
真题一:大学英语六级翻译(2018年12月)译文:Having a strong sense of professionalism and always adhering to ethical practices are two essential traits for a competent employee. In today's competitive job market, it is crucial for individuals to demonstrate integrity, honesty, and accountability in their work. Employers place high value on employees who can maintain professional standards and create a positive work environment.解析:本文是一篇关于职业道德和职业素养的翻译题。
首先,我们需要理解题意并找出关键词,如“strong sense of professionalism”(强烈的职业精神)、“adhering to ethical practices”(遵守职业道德)、“competent employee”(优秀员工)等。
例如,在翻译“ethical practices”时,可以选择直译为“职业道德”,以保持原文的意思;在翻译“create a positive work environment”时,可以选择更通顺的表达方式,如“营造积极的工作环境”。

三套练习1.中国的官方语言普通话( Mandarin)在美国的学校中突然热起来。
Mandarin, China’s official language, suddenly becomes popular in American schools. Due to the leading role of China’s economy in this century, both public and private schools of the U.S. are a dding Chinese to their foreign language teaching or expanding esta blished Chinese teaching subjects. According to statistics, 50 thousa nd children are learning Chinese in American schools. Difficulties d o have emerged in the process of promoting the Chinese teaching projects. Due to the lack of teachers with professional training an d certificates, some schools are less competitive in Chinese teachin g. While hiring teachers, they would recruit some directly from Chi na, leaving potential dangers for cultural conflicts.2.农历正月(the first lunar month)十五是中国的元宵节(LanternFestival),人们习惯在门外悬挂大红灯笼,孩子们提着彩色的灯笼玩,大人们则上街观赏各式各样的灯笼。

• 2008年12月 • 82. He designed the first suspension bridge , which———— ——— (把美观与功能完美地结合起来)。 • 83.It was very dark, but Mary seemed to ——————— (本 能地知道该走哪条路。) • 84. I don’t think it advisable that parents—————— (剥夺 孩子们的自由) to spend their spare time as they wish. • 85. Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and——————— (与不那么活跃的人相比 死亡率要低)。 • 86.Your resume should attract a would-be boss’s attention by demonstrating ———————.(为什么你是某个特定职位 的最佳人选)。

大学英语六级翻译试题汇总总分:90分题量:16题一、问答题(共16题,共80分)1.翻译:Cultureshockiscausedbytheanxietythatresultsfromlosingallfamiliarsign sandsymbolsofsocialintercourse.(PassageFour)答:文化震撼是由于社会交往过程中失去了所有本来熟悉的标记和符号引起焦虑而产生的。
2.翻译:Asthesourceofaluminumisalmostinexhaustible,wecanexpectthatmoreandmor euseswillbefoundforthisversatilemetal.(PassageTwo)答:由于铝的资源几乎是无止境的,我们可预计对这种多用途的金属将会发挥越来越多的用途。
3.翻译:Bymakingvehicleslighterinweightaluminumhasgreatlyreducedtheamountoff uelneededtomovethem,(PassageTwo)答:由于能够减轻运输工具本身的重量,铝材能大大地减少驱动它们本身所需的燃料。
4.翻译:Thecaptainrealizedthatthementriedtodeceivehimsohemadethemworkveryhar dfortherestofthevoyage.(PassageOne)答:船长意识到这些船员是要欺骗他,因此,在余下的航程里他让他们干更累的活。

一、 虚拟语气(The Subjunctive Mood)1. If the guaranteed yield were not reached, ________(我们将补偿损失).2.If ______(美国没有参加第二次世界大战),probably the unemployment rate 14% would have risen still further.3.If you hadn't watched that late movie last night, ______(你现在就不会困).4.We wouldn't lose courage ______(即使我们再一次失败).5.She returned, and ______(她会说更多的话)had he not walked away.6. The business is risky, but it will be terrific if we give it a try. ______(如果我们成功的话), we would be rich.7.If we hadn't got everything ready by now, ______(我们明天就会很麻烦了).8.______(他本来会给我们更多的帮助), but he has been so busy. 9.But that ______(他当时缺钱), he would have come to help us. 10.I was ill that day. Otherwise ______(我会参加聚会). 11.I would go to visit that beautiful lake but I______(联系不上你)while I am now in Boston. 12.I would have asked him to attend out gathering but ______(我不知道他的地址). 13.He knows that he shouldn't have done it, he wished ______(他没做这件事).14.I wish ______(我呆在家里), I don't like this place.15.John wants to see me today, but I would rather ______(他明天来). 16.His teacher recommended that he______(在大学一年级学一门外语)instead of waiting until the following year. 17.The housemaster was very strict, and he requested that we ______(不要在晚上看电视).18.When Edison died, it was proposed that ______(美国人关掉所有电灯)for several minutes in honor of this great man. 19.It is most important that ______(车闸工作正常). 20.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ______(加热到燃烧的温度).21.What do you think of his motion that we ______(将会议推迟)? 22.I think it is high time that Mr. Smith ______(下定决心). 23.Violetta has a curious expression on her face as though she ______(正在为某事发笑). 24.Every attention must be paid to him, lest ______(他觉得不如其他客人).25.If only ______(工作再细心一点). 26.May this book in a small way ______(有助于促进两国之间的理解和友谊).27.In this country it is required that anyone who has recently come here ______(必须交税).28.______(不管天气好坏),we will set off as we planned.1. we would make up the loss.2. the United States had not entered the Second World War3. you wouldn't be sleepy now4. even if we were to fail again5. would have said more6. Should we succeed7. we would have a terrible time tomorrow 8. He would have given more help9. he was short of money at the time 10. I would have taken part in the party11. can't get in touch with you 12. I didn't know his address 13. he hadn't done it 14. I stayed at home15. he came tomorrow16. take a foreign language in his freshman year 17. not watch television at night18. the American people turn off all the lights 19. one of the brakes on your bicycle work properly 20. be heated to its burning temperature 21. put off the meeting22. made up his mind23. were smiling about something24. he feel that he is inferior to my other guest 25. he had worked with more care26. help to enhance the understanding and friendship between the two countries27. have to pay taxes28. Be it good or bad二、 复合句(The Complex Sentences)1. _____(所有的行为可以学会)is a basic assumption of solid scientists.2.I have never taken _______ (不属于我的任何东西).3.But _______ (最伤害我们感情的东西)was the personal comment of the judge.4.This is the hour _______ (这个地方挤满孩子).5.Word had come from Mrs. Kane _______ (她星期三到达).6.I had not the smallest doubt _______ (你在撒谎).7.It is because English is useful _______(我们才努力学习它).8.Give me one good reason _______ (我应该帮助你).9.The reason I'm so late is _______(我的汽车在路上抛锚了).10.A majority of people can get all the calcium _______(他们身体需要)from the food they eat.11.This is a subject _______ (我们可能争论很久).12.The girl _______ (她的工作获奖了)is the youngest in her class. 13.My father may have to go into hospital, _______(在那种情况下)hewon't be going on holiday.14. _______ (我害怕的事情)is their taking him to Ravenne. 15.I leave it to your own judgment _______ (你是否应该做这件事). 16.It had drafted two different constitutions, _______(其中的一个)wasnever put in force.17.We are in a position _______ (我们可能失去一大笔钱).18.Perhaps it will be a long time _______(汤姆从国外回来).19.The business would be a success,_______ (无论谁拥有它).20.Through long power lines electricity goes _______ (需要它的地方).21. _______ (他们是否会派代表出席会议)is not yet known, but we hope they will.22.Then I discovered, _______ (对我来说是新闻的东西), that his wife was Paleiret's niece.23.They were the Boy Scouts _______(他们的任务是帮助老人穿过马路).24.He was the only friend I made during the four years _______ (我上大学).25.There was much certainly _______(委员会会同意这个项目).26.Does British foreign policy remain the same_______ (无论哪个政党执政)?27.We drove out of the town by the same road _______ (我们进城时走的路).1.That all behavior can be learned2. anything that didn't belong to me3. what hurt our feelings most4. when the place is always full of children5. that she would arrive on Wednesday6. that you were telling a lie7. that we study it hard8. why I should help you9. that my car broke down on the way10. that their bodies require11. about which we might argue for a long while12. whose work got the prize13. in which case14. What I am afraid of15. whether you should do it16. one of which17. where we may lose a large sum of money18. before Tome comes back from aboard19. whoever owned it20. where it is needed21. Whether they will send a representative to the conference22. what was news to me23. whose task was to help elderly people cross the street24. when I was at university25. that the committee would agree to my object26. whichever party is in power27. as we had entered by三、非谓语动词(The Non-finite Verbs) 1.The teacher ______(在忙着做算术题)upon the blackboard.2.His handwriting is very bad, so I have much trouble ______(阅读他的信).3.It is heartening to see millions who had nothing but a record of misery and hunger ______(有机会改进生活).4.All these worries made it impossible ______(她专心致志于她的工作).5.______(在随后的演讲中)she will give us some information about the situation in Africa.6.What's troubling them is their _______ (没有足够的设备).7.You are cordially invited to a party ______(我们学院举办的)at 1:30 p.m.Dec.2.8.The farmer caught ______(孩子们偷他的苹果).9. Not ______(做好充分的准备), they thought it better to postpone the excursion till next week.10.Peter developed a method for bringing substances to the lowest temperatures _______(现代科学所知的).mercial banks make most of their income from ______(在贷款和投资上获得的利息)in stocks and bonds.12.Waves generally result from ______(作用在水上的风).13.The speaker was booed for his proposal, and that was certainly not _______(预期的反应).14.They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted _______ (没有能够帮助他们).15.I'd appreciate _______ (你寄来这些信).16. _______(在那种环境中被抚养成人), Harriet demonstrated an interest in theology at a young age.17.By taking the back way he escaped _______ .(发现偷钱)18.When _______(从地平线附近看), the Moon appears strikingly larger.19.The whole group took part in the discussions, each member_______(有责任)of leading one meeting.20.“I can't see the blackboard very well.”“Perhaps you need _______(检查眼睛).”21. _______ (把木质建筑物刷上漆)helps to protest them from damage due to weather.22.“Have you found the lost car?”“It was found _______ (抛在路边).”23.If the project _______(年底完成的)is delayed, our unit will be fined.e back on Monday; it is no good _______ (在此之前来).25.Now I can manage to make myself _______ (说你们的语言而别人理解).26. _______(收到答复后), he decided to write another letter to them.27. _______(众目睽睽之下), he felt too nervous to speak,28.We do not permit _______ (在办公室抽烟). So we do not ______(允许他在这里抽烟).29.Weather _______(许可), we shall go skating tonight.30.They were two small gatherings, each ______(有一些学生参加).31.Wind and rain continually hit against the surface of the Earth, _______(击碎大块岩石)into smaller and smaller particle.32.All we can do is try _______(使他认识到)that he ought to study more.33.My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs _______ .(清洗)34.The guests _______(离开宾馆),they resumed their discussion.35.Whenever my mother washes her clothes, she often asks if I _______(有要洗的衣服).36. _______(要解释社会的任何方面)the sociologist must determine the laws influencing human behavior in social contexts.37.The photographer thought he was supposed to arrive after the guests, but I meant _______ (他早点来).38.By 1871 there were 6,000 telegraph stations in the United States, _______ (全部根据这个系统工作).1. was busy working out sums2. reading his letter3. have the chance to improve their life4. for her to concentrate on her work5. In the lectures to follow6. not having enough machine tools7. to be given at our institute8. the boys stealing his apples9. having made adequate preparations10. known to modern science11. interest earned on loans and investments12. wind acting on water13. the anticipated response14. being unable to help15. your mailing these letters16. Raised in that atmosphere17. being seen taking the money18. seen near the horizon19. having the responsibility20. to have your eyes examined21. Painting wooden buildings22. abandoned off the highway23. to be finished by the end of the year24. coming before that25. understood in your language26. Having received an answer27. Being watched by a crowd of people28. smoking in the office,permit him to smoke here29. permitting30. attended by some students31. breaking large rocks32. to make him realize33. cleaning34. having left the hotel35. have any clothes to wash 36. To explain any aspect of society37. for him to come early38. all working on this system四、主谓一致(The Agreement Between The Subject and The Predicate)1.An iron and steel works, together with some satellite factories, _______ (将在这里修建).2.Mr.Smith, along with his wife and two sons, _______ (刚刚离开)and will return at four o'clock.3.That intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals _______ (受到一些学者的怀疑).4.What his father left him _______ (只是几件破衣服).5.After a careful inspection the manager came to the conclusion that only two-thirds of the available machinery _______ (在使用)efficiently.6.More than one person _______(卷入这个案件).7.Many a ship _______ (在这些岩石上搁浅).8.In Naples the number of illiterates _______ (超过人口的百分之六十).9.The office staff _______ (被聚集在一起聆听董事长训话).10.I quite agree with you that either of them _______ (适合这项工作).11.Neither of the drivers who are being held by the police _______ (知道谁应该对这起事故负责任).12.Either the shirts or the sweater _______ (适合这个季节).13.It is reported that _______(一个科学家兼作家)has headed many United States expeditions to observe total solar eclipses.14.A series of lectures _______(学校将提供)to mark the centennial anniversary of the founding of the school.15.The type of stories my mother told me in my childhood _______(从未再听过).16.Three million tons of coal _______ (今年出口).17.He is, however, one of those restless people who _______(从未满意)his present environment.18.Only about one of twelve of the young men and women of this country _______ (受过大学教).19.He is the only one of my friends who _______(将出国定居).20.The committee _______ (一直在争论)those problems among themselves for many hours.1.is to be built here2. has just left3. is questioned by some scholars4. was but a few old clothes5. was being used6. was involved in this case7. has wrecked on those rocks8. has exceeded sixty percent of the population9. are gathered to hear the president speak10. is suitable for this job11. knows who is responsible for the accident12. is suitable for this season13. a scientist and writer14. is to be given by the school15. has never been heard again16. has been exported this year17. is never satisfied with18. receives a college education19. is to settle aboard20. have been arguing about五、倒装结构(The Inversion)1. “Mr.Smith has certainly been working hard.”“ _______ (他姐姐们也是这样).”2.We do not believe their nice words. _______(我们也不会害怕)their bluster(大声的威吓).3. _______(直到二十世纪七十年代末期)did Anna find an outlet for her talents and sympathies in charitable work.4.Only outside the Earth's atmosphere _______ (是安全的)for a space vessel to attain extremely high velocities(速度).5.I made up my mind that under no circumstances _______ (我不能同意这么一项原则).6. _______(如果我不是忙于目前的工作), I would be quite willing to do what you ask me to.7. _______(尽管时间很早),there were several people waiting in front of the booking office.8.“Where is my notebook?”“ _______ (给你).”9. _______ (他刚一出去)when it began to rain.1.So have his sisters2. Neither are we afraid of3. Not until the late 1970's4. is it safe5. could I agree to such a principle6. Were I not engaged in my present work7. Early as it was8. Here it is9. Scarcely had he gone out六、形容词和副词(The Adjective and Adverb)1.He is _______ (与其说勤奋,倒不如说聪明).2.An assistant manager is _______ (比经理低).3.The harder the shrub is to grow _______ (价格就越高).4.Prices for bikes at that store can run _______(高达)$250.5.Columns may be circular or polygonal(多边形的)in cross section, and are generally at least _______(高四倍)than they are wide.1. more wise than diligent2. inferior to a manager in position3. the higher the price is4. as high as5. four times taller七、连词和介词(The Conjunction and The Preposition)1.Some people waste food _______ (而其他人不够吃).2.He checked all his figures again _______ (以便报告尽可能地好).3. We'd scarcely got into the country _______ (这时开始下雨).4.Every attention must be paid to him _______ (以免他觉得不如其他客人).5. _______ (既然孩子们平平安安), you no longer have anything toworry about.1.while others haven't enough2. in order that the report might be as good as possible3. when it began to rain4. lest he feel that he is inferior to my other guests5. Now that the children are back safe and sound八、动词(The Verb)1. I prefer to read _______ (也不去看电影).2. Do you mind _______ (我打开窗户)?3.We _______ (肯定在打网球)in the park when you phoned.4.He _______ (七点钟本应该已经到达伦敦), but he started too late.5.They _______ (不可能出去了)because the light's on!6.When we got to the theatre, the play hadn't started yet, so we _______ (本不必着急).1. rather than go to the cinema2. if I open the window3. must have been playing tennis4. ought to have been in London by eleven o'clock5. cannot have gone out6. needn't have hurried九、时态(The Tense)1.He _______ (已按了按钮)before we could stop him.2.He said he _______ (英语学了十年)by the time be graduated.3. _______(只要你还钱)promptly, I'll lend it to you with pleasure.1. had pressed the button2. would have studied English for ten years3. As long as you return the money back十、平行结构(The Parallel Patterns)1. _______ (看见一次)is better than to heart a hundred times.2.I like reading novels _______(胜过看电视).3. _______ (去滑冰)and to go skiing are popular winter sports in the Northern United States.4.______(生活水平越高), the greater the amount of paper used .5.Nearly all trees have seeds that ______(落在地上), take root, and eventually generate new seeds .6.Demand for a consumer product depends on ______(购买者的收入)and the prices of competing products.7.The role of the party system in American politics has always been _______(不是分裂而是团结).8.For my part, I have not the slightest doubt _______(关于他的勇气或诚实).9.In an editorial, a writer may criticize, praise, or merely _______(讨论一些官员或群体的行为).10.Family problems, business worries, and, more than anything else, _______ (渴望绘画), motivated his flight to Tati.11.Mrs.Harvey has the habit of asking questions _______ (然后不听答案).1.To see once2. more than watching TV3. To go ice skating4. The higher the standard of living5. fall to the earth6. the incomes of buyers7. not to divide but to unite8. as to either his courage or his honesty9. discuss the actions of some officials or groups10. a desire to paint11. and then not listening to the answersadhere to 忠于after all 毕竟,归根结底at random 随机地,任意地break out 突然发生,爆发break up 打碎but for 要不是by far 最,……得多by no means 决不,一点也不catch on 理解,明白catch up with 赶上collide with 碰撞,冲突come up with 想出,提出come up with 追及,赶上comment on 评论contrary to 与……相反contribute to 有助于,促成cope with 应付,妥善处理cut short 打断,制止do away with 消灭,废除,去掉do credit to 为……带来光荣due to 因为go in for 从事,致力于go off 爆炸hang by a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危heap praise upon 对……大加称赞in accordance with 与……一致,按照,根据in between 在两者之间in case of 防备,以防in honour of 为纪念in response to 响应,反应in terms of 根据,从……方面来说in that 因为in the vicinity of 在附近keep off远离,抑制lay off (暂时)解雇letalone 更不必说look into 调查look on 看待lose no time 立即make sense of sth. 讲得通,言之有理of no avail 无用,无效on file 存档on no account 决不,绝对不on the decline 衰落中,衰退中out of stock 无现货的,脱销的provided that 假如,若是pull up 使停下put away 放好,放起来regardless of 不管,不顾result in 导致,结果是result in 发生,导致see to 照料,注意show to 引导,引领stand for 容忍,接受take on 承担,接受take over 接管,接收take to 对……产生好感,开始喜欢talk into 说服that is 即,也就是turn in 上交turn out 生产出turn to 求助于ward off 防止,避开with reference to 关于,有关work out 想出,制订出worth one’s while 值得。

二、汉译英专项练习一、倍数增减的表示法Force N1 _______________ ( 比力 N2 大 2.5 倍).This substance _______________ ( 反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍 ).The earth _______________ ( 是月球大小的 49 倍).The landlord _______________ ( 想将租金提高三分之一 ).They _______________ ( 计划将投资增加一倍).二、时态Be quick, _______________ ( 否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了).When she got home, _______________ ( 孩子们已经睡着了).When I prepare for the college entrance examination,_______________ (我姐姐将在海边度假).I_______________ (一上午都在修改我的简历 ).Do you often go on holiday? _______________ (不,我已经有五年没有度假了).He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________ ( 他参军已五年了).三、被动语态The blackboard and chalk _______________ ( 正在被电脑和投影机所取代).The book _______________ ( 到今年年底就将已出版 ).Computer models _______________ (可以用来演示细胞工作的方式 ).When the bill of fare was brought, _______________ ( 我惊呆了,价格大大超出了我的预料 )._______________ (必须立即采取有效措施 )to eliminate sandy storms.四、情态动词The phone is ringing, _______________ (但是没人接听。

The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West. It extended more than 6,000 kilometers. The Silk Road was named after ancient China’s silk trade which played an important role in the civilization development of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that pap ermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing of the four great inventions of ancient Ch ina were introduced around the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain sprea d all over the world. Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk R oad to meet the needs of the Chinese market.中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。

翻译:.3.汉字(Chinese character)是世界上最古老的文字之一,其历史能够追溯到5000年前。
翻译:.5.重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival),在每一年的农历九月初九,是中国的传统节日。
翻译:.11.大兴安岭(Great Khingan Mountains)丛林茂盛,林地占730万公顷(hectare),丛林覆盖率达74.1%。
翻译:.16.中国是粮食生产大国和人口大国(population country),粮食平安面临着危机.翻译:.17.“银发产业”(silver industry)是一个新名词,是指以老年人为目标客户的产业。

Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America. The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty. The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon. On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty. In 2006, Mid-Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday. Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. There are characters of “longevity”,“good fortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional mo on cakes.试题二:丝绸之路闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。

参考译文:In the past,owning a private car was a luxury thing for most Chinese.Nowadays,private cars can be seen everywhere in China.Cars have become an integral part of people's life:They not only drive to and from work,but also travel around by car.Spikes in car ownership have resulted in more prevalent traffic gridlock and inadequate parking space in some cities,which has prompted local governments to roll out new rules to rein in the number of cars on the road.As air pollution gets more serious,now more and more people choose to buy new energy vehicles.The Chinese government has taken some measures to support the development of new energy vehicles.高铁中国目前拥有世界上最快的高速铁路网。

六级翻译练习题答案及解析翻译练习11. enrich their knowledge and experience解析:此题考查合译法,"积累"与"丰富"可以共用一个英语动词enrich,而enrich的前缀en-有"使.....。
本句如果译成can cause the accumulation of their knowledge and the abundance of their experience也没有错,但行文复杂。
2. fit our actions to those of other people解析:此题意为:我们是基于一贯的评价和理解来使我们的行为符合别人的。
因此,不能译成fit our actions to other people。
3. strive with each other in answering questions解析:此题考查固定短语"争先恐后"可以译成strive to be the first或vie with each other,vie是不及物动词,一般与with连用,表示"与某人竞争做某事"。
另外,此题The class are very active的集合名词class 指代班级成员因而谓语用复数。

大学英语四六级翻译真题大学英语四级真题:翻译大学英语四级真题:翻译87.The substance does not dissolve in water ________________(不管是否加热)。
88.Not only _______________(他向我收费过高),but he didn ’t do a good repair job either.89. Y 89. Your losses in trade this year are nothing ____________________(our losses in trade this year are nothing ____________________(与我的相比)。
90. On average, it is said, visitors spend only _____________________(一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.91. By contrast, American mothers were more likely____________________ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.06.687 Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble ______(找到去历史博物馆的路). 88 __________(为了挣钱供我上学), Mother often takes on more work than is good for her. 89 The professor required that __________________(我们交研究报告)。
90 The more you explain, _________________(我愈糊涂). 91 Though a skilled worker, _______________(他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis.06.1287. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to___(适应不同文化中的生活)88. Since my childhood I have found that ___________(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)89. The victim___________ (本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.90.Some psychologists claim that people_________ (出门在外时可能会感到孤独)91.The nation ’s population continues to rise_________ (以每年1200万人的速度) 07.687. The finding of this study failed to _____________(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内).88.The prevention and treatment of AIDS is ____________(我们可以合作的领域) .89. Because of the leg injury, the athlete__________________(决定退出比赛).90.To make donations or for more information, please ________(按以下地址和我们联系).91.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning ______________(如果你方便的话).07.1287 __________(多亏了一系列的新发明), doctors can treat this disease successfully. 88 In my sixties, one change I notice is that ______________(我比以前更容易累了). 89 I am going to pursue this course, _____________(无论我要作出什么样的牺牲).90 I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because ____________(它更方便和省时).91 Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life _______________(用他们能够借到多少来衡量的), not how much they can earn.08.687. Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research______ .(能应用于新技术的开发)(能应用于新技术的开发) 88.I can ’t boot my computer now. Something ____________(一定出了毛病) with its operation system.89. Leaving one ’s job, ____________________,(不管是什么工作), is a difficult change even for those who look forward to retiring.90.________________________,(与我成长的地方相比),this town is more prosperous andexciting. 91.__________________(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill.大学英语六级真题:翻译大学英语六级真题:翻译72. It was essential that ____________(我们在月底前签订合同).73.To our delight, she________________ (进大学一个月就适应了校园生活).74.The new government was accused____________ (未实现其降低失业率的承诺).75.The workmen think ________________________(遵守安全规则很重要).76. The customer complained that no sooner ________________(他刚试着使用这台机器, 它就不运转了).06.1272.If you had _______________________________(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).73.With tears on her face, the lady ________________(看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室). 74.After the terrorist attack, tourists ___________________(被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游).75.I prefer to communicate with my customers _________(通过写电子邮件而不是打电话).76.________________________ (直到截止日他才寄出)his application form.07.6:82. The auto manufacturers found themselves __________ (正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额).83. Only in the small town __________________ (他才感到安全和放松).84. It is absolutely unfair that these children _____________ (被剥夺了受教育的权利).85. Our years of hard work are all in vain, ___________________ (更别提我们花费的大量金钱了).86. The problems of blacks and women ________________________ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).07.1282 But for mobile phones, ______________________(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).83. In handling an embarrassing situation, ____________(没有什么比幽默更有帮助的了).84. The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but _________________(他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因). 85. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _____________(而动物的行为主要依靠本能).86. The witness was told that under no circumstances ____________________(他都不应该对法庭说谎).08.682. We can say a lot of things about those____________________________(毕生致力于诗歌的人); they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.83. Mary couldn ’t have received my letter,______________________.(否则她上周就该回信了)。

2012 年六月翻译题及答案82. ___________________ (他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties 。
答案:Their only son has never thought83. Before you take any action, please remember to 权(衡你的决定会产生的后果)答案:weigh your decision against its possible consequences84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances 他(会违背还钱的承诺)答案:would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money 。
85. Most educators advise that kids _________________(不要沉溺于电脑游戏)。
答案:should not be addicted to computer games. / should not indulge themselves in computer games / should not abandon themselves to computer games 。
86. Business major as he is, he has _________________ (未考虑过从事推销员的工作)。
答案:never considered working as a salesman 。
2011 年12 月英语六级真题及答案汇总1. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking,you would have been knocked down by a car. (也许会被车撞到)解析:本题考察虚拟语气。

要脚踏实地(be down-to-earth), 热忱周到地为他人效劳,哪怕是简洁的小事,也要从一点一滴做起。
参考翻译:Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,one not only offered help to others,but also expressed one kind of self-respect.To help others,one should give up selfishness and shouldn”t consider his own interest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.To be ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helping others, one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready to help others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.翻译讲解:1.表达了一种自尊:可译为express one kind of self-respect。

Mandarin, China's official language, suddenly becomes popular in American schools. Due to the leading role of China's economy in this century, both public and private schools of the U.S. are a dding Chinese to their foreign language teaching or expanding esta blished Chinese teaching subjects. According to statistics, 50 thousa nd children are learning Chinese in American schools. Difficulties d o have emerged in the process of promoting the Chinese teaching projects. Due to the lack of teachers with professional training an d certificates, some schools are less competitive in Chinese teachin g. While hiring teachers, they would recruit some directly from Chi na, leaving potential dangers for cultural conflicts.2.农历正月(the first lunar month)十五是中国的元宵节(LanternFestival),人们习惯在门外悬挂大红灯笼,孩子们提着彩色的灯笼玩, 大人们则上街观赏各式各样的灯笼。

历年六级翻译真题答案汇总( 2012-2015)2013年12 月英语六级考试翻译真题及译文试卷一:丝绸之路【参考译文】The world-famous Silk Road refers to a series of routes that connects the East and the West. The Silk Road extends for over 6,000 kilometers and derived its name from the ancient China 's silk .trTahd e trade that occurred on the Silk Road played an important role in the development process of the civilization of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It is by way of the Silk Road that China 's four great inventions, namely papermaking, powder, compass and printing technology, were introduced to all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread to the whole world. Material and cultural exchanges are two-way, for Europe also satisfied the demands of Chinese market by exporting various commodities and plants to China through the exported various goods and plants through the Silk Road.试卷二:中秋节【参考译文】Since ancient times, Chinese people have celebrated their harvest during the mid-Autumn, which is quite similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day in North America. The custom of celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival started gaining its popularity in the early Tang Dynasty around China. The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, is a festival for Chinese people to worship the moon. During the night of the day when the bright moon is shining in the sky, there will be family reunions and family members will enjoy the bright moon together. In 2006, the Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as a Chinese cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was designated as a public holiday. The moon cake is seen as the indispensable fine food for the Mid-Autumn Festival. People send moon cakes as gifts to their relatives and friends or they eat moon cakes enjoyed at family gatherings. Traditional moon cakes are imprinted with Chinesecharacters conveying such meanings as “ longevity “b”le,ssing”or a i ”“ harmony ”.试卷三: 中国园林【参考译文】The Chinese garden is a unique landscape in virtue of evolution of more than three thousand years. It includes not only the large gardens built by the royal family for enjoyment, but also the private ones built by scholars, businessmen and former government officials for getting rid of thehustle and bustle of the outside world. These gardens constituted a kind of miniaturized landscape which aims at displaying the due harmonious relationship between human and nature. Typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls. In the gardens there are ponds, rockworks, trees, flowers and plants, and various architectures that are connected by winding paths or corridors. When rambling in the gardens, people can enjoy a series of elaborately designed landscapes which are presented in front of them like a landscape painting scroll.2014年 6 月英语六级考试翻译真题及译文试卷一:中国科学院Recently, Chinese Academy of Science recently has published a series of annual reports about its latest scientific discoveries and a blueprint for the coming year. The reports consist of three parts: science development, high-technology development and China 's sustainable development strategy. The first one includes the latest discoveries by Chinese scientists, such as the research of new particle and the breakthrough of the H7N9 virus research. The report also highlights the issues that need to be concerned in the next few years. The second one announces some hot areas of applied science research, for instance, three-D printing and artificial organ research. The last one suggests enhancing top level designs to remove structural barriers arising from industrial upgrading and promote energy conservation and emissions reduction.试卷二:治理污染Beijing has planned to invest 760 billion yuan to tackle pollution in the coming three years, starting from reducing the PM 2.5 emissions. This newly released plan is aimed at reducing four major pollution resources, including the exhaust emissions from more than 5 million motor vehicles, the burning of coals in the surrounding areas, the sandstorms from the North and the local construction dust. Another 85 billion yuan will be used to build or upgrade the facilities for treatment of urban garbage and sewage and additional 30 billion yuan will be invested in forestation in the next three years.The municipal government also plans to set up a group of water recycling factories and curb peccancy buildings in order to improve the environment. In addition, Beijing will punish more severely the behaviors that violate the regulations of emission limitation.试卷三:中文热词Chinese hot words usually reflect social changes and culture, and some of them are becoming increasingly popular in foreign media. Tuhao and dama, for example, are both old words, but theyhave gained new meanings.Tuhao used to mean landlords in the countryside who oppress their tenants and servants, but now it refers to those who spending money without control or those who like to show off their wealth. That is to say, a tuhao owns a lot of money but has no taste. Dama is used to describe middle-aged women, but now it refers specifically to those Chinese ladies who bought gold in bulk when gold price fell not long ago.The words tuhao and dama may be included in the new Oxford English Dictionary. So far, about 120 Chinese words have been added to Oxford English Dictionary, becoming a part of the English language.2014年12 月英语六级考试翻译真题及译文试卷一:经济发展Since the reform was launched in 1978, China has transformed from the planned economy into a market-based economy and undergone rapid economic and social development. An average GDP growth rate of 10% a year has lifted more than five hundred million people out of poverty. The UN Millennium Development Goals have been achieved or are about to be reached in China. At present, the 12th five-year plan in China stresses the development of service industry and the solutions to environmental and social imbalance. The government has set goals to reduce pollution and enhance energy efficiency, improve the chances of education and health care and expand social security. The current 7% of annual economic growth target of China demonstrates that the government values the quality of life rather than the rate of growth.试卷二:乡村生活理想The ideal rural life reflected in art and literature is an important characteristic of Chinese civilization. It is largely attributed to the Taoist 's affection to nature. There are two most preferred themes in traditional Chinese paintings. One depicts various happy scenes of family life in which usually the elderly drink tea and play chess, young men farm and harvest in the fields; women weave or sew clothes and kids play outdoors. The other depicts various recreation of rural life. In these paintings, fishermen fish on the lake; farmers cut firewood or collect herbs in the hills, or scholars chant poems or paint under pine trees. These two themes can represent the ideal life of Confucianism and Taoism respectively.试卷三:教育China will try to make sure that employees receive 13.3 years of education on average by 2015. If the goal is achieved, most people who enter the labor market will have to acquire a college diploma in the future.In the next few years, China will attach great importance to increasing the student enrollments of vocational colleges: apart from focusing on higher education, China will also seek new breakthroughs to ensure a fairer education system. China is endeavoring to make the best use of educational resources and therefore rural and underdeveloped areas will receive more supports.The Ministry of Education has also determined to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas and provide equal opportunities for children of migrant workers to receive education in cities.试卷一:中国城市化进程The 2011 is a historic moment in Chinese urbanization process, when the urban population surpassed the rural population for the first time. During the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural population will move to cities. Such large-scale of urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to the urban traffic. The Chinese government has always been advocating “ pe-o pril e nted ” developing concept, emphasizing that people should travel by buses instead of by private cars. It also calls for the construction of “ resource saving and environmfriendly s”ociety. With this explicit goal, China can have a better-planned urbanization process, and therefore divert more investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transportation system.试卷二:汉朝The Han Dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. There were many significant achievements during the region of this Dynasty. It was the first dynasty to open the door to other cultures. And its foreign trade was prosperous. The Han Dynasty developed the Silk Road that reached the Middle and Western Asia and even Rome. Various forms of art thrived during that time when many great works on literature, history and philosophy sprang up. China 's first dictionary was compiled in 100 A.D.,containing 9000 characters, for which it provided meanings and displayed different ways of hand-writing. At the same time, development of science and technology had made great progress. Paper, water clocks, sundials and instruments used to detect earthquakes were invented. The Han Dynasty lasted for 400 years. However, its rulers' corruption eventually led to its destruction.试卷三:中国待客之道In China, variety of foods and dishes is needed in traditional ways of entertaining guests and makes them impossible to finish the dinner. Typical menus of Chinese banquet include cold dishes to start and the following hot ones. For example, meat, chicken, duck and vegetables.In most banquets, a whole fish dish is considered indispensable, unless various kinds of seafood have been served. Nowadays, Chinese people tend to mix Western specials with traditional Chinese cuisine. Thus, steak is not rare. Traditionally, although the Chinese do not eat any of the uncooked dishes, salads have also become popular. The banquet usually has at least a bowl of soup that can be offered as the first or the final dish. Desserts and fruits usually mean the end of the feast.1.I think that the meal __________________________________ (没有折扣的情况下值$80).2. _______________________________________ (面对来自其他公司的激烈竞争), theautomobile manufacturer is considering launching a promotion campaign.3. ________________________________________________________________________ As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister _________________________________________________ (几乎没有什么共同之处).4.Only after many failures ____________________________________ (我才认识到仅凭运气是不能成功的).5.But for the survival instinct which nearly all creatures have, ________________________ (更多的物种就可能已经在地球上灭绝了).翻译解析:1. is well worth $80 without a discount【点评】well worth ,“值”,后跟动名词或名词;discount 折扣。

// 我集团坚持"让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国"的出版原则,全心致力于中国外语教育与研究事业的发展,全心致力于中外文化交流事业的拓展。
// 为了加强对出版人才队伍的建设,为了满足日益增长的特殊出版业务的需要,我集团每年都要选派一些青年员工到国内外知名高等学府和研究机构进修,// 根据我们的发展战略,我们会将前进的步伐迈出国界走向世界,瞄准海外读者群,这一战略已取得了良好的开局。
//The China International Publishing Group is the largest and the most authoritative foreign language publishing and distribution establishment, its predecessor being the International Press Bureau of the Central People's Government Press and PublicationAdministration.//Adhering to the publishing philosophy of "assisting China's march to the world and facilitating world's understanding of China", the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.// In order to build up a strong team of publishing staff, as well as to meet the growing need of moretechnically demanding business, the Group makes it a rule that young staff be selected and sent to noted universities and research institutions, both domestic and overseas,for further studies.// As is clearly spelled out in our new development strategy,we will go beyond our national boundaries and wedge ourselves into the world circulation market, aiming at the international readership. Our initial efforts have been very rewarding.大学英语六级翻译练习题(二):中美贸易国际贸易的基本原则是平等互利,各国追求各自的利益是正常的,出现一些摩擦和纠纷也是不可避免的。

汉译英专项练习答案及解析⼀、倍数增减的表⽰法is 2.5 times greater than Force N2(考点:倍数 + 形容词/副词⽐较级 + than)reacts three times as fast as the other one(考点:倍数 + as + 形容词/副词 + as)is 49 times the size of the moon(考点:倍数 + 名词)wants to raise the rent by a third(考点:动词 + by + 数词/百分⽐/倍数)plan to double their investment(考点:double + 名词)⼆、时态or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church(考点:将来完成时)the children had fallen asleep(考点:过去完成时)my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside(考点:将来进⾏时)have been revising my resume all the morning(考点:现在完成进⾏时)No. It has been five years since I went on holiday(考点:It has been … since sb. did sth. 表⽰某⼈有多长时间没有做某事了)He has been in the army for 5 years(考点:1. 现在完成时;2.要⽤持续性动词才能接⼀段时间)三、被动语态is being replaced by the computer and the projector(考点:被动语态的现在进⾏时)will have been/published by the end of this year(考点:被动语态的将来完成时)can be used to demonstrate the way that cells work(考点:1. 被动语态与情态动词联⽤; 2. 汉语有些没有“被”字等标志词的句⼦也表⽰被动, 要译成英语的被动语态)I was startled, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated(考点:同“3”的考点2)Effective measures must be taken immediately(考点:汉语的⽆主句通常翻译成英语的被动语态)四、情态动词but there is no answer. She can’t be at home(考点:情态动词可以表⽰可能性,can’t 表⽰“⼀定不”)I may have left them in the coffee shop yesterday(考点:“情态动词can/could, may/might, must + 完成式”⽤于表⽰对过去发⽣的动作的主观判断)You must have dreamed of something terrible(考点:同上)You should have invited her to your graduation ceremony(考点:“情态动词should/ought to + have done” ⽤于评论过去应该做⽽实际并未做的动作,含有批评的意思)I needn’t have put on my best suit to go to the party(考点:“情态动词needn’t + have + done”表⽰对过去发⽣的动作进⾏评论,认为“⽆须发⽣”,“不必做”)五、虚拟语⽓I had had your opportunities when I was young(考点:I wish后的that从句中⽤过去完成式表⽰过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望)he had known this disease is curable(考点:If only 引导的感叹句表⽰“但愿”或“要是……就好了”,⽤法与 I wish…基本相同)painted it blue, and without any decorations(考点:would rather 后的that从句中⽤过去式表⽰不是事实)measures were taken to solve the problem of traffic jams(考点:It’s (about/high) time 后的that从句中⽤过去式,表⽰“该是……的时候了”)as though he were delivering a speech at an assembly(考点:as if / as though引导的从句中⽤过去式表⽰和现在事实相反或对现在情况有所怀疑)Jack (should) be sent to hospital right now(考点:表⽰“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词所接的宾语从句通常⽤“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)more mobile shops (should) be set up in the residential area(考点:表⽰“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词所接的主语从句通常⽤“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)they (should) set up a special board/committee to examine this problem(考点:表⽰“建议、命令、要求、想法”的名词所接的表语从句通常⽤“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)the mid-term exams (should) be canceled(考点:表⽰“建议、命令、要求、想法”的名词所接的同位语从句通常⽤“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式)[表⽰“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词及其名词常见的有:advise (advice), agree (agreement), decide (decision), decree, demand, determine (determination), grant, indicate (indication), insist (insistence), order, prefer (preference), propose (proposal), request, require (requirement), resolve (resolution), stipulate (stipulation), suggest(suggestion), urge, vote;常见的这类动词还有:allow, arrange, ask, beg, concede, demonstrate, ensure, intend, move, pledge, pray等]we (should) be short of water in a country where it is always raining(考点:在It is/was +形容词后的that从句中常⽤“sb. should do”的形式表⽰建议惊奇等。

近年来英语六级翻译真题汇总(含答案)近年来英语六级翻译真题汇总(含答案)2015 年12 月六级翻译真题及参考译文第1套:中国工业升级最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级。
Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in building high-speed trains, ocean going ships, robots and even airplanes. Not long ago, China won a contract to build a high-speed railway in Indonesia: it also signed a contract with Malaysia to supply it with high-speed trains. This proves that people believe in products made in China. Products made in China are more and more popular. China has paid for this, but it does help eradicate poverty and provide jobs for people around the world. It's a good thing, to be commended. The next time you go to the store, you may want to have a look at the name of the country where the goods you buy are made. It is likely that this product is made in China.第2套:中国减贫在帮助国际社会于2030 年前消除极端贫困过程中,中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色。
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2012年六月翻译题及答案82. ____________________(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leavethem and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties。
答案:Their only son has never thought83. Before you take any action, please remember to_______________(权衡你的决定会产生的后果)答案:weigh your decision against its possible consequences。
84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances_________________(他会违背还钱的承诺)答案:would he break/breach his promise/commitment to payback the money。
85. Most educators advise that kids ____________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏)。
答案:should not be addicted to computer games. / should not indulge themselves in computer games / should not abandon themselves to computer games。
86. Business major as he is, he has ____________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员的工作)。
答案:never considered working as a salesman。
2011年12月英语六级真题及答案汇总1. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking, you )也许会被车撞到would have been knocked down by a car. (解析:本题考察虚拟语气。
句子是与过去事实相反,因此用would have +过去分词,表虚拟语气。
2 By no meansdoes he regarded himself as an expert, (他把自己当成专家)although he knows a lot about the field.解析:本题考察倒装和词组regard sb. as sth.(把…当作…)。
介词短语by no means 置于句首,构成部分倒装,因此把助动词does 提前。
3 He doesn't appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him, however, he takes it for granted.(把他们所做的视作理所应当)解析:本题考察词组take sth. for granted (把…当作理所当然)。
同时,考生要注意句子后半句前是一个逗号,要加上一个连词and 或者加上however。
4 Janet told me that she would rather her mother not have interfered with her marriage.(不干涉她的婚姻)解析:本题考察would rather have done sth, 表示过去事件,句子中told提示是过去发生的事,因此用would have interferedwith。
5 To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship. Edward Wilson found himselfalways searching for information onthe internet.(经常上网查信息),现现在分词(作宾补)+宾语find+解析:本题考察了感官动词searching。
因此这里用月大学英语六级考试翻译6 2011年Cultural invasion is likely to have a negative effect on 87.). the diversity of culture. (文化多样性产生消极的影响likely 本题根据题目给出的部分可以提炼出一个短语:be 点评:那么根据句意我们可以划线部分的中心词是产生消极影to do sth.综合句意和短语用法可得出响,have a negative effect on sth.答案为have a negative effect on the diversity of culture。
used was professor quite punctual 88.Although himself, the.being late for class(学生上课迟到)to students'根据句意和题干的类型可以得出此处要填的是一个独立主点评:结合句意和题干类型可得for be 格结构。
迟到的固定结构式:late being late for class'出答案students(做些规89 .If only the committee made some regulationsand put them into effect as soon as possible.定)根据提供的汉语意思和句式结构可得出此处要填的是句子点评:引导的应该是虚拟语气,时态用过的谓语部分,再看句式If only made some regulations去时,再结合句意可得出答案是90 Color and sex are not relevant to whether someone is. suitable for the job or not_(一个人是否适合这份工作)的to 点评:根据题干类型和汉语意思可得知这里要填的是介词引导宾语从句,再结合句意可得whether or not 宾语从句,且是由.whether someone is suitable for the job or not_ 知答案是the would The manager rather his daughter didn't work in 91 same office with him.(不与他在同一间办公室工作)和汉语意思可得出后面点评:根据题干类型里的would rather根据整个句意和句要填的是一个句子,而且句子的形式是虚拟语气,didn't work 式结构得知答案应该是从句虚拟语气的否定形式即为:in the same office with him出题者对基础语法和部分固定结构可以看出,纵观整个翻译题,在做题可以真实的考查出考生的英语基础水平。
6年月大学英语六级考试翻译2011stop they would rather already late, 82.Even though they werego just view(beautiful 宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than for the on.解析:stop 本题考查两个知识点,比较活。
停下来做某事可以表达为为汉译英动词转名词的技巧,即→doing sth. sth.for (此处sth.。
而”欣赏美丽的或者stop and do sth.stop to do sth. sth.),enjoy the beautiful view即可。
景色”,若用动词组合表达则为the discussion in was No 83. agreement reached the between two parties, as either side refuses to soften their positions) 任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场( 解析:一定程度上考查了考本题语言表达在新闻英语中出现频率较高,neither side生平时练习新闻英语听力的成果。
任何一方既可以用(后跟“不肯放弃”either side(后跟“放弃”的表达),也可以用ground, standpoint, 的表达),而立场的表达较多,可用position, stance等,所搭配的动词也不尽相同。
本来84. The pills could have cured the cancer patient (), but he didn't follow the doctor's 可以治愈那位癌症病人的advice and take them regularly.解析:这是历年六级考试中出等到本题虚拟语气的用法并不令人惊讶,更侧重于康复,现频率最多的考点之一,而治愈则用动词cure。
heal 愈合之意。
(你85. It is really kind of you to give me so much helpI really feel obliged to you. 真好,给了我那么多帮助);解析:的句本题令人欣喜,因为对于it is kind of sb. to do sth.法,绝大多数考生都烂熟于胸,而趋于口语的整句意思,也可轻易补全空格内容。
86. The war left the family scattered all over the world,(他and it was thirty years before they were able to reunite 们才得以重聚)解析:的上下文语境用法。
除去“在…之前”的意思before 本题考查A两事先后发生,即+ before + B从句还能理解为A,B外,A从句。
采用汉译英中的动词转名词的技巧,则可回答before their2010年12月英语六级翻译考试试题答82. There is no denying that you ___________(越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.解析:can never be too careful / can not be too careful【考点解释】本题考查“越仔细越好”“再…也不为过”的固定搭配,即can never be too/can not be too + adj.【原句精释】无可否认,处理这件事,越仔细越好。