英语写作基础教程3新 PPT



8. The Chinese youth of today are facing some problems: the temptation of Internet, heavy stress of study and the confusion towards opposite sex. 9. The character of Chinese Post-90s today is often criticized as :irresponsible, confused and selfish. 10. University is a good place for us to make friends, improve our ability and acquire kinds of knowledge.
Good sentences
5. Inland university and university abroad have much difference in academic atmosphere, education system and ways of cultivating students.
Work review
Good sentences
1. Many Chinese youth of today are addicted to computer games, which do great harm their physical and mental health. 2.Travel plays an important role in developing our country: boosting the economy and promoting cultural communication with other countries. 4. With the development of economy, travel abroad has become a tendency. There are 3 reasons why Chinese people like traveling abroad.



Course outline
Unit 1
Introduction to the course and basic communication skills
Unit 2
communication skills
Unit 3
various methods, such as word formation, synonyms and
antonyms, and contextual learning.
Writing skills
Paragraph development
This module teaches students how to develop paragraphs by introducing a topic, presenting evidence or examples, and结论.
Writing Practice
Composition assignments
Students are given various writing assignments to practice their writing skills, including short essays, paragraph development exercises, and letter writing.
Peer review
Students are encouraged to review and provide feedback on each other's writing to improve their understanding of good writing practices and to learn from each other's mistakes and successes.

实用职场英文写作教程Unit 3 Personal Statement-PPT文档资料

实用职场英文写作教程Unit 3 Personal Statement-PPT文档资料

4. 事业中断者求职个人陈述
一个人暂停事业的原因很多,例如,育婴离职、计划旅行、或者长期生病等。这类求职者在个人陈述 中应对自己事业中断前的工作进行说明,针对新的求职岗位陈述你所学到的所有有利于这份新职位的 技能(可以为你加分),而将你中断事业离职的原因解释说明放在求职信当中,此处不必提及,以免 冗杂,不着重点。
• 根据职场中写作者身份的不同,可将其分为如下五类型:
The Structure of Personal Statements
• 用于求职的个人陈述一般为一至两段文字,字数在50~150字为宜。标题即Personal Statement( 有时也可省去);正文通常依次分为三部分内容:开篇迅速介绍你的背景信息(来自于哪里, 有哪些职业经验,有哪些重要技能等),即简要综述“你是什么人”的问题;其次,介绍你能 给这个职位,给公司带来什么(过往业绩,有何职业经历,处理人际关系等);结尾部分主要 讲述你对于未来在这个职位工作的职业目标是什么。 总而言之,一篇个人陈述的主要结构是以上文提及的三个问题:①你是怎样的人?(Who are you?) ②你能为这个职位带来什么?(What can you bring to the position?) ③你的职业目标是什么 ?(What is your career aim?)为指导框架的。
无学位毕业生在英文中被称为“school leaver(s)”,通常包括中学毕业生、职业技术学校毕业生、 中途退学或辍学的学生。由于这类学生不具备高等教育的学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,在 申请求职工作时不应把重点放在过往工作的成就上,而应重点突出你在接受教育时期的学习情况 和所学到的专业技能。 此外,根据工作岗位的描述要求,无学位求职者应如实呈现出①你选择在这个行业工作的原因, ②你有哪些技能可以使你有资格申请这个岗位,③对于这份工作,你的目标是什么。客观如实地 回答这些问题,将是一个好的开始。


(3). a pair of dashes set off a parenthetical element e.g. All his belongings - a few articles of clothing
and a few books - are here. (4). introduce a summarizing clause after a series of
一、Manuscript Form
4. Handwriting
(1) little space (about one letter) after a comma, and a slightly bigger space (about two letters) after a full stop.
二、 PuncBiblioteka uation1. The Comma (,)
(4). Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are
Set off by commas.
(5). Commas set off parenthetical elements.
(6). In dates, a comma is used to separate
nouns e.g. Bob, Lily, Judy - none of them know where he is. (5) used like quotation marks in a dialogue. (6) introduce subheading and authors after quotation
二、 Punctuation
1. The Comma (,)

人教版八年级英语上册写作教程课件:Unit 3 (共36张PPT)

人教版八年级英语上册写作教程课件:Unit 3 (共36张PPT)

2. 内容要点——列一列,回答下列问题。
①What does a friend mean to you? ② Who is your best friend and what do you
写作相关的词块、句子。 名词/动名词词块:
①long straight hair, ②medium build, ③medium height, ④the most important thing, ⑤a true friend, ⑥primary school
Language box(语言工具箱)
Larry is quite different from ... ... if ... We both ... That's why ... ...as long as... ..., though… He work as hard as ...
2. Extensive languages(拓展性语言)
Where is she studying now? 5. In a college
Task3 好词好句
Good words and phrases from the passage
_______________________________ ________________________________
Yaoyao is a very talent girl. She loves reading, especially foreign short stories, by a very young age. She does very well in writing and deeply thinking due to a large quantity of reading. She had written her own short stories when she studied in Grade One. The language of her short stories is in her own style. There is deep thinking in the stories, too. When she completed one, I always would be the first reader.

英语写作基础教程第三版Chapter 1ppt课件

英语写作基础教程第三版Chapter 1ppt课件
一、Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement
(10) attention: Never begin with a comma(,), a period(.), a colon(:), a question mark (?), an exclamation mark(!)
Never ends with 【 “ ( -
一、Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement (1). two centimeters at the top (2). two centimeters at the bottom (3).one and a half centimeters on the left (4).one and a half centimeters on the right
consonant with it
-le is treated as a syllable peo∙ple
a single letter cannot be put at the end or
begining of a line
e∙voke, heart∙y
Two-letter ending should not be put ar the
(9). Arabic numerals are generally used for paging. They can be put either in the upper righthand corner or in the middle below the last line of every page.
一、Manuscript Form


Work review
Good sentences
1. Many Chinese youth of today are addicted to computer games, which do great harm their physical and mental health. 2.Travel plays an important role in developing our country: boosting the economy and promoting cultural communication with other countries. 4. With the development of economy, travel abroad has become a tendency. There are 3 reasons why Chinese people like traveling abroad.
“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?” “Mother was ninety-three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninetyeight and he died while he was playing football.” The manager immediately agreed to insure the man’s life.
1 2
3 4
Definition classification basic elements


No cell phone during class. Absentee will inform the monitor ahead. Be punctual Breakfast, snacks or other foods are not
allowed in the classroom Notebook, excercise book, draft paper
After each chapter
In-class quiz After-class homework Correcting and explaining of the In-class
《英语写作基础教程》(A Basic Course in Wring), 主编:丁往道、吴冰等, 高等教育出版社1998年版。 本书是作者在总结自已几十年丰富的英语写作教学经验, 研究近年国内外英语写作教学方法的基础上推出的新作。 全书共分8章,分别讲解了文稿格式和标点符号,选词, 造句,段落,摘要,作文,应用文以及学术论文的写作 的用法。
第六章 完整的作文(osing
第七章 应用文(Writing for Practical Purposes)
第八章:论文(preparing Research Papers)
Teaching focus
chapter 2: using proper words chapter 4: Developing parapraphs
第一章 文稿格式和标点符号
(Manuscript Form and Punctuation)

英语写作基础教程3新 PPT

英语写作基础教程3新 PPT
方式二:如果还没有自信能写出语法基本正确的 句子和段落的同学,可以从第一章开始逐章学习。基 础学习准备好后,对教学重点的内容也就容易把握了。
learning method:
1)多读英文原文:多读什么样的文章呢?一是我们教 材中选的短文(新版教材提供了更多英文短文);二 是英美文学作品中的短文。 2)多做“模拟写作”:在我们学习英文写作的初级阶 段,建议同学们注意运用“模拟写作”这个方法,参 照同类体裁的范文,谋篇布局和行文的借鉴作用。
本课程的教学目的是培养学生初步掌握英语写作 的能力, 学会用英文写叙述文、说明性的短文和 一般性应用文。具体要求:
(1)要求学生能根据命题列出写作提纲,在约1 小时内写出不少于200词的短文, 并做到内容切题、 完整,条理清楚,语句连贯通顺, 语法基本正确。
(2)要求学生能根据提示写出通知、贺卡、便 条、申请书、邀请函、简历等, 并做到格式正确, 语言得体。
A Basic Course in Writing 英语写作基础教程
《英语写作基础教程》用清晰、浅易的英语写成, 宗旨是帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本知识和基本 技巧,提高英语写作水平。与同类书相比,本书突 出了实用和多举范例的特点,所选范文既有英、 美作家的作品,又有中国学生的习作,易于学习模 仿。书本中的练习设计更加生动活泼,针对性更 强。


三级写作由A、B两节组成,考察考生的 书面表达能力。
A节:考生根据所给情景〔英/中文〕写 出约100词〔不计算标点符号〕的简单信件、 便笺等。考察写作信件、通告、便条等简单应 用文的能力,包括应用文的固定格式、如信件 的称呼、署名、结尾套语等。分值为10分。
B节:考生根据所给情景,写出一篇不少 于120词〔不计算标点符号〕的文章。提供情 景的形式有图画、图表、文字等。考察写说明 性或议论性文章的能力。分值为20分。
书信写作是PETS三级应用文写作的重中之重,考试 机率很大。下面再从往年考生暴露出来的问题谈谈书信写 作应注意的几个方面: 1.明确试题要求
一般来讲,应用作文试题会在字数、话题、情景和作 者身份等方面提出要求。考生应认真读,积极构思,确定 文章所要表现的主题。 2.确定读者
应用文写作要求在写作之前明确读者身份,根据情景 ,根据自己与虚拟读者的关系确定文章的语气和措辞。

老板或领导让干的事只能答 “Yes〞而不能答复 “No〞。
• 第四、缺乏应试技巧。主要表现为有些考生在篇首或篇 尾有喊口号倾向〔如Dear friends, let’s not hesitate to say “No〞〕,或画蛇添足,本来文章该完毕了却偏 要罗罗嗦嗦再来两句多余的话;另外一些考生字数把握不 准,不是写得太短就是写得太长,写得太短的会因为字数 不够而失分,太长的又因为阅卷教师任务繁重,时间窘迫, 不能因为一篇文章乱了整个阅卷节奏。还有一些考生的笔 迹〔尤其是用纯蓝墨水钢笔和出水太浅的圆珠笔写的〕, 让阅卷教师怎么也看不清楚。

人教版九年级英语unit3 写作教程课件

人教版九年级英语unit3 写作教程课件

3. Stretched their arm 3: If you are going to study abroad, what kind of information should you know before you go? Please list down the top 5 .
After Reading Exercises
Task 1:Complete the structure map of the passage.
Main idea (Paragraph 1): It is helpful if you know some of the customs before you go to another country _______________________________________
Language box(语言工具箱) 1.Unit topic languages(单元话题语言)
①some information about…, ②all kinds of, ③student activities, ④course fee, ⑤housing and transport
______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
应用文是人们日常生活中广泛使用的文体。它最突出的特点是它的实际应用 性,应用文包括很广。如书信、通知、日记、海报、便条、启事、请柬、电报 以及合同等。应用文写作除了注重规范语言,重在实用,力求朴实、准确、简 洁外,还注重一定的格式。 英文信一般由信端(Heading,即写信人的地址和发信日期)、收信人姓名 地址(Inside Address)、称呼(Salutation)、信的正文(Body)、结束语( complimentary Close)和署名(Signature)六个部分组成。中考作文通常对第 一第二点中的地址不做具体要求。 称呼是对收信人的称谓,应与左边线对齐,一般用Dear Mr. … ,; Dear Madam Helen,; Dear Miss…,; Dear John,; Dear Professor Smith,等。称呼后面 的标点一般只能用逗号。书信正文的第一句话或第一段,通常被称为起首语。 一般说来,人们习惯用一些客套的写法作为书信正文的起始,即先将对方来信 的日期、主题加以简单描述,以便使对方一看便知该信是回答哪一封信的。如 果是第一次给别人写信,也可用开头语作必要的自我介绍,并表明自己写信的 主要目的。结束语写在签名上面一行,第一个字母要大写,后面要加逗号。一 般有Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendly yours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,等。写信人的署名常位于结束语 正下方一二行,且签名一般须写出全名。

人教九年级英语Unit3写作课课件 (共14张PPT)

人教九年级英语Unit3写作课课件 (共14张PPT)

句式多样 use more sentence patterns
It is a very important time for family members to get together. So everyone tries his best to stay with their families, though someone is far away from home. When I greet my grandparents, I can not only have many kinds of delicious food,but also get some lucky money.
food,but also get some lucky money. I'm looking forward to it
now. try one's best to do sth
stay with sb
be far from
enjoy doing sth
go on a trip
not only...but also...
I like the festival best because it makes me happy and relaxed. How wonderful it is!
句式:It is + ... for sb to do sth though引导的让步状语从句 when引导的时间状语从句
感叹句:How +形容词 +主语+...! because 引导的原因状语从句
2. There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most touching.



An effective paragraph
❖ 3 features of an effective paragraph: 1. A paragraph should have one, and only
one, central idea. 2. The main idea is generally expressed in
(ways of developing paragraphs)
Development by Time
In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time; earlier things are mentioned before later things, the first thing first and the last thing last. This method is also called chronological sequencing.
Development by Process
When you have to explain how something is done, you usually follow a chronological sequence and give a step-by-step description. As the steps must occur one after another, the exact order in which they are carried out is most important. In giving instructions, imperative sentences and sentences

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Orders and Supplies

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Orders and Supplies

We look forward to the arrival of our order in time.
Faithfully yours
Dear Sirs, Re: Order of Cashmere Sweaters
We thank you very much for your quotation of 15 February and the sample sweaters. We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the following:
Dear Sirs
We are delighted to inform you that your sports supplies have found a steady market here. Please ship us the merchandise according to the following requirements:
We are arranging for the establishment of the relative Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit through the bankers and shall inform you by fax as soon as it is opened.
1) Thank you for your letter of Feb. 14, sending us pictures of mechanical equipment. We find your quality and pattern satisfactory and would like to place an order for the following item.


The comma (,)
7. Numbers 1,253,900 53,807,214
The period (.)
1. Declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question 2. Abbreviations 3. Ellipsis mark …
Word division (P2)
-le Single letter Two-letter ending Hyphen Double consonants The last word of a page
Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1)
Capitalization 1. proper names 2. key words in titles 3. the first words of sentences
Preposition of/in/at/on…
Coordinating conjunctions and/or/but….
Question mark ?
The comma (,)
4. Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are Set off by commas. 5. Commas set off parenthetical elements. 6. In dates, a comma is used to separate the day and the year if the order is month-day-year, no comma need be used If the order is day-month-year.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Teaching focus
chapter 2: using proper words chapter 4: Developing自己的情况,选择不同的学习方式: 方式一:如果你能够写出语法基本正确的句子和
段落,那么,你就可以直接开始学习第六章(完整的 作文)或第七章(应用文写作)。将前面四章的学习 内容作为自学内容,如:标点符号的运用、信件的格 式等;
some helpful websites
Chapter one
Manuscript Form and Punctuation (文稿格式和标点符号)
Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1)
Arrangement Word division Capitalization Handwriting
After each chapter
In-class quiz After-class homework Correcting and explaining of the In-class
《英语写作基础教程》(A Basic Course in Wring), 主编:丁往道、吴冰等, 高等教育出版社1998年版。 本书是作者在总结自已几十年丰富的英语写作教学经验, 研究近年国内外英语写作教学方法的基础上推出的新作。 全书共分8章,分别讲解了文稿格式和标点符号,选词, 造句,段落,摘要,作文,应用文以及学术论文的写作 的用法。
Are these titles proper ?
i have A dream.
I Have a Dream
i enjoy The book sense And sensibility.
I Enjoy the Book Sense and Sensibilty
方式二:如果还没有自信能写出语法基本正确的 句子和段落的同学,可以从第一章开始逐章学习。基 础学习准备好后,对教学重点的内容也就容易把握了。
learning method:
1)多读英文原文:多读什么样的文章呢?一是我们教 材中选的短文(新版教材提供了更多英文短文);二 是英美文学作品中的短文。 2)多做“模拟写作”:在我们学习英文写作的初级阶 段,建议同学们注意运用“模拟写作”这个方法,参 照同类体裁的范文,谋篇布局和行文的借鉴作用。
What's the reasonable arrangement of a standard essay?
Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1)
Arrangement 1. two centimeters at the top 2. two centimeters at the bottom 3.one and a half centimeters on the left 4.one and a half centimeters on the
While Studying each chapter
Listen patiently, think actively and ask positively.
In-class homework Every study group (two students in a pair)
will exchange your homework and check them, sign your name in the end.
《英语写作基础教程》用清晰、浅易的英语写成, 宗旨是帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本知识和基本 技巧,提高英语写作水平。与同类书相比,本书突 出了实用和多举范例的特点,所选范文既有英、 美作家的作品,又有中国学生的习作,易于学习模 仿。书本中的练习设计更加生动活泼,针对性更 强。
第一章 文稿格式和标点符号 (Manuscript Form and Punctuation) 第二章 用词(Using Proper Words) 第三章造句 (Making Correct and Effective Sentences) 第四章 段落(Developing Paragraphs) 第六章 完整的作文(Composing Essays) 第七章 应用文(Writing for Practical Purposes) 第八章:论文(preparing Research Papers)
本课程的教学目的是培养学生初步掌握英语写作 的能力, 学会用英文写叙述文、说明性的短文和 一般性应用文。具体要求:
(1)要求学生能根据命题列出写作提纲,在约1 小时内写出不少于200词的短文, 并做到内容切题、 完整,条理清楚,语句连贯通顺, 语法基本正确。
(2)要求学生能根据提示写出通知、贺卡、便 条、申请书、邀请函、简历等, 并做到格式正确, 语言得体。
A Basic Course in Writing 英语写作基础教程
lecturer: Cammi Xu telephone: QQ: 2022814001 Email:
Something you should know...
No cell phone during class. Absentee will inform the monitor ahead. Be punctual Breakfast, snacks or other foods are not
allowed in the classroom Notebook, excercise book, draft paper
Before Each Chapter
preview the content that we will learn
Solve the problems of any possible new words in the chapter