Kalrez 规格尺寸对照表(AS 568和Metric)
ASTM A568M-98 碳素钢及高强度低合金钢热、冷轧薄钢板、带的一般要求
ASTM A568/A568M-98 碳素钢及高强度低合金钢热、冷轧薄钢板、带的一般要求(2)生产厂应对每炉钢进行化学分析(熔炼分析)测定相应规范中所规定的元素含量。
(4)除非供需双方另有协议,在验证分析或仲裁分析时所使用的方法应按最新版本的ASTM A751。
5 力学性能1.力学性能要求、试样数量及取样位置、试样取向均应按相应产品规范的要求。
(2)除非产品规范中另有规定,试样制备、试验方法及操作应按ASTM A370。
弯曲试验(若有要求)应按ASTM E290。
6 尺寸允许偏差规范中规定了厚度、宽度、长度、平坦度等项目的允许偏差,详见规范正文。
7 精整及产品状态(1)热轧薄钢板表面带有在热轧过程中形成的氧化铁皮,它们可以应用户的要求经酸洗或其他方法去除,通常带氧化铁皮的热轧板不用于表面要求高的暴露用途。
ASTM A568/A568M-98 碳素钢及高强度低合金钢热、冷轧薄钢板、带的一般要求(续)热轧薄钢板可按规定以轧制边或切边后供货,不切边钢卷的头、尾是舌状的,若要切头尾在合同中应给予规定。
它可以三种表面结构供货,即粗糙(matte)、普通光亮(commercial bright)、及光亮(luster)。
MARINE FILTRATIONWORKING AS HARD AS YOU DOIT’S IN OUR BLOODCATERPILLARBALDWIN OEAIRPA618-S4L9852PA1620-S4L9851PA1629-S4L9853PA1631-S5L1203WPA16496L3313PA17656L4714PA1765 FOAM2N7003PA23847W5313, 8N5313PA25544N0015PA26538N6309PA2653 FOAM8N2555PA28488N2556PA36331059741, 1059742PA39044P0710PA39054P0711PA39321131578PA300692076870FUELBF6141R0712, 4N5823PF823-E5L7564, 6H5932PF9358H4681, 9M2342BF9701P2299, 1R0740, 6L7440 BF75871R0749BF76321R0751, 6I4783BF76331R0750BF76391R0755PF76551R0718, 1R0756, 8N9850 BF7677-D1454501PF77991R0725, 1R0766PF78904P7384CATERPILLAR (CONT’D)BALDWIN OEF/W SEPARATORPF3168N0205BF9126N7617, 8N9803BF12831290373BF1283-SP1290372BF1395-O1335673BF7674-D2053043PF7890-301346307LUBEB751R0714PT88-HD5S0485, 6H9937, 6H9999, 8F1151B991R0716, 2P4005BT2167W2327BT2301R0713BT3649L9200PT670 (Paper)1R0659, 1W7399, 4W4840, 5S0484, 9F6426, 9F6430, 9F6700 B14052201523P70031R0726, 7N7500, 4P2839P70121791502, 1W4136B72991R1808PT7332 (Metal)1R0659, 1W7399, 4W4840, 5S0484, 9F6426, 9F6430, 9F6700 B76001R0739B77001R1807OTHERPT88-HD5S0485PT275-109G6420BW51379N3368BW51381112371BW51399N3367BT8840-MPG 1446691YOU MUSTTHINK RULESARE MADETO BEBROKENIt’s a tough life. It forces you to push your limits.Baldwin pushes limits too. There’s no stopping uswhen it comes to protecting your engine. We have thecoverage, quality, service and availability you need.Baldwin has what it takes to be your one-source filterprovider, keeping your engine running and ensuringyou return home safe.YOUR SINGLE, RELIABLE FILTER PARTNERCUMMINSPA602AF274, 1401089PA1667-FN AF437K, 1401204BF596FF202BF788FF5052BF957-D FF105DBF7879FF5285, 3890017BF46002FF5644, 2881458BF855FF5051, 1491758BF1212FS1212BF1216FS1216BF1226FS1251BF1262FS1013BF1280FS1280BD103LF3000B196LF670B205LF734B281LF3473, 1220550BT339LF3349BT427LF3345C704-L LF500C750-E LF750DB7396LF3325B7577LF777BW5071WF2071BW5073WF2073DETROIT DIESELBF59223518527BF59323518526, 23530640BF78423518528, 23530642BF78523530643PF9025574508BF580023518481, 23530706BF581023530707BF581523518530, 23530645BF7639-D2*******BF769723518529, 23530644BF980020922801PF9924 KIT A0000903451, A0000903551, A0000904251BF581223516189BF581323512317PF768023514049PF774823533816B6-HPG23518668B9523530407B49523530573B703023529744B71355241800310B71805361840001B72295241840301P5092A4722030255DEUTZRS3517P532966RS3717P533781BF5872133943BF587-D1174482PF594W2H4115BF7901174424, WK7123BF900WK94019BF9881160243, 1181917, Q1H4117, WK723 BF1292-O4291642BF7883WK9305BF79151174696BF79971182672P41E1214P52P3H4120B2181174420B2281174416B2361160025, 1174421, A15H4123, W9626 BT2921174418, A1H4123P7145HU9472XP7188HU9453XP7199HU9316XB727612850312JOHN DEERE (6068, 6076, 6081 SERIES)BF959AR86745, RE27091BF7673-D RE50455BF7674-D RE52987BF7677-D RE62420BF7717RE506428BF7853RE522688BF7949-D RE522878BF7949-DM RE521538BF1285-SP RE519608BF1353-SPS RE522372BF1354-SPS RE522687BF7682-D RE508633BF7950-D RE529643BF7971-D RE522966BF9921-O RE503676BT259T19044BT486RE46380, RE57394B7125RE59754P7233RE509672B7322RE504836KOHLERPA602271276PA1712231847PA20674508302, 3508302PA20684708301PA20694708303PA3890253107PA39012408303P40A271271B43-S GM28351BT2235205002B243277233T300-M270197B14101205001B1438GM16703DON’T BE LEFTSTRANDEDThe engine is the heart and soul of your boat and abreakdown is not only costly, it can be dangerous.With Baldwin on board, you can be sure your enginehas protection you can rely on.WORKING AS HARD AS YOU DOIT’S IN OUR BLOODLUGGERBF5962455001BF9542452020BF9592452259BF75462454808BF7673-D2451003, 2451005B22405401B1962404801BT2592400000B71252401002B72232405701BW51392414802, AR87112BW51402415001NORTHERN LIGHTSBF5962455001BF9542452020BF9592452259BF75462454808BF7673-D2451003, 2451005B22405401B372408001B1632403100B1962404801BT2592400000B71252401002BW51392414802BW51402415001PERKINSBF82526560017, 26561117, 2656621, 7111296 BF8847111796BF954130366020BF7674-D2*******BF7681-D2*******PT10832527, 26540132BT2162654403BT2372654407VOLVO-PENTAPA2181876185PA2771823701PA3483842280RS543221377909PA5664858488RS569321196919BF5878385932BF790829913BF825236628, 3581078, 7111296PF950233897BF954861477PF986870065, 876554BF988243004, 3825133, 4669875, 8299132 BF79693852413, 3862228BF4603421879886PF5981147147PF598-10861014BF791855686, 8556862BF1386-O21380475PF7890-103838854BF46101-O3817517VOLVO-PENTA (CONT’D)B2430143B63850559B27835440, 8354409B35-S841750B43-S3827069B75847741B76466634, 4666343, 21707133B76-SS478736B163266286, 418432, 897321, 1266286, 12662862B2363831236BT2516612598B7165834337B740921707132B7685477556WAUKESHAPA1637-FN350123BPA1676-FN208226PA2360-FN207965PA2426-FN208227PA2691169180CPA2693169180GPF116153188PF821-S F1106PLPF902DDED8PF906117900, FBM1124APB, FBM1124APBPF7550F1104B2164830B50176554, 199269B99199395C133-W168660V1656-T167602V1874-T172607AWESTERBEKEBF82514776, 7111296BF88419397B216655B17930220, 36918B20235828YANMARPF71712910055650PF93710450055710BF94012947055701BF753511977355510BF783812957455711PF98612032455760BF753412185755710B161-S11900535100, 12408535111B22711966035150B140011930535151BD702911977090620B748712915035153800.822.5394 | Designed and manufactured in the USA.Form 602 (R 9/21) © 2021 Baldwin Filters, a Parker Hannifin CompanyWARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide, Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol-A, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .。
(3)AS568 O形圈尺寸表及部件对照表
单位 mm 油 压 用 燃 料 用 润 滑 油 用 O 形 圈 实 际 尺 寸
线径 内径
油 压 用 燃 料 用 润 滑 油 用 O 形 圈 实 际 尺 寸
线径 内径旧
单位 mm
线径 内径
线径 内径
线径 内径旧
线径 内径
线径 内径旧
在K alre z®全氟化橡胶诞生后的30余年中,杜邦高 性能弹性体公司成功地开发了一系列产品,以适应 现代工业日益严格的密封需求。至今,已经有30个以 上不同序号的产品应用在以下工业领域: ■ 为半导体生产开发了高纯净度的8002,8085和8475 等系列 ■ 为化学工业开发了高稳定性的1050LF,4079和6375 等系列 ■ 为机械设备应用开发了长效密封的7075和6190系列 ■ 为石油和天然气工业开发了耐温抗压的2044,3018 和3065等系列 ■ 为医疗食品应用开发了低污染的6221和6230系列 ■ 为涂装设备行业开发了抗溶剂的6880和6885系列 ■ 为航空 航 天工业开 发了抗 强 氧 化的10 4 5 和 4079ASM系列
振豪公司供应各类静、动态密封件产品,包括O形圈及各 类往复运动密封件、旋转运动密封件,并可根据客户需 要定制各类异形密封件等。
深圳振豪密封技术有限公司致力于为不同工业需求提供最高性 价比的密封方案,迄今已为化工、能源、半导体、医疗、食 品、航天、电讯等行业提供了上千套解决方案,并为国内外多 家知名企业、制造商配套密封产品。公司一直致力于为客户提 供高质量的密封件产品及完善的售前售后服务。随着公司业务 的迅速扩大,先后在上海、北京成立分公司,并在上海设立了 全国物流仓储中心,为客户提供更便捷的服务。
t0 - t1 t0 - t2
t1:将试验片从压缩装置取出,三十分钟后之 厚度t
Kalrez®4079即使在300℃,其变形率也仅为50%; 最新的Kalrez®7075的变形率则不超过20%。
AS 568A星形密封圈规格尺寸大全(X形圈)
AS 568A星形密封圈规格尺寸(X形圈)
注:1.括号内为材料是氟橡胶70的沟槽尺寸;2.当使用挡圈时,宽度b 1=b+2T ;b 2=b+T(T 为挡圈厚度)
安装沟槽表面粗糙度 µm
品名规格174T塔丝隆70D×160D178T塔丝隆70D×160D180T变色塔丝隆70D×160D181T塔丝隆70D×(250D×2)184T塔丝隆70D×160D189T塔丝隆70D×160D189T双股塔丝隆70D×320D190T塔丝隆70D×160D196T塔丝隆70D×160D196T塔丝隆70D×320D228T塔丝隆70D×160D288T塔丝隆70D×160D250D塔丝隆70D×250D320D塔丝隆单纬75D×320D320D塔丝隆(双股)70D×(160D+160D) 480D塔丝隆(三股)70D×(160D×3) 500D塔丝隆(单股)70D×500D500D塔丝隆(双股)70D×(250D+250D) 640D塔丝隆70×(320D×2)加密双股塔丝隆75D×(160D×2)196T塔丝隆70D×320D174T消光塔丝隆70D×160D178T消光塔丝隆70D×160D181T 500D双纬塔丝隆消光70D×(250D×2)184T消光塔丝隆70D×160D189T消光塔丝隆70D×160D189T单纬塔丝隆消光70D×320D189T消光双股塔丝隆70D×320D190T消光塔丝隆70D×160D196T消光塔丝隆70D×160D228T消光塔丝隆70D×160D288T消光塔丝隆70D×160D250D消光塔丝隆70D×250D280T消光超细塔丝隆40D×90D320D消光塔丝隆(单纬)70D×320D320D消光塔丝隆(双股)70D×(160D+160D) 320D消光塔丝隆(双股)加密70D×(160D×2) 500D消光塔丝隆(单股)70D×500D500D消光塔丝隆(双股)70D×(250D+250D) 640D消光塔丝隆70D×(320D×2)1/2斜纹半光塔丝隆70D×160D1/3斜纹半光塔丝隆70D×160D2/1斜纹半光塔斯隆70D×160D2/2斜纹半光塔丝隆70D×160D3/1斜纹半光塔丝隆70D×160D200T1/2斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D1/2斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D1/3斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D2/1斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D2/2斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D3/1斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D大蜂巢塔丝隆70D×160D大蜂巢塔丝隆消光70D×160D低弹大蜂巢塔丝隆75D_72F×300D_96F 小蜂巢塔丝隆70D×160D小蜂巢塔丝隆消光70D×160D230T消光大蜂巢塔丝隆70D×160D230T消光小蜂巢塔丝隆70D×160D六角形蜂巢塔丝隆70D×160D240T蜂巢塔丝隆75D×75D变化斜塔丝隆70D×160D3/1变化斜纹消光塔丝隆70D×160D消光变斜塔丝隆蜂巢70D×160D消光斜纹塔丝隆70D×160D消光变斜塔丝隆70D×160D双层提花塔丝隆70D×(160D+70D)点仔绒消光塔丝隆70D×160D子母条消光塔丝隆70D×(160D+160D×2)子母条消光塔丝隆70D×(250D+500D)子母条消光塔丝隆70D×(160D+320D)1×2子母条塔丝隆70×(160×2)1×2消光子母条塔丝隆70×(160×2)1×3子母条塔丝隆消光70D×160D×3塔丝隆提花70D×160D消光提花塔丝隆70D×160D斜纹提花塔丝绒70D×160D消光小提花塔丝隆70D×160D240T消光斜花塔丝隆70D×160D提花点子塔丝隆70D×160D点子绒塔丝隆消光70D×160D小圆点塔丝隆70D×160D小坑点塔丝隆70D×160D竖条消光塔丝隆70D×160D1×3塔丝隆消光70D×(160D+160D)1×2消光塔斯隆横条70D×(160D+160D)1×1条纹塔丝隆消光70D×(160D+160D×3)1×1条纹塔丝隆消光70D×(160D+160D×2)1×2塔丝隆半光70D×(160D+160D)( 19×3×26) 2×2半光条纹塔丝隆70D×(70D+70D)+(250D+250D)人字塔丝隆70D×160D消光辫条尼龙塔丝隆70D×160D条子消光塔丝隆70D×320D2×2条子消光塔丝隆70D×160D条子塔丝隆70D×160D隐条塔丝隆70D×160D横条塔丝隆70D×250D200D×250D塔丝隆牛津200D×250D200D×250D消光塔丝隆牛津200D×250D200D×300D塔丝隆牛津200D×300D200D×300D消光塔丝隆牛津200D×300D200D×500D塔丝隆牛津200D×500D200D×500D消光塔丝隆牛津200D×500D210D×320D塔丝隆牛津210D×320D210D×320D消光塔丝隆牛津210D×320D300D×500D塔丝隆牛津300D×500D320D×320D塔丝隆牛津320D×320D320D×320D消光塔丝隆牛津320D×320D350D×500D塔丝隆牛津350D×500D350D×500D消光塔丝隆牛津350D×500D400D×500D塔丝隆牛津400D×500D420D×480D消光塔丝隆牛津420D×480D400D×300D消光塔丝隆牛津400D×300D140D×160D塔丝隆牛津140D×160D300D×500D消光塔丝隆牛津300D×500D400D×500D消光塔丝隆牛津400D×500D格子塔丝隆消光70D×160D0.15×0.15平格75D×75D0.2格塔丝隆70D×160D0.2格塔丝隆70D×(160D+160D×2)0.2×0.3格塔丝隆70D×160D0.2×0.4格塔丝隆70D×160D0.3格塔斯隆70D×160D0.3×0.5格塔丝隆70D×160D0.3格塔斯隆70D×(160D+160D×2)0.4格塔丝隆70D×160D/20.4×0.5格塔丝隆70D×160D0.5格塔丝隆70D×160D0.6×0.8格塔丝隆70D×160D0.7×0.8格塔丝隆70D×160D0.8塔丝隆70D×160D0.8×1格塔丝隆70D×160D400T 0.08格涤纶塔丝隆30D×30D1×1格塔丝隆70D×160D0.6格塔丝隆70D×160D10×10格子塔丝隆70D×320D0.15格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.15×0.2格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.18格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.2格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.25格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.2格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.3格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.5格消光塔斯隆70D×160D0.1×0.15格消光塔丝隆70D×(160D+160D×2)0.15×0.15格消光塔丝隆70D×(160D+160D×2)0.1×0.1格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.1×0.15格消光塔丝隆70D×160D0.7格塔丝隆70D×160D0.2浮格塔丝隆70D×160D0.4浮格塔丝隆70D×160D/20.5浮格塔丝隆70D×160D0.4花格塔丝隆70D×160D/20.5花格塔丝隆70D×160D0.6花格塔丝隆70D×160D0.8×0.8塔丝隆花格70D×160D消光乱格塔丝隆40D×(90D×160D)咪咪格消光塔丝隆70D×160D电子格塔丝隆消光70D×160D消光华夫格塔丝隆70D×160D华夫格塔丝隆70D×160D0.3消光斜格塔丝隆70D×160D0.3*0.3消光双线格70D×(160D+160D×2) 0.3消光斜格塔丝隆70D×160D密斯隆40D×90D密斯隆70D×90D174T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D174T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D178T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D178T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D184T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D184T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D196T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D196T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D228T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D228T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D288T涤纶塔丝隆70D×150D320T涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D320T消光涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D189T双纬涤纶塔丝隆75D×(150D+150D)320D涤纶双纬塔丝隆75D×(160D×2)1/3斜涤纶塔丝隆75D×150D子母条塔丝隆(全涤)75D×150D涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆75D×300D全涤米通格塔丝隆75D×(75D+50D+75D)。
O型圈规格型号主要有UHSO型圈规格,UHPO型圈规格,UNO 型圈规格,DHO型圈规格,活塞杆O型圈规格,进口硅胶O型圈,耐高压O型圈,耐腐蚀O型圈,耐磨损O型圈。
产品硬度:HS85±2°A 工作温度:TPU:- 40~+80℃,CPU:-40~+120℃ 工作压力:≤32Mpa 工作介质:液压油、乳化液。
YX型孔用挡O型圈产品用途:本标准适用于油缸工作压力大于16MPa时配合YX型密封圈使用,或油缸偏心受力时,起保护密封圈的作用. 工作温度:-40~+100度。
工作介质:液压油、乳化液、水产品硬度:HS 92±5A 材质:聚四氟乙烯。
材质:聚氨酯TPU、CPU、橡胶产品硬度:HS85±2°A 工作温度:TPU:- 40~+80℃ CPU:-40~+120℃ 工作压力:≤32Mpa,工作介质:液压油、乳化液。
编号 d x w 编号 d x w 编号 d x w 编号 d x w 编号 d x wAS001 0.74x1.02 AS035 56.87x1.78 AS120 25.07x2.62 AS154 94.92x2.62 AS210 18.64x2.62AS002 1.07x1.27 AS036 60.05x1.78 AS121 26.64x2.62 AS155 101.27x2.62 AS211 20.22x2.62AS003 1.42x1.52 AS037 63.22x1.78 AS122 28.24x2.62 AS156107.62x2.62 AS212 21.82x3.53AS004 1.78x1.78 AS038 66.40x1.78 AS123 29.82x2.62 AS157 113.97x2.62 AS213 23.39x3.53AS005 2.57x1.78 AS039 69.57x1.78 AS124 31.42x2.62 AS158 120.32x2.62 AS214 24.99x3.53AS006 2.90x1.78 AS040 72.75x1.78 AS125 32.99x2.62 AS159 126.67x2.62 AS215 26.57x3.53AS007 3.68x1.78 AS041 75.92x1.78 AS126 34.59x2.62 AS160 133.02x2.62 AS216 28.17x3.53AS008 4.47x1.78 AS042 82.27x1.78 AS127 39.17x2.62 AS161 139.37x2.62 AS217 29.74x3.53AS009 5.28x1.78 AS043 88.62x1.78 AS128 37.77x2.62 AS162 145.72x2.62 AS218 31.34x3.53AS010 6.07x1.78 AS044 94.97x1.78 AS129 39.34x2.62 AS163 152.07x2.62 AS219 32.92x3.53主要产品:o型圈规格,o型圈标准,进口o型圈,o型圈沟槽,o 型圈用途,o 型圈公差,,骨架油封规格,骨架油封价格,骨架油封材料,骨架油封尺寸标准,骨架油封型号,o型圈槽,o型圈压缩量,进口氟胶o型圈,o型圈材质,o型圈规格表,o型圈规格型号,o型圈的规格,进口o型橡胶密封圈,进口o型圈,o 型圈标准,o型硅胶密封圈,氟胶骨架油封尺寸,骨架油封材料,骨架油封生产厂家,内包骨架型油封,内包骨架型橡胶油封,tc型骨架油封,骨架油封尺寸标准氟橡胶o型圈,进口o型圈公差,进口o型圈用途,o型橡胶密封圈规格,硅橡胶o型密封圈,o型密封圈规格,液压支架密封圈,氟胶o型圈,o型密封圈的作用,0型密封圈,进口o型圈,o型密封圈的选用,o型密封圈设计,o型密封圈规格,o型橡胶密封圈,o型密封圈规格表,o型密封圈规格大全,o型密封圈规格型号,o型密封圈型号,氟胶o型密封圈,硅胶o 型圈,o型密封圈,o型橡胶密封圈价格,o型橡胶密封圈厂家,骨架油封尺寸,nok骨架油封,tto骨架油封,nak骨架油封,j型无骨架油封,英制骨架油封,进口Chesterton 盘根、进口石墨盘根、进口斯特封、进口泛塞封防水圈,橡胶圈,平垫圈,密封圈,密封胶条,骨架油封,耐磨带,导向带,格莱圈规格,进口斯特进口封格莱圈,孔用格莱圈,轴用斯特封,格莱圈生产厂家,斯特封生产厂家,旋转格莱圈,斯特封密封件,骨架油封规格表,骨架油封价格表,进口骨架油封价格,,耐酸碱骨架油封规格,耐高温骨架油封,聚氨酯密封圈、U形圈、Yx圈、Y形圈、骨架油封、V形圈、进口密封条、各类垫片,还有进口油封,油封,骨架油封,气门油封,发动机油封,浮动油封,汽车油封,进口骨架油封,骨架油封规格,油封规格,油封生产,油封型号,NOK 骨架油封,NOK油封,进口O型圈,进口机械密封等各行业用的标准和非标准密封产品的设计制造。
美规线径值单一导体或群导体【各正值或负值】的线径值(Gauge)是以圆或平方厘米(mm2) 量测而得,平方厘米不常用在量测线径值,由于牵涉到不正确,因一般大部份的导体形体,包含长方形及其他怪异形状。
如: 40股群导体线的线径值为,如每一芯为24 Guage = 40 x 405 c/m = 16,200 c/m = 9 AWG( 得出值落入12960c/m和16440c/m之间)
两条(AWG)相加时,该单一线径值减3. 比如: 2 x 18 AWG = (18-3=) 15 AWG 三条(AWG)相加时,该单一线径值减5. 比如: 3 x 24 AWG = (24-5=) 19 AWG 四条(AWG)相加时,该单一线径值减6. 比如: 4 x 10 AWG = (10-6=) 04 AWG 请记得“快速求得线径值的方法” 一些案例也许边际会不正确,只采用此方式为大原则.。
KLAUKE 电缆尺寸转换表说明书
Klauke PowerContractor ToolingFor the ProfessionalThe above cable sizes are indicative of XLPE Insulated,PVC Bedded, Armoured, Copper cables to BS 5467.Free no obligation demonstration for any of our tools!INNOVATIONMake an appointment now!E-Mail:************************Phone: +44 1986 891519STANDARDCUTTING RANGEMechanical Ratchet Cable Cutters: Unarmoured Al Cu cableMechanical Ratchet CuttersItem No.:K1061K1031K1062K1041Cutting range (dia):max. 34 mm max. 60 mm max. 62 mm max. 100 mm Head type:Closed Closed Closed Closed Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:For Earth, plastic and rubber cablesFor Earth, plastic and rubber cablesFor Earth, plastic and rubber cablesFor Earth, plastic and rubber cablesManual Hydraulic Cable Cutters: Armoured, Al, Cu, ACSRManual Hydraulic CuttersItem No.:HSG45HSG55HSG852Cutting range (dia):max. 45 mm max. 55 mm max. 85 mm Cutting force:60 kN 120 kN 60 kN Head type:ClosedClosedClosed Cable types:Cu / Al / SWA / ACSRCu / Al / SWA / ACSRCu / Al / SWAFeature:Cuts armoured cable, 360 rotating head, automatic retractionCuts armoured cable, 360 rotating head, automatic retractionCuts lightweight steel armour,360 rotating head, automatic retractionS t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g eO r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e sBattery Hydraulic Cable Cutters: Lightweight steel armoured Cu, Al, SWABattery Hydraulic CuttersItem No.:ES85CFM ES85CFB ES105CFM ES105CFB Cutting range (dia):max. 85 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mmmax. 105 mm Cutting force:30 kN30 kN74 kN74 kNBattery:18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch 18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Head type:Open Open Open Open Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Cuts lightweight steel armoured cableCuts lightweight steel armoured cableCuts lightweight steel armoured cableCuts lightweight steel armoured cableBattery Hydraulic CuttersItem No.:ESM35CFMESM35CFB ESM50CFM ESM50CFB Cutting range (dia):max. 35 mm max. 35 mm max. 50 mm max. 50 mm Cutting force:25 kN25 kN38 kN38 kNBattery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 2.0 Ah Li-Ion Bosch 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 2.0 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Head type:Open Open Open Open Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Cuts all classes of cableCuts all classes of cableCuts all classes of cableCuts all classes of cableTime-saving opening mechanismSTANDARDCUTTING RANGEBattery Hydraulic Cable Cutters: Armoured Cu, Al, SWABattery Hydraulic CuttersItem No.:ESGM45CFM ESGM45CFB ESG55CFM ESG55CFB Cutting range (dia):max. 45 mm max. 45 mm max. 55 mm max. 55 mm Cutting force:70 kN70 kN120 kN120 kNBattery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 2.0 Ah Li-Ion Bosch 18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Head type:ClosedClosedClosedClosedCable types:Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Feature:Cuts armoured cableCuts armoured cableCuts armoured cableCuts armoured cableBattery Hydraulic CuttersItem No.:ESG85CFM ESG85CFB ESG105CFM ESG105CFB Cutting range (dia):max. 85 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mmmax. 105 mm Cutting force:60 kN60 kN120 kN120 kNBattery:18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch 18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Head type:Closed Closed ClosedClosed Cable types:Cu / Al / SWACu / Al / SWACu / Al / SWA Cu / Al / SWA Feature:Cuts steel armoured cableCuts steel armoured cableCuts armoured cableCuts armoured cableNew design offers moreprotection from dirt and waterErgonomic designS t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g e O r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e sSTANDARDCUTTING RANGECutting Heads and Hydraulic PumpsCutting HeadsItem No.:SDG45SDG55SDG852SDG105Cutting range (dia):max. 45 mm max. 55 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mm Cutting force:60 kN 120 kN 60 kN 120 kN Head type:Closed Closed Closed Closed Cable types:Cu / Al / SWACu / Al / SWACu / Al / SWACu / Al / SWAFeature:Cuts armoured cable, operating pressure max. 700 barCuts armoured cable, operating pressure max. 700 barCuts steel armoured cable, operating pressure max. 700 barCuts steel armoured cable, operating pressure max. 700 barCutting HeadsItem No.:SDK65SDK85SDK105SDK120Cutting range (dia):max. 65 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mm max. 120 mm Cutting force:42 kN 30 kN 74 kN 55 kN Head type:Open Open Open Open Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Cuts lightweight steel armoured and fine stranded cable, operating pressure max. 700 bar Cuts lightweight steel armoured and fine stranded cable, operating pressure max. 700 bar Cuts lightweight steel armoured and fine stranded cable, operating pressure max. 700 bar Cuts lightweight steel armoured and fine stranded cable, operating pressure max. 700 barHydraulic PumpsItem No.:FHP2AHP700L Operating pressure:700 bar 700 bar Weight:12 kg 6,4 kg Drive platform:Foot Pump Battery Cutting: Hose length: 2 m2 mFeature:Two stage hydraulic for cutting, crimping and punchingCutting, crimping, punching, auto retractAHP700LFHP2Safety Cable CuttersSafety Cutters SSGItem No.:SSG65SSGG85SSG105SSGG105Cutting range (dia):max. 65 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mm max. 105 mm Approved:BG BG BG BG Foot pump:Battery:Head type:Open Closed Open Closed Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Two-stage hydraulics, manual retract, 10m safety / hydraulic hoseTwo-stage hydraulics, manual retract, 10m safety / hydraulic hoseTwo-stage hydraulics, manual retract, 10m safety / hydraulic hoseTwo-stage hydraulics, manual retract, 10m safety / hydraulic hoseSafety Cutters ESSGItem No.:ESSG65L ESSGG85L ESSG105L Cutting range (dia):max. 65 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mm Approved:BGBGBGFoot pump:Battery: Head type:Open Closed Open Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Lightweight pistol grip battery hydraulic pump, LED for charge and maintenance displayLightweight pistol grip battery hydraulic pump, LED for charge and maintenance displayLightweight pistol grip battery hydraulic pump, LED for charge and maintenance displaySafety Cutters ASSGItem No.:ASSG65L ASSGG85L ASSG105L ASSGG105L ASSG120SL Cutting range (dia):max. 65 mm max. 85 mm max. 105 mm max. 105 mm max. 120 mm Approved:DGUVDGUVDGUVDGUVDGUVFoot pump:Battery: Head type:Open Closed Open Closed Open Cable types:Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Safe and fast operations by using remote control Safe and fast operations by using remote control Safe and fast operations by using remote control Safe and fast operations by using remote control Safe and fast operations by using remote controlSSG105ESSG105LASSGLSafety cutter for cutting non-armoured live Cu / Al cables, rated for single core cablesup to 110 kV / 60 Hz. Supplied with earthing kit.S t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g eO r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e sSTANDARD CRIMPING RANGEMechanical CrimpersItem No.:K354Crimping range: 6 – 150 mmCrimping force:–Die series:4Feature:Narrow crimping and less effort dueto extendible telescopic handleManual Hydraulic CrimpersItem No.:HK6022HK60VP HK60VPFT HK12030 Crimping range: 6 – 300 mm210 – 240 mm²16 – 300 mm²16 – 400 mm²Crimping force:60 kN55 kN55 kN120 kNDie series:22––13Feature:2 stage hydraulic systemand automatic retraction,narrow crimpingQuad Point indent crimper withpatented centering system,no dies requiredQuad Point indent crimper withpatented centering system,no dies required2 stage hydraulic systemand automatic retraction,wide crimpingBattery Hydraulic CrimpersItem No.:EK354ML EK354CFM EK354CFB EK60VPCFM EK60VPCFB Crimping range: 6 – 150 mm² 6 – 150 mm² 6 – 150 mm²10 – 240 mm²10 – 240 mm²Crimping force:35 kN35 kN35 kN55 kN55 kNBattery:10.8V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch18V / 2 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Die series:444––Feature:Narrow crimping head - idealwhen space is criticalNarrow crimping head - idealwhen space is criticalLED display, narrowcrimping head - ideal whenspace is criticalQuad Point indent crimperwith patented centering system,no dies requiredQuad Point indent crimperwith patented centering system,no dies requiredBattery Hydraulic CrimpersItem No.:EK505CFM EK505CFB EKM60IDCFM EKM60IDCFB Crimping range:10 – 240 mm²10 – 240 mm²10 – 240 mm²10 – 240 mm²Crimping force:50 kN50 kN30 – 60 kN30 – 60 kN Battery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 2 Ah Li-Ion Bosch18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 2 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Die series:55––Feature:Reversable dies and slim crimpinghead for narrow crimpingReversable dies and slim crimpinghead for narrow crimpingIndent dieless crimper with 2 stagetelescopic cylinderIndent dieless crimper with 2 stagetelescopic cylinderBattery Hydraulic CrimpersItem No.:EKM6022CFM EKM6022CFB EK60VPFTCFM EK60VPFTCFB Crimping range: 6 – 300 mm² 6 – 300 mm² 6 – 300 mm² 6 – 300 mm²Crimping force:60 kN60 kN55 kN55 kNBattery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 2 Ah Li-Ion Bosch18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Die series:2222––Feature:Quality assurance with visual andaudible signals in case of errorsQuality assurance with visual andaudible signals in case of errorsQuad Point indent crimper with patentedcentering system, no dies requiredQuad Point indent crimper with patentedcentering system, no dies requiredBattery Hydraulic CrimpersItem No.:EK12032CFM EK12032CFB EK135FTCFM EK135FTCFB Crimping range:16 – 400 mm²16 – 400 mm²10 – 630 mm²10 – 630 mm²Crimping force:120 kN120 kN135 kN135 kNBattery:18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch18V / 4 Ah Li-Ion Makita18V / 5 Ah Li-Ion Bosch Die series:131313 & 1513 & 15Feature:Accepts industry standard 12 ton dies Accepts industry standard 12 ton dies Largest battery crimpingtool availableLargest battery crimpingtool available S t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g e S t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g eO r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e scable jointer, lineman or contractor with an added layer of safety from electric shock.Accidental touching of live parts is prevented by standard-conforming slip-off protection.ORANGE LINE RANGEItem No.:ES20ISMESM25ISMES32ISM ESM35ISMESM50ISM Cutting range (dia):max. 20 mm max. 25 mm max. 32 mm max. 35 mm max. 50 mm Cutting force:23 kN67 kN15 kN25 kN38 kNBattery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita Head type:OpenOpenOpen Open Open Cable types:Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Cu / Al / SWA / ASCR Cu / AlCu / AlCu / AlFeature:Insulated and VDE certified to 1000 VInsulated and VDE certified to 1000 VInsulated and VDE certified to 1000 VInsulated and VDE certified to 1000 V, also cuts fine strandedInsulated and VDE certified to1000 V, also cuts fine strandedItem No.:EKM60IDISM EKM6022ISM Crimping range:10 – 240 mm 2 6 – 300 mm 2Crimping force:30 – 60 kN60 kNBattery:18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita 18V / 1.5 Ah Li-Ion Makita Insulation: 1 kV 1 kV Die series:–22Feature:Insulated and VDE certified to 1000 V for increased safety, dieless crimper due to innovative 2-stage telescopic cylindersInsulated and VDE certified to 1000 V for increased safety when working on potentially voltage-carrying partsS t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g eO r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e sThe new software can be found at /en/support/download/connectivity-select-tool-dataYour smartphone becomes the tool´s nerve centre, simplifying your daily work routine. Each Next Generation tool can be connected to the i-press ® app via Bluetooth in order to download data and print quality certificates. The app provides access to important information e.g.; battery life, project data and service intervals.I-PRESS ®TOOL DA T A A T A GLANCECreate user profilesSee tool datai-press ® App*Under CrimpingReference number no longer discernibleOver CrimpingDistortionsPerfect CrimpBattery powered tools pay back in 3 – 4 months. Improving productivity & labour efficiency.The data is based on using a hand hydraulic crimping tool (HK12030) vs. a battery crimping tool (EK12032CFM), both tools double crimped on a 240 mm² single core cable. The hand hydraulic tool completed it in 01:18 while the battery hydraulic tool completed it in an impressive 25 seconds, three times quicker.Manual vs.Battery tooling (cost saving)S t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g e O r a n g e L i n e R a n g e i -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e smm 2mm 2mm 2mm 20.75LV07510LV1070LV70240LV2401.5LV1516LV1695LV95300LV3002.5LV2525LV25120LV120400LV4004LV435LV35150LV150500LV5006LV650LV50185LV185630LV630Butt connectors copper0.75 – 630 mm 2, L-series, Standard TypeFor stranded conductors e.g. VDE 0295 Class 2 A nnealed material optimizes material and crimping characteristicsWith central cable stopPure E-Cu / Electro tin platedmm 2M5M6M8M10M12M14M16M206L65FMS L66FMS L68FMS L610FMS L612FMS 10L105FMS L106FMS L108FMS L1010FMS L1012FMS 16L165FMS L166FMS L168FMS L1610FMS L1612FMS 25L255FMSL256FMS L258FMS L2510FMS L2512FMS L2514FMS 35L356FMS L358FMS L3510FMS L3512FMS L3514FMS L3516FMS 50L506FMS L508FMS L5010FMS L5012FMS L5014FMS L5016FMS L5020FMS 70L706FMSL708FMS L7010FMS L7012FMS L7014FMS L7016FMS L7020FMS 95L958FMS L9510FMS L9512FMS L9514FMS L9516FMS L9520FMS 120L1208FMS L12010FMS L12012FMS L12014FMS L12016FMS L12020FMS 150L1508FMSL15010FMS L15012FMS L15014FMS L15016FMS L15020FMS185L18510FMSL18512FMSL18514FMSL18516FMSL18520FMS240L24010FMS L24012FMS L24014FMS L24016FMS L24020FMS300L30012FMS L30014FMS L30016FMS L30020FMS 400L40012FMS L40014FMS L40016FMS L40020FMS500L50016FMS L50020FMS 630L63016FMS L63020FMSFor stranded conductors e.g. VDE 0295 Class 2 For pre-rounded sector shaped conductors Annealed to optimise crimping propertiesInternal chamfered barrel for easy cable insertion Pure E-Cu / Electro tin platedMaterial / Surface: copper acc. to EN 13600 / tin platedTubular cable lugs copper6 – 630 mm 2, L-series, Standard typeButt connectors copper0.75 – 630 mm 2, DIN Series, Standard type For stranded conductors e.g. VDE 0295 Class 2 A nnealed material optimizes material and crimping characteristicsInternal chamfered barrel for easy cable insertion Pure E-Cu / Electro tin platedWith crimp position marks A nnealed material optimises material and crimping propertiesInternal chamfered barrel for easy cable insertion Pure E-Cu / Electro tin platedMaterial / Surface: copper acc. to EN 13600 / tin platedCompression cable lugs to DIN *Cu 6 – 1000 mm 2, DIN Seriesmm 2CodeM5M6M8M10M12M14M16M2065101R5101R6101R8106102R5102R6102R8168103R6103R8103R10103R122510104R6104R8104R10104R123512105R6105R8105R10105R12105R145014106R8106R10106R12106R14106R167016107R8107R10107R12107R14107R169518108R8108R10108R12108R14108R1612020109R10109R12109R14109R16109R2015022110R10110R12110R14110R16110R2018525111R10111R12111R14111R16111R2024028112R12112R14112R16112R2030032113R14113R16113R2040038114R14114R16114R2050042115R16115R2062544116R16116R2080052117R16117R20100058118R16118R20mm 2mm 2mm 2mm 26121R 50126R 185131R 625136R 10122R 70127R 240132R 800137R 16123R 95128R 300133R 1000138R 25124R 120129R 400134R 35125R150130R500135RS t a n d a r d C u t t i n g R a n g eS t a n d a r d C r i m p i n g R a n g eO r a n g e L i n e R a n g ei -p r e s s ®L u g s & S p l i c e s。
拉 法 基 板 材 规 格
0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8
0.6/0.7/0.8 0.6/0.7/0.8 0.7/0.8 0.8/1.0
0.7 0.7 0.8
宽度 宽度
8 82
边缘高度 边缘高度ຫໍສະໝຸດ 厚度C龙骨宽度
宽 宽度
边缘高度 (mm) 35 35 35 边缘高度 50 50 50 50 边缘高度 45/47 45/47 45/47 45/47 边缘高度 12 边缘高度 边缘高度 45/47 45/47 45/47 边缘高度 23
拉 法 基 龙 骨 规 格
构 件 名 称 拉法基U龙骨: 50U3000 75U3000 100U3000 拉法基高边U龙骨: 代 码 50U3000L 75U3000L 100U3000L 150U3000L 拉法基C龙骨: 代 码 50C3000 75C3000 100C3000 150C3000 拉法基贯通龙骨: 代 码 DM38 拉法基平形接头: 代 码 F80 拉法基端墙支撑卡: 代 码 ES75 ES100 ES150 拉法基角龙骨: 代 码 DL30 代 码 厚度 (mm) 0.6 0.6 0.6 宽度 (mm) 50 75 100 宽度 50 75 100 150 宽度 50 75 100 150 宽度 38 宽度 82 宽度 75 100 150 宽度 30
长度 (mm) 3000 3000 3000 长度 3000 3000 3000 3000 长度 3000 3000 3000
端 墙 支 撑 卡
AS 568 美国O型圈标准
widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.The sizes in the standard are defined by maximum and minimum ID and CS dimensions (although most listings, including this one, show this as a midpoint and a ±tolerance). Each ID and CS combination is identified by a three-digit “dash number” as shown below.AS568 Part Numbers:A S568-214C D486 SAE StandardDash SizeCleaning and Packaging Designator (see table below)Compound Number (see table)Cleaning and Packaging Designators:C D First letter indicates cleaningC=Clean in cleanroom with IPA + HeptaneW=Clean in cleanroom with HCL + DIW and IPA + HeptaneN=No special cleaning neededSecond letter indicates packagingD=Double bag, inner bag to be cleanroom qualityS=Single bag in blue Simrit bagB=Bulk packaging per special customer instructions*Except for -001, -002 and -003 sizeswidespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.widespread than just the aerospace industry. SAE AS568 is the most commonly used standard in the US for aerospace, automotive and general industrial applications.w w w.s i m r i t.c o m 1-866-2S I M R I TSimrit –EuropeFreudenberg Simrit KGD-69465 Weinheim, GermanySimrit –Americas47690 East Anchor Court Plymouth, M I 48170。
33.24 33.24
螺纹长度 C2 8 8
9 9 9.5
9.5 12
12.5 12.5
扳手径 A/F
17 / 17 17 / 17
22 / 22 22 / 22 26 / 26
26 / 26
26 / 28 32 / 32
32 / 32
41 / 41 41 / 41
螺纹外径 O.D-C1 6
12 12 12 16
16 18 18 20
20 20 22 22 25 25
32 40 40 50
螺纹长度 C2 5
8 8 8 9
9 9 9 10
10 10 10 10 12 12
13 15 15 15
适用电缆 mm 2--3
3--6 4--8 3--5 4--8
4--7 6--10 4--7 6--12
7--14 7--11 7--14 7--11 13--18 12--16
16--22 24--30 21--25 31--41
适用电缆 mm
5.3 ~ 3 7.8 ~ 4.5
10~6 8~5.5
14~7.0 16~12
22~16 25~18
螺纹外径 O.D-C1 13.15 13.15