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摘 要

波纹成型机是生产波纹管的核心设备,生产出的波纹管已经广泛用于各个工业领域, 它是集机电液为一体的现代化高技术设备。

本文针对生产的要求,提出了设计题目。并对该机的机械系统、液压系统和控制系统 进行了全面设计。

在机械结构设计中,首先分析了波纹管成型的工作过程,并在此基础上进行了模具结 构设计、主压油缸设计、油推水油缸设计、各种液压站元件的设计。

液压系统设计中,根据波纹管成型的工作过程,进行了液压系统原理图的设计,确定 了液压系统的执行元件。计算了整个液压系统的流量,并根据流量和压力进行了液压阀的 选型、油箱的设计和各个辅助元件的选择,计算了各个系统的功率,据此选择了电动机的 型号,最后绘制了液压泵站的装配图。

由于传统波纹管成型机采用继电器和接触器等元件作为系统的控制元件,存在可靠 性、灵活性差等缺点。文中通过实例说明利用PLC对其进行改造。

电气控制系统采用可编程控制器 PLC 作为整台机器的控制器,并对 PLC 的工作过程 进行了介绍,对 PLC 相关原件进行了选型,同时绘制了 PLC 控制系统的输入、输出接线 图,即控制系统电气原理图,并采用了梯形图编程,实现了整机的自动化。本设计已经应 用于生产,取得了良好的效果。

关键词:波纹管成型机;液压系统; PLC


Bellows machine is the core of bellows production equipment to produce the bellows which have been widely used in various industrial fields. It is a modernized technical equipment which centralizes the machinery, hydraulic and electric system.

Aiming at the requirement of production, the author puts forward the topic and devises the mechanical system, hydraulic system and controlling system thoroughly.

In the mechanical structure design, firstly the working process of the Bellows machine was analyzed , and on this basis, a die structure design, the main fuel tank design, oil pushing water fuel tanks and various components of the hydraulic station were designed..

In the process of the device of hydraulic system, according to the working process of slewing telescopic gangway, the principle plot of hydraulic system was devised; furthermore, the performing elements were designed. At the same time, the author computed the flux of the whole system. And then, based on the flux and the pressure, the author accomplished the choices of valves, the design of gasoline tank and the choices of assistant components. And then, the author computed the power of the whole system and chose the model of electromotor. At last, the component plot of hydraulic station was drawn.

The traditional Bellows machine using relays and contactor as controlling elements shows some disadvantages, such as low reliability and flexibility. This paper discusses the improved design based on PLC.

The controlling system adopts the PLC as the controller of the entire machine. It introduce the working process of PLC, chose the model of the PLC and related elements. At the same time, the author drew the input and output circuit of the controlling system, namely the electric principle plot. The machine realized the automation of producing process by making use of the trapezium shape to programme. The design has already been applied to practice, and has gained a very good effect.

Key Words: Slewing telescopic gangway;hydraulic system;PLC
