到有效治理,使数据被正确和规范地使⽤是⼤数据发展⾯临的主要挑战.⾸先,提出数据透明化的概念和研究框架,旨在增加⼤数据价值实现过程的透明性,从⽽为上述问题提供解决⽅案.然后,指出数据透明化的实现需求与区块链的特性天然契合,并对⽬前基于区块链的数据透明化研究现状进⾏总结.最后,对基于区块链的数据透明化可能⾯临的挑战进⾏分析.Abstract 7Blockchain technology is a new emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize many traditional industries. Since the creation of Bitcoin, which represents blockchain 1.0, blockchain technology has been attracting extensive attention and a great amount of user transaction data has been accumulated. Furthermore, the birth of Ethereum, which represents blockchain 2.0, further enriches data type in blockchain. While the popularity of blockchain technology bringing about a lot of technical innovation, it also leads to many new problems, such as user privacy disclosure and illegal financial activities. However, the public accessible of blockchain data provides unprecedented opportunity for researchers to understand and resolve these problems through blockchain data analysis. Thus, it is of great significance to summarize the existing research problems, the results obtained, the possible research trends, and the challenges faced in blockchain data analysis. To this end, a comprehensive review and summary of the progress of blockchain data analysis is presented. The review begins by introducing the architecture and key techniques of blockchain technology and providing the main data types in blockchain with the corresponding analysis methods. Then, the current research progress in blockchain data analysis is summarized in seven research problems, which includes entity recognition, privacy disclosure risk analysis, network portrait, network visualization, market effect analysis, transaction pattern recognition, illegal behavior detection and analysis. Finally, the directions, prospects and challenges for future research are explored based on the shortcomings of current research.摘要:区块链是⼀项具有颠覆许多传统⾏业的潜⼒的新兴技术.⾃以⽐特币为代表的区块链1.0诞⽣以来,区块链技术获得了⼴泛的关注,积累了⼤量的⽤户交易数据.⽽以以太坊为代表的区块链2.0的诞⽣,更加丰富了区块链的数据类型.区块链技术的⽕热,催⽣了⼤量基于区块链的技术创新的同时也带来许多新的问题,如⽤户隐私泄露,⾮法⾦融活动等.⽽区块链数据公开的特性,为研究⼈员通过分析区块链数据了解和解决相关问题提供了前所未有的机会.因此,总结⽬前区块链数据存在的研究问题、取得的分析成果、可能的研究趋势以及⾯临的挑战具有重要意义.为此,全⾯回顾和总结了当前的区块链数据分析的成果,在介绍区块链技术架构和关键技术的基础上,分析了⽬前区块链系统中主要的数据类型,总结了⽬前区块链数据的分析⽅法,并就实体识别、隐私泄露风险分析、⽹络画像、⽹络可视化、市场效应分析、交易模式识别、⾮法⾏为检测与分析等7个问题总结了当前区块链数据分析的研究进展.最后针对⽬前区块链数据分析研究中存在的不⾜分析和展望了未来的研究⽅向以及⾯临的挑战.Abstract 8In recent years, as more and more large-scale scientific facilities have been built and significant scientific experiments have been carried out, scientific research has entered an unprecedented big data era. Scientific research in big data era is a process of big science, big demand, big data, big computing, and big discovery. It is of important significance to develop a full life cycle data management system for scientific big data. In this paper, we first introduce the background of the development of scientific big data management system. Then we specify the concepts and three key characteristics of scientific big data. After an review of scientific data resource development projects and scientific data management systems, a framework is proposed aiming at the full life cycle management of scientific big data. Further, we introduce the key technologies of the management framework including data fusion, real-time analysis, long termstorage, cloud service, and data opening and sharing. Finally, we summarize the research progress in this field, and look into the application prospects of scientific big data management system.摘要:近年来,随着越来越多的⼤科学装置的建设和重⼤科学实验的开展,科学研究进⼊到⼀个前所未有的⼤数据时代.⼤数据时代科学研究是⼀个⼤科学、⼤需求、⼤数据、⼤计算、⼤发现的过程,研发⼀个⽀持科学⼤数据全⽣命周期的数据管理系统具有重要的意义.分析了研发科学⼤数据管理系统的背景,阐述了科学⼤数据的概念和三⼤特征,通过对科学数据资源发展和科学数据管理系统的研究进展进⾏综述分析,提出了满⾜科学数据管理全⽣命周期的科学⼤数据管理框架,并从数据融合、数据实时分析、长期存储、云服务体系以及数据开放共享机制5个⽅⾯分析了科学⼤数据管理系统中的关键技术.最后,结合科学研究领域展望了科学⼤数据管理系统的应⽤前景.Abstract 9Recently, research on deep learning applied to cyberspace security has caused increasing academic concern, and this survey analyzes the current research situation and trends of deep learning applied to cyberspace security in terms of classification algorithms, feature extraction and learning performance. Currently deep learning is mainly applied to malware detection and intrusion detection, and this survey reveals the existing problems of these applications: feature selection,which could be achieved by extracting features from raw data; self-adaptability, achieved by early-exit strategy to update the model in real time; interpretability, achieved by influence functions to obtain the correspondence between features and classification labels. Then, top 10 obstacles and opportunities in deep learning research are summarized. Based on this, top 10 obstacles and opportunities of deep learning applied to cyberspace security are at first proposed, which falls into three categories. The first category is intrinsic vulnerabilities of deep learning to adversarial attacks and privacy-theft attacks. The second category is sequence-model related problems, including program syntax analysis, program code generation and long-term dependences in sequence modeling. The third category is learning performance problems, including poor interpretability and traceability, poor self-adaptability and self-learning ability, false positives and data unbalance. Main obstacles and their opportunities among the top 10 are analyzed, and we also point out that applications using classification models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks and the most effective solution is adversarial training; collaborative deep learning applications are vulnerable to privacy-theft attacks, and prospective defense is teacher-student model. Finally, future research trends of deep learning applied to cyberspace security are introduced.摘要:近年来,深度学习应⽤于⽹络空间安全的研究逐渐受到国内外学者的关注,从分类算法、特征提取和学习效果等⽅⾯分析了深度学习应⽤于⽹络空间安全领域的研究现状与进展.⽬前,深度学习主要应⽤于恶意软件检测和⼊侵检测两⼤⽅⾯,指出了这些应⽤存在的问题:特征选择问题,需从原始数据中提取更全⾯的特征;⾃适应性问题,可通过early-exit策略对模型进⾏实时更新;可解释性问题,可使⽤影响函数得到特征与分类标签之间的相关性.其次,归纳总结了深度学习发展⾯临的⼗⼤问题与机遇,在此基础上,⾸次归纳了深度学习应⽤于⽹络空间安全所⾯临的⼗⼤问题与机遇,并将⼗⼤问题与机遇归为3类:1)算法脆弱性问题,包括深度学习模型易受对抗攻击和隐私窃取攻击;2)序列化模型相关问题,包括程序语法分析、程序代码⽣成和序列建模长期依赖问题;3)算法性能问题,即可解释性和可追溯性问题、⾃适应性和⾃学习性问题、存在误报以及数据集不均衡的问题.对⼗⼤问题与机遇中主要问题及其解决⽅案进⾏了分析,指出对于分类的应⽤易受对抗攻击,最有效的防御⽅案是对抗训练;基于协作性深度学习进⾏分类的安全应⽤易受隐私窃取攻击,防御的研究⽅向是教师学⽣模型.最后,指出了深度学习应⽤于⽹络空间安全未来的研究发展趋势.。

复试计算机专业英语问答English:For the computer science major, the second interview will likely focus on more technical questions related to programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and software development. It is important to review the fundamental concepts and theories of computer science, as well as be prepared to demonstrate problem-solving skills through coding exercises. In addition, the interview may also include discussions on previous projects, internships, or work experiences in the field of computer science. It is essential to showcase accomplishments, challenges faced, and the ability to work in a team or individually. Besides technical skills, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability are also important and may be evaluated during the interview process.中文翻译:对于计算机科学专业而言,复试很可能会更加专注于与编程语言、算法、数据结构和软件开发相关的技术问题。

第1篇一、基础知识1. 请解释一下什么是位运算,并举例说明其应用场景。
2. 请解释一下什么是数据类型,并列举常见的几种数据类型。
以下是一些常见的几种数据类型:(1)整型(int):用于存储整数,如int a = 10;(2)浮点型(float、double):用于存储实数,如float b = 3.14;(3)字符型(char):用于存储单个字符,如char c = 'A';(4)布尔型(bool):用于存储布尔值,如bool d = true;(5)数组:用于存储一系列相同类型的数据,如int arr[10];(6)结构体(struct):用于存储不同类型的数据,如struct Person {int age; char name[20];};(7)指针:用于存储变量的地址,如int ptr = &a。
3. 请解释一下什么是面向对象编程,并举例说明其应用场景。

考研计算机面试题目及答案一、操作系统与计算机网络1. 请简述操作系统的功能和作用。
操作系统是计算机系统中的重要组成部分,其功能和作用主要包括:- 管理和分配计算机的资源,如内存、处理器、输入输出设备等;- 提供用户与计算机硬件之间的接口,实现用户的程序执行和数据处理需求;- 提供文件管理功能,用于管理和操作计算机中的各种文件;- 实现进程调度和管理,确保多个进程能够合理、高效地共享计算机资源;- 提供系统安全控制功能,保护计算机系统和数据的安全性。
2. 请介绍TCP/IP协议族。
除了TCP和IP协议外,TCP/IP协议族还包括:- 网络层协议,如IP协议、ARP协议、ICMP协议等;- 传输层协议,如TCP协议、UDP协议等;- 应用层协议,如HTTP协议、FTP协议、SMTP协议等。
3. 请解释死锁的概念,并说明如何预防和避免死锁的发生。
为避免死锁的发生,可以采取以下措施:- 加锁顺序:对资源加锁时,按照相同的顺序请求资源,避免出现环路依赖;- 资源抢占:当一个进程请求资源时,如果该资源已被其他进程占用,可以抢占其他进程的资源,以便自身能够继续执行;- 资源预分配:在进程执行之前,预先分配所需的所有资源,避免资源竞争;- 死锁检测与恢复:通过算法检测死锁的发生,并采取相应的措施,如终止某些进程或回滚操作,来解除死锁的状态。
二、数据结构与算法1. 请介绍常见的数据结构及其特点。
常见的数据结构包括:- 数组:具有连续的存储空间,可以根据下标快速访问元素,但插入和删除的效率较低;- 链表:通过指针将各个节点连接起来,插入和删除的效率较高,但访问某个节点的效率较低;- 栈:一种后进先出(LIFO)的数据结构,只允许操作栈顶元素;- 队列:一种先进先出(FIFO)的数据结构,允许在队尾插入元素,在队首删除元素;- 树:由节点和边组成的层次结构,可以递归地定义树的子树;- 图:由顶点和边组成的网络结构,可以有多个起点和终点。


为什么考研(很重要的点,我是软件工程专业的,本段是关于软件工程的)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think furtherstudy is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is program design. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.自我介绍Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself. I come from Suqian city jiangsu province. I will graduate from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in july this year.In the university, my major is software engineering.I like this major, my ideal is to become an outstanding software engineer.I have learned a lot of courses in the college, data structure, database, software engineering, computer network, software testing, etc.I spent a lot of time to learn the course.In my spare time, I like reading some domestic and foreign literature and magazines, such as "Eugenie Grandet", "the reader". I think reading can increase their self-cultivation and logical ability, and it can exercise a person's patience. I am also very interested in the football, My favorite team is Real Madrid.(本段有语法错误,不过面试中,老师不会在意的,老师只会在意你的流畅度和发音。

计算机复试英语问答English:During my undergraduate studies, I focused on computer science and engineering, which provided me with a solid foundation in programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++. I gained practical experience through various projects, including developing a mobile application for tracking fitness activities and participating in programming competitions. These experiences honed my problem-solving skills and taught me the importance of collaboration and communication in team settings. Additionally, I completed internships where I worked on software development projects, contributing to the design and implementation of features while adhering to industry best practices. These experiences not only enhanced my technical abilities but also fostered my adaptability and resilience when facing challenges. Overall, my academic background and hands-on experiences have prepared me well for the rigorous demands of computer science graduate studies.中文翻译:在本科学习期间,我专注于计算机科学与工程,这为我打下了扎实的编程语言基础,如Python、Java和C++。


计算机面试英语问答Q: What programming languages are you proficient in?A: I am proficient in Java, Python, and C++. I have experience working with these programming languages on various projects and have a strong understanding of their syntax and concepts.Q: Can you explain object-oriented programming?A: Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes data into objects, which are instances of classes. It focuses on the concept of objects that have properties (attributes) and behaviors (methods). Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are key principles of OOP.Q: Can you explain the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?A: SQL (Structured Query Language) databases are based on a relational model and use SQL for data management and manipulation. They have a predefined schema and strict data consistency. NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases, on the other hand, do not require a fixed schema and are more flexible. They are designed to handle large amounts of unstructured data and provide high scalability and availability.Q: Explain the concept of a thread in multithreading.A: A thread is a separate sequence of execution within a program. Multithreading allows multiple threads to run concurrently within asingle process, sharing the same memory space. Threads can perform tasks independently and can communicate with each other through shared memory, enabling efficient processing and utilization of system resources.Q: What is the difference between compile-time and runtime errors? A: Compile-time errors occur during the compilation phase of a program and prevent it from being executed. They are usually caused by syntax errors or type mismatches. Runtime errors, on the other hand, occur while a program is running and can cause it to terminate unexpectedly. These errors are often due to logical or runtime issues, such as division by zero or accessing out-of-bounds array indices.。

计算机专业英文面试问题计算机专业英文面试问题My name is XXX, you might be able to associate a qiong precious jade novel, word is indeed the two words, the difference is not so beautiful person, ha ha. Actually, my classmates more like call with my English name, so that the meaning of June, June, a royal partials.I'm from guangdong xx city, maybe you haven't been to, is a small macro-assessment, these a few years just developed the hot spring industry, I think there will be more people know about this small city.In 2003, I EnPingShi city with the top score in admitted to the sun yat-sen university, learn is major in computer science. However, in cuhk, I can't be as high as always ranked, so far, the comprehensive credits is ranked by around 40%. In professional course, I c + + programming relatively strong capacity, a year ago self-study Java, in the class is the earliest started learning Java.I participated in our teacher led a program, called LAN chat room, I'm responsible for development of them timely communication system of writing. In our class, the teacher only chose me a girl to participate in this project, mainly is my writing programs efficiency is higher, attitude is very seriously.In addition to study and project practice beyond, I work in student union for two years, a year do stewards, and the second was promoted to the secretary general. Everybody to my assessment is considered very thoughtful and reassuring.In my job on the list, IBM is my preference unit, causes and you interviewed many students are all the same, for the big brands trust. After all, big brand company means a lot we needsomething, such as training and the salary, can and excellent quality of the people working together, etc.Technical support engineer it also happens to be my first job, because I have technical background, also have as a woman and communicate with the customer's natural advantage. Also, I'm not worried about frequent business trips, because my body quality is very good, I have insisted running in the morning for more than two years. In the IBM professional technical aspect, I trust company training system and my own fast learning ability! Hope to have the opportunity to join IBM team!英文常见问题2015-10-22 19:37 | #2楼1.家庭,成长环境。

1.什么是软件工程 ?目前有哪几种主要的软件工程方法 ?归纳地说 , 软件工程是指导计算机软件开发和保护的一门工程学科. 采纳工程的看法、原理、技术、和方法来开发与保护软件,把经过时间考验而证明正确的管理技术和目前能够获得的最好的技术方法联合起来,以经济地开发出高质量的软件并有效地保护它,这就是软件工程。
2、流程图与数据流图有什么主要差别?( 1)数据流图( date flow diagram , DFD ),是 SA方法顶用于表示系统逻辑模型的一种工具,它以图形的方式描述数据在系统中流动和办理的过程,因为它只反应系统一定达成的逻辑功能,所以它是一种功能模型,是从数据的角度来描述一个系统的;而流程图则是从对数据加工的角度来描述系统的;(2)数据流图中的箭头是数据流,而流程图中的箭头则是控制流 , 它表达的是程序履行的序次;(3)数据流图合适于宏观地剖析一个组织业务概略 , 而程序流程图只合适于描述系统中某个加工的履行细节。
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为什么考研(很重要的点,我是软件工程专业的,本段是关于软件工程的)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think furtherstudy is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is program design. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.自我介绍Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself. I come from Suqian city jiangsu province. I will graduate from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in july this year.In the university, my major is software engineering.I like this major, my ideal is to become an outstanding software engineer.I have learned a lot of courses in the college, data structure, database, software engineering, computer network, software testing, etc.I spent a lot of time to learn the course.In my spare time, I like reading some domestic and foreign literature and magazines, such as "Eugenie Grandet", "the reader". I think reading can increase their self-cultivation and logical ability, and it can exercise a person's patience. I am also very interested in the football, My favorite team is Real Madrid.(本段有语法错误,不过面试中,老师不会在意的,老师只会在意你的流畅度和发音。
大神可自行修改)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after Two and a half years study here. I want to improve programming ability. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after two and a half years study in this famous university.That is all, thank you very much.问题篇(划线部分为必须掌握的点,听不懂的点千万别说pardon,就算再说一遍一般也听不懂)1、Where are you from?1、你来自哪里?I come from suqian in the north of Jiangsu province, it is not famous, but it has a very long history. Suqian is the hometown of Xiang Yu.The native place of xiang yu is located at the ancient wotong lane, birthplace of the overlord in the west chu period.Every year a lot of people come to visit it.Suqian also has a very good ecological and cultural environment, I love my hometown.2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?2、How long have you lived there?2、你住在那里多久了?I lived in my hometown for about 20 years, that is to say I was from birth until high school had been living in my hometown.How long have you lived here?( What do you think of nanjing?I have lived in nanjing for four years.Nanjing is a very beautiful and very famous historic city. there are many university, academic atmosphere is very good.There are many beautiful scenic spots, one of my favorite xuanwu Lake.It has a history of more than 1500 years.3、How do you like it? why?3、你喜欢它吗?为什么呢?I love my hometown. My parents, my family are there. Hometown is my childhood,where I spent many happy hours. I really miss my childhood. I will never forget my hometown.4、Do you live near here? where about?4、你住在这附近吗?在哪里?I live here, in third dormitories.5、What do you think are the good points about living in this city?5、你认生活在这个城市优点有?可从生态环境、地理位置、人文环境、学术氛围、发展速度等等。
6、Could you tell us something about you family?6、你能告诉我们一些关于你的家庭吗?At present there are six people in my family, my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law ,my nephew and me. My brother is a driver, he is married . Both of my parents are farmers, they are very hard, they paid a lot for me, I will repay them later.7、What does your family usually do for the weekend?7、什么您的家庭通常在周末做什么?My mother usually do housework, my father usually go to look at the crops in the field.My brother doesn't rest, he is a truck driver, he normal transport goods.I like to exercise, such as running, playing table tennis.8、What do you think about living together with your parents?8、你觉得和你父母一起住怎么样?I hope I can live with my parents. They gave me a lot. I want to repay them. I want to spend more time with them. I will always take care of them.9、Why do you choose to study at our institute?9、你为什么选择在我院学习?Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications has a long history. It has been 72 years. The academic atmosphere is very good. It is very strong in communication and computer. Nanjing university of posts and telecommunications set up the first Internet of things technology park. I like here.I hope I can study well here.So I chose it.10、Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?10、你为什么想去考研而不是寻找工作?I gave up the chance to work.Because I want to learn more computer knowledge. If I have achance in the future, I will take Dr Test.11、What are your favorite subjects?11、你最喜欢的科目是什么?I most like the subject is a data structure. Data structure in computer storage,method for organizing data. A good data structure can bring higher efficiency of the operation or storage. A carefully chosen data structure can solve somecomplicated problems.12、What kind of job did you do?12、你做什么工作?(根据实际情况,做过就说做过,没做过就说没做过。