



第一章基本通话术语1. Maintaining FL310.2. Descending to FL290.3. Reaching FL190.4. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.5. Continue descent to 3000 feet,QNH 1012.6. Passing FL180 for FL310.7. Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100.8. Request further climb.9. Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180.10. After passing CGO descend to FL80.11. Stop descent at FL210.12. Descending to reach FL150 by WXI.13. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.14. Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55.15. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.16. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.17. When ready, descend to FL210, level at PLT.18. Right heading 330, descending to 3000 feet, cleared for ILS approach Runway 36R.19. Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current.20. Expedite descent to FL180.21. Expedite climb to FL190.22. Climb to FL280 expedite until passing FL180.23. Unable to expedite climb due weight.24. Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic.25. When ready, climb to FL280, report leaving FL200.26. Leaving FL200, climbing to FL280.27. Maintaining own separation and VMC, descending to FL80.28. Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb.29. Cancel SID, track direct to LLK, climb to and maintain FL110.30. Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent.31. Icing condition encountered. Request further climb.32. Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent.33. Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76.34. Maintain Mach point 84 or greater.35. Maintain Mach point 80 or less.36. Maintain present speed.37. Maintain 250 knots or greater.38. Reduce to minimum clean speed.39. Reduce to minimum approach speed.40. Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final.41. Maintain 160 knots until outer marker.42. Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots.43. Cancel speed restriction, continue descent to 7000 feet.44. LMN-02 Departure, passing 2500 feet climbing to 9000 feet.45. Maintaining FL350, cleared to destination, flight planned route.46. Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway 22.47. Request join downwind Runway 31.48. Request taxi to holding point Runway 13.49. Request taxi to south maintenance ramp.50. Request frequency change.51. 15NM to HRB, FL290, tracking to JMU, squawking 6543.52. Contact Control on 118.9.53. Position OBLIK at 0646, maintaining FL310, estimating ZF 0658,WUH next.54. Next report at WXA.55. Omit position reports.56. Omit position reports on this frequency.57. Resume position reporting.58. Delay not determined due runway obstruction.59. Approach time not determined due weather.60. Slot time not determined due flow control.61. Revised slot time at 56.62. Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.63. Expected approach time 44.64. Revised expected approach time 54.65. No delay expected.66. Delay not determined, numerous aircraft holding for weather improvement.67. Cleared to exit the hold, fly direct to ML. Contact Approach on 128.35.68. Approach clearance canceled, turn left direct to DA, climb to 4000 feet, hold as published,expect further clearance at time 50.69. Ready for approach.70. Request leave the holding pattern.71. After passing SY VOR, leave the hold on heading 250, cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.72. Leave JFK VOR heading 210.73. Cleared to LHR, hold at LHR as published. Maintain 8000 feet.Expect further clearance at 18.74. Hold south of AMS VOR at 9000 feet, inbound track 270 degrees,left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute. Expect further clearance at 46.75. Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME. Hold south, left hand pattern, outbound time 2 minutes, expect approach clearance at 37.76. Information P received, stand 03, ready to copy ATC clearance.77. Gate 26, request clearance to London with information F.78. Cleared to destination, flight planned route, cruising level 330,departure Runway 04, initial altitude 7000 feet. HZ01 Departure, squawk 2563, departurefrequency 124.35.79. Cleared to destination via ZAM, flight planned route, D03 Departure, cruising level 230, squawk 3763.80. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, Runway 36R, LKO-01Departure, initially climb to 4500 feet, cruising level 310, when airborne contact 119.7, squawk 2515.81. Cleared via ZF-01 Departure, initial altitude 5000 feet. Departure frequency 125.9. Cruising level 290, departure Runway 04. Squawk 6563.82. Cleared to destination via flight plan route. Departure Runway 36L.HZ-01D Departure. Initial altitude 5000 feet. Cruising level 330.Departure frequency 119.45, squawk 5667.83. Recleared to destination via ZF01 Departure, Runway 36R, rest of clearance unchanged.84. Recleared to destination via B213, WHA, R343, rest of route unchanged.85. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, initial climb to 2700 feet, request level change en-route, departure frequency 120.3, squawk 0722.第二章机场通话术语86. Gate15, information C, ready to copy ATC clearance.87. Cleared to destination, BK02 RNAV Departure, initially 3000 feet, departure frequency 125.4, squawk 3311.88. Say again all after 3000 feet.89. Say again all before departure frequency.90. Say again the initial altitude.91. Unable to cross LX FL150 due weight, maintaining FL130.92. Destination Beijing, request departure information.93. Bay24, request start-up.94. Start up approved, QNH 29.91.95. Start up approved, altimeter setting 29.91.96. Start up at 35, QNH 997.97. Expect start up at 35, QNH 1030.98. Expect departure at 49, start up at own discretion, QNH 1004.99. Radio check on 118.3.100. I read you 5.101. You are unreadable.102. Can you speak slower?103. How do you read?104. QNH 997, I say again, QNH 997.105. Stand 27, request pushback.106. Pushback approved, Runway 31.107. Stand by pushback.108. Pushback at own discretion.109. Pushback approved, long pushback.110. Pushback to taxiway A approved.111. Pushback approved, facing west.112. Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem.113. Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback.114. Brakes released.115. Starting Number One.116. Brakes set, disconnect.117. Request taxi.118. Taxi via taxiway C to holding point Runway 24.119. Taxi to holding point Runway 24, traffic in sight.120. Request taxi back for maintenance purpose.121. Negative. We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes. 122. Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24. 123. Hold short of Runway 24.124. Holding, traffic in sight.125. Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated.126. Unable to vacate via A2, request full length of runway.127. Crossing Runway 24, wilco.128. Runway vacated.129. Giving way to B747 passing from left to right.130. Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R.131. Cross red stop-bar at A1, we understand stop-bar unserviceable. 132. After landing Airbus320, cross Runway 24, report vacated.133. Taxi to holding point C3, Runway 36.134. Behind Boeing747 passing left to right, taxi to holding point A1 Runway 135. Ready for departure.136. After departure, climb straight ahead until 3000 feet.137. Cancel SID, maintain runway heading.138. Lining up Runway 01C.139. Ready for immediate departure.140. Cleared for immediate takeoff.141. Runway 06, cleared for takeoff. Report airborne.142. Cleared for takeoff, Runway 06, wilco.143. Airborne, passing 500 feet for 4000 feet.144. The airbus on final in sight.145. Behind Airbus on short final, line up behind.146. After departure, turn left heading 190, Runway 24R, cleared for takeoff. 147. Request right turn when airborne due weather.148. Take off immediately or hold short of runway.149. Take off immediately or vacate runway.150. Hold position, cancel takeoff, I say again, cancel takeoff.151. Holding position.152. Stopping! Engine fire.153. Request return to ramp.154. Tire burst, possible evacuation on runway.155. Negative intersection departure due performance.156. Affirm. We can accept intersection departure from C2.157. Request intersection departure from C2.158. Request Takeoff Runway Available (TORA) from intersection C2.159. Request Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) from intersection D1. 160. Request Takeoff Distance Available (TODA) from intersection E3.161. Line up and wait. Understand one aircraft to depart from A2.162. Taxi via A2, backtrack and line-up Runway 18.163. Airbus 330 heavy, 8000 feet, Information X.164. Join right-hand downwind, Runway 34.165. Number Two, follow airbus 330 on base.166. Number Two, traffic in sight.167. Straight-in visual approach, Runway 34.168. Extend downwind, Number Two, airbus 320 in sight.169. Orbit right. Number Two.170. Number Two, follow airbus 320 ahead.171. Make a short approach.172. Long final, airfield in sight.173. Continue approach Runway 25.174. Runway 27, cleared to land.175. Short final, request wind check.176. Request low pass due unsafe landing gear indication.177. Low pass approved Runway 27, not below 500 feet.178. Landing clearance canceled. Continue approach.179. Behind the Boeing737, cleared to land.180. Request low approach.181. Runway not in sight, going around.182. No contact at minimum, going around.183. Wind shear, going around.184. Going around, localizer fluctuation.185. Follow the standard missed approach procedure, climbing to 3000 feet. 186. Take first right. When vacated, contact Ground 118.35.187. After vacated contact Ground 121.6.188. Taxi to Stand 27 via Taxiway A.189. Taxi to the end of Runway.190. Confirm construction work adjacent to Gate 37.191. Confirm centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable.192. Confirm PAPI light unserviceable.193. The Runway light is too bright. Request dim it.194. Flock of birds 3 miles final.195. Runway covered with patches of water, braking action medium.196. Confirm airport rescue and fire facilities category.197. Is the weather improving or deteriorating?198. Thicker patches of fog exist further along the runway. RVR significantly reduced.199. Confirm current RVR less than 400 meters.200. Confirm visibility more than 1000 meters.201. Is mid-point RVR available?202. Confirm RVR Runway 27.203. RVR Runway 27 is 600 meters.204. Confirm touchdown RVR greater than 350 meters.205. Confirm stop-end RVR 150 meters.206. Confirm midpoint RVR more than 550 meters.207. Confirm threshold Runway 27 displaced.208. The runway surface is damp. Braking action good.209. Confirm the reason for our flight suspension.210. Confirm our flight has been suspended due bio-hazards at destination. 211. Confirm the reason for impounding our aircraft.212. Tow approved via A to remote apron.213. Request de-icing.214. Request frost removal only at the gate.215. De-icing completed. Request taxi.216. Request start engine at the gate.217. Request time check.218. Request backtrack.219. Unable BK-1A Departure due performance. Request BK-1B.220. Request departure instruction.221. When airborne, track extended center-line, cleared for takeoff, Runway 18. 222. Contact Arrival 118.050.223. Request remote apron for maintenance purpose.第三章雷达通话术语224. Continue present heading.225. Resume own navigation to BK.226. Confirm identification lost.227. Identified, position 50 miles east of BK.228. 30 miles from touchdown, contact Approach 118.1. 229. Three sixty turn left.230. Orbit left for delay.231. Looking out.232. Traffic in sight.233. Negative contact due IMC.234. Traffic passed and clear.235. Squawk 7563.236. Reset squawk 5101.237. Squawk ident.238. Squawk standby.239. Squawk Charlie and code 5120.240. Stopping squawk Charlie.241. Affirm squawk 7500.242. Altimeter 1003 8000ft.243. Negative squawk ident due transponder failure.244. Turn right heading 340.245. Turn right 20 degrees.246. Leave BK heading 190.247. Fly heading 285.248. Stop turn heading 070.249. Request heading 180 due weather.250. Confirm danger area 113 active.251. Your radar vector appears to be taking us to the prohibited area,confirm. 252. 50 miles right of track approved, when able, proceed direct TB.253. Indicated speed 270 knots.254. Maintain 300 knots or less.255. Maintain 180 knots until 8 miles from touchdown.256. Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots.257. Maintain speed 280 knots or greater for separation.258. Cross CK at 35 or later.259. Cross DG at 24 or earlier.260. Do not exceed 280 knots.261. Reduce speed to 240 knots.262. Increase speed to 300 knots or greater.263. Increase speed by 10 knots.264. Resume normal speed.265. No speed restrictions.266. Request speed 200 knots due configuration.267. Request speed 250 knots due turbulence.268. Omit position reports until LN.269. Next report at IP.270. Report required only at boundary.271. We have traffic at our 12 o’clock, 5 miles, 500 feet below, climbing. 272. Traffic indication at our 1 o’clock, 4 miles, same altitude, converging. 273. Request vectors.274. Unable to receive transmission on that frequency.275. Request 15 miles final.276. Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception.277. NOTAM says glide slope for Runway15 is unserviceable, confirm. 278. Confirm ILS frequency for Runway 17L.279. In case of going around, turn left heading 210.280. Advise transponder capability.281. Transponder Charlie.282. Transponder unserviceable.283. ADS-B transmitter 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.284. ADS-B receiver 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.285. Negative ADS-B.286. Re-enter ADS-B aircraft identification.287. Stop ADS-B transmission.288. Stop squawk transmit ADS-B only.289. Fly no further west of your current position.290. Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors.291. Right heading 120, my own terrain clearance.292. Heading 120, correction, 140.293. We are too low to the surrounding terrain. Confirm we are still being radar vectored.294. Confirm we are still above your minimum vectoring altitude.第四章进近通话术语295. Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then direct to BK.296. Direct to JO, descend to FL50.297. Passing FL70.298. Descending to 4000 feet QNH1005, expect ILS approach Runway299. Request straight-in ILS approach Runway 24.300. Cleared straight-in ILS approach Runway 24, descend to 3000 feet, QNH1011.301. Airfield in sight, request visual approach.302. When established on the localizer, descend on the glide path.303. Established on the localizer.304. Fully established Runway 24.305. Cleared VOR-DME approach Runway 24, descending to 3000 feet QNH1007.306. Runway in sight.307. Number One, contact Tower 118.7.308. Passing outer marker.309. Report MQR outbound.310. Procedure turn completed, localizer established.311. Request visual approach.312. Cleared visual approach Runway 24.313. Request holding instructions.314. Hold over BKM VOR at FL100, inbound track 280 degrees, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.315. Request holding procedure.316. Hold on the 265 radial of BKM VOR between 25 and 30 miles DME, FL100, inbound track 085, right hand pattern, expected approach time 1022.317. Hold at 20 DME of ST VOR, FL100, inbound track 260 degrees,left turns, limiting outbound distance 24 DME.318. Overhead YV, maintaining 3000 feet, entering hold.319. Leaving BKM VOR heading 110.320. Leaving FL60, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1008.321. Position 10 miles north east of LN.322. Turn right heading180 for base leg.323. Reduce to minimum approach speed, turn right heading 230,cleared for ILS approach Runway 27.324. No ATC speed restrictions. Contact Tower 118.9.325. Three sixty turn left for delay.326. Continue present heading, expect through the localizer for spacing.327. Surveillance radar approach Runway 27, maintaining 2200 feet.328. QNH1003, threshold elevation 196 feet.329. Precision radar approach Runway 27 heading 260, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1014.330. Cleared to JEMMY via BK 1A Arrival.331. Descend to reach 5000 feet by BK.332. When ready, descend to FL200. Report leaving FL300.333. Descend immediately FL250.334. Descend to altitude 12000 feet QNH 1000.335. Descend to height 2000 feet QFE 997 hectopascals.336. Descend to 8000 feet at 1000 feet per minute or greater.337. Maintain own separation and VMC, descend to FL50.338. Increasing rate of climb.339. Unable expedite climb due weight.340. Climb to 6000 feet, follow KODAP 01 Departure.341. Passing altitude 2300 feet, climbing to FL80.342. Climb to FL210, level restrictions of KODAP 01 Departure canceled. 343. Climb to FL 210, cross AU at FL100 or below.344. Climb to FL290, level at time 55.345. Unable FL390 by boundary, request FL330.346. Descend to FL100, cross YU FL150 or above.347. After passing North Cross, descend to FL150.348. We are far above profile. Request holding.349. Stop descent at 5000 feet.350. Expedite descent until passing FL80.351. Expect descent after AK.352. Continue approach Runway 36R, maintain visual separation withpreceding traffic.353. Contact Control 80 miles after BK.354. Request change to London Control.355. Monitor Tower 118.1.356. Remain this frequency.357. We can see the approach lights at 200 feet.358. Cleared VOR approach Runway 36, followed by circling to Runway 18. 359. Expect commencing approach at time 50.360. Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.361. Request RNAV approach.362. RNAV approach not available due FMS database. Request VOR approach. 363. Cleared for LDA approach Runway 24.364. Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival.365. Unable RNAV, loss of RAIM, request NDB approach366. GPS primary lost, going around.367. RAIM alert, going around.368. Negative RNAV.369. Proceed to AK, hold as published, expect approach clearance at370. Request hold for weather improvement, visibility below company minima.371. Hold at BKM VOR FL250, right hand pattern, expect further clearance at 23, landing delay at destination airport 30 minutes.372. Holding northwest of W VOR FL120, what is the delay for approach? 373. Request to extend the holding pattern for accomplishing the checklist. 374. Request extended holding to burn fuel to reduce the weight.375. Cleared for CAT II ILS approach Runway 24.376. Join right hand downwind, visual approach Runway 24.377. Continue approach, prepare for possible go around.378. Disregard. We made the wrong transmission.379. Roger, request continue approach.380. Stand by. We are carrying out procedures.381. Wilco, words twice.第五章区域通话术语382. Maintaining FL350, expect descent after BKM VOR.383. Climb to and maintain FL310. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or greater until BKM VOR.384. Descend to and maintain FL 270. Do not exceed Mach number decimal 79.385. Continue climb to FL 290, cross BKM VOR not above FL 230.386. Negative, unable cross BKM VOR at or above FL230 due performance.387. Maintaining FL310 until advised.388. Descend to FL170, cross BKM VOR at or above FL210.389. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or above FL190390. Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR below FL170.391. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or before 55392. Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR at 43 or later.393. Request lose time en route due landing delay at destination airport.394. Request lose time en route to finish the checklist.395. Request parallel offset from current track due weather ahead.396. Request parallel offset from current airway for 30 minutes due icing condition.397. Proceed offset 10 miles right of track until abeam BKM VOR.398. Cleared offset 25 miles left of track for 30 minutes.399. Offset canceled, turn right to rejoin the A1 before BKM VOR.400. Clear of weather, request to resume flight route.401. Climb to and maintain FL290, re-cleared to track direct to BKM VOR, the rest unchanged.402. Estimating crossing LV NDB 1123.403. Passing POU at 43, maintaining FL310, estimating MLT at 55, next NLD.404. BKM 47, FL170 descending to FL120, abeam NLD VOR at 55.405. Report 25 miles from BKM VOR.406. Report 34 miles from Top of Descent.407. Report crossing 270 radial BKM VOR.408. Report 28 miles DME 210 radial BKM VOR.409. Climb to FL220, report passing FL170.410. Descending immediately to FL190.411. Leaving FL220 for FL190.412. Request clearance to enter controlled airspace northeast of BKM VOR at FL240 at time 43.413. Remain outside controlled airspace, expect joining clearance at time 55.414. Request to leave controlled airspace by descent.415. Request to leave controlled airspace by climb.416. Descending to 5000 feet QNH 1014, report passing 7000 feet.417. Request VMC descent to FL60.418. Descending to FL60, maintain VMC FL90 to FL70, report traffic in sight at FL80.419. Request join airway A1 at DAPRO.420. Cleared to destination airport via DAPRO, flight planned route, FL240, join A1 at FL240.421. Remain outside controlled airspace, expect further clearance at 55.422. If FL240 not available, we accept FL220.423. Cleared to leave A1 via BKM VOR, maintain FL230 while in controlled airspace.424. Confirm we are under radar control.425. Confirm radar service is terminated.426. Radar service is terminated due technical failure. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or less for separation.427. Confirm radar control is resumed.428. Radar control is resumed, track direct to BKM VOR and increase speed to Mach number decimal 84.429. Affirm RVSM.430. Negative RVSM due equipment downgraded.431. Request clearance into RVSM airspace.432. Unable RVSM due turbulence.433. Ready to resume RVSM.434. Position 42N (North)165E (East) at 0800, FL390, estimating 44N 180E at 0900 45N 170W next.435. At 150W(west) contact San Francisco Radio, primary 3494,secondary 11342.436. At 144E(east) squawk 2000.437. CPDLC connected.438. Continue CPDLC make position report via CPDLC.439. SELCAL CODE EFFG, request SELCAL check.440. CPDLC unserviceable, request to revert to voice communication.第六章紧急通话情况441. The air conditioning system has malfunctioned.442. We have only one air conditioning pack operational. Request a new cruising level below FL300.443. All our air conditioning packs have malfunctioned. Request rapid descent to MEA .444. We had a malfunction of one air conditioning pack. Request descent to a lower level.445. We have lost electrical power to the cabin air compressor. Request immediate descent to 10,000 feet.446. We just had a smoke emergency. We need to depressurize the airplane to let in fresh air. Request rapid descent to 8000 feet.447. We have unusual smell from air conditioning packs. Request stop climb at 7000 feet.448. Many passengers are suffering from smoke inhalation. Request medical assistance on arrival.449. Our pressurization system has malfunctioned.450. We have difficulty in controlling the cabin pressure.451. We have a cabin altitude problem.452. Our cabin rate of climb has red-lined. Request immediate descent.453. We have a slow cabin decompression. Request immediate descent.454. Our cabin altitude at one time had reached 16000 feet. Some passengers have symptoms of hypoxia.455. We are now depressurized and will fly a more shallow descent profile.456. Request descent rate less than 500 feet per minute due to unpressurized cabin.457. We are now ventilating with ram air. It is best that our rate of descent does not exceed 600 feet per minute.458. We have a problem with the avionics ventilation system.459. We have an avionics ventilation problem. The skin heat-exchangers and blower fan have failed.460. The avionics ventilation is unserviceable. Request diversion to the closest suitable airport.461. We have severe vibration coming from the avionics ventilation fan.462. There are unusual noises coming from the avionics bay.463. Our FMS has malfunctioned. Request radar vectors.464. Request further climb due wind-shear.465. Unable to maintain altitude, request leaving RVSM airspace.466. We cannot make RNP approach due equipment.467. Our navigation accuracy is low. Request to climb to minimum safe altitude.468. We have a navigation map shift, unable to perform the RNAV approach. Request radar vectors.469. Inertial reference system has failed. We are navigating on raw data. Request conventional approach.470. The Morse code for the VOR is different from the approach chart. Confirm the VOR is fully operational.471. The ILS signal seems to be very unstable. Did any other pilot report a similar situation?472. The approach lights for Runway 36L are a bit different from those shown on the airport diagram.473. The flight path is unstable. Going around.474. We made a missed approach due to unstable ILS signals.475. The ILS signal was unstable. Request approach to another runway or request another type of approach.476. The DME indication is not correct. Confirm the DME is still in service.477. We have lost our flight plan after a flight management computer reset.478. We need a few minutes to reprogram the flight management computers. Request radar vectors.479. We need to reconfigure the flight management computers for approach. Request holding instructions.480. We are now flying with basic navigation due to systems failure.Request radar vectors.481. We have multiple failures on the inertial reference system. We are no longer able to fly oceanic route. Request return for landing.482. We do not meet GPS approach requirement due to flight crew qualifications.483. Our Airline policy does not allow us to perform CAT IIIC approach.484. Our operations manual forbids this procedure.485. Our Aviation Authority does not permit this procedure.486. We are unable to conform to the noise abatement procedure due performance.487. We are not qualified for CAT IIIB approach and auto-land. Request diversion.488. Our VHF number One receiver has failed. We are no longer monitoring 121.5.489. All stations, transmitting blind due to receiver failure.490. All of our VHF transmitters have failed, now transmitting on HF radio. Please respond.491. Our SELCAL has malfunctioned. We will continue monitoring your frequency.492. We are receiving an ELT signal on 121.5.493. We are picking up a broadcast signal on 121.5.494. Our satellite phone is unserviceable. We are unable to call company operations.495. Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request re-release the flight plan by voice.496. Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request ATC clearance by voice.497. My apologies, I wasn’t aware the boom mike was transmitting.498. Sorry for blocking the frequency due microphone jammed.499. We have an electrical failure.500. One of our generators has failed. At present moment, we are still able to continue to our destination.501. Request diversion to the nearest suitable airport due AC BUS failure.502. We are not supplying power to our DC BUS. Request priority landing.503. We have a problem with the aircraft battery. Request priority landing.504. One of our transformers has failed. I’ll let you know if a diversion is required.。



中国民航飞行员英语PEPEC900句第一章基本通话术语1. Maintaining FL310.保持飞行高度层 310。

2. Descending to FL290.下降到飞行高度层 290。

3. Reaching FL190.到达高度层 190。

4. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.过 WXJ 时保持高度层 90。

5. Continue descent to 3000 feet, QNH 1012.继续下降到 3000 英尺,修正海压 1012。

6. Passing FL180 for FL310.通过高度层 180,继续上升到高度层 310。

7. Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100.可以进入管制空域,不高于高度层 100。

8. Request further climb.请示进一步爬升。

9. Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180.直飞 SHA,高度不低于高度层 180。

10. After passing CGO descend to FL80.过 CGO 后,下降到高度层 80。

11. Stop descent at FL210.到高度层 210 时停止下降。

12. Descending to reach FL150 by WXI.到 WXI 前下降到高度层 150。

13. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.性能原因到 ZHO 之前不能到达高度层 150。

14. Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55.爬升到高度层 290,55 分前改平。

15. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.以 2000 英尺每分下降率下降。

16. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.以每分 1000 英尺或更大的爬升率上升。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD 四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I d o hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang.很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wond erful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this aftern oon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.65.My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午. Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗先生74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be bac k at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take th e rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国着名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代着名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很着名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very famous.Itis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”着称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, please.How about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.No.2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局113.Take the No.2 bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢116.Take the No.2 bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远. 121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗132.好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决. 13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wrong with you? 有什么麻烦吗17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for dep arture at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.33.S orry for troubling you. 麻烦您了.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 执行总裁 Executive President执行副总裁 Vice Executive President首席运营官 COO财务总监 Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理 Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官 CEO首席运行官 COO首席安全官 CSO首席商业运营官 CCO首席财务官 CFO首席人事训练官 CHO首席培训官 CTO首席市场官 CMO首席公共关系协调官 CRO首席人事训练官 CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理 General Manager副总经理 Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理 General Manage Assistant调研员 Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管 Supervisor行政事务室 Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室 Budget Management Office业务发展部 Business Development Dept.广告公司 Advertisement Company商业开发管理室 Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司 Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心 Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室 Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份: January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时 minute分钟 second秒四季: spring春季 summer夏季 autumn秋季 winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数: I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数: we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数) my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东 west西 south南 north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件 path 路径 text 文本program 程序 disk 硬盘 floppy 软盘disc 光盘 memory 内存、存储器 key 键driver 驱动器 power 电源 screen 屏幕configure 配置 boot 引导 byte 字节format 格式化 compress 压缩 system 系统network 网络、联网 speed 速度、加速 scan 检测、扫描install 安装 setup 设置 option 选项、选择reset 复位 restore 恢复 lock 加密command 命令 execute 执行 save 保存type 显示、打字 print 打印 pause 暂停clean 清除 delete 删除 remove 删除、移动copy 复制 paste 粘贴 backup 备份rename 改名 open 打开 quit 退出exit 退出 esc 退出 window 窗口input 输入 output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场 fly area 飞行区 terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪 runway 跑道 taxiway 滑行道passport 护照 trailer 拖车 tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板 aircrew 机组 captain 机长purser 乘务长 stewardess 乘务员 passenger 旅客infant 婴儿 customs 海关 elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童 taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李 travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票 (baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅 store shop 商场first class 头等舱 sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心 restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室 security check 安检ID card 身份证 delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅 domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅 international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌 chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班 unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店 passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车 carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌 air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处 multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥 activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室 assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everything at home 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great.好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢. Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m YuJunhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr.Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49.A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗54.Can you help me 你能帮我吗55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting 可否请你光临本次会议60.When are you free 您什么时候有空61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free thisafternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午. Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you 能为你效劳吗73.What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from thecold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here 从这里到总公司怎么走99.How long will it take me to get there 到那儿需要多久100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the near est public phone 最近的公用电话在哪里102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work.我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑. 108.I write myself a memo. 我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候. 114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你.117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be bac k at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来. 123. Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会. 124.Could you run a few errands for me 你能帮我办几件事吗125.Would you make some copies for me 你帮我复印几份好吗126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理. 129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume 我能看一下你的简历吗138.Tell me about yourself 谈谈你自己好吗139.How long have you been at your present job 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间140.Why are you leaving your current job 你为什么要离开你现在的工作141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己142.Are you looking forward to a promotion 你希望得到晋升吗143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today 今天是星期几146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date 今天多少号148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it 对不起,现在几点了151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meet ing in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do 你好!2.How do you do 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tellme something about Yichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the thebirthplace of Ba and Chu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful citywith tourism and hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of YichangCity就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political,economic and cultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang 宜昌的气候如何18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang 您觉得宜昌的天气如何20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city该城市有多少人口24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族. Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang 宜昌还有其他的节日吗28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they 他们是哪些30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International TravellingFestival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you pleaseintroduce some scenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗32.Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China.It is located at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojuntourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxigreek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in ziguicountry.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple 您去过玉泉寺吗41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some moreabout it我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in theeast of the Dam, 2 kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44. By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’tit据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Periodis also very is 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺. Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about theentertainments in Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗52.It’s m y pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourselfcompletely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk 我们在哪儿散步好55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球57. You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is verytasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61. Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃66. Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many typesof orange, peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenicspots. Besides, you can also buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir 先生您穿多大尺寸的90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour) 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗92. Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer 您更喜欢哪种94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close 商场几点关门96. At 9pm. 晚上9点..97. How much is needed 总共要付多少钱98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里102. Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗104. Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105. When are you going to leave Yichang 你什么时候离开宜昌106. At 3pm.下午3点.107. bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的.Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110. Are telephone calls convenient here 这里打电话方便吗111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets.IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112. How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局113. Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114. How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)115. Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢116.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off 到哪儿下车118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal 到终点站多少钱120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled.每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了. 123. Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕. 125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasur e. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address 把你的地址告诉我好吗132. Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.We will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决. 13.I beg your pardon 能请您重复一遍吗14.We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.What’s wrong with you 有什么麻烦吗17.We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.We are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语》Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)^一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President【二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO…首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD :四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher&五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.]会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center.值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office!设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间;星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July 一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001》时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)《us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself 复数:ourselves yourselves themselves、八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast、西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节】format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份}rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长[purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅…VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李]boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everythin g at home 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢./Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运).&Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.…请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生. Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.?28.You are welcome. 不客气.29.That’s all right. 这没什么.30.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)31.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.32.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.33.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.34.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.35.…36.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.37.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.38.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.39.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)40.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.、请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.41.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.42.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.43.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.44.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.45.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)46.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.47.%48.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.49.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.50.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.51.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.52.A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.53.That’s OK. 没关系.54.No problem. 没关系.55.I quite understand. 我完全理解.!Asking a Favour (请求帮助)56.Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗57.Can you help me 你能帮我吗58.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗59.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.60.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)61.Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.62.`63.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting 可否请你光临本次会议64.When are you free 您什么时候有空65.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.66.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.67.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.68.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.}Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)69.You are quite right. 你完全正确.70.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.71.I think so. 我想是这样.72.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.73.I don’t agree. 我不同意.74.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.75.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.)Offering Help (提供帮助)76.Can I help you 能为你效劳吗77.What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生78.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生79.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.80.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.81.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗82.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.—Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)83.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.84.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.85.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.86.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.87.I have no time. 我没有时间.88.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)89.¥90.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.91.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.92.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)93.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.95.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.96.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath./在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.97.It’s getting cold er and colder. 天气越来越冷了.98.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.99.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.100.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)101.<102.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗103.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.104.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here 从这里到总公司怎么走105.How long will it take me to get there 到那儿需要多久106.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.107.Where’s the nearest public phone 最近的公用电话在哪里108.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.109.$110.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅111.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)112.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.113.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.114.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.115.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.116.…117.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.118.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.119.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)120.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么121.>122.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.123.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗124.He (she)’s out of the office ri ght now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.125.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 126.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.127.The line is busy. 电话占线.128.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.129.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.130.:131.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)132.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.133.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会. 134.Could you run a few errands for me 你能帮我办几件事吗135.Would you make some copies for me 你帮我复印几份好吗136.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.137.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.138.:139.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.140.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告. 141.I’m relieved that tom orrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.142.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.143.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)144.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.145.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.146.?147.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.148.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.149.May I see your resume 我能看一下你的简历吗150.Tell me about yourself 谈谈你自己好吗151.How long have you been at your present job 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间152.Why are you leaving your current job 你为什么要离开你现在的工作153.Where do you see yourself in 10 years 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己154.Are you looking forward to a promotion 你希望得到晋升吗155.@156.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗157.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)158.What day is today 今天是星期几159.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)160.What’s the date 今天多少号161.@162.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.163.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.164.Excuse me, what time is it 对不起,现在几点了165.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.166.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.@2.How do you do 你好!3.How do you do 你好!4.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.5.Me too. 我也是.6.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗7.Yes, a little. What can I do for you 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗8.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something aboutYichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗9.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.@Geography(地理位置)10.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba andChu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces 宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 11.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourismand hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.13.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌14.· is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.16.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢17.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方18.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic andcultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)19.How about the climate in Yichang 宜昌的气候如何20.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.21.#22.How do you like the weather in Yichang 您觉得宜昌的天气如何23.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.24.It seems to rain, isn’t it 好像要下雨了25.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)26.How many people live in this city该城市有多少人口27.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.28.^29.Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗30.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)31.Are there any other galas in Yichang 宜昌还有其他的节日吗32.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.33.What are they 他们是哪些34.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.`Scenic spots(景点)35.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce somescenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗36.Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It islocated at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国着名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.37.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.38.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.39.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.40.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.41..42.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.43.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗44.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代着名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.45.Have you been to Yuquan Temple 您去过玉泉寺吗46.Not yet. 还没有.47.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗48.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.49.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.)顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.50.It is s aid that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗51.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很着名.52.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗53.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also veryis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.54.Is there any religious places in Yichang 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗55.}56.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺. Entertainments (娱乐)57.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainmentsin Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗58.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.59.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.60.Where can we take a walk 我们在哪儿散步好61.;62.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.63.Can you tell me where we may play football 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球64.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)65.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗66.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.67.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”着称,美味可口.68.~69.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes70.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗71.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.72.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.73.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃74.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).75.;76.What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么77.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.78.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢79.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange,peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.80.(81.Accommodations (接待)82.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗83.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.84.Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.86.Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里87.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.88.Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗89.<90.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.91.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.92.Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗93.All right.好的.94.Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗95.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.96.Shopping (购物)97.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗98.、99.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides,you can also buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.100.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).101.Which size do you take sir 先生您穿多大尺寸的102.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.103.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour) 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗104.Excellent.好极了.105.. Which do you prefer 您更喜欢哪种106.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..107.&108.When does the shop close 商场几点关门109.At 9pm. 晚上9点..110.How much is needed 总共要付多少钱111.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.112.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.113.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)114.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里115.:116.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里. 117.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗118.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.119.When are you going to leave Yichang 你什么时候离开宜昌120.At 3pm.下午3点.121.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的.Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)122.Would you like to tell me something about the post here 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗123.;124.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.125.Are telephone calls convenient here 这里打电话方便吗126.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.127.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局128.Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.129.How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)130.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢131.【132.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.133.Where should I get off 到哪儿下车134.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.135.How much is it to the terminal 到终点站多少钱136.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.137.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走138.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.139.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗140.|141.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.142.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗143.Farewell (告别)144.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.145.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.146.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.147.OK. 好的.148.Would you like to tell me your address 把你的地址告诉我好吗149.:150.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.151.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.152.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English@地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.-7.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.8.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗9.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.10.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.We will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon 能请您重复一遍吗14.<15.We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.16.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.17.What’s wrong with you 有什么麻烦吗18.We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.19.We are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.20.`21.The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.22.Please go to the ser vice counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.23.We don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.24.You are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.25.Let me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.26.》27.Thank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.28.The flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.29.Please cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.30.Do you need a doctor 您是否需要医生31.Thank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!32.Welcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!33.Let me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.34.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.35.\。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in al l truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eig ht in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.65.My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to gi ve up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ev er get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very famous.Itis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, please.How about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.No.2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the No.2 bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the No.2 bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远. 121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 P.R.C.好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wrong with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcom e, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞. 26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生?28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.33.S orry for troubling you. 麻烦您了.34.P lease give us advice and correction for the inadequacy of our work.工作上的不足,请给予批评指导.35.T hank you for your cooperation! 谢谢合作!。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhu a,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you.I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.65.My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had en ough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold tod ay. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some ma terials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very famous.Itis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, please.How about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from thecity center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.No.2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the No.2 bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the No.2 bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 P.R.C.好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wrong with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况. 19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.。



第一章基本通话术语1.Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or geater.继续以每分钟1000英尺或更大的上升率上升。

2.Maintaining own separation and VMC , descending to FL80.保持好自己的间隔和目视气象条件,下降到高度80.3.Experiencing icing conditions. Request further descent.遇到结冰条件,请求进一步下降。

4.Experiencing severe turbulence .Request further descent.遇到严重颠簸。


5.Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway.请求雷达引导,目视进近,跑道22.6.Request Taxi to south maintenance ramp.请求滑行到南边的维护机坪。

7.Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.由于冲突飞机,预计在HUR VOR台等待10分钟。

8.After passing SY VOR ,leave the hold on heading 250,cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.过SY VOR 台后,离开等待,航向250,可以VOR进近,跑道06号。

9、Clearer to LHR, hold at LHR as published . Maintain 8000 feet .Expect further clearance at 18.可以飞往LHR,并按公布的航图在LHR等待。



10.Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME .Holdsouth ,left hand pattern, outbound time 2minutes ,expect approach clearance at 37.可以在PER VOR台180度径向线DME 15 海里处向南等待,左等待,背向时间两分钟。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD 四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long t ime no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free t his afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeti ng.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have h im call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.W hy don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll eve r get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s t en to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you spe ak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国着名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代着名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yich ang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很着名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very is 70Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”着称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决. 13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wron g with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生?28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.。



v1.0可编辑可修改最新民航英语900 句大全Part one Public English第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English旅游英语Part two Specialized English第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理 General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室 Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室 Business Affairs Office服务室 Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份: January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg, March 1st, 2001日月,年: eg, 1st March, 2001时间:hour 小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)v1.0可编辑可修改复数: we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数 ) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数 ) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数: ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third .九、方位east 东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeastv1.0可编辑可修改西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网 speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall国际出发厅international arrival hall国际到达厅baggage checks(stub)行李牌chartered flight包机scheduled flight定期航班unaccompanied child无人陪伴儿童duty free shop免税商店passenger step cars客梯车follow-me car引导车carry on baggage手提行李boarding pass登机牌air traffic control tower塔台information office问询处multi-function room多功能厅air(boarding 、 passenger)bridge廊桥activity center职工活动中心enterprise culture display room企业文化展室assembly room会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings(称呼与问候)1. How do you do你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2. How are you today (these days)你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you很好,谢谢,你呢4. How ’s everything at home家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great.好极了.6. Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7. That ’s OK, thanks.还算好,谢谢.8. No, nothing much. So-so, thanks.不,不怎么好. 马马虎虎,谢谢. Farewell(告别)9. Good night, see you tomorrow.晚安,明天见.10. See you later.回头见.11. Goodbye. Have a nice trip.再见,旅途愉快.12. I do hope you’ll come next time.我真的希望你下次能来.13. Thanks for all your kind hospitality.谢谢你们热情的招待.14. Welcome to Yichang again. Bye!欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15. Have a pleasant journey and good luck.祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction(介绍)16. Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang.很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17. Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao.董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18. Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19. Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang ,Please allow me to introduce myself. I ’m YuJunhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌. 请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman 、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks(致谢)20. Thank you for coming.感谢光临.21. Thanks a lot.多谢.22. It is very kind of you.多谢你的好意.23. Thank you for a wonderful night.谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24. I don ’t know what to do without your help.没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26. Not at all.别客气.27. You are welcome.不客气.28. That ’s all right.这没什么.29. It is my pleasure.我很乐意这样做.Compliments(赞美)30. You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done!你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31. The food is delicious.这食物真可口.32. Your Chinese is really surprising.你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33. I ’m sure everybody appreciated your speech.我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34. Your children are cute.你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35. You are excellent.你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That ’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr.Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish(祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39. Congratulate you on your promotion.祝贺你荣升.40. I wish you well and happy.我祝愿你健康愉快.41. All the best to you.祝你万事如意.42. Have a good time.祝你过得愉快.43. Happy New Year (Spring Festival)!新年快乐(春节快乐)! Apologies and Regrets(道歉与遗憾)44. I ’m sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了.45. Sorry to have troubled you.对不起,打搅您了.46. Please make my excuses to your friend.请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47. Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long.请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来 .48. Excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time.十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间 .50.That ’s OK.没关系.51.No problem.没关系.52. I quite understand.我完全理解.Asking a Favour(请求帮助)53. Could you give me some advice on my work能对我的工作提些意见吗54. Can you help me你能帮我吗55. Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗56. I want you to do me a favour, sir.先生,我有事求你.57. I think maybe you can help me.我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment(约会)58. Would you honor us with a visit如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59. Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting可否请你光临本次会议60. When are you free您什么时候有空v1.0 可编辑可修改61. I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我 .62. There is something I ’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you ’ll be free thisafternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63. I shouldn ’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙 .64. I ’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8 点钟我在办公室等您 . office hours are 8:30 till noon.我的办公时间是8 点 30 分到中午 . Agreement and Disagreement(赞成与反对)65. You are quite right.你完全正确.66. I agree with you.我同意你的看法.67. I think so.我想是这样.68. Yes, indeed.是的,的确如此.69. I don ’t agree.我不同意.70. No, you are wrong.不,你错了.71. I ’m afraid not.我想不是.Offering Help(提供帮助)72. Can I help you能为你效劳吗73. What can I do for you, sir要我帮忙吗先生74. Is there anything I can do for you, Sir我能为你做点什么,先生75. Let me give you a hand.让我来帮你一下吧.76. I ’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening.我今晚七点来接你.77. Would you like something to drink What about tea你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗78. I ’ve had enough, thank you.我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal(乐意与拒绝)79. I am glad to help you.我很高兴帮助你.80. I ’m quite prepared to give up smoking.我很乐意戒烟.81. Sorry, I can’t.对不起,我不能.82. I can ’t help anything.我帮不了你.83. I have no time.我没有时间.84. No, but thanks anyway.不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion(劝告与建议)85. You’ve got to learn to put first things first.你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位 .86. I advise you to check your baggage.我劝你检查一下行李.87. You could consider going by plane.你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather(天气)88. It ’s really cold today.今天真冷.89. Last week it was so cold and dry.上周又冷又干燥.90. I don ’t like this cold weather.我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91. I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let ’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92. It ’s getting colder and colder.天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from thecold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94. It is very windy today.今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way(问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗97. Please follow me, I’ll show you the way.请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98. Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here从这里到总公司怎么走99. How long will it take me to get there到那儿需要多久100.It will take half an hour.半个小时.101.Where’s the near est public phone最近的公用电话在哪里102.It ’s on the opposite side of the street.在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road.有一些,在机场路上. At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work.我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say“good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC.我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑. 108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat.我在复印机上复印了一些东西. 111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please.谢谢你打来电话,请稍候. 114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗115.He (she) ’s out of the office right now.他( 她 ) 现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back.请留下你的电话,我让他打给你 .117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you.王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy.电话占线.119.There’s no answer.电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number.你打错了.121.The number has been changed.电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I ’m leaving but I’ll be bac k at 2:00.我出去一下,两点钟回来. 123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon.取消我今天下午的所有约会. 124.Could you run a few errands for me你能帮我办几件事吗125.Would you make some copies for me你帮我复印几份好吗126.No problem. Just give me one minute.没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off.你可以下班了.128.Man, I ’ve got a lot of paper work to do!嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理. 129.I ’m glad that I finally finished that report.我很高兴终于完成了那份报告 .130.I ’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday.明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise.我不知道我能否得到加薪. 132.I think that my job is ending.我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I ’m bored with my job.我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I ’m gonna quit.我打算辞职.135.I ’m going to look for another job.我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow.我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume我能看一下你的简历吗138.Tell me about yourself谈谈你自己好吗139.How long have you been at your present job你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间140.Why are you leaving your current job你为什么要离开你现在的工作141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己142.Are you looking forward to a promotion你希望得到晋升吗143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible.感谢你的光临 . 我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates( 天和日期 )145.What day is today今天是星期几146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date今天多少号148.It ’s October 15th.今天是10 月 15 日 .149.Let ’s meet sometime next week.我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it对不起,现在几点了151.It ’s ten to nine.现在是8:50.152.I ’ll have a meet ing in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语) Meeting ( 见面 )1. How do you do你好!2. How do you do你好!3. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴.4. Me too.我也是.5. I can ’t speak Chinese, can you speak English我不会说汉语, 你会说英文吗6. Yes, a little. What can I do for you会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗7.I ’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tellme something about Yichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的. 你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗8.Yes. It ’s my pleasure. 好的 , 我很乐意 .Geography( 地理位置 )9. Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the thebirthplace of Ba and Chu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throatof Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000 年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉.10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江11. today , Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River , a beautiful citywith tourism and hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12. Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang . 葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14. As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of YichangCity就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市. 宜昌有多大呢15. As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers.据我所知,这座城市有 21000 平方公里 .16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political,economic and cultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate (气候)17. How about the climate in Yichang宜昌的气候如何18. The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons.宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明 .19. How do you like the weather in Yichang您觉得宜昌的天气如何20. Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21. It seems to rain, isn’t it好像要下雨了22. It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23. How many people live in this city 该城市有多少人口24. Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有 400 万,其中50 万人生活在城区 .25. Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗26. Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族 . Galas(节日)27. Are there any other galas in Yichang宜昌还有其他的节日吗28. Yes, there are many.有呀,还有不少呢.29. What are they他们是哪些30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The InternationalTravelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31. It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you pleaseintroduce some scenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗32. Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots i n China.It is located at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from thecity.你知道吗长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8 公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34. You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojuntourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35. Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxigreek. 昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36. It sounds attractive.听起来很吸引人的.37. Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛 .38. Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了. 还有其他的历史景点吗39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in ziguicountry. 屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40. Have you been to Yuquan Temple您去过玉泉寺吗41. Not yet.还没有.42.I ’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some moreabout it 我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in theeast of the Dam, 2 kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭. 它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45. It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn ’tit据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗46. Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名 .47. I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three KingdomsPeriod is also very is 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名. 离宜昌大约70 公里 .49. Is there any religious places in Yichang宜昌有宗教活动场所吗50. There are churches and mosques here.这儿有天主堂和清真寺. Entertainments(娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something aboutthe entertainments in Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗52.It ’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourselfcompletely. 宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54. Where can we take a walk我们在哪儿散步好55. The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56. Can you tell me where we may play football请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球57. You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food(食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗59. Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy ” and “hot ” , it is verytasty.60. 宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗63. Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64. 可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢70. Well, there are all kinds o f fruits in different seasons. For example,many typesof orange, peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果. 比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71. Accommodations(接待)72. Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗v1.0 可编辑可修改73. Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有 20 多家旅游宾馆 .74. Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季75. Usually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year. 通常,旺季是从每年 8 月份至 11 月份.76. Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里77. You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78. Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗79. Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday. 是的,我是前天订的 .80. Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候 .81. Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗82. All right. 好的 .83. Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗84. Yes, I have my passport about me. 我带来自己的护照 .85. Shopping (购物)86. Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping 宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗87. Yes, there are many, You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenicspots. Besides, you can also buy high-quality tea. 有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88. I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89. Which size do you take sir先生您穿多大尺寸的90. I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91. Try this one, about this style (sign , colour)您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗92. Excellent.好极了.93. . Which do you prefer您更喜欢哪种94. I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95. When does the shop close商场几点关门96. At 9pm.晚上9点..97. How much is needed总共要付多少钱98. That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99. I had like to change some money.我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication(交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26 公里 .103.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang你什么时候离开宜昌106.At 3pm. 下午 3 点 .107.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse.二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的 .Post and Telecom(邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗109.Sure.The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here这里打电话方便吗111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets.IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all thestar hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有. 机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC 卡电话 .112.How can I go to the post office .我怎样才能到邮局113.Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road.乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way(问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢116.Take the bus, please.请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off到哪儿下车118.Just get off at the terminal.就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal到终点站多少钱120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled.每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is请问解放路电影院往哪儿走122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了. 123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there.向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕. 125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗126.Farewell (告别)127.I ’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasur e.不要客气,这是我应该做的. 129.I ’d like to keep in touch with you in the future.往后我会跟你保持联系的 .130.OK. 好的 .131.Would you like to tell me your address把你的地址告诉我好吗132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场. 邮编: 443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye.非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye.愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English( 第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1. Welcome to Yichang Airport.欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2. Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4. Sorry , I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5. I wish you have a nice trip.祝您旅途愉快.6. Pleased to help you.很高兴为您服务.7. Would you please wait a moment请您稍等一下好吗8. Take it easy, sir/madam.别着急,先生/ 女士 .9. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long.对不起,让您久等了.11. Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走. 如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12. We will try our best to solve the problem for you.我们将尽力为您解决. 13. I beg your pardon能请您重复一遍吗14. We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I ’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.What’s wrong with you有什么麻烦吗17. We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18. We are waiting for the latest weather report.我们还在等最新的天气情况.19. The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30 分 .20.Please go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.We don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air tr affic control.Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.You are welcome, it’s my pleasure.不客气,这是我应该做的.23. Let me explain it for you, please.请让我向您解释.24. Thank you very much for your understanding.您能谅解,我们感到高兴. 25. The flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better.一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.26. Please cooperate with us.请您协助我们的工作.27. Do you need a doctor您是否需要医生28. Thank you for taking Hainan Airlines.Good-bye !感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29. Welcome to Yichang next time, bye!欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30. Let me give you a hand.我来帮您一把.31.I ’m so sorry for our inadequate service.服务不周,请多包涵.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in al l truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eig ht in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.65.My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to gi ve up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll ev er get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very famous.Itis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, please.How about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.No.2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the No.2 bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the No.2 bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远. 121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 P.R.C.好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wrong with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcom e, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞. 26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生?28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.33.S orry for troubling you. 麻烦您了.34.P lease give us advice and correction for the inadequacy of our work.工作上的不足,请给予批评指导.35.T hank you for your cooperation! 谢谢合作!。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD 四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days)? 你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗?5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long t ime no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?54.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport? 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit? 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 可否请你光临本次会议?60.When are you free? 您什么时候有空?61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free t his afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?73.What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗?97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?99.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeti ng.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么?113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later?他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗?115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have h im call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?125.Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.W hy don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.131.I wonder if I’ll eve r get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?138.Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?139.How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?140.Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?142.Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗?144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today? 今天是星期几?146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date? 今天多少号?148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it? 对不起,现在几点了?151.It’s t en to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do? 你好!2.How do you do? 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you spe ak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about YichangCity?我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗?8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and ChuCulture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism andhydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢?15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and culturalcenter in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang? 宜昌的气候如何?18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang? 您觉得宜昌的天气如何?20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it? 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city?该城市有多少人口?24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here? 这儿有少数民族吗?26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang? 宜昌还有其他的节日吗?28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they? 他们是哪些?30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spotshere to me?据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗?32.Do you know?The Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located atthe west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗?长江三峡是中国着名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots?噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗?39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代着名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple? 您去过玉泉寺吗?41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it?我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗?43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers fromit.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yich ang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it?据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗?46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很着名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone? 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗?48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very is 70Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang? 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang?谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗?52.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk? 我们在哪儿散步好?55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football? 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球?57.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me?现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗?59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”着称,美味可口.61.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes?62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗?63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang?宜昌有没有什么特色小吃?66.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang?我们在宜昌可以喝些什么?68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here?顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢?70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach,watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here? 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season? 哪些月份是旅游旺季?ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang? 我们在宜昌住在哪里?77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生您有预订吗?79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填一下这张登记表好吗?82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification? 您有身份证件吗?84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping?宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗?87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you canalso buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir? 先生您穿多大尺寸的?90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour)? 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗?92.Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer? 您更喜欢哪种?94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close? 商场几点关门?96.At 9pm. 晚上9点..97.How much is needed? 总共要付多少钱?98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change?好的,请问换多少?Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it?据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里?102.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here?你们这儿有船码头吗?104.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105.When are you going to leave Yichang? 你什么时候离开宜昌?106.At 3pm.下午3点.107.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here? 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗?109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110.Are telephone calls convenient here? 这里打电话方便吗?111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局?113.Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114.How to make a phone call, please? Can you tell me whom you are calling? Is this a long distance call?请问这里电话怎么打?请问您找谁,是长话吗?Asking The Way (问路)115.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there?现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢?116.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off? 到哪儿下车?118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal? 到终点站多少钱?120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is? 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走?122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about? 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗?124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it? 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗?126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address? 把你的地址告诉我好吗?132.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you?你好,我能为你做什么吗?3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly?对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗?4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.P lease follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.W e will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决. 13.I beg your pardon? 能请您重复一遍吗?14.W e're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.W hat’s wron g with you? 有什么麻烦吗?17.W e're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.W e are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.T he flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.P lease go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.W e don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.Y ou are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.L et me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.T hank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.T he flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.26.P lease cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.D o you need a doctor? 您是否需要医生?28.T hank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.W elcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.L et me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.32.I t doesn’t matter. 没关系.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语|Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President…首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO《首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD!四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.`总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company[商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center\运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间¥星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒"四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its((复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位:east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节(format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口#input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件、(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童<duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do%你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everything at hom e 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great. 好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.,11.See you later. 回头见.12.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.13.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.14.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.15.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.16.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)17.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.18.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.19.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗20.—21.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to intro duce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书. Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.【25.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.、35.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.36.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.37.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.38.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)39.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.40.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.41.·42.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.43.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.44.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.45.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)46.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.47.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.48.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.49.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.50.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.51.¥52. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.53.That’s OK. 没关系.54.No problem. 没关系.55.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)56.Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗57.Can you help me 你能帮我吗58.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗59.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.60.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.·Making an Appointment (约会)61.Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.62.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting 可否请你光临本次会议63.When are you free 您什么时候有空64.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.65.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.66.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.67.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.,Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)68.You are quite right. 你完全正确.69.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.70.I think so. 我想是这样.71.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.72.I don’t agree. 我不同意.73.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.74.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)75.Can I help you 能为你效劳吗76.—77.What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生78.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生79.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.80.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.81.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗82.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)83.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.84.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.85.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.86.'87.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.88.I have no time. 我没有时间.89.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)90.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.91.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.92.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)93.It’s r eally cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.95.¥96.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.97.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.98.It’s getting colder and colder.天气越来越冷了.99.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.100.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.101.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)102..103.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗104.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.105.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here 从这里到总公司怎么走106.How long will it take me to get there 到那儿需要多久107.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.108.Where’s the nearest public phone 最近的公用电话在哪里109.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.110.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅111.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.[At the office(在办公室)112.We take airport’s bus to work. 我们乘机场班车去上班.113.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.114.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.115.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.116.I revi ew some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.117.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.118.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.【今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)119.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么120.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.121.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗122.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.123.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. 124.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.125.The line is busy. 电话占线.126.\127.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.128.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.129.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)130.I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.131.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.132.Could you run a few errands for me 你能帮我办几件事吗133.Would you make some copies for me 你帮我复印几份好吗134.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.135.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.136.}137.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.138.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.139.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holid ay. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.140.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.141.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)142.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.143.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.144.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.145.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.146.;147.May I see your resume 我能看一下你的简历吗148.Tell me about yourself 谈谈你自己好吗149.How long have you been at your present job 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间150.Why are you leaving your current job 你为什么要离开你现在的工作151.Where do you see yourself in 10 years 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己152.Are you looking forward to a promotion 你希望得到晋升吗153.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗154.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)155.@156.What day is today 今天是星期几157.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)158.What’s the date 今天多少号159.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.160.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.161.Excuse me, what time is it 对不起,现在几点了162.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.163.I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.}Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do 你好!2.How do you do 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something aboutYichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.^Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba andChu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces 宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉. 10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourismand hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢15.{16.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.17.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic andcultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)18.How about the climate in Yichang 宜昌的气候如何19.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.20.How do you like the weather in Yichang 您觉得宜昌的天气如何21.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.22.It seems to rain, isn’t it 好像要下雨了23.It is quite probable..完全有可能.&Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)24.How many people live in this city该城市有多少人口25.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.26.Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗27.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)28.Are there any other galas in Yichang 宜昌还有其他的节日吗29.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.30.What are they 他们是哪些31.;32.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at YichangSanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)33.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce somescenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗34.Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It islocated at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.35.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.36.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.37.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.38.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.39.【40.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.41.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗42.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.43.Have you been to Yuquan Temple 您去过玉泉寺吗44.Not yet. 还没有.45.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗46.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.47.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.48.It is said that Shenlongjia i n Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it~据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗49.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.50.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗51.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also veryis 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.52.Is there any religious places in Yichang 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗53.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺. Entertainments (娱乐)54.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainmentsin Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗55.、56.It’s my pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.57.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.58.Where can we take a walk 我们在哪儿散步好59.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.60.Can you tell me where we may play football 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球61.You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)62.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗63.、64.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.65.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.66.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes67.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗68.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.69.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.70.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃71.Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).72.·73.What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么74.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.75.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢76.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange,peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.77.Accommodations (接待)78.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗79.…80.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.81.Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.83.Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里84.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.85.Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗86.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.87.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.88.Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗89.All right.好的.90.^91.Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗92.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.93.Shopping (购物)94.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗95.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides,you can also buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.96.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).97.Which size do you take sir 先生您穿多大尺寸的98.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.99.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour) 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗100.Excellent.好极了.101.)102.. Which do you prefer 您更喜欢哪种103.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..104.When does the shop close 商场几点关门105.At 9pm. 晚上9点..106.How much is needed 总共要付多少钱107.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.108.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.109.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)110.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里111.\112.Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里. 113.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗114.Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.115.When are you going to leave Yichang 你什么时候离开宜昌116.At 3pm.下午3点.117.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的.Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)118.Would you like to tell me something about the post here 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗119.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.120.Are telephone calls convenient here 这里打电话方便吗121."122.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.123.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局124.Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.125.How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)126.Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢127.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.128.Where should I get off 到哪儿下车129.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.130.How much is it to the terminal 到终点站多少钱131.<132.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.133.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走134.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.135.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗136.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.137.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗138.Farewell (告别)139.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.140.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasure. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.141.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.142.《143.OK. 好的.144.Would you like to tell me your address 把你的地址告诉我好吗145.Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.146.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.147.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English,地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗8.、9.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.10.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.We will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon 能请您重复一遍吗14.We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.#17.What’s wrong with you 有什么麻烦吗18.We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.19.We are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.20.The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.21.Please go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.22.We don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air traffic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.23.[24.You are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.25.Let me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.。



中国民航飞行员英语P E P E C900句第一章基本通话术语1. Maintaining FL310.2. Descending to FL290.3. Reaching FL190.4. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.5. Continue descent to 3000 feet,QNH 1012.6. Passing FL180 for FL310.7. Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100.8. Request further climb.9. Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180.10. After passing CGO descend to FL80.11. Stop descent at FL210.12. Descending to reach FL150 by WXI.13. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.14. Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55.15. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.16. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.17. When ready, descend to FL210, level at PLT.18. Right heading 330, descending to 3000 feet, cleared for ILS approach Runway 36R.19. Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current.20. Expedite descent to FL180.21. Expedite climb to FL190.22. Climb to FL280 expedite until passing FL180.23. Unable to expedite climb due weight.24. Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic.25. When ready, climb to FL280, report leaving FL200.26. Leaving FL200, climbing to FL280.27. Maintaining own separation and VMC, descending to FL80.28. Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb.29. Cancel SID, track direct to LLK, climb to and maintain FL110.30. Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent.31. Icing condition encountered. Request further climb.32. Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent.33. Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76.34. Maintain Mach point 84 or greater.35. Maintain Mach point 80 or less.36. Maintain present speed.37. Maintain 250 knots or greater.38. Reduce to minimum clean speed.39. Reduce to minimum approach speed.40. Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final.41. Maintain 160 knots until outer marker.42. Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots.43. Cancel speed restriction, continue descent to 7000 feet.44. LMN-02 Departure, passing 2500 feet climbing to 9000 feet.45. Maintaining FL350, cleared to destination, flight planned route.46. Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway 22.47. Request join downwind Runway 31.48. Request taxi to holding point Runway 13.49. Request taxi to south maintenance ramp.50. Request frequency change.51. 15NM to HRB, FL290, tracking to JMU, squawking 6543.52. Contact Control on 118.9.53. Position OBLIK at 0646, maintaining FL310, estimating ZF 0658,WUH next.54. Next report at WXA.55. Omit position reports.56. Omit position reports on this frequency.57. Resume position reporting.58. Delay not determined due runway obstruction.59. Approach time not determined due weather.60. Slot time not determined due flow control.61. Revised slot time at 56.62. Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.63. Expected approach time 44.64. Revised expected approach time 54.65. No delay expected.66. Delay not determined, numerous aircraft holding for weather improvement.67. Cleared to exit the hold, fly direct to ML. Contact Approach on 128.35.68. Approach clearance canceled, turn left direct to DA, climb to 4000 feet, hold as published,expect further clearance at time 50.69. Ready for approach.70. Request leave the holding pattern.71. After passing SY VOR, leave the hold on heading 250, cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.72. Leave JFK VOR heading 210.73. Cleared to LHR, hold at LHR as published. Maintain 8000feet.Expect further clearance at 18.74. Hold south of AMS VOR at 9000 feet, inbound track 270 degrees,left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute. Expect further clearance at 46.75. Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME. Hold south, left hand pattern, outbound time 2 minutes, expect approach clearance at 37.76. Information P received, stand 03, ready to copy ATC clearance.77. Gate 26, request clearance to London with information F.78. Cleared to destination, flight planned route, cruising level330,departure Runway 04, initial altitude 7000 feet. HZ01 Departure, squawk 2563, departure frequency 124.35.79. Cleared to destination via ZAM, flight planned route, D03 Departure, cruising level 230, squawk 3763.80. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, Runway 36R, LKO-01Departure, initially climb to 4500 feet, cruising level 310, when airborne contact 119.7, squawk 2515.81. Cleared via ZF-01 Departure, initial altitude 5000 feet. Departure frequency 125.9. Cruising level 290, departure Runway 04. Squawk 6563.82. Cleared to destination via flight plan route. Departure Runway 36L.HZ-01D Departure. Initial altitude 5000 feet. Cruising level 330.Departure frequency 119.45, squawk 5667.83. Recleared to destination via ZF01 Departure, Runway 36R, restof clearance unchanged.84. Recleared to destination via B213, WHA, R343, rest of route unchanged.85. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, initial climb to 2700 feet, request level change en-route, departure frequency 120.3, squawk 0722.第二章机场通话术语86. Gate15, information C, ready to copy ATC clearance.87. Cleared to destination, BK02 RNAV Departure, initially 3000 feet, departure frequency 125.4, squawk 3311.88. Say again all after 3000 feet.89. Say again all before departure frequency.90. Say again the initial altitude.91. Unable to cross LX FL150 due weight, maintaining FL130.92. Destination Beijing, request departure information.93. Bay24, request start-up.94. Start up approved, QNH 29.91.95. Start up approved, altimeter setting 29.91.96. Start up at 35, QNH 997.97. Expect start up at 35, QNH 1030.98. Expect departure at 49, start up at own discretion, QNH 1004.99. Radio check on 118.3.100. I read you 5.101. You are unreadable.102. Can you speak slower?103. How do you read?104. QNH 997, I say again, QNH 997.105. Stand 27, request pushback.106. Pushback approved, Runway 31.107. Stand by pushback.108. Pushback at own discretion.109. Pushback approved, long pushback.110. Pushback to taxiway A approved.111. Pushback approved, facing west.112. Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem.113. Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback.114. Brakes released.115. Starting Number One.116. Brakes set, disconnect.117. Request taxi.118. Taxi via taxiway C to holding point Runway 24.119. Taxi to holding point Runway 24, traffic in sight.120. Request taxi back for maintenance purpose.121. Negative. We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes. 122. Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24. 123. Hold short of Runway 24.124. Holding, traffic in sight.125. Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated.126. Unable to vacate via A2, request full length of runway.127. Crossing Runway 24, wilco.128. Runway vacated.129. Giving way to B747 passing from left to right.130. Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R.131. Cross red stop-bar at A1, we understand stop-bar unserviceable.132. After landing Airbus320, cross Runway 24, report vacated. 133. Taxi to holding point C3, Runway 36.134. Behind Boeing747 passing left to right, taxi to holding point A1 Runway135. Ready for departure.136. After departure, climb straight ahead until 3000 feet.137. Cancel SID, maintain runway heading.138. Lining up Runway 01C.139. Ready for immediate departure.140. Cleared for immediate takeoff.141. Runway 06, cleared for takeoff. Report airborne.142. Cleared for takeoff, Runway 06, wilco.143. Airborne, passing 500 feet for 4000 feet.144. The airbus on final in sight.145. Behind Airbus on short final, line up behind.146. After departure, turn left heading 190, Runway 24R, cleared for takeoff.147. Request right turn when airborne due weather.148. Take off immediately or hold short of runway.149. Take off immediately or vacate runway.150. Hold position, cancel takeoff, I say again, cancel takeoff.151. Holding position.152. Stopping! Engine fire.153. Request return to ramp.154. Tire burst, possible evacuation on runway.155. Negative intersection departure due performance.156. Affirm. We can accept intersection departure from C2.157. Request intersection departure from C2.158. Request Takeoff Runway Available (TORA) from intersection C2. 159. Request Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) from intersection D1.160. Request Takeoff Distance Available (TODA) from intersectionE3.161. Line up and wait. Understand one aircraft to depart from A2. 162. Taxi via A2, backtrack and line-up Runway 18.163. Airbus 330 heavy, 8000 feet, Information X.164. Join right-hand downwind, Runway 34.165. Number Two, follow airbus 330 on base.166. Number Two, traffic in sight.167. Straight-in visual approach, Runway 34.168. Extend downwind, Number Two, airbus 320 in sight. 169. Orbit right. Number Two.170. Number Two, follow airbus 320 ahead.171. Make a short approach.172. Long final, airfield in sight.173. Continue approach Runway 25.174. Runway 27, cleared to land.175. Short final, request wind check.176. Request low pass due unsafe landing gear indication. 177. Low pass approved Runway 27, not below 500 feet. 178. Landing clearance canceled. Continue approach. 179. Behind the Boeing737, cleared to land.180. Request low approach.181. Runway not in sight, going around.182. No contact at minimum, going around.183. Wind shear, going around.184. Going around, localizer fluctuation.185. Follow the standard missed approach procedure, climbing to 3000 feet.186. Take first right. When vacated, contact Ground 118.35.187. After vacated contact Ground 121.6.188. Taxi to Stand 27 via Taxiway A.189. Taxi to the end of Runway.190. Confirm construction work adjacent to Gate 37.191. Confirm centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable.192. Confirm PAPI light unserviceable.193. The Runway light is too bright. Request dim it.194. Flock of birds 3 miles final.195. Runway covered with patches of water, braking action medium. 196. Confirm airport rescue and fire facilities category.197. Is the weather improving or deteriorating?198. Thicker patches of fog exist further along the runway. RVR significantly reduced.199. Confirm current RVR less than 400 meters.200. Confirm visibility more than 1000 meters.201. Is mid-point RVR available?202. Confirm RVR Runway 27.203. RVR Runway 27 is 600 meters.204. Confirm touchdown RVR greater than 350 meters.205. Confirm stop-end RVR 150 meters.206. Confirm midpoint RVR more than 550 meters.207. Confirm threshold Runway 27 displaced.208. The runway surface is damp. Braking action good.209. Confirm the reason for our flight suspension.210. Confirm our flight has been suspended due bio-hazards at destination.211. Confirm the reason for impounding our aircraft.212. Tow approved via A to remote apron.213. Request de-icing.214. Request frost removal only at the gate.215. De-icing completed. Request taxi.216. Request start engine at the gate.217. Request time check.218. Request backtrack.219. Unable BK-1A Departure due performance. Request BK-1B. 220. Request departure instruction.221. When airborne, track extended center-line, cleared for takeoff, Runway 18.222. Contact Arrival 118.050.223. Request remote apron for maintenance purpose.第三章雷达通话术语224. Continue present heading.225. Resume own navigation to BK.226. Confirm identification lost.227. Identified, position 50 miles east of BK.228. 30 miles from touchdown, contact Approach 118.1. 229. Three sixty turn left.230. Orbit left for delay.231. Looking out.232. Traffic in sight.233. Negative contact due IMC.234. Traffic passed and clear.235. Squawk 7563.236. Reset squawk 5101.237. Squawk ident.238. Squawk standby.239. Squawk Charlie and code 5120.240. Stopping squawk Charlie.241. Affirm squawk 7500.242. Altimeter 1003 8000ft.243. Negative squawk ident due transponder failure.244. Turn right heading 340.245. Turn right 20 degrees.246. Leave BK heading 190.247. Fly heading 285.248. Stop turn heading 070.249. Request heading 180 due weather.250. Confirm danger area 113 active.251. Your radar vector appears to be taking us to the prohibited area,confirm.252. 50 miles right of track approved, when able, proceed direct TB. 253. Indicated speed 270 knots.254. Maintain 300 knots or less.255. Maintain 180 knots until 8 miles from touchdown.256. Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots.257. Maintain speed 280 knots or greater for separation.258. Cross CK at 35 or later.259. Cross DG at 24 or earlier.260. Do not exceed 280 knots.261. Reduce speed to 240 knots.262. Increase speed to 300 knots or greater.263. Increase speed by 10 knots.264. Resume normal speed.265. No speed restrictions.266. Request speed 200 knots due configuration.267. Request speed 250 knots due turbulence.268. Omit position reports until LN.269. Next report at IP.270. Report required only at boundary.271. We have traffic at our 12 o’clock, 5 miles, 500 feet below, climbing.272. Traffic indication at our 1 o’clock, 4 miles, same altitude, converging.273. Request vectors.274. Unable to receive transmission on that frequency. 275. Request 15 miles final.276. Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception.277. NOTAM says glide slope for Runway15 is unserviceable, confirm.278. Confirm ILS frequency for Runway 17L.279. In case of going around, turn left heading 210.280. Advise transponder capability.281. Transponder Charlie.282. Transponder unserviceable.283. ADS-B transmitter 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.284. ADS-B receiver 1090 (ten-ninety) data link.285. Negative ADS-B.286. Re-enter ADS-B aircraft identification.287. Stop ADS-B transmission.288. Stop squawk transmit ADS-B only.289. Fly no further west of your current position.290. Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors.291. Right heading 120, my own terrain clearance.292. Heading 120, correction, 140.293. We are too low to the surrounding terrain. Confirm we are still being radar vectored.294. Confirm we are still above your minimum vectoring altitude.第四章进近通话术语295. Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then direct to BK. 296. Direct to JO, descend to FL50.297. Passing FL70.298. Descending to 4000 feet QNH1005, expect ILS approach Runway299. Request straight-in ILS approach Runway 24.300. Cleared straight-in ILS approach Runway 24, descend to 3000 feet, QNH1011.301. Airfield in sight, request visual approach.302. When established on the localizer, descend on the glide path. 303. Established on the localizer.304. Fully established Runway 24.305. Cleared VOR-DME approach Runway 24, descending to 3000 feet QNH1007.306. Runway in sight.307. Number One, contact Tower 118.7.308. Passing outer marker.309. Report MQR outbound.310. Procedure turn completed, localizer established.311. Request visual approach.312. Cleared visual approach Runway 24.313. Request holding instructions.314. Hold over BKM VOR at FL100, inbound track 280 degrees, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.315. Request holding procedure.316. Hold on the 265 radial of BKM VOR between 25 and 30 miles DME, FL100, inbound track 085, right hand pattern, expected approach time 1022.317. Hold at 20 DME of ST VOR, FL100, inbound track 260 degrees,left turns, limiting outbound distance 24 DME.318. Overhead YV, maintaining 3000 feet, entering hold.319. Leaving BKM VOR heading 110.320. Leaving FL60, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1008.321. Position 10 miles north east of LN.322. Turn right heading180 for base leg.323. Reduce to minimum approach speed, turn right heading 230,cleared for ILS approach Runway 27.324. No ATC speed restrictions. Contact Tower 118.9.325. Three sixty turn left for delay.326. Continue present heading, expect through the localizer for spacing.327. Surveillance radar approach Runway 27, maintaining 2200 feet. 328. QNH1003, threshold elevation 196 feet.329. Precision radar approach Runway 27 heading 260, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1014.330. Cleared to JEMMY via BK 1A Arrival.331. Descend to reach 5000 feet by BK.332. When ready, descend to FL200. Report leaving FL300.333. Descend immediately FL250.334. Descend to altitude 12000 feet QNH 1000.335. Descend to height 2000 feet QFE 997 hectopascals.336. Descend to 8000 feet at 1000 feet per minute or greater. 337. Maintain own separation and VMC, descend to FL50.338. Increasing rate of climb.339. Unable expedite climb due weight.340. Climb to 6000 feet, follow KODAP 01 Departure.341. Passing altitude 2300 feet, climbing to FL80.342. Climb to FL210, level restrictions of KODAP 01 Departure canceled.343. Climb to FL 210, cross AU at FL100 or below.344. Climb to FL290, level at time 55.345. Unable FL390 by boundary, request FL330.346. Descend to FL100, cross YU FL150 or above.347. After passing North Cross, descend to FL150.348. We are far above profile. Request holding.349. Stop descent at 5000 feet.350. Expedite descent until passing FL80.351. Expect descent after AK.352. Continue approach Runway 36R, maintain visual separation with preceding traffic.353. Contact Control 80 miles after BK.354. Request change to London Control.355. Monitor Tower 118.1.356. Remain this frequency.357. We can see the approach lights at 200 feet.358. Cleared VOR approach Runway 36, followed by circling to Runway 18.359. Expect commencing approach at time 50.360. Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.361. Request RNAV approach.362. RNAV approach not available due FMS database. Request VOR approach.363. Cleared for LDA approach Runway 24.364. Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival.365. Unable RNAV, loss of RAIM, request NDB approach366. GPS primary lost, going around.367. RAIM alert, going around.368. Negative RNAV.369. Proceed to AK, hold as published, expect approach clearance at370. Request hold for weather improvement, visibility below company minima.371. Hold at BKM VOR FL250, right hand pattern, expect further clearance at 23, landing delay at destination airport 30 minutes.372. Holding northwest of W VOR FL120, what is the delay for approach?373. Request to extend the holding pattern for accomplishing the checklist.374. Request extended holding to burn fuel to reduce the weight.375. Cleared for CAT II ILS approach Runway 24.376. Join right hand downwind, visual approach Runway 24.377. Continue approach, prepare for possible go around.378. Disregard. We made the wrong transmission.379. Roger, request continue approach.380. Stand by. We are carrying out procedures.381. Wilco, words twice.第五章区域通话术语382. Maintaining FL350, expect descent after BKM VOR.383. Climb to and maintain FL310. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or greater until BKM VOR.384. Descend to and maintain FL 270. Do not exceed Mach number decimal 79.385. Continue climb to FL 290, cross BKM VOR not above FL 230. 386. Negative, unable cross BKM VOR at or above FL230 due performance.387. Maintaining FL310 until advised.388. Descend to FL170, cross BKM VOR at or above FL210.389. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or above FL190390. Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR below FL170.391. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or before 55392. Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR at 43 or later.393. Request lose time en route due landing delay at destination airport.394. Request lose time en route to finish the checklist.395. Request parallel offset from current track due weather ahead. 396. Request parallel offset from current airway for 30 minutes due icing condition.397. Proceed offset 10 miles right of track until abeam BKM VOR. 398. Cleared offset 25 miles left of track for 30 minutes.399. Offset canceled, turn right to rejoin the A1 before BKM VOR. 400. Clear of weather, request to resume flight route.401. Climb to and maintain FL290, re-cleared to track direct to BKM VOR, the rest unchanged.402. Estimating crossing LV NDB 1123.403. Passing POU at 43, maintaining FL310, estimating MLT at 55, next NLD.404. BKM 47, FL170 descending to FL120, abeam NLD VOR at 55. 405. Report 25 miles from BKM VOR.406. Report 34 miles from Top of Descent.407. Report crossing 270 radial BKM VOR.408. Report 28 miles DME 210 radial BKM VOR.409. Climb to FL220, report passing FL170.410. Descending immediately to FL190.411. Leaving FL220 for FL190.412. Request clearance to enter controlled airspace northeast of BKM VOR at FL240 at time 43.413. Remain outside controlled airspace, expect joining clearance at time 55.414. Request to leave controlled airspace by descent.415. Request to leave controlled airspace by climb.416. Descending to 5000 feet QNH 1014, report passing 7000 feet. 417. Request VMC descent to FL60.418. Descending to FL60, maintain VMC FL90 to FL70, report traffic in sight at FL80.419. Request join airway A1 at DAPRO.420. Cleared to destination airport via DAPRO, flight planned route, FL240, join A1 at FL240.421. Remain outside controlled airspace, expect further clearance at 55.422. If FL240 not available, we accept FL220.423. Cleared to leave A1 via BKM VOR, maintain FL230 while in controlled airspace.424. Confirm we are under radar control.425. Confirm radar service is terminated.426. Radar service is terminated due technical failure. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or less for separation.427. Confirm radar control is resumed.428. Radar control is resumed, track direct to BKM VOR and increase speed to Mach number decimal 84.429. Affirm RVSM.430. Negative RVSM due equipment downgraded.431. Request clearance into RVSM airspace.432. Unable RVSM due turbulence.433. Ready to resume RVSM.434. Position 42N (North) 165E (East) at 0800, FL390, estimating 44N 180E at 0900 45N 170W next.435. At 150W(west) contact San Francisco Radio, primary3494,secondary 11342.436. At 144E(east) squawk 2000.437. CPDLC connected.438. Continue CPDLC make position report via CPDLC.439. SELCAL CODE EFFG, request SELCAL check.440. CPDLC unserviceable, request to revert to voice communication.第六章紧急通话情况441. The air conditioning system has malfunctioned.442. We have only one air conditioning pack operational. Request a new cruising level below FL300.443. All our air conditioning packs have malfunctioned. Request rapid descent to MEA .444. We had a malfunction of one air conditioning pack. Request descent to a lower level.445. We have lost electrical power to the cabin air compressor. Request immediate descent to 10,000 feet.446. We just had a smoke emergency. We need to depressurize the airplane to let in fresh air. Request rapid descent to 8000 feet.447. We have unusual smell from air conditioning packs. Request stop climb at 7000 feet.448. Many passengers are suffering from smoke inhalation. Request medical assistance on arrival.449. Our pressurization system has malfunctioned.450. We have difficulty in controlling the cabin pressure.451. We have a cabin altitude problem.452. Our cabin rate of climb has red-lined. Request immediate descent.453. We have a slow cabin decompression. Request immediate descent.454. Our cabin altitude at one time had reached 16000 feet. Some passengers have symptoms of hypoxia.455. We are now depressurized and will fly a more shallow descent profile.456. Request descent rate less than 500 feet per minute due to unpressurized cabin.457. We are now ventilating with ram air. It is best that our rate of descent does not exceed 600 feet per minute.458. We have a problem with the avionics ventilation system.459. We have an avionics ventilation problem. The skin heat-exchangers and blower fan have failed.460. The avionics ventilation is unserviceable. Request diversion to the closest suitable airport.461. We have severe vibration coming from the avionics ventilation fan.462. There are unusual noises coming from the avionics bay. 463. Our FMS has malfunctioned. Request radar vectors.464. Request further climb due wind-shear.465. Unable to maintain altitude, request leaving RVSM airspace. 466. We cannot make RNP approach due equipment.467. Our navigation accuracy is low. Request to climb to minimum safe altitude.468. We have a navigation map shift, unable to perform the RNAV approach. Request radar vectors.469. Inertial reference system has failed. We are navigating on raw data. Request conventional approach.470. The Morse code for the VOR is different from the approach chart. Confirm the VOR is fully operational.471. The ILS signal seems to be very unstable. Did any other pilot report a similar situation?472. The approach lights for Runway 36L are a bit different from those shown on the airport diagram.473. The flight path is unstable. Going around.474. We made a missed approach due to unstable ILS signals. 475. The ILS signal was unstable. Request approach to another runway or request another type of approach.476. The DME indication is not correct. Confirm the DME is still in service.477. We have lost our flight plan after a flight management computer reset.478. We need a few minutes to reprogram the flight management computers. Request radar vectors.479. We need to reconfigure the flight management computers for approach. Request holding instructions.480. We are now flying with basic navigation due to systems failure.Request radar vectors.481. We have multiple failures on the inertial reference system. We are no longer able to fly oceanic route. Request return for landing.482. We do not meet GPS approach requirement due to flight crew qualifications.483. Our Airline policy does not allow us to perform CAT IIIC approach.484. Our operations manual forbids this procedure.485. Our Aviation Authority does not permit this procedure.486. We are unable to conform to the noise abatement procedure due performance.487. We are not qualified for CAT IIIB approach and auto-land. Request diversion.488. Our VHF number One receiver has failed. We are no longer monitoring 121.5.489. All stations, transmitting blind due to receiver failure.490. All of our VHF transmitters have failed, now transmitting on HF radio. Please respond.491. Our SELCAL has malfunctioned. We will continue monitoring your frequency.492. We are receiving an ELT signal on 121.5.493. We are picking up a broadcast signal on 121.5.494. Our satellite phone is unserviceable. We are unable to call company operations.495. Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request re-release the flight plan by voice.496. Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request ATC clearance by voice.497. My apologies, I wasn’t aware the boom mike was transmitting. 498. Sorry for blocking the frequency due microphone jammed. 499. We have an electrical failure.500. One of our generators has failed. At present moment, we are still able to continue to our destination.501. Request diversion to the nearest suitable airport due AC BUS failure.502. We are not supplying power to our DC BUS. Request priority landing.503. We have a problem with the aircraft battery. Request priority landing.504. One of our transformers has failed. I’ll let you know if a diversion is required.505. Electrical system has a serious malfunction. Request radar vectors to an airport that’s within 20 minutes of flight time.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 执行总裁Executive President执行副总裁Vice Executive President首席运营官COO财务总监Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官CEO首席运行官COO首席安全官CSO首席商业运营官CCO首席财务官CFO首席人事训练官CHO首席培训官CTO首席市场官CMO首席公共关系协调官CRO首席人事训练官CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理General Manage Assistant调研员Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管Supervisor行政事务室Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室Budget Management Office业务发展部Business Development Dept.广告公司Advertisement Company商业开发管理室Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份:January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时minute分钟second秒四季:spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数:I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数:we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数)my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东west西south南north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件path 路径text 文本program 程序disk 硬盘floppy 软盘disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器key 键driver 驱动器power 电源screen 屏幕configure 配置boot 引导byte 字节format 格式化compress 压缩system 系统network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描install 安装setup 设置option 选项、选择reset 复位restore 恢复lock 加密command 命令execute 执行save 保存type 显示、打字print 打印pause 暂停clean 清除delete 删除remove 删除、移动copy 复制paste 粘贴backup 备份rename 改名open 打开quit 退出exit 退出esc 退出window 窗口input 输入output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场fly area 飞行区terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道passport 护照trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板aircrew 机组captain 机长purser 乘务长stewardess 乘务员passenger 旅客infant 婴儿customs 海关elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票(baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅store shop 商场first class 头等舱sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室security check 安检ID card 身份证delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)How do you do你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everything at home 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great.好极了.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.Farewell (告别)Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.See you later. 回头见.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua, secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书.Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.Thanks a lot. 多谢.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办. Not at all. 别客气.You are welcome. 不客气.That’s all right. 这没什么.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错. The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲. Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来. Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间. That’s OK. 没关系.No problem. 没关系.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗Can you help me 你能帮我吗Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting 可否请你光临本次会议When are you free 您什么时候有空I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我. There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午. Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)You are quite right. 你完全正确.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.I think so. 我想是这样.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.I don’t agree. 我不同意.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)Can I help you 能为你效劳吗What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.I have no time. 我没有时间.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.Last week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here 从这里到总公司怎么走How long will it take me to get there 到那儿需要多久It will take half an hour. 半个小时.Where’s the near est public phone 最近的公用电话在哪里It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)We take airport’s bus to work.我们乘机场班车去上班.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.I write myself a memo.我给自己写了一份备忘录.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你. Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.The line is busy. 电话占线.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)I’m leaving but I’ll be bac k at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.Could you run a few errands for me 你能帮我办几件事吗Would you make some copies for me 你帮我复印几份好吗No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.May I see your resume 我能看一下你的简历吗Tell me about yourself 谈谈你自己好吗How long have you been at your present job 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间Why are you leaving your current job 你为什么要离开你现在的工作Where do you see yourself in 10 years 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己Are you looking forward to a promotion 你希望得到晋升吗Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)What day is today 今天是星期几Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)What’s the date 今天多少号It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.Excuse me, what time is it 对不起,现在几点了It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.I’ll have a meet ing in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)How do you do 你好!How do you do 你好!Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.Me too. 我也是.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗Yes, a little. What can I do for you 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about Yichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and Chu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江today,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism and hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌it is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and cultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)How about the climate in Yichang 宜昌的气候如何The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.How do you like the weather in Yichang 您觉得宜昌的天气如何Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.It seems to rain, isn’t it 好像要下雨了It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)How many people live in this city该城市有多少人口Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族.Galas(节日)Are there any other galas in Yichang 宜昌还有其他的节日吗Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.What are they 他们是哪些They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International Travelling Festival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you please introduce some scenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China. It is located at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国著名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojun tourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxi greek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in zigui country.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.Have you been to Yuquan Temple 您去过玉泉寺吗Not yet. 还没有.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some more about it我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’t it据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很著名.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Period is also very is 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.Is there any religious places in Yichang 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺.Entertainments (娱乐)Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about the entertainments in Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗It’s m y pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourself completely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.Where can we take a walk 我们在哪儿散步好The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.Can you tell me where we may play football 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is very tasty.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”著称,美味可口.Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many types of orange, peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.Accommodations (接待)Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季Usually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗All right.好的.Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.Shopping (购物)Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenic spots. Besides, you can also buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).Which size do you take sir 先生您穿多大尺寸的I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour) 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗Excellent.好极了.. Which do you prefer 您更喜欢哪种I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..When does the shop close 商场几点关门At 9pm. 晚上9点..How much is needed 总共要付多少钱That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about 26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.When are you going to leave Yichang 你什么时候离开宜昌At 3pm.下午3点.bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的. Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)Would you like to tell me something about the post here 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.Are telephone calls convenient here 这里打电话方便吗Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets. IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.Where should I get off 到哪儿下车Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.How much is it to the terminal 到终点站多少钱It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled. 每人一元,不论路多远.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗Farewell (告别)I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasur e. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.OK. 好的.Would you like to tell me your address 把你的地址告诉我好吗Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.We will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.I beg your pardon 能请您重复一遍吗We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to late arrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.What’s wrong with you 有什么麻烦吗We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.We are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.Please go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.We don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air tr affic control. Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.You are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.Let me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.Thank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.The flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.Please cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.Do you need a doctor 您是否需要医生Thank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!Welcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!Let me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.It doesn’t matter. 没关系.Sorry for troubling you. 麻烦您了.Please give us advice and correction for the inadequacy of our work.工作上的不足,请给予批评指导.Thank you for your cooperation! 谢谢合作!It will be delayed because of the poor visibility. 由于能见度低,航班将要延误.There is no hot meal served on this flight. 本次航班不配热餐.I request wheelchair service for my mother. 我为我的母亲申请轮椅服务.。



最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 执行总裁 Executive President执行副总裁 Vice Executive President首席运营官 COO财务总监 Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理 Assistant to Executive President二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官 CEO首席运行官 COO首席安全官 CSO首席商业运营官 CCO首席财务官 CFO首席人事训练官 CHO首席培训官 CTO首席市场官 CMO首席公共关系协调官 CRO首席人事训练官 CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD四、公司领导董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board总经理 General Manager副总经理 Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理 General Manage Assistant调研员 Investigator and Researcher五、部门名称综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管 Supervisor行政事务室 Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室 Budget Management Office业务发展部 Business Development Dept.广告公司 Advertisement Company商业开发管理室 Commerce Development and Management Office 客货销售公司 Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心 Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center值班经理室 Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screening Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日月份: January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时 minute分钟 second秒四季: spring春季 summer夏季 autumn秋季 winter冬季七、人称人称代词:单数: I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数: we you they (主格)us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数) my your his her its(复数) our your their名词性:(单数)mine yours his hers its(复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves八、数字:基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词:first second third ……….九、方位east东 west西 south南 north北southwest northwest southeast northeast西南西北东南东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件 path 路径 text 文本program 程序 disk 硬盘 floppy 软盘disc 光盘 memory 内存、存储器 key 键driver 驱动器 power 电源 screen 屏幕configure 配置 boot 引导 byte 字节format 格式化 compress 压缩 system 系统network 网络、联网 speed 速度、加速 scan 检测、扫描install 安装 setup 设置 option 选项、选择reset 复位 restore 恢复 lock 加密command 命令 execute 执行 save 保存type 显示、打字 print 打印 pause 暂停clean 清除 delete 删除 remove 删除、移动copy 复制 paste 粘贴 backup 备份rename 改名 open 打开 quit 退出exit 退出 esc 退出 window 窗口input 输入 output 输出十一、机场常用单词airport 机场 fly area 飞行区 terminal 候机楼apron 停机坪 runway 跑道 taxiway 滑行道passport 护照 trailer 拖车 tow-bar 拖把dolly 集装箱托板 aircrew 机组 captain 机长purser 乘务长 stewardess 乘务员 passenger 旅客infant 婴儿 customs 海关 elevator 电梯child(children) 儿童 taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李 travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票 (baggage)cart 手推车coffee house 咖啡厅 store shop 商场first class 头等舱 sterile area 隔离区first aid 急救中心 restaurant 餐厅VIP lounge 贵宾室 security check 安检ID card 身份证 delay flight 延误航班domestic departure hall 国内出发厅 domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅international departure hall 国际出发厅 international arrival hall 国际到达厅baggage checks(stub) 行李牌 chartered flight 包机scheduled flight 定期航班 unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童duty free shop 免税商店 passenger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车 carry on baggage 手提行李boarding pass 登机牌 air traffic control tower 塔台information office 问询处 multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥 activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室 assembly room 会议室Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetings (称呼与问候)1.How do you do你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2.How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. How’s everything at home 家中一切都好吗5. I’m just great.好极了.6.Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.8.No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢. Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运). Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m YuJunhua,secretary, from the Office.哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书.Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.You are welcome. 不客气.28.That’s all right. 这没什么.29.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)30.You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.31.The food is delicious. 这食物真可口.32.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.33.I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.34.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.35.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.36.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.37.That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr.Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)38.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.39.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.40.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.41.All the best to you. 祝你万事如意.42.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.43.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)44.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.45.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.46.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.47.Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.48.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.49.A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.50.That’s OK. 没关系.51.No problem. 没关系.52.I quite understand. 我完全理解.Asking a Favour (请求帮助)53.Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗54.Can you help me 你能帮我吗55.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗56.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.57.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)58.Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.59.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting 可否请你光临本次会议60.When are you free 您什么时候有空61.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.62.There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free thisafternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.63.I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.64.I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您.office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午. Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)65.You are quite right. 你完全正确.66.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.67.I think so. 我想是这样.68.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.69.I don’t agree. 我不同意.70.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.71.I’m afraid not. 我想不是.Offering Help (提供帮助)72.Can I help you 能为你效劳吗73.What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生74.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生75.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.76.I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.77.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗78.I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)79.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.80.I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.81.Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.82.I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.83.I have no time. 我没有时间.84.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)85.You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.86.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.87.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)88.It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.st week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.90.I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.91.I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.92.It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.93.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from thecold.我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.94.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.95.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,街道上的树木有很多根都拔出来了.Asking the way (问路)96.Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport对不起先生,你能告诉我到机场的路吗97.Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.98.Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here 从这里到总公司怎么走99.How long will it take me to get there 到那儿需要多久100.It will take half an hour. 半个小时.101.Where’s the near est public phone 最近的公用电话在哪里102.It’s on the opposite side of the street. 在马路对面.103.Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅104.Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road. 有一些,在机场路上.At the office(在办公室)105.We take airport’s bus to work.我们乘机场班车去上班.106.When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.我走进办公室,向同事们说“早上好”.107.I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.108.I write myself a memo. 我给自己写了一份备忘录.109.I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.我翻阅了一些下午开会用的材料.110.I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.111.Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.今天下午我们部门开会,我做会议记录.Office phone(办公室电话)112.Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you早上好,这里是三峡机场,我能为你做点什么113.Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.114.He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗115.He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.116.Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你.117.Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.118.The line is busy. 电话占线.119.There’s no answer. 电话没人接.120.You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.121.The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.Office Talk(办公室谈话)122.I’m leaving but I’ll be bac k at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.123. Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.124.Could you run a few errands for me 你能帮我办几件事吗125.Would you make some copies for me 你帮我复印几份好吗126.No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.127.Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.128.Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.129.I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.130.I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了. 131.I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.132.I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.Job Interview(求职面试)133.I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.134.I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.135.I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.136.I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.137.May I see your resume 我能看一下你的简历吗138.Tell me about yourself 谈谈你自己好吗139.How long have you been at your present job 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间140.Why are you leaving your current job 你为什么要离开你现在的工作141.Where do you see yourself in 10 years 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己142.Are you looking forward to a promotion 你希望得到晋升吗143.Can you give me an example of showing your leadership你能举一个表现你的领导才能的例子吗144.Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. 感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复.Days And Dates(天和日期)145.What day is today 今天是星期几146.Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).今天星期一(二,三,四,五,六,日)147.What’s the date 今天多少号148.It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.149.Let’s meet sometime next week. 我们下周的某个时间见面吧.150.Excuse me, what time is it 对不起,现在几点了151.It’s ten to nine. 现在是8:50.152.I’ll have a meet ing in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)Meeting (见面)1.How do you do 你好!2.How do you do 你好!3.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴.4.Me too. 我也是.5.I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗6.Yes, a little. What can I do for you 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗7.I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tellme something about Yichang City我来自英国.我刚到宜昌,是来观光的.你能给我谈谈宜昌的情况吗8.Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.Geography(地理位置)9.Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the thebirthplace of Ba and Chu Culture,also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces宜昌是一个有着2000年历史的文化名城,是巴楚文化发祥地、三峡门户和川鄂咽喉.10.The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.宜昌境内的主要河流是长江和清江,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful citywith tourism and hydrate-electricity as its main industries.今天,宜昌成为长江沿岸的开放城市,是个美丽的旅游城和水电城.12.Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌 is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的好地方.14.As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of YichangCity就我所知,宜昌是湖北最西边的城市.宜昌有多大呢15.As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.16.Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political,economic and cultural center in the eastern part of Hubei.宜昌是湖北的第二大城市,它是鄂西政治、经济和文化中心.Climate(气候)17.How about the climate in Yichang 宜昌的气候如何18.The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinct reasons. 宜昌气候宜人(很好),四季分明.19.How do you like the weather in Yichang 您觉得宜昌的天气如何20.Very good, Yichang is really a lovely place to live in.很好,住在宜昌真不错.21.It seems to rain, isn’t it 好像要下雨了22.It is quite probable..完全有可能.Population and Minorities(人口与少数民族)23.How many people live in this city该城市有多少人口24.Yichang has a population of 4 million , 500,000 of them live in the city proper.宜昌人口有400万,其中50万人生活在城区.25.Are there any minorities here 这儿有少数民族吗26.Yes. It is populated with Tujia besides Han. 有,除汉族外,还有土家族. Galas(节日)27.Are there any other galas in Yichang 宜昌还有其他的节日吗28.Yes, there are many. 有呀,还有不少呢.29.What are they 他们是哪些30.They are as follow: The Dragon Boat Festival, The International TravellingFestival at Yichang Sanxia他们是如下几个:龙舟节、宜昌三峡国际旅游节.Scenic spots(景点)31.It is said that Yichang is famous for her beautiful sceneries. Will you pleaseintroduce some scenic spots here to me据说,宜昌以她美丽的风景而出名,你给我介绍一下这里的风景点好吗32.Do you knowThe Yantze River Three Gorges is one of famous scenic spots in China.It is located at the west side of the city. It’s 8 kilometers away from the city.你知道吗长江三峡是中国着名的风景区之一,它位于本市的西面,距离本市有8公里.33.The scenery of Qingjing River attracts the people by its pretty and calmness.清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返.34.You will be quite satisfied to visit Three gorges of the Yangtze River by zhaojuntourist boat.乘昭君号游船游览三峡,您会感到非常满意.35.Zhaojun was one of the four beauties in ancient china, she was born in Xiangxigreek.昭君是中国古代四大美人之一,她诞生在香溪河旁.36.It sounds attractive. 听起来很吸引人的.37.Three Gorges Dam is being built at zhongbaodao Island Yichang.三峡大坝建在宜昌中堡岛.38.Oh, I see. Are there any other historical scenic spots噢,我明白了.还有其他的历史景点吗39.Quyuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient china. He was born in ziguicountry.屈原是中国古代着名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县.40.Have you been to Yuquan Temple 您去过玉泉寺吗41.Not yet. 还没有.42.I’m very interested in Three Gorges Project. Would you like to talk some moreabout it我对三峡工程很感兴趣,你给我多谈一些这方面的情况好吗43.Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in theeast of the Dam, 2 kilometers from it.好的.我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭.它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2公里.44. By the way, Tanzhiling is the best place for overlooking the whole project.顺便说一句,坛子岭是鸟瞰大坝的最好的景点.45.It is said that Shenlongjia in Yichang is a new cultural tourism zone, isn’tit据说宜昌的神农架是一个新的文化旅游区,是吗46.Yes, it is very famous. 是的,它很着名.47.I see. Is there any other cultural tourism zone 我明白了,有其他的文化旅游区吗48.Yes. Changbanpo slope one of the ancient Battle Sites of Three Kingdoms Periodis also very is 70 Kilometers away from Yichang.是的,三国古代城之一长坂坡也很有名.离宜昌大约70公里.49.Is there any religious places in Yichang 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗50.There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺. Entertainments (娱乐)51.Thank you for telling me so much. Now, will you tell me something about theentertainments in Yichang谢谢你给我说了那么多,现在,你能给我说说宜昌的娱乐好吗52.It’s m y pleasure. The entertainments in Yichang are also varied and colorful.好的,宜昌的娱乐也是丰富多彩的.53.There are many amusement places in Yichang Where you can enjoy yourselfcompletely.宜昌有许多歌舞厅,在那里可以尽情的娱乐、欣赏、享受.54.Where can we take a walk 我们在哪儿散步好55.The Riverside Park is a good place to take a walk.滨江公园是散步的好地方.56.Can you tell me where we may play football 请问我们可以在哪儿踢足球57. You had better go to Yichang stadium.最好在宜昌体育馆.Food (食物)58.I feel a little hungry now. Would you like to introduce some local food to me现在我有点饿了,给介绍一些当地的食物好吗59.Yicang cooking is distinguished for being “spicy” and “hot” , it is verytasty.60.宜昌菜以“麻、辣”着称,美味可口.61. Can you recommend me some wonderful local dishes62.您能向我推荐几种本地美味菜肴吗63.Yes , the specials of Yichang is Steamed hui fish,turtle and yipin fin lake Eel.64.可以,宜昌的特色菜有清蒸鮰鱼、甲鱼和一品鳝.65.Is there any regional refection in Yichang宜昌有没有什么特色小吃66. Spring roll, Turnip jiaozi and Yuxincao.有春卷、萝卜饺子和鱼腥草(节儿根).67.What can we drink in Yichang我们在宜昌可以喝些什么68.Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶.69.By the way, what fruits can I enjoy here顺便问一句,这儿能尝到什么水果呢70.Well, there are all kinds of fruits in different seasons. For example, many typesof orange, peach, watermelon,and pomelo are available here哦,各种季节有各种各样的水果.比如,各种各样的橙子、桃子、西瓜、柚子等.71.Accommodations (接待)72.Will you give me an introduction to the accommodations here 给我谈谈这里的接待方面的情况好吗73.Ok, there are over 20 tourist hotels in Yichang City at present. 好的,目前宜昌有20多家旅游宾馆.74.Which months are the peak tourist season 哪些月份是旅游旺季ually, the peak one is from Augest to November of the year.通常,旺季是从每年8月份至11月份.76.Where can we live in Yichang 我们在宜昌住在哪里77.You can live in Peach Blossom Hotel and Three Gorges Hotel , International Hotel.你们可以住在桃花岭饭店、三峡宾馆、国际大酒店.78.Do you have a reservation, sir 先生您有预订吗79.Yes, reservation on the day before yesterday.是的,我是前天订的.80.Excuses me, wait a minute please. 对不起,请稍候.81.Would you please complete this registration form 请您填一下这张登记表好吗82.All right.好的.83.Have you got any identification 您有身份证件吗84.Yes, I have my passport about me.我带来自己的护照.85.Shopping (购物)86.Are there any good shops in Yichang for tourists to do some shopping宜昌有较好的可供旅客购物的商场吗87.Yes, there are many,You can buy local tourist arts and crafts at all the scenicspots. Besides, you can also buy high-quality tea.有,很多,你可以在所有景点买到本地旅游工艺品,另外,你还可以买到高质量的茶叶.88.I had like to buy a pair of shoes (shirt).我想买双鞋子(衬衫).89.Which size do you take sir 先生您穿多大尺寸的90.I take large shoes for about 45.我穿45码的.91.Try this one, about this style (sign , colour) 您觉得这种样式(尺寸、颜色)满意吗92. Excellent.好极了.93.. Which do you prefer 您更喜欢哪种94.I had like the white ( green, red, dark, smaller) one.我喜欢白色(绿色、红色、黑色、小一点)的..95.When does the shop close 商场几点关门96. At 9pm. 晚上9点..97. How much is needed 总共要付多少钱98.That is ten yuan altogether. 10元.99.I had like to change some money. 我想换点零钱.100.Well, how much would you like to change好的,请问换多少Communication (交通)101.As I know, there is an airport in Yichang. Where is it据我所知,宜昌有一个飞机场,它在哪里102. Well, the Yichang Sanxia Airport is in the east of Yichang City. It is about26 kilometers away from the city center哦,宜昌三峡机场就在宜昌市的东面,它离市中心有26公里.103.Do you have any wharf here你们这儿有船码头吗104. Yes, we have several ones. The biggest one is Yichang Port, located at Yanjiang Road.有好几个,最大的一个叫宜昌港,位于沿江大道.105. When are you going to leave Yichang 你什么时候离开宜昌106. At 3pm.下午3点.107. bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse. 二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的.Post and Telecom (邮政与电信)108.Would you like to tell me something about the post here 你能谈谈关于邮政方面的情况吗109.Sure. The post services are convenient and quick with computer administration.好的,邮政服务实行电脑管理,方便快速.110. Are telephone calls convenient here 这里打电话方便吗111.Yes, of course. The public phone booths are available anywhere in the streets.IC card telephones are installed at the airport, wharf, bus station, all the star hotels and the main streets.当然,公共电话亭在街上到处都有.机场、码头、汽车站、星级宾馆和主要街道都装有IC卡电话.112. How can I go to the post office . 我怎样才能到邮局113. Take the bus and get off at Yuji Road. 乘2路公共汽车在云集路下车就到了.114. How to make a phone call, please Can you tell me whom you are calling Is this a long distance call 请问这里电话怎么打请问您找谁,是长话吗Asking The Way (问路)115. Now, I would like to go to the Three Gorges Hotel. How to get there现在,我要去三峡宾馆,怎样走呢116.Take the bus, please. 请乘坐2路车.117.Where should I get off 到哪儿下车118.Just get off at the terminal. 就在终点站下车.119.How much is it to the terminal 到终点站多少钱120.It is one Yuan for each passenger, regardless of the distance traveled.每人一元,不论路多远.121.Can you tell me where Jiefang Cinema is 请问解放路电影院往哪儿走122.Go along Jiefang Road then turn right.沿着解放路往前走,再朝右拐就到了.123. Sorry to trouble you. Are there any toilets near about 对不起,打扰下.请问附近有公厕吗124.Turn left, you see, the toilet is there. 向左拐,你瞧,那儿就有个公厕.125.This is the map of Yichang city. Do you want to have a look at it 这是宜昌地图,您想看看吗126.Farewell (告别)127.I’ve learnt a great deal from you .I won’t forget your kind help.我从你这儿学到不少东西,我忘不了你的热情帮助.128.Don’t mention it. It is my pleasur e. 不要客气,这是我应该做的.129.I’d like to keep in touch with you in the future. 往后我会跟你保持联系的.130.OK. 好的.131.Would you like to tell me your address 把你的地址告诉我好吗132. Sure. My work address is Yichang SanxiaYichang Airport, Hubei, 443007 好的,我的工作地址是中华人民共和国湖北宜昌三峡机场.邮编:443007.133.Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见.134.Have a good time in Yichang. Bye. 愿你在宜昌玩得愉快,再见.Part two Specialized English(第二部分专业英语)Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面运输服务英语1.Welcome to Yichang Airport. 欢迎您到宜昌机场来.2.Hello, what can I do for you/may I help you 你好,我能为你做什么吗3.I'm sorry, my English is poor. Would you please speak slowly对不起,我的英文不太好,请您讲慢点好吗4.Sorry,I can't quite understand. Wait a moment, please. I will ask others to help you.对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请其他员工为您服务.5.I wish you have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快.6.Pleased to help you. 很高兴为您服务.7.Would you please wait a moment 请您稍等一下好吗8.Take it easy, sir/madam. 别着急,先生/女士.9.Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了.11.Please follow the young lady. If you have other questions,please contact our staffs.跟这位小姐走.如果您还有其他问题,请向服务员反映.12.We will try our best to solve the problem for you. 我们将尽力为您解决.13.I beg your pardon 能请您重复一遍吗14.We're so sorry,your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.对不起,您乘坐的航班因天气原因延误了.15.I’m sorry to inform you that your flight has been delayed today, due to latearrival aircraft.很遗憾地告诉您,由于飞机晚到,您今天的航班延误了.16.What’s wrong with you 有什么麻烦吗17.We're so sorry,Your flight has been cancelled due to mechanical trouble.对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了.18.We are waiting for the latest weather report. 我们还在等最新的天气情况.19.The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad weather.这个航班由于天气原因延误到12:30分.20.Please go to the service counter and you’ll get a satisfying answer.请您到服务台,在那里您会得到满意的答复.21.We don’t have an exact time for departure at present due to air tr affic control.Please wait a moment. If there is any further information,we will inform you immediately.由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步的消息我会马上通知您.22.You are welcome, it’s my pleasure. 不客气,这是我应该做的.23.Let me explain it for you, please. 请让我向您解释.24.Thank you very much for your understanding. 您能谅解,我们感到高兴.25.The flight will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞.26.Please cooperate with us. 请您协助我们的工作.27.Do you need a doctor 您是否需要医生28.Thank you for taking Hainan Airlines. Good-bye!感谢您乘坐海南航空的班机.再见!29.Welcome to Yichang next time, bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见!30.Let me give you a hand. 我来帮您一把.31.I’m so sorry for our inadequate service. 服务不周,请多包涵.。

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第一章基本通话术语1.Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or geater.继续以每分钟1000英尺或更大的上升率上升。

2.Maintaining own separation and VMC , descending to FL80. 保持好自己的间隔和目视气象条件,下降到高度80.3.Experiencing icing conditions. Request further descent.遇到结冰条件,请求进一步下降。

4.Experiencing severe turbulence .Request further descent.遇到严重颠簸。


5.Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway.请求雷达引导,目视进近,跑道22.6.Request Taxi to south maintenance ramp.请求滑行到南边的维护机坪。

7.Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.由于冲突飞机,预计在HUR VOR台等待10分钟。

8.After passing SY VOR ,leave the hold on heading 250,cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.过SY VOR 台后,离开等待,航向250,可以VOR进近,跑道06号。

9、Clearer to LHR, hold at LHR as published . Maintain 8000 feet .Expect further clearance at 18.可以飞往LHR,并按公布的航图在LHR等待。



10.Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME .Hold south ,left hand pattern, outbound time 2minutes ,expect approach clearance at 37.可以在PER VOR台180度径向线DME 15 海里处向南等待,左等待,背向时间两分钟。


rmation P received ,stand 03 ,ready to copy ATC clearance.收到通播P,停机位03号,准备好抄收ATC许可。

12.Cleared to destination ,flight planned route, cruising level 330,departure Runway 04, initial altitude 7000 feet .HZ-01 Departure, squawk 2563 ,departure frequency 124.35.可以飞往目的地机场,按照计划的飞行路线,巡航高度层330,离场跑道04号,起始高度7000英尺。

HZ-01号标准仪表离场,应答机2563,离场频率124.35.第二章机场管制通话术语1、Say again all after 3000 feet.3000英尺后的内容再说一遍。

2、Destination Beijing, request departure information.目的地北京,请求离场信息。

3、Start-up approved ,altimeter setting 29.91。


4、Expect departure 49,Star-up at own discretion ,QNH1004.预计49分离港,开车时间自己掌控,修正海压1004.5、You are unreadable.无法听清。

6、Can you speak slower.你能说慢点吗?7、Pushback approved , long pushback.可以推出,多推点。

8、Negative .We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes.不行。


9、Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24.接近等待点,请求穿越24号跑道。

10、Cross Runway 24,report runway vacated.穿越24号跑道,脱离跑道时报告。

11、Unable to vacate via A2,request full length of Runway. 不能经由滑行道A2脱离,请求全长跑道。

12、After departure , climb straight ahead until 3000feet.起飞后,直线爬升至3000英尺。

第三章雷达管制通话术语1、Maintain Mach decimal 82,transitiom speed 310knots.保持马赫数点82,转换速度310节。

2、Traffic indication at our 1 o’clock, 4miles,samealtitude ,converging.活动飞机显示在1点钟方位,4海里,同高度,正在汇聚。

3、Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception .保持3000英尺,直到截获下滑道。

4、NOTAM says glide slope for Runway 15 is Unserviceable, confirm.飞行员通告表明15号跑道下滑故障,证实。

5、In case of going around ,turn left heading 210.如复飞,左转航向210.6、Transponder unserviceable.应答机故障。

第四章进近管制通话术语1、Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then track direct to BK.右转航向040,直到通过高度层70,然后直飞BK.2、Request straight-in L=ILS approach Runway 24.请求直接盲降进近,跑道24号。

3、When established on the localizer ,descend on the gilde path .建立好航向道后,沿下滑航径下降。

4、Runway in sight.看见跑道了。

5、Passing outer marker.过外指点标了。

6、Report MQR outbound.MOR 背台报告。

7、Hold on the 265 radial of BKM VOR between 25 and 30 miles DME ,FL100 , inbound track 085,right hand pattern ,expected approach time 1022.在BKM VOR 台265度径向线,DME距离25至30海里之间等待,高层100,向台轨迹085,右等待,预计进近时间1022.8、Hold at 20 DME of ST VOR ,FL100,inbound track 260 degrees, left turns, limiting outbound distance 24 DME.在ST VOR台DME20海里等待,高度层100,向台航迹260度,左转,限制背台距离DME24海里。

9、Overhead YV , maintaining 3000feet,entering hold.飞越YV,保持3000英尺,进入等待。

10、Leaving FL60 ,descending to 2500 feet ,QNH 1008.离开高度层60,下降到2500英尺,修正海压1008.11、Position 10miles northeast of LN.位置在LN东北方向,10海里。

12、No ATC speed restrictions。

Contact Tower 118.9.ATC没有速度限制。


13、Surveillance radar approach Runway 27 ,maintaining 2200feet.监视雷达进近,跑道27号,保持2200英尺。

14、Precision radar approach Runway 27 heading 260,descending to 25000 feet ,QNH 1014.精密雷达进近,跑道27号,航向260,下降到2500英尺,修正海压101415、Maintain own separation and VMC ,descend to FL50.保持好自己的间隔和目视气象条件,下降到高度层50。

16、Climb to FL210,level restrictions of KODAP-01 Departure canceled.上升到高度210,取消KODAP-01号标准仪表离场的高度限制。

17、Climb to FL210,cross AU at FL 100 or below .上升到高度210,飞越AU时不高于高度层100.18、Descend to FL100,cross YU FL150 or above.下降到高度层100,飞越YU时不低于高度层150。

19、Continue approach Runway 36R ,maintain visual separation with preceding traffic.继续进近,跑道36右,与前机保持目视间隔。

20、Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.由于公司政策,不能盘旋进近。


21、RNAV approach not available due FMS database. RequestVOR approach.由于FMS数据库原因,RNAV不可用。


22、Cleared for LDA approach Runway 24.可以航向道偏离进近,跑道24号。

23、Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival.由于设备,不能RNAV进近,请求常规进场。

24、Unable RNAV ,loss of RAIM,request NDB approach.由于RAIM丢失,不能RNAV进近,请求NDB进近。
