English words from Chinese Origin
关键词:文化,中国特色,归化,异化,翻译ABSTRACTWithin the long history and along with the fast social and economic development, Chinese language has gained a large amount of words with cultural characteristics. In this more and more globalized world, China has more and more communication with the rest of the world in every aspect of our life. At the same time, people are being more and more interested in Chinese culture. Translation-as a way to help people understand each other - plays a very important role in this point. How to translate these words with distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics in a proper way has always been heatedly debated. This thesis aims to take same typical cultural words as our sample, base on the theories in translation study and the previous studies in this area, to give a thorough analysis about the category and classification of this kind of words. Also this thesis will discuss about the ways in translating these words from the prospective of domestication and foreignization. This thesis is expecting to have some innovations in the ways of translation, which will help the display of Chinese culture.Key Words:Culture, Chinese characteristics, domestication, foreignization, translationCONTENTS1. Introduction (4)2. Backgrounds of words with Chinese characteristics (5)2.1 Forming of words with Chinese characteristics (5)2.2 Classification and features of words with Chinese characteristics (5)3. Mistakes in translating words with Chinese characteristics (7)3.1. Translating literally without knowing the deep meaning (8)3.2. Translating in Chinese thinking without caring about English language habits .. 9 3.3. Translating without knowing the origin of the words (9)4. Methods for translating words with Chinese characteristics (10)4.1 Basic theories for the ways of translating words with Chinese characteristics (10)4.1.1 The theory of domestication (10)4.1.2 The theory of foreignization (11)4.2 Methods for translating words with Chinese characteristics (11)4.2.1 Transliteration (11)4.2.2 Transliteration plus graphs, paraphrase or suffix (13)4.2.3 Literal translation (13)4.2.4 Literal translation plus paraphrase (14)4.2.5 Literal translation to create new words (14)4.2.6 Literal translation plus free translation (14)4.2.7 Free translation (15)5. The comparison between domestication ways and foreinization ways (18)6.Conclusion (19)Acknowledgements .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Origins of English英语的起源
Reading list
Primary reading: • Xie Fu Zhi (ed.), A Guide to English-Speaking Countries, (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014) Secondary reading: • Robert V. Remini, A Short History of the United States, (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008) • Peter Clarke, Hope and Glory: Britain 1900-2000 (The Penguin History of Britain), (London: Penguin Books, 2004) • Magnus Magnusson, Scotland: The Story of a Nation, (New York: HarperCollins, 2001) • Simon Jenkins, A Short History of England, (London: Profile Books, 2012)
Class overview
1. Linguistic genesis: early Britain and the origins of English language 2. The Picts, Celts and origins of Scotland 3. The Act of Union, it’s history and ramifications 4. English Literature 1: Poetry and epic from Chaucer to Milton 5. The rise of the British Empire 6. Britain’s industrial revolution 7. America United: the revolutionary war: tea, tariffs and representation 8. America Divided: the civil war 9. Mid-term examination 10. English Literature 2: Romanticism to Modernism 11. The world at war: how Britain, the colonies and America coped during two world wars 12. The decline and fall of the British Empire 13. Ireland: from colonisation to the Troubles and Good Friday agreement 14. American dream, Manifest Destiny and a new Empire 15. Post war Britain: a new Jerusalem and the Windrush 16. The end of the Union? Examining modern Scotland 17. Final examination
1. 中国龙对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。
Chinese DragonDragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or Loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.2. 饺子饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品。
DumplingsDumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint—Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, freshen and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings.” During the Spring Festival and other holidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year.3. 针灸针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。
Chapter 2 - Diction
Chapter Two: DictionLevels of English1.Formal Wordsa.Can be called: ‗learned words‘, ‗literary words‘ or ‗big words‘.ually used by people of special professions or fields, on specialoccasions or for special purpose.c.Appear in formal writing and Speaking.d.Generally contain three or more than three syllables.e.Give impression of education.f.Often stem from Greek or Latinmon Wordsa.Frequently used by ordinary people for ordinary purposesb.From the core of the English vocabularyc.Often used in everyday conversation and in informal writing like personalletters, diaries and stories3.Colloquial Worda.Mainly used in informal or familiar conversationsually short words of one or two syllablesc.Mostly of Saxon origin4.Slang worda.Highly informal– limited or specific contextual usage.b.May be vivid and interesting.c.Can make the writer or speaker sound offensive or funnyThe Meaning of Words1.Two aspects: denotative and connotative.a.Denotative meaning: what it literally means, as defined by thedictionary.b.Connotation meaning: the feeling or ideal suggested by it.2.Word OriginWords of Anglo-Saxon origin are generally more informal than those of Latin, Greek or French origin.3.SynonymIt is difficult to find two words that are exactly the same in meaning and use.They may have different: stylistic levels, degrees of emphasis, emotions, intones, or collocation.4.NB:Do not take the Chinese equivalent of an English word as its exact meaning. It is impossible to understand the meaning of an English word from its Chineseequivalent.5.Understandinga.To understand the meaning of an English word; find out how it is definedin a dictionary with explanations and contextual/practical usage.b.You do not know a work unless you can explain: what it means, theemotions it gives, when to use it and why you would use it.General & Specific Words1.General words:a.Words referring to groups or classes not to individual things2.Specific Wordsa.Words referring to individual persons, objects or events.b.Specific words help to make writing clear, exact, vivid, and striking:they are more informative and expressive than general words.ageing specific words should go along with providing details – Creatingeffective and impressive writing.b.The more detail the betterc.Mix emotions, feelings, visual observations and other senses together tocreate a full picture of your meaningIdioms1.Idioms:a. A fixed group of words with a special meaning which is different from themeaning of the word that form it.b.Frequently used in speech and writing.c.They help to make one‘s language sound natural and idiomatic.d.NB: idioms should be ‗peppered‘ – do not use them too muche.NB: Idioms are fashionable – do not use old or out of fashion idioms.age:a.Most idioms are informal or colloquial in style and can be used inconversation; but a few are slang and should be used with care.b.Many idioms have become clichés and are no longer fresh or interestingand should be used sparingly.Figures of Speech1.Simile:a. A comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparisonis indicated by the word as or like.b.Example: ‗He sleeps like a pig‘2.Metaphor :a.The use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to anotherwith a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison isimplied, not express with the word as or like.b.Example: ‗He is an Ox‘3.Personification:a.Treating a thing or an idea as if were human or had human qualities.b.In poetry personification is very common.c.Example: ‗The wind whispered to me…‘4.Metonymy:a.Substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it isclosely associated.b.Example: ‗The White House –American Government‘5.Synecdoche:a.When a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for apart.b.Example: ‗Mexico Vs. Kazakhstan‘ [a football match: two teams]6.Euphemism:a.It is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh orunpleasant one.b.Speaking of something in a allusive mannerc.Example: ‗We watched a DVD together‘ [a Boyfriend & Girlfriend in abedroom]7.Irony:a.It is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, inorder to achieve a special effect.b.Example: ‗you are the best parents in the world‘ [during an argument]8.Overstatement and understatement:a.In overstatement the diction exaggerates the subject.b.Example: ‗this bag weighs a ton!‘c.In understatement the diction plays down the magnitude or value of thesubject.d.Example: ‗this bag weighs nothing!‘9.Transferred epithet:a. A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logicallymodifies to a word associated with that noun.b.Example: ‗Brave Achilles‘, ‗Grey-Eyed Athena10.Oxymoron:a.In oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce aspecial effect.b.Example: ‗The friendly Shark ‘11.Alliteration:a.It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two ormore words.b.Example: ‗amazing maize maze‘Dictionariesing dictionariesa. A foreign learner of English needs to keep a good dictionary handy whenhe reads or writing, it will help him a great deal in learning and usingwords.b.Look it up in a dictionary when in doubt about spelling, division, andpronunciation of a word.c.To one learning to write, the most useful information a dictionary containsis the definitions, together with examples or illustrations and usage labelsand note.d.Words that are not labeled in a dictionary are supposed to belong to thegeneral vocabulary, and therefore they can be used for ordinary purposes.e.NB: Do not rely on your phone translators, they cannot understandcontextual usage!Questions1.Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions:Language is our facility to talk to each other. The word ‗talk‘ is used not merely to avoid a rather more technical and high-sounding word like ‗communicate‘; talk is more precise and more relevant to the special nature of human language than ‗communicate‘.In the first place, all creatures –cats, sparrows , and bees —can be said to communicate with each other to some extent. They can attract each other‘s attention, warn of danger, woo their mates, and direct the way to food. We are still learning just how well animals can communicate with each other, but there can be no doubt that animal communicate is wholly rudimentary as compared with the complex and subtle control of language possessed by even the least intelligent or least educated of us.It is therefo re appropriate to say that language involves ‗talk‘ to emphasize that language is a peculiarly human activity.Questions:a.Is the style of the passage formal or informal?b.From what type of book is this passage taken? What do you think is thepurpose of the book?c.Is the book written for scientists or for ordinary readers?d.Are there slang expressions in the passage? Are there formal words in it?Give examples2.Look at the following word which are formal words which are informal words?3. In each sentence, choose the more precise of the two in italics, and explain your reasons.a. A few listeners were disinterested / uninterested and dozed off.b.Though she has grown up, her behavior is often childlike / childish.c.I am quite jealous / envious of your opportunity to study at such a famousuniversity.d.Her clothes, though made of cheap / inexpensive material, are quite elegant.e.This homely / ugly old man is a well-known musician.f.I am sorry to refuse / decline your invitation.g.He was surprised / stunned to find that his little sister had become a pretty,slim / skinny young woman.h.My uncle become fat / stout as he grew older.i.this servile man was especially modest / humble when he was talking with hissuperiors.j.I asked every / each boy in the group the same question, and interestingly, everyone / each gave me a different answer.k.The enemy troops were driven back when they attempted / tried to cross the border.l.They all felt sympathy/ pity for the victims of the disaster and made donations.m.Empress Dowager Cixi was famous / notorious for her cruelty.n.Is that old / elderly woman / lady sitting on the bench your mother?o.4.The following words are rather general in meaning. Think of a word that is morespecific. the figure of the speech of the following sentences:a.As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.明喻b.We are lucky, what you said makes me feel real good.反语c.I spent sleepless nights on my project.转类修饰语d.The world is a stage.暗喻e.The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free.头韵法f.Her rich relatives rained birthday presents on her only son.暗喻g.Wrong ideals may harm a man just like diseases明喻h.Some words may be defaced by careless usage.Transferred Epithet 移位修饰i.The leaves are trembling in the cold wind.拟人j.The storm was so angry that it wanted to destroy everything in its way.拟人k.Many people bowed before Force, but eventually Force would surrender to Reason.拟人l.Selfless people are like cows, which eat straw but produce milk.明喻m.―W hat do you think of the roast duck?‖ ―Not bad.‖委婉语n.His friends praised his daughter‘s performances to the skies.夸张o.His writing is clear and clean. 头韵法p.His unfriendly tongue surprised her. 移位修饰q.There is fertile soil for popular music in China today.暗喻r.I felt as a bird must feel when it has flown across the ocean and comes upona creature that knows its nest.明喻s.He is so fascinating to me, even the fish smell on his hand was kind of perfume.暗喻t.She is a social butterfly .暗喻u.Nobody disputes the need to answer nature‘s most basic call, but some wonder who should foot the bill for an adequate supply of public toilets.v.I should said that, reticence was not your strong point.。
english words of chinese origin 中式英语
Quiet, please......No noising.Question rmation BoothHandicapped Restroom......Deformed Man ToiletFood Served Abroad Airlines......Airline PulpPlease take good care of your belongings.中文借词来自中文的英文词(大英文字典收录的的历史悠久的英文词)有大约三十个,其中少于十个常用。
[编辑]官话借词kung fu (1966年来自“功夫”)yin yang (1671年来自“阴阳”)kowtow (1804年来自“叩头”)tofu (1880年来自“豆腐”)lychee或litche (1588年来自“荔枝”)gung ho或gung-ho (1939年来自“工合”或“共好”[1])mahjong或mah-jong (1920年来自“麻将”)feng shui (1797年来自“风水”)tai chi (1736年来自“太极”)yamen (1747年来自“衙门”)kaolin (1727年来自“高岭”)kylin (1857年来自“麒麟”)longan (1732年来自“龙眼”)pe-tsai (1795年来自“白菜”)petuntse (1727年来自“白墩子”)sampan (1620年来自“舢板”)suan-pan (1736年来自“算盘”)Tao (1736年来自“道”)taipan(大商行的总经理)(1834年来自“大班”)toumingdu(透明度)(来自1980年代中英谈判期间用语“透明度”)typhoon (来自“台风”[1])tuchun (1917年来自“督军”)tung(油桐属)(1788年来自“桐”)Ho-ho bird (1901年来自“凤凰”)wampee(一种果)(1830年来自“黄皮”)whangee(一种竹)(1790年来自“黄藜”)mandarin(官话)(来自“满大人(中国清朝的官吏)”)qi bo[来源请求] (来自“情报”)Confucianism(儒教)(来自“孔夫子”)[编辑]粤语借词typhoon (1771年来自“大风”)dim sum (1948年来自“点心”)yum cha (大概15年前来自“饮茶”[2004])wok (1952年来自“镬(炒锅)”)bok choy (1938年来自“白菜”,比Pe-tsai常用)chop-suey (1888年来自“杂碎”)won ton (1948年来自“云吞”)chow mein (1903年来自“炒面”)lo mein (来自“捞面”)paktong(一种钱币)(1775年来自“白铜”)sycee(一种钱币)(1711年来自“丝”)souchong(一种茶)(1760年来自“小种”)[编辑]闽南语借词cumshaw(赏钱,1839年来自“感谢”)tea(茶)pe-tsai(1795年来自“白菜”)sampan(1620年来自“舢板”)bohea 武夷茶(英文原意指高品质茶叶,但现已指劣质红茶)congou 工夫茶hyson 熙春(茶叶名)keemun 祁门(安徽南部靠近江西的地方,以盛产优质红茶著名。
English words and their origin - Arizona State University
English words and their origin:Learning from historyElly van Gelderenellyvangelderen@1 The nature of English vocabulary: a double set of wordsWhat’s the point?-different formality-euphemisms-spelling problemsWhere do the words come from?Figure 1: OriginsCore and Periphery:(Williams 1975)Figure 2: Core and Periphery2 How did it happen?Figure 4: Just one set of migrations Major Influence: French and LatinLatin loans:Some estimate that between 1500 and 1660 nearly 27,000 new words enter the language (Garner 1982: 151; Wermser 1976: 23).Not all of the new words survive into Modern English. Some of my favorite rejected words are:adminiculation …aid‟, anacephalize …to summarize‟, eximious …excellent‟,illecebrous …alluring‟, ingent …immense‟, and honorificabilitudinitatibus. Minor Influence: Other languagesobvious meanings within ……‟)languages3 What's the use of a `double’ vocabulary?perspire - sweatdonate - givenarrate/describe - tellobtain - getarrive - comeliberty - freedomadolescent - boy/girlAre native speakers aware? YES, to some extentAttitudes regarding `inkhorn terms':George Orwell:-Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.-Never use a long word where a short one will do.-If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.AND?4 Is English still borrowing?Yes, but lots of compounds, alphabet-soup, etc: `turning inwards' (Minkova & Stockwell 2007)5 Resources: the OED!/lib/resources/db/oed.htmEtymologyFirst date!Language of origin6 ExercisesA Guess which words are Latin or French in:a. A word is deadb. Fire and IceWhen it is said, Some say the world will end in fire, Some say. Some say in ice.I say it just From what I‟ve tasted of desireBegins to live I hold with those who favor fire.That day.But if it had to perish twice,I think I know enough of hateTo say that for destruction iceIs also greatAnd would suffice.Poems by Emily Dickinson and Robert FrostB Simple Search in the OED1: Do a simple search for `tree'. Which of the 12 instances would you click on? Is it a loanword? What other languages is it related to?2: Still using simple search, use a wildcard, e.g. ? means one letter: br?ng or s?ng. Do any words start with y and end in z? Use *.Advanced Search3: Using Advanced Search, look how many instances of `ain't' there are in the entire OED.4: Find all the words that first came in in 1960.5:F irst look up `assasination' in simple search; then in the full text. Difference? 6: Which words derive from Arabic? Search in etymologies!7: How often is Shakespeare quoted?Tables and figures in this handout are taken from the below, unless otherwise marked: Gelderen, Elly van 2006 A History of the English Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.。
学期论文题目The Influence Of Loan Words On English Vocabulary外来语对英语词汇的影响学院名称外国语学院指导教师……职称讲师班级10级英语02班学号……学生姓名……2011年5月24日AbstractEnglish has become an international language because of its simplicity and richness. Its tolerance and flexibility make it a substantial absorption of loan words, and thus has great vitality. Loan words have greatly enriched the English language, which makes the English expressions more vivid and appropriate. As a result, it occupies a pivotal position in English. This article intends to analyze the influence of loan words on English vocabulary from the origins and types of the loan words in English.Key words: loan words; origin; type; vocabulary; influence摘要英语因它的简单和丰富已经成了一门国际化的语言。
它的宽容和灵活性, 使它大量吸收外来词汇, 从而具有了顽强的生命力。
外来词汇极大地丰富了英语, 使英语表达起来更加生动和贴切, 因此,在英语中占据着举足轻重的地位, 本文拟从外来语的来源和类型来分析外来语对英语词汇的影响。
Chinese Words in English
Chinese Words in EnglishIt is beyond doubt that there are so many English words with the Chinese origin, most of these loan words refer to Chinese objects and concepts such as "fengshui" and "coolie", the Chinese word is "kuli". However, a few, such as "gung ho", the Chinese word is "Gonghe" and "tycoon" Chinese word is "Dakuan", Chinese word has evolved into mainstream usage. Many of the Chinese words made into the English language as pronounced in the Cantonese or Amoy dialect because the early contact between the two cultures happened along the southern Chinese ports of call or through the mostly Cantonese immigrants, for instance, the English word "dim sum" looks like the local English word, however, it comes from the Chinese word "Chadian" in Cantonese dialect. In addition, many of the Japanese words, such as "judo", the Chinese word is "Roudao" or "shinto" the Chinese word is "Shendaojiao" , that were adopted into the English language have a Chinese origin.Loan word:Loan word means a word from another language used in its original form. A substantial part of English words are loan words.The early loan words, because they are translated by the way of combining with English variety and the Chinese pronunciation and have went through the long history of evolution, seem like the local English words. However, they still came from the Chinese words. For instance, the English word "silk" is translated from the Chinese word "Sichou", before the Opium War, British businessman brought the Chinese silk into the western states, however there is no word for it so the British businessman borrowed ideas from the Chinese pronunciation "Sichou" think up the word "silk" for it, by this time the word "silk" still means elegance, nobleness and luxury. And as a bonus, the English word "sycee" is translated from the Chinese word "Yingding" and the "pekoe" is translated from "Hongcha" in Guangdong dialect, the English word "shaw" is translated from the Chinese word "Xiexie" and the "congou" is translated from "Gongfucha" in Xiamen dialect.Most of the modern loan words are just translated into the same Chinese pronunciation like "mao tai", "kow tow", "tai chi chuan", "xiu cai", "gao liang", "wu shu", "gong fu", "erhu", "yangge" and so on.Loan blend:The word which translated by the way of loan blend has two parts one is transliteration the other is the liberal translation.The loan blend not only retains the Chinese national culture characteristic but also integrates with local English words which made foreigner have a pleasant change of atmosphere. The English word "Beijing Opera" is a typical loan blend, the first part "Beijing" is transliterated from the Chinese word of the same pronunciation, the second part is from the local English word "opera" which instead of the Chinese word "Xi" or "Ju". Aside from this word, there are so many words translated by this way like the word "tung oil" is translated from the Chinese word "Tongyou" and the word "Lantian men" is translated from the Chinese word "Lantian Yuanren".Loan translation:Loan translation is the translation method which uses the local English word to translate the unique Chinese things. The words translated in this method have the typical Chinglish style, which can satisfy both the needs of having the vivid and distinctive Chinese characteristics and helping the foreigner understand it easily.So many Chinese words are translated into English words in this way, most of them are Chinese food, for example, the dish "spring roll" in China is called "Chunjuan",the "bagger chicken" in China is named "Jiaohuaji", the "rice noddles" Chinese name is "Mifen". In addition of that there are a lot of other words translated in this way, for example, the words in political field like "paper tigger", "Long March", "Great Leap Forward", "Red Guard", "planned economy", in historical field like "Four Books", "Five Classics", "Eight legged Essay", in culture field like "lunar calendar", "Chinese New Ye ar", "Dragon Boat Festival" and so on.Now, there are so many Chinese words translated into English which are stillretained their Chinese style for many reasons. For instance, the Chinese word "DaMa" was translated into English just called "aunt" a few years ago. However, this word, in 2013 due to the event that Chinese woman rushed to buy gold for gold price falling in the International Gold Market, was transliterated into English called "DaMa" by The Wall Street Journal. Besides that, The BBC used the Chinese word "Tuhao",the meaning of the man makes great fortune overnight, directly without translation. In some ways, we can say that Chinese vocabulary has become the miraculous source of English entries which would bring the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages for Chinese culture spreading all over the world and making the relative cohesion of the nation greatly enhanced to improve China's international status.[1]. 邢杰;甘露. 文化外译之中国特色词汇:策略比较及影响因素[J]. 上海翻译2014(4):20-29[2]. 张慧. 国际关系学院学报[J]. 上海翻译2010(6):12-14[3]. Chen, Baoguo; Zhou, Huixia; Gao, Yiwen; Dunlap, Susan. Cross-Language Translation Priming Asymmetry with Chinese-English Bilinguals: A Test of the Sense Model. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, v43 n3 p225-240 Jun 2014 [4].Cheng, Chenxi; Wang, Min; Perfetti, Charles A.Acquisition of Compound Words in Chinese-English Bilingual Children: Decomposition and Cross-Language Activation. Applied Psycholinguistics, v32 n3 p583-600 2011[5].Gao, Zhao-Ming.Exploring the Effects and Use of a Chinese-English Parallel Concordancer. Computer Assisted Language Learning, v24 n3 p255-275 2011。
Lexicology-Chapter3-The Origin of English Words
3.3 The Historical Periods of English
3.3.3 Early Modern English Period (1500-1800)
This period is the transitional period from Middle English to
Modern English. The printing press helped to standardize the
3.3.3 Early Modern English Period (1500-1800)
• In the sixteenth century, scholars began seriously to talk about their language, making observations on grammar vocabulary, the writing system and style. • This period witnessed large-scale lexical growth through extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. • The increase in foreign borrowings is the most distinctive feature of the Renaissance for English. • Loanwords became integrated into the language to varying degrees.
• Inflections were greatly reduced in Middle English.
• The leveling of inflectional endings was due partly to phonetic changes and partly to the operation of analogy. • Middle English is particularly characterized by intensive and extensive borrowing from other languages.
List of English Words of Japanese Origin源自于日语的英文词Anime 动漫Bonsai 盆景,盆栽Haiku 俳句注:日本传统诗体,三行为一首,通常有17个音节。
Karaoke 卡拉OK Kimono 和服Hibachi 木炭火盆Kabuki 歌舞伎Koi 锦鲤Matsutake 松茸Origami 日本折纸艺术Ramen 日本拉面Sake 日本清酒Sashimi 生鱼片Sensei 老师,先生Shiatsu 指压术Sudoku 数独注:一种运用纸、笔进行演算的逻辑游戏。
英文词汇里的中日外来词Sushi 寿司Tamari 酱油Tempura 天妇罗注:也被称为甜不辣,用面粉、鸡蛋与水和成浆,将新鲜的鱼虾和时令蔬菜裹上浆放入油锅炸成金黄色。
Teriyaki 照烧Tsunami 海啸Tycoon 大亨,企业巨头Wasabi 青芥汉语中被收录如英语的词汇有些是根据读音直接收录,有些则是通过日语、韩语等语言间接被收录进英语词汇中。
List of English Words of Chinese Origin源自于汉语的英文词chopstick 筷子注:关于此词如何产生,有研究人员称,筷,读音等于快,快者,速也。
英语的由来英文版The Origin of EnglishEnglish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world today But have you ever wondered how it came into being? Let's take a journey back in time to explore the fascinating origins of the English languageThe roots of English can be traced back to the Germanic language family During the 5th and 6th centuries AD, Germanic tribes, such as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, invaded and settled in what is now England These tribes brought with them their own languages, which gradually merged and developed into what we now call Old EnglishOld English was very different from the English we speak today It was a highly inflected language, meaning that the endings of words changed depending on their grammatical function For example, nouns had different endings depending on whether they were singular or plural, and verbs had different endings depending on the person and tenseOne of the most important texts in Old English is Beowulf, an epic poem that tells the story of a heroic warrior Studying Beowulf gives us valuable insights into the language and culture of that timeIn the 8th and 9th centuries, the Vikings invaded parts of England Their language, Old Norse, had an influence on English, adding new words and expressionsThen, in 1066, the Norman Conquest brought a significant change The Normans, who spoke Norman French, became the ruling class French became the language of the court and the nobility, while English was mainly spoken by the common people This led to a large number of French words entering the English language, especially in areas such as law, government, and cuisineOver time, English continued to evolve and change The Great Vowel Shift, which took place between the 14th and 17th centuries, had a major impact on the pronunciation of vowels in English This made the language sound quite different from its earlier formsThe invention of the printing press in the 15th century also had a significant effect It made it easier to produce and distribute books, which helped to standardize the language and spread it more widelyDuring the Age of Exploration and the growth of the British Empire, English came into contact with many other languages around the world This led to the borrowing of words from languages such as Arabic, Hindi, and Chinese, further enriching the vocabulary of EnglishToday, English is a global language used in business, science, entertainment, and many other fields It continues to change and adapt as new technologies and cultural influences emergeThe history of English is a story of invasion, conquest, borrowing, and evolution It shows how a language can develop and change over time to meet the needs of its speakers Understanding the origin of English helps us appreciate its complexity and diversity, and also gives us a better understanding of the cultures and histories that have shaped it。
英语词汇学 章节整理
英语词汇学笔记之-----章节部分2010.1.11===================================第一章1. Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound.3. The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spellingc). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language4. Vocabulary —— Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by origin1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.1. all national character (most important)– natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animalsaction,size,domain,statenumerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj.2. stability – they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – pastelectricity,machine,car,plane —— now3. productivity – they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes.e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer4. polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.e.g. take to move or carry from one place to anotherto remove5. collocability – quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and otherse.g. heart – a change of heart,a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——1. terminology – technical termsphotoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus2. jargon – specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid3. slang —— substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener,dip,persuadercant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words – only by speakers of the dialectbeauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism – newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mailold meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation between notions,words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words – are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words,50,000-60,000What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. 2.frequent in use (in academic fields and science French,Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words,borrowing)– words taken over from foreign language. 80%According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.1.Denizens – words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.e.g. port from portus(L)shift,change,shirt,porkcup from cuppa(L)2.Aliens – retained their original pronunciation and spellinge.g. décor(F)blitzkreeg(G)emir,intermez,rowtow,bazaar,rajar,status quo3.translation loans – formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.1). Word translated according to the meaninge.g. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noirlong time no see,surplus value,master piece2). Words translated according to the sounde.g. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchuptea4. Semantic loans – their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dumpnew sassydream old joy and peacepioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering worknew a member of the young pioneerfresh old impertinent,sassy,cheeky++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++第二章1.Indo-European language family (Europe,the Near East,India)Balto –Slavic Indo-Iranian Italic GermanicPrussian Persian Portuguese NorwegianLithuanian Hindi Spanish IcelandiePolish Italian DanishBulgarian Roumanian SwedishSlovenian French EnglishRussian GermanAlbanian Armenian Celtic HellenicIrish GreekBretonScottish2. History (时间,历史事件,特征)1)Old English (450-1150)totally 50,000-60,000 wordsThe 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts,the language was Celtic.The second language was the Latin of the Roman Legions.The Germanic tribes called angles,Saxons and Jutes and their language,Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer toAnglo-Saxon as old English.At the end of 6th century,the introduction of Christianity has a great impact on the English vocabulary.The common practice was to create new words by combining two native words.In the 9th century,many Scandinavian words came into English. At least 900 words of Scandinavian are in modern English,our daily life and speech.特点:highly inflected languagecomplex endings or vowel changes (full ending)2)Middle English (1150-1500)English,Latin,FrenchUntil 1066,although there were borrowings from Latin,the influence on English was mainly Germanic. But the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English.By the end of the 13th century,English gradually come back into public areas.Between 1250 and 150 about 9000 words of French origin come into English. 75% of them are till in use today.As many as 2500 words of Dutch origin come into English.特点:fewer inflectionsleveled ending3)Modern English (1500-up to now)early modern English (1500-1700)late modern English(1700-up to now)The Renaissance,Latin and Greek were recognized as the languages of the Western world’s great literary heritage.The Industrial Revolution was in the mid-17 century. With the growth of colonization,British tentacles began a stretching out of to every corner of the globe,thus enabling English to absorb words from all major languages of the world.After World War II,many new words have been created to express new ideas,inventions and scientific achievements.More words are created by means of word-formation.thousands and thousands of new words have been entered to express new ideas inventions,and scientific achievements.more words are created by means of word-formation.in modern English,word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions English has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language.science and technology terms make up about 45% of new words. words associated with life-style constitute of 24% and social and economic terms amount to over 10% .mention should be made of an opposite process of development i.e. old words falling out if use.特点:ending are almost lost.3. Three main sources new words1.The rapid development of modern science and technology2.Social,economic and political changes3.The influence of other cultures and languages4. Three modes of vocabulary development1. Creation – the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots,affixes and other elements. (This is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.)2. Semantic change - an old form which take on a new meaning to meet the new need.3. Borrowing – to take in words from other languages.(particularly in earlier time)4. (Reviving archaic or obsolete)French 30%,Latin 8%,Japanese Italian 7%,Spanish 6%,German Greek 5%,Russian Yiddish 4%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++第三章1. Morpheme —— A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. (The smallest functional unit in the composition of words.)2.Morph—— A morpheme must be realized by discrete units. These actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning are morphs.3.Monomorphenic words – morphemes are realized by single morphs.4.Allomorph——Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position. Such alternative morphs are allomorphemes. E.g. the morpheme of plurality (-s)has a number if allomorphemes in different sound context,e.g. in cats/s/,in bags/z/,in matches/iz/.5. Free morphemes or Free root —— The morphemes have complete meaning and van be used as free grammatical units in sentences,e.g. cat,walk. They are identical with root words. morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be free.6. Bound Morphemes —— The morphemes cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words,e.g. recollection(re+collect+ion)collect – free morpheme re-and –ion are bound morphemes. (include bound root and affix)Bound morphemes are found in derived words.7. Bound root —— A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root,it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example:it conveys the meaning of ―say or speak‖ as a Latin root,but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before)we obtain the verb predict meaning ―tell beforehand‖。
起源于中国的那些英语词汇...The Surprising List Of 11 Common English Phrases Of ChineseOriginEnglish words from Chinese words are often denoted as being …loanwords.‟A loanword is one that does not share a literal translation of the word. Rather the word is based on the adopted language. Quite simply, the word is borrowed and then co-opted into the new language.那些来自于中国的词汇通常都被称之为“外来词汇。
1. Gung Ho 长庚何Pronounced gōng hé in Mandarin. The literal translation is,”work together.” The English use was popularized by Marines fighting in the Pacific in World War II. The phrase came to mean: “whole heartedly enthusiastic, and loyal, eager, and zealous.”在普通话里的发音为gōng hé,意思是“合作、同心协力”。
”2. Typhoon 台风Pronounced dàfēng in Mandarin and tai fung in Cantonese. The literal translation is “strong wind.” Experts say the term, ty phon from the Greek and Arabic, was strengthened with the Chinese translation.在普通话中的发音为:dàfēng,广东话的发音为:tai fung。
源于中文的英文单词The Origin and Evolution of Chinese-Inspired English Words.The influence of Chinese culture and language on the English lexicon is profound and extensive. Over the centuries, numerous words and phrases have been borrowed, adapted, or influenced by Chinese, reflecting the rich history and diversity of the East. This article delves into the fascinating journey of some of these words, exploring their origins, evolution, and current usage in the English language.The history of Chinese-English lexical borrowing can be traced back to the Silk Road trade in the ancient times, when Chinese goods and ideas traveled to the West along with the famous silk. Merchants, travelers, and missionaries brought back stories and knowledge of the Far East, introducing new concepts and terminologies into European languages. Over time, these loanwords wereintegrated into the English vocabulary, often undergoing phonological and semantic changes to fit into the English language system.One such example is the word "tea," which originated from the Chinese word "chá." Tea has b een a staple of Chinese culture for centuries and its introduction to the West changed beverage habits and culture significantly. The word "tea" entered English in the 17th century and has since become a global phenomenon.Another notable Chinese-derived English word is "porcelain," which refers to the fine, hard chinaware made in China. The word is derived from the Italian "porcellana," which was coined in the 14th century to describe the delicate and valuable wares imported from China. The Italians, in turn, borrowed the term from the Arabic "farsīnah," which was used to refer to Chinese wares in the Middle East.In recent years, with the rise of China's economic and cultural influence, more and more Chinese-derived wordshave found their way into English. One such example is "kung fu," which refers to the martial arts and skills associated with them. The word "kung fu" entered English in the early 20th century through the popularization of Chinese martial arts in the West. It has since become synonymous with hard work, dedication, and skill in various contexts.Another modern example is "dim sum," which refers to the small, bite-sized dishes typically served in Chinese restaurants. The term is a shortened version of the Cantonese phrase "dim sim," meaning "to touch the heart." Dim sum has become a popular cuisine in many countries, and the word has been widely adopted into English to describe this unique style of Chinese cuisine.The influence of Chinese culture on English is not limited to specific words or phrases; it extends to language patterns and expressions as well. For instance, the concept of "yin and yang" has found its way into English, representing the dualities and balances in life. The phrase "paper tiger" also originated in China and isnow used globally to describe something that appears strong but is actually weak or ineffective.In conclusion, the influence of Chinese on English is a testament to the rich cultural exchange between the East and the West. These Chinese-derived words and expressions have not only enriched the English language but have also provided a window for the West to understand and appreciate the depth and breadth of Chinese culture. As globalization continues to bring people and cultures closer together, we can expect more such linguistic exchanges to occur, further shaping the evolution of languages and culture around the world.。
Major sources
Minor sources
words from Chinese
“…The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed”. English is supposed to have the most copious (丰富的) vocabulary of all the language in the world, estimated at more than a million words. --The Encyclopedia Americana
“joy, music” take its present meaning from Norse
3.4 Major sources of borrowing
LatinScandinavian/old Norse French/ NormanGreek
Warm-up exercise
Infer the sources of the following English words.Ynne/onion, discus/dish, Manchester, bishop, altar, temple, abdomen, editorSky, skirt, score, scorch, sick/ill, skill/craftArmy, besiege, guard; diamond, dress, embroidery, fashion; bacon, beef, bon voyage, elite, bizarreBiology, genius, autocrat, automobile, geologyCzar, sputnikYin-yang, dim sum, kung fu, oolong, coolieShanghai
关于英文起源的作文英文,The origin of English is a fascinating topic that has been debated by linguists and historians for centuries. There are several theories about where English came from, but the most widely accepted one is that it evolved from a Germanic language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who migrated to Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries.中文,英语的起源是一个令人着迷的话题,已经被语言学家和历史学家争论了几个世纪。
英文,As English developed, it was heavily influenced by other languages, such as Latin, French, and Norse. For example, many English words related to law, government, and religion come from Latin, while words related to food, fashion, and art come from French. Norse influence can be seen in words related to seafaring and exploration.中文,随着英语的发展,它受到了其他语言的重大影响,如拉丁语、法语和挪威语。
第一次作业[论述题]《英语词汇学》第一次作业DefinitionsDefine the following terms with illustrative examples.1. aliens2. denizens3. homophone4. metonymy5. acronym6. semantic loan7. slang8. back-formation9. conversion10. polysemy参考答案:《英语词汇学》第一次作业参考答案1. aliens: Aliens are words borrowed from a foreign language without any change of the foreign sound and spelling. These words are immediately recognizable as foreign in origin. For examples, “coup d’état”, “résumé”, “régime”, etc. are all Aliens of French borrowings.2. denizens: Denizens are easily associated with already existing native words. They are successfully assimilated. They are foreign words which have been conformed to native English in accent, form (spelling) and even in adoption of an English affix. E.G. uncertain (the English prefix un- + certain, French by origin).3. homophone: Homophones are words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning,e.g. sun, son; piece and peace; etc.4. metonymy: Metonymy is one way of meaning transference whereby the name of one thing is changed for that of another, to which it is related by association of ideas. For example, when I say “I am reading Shakespeare (meaning Shakespeare’s works), I am using metonymy.”5. acronym: Acronyms are formed from the initial letters of words, but are pronounced as a word., e.g. radar: radio detecting and ranging”.6. semantic loan: Semantic loan denotes the development in an English word of a new meaning due to the influence of a related word in another language. For example, the English word “dream”, for instance, which originally meant joy, music, has taken its modern meaning from the Norse.7. slang: Slang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words used in standard social sense. For example, “hat pet”, “nut”, “upper storey”, etc. are the slang words for “head” in American English.8. back-formation: Back-formation is the word-forming process whereby a new word is formed by adding rather than subtracting elements. For Example, “beg” is formed by subtracting “-ar” from “beggar”.9. conversion: Conversion is the word forming process whereby a word is changed from one part of speech into another without the addition of an affix. For example, the verb “release”corresponds to a noun “release”.10. polysemy: Polysemy is a linguistic phenomenon where a word has more than one meanings. For example, “show” means “exhibition, or spectacle, or entertainment” when used as a noun and it means quite differently when it is used as a verb.第二次作业[判断题]《英语词汇学》第二次作业True or False Decision1. We should put our hands on the deck, when we hear “All hands on deck” on a boat.参考答案:错误[判断题]2. Compared with “calculate”, “work out” is more formal in meaning.参考答案:错误[判断题]3. In the word “modify”, the root is “mod”, the stem is “modi” and the suffix is “-fy”.参考答案:正确[判断题]4. “cuckoo” is a phonetically m otivated word.参考答案:正确[判断题]5. Most of the affixes are derived from Old English, or from Latin and Greek.参考答案:正确[判断题]6. “wet day” is a compound.参考答案:错误[判断题]7. In the compound word “blood test”, the second part, i.e. “test”, indicat es the action upon the first part.参考答案:正确[判断题]8. “biz” is a shortened word formed by back clipping.参考答案:正确[判断题]9. Absolute synonyms can be found in ordinary life, e.g. begin ―commence.参考答案:错误[判断题]10. If polysemy is viewed synchronically, it is understood as the growth and development. 参考答案:错误[判断题]11. Simile, metaphor and personification are figures of speech based on resemblances.参考答案:正确[判断题]12. The person saying “We are short of hands at harvest”, he is using met onymy.参考答案:错误[判断题]13. Phonologically, compounds can often be identified as having a main stress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.参考答案:正确[判断题]14. UNESCO is an initialism referring to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.参考答案:错误[判断题]15. Actual meaning refers to the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary.参考答案:错误[判断题]16. Lexical meaning refers to the meaning of word used in a certain context.参考答案:错误[判断题]17. Most of the English words are polysemic.参考答案:正确[判断题]18. The commoner a word is, the more meaning it has.参考答案:正确[判断题]19. American English is characterized by creativeness but not conservativeness in usage. 参考答案:错误[判断题]20. Both word-stress and sentence-stress are weaker in American than in British English, and intonation is more level.参考答案:正确[判断题]21. The native element in Modern English is mostly monosyllabic.参考答案:正确[判断题]22. Technically, American English is a dialect in so as it is a regional variety of the language.参考答案:正确[判断题]23. One particular regional variety is equal to the others in every respect, and none need be regarded as superior.参考答案:正确[判断题]24. A bilingual dictionary is the dictionary that can be used at least in two languages.参考答案:错误[判断题]25. Desk dictionaries provide only the spelling and pronunciation of each word with a few most common meanings.参考答案:错误[判断题]26. “Chair” is the superordinate of “furniture”.参考答案:错误[判断题]27. The Early Modern English period starts from 1700.参考答案:错误[判断题]28. “Sampan”, “liche” and “typhoon” are all English words of Chinese origin.参考答案:正确[判断题]29. All foreign elements in English undergo the process of assimilation.参考答案:正确[判断题]30. Readers can find both linguistic and non-linguistic information in an encyclopedia.参考答案:错误第三次作业[单选题]Exercise 3 Multiple ChoiceBeneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.1. The scientists realized it would be too to ship all people in one boat because it was fragile.A:boldB:daringC:riskyD:dangerous参考答案:C[单选题]2. The football player had studied economics in the university for of roughly six years.A:a decadeB:a timeC:an ageD:a period参考答案:D[单选题]3. The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to __________ in his body.A:precedeB:proceedC:progressD:practise参考答案:B4. When Pilot Officer Peter Thwaites was away on business, his neighbor gave his wife _________ with the housework.A:an aidB:a helpC:a handD:a lift参考答案:C[单选题]5. There is a __________ of vegetables in Shanghai at the moment because of the cold weather.A:shortageB:wantC:needD:desire参考答案:A[单选题]6. Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel so the service is rather slow and inefficient.A:learningB:instructingC:teachingD:training参考答案:D[单选题]7. When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went their way to entertain the guests.A:in forB:overC:out ofD:back on参考答案:C[单选题]8. When there is conflict territory, animals will commonly use force. A:forB:overC:withD:by参考答案:B[单选题]9. Having pushed her son, Eve gave him a dismissive towards the car. A:pushB:pullC:draw参考答案:A[单选题]10. Mr. Harrington asked his son Clive to buy a of bread for his breakfast at the baker’s near his school.A:poundB:loafC:packetD:bag参考答案:B[单选题]11. Which of the following usually appears in poems?A:horseB:steedC:gee-geeD:nag参考答案:B[单选题]12. Which of the following words is of Latin origin?A:fastB:firmC:secureD:bath A and B参考答案:B[单选题]13. Which of the following words is INCORROCT in word formation?A:unhorseB:unmannedC:unfrostD:unhappy参考答案:C[单选题]14. Which of the following word is NOT a compound?A:small talkB:wet dayC:darkroomD:hot dog参考答案:B[单选题]15. Which of the following is formed by blending?A:popB:sightseeC:copterD:boatel参考答案:D[单选题]16. What is the meaning of “nice” in “He is too nice about his food”?A:foolishB:excellentC:veryD:particular about small things参考答案:D[单选题]17. The antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.A:staleB:stuffyC:fadedD:tired参考答案:A[单选题]18. We saw a ________ of how to revive a person who has been almost drowned. A:exhibitionB:demonstrationC:spectacleD:show参考答案:B[单选题]19. I will take you to a most interesting ________ of nineteenth century.A:wonderB:exhibitionC:expositionD:display参考答案:B[单选题]20. No new ideas _______ from the meeting.A:emergedB:submergedC:mergedD:immerged参考答案:A[单选题]21. After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position.A:assumedB:presumedC:consumedD:resumed参考答案:D[单选题]22. All our attempts to ________ the child from drowning were in vain.A:regainB:recoverC:reserveD:rescue参考答案:D[单选题]23. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s ________ policies.A:economicalB:economyC:economicD:economics参考答案:B[单选题]24. The main characters in the novel seem so true to life, but actually, they are entirely ________.A:imaginaryB:imaginativeC:imaginedD:imaginable参考答案:A[单选题]25. American women were ________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A:ignoredB:neglectedC:deniedD:refused参考答案:C[单选题]26. An agreement was ________ last Friday by the two parties.A:arrived atB:arrived inC:occurredD:realized参考答案:A[单选题]27. As ________ announced in today’s papers, the Shanghai Export commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.A:beingB:isC:to beD:been参考答案:B[单选题]28. Before he started the work, I asked the builder to give me an ________ of the cost of repairing the roof.A:assessmentB:estimateC:announcementD:evaluation参考答案:B[单选题]29. Communication is the process of ________ a message from a source to an audience via a channel.A:transmittingB:submittingC:transformingD:switching参考答案:A[单选题]30. Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a heaven for all forms of insect life.A:withB:toC:atD:for参考答案:B第四次作业[论述题]Exercise 4 TranslationTranslating the following sentences into Chinese.1. The nation is characterized by industry and courage.2. Have you seen movies starring Woody Allen?3. We downed three enemy planes.4. Like cures like.5. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.6. The football match was called off on account of the weather.7. The discovery of this drug marks a break-through in the treatment of cancer.8. They had a sharp look-out for pickpockets.9. Over-ambitiousness finally brought about his downfall.10. Tom outran John in the 100-meter race.参考答案:Exercise 4 Translation1. 这个民族具有勤劳勇敢的特征。
汉字的起源英语作文初中Here is an English essay on the origin of Chinese characters, with a word count exceeding 1000 words.The Chinese writing system is one of the oldest and most sophisticated in the world, with a history that can be traced back thousands of years. The development of Chinese characters, or hanzi, is a fascinating story that reveals the ingenuity and creativity of the ancient Chinese people.The origins of the Chinese writing system can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, which ruled over much of what is now northern China from around 1600 to 1046 BCE. During this time, the Shang people developed a system of writing that used pictographic symbols to represent objects and ideas. These early Chinese characters were carved onto animal bones and turtle shells, a practice known as "oracle bone script."The oracle bone script was a precursor to the more sophisticated writing system that emerged during the Zhou Dynasty, which followed the Shang. The Zhou people continued to refine the writing system, adding new characters and developing a more standardizedsystem of strokes and radicals. This period also saw the emergence of the first dictionaries, which helped to codify the growing number of Chinese characters.As the Chinese civilization continued to expand and develop, the writing system also evolved. During the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE), the first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, ordered the unification of the various regional writing systems into a single, standardized script. This became known as the "small seal script," and it laid the foundation for the modern Chinese writing system.One of the most distinctive features of the Chinese writing system is its use of logographic characters, which represent entire words or ideas rather than individual sounds. Unlike alphabetic writing systems, such as those used in English or other Western languages, Chinese characters do not correspond to specific phonemes or letters. Instead, each character represents a complete concept or word.This logographic system has a number of advantages. For one, it allows for a high degree of precision and nuance in written communication. Chinese characters can convey complex ideas and abstract concepts with a single symbol, making the language highly efficient and expressive. Additionally, the logographic system is less affected by regional dialects and variations in pronunciation, as thecharacters themselves remain consistent across different parts of the Chinese-speaking world.However, the complexity of the Chinese writing system also presents significant challenges for learners. Mastering the thousands of individual characters, each with its own unique shape, stroke order, and meaning, can be a daunting task. This has led to the development of various methods and tools to help students learn and remember the characters, such as mnemonic devices, radical analysis, and computer-assisted learning.Despite these challenges, the Chinese writing system remains an integral part of the country's cultural identity and heritage. The characters themselves are not only a means of communication, but also a reflection of the rich history and traditions of the Chinese people. From the ancient oracle bone script to the modern simplified characters, the evolution of the Chinese writing system is a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of the human mind.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the study and preservation of the Chinese writing system, both within China and around the world. Scholars and linguists are working to better understand the origins and development of the characters, while educators and policymakers are exploring ways to make the system more accessible and relevant to modern learners.Overall, the story of the Chinese writing system is a fascinating one, filled with insights into the history, culture, and cognitive processes of one of the world's oldest and most influential civilizations. As we continue to explore and appreciate the richness of this remarkable system, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human capacity for creativity, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge.。
有趣的英文单词起源The fascinating origin of English words.English, a language rich in vocabulary and history, is a testament to the influence of various cultures and languages across the globe. The etymology of English words is often intriguing, with many of them tracing their roots back to ancient languages such as Latin, Greek, French, and German. In this article, we delve into the fascinating origins of some interesting English words.One such word is "avocado," which might surprise many as it sounds like a typically Spanish or Mexican word. However, its origin can be traced back to the Nahuatl language, spoken by the Aztecs of central Mexico. The Aztecs called the fruit "ahuacatl," which means "testicle" due to its shape. Later, when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, they adopted the word and modified it to "avocado," which is now widely used in English.Another interesting word is "nice," which means "pleasing" or "agreeable." This word has a less-than-pleasing origin, however. It comes from the Latin word "nescius," which means "ignorant" or "uninformed." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to become associated with something pleasant or agreeable, rather than ignorance.The word "pamphlet" also has an interesting history. It originates from the Latin word "pamphilus," which means "of all languages" or "universal." Pamphlets were originally small books printed in different languages, intended to be read by a wide audience. Over time, the word came to refer specifically to a small book or brochure, often used for political or propagandist purposes.The word "muscle" also has an unexpected origin. It comes from the Latin word "musculus," which means "little mouse." This association is thought to be because the shape and movement of muscles remind people of mice.The word "quiz" is another example of an English word with an interesting origin. It is thought to haveoriginated in the 19th century as a shortened form of "examination," used in British schools to refer to a short, informal test. However, its exact etymology is unclear, and there are several theories about its origin.The word "ketchup" is an example of an English wordthat has been borrowed from another language. It comes from the Chinese word "kèchiāp," which means "brine of fish and shellfish." The word was introduced to England by traders in the 18th century and was initially used to describe a sauce made from fish or shellfish. Over time, it evolved to refer to the tomato-based condiment we know today.The word "floccinaucinihilipilification" is an example of a long and complex English word with an equally fascinating origin. It is a noun derived from the Latin phrase "floccinaucinihilipilificare," which means "to estimate as worthless or contemptible." The word is often used humorously to describe the act of belittling or dismissing something as unimportant or insignificant.These are just a few examples of the fascinatingorigins of English words. The history and etymology of English vocabulary are rich and diverse, reflecting the influence of various cultures and languages across the globe. From ancient Latin and Greek roots to borrowed words from other languages, the origin of English words is often surprising and interesting.。
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lit. hurry, urgent. • Chow - from Chinese Pidgin English chowchow which means food, perhaps based on Cantonese 炒, lit. stir fry (cooking) • Doufu - from Mandarin 豆腐 (dou fu), lit. beancurd
洗脑,罢官 Etymology: translation of Chinese (Beijing) Date: 1950 1 : A forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas 2 : persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship –Brainwashing is translated from Chinese literally, word by word. 脑 means brain, 洗 means wash. The word had then been put together in the English language way--Brainwashing.
• Ginseng - from Mandarin 人參 (renshen), name of the plant.
• Ketchup - possibly from Cantonese or Amoy 茄汁, lit. tomato sauce/juice
• Kung Fu - the English term to collectively describe Chinese martial arts; from Cantonese 功夫 (Gongfu), lit. efforts
• Soy - From Chinese 醬油, (Mandarin jiàngyóu).
• Tea - from Amoy 茶 • Typhoon - 颱風; a great windstorm, hurricane, from taiî (great) fung (wind) • Wok - from Cantonese 鑊
• Longan - from Cantonese 龍眼, name of the fruit • Lychee - from Cantonese 荔枝 (laitzi), name of the fruit
• Mahjong - from Cantonese 麻將 (mah-jeung), lit. the mahjong game • Mu Shu (pork) - from Mandarin 木須 (mùxū), lit. wood shredded • Shih Tzu - from Mandarin 獅子狗, lit. Chinese lion dog • Silk - possibly from 'si' 絲, lit. silk
• Bok Choy - 白菜 a Chinese cabbage: literally 'white vegetable' .
Dim Sum - from Cantonese 點心 (dimsam), lit. little heart. • Ramen - Japanese ラーメン, gairaigo, from Chinese 拉麵 (Lamian) lit. pulled noodle.
•Tai Chi - from Mandarin 太極
Won ton - from Cantonese 雲吞 , lit. 'cloud swallow' as a description of its shape, similar to Mandarin 餛飩
• Yin Yang - 陰陽 from Mandarin 'Yin' meaning feminine, dark and 'Yang' meaning masculine and bright.
• China - 秦; Name of the Qin Dynasty. The West appears to have named China after the first dynasty to unify the country. The Chinese call their country zhong guo (中國) or Central Country.