关于产品营销宣传英文广告语1. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)2. The taste is great. 味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)3. Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up 七喜:提神醒脑,喝七喜。
4. Ask for more. 渴望无限。
(百事流行鞋)5. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。
(雪碧)6. Olympus: focus on life 奥林巴斯:瞄准生活。
7. We lead,Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(理光复印机)8. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(佳能打印机)9. Nokia: connecting people 诺基亚:科技以人为本。
10. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。
(东芝电子)11. Intel Pentium: Intel Inside 英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
12. Apple/Macintosh: kids can't wait 苹果公司:不尝不知道,苹果真奇妙。
13. Never Stop Thinking! (探索未来,永无止境!) 英飞凌科技公司14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。
(三星电子)15. The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi) 新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)16. We integrate, you communicate.(Mitsubishi) 我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三)、标题:头痛 正文:忙碌的一天结束了,回到我的小家,泡一杯
雀巢咖啡消去我所有的琐碎问题,品味我充实的每一天。 雀巢咖啡,伴我每一刻,给我生活的味道,味道好极了。
(一)、标题:萎靡 正文:昨晚那个case折腾到三点才睡觉,早上7点半还要准时起床
上班。现在眼睛都不想睁开了。还好,我昨天有买的雀巢咖啡,有它可 以让我精神倍增。每天早上,好的开始,是希望的味道,味道好极了。
(二)、标题:郁闷 正文:一个上午的事情总算忙完,我搅动着这杯雀巢,想着我的TA,
喝着咖啡,苦苦的滋味, 眼泪悄悄滴落在咖啡里, 咖啡太苦,眼泪太咸。 咖啡 加眼泪,苦涩加忧伤,干吗非要把它喝下去?! 干脆倒掉,重新为自己冲上 一杯新鲜的咖啡
很多时候,搅拌杯中的咖啡,并非是想让咖啡入味,而 是在思念一个人...................
A是一个刚刚大学毕业开始上班的办公室小白领,由于家庭条件一 直比较好,所以一直到上班都是过着比较小资的生活。她漂亮大方, 活泼开朗,喜欢旅游和逛街。现在有一个从大学开始谈了三年的男 友。她喜欢随心所欲的生活,追求生活品质。她喜欢阅读一些时尚 类的杂志和报刊,而且是几乎每期必读。她对爱情充满信心,相信 她会和现在的男朋友一起走下去。她具有浪漫的天赋,喜欢给生活 也给自己一些小惊喜,在自己的生活圈子也有很好的人缘。
这些广告语主要体现的 是雀巢咖啡的功能与味 道,琅琅上口,亲近生 活。
3、每刻精彩瞬间,每杯雀巢咖啡4、每个时刻,都有雀巢与你为伴5、雀巢咖啡,与你迎接每一个新的日子6、雀巢咖啡,味道好极了!7、1 MOMENT,1 NESCAFE 亲情关怀相连8、1 MOMENT,1 NESCAFE 爱情伴随左右雀巢咖啡简介:雀巢咖啡是雀巢旗下速溶咖啡的品牌。
国外饮食品牌英语广告词以下是一些国外知名饮食品牌的英语广告词示例:1. McDonald's:- "I'm lovin' it." - 这是麦当劳全球统一的品牌口号,意思是“我就喜欢”。
2. Coca-Cola:- "Taste the Feeling." - 尝尝这份感觉。
- "Open Happiness." - 打开快乐。
- "Share a Coke." - 分享一瓶可乐。
3. Nescafé:- "It all starts with a Nescafé." - 一切从一杯雀巢咖啡开始。
- "Good food, good life." - 美味食品,美好生活。
4. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken):- "Finger lickin' good." - 吮指回味,美味无比(注:由于卫生原因,此口号已不再使用)。
- "So good." - 如此之好。
5. Starbucks:- "A place for everyone and every occasion." - 每个人的每种场合,星巴克都在。
- "Great coffee, responsibly sourced." - 优质咖啡,负责任采购。
6. Red Bull:- "Red Bull gives you wings." - 红牛给你翅膀,寓意赋予能量和活力。
7. Nestlé KitKat:- "Have a break, have a KitKat." - 休息一下,吃块奇巧巧克力。
8. Subway:- "Eat Fresh." - 吃得新鲜。
雀巢八万人英语广告词1.Just do it.跟着感觉走。
(耐克运动鞋)2.Ask for more.渴望无(百事流行鞋)3.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
(雪碧)4.Feel the new space.感受新境界。
(三星电)5.Focus on life.瞄准生活。
(奥林巴斯相机)6.Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
(麦氏咖啡)7.A Kodak moment.就在柯达一刻。
(柯达胶卷)Share moments.Share life.(柯达胶卷)8.Started Ahead.成功之路,从头开始。
(飘柔洗发水)9.Make yourself heard.理解就是沟通。
(爱立信手机)10.Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。
(摩托罗拉手机)11.The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)12.We integrate,you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三菱电工)13.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。
(凌志轿车)14.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
(丰田汽车)Where there is a way,there is a Toyota.有路就有丰田车.(丰田汽车)15.Let's make things better.让我们做得更好。
(飞利浦电器)16.Good teeth,good health.牙齿好,身体就好。
(高露洁牙膏)17.Can't beat the real thing.挡不住的诱惑。
(可口可乐)Things go better with Coco-Cola.(Coco-Cola)饮可口可乐,万事如意。
写雀巢咖啡广告的英语作文Introducing Nestlé Coffee: A Perfect Blend of Taste and QualityAre you in search of a coffee that offers an unparalleled taste and quality? Look no further than Nestlé Coffee! As a leading global brand, we take pride in delivering the finest coffee experience to coffee lovers around the world.Nestlé Coffee is made f rom the finest coffee beans, carefully selected from renowned coffee-growing regions. Our dedicated farmers work hand in hand with nature to cultivate premium beans that are then expertly roasted to perfection. The result is a rich and flavorful cup of coffee that will satisfy even the most discerning taste buds.What sets Nestlé Coffee apart is our commitment to sustainable sourcing practices. We believe in supporting the communities we work with, and we ensure that the farmers are paid fair prices for th eir hard work. By choosing Nestlé Coffee, you are not only indulging in a delightful beverage but also contributing to a sustainable and ethical coffee industry.Whether you prefer a classic black coffee, a creamy cappuccino, or a frothy latte, Nestlé Coffee has you covered. Our extensive range of products caters to every preference and occasion. From our convenient instant coffee to our ground coffee and coffee capsules compatible with popular brewing systems, we offer versatility and convenience without compromising on taste.To make your coffee experience even more enjoyable, we have also developed a range of complementary products. From premium coffee creamers to delectable coffee-flavored treats, Nestlé Coffee turns every sip into a moment of pure ple asure.Join the millions of coffee aficionados who trust and love Nestlé Coffee. Experience the perfect blend of taste and quality with every cup. Start your day right, indulge in a coffee break, or savor the moment with Nestlé Coffee – your ultimate coffee companion.Please note that Nestlé Coffee promotes responsible consumption. Enjoy our products as part of a balanced lifestyle.。
NESCAFE雀巢咖啡 英文简介
Nowadays , the simple happiness has built a boundless coffee world for all the people .
Would you like a cup of Nescafe?
Doing the normal things well is not normal. Doing the simple things well is not simple. For the past 75 years , NESCAFE has inherited a single mission ——helping people to enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee in the simplest way.
nescafe雀巢咖啡英文简介 let'sstart coffeejourney instantcoffee born? 75yearsago ,nestleinvented solublecoffeeand helpedout brazilianfarmers inadifficulttime. today,this passionate countryshares joyandpassion withtherestof theworld. cappuccino carefree adolescence, hecof hegravit adultlif likeplayf ul childhood, connection let'sgotohaveacupof coffee! inspiration lifeacupofcoffee,createsconnection. acupofcoffee,ignitesunlimitedinspiration. acupofcoffee,enrichlifewithtouching moments. enjoyacupofcoffeetogether andtherewon'tbeboundariesintheworldanymore. doing normalthings well normal.doing simplethings well past75 years nescafehas inherited singlemission——helping people aromaticcoffee simplestway. nowadays simplehappiness has built boundlesscoffee world 2017-08-12 08:03:10.0
咖啡厅英文广告语经典英文广告语(中英文对照)1.Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
(麦斯威尔咖啡)2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
(雪碧)3.The new digital era.数码新时代。
(索尼影碟机)4.We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(佳能打印机)6.T ake time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。
(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
(丰田汽车)9.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境--万宝路世界。
(万宝路香烟)10.T o me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。
(轩尼诗酒)11. Just do it. 只管去做。
(耐克运动鞋)12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。
(百事流行鞋)13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。
(三星电子)15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。
(摩托罗拉手机)16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三菱电工)18. T ake TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。
下面是带来的关于咖啡英文广告语,欢迎阅读!1. Nestle coffee2. Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3. From Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4. Meet the meaning of strong - meaning the world strong coffee5. Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6. drip fragrant, something more to say - Mai coffee coffee7. Good things to share with friends - Mai's coffee8. You can not smile after "Fletcher". - Fletcher brand coffee9. Fragrance Lubricant Originated from Nanyang flavor - Lao Zhixing Malaysian white coffee10. How good the coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company11. McKinsey Coffee Company has long been an integralpart of the American landscape. McKinsey Coffee Company12. drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company13. You will drink the last drop. McKeown Coffee Company14. will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe15. God is also drinking Ed coffee. - Ed brand coffee16. Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one. McKinsey Coffee Company17. We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company18. cup keep a warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company19. If I'm not in the office, at Starbucks; if I'm not in Starbucks, on the way to Starbucks. - Starbucks coffee20. When you taste Colombian coffee, please do not forget those hard-working farmers, it is because of their labor, so you have to enjoy. - Colombian Coffee Company21 with the attitude towards life, treat a cup of coffee - SPR coffee22.SPR coffee shop, the story of the coffee shop - SPR coffee23. because involuntarily, otherwise I will sit in theStarbucks store. - Starbucks coffee24. leisure under the old tree, a book a coffee. - Old tree coffee25. Its bitter sweet. - Fulgi Coffee Company咖啡英文广告词(精选篇)1.Mai 's coffee: "drip fragrant, something more to say.2.McKee Coffee: Good things to share with friends3.Coffee: It tastes great.4.Wahaha drink, eat is fragrant.5."Valenciennes" concentrated orange juice: "either drink freshly squeezed orange juice, or drink Valencia that." Coca-Cola: "Enjoy the fresh moment."6.Coca - Cola: Forever Coca - Cola, unique good taste.7.Pepsi: "Pepsi, right taste."8.Pepsi: a new generation of choice9.Nongfushangquan bottled water: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet10.Robust bottled water: 27 layers of purification11.Nongfushangquan: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet12.Very cola: very cola, very choice咖啡英文广告词(最新篇)1.Take meaning no regrets. Nestlecoffee. --Nestle Coffee2.Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3.From Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4.Meet the Italian meaning - thick Italian world coffee5.Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6.Dripping fragrant, something more to say - Mai Shi coffee coffee7.Good things to share with friends - Mai coffee8.You can not taste "Fletcher" does not reveala smile. - Fulce brand coffee fragrance lubrication from the Nanyang flavor - old Chi Malaysia white coffee9.How good coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company McCaffe Coffee Company has long been an integral part of the American landscape. - McClure Coffee Company to drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company10.You'll have the last drop. McKinsey Coffee Company11.Will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe12.God is also drinking Ed brand coffee. - Ed brand coffee13.Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one.McKinsey Coffee Company14.We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company15.Keep a cup of warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company。
英文广告词范文3篇1.麦斯威尔咖啡good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
2.雪碧obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
3.雀巢冰激凌take time to indulge.尽情享受吧。
4.轩尼诗酒to me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。
5.索尼影碟机the new digital era.新数码时代。
6.理光复印机we lead.others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
7.凌志轿车the relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。
8.佳能打印机impossible made possible.使不可能成为可能。
9.丰田汽车poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向近。
10.ibm 公司no business too small,no problem too big. 没有不作的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
11.耐克棵运动鞋just do it..只管去做。
12.百事流行鞋ask for more.渴望无限。
13.雀巢咖啡the taste is great.味道好极了。
14.三星电子feel the new space.感受新境界。
15.摩托罗拉手机intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。
16.百事可乐the choice of new generation.新一代的选择。
17.三菱电工we integrate,you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自然。
18.东芝电子take toshiba,take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。
19.飞利浦电子let's make things better.让我们做的更好。
英语中文双语经典广告词雀巢冰激凌Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!万宝路香烟Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
麦斯威尔咖啡Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
雪碧Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
索尼影碟机The new digital era.数码新时代。
理光复印机We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
佳能打印机Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
凌志轿车The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。
丰田汽车Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
轩尼诗酒To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。
百事流行鞋Ask for more.渴望无限。
雀巢咖啡The taste is great.味道好极了。
麦当劳I lovin it!我喜欢!三星电子Feel the new space.感受新境界。
摩托罗拉手机Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。
百事可乐The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。
三菱电工We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。
IBMNo business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
东芝电子Take toshiba, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。
飞利浦电子Let' s make things better.让我们做得更好。
咖啡英文广告语词(优秀篇)1. Nestle coffee2. Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3. From Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4. Meet the meaning of strong - meaning the world strong coffee5. Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6. drip fragrant, something more to say - Mai coffee coffee7. Good things to share with friends - Mais coffee8. You can not smile after Fletcher. - Fletcher brand coffee9. Fragrance Lubricant Originated from Nanyang flavor - Lao Zhixing Malaysian white coffee10. How good the coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company11. McKinsey Coffee Company has long been an integral part of the American landscape. McKinsey Coffee Company12. drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company13. You will drink the last drop. McKeown Coffee Company14. will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe15. God is also drinking Ed coffee. - Ed brand coffee16. Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one.McKinsey Coffee Company17. We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company18. cup keep a warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company19. If Im not in the office, at Starbucks; if Im not in Starbucks, on the way to Starbucks. - Starbucks coffee20. When you taste Colombian coffee, please do not forget those hard-working farmers, it is because of their labor, so you have to enjoy. - Colombian Coffee Company21 with the attitude towards life, treat a cup of coffee - SPR coffee22.SPR coffee shop, the story of the coffee shop - SPR coffee23. because involuntarily, otherwise I will sit in the Starbucks store. - Starbucks coffee24. leisure under the old tree, a book a coffee. - Old tree coffee25. Its bitter sweet. - Fulgi Coffee Company咖啡英文广告词(精选篇)1.Mai s coffee: drip fragrant, something more to say.2.McKee Coffee: Good things to share with friends3.Coffee: It tastes great.4.Wahaha drink, eat is fragrant.5.Valenciennes concentrated orange juice: either drink freshly squeezed orange juice, or drink Valencia that. Coca-Cola: Enjoy the fresh moment.6.Coca - Cola: Forever Coca - Cola, unique good taste.7.Pepsi: Pepsi, right taste.8.Pepsi: a new generation of choice9.Nongfushangquan bottled water: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet10.Robust bottled water: 27 layers of purification11.Nongfushangquan: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet12.Very cola: very cola, very choice咖啡英文广告词(最新篇)1.Take meaning no regrets. Nestle coffee. --Nestle Coffee2.Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3.From Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4.Meet the Italian meaning - thick Italian world coffee5.Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6.Dripping fragrant, something more to say - Mai Shi coffee coffee7.Good things to share with friends - Mai coffee8.You can not taste Fletcher does not reveal a smile. - Fulcebrand coffee fragrance lubrication from the Nanyang flavor - old Chi Malaysia white coffee9.How good coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company McCaffe Coffee Company has long been an integral part of the American landscape. - McClure Coffee Company to drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company10.Youll have the last drop. McKinsey Coffee Company11.Will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe12.God is also drinking Ed brand coffee. - Ed brand coffee13.Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one. McKinsey Coffee Company14.We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company15.Keep a cup of warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company。
有名的英语广告宣传词The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。
有名的英语广告宣传词(最新)1. The taste is great. 味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)2. Pepsi: Generation next百事:新的一代3. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。
(雪碧)4. Maxwell: good to the last drop麦氏咖啡:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
5. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)6. The taste is great.味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)7. Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up七喜:提神醒脑,喝七喜。
8. Coca-cola: things go better with Coca-cola.可口可乐:饮可口可乐,万事如意。
9. Heineken: as natural as rain" 喜力广告词10. To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。
(轩尼诗酒)11. REMY MARTIN XO Exclusively Fine Champagne Cognac.(Remy Martin XO ad.)人头马一开,好事自然来12. Crest toothpaste: behind that healthy smile, there's a Crest kid.佳洁士牙膏:健康笑容来自佳洁士13. Levi's: quality never goes out of style.列维斯(牛仔服装):质量与风格共存。
14. Radar: mosquito bye bye bye.雷达牌驱虫剂:蚊子杀杀杀。
品牌的精彩英文广告语品牌的精彩英文广告语(最新) 1. Just do it. (Nike) 只管去做。
(耐克运动鞋)2. Ask for more. (Pepsi) 渴望无限。
(百事流行鞋)3. The taste is great. (Nestle coffee) 味道好极了。
(雀巢咖啡)4. Feel the new space. (Samsung) 感受新境界。
(三星电子)5. Intelligence everywhere. (Motorola) 智慧演绎,无处不在。
(摩托罗拉手机)6. Communication unlimited. 沟通无极限7. The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi) 新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)8. We integrate, you communicate.(Mitsubishi) 我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三菱电工)9. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。
(东芝电子)10. Let's make things better. (Philips) 让我们做得更好。
(飞利浦电子)11. No business too small, no problem too big.1 / 6(International Business Machines) 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
(IBM公司)12. Fresh-up with seven-up. (Seven-up) 提神醒脑喝七喜。
(七喜)13. Connecting People. (Nokia) 沟通无处不在。
(诺基亚)14. A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。
(第比尔斯)15. Intel inside. (Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
下面是小编带来的关于咖啡英文广告语,欢迎阅读!咖啡英文广告词(优秀篇)1. Nestle coffee2. Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3. From Chinese Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4. Meet the meaning of strong - meaning the world strong coffee5. Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6. drip fragrant, something more to say - Mai coffee coffee7. Good things to share with friends - Mai's coffee8. You can not smile after "Fletcher". - Fletcher brand coffee9. Fragrance Lubricant Originated from Nanyang flavor - Lao Zhixing Malaysian white coffee10. How good the coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company11. McKinsey Coffee Company has long been an integral part of the American landscape. McKinsey Coffee Company12. drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company13. You will drink the last drop. McKeown Coffee Company14. will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe15. God is also drinking Ed coffee. - Ed brand coffee16. Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one. McKinsey Coffee Company17. We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company18. cup keep a warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company19. If I'm not in the office, at Starbucks; if I'm not in Starbucks, on the way to Starbucks. - Starbucks coffee20. When you taste Colombian coffee, please do not forget those hard-working farmers, it is because of their labor, so you have to enjoy. - Colombian Coffee Company21 with the attitude towards life, treat a cup of coffee - SPR coffee22.SPR coffee shop, the story of the coffee shop - SPR coffee23. because involuntarily, otherwise I will sit in the Starbucks store. - Starbucks coffee24. leisure under the old tree, a book a coffee. - Old tree coffee25. Its bitter sweet. - Fulgi Coffee Company咖啡英文广告词(精选篇)1.Mai 's coffee: "drip fragrant, something more to say.2.McKee Coffee: Good things to share with friends3.Coffee: It tastes great.4.Wahaha drink, eat is fragrant.5."Valenciennes" concentrated orange juice: "either drink freshly squeezed orange juice, or drink Valencia that." Coca-Cola: "Enjoy the fresh moment."6.Coca - Cola: Forever Coca - Cola, unique good taste.7.Pepsi: "Pepsi, right taste."8.Pepsi: a new generation of choice9.Nongfushangquan bottled water: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet10.Robust bottled water: 27 layers of purification11.Nongfushangquan: Nongfushangquan a bit sweet12.Very cola: very cola, very choice咖啡英文广告词(最新篇)1.Take meaning no regrets. Nestle coffee. --Nestle Coffee2.Successful communication begins with cross-strait coffee3.From Chinese Taiwan, Xiang Wen world - on the island of coffee4.Meet the Italian meaning - thick Italian world coffee5.Accumulate life Imagine life - Diou coffee6.Dripping fragrant, something more to say - Mai Shi coffee coffee7.Good things to share with friends - Mai coffee8.You can not taste "Fletcher" does not reveal a smile. - Fulce brand coffee fragrance lubrication from the Nanyang flavor - old Chi Malaysia white coffee9.How good coffee can be, and how good it is. - Harry Kingsley Coffee Company McCaffe Coffee Company has long been an integral part of the American landscape. - McClure Coffee Company to drink a cup, so that your troubles with the fragrance away. - Baker Coffee Company10.You'll have the last drop. McKinsey Coffee Company11.Will not affect your sleep. - Hager Cafe12.God is also drinking Ed brand coffee. - Ed brand coffee13.Amazed from the first mouth to drink the last one. McKinsey Coffee Company14.We bake it, people praise it. - Big Horn Coffee Company15.Keep a cup of warm memories. - Cecnic and Coffee Company。
多使用简单句或短语,言简意赅,简洁易懂Prefect time, prefect life.时刻完美人生。
(飞亚达钟表广告)Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
(雀巢咖啡双语广告)The legend unfolds in Singapore.传奇在新加坡开始了。
(宾馆广告)Source of enchantment.诱惑之源。
(化妆品广告)桂林山水甲天下Guilin’s Scenery—World’s Fairy使用大众化口语体Fresh Up with seven-Up饮七喜,添精神“Aviation” Artificial Leather SuitcaseSelected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, Various specifications. Order welcome.“航空牌”人造皮革箱,用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。
The joy of sets. Perfect coordination at practical prices.迷人的套服,完美的搭配,朴实价格。
广告语言中的形容词喜欢用比较级和最高级For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want--- sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet---without a drop of alcohol or oil.一种前所未有、不同寻常的发乳问世了。
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