

新人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 5 第1课时 教案(教学设计)

新人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 5 第1课时 教案(教学设计)

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A (1a-2d)单词news, mind, stand, educational, plan,1.熟练掌握有关电视节目的词汇。

2.熟练运用“What do you want to…?”和“What do you think of…?”等句型谈论喜好。


Step 1以贴近学生生活的电视节目导入新课,并引导学生谈论对此节目的看法,引起学生兴趣。

Warming up①Show Ss a TV program and ask them to watch carefully.②Then ask Ss to share their opinions about the program.Step 2用形象的方式帮助学生掌握新词汇。


1.New wordsShow some pictures on the PPT and teach the new words and phrases in this period: news, mind, stand, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, happen, expect.2.Work on 1aAsk Ss to look at the picture and the words in 1a, and match the TV shows with the pictures \[a g\]. Then check the answers with the class together.【Keys:1.e;2.d;3.b;4.c;5.a;6.g;7. f】Step 3让学生在听的过程中掌握抓关键词的方法。


针对人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 5第一课时的教学,我们对学生的学情进行分析。八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,他们对英语学习充满热情,但个体差异较大。在学习过程中,部分学生对词汇和语法掌握不够扎实,导致在口语表达和写作方面存在困难。此外,学生对成功经历的认识较为模糊,需要通过本课时的学习,引导他们树立正确的价值观。



【人教版新目标】英语八年级上册Unit5单元教案教学目标- 掌握和运用本单元的词汇和短语- 听、说、读、写关于旅游的话题- 通过合作研究,培养学生的合作能力和团队意识教学重点- 研究本单元的重点词汇和短语- 阅读理解技巧的培养- 听力和口语的提高教学准备- 教科书、配套教辅资料- 录音机、幻灯片或板书- 学生课前题教学过程Step 1: 预导入- 利用图片和实物引入本单元的话题,激发学生的研究兴趣,并探讨相关问题。

- 利用问答的形式复和巩固与旅游相关的词汇和短语。

Step 2: 听力训练- 借助录音机或多媒体工具播放有关旅游的对话或短文,帮助学生提高听力技巧,并通过听后问题的设置检查学生的听力理解能力。

Step 3: 语言输入- 导入新课文,通过幻灯片或板书呈现课文,并解释生词和短语的意思,帮助学生掌握课文的内容。

Step 4: 听读训练- 学生跟读课文,注意语音语调和语速训练,提高学生的口语表达能力。

Step 5: 合作研究- 将学生分成小组,让他们合作完成教材上的活动和练,通过合作研究培养学生的合作能力和团队意识。

Step 6: 课堂巩固- 设置相关的问答题和小组讨论,加深学生对课文内容的理解和运用能力。

Step 7: 课后作业- 布置课后练,包括听力、阅读和写作练,巩固学生对本单元内容的掌握。

教学评价- 通过观察学生在课堂上的表现、听力测试、口语训练和书面作业的评改等方式,全面评价学生的研究情况和能力提升。

参考资料- 人教版《新目标英语》八年级上册教材- 相关配套教辅资料。

八年级英语上册 Chapter 5 Look it up Period 1教案 上海牛津版

八年级英语上册 Chapter 5 Look it up Period 1教案 上海牛津版

Chapter 5 Look it up教案设计说明1、教材的理解和教学内容、目标的确定本章课文中的三篇短文摘自少儿百科全书,内容引人入胜,可以激发学生阅读的兴趣,提高阅读能力,也可以学到利用工具书查询资料和信息的初步知识。


鉴于学生对其中两篇文章(Dinosaur、Walt Disney)有所了解,也更感兴趣;同时,本课时旨在导入新课,激发学生的学习热情,因此,在引导学生了解百科全书的基础上,本课时主要通过听、说、读认识这两篇文章中的重点词汇、整体理解文章内容,为后面的检测性练习和对原文的细细研读,以及对重要词语和结构的讲解、训练和掌握作铺垫。


本课时的教学重点之一是exist, skeleton等的词汇教学(harmless, fierce,amusement等在SBS中学过,在本课教学中只作复习处理);教学重点之二是对两篇文章内容的整体理解。




近两年半两套英语教材的学习(Oxford和Side By Side)和小班化教学,他们已经掌握了相当多的词汇,同时具有相对较强的听、说、读、写能力。






Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?5. 吉姆认为这是部可怕的恐怖片。

Jim _______this is a_________ _________.Reflectionafterteaching签批Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Period 8 Section B 4-self checkTeaching Aims Knowledge Objects:1. Go over the grammar.2.Finish all the Exercise.Ability Objects:1.To be able to talk about future.2.Sovle all the Exercise.3. Moral Object sTo be more interested in English through finishing the ExerciseTeaching Key Points Vocabulary and phrases in this unitTeaching Difficult Points 1.Review the words in Unit52.Learn to write:Teaching Methods Task-based teaching method, discussion,writingTeaching Procedures Teaching NotesstepI. Warming up and greetings.1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions.2. Go over the Grammer FocusStep II. Activity 4 : Discussion1.what do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies?2. Write description words for each one.----what do you think os soap aperas? ---- I think they are boring.StepⅢ. Self checkWork on Self check 11. write questions and answers using the words in brackets.2. 方法指导:首先,读懂题意,是确定让你写一般疑问句呢还是特殊疑问句,然后在想想其疑问句的构成,最后填上其恰当的句子。


3.教师讲解课文中的新词汇和短语,如:achieve, goal, success, effort, give up, encourage, confident等,并通过例句展示其用法。



新目标八年级英语上Unit5教案(精选4篇)新目标八年级英语上Unit5教案(精选4篇)新目标八年级英语上Unit5教案篇2新目标八年级英语上Unit5教案篇3教案正文随堂记录unit 8 how was your school trip ?teaching goals :1.words phrases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got , visitor , drive , at the end of .e the past tense to talk about things .3.把握由there be 结构和行为动词构成的一般过去时.4.把握规章和不规章动词的过去时.important and difficult points :how to use the past tense correctly .the form of the past tense .teaching aids : card , picture and a tape recording .period 1teaching procedures :step 1 leading ingreeting : talk about something the ss did last week .step 2 pre-tasksb page 47 , 1a , 1c .t: what did you do on your last school trip ?look at the picture .guess :what did tina do ?教案正文随堂记录pairwork : did tina buy a souvenir ? no , .step 3 while-tasksb page 47 , 1b .listen and check the answers .sb page 48 , 2a , 2b .play the recording and correct the answers.step 4 post-tasksb page 48 , 2c .pairwork : make conversations .ask several students to present their conversations .step 5 conclusiongrammar focus .review the grammar box .ss say the questions and answers .practice reading .教学后记教案正文随堂记录period 2teaching procedures :step 1 leading ingreeting : talk about what last day off was like .was it a good day off or a terrible day off ?step 2 pre-tasksb page 50 , 1a , 1b .look at the pictures .say something about the pictures .point out the five phrases .ss read after teacher .make sure ss understand what they should do .rank them from 1-5 .pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .read .pairwork : make conversations .share the students conversations .step 3 while-tasksb page 50 , 2a , 2b .say , now you will hear a conversation about what tina and tony did on their last day off .point out the sample answer in 2a .教案正文随堂记录listen carefully twice .fill in the chart.read the sentences in 2b .pay attention to who said these things .play the tape again .listen carefully .check the answers .sb page 49 , 3a .ask one student to read the article .ss read and work : correct the statements below .listen to the recording .read after it .ask ss to read together .step 4 post-taskpairwork: make conversations with your partner using these phrases : were there ? did you see ? did you go ?step 5 homeworkmake up a story .教学后记教案正文随堂记录period 3teaching procedures:step 1 leading infree talk .check the homework .step 2 pre-tasksb page 51, part 4 .say ,here are some photos of your last vacation .what did you do ?ask and answer with your partner .question like this : did ? what ? were there ?where ? how was ?pairwork .step 3 while-tasksb page51 ,3a .read the letter about the things nick did by ss .explain the new words .play the tape .ss listen and repeat .point to the number 1-5 .point out the sample answer.教案正文随堂记录ss work .then check the answers .play the tape again .practice reading .sb page 51 , 3b .say , imagine you are tony and youll give nick a letter .point out the letter .read the letter to the class .saying blank each time when come to a blank line .read the letter and fill in the blank .ask one student to present the answers .step 4 post-tasksb page 51, 3c .say :we read about the things tony and nick did .what did you do on your last day off .lets write a letter about them .give them help if they need .ss work .step 5 homeworkcomplete the selfcheck .教学后记新目标八年级英语上Unit5教案篇4教案正文随堂记录unit 6 im more outgoing than mysister .period1teaching contents : section a 1a , 1b,1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .teaching goals :1. vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin .2. pattern: he has shorter hair than sam . is tom smarter than tim ?3. 力量目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,共性进行比较.teaching procedures:step 1leading inask a student to introduce herself/himself .step 2pre-tasksb page 31 , 1a .show some pictures to ss .say ,they are stars .ask ss to tell what they see .ask ss to use the words :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , short hair , heavy , calm , short and so on . 教案正文随堂记录then ask ss to repeat these sentences :yao ming is taller than ronaldo .step 3while-tasksb page 31 , 1c , 1b .call attention to the picture .point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .say ,now work with a partner .make your own conversation about the twins .ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations .then listen to the recording .ask ss to number the twins .check the answers .sb page 32 ,2a .point out the two columns and read the headings :-er , -ier and more .then point out the words in the box .read .say ,now listen and write the er and ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column .play the recording and check the answers .教案正文随堂记录sb page 32 , 2b .point out the picture and the two boxes with the headings tina is and tara is .say ,listen to the recording .write word in the boxes .the words are from the list in activity 2a .play the recording and check the answers .step 4post-tasksb page 32 , 2c .point out the chart in activity 2c and on page 89 . say , make your own conversations according to the information. ask pairs to continue on their own .correct the answers .step 5homeworkhow are you and your sister /brother different ?write down . 教学后记教案正文随堂记录period2teaching contents: grammarfocus , 3a , 3b ,4 .teaching procedures:step 1leading inask ,how are you and your mother/father different ?ask some ss to answer .step 2pre-taskgrammar focus . review the grammarbox .ask ss to read the sentences to the class .call attention to the word "funny',circle "y' and say when a word ends iny ,change "y' to an "i' and add er .write the phrases "more athletic than' .say,when you complete things using words with three or more syllables ,you use the word more .practice : happy , outgoing , short , thin , good .step 3while-tasksb page 33 , 3a .call attention to the letter .ask a student to read it to the class .say, now read the article ,then answer the questions . 教案正文随堂记录write if the statements are true ,or false ,or "dont know' if you dont know the answer .check the answers .sb page 33 , 3b .say ,tell your partner about things that are the same and different between you and a member of your family or a friend .you can make a conversation like the example .ask two ss to read the sample conversation in the box .have ss work and ask some pairs to say their dialogues .step 4post-taskread the instruction to the class .ask pairs of ss how many same and different examples they found .work in pairs and ask some pairs to read their lists .step 5homeworkwrite down the same and different between you and a friend . 教学后记教案正文随堂记录period3teaching contents : section b 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .teaching procedures :step 1leading inshow a maxim to ss : a friend indeed is a friend in need .ask ,what kind of things are important in a friend ?step 2pre-tasksb page 34 , 1a .read each description to the class and ask the ss to repeat.what kind of things are important in a friend .rank the things below 1-6 (1 is most important )ask different ss to copy the six phrases on the bb .then read the phrases together .step 3while-tasksb page 34 , 1b .say , now make your own statementsabout friends usingthe phrases in activity 1a .ask some ss to tell the class what they look for in a friend .and say ,who is your best friend ? 教案正文随堂记录sb page 34 , 2a .play the recording and check the answers .sb page 34 , 2b .play the recording and check the answers .step 4post-tasksb page 34 , 2c .say , now work with your partner .make a conversation using information in the chart .ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .step 5homework连词成句:1. tom , sam , intellectual , more , than , is .2. her sister , as as . not, sports , at , good, is ,liu ying.3. me , same , as , the , friend , my , is .4. makes , laugh , a , me , good , i , think , friend .5. outgoing , are , both , we . 教学后记教案正文随堂记录period4teaching procedures :step 1leadingingreeting .step 2pre-tasksb page 35 , 3b .read the instruction to the class .ask ss to look at the chart on page 34 .ask a student to read the example to the class .say ,now write your own sentences .ask students who finish first to write sentences on the bb.ask some ss to read the sentences ,each student read one sentence one by one .step 3while-tasksb page 35 , 3a .read the instruction .point out the sample answer .say , now read the article .explain the words and sentences in your own words .listen to the recording .教案正文随堂记录say ,now read the article again .underline all the words that describe what people are like .check the answers .sb page 35 ,3c .ask ss to choose a friend to write about .ask ss to try to tell the truth .say ,now finish the activity on your own .ask some ss to read their sentences to the class .step 4post-tasksb page 35 ,part 4 .write the names of two outgoing students on the bb .say ,who do think should get the job , a or b ?ask ss to work in pairs .ask some pairs who they thought should get the job and why .step 5exerciseselfcheck .ask ss to work on their你若盛开,蝴蝶自来。

新人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 教案

新人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 教案

新人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 教案一、教学目标本单元通过研究课文内容和相关练,培养学生听、说、读、写的能力,重点培养学生的阅读和写作能力,使学生了解和掌握有关演员的相关词汇和表达方式,并能够进行有关剧本的讨论。

二、教学重点1. 掌握有关演员的相关词汇和表达方式;2. 培养学生的阅读和写作能力。

三、教学内容本单元内容主要包括以下部分:1. 单词与短语:课本中出现的与演员相关的单词与短语;2. 课文阅读:学生通过阅读课文了解剧本的情节和对话;3. 语法:研究和巩固一般现在时的用法;4. 写作练:引导学生根据所学内容写一篇有关演员的短文。

四、教学准备1. 教学课件:包括演员相关的图片和课文内容;2. 黑板、粉笔;3. 学生练册。

五、教学步骤1. 导入- 让学生观看一段有关演员表演的视频片段,激发学生对演员的兴趣,并引导学生讨论演员的特点和工作内容。

2. 单词与短语研究- 通过图片和课件呈现与演员相关的单词和短语,教授其发音和意义,并让学生跟读和模仿。

3. 课文阅读- 让学生阅读课本中的剧本内容,了解剧情和对话,并回答相关问题。

4. 语法讲解- 介绍一般现在时的用法,让学生了解其基本结构和用法,并通过例句进行练。

5. 写作练- 引导学生进行有关演员的写作练,要求他们运用所学词汇和句型来表达演员的特点和工作内容,并提供必要的辅助材料和指导。

6. 小结与作业布置- 对本节课的重点内容进行小结,并布置相关的作业,如继续写作练或背诵重点词汇等。

六、教学评价1. 学生在课堂上的参与程度和表现;2. 学生在课后完成的作业质量和内容。

七、拓展延伸1. 安排学生集体表演一段简短的小剧场,让他们在实践中体验演员的工作;2. 组织学生进行关于演员的小组讨论,让他们互相交流和分享自己的见解;3. 鼓励学生阅读更多有关演员的文章和材料,了解不同类型的演员和表演风格。



人教版八年级英语教案上册Unit 5 教学设计一、教学目标(一)知识1. (1) 让学生掌握词汇:whom calendar invitation weekday(2)让学生掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:can you come to my party? yes, i'd love to. / sorry, i can't. , invitation2. 教会学生掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:i have to ...(二)能力使学生学会能够根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。



can you come to my party? yes, i’d love to. / sorry, i can’t.三、教学难点使学生能够根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动并对邀请做出适当回答。


2. 完成任务,合作学习:教师可以给学生布置以下任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中掌握所学的知识。

任务一:planning a birthday party.让学生以小组为单位为某位同学筹备一个集体生日聚会,讨论在生日聚会上大家可以做哪些活动并列出清单。

任务二:writing an invitation card.学生以小组为单位展开活动,制作邀请卡向其他组的同学发出邀请,请他们来参加本组的集体生日聚会。





group memberyes / no reasons完成任务可能要用到的语言结构:we are going to have a picnic. can you come?when is it going to start?i’m sorry. i have to....3. 拓展学习:学生设计假期某一周的日程安排。


(1)我通过PPT展示表示音乐类型的词汇,如rock, pop, traditional, classical等,并进行解释和例句展示。
(2)我运用本单元核心句型“Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don't. I like… better.”进行示范,让学生跟随朗读和模仿。
1.学生能够掌握表示音乐类型的词汇如rock, pop, traditional, classical等,并能够运用这些词汇进行交流。

英语 人教版 八年级上册(电子教案)Unit 5

英语 人教版 八年级上册(电子教案)Unit 5


本单元分为Section A 与Section B两部分,主要围绕话题“Entertainment”展开听、说、读、写等语言活动。






八年级英语上册-人教版-Unit 5 教学设计

八年级英语上册-人教版-Unit 5 教学设计

八年级英语上册-人教版-Unit 5 教学设计一. 教材分析人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5主要讲述了一对兄妹在动物园参观动物的故事。



二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经掌握了英语学习的基本语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。



三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握一般现在时的用法,学会描述家庭成员和动物的外貌及特征。



四. 教学重难点1.重点:一般现在时的用法,描述家庭成员和动物的外貌及特征。


五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过设定动物园的情境,让学生在实际语境中学习英语。




六. 教学准备1.教师准备:备好课件、教学素材、动物图片等。


七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用多媒体展示动物园的图片,引导学生谈论自己喜欢的动物。

教师提问:“Do you like animals? What’s your favorite animal?”学生回答后,教师简要介绍本课内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2.呈现(10分钟)教师展示课文插图,引导学生观察并回答问题:“How many people are there in the story? Who are they? What animals do they see in the zoo?”学生回答后,教师呈现课文标题和第一句话,介绍一般现在时的用法。





八年级上册英语Unit5教案教案标题:八年级上册英语 Unit 5 教案教学目标:1. 通过本单元的学习,学生能够掌握有关旅行和交通工具的词汇和表达方式。

2. 能够运用所学知识,描述自己的旅行经历和计划。

3. 培养学生的听说能力,提高他们的语言运用能力和交际能力。

教学重点:1. 旅行和交通工具的词汇和表达方式。

2. 描述自己的旅行经历和计划。

教学难点:1. 运用所学知识进行口语表达,描述旅行经历和计划。

2. 提高学生的听说能力,培养他们的语言运用能力。

教学准备:1. 教材:八年级上册英语教材 Unit 5。

2. 多媒体设备和课件。

3. 学生课本和练习册。

教学过程:Step 1: 导入新课 (5分钟)1. 利用图片或视频引入旅行和交通工具的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 引导学生讨论旅行的好处以及他们的旅行经历。

Step 2: 新课讲解 (15分钟)1. 通过多媒体展示旅行和交通工具的图片,教授相关的词汇和短语。

2. 介绍并解释新课文中的重点句型和语法结构。

3. 引导学生进行口语练习,模仿和运用所学内容。

Step 3: 听说训练 (20分钟)1. 播放录音,让学生跟读课文,注意语音语调。

2. 分组进行对话练习,让学生在实际情境中运用所学知识。

3. 鼓励学生进行自由对话,分享自己的旅行经历和计划。

Step 4: 拓展活动 (10分钟)1. 利用课件或图片展示不同国家的旅游景点,让学生进行简单介绍和选择。

2. 分组进行小组讨论,让学生展示自己选择的旅游景点,并解释选择的原因。

Step 5: 小结与作业布置 (5分钟)1. 小结本节课的重点内容,强调学生掌握的知识和能力。

2. 布置作业:要求学生根据课堂练习情况,撰写一篇关于自己的旅行经历或计划的短文。




沅陵一中 瞿继来 八年级英语Unit 5 Period1 说课稿

沅陵一中 瞿继来 八年级英语Unit 5 Period1 说课稿

• 教学过程: • Step 1: Greetings Step 2: New words • Step 3: Listening • Step 4: Practicing • Step 5: Listening • Step 6: Group work • Step 7 Practice • Step 8 Summarize • Step 9 Homework

• 教法导航 • 1. 利用图片和实物调动学生的兴趣和积极 性。 • 2. 将学生分为小组活动,教师指导小组成 员完成教学任务。 • 3. 指导学生通过大量练习,由浅入深逐步 掌握重点词汇及语法知识。
• 学法导航 • 1. 积极开展小组活动,争取组内解决大部 分问题。 • 2. 认真查找,搜集资料,为课堂各项活动 打好基础。
• • • • • • • • •
2. 掌握重点句子: (1)Do you have a ...? (2)Yes, I do./No, I don’t. (3)Does he/she have a ...? (4)Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t. (5)That sounds good. (6)I don’t have a ... , but my brother does. (7)I have two soccer balls. (8)Let’s play ...
• 一、知识与技能 • 1. 掌握本单元重点词汇:tennis ball、pingpong bat、soccer ball、baseball bat、voll eyball、get、play、sound、interesting、b oring、fun、difficult、relaxing、sport、like、 easy、classmate、great。



【人教版新目标】英语八年级上册Unit5单元教学案例第一部分:教学目标1. 研究家庭成员的称呼和关系。

2. 研究家务活动的动词和短语。

3. 学会描述家人的外貌特征和性格特点。

4. 能用现在进行时来描述家务活动。

5. 能够展开讨论并谈论家人、家庭与家务活动的话题。

第二部分:教学重难点1. 学生理解并掌握家庭成员的称呼和关系,结合自己的实际家庭情况加以运用;2. 学生能在能力范围内描述家庭成员的外貌特征、性格特点,及这些特征的体现;3. 学生掌握家务活动的动词和短语,能够用现在进行时来描述家务活动。

第三部分:教学过程Part 1 Warm-up and Lead-in Warm-up and Lead-in1. Show some pictures of family members and let students name them.2. Lead in the topic by asking students to talk about their family and family members.3. Ask students to introduce their family members and talk about their family.Part 2 Presentation and Practice Presentation and Practice1. Teach family member words and relationships by showing flashcards.2. Teach verbs and phrases related to housework by showing pictures and realia.3. Teach adjectives to describe people's appearance and character by showing pictures of celebrities and family members.4. Students practice using present continuous tense to describe housework with the teacher's guidance.5. Students create dialogues using the target language prompts provided by the teacher.Part 3 Group Work Group Work1. Divide the class into groups and ask each group to roleplay a family's daily life.2. Students will have to use the target language in their dialogues and describe the actions and appearance of family members.3. Encourage students to use their creativity and make the roleplay interesting.Part 4 Summary and Homework Summary and Homework1. Review the new vocabulary and structures learned in class.2. Ask students to write a paragraph describing their family and using the target language.3. Assign exercises from the textbook or supplementary materials.第四部分:板书设计- Family members and relationships:father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin- Housework verbs and phrases: do the laundry, water the plants, clean the room, cook the meals, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash- Adjectives to describe people's appearance and character: tall, short, outgoing, timid, kind, strict, hardworking第五部分:教学反思本节课采用了多媒体展示的方式,将生动的图片、实物和动画有机地结合,并通过图片、视频等直观的模式,生动活泼地介绍了本课的教学内容,使学生保持高度的兴趣和热情。



Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A(1a2c) 1.Important sentences:
A:What do you think of …? B :I …them/it.
A: Why? B: Because I think...
A: So, what do you want to watch? B: I want to watch...
A: How often do you watch …? B: I watch ...
评价反馈Good!Very good!Perfect!









Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Language Goal 【语言目标】Learn to talk about preferences and make plans:in this unit,students learn to give opinions to different kinds of programs and talk about likes and dislikes.Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】Key Wordsnews,educational,plan,discussion,stand,happen,may,expect,joke,meaningless,action,cartoon,famous,appear,become,rich,successful,might,main,reason,film,unlucky,lose,ready,army Key Phrasestalk show,game show,soap opera,sports show,talent show,action movie,scary movie,watch amovie,find out,be ready to,dress up,take sb'splace,do a good job,try one's best,come out Key Sentences1.Do you want to watch a game show?2.What do you think of talk shows?I don't mindthem.3.Do you plan to watch the news tonight?4.What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?You can learn some great jokes.Key Grammar What questions and answers.Ability Goals 【能力目标】Enable the students to give opinions and talk about likes and dislikes.Moral Goals 【情感目标】1. A good plan is a good start to success.2.Freely talk about likes and dislikes about TV shows and movies.Teaching Time 【课时】Fi ve periodsPeriod 1 Section A(1a-2d)Period 2 Section A(Gram mar Focus-3c)Period 3 Section B(1a-1d)Period 4 Section B (2a-2e)Period 5 Section B (3a-Self Check)本单元教学内容以Do you want to watch a game show?为中心话题,围绕着“谈论喜好和制定计划”展开,学习和运用句式Do you want to watch...?和What questions and answers以及一些描述性形容词,表达对某些电视节目的喜好(评价)。

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An English Teaching Plan
Unit5. Do you want to watch a game show?
The First Period(SectionA1a-1c) Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Knowledge Objects:
Key vocabulary: sitcom, news, soap opera.
2.Ability Object:
Listening and speaking skills, communicative competence. 3.Moral Objects:
Don’t watch TV too much! It’s bad for your health and study. Teaching Key Points:
Key vocabulary: sitcom, news, soap opera.
Teaching Difficulty:
Master the key sentences: What do you think of…? How do you like/feel about…? I don’t mind them. / I can’t stand them.
Teaching Aids:
A projector, the blackboard
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision &warming up
Free talk. Then show some pictures and ask them questions.
Step2 Present the new words.
Show pictures and teach the new words.
Explain what a soap opera is in Chinese.
Step 3 1a
1. Ask students to look at the pictures in activity 1a. And match the TV shows with the pictures.
2. Check answers.
Step4. Listening
Show a picture about Mark and Jack, and then listen to the tape.
Check the answers.
Ask the students to read after the tape.
Step 5 1c
Show some pictures and ask questions by using the key sentences.
Show the example of 1c, and let students to make conversations in pairs.
Step6. A Guessing game
Show some pictures and ask students to guess. Then make conversations by using the target language. The ones who can do better will be the winner.
Step7. Summary and homework
In this class, we’ve learned some words and we know more about TV shows. Most of them are interesting. But don’t watch TV too much! It’s bad for your health and study.
1. Recite the new words.
2. Make 3 pairs of conversations like 1c.
3.Find out more TV shows , and ask your friends questions in English by using the sentences we’ve learnt today.
Blackboard Design.
Reflectio n: (To be written immediately after the lesson.)。
