松江区2019学年度第二学期期末质量监控试卷初二物理一、选择题(共20分)1.“高温天气”是指气温在()A.30℃及以上B.33℃及以上C.35℃及以上D.38℃及以上2.如图1所示的几种现象,根据力的作用效果对它们进行分类正确的是()A.(c)与(d)是一类B.(a)与(c)是一类C.(a)与(b)是一类D.(a)与(d)是一类3.水具有比热容大的特点,下列现象中与此特点无关的是()A.海边的昼夜温差较小B.空调房间里放盆水可以增加湿度C.冬天暖气设备用热水供D.用水冷却汽车发动机4.在实验事实的基础上,通过科学想象和推理得出的物理概念或规律是( ) A.合力B.杠杆平衡的条件C.牛顿第一定律D.机械功5.苹果从树上落下的过程中,其惯性( ) A.变大B.不变C.先变大后不变D.先变大后变小6.如图2所示,甲、乙两图是汽油机一个工作循环中的两个冲程,下列说法正确的是( )A.甲图是做功冲程,是将内能转化为机械能B.乙图是做功冲程,是将内能转化为机械能C.甲图是压缩冲程,是将内能转化为机械能D.乙图是压缩冲程,是将机械能转化为内能7.下列关于温度、热量和内能的说法中正确的是( ) A.物体吸收热量,内能增加,温度一定升高 B.物体放出热量,内能减少,温度一定降低C.物体温度升高时,它的内能可能增加,可能是物体对外界做功D.物体温度降低时,它的内能一定减少,可能是物体对外界做功8.某人静止站在磅秤上,在下列几对力中能符合二力平衡条件的是( ) A.人受到的重力和磅秤对人的支持力 B.磅秤的重力和地面对磅秤的支持力 C.人对磅秤的压力和磅秤对人的支持力D.磅秤对人的支持力和磅秤受到的重力9.初温相同的甲、乙两个实心球,它们的质量和比热容分别为m 甲、m 乙和c 甲、c 乙,两球吸收相等的热量之后,甲球把热量传给乙球,则下列情况中不可能的是( ) A.m m <甲乙,c c <甲乙B.m m <甲乙,c c >甲乙C.m m >甲乙,c c <甲乙D.m m >甲乙,c c >甲乙10.如图3所示为等刻度的轻质杠杆,A 处挂一个重为6牛的物体,若要使杠杆在水平位置平衡,则在B 、C 的其中一处施加的力为( )A.一定在C 处施加,大小可能为3牛B.一定在B 处施加,大小可能为2牛C.可能C 处施加,大小可能为4牛D.可能B处施加,大小一定为3牛 二、填空题(共25分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置。
The condition starts out as an attempt ___27___ (eat) more healthily, but those who experience it fully focus on food quality and purity. ―There may be several reasons for someone to take up clean eating,‖ Philpot said. ―Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and their causes are complex. Research is telling us that they may be more句意:这些人现在是年轻人 行为榜样,他们的话会激励年轻人。分析句子可知,本句是 定语从句,句中的 role models 是先行词,在定语从句中作主语 word 的定语,人的/物的,都要用 whose,故
松江区2018 学年度第一学期期末质量监控初三理化相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 Mn-55 Cu-64一、选择题(共20分)1.铝的元素符号是()A. AgB. AlC. ClD. Hg【答案】B【解析】【详解】铝的元素符号是Al,故选B。
2.属于化学变化的是()A. 镁条燃烧B. 切割玻璃C. 衣服晒干D. 酒精挥发【答案】A【解析】【详解】A、有新物质生成的变化叫化学变化,镁条燃烧生成氧化镁,属于化学变化,符合题意;B、切割玻璃没有新物质生成,属于物理变化,不符合题意;C、衣服晒干是水蒸发的过程,没有新物质生成,属于物理变化,不符合题意;D、酒精挥发没有新物质生成,属于物理变化,不符合题意。
3.空气中含量最多的气体是()A. 二氧化碳B. 水蒸气C. 氧气D. 氮气【答案】D【解析】【详解】空气按体积数计算:氮气约占78%,氧气约占21%,稀气体约占0.94%,二氧化碳约占0.03%,其余气体杂质约占0.03%。
4.属于氧化物的是()A. MgB. MgOC. Mg O H2D. MgSO4【解析】【详解】A、Mg是由一种元素组成的纯净物,属于单质,不符合题意;B、MgO是由两种元素组成的且有一种是氧元素的化合物,属于氧化物,符合题意;C、Mg(OH)2含有镁、氢、氧三种元素,是由镁离子和氢氧根离子组成的化合物,属于碱,不符合题意;D、MgSO4含有镁、硫、氧三种元素,是由镁离子和硫酸根离子组成的化合物,属于盐,不符合题意。
2018-2019学年上海市松江区八年级(下)期中物理模拟试卷一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)1.小明同学把两个鸡蛋举高1米所做的功约为()A. 焦B. 1焦C. 10焦D. 100焦2.如图所示,使用中属于费力杠杆的是()A. 核桃夹B. 起子C. 镊子D. 羊角锤3.最早提出“力不是维持物体运动的原因”的科学家是()A. 伽利略B. 牛顿C. 阿基米德D. 亚里士多德4.下面关于滑轮的说法中正确的是()A. 使用滑轮一定能省力B. 定滑轮其实质是一个等臂杠杆C. 使用动滑轮能够省距离D. 动滑轮其实质是阻力臂为动力臂两倍的杠杆5.你所答的这张物理试卷放在水平桌面上静止时。
下列属于平衡力的是()A. 试卷对桌面的压力和桌面对试卷的支持力B. 试卷受到的重力和桌面对试卷的支持力C. 试卷对桌面的压力和试卷受到的重力D. 桌面对试卷的静摩擦力和试卷受到的重力6.当物体不受外力或受平衡力作用时,它的运动状态()A. 一定静止B. 一定做匀速直线运动C. 静止或匀速直线运动均有可能D. 无法判断7.如下列关于机械能的说法中,正确的是()A. 跳水运动员在空中下落的过程中动能变小,重力势能变大B. 小孩在荡秋千游戏中,从最低处荡到最高处,动能转化为重力势能C. 速度相同飞行相同高度的两颗子弹,一定具有相同的机械能D. 跳伞运动员在空中匀速下降时,重力势能转化为动能8.如图所示,分别用力F1、F2和F3,使用下列三个装置匀速提起同样的重物,不计滑轮的重力和摩擦且不计绳重,则F1、F2和F3的大小关系是()A. B. C. D.9.如图所示,重物A和B分别挂在弹簧测力计下(G A>G B),重物下端的纸带穿过打点计时器,用弹簧测力计拉动重物竖直向上运动,打出的纸带分别如图(a)、(b)所示,其对应弹簧测力计的示数分别为F A、F B,忽略空气阻力和纸带与打点计时器之间的摩擦,则F A和F B的大小关系是()A. 一定大于B. 一定小于C. 一定等于D. 可能等于10.水平地面上,甲、乙两车同时同地开始做匀速直线运动,它们的s-t图象分别如图(a)和(b)所示。
在地球上不能直接观测到月球背面是由于A. 月球自转与月球公转的周期相同B. 月球背面始终是黑夜C. 月球自转与地球公转的周期相同D. 月球与地球相对静止【答案】A【解析】【分析】考查月球的运动特征。
木星引力大主要是其A. 表面温度高B. 体积质量大C. 平均密度大D. 公转速度快【答案】B【解析】【分析】考查影响天体引力大小的因素。
【点睛】万有引力F=G*M*m/r^2 (G表示是万有引力常数,G=6.67*10^-11 ;M和m分别表示两天体的质量,r是两天体间质心的距离。
松江区 2018 学年度第二学期等级考质量监控试卷高三历史(满分100分,完卷时间100分钟)2019.4 考生注意:1.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
一.选择题(共 40 分,每题 2 分。
此过程中的核心地区位于A.黄河流域的中原地区B. 长江流域的太湖地区C. 辽河流域的东北地区D. 珠江流域的华南地区2.西汉政府为加强天山南北地区与内地的联系,设置了A.河西四郡B.北庭都护府C. 安西都护府D.伊犁将军3.右图为魏晋墓室壁画描绘的汉族士人食用烤肉串的情景。
此著作是A.《史记》B.《史通》C. 《资治通鉴》D.《文史通义》5.“公姓井,字真成,国号日本。
”据此推测,其“墓志铭”主人的身份是A.遣唐使B. 商人C. 传教士D.僧侣6.“天下一家,故不问东西南北之人,尽聚诸路贡士,混合为一,而惟材是择。
”此主张反映的制度是A.世卿世禄制B. 推举制高三历史第1页共6页C. 军功授爵制D. 科举制高三历史第2页共6页高三历史 第3页 共6页7. 宋儒在学术上坚持求新,把自然、人生、社会融为一体,建立理学体系。
其代表人物是A. 孔子B. 孟子C. 董仲舒D.朱熹8. 下列结构图反映的是哪一朝代的政治制度? A. 汉朝 B. 宋朝 C. 明朝D. 清朝9. 右图是葡萄牙纪念 15至 16世纪航海时代的“发现者纪念碑”,以下历史人物应出现于碑上的是 A. 但丁 B.马丁路德 C. 麦哲伦D.圣西门10. 他是启蒙运动时期最重要的思想家之一,也是德国古典哲学创始人“他”是 A. 培根 B. 洛克 C. 卢梭D. 康德11. 威廉三世于 1689年签署的《国民权利与自由和王位继承宣言》奠定了下列哪一政体的理论和法律基础 A. 君主专制B. 民主共和C. 君主立宪D.开明专制12. 右图反映的历史现象最有可能发生在A. 手工工场时期B. 现代工厂时期C. 垄断组织时期D. 网络经济时期《童工阿姆斯特朗的生活与冒险》(1840 年)13. 与右侧图片信息直接相关的历史事件是A. 戊戌变法B. 明治维新C. 南北战争D. 德国统一高三历史 第4页 共6页14. 右侧书刊发行于A. 鸦片战争时期B. 洋务运动时期C. 戊戌变法时期D. 清末新政时期15. 第一次世界大战后,人们开始认识到维护世界秩序稳定的重要性,由此诞生的国际组织是A. 国际联盟B.联合国C. 国际货币基金组织D.关税与贸易总协定16. 下图是新民主主义革命时期某次重大事件的军队进军路线。
高三物理 第1页 共4页松江区2019学年度第二学期等级考质量监控试卷高三物理(满分100分,完卷时间60分钟)考生注意:1.本考试分设试卷和答题纸。
)1.汤姆孙通过实验研究发现了电子,其研究的是 ( )A .α射线B .β射线C .x 射线D .阴极射线2.在光电效应现象中,物体表面发射出的粒子是 ( )A .光子B .质子C .中子D .电子3.卢瑟福通过原子核的人工转变实验发现了质子,实验中利用 ( )A .β粒子轰击氮核B .α粒子轰击氮核C .α粒子轰击铍核D .β粒子轰击铍核4.下列家用电器主要为了把电能转化为机械能的是( )A .吸尘器B .充电器C .电水壶D .电冰箱5.泊松亮斑产生原因是 ( )A .光的反射B .光的衍射C .光的折射D .光的干涉6.如图某时刻波形图,12周期后质点A 位于平衡位置的( ) A .上方,且向上运动 B .下方,且向上运动 C .上方,且向下运动 D .下方,且向下运动7.长直导线与环形导线固定在同一平面内,长直导线中通有图示方向的电流。
当电流大小逐渐减弱时( )A .环形导线有收缩的趋势B .环形导线有远离长直导线的趋势C .环形导线中有顺时针方向的感应电流D .环形导线中有感应电流,但方向无法确定v高三物理 第2页 共4页8.如图,上端开口的光滑圆柱形气缸竖直放置,活塞将气体封闭在气缸内。
设有a 、b 两卡环,使活塞只能向上滑动。
开始时活塞搁在a 、b 上,现缓慢加热缸内气体,直到活塞刚要离开卡环。
Part I Listening(第一部分听力)I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)1. ________2. _______3. _______4. ________5. ______6. _______B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)7.A) Spring B) Summer C) Autumn D) Winter8.A) By car B) By bus C) By underground D) On foot9.A) Teacher and Student B) Manager and ClerkC)H usband and Wife D) Shop assistant and Customer10.A) 10:00 B) 10:05 C) 10:15 D) 10:2011.A) Stones B) Clocks C) Stamps D) Coins12.A) Coffee B) Tea C) Milk D) Orange juice13.A) They are reading in the library. B) The are talking at home.C) They are making a phone call. D) They are going to the library.14.A) The hotel will change a room for the man. B) The man wants to book a room in the hotel.C) The man is complaining about the noise. D) The hotel will give the man another room.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“ T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)15. The writer was going to catch the eleven thirty bus to London.16. The writer couldn't find a seat in the waiting-room because of so many people.17. The writer had no choice but to come into the station coffee shop to meet his friend.18. When the writer was sitting in the cafe, a man called Jim came in.19. They talked and talked because the writer thought there was enough time left for his bus.20. Finally the writer failed to catch the bus because the clock on the wall had gone backward.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列内容。
松江区2018学年度第二学期学科质量抽测初二英语Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) Listening Comprehension (听力理解)Listen and choose the right picture (根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的图片)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A B CD E F1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________【答案】1. E 2. A3. B4. F5. D【解析】【原文】1. We must always be careful with electricity. (E)2. Why not spread your wings and visit France? (A.3. Most of the water on the earth is not drinkable. (B)4. Reading English newspapers is helpful to us in many ways. (F)5. Pudong Disneyland offers the same attraction as the Disney park in Tokyo. (D)Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题选择最恰当的答案):6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. In the bookstore.B. In the supermarket.C. In the hotel.D. In the library.【答案】D【解析】【原文】M: Excuse me, may I borrow this book?W: Yes. But remember to return it in two weeks.M: OK.Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (D)7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. A doctor.B. An architect.C. A driver.D. A nurse.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: What are you going to be in the future, Jack?M: I’m going to be an architect. What about you, Wendy?W: I want to be a nurse like my mum.Q: What does Jack want to be in the future? (B)8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Because they’re nice.B. Because she likes the frame.C. Because they fit her.D. Because they are light.【答案】D【解析】【原文】M: Nice glasses! I like the frame. They really fit you.W: Thanks. I like wearing them because they're very light.Q: Why does the woman like wearing the glasses? ( D)9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. At 7:15.B. At 8:15.C. At 6:15.D. At 7:45.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: Excuse me, what time is the next plane to Paris?W: It should leave at a quarter past seven but it will leave an hour late today.Q: What time will the plane to Paris leave? (B)10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Green.B. Pink.C. White.D. Golden.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: I’d like to buy a new iPhone. Do you have a pink one, Sir?M: Sorry, we don’t have that colour, but we have golden and white ones.W: OK. I will take a white one.Q: What colour will the woman choose for a new iPhone? (C).11. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. By underground.B. By bus.C. By taxi.D. On foot.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: How can we get to Shanghai Grand Theatre? Shall we take a taxi there?M: No. It’s convenient for us to take the underground and it’s not far from here.Q: How are they going to Shanghai Grand Theatre? (A.)12. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Miss Li is asking the boy questions.B. The boy is reporting something to Miss Li.C. The boy is interviewing Miss Li.D. Miss Li is having lessons with her students. 【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Miss Li, I’m a reporter from the school newspaper. May I ask you some questions?W: Sure.M: What do you think of your class performance last Monday?Q: What are they doing? (C.)13. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. He was not interested in the performance.B. He didn’t go to Mei Qi Theatre yesterday.C. He was late for the performance at Mei Qi Theatre.D. He bought an iPhone to play games yesterday.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M: I went to watch the performance at Mei Qi Theatre yesterday.W: What did you think of it?M: To tell you the truth, I played games on my iPhone all the time.Q: What does the man mean? (A.)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】14. Yellowstone National Park (黄石公园) is the largest park in the world.15. Yellowstone National Park has been open for more than 100 years.16. Wild animals can walk freely in Yellowstone National Park.17. Some wild animals in the park don’t feel scared when they see people.18. People can get close to feed animals in Yellowstone National Park.19. In Yellowstone National Park, people and wild animals live peacefully.【答案】14. F 15. T16. T 17. T18. F 19. T【解析】【原文】Yellowstone is the largest park in the United States, with a very large area and it’s the first national park inthe world. Wild animals in Yellowstone are under good protection. They do not live in cages like animals in most zoos. The park is large enough for animals to walk freely just like in the wild. They are able to live in a natural way. Many people have visited the park since it opened in 1872.Some animals in the park are not afraid of people. Sometimes people can get close to them easily. But people can’t hunt or feed animals in the park, because hunting or feeding will disturb animals’ life.Yellowstone National Park sets a good example of how people and wild animals live together peacefully. Putting animals in the cages is not a good way of protecting them. If people realize the importance of wild animals, they should give animals a comfortable living environment.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks(听短文完成空格,每空格限填一词)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】20. Lily and Linda did very ________ in their exams.21. Millie is nervous about exams because she ________ a lot of lessons.22. When Millie finishes her exams, she would like to come and ________Lily.23. Millie’s friend, Grace is going to s tay here for at least________ weeks.24. Jason broke his ________ and he is going to lie in bed for half a month .25. Millie asked Lily to make sure to say hello to her ________ and Linda.【答案】20. well21. missed 22. visit23. two 24. leg25. family【解析】【原文】Dear Lily,Thank you for your letter. I'm very happy to hear you and Linda did very well in the exams. Congratulations! We’ll have an exam next week, so at the moment I'm studying a lot. I'm really nervous about them, because I missed a lot of lessons. When I finish all my exams, I would like to come and visit you for a few days.Do you remember I told you about my friend Grace from Scotland? She’s going to come here next month and is going to stay for at least two weeks. I'd like you to come here so you can meet her and we can go out together. What do you think of the idea? We can practise our English!Oh, guess what! Jason broke his leg last weekend! He went skiing with his friends from school and fell down. He'sgoing to lie in bed for almost half a month. Poor Jason!My mom's calling me for lunch so I'll finish this letter now. Make sure to say hello to your family and Linda.Lots of loveMilliePart 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. I can hardly believe the news.B. It is quite warm in spring in Shanghai.C. Two young women were arguing in a supermarket.D. My mother is a super star in my eyes.【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:下面哪一个划线部分的发音不同于其他的?本题考查音标。
x 3 70 3 67 1 64 1 61 67
1 8
3 70
3 67
7.已知正三棱锥底面边长为 2 ,侧棱长为 3 ,则它的侧面与底面所成二面角的余弦值为
33 【答案】 6
【解析】 【分析】
在四面体中找出与 AB 垂直的面,在旋转的过程中 CD 在面 内的射影始终与 AB 垂直求解.
【详解】 ABD 和 ABC 都是等边三角形,取 AB 中点 M , 易证 MD AB , MC AB ,即 AB 平面 CDM ,所以 AB CD . 设 CD 在平面 内的投影为 CD ,则在四面体 ABCD 绕着 AB 旋转时,恒有 CD AB . 因为 AB∥ 平面 ,所以 AB 在平面 内的投影为 AB AB 2 . 因此,四面体 ABCD 在平面 内的投影四边形 ABCD 的面积
cos x
3 sin x cos x
1 2
1 4
1 2
1 4
1 4
【点睛】本题考查向量的 数量积运算和三角函数的最值,属于基础题.
虎因喜,计之曰:“技止此耳!”因跳踉大 ,断其喉,尽其肉,乃去。
上海市松江区2018届高三二模数学试卷2018.04一. 填空题(本大题共12题,1-6每题4分,7-12每题5分,共54分)1. 双曲线22219x y a -=(0a >)的渐近线方程为320x y ±=,则a = 2. 若二元一次方程组的增广矩阵是121234c c ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,其解为100x y =⎧⎨=⎩,则12c c += 3. 设m ∈R ,若复数(1)(1)z mi i =++在复平面内对应的点位于实轴上,则m = 4. 定义在R 上的函数()21x f x =-的反函数为1()y f x -=,则1(3)f -= 5. 直线l 的参数方程为112x ty t=+⎧⎨=-+⎩(t 为参数),则l 的一个法向量为6. 已知数列{}n a ,其通项公式为31n a n =+,*n N ∈,{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则l i m nn nS n a →∞=⋅7. 已知向量a 、b 的夹角为60°,||1a =,||2b =,若(2)()a b xa b +⊥-,则实数x 的值为 8. 若球的表面积为100π,平面α与球心的距离为3,则平面α截球所得的圆面面积为 9. 若平面区域的点(,)x y 满足不等式||||14x y k +≤(0k >),且z x y =+的最小值为5-, 则常数k =10. 若函数2()log (1)a f x x ax =-+(0a >且1a ≠)没有最小值,则a 的取值范围是 11. 设1234,,,{1,0,2}x x x x ∈-,那么满足12342||||||||4x x x x ≤+++≤的所有有序数对1234(,,,)x x x x 的组数为12. 设*n N ∈,n a 为(4)(1)n n x x +-+的展开式的各项系数之和,324c t =-,t ∈R , 1222[][][]555n n n na a ab =++⋅⋅⋅+([]x 表示不超过实数x 的最大整数),则22()()n n t bc -++的最小值为二. 选择题(本大题共4题,每题5分,共20分) 13. “0xy =”是“0x =且0y =”成立的( ) A. 充分非必要条件B. 必要非充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既非充分也非必要条件14. 如图,点A 、B 、C 分别在空间直角坐标系O xyz - 的三条坐标轴上,(0,0,2)OC =,平面ABC 的法向量为(2,1,2)n =,设二面角C AB O --的大小为θ,则cos θ=( )A.4323 D. 23- 15. 已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则下列判断一定正确的是( ) A. 若30S >,则20180a > B. 若30S <,则20180a < C. 若21a a >,则20192018a a > D. 若2111a a >,则20192018a a < 16. 给出下列三个命题:命题1:存在奇函数()f x (1x D ∈)和偶函数()g x (2x D ∈),使得函数()()f x g x (12x D D ∈)是偶函数;命题2:存在函数()f x 、()g x 及区间D ,使得()f x 、()g x 在D 上均是增函数,但()()f x g x 在D 上是减函数;命题3:存在函数()f x 、()g x (定义域均为D ),使得()f x 、()g x 在0x x =(0x D ∈)处均取到最大值,但()()f x g x 在0x x =处取到最小值; 那么真命题的个数是( )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3三. 解答题(本大题共5题,共14+14+14+16+18=76分)17. 如图所示,在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 、F 分别是AB 、1CC 的中点. (1)求三棱锥E DFC -的体积;(2)求异面直线1A E 与1D F 所成的角的大小.18. 已知函数()cos f x x x ωω=+. (1)当()03f π-=,且||1ω<,求ω的值;(2)在ABC ∆中,a 、b 、c 分别是角A 、B 、C 的对边,a =3b c +=,当2ω=,()1f A =时,求bc 的值.19. 某公司利用APP 线上、实体店线下销售产品A ,产品A 在上市20天内全部售完,据统计,线上日销售量()f t 、线下日销售量()g t (单位:件)与上市时间t (*t N ∈)天的关 系满足:10110()102001020t t f t t t ≤≤⎧=⎨-+<≤⎩,2()20g t t t =-+(120t ≤≤),产品A 每件的销售利润为40115()201520t h t t ≤≤⎧=⎨<≤⎩(单位:元)(日销售量=线上日销售量+线下日销售量).(1)设该公司产品A 的日销售利润为()F t ,写出()F t 的函数解析式; (2)产品A 上市的哪几天给该公司带来的日销售利润不低于5000元?20. 已知椭圆2222:1x y a bΓ+=(0a b >>),其左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,上顶点为B ,O为坐标原点,过2F 的直线l 交椭圆Γ于P 、Q两点,1sin BF O ∠=. (1)若直线l 垂直于x 轴,求12||||PF PF 的值; (2)若b =l 的斜率为12,则椭圆Γ上是否存在一点E ,使得1F 、E 关于直线l成轴对称?如果存在,求出点E 的坐标,如果不存在,请说明理由;(3)设直线1:l y =M 满足2OP OQ OM +=,当b 的取值最小时,求直线l 的倾斜角α.21. 无穷数列{}n a (*n N ∈),若存在正整数t ,使得该数列由t 个互不相同的实数组成,且对于任意的正整数n ,12,,,n n n t a a a +++⋅⋅⋅中至少有一个等于n a ,则称数列{}n a 具有性质T ,集合*{|,}n P p p a n N ==∈.(1)若(1)n n a =-,*n N ∈,判断数列{}n a 是否具有性质T ;(2)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,且11a =,43a =,82a =,{1,2,3}P =,求20a 的值; (3)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,对于P 中的任意元素i p ,k i a 为第k 个满足k i i a p =的项,记1k k k b i i +=-(*k N ∈),证明:“数列{}k b 具有性质T ”的充要条件为“数列{}n a 是周期为t 的周期数列,且每个周期均包含t 个不同实数”.上海市松江区2018届高三二模数学试卷2018.04一. 填空题(本大题共12题,1-6每题4分,7-12每题5分,共54分)1. 双曲线22219x y a -=(0a >)的渐近线方程为320x y ±=,则a = 【解析】2a =2. 若二元一次方程组的增广矩阵是121234c c ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,其解为100x y =⎧⎨=⎩,则12c c += 【解析】12103040c c +=+=3. 设m ∈R ,若复数(1)(1)z mi i =++在复平面内对应的点位于实轴上,则m = 【解析】虚部为零,101m m +=⇒=-4. 定义在R 上的函数()21x f x =-的反函数为1()y f x -=,则1(3)f -= 【解析】1213(3)2x f --=⇒=5. 直线l 的参数方程为112x ty t =+⎧⎨=-+⎩(t 为参数),则l 的一个法向量为【解析】12(1)230y x x y =-+-⇒--=,法向量可以是(2,1)-6. 已知数列{}n a ,其通项公式为31n a n =+,*n N ∈,{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则li m nn nS n a →∞=⋅【解析】2352n n n S +=,1lim 2n n nS n a →∞=⋅7. 已知向量a 、b 的夹角为60°,||1a =,||2b =,若(2)()a b xa b +⊥-,则实数x 的值为【解析】(2)()0(21)803a b xa b x x x +⋅-=⇒+--=⇒=8. 若球的表面积为100π,平面α与球心的距离为3,则平面α截球所得的圆面面积为 【解析】5R =,4r =,16S π= 9. 若平面区域的点(,)x y 满足不等式||||14x y k +≤(0k >),且z x y =+的最小值为5-, 则常数k = 【解析】数形结合,可知图像||||14x y k +=经过点(5,0)-,∴5k = 10. 若函数2()log (1)a f x x ax =-+(0a >且1a ≠)没有最小值,则a 的取值范围是 【解析】分类讨论,当01a <<时,没有最小值,当1a >时,即210x ax -+≤有解, ∴02a ∆≥⇒≥,综上,(0,1)[2,)a ∈+∞11. 设1234,,,{1,0,2}x x x x ∈-,那么满足12342||||||||4x x x x ≤+++≤的所有有序数对1234(,,,)x x x x 的组数为【解析】① 1234||||||||2x x x x +++=,有10组;② 1234||||||||3x x x x +++=, 有16组;③ 1234||||||||4x x x x +++=,有19组;综上,共45组 12. 设*n N ∈,n a 为(4)(1)n n x x +-+的展开式的各项系数之和,324c t =-,t ∈R , 1222[][][]555n n n na a ab =++⋅⋅⋅+([]x 表示不超过实数x 的最大整数),则22()()n n t bc -++的最小值为【解析】52nnn a =-,2[][]155nn n n na n n n ⋅=-=-,22n n n b -=,22()()n n t b c -++的几何意义为点2(,)2n nn -()n ∈*N 到点3(,2)4t t -的距离,由图得,最小值即(2,1)到324y x =- 的距离,为0.4二. 选择题(本大题共4题,每题5分,共20分) 13. “0xy =”是“0x =且0y =”成立的( ) A. 充分非必要条件B. 必要非充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既非充分也非必要条件【解析】B14. 如图,点A 、B 、C 分别在空间直角坐标系O xyz -的三条坐标轴上,(0,0,2)OC =,平面ABC 的法向量为(2,1,2)n =,设二面角C AB O --的大小为θ,则cos θ=( )A.43B. 323 D. 23- 【解析】42cos 233||||OC n OC n θ⋅===⋅⋅,选C15. 已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则下列判断一定正确的是( ) A. 若30S >,则20180a > B. 若30S <,则20180a < C. 若21a a >,则20192018a a > D. 若2111a a >,则20192018a a < 【解析】A 反例,11a =,22a =-,34a =,则20180a <;B 反例,14a =-,22a =,31a =-,则20180a >;C 反例同B 反例,201920180a a <<;故选D16. 给出下列三个命题:命题1:存在奇函数()f x (1x D ∈)和偶函数()g x (2x D ∈),使得函数()()f x g x (12x D D ∈)是偶函数;命题2:存在函数()f x 、()g x 及区间D ,使得()f x 、()g x 在D 上均是增函数,但()()f x g x 在D 上是减函数;命题3:存在函数()f x 、()g x (定义域均为D ),使得()f x 、()g x 在0x x =(0x D ∈)处均取到最大值,但()()f x g x 在0x x =处取到最小值; 那么真命题的个数是( )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3【解析】命题1:()()0f x g x ==,x ∈R ;命题2:()()f x g x x ==,(,0)x ∈-∞; 命题3:2()()f x g x x ==-,x ∈R ;均为真命题,选D三. 解答题(本大题共5题,共14+14+14+16+18=76分)17. 如图所示,在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 、F 分别是AB 、1CC 的中点. (1)求三棱锥E DFC -的体积;(2)求异面直线1AE 与1DF 所成的角的大小. 【解析】(1)121233V =⨯⨯=(2)4cos 5θ==,所成角为4arccos 518.已知函数()cos f x x x ωω=+. (1)当()03f π-=,且||1ω<,求ω的值;(2)在ABC ∆中,a 、b 、c 分别是角A 、B 、C的对边,a =3b c +=,当2ω=,()1f A =时,求bc 的值.【解析】(1)()2sin()6f x x πω=+,()0336f k πωπππ-=⇒-+=,||1ω<,∴12ω=(2)()1f A =⇒3A π=,由余弦定理,2bc =19. 某公司利用APP 线上、实体店线下销售产品A ,产品A 在上市20天内全部售完,据统计,线上日销售量()f t 、线下日销售量()g t (单位:件)与上市时间t (*t N ∈)天的关 系满足:10110()102001020t t f t t t ≤≤⎧=⎨-+<≤⎩,2()20g t t t =-+(120t ≤≤),产品A 每件的销售利润为40115()201520t h t t ≤≤⎧=⎨<≤⎩(单位:元)(日销售量=线上日销售量+线下日销售量).(1)设该公司产品A 的日销售利润为()F t ,写出()F t 的函数解析式; (2)产品A 上市的哪几天给该公司带来的日销售利润不低于5000元?【解析】(1)22240(30),110()40(10200),101520(10200),1520t t t F t t t t t t t ⎧-+≤≤⎪=-++<≤⎨⎪-++<≤⎩(2)()5000515F t t ≥⇒≤≤,第5天到第15天20. 已知椭圆2222:1x y a bΓ+=(0a b >>),其左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,上顶点为B ,O为坐标原点,过2F 的直线l 交椭圆Γ于P 、Q两点,1sin 3BF O ∠=. (1)若直线l 垂直于x 轴,求12||||PF PF 的值; (2)若b =l 的斜率为12,则椭圆Γ上是否存在一点E ,使得1F 、E 关于直线l成轴对称?如果存在,求出点E 的坐标,如果不存在,请说明理由;(3)设直线1:l y =M 满足2OP OQ OM +=,当b 的取值最小时,求直线l 的倾斜角α.【解析】(1)22231x y b +=,:l x =,2PF =,1PF =,12||5||PF PF = (2)22231x y +=,1:(2)2l y x =-,1(2,0)F -,关于l 对称点216(,)55E --,不在椭圆上 (3)设:()l y k x =,点差得1:3OM l y x k=-,联立1:l y =(M -, 代入直线l()k =-,∴6b =≥,k =56πα=21. 无穷数列{}n a (*n N ∈),若存在正整数t ,使得该数列由t 个互不相同的实数组成,且对于任意的正整数n ,12,,,n n n t a a a +++⋅⋅⋅中至少有一个等于n a ,则称数列{}n a 具有性质T ,集合*{|,}n P p p a n N ==∈.(1)若(1)n n a =-,*n N ∈,判断数列{}n a 是否具有性质T ;(2)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,且11a =,43a =,82a =,{1,2,3}P =,求20a 的值; (3)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,对于P 中的任意元素i p ,k i a 为第k 个满足k i i a p =的项,记1k k k b i i +=-(*k N ∈),证明:“数列{}k b 具有性质T ”的充要条件为“数列{}n a 是周期为t 的周期数列,且每个周期均包含t 个不同实数”.【解析】(1)2t =,对任意正整数n ,2n n a a +=恒成立,∴具有性质T (2)分类讨论,得结论,6n ≥,{}n a 有周期性,周期为3,∴2082a a == (3)略。
上海市松江区2018届高三下学期质量监控(二模)数学试题一. 填空题1. 双曲线22219x y a -=(0a >)的渐近线方程为320x y ±=,则a = . 2. 若二元一次方程组的增广矩阵是121234c c ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,其解为100x y =⎧⎨=⎩,则12c c += . 3. 设m ∈R ,若复数(1i)(1i)z m =++在复平面内对应的点位于实轴上,则m = .4. 定义在R 上的函数()21x f x =-的反函数为1()y f x -=,则1(3)f -= .5. 直线l 的参数方程为112x t y t =+⎧⎨=-+⎩(t 为参数),则l 的一个法向量为 . 6. 已知数列{}n a ,其通项公式为31n a n =+,*n ∈N ,{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则li m n n n S n a →∞=⋅ .7. 已知向量a 、b 的夹角为60°,||1a = ,||2b = ,若(2)()a b xa b +⊥- ,则实数x 的值为 .8. 若球的表面积为100π,平面α与球心的距离为3,则平面α截球所得的圆面面积为 __________.9. 若平面区域的点(,)x y 满足不等式||||14x y k +≤(0k >),且z x y =+的最小值为5-, 则常数k = .10. 若函数2()log (1)a f x x ax =-+(0a >且1a ≠)没有最小值,则a 的取值范围是 .11. 设1234,,,{1,0,2}x x x x ∈-,那么满足12342||||||||4x x x x ≤+++≤的所有有序数对 1234(,,,)x x x x 的组数为 .12. 设*n ∈N ,n a 为(4)(1)n n x x +-+的展开式的各项系数之和,324c t =-,t ∈R , 1222[][][]555n n n na a a b =++⋅⋅⋅+([]x 表示不超过实数x 的最大整数),则22()()n n t b c -++ 的最小值为 .二. 选择题13. “0xy =”是“0x =且0y =”成立的( )A. 充分非必要条件B. 必要非充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既非充分也非必要条件14. 如图,点A 、B 、C 分别在空间直角坐标系O xyz -的三条坐标轴上,(0,0,2)OC =,平面ABC 的法向量为(2,1,2)n = ,设二面角C AB O --的大小为θ,则cos θ=( )A. 43B. 53C. 23D. 23- 15. 已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则下列判断一定正确的是( )A. 若30S >,则20180a >B. 若30S <,则20180a <C. 若21a a >,则20192018a a >D. 若2111a a >,则20192018a a < 16. 给出下列三个命题:命题1:存在奇函数()f x (1x D ∈)和偶函数()g x (2x D ∈),使得函数()()f x g x (12x D D ∈ )是偶函数;命题2:存在函数()f x 、()g x 及区间D ,使得()f x 、()g x 在D 上均是增函数,但()()f x g x 在D 上是减函数;命题3:存在函数()f x 、()g x (定义域均为D ),使得()f x 、()g x 在0x x =(0x D ∈)处均取到最大值,但()()f x g x 在0x x =处取到最小值;那么真命题的个数是( )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3三. 解答题17. 如图所示,在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 、F 分别是AB 、1CC 的中点.(1)求三棱锥E DFC -的体积;(2)求异面直线1A E 与1D F 所成的角的大小.18. 已知函数()cos f x x x ωω=+.(1)当π()03f -=,且||1ω<,求ω的值;(2)在ABC ∆中,a 、b 、c 分别是角A 、B 、C 的对边,a =3b c +=,当2ω=,()1f A =时,求bc 的值.19. 某公司利用APP 线上、实体店线下销售产品A ,产品A 在上市20天内全部售完,据统计,线上日销售量()f t 、线下日销售量()g t (单位:件)与上市时间t (*t ∈N )天的关 系满足:10110()102001020t t f t t t ≤≤⎧=⎨-+<≤⎩,2()20g t t t =-+(120t ≤≤),产品A 每件的 销售利润为40115()201520t h t t ≤≤⎧=⎨<≤⎩(单位:元)(日销售量=线上日销售量+线下日销售量). (1)设该公司产品A 的日销售利润为()F t ,写出()F t 的函数解析式;(2)产品A 上市的哪几天给该公司带来的日销售利润不低于5000元?20. 已知椭圆2222:1x y a bΓ+=(0a b >>),其左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,上顶点为B ,O为坐标原点,过2F 的直线l 交椭圆Γ于P 、Q 两点,1sin 3BF O ∠=.(1)若直线l 垂直于x 轴,求12||||PF PF 的值; (2)若b =l 的斜率为12,则椭圆Γ上是否存在一点E ,使得1F 、E 关于直线l 成轴对称?如果存在,求出点E 的坐标,如果不存在,请说明理由;(3)设直线1:l y =上总存在点M 满足2OP OQ OM += ,当b 的取值最小时,求直线l 的倾斜角α.21. 无穷数列{}n a (*n ∈N ),若存在正整数t ,使得该数列由t 个互不相同的实数组成,且对于任意的正整数n ,12,,,n n n t a a a +++⋅⋅⋅中至少有一个等于n a ,则称数列{}n a 具有性质T ,集合*{|,}n P p p a n ==∈N .(1)若(1)n n a =-,*n ∈N ,判断数列{}n a 是否具有性质T ;(2)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,且11a =,43a =,82a =,{1,2,3}P =,求20a 的值;(3)数列{}n a 具有性质T ,对于P 中的任意元素i p ,k i a 为第k 个满足k i i a p =的项,记1k k k b i i +=-(*k ∈N ),证明:“数列{}k b 具有性质T ”的充要条件为“数列{}n a 是周期为t 的周期数列,且每个周期均包含t 个不同实数”.【参考答案】一. 填空题1. 22. 40【解析】12103040.c c +=+=3. -1【解析】虚部为零,10 1.m m +=⇒=-4. 2【解析】1213(3) 2.x f --=⇒=5. (2,1)-【解析】12(1)230y x x y =-+-⇒--=,法向量可以是(2,1).- 6. 12 【解析】2352n n n S +=,1lim 2n n nS n a →∞=⋅ 7. 3【解析】(2)()0(21)80 3.a b xa b x x x +⋅-=⇒+--=⇒=8. 16π【解析】5R =,4r =,16π.S =9. 5 【解析】数形结合,可知图像||||14x y k +=经过点(5,0)-,∴ 5.k = 10. (0,1)[2,)+∞【解析】分类讨论,当01a <<时,没有最小值,当1a >时,即210x ax -+≤有解, ∴02a ∆≥⇒≥,综上,(0,1)[2,)a ∈+∞11. 45【解析】① 1234||||||||2x x x x +++=,有10组;② 1234||||||||3x x x x +++=, 有16组;③ 1234||||||||4x x x x +++=,有19组;综上,共45组.12.0.4 【解析】52n nn a =-,2[][]155n n n n na n n n ⋅=-=-,22n n n b -=,22()()n n t b c -++的几何 意义为点2(,)2n n n -()n ∈*N 到点3(,2)4t t -的距离,最小值即(2,1)到324y x =-的距离,为0.4 .二. 选择题13. B14. C 【解析】42cos 233||||OC n OC n θ⋅===⋅⋅ ,选C. 15. D【解析】A 反例,11a =,22a =-,34a =,则20180a <;B 反例,14a =-,22a =, 31a =-,则20180a >;C 反例同B 反例,201920180a a <<;故选D .16. D【解析】命题1:()()0f x g x ==,x ∈R ;命题2:()()f x g x x ==,(,0)x ∈-∞; 命题3:2()()f x g x x ==-,x ∈R ;均为真命题,选D.三. 解答题17.解:(1)121233V =⨯⨯=; (2)4cos 5θ==,所成角为4arccos .5 18. 解:(1)π()2sin()6f x x ω=+,πππ()0π336f k ω-=⇒-+=,||1ω<,∴12ω=, (2)()1f A =⇒π3A =,由余弦定理,2bc =. 19. 解:(1)22240(30),110,()40(10200),1015,20(10200),1520,t t t F t t t t t t t ⎧-+≤≤⎪=-++<≤⎨⎪-++<≤⎩(2)()5000515F t t ≥⇒≤≤,第5天到第15天.20. 解:(1)22231x y b +=,:l x =,23PF =,13PF =,12||5||PF PF =; (2)22231x y +=,1:(2)2l y x =-,1(2,0)F -,关于l 对称点216(,)55E --,不在椭圆上; (3)设:()l y k x =,点差得1:3OM l y x k =-,联立1:l y =,得(M -, 代入直线l()k =-,∴6b =≥,k =,5π.6α= 21.解:(1)2t =,对任意正整数n ,2n n a a +=恒成立,∴具有性质T ;(2)分类讨论,得结论,6n ≥,{}n a 有周期性,周期为3,∴2082a a ==;(3)略.。
第1页共18页松江区2018—2019学年度第二学期模拟考质量监控试卷高三英语(满分140分,完卷时间120分钟)2019.4 考生注意:1.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分, 试卷共12页。
所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上, 做在试卷上一律不得分。
2.答题前, 务必在答题纸上填写学校、姓名和考生号。
I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper paper, , and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At an airport. B. At a hotel. C. At a bus stop. D. At a post office.2. A. $ 15. B. $ 30. C. $ 45. D. $ 60.3. A. Food for a picnic. B. Drinks to be delivered. C. Shopping list for drinks. D. Preparations for a party.4. A. Taking a photo. B. Enjoying an exhibit. C. Practicing riding a car. D. Hanging a picture.5. A. Give up the course. B. Make a little progress. C. Change for another course.D. Stick to the course. 6. A. Convincing.B. Pointless.C. Unbelievable.D. Time-consuming. 7. A. It A. It’’s more than satisfactory. B. It B. It’’s better than expected.C. It C. It’’s not satisfactory at all.D. I D. It’t’t’s beyond expectation. s beyond expectation. 8. A. The man is late for the meeting because he is too busy.B. The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.C. The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown.D. The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.9. A. She can A. She can’’t concentrate herself. B. She is fully enjoying herself.C. She doesn C. She doesn’’t like the atmosphere.D. She is not familiar with the songs.10. A. Tom will revise his project as the man told him to.B. The man should give Tom more influence.C. Tom C. Tom’’s project doesn s project doesn’’t need to be revised at all. D. It D. It’’s unlikely that Tom will revise his project.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage .11. A. The quality of the food. B. The direction to the food.C. The distance to the food.D. The smell of the food.12. A. Appreciative. B. Believable.C. Doubtful.D. Supportive.13 A. His winning the Nobel Prize. B. B. The British scientists’ study.The British scientists’ study.C. The videos of bees C. The videos of bees’’ life. D. The invention of radar. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news .14. A. Several people were seriously hurt.B. No injuries were yet reported.C. Nobody was in the building when it broke out.D. The fire had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived.15. A. Planning a new manned landing on the moon in 2019.B. Testing the possibility of 5G mobile signal coverage on the moon.C. Establishing mobile communication between the moon and the earth.D. Sending high definition streaming video and data from the moon.16. A. Shrinking potato farming. B. Heavy reliance on import.C. Widespread plant disease.D. Insufficient potato supply.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. The hotel put his reservation under another name.B. The man made a mistake of the date.C. The hotel had canceled his reservation.D. The man was in the wrong hotel.18. A. Some VIP people have rented all the rooms in advance.B. There was a conference going on in the city.C. The hotel was undergoing major repairs.D. It was a busy season for holiday-makers.19. A. It was free of charge on weekends. B. It had discount on weekdays.C. It was offered to VIP guests only.D. It was cheaper than usual.20. A. Cancel the reservation. B. Ask for a free breakfast.C. Complain to the manager.D. Demand to be refunded.II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Rhiannon Lambert, who treats about 180 clients a year with various kinds of eating disorders, says the number of those caused by “clean eating”disorders, says the number of those caused by “clean eating” (21) ______ (double) in the past (21) ______ (double) in the past three years. “They develop particular habits, or won’t eat food when walking, because they think that food can only be eaten when they (22) ______ (seat),think that food can only be eaten when they (22) ______ (seat),” she said.” she said.Clean eating is promoted by some food bloggers, who are increasingly thought by a number of medical experts to be having a bad influence on young people today today. . “Young people lose this and cannot afford the lifestyle needed to follow it,” Lambert said. Health bloggers (23)not have enough knowledge but offer dangerous advice. These people are now role models (24) ______ word will inspire young people. I have clients who think they have to be a strict vegetarian to be successful. The extreme form of this is known as orthorexia nervosa (健康食品强迫症).Ur Ursula Philpot, a dietitian at the British Dietetic Association, said, “It is difficult to blame sula Philpot, a dietitian at the British Dietetic Association, said, “It is difficult to blame them completely. If it weren’t the bloggers, then it could be (25) ______ else. Orthorexia affects more girls than boys, although boys are much more affected tha n girls.” Philpot said, “At the top of most people’s lists of bad foods includes gluten (麸质) and dairy. (26) ______ you talk to young people more, you will find some of them worry all day about eating a biscuit.”The condition starts out as an attempt (27) ______ (eat) more healthily, but those who experience it fully focus on food quality and purity. “There may be several reasons forsomeone to take up clean eating,” Philpot said. “Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and their causes are complex. Research is telling us that they may be more biologically based than we thought, (28) ______ social and environmental factors also play a part in their development.”Deanne Jade, the founder of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, said, “A lot of y oung people don’t think they need treatment and there are too many messages in the media. What worries me is that a lot of people (29) ______ (promote) these ideas have no knowledge of nutrition. I don’t know what the solution is, but in many cases, gettin g people to recover from an eating disorder means (30) ______ (get) from an eating disorder means (30) ______ (get) them to relax their ideas about clean eating.”them to relax their ideas about clean eating.” Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. applyB. supposedC. accurateD. consumeE. existingF. maintain G . options H. nature I. sensitive J. address K. willingnessA recent troubling study showed that “fake news fake news”” spread significantly faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth, and the effect is even more remarkable when regarding news as opposed to reporting on natural disasters, finance or science. So how can we encourage individuals to seek 31online content? Leading scholars are trying hard to deal with this question.Processing new information requires a considerable mental effort, especially when that information seems to conflict with your 32 worldview. It takes the 33to admit you may be wrong. But with a great amount of conflicting information available, who ’s to say what what’’s actually true and what s actually true and what’’s false? If you can’can’t tell, t tell, why not just make life easy and go with what supports your current beliefs?So what 34 do we have? Many suggest that we can 35the issue by reforming adult behavior, but this is aiming too far from source. An alternative solution is using early education to help individuals recognize these problems and 36critical thinking to the information they deal with. Currently, there is a push in the US to include Internet information classes into primary and secondary school curriculums. The movement, which has received some support, aims to make fact-checking seem like second 37 to individuals at an early age.Primary and secondary school are 38to be supplying students with the skills they need to develop into productive and informed members of our society. As our society develops, the curriculum we are teaching our students needs to develop as well.The Internet is an amazing tool, but to use it most effectively we have to accept its benefits while also understanding the ways in which it makes us dangerously39 . If students are still learning the practices such as writing in school, shouldn ’t they be learning how to 40the Internet responsibly as well?III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.People hold different views on almost anything, mainly because of the culture we are familiar with or the education we have received. We live in a 41world where people are quick to point out the faults and imperfections of others, yet seem unaware of their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really are first and then offering suggestions as to how you can improve.So what is the possible solution to42 ? If you are the one forcing others to feel 43 themselves, STOP . Make a conscious decision rather than 44the negative aspect of a person’s performance or attitudes attitudes. . Y ou’ll offer helpful suggestions from the beginning. If I’m painting o beginning. If I’m painting our living room and ur living room and 45in doing so, I would like my husband to say to me, “This is a tough job. Can I offer a suggestion that might make it easier for you?” rather than have him point out what a 46painter I am and then tell me how I should be doing it.If you are on the 47end of criticism, the “OK” response is a perfect solution. When someone comments negatively on a task you are doing or a personality issue of yours, a(n) 48 response is to defend and attack. However, this approach is rarely effective as it puts both parties on the49 . . Instead, simply reply with “OK”. This brief Instead, simply reply with “OK”. This brief one-word response 50the other person’s comment without agreeing with it or feeling necessary to engage in a debate about it.It is important to remain emotionally attached to what the other person is saying, to listen without feeling, to be a(n) 51observer. In fact, there is much that one can learn from a 52review. You can ask yourself: Did I make a mistake? Could I have done better? Did I give 100% of myself to the task at hand? If so, how can I improve myself? As for chronic (习惯性的) criticizers: It is important to set strict boundary with them. Remove yourself from their 53when necessary.54 , one can learn to be “OK” with criticism and not allow it to negatively impact your life or relationship with the other party. Examine it for any potential 55 , and then let it go and just be “OK”.41. A. dependent B. judgmental C. selfish D. creative42. A. criticism B. imperfection C. failure D. unawareness43. A. devoted to B. connected with C. ashamed of D. concerned about44. A.turn downB. get rid ofC. cover upD. focus on 45. A. making a messB. asking for troubleC. having funD. offering a helpful hand 46. A. considerate B. careless C. humble D. modest47. A. forcing B. receiving C. criticizing D. advising48. A. avoidable B. meaningless C. extreme D. natural49. A. impolite B. dangerous C. defensive D. regretful50. A. ignores B. acknowledges C. eliminates D. declines51. A. active B. initiative C. creative D. objective52. A. reasonable B. agreeable C. negative D. instructive53. A. praise B. presence C. comment D. help54. A. In any case B. On the contrary C. To begin with D. For instance55. A. harm B. conflict C. obstacle D. truthSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Being able to land safely is a critically important skill for all flying animals. Comparatively speaking, ground living animals face no particular challenge when they need to stop running or crawling, while flying animals move at much higher speed, and they must be careful about how they land. Hitting the ground, or even water, at full flight speed would be quite dangerous. Before touching down, they must decrease their speed in order to land safely. Both bats and birds have mastered the skill of landing, but these two types of flyers go about it quite differently.In the past it was believed that, in terms of flying mechanics, there was little difference between bats and birds. This belief was based only on assumption, however, because for years nobody had actually studied in detail how bats move their wings. In recent years, though, researchers have discovered a number of interesting facts about bat flight. Bats are built differently from birds, and their wings are made up of both their front and hind limbs (肢体). This makes coordinating (协调) their limbs more difficult for bats and, as a result, they are not very good at flying over longer distances. However, they are much better at the ability to adjust themselves: a bat can quickly change its direction of flight or completely reverse it, something a bird cannot easily do.Another interesting characteristic of bat flight is the way in which bats land-upside down! Unlike birds which touch down on the ground or on tree branches, bats can be observed flying around and then suddenly hanging upside down from an object overhead. One downside to this landing routine is that the bats often land with some force, which probably causes pain. However, not all bats hit their landing spots with the same speed and force; these will vary depending on the area where a bat species makes its home. For example, a cave bat, which regularly lives on a hard stone ceiling, is more careful about its landing preparation than a bat more accustomed to landing in leafy treetops.56. Which of the following is the topic of the passage?A. Places where flying animals choose to land.B. Why scientists have difficulty observing bats.C. Differences in the eating habits of bats and birds.D. Ways in which bats move differently from birds.57. Which of the following is a false assumption about bats that was recently corrected?A. They cannot hear any sound.B. They sleep upside down.C. They fly similarly to birds.D. They hide in tree branches.paragraph) probably refers to “______”.refers to “______”.The word ““it” (in 2nd paragraph) probably58. The wordA. the distance to the netsB. the sense of flying heightC. the flying directionD. the ability to change the speed59. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Bats might hurt themselves when landing.B. Bats can hang upside down like birds.C. Bats can adjust speed before landing.D. Bats and birds land in different ways.(B)What is a TEDx event?TEDx brings the spirit of TED’smission of “ideas worth spreading” to localcommunities around the globe. A TEDx event is a local gathering where live TED-like talks and videos previously recorded at TED conferences are shared with a community. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis. All TEDx events present multiple issues and a diversity of voices from many disciplines. After all, what’s the fun without a little variety?If you want to organize a TED x event, you’ll need to apply for a TEDx license. No one is qualified to organize an event without being granted a license by TED.So you want to organize a TEDx event?Before you start you should know the TEDx rules, which are non-negotiable and mandatory.General rules* We value and welcome young organizers, but if you’re under 18 years old, you must be supervised by an adult. TED doesn’t grant licenses to individuals associated with controversial or extremist organizations.* TED allocates one location-based license series per application. You must live in the city for which you are applying for a license. Your TEDx event must happen in the city forwhich you received the license.* Your event must maintain the spirit of TED itself: focused on the power of ideas to change attitudes or lives. Your event may not exceed (超过) one day in length.* Up to 100 individuals may attend your event. Only individuals who have attended an official TED conference may organize an event with more than 100 attendees. Having attended one or multiple TEDx events or TEDWomen does not qualify you to host an event for more than 100 guests.* TEDx events are named after locations, such as cities, neighborhoods, streets etc., and aim to serve that named community. Event names must comply with the guideline laid out in naming your event.Special attentions※ A TEDx event is not a platform for professional speakers, such as motivational speakers and professional life coaches. Its purpose is to give a platform to those who don’t often have one.※ A TEDx event cannot be used to raise money, not even for a charity.※ A TEDx event can’t be co-branded with an institution except under specific license types – for a college or university, or for internal events (for corporations and organizations).※ TEDx events may not be used to promote spiritual or religious beliefs, commercial products or any kind of political agenda.※ Every TEDx event either shows only TED Talk videos to its audience, or shows both TED Talk videos and live speakers from the community. For events less than half a day in length, two TED Talks videos are required to be shown. For longer events, 25% of the total number of talks must be official TED Talk videos.60. What do we know from the first part of the passage?A. TED organization is not responsible for TEDx events.B. TEDx is TED-like but it is operated independently.C. People can give TEDx speeches under no conditions.D. TEDx speeches should follow a single topic principle.61. According to the General rules, a TEDx event organizer should ______.A. extend the event to one dayB. hold a TED event firstC. name the event after locationsD. host the event in different cities62. Which of the following people may be allowed to make a TEDx speech?A. A member of a volunteer group who wants to collect money for the war victims.B. A college student who wants to advocate the use of green and renewable energy.C. A CEO in a high-tech industry who wants to popularize its newest product.D. A professional speaker who wants to motivate people with successful stories.(C)In an industry with low margins (利润) where the traditional wisdom is led by Walmart, the key to success is lowering operating costs. A big part of those costs are in labor, so it is no surprise that the retail industry has been a leader in using more part-time workers to keep labor costs down, holding the line on wages, not training, and with few exceptions, seeing employees as a cost to be minimized. There is no doubt that these businesses fight for every dollar of margin. Unlike trend-leading hi-tech companies which spend a lot of money on employees to get them innovated, retail industry can spend very limited money on theiremployees.What researchers found was that companies were often staffing their stores far too low, and that many stores tended to perform better with higher staffing levels and were more profitable. Let’s let that sink in for a minute. The stores were making more money (with all other things being equal) when they spent more on employees.They also found that retailers didn’t do a ver y good job when staffing levels are just the actual demand in those stores. In fact, they set staffing levels identically across stores, even when the needs of the stores varied considerably. The average store did not appear to be understaffed, but there were enough that were understaffed and effect on overall company profitability was substantial.Interestingly, the same researchers persuaded the retail chain to run an experiment withthem and slightly raise staffing levels to the amount that their analysis of historical data suggests would be ideal. Y es, labor costs obviously jumped when they did that, but so didcosts——the biggest part is the cost of the profits. In retail, labor is a small percentage of costsproducts they sell. So, the net effect was an increase in profits of $7.4 million across 168 stores on an annual basis.What can we learn from this? One question worth thinking of is: How can traditional retail industry survive the increasingly severe market? Especially now with the growth of online retail, the one thing stores still have going for them is one to one customer contact with salespeople. If retailers cut that down to almost nothing, then they have effectively eliminated their competitive advantage against online stores.63. In the first paragraph, Walmart is mentioned to indicate that ______.A. Walmart is suffering a low return on investmentsB. Walmart is followed by companies in controlling costsC. Walmart well balances investments and profitsD. Walmart should considerably cut costs on its employees64. According to the passage, which of the following is true about retail industry?A. It focuses on lowering costs of employees.B. It intends to over staff employees in the stores.C. It attempts to maintain high income for the employees.D. It invents a large sum of money on staff training.65. What can we learn from the researchersWhat can we learn from the researchers’’ experiment?A. It’’s acceptable to have equal staffing levels across stores.A. ItB. Understaffing helps the stores to operate profitably.C. Profitability has nothing to do with staffing.D. A little over the standard staffing proved to be profitable.66. Which of the following would the author probably agree with?A. For retail industry, cutting product costs is the priority.B. Online retail industry should staff more precisely to be competitive.C. Investment on employees is potentially profitable for retail industry.D. Staffing control is an effective way for retail industry to make profits.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. If so, and if you enjoyed these activities, seek out related careers.B. In these cases, successfully completing a specific major is crucial to landing a job in thematching field.C. Graduating from a university with an excellent major and practical ability will surelymake you more competitive.D. It may influence it, but there are other factors that influence your career options as well.E. The more you learn about workforce market, the better you’ll know the importance ofa desired major.F. Although your major and coursework are relevant to landing a job, they are not the onlydeciding factors.College graduation eventually means taking much of your attention in your first job search. This process can be challenging, especially for those students who had thought very carefully about their chosen major and their potential career path—or those who majored in a field not directly connected to a specific career he eventually got. If you are in one of these groups, fear not! 67Some majors are tied directly to specific career fields. For example, if you wish to become a teacher, you will likely have needed to complete an education program and eventually sit for a licensing exam. The same applies to majors in nursing. If you did not complete an acceptable rsing program, you won’t be able to take the nursing licensing exam. 68 nu nursing program, you won’t be able to take the nursing licensing exam.Other majors, however, are closely related to career paths but don’t necessarily require a degree in the area. For example, students who majored in finance, math, or statistics may also have the necessary skills to be hired as an accountant.Hopefully, as a college student, you were able to do more than just attend classes and read your course books. Y our non-academic experiences can be very influential on your future career as well. Did you work during college, volunteer, or participate in a club or organization? 69 If you volunteered with a non-profit organization such as a homeless or domestic violence shelter, seek out positions in social services related to case management or victim advocacy. You may qualify for a position regardless of your major.Although it often seems like your college major alone determines your career fate, this just isn’t the case. 70 If you don’t know what career opti If you don’t know what career options to consider based on ons to consider based on your major, talk to your faculty or academic advisor. Y ou may be surprised at what opportunities await! IV . Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Are you working with your computer routinely either as a office employee or a game lover? Are your eyes dry, watery, blurry, seeing double or sensitive to light? If your answer is a a ““yes yes”, you ”, you ”, you are likely one of many people today who suffer from digital eyestrain, also called are likely one of many people today who suffer from digital eyestrain, also called computer-vision syndrome. What on earth is this syndrome coming from? What can we do to deal with this problem?Eyestrain is often related to the amount of exposure to screens, the distance from eyes to screens and the use of multiple screens simultaneously. However, studies have also shown that the blue light produced by digital devices today reaches further into the eyes than other kinds of light. This light actually assists attention during the day but can result in interrupted sleep patterns at night.Years of scientific researches indicate that eyestrain isn isn’’t necessarily an unavoidable problem for those who deal with computer work in the daily base. There are ways you can adopt which can overcome the problem considerably. To begin with, your computer screen should be high-resolution (高分辨率), at least 50 centimeters wide diagonally and may require a screen filter to decrease reflections. Also, be aware that “computer glasses”, which cut down glare and blue light ,are available.Besides, to reduce your risk for computer-vision syndrome, take frequent breaks during your computer workday. Many workers take only two 15-minute breaks from their computer throughout their day. According to a recent study, eyestrain are significantly reduced when computer workers take four additional five-computer workers take four additional five-minute “mini minute “mini minute “mini--breaks”breaks” throughout their workday. throughout their workday. Finally, many of us fall into bad habits while using digital screens, which only worsen the effects of eyestrain. While viewing digital screens, many people blink (眨眼) one third less often than they usually do. Place a reminder on your computer to “blink blink”” so that your eyes don eyes don’’t dry out.。
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I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations
and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. At an airport. B. At a hotel. C. At a bus stop. D. At a post office.
2. A. $ 15. B. $ 30. C. $ 45. D. $ 60.
3. A. Food for a picnic. B. Drinks to be delivered.
C. Shopping list for drinks.
D. Preparations for a party.
4. A. Taking a photo. B. Enjoying an exhibit.
C. Practicing riding a car.
D. Hanging a picture.
5. A. Give up the course. B. Make a little progress.
C. Change for another course.
D. Stick to the course.
6. A. Convincing. B. Pointless.
C. Unbelievable.
D. Time-consuming.
7. A. It’s more than satisfactory. B. It’s better than expected.
C. It’s not satisfactory at all.
D. I t’s beyond expectation.
8. A. The man is late for the meeting because he is too busy.
B. The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.
C. The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown.
D. The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.
9. A. She can’t concentrate herself. B. She is fully enjoying herself.
C. She doesn’t like the atmosphere.
D. She is not familiar with the songs.
10. A. Tom will revise his project as the man told him to.
B. The man should give Tom more influence.
C. Tom’s project doesn’t need to be revised at all.
D. It’s unlikely that Tom will revise his project.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. The quality of the food. B. The direction to the food.
C. The distance to the food.
D. The smell of the food.
12. A. Appreciative. B. Believable.
C. Doubtful.
D. Supportive.
13 A. His winning the Nobel Prize. B. The British scientists’ study.
C. The videos of bees’ life.
D. The invention of radar.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.
14. A. Several people were seriously hurt.
B. No injuries were yet reported.
C. Nobody was in the building when it broke out.
D. The fire had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived.
15. A. Planning a new manned landing on the moon in 2019.
B. Testing the possibility of 5G mobile signal coverage on the moon.
C. Establishing mobile communication between the moon and the earth.
D. Sending high definition streaming video and data from the moon.
16. A. Shrinking potato farming. B. Heavy reliance on import.
C. Widespread plant disease.
D. Insufficient potato supply.。