
• 同业协会 同业协会是牛津最大的学生 社团,会员遍布整个大学, 达2000余之众。该协会重在 使会员对外界各行业有非常 清晰的了解而无须亲自去 体 验。它吸引了各个领域的所 有聘用毕业生的一流的公司 或其他机构。更值得一提的 是该协会及其下属部门都完 全由学生,即协会会员 来管 理。任何其他地方、其他社 团都无法像这样让会员了解 真实的行业。毕业生聘用方 也也越来越意识到了这一点。 同业协会可以为你 的就业面 试增添优势。
snooker tables, the largest lending
library for students in Oxford, and
the only late-night student bar. In
short, with over 10 000 resident
members and roughly 85% of new
期 四 、 星 期 五 , 在 High
• The Oxford Union is the world's
foremost debating society, with a
deserved reputation for bringing
• The Guild is the largest student society in Oxford, with over 2000 members drawn from all around the University. It aims to give its members the best view of the working world available without actually experiencing it first hand. It attracts all the top graduate recruiters, from all areas. And what makes this all the more remarkable is that the Society and all its subsidiary organisations are entirely run by students, the members of the society. No other student society, anywhere, can offer as much exposure to the real working world, and graduate recruiters are increasingly aware of this fact. The Guild can give you the edge when it comes to interviews.
• 同业协会 同业协会是牛津最大的学生 社团,会员遍布整个大学, 达2000余之众。该协会重在 使会员对外界各行业有非常 清晰的了解而无须亲自去 体 验。它吸引了各个领域的所 有聘用毕业生的一流的公司 或其他机构。更值得一提的 是该协会及其下属部门都完 全由学生,即协会会员 来管 理。任何其他地方、其他社 团都无法像这样让会员了解 真实的行业。毕业生聘用方 也也越来越意识到了这一点。 同业协会可以为你 的就业面 试增添优势。
snooker tables, the largest lending
library for students in Oxford, and
the only late-night student bar. In
short, with over 10 000 resident
members and roughly 85% of new
期 四 、 星 期 五 , 在 High
• The Oxford Union is the world's
foremost debating society, with a
deserved reputation for bringing
• The Guild is the largest student society in Oxford, with over 2000 members drawn from all around the University. It aims to give its members the best view of the working world available without actually experiencing it first hand. It attracts all the top graduate recruiters, from all areas. And what makes this all the more remarkable is that the Society and all its subsidiary organisations are entirely run by students, the members of the society. No other student society, anywhere, can offer as much exposure to the real working world, and graduate recruiters are increasingly aware of this fact. The Guild can give you the edge when it comes to interviews.

案例一:3月19日下午,成都某校一化学实验 室突然起火。事故原因是该校3名学生在实验时 操作失误,使金属钠与水接触,从而导致火灾 发生。且该实验室内还存有10公斤金属钠,一 旦引发爆炸,足以让所在的6层大楼顷刻灰飞烟 灭。
案例二:5月20日,某科技大学女研究生从事实 验时,高温物质溅出,导致脸部烫伤及双眼严 重伤害可能造成失明之意外事件。
9. 每次取用化学药品后必须盖好瓶塞。 10. 不溶解的固体、废物或火柴等物体应放入指定的容器内,切 勿倒在洗涤槽内。 11. 实验后必须清洗用具和整理所有仪器。 12. 离开前必须清理实验桌,保持清洁。 13.离开前必须断开电源。 14.仪器如有损坏,应立即向老师或实验员报告。 15. 若化学药品溅在身上,应立即用大量清水冲洗,并向老师报 告。
可以帮助我 们观察肉眼 看不见的物 质。
1、没有老师陪同,学生不得进入实验室。 2、未经老师批准,学生不得进入准备室。
4、实验室内不准饮食。 5、未经老师批准,学生不得触摸任何仪器、用具或化学药品。 6、学生必须按照老师的基本要求进行实验。 7、使用后的仪器或化学药品必须放回原处。 8、切勿把实验后剩余的药品倒回试剂瓶。 9、每次取出化学药品后必须盖好瓶塞。 10、不溶解的固体、废物或火柴等物体应放入指定的容器内,切勿倒入 洗涤槽内。
• • • • • • • 苹果落地引发了牛顿的思考; 牛顿是怎样思考的? 石头能够抛出多远? 炮弹落在多远的地方? 火箭呢? 但不管怎样,都会落回到地上! 那么月亮为什么不落回来呢?
收集你最喜欢的科学家的资料,向大家介绍他有 什么研究成果,他是如何开发研究的。

• IELTS全称国际英语测试系统 (InternationalEnglish Language Testing System),。IELTS考试是一门科学的语 言测试考试。 • 此项考试是为申请赴英语国家(美国、 英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等) 留学、移民的非英语国家学生而设, 用来评定考生运用英语的能力。
the oldest university in Britain
Wang Yanan
Dining hall
University of Oxford 牛津大学
• Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world's most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100's. It is located in Oxford, England,about 80kilometers northwest of London.
• The Rhodes scholarship 罗兹德奖学金 program enables students from the United States, Canada, and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimum of two years.
new words
• 1.institution 制度; 机构;协会 public institution 事业单位 social institution社会制度 institution of higher learning 高等学校 2.alumnus 男校友 alumni alumna 女校友 alumnae 3.nationality 国籍,国家;民族;部落 minority nationality 少数民族 dual nationality 双重国籍
Oxford university牛津大学介绍

The Mission of Oxford
The mission of Oxford:
--achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research,
--maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and
--enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates.
The Rhodes Scholarship
Rhodes scholarship (罗氏奖学金) is a scholarship for study at Oxford University, a sum of money awarded annually to students from the United States, South Africa, and several Commonwealth countries to help pay for studies in the United Kingdom at Oxford University
• Each dot on my map represents a town.
consist of: (no passive) be made up of
The Mission of Oxford
The mission of Oxford:
--achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research,
--maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and
--enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates.
The Rhodes Scholarship
Rhodes scholarship (罗氏奖学金) is a scholarship for study at Oxford University, a sum of money awarded annually to students from the United States, South Africa, and several Commonwealth countries to help pay for studies in the United Kingdom at Oxford University
• Each dot on my map represents a town.
consist of: (no passive) be made up of

与课程配套的练习册,包含大量练习 题和测试题,帮助学生巩固所学知识 并提高应用能力。
推荐一些适合儿童使用的英语词典和 发音指南,帮助学生更好地掌握英语 单词的发音和拼写规则。
推荐一些适合儿童阅读的英语绘本, 通过有趣的故事情节和生动的插图, 帮助学生巩固自然拼读技能并提高阅 读兴趣。
课后及时反思教学过程, 总结成功经验和不足之处。
通过教授字母和字母组合 的发音规律,帮助学生建
利用图片、视频等多媒体 资源,展示发音时的口型 和舌位,帮助学生更直观
从简单到复杂,逐步引入 新的发音和拼写规则,确 保学生能够逐步吸收和消
对于有一定英语基础的学生, 可以根据实际情况选择跳级 学习,提高学习效率。
对于初学者,建议从基础级 别开始学习,逐步掌握英语 发音规则和拼写技巧。
教师和家长可以配合教材使 用,引导学生多进行口语练 习和阅读练习,巩固所学知 识。

also at the heart of the hightechnology centre known as
Silicon Fen. Cambridge is best known for the University of Cambridge, which includes the renowned Cavendish Laboratory, King's
• Few could go to the universities. Most English people spoke neither Latin (the language of the Church and of education), nor French (the language of law and of the Norman rulers). It was a long time before English became the language of the ruling class.
In the 18th century Oxford was era of scientific discovery and religious revival.
Religious controversy ->John Henry Newman, became a Roman Catholic in 1845 and was later made a Cardinal.
• 1167: Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.
• The prestige of Oxford is seen in the fact that it received a charter from King Henry II, granting its citizens the same privileges and exemptions as those enjoyed by the capital of the kingdom; and various important religious houses were founded in or near the city.
Silicon Fen. Cambridge is best known for the University of Cambridge, which includes the renowned Cavendish Laboratory, King's
• Few could go to the universities. Most English people spoke neither Latin (the language of the Church and of education), nor French (the language of law and of the Norman rulers). It was a long time before English became the language of the ruling class.
In the 18th century Oxford was era of scientific discovery and religious revival.
Religious controversy ->John Henry Newman, became a Roman Catholic in 1845 and was later made a Cardinal.
• 1167: Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.
• The prestige of Oxford is seen in the fact that it received a charter from King Henry II, granting its citizens the same privileges and exemptions as those enjoyed by the capital of the kingdom; and various important religious houses were founded in or near the city.

Most students get help with their fees and, unlike loans, this help does not have to be repaid. And remember that fees only cover a quarter of the cost of most courses. The Government pays the rest.
1. 考陶德艺术学院(伦敦大学)Courtauld Institute of Art,
London 2. 牛津大学 University of Oxford 3. 帝国理工学院 Imperial College, London 4. 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 5. 伦敦政经学院 LSE 6. 伦敦大学学院 University College, London 7. 布里斯托尔大学 University of Bristol 8. 曼彻斯特大学 University of Manchester 9. 格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow 10. 卡迪夫大学 Cardiff University
centuries in industry cities around England.
▪ They focus on new technology in Industrial
▪ They do well in engineering courses and
help Britain to have the most industrial power in the world.
1. 考陶德艺术学院(伦敦大学)Courtauld Institute of Art,
London 2. 牛津大学 University of Oxford 3. 帝国理工学院 Imperial College, London 4. 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 5. 伦敦政经学院 LSE 6. 伦敦大学学院 University College, London 7. 布里斯托尔大学 University of Bristol 8. 曼彻斯特大学 University of Manchester 9. 格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow 10. 卡迪夫大学 Cardiff University
centuries in industry cities around England.
▪ They focus on new technology in Industrial
▪ They do well in engineering courses and
help Britain to have the most industrial power in the world.

In the 18th century Oxford was era of scientific discovery and religious revival.
Religious controversy ->John Henry Newman, became a Roman Catholic in 1845 and was later made a Cardinal.
General information about education:
• What did the students learn in the Middle Ages?
Geometry and Latin.
• By the end of the Middle Ages, English as well as Latin was being used.
• Many schools were opened, because there was a growing need for educated people who could administer the government, the Church, the law and trade
(Anglican Church<->Roman Catholic)
From 1878, academic halls were established for women, who became members of the University in 1920. Since 1974, all but one of Oxford's 39 colleges have changed their statutes to admit both men and women. St Hilda's remains the only women's college.

• 三笠宫彬子女王 日本皇室
• 大卫·卡梅伦
• 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李 万维网的发明者,现任麻省理工学院正教授
• S.艾略特(Merton) 英国现代派诗人和文艺评论家,1948年诺贝尔文学奖得主。
பைடு நூலகம்
• 休·格兰特
耶稣学院(Jesus College) 基布尔学院 (Keble College) 凯洛格学院(Kellogg College) 玛格莉特夫人学堂(Lady Margaret Hall) 李纳克尔学院 (Linacre College) 林肯学院 (Lincoln College) 莫德林学院(Magdalen College) 曼斯菲尔德学院(Mansfield College) 奥里尔学院(Oriel College) 彭布洛克学院(Pembroke College) 默顿学院(Merton College) 新学院(New College) 纳菲尔德学院(Nuffield College) 奥里尔学院(Oriel College)
牛津大学 university of oxford

University of Oxford
• 牛津是学术机构的天下。牛津共有104个图书馆。 其中最大的博德利图书馆是英国第二大图书馆(仅 次亍大丌列颠图书馆),亍1602年开放,比大英博 物馆的图书馆早150年,现有藏书600多万册,拥 有巨大的地下藏书库。剑桥也有近100个图书馆, 藏书约500多万册,每年购书经费约300万英镑 (折合4000多万人民币)。根据1611年英国书业 公所的决定,英国任何一家出版社的图书都必须免 费提供一册给牛津和剑桥的图书馆,至今如此。 • 牛津出版社举世闻名,是世界上最大的大学出版社。 尤其是它的20卷《牛津英语词典》,享誉全球。
• 至今牛津大学最老的据说是默顿学院,建于1264年,最年 轻的叫圣凯瑟琳学院,建于1963年,两个学院相差整整七 个丑纪。学院除要照料学生食宿外,幵安排各类体育、团 体社交活动,负责指派导师(tutor)照顾学生。由于各学 院财务状况不一,有的学院很有钱,有广大的场地及良好 的设备戒福利,像客房、图书馆及研究室等。而大学所扮 演的角色,主要是向外代表各学院,统一安排全校课堂讲 授(lecture)及讨论会(Seminar),以及统一颀发毕业文 凭等工作。就实质情况来看,学生和所属学院的兲系,进 超过了大学。
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
• 牛津大学(University of Oxford,简称:Oxon.)位亍英国 牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学。虽然牛津大学的确 切创立日期仍丌清楚,但其历史可大约追溯到十二世纪末, 迄今已有九个世纪。1209年,在牛津学生不镇民的冲突事 件过后,一些牛津的学者迁离至东北方的剑桥镇,并成立 剑桥大学。自此之后,两间大学彼此之间展开相当悠久的 竞争岁月。

Oxford University Library is one of the oldest public libraries in the world, and has
been used to shoot some scenes of "Harry Potter" series of films in the magic
牛津大学共有104个图书馆。其中最大的是英国第二大Bodleian图书馆图书馆(仅次于大英图书馆),于 1602年开业,大英博物馆图书馆超过150年前,600多万册的现有的集合,有着巨大的隐藏的地下书库。剑 桥也有近100库,每年约教科书资金500多万份约300万英镑(折合4000多万人民币)的书。根据1611英国书 业展厅决定任何英国的图书出版公司必须提供一份免费的图书馆,以牛津,剑桥,到目前为止。
school. 牛津大学图书馆是世界上最古老的公共图书馆之一,曾被用来拍摄《哈利·波特》系 列电影中魔法学校的部分场景。
这座漂亮的罗马式拱形建筑是牛津大学图书馆的阅览室, 旁边就是大名鼎鼎的牛津基督教堂学院。 This beautiful arched Romanesque architecture of Oxford University Library Reading Room, Oxford Christ Church College next to the famous.
University of Oxford 牛津大学
制作人:杨珍 杨雪 蒋佳杰
University of Oxford (Oxon)
O University of Oxford,Located in the city of Oxford, is the English-speaking world's oldest university, is the world's second oldest existing university. The "cradle of genius with the Prime Minister," said the reputation. Although the exact date of the creation of the University of Oxford is still unclear, but it has a record of teaching history dating back to about 1096, so far, nine centuries.
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• The competition for scholarships and grants is, however, extremely strong and there are usually strict requirements. Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs.学 生们在申请某一项奖学金之前应仔细 核查是否有资格,因为多数奖学金对 学生国籍和(或)课程都有限制。
CBT考试267,写作5.0。 IBT考试109。 剑桥熟练英语证书考试(CPE):B级 基本标准: 雅思成绩:总分7.0,听说读写均不得低于6.5。托 福成绩:纸笔考试600,写作4.5。CBT考试250, 写作4.5。IBT考试100。 • 剑桥熟练英语证书考试(CPE):C • • • • •
• The university has over 16,300 students (1999-2000), almost a quarter of these students are from overseas and more than 130 nationalities(国籍) are represented. It consists of 35 colleges(学院), plus five private halls established by various religious groups. Three of the five private halls are for men only. Of the colleges, St. Hilda's (圣 希尔达)and Somerville (萨默维尔)are for women, and the rest are for men and women.
• THE TIMES 第6位 • ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities ) 第 十名 • QS World University Rankings (教育组织 Quacquarelli Symonds ) 第5位 WRWU (Webometrics Ranking of World Universities) 第42位
new words
• 1.institution 制度; 机构;协会 public institution 事业单位 social institution社会制度 institution of higher learning 高等学校 2.alumnus 男校友 alumni alumna 女校友 alumnae 3.nationality 国籍,国家;民族;部落 minority nationality 少数民族 dual nationality 双重国籍
• The Rhodes scholarship 罗兹德奖学金 program enables students from the United States, Canada, and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimum of two years.
• TOEFL全名可为检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考 试The Test of English as a Foreign Language。 • 有三种,分别是: pbt—paper based test 纸考 677, cbt—computer based test 机考 300, ibt—internet based test 网考 120, 新托福满分是120分。 • TOEFL考试的有效期为两年,是从考试日期开始计 算的。例如:2003年1月18日参加考试,这次考试 成绩的有效期是从2003年1月18日到2005年1月18 日。
alumni and alumnae
• Shelley David Cameron
• Margaret Thatcher
• 在提出申请前,首先需要选定将要就读的专业和 院系,然后在申请截止日期前分别将两份申请表 和两份所需的其它材料寄到GAO (Graduate Admissions Office研究生招生办公室 ) • 牛津大学对申请读研究生的人在英语方面有较高 的要求,各专业往往要求学生达到以下两种标准: • 较高标准: • 雅思成绩IELTS :总分7.5,听、说、读、写均不得 低于7.0。 • 托福成绩TOEFL :纸笔考试630,写作5.0。
the oldest university in Britain
Wang Yanan
Dining hall
பைடு நூலகம்
University of Oxford 牛津大学
• Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world's most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100's. It is located in Oxford, England,about 80kilometers northwest of London.
• IELTS全称国际英语测试系统 (InternationalEnglish Language Testing System),。IELTS考试是一门科学的语 言测试考试。 • 此项考试是为申请赴英语国家(美国、 英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等) 留学、移民的非英语国家学生而设, 用来评定考生运用英语的能力。