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C. have established D. had been established 9. I’ll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here. A. would be fined B. will be fined C. will being fined D. will have been fined 10. “____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall
一、被动语态的意义 谓语动词的语态表示句子的主语和 谓语动作之间的关系。当句子主语是谓 语动作的执行者时,主、谓之间的关系 称为主动语态;当句子的主语是谓语动 作的承受者时,主、谓之间的关系称为 被动语态。例如: I teach English.(主动语态)
Our English is taught by him.(被动 语态)我们的英语是由他教的。 He speaks English.(主动语态) 他说英文。 English is spoken in many countries all o ver the world.(被动语态) 世界许多国家都讲英语。 二、被动语态的各种形式 通常有十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态 由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变 化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为: 1.am/is /are being done (现在进行时)
1.不清楚动作的执行者是谁, 如: The window of the classroom was broken yesterday.
昨天,教室的窗子被打破了。 The time-table has been changed . 时间表已变动了。 2.说话人对宾语的兴趣大于对主语的 兴趣(这时可用by引导出动作的执行者), 例如:
3.当“动词+宾语+宾语补语”结构 变为被动语态时,原句中的宾语补语成 为主语补语。能用这种结构的动词有: declare, call, consider, elect, appoint, nominate, find, leave, like, make, prefer, think, want等。 如:
You are requested to make a speech at ne xt meeting. 请您在下次会议上作个发言。
四、几种特殊的被动结构 1.带情态动词的被动结构。其形式为: 情态动词+be+过去分词。 The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter. In this sense, bad things can be turned into good things. 2.有些动词可以有两个宾语,在
六、专项练习 1. It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days. A. designed B. has been designed C. will be designed D. will have been designed 2. We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.
5.某些感官动词加形容词可以表示 被动意义。 The dish tastes delicious. The apple smells sweet. 6.It+be+过去分词+that从句, 或主语+be+过去分词+to do sth. It is said that the boy has passed the national exam. The boy is said to have passed the national exam.
This book has been translated into many foreign languages. The prices of many goods have been cut again . 4. had been done(过去完成时) A new school had been set up by the end of last year. When the anthem had been played the conference began. 5. was/were done (一般过去时)
This house was built in 1958. His leg was broken in an accident. 6.was/were being done(过去进行时) Meeting was being held when I
was there. We were being trained this time last year. 7. shall/will be done(一般将来时) More factories will be built in our city.
A. is found B. has been found C. was found D. had been found 5. “Have you moved into the new flat?” “Not yet. The room____.” A. has been painted B. is painted C. paints D. is being painted 6. My pictures ____until next Friday. A. won’t develop B. aren’t developed C. don’t develop D. won’ t be developed
用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的 一个宾语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留 在谓语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾 语。
The delegation was given a warm send-off at the airport. Two days were allowed them for making the necessary preparation.
7.有些相当于及物动词的动词词组,如 “动词+介词”,“动词+副词”等,也可 以用于被动结构,但要把它们看作一个整体, 不能分开。其中的介词或副词也不能省略。 如: The meeting will be put off till Friday. 8.非谓语动词的被动语态。v.+ing 形式 及不定式 to do 也有被动语态(一般时态和 完成时态)。如: I don't like being laughed at in the public. The meeting is to be put off till Friday.
The song was composed by a young worker. 这首歌是一位年轻工人谱写的。
My TV set is being repaired in the shop.
3.不愿意说出动作的执行者,其目的 是为了使语言得体、圆滑等。在这种情况 下,有时常用一些句式,如
“It is said that…”(据说……), “It is reported that …”(据
报道……),“It is rumored that …” (据传言……)等等。例如: It is said that she is going to be marrห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ ed to a foreigner.
A road is being built around the mountain. Many new houses are being built in this city. 2.am/is/are +done (一般现在时) I’m asked to take care of myself. Football is played all over the world. 3.has /have been done(现在完成时)
She was nominated a member of the council.
Professor Smith was appointed the head of the Philosophy Department. 4.在使役动词have, make, get以及 感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后面不定式作宾语补语 时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但 变为被动结构时,要加to。如: A stranger was seen to walk into the building. She was made to clean the floor.
A. will already have started B. would already have started C. shall have already started D. has already been started 3. She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her. A. is taken B. takes C. will be taken D. has taken 4. Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.
五、被动语态与系表结构的区别 当“be+过去分词”作被动语态时表示主 语承受的动作;作系表结构时表示主语的特 点或所处的状态时,be后面的过去分词是表 语,相当于形容词。其区分办法如下: 1.如果强调动作或句中有介词by引导出 动作的执行者,该句一般为被动语态,否则 为系表结构。 The glass is broken.(系表结构) The glass was broken by the boy.(被动语态)
7. Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago. A. had been unemployed B. was unemployed C. has been unemployed D. has unemployed 8. A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949. A. has been establish B. have been established
2.如果句中有地点、频率或时间状语时, 一般为被动语态。如: The door is locked.(系表结构) The door has already/just been locked.(被动语态) 3.被动语态除用于一般时态和完成时态外, 还可以用于其他各种时态,而系表结构中的系 动词be只有一般时态和完成时态。如: The machine is being repaired.
made by his mother.
10. should/would have been done(将来完 成时) He told me that his new clothes would have been made very soon. 三、被动语态的使用条件 一般来说,在我们日常生活中,被 动语态是不常用的。只有在下列情况中 我们才用被动语态:
He will be taken to hospital tomorrow. 8. shall/will have been done(将来完成时) The project will have been completed before July. Your clothes shall have been made for you soon. 9. should/would be done(过去将来时) He told me that his new cloths would be