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1. Kate enjoys __________uniform to school every day.

A. wear a

B. to wear an

C. weaaring a

D. wears an

2. Can you play _________chess or _________violin?

A. the, the

B. the, /

C. /, the

D. /, /

3. Jim is good _________telling stories and ________kids.

A. with, at

B. at, for

C. with, for

D. at, with

4. Lucy never _________up late on school nights.

A. stayed

B. stays

C. staying

D. is staying

5. ________does the man work from here?

A. How

B. How long

C. How much

D. How far

6. It’s about _________from here to the History Museum.

A. ten minutes ride

B. ten minute’s ride

C. ten minutes’ ride

D. ten minutes’s ride

7. Kate, _________often run in the hallway. It’s dangerous.

A. don’t

B. not

C. doesn’t

D. didn’t

8. How ________Kate with her parents ________to Beijing right now?

A. is, going

B. are, going

C. do, go

D. does, go

9. There’re ten_________noodles in the restaurant and two of them are ________delicious.

A. kind of, kind of

B. kind of, kinds of

C. kinds of, kinds of

D. kinds of, kind of

10. The girl __________is Lucy’s cousin.

A. has short curly black hair

B. has black curly short

C. with curly short black hair

D. with short curly black hair

11. Our teachers are always strict _______us ________our studies.

A. with, in

B. with, with

C. in, in

D. in, with

12. ---Is he short or thin? ---__________.

A. He’s thin

B. Yes, he is thin

C. Yes, he is short

D. No, he is heavy

13. ---Excuse me, ________________? ---Yes, there is. Go along this street and turn right.

A. is the shop near here

B. where’s the shop

C. is there a shop near here

D. how far is the shop

14. They usually get to school _________foot, sometimes they get ________a bus.

A. on, on

B. on, by

C. by, by

D. by, on

15. I’d like _________noodles, please.

A. mutton and potato

B. mutton and potatoes

C. muttons and potato

D. muttons and potatoes

16. It’s Sunday tomorrow. Where would you and your classmates like _________?

A. go

B. going

C. to go

D. went

17. We went to the museum yesterday, but Jack did _________.

A. something different

B. different something

C. anything different

D. different anything

18. There is _________on the farm.

A. some sheep

B. many sheep

C. a little sheep

D. much sheep

19. ---________________? ---Great.

A. How is it going

B. What does he look like

C. How was your weekend

D. What’s the weather

20. What _______he _______last night?

A. do, do

B. is, doing

C. does, do

D. did, do

