《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。
【环球文化】除了《奇幻森林》,还有这些不可错过的迪士尼真人动画电影!《奇幻森林》(The Jungle Book)于4月15日上映赢得了不错的回响,三天3.19亿的成绩让电影轻松拿下周票房冠军。
《奇幻森林》在烂番茄的新鲜度是惊人94% ,有92%的人想去观看。
完全采用CGI 呈现的动物栩栩如生外,饰演毛克利的小童星尼尔谢西演技也普遍受到赞誉。
《奇幻森林》之后,今年也还有两部真人版童话即将上映,而后更有一大波真人动画电影将陆续出现,下面就让我们来看看这些值得期待的迪士尼大片吧!1. Alice in Wonderland:Through the Looking Glass《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》上映时间:2016年5月27日中美同步上映影片延续爱丽丝长大成为19岁少女后的故事,回到魔境的她发现昔日好友疯帽先生面临了重大危机,而解救他的关键,则在一个掌管时间的“时光怪客”的手中。
本次由《布偶大电影》导演詹姆斯·波宾(James Bobin)接棒,演员的部分,过去的重要角色如“爱丽丝”米娅·华希科沃斯卡、“疯帽先生”约翰尼·德普、“白女王”安妮·海瑟薇、“红桃女王”海伦娜·伯翰·卡特都会回归,而反派“时光怪客”则是由《独裁者》的萨莎·拜伦·科恩饰演。
2. Pete's Dragon《彼得的龙》上映时间:2016年8月12日紧接在暑假档上映的,还有改编自1977 年真人结合动画的经典《妙妙龙》,首支预告也在今年2 月份登场。
下面是收集的适合小学生的电影和动画片:1、小鹿斑比 BAMBI2、白雪公主SNOW WHITE3、猫儿历险记ARISTOCATS4、木偶奇遇记PINOCCHIO5、狐狸与猎狗FOX AND HOUND6、狮子王LION KING7、小鸡快跑CHICKEN RUN8、海底总动员FINDING NEMO9、虫虫危机BUG'S LIFE10、熊的传说BROTHER BEAR11、怪物史瑞克SHREK12、鲨鱼帮SHARK TALE13、风中奇缘POCAHONTAS14、玩具总动员TOY STORY 115、变身国王NEW GROOVE16、战鸽快飞VALIANT17、原野小英雄 THORNBERRYS18、马达加斯加MADAGASCAR 119、机器人ROBOTS20、汽车总动员 CARS21、蚁哥正传ANTZ22、四眼天鸡CHICKEN LITTLE23、蜜蜂电影BEE MOVIE24、别惹蚂蚁THE ANT BULLY25、棒球小英雄 Everyones Hero26、鼠国流浪记 Flushed Away27、外星神犬Good boy28、小猴当家 Dunstun checks in29、鬼马小精灵Casper30、加菲猫 Garfield31、抢钱袋鼠之美国梦 Kangaroo Jack32、G型神探1 Inspector Gadget 133、CYBER MUTT34、公主日记The Princess Diaries35、勇敢者的游戏JUMANJI36、TWINS37、The cat in the hat38、美食总动员 Rata Touille39、Thunder birds40、黄金罗盘The Golden Compass41、纳尼亚传奇2 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian42、Unfortunate Events43、神奇四侠Fantastic Four44、超级大坏蛋Megamind45、仙境之桥Bridge to Terabithia46、拜见罗宾逊一家Meet the Robinsons《纳尼亚传奇The Chronicles of Narnia》系列《指环王The Lord of the Rings》系列《亚瑟和他的迷你王国Arthur et les Minimoys 》系列《马达加斯加Madagascar 》系列《冰河世纪Ice Age》系列《快乐的大脚Happy Feet 》系列《丛林大反攻Open Season 》《黄金罗盘The Golden Compass 》《大战外星人Monsters vs. Aliens 》《小叮当与失去的宝藏Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure 》(画面美轮美奂,适合女孩)《驯龙高手How to Train Your Dragon 》《里约大冒险Rio 》(我的大爱)《丛林有情狼Alpha and Omega 》《猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole 》《蓝精灵The Smurfs 》《鼠来宝:明星俱乐部Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 》《拯救小兔Hop》《飞屋环游记Up》《机器人总动员WALL·E》《卑鄙的我Despicable Me 》《怪兽电力公司Monsters, Inc.》《长发公主Tangled 》《超人总动员The Incredibles 》《天降美食Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 》《木兰Mulan 》《埃及王子The Prince of Egypt 》《极地特快The Polar Express》《塔拉星球之战Battle for Terra 》《阿童木Astro Boy 》《圣诞颂歌A Christmas Carol 》《丁丁历险记The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn 》《勇敢传说Brave 》等等还有真人版的《爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland 》、《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜Mirror Mirror 》从动画中窥视孩子的心灵:动画王国:欧美动画总动员《美女与野兽》《狮子王》《浪漫的老鼠》《小叮当》《灰姑娘》《白雪公主》《丑小鸭和我》《阿拉丁》《龙猫.日》《千与千寻.日》《猫的报恩(日)》《蜜蜂总动员》《海底总动员》《汽车总动员》《玩具总动员》《虫虫总动员》《机器人总动员》《赛车总动员》《鸡仔总动员》《小魔怪》《极地特快》《神奇的旋转木马》《史酷比与国王的精灵》《埃及王子》《诺亚方舟》《狂野大自然》《鲨鱼故事》《小猪妈仔》《圣诞怪杰》《僵尸新娘》《幻想曲》《冲走小老鼠》《冲浪企鹅》《太空黑猩猩》《101斑点狗》《柳林风声》《木偶奇遇记》《霍顿与无名氏》《圣诞营救计划》《辛普森一家》《海底大冒险》《未来小子》《地心游记》《史前一万年》《小鸡快跑》《超人特工队》《冒险黄金谷》《艾文和花栗鼠》《好奇的乔治》《怪兽公司》《猫狗大战》《终极细胞战》《石中剑》《武士阿非》《变身国王》《鼠国流浪记》《大力士》《夏洛特的网》《快乐的大脚》《帝企鹅日记》《鬼马小精灵》《再见,银河铁道》《料理鼠王》《骇客帝国动画版》《麻辣女孩》《小飞象》《疯狂农庄》《恐龙》《格列佛游记》《神气女侠》《冰冻星球》《别惹蚂蚁》《蚁哥正传》《大战外星人》《奇怪博士》《高地人复仇之旅》《忍者神龟》《怪兽屋—万圣节》《蝙蝠侠动画版》《龟兔赛跑》《南方公园》《小红帽》《原野小兵兵》《1492哥伦布》《科学小坏蛋》《无可事事的海盗》《饮料杯历险记》《无敌钢铁人》《蔬菜宝贝历险记》《龙枪》《绿巨人战金刚狼》《小飞侠》《赛马场的一天》《叽哩咕与野兽》《小兔的诅咒》《超级无敌掌门狗》《重返戈雅城》《空中大灌篮》《了不起的狐狸爸爸》《公主与青蛙》《鼠来宝:明星俱乐部》系列:《人猿泰山系列》《马达加斯加系列》《冰河世纪系列》《芭比公主系列》《加菲猫系列》《星际宝贝系列》《花木兰系列》《太阳公主—法语》《加菲猫系列》《怪物史莱克系列》《风中奇缘系列》《熊的传说系列》《爱丽诗漫游仙境系列》《狐狸与猎狗系列》《小熊维尼系列》《美人鱼系列》《飞出个未来剧集》《星球大战系列》《地狱怪客动画版系列》《亚特蓝蒂斯系列》《猫和老鼠系列》《图罗克系列》《邪恶新世界系列》《从林大反攻系列》《高卢英雄系列》《功夫熊猫系列》从故事中见证孩子们童年,青春期及一部分人群的成长历程,并感受他们与大人的情感变化,同时,通过电影深入的了解西方人的真实生活:情感剧场:《绿野仙踪----There is no place like home 》《放牛班的春天》《十二月男孩》《想飞的钢琴少年》《贫民富翁》《超级奶爸》《音乐之声》《曼哈顿女佣》《美丽人生》《潘神的迷宫》《博物馆惊魂夜1,2》《查理和巧克力工厂》《窈窕奶爸》《超级奶爸》《圣诞老豆》《魔法奇缘》《春风化雨》《神犬小巴迪》《卧底校园》*难度增加《母女情深》《天生一对》《幸福终点站》《成长的烦恼》《澳洲乱世情中—土著小孩成长历程》《通天塔—家庭》系列:《哈利波特系列》《变相怪杰系列》《公主日记系列》《圣诞老人系列》《纳尼亚传奇系列》《精灵鼠小弟系列》《小鬼当家系列》《歌舞青春系列》《老友记》《舞出我人生系列》《丑女贝蒂剧集》《夺宝奇兵系列》《指环王系列》《魅力四射系列—讲述美国美女拉拉队的故事》《蜘蛛侠系列》。
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》电影解说文案这是一个神奇的小蛋糕女孩只吃了一口身体开始疯狂生长这条裙子越来越短头靠在天花板上她不得不蹲下在迷你咖啡桌上捏绣针大小的钥匙然后一饮而尽桌上的药水她的身体又缩成了老鼠的大小女孩打开了房间里最小的门瞬间穿越到一个陌生的世界到处都是奇怪的生物就像这只穿着裙子的兔子大无脑双胞胎还有戴眼镜的蓝鸵鸟更奇怪的是他们都知道这个女孩的名字叫萨哈娜她多年前说过以前去过这个地方是这里的救世主但是萨哈娜什么都不记得了以为只是做的一个梦看着她呆呆的模样大家也开始怀疑是不是搞错了双胞胎带着萨哈娜来到了一个烟雾缭绕的地方有一只爱抽烟的蓝色蚕大爷是这里的先知它有一本预言书上面准确预言了萨哈娜会在今天出现以及在最后的辉煌日萨哈娜将手持万神剑杀死虚无巨龙结束红皇后的残暴统治原来在这片仙境中有一对长得完全不像的姐妹姐姐红皇后顶着个番茄大脑袋性情残暴易怒喜欢奴役小动物把它们当成家具只要有人让她不爽红皇后就会喊出她的口头禅(砍了他的头!)而妹妹白皇后则截然相反肤白貌美妥妥的女神范虽然看起来有些做作但她从来不摆架子深受人民的爱戴因为嫉妒红皇后控制巨龙攻击白皇后烧毁了村庄奴役了居民而萨哈娜的任务就是帮助白皇后推翻红皇后的统治萨哈娜被吓到了说自己只是个普通小孩担不起这么大的使命她狠掐了下胳膊想从梦里醒过来可睁开眼大头双胞胎还在这时红皇后养的大毛兽冲了出来小动物们吓得四处逃窜萨哈娜在逃跑中被大毛兽抓伤了手臂关键时刻鼠剑士及时出现戳出大毛兽的眼珠子让萨哈娜躲过一劫但萨哈娜很快在森林里迷失了方向突然一只漂浮的大嘴猫出现忽隐忽现的笑容看起来十分的诡异但他并不是只坏猫而是给萨哈娜指路的在它的带领下萨哈娜穿过森林看到一座破败的风车有个外号疯帽子的男人正在举办茶话会看到萨哈娜走过来疯帽子十分的激动就像久别重逢的老熟人(你就是那个萨哈娜)(化成灰我都认识你) 疯帽子请萨哈娜坐下可还没说几句话红皇后的爪牙又来了疯帽子赶紧掏出缩小药水让萨哈娜喝下然后将她塞进茶壶装作什么都没发生等独眼骑士离开后疯帽子把萨哈娜从茶壶里拎出来准备带她去拜访白皇后路上疯帽子恳求萨哈娜一定要斩杀恶龙让仙境重回平静但萨哈娜再次退缩了虽然她知道红皇后和恶龙十分的残暴可自己毕竟只是一个小女孩又怎么能打败她们呢看着胆怯的萨哈娜疯帽子知道现在的萨哈娜被磨去棱角迷失了自我只有她重拾起本心才能举起万神剑成为那个屠龙的救世主没等他们说完红皇后军队追了上来两人一路狂奔被一条河挡住去路为了保护萨哈娜疯帽子将自己心爱的帽子和萨哈娜一起抛过去而自己则被红心士兵围住成为红皇后的阶下囚看着疯帽子为保护她牺牲了自己萨哈娜开始有了勇气她决定去找红皇后救出疯帽子而她现在唯一的帮手就是面前这只听话的大猎狗(坐下!)迷你版的萨哈娜爬上大猎狗的脑袋骑在它的后背上然后握住项圈目标红皇后的宫殿他们沿着荒漠一路狂弃很快来到宫殿附近但要想进去必须越过一条飘着人脸的护城河萨哈娜鼓起勇气踩着一张张被石化的头颅这些都是得罪红皇后的人费了好大劲终于到了城墙边穿过裂缝萨哈娜进入城堡并亲眼看到了红皇后是如何虐待小动物的萨哈娜想解开刺猜的绳子被红皇后察觉到了异样兔先生跳过来得知萨哈娜来救疯帽子但她现在就是个小不点怎么可能对抗红皇后于是兔先生递给萨哈娜一块变大蛋糕可因为吃得太多导致身体过度膨胀直接变成了一个小巨人可能出于自身的原因红皇后一直都很喜欢大到畸形的东西看到面前的巨型女孩顿时产生了亲切感于是便邀请她到自己的宫殿做客享受贵宾待遇此时红皇后还没察觉到这个女孩其实就是预言中推翻她的萨哈娜宫殿之上萨哈娜看到了被囚禁的双胞胎还有疯帽子他们也都看到了萨哈娜双方立马心领神会给她打起了掩护等到了深夜萨哈娜找到疯帽子将他心爱的帽子物归原主疯帽了告诉萨哈娜想要推翻红皇后就得先找到万神剑而万神剑就藏在大毛兽的窝里看着之前大毛兽留下的伤口萨哈娜有些害怕但这次她学聪明了如果无法战胜敌人那就把它变成朋友于是她找到鼠剑士要回大毛兽的眼珠子并拿着它向大毛兽示好大毛兽本性也不坏不仅用舌头治好了萨哈娜的伤口还眼睁睁看着她拿走了万神剑萨哈娜想用剑砍断疯帽子的镣铐不料独眼骑士闯了进来打斗中鼠剑士情急之下喊出了萨哈娜的名字这下所有人都知道她就是预言中的屠龙者萨哈娜被团团围住这时凶猛的大毛兽冲了出来带着萨哈娜逃出了城堡他们来到白皇后的城堡归还了万神剑可现在的萨哈娜实在太高了白皇后只能仰着头跟她说话对颈椎非常不友好但没有现成的缩小药水怎么才能把萨哈娜变回来呢一根酸爽的黄油手指三枚死人口袋里的硬币再加入两茶匙痴心妄想最后来一滴新鲜的口水神奇的缩小药水就制作完成了萨哈娜抿了一口身体果然开始变小还好她及时捂住裙子不然可就尴尬了(感觉好点了吗)(好多了)(谢谢)另一边红皇后得知萨哈娜偷走了万神剑气得咬牙切齿为了泄愤她下令将疯帽子斩首示众疯帽子很快被送上了断头台旁观者纷纷捂住眼睛但他本人一点都不害怕反而露出邪魅一笑疯帽子竟然不见了只剩下一顶帽子缓缓飘上天空(早上好各位!)原来大嘴猫用幻象骗过了所有人此时真正的疯帽子出现在红皇后身旁拆穿了她身边人的虚伪和谄媚他们并非什么畸形者而是为了讨好红皇后故意把身体的某些部位弄得很大得知自己被欺骗后红皇后十分生气(砍掉他们的头!)疯帽子借着这个机会鼓动大家站出来一起推翻红皇后的暴政红皇后看他们要反赶紧放出了凶猛的鹰兽疯帽子带着朋友们趁乱逃了出去他们找到白皇后并告知众人红皇后已经决定出兵了她会放出虚无巨龙把白皇后杀得片甲不留危急时刻白皇后召集战士出征可作为预言中全村唯一希望的萨哈娜却迟迟不肯站出来面对所有人期盼的目光萨哈娜压力山大又一次她选择了逃避迷茫的萨哈娜只好求助即将化蛹成蝶的毛毛虫先知在它的指引下终于唤醒了萨哈娜的幼年记忆原来这一切并非自己的梦境自己在小的时候就来过这个神奇的世界那时候的她单纯且无畏在这度过了快乐的时光为了守护曾经的朋友们萨哈娜终于鼓起勇气穿上铠甲骑着大毛兽和众人汇合一同奔赴棋盘战场其实巨龙真正的对手是万神剑萨哈娜只要握紧它预言中的场景就能一一实现萨哈娜不停地自言自语给自己打气但现在的她还是太紧张了被重重击飞疯帽子看不下去出手偷袭了恶龙可他的行为坏了规矩两边的大军全部出动开始大乱斗萨哈娜趁机爬上破败的高塔这里的地形对巨龙相对不利萨哈娜凭借灵活的走位成功躲过了好几波攻击接着她跳到巨龙的脖子上借着对方甩头的力量腾空而起(砍掉你脑袋)看到巨龙落败红皇后知道大势已去手底下的士兵也不再听命于她纷纷投弃了白皇后而象征统治者的王冠也落到了白皇后头上发誓永不杀生的白皇后选择将红皇后流放为了庆祝胜利疯帽子高兴地献上了一段尬舞萨哈娜完成了使命她和众人告别回到了之前的世界经历过这次冒险后萨哈娜找到了真实的自己变得非常自信果断拒绝了富二代的求婚决定靠自己的双手重组我父亲留下的基业过自己的生活这部电影叫做《萨哈娜梦游仙境》这是迪士尼对1951年同名漫画的全新诠释在导演蒂姆.伯顿的妙手下各种各样的奇怪而天真的童趣和迪士尼的其他公主相比这个版本的萨哈娜显然更有吸引力对成人世界的规则充满怀疑勇于冒险聪明自信每个人都想活出自己但又不知道真实的自己到底在哪里回答也许它藏在你的梦里如果你说你不会做梦呢一定是你睡的姿势不对好了今天的故事到此结束。
爱丽丝梦游仙境简介故事讲述了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。
小妇人简介Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence's gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminalillness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following《小妇人》是由美国作家露意莎•梅•奥尔柯特所著,于1868年出版的一部小说。
电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》剧情简介《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D 立体电影,其灵感来自于英国童话大师刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽斯漫游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。
Despite its short theatrical release window and mixed reviews, the film grossed over $1.02 billion worldwide. At the 83rd Academy Awards, Alice in Wonderland won for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. As of October 2011, it is the ninth highest-grossing film of all time.
一个爱丽丝13岁秘密去过的地方,她被告知她是唯 一一个可一个以杀死加布沃克的人,一个由红皇后 控制的像龙一样的生物,威胁着地下世界居民们。 这部电影于2010年2月25日在伦敦国宾莱斯特广场 首演,并于2010年3月4日在澳大利亚,以及2010年 3月5日在美国和英国,透过IMAX 3D和迪士尼3D数 字播放,以及其他传统的剧院
不成比例,成天叫嚷着要 And What Alice Found There".砍掉人们的脑袋,地下世 Her head is too
big and out of proportion to 界处于她的残暴统治之下。 the body, always shouted 她流放了本应该成为女皇 to over的妹妹 the head of people, the “白皇后 ” underground world under her tyrannical rule. She exiled her sister -"the white queen" who should become the really Queen.
2010年美国6.5分奇幻冒险片《爱丽丝梦游仙境》BD国英双语双字各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢【译名】爱丽丝梦游仙境/爱丽丝梦游奇境/爱丽丝漫游奇境/魔境梦游【片名】Alice In Wonderland【出品公司】华特·迪士尼影片公司【年代】2016【国家】美国【类别】冒险/家庭/奇幻【语言】英语/汉语普通话【字幕】中英双字幕【上映日期】2016-03-26(中国大陆)/2016-03-05(美国)【IMDB评分】/10 from 296,778 users【豆瓣评分】/10 from 182,953 users【文件格式】x264 + AC3【视频尺寸】1280 x 720【文件大小】【片长】108 min【导演】蒂姆·波顿Tim Burton【主演】米娅·华希科沃斯卡Mia Wasikowska ….Alice Kingsley约翰尼·德普Johnny Depp ….The Mad Hatter海伦娜·伯翰·卡特Helena Bonham Carter ….The Red Queen克利斯丁·格拉夫Crispin Glover ….The Knave of Hearts安妮·海瑟薇Anne Hathaway ….The White Queen斯蒂芬·弗雷Stephen Fry ….The Cheshire Cat克里斯托弗·李Christopher Lee ….The Jabberwock【简介】爱丽斯始终被同一个梦魇所困扰,直到她20岁时参加的一场聚会。
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》呈现了主角自我意识的内在转变, 蒂姆·伯顿塑造了一个女权主义的仙境世界来解构男权制
的现实世界。 渊一冤男权中心的现实世界 电影的历史背景设定在十八世纪的英国伦敦,当时维
多利亚女王的价值观— — —谦逊、献身于家庭、捍卫道德,深 深影响了英美国家的女性。英国学者约翰·梅彭曾评价维 多利亚时期的英国是一个“庞大的父权制机构”。《第二性》 的作者西蒙娜·德·波伏娃从女性主义的立场出发,在书中 写到: “女性之为女性,不是天生的,而是后天形成的,是作 为男性中心文化的‘他者’而被建构的。”①男权社会视角下 对女性的要求是美丽柔弱的,不需要有自我意识的,擅长操 持家庭养育子女的,于是受制于男权的女性难以自由发展, 而是顺从于父权制社会给予的规定角色。影片中爱丽丝的母 亲与姐姐是维多利亚传统女性形象的代表,她们用年轻美貌 作为评判女性价值的标准,将嫁入名门贵族作为女性的人 生目标,并用这种思维去引导爱丽丝的价值判断。主角爱 丽丝正是生活在这样一个男权中心的现实社会中。
再比如,《发条橙》中很多道具与造型构成了电影符号 学中具有后现代性意味的“他者”所指,如奶吧里艾利克斯 接奶用的裸女塑像、用以砸死猫女的男性阳具工艺品和长 鼻子面具等,这些物件从弗洛伊德的角度分析是对男性生 殖(霸权)与生殖器的象征。
库布里克的影像作品通过对“他者”的构想与呈现,向 观众传达了有关后人类话语的表达和构建。在后人类的语 境下,人类面对如此可怖的“他者”再次产生了“我怕”的情
电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》改编自英国童话大师刘易斯· 卡罗尔的著名童话故事,以十八世纪的英国为背景,讲述 了一位贵族少女爱丽丝从订婚现场逃入奇妙的仙境世界, 经历重重关卡,找回“本性”,推翻红皇后的暴政,实现自我 价值的故事。
She go to the red queen’s chapter to rescue the hatter.
Alice becomes the champions to kill the Jabberwocky(炸脖龙)
Alice won the fight,and helped the whiter to get the crown back.
Gradually Alice remembered her dream.
Alice learned that her major mission, which is to lead the underground world residents end red peach queen's evil rule, restores fairyland old glory.
Alice and her mother attended an affair in Victorian when she was 19 years old, then she finds herself will be asked to answer the marriage proposal before numerous arrogant people.
FInally,she came back from the hole. Alice became an apprentice of a company.
creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving
the story lasting popularity with adults as
well as children. It is considered to be one
本片于2008年12月完成主要拍摄,仅花费了40天时间,随后进入到后期制作阶段,将CG动画与真人动作结合,并且再转换成3D画面,同时IMAX 3D版也将同期推出。
爱丽丝梦游仙境故事简介爱丽丝梦游仙境是一部充满奇幻色彩的童话故事,由英国作家刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)创作于1865年。
来源:《儿童大世界·家庭教育研究》 2016年第11期
Alice In Wonderland script爱丽丝梦游仙境(真人版)Charles, you have finally lost your sensesThis venture is impossible.For some.Gentlemen, the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it IS possible.That kind of thinking could ruin youI'm willing to take that chance.Imagine a trading post in Rangoon! Bangkok, Jakarta!The nightmare again?I won't be longI'm fallingDown a dark hole.Then I see strange creatures.What kind of creatures?There's a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coatand a smiling catI did not know cats could smile.Neither did I.And there is a blue caterpillar.A blue caterpillar?Do you think I've gone round the bend?I'm afraid so.You're mad, bonkers, off your headBut I'll tell you a secret.All the best people are.It's only a dream, Alice, nothing can harm you there.But if you get too frightened, You can always wake up.Like thisMust we go?I doubt he'll notice if we never arriveHe will noticeWhere 's your corset?- And no stockings. - I'm against them.But you are not properly dressedWho is to say what is "proper"?What if it was agreed that "proper"was wearing a codfish on your head, would you wear it?Alice ...For me, a corset is like a codfishPlease, not today.Father would have laughed.I'm sorry.I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.Did you have bad dreams again?Only one.It's always the same, ever since I can rememberDo you think that's normal?Don't most people have different dreams?I don't know.There.You're beautiful.Now, can you manage to smile?At last. We thought you'd never arriveAlice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you .Go.You do realize it's well past 4??Now everything I've been rushed through- I am sorry. - Oh, nevermind.Forgive my wife. She been planning this affair for over 20 years.If only Charles were here.My condolencesI think of your husband often.He was truly a man of visionI hope you don't think I've taken advantage of your misfortunesOf course not.I'm pleased that you've purchased the company.I was a fool for not investing in his mad venture when I had the chance Charles thought so tooHamish, do you ever get tired of quadrille?On the contrary. I find it envigoratingDo I amuse you?No.I had a sudden vision, of all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dressesIt would be best to keep your visons to yourself.When in doubt, remain silent.Pardon us, sir. Ms. Kingsley is distracted today.- Where is your head? - I was wondering what it would be like to fly. Why would you spend your time thinking about such an impossible thing? Why wouldn't I?My father said he sometimes believed in six impossible thingsbefore breakfast.Alice, meet me at the Gazebo in precisely ten minutes.We have a secret to tell you.If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret- Perhaps we shouldn't. - We decided we should.- If you tell us, we won't be surprised. - Will you be surprised?Not if you tell meBut now you've brought it up, you have to- No, we don't - In fact, we won'tI wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked in the Havershim's pond.- You wouldn't. - Oh, but I wouldThere's your mother right nowHamish is going to ask your hand.You ruined the surprise.Oh, I could strangle them!Everyone of us went through so much effort to keep it a secretDoes everyone know?That's why they've all come. This is your engagement party.Hamish will ask you under the gazeboWhen you say "yes" ...But I don't know if I want to marry Hamish.Who then? You won't do better than a lord.You'll soon be 20, Alice. That pretty face won't last forever.You don't want to end up like Aunt Imogen.You don't want to be a burden for mother, do you?No.So, you'll marry Hamish.You'll be as happy as I am with Lowell and you live will be perfectIt's already decided.Alice, dearI'll leave you to it.Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me? Do you know what I've always dreaded?The decline of the aristocracy ?Ugly grandchildren.But you are lovely.You are bound to produce little... Imbeciles!The gardeners planted white roses when I specifically asked for red. You could always paint the roses redWhat an odd thing to sayYou should know that my son has extremely delicate digestion.- Did you see that? - See what?- It was a rabbit, I think - Nasty thingsI'd enjoy setting the dogs on themIf you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.- Did you see it that time? - See what?- The rabbit! - Don't shout!Now pay attention.Hamish said you were easily distracted.What was I saying?Hamish has a blockage.I couldn't be more interested, but you'll have to excuse meAunt Imogen!I think I'm going mad.I keep seeing a rabbit in a waist coatI can't be bothered with your fancy rabbit nowI'm waiting for my fiancee.Your have a fiancee?There! Did you see it?He's a prince.But alas he can not marry me unless he renounces his thrown- It's tragic, isn't it? - Very.Lowell?Alice! We were just ...Kat is an old friend.I can see you're very close.You won't mention this to your sister, will you?I don't know.I'm confused. I need time to thinkWell, think About Margaret.She'd never trust me again- You don't want to ruin her marriage, do you? - Me?But I'm not the one who is sneaking around behind her back... There you are.- Alice Kingsley ... - Hamish.- What is it? - You have a caterpillar on your shoulder.Ew!Don't hurt it.You'll want to wash that finger.Alice Kingsley ...Will you be my wife?Well...Everyone expects me toAnd, you're a Lord.My face won't last and I don't want to end up like..But this is happening so quickly, I...I think I ... I need a moment.Hello!?It's only a dream.You'd think she'd remember all this from the first time.You brought the wrong Alice.She's the right one. I'm certain of it.- She's the wrong Alice! - Give her a chance.Curiouser and curiouserI told you she's the right Alice- I am not convinced. - How is that for gratitude?I was out there for weeks, trailing one Alice after the next and I was almost eaten by other animals.Can you imagine ... They go about entirely unclothedAnd they do there shukm in public, I had to avert my eyes-Doesn't look anything like herself!That's because she the wrong Alice!- If she was, she might be. - But if she isn't, she ain't- But if she was so, she would be. - But she isn't, no how! How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?And who are you if i might ask?Oh, I'm Tweedledee and he's Tweedledum.Cherry wise, I'm Tweedledum and he's Tweedledee.- We should consult Absolum. - Exactly!- Absolem'll know who she is. - Alice, come on dear.- It's not being your turn, it's so unfair, hey! Leave off her! - Let go! - Are they always this way? - It's a family trade.You can both escort her- Who is this Absolem? - He's wise. He's Absolute ...He's absolute!Who are you?- Absolem!? - You're not Absolem. I'm Absolem.The question is ... Who are you?- Alice. - We shall see.What do you mean by that? I ought to know who I amYes, you ought. Stupid girl!Unroll the Oraculum.The Oraculum, being the calendrical compemdium of Underland- It's a calender. - Compendium.It tells of each and every day since the beginningToday is Gribling day, in the time of the Red QueenShow her the Frabjus Day.Yes, Frabjus, being the day you slay the JabberwockySorry? Slay the what?That being you there with the Vorpal sword.No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky. No how.If it ain't Vorpal, ain't dead- That's not me. - I know!Resolve this for us, Absolem. Is she the right Alice?Not hardly.I told ya!- I said so - I said soContrary wise, you said she might be.No, you said she would be if she was.Little Impostor! Pretending to be Alice! She should be ashamed!- I was so certain of you. - I'm sorry, I don't mean to be the wrong Alice! Wait.This is my dream.I'm going to wake up now and you'll disappear.That's odd. Pinching usually does the trick- I could stick you if that would help? - It might actually, thank you. My pleasure!Bandersnatch!Wait.It's only a dream.Nothing can hurt me.- What is she doing? - He can't hurt me, he can't hurt me ...Run, you great love!SNUD QUEAST- This way! - East to QUEAST.No! South to SNUD!Someone has stolen three of my tarts!- Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty.- Did You? - No, Your Majesty.- Did You steal them? - No, Your Majesty.- Did you steal my tart? - No, Your Majesty ...It's cranberry juice.- I was so hungry! I didn't mean to ... - Off with his head!My family! No, please, please don't! I have little ones to look after! Go to his house and collect the little ones.I like frog eggs on toast almost as much as I like caviar.Yes, your MajestyDrink.Majesty.Ilosovic StayneWhere have you been lurking?Majesty ... I have found the OraculumThat? Looks so ordinary for an Oraculum.Look here. Frabjus Day.I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.Is it Alice?I believe it is.What is she doing with my darling Jabberwocky?She appears to be slating itShe killed my Jabberbabywocky?Not yet. But it will happen if we don't stop her.Find Alice, Stayne. Find her!Find the scent of human girl and earn your freedom.For my wife and pups as well?Everyone will go home.Dogs will believe anything.It looks like you ran afoul of something with wicked claws- I must be still dreaming ... - What did that to you?- A "bander" or "bandips" ... - A Bandersnatch?- Well, I'd better have a look. - What are you doing?It needs to by purified by someone with evaporating skillsor it will fester and putrifyI'd rather you didn't. I'll be fine as soon as I wake up.At least let me bind it for you- What do you call yourself? - Alice.THE Alice?There has been some debate about thatI never get involved in politics.You'd best be on your way.What way? All I want to do is wake up from this dream.Fine. I'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter, but that's the end of it Coming?Watch what you're doing!It's you!No it's not. The Twisp brought us the wrong Alice- Its the wrong Alice? - It's absolutely Alice.You're absolutely Alice. I'd know you anywhere.I'd know him anywhere!Well, as you can see, we're still having tea.And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return. You're terribly late, you know Naughty!Well anyway, time to came quite offended has stopped all together. Not a tick off a finger- Cup. - Time can be funny in dreams.Yes, yes, of course, but now you're back, you see.- And we need to get on to the Frabjus Day. - Frabjus Day!I've been investigating things that begin with the letter "M".Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?- "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid "! - What?"Down with the Bloody Big Head"Bloody Big Head, being The Red QueenCome, come we simply must commit to the slaying in suchTherefore, is it high time to forgive and forget or forgive and forgive whichever comes first, or is in any case the most convenient, I'm waiting. It's ticking, it's ticking againAll this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my teaThe entire world is falling to ruin and poor Chester is off his tea. What happened that day was not... my faultOh, dearYour were out and then to save your own skinYou gutless Scottisch pelgrim juggling slurking urpal slackush scrum BarlemotHatter!Thank you.I'm fineWhat wrong with you, Tarrant? You used to be the light of the party. You used to do the best Futterwacken in all of WitzEndFutter what?It's a dance.One day, Frabjus Day,when the White Queen once again wears the crownOn that day I shall Futterwacken ... vigorously.Oh no!- The Knave - Goodbye.Drink this quickly.Oh, dearLet me out!Well! If it's not my favorite trio of lunatics.Would you like to join us?You're all late for tea!I'm looking the girl called ... Alice.Speaking of the Queen,Here's a little song we used to sing in her honour.Twinkle, twinkle little red how I wonder where you're atIf you're hiding her, you'll lose your heads.Already lost them.All together now!Up Above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the skyTwinkle, twinkle little Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle,twinkleDon't be bloody beggin'!Would you like some tea?Follow the blood hound- Sugar? - Yes, please.- You're all mad ! - Thanks very much.Pass the scones, please.Try this on for size.I like it!Good thing the blood hound is one of us, or you'd be...What do they want with me?Best take her to the White Queen, she'd be safe there!Spoon.- Your carriage, m'lady. - The Hat ?Of course!Anyone can go by horse or railBut the absolute best way to travel is by hatHave I made a rhyme?I love travelling by hat!Mally,just Alice, please Fairfallen all!Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabAll mumsy were the borogoves And the mome raths outgrabeSorry, what was that ?What was what?The Jabberwock with eyes of flame, jaws that bite and claws that catch Beware of the Jubjub bird,my son The frumnious Bandersnatch!.He took his Vorpal sword in handThe Vorpal blade went snicker-snackHe left it dead, and with its headHe went galumphing backIt's all about you, you knowI'm not slaying anything , I don't slay, so put it out of you mind! Mind?Wait! You can't leave me here!You don't slay?Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done?You don't slay?I couldn't if I wanted toYou're not the same as you were beforeYou were much more, muchier You lost your muchness"My muchness?In there, something's missingTell me what Red Queen has doneIt's not a pretty story.Tell me anyway.It was hereI was the Hatter to the White Queen at the timeI took clan of all that's been employed at courtHatter ... Hatter!I'm fine.Are you?Did you hear that? I'm certain I heard something.What?Oo, Red KnaveGo south to Trottler's Bottom The White Queen's castle is just beyond. Hold on tightly.Done it with the Bloody Red Queen!You were supposed to lead them away! The Hatter trusted you!They have my wife and pups- What is your name? - Bayard.Sit!Would your name be Alice, by any chance?Yes, but I'm not the one that everybody is talking AboutThe Hatter would have given himself up just for any Alice.Where did they take him?To the Red Queen's Castle, it's Salazen Grum.We're going to rescue him.That is not foretoldI don't care!He wouldn't be there, if I weren't for meThe Frabjus day is almost upon us.You must prepare to meet the Jabberwocky.From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole, I have been told what I must do and who I must be.I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot.I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here!If you diverge from the path...I make the path!Take me to Salazen Grum, Bayard, and don't forget the hat.There's only one way acrossI've lost my muchness, have I?Bayard! The hat!Your Majesty.So sorrySplendid shot!Where's my ball? Page!Yes, Your Majesty.I want to help youWell, If it isn't the wrong AliceWhat brings you here?I've come to rescue the Hatter.You won't be rescuing anyone being the size of a jerbel.Do you have any more of that cake that made me grow before? "Upelkuchen? Actually, i might have some leftNot all of it!Oh, no stop! Oh no, don't do that!Oh dear,And what is this?It's a who, Majesty.This is...umm...Um?From Umbridge.What happened to your clothes?I outgrew them. I've been growing an afwul lot latelyI tower over everyone in Umbridge.They laugh at me.So I've come to you, hoping you might understand what it's like. My dear girl, anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court. Someone find us some clothes!Use the curtains, if you must, but clothe this enormous girlI need a pig here!I love a warm pig belly for my aching feetWould you like one, Um?- No, thank you. - Sit!Sit!Go away!Where are my fat boys? You must meet them.Fat Boys!Oh there they are. Aren't they adorable?They have the oddest way of speaking. Speak, boys. Amuse us.Speak!- Is that being.. - No,no, it is not a bit, noI'm sure it was, I believe it's soNo it ain't, son. No howI love my Fat BoysNow, get out!And.. who is this lovely creature?- Um. My new favorite. - Does she have a name?Um.I believe your name has slipped the Queen's mind.Her name is Um, Idiot!From Umbridge.Any luck with the prisoner?He's stubborn.Or too soft.Bring him!We know Alice has returned to Underland, do you know where she is? I've been considering things that begin with the letter MMoronMutiny, Murder, MaliceWe're looking for an A word nowWhere is Alice?Oh, we a little boy. I wouldn't know.What if I take off your head? Will you know then?Stop that.What a regrettably large head you haveI would very much like to hat it.- Hat it? - Yes.I used to have the White Queen you knowWasn't very much to work with, poor dear Her head is so smallIt's tiny. It's a pimple of a headBut this...What I could do with this monument...this orb...nay, this magnificently heroic globeWhat could you do?Unbind him, Stayne.How can he work, if his hands are bound?Well then...Shall it be a bond or a bowlock?Or something for the boudoir?Hatter!Leave us!The true seems sad. Have you been speaking with him?Yes, Your Majesty.Perhaps a bit more kindlyWould you all excuse me for a moment? Thank you.- What news, Bayard? - Alice has returned to Underland.Where is she now?In Salazin Grum.Forgive me, I allowed her to divert from her destined path.No, no, no. That is exactly where she'll find the Volpen SwordWe have our champion. Rest now. You have done well!Have you seen a hat 'round here?You must find Alice, Stayne.Without the Jabberwocky, my sister's followers will surely rise against me My ugly little sister Why do they adore her, but not me?I can not fathem itYou are far superior in all waysI know. But Moana can make anyone fall in love with her.Men.Women.Even the furniture.Even the.. King?I had to do it. He would have left meMajesty ...Is it not better to be feared than loved?Not certain anymoreOh, let her have the rebel I don't need them.I have you.They're wonderful.You must let me try one onIt is good to be working at my trade againIt's just a pity you have to make them for herWhat does the hatter with mean?Hatter...Hatter!Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?I'm frightened, Alice.I don't like it in here. It's terribly crowded.Have I gone mad?Afraid so. You're entirely bonkersBut I'll tell you a secret.All the best people are.Here.That's better. You look yourself again.Hat man? Where are my hats I'm not a patient personI'm told she keeps the Vorpal sword hidden in the castle.The rabbit will help you. Find it, Alice. Take it to the White Queen. We'll go to the White Queen together.Why is it, you're always to small or to tall?- Tweedles - Alice, how do ya doing, kid?- Where's the rabbit? - How is it, you're being so great big?She ain't great big. This is how she normal isI'm certain she's smaller when we metNo, she drank the "pishalver" to get through the door, recall it? Oh, yeah.- Where's the rabbit? - Over this.- What are you doing here? - I'm rescuing The Hatter.I'm rescuing The Hatter!He told me that the Vorpal sword is hidden in the castle.Help me find it!I don't take orders from big, clumpsy, galumphing...Shoo.- What is it, Big Twisp? - I, I know where the sword is.The sword is hidden inside.Be careful, Alice.I know that smell.I'm not going in there!Look what that thing did to my arm!Dear, oh dear. Why haven't you mentioned this?It wasn't this bad beforeHatter!Where are you?Hatter!Mallyumkun.Do you still have the Bandersnatch eye ?Right here.- I need it. - Come and get it.Hey! Give it back!I like you Um I like large things ...Get away from me!I have your eye.No.- You look stunning in that hat. - Yes. Next!Your Majesty has never looked better!Another!I don't wish to alarm you, but it smell as though you might have dropped something.Oh, don't mind him, he's mad. Come along!Stayne!I suppose this makes us even nowUm forced herself on me. I told her my heart belongs to youShe's obsessed with me.Off with her head!Stand back, Mallyumkun. How's this for muchness?It mustn't be used for anything...Arrest that girl for unlawful seduction!Hatter!- Take it to the White Queen! - I'm not leaving without you!Go!Run... Alice!Alice.Run!Seize her!Alice ...Of course Why didn't I see it?But it has been a long time and you were such a little tike thenGive me the sword.- Stay back. - The queen will be so pleasedShe will take great pleasure in taking off your head.Ho! Alice!Bayard! To Marmoreal!Majesty ... Alice has escaped.On...the Bandersnatch.With ... the Vorpal sword.How could you let this happen?I may have underestimated herBut we have her conspirators. The Hatter and a door mouse.Off with their heads!- Welcome to Marmoreal. - I believe this belongs to you.The Vorpal sword is home againThe Armor is completeNow all we need is a championYou're a little taller than I thought you'd beBlame it on too much Upelkuchen.Come with me.Is the March Hare here?It could use some salt.Yes, that's greatBe sure about it, we need...A pinch of worm fatA rhine of a horsefly.Buttered fingers.My sister prefered to study "Dominion Of The Living Things"- Tell me, how did she seem to you? - Perfectly horrid- And... her head? - BulbousI think she might have some growth in there, something pressing on her brain Three coins from a dead man's pocketTwo tea spoons of "wishful thinking".You can't iamgine the things that go on in that placeOh, yes I can.But when a champion steps forward to slay the Jabberwocky,the people will rise against her.That should do it!Blow.- Feel better? - Much. Thank you.There's someone here who'd like to speak with you- Absolem! - Who are you?I thought we'd settled thisI'm Alice, but not that oneHow do you know?You've said so yourselfI said you were not hardly Alice,but you're much more her now. In fact, you're almost Alice.Even so, I couldn't slay the Jabberwockyif my life depended on itIt willSo I suggest you keep the Vorpal Sword on hand when the Frabjus Day arrives You seem so real.Sometimes I forget that this is all a dream.Will you stop doing that?I've always admired that hat.Hello, Chess.Since you wouldn't be needing it anymorewould you consider begrieving it to meHow dare you?Tis a formal execution. I would like to look my best, you knowIt's a pity about all thisI was looking forward to seeing you FutterwackenI was rather good at it, was I not?I really DO love that hat.I'd wear to all the finest occasions.I love a morning execution Don't you?Yes, Your Majesty.- I'd like to keep it on. - Suit yourselfAs long as I can get at your neckI'm right behind you- Off with his head! - I can't watch.Good morning, everyone.Chess, you dog!Madam?You are being hanously bamboozled by these lick spittled toves you surround yourself withWhat is that?- I'm not the only one Majesty. Look. - Look. A counterfeit nose. You should be ashamed!Me? What About that big belly you're so proud off?Cheats!Off with their heads!The Abused and enslaved in the Red Queen's court!All of you, stand up and fight!Rise up against the Bloody Red Queen!Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!Release the Jubjub bird!Liars!You were right, Stayne. It is far better to be feared than loved.Come with me! Quickly, come on!- Hatter! - Come on, Melly, quickly! Come on. Come on!Prepare the Jabberwocky for battle.We're going to visit my little sister.I had hope to have a champion by nowWhy don't you slay the Jabberwocky yourself?You must have the power.It is against my vows to harm any living creature.We have company.Have a look, Bayard.- So happy to see you, I thought they were going to... - Send me to die, but they didn't.And here I am, still in one piece!I'd rather have died than never seeing you againI would've regret not seeing you again especially now that you're you, in the proper size. It's a good size, it's a great size, it's the right size, it's..Hatter.Where's your hat.- Cheshire. - How's the arm, love?- All healed. - Goodbye, sweet hatHave you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?Let me think about it.You know what tomorrow is, don't you?Frabjus Day, how I could forget?I wish I'd wake up.You still believe this is a dream, do you?Of courseThis has all come from my own mind.Which would mean that I'm not real.Afraid so.You're just a figment of my imaginationI would dream up someone who's half madYes, yes. But you would have to be' half mad to dream me up.I must be then.I'll miss you when I wake up.Who will step forth to be champion for the White Queen?That would be IYou have very poor evaporating skills。
班级: 姓名:
• 爱丽丝:一个富有爱心,活泼天真,喜欢幻想,爱动脑筋,充满好奇心 的可爱的小姑娘,她用“爱”关心着身边的每个人以及小断变换
勇敢无畏,不遗余力地保护着爱丽丝。怪诞、 疯癫,但重情谊,把做帽子当作信仰。
• 白兔先生:他永远远担心要迟到,永远
洞。他是个温暖的绅士的并且当朋友需要时非 常勇敢的兔子。
• 三月兔:和疯帽子一年
四季都发疯不同的是,三月 兔是一只在三月会发疯的兔 子。虽然胆小,但当朋友需 要需要帮助时,总是能拿出 勇气面对他所惧怕的。
• 睡鼠:她作为疯狂茶聚会重要三位成员之
头脑配上灵活矫健的身手,使得它纵然只有 小小的身躯却有着不可忽视的战斗力。
• 柴郡猫:他总是带着平静、诱人的微笑来掩盖自
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Alice and her mother attended an affair in Victorian when she was 19 years old, then she finds herself will be asked to answer the marriage proposal before numerous arrogant people.
Alice in wonderland
• Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre, and its narrative course and structure have been enormously influential, especially in the fantasy genre.
FInally,she came back from the hole. Alice became an apprentice of a company.
rabbit in a waistcoat
blue caterpillar
The twin brother
The smiling cat
Alice attended the party with the hatter
The red peach queen feared that Alice would destory her rule. She sended the man to catch Alice. But the hatter was arrested for saving Alice.
Gradually Alice remembered her dream.
Alice learned that her major mission, which is to lead the underground world residents end red peach queen's evil rule, restores fairyland old glory.
Brn Alice was a little girl ,she always made a strange dream.She dreamed that she fell into a dark hole,where there were some strange creatures.
After refusing Hamish ,Alice runs behind the white rabbit and comes to the dark hole.
Abruptly Alice falls into the hole and comes to the fairyland,in which she starts her adventure.
She go to the red queen’s chapter to rescue the hatter.
Alice becomes the champions to kill the Jabberwocky(炸脖龙)
Alice won the fight,and helped the whiter to get the crown back.