摩托罗拉D2811HC, D2811C, D2812C ,D2813C中文说明书
GE28112子机和座机面板按健:TALK—开机SPKR—兔提REDIAL—重拨DEL—清除MEM—存储PROG—功能MUTE—静音–CID/VOL+--来电显示查询(VOL)—音量大小PAGE—呼叫对讲ANNOUNCE—录音ERASE—清除MEMO—家庭留言REVIW—上一条SKIP—下一条PLAY/STOP—播放/停止ANSWER ON/OFF—录音开关DAY/CHECK—改变时间HOUR—小时MIN—分钟电话使用功能:1.拨打电话:按下TALK开机健,听到拨号音后按下你所以拨打的号码,即可接通,通话完毕按下TALK键关闭即可.2.重拨:按下TALK通话健听到拨号音后,按一次REDIAL重拨健即可(注:只能重拨最后一组)3.存储号码:按一次MEM存储健,先输入储存的位置号码(0—10)再按一次MEM健,再次输入姓名(注:用英文输入)再按一次MEM键,再次输入号码,输入完毕再按一次MEM键确认即可,如要查询:先按一次MEM键然后用子机上的左右查询键翻阅即可.4.查看来电:在待机状态下直接按来电显示查询健即可,如要回拨此号码直接按TALK开机健即可.5.功能界面扩展诠释:按PROG功能健进入后用上下翻查健选择到HANDSETSETUP再按功能键PROG进入.1.SET LANGUAGE设置语言用功能健进进入,数字1-3选择即可(1为英语,2为法语,3为西班牙语)2.HANDSETNAME设置子机名称,进入后英文输入名字即可.3.RINGER TONE设置铃声种类,进入后按下下翻查键调节,最后按功能健确定退出.4.RINGER VOLUME设置铃声音量大小.5.VIP MELODY贵宾号码存储6.KEY TONE设置按健音开关1,ON表示开2,OFF表示关闭7.MESSAGE ALERT 设置留言提示音开关8.RING SELECT 设置录音响铃次数(3-6次)9.SECURITY CODE设置远程徭控听录音的密码10.AREA CODE 设置本地区号11.REGISTRATION 重设(对马,子机登入对马时用)12.DEREGISTRATION 为清除子机13.DEFAULITSETTING 子机设定恢复出厂状态录音功能设置:(座机操作):1.录制提示语:按住ANNOUNCE录音健不放,约两秒钟,听到‖嘀‖声后开始说话:比如:你好,你拨打的是我们家里的录音电话,现在主人不在,有事请留言,谢谢.‖说完后松手即可,如果要重录,再次重复上面的操作即可,满意为止.2.家庭录音:(此功能是为家人设计,如你要外出,给家人留言用)你可以按信MEMO不放,听到‖嘟‖一声后开始说话,完毕松手即可,如是家人回家看见显示窗有留言,直接按PLAY/STOP播放即可.3.清除留言;当你在听取留言时,如果要删除,在听取留言时直接按下ERASE清除键即可删除.如果你信箱里有多条留言,如果一条条的删除比较麻烦,这时你可以总清除,在待机状态下,按住ERASE 清除键不放,约2秒钟,即可全部删除,4.录音开关如果你不要录音功能,在座机的右侧ANSWER ON/OFF健,按一次显示窗显示‖---―说明关闭,在按一次为开启.5播放录音如显示窗显示有数字,数字代表有几条留言,在待机状态下按PLAY/STOP播放停止健即可,如果要跳跃或重听按REVIEW为上一条,SKIP为下一条,6调整时间(注.时间在中国走不准,因为电压频率不一样)按住座机右侧DAY/CHECK改变时间,调整星期几,按住HOUR为调整小时,调正确的时候在松手,按住MIN健为调整分钟,调整正确后松手即可.6.对码设置-本机售出均对好发货请勿自行对码,如需特别需要请向本店客服索要7.对讲功能:先按INT健然后再按1或2健,就表示和1子机或2子机对讲,当另一个子机响的时候再按另一子机的TALK就要以对讲了,通用28111 28112 DECT 6.0 无绳电话说明书一、话机设置(以下操作请在电话机处于待机状态下进行)房间监视:(此功能仅使用额外的手机上)按mute/program键进入主菜单,使用☐或❑键找到ROOM MONITOR选项;再按mute/program键进入ROOM MONITOR编辑,屏幕会显示ROOM MONITOR EXTENSION?;使用0~9数字键输入您想要被监控的手机名称或号码,被监控的手机会自动打开麦克风,而另一监控手机打开免提功能,自动监听来自被监控手机收集的声音。
UCC2813-0/-1/-2/-3/-4/-5UCC3813-0/-1/-2/-3/-4/-5FEATURES100µA Typical Starting Supply Current 500µA Typical Operating Supply Current Operation to 1MHz Internal Soft Start Internal Fault Soft StartInternal Leading-Edge Blanking of the Current Sense Signal 1 Amp Totem-Pole Output70ns Typical Response fromCurrent-Sense to Gate Drive Output 1.5% Tolerance Voltage Reference Same Pinout as UCC3802, UC3842, and UC3842ADESCRIPTIONThe UCC3813-0/-1/-2/-3/-4/-5family of high-speed,low-power inte-grated circuits contain all of the control and drive components required for off-line and DC-to-DC fixed frequency current-mode switching power supplies with minimal parts count.These devices have the same pin configuration as the UC3842/3/4/5family,and also offer the added features of internal full-cycle soft start and internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense input.The UCC3813-0/-1/-2/-3/-4/-5family offers a variety of package options,temperature range options,choice of maximum duty cycle,and choice of critical voltage levels.Lower reference parts such as the UCC3813-3and UCC3813-5fit best into battery operated systems,while the higher reference and the higher UVLO hysteresis of the UCC3813-2and UCC3813-4 make these ideal choices for use in off-line power supplies.The UCC2813-x series is specified for operation from –40°C to +85°C and the UCC3813-x series is specified for operation from 0°C to +70°C.BLOCK DIAGRAMLow Power Economy BiCMOSCurrent Mode PWMUDG-96134Part Number Maximum Duty CycleReference VoltageTurn-On ThresholdTurn-Off ThresholdUCCx813-0100%5V 7.2V 6.9V UCCx813-150%5V 9.4V 7.4V UCCx813-2100%5V 12.5V 8.3V UCCx813-3100%4V 4.1V 3.6V UCCx813-450%5V 12.5V 8.3V UCCx813-550%4V4.1V3.6VORDERING INFORMATIONCONNECTION DIAGRAMSVCC Voltage (Note 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.0V VCC Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0mA OUT Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0A OUT Energy (Capacitive Load). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.0µJ Analog Inputs (FB, CS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3V to 6.3V Power Dissipation at T A < +25°C (N Package). . . . . . . . . 1.0W Power Dissipation at T A < +25°C (D Package). . . . . . . .0.65W Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65C to +150°C Junction Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–55C to +150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 Seconds). . . . . . . . .+300°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)Note 1:All voltages are with respect to GND.All currents are positive into the specified terminal.Consult Unitrode Integrated Circuits databook for information regarding thermal specifica-tions and limitations of packages.Note 2:In normal operation VCC is powered through a current limiting resistor.Absolute maximum of 12V applies when VCC is driven from a low impedance source such that ICC does not exceed 30mA.UCCPACKAGETEMPERATURE RANGEPRODUCT OPTION ORDERING INFORMATIONTEMPERATURE RANGEPACKAGES UCC2813–40°C TO +85°C N, D,PW UCC38130°C TO +70°CN, D,PWELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for –40°C ≤T A ≤+85°C forUCC2813-x; 0°C ≤T A ≤+70°C for UCC3813-x;VCC = 10V (Note 3); RT = 100k from REF to RC; CT=330pF from RC to GND;0.1µF capacitor from VCC to GND; 0.1µF capacitor from VREF to GND. T A =T J .PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSUCC2813-x UCC3813-xUNITSMINTYPMAXReference Section Output Voltage T J = +25°C, I = 0.2mA, UCCx813-0/-1/-2/-4 4.925 5.00 5.075V T J = +25°C, I = 0.2mA, UCCx813-5 3.944.00 4.06V Load Regulation 0.2mA <I <5mA1030mV Total Variation UCCx813 -0-1/-2/-4 (Note 7) 4.84 5.00 5.10V UCCx813-5 (Note 7)3.844.00 4.08V Output Noise Voltage 10Hz ≤f ≤10kHz,T J = +25°C (Note 9)70µV Long Term Stability T A = +125C, 1000 Hours (Note 9)5mV Output Short Circuit –5–35mAOscillator Section Oscillator Frequency UCCx813-0/-1/-2/-4 (Note 4)404652kHz UCCx813-5 (Note 4)263136kHz Temperature Stability (Note 9)2.5%Amplitude Peak-to-Peak 2.25 2.40 2.55V Oscillator Peak Voltage2.45VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for –40°C≤T A≤+85°C for UCC2813-x; 0°C≤T A≤+70°C for UCC3813-x;VCC= 10V (Note 3); RT = 100k from REF to RC; CT=330pF from RC to GND;0.1µF capacitor from VCC to GND; 0.1µF capacitor from VREF to GND. T A=T J.PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSUCC2813-xUCC3813-x UNITS MIN TYP MAXError Amplifier SectionInput Voltage COMP= 2.5V; UCCx813-0/-1/-2/-4 2.42 2.50 2.56VCOMP= 2.0V; UCCx813-3/-5 1.92 2.0 2.05V Input Bias Current–22µA Open Loop Voltage Gain6080dB COMP Sink Current FB = 2.7V,COMP= 1.1V0.4 2.5mA COMP Source Current FB = 1.8V,COMP= REF – 1.2V–0.2–0.5–0.8mA Gain Bandwidth Product(Note 9)2MHz PWM SectionMaximum Duty Cycle UCCx813-0/-2/-39799100%UCCx813-1/-4/-5484950 Minimum Duty Cycle COMP= 0V0% Current Sense SectionGain(Note 5) 1.10 1.65 1.80V/V Maximum Input Signal COMP= 5V (Note 6)0.9 1.0 1.1V Input Bias Current–200200nA CS Blank Time50100150ns Over-Current Threshold 1.32 1.55 1.70V COMP to CS Offset CS = 0V0.450.90 1.35V Output SectionOUT Low Level I = 20mA, all parts0.10.4VI = 200mA, all parts0.350.90VI = 50mA,VCC= 5V, UCCx813-3/-50.150.40VI = 20mA,VCC= 0V, all parts0.7 1.2VOUT High V SAT (V CC-OUT)I = –20mA, all parts0.150.40V I = –200mA, all parts 1.0 1.9V I = –50mA,VCC= 5V, UCCx813-3/-50.40.9VRise Time C L= 1nF4170ns Fall Time C L= 1nF4475ns Undervoltage Lockout SectionStart Threshold (Note 8)UCCx813-0 3.7 4.1 4.5V Stop Threshold (Note 8)UCC1813-0 6.3 6.97.5VUCC1813-1 3.2 3.6 4.0V Start to Stop Hysteresis UCCx813- 1.62 2.4VUCCx813-2/-4 3.5 4.2 5.1VUCCx813-3/- CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for –40°C≤T A≤+85°C for UCC2813-x; 0°C≤T A≤+70°C for UCC3813-x;VCC= 10V (Note 3); RT = 100k from REF to RC; CT=330pF from RC to GND;0.1µF capacitor from VCC to GND; 0.1µF capacitor from VREF to GND. T A=T J.PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSUCC2813-xUCC3813-x UNITS MIN TYP MAXSoft Start SectionCOMP Rise Time FB = 1.8V, Rise from 0.5V to REF–1V4ms Overall SectionStart-up Current VCC< Start Threshold0.10.23mA Operating Supply Current FB = 0V, CS = 0V, RC = 0V0.5 1.2mA VCC Internal Zener Voltage ICC = 10mA (Note 8)1213.515V VCC Internal Zener Voltage Minus StartThreshold VoltageUCCx813-2/-40.5 1.0VNote 3: Adjust VCC above the start threshold before setting at 10V.Note 4: Oscillator frequency for the UCCx813-0, UCCx813-2 and UCCx813-3 is the output frequency.Oscillator frequency for the UCCx813-1, UCCx813-4 and UCCx813-5 is twice the output frequency.Note 5: Gain is defined by:A VVV V COMPCSCS≤≤008..Note 6: Parameter measured at trip point of latch with Pin 2 at 0V.Note 7: Total Variation includes temperature stability and load regulation.Note 8: Start Threshold, Stop Threshold and Zener Shunt Thresholds track one another. Note 9: Guaranteed by design. Not 100% tested in production.COMP:COMP is the output of the error amplifier and the input of the PWM comparator.Unlike other devices,the error amplifier in the UCC3813 family is a true,low output-impedance,2MHz operational amplifier.As such,the COMP terminal can both source and sink current.However,the error amplifier is internally current limited,so that you can command zero duty cycle by externally forcing COMP to GND.The UCC3813family features built-in full cycle Soft Start. Soft Start is implemented as a clamp on the maximum COMP voltage.FB:FB is the inverting input of the error amplifier.For best stability,keep FB lead length as short as possible and FB stray capacitance as small as possible.CS:CS is the input to the current sense comparators. The UCC3813family has two different current sense comparators:the PWM comparator and an over-current comparator.The UCC3813family contains digital current sense filter-ing,which disconnects the CS terminal from the current sense comparator during the100ns interval immediately following the rising edge of the OUT pin.This digital filter-ing,also called leading-edge blanking,means that in most applications,no analog filtering(RC filter)is re-quired on pared to an external RC filter tech-nique,the leading-edge blanking provides a smaller effective CS to OUT propagation delay.Note,however, that the minimum non-zero On-Time of the OUT signal is directly affected by the leading-edge-blanking and the CS to OUT propagation delay.The over-current comparator is only intended for fault sensing,and exceeding the over-current threshold will cause a soft start cycle.RC:RC is the oscillator timing pin.For fixed frequency operation,set timing capacitor charging current by con-necting a resistor from REF to RC.Set frequency by con-necting a timing capacitor from RC to GND.For best performance,keep the timing capacitor lead to GND as short and direct as possible.If possible,use separate ground traces for the timing capacitor and all other func-tions.PIN DESCRIPTIONSThe frequency of oscillation can be estimated with the following equations:UCCx813-0/-1/-2/-4:F R C=•15.UCCx813-3, UCCx813-5:F R C=•10.where frequency is in Hz,resistance is in Ω,and capaci-tance is in farads.The recommended range of timing re-sistors is between 10k and 200k and timing capacitor is 100pF to 1000pF .Never use a timing resistor less than 10k.GND:GND is reference ground and power ground for all functions on this part.OUT:OUT is the output of a high-current power driver capable of driving the gate of a power MOSFET with peak currents exceeding ±750mA.OUT is actively held low when VCC is below the UVLO threshold.The high-current power driver consists of FET output de-vices,which can switch all of the way to GND and all of the way to VCC.The output stage also provides a very low impedance to overshoot and undershoot.This means that in many cases,external schottky clamp diodes are not required.VCC:VCC is the power input connection for this device.In normal operation VCC is powered through a current limiting resistor.Although quiescent VCC current is verylow,total supply current will be higher,depending on OUT current.Total VCC current is the sum of quiescent VCC current and the average OUT current.Knowing the operating frequency and the MOSFET gate charge (Qg),average OUT current can be calculated from:I Q F OUT g =•.To prevent noise problems,bypass VCC to GND with a ceramic capacitor as close to the VCC pin as possible.An electrolytic capacitor may also be used in addition to the ceramic capacitor.REF:REF is the voltage reference for the error amplifier and also for many other functions on the IC.REF is also used as the logic power supply for high speed switching logic on the IC.When VCC is greater than 1V and less than the UVLO threshold,REF is pulled to ground through a 5k Ωresis-tor.This means that REF can be used as a logic output indicating power system status.It is important for refer-ence stability that REF is bypassed to GND with a ce-ramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible.An electrolytic capacitor may also be used in addition to the ceramic capacitor.A minimum of 0.1µF ceramic is re-quired.Additional REF bypassing is required for external loads greater than 2.5mA on the reference.To prevent noise problems with high speed switching transients,bypass REF to ground with a ceramic capaci-tor very close to the IC package.PIN DESCRIPTIONS (cont.)APPLICATION INFORMATION4.003.983.963.943.923.903.883.863.843.8244. (V)CC V (V )R E F Figure 5.UCC3813-3/-5V REF vs.V CC ;I LOAD= 0.5mA.APPLICATION INFORMATION (cont.)T and C T.R T and C T .oscillator frequency.oscillator frequency.CC APPLICATION INFORMATION (cont.)CCCS = 0V.T T UNITRODE CORPORA TION7 CONTINENTAL BLVD.• MERRIMACK, NH 03054TEL.(603) 424-2410 • FAX (603) 424-3460IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements.CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (“CRITICAL APPLICATIONS”). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF TI PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER’S RISK.In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.Copyright © 1999, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
使用说明书O P E R A T I O N M A N U A LM O D E LC h a n g z h o u T o n g h u i E l e c t r o n i c C o . , L t d . 地址址::江江苏苏省省常常州州市市新新北北区区天天山山路路33号号 电话话::((00551199))5132222,,5113342 传真真::((0519))55110099997722 邮箱箱::S S a a l l e e s s @@t t o o n n g g h h u u i i c c o o ..c c o o m m 网址址::h h t t t t p p :://// w w w w w w ..t t o o n n g g h h u u i i ..c c o o m ..c c n n m目录第一章概述 11.1 引言 11.2 主要技术指标 11.3 主要功能 31.4 仪器结构及安装 41.5 工作环境 6 第二章操作说明72.1 注意事项 72.2 操作步骤 72.2.1 电源72.2.2 连接被测电容72.2.3 测量条件82.2.3.1 频率 显示.、量程和量程保持 等效方式 清“0”功能(校准) 9 第三章维护103.1 仪器误差概述 103.2 用户维修 113.2.1 注意事项113.2.2 仪器性能检查113.2.3 故障分析123.2.4 仪器信号检查133.2.5 基准 14 第四章成套及保修154.1 成套 154.2 保修 15第一章 概述- 1 -第一章 概述1.1 引言TH2812C / TH2811C 型LCR 数字电桥是一种以微处理技术为基础的自动测量电感量L 、电容量C 、电阻值R 、品质因数Q 、损耗角切值D的智能元件参数测量仪器,其0.25%的基本精度和高分辨率的显示对于元件测量的质量和可靠性的提高将有莫大的帮助。
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![摩托罗拉 MOTOTRBO 专业系列无线通信设备配件目录说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63fc25a54793daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996ffc.png)
MOTOTRBO™PROFESSIONAL SERIES RADIO ACCESSORIES T HE POWER OF YOUR RADIO UNLEASHEDXiR P8200 SERIES Remote Speaker Microphones6 –7 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with standard 3.5mm8 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with threaded 3.5mm9 – 10 Public Safety Microphones10 – 11 Surveillance Accessories and earpieces 12 – 15 Surveillance Accessories Replacement Kits 16, 18 Earpieces 20 – 23 Headsets 24 – 25 Tactical24 – 25 Motorola Orginal® Two-way Radios Batteries 36 – 37 Charger Solutions42 Vehicular and Travel Chargers 45 Impres Battery Management Tools 45 Carry Solutions 47 – 49 Antennas51 – 52Programming Cables58XiR P8600 / P8600i SERIES Remote Speaker Microphones6 –7 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with standard 3.5mm8 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with threaded 3.5mm9 – 10 Surveillance Accessories and earpieces 12 – 15 Surveillance Accessories Replacement Kits 16, 18 Earpieces 20 – 23 Headsets 24 – 25 Tactical24 – 25 MagOne Accessories24 – 25 Operational Critical Wireless Bluetooth ® Accessories 28 – 35 Wireless Replacements Kits34 Motorola Orginal® Two-way Radios Batteries 38 – 41 Charger Solutions42 Vehicular and Travel Chargers 45 Impres Battery Management Tools 45 Carry Solutions 46, 48 – 50 Antennas53, 55 – 56Antennas Accessories 57Programming Cables58XiR P8600EX SERIES Remote Speaker Microphones 8 – 9 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with standard 3.5mm 8 3M Peltor Headsets 26 – 27 Motorola Orginal ® Two-way Radios Batteries 40 – 41 Charger Solutions 42 Carry Solutions46, 49 – 50Antennas54XiR P6600 / P6600i SERIES Remote Speaker Microphones 8 – 9 Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with standard 3.5mm 8 Surveillance Accessories and earpieces 14 – 15 Surveillance Accessories Replacement Kits 16 Earpieces 20 – 21 MagOne Accessories20 – 21Headsets 22 – 23 Motorola Orginal ® Two-way Radios Batteries 36 – 39 Charger Solutions 42 Vehicular and Travel Chargers 45 Impres Battery Management Tools 45 Carry Solutions 47, 49 – 50 Antennas 53, 55 Antennas Accessories 57 Programming Cables58PAGESXiR E8600 / E8600i SERIES Remote Speaker Microphones 8 – 9Remote Speaker Microphones-Accessories with standard 3.5mm 8 Surveillance Accessories and earpieces 14 – 15 Surveillance Accessories Replacement Kits 16 MagOne Accessories 20 – 21 Headsets 22 – 23 Motorola Orginal® Two-way Radios Batteries 40 – 41 Charger Solutions 44 – 45 Carry Solutions46 Antennas 55SL1K/SL2K SERIES Surveillance Accessories and earpieces 14 – 15 Surveillance Accessories Replacement Kits 16, 18 Earpieces 20 – 21 Operational Critical Wireless Bluetooth® Accessories 28 – 35 Wireless Replacements Kits 34 Charger Solutions 44 Carry Solutions49 Antennas 56 Antennas Accessories 57 Programming Cables58XiR M8200 SERIES Microphones 61 Mobile Microphone Accessories 62 External Push-To-Talk(PTT) 63 Operational Critical Wireless Bluetooth® Accessories 64 – 67 Replacement Parts and Secondary Audio Accessories 67 Control Station Accessories 71 Installation and Mounting Accessories 72 External Speakers 73 Cables 74 – 75 Antennas 76 – 81XiR M8660 / M8660i Microphones 60 – 61Mobile Microphone Accessories 62 External Push-To-Talk(PTT) 63 Operational Critical Wireless Bluetooth® Accessories 64 – 69 Replacement Parts and Secondary Audio Accessories 66 – 67, 70Control Station Accessories 71 Installation and Mounting Accessories 72 External Speakers73Cables 74 – 75Antennas 76 – 81XiR M6600 SERIES Microphones 61 Mobile Microphone Accessories 62 External Push-To-Talk(PTT) 63 Installation and Mounting Accessories 72 – 73 External Speakers73 Cables 75Antennas76 – 81PAGESIMPRES ™ BATTERIES AND CHARGERS: YOUR BATTERY , SAFER, SMARTER, POWERED FOR LONGERGet rid of the guesswork and get more from every battery.Get the most out of every battery and eliminate the surprise of “low battery alerts”. IMPRES chargers tell you exactly how much capacity is in an IMPRES battery before you attach it to your radio and exactly when an IMPRES battery has reached the end of service life.Enjoy 43% longer battery life from IMPRES over non-IMPRES batteries – without spending maintenance or record keeping time and effort. With IMPRES Battery Fleet ManagementSoftware, you can check the status of 25 or 25,000 batteries at a glance, from one computer.IMPRES ™ AUDIOMake sure every word is heard regardless of the level or direction you’re speaking into the accessory. Be clearly heard the first time and eliminate repeating yourself. Whether you need to talk loudly or quietly, into or away from theaccessory, IMPRES Audio lowers the loud talker level and raises the soft talker level automatically so listeners do not have to adjust the volume depending on who is talking.Policing a busy airport, fixing equipment on a noisy production floor or assisting guests in a quiet hotel, IMPRES Audio promises a high quality communication experience. > Experience IMPRES AudioWINDPORTINGCommunicate clearly in difficult weather. Wherever you work – in howling wind, driving rain, and severe weather – Windporting helps you communicate effectively and listeners hear clearly.Windporting technology eliminates the whining and howling sounds of wind blowing across your lapel/remote speaker microphone. It also prevents water from clogging the microphone for clearer transmissions. > Hear the difference Windporting makesINTELLIGENT AUDIOFocus on your job instead of your radio volume. Make adjusting your radio volume based on background noise a thing of the past. Intelligent Audio listens to sounds in the background and automatically raises or lowers your radio volume so you can always hear. If you’re heading from a noisy area to a quiet place, you won’t disturb others because you forgot to adjust the volume.Intelligent Audio when complemented with IMPRES Audio takes your communications to a new level. > See Intelligent Audio in actionOPERATIONS CRITICAL WIRELESS: YOUR RADIO, UNLEASHEDWork with your radio like never before. Place your radio on a desk or cart, in a purse, medical bag or backpack and converse seamlessly with your wireless earpiece up to 10m away from your radio. Put your wireless PTT where you want to – on a clipboard, steering wheel or coat pocket – without wires getting in the way. Motorola Bluetooth enabled radios allow both an Operations Critical Wireless PTT and audio accessory to be connected and used at the same time. And Operations Critical Wireless accessories last up to 10 hours – up to 3 times the battery life of commercial Bluetooth ® headsets.MOTOTRBO radios are already best in class, but to help you work at your best, you needenhancements targeted to your specific workplace. We’ve developed a line of accessories with unique features designed to optimize the performance of your radio in your work environment,unleashing the full power of the industry’s most advanced digital radio platform.XiR P6600 SERIES XiR P6600i SERIES XiR P8600 Ex SERIES XiR E8600 SERIES XiR E8600i SERIES XiR P8200 SERIES XIR P8600 SERIES XIR P8600i SERIES SL1K SERIES SL2K SERIESPROGRAMMABLE BUTTON: This programmable button allows you to access key features while you keep your radio on your belt or hidden under a jacket.IP RATING: The international standard for rating dust and water protection. Thefirst digit represents the level of dust protection: 5 provides excellent protection fromdust. The second digit represents water protection. IP54 provides protection fromwater sprayed from all directions, IP55 protects against driving rain, and IP57 resistssubmersion in 1 meter of fresh water for 30 minutes.INTRINSIC SAFETY RATING: Motorola-approved accessories are a critical part of theoverall radio system certified by a recognized testing organization as intrinsically safe.Non-Motorola approved accessories may not be certified for MOTOTRBO and if used,could result in equipment that is NOT approved or unsafe in a hazardous environment.**NOTE: TIA = TIA4950 Intrinsic Safety Rating; FM = FM 1988 Intrinsic Safetyrating Accessories with these ratings are approved for FM or TIA when connected toIntrinsically safe FM or TIA radio/battery system.XiR P8200 XiR P8600XiR P8200REMOTE XiR P8600XiR P6600XiR E8600 XiR P8600 Ex RSM ACCESSORIESAUDIOXiR P8200XiR P8200XiR P8200XiR P8600IMPRES AUDIO (MOTOROLA EXCLUSIVE): Ensure your voice is heard clearer, crisper, and louder regardless of level or direction you’re speaking into the accessory. INTELLIGENT AUDIO (MOTOROLA EXCLUSIVE): Set your volume once. Dependon your accessory to listen for changes in background noise, adjusting the volume automatically so you hear every call.MICROPHONE AND PTT: Some accessories have a microphone on the same wireas push-to-talk (2-wire surveillance kit) or on a separate wire (3-wire surveillance kits).Microphones are small, easy to mount and hide during surveillance operations, yetpowerful enough to pick up whispered transmissions and reduce ambient noise.PROGRAMMABLE BUTTON: This programmable button allows you to access keyfeatures while you keep your radio on your belt or hidden under a jacket.INTRINSIC SAFETY RATING: Motorola-approved accessories are a critical part of theoverall radio system certified by a recognized testing organization as intrinsically safe.Non-Motorola approved accessories may not be certified for MOTOTRBO and if used,could result in equipment that is NOT approved or unsafe in a hazardous environment.XiR P8200 XiR P8600HOW DOES IMPRES IMPROVE AUDIO PERFORMANCE? IMPRES enhances the clarity and audio quality of Motorola accessories by reducingambient noise and improving voice intelligibility.If you speak quietly or normally, but not directly into a microphone, IMPRES Audio detects changes in your voice and automatically adjusts the transmitted volume so your listener won’t have to adjust volume up and down.> Experience IMPRES audioXiR P6600XiR P6600XiR P8200XiR P8600XiR E8600XiR P8600XiR P8200XiR P8600SL1KHOW DO TEMPLETRANSDUCERS WORK?These headsets use transducers that rest on your temple to convert audio into sound vibration and transmit it to your inner ear. If you’re using hearing protection or directing heavy traffic, you can hear the audio from your radio and the surrounding environment. Since the transducer sits in front of your ears, you can also wear earplugs and still hear the radio.XiR P6600E8600 SL1KXiR P6600XiR P6600E8600XiR P8600XiR P8200 XiR P8600XiR P8200 XiR P8600 XiR P8600XiR P8600 ExXiR P8600 ExSINGLE NOISE RATING: Signal-to-noise ratio (often abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power, often expressed in decibels.MICROPHONE AND PTT: Some accessories have a microphone on the same wire as push-to-talk (2-wire surveillance kit) or on a separate wire (3-wire surveillance kits). Microphones are small, easy to mount and hide during surveillance operations, yet powerful enough to pick up whispered transmissions and reduce ambient noise.EARPIECE TYPE: Choose the right fit for your operations – a simple, low cost, discreet earbud or the rugged, high performance CommPort™ style earpiece.MICROPHONE: The in-line microphone on the earbud earpiece is designed for generaluse, while the directional microphone on the CommPort™ style earpiece is ideal for lowernoise environments.OPERATIONS CRITICAL/ENHANCED OPERATIONS CRITICAL: This Bluetooth®solution specifically for businesses features simple pairing, high quality audio and fastpush-to-talk to ensure every word is transmitted. Enhanced Operations Critical Wirelesshas all this, plus instant pairing with just a touch of the accessory to the radio’s Bluetoothadapter, and intrinsically safe certification for hazardous environments. This meansmultiple workers on shifts who need grab-and-go device can all pair at the same timewithout connecting to the wrong radio.XiR P8200 XiR P8600 SL1KXiR P8200XiR P8600SL1K*Note: PTT on radio or with separate wireless PTT. All blue tooth kits require in country type approvals.Note: SL series and XiR P8600 / P8600i series portable radios have Bluetooth embedded in the radio and do not require a separate external adapter.XiR P8200 XiR P8600 SL1KIMPRES BATTERIES AND CHARGERS: Get the most out of every battery andeliminate the surprise of “low battery alerts”. IMPRES chargers tell you exactly how much capacity is in an IMPRES battery before you attach it to your radio and exactly when an IMPRES battery has reached the end of service life.INTRINSIC SAFETY RATING: Motorola-approved batteries are a critical part of the overall radio system certified by a recognized testing organization as intrinsically safe. Non-Motorola approved batteries may not be certified for MOTOTRBO and if used, could result in equipment that is NOT approved or unsafe in a hazardous environment.XiR P8200P6600P6600LOW VOLTAGE BATTERIESWhen paired with the enhanced 'e' series radiosLow Voltage Batteries (PMNN4488, PMNN4499,PMNN4489, PMNN4490, PMNN4493) deliver up to28 hours of battery talk time. Working up to 3 shifts,these new batteries are similar size and weight ascurrent batteries.MOTOTRBO PORTABLE RADIOSSL1KXiR E8600MOTOTRBO PORTABLE RADIOSIMPRES BATTERYMANAGEMENT TOOLS?With the unique IMPRES Battery Reader and IMPRES Battery Fleet Management systems, efficiently manage your batteries with real-time data not available with other manufacturers’ batteries. Our easy-to-use software applications show you if there is enough capacity for a full shift, alert you to low capacity batteries, prevent downtime and eliminate throwing batteries out prematurely.Now over-the-air capable withXiR P8600 / P8600i and P6600 / P6600i with IMPRES batteriesIMPRES BATTERY FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE REPORTSIMPRES BATTERY FLEET MANAGEMENTACTIVE BATTERY REPORTIMPRES BATTERY DATA READER, GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN* Must be C revision or greater for compatibility with XiR P6600 / P6600i series and XiR P8600 / P8600i series radios.XiR P6600 XiR P8600 ExXiR E8600SL1KXiR E8600* Must be C revision or greater for compatibility with XiR P6600 / P6600i series and XiR P8600 / P8600i series radios.XiR P8600XiR P8600 Ex MATERIAL: Choose from comfortable and flexible nylon cases, rugged, durable hard leather cases or carry holsters.SWIVEL OR FIXED LOOP: Secure to a belt loop and the case swings freely from side to side. The swivel latch system also allows the radio and case to be removed from the belt loop by simply inverting, lifting it up and out of the belt loop. Fixed loops provide a sturdy attachment to your belt.XiR P8200XiR P6600XiR P8200 XiR P8600XiR P6600 SERIESXiR P8600 XiR P8200 SL1KXiR P8600 ExXiR P6600 XiR P8200 XiR P8600XiR P8200INTEGRATED GPS: A GPS antenna is integrated into the RF antenna. (The XiR P6600 / P6600i series radios do not have GPS capability, but use these antennas.) FREQUENCY BAND: Most antennas only cover a portion of a frequency band. Our wideband UHF and VHF antennas offer coverage across the entire band, enhancing your communication flexibility.XiR P6600XiR P8200XiR P8600XiR P8600 Ex XiR P6600XiR P8600XiR E8600SERIESXiR P6600XiR P8600XiR P8600SL1KMOTOTRBO PORTABLE RADIOSUNRIVALED VOICE AND DATA ON THE GO XiR M8600 / XiR M8600i SERIESThe XiR M8600 series shares the same connector as the XiR M8200 series accessories enabling easy migration. This portfolio is enhanced with integrated Bluetooth ®, giving more flexibility than ever before. Now your drivers can check on packages or walk around the loading dock and stay connected within 10m of their radio. A new IMPRES keypad microphone features a four-way navigation button that makes accessing critical features on the large color display, dialing phone numbers and sending text messages easy.INTEGRATED VOICE AND DATA ON THE GO XiR M8200 SERIESHandling dispatch for a delivery company or hauling freight across the country, accessories must meet challenging installation and operational requirements. XiR M8200 series mobile accessories are specifically designed for hassle-free communication in a vehicle, for dispatch-enabled communication, and for easy installation.XiR M6600 SERIESThe XiR M6600 features a durable telco accessory connector that enables microphones, external speakers and vehicular solutions. Many of the XiR M6600 microphones feature Intelligent Audio. Intelligent Audio listens to sounds in the background and automatically raises or lowers your radio volume so you can always hear clearly. If you’re driving an empty bus that quickly fills with chattering children – you will still be able to hear important communication without taking your hands off the wheel to adjust the radio volume.XiR M8200 SERIESXiR M8600 SERIES XiR M8600i SERIESXiR M6600 SERIESSL1K XiR P8200XiR P8600XiR P6600XiR M8660HOW CAN I COMMUNICATE SAFELY IN MY VEHICLE?The IMPRES Visor Microphone mounts to your vehicle’s visor for safe, convenient communication. Press the external push-to-talk button on the steering wheel to converse without taking your hands off the wheelor your eyes off the road. IMPRES Audio compensates for the distance of the visor mic from your mouth so that your radio communications are loud and clear.XiR M8600XiR M8600LONG RANGE WIRELESS SOLUTIONSDesigned for customers who depend on their high power mobile radio for system connection but must work outside of their vehicle. The Long Range Wireless solution allows you to maintain critical communications even on remote job site.MAINTAIN CRITICAL COMMUNICATIONS EVEN ON REMOTE JOB SITESSITUATIONKeep in touch even on remote job sites when you depend on your high power mobile radio but have to work outside your vehicle. You are a utility worker and need to check the meter readings. You have to park your truck about 100 meters away from the utility box due to access restrictions, yet you stay connected to your radio with your Long Range Wireless Remote Speaker Microphone. You communicate key readings immediately to dispatch. Get your job done safely and more efficiently.SOLUTIONThe Long Range Wireless Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) pairs instantly with touch pairing to the mobile microphone with Bluetooth gateway. The Bluetooth microphone is compatible with MOTOTRBO XiR M8200 and XiR M8600 / M8600i series mobile radios. The Long Range Wireless RSM works up to 100 meters away from the mobile radio, keeping you in communication where you never thought possible.XiR M8600EARPIECE TYPE: Choose the right fit for your operations – a simple, low cost, discreet earbud or the rugged, high performance CommPort ™style earpiece.Note: XiR M8660 / M8660i series mobile radios have Bluetooth embedded in the radio. *Note: PTT on radio or with separate wireless PTT.MICROPHONE: The in-line microphone on the earbud earpiece is great for general use, while the directional microphone on the CommPort ™ style earpiece is ideal for lower noise environments.HOW DO MOBILE WIRELESS ACCESSORIES HELP ME?Use your mobile radio like never before and freely move around your vehicle. This means a driver can sort through packages on the back of the delivery truck, a bus driver can check on students in the back of the bus, or a city worker can trim trees from a cherry picker and all can still remain connected to their mobile radio. And by removing the wired connection to a desktop mobile, a dispatcher can walk around the office and manage calls.XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600 XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600FREQUENCY BAND: Most antennas only cover a portion of a frequency band. Our wideband UHF and VHF antennas offer coverage across the entire band, enhancing your communication flexibility. INTEGRATED GPS: To support GPS capability in the radio, the GPS antenna is integrated into the RF antenna.XiR M8600 XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600MOTOTRBO MOBILE RADIOSXiR M8600XiR M8600XiR M8600 XiR M8600For more information on Motorola accessories,visit /ap/mototrboMOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLCand are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.GLOBAL_ACCE_CAT_AP_1116Motorola Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd12 Ang Mo Kio Street 64, Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 3, UE Biz Hub, Block A, Level 7 Singapore 569088。
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摩托罗拉 CANOPY 配置说明书
选择左边的 IP configuration 选项,进入下面页面。 给模块设置规划好的 IP 地址、 子网掩码、网关。然后保存,重新启动模块。
在 IE 浏览器里输入更改后的 IP 地址登陆 SM 模块,如果有相对应的 AP 模块的话
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摩托罗拉 CANOPY 配置说明书 项,其他情况下都选择默认的第三个选项。给模块选择一个规划好的频率(主、从端的 频率必须相同)。给模块设定一个上下行速率(只在 BH 主端设定,BH 从端自适应)。 给模块选择一个颜色代码(BH 主端和 BH 从端的颜色代码必须相同才能通信)。往下 拉动下拉条。点击保存改动。
选择左边的 IP configuration 选项,进入下面页面。给设备设置已规划好的 IP 地址、 子网掩码、网关。然后保存改动,重新启动设备。
配置 从端 CANOPY BH10 在室内连接好设备,等设备启动后,在 IE 浏览器里面输入设备的默认 IP 地址: 进入设备首页面。BH 模块默认都是从端。 点击左边的 configuration 选项,进入下面页面。 给模块设置规划好的频率(与主
摩托罗拉 CANOPY 配置说明书 (AP-SM 的频率、颜色代码配置相同),会在首页面看到信号强度值(室内不用对准 模块或瞄准)如下图:
在 SM 端能 PING 通、访问 AP 设备,但在 AP 端不能 PING 通 SM 设备,但能够 通过通道来访问 SM 端设备。 配置 主端 CANOPY BH10
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摩托罗拉 CANOPY 配置说明书
在所有的情况之下,当配置参数被修改之后,改动必须被保存并且设备必 须重新启动。当模块上电或在 Web 管理页面中 reboot 以后,模块需要 25 秒左右的时 间启动。在启动期间,进行自检测试和其他检测。
DESCRIPTIONThe SG2800 series integrates eight NPN Darlington pairs with internal suppression diodes to drive lamps, relays, and solenoids in many military, aerospace, and industrial applications that require severe environments. All units feature open collector outputs with greater than 50V breakdown voltages combined with 500mA current carrying capabilities. Five different input configurations provide optimized designs for interfacing with DTL, TTL, PMOS, or CMOS drive signals. These devices are designed to operate from -55°C to 125°C ambient temperature in a 18-pin dual in-line ceramic (J) package and 20-pin leadless chip carrier (LCC).FEATURES•Eight NPN Darlington pairs•Collector currents to 600mA•Output voltages from 50V to 95V•Internal clamping diodes for inductive loads •DTL, TTL, PMOS, or CMOS compatible inputs •Hermetic ceramic packageHIGH RELIABILITY FEATURES♦Available to MIL-STD-883 and DESC SMD♦MIL-M38510/14106BVA - JAN2801J♦MIL-M38510/14107BVA - JAN2802J♦MIL-M38510/14108BVA - JAN2803J♦MIL-M38510/14109BVA - JAN2804J♦Radiation data available♦LMI level "S" processing availableHIGH VOLTAGE MEDIUM CURRENT DRIVER ARRAYSPARTIAL SCHEMATICSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)Continuous Collector Current, I C(SG2800, 2820) ......................................................(SG2810) ...............................................................Operating Junction TemperatureHermetic (J, L Packages) .........................................Plastic (N Package) ..................................................Storage Temperature Range ..........................Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec.) .........................Output Voltage, V CE(SG2800, 2810 series) ................................................(SG2820 series) ..........................................................Input Voltage, V IN(SG2802,3,4 series) ....................................................Continuous Input Current, I IN ........................................50V 95V 30V 25mA500mA 600mA 150°C 150°C -65°C to 150°C 300°CNote 1. Values beyond which damage may occur.J Package:Thermal Resistance-Junction to Case , θJC .................. 25°C/W Thermal Resistance-Junction to Ambient , θJA ...............70°C/W N Package:Thermal Resistance-Junction to Case , θJC .................. 30°C/W Thermal Resistance-Junction to Ambient , θJA .............. 60°C/W L Package:Thermal Resistance-Junction to Case , θJC .................. 35°C/W Thermal Resistance-Junction to Ambient , θJA .............120°C/WTHERMAL DATANote A.Junction Temperature Calculation: T J = T A + (P D x θJA ).Note B.The above numbers for θJC are maximums for the limitingthermal resistance of the package in a standard mount-ing configuration. The θJA numbers are meant to be guidelines for the thermal performance of the device/pc-board system. All of the above assume no ambient airflow.Output Voltage, V CESG2800, SG2820 series ..............................................SG2810 series .............................................................50V 95VPeak Collector Current, I CSG2800, SG2820 series .........................................SG2810 series ........................................................Operating Ambient Temperature Range ........350mA 500mA -55°C to 125°CNote 2. Range over which the device is functional.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Note 2)SELECTION GUIDEDevice V CE Max I C Max Logic Inputs SG280150V 500mA General Purpose PMOS, CMOS SG280250V 500mA 14V-25V PMOS SG280350V 500mA 5V TTL, CMOSSG280450V 500mA 6V-15V CMOS, PMOS SG281150V 600mA General Purpose PMOS, CMOS SG281250V600mA14V-25V PMOSDevice V CE Max I C Max Logic Inputs SG281350V 600mA 5V TTL, CMOSSG281450V 600mA 6V-15V CMOS, PMOS SG281550V 600mA High Output TTL SG282195V 500mA General Purpose PMOS, CMOS SG282395V 500mA 5V TTL, CMOSSG282495V500mA6V-15V CMOS, PMOSCHARACTERISTIC CURVESFIGURE 4.INPUT CHARACTERISTICS - SG2802FIGURE 5.INPUT CHARACTERISTICS - SG2803FIGURE 6.INPUT CHARACTERISTICS - SG2804FIGURE 7.PEAK COLLECTOR CURRENT VS. DUTY CYCLEFIGURE 1.OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2.OUTPUT CURRENT VS. INPUT VOLTAGE FIGURE 3.OUTPUT CURRENT VS. INPUT CURRENTNote 1. Contact factory for JAN and DESC product availability.2. All parts are viewed from the top.3. See Selection Guide for specific device types.CONNECTION DIAGRAMS & ORDERING INFORMATION (See Notes Below)AmbientTemperature Range Part No. (Note 3)PackageConnection Diagram18-PIN CERAMIC DIP J - PACKAGESG28XXJ/883B -55°C to 125°C JAN2801J -55°C to 125°C JAN2802J -55°C to 125°C JAN2803J -55°C to 125°C JAN2804J-55°C to 125°C SG2803J/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2821J/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2823J/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2824J/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG28XXJ-55°C to 125°C18-PIN PLASTIC DIP N- PACKAGESG2803N 0°C to 70°C SG2823N 0°C to 70°C 20-PIN CERAMICLEADLESS CHIP CARRIER L- PACKAGESG28XXL/883B -55°C to 125°C SG2803L/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2821L/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2823L/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG2824L/DESC -55°C to 125°C SG28XXL-55°C to 125°C1849319201214151716876513121110176543281110121314151716918。
摩托罗拉 CPEi 800 无线宽带调制解调器 - 说明书
![摩托罗拉 CPEi 800 无线宽带调制解调器 - 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ec29080b842458fb770bf78a6529647d26283412.png)
Motorola CPE i 800Plug & Play Wireless Broadband Modem for Rapid Market EntryMotorola’s 4th generation CPE platform, CPE i 800 series Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) provides high-performing, orientation-free wireless broadband access to meet your end-users’ home networking needs.Highlights• Plug & Play installation• High performance radio• Omni-directional antenna performance• Front panel, easy-to-read operational statusLEDs for radio signal quality, data and voicestatus• 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ-45) for high speeddata access• Over The Air (OTA) upgrades• Standards based device management (HTTPS,OMA & TR069)• Intuitive, built-in self diagnostics for quick andeasy troubleshootingDimensions: 183mm(h) x 160mm(d) x 60mm(w)CONVENIENT, EFFICIENT & RELIABLEThe CPE i 800 wireless broadband modem is based on Motorola’s proven WiMAX CPE experience. This power packed fourth generation WiMAX CPE platform focuses on improved uplink performance, network operations & management and self-diagnostics, while including all of the advanced features and functionality of the previous generation product.The CPE i 800 has one data access port. It also features a firewall for security, providing an effective solution for basic residential broadband data service needs.Easy-to-read signal strength indicators are clearly visible on the front of the CPE i 800, making it intuitivefor users to check the status of the device at any time. Operators can control the number of LEDs lit onthe device by setting the thresholds of each LED per their network RF plans. This offers a unique way of delivering committable service levels to end-users.In addition, facility to wall-mount the device with optional accessory enables end users to fix the deviceat the best possible location and not have to worry about orienting the device post initial installation. This feature eliminates the need to buy expensive remote antennas and also offers a more efficient way to overcome any potential additional indoor penetration losses.The CPE i 800 is built of components with very high mean time between failure (MTBF) specifications. This ensures that the operator will be able to keep the device in service for several years with minimal repair and return overheads.IMPROVED PERFORMANCEThe radio design in the CPE i 800 incorporates extensive lessons learned by Motorola from network deployments in over 40 countries, with over two million WiMAX CPEs and devices sold. Motorola understands that the measure for radio performance of any device is not just the effective radiated power (EIRP) which is typically used in the network planning tools for setting cell boundaries. Antenna beamwidth limitations, orientation losses of the device and selection of optimal antenna transmit position at any particular moment, also have major impacts on the service level areas and overall network capacity.The CPE i 800 comes with a highly sensitive receiver, omni directional antenna performance, high power output and high gain, orthogonally polarized antennas with switched transmit diversity for improved radio performance. These factors stretch the service level areas of the network, improve cell edge performance and also reduce uplink overheads on the access points. Together these factors not only improve the end-user experience, but also enhance the overall site capacity.REDUCE OPERA TIONS & MAINTENANCE (O&M) OVERHEADSThe Motorola CPE i 800 series supports remote management capability, allowing management and health monitoring of the devices from a standards based centralized device management server such as OMA or TR069 platforms or even a simple HTTPS server based platform. While TR069 is the Broadband Forum’s recommended device management standard for fixed modem management, operators can also choose to use OMA device management platform. Customers may further benefit from using Motorola’s NBBS device management solution that supports both OMA & TR069 standards on the same platform.The CPE i 800 also supports unique features such as self-diagnostics, modular upgrades and enhanced statistics to reduce the operator’s overall operations & maintenance (O&M) overheads and to ensure consistent optimal performance of the devices. In addition, advanced security and authentication protocols protect the end-user and the operator from external threats.MOTOROLA AND WiMAXThe Motorola WiMAX CPE i 800 series is part of the Motorola WiMAX comprehensive portfolioof solutions and services needed to plan, launch and manage a WiMAX network. Designed to complement and complete operator networks, Motorola solutions address a broad range of applications across operator segments. Our WiMAX CPEs and devices demonstrate exceptional ability to overcome the harsh conditions of the radio propagation environment. So they’ll not only deliver excellent performance for your subscribers, but also lower costs and higher returns to you.The information presented herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding the capacity, performance or suitability of any product. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2010CPE i 800_data sheet_v5_FNL。
摩托罗拉蓝牙耳机HS820用户手册 中英版
![摩托罗拉蓝牙耳机HS820用户手册 中英版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b229190abb68a98271fefad3.png)
How Can I Use My Wireless Headset?
Your Wireless Headset, with Bluetooth technology, lets you connect with other similarly equipped devices such as a Motorola V600 with integrated Bluetooth technology. * Use your phone hands free. * Handle incoming and outgoing calls with the headset multifunction control button (MFB). * Use voice activation to make calls. Note: The HS820 supports both Headset and Hands Free Bluetooth Profiles for increased functionality and compatibility with more products. Consult your user’s guide for more information.
is connected.
* Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
What Is Bluetooth Wireless Technology?
Bluetooth devices communicate without wires, using built-in radio transceivers that operate on a globally available radio frequency to ensure worldwide compatibility. Your Bluetooth Wireless Headset can communicate with other Bluetooth devices within a range of approximately 10 meters (33 feet).
摩托罗拉 蓝牙耳机中文说明书 型号:HX1
![摩托罗拉 蓝牙耳机中文说明书 型号:HX1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f1773660a98271fe910ef983.png)
上述产品和附件(除非 另有规定) 装饰性附件和外罩。装饰性 外盖、镶嵌物品、 PhoneWrap™ 外盖和外罩等。 单声道耳机。通过有线连接 方式传送声音的耳塞头和头 戴式耳机。 家用和专业型双向无线 电附件。 修理或更换过的产品及附 件。
自产品的最初消费购买者购买产品之 日起一年内(除非另有规定)。 有限终身保修。为产品的最初消费购 买者提供有限的终身保修。
测试连接 1 将耳机戴在耳朵上。 2 在一部手机上拨叫号码,并按呼叫/发送键。第二部手机重复此操作。 如果您的手机与耳机成功连接,你将从耳机中听到电话铃声。 日常使用时,请确保耳机处于开机状态,并确保手机的蓝牙功能开启。耳机和手 机将自动连接。
选择耳机配件 您的耳机附带耳环式和弹簧式耳机配件。
电源关闭 开启/关闭电源 配对/连接模式 连接成功 用第一部手机接听/拨打电话 用第二部手机接听/拨打电话 已连接(正在通话) 待机(与一部手机连接) 待机(与两部手机连接) 待机(未与手机连接) 连接通话静音 正在连接 电池电量不足
指示 红色 黄色 绿色
充电状态(电池电量低于50%) 充电状态(电池电量高于70%) 充电完毕
关闭 三次蓝色闪烁 蓝色恒亮 蓝色/紫色快速闪烁 蓝色快速闪烁 紫色快速闪烁 蓝色慢速跳动 蓝色慢速闪烁 绿色慢速闪烁 红色慢速闪烁 紫色慢速跳动 红色恒亮 红色快速闪烁
目录1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc31902 手持终端日常操作2.1 充电方法2.2 开关机、热启动、冷启动3 手持终端无线网络配置3.1 无线网络配置4 手持终端联机pc机4.1 概述4.2 同步工具安装4.3 手持终端中文字库安装5 手持终端键盘功能设置 6手持终端机故障分析1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc3190motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端作为symbol mc3090手持终端的升级替代产品,mc3190是构建于成功的mc3090之上,mc3190采集器系列分为3100批处理盘点机和包含无线局域网wifi的mc3190条码采集器两款。
符合人体工程学的耐用型 mc3190 提供先进的计算能力以及数据采集能力、增强的安全性以及企业级的运动传感能力。
motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端性能参数:数据采集选项-1d 激光扫描仪、1d/2d 成像仪、dpm 内存 (flash/ram)-128mb ram/256 mb flash 或 128mb ram/512mb flash 处理器 (cpu)-marvell pxa320 @ 624 mhz 操作系统 (os)-microsoft windows mobile 6.1 classic, microsoft windows ce 6.0 pro 无线数据通讯:wpan(支持蓝牙技术)-ii 级、v2.1 增强数据速率 (edr), 集成天线wlan-三重模式 ieee? 802.11a/b/g;经过 ccxv4 认证;支持 ipv6;经过 fips140-2 认证(仅限mc3190)线性一维条码扫描器:光学分辨率-最小元素宽度 4 mil 扫描速率-104(+/- 12)次扫描/秒(双向)使用环境:环境密封-ip54(2 类)工作温度--4°至 122° f/-20°至 50° c 跌落规格-在工作温度范围内,多次从 4 英尺/1.2 米高处跌至水泥地面;满足并超过mil-std 810g 滚落规格-根据 iec 68-2-32,在室温条件下,500 次从 1.64 英尺/0.5 米高滚落(1,000次)2.1 充电方法摩托罗拉的每个手持终端都配了两粒电池,同时配了四位充电座。
motorola 摩托罗拉 对讲机串号解释
![motorola 摩托罗拉 对讲机串号解释](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/543c30f7f705cc17552709f0.png)
摩托罗拉Motorola 部分机型串号解释MOTOROLA部分机型串号解释GP88型号辨别例:电台型号P44VMC20C2AA左第1位: 机器类型‘P’=Portable左第2位:发射功率‘4’=UHF:1~4w VHF:1~5w左第3位:频率‘3’=VHF ‘4’=UHF左第4,5,6位:型号串号‘VMC’=通用左第7,8位:信道间隔‘00’=12.5khz‘20’=20/25khz左第9位:信道数‘c’=16信道左第10位:频段‘1’=低段‘2’=高段GP300型号辨别例:电台型号P93YPC20C2AA左第1位: 机器类型‘P’=Portable左第2位:发射功率‘9’=UHF:1~4w VHF:1~5w左第3位:频率‘3’=VHF ‘4’=UHF左第4,5,6位:型号串号‘VMC’=通用左第7,8位:信道间隔‘00’=12.5khz‘20’=20/25khz左第9位:信道数‘A’=2信道‘D’=8信道‘C’=16信道左第10位:频段‘1’=低段‘2’=高段GP68型号辨别例:AZP93VNJ00P2AA左第1,2位: 国家代码左第3位: 机器类型‘P’=Portable左第4位:发射功率‘9’=UHF:1~4w VHF:1~5w左第5位:频率‘3’=VHF ‘4’=UHF左第6,7,8位:型号串号‘VNJ’=无键盘‘VNK’=有键盘‘VNA’=无键盘‘VNB’=有键盘‘VNC’=无键盘,无天线‘VND’=有键盘,无天线左第9,10位:信道间隔‘00’=12.5khz ‘20’=20/25khz左第11位:信道数‘H’=20信道‘P’=32信道左第10位:频段‘1’=低段‘2’=高段‘8’=***GM300型号辨别例:电台型号M44GMC20D3A_左第1位: 机器类型‘M’=Mobile左第2位:发射功率‘0’=功率1~10w ‘3’=功率10~25w‘4’=功率25~40w左第3位:频率‘3’=VHF‘4’=UHF左第4,5,6位:型号串号‘GMC’=通用左第7位:信道间隔‘0’=12.5khz‘2’=20/30/25khz左第9位:信道数‘D’=8信道‘C’=16信道GP88s从型号看频段例:AZH34KDC9AA3左第6位:频率‘K’=VHF ‘R’=UHFGP2000例:AZH49KCF8AA9左第6位:频率‘K’=136~174 Mhz‘N’=216~257 Mhz‘Q’=403~440 Mhz‘R’=435~480 Mhz左第7位:功率‘C’=4w‘D’=5w左第9位:信道间隔‘8’=12.5/25Khz ‘4’=12.5KhzGM950例:AZM08JHE6AA3AA左第8位:‘E’=GM950e‘F’=GM950i左第6位:频率‘J’=VHF‘R’=UHF左第9位:信道间隔‘6’=20/25Khz‘4’=12.5KhzGP328 GP338型号解释适用于GP328 GP338 GP328PLUS GP338PLUS GP338XLS PTX760 PTX760PLUSGP328 串号前三位都是672开头GP338串号前三位都是749开头GP338XLS串号前三位都是004开头GP328 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NAZH25RDC9AA3( 403-470) , AZH25KDC9AA3(136-174) 最上面标签串号 SERIAL NO 672XXXXXXXGP338 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NO:AZH25RDH9AA6( 403-470) , AZH25KDH9AA6(136-174)最上面标签串号SERIAL NO 749XXXXXXXGP328PLUS 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NO:AZH38RDC9AA3( 403-470) , AZH38KDC9AA3(136-174)最上面标签串号SERIAL NO 004XXXXXXXGP338PLUS 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NO:AZH38RDH9AA6( 403-470) , AZH38KDH9AA6(136-174)最上面标签串号SERIAL NO 004XXXXXXXGP338XLS 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NO:AZH38RDH9DU6( 403-470)最上面标签串号SERIAL NO 004XXXXXXXPTX760PLUS 背板上最下面标签对应MODEL NO:AZH38RDH9CK6( 403-470)最上面标签串号SERIAL NO 004XXXXXXXMTX960 800兆MODEL NO.AZH25UCH6GB6。
![MOTOROLA MICOM中文使用手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/858a262c580216fc700afd27.png)
Q. ‘S’
图 3 液晶显示器
1.要扫描信道 101-110,按 SCAN。
2.要停止扫描,再按 SCAN 或按一下麦克风上的发射键。
a. 上下箭头。上移信道或下移信道。(A-B)
b 数字键盘 1.用户编程的信道(1-120) a)例如调出 115 号信道。按 1 键,频率显示消失,信道数显示‘1’且方框围绕‘CH RCL’ 闪动。再按 1 键和 5 键。显示 115,需要的信道。按 ENTER 键。方框停止闪动。新频率显 示在显示屏的频率部分。
摩托罗拉手机行货识别只要不是CDMA的你就按*#06# 记住手机屏幕上的号码!!然后你关机取下电池对照后面的号码!如果是行货那肯定是回和他一样的,如果不是行货就会不相同或者不显示摩托罗拉(1)产地及生产日期的查询:摩托罗拉手机背后都有一个MSN机械序号,共10位。
如何查看:关机,把后盖和电池拿开,在机身背后的条形码下面有:如:MC3-41E11 C836DD3P4R 350904805489928 的一串号码。
2.代表的意思如下:前三位为型号代码;第四位为生产厂家码,第五,第六位为生产日期码(前面为年份,后面为月份);后四位为序列号. (1)生产厂家码(第四码):6-天津3-杭州2-美国R-德国G-美国5-杭州东信W-是新加坡(2)生产年份(第五码):X-1997年Y-1998年Z-1999年H-2000年B-2001年C-2002年D-2003年E-2004 F-2005(3)生产月份(第六码):A-B --1月C-D --2月E-F --3月G-H --4月J-K --5月L-M --6月N-P --7月Q-R --8月S-T --9月U-V --10月W-X --11月Y-Z --12月(注:前一个代表上半月,后一个代表下半月)三. 水货与行货的区别1.大陆行货,带有移动QQ 功能.可机上查版本.2. 港行:有简体及繁体界面选择,但只能输入繁体字.无移动QQ.无法在机上查版本.3. 新加坡版: 简体界面,简体输入.无移动QQ. 可机上查版本.其它信息里的语言列表是0024.4. 欧版,如果没刷中文包,那纯粹外文机. 刷了什么版本就跟什么版本的功能一样.不过键盘无笔划印刷。
1.开机触发信号:PWRONX 诺基亚ONKEYN PWR-ON 三星ONSW A 索爱ONSWB 充电开机触发ONSWC 闹铃开机触发PWR-KEY MTK SKY 苹果PBINT 展讯高电平触发ON-OFF-END PWR-SW MOTO2.开机维持信号:诺基亚:SERCLK SERDAT SEREL( BB5 )三条线BB5以前CBUS (DAT CLK EN )三星飞利浦索爱英飞凌PMB684用SDA(串行数据)SCL(串行时钟)三星AGEKE 用PWR-KEEP摩托罗拉W ATCHOOGW –DOG 苹果PWRBB BBW AKEUP MTK注:一条线维持开机的手机,如开路将引起按住开关能开机松开开关马上关机,用两条线或三条线维持开机的手机,如开路将引起不开机。
3.复位信号:RESET, RST PURX(诺基亚专用) SYS-RST(系统复位)4.电源IC诺基亚的DCT4 DCDC WD2用UEM诺基亚的BB5用RETUA VIMAS表示主电源IC BETTY表示辅助电源三星用PMUUCD摩托用PCAP5.主时钟供电(VTCXO VXO VOSC 都是2.8V)VR1(BB5)2.5V 2.8V有VR3 DCT4 DCT2 WD26.VRTC实时钟7.VCORE 核心供电8.VMEM存储器供电,诺基亚用VDRAM9.音频供电:V ANA,VCCA,A VCC,A VDD10.VDIG:数字电路供电11.VIO:输入输出接口供电2.8V /1.8V12.VREF:参考电压1.5V/1.6V/1.3V13.系统电压:VCHARGER,VCHG,VCHAR14.SENSE(检测)SENSE(电源检测)BA TSENSE(电池检测)CHSEWSE(充电检测)15.VDET(电池检测,功率取样)PA-DET(功率检测)16.VPD(鉴相电压多作为功率控制电压使用)17.INT(中断信号)BT-INT(蓝牙中断信号)PMU-INT(IT)电源IC中断信号UEM-INT/RETU-INT/A VILMA-INT(诺基亚)PCAP-INT(摩托)18.受话音频信号(送听筒的)EAR,SPK,ERC,EPP/EPTN19.XEAR(外部耳机,送耳机的音频信号)PHONE/MIC(送话筒音频信号)21.主时钟(MCLK/RF-CLK诺基亚)22.VRF射频供电(2.8V)VRAD射频供电(索爱)RF-REG(摩托)23.SLEEPX睡眠时钟控制(进入睡眠时钟为0V退出低电平生成)24.SLEEPCLK(SLCLK)睡眠时钟25.功率等级参考电压;TXC(诺基亚)VRAMP(MTK,三星VPVPOWLEV TXPWR26.V APC(自动功率控制电压(越大,TXP,越大)27.V AFC(自动频率控制电压,1.2V左右,不正常或没有会导致无收发信号,不入网,VCXO,CONT(索爱)28.V AGC(自动增益控制电压)29.VBT(蓝牙供电)30.VMF(收音机供电)31.VCAM(照相供电)32.B-DATA(电池数据)33.BSI(电池类型检测)34.B-TEMP(射频)35.ACI附件控制接口(在诺基亚尾插接口电路中通常表现为耳机检测)36.PAC功控PA功放37.CIRL控制38.EN使能LED-EN,RX-EN,TX-EN,IVCXO-EN39.V-SYN/VCC-SYN频率合成器供电40.V-VCO压控振荡器供电(本振供电)41.DRV-驱动42.BACK-LICHT/BL(背光灯)REY-BL(键盘背光灯)LCD-BL(显示背光灯)43.VBACK/VRTC(后备电池供电)44.VCP-OUT/CP-OUT(锁相环控制电压)45.VC控制电压46.VPP编程电压47.RF-BUS-DAT/CLK/EN(射频总线控制)48.SER-DAT/CLK/EN(三星射频总线控制)49.MIC-BIAS(麦克风偏压2V左右)50.TAHVO/BETTY(辅助电源IC)51.EL(电激发光片)52.KEY/RBD/K9(键盘)SIDE-KEY边键53.KLIGL键盘灯54.ANT-SW天线开关55.CS片选PCLK/CCPDA T57.Flash-EN闪光灯使能58.RTS请求发射数据59.CTS清除60.V AUX辅助供电61.AMP放大器62.LNA低噪声放大器63.WLAN无线局域网64.WAKEUP 唤醒65.FM-AUDIO-R收音机产生的音频信号66.EARDATA 受话数字音频信号67.MICDA TA 送话数字音频信号68.BUEE·(ER)ACERT(ER)SPK/Speaker振铃信号69.ESD静电防护70.RXD接收数据71.TXD发射数据72.VREG稳压供电73.HEAD-DET耳机检测74.HOOK-DET免提检测75.JACK-IN76.IRQN中断请求77.LDO降压稳压管78.LDOA射频供电79.VBOOST升压(MOTO)80.VBUCK降压(MOTO)81.WDI开机维持信号输入82.VDDKEY 按键供电A 模拟AB 地址总线ACCESSORIES 配件ADC 模拟到数字的转换ADDRESS BUS 地址总线AFC 自动频率控制AFPCB 音频电路板AGC 自动增益控制AGND 模拟地ALARM 告警ALERT 振铃ALRT 铃声电路ALRT-VCC 振铃器电源ANTSW 天线开关AOC-DRIVE 自动功率控制驱动AUDIO 音频AUX 辅助A VCC 音频供电APC 音频处理芯片ANT 天线AUC 鉴权中心A/D 模拟/数字转换AUTO 自动A/L 音频/逻辑板ACCESS 接入APC 自动功率控制BBIT 比特BURST 突发脉冲串BCCH 广播信道BW 带宽BUSY 忙BUS 总线BARRING 限制BCD 二/十进制码BPF 带通滤波器Block Digram 方框图Backlight 背光Base Band 基带(信号)BA TT+ 电池BA TTERY 电池BIC 总线接口芯片BS 基站BUZZ 振铃BDR 接收数据信号BDX 发送数据信号BKLT-EN 背景灯启/闭控制CCARD 卡CLONE 复制CODE 代码CONNECTOR 连接器CONTACT SERVICER 联系服务商CONTROL 控制COUPLING 耦合CRYSTAL 晶体CS FLASH 闪存片选CS RAM 随机存储器片选CS ROM 只读存储器片选CAR 电压控制/音频/振铃模块CCH 控制信道CDMA 码分多址CONVERTER 变频器CPU 中央处理器CHARGE 充电CLK OUT 逻辑时钟输出CLK SELECT 时钟选择信号CODEC 编码CP-RX RXVCO 接收锁相压控振荡器CP-TX TXVCO 发射锁相压控振荡器DDTMF 双音多频DTX 非连续发送DA TA 数据DISABLE 禁用DISTORTION 失真DEINTERLEARING 去交织DECIPHERING 解密DUPLEX 双工Duplex Saparation 双工间隔DCS-LNA275 1800MHz低噪声放大器电压(2.75V)DCS-SEL 频段选择信号之一(1800MHz)DCS-VCO RXVCO频段切换控制信号之一(1800MHz) DEMODULATION 解调DM-CS 发射机控制信号,控制TXVCO和I/O调制器DP-EN 显示电路启动控制D-TX-VCO 1800MHz发射压控振荡器EE-TACS 扩展的全接入通信系统ESN 电子串号E2PROM 可擦写可编程只读存储器EPR 有效辐射功率ENABLE 启用EQUALIZER 均衡器EAR 耳机EL 发光EN 使能ENAB 使能ERASABLE 可擦写EXC 外部EXT 外部的EXT-B+ 外接电源、充电电压输入FFDMA 频分多址FULL DUPLEX 全双工FACCH 快接入控制信道Freq.Offset 频率偏移FILTER 滤波器FCCH 频率校正信道FDOM 反馈GGSM 全球数字移动通信系统Gen.Out 信号发生器输出GMSK 高斯最小移频键控GCAP 电源模块(摩托罗拉)GCAP-CLK 中央处理器输送到电源模块的时钟(13MHz) GCLK 电源模块输送到中央处理器的时钟(32.768kHz)GSM-LNA275 900MHz低噪声放大器电压(2.75V)GSM-PINDIODE 功率放大器输出到匹配电路的切换控制信号GSM-SEL 频段切换控制信号之一(900MHz)G-TX-VCO 900MHz发射压控振荡器HHex 十六进制Hamonic Filter 谐波滤波器HAND SET 手持机HARDW ARE 硬件HOOK 外接免提电脑HEAD-INT 头戴耳机控制IInsert Card 插入卡Initial 初始化IMSI 国际移动用户识别码IWF 各种业务功能接口I/O 输入/输出ICTRL 供电电流大小控制IFLO 中频本振INFRARED RAY 红外线INT 中断KKEYBOARD 键盘KEY 键、键控KHz 千赫兹KBC 按键列地址线LLPF 低通滤波器LCD 液晶显示器LCD DA TA 显示屏数据LCD EN 显示屏使能LCD WR 显示屏写入LINE 连接线、线路LO 本振LOCK 锁定LOGIC 逻辑LOOP FLITER 环路滤波器LSPCTRL 扬声器控制MMIN 移动用户电话识别码MSN 机械序列号MIC 拾音器MS 移动台MODEM 调制解调器MENU 菜单MOD Freq 调制频率MCLK 主时钟MDM 调制解调器MEMORY 存储器MISO 主机输入从机输出(摩托罗拉) Mixed Second 第二混频MOBILE 移动MOD 调制MODIN 调制I信号负MODIP 调制I信号正MODQN 调制Q信号负MODQP 调制Q信号正MOSI 主机输出从机输入MPU 主处理单元(中央处理器) MUC 主控制单元MUTE 静音NNetwork Selection 网络选择NC 未连接、空脚OOutput LVL 输出电平OSC 振荡器ON 开OFF 关Outgoing Call 呼出OFST 偏置OSCILLATE 振荡PPCM 脉冲编码调制PIN 个人识别码PCH 寻呼信道PWR 电源、功率Parameter 参数PC 个人计算机PA 功率放大器PM 调相Phase Err 相位误差PLL 锁相环路Pause 暂停PADRV 功率放大器驱动PCN 个人通信网POWCONTROL 功率控制POWLEV 功放级别PWR 电源PWRSRC 供电选择PWR-SW 开机信号QQuadrature modulation 正交调制Q 正交支路RRF IN/OUT 高频输入/输出Radio Communication Test 综合测试仪、无线通信测试仪RECALL 重呼RANDOM 随机RAM 随机取存储器RESET 复位RADIO 射频、无线电RD 读REED 干簧管REF 参考、基准RFLO 射频本振RFADAT 射频频率合成器数据RFAENB 射频频率合成器启动RSSI 接收信号强度指示RTC 实时时钟控制RX 接收RX IN 接收输入RX ON 接收启动RX OUT 接收输出诺基亚英文大全A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、S、T、U、V、W、X、Y、Z一、接收电路:ANT:天线 RX:接收TX::发射IN:输入OUT:输出CP=TUNE=:锁相电压PH=PLL鉴相器、SYN=SYNTH=频率合成L O=本振EN=ON=启动DAT:数据CLK:时钟RESET:分频器复位REF:参考VREF参考电压(供射频)VR:射频供电RF:射频、LE=程控分频器启动二、开机电路:RFCLK=REFOUT:主时钟PURX:开机复位 VIO:逻辑供电VCORE:核心供电(供电CPU)、V ANA:音频供电、FLASH:字库RAM=SRAM=暂存SLEEPCLK:睡眠时钟=SLCLK、UEM:电源、UPP:CPU、VBACK:后备电池、BSI:类型检测PWRON=开机线、XTAL=XO=OSC=MCLK时钟、NAND=多媒体字库三、发射电路:TXC:功率等级TXP:发射启动TXA:发射控制PA:功放VPC=DAC:功率控制( BS:频段选择DET:取样VR2:发射供电VRAMP=V APC:功率等级(国产机) MOD:调制四、小电路:EAR=SPK=听筒、MIC=话筒MICB:送话供电HEADINT=ACI:耳机检测HOOKINT:挂机检测、BUZ 振铃、XEAR:外部听筒(耳机听筒)、XMIC:外部送话器(耳机送话器)、LIGHT=LED:背光灯、LCD:显示屏、KEY:按键、SIM:卡CHAR=CHG=充电、ISENSE=充电电流检测、ROW行线、COL列线、VIB=振动器、UP:上、DOWN:下、LEFT:左、RIGHT:右SOFT:软键(即功能键)、CAM=照相机、BT=蓝牙摩托、三星、索爱英文BP=B+、BATTP=BATT+、REG=VCC:供电、XTAL=时钟、ALERT=振铃=ALRT、WDOG=WDI=看门狗、VBOOST=升压、VBUCK=降压、STANDBY=待机、PWRSW=ONSW开机线、KEEP=开机维持信号、VCXOCONT=AFC、MOD=调制、V APC=VPAC=功率等级(有时是“功率控制”)、LOOP=环路(锁相环)、PWRRST=开机复位(PWR=电源)、AUD=AUDIO音频、LO=LOW=低、HI=HIGH=高、LB=低频频段(GSM)、HB=高频频段(DCS\PCS)、AOC(摩托专用)=功率控制或功率等级查找关键字快捷键ctrl+fAL-OUT Analog Left Output 模拟信号左边输出Alarm 振铃、报警器。
ProgramaciónControl Remoto MotorolaPasos para programación del TV:1. Encienda el televisor manualmente.2. Presione en el control remoto el botón “TV” durante 6 segundos o hasta que los botones AUX, VCR y CABLE enciendan y apaguen en una secuencia de izquierda a derecha. Cuando esto suceda suelte la tecla “TV” y espere hasta que la misma permanezca encendida.3. Localice e introduzca el código compatible de cuatro (4) dígitos en la lista de códigos anexa. Al digitar el cuarto número del código, notara de inmediato que la luz de la tecla “TV” parpadea tres veces y se apagará.Listado de códigosA-Mark 0003Abex 0032Admiral 0093, 0463Advent 0761, 0783, 0842, 0817, 0815Adventura 0046Aiko 0092Aiwa 0701Akai 0702, 0030, 0672 Aleron 0179Albatron 0843, 0700 Ambassador 0177 America Action 0180 Anam 01804. Oprima la tecla POWER ( ) y el televisor debe apagar. Si no apaga debe repetir el proceso probando con otros códigos.Pasos para la programación en la caja de cable:1. Encienda la caja manualmente presionando la tecla Power en el panel de la caja.2. Presione en el control remoto el botón “CABLE” durante 6 segundos o hasta que se observe que los botones AUX, VCR y CABLE enciendan y apaguen en una secuencia de izquierda a derecha. Cuando esto suceda suelte la tecla “CABL E” y espere hasta que la misma quede encendida continuamente.3. Introduzca el código 00014. Finalmente presione la tecla POWER ( ). L a caja se apagará indicando que el proceso fue exitoso.Nota: Para la programación del volumen de la caja realice los pasos anteriores del 1 al 2, luego presione la tecla volumen arriba (Volume +).Anam National 0055, AOC 0030, 0052, 0003, 0185Apex Digital 0748, 0765Archer 0003Audiovox 0451, 0180, 0092, 0623, 0003Bell & Howell 0154, 0016 Bradford 0180Broksonic 0236, 0463, 0003 Candle 0030, 0056, 0046 Carnivale 0030Carver 0054Celebrity 0000Celera 0765Changhong 0765Citizen 0060, 0030, 0092, 0039, 0056, 0046Clairtone 0185Clarion 0180Concerto 0056Contec 0180, 0185, 0157Craig 0180Crosley 0054Crown 0180, 0039Curtis Mathes 0047, 0054, 0154, 0451, 0093, 0060, 0702, 0030, 0145, 0166, 0056, 0016, 0466, 0039CXC 0180Daewoo 0451, 1661, 0092, 0672, 0623, 0039Denon 0145Dumont 0017Durabrand 0180, 0178, 0003 Electroband 0000, 0185Emerson 0154, 0236, 0463,0180, 0178, 0171, 0623, 0185Envision 0030, 0813Fisher 0154, 0159Fujitsu 0683, 0179, 0809, 0853Funai 0180, 0171, 0179Futuretech 0180Gateway 1756, 1755GE 0047, 0051, 0451, 0178,0055, 0135, 0027, 0282, 0021Gibralter 0017, 0030GoldStar 0030, 0178, 0001,0032Grunpy 0180, 0179Haier 0768Hallmark 0178Harley-Davidson 0179Harman/Kardon 0054Harvard 0180Havermy 0093Hello Kitty 0451Himitsu 0180Hisense 0748Hitachi 0145, 0151, 0032, 0016,0056, 0038Hyundai 0849Infinity 0054Inteq 0017Janeil 0046JBL 0054JCB 0000Jensen 0761, 0817, 0815JVC 0053Kaypani 0052KEC 0180Kenwood 0030KLH 0765Kloss 0046, 0024Konka 0707, 0632, 0628KTV 0180, 0030, 0039, 0185LG 0856LXI 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178Logik 0016Luxman 0056Magnavox 0054, 0030, 0706,0020, 0187, 0179, 0024, 0096Majestic 0016Marantz 0054, 0030, 0855, 0704Matsushita 0250, 0650Megatron 0178, 0145, 0003MEI 0185Memorex 0154, 0250, 0463,0150, 0178, 0179, 0016MGA 0150, 0030, 0178Midland 0047, 0017, 0051, 0135,0032Minutz 0021Mitsubishi 0093, 0150, 1250,0178Monivision 0843, 0700Motorola 0835, 0093, 0055Moxell 0835MTC 0060, 0030, 0185Multitech 0180NAD 0156, 0178, 0866NEC 0030, 1704, 0056Nikko 0030, 0178, 0092Norcent 0748, 0824Noshi 0018NTC 0092Onwa 0180Optimus 0154, 0250, 0166, 0650Optonica 0093, 0165Orion 0236, 0463, 0179 Panasonic 0250, 0051, 0055, 0650Penney 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030, 0178, 0032, 0018, 0135, 0003, 0027, 0039, 0021 Philco 0054, 0030, 0020, 0096 Philips 0054, 0690Pilot 0030, 0039Pioneer 0166, 0038, 0866, 0679Portland 0092, 0039Prima 0761, 0817, 0815, 0783 Princeton 0700Prism 0051Proscan 0047Proton 0178, 0466, 0052, 0003 Proview 0835Pulsar 0017Quasar 0250, 0051, 0165, 0055, 0650RadioShack 0047, 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0032, 0056, 0165 RCA 0047, 0679, 0038, 0135, 0018, 0090Realistic 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0039, 0165, 0032, 0056 Rhapsody 0185Runco 0017, 0030Sampo 0030, 0032, 1755, 0052, 0039Samsung 0060, 0702, 0030,0178, 0056, 0032, 0766Samsux 0039Sansui 0463Sanyo 0154, 0146, 0159Scotch 0178Scott 0236, 0180, 0178, 0179Sears 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156,0178, 0171, 0146, 0159, 0179,0056Sharp 0093, 0039, 0165, 0157Sheng Chia 0093Signature 0016Simpson 0187Sony 0000, 0111, 0080Soundesign 0180, 0178, 0179Spectricon 0003Squareview 0171SSS 0180Starlite 0180Supre-Macy 0046Supreme 0000SVA 0748, 0768Sylvania 0054, 0030, 0171,0020, 0096Symphonic 0180, 0171Tandy 0093Tatung 0055, 0003Technics 0250, 0051Technol Ace 0179Techview 0847Techwood 0051, 0003, 0056Teknika 0054, 0180, 0150,0060, 0039, 0179, 0016, 0056,0092Telefunken 0702, 0056TMK 0178, 0056, 0177TNCi 0017Toshiba 0154, 0156, 0060, 1704,0650Tosonic 0185Totevision 0039Trical 0157TVS 0463Universal 0027Vector Research 0030Victor 0053Vidikron 0054Vidtech 0178Viewsonic 1755Viking 0046Wards 0054, 0030, 0178, 0111,0179, 0021, 0096, 0020, 0080, 0165,0866, 0016, 0027, 0056Waycon 0156White Westinghouse 0463, 0623Yamaha 0030Zenith 0017, 0463, 0178, 0016, 0092Zonda 0003。
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D28C 系列适用于: D2811HC, D2811C, D2812C 和 D2813C数字无绳电话机带数字答录机HWDLCD1698(18)P/TSD欢迎您...使用您新购得的Motorola D28C数字无绳电话!• 电话主机可挂在墙上-所有子机请安置于收讯范围内。
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1• 一个主机可注册最多4个子机,每个子机可向最多4个不同主机注册。
• 可呼叫内线,转接外线呼叫,在两个内线及一个外线通话者之间进行三方通话。
下列配件齐全吗?• D28C主机和无绳子机• 2颗镍氢充电电池• 主机的电源适配器• 电话线• 说明书如果您购买的是D28C系列多子机配套,则还将获得以下的额外附件:• 系列子机及充电座• 2颗镍氢充电电池• 充电座的电源适配器1.使用前的准备 (8)2. 认识您的电话 (11)3. 电话功能操作 (18)3.1 启动/关闭子机 (18)3.2 呼叫 (18)3.2.1 拨打电话 (18)3.2.2 预先拨号 (18)3.2.3 结束通话 (18)3.2.4 接听来电 (18)3.3 调节听筒/话筒的音量 (18)3.4 静音模式 (18)3.5 内线通话 (19)3.5.1 呼叫另一个子机 (19)3.5.2 转接通话 (19)3.5.3 三方电话会议 (19)3.6 免提通话 (19)3.6.1 以免提方式拨打电话 (19)3.6.2 以免提方式接听来电 (20)3.7 重拨 (20)3.7.1 从重拨号码列表重拨一个号码 (20)3.7.2 将重拨号码列表中的号码保存至电话簿 (20)3.7.3 删除一个重拨号码/删除全部重拨号码 (20)3.8 锁定键盘 (20)3.9 寻呼/搜索子机 (20)4. 电话簿 (21)4.1 保存名字和电话号码 (21)4.2 在通话期间开启电话簿 (22)4.3 查看电话簿条目 (22)4.4 拨出电话簿条目的号码 (23)4.5 编辑名字和电话号码 (23)4.6 编辑铃声 (23)4.7 删除一个条目 (23)4.8 删除整个电话簿 (23)4.9 将一个条目复制至另一个子机 (24)4.10 将整个电话簿复制至另一个子机 (24)4.11 快速拨号键 (24)4.12 指定 / 清除快速拨号号码 (24)4.13 内存状态 (25)5. 子机设置 (26)5.1 子机铃声 (26)5.2 子机铃声音量 (26)5.3 听筒音量 (26)5.4 子机名称 (26)5.5 语言 (27)5.6 墙纸 (27)5.7 菜单颜色 (27)5.8 屏保 (27)5.9 省电等待时间 (28)5.10 屏幕对比度 (28)5.11 自动接听 (28)5.12 按键音 (29)5.13 PABX前导码 (29)6. 主机设置 (30)6.1 主机铃声 (30)6.2 主机铃声音量 (30)6.3 拨号模式 (30)6.4 响铃优先 (30)6.5 闪断模式 (31)6.6 第一声响铃 (31)6.7 系统PIN码 (31)6.8 恢复默认设置 (32)6.9 默认设置 (33)7. 时间和闹钟 (34)7.1 日期及时间 (34)7.2 设置闹钟 (34)7.3 启动/关闭闹钟 (34)7.4 关闭闹铃 (34)7.5 时间格式 (35)8. 议程提醒 (36)8.1 增加新议程 (36)8.2 关闭提醒铃音 (36)8.3 显示详情 (36)8.4 编辑议程 (37)8.5 删除议程 (37)8.6 删除所有议程 (37)9. 通话记录 (38)9.1 来电显示 (38)9.2 通话记录 (38)9.3 新来电提示 (38)9.4 查看新的未接来电 (38)9.5 从通话记录查看条目及拨号 (38)9.6 将通话记录的号码复制至电话簿 (39)9.7 删除一个条目 (39)9.8 删除全部记录 (39)10. 呼叫等待 (40)11. 宝宝监听 (41)11.1 启动宝宝监听 (41)11.2 改变宝宝监听灵敏度 (41)11.3 设置拨出号码 (41)12. 答录机 (43)12.1 主机控制键 (43)12.2 启动/关闭答录机 (43)12.3 答录延迟 (44)12.4 启动/关闭信息提示音 (44)12.5 屏幕提示 (44)12.6 录制自己的外出留言 (44)12.7 检查或删除您的外出留言 (45)12.8 选择外出留言模式 (46)12.9 录制备忘录 (46)12.10 来电监听 (46)12.11 播放留言 (47)12.12 删除全部旧留言 (47)12.13 启动或关闭遥控操作 (48)12.14 更改遥控操作的PIN码 (48)12.15 遥控启动您的答录机 (48)12.16 从另一个电话操作您的答录机 (49)13. 使用额外子机 (50)13.1 注册额外子机 (50)13.2 选择主机 (50)13.3 取消注册子机 (51)14. 疑难解答 (52)15. 相关信息 (54)1. 使用前的准备警告请勿将电话放置在浴室或其它潮湿之处。
信号强度子机上出现 图标,表示您正处于收讯范围之内。
超出主机范围时,屏幕上会显示Searching...(搜索中), 会不停闪烁。
连接主机1. 将带有透明连接器的电源适配器插入主机底部标明的端口,并将另一端插入墙上的电源插座,然后开启电源。
连接子机和充电器(只限于多子机配套)如果您购买的是多子机的配套产品,必须重复此步骤连接所有子机和充电器:1. 将带有红色连接器的电源适配器插入充电器底部标明 的端口。
2. 将本电话配备的2颗AAA 镍氢电池插入子机中。
3. 将子机放在充电器上,第一次充电至少24小时。
当子机充电完成时,屏幕上会出现 图标,表示电池的电量已充满。
4. 充电24小时之后,将主机的电话线插入墙上的电话线插座。
如果使用不可充电的电池,屏幕上将会显示WRONG BATTERY(电池不符)并停止充电。
低电量警告如果屏幕上显示 图标,表示您必须先为子机充电,才能再使用。
在充电期间,屏幕上的 图标会持续翻动。
手动设置日期和时间1. 按菜单,再按 u 或 d 滚动至时间和闹钟,然后按选择。
2. 日期 & 时间将会高亮显示。
3. 输入年/月/日格式的日期,例如15 09 01 代表2015年9月1日,并输入12或24小时格式的时间。
4. 按n或返回直到您返回待机模式为止。
2. 认识您的电话子机概览A 听筒B 显示屏有关显示屏图标的简介,请参阅第13页。
C 重拨/上在待机模式下,按此键可开启Redial (重拨号码)列表并滚动浏览,请参阅第20页。
ABD EF H NM L KJ ID 选项键(左)按此键可开启菜单。
E 通话/免提听筒在待机模式下,按此键可拨出及接听来电,请参阅第18页。
F *按住此键可在音频和脉冲拨号模式之间转换,请参阅第30页。
G Int(子机对讲)用于内线通话,请参阅第19页。
H 选项键(右)在待机模式下,按此键可开启电话簿菜单,请参阅21页。
I 导航键光环使用子机时会发光。
J 结束通话/开关机按此键可结束通话,请参阅第18页。
K 电话簿/下在待机模式下,按此键可开启联系人列表并滚动浏览,请参阅第22页。