
普罗旺斯(Provence)是古罗马的一个行省,现为法国东南 部的一个地区,毗邻地中海,和意大利接壤。 普罗旺斯境内有艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)、马赛等名城, 并出产优质的桃红葡萄酒。此地区、阳光明媚、风景优美,从 古希腊、古罗马时代起就吸引着无数游人,至今依然是旅游胜 地。普罗旺斯不仅是薰衣草之乡,也是法国最古老的桃红葡萄 酒产区。
allows legend unclean thing betray oneself .. As the travelers were ready and started a long journey, the lavender hidden in the girl's coat was thrown to young people . Unexpectedly, with a flurry of purple mist,he vanished in the wind ! The girl in the valley seemed to be faint to hear younger's laughter, and thus, leaving the single girl ... not long before the man actually had disappeared, the young girl like illusion of light smoke disappearing in the valley.It was also said that she followed the fragrant roses to look for young people .In any event, the legendary story of lavender was handed down. Until now, the lavender, is regarded as the perfume of the important tools,which can get rid of impurity .

关于普罗旺斯的英语作文附中文翻译六篇关于普罗旺斯的英语作文1The history, culture and government area of Provence. Francy Provence on the southeast coast is a part of Gallia narbonensis in Rome. With the collapse of the Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century, it was successively invaded by the Visigoths and Burgundians.In the th century, it was ruled by the Franks. It participated in the albicans crusade. The Romanesque architecture of Provence is an outstanding cultural achievement in the middle ages.During the French Revolution, Provence suffered in the religious war of the century. It lost its political structure and was divided into several parts. The historical area of Provence is roughly the same as Provence's current blue coast (POP: square miles) and the capital, Provence, Marseilles.普罗旺斯历史、文化和政府区域,东南沿海的弗朗西普罗旺斯是罗马Gallia Narbonensis的一部分,随着罗马帝国在5世纪末的崩溃,它先后被西哥特人、勃艮第人入侵。
英文 最向往的地方---法国普罗旺斯

Endless romantic ProvenceI have seen lots of articles and films congcerning Provence,France.Consequently,I’am deeply fascinated by the beautiful city full of purple lavender.If I have an opportunity to go to Provence to feel the bright sunshine and the rich aroma,I won’t miss it.Provence is regarded as Europe's “City of Knight”, gets its name from the movie “on the roof of the Light Cavalry”. Even though I haven’t seen that film, I still can imagine that when the male and the famale met at Provence riding on the vast and grand land, everything there became relaxed and refreshing.It is early summer of the Kingdom of lavender.It was said that a moving story had happened here.A girl occasionaly rescued a handsome youth who is seriously injured. Recovery of the day, love is no separation of the two.In spite of their opposition,the girl decided to run away with her lover. For the sake of testing each other’s sincerity,the girl threw a lot of lavender to the young man , purple Smoke rises suddenly,and then two of them disappeared.Provence is a dream place of beginning, the beginning place of love.Provence is a portry of life-long love,and its romance will be endless.。
普罗旺斯---紫色薰衣草的国度 英文介绍

If you are going to Europe, you might consider taking some time to visit Provence. Whether you are interested in beautiful places, ancient history, good food and wine, or music and theater, Provence has something to offer even the pickiest traveler.如果你要去欧洲旅行,或许可以考虑花点时间去游览普罗旺斯。
Provence is in the south of France. It is picture-perfect3 with its green hills, olive trees, and old towns with pretty houses. Here, visitors can find forests, colorful flowers, horses, and warm people with ready smiles.普罗旺斯位于法国南部。

对普罗旺斯的记忆,是漫天遍野弥散的熏衣草香,是深邃的酒窖里回荡的源远流长;是铭刻在尼斯街道的热力阳光,是嘎纳蓝色大海、红色岩石赋予的浮想联翩,是散落在年复一年葡萄枝头的硕果,是桃红葡萄酒细润、醉人的芬芳……Provence,theheartofProvence,isinthehillsthatbindtheseatothealps.Thesearetheslopingviney ards;thecultivatedlandsandthecolorfulscenerythatcharmedCeza nne(AixenProvence),VanGogh(Arles),ChagallorGiono.InProvenceortheMidithelocalpeoplehaveasoftsingingaccentw hichevokestheirwholerelaxedlifestyle.Theyhavenogreaterpleas ureafteraharddaysworkthantoenjoyadeliciousandhardymealshare dwithfriends.ThisisthepicturesqueProvenceofPagnol,Raimu,andFernandel.相关阅读:普罗旺斯人文风情普罗旺斯位于法国南部,从诞生之日起,就谨慎地保守着她的秘密,直到英国人彼得·梅尔的到来,普罗旺斯许久以来独特生活风格的面纱才渐渐揭开。

Becoming a "blue coast" in people's mind,Provence is now one of the world's most well-known tourist destinations. 普罗旺斯(Provence) 现在 是世界上最知名的观光胜地 之一,成为人们向往的“蔚 一 成为人们向往的“ 蓝海岸”。 ”
• So come and join me, • let's take a travel to Provence
We can take a bird-view of the small house from the high
在丘陵之间错落有致的小房子, 在丘陵之间错落有致的小房子,融入到周围的景色中
淡紫的山岭、晴朗湛蓝 的天空、如火焰般绚丽 的向日葵、阳光下银子 般闪亮的橄榄树......
City of warm climate
Mountains north of the city have helped block the wind,and the sea has brought about warm climate to the city
We can misscross picture-like alleys
To enjoy the smell of nature
鲜花和绿叶拥抱着普罗旺斯 (Provence) 的城市
to listen to the sound of ice melting

这里的房屋相当迷人,房子外观呈现出深浅不一的 红褐色,但这里的房屋又不是单调的只给你一种中 红的视觉感,普罗旺斯的居民擅长用不同的颜色点 缀自家的外观,不论是各种颜色的门、窗,或者是 窗口边上的盆栽、墙壁上的装饰等等,综合起来给 人一派法式优雅的不过份甜腻、适当恰好的味道。
泉水城是一个座落在碧水流淌,青山环绕之中的 世外桃源。这座小镇的历史可以追溯到公元六世 纪,有法国最大的泉水,每年泉水流量六亿三千 万立方米,世界排名第5位。现有六百多位常住 居民,盛夏时节,这里吸引着数以万计的游客来 这里渡假避暑。整个小镇都是绕河而建,沿着泉 水边有很多商店和咖啡馆,商店里出售各式各样 的工艺品,穿过小小的隧道转到山后,一弯山涧 横入眼帘。对面笔直的六棵松树一字排开,直指 山顶的古堡遗迹。依山傍水,古典城堡,绿茵鸟 鸣。伴随着轻快的泉水之声,悠闲漫步于葱翠的 山林之间,遐意舒畅不可言语。
普罗旺斯是欧洲的“骑士之 城”,是中世纪重要文学体 裁骑士抒情诗的发源地。
每年7-8月间的薰衣草迎风绽 放,浓艳的色彩装饰翠绿的山 谷,微微辛辣的香味混合着被 晒焦的青草芬芳,交织成法国 南部最令人难忘的气息。
这里的街道、房屋、酒吧,到处充满了浓 厚的艺术气息。古罗马的建筑(阿尔人是 古罗马人的后裔)、艺术家的作品、生活 在现代文明社会的人,在这里和谐相处, 宁静美好。这里每年7月,还会举办一个 很时髦的国际摄影节,在石头古巷和小广 场上,展览当今缔造潮流的大摄影师和风 流人物。 还有中世纪城堡和整齐的薰衣草田。
这里没有薰衣草,也没有向日葵,只是一座在山 顶的石头小镇,小城虽然不大,却很有特色。
小镇在一座小山之上,整座城市的建筑都是就地 取材用当地的花岗岩制成。房子、围墙、还有市 中心的小城堡,都用石头制成。村民比较会选址, 这座小山是周边最高的一座小丘陵,站在城市的 看周围的风景很不错,一望无际的田园风光。

法国的英文名词一、名词:France1. 英语释义:a country in Western Europe.2. 短语- France team(法国队)- the history of France(法国历史)- France culture(法国文化)3. 用法:通常作为专有名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等。
例如:France is famous for its wine.(法国以其葡萄酒而闻名。
)4. 双语例句- I want to visit France next year.(我想明年去法国旅游。
)- France has a long coastline.(法国有漫长的海岸线。
)二、名词:Frenchman/Frenchwoman(法国人,单数形式,复数分别为Frenchmen/Frenchwomen)1. 英语释义:a native or inhabitant of France.2. 短语- a young Frenchman(一个年轻的法国人)- Frenchmen in Paris(在巴黎的法国人)3. 用法:可在句中作主语、宾语等。
例如:The Frenchman speaks English very well.(这个法国人英语说得很好。
)4. 双语例句- A Frenchwoman showed us the way to the museum.(一位法国女士给我们指了去博物馆的路。
)- These Frenchmen are good at cooking.(这些法国人擅长烹饪。
)三、名词:French(法语;法国人,作“法国人”时是集合名词)1. 英语释义- as a language: the Romance language spoken in France and parts of Switzerland, Belgium, etc.- as people: the people of France.2. 短语- speak French(说法语)- French class(法语课)- French literature(法国文学)3. 用法- 表示“法语”时,是不可数名词。

Besides lavender, Provence has many other places which are worth seeing. Provence has many beautiful old-fashioned towns remaining traditional styles. Wandering in the street, you can see antique, elegant or Gothic buildings
in the words of many famous writers, Provence is not only a name of place, but also represents A kind of easy and relaxing lifestyle, it is like a paradise ,because of its climate wind and lavender, the climate of Provence is famous for its sunshine. It is warm and dry. In whatever season, you can enjoy the beauty of sun-shine. The sunshine is of a great help to the growing of grapes and lavender.
in the months of July and august in Provence, it’s the flower of lavender fields, the sweet purple flowers are in full bloom in the wind ,there is always the smell of lavender in the air of Provence ,and you never find the smell in any other place.

ProvenceProvence in the south of France, extending from the Mediterranean coast to the inland hilly areas, Phone middle rivers flow through, a lot of historical towns, has since ancient times to Beautiful sunshine and blue skies, the world stunningFrom the day of its birth, the Provence in southern France (Provence) adhere to prudent tenure her secret, until the British彼得梅尔arrival Provence long time since the unique life style of the veil was gradually opened. Mel works in the "Provence" is no longer a purely geographical names, but also represent a simple ease and relaxed慵懒lifestyle; a宠辱不惊see Pretrial flowers Whispering; stay unintentionally, wang sky云卷云舒the carefree mood.Today, the influx of millions of people each year several of the Provence and the southern coast of the blue, it is difficult person pictorial and novels depicting the landscape in the leisurely unbelievable, if travel is to shake off the shackles of life, will let you forget all Provence .Initial Provence Alps from the north, south to the Pyrenees, including the entire southern region of France. The Roman Empire period, Provence was listed as their respective provinces. Along with the decline in ancient Rome, Provence has been controlled by other forces ... Frank, Saracens, feudal lords, but also the French Empire was carved up with the pope. Of this, the scope of the history of Provence boundaries changed greatly.18 end of the century during the Great Revolution, France was divided into five different administrative provinces, Provence is one of them. By the 1960s, administrative provinces has been regrouping divided into 22 regions, so there is now the Provence - Alpes region. Gentle University in the city of Aix, the city of Avignon Pope agriculture at the front and rear, there are those who escaped the small changes of the medieval villages and ancient Town. Despite the turmoil to Provence century left a confused concept of boundaries, but also provides some colorful past Provence, time passes, Provence will be old habits perfectly togetherProvence region as a whole due to the changes in ownership highly unusual charm - weather阴晴indecision heater Warm, cold wind rave, topography ups and downs, broad plains,峰岭dangerous, lonely canyons, desolate castle, winding mountain ranges and lively city - all in this land of the French interpretation of 10,000 kinds of customs. July-August the wind blooming lavender, rich and gaudy colors decorative green valley, slightly spicy scent mixed with Coke was drying grass fragrance are interwoven into the south of France the most impressive atmosphere. In the Food, Provence biggest advantage is rich in agricultural products, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, garlic, seafood, spices combined to patrons of heaven.As much as the activities in this region, is even more目不暇接, from the beginning of February the Edmonton Lemon Festival to July 8, the Avignon Festival farmland. Ouhongji the Opera Festival to August Pu-Andean mountain lavender festival, echoed the mountain city of unrestricted 4 yearsThis sense of freedom colors confuse the inspiration artists, including Cezanne, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso,夏卡尔such as per capita arts in Provence launched a new phase of life, azure coast of hedonism culture, and attract American writer Fitzgerald, the British author DH Lawrence, the French writer Huxley, Nietzsche and others to pilgrims, of course, also include "Mountains Years" (A Year in Provence) will push the peak of Peter Provence Mel. Provence - lavender - romantic color, endless art have attracted our Veteran journalists.the pace, a good suction forgotten草香, tasted a delicious cheese, is a rare realm.Good wine grape quality local products, 20% for the senior and top liquor species. As the Mediterranean sun adequate, Provence grapes contain more sugar, sugar into alcohol, the alcohol wine of Provence than the north liquor by 2 degrees. Slightly orange and yellow dry pink wine is most unique. Common red wine: Cotes de Provence, Coteaux d 'Aix en Provence, Bandol. The ancient town south Provence al-Arles), a warm bright Mediterranean sun and the artistic style of famous fashion. Read "Van Gogh Biography," and probably will remember the outstanding creative artists in here, lived. Here the streets, housing, bars, everywhere is full of great artistic atmosphere. Ancient Rome construction (al - who are the descendants of ancient Rome), the artist's work and life in a modern civilized society, here in harmony, tranquility beautiful. Here annually in July, will hold a very fashionable international photography festival, in a stone古巷and small square in the exhibition the major trend of today's photographers to create and风流人物.Lavender - lavender, such as Whisper, "waiting for love" purple florets, I wonder if captured the hearts of many people. Self Voyages Provence (Provence Tours travel agency), Pascal, drove his Toyota CHUANSHAN the field with us, even turn white limestone looks like summer snow皑皑of Du Feng Shan (Mont Ventoux), After walking through a large large golden sunflower garden, and finally stopped at the one紫霞transpiration land.Lavender capital Lavender Sault Purcell is really beautiful. When you first saw this vegetated lavender fields, so pure in高高低低the Pastoral purple blossoms in the summer wind opened romantic symbols, such as the most quiet yearning, the most sweet melancholy , as if hiding in the hearts of those they love never bailiff hands of the kind of warmthand sad feeling. Good harvest stem草垛volumes into oak酒桶like, three to five drying in the fields, Huang very simple. Yellow and purple it is so clean and stretch the air, we have the hair, skin, full of the flavor of tainted with the lavender.In Provence, lavender Hanada throughout the year both have a very different landscape. Winter, after cutting the harvest, only short and neat stem blight, covered with snow. Spring came, green leaves emerge. June purple halo, gradually as the summer sun was bright more more heat, lavender flowers quickly transformed into charming深紫色. Immediately after the work is busy harvesting began, master of time is very important, therefore, flower growers must cut flower day and night mining, extraction and distillation liquid. Until the end of September, all the Hanada have picked completed. Lavender Hanada only to喘口气, absorbing the essence of nature, for the next summer once again blooming purple flowers and preparation.. Provence six impression let you forget all of heaven BeachCentral to the Mediterranean coast of Provence, known as Lane维耶拉(Riviera), 1887 poet with 'blue coast' praise the name of it. From the 18th century, is the city's bid,富贾celebrities most popular vacation sites, when the North was heavy snow cover, they seem as migratory birds fly south, gathered at the beach to enjoy warm sunshine, air and extravagant, vanity life, and this pattern known until today. In fact, the blue coastal beaches not born gathered from Anchibu (Antibes) for the sector, the west is沙岸, east of the gravel, so it is necessary to import the filling of sand, but in the hotel industry deliberately operating under the beach very clean.Display妆点Provence mountain flowers to lavender and sunflowers most famous. Provence lavender quality called world's highest, but the display close purple difficult because the majority located in remote mountainous areas, July blooming period, Fragrant Flowers attacks, and the eyes of the South Sunflower sunshine is满山遍野the blooming, Hanada willful flowing to occupy hills, these beautiful color is the orthographic Provence marker.US馔For the Kingdom of French cuisine, the biggest advantage lies in Provence agro-rich, but the 'French Farm' reputation, and Provence cooking characteristics is the biggest large-scale use of seafood,时鲜fruits and vegetables, olive oil, spices and garlic five major projects, fresh, light, health, and other characteristics unique in the French cuisine. Finally coupled with the Provence sun照拂This feature makes Provence became饕客paradise.4. ArtThe bright colors fool Provence artists inspired by 19th century to the early 20th century, including Cezanne, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Matisse,夏卡尔such as per capita arts in Provence start another life a stage with the azure coast of hedonism atmosphere, and the writer has come to attract countless pilgrims, such as the American writer Fitzgerald, the British author DH Lawrence, the French writer Huxley, Nietzsche and others, of course, other missing use 'Mountains years' (A Year in Provence) Provence to the pinnacle of彼得梅尔, these artists used color or Wen - Tsai depicts the different customs Provence.CelebrationsThe activities in this region as much as it is to stage another feast for the eyes, from the Nice Carnival in early February, Edmonton Lemon Festival, 7 to August of Avignon agricultural festival Ouhongji's Opera Festival, and even is August Provence mountain lavender festival. Summer in Provence particularly lively, four have music activities, such as Anchibu Jazz Music Festival, Cannes the old city of music performances, the sea pyrotechnics show, as if only by festive fun large-scale activities, which can be echoed species unrestricted years.Rome and medieval architectural relicsItaly is close to the coastal areas of the Romans is the first to enter the French region, and be good at farmland water conservancy construction settlement of the Romans left many unique style of the relics, including the integrity of the old city pool, arena, round arches, fountains, or颓圮the stone columns, separated mosaic壁饰, also characterized by medieval monastery to the local monastery square marble砌成the beauty of a unique, white columns, arch reduction of the religious outlook of the most simple and plain.。


普罗旺斯的生活简朴而高尚,单来这里把节奏放缓,好好地 吸一口忘草香,尝一口鲜味芝士,也是人生难得的境界。 南普罗旺斯的古老小城阿尔勒(Arles),以热烈明亮的地中 海阳光和时尚的艺术风格闻名。看过《梵高传》的人大概都会 记得杰出的画家曾在这里创作、生活过。这里的街道、房屋、 酒吧,国际摄影节,在石头古巷和小广场上,展览当今缔造潮 流的大摄影师和风流人物。
巴黎有不同的火车站,接连往不同地区的火车, 从火车站大门进入,你可以在中庭看到 从巴黎要抵达普罗旺斯的火车站是里昂车站( Gare de 巨大的时刻表,上面标示时间、班次、月台, Lyon ),搭乘的火车种类是时速高达300公里的法国 通常会在半小时前显示火车停靠的月台,诚 快速火车 TGV,车程约3小时。搭乘TGV需要先订位, 挚地建议你早一点前往熟悉环境,因为月台 的安排很'出乎意料',而且标示不清楚,一部 在里昂车站的售票柜台预约订位,从火车站外面的大 门左侧你会看到 21号门,进去即是一排售票柜台,找 份的月台在车站中庭,一部份在右侧,两边 到上面写着 'International'的柜台即可,如果你使用联 距离颇远,加上火车开动时间很精确,如果 营火车票预约时须出示车票,预约的费用是 弄错月台,就不妙了。 54法郎, 售票员会给你一张登车卡,上面有座位号码卡。

普罗旺斯(Provence)是罗马帝国的一 个行省,现为法国东南部的一个地区,毗 邻地中海,和意大利接壤。从阿尔卑斯山 经里昂南流的隆河,在普罗旺斯附近分为 两大支流,然后注入地中海。普罗旺斯是 世界闻名的薰衣草故乡、旅游胜地。 。
• 普罗旺斯属地中海气候,冬季温和, 夏天炎热。山区气候特点是冬季漫长,多 雪,夏天炎热,多雷雨;山谷坡面间差异 明显,并存在各种小气候。这里气候温和, 空气清新醉人,蔚蓝的海水像水晶般洁净。 每年的日照时间达到300多天。
• 尼斯是地中海沿岸法国南部的城市,位 于普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸大区,是 法国仅次于巴黎的第二大旅游胜地,也是 全欧洲最具魅力的黄金海岸。是蔚蓝海岸 地区首选度假地。尼斯市面积为71.92平方 千米,人口约为34.4万
普罗旺斯的主角:大片的薰衣草景,它 是在五月至十月开放的。号称全法国最美 丽的山谷之一。山上有一座12世纪的修道 院,塞南克修道院前方有一大片的薰衣草 花田,是由院里的修道士栽种的,有不同 颜色的薰衣草。
• 波城古堡是指位于亚耳附近地区的波 城· 普罗旺斯的古城塞遗迹。波城这里曾经 是被诗人米斯特拉称为“鹫族”的英勇的 波城一族驻守的城塞,后来经历了无数次 战争硝烟的洗礼,波城古堡于路易13世在 位期间毁于战火,现在保留的是当年的古 堡废墟可供游人参观。

普罗旺斯的英语说法:Provence普罗旺斯相关英语表达:普罗旺斯清晨 Morning of the Provence普罗旺斯丘 Cotes de Provence普罗旺斯玫瑰 provence rose普罗旺斯的英语例句:1. Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。
2. They started wittering on about their last trip to Provence.他们开始喋喋不休地谈论上次的普罗旺斯之行。
3. Provence is the home of perfumery.普罗旺斯是香水业的发源地。
4. Ratatouille doesn't taste right with any other oil.普罗旺斯杂烩用其他任何油炒出来的味道都不正宗。
5. Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence.普罗旺斯一处山坡上的橄榄林呈现出一派浪漫风情。
6. Nicholas has bought a barn in Provence and is spending August doing it up.尼古拉斯在普罗旺斯买了一座条件简陋的大房子,8月份正在装修。
7. He has his Provensal legendary lore at his fingers'ends.他对普罗旺斯地区的口头传说了如指掌.8. The flower of Provencal love poetry are the Albas ( aubades , songs of dawn ).Albas,用德文来说就是破晓歌, 是普罗旺斯爱情诗的精华.9. En 1483 , La Provence se donne à la France; Apt suit.在1483年, 普罗旺斯地区投靠了法国, APT随此属于法国.10. Scatters in the Herbs de Provence, Laurier leaves and some sugars.撒入普罗旺斯香料, 月桂叶及糖.11. No other region of France stirs the imagination as strongly as Provence.最喜欢的法国地区,不是“浪漫之都”巴黎,而是普罗旺斯.12. At present its territory is part of the administrative region of Provence - Coted'Azur.目前其领土的一部分行政区域的普罗旺斯阿尔卑斯省,科特迪瓦蓝色海岸.13. Even by Provencal standards, it had not been an everyday meal.就算依普罗旺斯标准, 这样的一餐也绝非寻常家宴.14. Paul Cezanne was born in Aix en Provence on January 19 th, 1839.1839年1月19日, 保罗塞尚出生在普罗旺斯省的艾克斯市.15. It is a division of the region of Provence - Azur.这是一个分裂的普罗旺斯地区,阿尔卑斯科特迪瓦蓝色海岸.。

PROVANCE 普罗旺斯(Provence)是法国东南部的一个地区,毗邻地中海,和意大利接壤。
Provence is a region of southeastern France, near the Mediterranean, and Italian borders. "Province" is no longer a mere geographical name, but also represents a simple worry-free, easy lazy way of life. If travel is to get rid of the shackles of life, Provence makes you forget everything.许多人常用三种食物代表普罗旺斯的烹调特色:橄榄油、大蒜与西红柿。
Many people used three kinds of food on behalf of Provence cooking characteristics: olive oil, garlic and tomatoes. Walking in Provence, almost all of workaday green olive trees, this place can be said that French olive oil production center, not only to create a unique natural landscape, but also provides the necessary nutrition. Art 如果有人说普罗旺斯是彻底的浪漫,大概也不过分,因为这里除了很久流传的浪漫爱情传奇,还有因《马赛曲》而闻名的马赛,因《基督山伯爵》而为众人皆知的依夫岛 If someone says Provence is complete romantic, probably no one would say no, because here in addition to romantic love legendlong circulating,Provence is Europe's "Knights of the City", named after the movie "roof of the light cavalry." And the famous Marseille, named according to the famous book "Count of Monte Cristo", 这种花语为"等待爱情"的紫色小花,不知迷倒了多少人。

法国自然风景优美气候宜人The French natural beautiful scenery and pleasant weather法国位于欧洲西部,地理位置得天独厚,拥有异常丰富的自然与文化遗产。
France is located in Western Europe, geography position be richly endowed by nature, has the cultural and natural heritage, rich.面积:面积为55.1602万平方公里(包括科西嘉岛)。
Area: an area of 551602 square km (including the island of Corsica). France three adjacent sea, is the largest country in Western europe.位置:位于欧洲西部,与比利时、卢森堡、瑞士、德国、意大利、西班牙、安道尔、摩纳哥接壤,西北隔拉芒什海峡与英国相望,濒临北海、英吉利海峡、大西洋和地中海四大海域,地中海上的科西嘉岛是法国最大岛屿。
Location: located in Western Europe, bordering with Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Andorra, Monaco, northwest every La Manche with the British side, near Beihai, the English channel, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea four sea, the Mediterranean island of Corsica is France's largest island.地势:东南高西北低,向大西洋敞开。

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普罗旺斯清晨 morning of the provence
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1. elizabeth david enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of provencal cuisine.
2. they started wittering on about their last trip to provence.
3. provence is the home of perfumery.
4. ratatouille doesn't taste right with any other oil.
5. olives look romantic on a hillside in provence.
6. nicholas has bought a barn in provence and is spending august doing it up.
7. he has his provensal legendary lore at his fingers'ends.
8. the flower of provencal love poetry are the albas ( aubades , songs of dawn ).
albas,用德文来说就是破晓歌, 是普罗旺斯爱情诗的精华.
9. en 1483 , la provence se donne à la france; apt suit.
在1483年, 普罗旺斯地区投靠了法国, apt随此属于法国.
10. scatters in the herbs de provence, laurier leaves and some sugars.
撒入普罗旺斯香料, 月桂叶及糖.
11. no other region of france stirs the imagination as strongly as provence.
12. at present its territory is part of the administrative region of provence - coted'azur.
13. even by provencal standards, it had not been an everyday meal.
就算依普罗旺斯标准, 这样的一餐也绝非寻常家宴.
14. paul cezanne was born in aix en provence on january 19 th, 1839.
1839年1月19日, 保罗塞尚出生在普罗旺斯省的艾克斯市.
15. it is a division of the region of provence - azur.