关键词:柔性制造;立体库;码垛机;流水线AbstractThe rapid development of science and technology, human to the information age. But,Processing industry 70% -80% of the face of the economic structure of the small and medium volume, how to achieve the purpose of automation has been the industry to explore the subject.Although the advent of CNC machine tools to create the conditions for this part of the factory automation,but practice has proved that independent, decentralized stand-alone automation can not solve the productivity inherent in traditional mass production with the production of flexible processing the same batch manufacturing costs, the contradiction between production and market changes, we must find better automatic production system.FMS is born in this pursuit.The advantage of the productivity with flexible production, processing and batch manufacturing costs, with advanced technology with scientific management of highly unified.Thereby increasing manufacturing flexibility, improve efficiency, shorten the production cycle, reduce energy consumption and cost saving equipment footprint.Fully automated production, reducing the human factors and therefore improve the accuracy of the product in a flexible manufacturing system.Above that, the advantages of flexible manufacturing systems is much needed in the manufacturing industry today.Key words: Flexible manufacturing; stereo storage; palletizer; pipeline目录摘要Abstract第一章绪论 (1)1.1柔性制造背景 (1)1.2柔性制造的工作流程 (1)第二章立体库的设计 (3)2.1立体库优点及功能 (3)2.2国内立体库发展趋势 (3)2.3立体库的外形 (3)2.4立体库各部分材料选择 (4)2.4.1 底座材料选择与外形设计 (4)2.4.2 立体库主体设计 (6)2.4.3 托盘设计 (8)2.5立体库储存能力及主要设备 (9)2.5.1 立体库储存能力计算 (9)2.5.2 主要设备 (9)第三章流水线的设计 (10)3.1流水线的工作原理 (10)3.1.1 流水线的工作原理及流程图 (10)3.2电路中主要元器件的介绍 (11)3.2.1 对射开关的原理及应用 (11)3.2.2 CCD颜色尺寸检测单元工作原理及应用 (11)3.2.3 PLC及其扩展单元 (12)3.3流水线系统控制 (13)3.3.1 流水线电机正反转控制 (13)3.3.2 流水线电机启动/停止控制 (13)3.4流水线设计 (13)3.4.1 流水线技术参数 (13)3.4.2 CCD检测单元支架设计 (14)3.4.3 对射开关 (16)第四章四自由度码垛机 (21)4.1码垛机简介 (21)4.1.1 码垛机性能参数 (21)4.1.2 四自由度的实现 (21)4.1.3 线性滑台简介 (22)4.2码垛机各部分设计安装 (23)4.2.1 底座设计 (23)4.2.2 底座高度尺寸计算 (24)4.2.3 底座设计方案与材料选择 (25)4.3码垛机控制箱的设计 (28)4.3.1 码垛机控制箱位置摆放 (28)4.3.2 控制箱内电器元件 (28)4.3.3 控制箱外形设计及材料选择 (29)4.4机械爪的设计 (29)4.4主要电器元件介绍 (35)第五章外部控制系统 (35)第六章结束语 (38)参考文献 (39)致谢 (40)第一章绪论1.1 柔性制造系统的背景随着科学技术的迅速发展,新产品不断涌现,产品的复杂程度也随之增加,而产品的市场寿命日益缩短,更新换代加速,中、小批量生产占有越来越重要的地位。
什么是柔性制造系统呢?柔性制造系统,简称FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System),是利用计算机控制的自动化技术,通过一系列的操作流程,完成对产品的制造、加工和装配的灵活生产方式。
一、设计过程1. 确定工艺及生产要求在柔性制造系统的设计过程中,首先需要确定所需生产的产品,制品加工的各项工序及各生产环节所要满足的生产要求。
2. 选定设备及材料针对确定的工艺流程和生产要求,需要选定设备与材料,其中包括甚至于小型零件的设备和机器零部件。
3. 设计生产流程在确定了所需生产的产品和选定了设备及材料之后,就需要设计一条高效的生产流程,其中应包括对零部件加工、处理、检测、运输的全过程考虑。
4. 制定生产计划制定生产计划,需要根据实际情况,综合考虑生产过程中的种种因素。
关键词:连杆;柔性制造;工艺分析;车间布局ABSTRACTI n order to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of the market, meet the many varieties, the processing needs of small quantities of products, flexible manufacturing came into being. Connecting rod parts of complex shape, high precision, flexible design rod parts manufacturing plant need to select the typical rod parts for process analysis, process design workshop layout. Flexible manufacturing plant in addition to meet the processing of rod parts, but also the need for more flexible space for development.Key words: connecting rod;flexible manufacturing;Process analysis ;Workshop layout目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1柔性制造产生的背景 (1)1.2柔性制造系统发展状况 (1)1.3柔性制造系统的优点 (2)1.4柔性制造车间的设计意义 (2)第二章成组技术 (3)2.1成组技术产生的意义 (3)2.2成组技术的基本原理 (3)2.3分组技术的应用 (4)第三章连杆工艺设计 (6)3.1连杆的结构特点 (6)3.2连杆的技术要求 (7)3.3连杆的材料和毛坯 (9)3.4基准选择 (10)3.5连杆加工工序安排原则 (11)3.5.1加工工序原则 (11)3.5.2其它辅助工序 (11)检验工序 (11)清洗工序 (12)去毛刺工序 (12)探伤检查工序 (12)编码 (12)称重工序 (12)3.6连杆加工工艺过程 (13)3.7加工余量的选择 (19)3.7.1余量参考数据 (19)3.7.2加工余量的确定 (20)第4章柔性制造系统 (22)4.1柔性制造系统 (22)4.1.1柔性制造系统的定义 (22)4.1.2柔性制造系统的组成 (22)4.1.3柔性制造系统的工作原理 (24)4.2柔性制造系统中的加工系统 (25)4.3柔性制造系统中的物流系统 (28)4.3.1物流系统的组成 (28)4.3.2工件夹具系统 (29)4.3.3工件输送系统 (30)4.3.4刀具输送流 (31)4.3.5柔性制造物流设备 (31)4.4柔性制造系统控制系统 (32)4.5柔性制造中的质量控制系统 (33)4.6柔性制造车间的设计 (34)4.7各设计方案的特点 (43)4.7.1方案一的特点 (43)4.7.2方案二的特点 (44)4.7.3方案三的特点 (45)4.8柔性制造车间展望 (46)第五章结论 (47)参考文献 (49)谢辞 (50)第一章绪论1.1柔性制造产生的背景随着科学技术的发展,人类社会对产品的功能与质量的要求越来越高,越来越多样化,产品的生命周期越来越短,产品的复杂程度也不断增高。
它包含了FMS 的功能、组成部分和连接方式,同时也对系统的性能、效率和可靠性有重要影响。
其 工作主要是 把上 单元运输过来 的工件经过 本单元皮带运 输
机上 颜色识别 传感 器进 行颜色识别 ,然后 由控制 系统 发出信 号, 根据识别 的颜色使相对应的喷枪 工作 , 对工件进行喷涂。
有效地整合为一个具有极强实 际操 作能力 、 加工能力和二次开
发 能力 的全 自动生产加工系统。
输机上 。
提高制造柔性 和生产效率 , 缩短生产周 期 , 保证 产品质量 , 降低
能耗 , 从而降低成本 , 获得更 好的经济效 益。 MS F 柔性制造系统
正 是 在这 种 形 势 下 应 运 而生 的 。
本文从实 际教学 出发 ,针对 机电一体化专业实际 F MS教 学实训系统开发过程展 开具体设计 。
量生产占有越来越重要 的地位。面临这一新 的局 面, 必须大幅
2 六 个单 元 的设计
(1) 自动化立体仓库( 原材料库 ) 单元
本 单元 由铝合金 工作 台、 铝合 金立体化仓 库 、 自由度码 四 垛机 ( 步进 伺服 混合驱动 ) 电子称重器 、 、 皮带运输机 、 嵌入式精
密运 动控制系统 、 多种传感器 等组成 。该单 元的作用 是将其 中 的原材料工件 由四自由度码 垛机从立体仓库取 出, 到皮带运 放
材料检测传感器对工件进行材料检测 , 断工件是金属 或非金 判 属 。将信号 由控制系统传递给六 自由度并联机器人 , 工件采 对
取相应加工方式。当工件检测完 成后 运输 至加工端 , 由气动抓 取装置抓取皮带运输 机上的工件 , 送到六 自由度并联机器人加 工处 , 由气动夹紧装置夹紧工件 , 然后 系统 发出命令 , 工件切 对 削加工 , 完成此单元 的工作。 ( 工件检验与分拣单元 3) 本单 元 由铝合金 工作 台、皮带运输 机 、 O度 自动 抓取装 9
其中码垛机械手由机械传动部分和电气控制两部分组成,电气控制是由西门子S7-200 CPU224XP型可编程控制器(PLC)、步进电机驱动器、开关电源、位置传感器等器件组成。
关键词:柔性制造系统;码垛机;立体仓库;PLC;组态I本科毕业设计(论文)通过答辩ABSTRACTA Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is the production equipment, which integrates the automatic control technology, artificial intelligence, computer programming language configuration and monitoring modern technology.The current practice of teaching as teaching process of a part is the training of cross century creative talents in Colleges of engineering is essential. As with outstanding engineer pilot work in the curriculum reform, combined with teaching and research tasks, the design for the school laboratory in the flexible manufacturing system of stereoscopic warehouse links in experimental preparations.This system is mainly composed of three layers of 12 positions of the warehouse and four degrees of freedom palletizing manipulator. The palletizing manipulator is composed of a mechanical drive and an electric control. The electrical control is formed by Siemens S7-200 CPU224XP programmable logic controller (PLC), stepper motor drive power modules, switching power supply, sensors and other devices.During the design process, the author refers a lot of the materials concerning the electrical design specification, refer to the existing palletizer work mode and control method, finally completed the PLC as control core Palletizing unit PLC control system design, and the application of configuration software production control simulation interface.Key words: Flexible manufacturing systems; Palletizer; Stereoscopic warehouse; PLC;ConfigurationII本科毕业设计(论文)通过答辩目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 柔性包装机的设计的概述 (1)1.2.1 柔性包装机的设计在国外的研究现状 (1)1.2.2 柔性包装机的设计在国内的研究现状 (2)1.2.3 柔性包装机的设计的发展趋势 (3)1.3 课题的主要研究内容 (3)第2章柔性包装机的设计的总体方案设计 (4)2.1 柔性包装机的设计的总体框图 (4)2.2 柔性包装机的设计的结构组成 (5)2.3 柔性包装机的设计的控制方案 (6)2.3.1 柔性包装机的设计的控制功能要求 (6)2.3.2 柔性包装机的设计的控制方案确定 (6)2.3.3 柔性包装机的设计的定位方案确定 (7)2.4 本章小结 (9)第3章柔性包装机的设计的硬件设计选型及介绍 (10)3.1 电动机的计算选取 (10)3.1.1 柔性包装机的设计的已知参数 (10)3.1.2 根据已知参数对电动机的选型计算 (10)3.2 步进电机驱动器的介绍 (11)3.3 可编程控制器的选型及I/O分配 (13)3.3.1 可编程控制器的选型 (13)3.3.2 可编程控制器的I/O分配 (13)3.4 导轨的形式介绍 (14)3.5 滚珠丝杠的介绍 (15)3.6 本章小结 (15)本科毕业设计(论文)通过答辩第4章柔性包装机的设计的软件设计 (16)4.1 编程软件介绍及使用 (16)4.2 柔性包装机的设计的PLC程序设计 (18)4.2.1 柔性包装机的设计的工作流程 (18)4.2.2 柔性包装机的设计的软件设计 (20)4.3 本章小结 (37)第5章组态王仿真画面的设计 (38)5.1 组态王监控软件介绍 (38)5.2 组态王监控软件仿真设计 (38)5.2.1 建立组态软件与PLC之间的通讯连接 (39)5.2.2 组态画面及监控元素的设计 (40)5.3 本章小结 (45)结论 (46)参考文献 (47)致谢 (49)附录 (50)本科毕业设计(论文)通过答辩第1章绪论1.1 课题背景柔性包装机的设计是自动化仓库的主要搬运码垛设备,而立体仓库的产生和发展是现代物流体系的要求和信息技术进步的结果,它是在不直接进行人工干预的情况下自动地存储和取出物流的系统,替代了人工搬运,只需定位抓起点和摆放点,两点之间的轨道全由电脑控制,两点直线运动,定位十分准确。
一、柔性制造系统的基本概念柔性制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System,FMS)是指利用计算机控制和自动化技术,在相对较短的时间内生产多种不同型号、不同规格、不同批量的产品的一种生产系统。
摘要自动化立体仓库是物流中的重要组成部分,它是在不直接进行人工干预的情况下自动地存储和取出物流的系统.它是现代工业社会发展的高科技产物,对提高生产率、降低成本有着重要意义.近年来,随着企业生产与管理的不断提高,越来越多的企业认识到物流系统的改善与合理性对企业的发展非常重要.堆垛机是自动化立体仓库中最重要的起重堆垛设备,它能够在自动化立体的巷道中来回穿梭运行,将位于巷道口的货物存入货格;或者相反取出货格内的货物运送到巷道口.本文详细论述了依据在学校实验室自动化立体仓库的设计方案,对其中的货架、堆垛机和出入平台进行设计.文章的重点放在堆垛机的三个部件:升降机构、行走机构、货叉伸缩机构的设计上.首先,提出各个机构的总体设计方案;其次,对各个机构的受力情况进行了分析并计算,然后估算初取值,再进行校核,最后确定各个实际值.本次设计的有轨堆垛机性能良好、动作灵活、操作方便、故障率低、维护简单方便,满足了生产的需要.关键词:自动化立体仓库;货架;堆垛机;出入平台ABSTRACTAutomation three-dimensional storehouse is that thing flows important composition part, it is to stock and take out voluntarily under not directly carrying out the condition of artificial intervention the system that thing flows out . it is the high-tech outcome of modern industrial social development, for raise productivity and reduction cost have important meaning.In recent years, along with the unceasing raising of enterprise production and management, more and more enterprises know that thing flows out reasonability and the improvement of system, is very important for the development of enterprise . Stacker cranes is automation three-dimensional storehouse in most important take heavy crane pile up equipment, it can in the tunnel of automation cube in the shuttle operation of round trip, will locate in tunnel the goods of mouth stock goods shelf; or opposite take out the goods transit in goods shelf go to tunnel mouth.This paper describes laboratory based in the school design plan RS,in thirdly parts: elevator Gou , walk organization and fork telescoping mechanism design , design a kind of tape the cranes safe organization of flexible installation design scheme. first, put forward the overall design scheme of every organization; secondly, for every organization analyse by force condition calculate , then estimation beginning take value, check nuclear, final definite every reality again worth.The design of the crane rail works out in good condition, action and flexible, convenient operation, low failure rate, maintenance, simple and convenient to meet the production needs.Keyword :automation three-dimensional storehouse ;shelf ;stacker cranes ;Access platform目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景及内容 (1)1. 1. 2 立体仓库的基本组成 (1)1.2立体仓库的优越性 (2)1.3研究意义 (2)第2章货架的设计 (3)2.1立体仓库货架设计原则 (3)2.3货架的确定 (4)2.4出入平台的类型选择 (5)2.5出入平台的确定 (5)第3章堆垛机的相关知识和升降机构设计 (7)3.1堆垛机的简介 (7)3.2堆垛机的发展 (7)3.3有轨巷道式堆垛机 (7)3.3.1 有轨巷道式堆垛机的特点 (7)3.3.2 有轨巷道式堆垛机的类型 (8)3.4堆垛机的结构设计综述 (9)3.4.1 堆垛机结构的组成和形式 (9)3.5堆垛机升降机构的设计计算 (10)3.5.1 升降机构零部件的设计计算 (11)3.5.2 升降机构的电机减速器的选取 (12)3.5.3 制动器的制动容量的设计 (12)第4章堆垛机门架的结构设计计算 (13)4.1框架的弯矩和挠度 (13)4.1.1 有叉取作业产生的弯矩 (14)4.2设计数据计算校核 (14)4.2.1各部分的弯矩 (15)4.2.2 结构构件的弯曲应力 (16)第5章堆垛机伸缩货叉机构的设计 (17)5.1伸缩货叉的扰度与强度 (17)5.1.1 下叉的受力分析 (18)5.1.2 中叉的受力分析 (18)5.1.3 上叉的设计分析 (20)5.2货叉各参数的选择 (20)5.3货叉内部零件的选取与校核 (21)5.3.1 轴承的选取校核 (21)5.3.2 链轮、链条的选取校核 (22)第6章堆垛机行走机构的设计计算 (23)6.1堆垛机走行轮的设计 (24)6.2走行装置的电机、减速器的选取 (25)6.2.1验算运行速度和实际所需功率 (25)6.2.2 验算起动时间 (25)6.2.3 起动工况下校核减速器功率 (26)6.3选择制动器 (27)6.4选择联轴器 (27)第7章结论与展望 (29)7.1结论 (29)7.2不足之处与未来展望 (29)参考文献 (30)致谢 (31)第1章绪论高层货架仓库简称高架仓库.一般是指采用几层、十几层乃至几十层高的货架储存单元货物,用相应的物料搬运设备进行货物入库和出库作业的仓库.由于这类仓库能充分利用空间储存货物,故常形象地将其称为“立体仓库”.1.1 研究背景及内容自动化立体仓库是现代物流系统中迅速发展的一个重要组成部分, 它具有节约用地、减轻劳动强度、消除差错、提高仓储自动化水平及管理水平、提高管理和操作人员素质、降低储运损耗、有效地减少流动资金的积压、提高物流效率等诸多优点。
关键字:柔性制造系统;灵活性;柔性制造能力;计算机控制AbstractA flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a form of flexible automation in which several machine tools are linked together by a material-handling system, and all aspects of the system are controlled by a central computer.Flexible manufacturing systems are flexible in the sense that their device controllers and central control computer can be reprogrammed to make new parts or old parts in new ways. They can also often make a number of different types of parts at the same time. However, this flexibility is limited to a certain family of parts, for example, axles. A general goal for designers is to increase flexibility, and advanced flexible manufacturing systems are more flexible than the earlier ones.This system reduces setup or changeover times and facilitates the production of differentiated products in small numbers. The shift in emphasis is from mass production of a few products to a job-shop environment in which customized orders are manufactured. Automation allows for better quality and scheduling, rapid changes in product lines, and lower inventories and costs.Greater labor productivity.Fewer workers requiring specialized education and skills. Greater machine efficiency.Fewer machines, less floor space and less space for operator movement. Improved quality. Less waste because on-line gauging allows immediate feedback and adjustment of the manufacturing process. Increased system reliability.Intelligent, self-diagnosing controls decrease the time required to identify and correct hardware problems. Reduced parts inventories.A key feature of flexible manufacturing is its ability to economically accommodate different batch sizes - even down to a run of a single part. Improved scheduling capabilities.These allow rapid response to changes in product design and production scheduling, the ability to conform to just-in-time scheduling, and reduced lead times. Adaptability to CAD/CAM operations. The digital specifications developed by Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing systems can serve as inputs to the process.The key elements necessary for a manufacturing system to qualify as an FMS are as follows:Computer controlautomated materials handling capabilityTool handling capabilityFlexible manufacturing integrates several automated manufacturing concepts:Computer numerical control (CNC) of individual machine toolsDistributed numerical control (DNC) of manufacturing systemsautomated materials handling systemsGroup technology (families of parts).When these automated processes, machines, and concepts are brought together in one integrated system, an FMS is the result. Humans and computers play major roles in an FMS.Keywords: flexible manufacturing system, flexible, flexible manufacturing ability, Computer controlautomated materials目录摘要(中文) (Ⅰ)(英文) (Ⅱ)第一章概述 (1)1.1 柔性制造系统以及起重机 (1)1.2研究内容 (5)第二章巷式起重机的结构设计 (8)2.1 步进电机的选择 (8)2.2 气动机构的选择 (14)2.3 主轴轴承的配置 (20)第三章导轨的结构设计 (24)3.1 导轨的作用和设计要求 (24)3.2 导轨设计的主要内容 (24)3.3 导轨的结构设计 (24)第四章PLC编程以及电路图 (36)结束语 (39)参考文献 (39)第一章概述本次毕业设计的题目为小型模具柔性制造系统——立体仓库及巷式起重机的设计。
plc课程设计之柔性制造系统 检测单元
![plc课程设计之柔性制造系统 检测单元](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fcf6371eff00bed5b9f31d34.png)
二、设计步骤1.、设计思路单元外形实物图硬件选型:CPU模块(IC695CPU310)、以太网模块(IC695ETM001)、数字模拟输入模块(IC694ACC300)、数字输出模块(IC695MDL754)2、I\O分配表输入点功能说明输出点功能说明I384 提升气缸下端传感Q359 提升气缸动作I385 提升气缸上端传感Q360 提升气缸复位I386 推物气缸初态感应Q361 推出气缸动作I387 高度检测气缸上端Q362 测高气缸动作I388 高度检测气缸下端Q363 传送带动作I389 金属光电传感器I390 电容传感器I391 黑色放射光电传感I392 高度检测杆上端感I393 高度检测杆下端感I383 紧急停止3、各中间继电器:延时中间继电器、静态中间继电器三、实验步骤1、打开GE软件,新建文件并命名。
Development of Flexible Manufacturing System using Virtual Manufacturing ParadigmSung-Chung Kim* and Kyung-Hyun ChoiSchool of mechanical engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea,School of mechanical engineering, Cheju National University, Cheju, South KoreaABSTRACTThe importance of Virtual Manufacturing System is increasing in the area of developing new manufacturing processes, implementing automated workcells, designing plant facility layouts and workplace ergonomics. Virtual manufacturing system is a computer system that can generate the same information about manufacturing system structure, states, and behaviors as is observed in a real manufacturing. In this research, a virtual manufacturing system for flexible manufacturing cells (VFMC), (which is a useful tool for building Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM),) has been developed using object-oriented paradigm, and implemented with software QUEST/IGRIP. Three object models used in the system are the product model, the facility model, and the process model. The concrete behaviors of a flexible manufacturing cell are represented by the task-oriented description diagram, TID. An example simulation is executed to evaluate applicability of the developed models, and to prove the potential value of virtual manufacturing paradigm.Key Words : FMS, virtual manufacturing system, CIM, object-oriented paradigm, TIDRecent trends in manufacturing systems, such as the need for customized products by small batches and for fast product renewal rates, have been demanding new paradigms in manufacturing. Therefore, the modern manufacturing systems are needed to be adaptable, and have the capability to reconfigure or self configure their own structure. Flexible Manufacturing Cells (FMCs) are generally recognized as the best productivity tool for small to medium batch manufacturing, and are also basic unit to construct a shop floor which is an important leve for developing computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). However, due to its complexity, the modeling and operation methodology related to FMC should be verified before implementation.As one of approaches to these requirements, Virtual Manufacturing (VM) approach has been introduced, and known as a effective paradigm for generating a model of manufacturing systems and simulating manufacturing processes instead of their operations in the real world. VM pursues the informational equivalence with real manufacturing systems. Therefore, the concept of Virtual Manufacturing System is expected to provide dramatic benefits in reducing cycle times, manufacturing and production costs, and improving communications across global facilities to launch new products faster, improve productivity and reduce operations costs for existing product shop [1,2].With an object-oriented paradigm, computer-based technologies such as virtual prototyping and virtual factory are employed as a basic concept for developing the manufacturing processes, including the layout of the optimal facility, to produce products. Virtual prototyping is a process by which advanced computer simulation enables early evaluation of new products or machines concept without actually fabricating physical machines or products. Bodner, et al.,[3] concentrated on the decision problems associated with individual machines that assemble electronic components onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). Virtual factory is a realistic, highly visual, 3D graphical representation of an actual factory floor with the real world complexity linked to the production controlling system and the real factory. Virtual factories are increasingly used within manufacturing industries as representations of physical plants, for example, VirtualWork system for representation of shop floor factory[4].Despite its benefits and applicability, VM systems should deal with a number of models of various types and require a large amount of computation for simulating behavior of equipment on a shop floor. To cope with this complexity in manufacturing, it is necessary to introduce open system architecture of modeling and simulation for VM systems.In this paper, three models, which are product, device, and process models will be addressed. Especially processmodel for FMC will be emphasized using QUEST/IGRIP as an implementation issue. The open system architecture consists of well-formalized modules for modeling and simulation that have carefully decomposed functions and well-defined interface with other modules.2. Concept of virtual manufacturingVirtual Manufacturing System is a computer model that represents the precise and whole structure of manufacturing systems and simulates their physical and logical behavior in operation, as well as interacting with the real manufacturing system. Its concept is specified as the model of present or future manufacturing systems with all products, processes, and control data. Before information and control data are used in the real system, their verification is performed within virtual manufacturing environment. In addition, its status and information is fed back to the virtual system from the real system.Virtual environments will provide visualization technology for virtual manufacturing. The virtual prototype is an essential component in the virtual product life cycle, while the virtual factory caters for operations needed for fabricating products. Therefore, the developments in the area of virtual prototyping and virtual factory will enhance the capabilities of virtual manufacturing.The major benefit of a virtual manufacturing is that physical system components (such as equipment and materials) as well as conceptual system compvonents (e.g., process plans and equipment schedules) can be easily represented through the creation of virtual manufacturing entities that emulate their structure and function. These entities can be added to or removed from the virtual plant as necessary with minimal impact on other system data. The software entities of the virtual factory have a high correspondence with real system components, thereby lending validity to simulations carried out in the virtual system meant to aid decision-makers in the real system.For virtual manufacturing, three major paradigms have been proposed, such as Design- centered VM, Production-centered VM, and Control- centered VM. The design-centered VM provides an environment for designers to design products and to evaluate the manufacturability and affordability of products. The results of design-centered VM include the product model, cost estimate, and so forth. Thus, potential problems with the design can be identified and its merit can be estimated. In order to maintain the manufacturing proficiency without actual building products, production-centered VM provides an environment for generating process plans and production plans, for planning resource requirements (new equipment purchase, etc.), and for evaluating these plans. This can provide more accurate cost information and schedules for product delivery. By providing the capability to simulate actual production, control-centered VM offers the environment for engineers to evaluate new or revised product designs with respect to shop floor related activities.Control-centered VM provides information for optimizing manufacturing processes and improving manufacturing systems.The virtual manufacturing approach in this paper is close to Control-centered VM. Fig.1 illustrates the viewpoint of the functional model of the virtual flexible manufacturing cell. Since the activity Execute real manufacturing systems depicts a model of real factory, it possibly replaces real factory. All manufacturing processesexcept physical elements of virtual manufacturing, such as design, process planning, scheduling, are included in the activity Operation of Virtual factory. The activity Execute simulation for virtual factory is a separate simulation model of VM system. With this virtual factory, parameters (e.g, utilization, operation time, etc.,) associated with operating a flexible manufacturing cell are simulated. And these results can provide the possibility of controlling manufacturing processes and predicting potential problems in the real manufacturing.3. Object modeling for virtual flexible manufacturing cellsObject-oriented technology may provide a powerful representation and classification tools for a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. It may also provide a common platform for the information sharing between sub-modules, and provide a richer way to store/retrieve/modify information, knowledge and models and reuse them. In the context of an object oriented approach, a model is simply an abstraction, or a representation of an objects or process.VFMC requires a robust information infrastructure that comprises rich information models for products, processes and production systems. As shown in Fig. 2, three models, that is product model, facility model, and process model, are developed for virtual flexible manufacturing cells. A product model is a generic model used for representing all types of artifacts, which appear in the process of manufacturing. It represents target products, which include conceptual shape information as well as analysis module for a specification, productivity, and strength.A facility model contains information about machines consisted of a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. By using the model, innovative tooling and methods can be evaluated without the cost of physical machine prototypes and fixture mock-ups. A process model is used for representing all the physical processes that are required for representing product behavior andmanufacturing processes.3.1 Product modelA product model holds the process and product knowledge to ensure the correct fabrication of the product with sufficient quality. It acts as an information server to the other models in the VFMC. It also provides consistent and up-to-date information on the product lifecycle, user requirements, design, and process plan and bill of material. An instance of Class Part provides detailed information about a part to be fabricated in VFMC. Sub-classes like ProcessPlan, BOM, and NcCode, are aggregated into the class Part. Classes Process Plan and BOM manipulate information and data associated with process plans and bill of materials, respectively. Class NcCode deals with NC programs, which interacts with CAD/CAM systems. With incorporation with the facility model, this developed NC programs can be verified and checked for collisions and interference with any workpiece or tooling in the fixture. This can avoid costly machine crashes and reduce risk during initial equipment installation and produce launch. Furthermore, productivity can be improved by avoiding nonproductive time for program prove out on the machine tool and by using thesimulation environment to train operators of new machines.3.2 Facility mode lReal manufacturing cell may consist of NC machines, robots, conveyors, and sensory devices. The architecture of class corresponding to the real manufacturing cell is shown in Fig.3, and represents the factory model. In VFMC, characteristics of the factory model include a detailed representation of machine behavior over time, a structure to the model that can configure and reconfigure easily, and a realistic and three-dimensional animation of machine behavior over time. Virtual machines defined within this model may be used to estimate accurately the merit of a process plan, and, based on this evaluation, determine appropriate process conditions to improve (and even optimize) the plan. V irtual robot contributes to unload and load parts into/from machines, and is used to find optimal paths without any collisions. With virtual operation, the fidelity of the machining and robot utilizing time and cost estimates is expected to improve. In addition, accurate modeling will predict the quality of the machined part, which cannot be determined easily and reliably without producing several physical prototypes. This information is invaluable to both the designer and the process planner. Physical entities such as machines and workpieces have the explicit representation as 3-D models for their shapes, positions, and orientations. 3-D models are conveniently used for calculating, geometrical attributes, checking spatial relations, and displaying computer graphics.3.3 Process modelBy assigning a finite set of states to each device in a cell (idle, busy, failed, etc.), the process of cell control can be modeled as a process of matching specific state change events to specific cell control actions, decision algorithms, or scripts. With this model, cell processes are represented a Task Initiation Diagram (TID) using an object-oriented approach. The methodology behind developing TID regards the tasks to be performed by the cell or any of its constituent machines for being primal, and employs the multi-layered approach. Sensory signals indicating the change of state of machines are used to trigger or initiate tasks. A task may be simple and require a relatively short time to execute, or may be complex and lengthy.Formally, a Task Initiation Diagram (TID) is defined as the four-tuple TID=(T, SR, C, O). Task Initiation Diagrams are composed of two basic components: a set of Rest states SR and a set of tasks T. Tasks, in turn, are classified into three groups: the cell configuration dependant task (Td), the cell configuration independent task (Ti), and the cycle transit task (Tt). Cell configuration dependent tasks are those which require some coordination among cell components to carry out the task. For example, the task load a s in aRobot load a part to:aMill requires that the actions of aRobot and aMill be coordinated. Cell configuration independent tasks require only one cell component to perform the task. The task move To as in Robot move to:MachineName configuration independent one, because it is carried out by the Robot without interacting with other components. Tt tasks are used for the transition from one cycle to another, and thus derived automatically by the system in order to complete a production job. State SR indicates rest states where cell constituents must be wait for next task. This state is given at any instant by the collection of states of itsconstituents. These composite states are depicted in the Task Initiation Diagram by ellipses, e.g., R11/3 or M13/4. The last number of the symbols indicates how many individual states are required to determine this composite state.To complete the diagram, it is necessary to define the relationship between the states and the tasks. This can be done by specifying two functions connecting states to tasks: the condition functionC, and the output function O. The condition function C defines, for each task Ti, the set of states for task C(Ti). Some condition functions may use guiding parameters in addition to a set of states. As an example, C(Tt) uses a Remaining Processing Time (RPT) to cause transition to the desired state.The output function O defines for each Task Ti the set of output States for the transition O(Ti).The Operation Initiation Diagram (OID) is the second layer diagram of the Task Initiation Diagram (TID). In the same way of TID to represent the model, the Operation Initiation Diagram OID is defined as the four-tuple, OID(task)=(OP,Sv,C,O). The symbol OP defines set of operation required for a given task. The operation, OP, is categorized into two groups: guided operations OPg and unconditional operations OPu. A guided operation is one that requires an external trigger to start it. Unconditional operations are ones that start automatically on the onset of all the necessary states.The symbol Sv indicates the set of visit-state. The visit-state, Sv, indicates an interaction between two machines and hence requires coordination among them. The symbol of this state has the pattern R-M-- for the robot, as an example, the state RvMnm. The small letter v represents the visit-state of the robot associated with location, Mn represents a machine served by the robot, and m represents the index of one of the visit locations. During the completion of the task, the busy states are employed, and indicate transitional states between operations or two executions without interaction. They can be recognized from the robot state symbol, Rtn. The small letter t i ndicates the state of the robot associated with transition. These states are useful in avoiding collisions with obstacles. The condition operator C, defines the setof state and guiding conditions necessary for each operation OPi i.e. C(Opi). The output operator O, defines the set of states resulting from each operation OPi, i.e., O(OPi).4. Control architecture for VFMCCell operation involves tasks to be performed on single machines independent of others, and tasks that to require the cooperation of two or more machines. In cases where a task calls for the coordination of two or more machines, the cell controller has to be involved to ensure proper execution of that task. For tasks involving a single machine, the primary function of a controller is to schedule the start of the task, and waits for its completion to command the nest task. In order to accomplish these functions, the cell controller is designed as a hybrid structure of both hierarchical controller and decentralized controllers as shown in Fig. 3. The controller consists ofthree different layers. The Scheduler, the Decentralized Control layer, and the Virtual Device layer. In the figure, the p assing of information and message are indicated by arrows. The Scheduler is a core component that receives the states of all the machines in the VFMC from the Decentralized Control layer, and decides the appropriate next task. It then dispatches the next task to be executed to the Decentralized Control layer. It uses the process knowledge bases that contain the routine cell task rules that are generated from the TID. The Decentralized Control layer consists of virtual drivers for the virtual machine that mimic to physical machines. Their main role is to perform the harmonization and the cooperation between the cell components in order to carry out the task called for by the Scheduler layer. They provide a device independent interface to the actual cell components by translating the generic commands and error messages of the corresponding machine. The virtual driver in the layer communicator and pass messages with each other. A virtual driver send commands to the corresponding physical machine, and receives the state of that machine, through that Virtual Device in the Virtual Device layer.The lowermost layer of the controller consists of the Virtual Devices which monitor and continuously mirror, in real time, the state of the physical machine they represent. Each machine state is analyzed by its Virtual Device and reported to the corresponding Virtual holons as required. The Virtual Devices also serve as conduits for commands from the Virtual holons to the physical machines.5. ConclusionIn this study, the concept of virtual manufacturing is investigated, and three models, such as the product, the facility, and the process model, are developed for virtual flexible manufacturing cells. A product model is a generic model used for representing all types of parts, which appear in the process of manufacturing. A facility model contains information about machines consisted of a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. A process model is used for representing all the physical processes that are required for representing product behavior and manufacturing processes. The methodology behind developing VFMC is an object-oriented paradigm that provides a powerful representation a nd classification tools. For the implementation IGRIP/QUEST is used to model all 3D virtual machines involved models, and to simulate the whole factories where manufacturing events are concerned. The concrete behaviors of simulation are d escribed by the task-oriented description (TID). Also the result of simulation is demonstrated to prove the applicability of the virtual manufacturing paradigm. The potential of virtual manufacturing is to support manufacturability assessments and provide accurate cost, lead-time, and quality estimate is a major motivation forfurther research and development in this area.References1. 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基于现场总线 的柔性制造系统的设计
T h des gn offe bl anu act i s em e i l xi e m f urng sy t desi gn based on fel i d bus
HE F n a g
( 新余学 院 机电工程 学院,新余 3 8 0 ) 3 0 0 . 要 :在柔性制造系统中控制 系统是极其重要的一部分 , 控制系统的 自动化、智能化和精密化使得柔 性制造系统有了快速发展 。控制系统功能的实现要通过网络通信 ,只有信息的传 递才 能让现场 设备和主控计算机进行信息的交流 ,从而达到控制的目的。本文针对系统通信 的实时性和高效 性设计 了一种新型柔性制造 系统 ,该系统的通信是借 助现场总线技术实现的 ,在系统中设立主 站和从站 ,实现多级实时管理 ,系统的可靠性得到了很大的提高。
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工业 自动 化产 品也 面临 着升级 。
图 1 P O I US 议 规 范 层次 结构 R FB 协
中型 ,现 场 设 备 和 主控 计 算 机 的通 信 必 须 通 过 有
络 节 点 作 为 网 络 系 统 的一 部 分 出现 ,在 拓 展 后 控
制 系统 就 会 进 入 自动 化 。过 程 现场 总 线 的 网络 模
型 包 技 术 的传输 速 率 在 9 Kb s 1 Mb s . p 至 2 p 这 6 个范 围 内 。过 程 现 场 总线 的 网络 模 型设 计 是根 据
一、柔性制造系统的设计1. 系统结构设计在柔性制造系统的设计中,系统结构设计是非常重要的一步。
2. 设备选择与布局设计设备的选择是柔性制造系统设计中的一个关键环节。
3. 操作系统设计柔性制造系统的操作系统是整个系统的核心,它通过编写代码,来完成自动化生产过程中的控制和管理。
二、柔性制造系统的优化1. 运行效率优化柔性制造系统的运行效率优化是提高制造效率和生产质量的一个重要环节。
XIAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY本科毕业设计(论文>题目:价值流图析在ZX车间精益生产中的应用院<系)机电工程学院专业工业工程班级080212姓名梁佩学号080212113导师闫莉2018年6月价值流图析在ZX 车间精益生产中的应用摘要精益生产起源于丰田生产方式,是由美国麻省理工学院组织专家研究汽车工业的生产方式总结出来的。
本文首先对精益生产及价值流图析工具进行研究与阐述,然后以ZX 车间产品生产流程为研究对象, 利用价值流图析工具绘制公司现状价值流图,借助定性和定量相结合的系统分析方法,根据价值流现状图分析与评估工厂当前的生产运作情况,找到生产流程中过量生产、库存、等待、搬运等主要浪费,确定缩短生产周期的关键点,并研究生产周期缩短的策略。
在本文中,通过价值流图析在ZX 车间实际应用研究,探讨精益生产理论在模具制造业中的应用状况和条件,对该公司及其他同类企业有积极指导作用,同时对精益思想在国内企业的具体应用具有一定的指导意义。
关键词:价值流图析;生产周期;关键路径分析法Value stream mapping in ZX workshop Lean ProductionAbstractLean production is originated from TOYOTA production system, which is resulted fromconclusion of Automobile Industry by MIT experts. The core point is to remove all theuseless working and Muda. Now VSM is one of the most important tool to Analyse Leanproduction system.This thesis is beginning from description and research of lean production and relatedVSM. Based on the case of production procedure of ZX company, and with the combinationof quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis method, we use VSM to outline WSCompany' s current Value Stream Map. We can find thmeain Muda of over quantitativeproduction, inventory, waiting and carrying during production process. According to currentVSM drawing analysis and evaluation on current production status, We make out the solveway and strategy to shorten Lead Time. And then we need to choose the key route duringproduction procedure by PERT, and go ahead project plan accordingly. With the lean production methods ,we can optimize and improve the main problems, remove inventory, Waiting, carrying andotherMuda, finally we can optimize the delivery, improve production workplace, and reducecost at most.In the thesis,with the practical applicationofVSM on ZX Company, weexplore leanproduction theory and method applying in the moldindustry, it ispositive guide for this manufacturer and other similar manufacturers. Meanwhile it is aguiding flag for the research and application oflean production conception in domesticmanufacturers.KeyWords:Value Stream Mapping(VSM>;Lead Time;PERT目录1 绪论61.1题目背景、研究意义及国内外相关研究情况61.1.1题目的背景和意义61.1.2国内外研究综述61.2本课题研究的主要内容和拟采用的研究方案、研究方法或措施81.2.1 主要研究内容81.2.2 研究方案、方法或措施82 ZX 车间价值流图分析102.1 ZX 车间简况102.2 ZX 车间产品P-Q 分析102.3 ZX 车间现状价值流图的绘制112.3.1 顾客需求数据框的绘制112.3.2生产过程框的绘制122.3.3 每个过程的周期及总周期的计算122.3.4 整体现状价值流图132.3.5 现状价值流图分析153 价值流优化方案与措施173.1 产品生产周期优化方案173.2 价值流分析及生产线平衡173.3 价值流优化成果194 基于PERT 技术的产品周期优化214.1计划评审技术vPERT原理214.2产品生产工艺分解优化214.2.1 主轴加工具体工艺流程21422PERT计算方法及流程时间预测22423PERT网络分析图234.2.4计算关键路径244.2.5计算完工概率<正态分布)254.3PERT 优化成果265 结论27致谢28参考文献291 绪论1.1题目背景、研究意义及国内外相关研究情况1.1.1题目的背景和意义精益生产的理念最早起源于日本丰田汽车公司,而后由美国麻省理工学院组织专家研究汽车工业的生产方式总结出来的[1]。
基于Petri网的柔性制造系统控制器设计基于Petri网的柔性制造系统控制器设计一、引言柔性制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System, 简称FMS)是一种高度自动化的生产系统,通过柔性配置的机械、设备、计算机等组成,能够根据市场需求和产品变化快速灵活地进行生产。
二、Petri网基本原理Petri网是由德国科学家Carl Adam Petri于1962年提出的一种图论模型,主要应用于描述并发处理过程中的事件与系统之间的关系。
三、柔性制造系统控制器设计方法1. 建立Petri网模型首先,需要根据柔性制造系统的具体需求和工艺流程建立Petri网模型。
2. 设计控制策略根据柔性制造系统的生产需求和控制要求,设计控制策略。
3. 状态监测与转移在柔性制造系统中,需要实时监测各个工序的状态,并进行合适的状态转移。
4. 故障检测和处理柔性制造系统中,可能会出现设备故障、工艺异常等问题,需要及时检测和处理。
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摘要柔性制造系统是由统一的信息控制系统、物料储运系统和一组数字控制加工设备组成,能适应加工对象变换的自动化机械制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System),英文缩写为FMS。
目录第一章概述 (5)第二章总体介绍 (6)一.自动化生产线的基本组成 (6)第三章上料单元 (7)一.上料单元的基本功能 (7)二.上料单元的组成 (7)三.接线端子及主令部件 (8)四.上料单元PLC运行程序 (10)五.上料单元的PLC地址分配 (15)第四章冲压单元 (16)一.冲压单元的组成原理 (16)二.面板接线说明 (18)三.冲压单元PLC运行程序 (20)四.冲压单元PLC地址分配 (26)第五单元落料单元 (27)一.落料单元的组成原理 (27)二.面板接线及说明 (28)三.落料单元的运行程序 (30)四.落料单元PLC地址分配 (35)总结 (36)致 (37)参考文献 (37)第一章概述二十世纪以来,为了实现自动化,人们研究和制造了成千上万种自动控制系统,极推动了生产劳动、社会服务、军事工程和科学研究等活动。
第二章总体介绍一. 自动生产线基本组成自动生产线由安装在铝合金导轨式台面上的上料单元、冲压单元、落料单元、输送单元、喷涂单元,等……。
图2-1 自动生产线外观其中,每一工作单元都可自成一个独立的系统。
图2-3 上料单元实物的全貌二.上料单元的组成:1.PLC上料单元包括两部分。
2.第二部分为托盘输送部分,通过传送带将托盘从输入端送至输出端,如2-4所示图2-4三.接线端子及主令部件凡需24V直流电源供电的,请将其连接至电源模块24V区,需接地的请连接至电源模块GND 区。
图1-4-1 液压冲压加工结构图SEN1用来检测加工工位是否有工件,夹紧气缸用来固定待加工工件,液压电磁阀用来控制液压加工轴的上升下降。
图1-4-2 液压冲压加工单元传送带SEN2用来检测输入端工件是否存在,SEN3用来检测输出端工件是否到位。
图1-7-1 落料单元结构图各部件名称和作用介绍如下:YV1:阻挡气缸电磁阀,通过此电磁阀阻挡,将托盘停在旋转落料孔正下方,使盒状工件能落入托盘槽;SEN1:反射开关,传送带输入端工件检测开关,用来检测传送带上是否存在托盘;SEN2:反射开关,落料工位检测开关,用来检测盒状工件是否落下;SEN3:反射开关,传送带输出端工件检测开关,用来检测托盘传送带输出端是否有工件;SEN4:反射开关,料库工件检测开关,用来检测工件是否已经存在于旋转机构料库中;SEN5:光电开关,电机旋转原点信号,用来定位使直流电机每次固定旋转一周;SEN6:反射开关,托盘到位检测开关,用来检测托盘是否到位(落料孔正下方)。
二.面板接线说明凡需24V直流电源供电的,请将其连接至电源模块24V区,需接地的请连接至电源模块GND 区。