
日常口语知识点总结一、问候1. 问候方式问候是日常交际的基本内容。
在英语中,常见的问候方式包括:- Hello,你好,是最常见的问候方式,可以用于日常生活中的大部分场合。
- Hi,嗨,与Hello相似,表示问候和打招呼的意思。
- How are you? 你好吗?是询问对方健康状况的方式。
- How do you do? 你好,是一种正式的问候方式,多用于初次见面时。
2. 回应问候如果别人向你打招呼,你可以用以下方式回应:- I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?- I'm good, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
- Not too bad. 还不错。
- So so. 还行。
3. 介绍在日常生活中,我们经常需要介绍自己或者向他人介绍别人。
英语中常用的介绍方式有:- This is my friend, Lucy. 这是我的朋友露西。
- Have you met John? 你见过约翰吗?- Let me introduce you to my colleague, Mary. 让我来介绍一下我的同事,玛丽。
4. 回应介绍当别人介绍别人给你认识时,你可以用以下方式回应:- Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
- Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
- The pleasure is mine. 这是我的荣幸。
二、购物1. 问价格购物时,我们常常需要询问商品价格。
在英语中,可以用以下方式来询问:- How much is this? 这个多少钱?- What's the price of this? 这个多少钱?- How much does it cost? 它要多少钱?2. 讨价还价在购物时,讨价还价是一个常见的行为。
以下是一些在讨价还价时可以使用的句子:- Can you give me a discount? 你能给我打个折吗?- Is there any room for negotiation? 这个还有谈价的余地吗?- I think it's a bit expensive. Can you lower the price? 我觉得有点贵,你能降价吗?3. 支付方式在购物时,我们常常需要问及支付方式。

日常英语知识点总结1. VocabularyOne of the most important aspects of daily English learning is vocabulary. Learning new words and phrases will help you to express yourself more effectively and understand others better. To improve your vocabulary, try to learn a few new words every day. You can keep a journal of new words, and make an effort to use them in conversation or writing. You can also use flashcards or vocabulary apps to help you memorize new words.2. ReadingReading is a great way to improve your English language skills. It can help you to learn new vocabulary, improve your grammar, and understand the structure of English sentences. To develop your reading skills, try to read a variety of materials, such as newspapers, magazines, novels, and online articles. Reading aloud can also help you to improve your pronunciation and fluency.3. ListeningListening to English speakers is an important aspect of daily English learning. It can help you to improve your comprehension skills and learn new expressions and idioms. You can listen to English podcasts, watch English movies or TV shows, or engage in conversations with native speakers. Listening to different accents and speakers will help you to become more accustomed to the diversity of the English language.4. SpeakingDaily practice in speaking English is essential for improving your language skills. Try to find opportunities to speak with native speakers or other English learners. You can join conversation groups, participate in language exchange programs, or simply practice speaking with friends or family members. Speaking regularly will help you to become more confident and fluent in English.5. WritingWriting is another important aspect of daily English learning. It can help you to improve your grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as develop your overall language skills. Try to write on a daily basis, whether it's keeping a journal, writing emails, or creating stories or essays. You can also ask for feedback from native speakers or language teachers to help you improve your writing skills.6. GrammarUnderstanding English grammar is essential for effective communication. To improve your grammar skills, you can study grammar books, take online courses, or work with a tutor. Try to identify common grammar mistakes and work on correcting them in your writingand speaking. Practice using different tenses, verb forms, and sentence structures to become more proficient in English grammar.7. Idioms and expressionsLearning idioms and expressions can help you to sound more natural and fluent in English. Idioms are phrases with meanings that are different from the literal meanings of the individual words. Expressions are commonly used phrases that native speakers use in everyday conversation. Try to learn and use idioms and expressions in your speaking and writing to sound more like a native speaker.8. PronunciationImproving your pronunciation is important for effective communication in English. Try to listen carefully to how native speakers pronounce words and practice speaking with the correct intonation and stress. You can also use pronunciation apps or online resources to help you improve your pronunciation skills.9. Cultural understandingHaving a basic understanding of English-speaking cultures can help you to communicate more effectively in English. Try to learn about the customs, traditions, and social norms of English-speaking countries. This will help you to better understand the context and meaning of conversations with native speakers.10. Practice, practice, practiceThe key to daily English learning is practice. Try to incorporate English into your daily routine as much as possible. Set aside time for reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English every day. The more you practice, the more confident and proficient you will become in English.In conclusion, daily English learning is essential for improving your language skills and becoming more fluent in English. By focusing on vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, writing, grammar, idioms, pronunciation, cultural understanding, and regular practice, you can make significant progress in your English language abilities. Keep in mind that consistent effort and dedication will help you to achieve your language learning goals.。

下面的英语学习资料主要就是为大家总结的一点常用句子,希望大家好好看看:Come to the point ! 有话直说!Do you accept plastic ? 收不收信用卡?Does it keep long? 可以保存吗?Don't be so fussy! 别挑剔了!Don't count on me! 别指望我!Don't fall for it! 不要上当!Don't get me wrong! 你搞错了!Don't lose your head! 别乐昏了头!Don't stand on ceremony! 别太拘束!Drop me a line! 要写信给我!First come first served! 先到先得!Give him the works! 给他点教训!Give me a break! 饶了我吧!I'm spaced-out! 我开小差了!I'll check it out! 我去看看!I'll show you around! 我带你四处逛逛!There is nothing on your business! 这没你的事!Now you are really talking! 说得对!上面就是为大家总结的一点日常英语学习资料,在日常交际用语中,虽然没有什么非常难的语法和词汇,但是有很多表达方式都是非常有趣且形象的,要是我们不了解的话,说不定会产生误解,所以还是希望大家能够多掌握一些类似的句子。

英语交际用语知识点总结1. 问候与介绍在日常生活中,问候和介绍是非常常见的交际用语,人们经常通过问候和介绍来打招呼和认识新朋友。
下面是一些常用的问候和介绍的用语:- 问候:- Hi, how are you?- Hello, it's nice to meet you.- Good morning/afternoon/evening.- What's up?- How have you been?- 介绍:- This is my friend, Sarah.- Have you met my brother, Tom?- Let me introduce you to my colleague, John.- I'd like you to meet my parents.- This is Susie, she's the new girl in our class.2. 感谢与道歉感谢和道歉也是常见的交际用语,人们经常用来表达对他人的感谢和道歉。
下面是一些常用的感谢和道歉的用语:- 感谢:- Thank you so much for your help.- I really appreciate your kindness.- Thanks a lot for your support.- I can't thank you enough for your generosity.- I'm grateful for everything you've done for me.- 道歉:- I'm sorry for being late.- Please forgive me for my mistake.- I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.- I'm really sorry for what I said earlier.- It was my fault, I'm truly sorry.3. 请求与邀请当需要请求帮助或邀请他人一起做某事时,人们会使用请求和邀请的交际用语。

例如:非正式英语正式英语What’s your name May I have your name您贵姓请问您贵姓大名Do you want some tea Could you like some tea您要喝茶吗请问您想喝茶吗Over here, please. Could you come this way please?这边请。
请您往这边走好吗* 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir.* Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。
* 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。
可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.” (请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。
* 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms.在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms. 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl.* 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。
* 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。
二.基本待客英语(一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种:1. May I ~2. Could you ~3. Would you ~4.Shall I ~?只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。

1. 问候与介绍在日常交流中,问候是很重要的部分。
我们需要学会如何礼貌地问候他人,比如:“Hello! How are you?”(你好!你好吗?)“Nice to meet you!”(很高兴认识你!)另外,在介绍自己或他人时,我们可以使用句型:“This is...”(这是……)“Nice to meet you too.”(我也很高兴认识你。
2. 询问与回答个人信息当我们想要了解他人的个人信息时,我们需要学会如何询问和回答一些常见的问题。
例如:“What's your name?”(你叫什么名字?)“Where are you from?”(你来自哪里?)“How old are you?”(你多大了?)等等。
对于这些问题的回答,我们可以使用相应的句型回答,比如:“My name is…”(我的名字是……)“I'm from…”(我来自……)“I'm…years old.”(我……岁。
3. 提出建议和请求在日常生活中,我们经常需要向他人提出建议或请求帮助。
为了表达这些意思,我们可以使用句型:“Could you please…?”(请你能……吗?)“Can you…?”(你能……吗?)“Why don't we…?”(我们为什么不……呢?)等等。
4. 表达喜好和不喜欢当我们想要表达自己的喜好或不喜欢时,我们可以使用一些常用的句型。
例如:“I like…(我喜欢……)”“I love…(我爱……)”“I don't like…(我不喜欢……)”等等。

可数名词——可以数的名词不可数名词——数不清(没有复数)drinkmilkteawaterorangejuicecokecoffeeporridge foodricebreadmeatfishfruitcakedumplings2、可数名词与不定冠词a(an)连用有数数形式,不可数名词不能与不定冠词a(an)连用,没有复数形式many+可数名词复数much/alittle+不可数名词some,any,alotof(lotsof)两者都可以修饰。

日常交际英语专业作文模板英文回答:In daily communication, it is important to be able to use English effectively. This includes being able to understand what others are saying, and being able toexpress yourself clearly and concisely. There are a numberof ways to improve your English communication skills.One way to improve your English communication skills is to practice speaking and listening to the language as much as possible. You can do this by talking to native English speakers, watching English movies and TV shows, orlistening to English music. Another way to improve your English communication skills is to read as much as possible. This will help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your grammar. You can read books, articles, or even just online content.Finally, it is important to be patient when learningEnglish. It takes time and effort to master a new language. However, with regular practice, you will be able to improve your English communication skills and use the language effectively in everyday situations.中文回答:在日常交际中,能够有效地运用英语非常重要。

以下是一些常用的表达方式:•问候:–Hello!(你好!)–Hi!(嗨!)–Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上/下午/晚上好!)•自我介绍:–My name is [your name].(我叫[你的名字]。
)–I am from [your country].(我来自[你的国家]。
)–Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。
以下是一些常用的句子:•询问天气:–What’s the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)–It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy.(阳光明媚/下雨/多云。
)•职业:–What do you do?(你是做什么工作的?)–I am a teacher/engineer/student.(我是一名老师/工程师/学生。
以下是一些常用的表达:•购物:–How much is this?(这个多少钱?)–Can I pay by credit card?(我可以用信用卡支付吗?)•点餐:–Can I have a menu, please?(请给我一份菜单。
)–I would like a cup of coffee.(我想要一杯咖啡。

Introduction:In today's globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become increasingly important. Whether for professional, academic, or personal reasons, mastering交际英语(Communication English)skills is essential. This summary aims to provide an overview of the key aspects of communication English, highlighting its importance andoffering practical tips for improving these skills.I. Importance of Communication English1. Global Communication: With the advancement of technology and the increasing interconnectedness of people from different cultures, the ability to communicate in English has become a global necessity.2. Professional Advancement: In the workplace, effective communication skills are crucial for career growth and success. Employers often seek candidates who can communicate clearly and confidently in English.3. Education: English is widely used as the medium of instruction in many educational institutions worldwide. Proficient communication skills in English can greatly enhance one's learning experience.4. Cultural Exchange: Communication in English facilitates cultural exchange and understanding between people from diverse backgrounds.II. Key Aspects of Communication English1. Listening: Active listening is essential for understanding the speaker's message. Pay attention to the speaker's tone, body language, and context to gain a comprehensive understanding.2. Speaking: Develop clear and concise speech, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Practice pronunciation and fluency to enhance your spoken English.3. Reading: Improve reading skills by exposing yourself to a variety of English texts, including newspapers, magazines, and online articles.This will help you expand your vocabulary and understanding of the language.4. Writing: Develop your writing skills by practicing different types of writing, such as essays, reports, and emails. Focus on clear structure, proper grammar, and effective use of vocabulary.III. Practical Tips for Improving Communication English Skills1. Practice Regularly: Engage in daily English practice, such as listening to English podcasts, watching English movies, or conversing with native speakers.2. Learn New Vocabulary: Keep a vocabulary notebook and regularly review new words and phrases. Use them in your daily conversations and writing.3. Join English-speaking Groups: Participate in English clubs, conversation groups, or language exchange programs to practice speaking and listening skills.4. Take Online Courses or Tutorials: Utilize online resources to improve your English skills, such as language learning apps, video tutorials, and online courses.5. Seek Feedback: Ask native speakers or teachers for feedback on your speaking, writing, and listening skills. This will help you identify areas for improvement and work on them.Conclusion:In conclusion, communication English is a vital skill in today's interconnected world. By focusing on key aspects such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and implementing practical tips for improvement, one can enhance their communication skills in English. Regular practice, dedication, and the willingness to learn from feedback will lead to significant progress in mastering communication English.。

日常交流英语材料文章Daily Conversation in EnglishEnglish is a global language and is widely used for daily communication among people from different countries and cultures. In this article, we will explore some common daily conversations that you may find helpful in various situations.1. Greetings and IntroductionsWhen meeting someone, it is polite to exchange greetings and introduce yourself. Common greetings include "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning/afternoon/evening." You can follow it up with a question about how they are doing, such as "How are you?" or "How's your day going?" When introducing yourself, say "My name is [your name]. Nice to meet you."2. Small TalkSmall talk is a great way to initiate a conversation and show interest in the other person. You can discuss various topics like the weather, recent news, sports, or hobbies. For example, you can say, "What do you think about the weather today?" or "Did you watch the game last night? It was intense!"3. Asking for DirectionsWhen you're in a new place and need to find your way around, asking for directions is essential. Start by politely approaching someone and saying, "Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to [place]?" You can also ask for specific landmarks or streets to make it easier for the other person to guide you.4. Ordering FoodWhen dining out, knowing how to order food is crucial. Begin by asking for a menu, and then browse through the options. When ready, call the waiter and say, "I would like to order [your desired dish]. Please." It is also polite to ask about the availability of any specials or recommendations.5. ShoppingWhether you're buying groceries or shopping for clothes, knowing how to communicate in a store is essential. You can ask the shopkeeper, "How much does this cost?" or "Do you have it in a different color/size?" If you want to buy multiple items, you can say, "I would like to purchase these items, please."6. Asking for helpWhen you need assistance, it is alright to ask for help. You can say, "Excuse me, could you please assist me with [specific task]?" People are generally willing to help others, so don't hesitate to ask if you need guidance or support.7. Making and Responding to InvitationsWhen inviting someone or responding to an invitation, it is important to be clear and polite. To invite someone, say, "Would you like to join me for [activity/event]?" If you receive an invitation, you can respond with, "Thank you for inviting me. I would love to join you."8. Emotions and ExpressionsBeing able to express your emotions is crucial for effective communication. You can say, "I'm feeling happy/sad/excited/tiredtoday." If someone shares their emotions with you, respond empathetically, such as saying, "I'm sorry to hear that" or "That's wonderful news!"Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you engage in daily conversations, the better your English communication skills will become. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and continue learning and improving. Happy conversations!。

日常交际英语口语介绍汇总1篇日常交际英语口语介绍 1Something must be done about it. 必须得想个办法。
Somethings e up. 发生了一些事。
Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。
Suit yourself. 随你便。
Take care. 请多保重。
Take it or leave it. __由你。
Take my word for it. 相信我的话。
Take your time. 慢慢来。
Thank you all the same. 不管怎样还是要谢谢你。
Thank you for everything. 感谢你做的一切。
Thanks a million. 非常感谢。
Thanks for the warning. 谢谢你的提醒。
Thanks for your cooperation. 多谢合作。
That couldnt be better. 那再好不过了。
That depends. 看情况。
That makes sense. 那可以理解。
That reminds me. 那可提醒我了。
That rings a bell. 我总算想起来了。
That sounds like a good idea. 那听上去是个好主意。
Thats all right. 没关系。
Thats disgusting. 真讨厌。
Thats fair. 那样公平。
Thats for sure. 那是肯定的。
Thats good to know. 幸好知道了这件事。
Thats just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。
Thats life. 这就是生活。
Thats more like it. 那样才像话。
Thats not a problem. 那没问题。
Thats not true. 那是不对的!Thats OK. 可以。

日常交际英语笔记期末总结Introduction:Over the course of the semester, I have learned and practiced various techniques and strategies in everyday conversational English. This includes vocabulary building, improving pronunciation and intonation, mastering conversational phrases, and understanding cultural nuances. In this reflection, I will summarize the key points I have learned, share my personal progress, and highlight areas for further improvement.I. Vocabulary Building:One important aspect of everyday conversational English is building a wide-ranging vocabulary. To enhance my vocabulary, I began by identifying the areas I needed improvement in. I focused on learning new words related to hobbies, current affairs, and professional topics. I used flashcards, online resources, and language learning apps like Duolingo to practice and memorize new words. Additionally, I incorporated new vocabulary into my daily conversations, reading materials, and writing assignments. By doing so, I not only expanded my vocabulary but also increased my confidence in using new words appropriately.II. Pronunciation and Intonation:I realized that effective communication in conversational English requires clear pronunciation and appropriate intonation. To improve my pronunciation, I practiced speaking in front of a mirror and recorded my voice. I paid attention to vowel and consonant sounds that were challenging for me and focused on pronouncing them correctly. Additionally, I watched YouTube videos and listened to podcasts to mimic native speakers' intonation patterns. I also practiced repeating sentences with different stress patterns to enhance my overall fluency. This helped me to better express my thoughts and ideas, leading to more meaningful conversations.III. Mastering Conversational Phrases:Conversational phrases play a crucial role in fluid communication. To master these phrases, I studied common conversational expressions, including greetings, expressions of agreement or disagreement, giving opinions, and asking for clarification. I incorporated these phrases into my daily conversations and actively sought out opportunities to use them. By doing this, I improved my ability to express myself more naturally and confidently. Moreover, I learned the importance of body language and facial expressions in effective communication, as they enhance the meaning and impact of spoken words.IV. Cultural Nuances:Understanding cultural nuances is essential when engaging in everyday conversational English. Throughout the semester, I learned about cultural differences in greetings,politeness, and personal space. I realized that cultural sensitivity is crucial to avoid misunderstandings or inadvertently offending others. I actively engaged in cultural exchange activities, such as attending cultural events and interacting with international students, to better understand different cultural perspectives. This not only deepened my appreciation for diversity but also allowed me to adapt my language and behavior to different cultural contexts.Personal Progress:Reflecting on my journey, I am proud of the progress I have made in everyday conversational English. My vocabulary has significantly expanded, allowing me to express myself more precisely and vividly. My pronunciation and intonation have improved, leading to clearer and more engaging conversations. I am now more confident in using conversational phrases appropriately, enhancing the flow and coherence of my speech. Additionally, my cultural awareness has grown, helping me to navigate various social situations with sensitivity and understanding.Areas for Improvement:Despite my progress, I am aware that there is always room for improvement. Firstly, I aim to further expand my vocabulary by exploring more specialized and technical terms related to my field of study. Secondly, I intend to continue practicing my pronunciation and intonation to sound even more natural and fluent. Additionally, I will actively seek out opportunities to engage in conversations with native English speakers to improve my conversational skills further. Lastly, I will keep learning about different cultures to enhance my understanding and appreciation of diversity.Conclusion:In conclusion, my journey of learning and practicing everyday conversational English has been rewarding. Building my vocabulary, focusing on pronunciation and intonation, mastering conversational phrases, and understanding cultural nuances have all contributed to my overall progress. With continued dedication and perseverance, I am confident that I will continue to enhance my conversational skills and become a more effective communicator in English. Everyday conversational English is a lifelong journey, and I look forward to the learning opportunities it brings.。

日常交流英语材料日常交流英语材料1. Introducing Yourself- Hello, my name is [Your Name].- Nice to meet you. I am [Your Name].- Hi, I'm [Your Name]. How do you do?2. Greetings- Good morning/afternoon/evening!- Hi, how are you?- Hey, what's up?- How's it going?- Long time no see!- What have you been up to?3. Asking for Information- Excuse me, do you know where the nearest post office is? - Can you tell me how to get to the train station?- Is there a supermarket around here?- Could you please give me directions to the nearest bank?4. Making a Request- Could you please pass me the salt?- Can you help me with this task?- Would you mind turning down the music?- Do you mind if I use your computer?5. Expressing Opinions- I agree with you.- I think you're right.- In my opinion, it's a great idea.- Personally, I don't think that's a good option.- I disagree with you.6. Offering Help- Can I assist you with anything?- If you need any help, just let me know.- Would you like me to lend you a hand?- Do you need someone to help you?7. Expressing Gratitude- Thank you so much for your help.- I really appreciate it.- I can't thank you enough.- Thanks a million.- I owe you one.8. Apologizing- I'm sorry for my mistake.- I apologize for any inconvenience I caused.- I'm really sorry; it was my fault.- Please forgive me.- I'm truly sorry.9. Making Plans- Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?- How about meeting up for lunch next week?- Let's catch a movie this weekend, what do you think? - We should plan a trip together soon.10. Small Talk- How was your weekend?- Have you seen any good movies lately?- What do you like to do in your free time?- Do you have any plans for the summer vacation? Remember, practice is key to improving your English conversation skills. Try to engage in conversations with native English speakers or participate in language exchange programs to further enhance your abilities.。

一、日常交际用语1. 问候与回应:在日常生活中,我们经常需要用到问候和回应的用语,例如:- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (早上/下午/晚上好)- How are you? (你好吗?)- I'm fine, thank you. And you? (我很好,谢谢。
你呢?)- Nice to meet you. (很高兴见到你)2.道歉与道别:在交流中,我们也经常需要用到道歉和道别的用语,例如:- I'm sorry. (对不起)- Excuse me. (请原谅)- Goodbye. (再见)- See you later. (待会儿见)- Take care. (保重)3. 请求与应答:在交流中,我们经常需要向别人请求帮助或回答对方的请求,常用的表达有:- Can you help me, please? (请你帮我一下好吗?)- Could you please pass me the pen? (你能把笔递给我吗?)- Sure. (当然可以)- I'm sorry, I can't. (对不起,我不能)4. 表达意见和感受:在交流中,我们需要表达自己的意见和感受,可以使用以下表达方式:- In my opinion... (依我看...)- I think... (我认为...)- I like... (我喜欢...)- I don't like... (我不喜欢...)- I feel... (我感觉...)二、口语表达技巧1. 间隔思考时间:当别人问你问题或向你提出请求时,你可以在回答之前先停顿一下,这样可以给自己一些思考的时间,帮助你更好地回答问题。

1. 问候与打招呼在日常交际中,问候与打招呼是必不可少的。
以下是一些常见的问候与打招呼的表达方式:- Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening! 早上好/ 下午好/晚上好!- How are you? 你好吗?- I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?- Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!- Hello/ Hi! 你好!2. 自我介绍自我介绍是向他人展示自己的第一步。
当我们与陌生人交流时,需要用简短的语言介绍自己,以下是一个简单的自我介绍模板:- Hello, my name is [你的名字]. 你好,我叫[你的名字]。
- I am [年龄] years old. 我[年龄]岁了。
- I am in Grade [年级]. 我在[年级]年级。
- My hobbies are [爱好]. 我的爱好是[爱好]。
3. 询问和表达个人信息在与他人交谈时,我们经常会询问和表达个人信息。
以下是一些常用的表达方式:- What's your name? 你叫什么名字?- How old are you? 你多大了?- Where are you from? 你来自哪里?- I am from [地点]. 我来自[地点]。
- What is your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?- My favorite subject is [科目]. 我最喜欢的科目是[科目]。
4. 请求与回答当我们需要请求别人的帮助或提出问题时,需要掌握一些礼貌用语和回答方式。

1.社会交往(social communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)A. Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you?How are you doing?Good morning/afternoon/evening.I’m OK.Fine. thanks, and you?Very well, thank you.*Just so so.(2) 介绍(Introduction)A. My name is Jim.This is Mr./Mr./Miss/ Ms Brown.I’d like you to meet Bob.May I introduce Professor Jeff Brown?B. How do you do?Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet (see) you.(3)告别(Farewells )A. Good-bye / Bye / Bye--bye.Good night.See you later / then / tomorrow / soon.I am sorry I have to go now.I am afraid I must be leaving now.(4)感谢(Thanks )A. Thank you (very much).Thanks a lot.2. Thank you for your help.It‘s very kind / nice of you.B. It’s a pleasure.3.My pleasure.That‘s OK / all right.You’ re welcome.Don‘ t mention it.(5)道歉(Apologies)I’ m sorry.Excuse me, please.I beg your pardon.I‘ m sorry for losing your book.I’ m sorry to interrupt you.I‘ m sorry (that) l’ m late.B. That‘s OK.It’s a1l right.Never mind.It doesn‘t matter.It’s nothing.‘Forget it.(6)邀请(Invitation)A. Would you like to go for a walk?May l invite you to dinner?What / How about having a swim?B:sure!4.I’ d like that, thanks.Yes, I‘ d love to.That would be very nice.. It’s very nice of you, but my mother is ill.I‘ d love to, but I’ m afraid I have no time.I‘ m sorry I can’ t. What about another time?(7 )请求允许(Asking for permission )A. May I come in?Can / Could I use your telephone?I wonder if I could smoke here.B. Sure. Certainly.Please do.5. Of course, you can.6.Go ahead, please.I‘ m afraid not. You’ d better not.(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)A. Have a good day / time!Have a good trip!Good luck!Enjoy yourself!Best wishes to you. -Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Happy birthday!Congratulations!Well done!The same to you.(9)提供帮助(Offering help)A. Can I help you?What can I do for you?Let me take your bags.B. Yes, thanks.Thank you all the same.(10) 约会(Making appointments )Do you have time this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon?How about tomorrow morning?When / Where shall we meet?Could we meet at 4: 30?Let’s make it 4: 30.All right. See you then.7.(11 ) 打电话(Making telephone calls )A. Hello! May I speak to Tom?Hello! I’d like to speak to Mr. Green.Is that Liu Ying speaking?Can I leave a message?I‘ll call back later / again.I’ll ring him / her up again.B. Hello! This is Mary speaking.Hello, who is this?Hold the line, please.Just a moment, please.Hello, who‘s speaking?Sorry. H e / She isn’t here right now.Can I take a message?The line is bad / busy.Sorry, I‘m afra id you have the wrong number.(12)就餐(Having meals)A. Would you like something to eat / drink?What would you like (to have) ?Would you like some more fish?Help yourself to some fish.B. ①Yes, I’d like a drink.I‘d like rice and chicken.Just a little, please.Can I have some more soup?It’s so delicious. Thank you.②No, thank you.8.I’m full, thank you** It‘s very delicious, but I can’t eat any more.(l3) 就医(Seeing the doctor)A. What‘s the matter?DO you have a fever?How long have you felt like this?9. Have you taken your temperature?10.It’s nothing serious.Take this medicine three times a day.You‘ll be all right / well soon.B. I have a headache / cough / fever.I feel terrible / bad / horrible / awful.I don’t feel well.I‘ve got a pain here.It hurts here.I don’t feel like eating.I can‘t sleep well.(14)购物(Shopping)A. Can / May I help you?What can I do for you?How many / much would you like?What color / size / kind would you like?What about this one?Here’s your change.B. I wan t / I‘d like a pair of shoes.How much is it / are they?May I try it on?It’s too big / small.Sorry, it‘s too expensive.Do you have any other colors / sizes / kinds?Two and a half kilos / pounds, please.That’s fine. I‘ll take it.Just have a look.(15) 问路(Asking the way)A. Exc use me. Where‘s the washroo m?Can you tell me how to get to the Post office?Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park?Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the station, please?How can l get to No. 4 Middle School?How far is it? Is it far?Can I take a bus?Which bus should I take?B. It’s over there.It‘s about 400 meters from here.Go down this street until you see the tall red building.Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / corner.You can’t miss it.You can take bus No. 103.You‘d better take a taxi16)谈论天气(Talking about weather)A. W hat’s the weather like today?How‘s the weather in Beijing?What a cold / hot day today!It’s a nice / fine / beautiful / ho rrible day today.B. It‘s sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy.It’s getti ng cool / cold / warm / hot.17) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)Pardon?I don‘t understand.Sorry, I can’t follow you.Can you speak more slowly, please?No smoking! No spitting!Look out ! Be carefu1!Don‘t touch!It’s dangerous!(19) 劝告(Advice)You‘d better go to see the doctor.You should listen to and read English everyday.You need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary.* If I were yo u, I’d phone him now.Don‘t rush / hurry/ push.Please stand in line.(20) 建议(Suggestions)Let’s go and have a 1ook.* Should we go now?What / How about a picnic this Sunday?Why don‘t you buy a computer?11.Why not go to a movie?(21 ) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)Sure.Certainly.Of course.I agree.No problem.That‘s a good idea.Yes, I think so.No way.Of course not.I don’t agree.I don‘t th ink so.I’m afraid not.(25) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)He can ride a bike.He’s able to pass the math exam.He is good at football.* He’s unable to walk any more.She‘s not good at swimming.(26) 偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies)I prefer tea.Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?* I prefer tea to coffee.* I’d prefer to go by train.I like English better / the best.My favorite subject is physics.* I‘d r ather drink coffee than tea.Where would you rather go, London or T okyo?Is this what you expected?(34)忧虑(Worries)4 时间(Time)(41) 时刻(Point of time)A. Excuse me. What’s the time, please?Excuse me. What time is it?Have you got the time?When did you come to China?What time do you get up every day?B. It‘s half pas t five / twenty to nine.I came to China in 1998.I get up at 6 o’clock.(42) 时段(Duration)A. How long have you been in this school?How long does it take you to get to school?How long have you been ill?B. I have been in this school for three years.It takes me twenty minutes by bike.I lived in Beijing from 1996 to 1999.l have been ill since last Monday night.(43) 频度(Frequency)A. How often do you go to movies?B. I go to the movie once a week.I often go to movies.(47) 距离(Distance)A. How far is your school from here?B. I t‘s about 40 minutes by bike.It’s ab out 6 kilometers / miles awayA。

日常交流的英语材料Daily ConversationDaily conversation plays a vital role in our lives as it helps us connect with people, express our thoughts, and understand the world better. Whether we are chatting with friends, co-workers, or strangers, effective communication is essential to build relationships and foster understanding. In this article, we will explore various topics that often come up in daily conversations and provide English language materials to enhance your conversational skills.1. Greetings and Introductions:- "Good morning! How are you today?"- "Hi, my name is [name]. It's nice to meet you."- "Nice to meet you too! Are you from around here?"2. Talking about the Weather:- "What a beautiful day! The sun is shining."- "I heard it's going to rain tomorrow. Don't forget your umbrella." - "I love the winter season. The snow makes everything look magical."3. Discussing Hobbies and Interests:- "What do you enjoy doing in your free time?"- "I'm passionate about photography. It allows me to capture special moments."- "I've been practicing playing the guitar. It's challenging but rewarding."4. Sharing Personal Stories:- "Let me tell you about the incredible trip I had to [destination]." - "Yesterday, I had a hilarious encounter with my neighbor's cat." - "I remember the time I won a singing competition. It was such a memorable experience."5. Recommending Books, Movies, or TV Shows:- "Have you read any good books lately? I highly recommend 'The Alchemist.'"- "You must watch the movie 'Inception.' The storyline is mind-blowing."- "I just finished a great TV series called 'Friends.' It's a must-watch."6. Talking about Work:- "How was your day at the office?"- "I'm pursuing a career in marketing. It's a dynamic field with endless possibilities."- "I recently got promoted, and I'm excited about the new challenges."7. Discussing Travel and Places:- "What are your favorite travel destinations?"- "I dream of visiting Paris one day. The architecture and culture fascinate me."- "Have you been to any famous landmarks? The Great Wall of China is breathtaking."8. Sharing Cultural Experiences:- "Tell me about your traditional festivals and celebrations."- "In my country, we celebrate Diwali with fireworks and colorful decorations."- "I attended a cultural fair that showcased various traditions from around the world."9. Talking about Food:- "What's your favorite cuisine? I love Italian food."- "I tried sushi for the first time, and it was delicious."- "Let's go out for a pizza tonight. I know a great pizzeria nearby."10. Making Plans and Invitations:- "Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?"- "Let's organize a hiking trip this weekend. It'll be fun!"- "We should plan a get-together with all our friends." Remember, effective communication is a two-way process that involves listening and responding attentively. Engaging in daily conversations not only improves language skills but also broadens our understanding of various cultures and perspectives. So, go ahead and practice these conversational topics to master the art of daily communication in English.。

学习英语首先学会有事情做Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】学习英语,首先学会“有事情做”初学英语学什么就是要学会“有事情做”。
“学会两个有,大胆会开口,存在there be, 拥有是have" (have has had)I have a book. 我有一本书。
(是本书是属于我的)He has a pen. 他有一只钢笔。
be可以变化为:is am are was were.1. 主语+be(的适当变化形式)+名词什么是什么 This is a book。
2. 主语+be(的适当变化形式)+形容词什么人/物怎么样 It is beautiful.3. 主语+be(的适当变化形式)+副词或介词短语表示什么人/物在什么位置。
He is here. she si there.They are in the room.三.“情”就是情态动词。
“情态动词为老大,句型改变考虑它”“情态动词有词义,改变句型靠自己”I can speak English. She must go home now.May I come in We should study English hard.四. “做”代表所有行为动词.“行为动词千千万,统统都归do 来管(do does did ).Do you like EnglishDoes he like English, tooDid you study English yesterday小结:“有事情做”可以轻松地使初学者快速进行句型转换,快速开口讲话,建立信心把英语快速学好。

日常交际英语语法词类英语名称意义例词名词The Noun (缩写为n) 表示人或事物的名称Basket, mouth, hospital, year, train冠词The Article (art) 用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物a, an, the代词The Pronoun (pron) 用来代替名词、形容词或数词They, his, him, mine, which, all形容词The Adjective (adj) 用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征Long, empty, heavy, different, cheap, hungry数词The Numeral (num) 表示数量或顺序Three, thirteen, twenty, second动词The Verb (v) 表示动作或状态Hear, write, swim, eat, borrow, sing副词The Adverb (adv) 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词Quickly, early, out, soon, then, sometimes介词The Preposition (prep) 表示名词、代词等和句中其他词的关系From, with, at, into, behind, between, for连词The Conjunction (conj) 用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句And, or, but, so, because感叹词The Interjection (interj) 表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感Oh, hey, ouch, well, there, dear一、名词I. 名词的种类:II. 名词的数:1. 规则名词的复数形式:名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。
现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下:2. 不规则名词复数:英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:III. 名词的所有格:名词在句中表示所有关系的语法形式叫做名词所有格。
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Come to the point ! 有话直说!
Do you accept plastic 收不收信用卡
Does it keep long 可以保存吗
Don't be so fussy! 别挑剔了!
Don't count on me! 别指望我!
Don't fall for it! 不要上当!
Don't get me wrong! 你搞错了!
Don't lose your head! 别乐昏了头!
Don't stand on ceremony! 别太拘束!
Drop me a line! 要写信给我!
First come first served! 先到先得!
Give him the works! 给他点教训!
Give me a break! 饶了我吧!
I'm spaced-out! 我开小差了!
I'll check it out! 我去看看!
I'll show you around! 我带你四处逛逛!
There is nothing on your business! 这没你的事!
Now you are really talking! 说得对!