
餐饮厨房职位中英对照第一篇:餐饮厨房职位中英对照餐饮部经理Food & Beverage Manager 行政总厨Executive Chef 中餐经理Chinese Food Manager 西餐经理Western Food Manager 冷菜房厨师长 Cold Food Chef 西点厨师长 Western Food Chef加工间厨师长Primary Processing Chef食街领班Restaurant Captain宴会厅领班Banquet Captain传菜间领班Pass Food Captain西餐厅领班Western Restaurant Captain咖啡厅领班Cafe Captain餐务组领班Stewarding Captain文员Secretary服务员Waiter / Waitress咖啡厅服务员Cafe Waiter / Waitress花店员工Flower Shop Attendant工艺品店员工 Handicrafts Shop Attendant 书店员工Book Shop Attendant吧员Bar Attendant仓管员Warehouseman洗碗工 Dish washer花王 Adorn Cook 烧腊厨师Grill Cook 冷菜厨师Cold Food Cook 切配厨师Chopper 炉灶厨师 Stove Cook打荷厨师 Kitchen Apprentice Cook 上扎厨师 Braise Cook炖台厨师 Thumb Cook点心厨师 Pastry Cook加工员 Processing第二篇:酒店各部门职位中英对照酒店各部门职位(中英文对照)董事长Board Chairman(Director)董事总经理Managing Director 经济师Economist 首席会计师Chief Accountant 总经理General Manager 副总经理Deputy General Manager(Vice)驻店经理Resident Manager 总经理行政助理Executive Assistant Manager 总经理秘书Executive Secretary 总经理室Executive Office(G.M office)机要秘书Secretary 接待文员Clerk 副总经理Vice General Manager 总经理助理Assistant to General Manager 总经理秘书Secretary to General Manager 行政秘书Executive Secretary 人力资源部Human Resources Division 人事部Personnel Department 培训部Training Department 质检部QualityInspection Department 员工关系部Staffing Relationship Department 人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources 人事培训经理 P&T Manager 人事部经理Personnel Manager 培训部经理Training Manager 质检部经理Quality Inspection Manager 人事主任Personnel Officer 福利劳资员Payroll Clerk 培训主任Training Officer 行政部主任Executive Officer 秘书Secretary 员工事务长Staff Purser 车队队长 Driver Captain Chief Driver 员工宿舍管理员Dormitory Keeper 员工餐厅勤杂工Staff Restaurant Cleaner 司机Driver 更衣室管理员:Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper 翻译兼英语教师:English Translator & Teacher 计划财务部Finance and Accounting Division 财务部Accounting Department 成本部Cost-control Department 采购部Purchasing Department 审计部Auditor Department 财务总监Financial Controller(Director of Finance)财务部经理Chief Accountant 成本部经理Cost Control manager 结帐经理Cashier Manager 信用审计经理Credit Manager 采购部经理Purchasing Manager 采购部主管Purchasing Officer 总出纳Chief Cashier 仓储领班 Store Room Captain 营业点结帐领班F&B Cashier Captain 总台结帐领班F/O Cashier Captain 夜审计员 Night Auditor 信用管理员Credit Clerk 应收款管理员A/R Clerk 往来款结算员Accounting Clerk 收入费用结算员Accounting Clerk 成本核算员Cost Clerk 验货员Receiving Clerk 信息管理员Information System Clerk 文员Secretary 食品采购员Purchasing ClerkMaterial 食品保管员Storeroom KeepMaterial 餐厅收款员 F&B Cashier 总台收款员F/O Cashier市场营销部Sales & Marketing Division 销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department 市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Director of Sales 公关经理Public Relation Manager 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager 销售经理Sales Manager 宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer 销售主任Sales Officer 高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive销售代表Sales Executive 公关代表P.R.Representative 公关部经理Public Relation Manager 公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor 高级客户经理Senior Account Manager 资深美工Senior Artist 美工Artist 销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator房务部Room Division 前厅部Front Office Department 客房部(管家部)Housekeeping Department 预订部Reservation Department 宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer 资深销售中心预订员Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor 礼宾部经理Chief Concierge 行李员Bellboy 女礼宾员Door Girl 礼宾司Door Man 客房总监Director of Housekeeping 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 前厅部副经理Asst.Front Office Manager 大堂副理Assistant Manager 宾客关系经理 Guest Relation Manager 礼宾主管Chief Concierge 客务主任Guest Relation Officer 接待主管Chief Concierge 接待员Receptionist 出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk行政管家Executive Housekeeper 行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper 房务中心文员Room service Clerk 楼层主管Floor supervisor 楼层领班Floor Captain 客房服务员Room Attendant 洗衣房经理Laundry Manager 公卫主管:PA Supervisor 洗衣房主管:Laundry Supervisor 布草主管:Uniforms Supervisor 服务中心领班:Service Center Captain 公卫领班:PA Captain 水洗领班:Laundry Captain 干洗领班:Dry Clean Captain 布草领班:Uniforms Captain 仓管员:Store man 清洁工:P.A.Man 客房服务员:Room Attendant 缝纫工:Seamstress 熨烫工:Presser 洗涤工:Washer餐饮部Food & Beverage Division 中餐部 Chinese Restaurant Department 西餐部Western Restaurant Department 厨房部Kitchen Department 管事部Steward Department 餐饮总监F&B Director 餐饮部经理F&B Manager 西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager 中餐厅经理Chinese Restaurant Manager 咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager 餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary 领班Captain 迎宾员Hostess 服务员Waiter ,Waitress 传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl 行政总厨Executive chef 中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管Chief Baker 点心工:Pastry Cook 烧味厨师:Grill Chef 厨工:Cook Assistant 管事部:Steward Department 总管事:Chef Steward 主管:Steward Supervisor 碗工:Dishwasher 管事清洁工:Cleaner 宴会销售部经理:Banquet Sales Manager 宴会销售主任:Banquet Sales Officer 中餐部经理:Chinese Restaurant Manager 西餐部经理:Western Restaurant Manager 营业部经理:Sales Manager 酒水部经理:Beverage Manager 调酒师:Bartender 酒吧服务员:Barman 咖啡厅主管:Coffee Shop Supervisor 高级主管;Senior Supervisor 领班:Captain 高级服务员:Senior Waiter & Waitress 服务员:Waiter & Waitress 咨客:Hostess 传菜员:Pantry man 实习生:Trainee 康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 舞台总监:Stage Performance Director 艺术总监:Arts Director消防员:Fireman 拓展部经理:Marketing Manager 楼面经理:Service Manager DJ部高级工程师:DJ Senior Engineer 康乐主管:Recreation Center Supervisor DJ部主管:DJ Supervisor 舞台主任:Stage Performance Supervisor 康乐领班(楼面部长):Captain DJ部长:DJ Captain 舞厅服务员:Waiter/Waitress 健身房服务员:Gymnasium Attendant 桌球服务员:Billiard Attendant 主持:Preside 演员:Actor& Actress 服务员:Waiter & Waitress DJ员:DJ 咨客:Hostess工程部Engineering Department 工程总监Chief Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 值班工程师Duty Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 运行经理Operation Manager 维修经理Repairing Manager 安消经理Fire Control Supervisor 运行领班Operation Captain 强弱电领班Strong & Weak Captain 维修领班Repairing Captain 空调工Air-Conditioning Attendant 锅炉工Boiler 配电工 Electrician 强弱电工Strong & Weak Current Worker 机修工Mechanician 木工Carpenter 万能工Fitting-up Worker 水工Plumber 文员Secretary 仓管员Storeroom Keeper保安部Security Department 保安部经理Security Manager 保安部副经理Asst.Security Manager 保安部主任Security Manager 保安员Security Manager 安消部经理Security Manager 警卫领班Security Captain 门卫Entrance Guard 巡逻Patrol Guard 监控员TV Monitoring Clerk商场部Shopping Arcade Department 商场部经理Shop Manager 商场营业员Shop Assistant第三篇:餐饮厨房承包合同厨房承包合同聘用单位:(以下简称甲方)身份证号:承包厨房者(受聘人):(以下简称乙方)身份证号:根据劳动局、民政局及烹饪协会的有关法规条文,经甲、乙双方友好协商,一致同意签订本协议书,以供共同信守执行。

餐饮部经理 Food & Beverage Manager 行政总厨 Executive Chef
中餐经理 Chinese Food Manager 西餐经理 Western Food Manager 冷菜房厨师长 Cold Food Chef
西点厨师长 Western Food Chef
加工间厨师长 Primary Processing Chef 食街领班 Restaurant Captain 宴会厅领班 Banquet Captain
传菜间领班 Pass Food Captain
西餐厅领班 Western Restaurant Captain 咖啡厅领班 Cafe Captain
餐务组领班 Stewarding Captain 文员 Secretary
服务员 Waiter / Waitress
咖啡厅服务员 Cafe Waiter / Waitress 花店员工 Flower Shop Attendant 工艺品店员工 Handicrafts Shop Attendant 书店员工 Book Shop Attendant 吧员 Bar Attendant
仓管员 Warehouseman
洗碗工 Dish washer
花王 Adorn Cook
烧腊厨师 Grill Cook
冷菜厨师 Cold Food Cook
切配厨师 Chopper
炉灶厨师 Stove Cook
打荷厨师 Kitchen Apprentice Cook 上扎厨师 Braise Cook
炖台厨师 Thumb Cook
点心厨师 Pastry Cook
加工员 Processing。

酒店岗位职位原则中英文阐明General Manager 总经理Deputy General Manager 副总经理Asst. to General Manager 总经理助理Financial Controller 财务总监Deputy Financial Controller 财务副总监Director of Rooms Division 房务总监Director of Sales & Marketing 市场营销总监Director of F&B 餐饮总监Director of Engineering 工程总监Chief Accountant 总账会计Food & Beverage Manager 餐饮部经理Executive Chef 行政总厨IT Manager IT 经理Purchasing Manager 采购经理Human Resources Manager 人力资源经理Training Manager 培训经理Front Office Manager 前厅部经理Executive Housekeeper 行政管家Security Manager 保安部经理Administration Assistant 行政助理Cost Controller 成本控制经理Sales Manager 销售经理PR Manager 公关经理F&B Outlet Manager (Beverage Manager, Café Manager, Chinese Restaurant Manager, Banquet Manager)餐饮部营业部门经理(酒吧经理,西餐厅经理,中餐厅经理,宴会经理),F& B Manager 餐饮经理Chief Steward 管事部经理Kitchen Chef (Western Chef, Sous Chef, Pastry Chef, Chinese Chef)营业部门厨师(西厨房厨师长,副厨师长,饼房厨师长,中厨房厨师长),Guest Service Manager 来宾服务经理Laundry Manager 洗衣房经理Engineering Duty Manager 工程部值班经理Western Sous Chef 西厨房副厨师长HR Officer 人事专人Training Officer 培训专人GSM-Service Center 来宾服务经理-服务中心Pastry Chef 饼房厨师长Staff Canteen Supervisor 员工餐厅主管(Accountable for the quality of all work performed within their area of responsibility, including management Shift Leader,)(责任所在区域旳所有工作体现及质量,包括管理领班)Translator 翻译员Account Payable 应付Account Receivable Supervisor 应收主管Purchasing Officer 采购员Income Audit Supervisor 收益审计Cashier Supervisor 收银主管Engineering Section Supervisor, 工程部区域主管Staff Canteen Chef 员工餐厅厨师长Sales Executive 销售助理Reservation Supervisor 预订部主管F&B Secretary 餐饮部秘书F&B Outlet Supervisor 餐饮部各餐厅主管Stewarding Supervisor 管事部主管Chef De Partie 厨房主管Front Desk Supervisor 前台主管GSO Supervisor 来宾服务主管Executive Floor Supervisor 行政楼层主管Bell Supervisor 行李房主管Housekeeping Supervisor (Floor Supervisor, PA Supervisor, Laundry Supervisor, U&L Supervisor)客房部主管(楼层主管,公共区域主管,洗衣房主管,布草制服房主管)Security Supervisor, General Cashier 保安部主管,总出纳(Possess specialized skills staff)拥有专业技能和行业认证Purchasing Assistant 采购助理Engineering Senior Skilled Worker 工程部高级技工Storekeeper 库管员Artist 美工Reservation Clerk 预定员F&B Outlet Captain 餐饮部各营业部门领班F&B Hostess 餐饮部领位GSO-Reception 前台接待Operator 总机接线员Driver 司机Bell Captain 行李房领班(Basic manual duties across all work areas)所有工作区域旳基本工作职责Clerk 文员Cashier 收银员Engineering Staff 工程部一般技工Staff Canteen Cook 员工餐厅厨师F&B Service Staff 餐饮部服务员Bartender 吧员Baker 面点师F&B Kitchen Cook 餐饮部厨师Bellman 行李生Room Attendant 楼层服务员Security Guard 保安Kitchen Helper 餐饮部厨房帮工PA Attendant 公区服务员Steward 管事员Cafeteria Attendant 员工餐厅服务员Laundry Attendant (Washer, Presser, etc.) 洗衣房服务员Linen Room Attendant 布草房服务员。

当客人到来时,在门口必须有人迎接,迎接者的微笑必须灿烂,问候必须礼貌,英语的“GOOD MORNING”或国语的“您好”是必须要有的的在餐前做好3.Check with pantry and kitchen to ensure that all confirmed menus and reserved items are in place 检查一下备餐间和厨房,确定所有预定的菜单和确定的菜品都已经准备就绪4.ATo call the guests of party for 6 and above and those who have booked the PDRs to reconfirm and to reconfirm the time, number of persons and all related details, if there is any changes, alterations / adjustments must be done right away领位员须给六人以上的定了包房的客人打电话以确认时间、客人数和所有相关的细节,若有任何变化,须马上给客人提出相应的建议并变更相关的所有内容5.All staff are stand by and ready for service 所有员工须时刻准备待命6.All sections in the kitchen are ready for service 厨房的各部必须一切准备就绪7.The updated newspapers are ready 报纸必须是最新的8.Check the lighting, air-con are on, the fire exits are unlocked 检查灯光、空调是否已经开启,防火通道门是否已经开启9.All tables are properly set as required 所有桌面均已按照预定要求调整摆放10.The pantry has all condiments and sauces prepared as per SOP备餐间的所有调配料均已经按照标准工作程序准备就绪11.The door of the restaurant must be opened on time, there is no circumstances the door can be opened later than originally scheduled 餐厅的开门时间必须准时,任何时候餐厅的门都不可以比规定营业时间晚开12.If the dim sum SOP is NCR tick form, the tick forms in folder witha pen must be placed on all guest tables13.If the Dim Sum are to be served from trolleys, all trolleys must be ready for service14.The guests to be brought to the designated table, the service associate must approach to the guest and greet them with a shining smiling face and the SOP stated should be applied 当客人被带到相应的餐桌前时,服务员必须马上按照标准服务程序的要求带着灿烂的微笑上前15.The names on directional sign are set accordingly 方向标志必须事先放好16.The PDRs are set according to the requirements as per required 包房必须根据客人的要求布置好17.For those parties to be held in PDRs, thus the menu is still not yet confirmed, a menu proposal to be ready for the guest and propose to them when they arrive 对那些定了包房但还没有确定菜单的客人,建议的菜单必须事先准备好,一旦客人到了以后就可以向baskets, warmer for Chinese Hua Tiao Wine, pot, cups dried prunes, rock sugar…客人的任何要求必须要兑现,要准备好所有相关的用具,比如:玻璃杯,冰桶,葡萄酒篮,花雕酒保温桶,花雕壶,花雕杯和干话梅12.The manager must introduce himself to the host or the organizer, in the mean time he should find out what is the nature of the party unless he has known before hand. If this is a birthday party, he should check whether the cake has been arranged and who is the birthday boy, so the arrangements can be made, meanwhile he should also introduce the service associate who is assigned to take care of this party to the guest餐厅经理必须向客人或宴会组织者做自我介绍,同时必须搞清楚宴会的性质除非事先知晓,如果是生日聚会的话,他必须检查一下生日蛋糕是否已定和谁是当天的寿星,这样就可以做相应的安排,同时他应该将负责该房间服务的服务员也介绍给客人13.The service associate must get to know who the host is, who the organizer is, who the guest of honour is, how they should be addressed, and go through once again with the host or the organizer all details (the best timing is to do it before the arrival of the rest of the guests)服务员必须知道该桌的主人是谁,组织者又是谁,谁是主宾,分别应该如何称呼,最后和主人或组织者确认一遍所有的细节(这一点最好是在开餐前做)14.Check whether wines / liquors / beverages displayed on the service bar meet with the host's requirements i.e.: he would like to go for premium brands, regular brands or any particular brands, items must be alternated immediately检查一下水吧上面所准备的饮品是否和客人的要求有异,比如:他是否有对特定品牌的选择,有选择的必须可以马上选择的15.Soya sauce, tidbits can be pre-set on the table, face towels can be pre-placed, drinking water can be pre-poured, wine can be opened to let it breath if the wine is confirmed in advance 酱油和小食可以预先放在桌上,小毛巾也可以预先放在桌上,葡萄酒可以先打开以便和空气接触,当然这点必须是预先得到确认的16.If the menu is not yet confirmed, a menu proposal must be ready at average price and keep aside, when the host or the organizer arrived can show it to him 如果菜单尚未确认,我们推荐的菜单必须已经准备好以供客人挑选,菜单必须有每位的价格,一旦客人到了就可以在第一时间提供给客人17.The assigned service associate to stand by, and must not keep the room unattended 包间的服务员必须始终在包间里等候,包间自始至终必须有服务员,决不能让包间空人18.The manager should assign the guest's favourable staff to serve the party (if any) 如果客人有特别中意的服务员的话,餐厅经理应在事先准备好的碗中12.Put a little spring onion, ginger and soya sauce on the fish 每个碗中放一点姜葱和酱油13.Put the fish head and the tail on a bone plate and serve it to the guest of honour, normally seating next to the host 将鱼头和鱼尾分成两份服务给主人和主宾,一般主宾总是紧靠主人坐的Family Style: 家庭式1.Put the fish on the guest table directly, fish head should be on the opposite side of the table 将鱼放在客人的桌上,鱼头不可以对着客人2.Ask the guest whether they would like the fish to be deboned 询问一下客人是否愿意让你给他们分一下3.Move the spring onion and ginger on the side of the plate 先将葱姜丝拨到一边4.Make a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中部开一刀(如果客人同意你分的话),将鱼头和鱼尾分别割一刀,然后小心将鱼大骨取出放在一边的碟上,骨上不能带肉5.Put the fish meat from two sides back to the fish, let it look like a whole pc of fish 将鱼肉从两边再回放到鱼身上,让鱼看上去还象一条整鱼6.Put the spring onion, ginger on the fish with few scoops of soyafish 将葱姜丝放回到鱼身上,然后再将汁淋一些在鱼身上7.Put a serving spoon on the side of the plate and let the guests to help themselves 将公勺放在鱼盘的边上以便客人们的取用Procedure for Serving Whole Fish in PDRs / VIPs on the Lazy Susan or by Table Side on a Service Cart: 在贵宾厅服务整鱼的程序,在转盘上和在服务餐车上1.Pre set the bowls on individual underliners with a chinaware spoon on lazy susan / on service cart according to the exact number of guests at table 预先根据桌面上的实际客人数将配有垫碟和条匙的米饭碗分别放在转盘或服务餐车上。

中文职位英文中文职位英文董事长Director 总经理General Manage总经办Executive Office 总经办主任Director of Executive Office文员Clerk 行政干事Executive Affairs车队长Chief Driver 司机Driver医生Doctor 护士Nurse财务部财务部Financial Division 财务部总监Financial Controller财务部经理Chief Accountant 查核部经理Auditing Manager会计部经理Accounting Manager 成本部经理Cost Controller采购部经理Purchasing Manager收银主管Cashier Officer 信贷主管Loan Officer应付主管Payable Officer 应收主管Receivable Officer会计主管Accounting Officer 成本主管Cost Control Officer仓库主管Storeroom Officer 收货主管Receiver Officer采购主管Purchasing Officer 查核主管Auditing Officer查核员Auditor 收货员Receiver收银员Cashier 信贷员Creditor仓管员Storeman 采购员Purchaser应付员Payable Clerk 会计Accouter出纳员Teller 工资员Payroll Control成本员Cost Control人事培训部人事培训部Human Resources & Training Division 人事培训部总监Human Resources Director人事部Personnel Department 培训部Training Department人事部经理Personnel Manager 培训部经理Training Manager人事助理兼后勤总务Personnel Officer 培训部主任(人事干事) Training Officer人事文员Clerk 翻译兼英语教师English Translator & Teacher员工餐厅主管Staff Canteen Supervisor 员工餐厅领班Staff Canteen Captain厨师Cook 厨师助理Cook Assistant员工宿舍领班Staff Dormitory Captain 宿舍管理员Staff Dormitory Keeper更衣室管理员Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper市场销售部市场营销部Sales & Marketing Division 市场营销部总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Sales Manager 销售部副经理Asst. Sales Manager高级客户经理Senior Clients Manager 策划经理Planning Manager公关部经理Public Relations Manager 销售主任Sales Officer公关主任Public Relations Officer 文员Clerk房务前厅部房务总监Rooms Division Director 前厅部Front Office Department管家部Housekeeping Department 前厅部经理Front Office Manager接待处经理Reception Manager 大堂副理Assistant Manager总机主管Operators Supervisor 礼宾部主管Chief Concierge接待处主管Chief Receptionist接待处领班Receptionist Captain 预定部领班Reservation Captain总机领班Operators Captain礼宾部领班Concierge Captain 接待员Receptionist预定员Reservationist 行李员Bellboy门僮Doorman房务管家部管家部经理Executive Housekeeper 管家总管Asst. Executive Housekeeper洗衣房经理Laundry Manager 楼层高级主管Senior Floor Supervisor楼层主管Floor Supervisor 公卫主管PA Supervisor洗衣房主管Laundry Supervisor 布草主管Uniforms Supervisor服务中心领班Service Center Captain 楼层领班Floor Captain公卫领班PA Captain 水洗领班Laundry Captain干洗领班Dry Clean Captain 布草领班Uniforms Captain服务中心文员Service Center Clerk 清洁工P.A.客房服务员Room Attendant 缝纫工Seamstress熨烫工Presser 洗涤工Washer餐饮部餐饮部Food & Beverage Department 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant西餐厅Western Restaurant 餐饮总监 F & B Director餐饮部经理 F & B Manager 宴会销售部经理Banquet Sales Manager楼面经理Service Manager 宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer中餐部经理Chinese Restaurant Manager 西餐部经理Western Restaurant Manager 营业部经理Sales Manager 酒水部经理Beverage Manager调酒师Bartender 酒吧服务员Barman咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor 高级主管Senior Supervisor领班Captain 高级服务员Senior Waiter & Waitress服务员Waiter & Waitress 咨客Hostess传菜员Pantryman 实习生Trainee厨房行政总厨Executive Chef 助理行政总厨Asst. Executive chef中厨总厨Master Chef Chinese Food 中厨主厨Sous Chef (Chinese Kitchen)西厨总厨Master Chef .Western Food 西厨主厨Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主厨Chief Baker 点心工Pastry Cook烧味厨师Grill Chef 厨工Cook Assistant管事部Steward Department 总管事Chef Steward主管Steward Supervisor 碗工Dishwasher管事清洁工Cleaner工程部工程部Engineering Department 总工程师General Engineer工程部经理Chief Engineer 高级工程师Senior Engineer电脑工程师Computer Engineer 电脑部经理EDP Manager电脑操作员Computer Operator 值班工程师Duty Engineer主管工程师Supervisor Engineer 强电维修高级技工Senior Electrician锅炉高级技工Senior Boilerman 强电维修技工Electrician机修技工Machination 木工油漆高级技工Carpenter &painter电梯高级技工Lift Senior Technical 空调高级技工Air-conditioning Technical 强电值班技工Duty Electrician 电梯技工Lift Man弱电值班维修技工Duty Electrician娱乐部娱乐部Recreation Department 娱乐总监Recreation Director舞台总监Stage Performance Director 艺术总监Arts DirectorDJ部高级工程师 DJ Senior Engineer DJ部主管DJ Supervisor拓展部经理Marketing Manager高级主管Security Senior Supervisor 主管Security Supervisor舞台主任Stage Performance Supervisor DJ部长 DJ Captain康乐主管Recreation Center Supervisor 康乐领班(楼面部长) Captain 舞厅服务员Waiter/Waitress 健身房服务员Gymnasium Attendant桌球服务员Billiard Attendant 主持Preside演员Actor& Actress 服务员Waiter & WaitressDJ员DJ 咨客Hostess保安部保安部Security Department 保安部经理Security Manager消防主任Fire Center Officer 领班Security Captain消防员Fireman 保安员Security Guard。
餐饮 SOP 中英文对照版

DAYS HOTEL & SUITES JIAOZUOSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AND TRAINING MANUAL10.Check if there is any special requests such as seating arrangements, baby chair, number of seats, table decorations, face towels, serving gears, operating equipments, special wine / beverage arrangements, no pork no lard, vegetarian…查看一下是否有任何特别的要求,比如:桌位安排等,需不需要婴儿椅,一共几位,桌面装饰要求,小毛巾,公共用具,餐具,葡萄酒要求,酒水要求等11.Any special requests must be executed, have the beverages stand by and the related equipments ready such as: glasses, wine cooler / baskets, warmer for Chinese Hua Tiao Wine, pot, cups dried prunes, rock sugar…客人的任何要求必须要兑现,要准备好所有相关的用具,比如:玻璃杯,冰桶,葡萄酒篮,花雕酒保温桶,花雕壶,花雕杯和干话梅12.The manager must introduce himself to the host or the organizer, in the mean time he should find out what is the nature of the party unless he has known before hand. If this is a birthday party, he should check whether the cake has been arranged and who is the birthday boy, so the arrangements can be made, meanwhile he should also introduce the service associate who is assigned to take care of this party to the guest餐厅经理必须向客人或宴会组织者做自我介绍,同时必须搞清楚宴会的性质除非事先知晓,如果是生日聚会的话,他必须检查一下生日蛋糕是否已定和谁是当天的寿星,这样就可以做相应的安排,同时他应该将负责该房间服务的服务员也介绍给客人13.The service associate must get to know who the host is, who the organizer is, who the guest of honour is, how they should be addressed, and go through once again with the host or the organizer all details (the best timing is to do it before the arrival of the rest of the guests)服务员必须知道该桌的主人是谁,组织者又是谁,谁是主宾,分别应该如何称呼,最后和主人或组织者确认一遍所有的细节(这一点最好是在开餐前做)14.Check whether wines / liquors / beverages displayed on the service bar meet with the host's requirements i.e.: he would like to go for premium brands, regular brands or any particular brands, items must be alternated immediately检查一下水吧上面所准备的饮品是否和客人的要求有异,比如:他是否有对特定品牌的选择,有选择的必须可以马上选择的15.Soya sauce, tidbits can be pre-set on the table, face towels can be pre-placed, drinking water can be pre-poured, wine can be opened to let it breath if the wine is confirmed in advance 酱油和小食可以预先放在桌上,小毛巾也可以预先放在桌上,葡萄酒可以先话,在将鱼给客人看过以后拿到餐车上,一般是将鱼放在主人和主宾之间看一下后7.Move the spring onion and ginger to the side 将鱼上的姜葱分到一边8.Make a cut in the middle of the fish and remove the meat to two sides (skin on top) 在鱼的中间开一刀,将肉分到两边(在鱼皮上面)9.Cut the meat into small pcs 将肉切成小份10.Cut off the fish head and the tail from the fish 将鱼头和鱼尾切下11.Share the fish in equal portion to the pre-set bowls 将鱼肉平均分在事先准备好的碗中12.Put a little spring onion, ginger and soya sauce on the fish 每个碗中放一点姜葱和酱油13.Put the fish head and the tail on a bone plate and serve it to the guest of honour, normally seating next to the host 将鱼头和鱼尾分成两份服务给主人和主宾,一般主宾总是紧靠主人坐的Family Style: 家庭式1.Put the fish on the guest table directly, fish head should be on the opposite side of the table 将鱼放在客人的桌上,鱼头不可以对着客人2.Ask the guest whether they would like the fish to be deboned 询问一下客人是否愿意让你给他们分一下3.Move the spring onion and ginger on the side of the plate 先将葱姜丝拨到一边4.Make a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中部开一刀(如果客人同意你分的话),将鱼头和鱼尾分别割一刀,然后小心将鱼大骨取出放在一边的碟上,骨上不能带肉5.Put the fish meat from two sides back to the fish, let it look like a whole pc of fish 将鱼肉从两边再回放到鱼身上,让鱼看上去还象一条整鱼6.Put the spring onion, ginger on the fish with few scoops of soyafish 将葱姜丝放回到鱼身上,然后再将汁淋一些在鱼身上7.Put a serving spoon on the side of the plate and let the guests to help themselves 将公勺放在鱼盘的边上以便客人们的取用Procedure for Serving Whole Fish in PDRs / VIPs on the Lazy Susan or by Table Side on a Service Cart: 在贵宾厅服务整鱼的STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AND TRAINING MANUAL。

酒店职位中/英文参照表总经理室/ General Manager's Office:总经理/ General Manager 驻店经理/ Resident Manager常务副总经理/ Deputy General Manager 副总经理/ Vice-General Manager 总经理助理/General Manager Assistant总经理秘书/General Manager's Secretary办公室主任/Director Of Executive Office 部门秘书/ Departmental Secretary 部门文员/Department Clerk 司机/ Drivers人力资源部/ Human Resources Department:人力资源部总监/ Human Resources Director人力资源部经理/ Human Resources Manager人事主任/Personnel Officer 劳资主任/ Labour Officer培训总监/Training Director 培训经理/Training Manager培训主任/Training Officer 培训师/Trainer人事助理/Personnel Assistant 人事文员/ Personnel Clerk质检部经理/ Quality Control Department Manager质检部主管/ Quality Control Department Officer财务部/Financial Management Department:财务部总监/ Finance Director 财务部经理/ Finance Manager总会计师/ Chief Accountant 会计部经理/ Accounting Manager 成本控制经理/ Cost Control Manager 运作部经理/ Operations Manager 日审收入会计/ Revenue at the accounting review 夜审/ Night Audit总出纳/ General Cashier 收银主管/ Head Cashier收银员/ Cashier 总账会计/ General Ledger Accounting 记账员/ Bookkeeper 信贷部经理/ Credit Manager信贷主管/ Credit Head 信贷会计/ Credit Accounting信贷员/ Loan officer 应收应付会计/ Accounts Payable Accounting 成本主管/Cost Leader 成本控制员/Cost Controller验收/ Acceptance仓库/ Warehouse电脑部经理/ Computer Manager 电脑部工程师/ Computer Engineer财务部文员/ Finance Clerk市场销售部/ Sales and Marketing Department:市场营销部总监/ Marketing Director 市场营销部经理/ Marketing Manager 销售总监/ Sales Director 销售部经理/ Sales Manager销售主任/Sales Officer 销售部协调员/ Sales Coordinator公关部经理/Public Relation Manager 公关主任/ Public Relation Officer收益经理/ Revenue Manager 预订部经理/ Reservations Manager 预订员/Reservation Clerk 美工设计/Graphic Design前厅部/Front Office Department:前厅部经理/ Front Office Manager 大堂经理/副理/ Assistant Manager 值班经理/夜班经理/ Duty Manager / Night Manager商场部经理/ Shopping Centre Manager 商场部员工/ Ministry Staff Shopping 宾客关系经理/主任/ Guest Relations Manager / Director宾客关系员/ Guest Relations Officer 前台经理/主管/Front Desk Manager 前台领班/ Front Desk Supervisor 前台接待/ Reception总机经理/领班/ Instant Service Manager(Telephone Service)总机领班/ Operator Captain 总机接线员/ Operator礼宾主管/ Concierge Supervisor 礼宾领班/ Concierge Captain礼宾员/Concierge 行李主管/ Bell Supervisor行李领班/ Bell Captain 行李员/Bellman门童/机场代表/ Doorman / Airport Representative行政楼经理/ Executive Floor Manager行政楼接待员/ Executive Floor Receptionist客房部/ Housekeeping Department:房务总监/ Director of Rooms客房部经理/行政管家/ Housekeeping Manager / Executive Housekeeper洗衣房经理/ Laundry Manager洗衣/布草主管/ Laundry/Uniform Supervisor楼层主管/ Floor Supervisor 楼层领班/ Floor Captain楼层服务员/客房服务员/ Room Attendant公共区域(PA)主管/ Public Area Supervisor花房主管/员工/Florist Supervisor/Attendant餐饮部/ Food & Beverage Department:餐饮总监/ Director of Food & Beverage 餐饮部经理/ Food & Beverage Manager 中餐厅经理/ Chinese Restaurant Manager西餐厅经理/ Western/ All Day Dining Restaurant Manager宴会服务经理/ Banquet Services Manager 楼面经理/ Floor Manager酒水部经理/ Beverage Manager 酒吧经理/ Bar Manager管事部经理/ Stewarding Manager 餐饮部主管/ Food & Beverage Supervisor 餐饮部领班/ Food & Beverage Captain 餐饮部服务员/ Food & Beverage Attendant 茶艺师/ /Tea service artist 调酒师/ Bartender行政总厨/ Executive Chef 中厨厨师长/ Chef in the Chinese kitchen西厨厨师长/ Western Kitchen Chef / Sous Chef炉灶主管/领班/厨师/ Wok Head Chef/Captain/Cook砧板主管/领班/厨师/ Chop Chef/Captain/Cook打荷主管/领班/厨师/ Kitchen Apprentice Supervisor/ Captain/ Cook冷餐主管/领班/厨师/Cold Dishes Supervisor/ Captain/ Cook食雕/ Food Carving点心主管/领班/厨师/Dim-Sum Head Chef / Captain/ Cook上什主管/领班/厨师/ Steaming Chef / Captain/ Cook烧烤主管/领班/厨师/ Barbecue(BBQ)Chef / Captain/ Cook西式/韩日/东南亚厨师/ Western / South Korea and Japan / Southeast Asia Chef食品卫生员/ Food Hygienists工程部/ Engineering Department:工程总监/ Director of Engineering 工程部经理/ Engineering Manager总工程师/ Chief Engineer 工程主管/ Engineering Supervisor工程领班/ Engineering Captain 值班工程师/ Duty Engineer酒店建筑/设计/装潢人员/Hotel Construction / Design /Decorating Staff工程造价预算项目开发/Project Cost Budget Development锅炉主管/领班/工程师/Boiler Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering暖通主管/领班/工程师/ Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering强电主管/领班/工程师/ High Voltage Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering弱电主管/领班/工程师/ Low Voltage Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering泥工/木工/漆工/装潢工/ Carpenter/ Mason/ Painter/ Decorator电梯工/空调工/电焊工/ Lift Mechanic/Aircon Technician/ Electric Welder万能工/ Handyman采购部/Purchasing Department:采购部经理/ Purchasing Manager 采购部主管/ Purchasing Shift Leader采购部领班/ Purchasing Supervisor 采购部员工/ Purchasing Staff采购部文员/ Purchasing Clerk保安部/ Security Department:保安部总监/ Director of Security 保安部经理/ Security Manager保安部主管/ Security Supervisor 消防主任/ Fire Officer保安员/ Security Guard康乐部/ Health Club:康乐部总监/ Health Club Director 娱乐部经理/ Entertainment Manager 娱乐部主管/ Entertainment Supervisor 娱乐部领班/ Entertainment Captain康体部经理/ Recreations Manager SPA经理/ SPA Manager市场/公关/销售/ Marketing / Public Relation / Sales康体部主管/ Recreations Supervisor 康体部领班/ Recreations Captain按摩/足疗保健技师/ Massage Therapist 美容师/美容技师/ Esthetician主持/DJ/Host 歌手/乐队/组合/ Singer / band / portfolio 健身教练/ Gym Instructor 游泳教练/救生员/ Swimming Coach/ Life Guard 康乐部员工/ Health Club Attendant 高尔夫高层管理/ Golf Senior Management高尔夫中层管理/ Golf Middle Management高尔夫基层管理/ Golf Basic Management高尔夫教练/ Golf Coach 高尔夫员工/ Golf Staff市场拓展部/ Market Development Departmen:市场拓展开发总监/ Marketing Development Director市场媒讯/策划/文案/Market Media Communications / Planning / Copywriter市场拓展/开发/招商/ Marketing / Development / Investment旅行社职位中/英文参照表高级管理/ Senior Management行政/人事/文职/ Administration / Personnel / Clerical财务审计/ Financial Audit 销售/业务/客服/ Sales / Business / Customer Service 计调员/ Account Coordinator 外联/Liaison中文导游/ Chinese Tour Guide 英文导游/English Tour Guide日文导游/Japanese Tour Guide 其他语种导游/ Guides In Other Languages 门市接待/ Reception 预订/票务人员/ Booking / Ticketing Staff 签证专员/ Visa Spcialist 境内OP/ Domestic Operational出境OP/ Overseas Operational境内旅游销售/Domestic T ourism Marketing境外旅游销售/ Overseas Tourism Marketing。

酒店职位中/英文参照表总经理室/ General Manager's Office:总经理/ General Manager 驻店经理/ Resident Manager常务副总经理/ Deputy General Manager 副总经理/ Vice-General Manager总经理助理/General Manager Assistant总经理秘书/General Manager's Secretary办公室主任/Director Of Executive Office 部门秘书/ Departmental Secretary部门文员/Department Clerk 司机/ Drivers人力资源部/ Human Resources Department:人力资源部总监/ Human Resources Director人力资源部经理/ Human Resources Manager人事主任/Personnel Officer 劳资主任/ Labour Officer培训总监/Training Director 培训经理/Training Manager培训主任/Training Officer 培训师/Trainer人事助理/Personnel Assistant 人事文员/ Personnel Clerk质检部经理/ Quality Control Department Manager质检部主管/ Quality Control Department Officer财务部/Financial Management Department:财务部总监/ Finance Director 财务部经理/ Finance Manager总会计师/ Chief Accountant 会计部经理/ Accounting Manager成本控制经理/ Cost Control Manager 运作部经理/ Operations Manager日审收入会计/ Revenue at the accounting review 夜审/ Night Audit总出纳/ General Cashier 收银主管/ Head Cashier收银员/ Cashier 总账会计/ General Ledger Accounting记账员/ Bookkeeper 信贷部经理/ Credit Manager信贷主管/ Credit Head 信贷会计/ Credit Accounting信贷员/ Loan officer 应收应付会计/ Accounts Payable Accounting成本主管/Cost Leader 成本控制员/Cost Controller验收/ Acceptance仓库/ Warehouse电脑部经理/ Computer Manager 电脑部工程师/ Computer Engineer财务部文员/ Finance Clerk市场销售部/ Sales and Marketing Department:市场营销部总监/ Marketing Director 市场营销部经理/ Marketing Manager 销售总监/ Sales Director 销售部经理/ Sales Manager销售主任/Sales Officer 销售部协调员/ Sales Coordinator公关部经理/Public Relation Manager 公关主任/ Public Relation Officer收益经理/ Revenue Manager 预订部经理/ Reservations Manager 预订员/Reservation Clerk 美工设计/Graphic Design前厅部/Front Office Department:前厅部经理/ Front Office Manager 大堂经理/副理/ Assistant Manager 值班经理/夜班经理/ Duty Manager / Night Manager商场部经理/ Shopping Centre Manager 商场部员工/ Ministry Staff Shopping 宾客关系经理/主任/ Guest Relations Manager / Director宾客关系员/ Guest Relations Officer 前台经理/主管/Front Desk Manager 前台领班/ Front Desk Supervisor 前台接待/ Reception总机经理/领班/ Instant Service Manager(Telephone Service)总机领班/ Operator Captain 总机接线员/ Operator礼宾主管/ Concierge Supervisor 礼宾领班/ Concierge Captain礼宾员/Concierge 行李主管/ Bell Supervisor行李领班/ Bell Captain 行李员/Bellman门童/机场代表/ Doorman / Airport Representative行政楼经理/ Executive Floor Manager行政楼接待员/ Executive Floor Receptionist客房部/ Housekeeping Department:房务总监/ Director of Rooms客房部经理/行政管家/ Housekeeping Manager / Executive Housekeeper洗衣房经理/ Laundry Manager洗衣/布草主管/ Laundry/Uniform Supervisor楼层主管/ Floor Supervisor 楼层领班/ Floor Captain楼层服务员/客房服务员/ Room Attendant公共区域(PA)主管/ Public Area Supervisor花房主管/员工/Florist Supervisor/Attendant餐饮部/ Food & Beverage Department:餐饮总监/ Director of Food & Beverage 餐饮部经理/ Food & Beverage Manager中餐厅经理/ Chinese Restaurant Manager西餐厅经理/ Western/ All Day Dining Restaurant Manager宴会服务经理/ Banquet Services Manager 楼面经理/ Floor Manager酒水部经理/ Beverage Manager 酒吧经理/ Bar Manager管事部经理/ Stewarding Manager 餐饮部主管/ Food & Beverage Supervisor餐饮部领班/ Food & Beverage Captain 餐饮部服务员/ Food & Beverage Attendant茶艺师/ /Tea service artist 调酒师/ Bartender行政总厨/ Executive Chef 中厨厨师长/ Chef in the Chinese kitchen西厨厨师长/ Western Kitchen Chef / Sous Chef炉灶主管/领班/厨师/ Wok Head Chef/Captain/Cook砧板主管/领班/厨师/ Chop Chef/Captain/Cook打荷主管/领班/厨师/ Kitchen Apprentice Supervisor/ Captain/ Cook冷餐主管/领班/厨师/Cold Dishes Supervisor/ Captain/ Cook食雕/ Food Carving点心主管/领班/厨师/Dim-Sum Head Chef / Captain/ Cook上什主管/领班/厨师/ Steaming Chef / Captain/ Cook烧烤主管/领班/厨师/ Barbecue(BBQ)Chef / Captain/ Cook西式/韩日/东南亚厨师/ Western / South Korea and Japan / Southeast Asia Chef食品卫生员/ Food Hygienists工程部/ Engineering Department:工程总监/ Director of Engineering 工程部经理/ Engineering Manager总工程师/ Chief Engineer 工程主管/ Engineering Supervisor工程领班/ Engineering Captain 值班工程师/ Duty Engineer酒店建筑/设计/装潢人员/Hotel Construction / Design /Decorating Staff工程造价预算项目开发/Project Cost Budget Development锅炉主管/领班/工程师/Boiler Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering暖通主管/领班/工程师/ Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering强电主管/领班/工程师/ High Voltage Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering弱电主管/领班/工程师/ Low Voltage Supervisor / Captain/ Engineering泥工/木工/漆工/装潢工/ Carpenter/ Mason/ Painter/ Decorator电梯工/空调工/电焊工/ Lift Mechanic/Aircon Technician/ Electric Welder万能工/ Handyman采购部/Purchasing Department:采购部经理/ Purchasing Manager 采购部主管/ Purchasing Shift Leader采购部领班/ Purchasing Supervisor 采购部员工/ Purchasing Staff采购部文员/ Purchasing Clerk保安部/ Security Department:保安部总监/ Director of Security 保安部经理/ Security Manager保安部主管/ Security Supervisor 消防主任/ Fire Officer保安员/ Security Guard康乐部/ Health Club:康乐部总监/ Health Club Director 娱乐部经理/ Entertainment Manager 娱乐部主管/ Entertainment Supervisor 娱乐部领班/ Entertainment Captain 康体部经理/ Recreations Manager SPA经理/ SPA Manager市场/公关/销售/ Marketing / Public Relation / Sales康体部主管/ Recreations Supervisor 康体部领班/ Recreations Captain按摩/足疗保健技师/ Massage Therapist 美容师/美容技师/ Esthetician主持/DJ/Host 歌手/乐队/组合/ Singer / band / portfolio 健身教练/ Gym Instructor 游泳教练/救生员/ Swimming Coach/ Life Guard 康乐部员工/ Health Club Attendant 高尔夫高层管理/ Golf Senior Management 高尔夫中层管理/ Golf Middle Management高尔夫基层管理/ Golf Basic Management高尔夫教练/ Golf Coach 高尔夫员工/ Golf Staff市场拓展部/ Market Development Departmen:市场拓展开发总监/ Marketing Development Director市场媒讯/策划/文案/Market Media Communications / Planning / Copywriter市场拓展/开发/招商/ Marketing / Development / Investment旅行社职位中/英文参照表高级管理/ Senior Management行政/人事/文职/ Administration / Personnel / Clerical财务审计/ Financial Audit 销售/业务/客服/ Sales / Business / Customer Service 计调员/ Account Coordinator 外联/Liaison中文导游/ Chinese Tour Guide 英文导游/English Tour Guide日文导游/Japanese Tour Guide 其他语种导游/ Guides In Other Languages门市接待/ Reception 预订/票务人员/ Booking / Ticketing Staff签证专员/ Visa Spcialist 境内OP/ Domestic Operational出境OP/ Overseas Operational境内旅游销售/Domestic T ourism Marketing境外旅游销售/ Overseas Tourism Marketing。

the name is on the list, look at the guest history record to find out the guest's likes, dislikes andspecial requirements, and apply accordingly 如果是的话,看一下记录,看看他有什么嗜好,有什么忌口的食品等以及他有什么特别的要求the menu has been confirmed, table menus must be placed on the table 如果菜单已经确认,那么菜单必须预先放在桌上mise-en-place must be checked and ready for service and ensure that those are what the guest requested 检查所有的餐前准备工作,并确保都是客人所要求的Bar must be set as per SOP专用水吧必须按照我们的基本服务要求准备好up pre-dinner cocktail area if required 如果有要求的话,准备好餐前的餐前酒区间service associate assigned for the PDR must check whether the kitchen order is in order and in place as requested and ready for service (if the menu has been confirmed) 包房服务员必须检查一下菜单是否已按要求在厨房准备就绪了(如果菜单已确认的话)all condiments and sauces ready according to the menu 根据菜单,所有的调配料必须准备好if there is any special requests such as seating arrangements, baby chair, number of seats, tabledecorations, face towels, serving gears, operatingequipments, special wine / beverage arrangements, no pork no lard, vegetarian…查看一下是否有任何特别的要求,比如:桌位安排等,需不需要婴儿椅,一共几位,桌面装饰要求,小毛巾,公共用具,餐具,葡萄酒要求,酒水要求等 special requests must be executed, have the beverages stand by and the related equipments ready such as:glasses, wine cooler / baskets, warmer for Chinese Hua Tiao Wine, pot, cups dried prunes, rock sugar…客人的任何要求必须要兑现,要准备好所有相关的用具,比如:玻璃杯,冰桶,葡萄酒篮,花雕酒保温桶,花雕壶,花雕杯和干话梅manager must introduce himself to the host or the organizer, in the mean time he should find out what is the nature of the party unless he has known beforehand. If this is a birthday party, he should checkwhether the cake has been arranged and who is thebirthday boy, so the arrangements can be made,meanwhile he should also introduce the serviceassociate who is assigned to take care of this party to the guest餐厅经理必须向客人或宴会组织者做自我介绍,同时必须搞清楚宴会的性质除非事先知晓,如果是生日聚会的话,他必须检查一下生日蛋糕是否已定和谁是当天的寿星,这样就可以做相应的安排,同时他应该将负责该房间服务的服务员也介绍给客人service associate must get to know who the host is, who the organizer is, who the guest of honour is, how they should be addressed, and go through once again with the host or the organizer all details (the best timing is to do it before the arrival of the rest of the guests)服务员必须知道该桌的主人是谁,组织者又是谁,谁是主宾,分别应该如何称呼,最后和主人或组织者确认一遍所有的细节(这一点最好是在开餐前做)whether wines / liquors / beverages displayed on the将鱼身上的葱和姜丝拨开到盘的一边a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中间开一刀,将肉分开两边(如果客人同意让你分鱼的话)将大鱼小心移到一个骨碟上,骨上一定不要带任何一点点肉portioning, put the fish on the dining table (fish head is on the opposite side of the table), if the fish is going to be portioning on the side, remove the fish to the service cart after showing to the guests - mainly the guest of honour and the host分份的时候,将鱼放到餐桌上(同样鱼头不能冲着客人),如果是在旁边的餐车上分的话,在将鱼给客人看过以后拿到餐车上,一般是将鱼放在主人和主宾之间看一下后the spring onion and ginger to the side 将鱼上的姜葱分到一边a cut in the middle of the fish and remove the meat to two sides (skin on top) 在鱼的中间开一刀,将肉分到两边(在鱼皮上面)the meat into small pcs 将肉切成小份off the fish head and the tail from the fish 将鱼头和鱼尾切下the fish in equal portion to the pre-set bowls 将鱼肉平均分在事先准备好的碗中a little spring onion, ginger and soya sauce on thefish 每个碗中放一点姜葱和酱油the fish head and the tail on a bone plate and serve it to the guest of honour, normally seating next to the host 将鱼头和鱼尾分成两份服务给主人和主宾,一般主宾总是紧靠主人坐的Family Style: 家庭式the fish on the guest table directly, fish head should be on the opposite side of the table 将鱼放在客人的桌上,鱼头不可以对着客人the guest whether they would like the fish to be deboned 询问一下客人是否愿意让你给他们分一下the spring onion and ginger on the side of the plate 先将葱姜丝拨到一边a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中部开一刀(如果客人同意你分的话),将鱼头和鱼尾分别割一刀,然后小心将鱼大骨取出放在一边的碟上,骨上不能带肉the fish meat from two sides back to the fish, let it look like a whole pc of fish 将鱼肉从两边再回放到鱼身上,让鱼看上去还象一条整鱼the spring onion, ginger on the fish with few scoops of soya fish 将葱姜丝放回到鱼身上,然后再将汁淋一些在鱼身上a serving spoon on the side of the plate and let the guests to help themselves 将公勺放在鱼盘的边上以便客人们的取用Procedure for Serving Whole Fish in PDRs / VIPs on the Lazy Susan or by Table Side on a Service Cart: 在贵宾厅Interest重要性::Training Aids / Equipment培训设备: Computer and LCD Projector电脑、投影机TASK BREAKDOWN基本要求MINIMUM STANDARDS工作详述TRAINER1.The server should check the bin number, the label andthe vintage of the wine are same as ordered 服务员应该先检查一下瓶号,标牌和年份,必须与客人所点的一致2.Put the wine in the basket with the label on top and atowel underneath 将葡萄酒放在酒篮里,酒标必须向上,下面要垫上一块服务巾3.Show the bottle to the guest who placed the order forthe wine 将酒瓶展示给点酒的客人看4.Use the knife to make two cuts on the foil of the bottlemouth along the neck (approx 1.5cm w 2 cm in length) 用开瓶器的刀在瓶口的锡纸上开两刀。

西餐厅岗位职责中英文版岗位职责内容:一,西餐经理1. Responsible for staff scheduling and payroll cost to ensure adequate coverage according to established practices and maximize on labor potential; Plans work assignments based on room occupancy forecast, Event orders group meal arrangements and VIP list. Adjust schedules to meet emergencies, coordinates with other managers regarding emergency staffing.负责员工的工作安排及工资成本,以确保足够的人员完成工作,最大限度的利用现有的劳动力。
2. Maintains proper records of Sales, guest complaints, solutions and all concerns pertaining to personnel or equipment in appropriate logbooks for reference.做好销售,客人投诉、解决办法及相关人员、设备的记录。
3. Maintains established par stock for operating supplies to ensure smooth operation.要保持足够的存货以确保本部的正常运营。
4. Make frequent suggestions to Management in reference to improvement of general operation, F&B promotions, cost control and profitability.给领导提出建议,以提高工作效率,促进销售,并达到增源节支的目的。

酒店餐饮服务经理岗位职责(中英文)职责概述(Job Description)•中文:酒店餐饮服务经理负责管理和协调酒店餐饮部门的日常运营,确保提供高质量的餐饮服务,满足客人的需求和期望。
•英文:The Hotel Food & Beverage (F&B) Service Manager is responsible for managing and coordinating the daily operations of the hotel’sF&B department, ensuring the provision of high-quality food and beverage services that meet guest needs and expectations.主要职责(Primary Responsibilities)1.中文:负责规划,组织,执行餐饮部门的工作计划,并监督团队成员的工作表现。
英文:Plan, organize, and execute work plans for the F&B department, while supervising the performance of team members.2.中文:确保所有餐饮服务符合卫生和安全标准,并与相关部门合作,确保顺利的运营。
英文:Ensure all F&B services comply with hygiene and safety standards, while collaborating with relevant departments to ensure smooth operations.3.中文:制定并执行餐饮部门的预算,控制成本,并做出相应的调整,以确保盈利目标的达成。
英文:Develop and implement budgets for the F&B department, control costs, and make necessary adjustments to achieve profitability goals.4.中文:招募,培训和管理餐饮服务团队,确保员工具备所需的技能和知识,提供高质量的服务。
酒店餐饮服务经理岗位职责(中英文)(doc 5页)

16.Actively involved in assisting Banquet Manager in execution of important functions. The incumbent should provide creative support to the Banquet Manager.
1.Ensure that services are carried out in accordance with SGSS standards
2.Ensure all the associates carry out the tasks according to the S&P.
10.AssistDirector ofF&B in sourcing local suher requirements in the department.
Menu knowledge:
11.Good beverage knowledge / good knowledge of beverage service skills / good menu and food knowledge.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Ensure the whole F&B Department and associates offer a outstanding service to the guests.Provide a strong communication link betweenOutletManagers and the Director F&B.

酒店总经理岗位职责双语Job Responsibilities of Hotel General ManagerThe General Manager is responsible for the overall management and operation of the hotel, ensuring the provision of high-quality services and the achievement of business goals. The specific responsibilities of the Hotel General Manager include:1. Strategy and Planning: Develop and implement the hotel's business strategies, marketing plans, and budget plans to ensure the hotel's long-term development and profitability.2. Leadership and Management: Lead and manage the hotel's various departments and staff, including front desk, housekeeping, food and beverage, and engineering, to ensure the smooth operation of the hotel.3. Customer Service: Ensure that guests receive the highest level of service and satisfaction by establishing and maintaining high service standards and responding to guest complaints and requests in a timely manner.4. Financial Management: Monitor and manage the hotel's financial performance, including revenue, expenses, and profitability, and make decisions on budgeting, cost control, and investment.5. Sales and Marketing: Develop and implement marketing strategies to increase hotel occupancy rates and revenue, and maintain good relationships with customers and business partners.6. Human Resources Management: Recruit, train, and motivate hotel staff, and establish a performance evaluation system and incentive mechanism.7. Risk Management and Safety: Ensure the hotel operates in a safe and compliant manner, including implementing safety and security measures and responding to emergencies.8. Industry Trends and Market Research: Keep abreast of industry trends and market dynamics, and adjust business strategies and operations accordingly.In summary, the General Manager of a hotel plays a crucial role in leading andmanaging the hotel, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services, and achieving business success.。

考虑与部门相关的旅游事件 在做计划和决策时考虑旅游事件 分析旅游数据 与相关团体保持联系 确认质量管理系统的大环境
确保餐厅、酒吧及宴会的顺利运作,并超越客人的期望。根据标准与程序将餐 厅作为生意单位来经营。作为餐厅经理应不断提高、完善管理技能,以实现本 部门在客人满意率、利润收入指标、提高员工士气等方面目标。
管理餐厅运行 按照饭店的标准程序制定服务标准及规则 确保员工按照标准与程序完成任务 遵守饭店的规章制度及酒店令客人满意计划,推广相关系统的程序知 识,尽可能的超越客人期望 管理餐厅服务 管理现金的兑付和每日的结帐工作 监督每日财务报告 指导员工了解信用政策和设备 建立现金安全兑换程序 负责设备的维护 监督客用设施和对客服务的标准 控制存货并监督存货安全程序 参与菜单和酒单的编写
2.2. Assist with the planning and implementation of sales &
marketing strategies
Assist with the preparation of sales and marketing
Assist with the development of new products and
管理采购/存货控制 与采购经理/餐饮总监配合发展和监督采购程序的完成 建立采购明细单

酒店各部门工作岗位名称英语(中英文对照)总经理 General Manager驻店经理 Resident Manager财务部经理 Finance Manager采购经理 Purchasing Manager结帐经理 Cashier Manager信用审计经理 Credit Manager成本验货经理 Cost Manager仓储领班 Store Room Captain营业点结帐领班 F&B Cashier Captain总台结帐领班 F/O Cashier Captain审计员(日/夜审) Day/Night Auditor信用管理员 Credit Clerk应收款管理员 A/R Clerk出纳 General Cashier往来款结算员 Accounting Clerk收入费用结算员 Accounting Clerk成本核算员 Cost Clerk验货员 Receiving Clerk信息管理员 Information System Clerk食品采购员 Purchasing Clerk - F&B物资采购员 Purchasing Clerk – Material食品保管员 Storeroom Keep - F&B物资保管员 Storeroom Keep - Material餐厅收款员 F&B Cashier总台收款员 F/O Cashier行政部主任 Executive Director文员 Secretary人事培训经理 P&T Manager福利劳资员 Payroll Clerk员工事务长 Staff Purser车队队长 Driver Captain员工宿舍管理员 Dormitory Keeper员工餐厅勤杂工 Staff Restaurant Cleaner司机 Driver工程部经理 Engineering Manager运行经理 Operation Manager维修经理 Repairing Manager安消经理 Fire Control Supervisor运行领班 Operation Captain强弱电领班 Strong & Weak Captain维修领班 Repairing Captain空调工 Air-Conditioning Attendant 锅炉工 Boiler配电工 Electrician强弱电工 Strong & Weak Current Worker 机修工 Mechanician木工 Carpenter万能工 Fitting-up Worker水工 Plumber仓管员 Storeroom Keeper安消部经理 Security Manager警卫领班 Security Captain门卫 Entrance Guard巡逻 Patrol Guard监控员 TV Monitoring Clerk客务部经理 Room Division Manager客房经理 House Keeping Manager公共区域经理 P / A Manager洗衣经理 Laundry Manager大堂经理 Assistant Manager前厅经理 Front Office Manager市场拓展部经理 Sales Manager客房领班 House Keeping Captain园林领班 Gardens CaptainG R O Guest Relation Office前台领班 Front Office Captain礼宾领班 Concierge Captain策划兼美工 Mastermind & Art Designer销售代表 Sales Executive客房服务员 Room Attendant会议服务员 Meeting Attendant庭院清扫养护员 Garden Keeper公共洗手间保洁员 Toilet Attendant洗涤工 Washing Worker夜间清洁工 Night Sweeper日夜保洁员 Mobile Cleaner服装保管员 Uniform Keeper干湿洗工 Washer手烫工 Presser大烫工 Flat Work Ironer服务中心接线生 Room Center Coordinator接待员 Reception商务中心文员 Business Center Clerk商场营业员 Market Attendant迎宾门僮 Bell man机场代表 Air Representative文员兼仓管 Secretary & Storeroom Keeper康乐部经理 Recreation & Health Manager 娱乐经理 Recreation Manager康体经理 Health Manager桑拿领班 Sauna CaptainKTV领班 Karaoke Captain桑拿服务员 Sauna AttendantKTV服务员 Karaoke Attendant网球服务员 Tennis Attendant棋牌服务员 Chess & Cards Attendant乒乓服务员 Table Tennis Attendant台球服务员 Billiards Attendant射箭服务员 Toxophily Attendant酒吧服务员 Bar Attendant美容服务员 Beauty Attendant餐饮部经理 Food & Beverage Manager中餐经理 Chinese Food Manager西餐经理 Western Food Manager行政总厨 Executive Chef冷菜房厨师长 Cold Food Chef西点厨师长 Western Food Chef加工间厨师长 Primary Processing Chef食街领班 Restaurant Captain宴会厅领班 Banquet Captain传菜间领班 Pass Food Captain西餐厅领班 Western Restaurant Captain 咖啡厅领班 Cafe Captain餐务组领班 Stewarding Captain服务员 Waiter / Waitress咖啡厅服务员 Cafe Waiter / Waitress花店员工 Flower Shop Attendant工艺品店员工 Handicrafts Shop Attendant 书店员工 Book Shop Attendant吧员 Bar Attendant仓管员 Warehouseman洗碗工 Dishwasher花王 Adorn Cook烧腊厨师 Grill Cook冷菜厨师 Cold Food Cook切配厨师 Chopper炉灶厨师 Stove Cook打荷厨师 Kitchen Apprentice Cook上扎厨师 Braise Cook炖台厨师 Thumb Cook点心厨师 Pastry Cook切配 Chopper炉灶厨师 Stove Cook加工员 Processing酒店岗位英语(中英文对照)客房预定 room reservation客满 fully booked房间种类 types of rooms双人房 double room标准房 standard room双床房 twin room高级房 superior room豪华房 deluxe room商务房 executive room套房 suite普通套房 junior room高级套房 senior suite总统套房 Presidential suite朝南的房间 a room facing south公寓套房 studio room连通房 connecting room相邻房 adjoining room预定没有抵店 no show确认信 letter of confirmation服务费 service charge额外费用 extra charge班车 shuttle bus全价 full price折扣价 discounted price标准价 rack rate优惠价 special price免费 complimentary rate特大号床 king-size bed大号床 queen-size bed推迟 postpone空房 Vacancy/vacant room取消 cancel/cancellation更改 change预定 book/reserve自动门 automatic door登记入住 check in结帐 check out一件行李 a piece of baggage/luggage 背包 shoulder bag纸箱 cardboard box手提箱 briefcase汽车行李相 luggage trunk安排好 settle down送行李 send up下来 get down事先 in advance为了方便客人 at one’s convenience填写 fill out浅蓝色 pale blue深褐色 dark brown名牌 name tag夜床服务 turn – down service打扫房间 make up稍稍整理 tidy up正忙于 be busy with洗衣项目 laundry items加快服务 express service稍稍迟些 a little late为您服务 at your service 核对 check包间 private room菜单 menu套餐 set menu定满了 fully booked租 rent计划表 schedule推举 recommend。

饭店经理的职责英文作文As a restaurant manager, there are manyresponsibilities that come with the job. From ensuring customer satisfaction to managing finances and staff, a restaurant manager must wear many hats to ensure the success of the establishment.First and foremost, a restaurant manager mustprioritize customer satisfaction. This means ensuring that the food is of high quality, the service is prompt and friendly, and the atmosphere is welcoming and comfortable.A manager must be able to handle customer complaints and resolve any issues that arise in a timely and professional manner.In addition to customer satisfaction, a restaurant manager must also be responsible for managing finances. This includes budgeting for food and supplies, tracking expenses, and ensuring that the restaurant is profitable. A manager must also be able to analyze financial data andmake decisions based on that data to improve the restaurant's financial performance.Another important responsibility of a restaurant manager is managing staff. This includes hiring and training new employees, scheduling shifts, and ensuring that the staff is working efficiently and effectively. A manager must also be able to handle any conflicts that arise between staff members and ensure that everyone is working together as a team.Finally, a restaurant manager must also be responsible for maintaining a safe and sanitary environment. This includes ensuring that all food is prepared and stored properly, that all equipment is in good working order, and that the restaurant is clean and free of any potential hazards.In conclusion, being a restaurant manager is a challenging and multifaceted job that requires a diverse skill set. From customer satisfaction to financial management, staff management, and safety, a restaurantmanager must be able to handle a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the success of the establishment.。
餐饮经理 Food and Beverage Manager工作职责

餐饮经理 Food and Beverage Manager工作职责餐饮经理(Food and Beverage Manager),是餐饮行业中管理餐饮业务和团队的专业人才,负责监督员工的日常工作、管理餐饮供应链、维护客户服务和营销等方面。
以下是餐饮经理的主要工作职责:1. 餐饮业务运营管理餐饮经理需要负责协调餐厅的运营和管理。
2. 人员管理餐饮经理需要聘用、培训和管理餐饮业务团队。
3. 餐饮供应链管理餐饮经理需要监管餐饮供应链以确保食品质量和卫生标准。
4. 餐厅客户服务和营销餐饮经理需要监控餐厅客户服务水平,建立和维护客户关系。
5. 成本控制和预算制定餐饮经理需要掌控餐厅的成本,并制定并监测预算。
6. 餐厅运营监控和管理餐饮经理需要监测餐厅的运营,建立并实施有效的运营流程和监管机制,确保餐厅的运营安全性和卫生标准符合法规要求。
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Job Summary:
Coordination of day to day Food & Beverageoutlet activities. Assist Director of Food & Beverage in Planning,organizing,budgeting in all outlets and bars.Provide a strong communication link betweenOutletManagers andthe Director F&B。
Duties & Responsibilities:
Ensure the whole F&B Department and associates offer a outstanding service to the guests.Provide a strong communication link betweenOutletManagersand the Director F&B.
1.Ensure that services are carried out in accordance with SGSS standards
2.Ensure all the associates carry out the tasks according to the S&P.
Job Description
Position:F&B Service Manager
Division:Food & Beverage
3.Focus on customer service and associate development needs in all outlets
4.Supervises the quality of service in all outlets during meal periods.
15.Assist outlet managers in associate counseling.
16.Actively involved in assisting Banquet Manager in execution of important functions. The incumbent should provide creative support to the Banquet Manager.
10.AssistDirector ofF&B in sourcing local suppliers for equipment or other requirements in the department.
Menu knowledge:
11.Good beverage knowledge / good knowledge of beverage service skills / good menu and food knowledge.
19.Attend associate briefings in allOutlets and Bars.
5.Recruitment, training, development and rostering of associates.
6.Provide training support to all outlet managers.
7.Should be a motivated trainer and willing to train.
Standard and Procedure:
8.Ensure all the associates carry out the task according to the S&P.
9.Assist Director of F&B in developing, updating S&P.
17.Interact with guests in all outlets, in order to enhance their dining experience and build relationships.
18.Attend F&B Meetings and conduct the same in the absence ofDirector ofF&B.
13.The incumbent should be able toworkwithout supervision and be able to take on the duties of Director F&B, in his absence.
14.Coordination with other departments, i.e.: Engineering, House Keeping, Sales & Marketing, etc.
Management and Communication:
12.The incumbent is responsible, to ensure that F&B Department isrunefficientlyand that he/she apply all managerial principles to ensure Guest Satisfaction and financial benefits to the owners, in accordance with the budgeted guidelines and S&P.