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6kV〜35kV高压电缆载流量电址载晞I 呈The Currerit c anyrng rapac]i y of cable

*21/35kv和26/35kV电缆工频耐压试验可根据用尸要求.按2.5U。X30nun或3. % *5血进行试验. For21/35kY end26/35KV cables, the po^er-frequencya.c. voltage test maybe made at 2.5 Uo X30minor3. U° X Ymin &t the

customers opt ion.

导体允许星大短路电抚Max-严111115^^# sLort -circuit fbr condiictor.

相邻两根电缆之间的中心距离> 电鋭外径

5- The distance between the two adjacent cable center. D - The overall diameter of the cables.

♦金雇屏蔽层的允许星大短賂电流Max.peimis sible short - circuit cun ent for metallic screen

♦单芯电缆Single - core cable


电筑导体的长期Mai. cortim us operating 1 emp^nture oftlie cable con

fiKTfflfflS doctor .................................................................................... 90T

环境空气温度Ainbicnt airtempcTat-un& ................................................ 4CTC

土壤温度Soil temperatTitt ................ * ......................................... “2CC

土馔热阻齐勘Thermal l^esi sti vi ty of soil -CUT

埋设探度Depth offing ........................................................................... O名加

愎窖虑一个回路Single ciiruit laid


Single - cere c^ble i£ panJlel laid. Adjeceni spflw 喘equr/ialent to ihe diuneteioftk cdbile.

♦不同土壤蛊度下的载流屋修正紊.数Curort ratir^ futore hr vaiiation in doil

*小同土壤热阴系数的载流呈修正系数Cmrent rating factors foi Y^iiatkn in them al

•不同环境爲度下的载流塩If IE乘数Cmrent ntmg 偽ctois for vajiatian in ambient air

•空宅中茎根电缆并列触设时的戟殊呈修正系数Cuxrent rating factins far paialkl laid


N ote: d - The cveryi diameter eft he caJble, S - The dis t^iwe between th& adjacent caJale center.选择导线: 1.机械强度,2.安全过流,3.末端电压损失,4.有功损耗,5.满足发热等宗合考虑。

如果选择电缆,因为地埋,应首先考虑满足发热要求;通常铜芯电缆按经济电流密度mm2 验是不宜超过。

如题:一台1250的变压器10kv侧额定电流匸P/ V3 U线=1250/*10=1250/=

=,可选择YJv或YJv22- 3*50mm2电力电缆,4台1250kva变压器共额定电流为*4= = 3*240mm2 的YJv或YJv22电力电缆。选择,但实践经考虑裕度可选
