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Pomegranate Flowers

Zhu Xi

Pomegranates in the fifth moon dazzle the sight;

Among the branches you perceive their seeds pearl-bright.

But this is a place where no cabs nor horses cross;

You see only reds fallen pell-mell on green moss.





Song of a Thousand Years

The Green Rock

Xin Qiji

In my left hand I hold the rainbow bright

And I bring down the moon with my right.

I order the Thunder God to go before

To open for me the celestial door.

I go up and down, far and nigh,

Become one with the only and lonely sky.

I see the hanging mountain

And the inexhaustible fountain,

And the green rock of a thousand feet high.

Hearing heavenly music played,

I’m feasted by the Pool of jade.

Our Lord invites me to wine

And gives me a mini-cliff divine.

Rugged and steep,

It epitomizes mountain high and valley deep.

My horse won’t leave,

My servant seems to grieve.

Awake, I don’t believe.








Come Away Home!

My family being poor, what with plowing and planting we can hardly make both ends meet.There is a houseful of children, and none of the rice jars is provided for a rainy day. No matterhow hard I work and learn to be thrifty, I lack the means to procure a decent living. My friendsand relatives advised me to enter the local prefecture; though disposed at times to such amove, I could find no proper way of approach.

It happened that the political sky was overcast, the princes rivaling one another in acts ofpatronage and generosity. My uncle, seeing me in straits, managed to install me as a pettydistrict official. The times were still seething with troubles, and I hesitated to travel too far.About a hundred li from home is the district of Pengtze where the land revenue seemed to beenough for my supply of wine. I agreed to accept this post. But very soon I began to growdisgusted and would think of home-going.

Why? It is just my innate disposition to pursue a more or less natural course of life, andnever has it been my pleasure to suit the world against my wishes. Although hunger and coldbesiege me, to work in spite of myself would only aggravate my misery. In performing one’sunnatural duties one merely satisfies the mouth and stomach to the cost of personal vitality. Iam wont to
