



第十版税务会计与纳税筹划东北财经大学出版社各章习题参考答案第1章1.1(1)B(2)C(3)D1.2(1)BCD(2)AC(3)ABC(4)ABCD1.3(1)×(2)×(3)×(4)√(5)×第2章□知识题•知识应用2.1单项选择题(1)C(2)C(3)A2.2多项选择题(1)ABC(2)BD(3)AD(4)CD(5)ABC(6)ABCD2.3判断题(1)×应为视同销售(2)×自然灾害损失属于正常损失,进项税额依然可以抵扣,无须对其进行账务处理(3)√组成计税价格=关税完税价格+关税+消费税(4)× 13%(5)×不得扣减旧货物的收购价格(6)√(7)√□技能题•计算分析题2.1 (1)借:原材料30 930应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)5 170贷:库存现金 1 000应付票据35 100(2)借:在途物资30 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 5 100贷:银行存款35 100借:应收账款——光远厂30 000贷:在途物资30 000借:银行存款35 100贷:应收账款——光远厂30 000(3)借:在途物资100 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)17 000贷:银行存款117 000借:其他应收款 1 170贷:在途物资 1 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额转出)170 (4)借:原材料10 000 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)1 700 000贷:应付账款 3 000 000 银行存款8 700 000 (5)借:固定资产9 000贷:银行存款9 000借:固定资产 5 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)850贷:银行存款 5 850(6)借:管理费用——电费 6 000 制造费用——电费24 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 5 100贷:银行存款35 100 借:管理费用——水费 3 000 制造费用——水费27 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 1 800贷:银行存款31 800 (7)借:固定资产250 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)42 500贷:实收资本292 500借:原材料20 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)3 400贷:实收资本23 400(8)借:固定资产250 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)42 500贷:营业外收入292 500借:原材料20 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)3 400贷:营业外收入23 400(9)借:制造费用 3 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)510贷:银行存款 3 510(10)借:委托加工物资 4 000贷:原材料 4 000 借:委托加工物资 1 500应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)255贷:银行存款 1 755借:委托加工物资193应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)7贷:银行存款200(11)借:原材料 5 850贷:银行存款 5 850借:固定资产20 000贷:银行存款20 000 (12)借:库存商品70 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)11 900贷:应付账款81 900借:销售费用279应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)21贷:银行存款300 借:应付账款81 900贷:银行存款81 900 2.2(1)借:银行存款40 950贷:主营业务收入35 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 5 950 借:销售费用186应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)14贷:库存现金200(2)借:银行存款7 020贷:其他业务收入 6 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)1 020(3)借:应收账款11 700 贷:主营业务收入10 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 1 700 (4)确认销售时借:长期应收款90 000贷:主营业务收入90 000同时借:主营业务成本60 000贷:库存商品60 000收到款项时借:银行存款35 100贷:长期应收款30 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 5 100 (5)借:银行存款46 900贷:主营业务收入40 000其他业务收入85.47应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 6 814.53(6)借:应收账款——光远厂贷:主营业务收入借:销售费用279应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)21贷:其他应付款——光远厂300(7)根据红字增值税专用发票冲销:借:应收账款——光远厂贷:主营业务收入根据重开的专用发票入账:借:应收账款——光远厂140 400贷:主营业务收入120 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)20 400(8)借:应收账款——光远厂贷:主营业务收入(9)开出同一张增值税专用发票上分别写明销售额和折扣额,可按折扣后的余额作为计算销项税额的依据借:银行存款210 600贷:主营业务收入180 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)30 600(10)双方都要作购销处理借:原材料40 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)6 800贷:库存商品40 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 6 800(11)借:在建工程 4 850贷:库存商品 4 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)850(12)借:长期股权投资 5 850贷:主营业务收入 5 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)850借:主营业务成本 4 000贷:库存商品 4 000(13)借:应付利润 5 850贷:主营业务收入 5 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)850(14)借:应付职工薪酬 5 850贷:主营业务收入 5 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)850借:主营业务成本 4 000贷:库存商品 4 000(15)借:营业外支出 4 850贷:库存商品 4 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)850(16)借:应收账款——光远厂73 710贷:主营业务收入60 000其他业务收入 3 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)10 7102.3(1)借:原材料300 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)51 000贷:银行存款351 000借:主营业务成本12 750贷:应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额转出)12 750(2)借:应交税费——应交增值税(已交税金)800贷:银行存款800(3)借:应交税费——未交增值税800贷:应交税费——应交增值税(转出多交增指数)800 (4)借:应交税费——应交增值税(转出未交增值税)200贷:应交税费——未交增值税800(5)借:应交税费——未交增值税700贷:应交税费——应交增值税(转出多交增指数)700第3章□知识题•知识应用3.1单项选择题(1)D (2)C (3) B (4) B (5)A3.2多项选择题(1)ABC (2)ABCD (3)AB (4)ABC3.3判断题(1)×不包括代收代缴的消费税(2)×材料成本不包括辅助材料成本(3)×不一定,如用于在建工程的应税消费品的消费税就计入了“在建工程”借方(4)×消费税不是在所有流通环节都纳税,而只是在生产、委托加工和进口环节纳税□技能题•计算分析题3.1(1)应纳消费税额=585×1 000÷(1+17%)×30%=150 000元(2)应纳消费税额=20×220=4 400元(3)应纳消费税额=(10 000+2 000+1 000)÷(1-30%)×30%=5 571.43元(4)当月准予扣除的委托加工应税消费品买价=3 000+5 000-2 000=6 000元当月准予扣除的委托加工应税消费品已纳税额=6 000×30%=1 800元本月应纳消费税额=6×150+30 000×30%-1 800=8 100元如果是外购的,应纳消费税额也是8 100元(5)消费税组成计税价格=70 000×150×(1+200%)÷(1-8%)=34 239 130.43元应纳消费税额=34 239 130.43×8%=2 739 130.44元增值税组成计税价格=70 000×150+70 000×150×200%+2 739 130.44=34 239 130.44元应纳增值税额=34 239 130.43×17%=5 820 652.18元3.2(1)借:银行存款585 000贷:主营业务收入500 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)85 000借:营业税金及附加150 000贷:应交税费——应交消费税150 000(2)借:应付职工薪酬46 800贷:主营业务收入40 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)6 800借:营业税金及附加4400贷:应交税费——应交消费税4400借:主营业务成本 3 000贷:库存商品 3 000(4)取得收入时借:银行存款35 100贷:主营业务收入30 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 5 100计提消费税时应纳消费税=6×150+30 000×30%=9 900元借:营业税金及附加9 900贷:应交税费——应交消费税9 900当月准予抵扣的消费税借:应交税费——应交消费税 1 800贷:待扣税金——待扣消费税 1 800当月实际上缴消费税时借:应交税费——应交消费税8 100贷:银行存款8 100(5)应纳关税=70 000×150×200%=21 000 000元借:物资采购34 239 130.44应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)5 820 652.18贷:银行存款29 559 782.62 应付账款——××外商10 500 000 3.3按甲类卷烟计算,则应纳增值税额=500×17%=85元应纳消费税额=500×56%=280元借:银行存款585贷:其他业务收入500应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)85借:其他业务成本280贷:应交税费——应交消费税2803.4按甲类卷烟计算,则应纳增值税额=2 000÷(1+17%)×17%=290.60元应纳消费税额=2 000÷(1+17%)×56%=957.26元借:其他应付款 2 000贷:其他业务收入 1 709.40应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)290.60借:其他业务成本957.26贷:应交税费——应交消费税957.263.5同一控制下的投资,则应纳增值税额=4 000 000×17%=680 000元应纳消费税额=4 000 000×10%=400 000元借:长期股权投资 3 080 000 贷:库存商品 2 000 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)680 000——应交消费税400 000 3.6(1)购入原材料借:原材料30 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)5 100贷:银行存款35 100 (2)购入已税烟丝借:原材料20 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)3 400贷:银行存款23 400 (3)将自产的烟丝用于广告组成计税价格=40 000×10%×(1+5%)÷(1-30%)=6 000元应交消费税=6 000×30%=1 800元应交增值税=6 000×17%=1 020元借:销售费用 6 820贷:库存商品 4 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 1 020——应交消费税 1 800 (4)委托加工烟丝后直接销售组成计税价格=(10 000+1 000)÷(1-30%)=15 714.29元应交消费税=15 714.29×30%=4 714.29元①借:委托加工物资10 000贷:原材料10 000②借:委托加工物资 1 000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)170 贷:银行存款 1 170③借:委托加工物资 4 714.29贷:银行存款 4 714.29 ④收回后借:库存商品15 714.29贷:委托加工物资15 714.29⑤销售借:银行存款23 400贷:主营业务收入20 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 3 400⑥借:主营业务成本15 714.29贷:库存商品15 714.29(5)本月销售卷烟应纳增值税额=90 000×17%=15 300元应纳消费税额=90 000×45%+150×6=41 400元借:银行存款105 300贷:主营业务收入90 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)15 300借:营业税金及附加41 400贷:应交税费——应交消费税41 400(6)本月应纳消费税=1 800+41 400=43 200元,另有4 714.29元由受托方代收代缴。





















图 1-1 政府与家庭、企业之间的收支循环流程图我国在明确提出我国经济体制改革的目标是社会主义市场经济体制的时候,曾对社会主义市场经济体制做出一个简明的概括:“就是要使市场在社会主义国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用……。



















第一章财政导论答案一、略二、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.√ 8.√ 9.√ 10.×三、1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A四、1.ABCD 2.ACD 3.BC 4.ABD 5.ABCD五、略第二章财政收入答案一、略二、1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.√ 5.× 6.√ 7.× 8.× 9.× 10.√三、1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C四、1.ABCE 2.ABCE 3.ABCE 4.ABC 5.BDE五、略第三章国债答案一、略二、1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.× 8.√ 9.√ 10.×三、1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.D四、1.ABC 2.ACD 3.ACD 4.ABC 5.AC五、略第四章税收答案一、略二、1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.× 8.√ 9.√ 10.×三、1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C四、11.ACD 2.CD 3.ABC 4.ABD 5.BCD五、1.应纳消费税=117/(1+17%)×20%+10×0.5=25(万元)2.代扣代缴的营业税税额=(80-10)×3%=2.1(万元)3.应纳增值税=117/(1+17%)×17%-3.4=13.6(万元)4.工资薪金支出:合理的工资薪金总额100万允许全部扣除,不用调整;业务招待费:1000×5‰<60×60%,需要调增55万;职工福利费:100×14%=14万<20万,需要调增6万;职工教育经费:100×2.5%=2.5万>2万,不需要调整;职工工会经费:100×2%=2万<3万,需要调增1万;广告费:1000×15%=150万>100万,不需要调整;税收滞纳金:税收滞纳金不允许扣除,需要调增10万。
























Chapter 21 – Fundamental Tax Reform: Taxes on Consumption and WealthBrief Outline1.Efficiency and Equity of Personal Consumption Taxesa.Efficiency Issuesb.Equity Issues2.Retail Sales Taxa.Rationalizationsb.Efficiency and Distributional Implications of State Sales Taxesc. A National Retail Sales Tax3.Value-Added Taxa.Implementation Issuesb. A VAT for the United States?4.Hall-Rabushka Flat Tax5.Cash-Flow Tax6.Income versus Consumption Taxationa.Advantages of a Consumption Taxb.Disadvantages of a Consumption Taxc.Problems with Both Systems7.Wealth Taxes8.Estate and Gift Taxesa.Rationalesb.Provisionsc.Reforming Estate and Gift Taxes9.Prospects for Fundamental Tax ReformSuggested Answers to the End of Chapter Questions1.a.The income tax is 50 percent, so Zach pays 50%*$10000 = $5000 inincome taxes in the first period. He saves half of what is leftafter taxes and earns 10%, therefore he saves $2,500 and earns$250 in interest, but pays half of that interest, $125, in taxes.The present value of his lifetime tax payments is $5000 + $125/ =$b.In the second period, Zach has savings and interest equal to $2750.He will use all this savings on consuming and paying consumptiontaxes. He will pay $1375 in consumption taxes, so the presentvalue of his tax payments is now $5000 + 1375/ = $These calculations demonstrate the transitional problem in movingto a consumption tax because Zach had to pay high taxes duringperiod 1 when he earned most of his income, and then had to payhigh taxes during period 2 when he did his consuming.2.The burden of the estate tax includes the resources used in estateplanning and the effects of estate planning. Many families may alter their behavior in reaction to the estate tax and, if this results in less efficiency, the estate tax creates an excess burden that is not reflected by the number of taxable estates or the amount of tax revenue collected.3.There is a fundamental confusion here. There is no reason to assumethat the incidence of a general consumption tax (a VAT) will be the same as the incidence of a partial factor tax (corporate income tax).4.a.For a fan giving a million-dollar ball to McGwire or Sosa, therewould be a federal gift tax liability. The person receiving thegift owes no tax.b.If the fan keeps the ball, the fan would owe no tax now. But theball would become part of his or her estate, taxable after deathunder the estate tax.c.The fan can avoid tax entirely by giving the ball to a charity,since he could entirely deduct the value of the ball from histaxable income. The charity could sell the ball; the proceedsfrom the sale would not be taxed.d.If the fan sells the ball, the fan owes tax on the net proceeds,just as the seller of any property would. The transaction wouldput the fan in the highest tax bracket, so that the marginal taxrate on the proceeds would be 35 percent.e.If the fan holds onto the ball for a year, it becomes a long-termcapital asset, subject to the maximum capital-gains tax rate of 28percent. Unless the fan thinks that there is going to be asubstantial drop in the market value of the ball, he or she shouldhold onto it for a year.5.The efficiency of this tax seems to be good because it would not changeincentives. However, it does increase the likelihood that the government will do it again, as it was done once.6.Bradford was right. In the simplest possible case, the budgetconstraint is pC = wH, where p is the price of consumption, C is units of consumption, w is the wage rate, and H is hours of work. With an income tax, pC=(1-t)wH, where t=income tax rate. With a consumption tax, (1+?)pC=wH, where ?=consumption tax rate. Thus, for any income tax rate t, we can find a consumption tax rate, ?, that is equivalent by solving the expression: (1+?)=1/(1-t).7.a.We can conclude that an income tax generates an excess burden ifit creates a tax wedge between the amount a borrower pays and theamount a lender receives. With a 25% income tax and an interestrate of 8%, lenders receive (1 – t)r = 6%. Since interest paidis tax deductible, borrowers pay (1 – t)r = 6%. Therefore, thereis no tax wedge and no excess burden.b.If interest payments are not tax deductible, then borrowers pay 8%,while lenders receive 6% after taxes. Since there is a wedgebetween the two rates, the income tax creates an excess burden inthis case.c.If the income tax rate is t = , then (1+?) = 1/ = 4/3, so theequivalent consumption tax is ? = 1/3. A consumption tax leavesunchanged the market rate of return because the receipt ofinterest income by itself does not create a tax liability. Ifinterest payments are not tax deductible, there is no wedgebetween the rate lenders receive and the rate borrowers pay, sothere is no excess burden.d.If interest payments are tax deductible, then there is a wedgebetween the rate lenders receive and the rate borrowers pay, sothe tax creates an excess burden. With a consumption tax rate of1/3, borrowing $1 and paying 8% interest causes the tax liabilityto fall and the after-tax interest rate borrowers must pay is (1–t)r = (2/3) = %. In this case, the wedge between the ratelenders receive (8%) and the rate borrowers pay %) is even largerthan for a 25% income tax when interest payments were not taxdeductible, so the excess burden is larger. Note that there is anexcess burden associated with an income tax only when interestpayments are not tax deductible, while there is an excess burdenassociated with a consumption tax only when interest payments aretax deductible8.Under an income tax, Amy's burden is $1,000*t in the first period,and .08($800)t in the second period ., her investment income is taxed).Shirley's burden is identical in the first period, $1,000*t, but is lower in the second period, equal to .08($700)t. This is because Shirley consumed more in the first period and saved less. Thus, Amy hasa higher lifetime tax burden because she has higher investment income.Under a proportional consumption tax, Amy and Shirley have the same lifetime tax burden, $1,000*?, where ? is the consumption tax rate.9.The corporation earns a 7% return, but must pay 35% of its return intaxes. In addition, Aviva must pay 15% in taxes on the annual dividends she receives. This yields an after-tax rate of return of % [=.07].Applying this net rate of return for 25 years to an investible income of65 cents results in $ [=.6525]. This is the amount that Aviva will havein her account 25 years from now for each dollar she earns today. After subtracting a 45% estate tax, her family receives $.92 for each dollar earned today. If there were no taxes, $1 would compound annually at 7%, yielding a payout of $ [=] to her family.。
















财政与金融 课后习题答案 名词解释

财政与金融 课后习题答案 名词解释












































财政学有以下几个分支: - 公共财政学:研究政府的收入和支出,以及如何管理政府财政; - 财政法:研究与财政有关的法律和法规; - 财政体制:研究政府的组织结构和政府与市场的关系; - 财税政策:研究政府如何利用财政和税收政策来调节经济; - 财务管理:研究如何管理公共机构和企业的财务。








问题1:政府的财政收入可以分为哪些类型?政府的财政收入可以分为以下几个类型: - 税收收入:包括个人所得税、企业所得税、增值税等各类税收; - 非税收入:包括政府购买服务、经营所得等非税类收入; - 债务收入:政府通过发行债券来筹集资金; - 捐赠收入:来自个人、企业、国际机构等的捐赠款项。








































第二章财政与财政职能1. 简略的财政概念。


2. 市场失效的主要表现。





3. 如何辨别公共产品与私人产品?并举例说明。




4. 举例说明负外部效应及其主要治理方式。




Chapter 16 – Efficient and Equitable TaxationBrief Outline1.Optimal Commodity Taxationa.The Ramsey Ruleb.Equity Considerationsc.Summaryd.Application: Taxation of the Family2.Optimal User Feesa.Overview3.Optimal Income Taxationa.Edgeworth’s Modelb.Modern Studies4.Politics and the Time Inconsistency Problem5.Other Criteria for Tax Designa.Horizontal Equityb.Costs of Running the Tax Systemc.Tax Evasion6.OverviewSuggested Answers to End of Chapter Questions1.Assuming that all other commodities (except for cable and satellite television) wereuntaxed, then optimal tax policy suggests the commodities should be taxed according to the inverse elasticity rule. Goolsbee and Petrin (2004) find that the elasticity of demandfor basic cable service is -0.51, and the demand for direct broadcast satellites is -7.40.Applying the inverse elasticity rule would imply that:(t BASIC/t SATELLITE)=(ηSATELLITE/ηBASIC)=(7.40/0.51)=14.5Thus, tax rates on basic cable should be 14.5 times higher than tax rates on satellitetelevision because basic cable is inelastically demanded, while demand for satellitetelevision is highly elastic. Among the assumptions that go into the inverse elasticity rule are that goods are neither complements nor substitutes, and that the elasticities are theHicksian compensated elasticities rather than the Marshallian uncompensated elasticities.In this case, it is likely that the first of these assumptions is false –basic cable andsatellite television are likely substitutes for each other. The Hicksian and Marshalliandemand elasticities are likely to be close to each other because t he income effects arelikely to be small for this commodity.2.Luxury cars have a higher demand elasticity than basic transportation, so this tax wouldfirst be less efficient (have a larger excess burden) compared, for example, to a tax on the$10,000 of any car purchase. Although the tax schedule is progressive, the incidence isnot clear at all. This is determined by the relative demand and supply elasticities forexpensive cars. Administration of this tax would not be straightforward: One couldimagine methods of evasion such as misrepresenting invoices or selling the car in parts!3.The beard tax was progressive because it was a function of social position, which wasprobably a good proxy for income. Because the tax attempted to treat people with the same income similarly, it satisfied some level of horizontal equity, even though itpenalized those with a preference for facial hair. It ’s hard to know about the efficiency consequences u nless one knows more about the price elasticity of demand for the privilege of having a beard. If the elasticity was small, then it would be an efficient tax.4.Given the reduced ability to avoid the tax because of the captive tax base, the increasedsales tax appears to be tax efficient, although the tax may result in lower purchases of non-necessities. The tax might, however, be unfair because individuals with lower incomes because they tend to spend more of their income resulting in higher taxation.5.Efficiency generally requires setting price equal to MC, but doing so here would result ina price lower than the average cost, which would be unsustainable. In this case, the problem of paying for fixed costs could be solved by charging a price equal to MC and levying a lump sum tax to pay for the fixed costs associated with the pipes.6.If the tax increases, the model implies that the number of smuggled cigarettes willincrease because the marginal benefit of doing so (tax avoided) has increased.7.The problem with a one-time tax on profits is that the government has an incentive torenege on its promise. The time inconsistency of optimal policy occurs when the government cannot implement an optimal tax policy because the stated policy is inconsistent with the government ’s incentives over time. Since pharmaceutical companies know that government has an incentive to impose a tax on profits more than once, their behavior will be affected by the tax, creating an excess burden.t 1t 2MC = p*MP$Smuggled cigarettesC 2 C 18.a.It is true that a proportional tax on all commodities (including leisure) isequivalent to a lump sum tax. To illustrate, consider the simplest example wherethere are only two goods: consumption goods and leisure. The budget constraintis equal to: p C C+wL=I, where p C and w are the prices of consumption goods andleisure, C and L are the quantities of consumption and leisure, and I is income.Then a proportional tax on all goods changes the budget constraint to: (1-τ)p C C+(1-τ)wL=I, or rearranging, p C C+wL=I’, where I’=I/(1-τ)<I. Thus, aproportional tax on all goods does not change relative prices and is equivalent totaking away income. So it is equivalent to a lump sum tax.b.It is (usually) false that efficiency is maximized when all commodities are taxedat the same rate; this will not be true if leisure is untaxed. Imagine a morecomplicated budget constraint: p C C+p F F+wL=I. If leisure cannot be taxed, thena tax on commodities leads to a budget constraint of (1-τ)p C C+(1-τ)p F F+wL=I,which does change the relative price of leisure compared with food orconsumption goods. Thus, it is not a lump sum tax. Instead, the inverse elasticityrule given in equation (16.9) would suggest that the ratio of the tax rates areinversely related to the ratio of the compensated demand elasticities for allcommodities that can be taxed. That is, (t C/t F)=(ηF/ηC).c.It is true that average cost pricing for a natural monopoly allows the enterprise tobreak even, but the outcome is inefficient. Figure 16.3 in the textbook shows thetypical natural monopoly problem, with an initial fixed cost, and an ever-declining marginal cost curve. In this case, the average cost curve is alwaysdeclining, but above the marginal cost curve. Setting P=AC results in an outputlevel of Z A and zero economic profits. The figure illustrates, however, that themarginal benefit of more output exceeds the marginal cost, so the efficient levelof production occurs at P=MC, or an output level Z*>Z A. The deadweight loss isthe area between the demand curve D Z and marginal cost curve, going from Z A toZ*. If output were at the efficient level, however, there would be economic lossesrather than zero profits.d.One notion of horizontal equity is that people in equal positions should be treatedequally by the tax system. Under this traditional notion of horizontal equity, thefact that Tom’s workplace provides free access to a fitness room suggests thison hiskind of compensation should be taxed; Jerry pays “full taxes” compensation while Tom does not. Another notion of horizontal equity relies onthe utility definition of horizontal equity. This concept says that if two individualshave the same utility without taxes, they should have the same utility with taxes,and the taxes should not affect the utility ordering. One implication of the utilitydefinition is that any existing tax structure does not violate the notion ofhorizontal equity if individuals are free to choose their activities and expenditures.If Tom and Jerry have free choice between the two different jobs (and identicalpreferences), then the net after-tax rewards (including amenities) must be thesame at both jobs; otherwise there would be migration. In this case, the before-tax wage on T om’s job adjusts for the fact that there is a fringe benefit.9.Tax avoidance is altering behavior in a way so as to reduce legal tax liability. Taxevasion is not paying taxes legally due. If the customer is rolling their own cigarettes, and not buying a pack of cigarettes already made, then the tax is not applicable, so this is tax avoidance.。














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Part 5 – The United States Revenue SystemCopyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-HillEducation. 19-1Chapter 19 – The Corporation TaxBrief Outline1. Why Tax Corporations?2. Structurea. Employee Compensation Deductedb. Interest, but Not Dividends, Deductedc. Depreciation Deductedd. Investment Tax Credite. Treatment of Dividends versus Retained Earningsf. Effective Tax Rate on Corporate Capital3. Incidence and Excess Burdena. A Tax on Corporate Capitalb. A Tax on Economic Profits4. Effects on Behaviora. Total Physical Investmentb. Types of Assetc. Corporate Finance5. State Corporation Taxes6. Taxation of Multinational Corporationsa. Global versus Territorial Taxation7. Corporation Tax Reforma. Full Integrationb. Dividend ReliefSuggested Answers to End of Chapter Questions1. This statement implies that it makes more sense to have a tax treatment that prefersdividends rather than retained earnings so that corporations don’t grow so large that good management is difficult.2. The blogger ignores that corporations are owned by people, and only people can be taxes.If Mr. Romney’s investments in corporations are taxed, thereby reducing his returns, then his income was taxed more than his simple income tax percentage indicates.3.a. The real value of depreciation allowances, ψ of equation (19.1), falls wheninflation rises. This is because as inflation rises, the real value of the series ofdeductions declines.b. When ψ falls, the user cost of capital increases because ψ enters negatively in thenumerator of equation (19.5).c. A policy that permitted depreciation allowances to be inflation-indexed wouldundo the effect of part a.Chapter 19 – The Corporation TaxCopyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-HillEducation.19-2 4. Corporate tax revenues rise and then fall after an increase in the tax rate because it takestime for firms to adjust the location of their capital. As the capital flows out, tax revenues decrease. More open economies would have a lower revenue maximizing rate because in such economies it is easier for capital to flow out to lower-tax countries if taxes become too high.5.a. If the $20 million is expensed, the firm gets a deduction of $20 million in thecurrent year. If the $20 million is depreciated, the deductions are spread overtime (in a way that depends on the specifics of the depreciation schedule). Thepresent value of the future flow of deductions is less than $20 million.b. Because the package design will yield benefits that extend over a period of time,it would seem sensible to view it as a capital expenditure. If so, depreciation isappropriate, and the IRS was right.6. A reduction in the corporate tax rate will lead to a migration of capital to the corporatesector (because the after-tax rate of return increases) until the after-tax rate of return is equalized again. The reduction will also have the effect of moving capital from foreign countries back to the United States. Efficiency would improve because it would reduce the double taxation of capital income. Effects on equity are less clear: It depends largely on whether workers were made more productive by the additional capital.7. This statement assumes that the corporate tax is equivalent to an income tax. Table 14.2shows that a proportional tax on both capital and labor is equivalent to an income tax. Thus, the statement assumes that the corporate tax is a proportional tax on both capital and labor.8. If the tax rate on dividends increases, the user cost of capital increases by 11.5 percent.Therefore, investment in wind energy should decline by 17.25 percent.9. One would calculate the depreciation of a cow based on the life expectancy of the cowand the cow’s milk production. If the cow produces the same amount each year of her life, then the depreciation should be 1/L where L is life expectancy. If the milk production is less the longer the cow lives, then the depreciation in early years should be higher than in later years, a more complicated depreciation scheme. If the depreciation in the first year increases, the tax savings from the depreciation will increase and the user cost of capital will decrease.10. The effective tax rate declines when allowed to book losses against previous profits for alonger period. This lowers the user cost of capital. The accelerator model indicates that this will have no impact on investment. The neoclassical model indicates that this will increase investment. If the reduced tax increases cash flow, firms may also invest more.11. The user cost of capital (ignoring depreciation allowances and investment tax credits) isgiven by equation (19.4) in the textbook, C=(r+δ)/[(1-θ)(1-t)], where r=after tax rate of return in the capital market, δ=economic depreciation, θ=corporate tax rate, andPart 5 – The United States Revenue SystemCopyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-HillEducation. 19-3t=individual tax rate. Substituting the numbers from the problem into the formula, gives the user cost: C=(.08+.01)/[(.65)*(.7)]=.1978. Since the project’s return, 30%, is higher than this user cost of 19.8%, the company does invest in the project.12. This nature of the corporation implicit in this statement is that corporations are entitiesseparate from individuals, implying that taxing corporations has no effect on individuals. Most economists view this as incorrect because the corporation is owned by individuals. If a corporation is taxed, the individuals who own it are also being taxed.。
