
A、大象B、蓝鲸C、野马D、鲨鱼2、我国历史上著名故事《完璧归赵》的主人公是( B )。
A、诸葛亮B、蔺相如C、曹操D、越王勾践3、下列哪个奖项不在诺贝尔奖之列?(B)A、文学奖B、数学奖C、物理学奖D、医学奖4、世界第一位女航天员出自哪个国家?( B )A、美国B、苏联C、加拿大D、法国5、小羊羔吃奶时是(C)。
A、站着B、躺着C、跪着D、趴着6、下列哪种人类疾病与蚊子有关系( D )。
A、法律条文B、美德善行C、圆规曲尺D、道德准则8、人体血液中红细胞可存活多少天?( B )A、90天B、120天C、150天D、200天9、我国人口最多的少数民族是(C)。
A、蒙古族B、满族C、壮族D、回族、10、中国古代创造了望、闻、问、切四诊法的名医是(B)A、华佗B、扁鹊C、张仲景D、李时珍11、《孙子兵法》的作者是( A)。
A、孙武B、孙膑C、孙权D、白起12、杜甫诗云,“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”,李白诗云,“锦城虽云乐,不如早还家”,请问,这里的“锦城”、“锦官城”指的都是哪一个城市( B )。
A、毒品B、流氓软件C、马斯河谷事件D、未成年人犯罪15、中国发明生铁冶炼技术的时间是在哪个年代?(B)A、商朝B、春秋后期C、西周D、唐朝16、“问世间情为何物,直教生死相许”这句诗是谁写的?( A )A 、元好问 B、柳永 C、晏殊 D、李清照17、元太祖铁木真是蒙古草原上的英雄,他被人们尊称为“成吉思汗”,“汗”的意思是大王,那么“成吉思”的意思是(B)。

以下是店铺整理的2022年科普知识竞赛题库,欢迎参考!科普知识题一1、国务院于( )颁布了《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》?A、2005年9月17日B、2006年2月6日C、2006年6月5日2、《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》是( )年颁布实施的,中国科协于2005年把每年的( )定为“全国科普日”?A、2002年,9月第三个公休日B、2003年,5月第三个公休日C、2002年,9月第二个公休日3、世界卫生组织把健康定义为( )。
A、人体各器官系统发育良好,功能正常,体格健壮B、通过人体测量、体格检查和各种生理指标来衡量C、躯体健康、心理健康及社会适应良好4、孩子的性别是由( )。
A、父亲的遗传基因决定的B、母亲的遗传基因决定的C、父母双方的遗传基因决定的5、什么是“低碳”? ( )A、较低的温室气体(二氧化碳为主)排放B、较低的一氧化碳气体消耗C、较低的碳水化合物消耗6、从1997年开始,“世界环境日”不变的主题是( )。
A、可持续发展B、为了地球上的生命C、保护生态环境7、用无磷洗衣粉( )。
A、保护衣物B、防止污染环境C、净衣效果好8、一节1号电池能使一平方米的土地永远失去利用价值,一粒扣式电池可污染 ( )。
A、1000立方米水B、6万立方米水C、10万立方米水9、甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎是 ( )。
A、症状相似但完全不同的两种疾病B、是相同疾病的两种表现C、乙型肝炎是甲型肝炎的变种10、贝尔电话,爱迪生留声机,冷冻船首次出现在( )年巴黎世博会上。
A、1872B、1874C、187811、水果蔬菜主要供给人体所必需的( )。
A、蛋白质和氨基酸B、碳水化合物C、水溶性维生素和无机盐12、被称为“地球之肾”的生态系统是( )。

四年级英语科普知识普及单选题40题1.The giraffe has a very long _____.A.neckB.tailC.legD.head答案:A。
长颈鹿以长脖子闻名,选项B 尾巴、选项C 腿、选项D 头都不是长颈鹿最显著的长的特征。
2.The lion is known as the king of the _____.A.forestB.jungleC.desertD.zoo答案:A。
狮子被称为森林之王,选项B 丛林一般不这么称呼狮子,选项 C 沙漠不是狮子的主要栖息地,选项 D 动物园不是狮子的自然栖息地。
3.The panda eats mostly _____.A.meatB.fishC.bambooD.leaves答案:C。
熊猫主要吃竹子,选项A 肉、选项B 鱼都不是熊猫的食物,选项D 树叶不是熊猫的主要食物。
4.The kangaroo has a special pouch for carrying its _____.A.babyB.foodC.waterD.stones答案:A。
袋鼠有育儿袋用来装宝宝,选项B 食物、选项C 水、选项D 石头都不是放在育儿袋里的。
5.The snake moves by slithering on its _____.A.legsB.wingsC.tailD.belly答案:D。
蛇靠腹部爬行,选项A 蛇没有腿,选项B 蛇没有翅膀,选项C 尾巴不是主要移动的部位。
6.The bird has two _____ for flying.A.wingsB.legsC.tailsD.heads答案:A。
鸟有两个翅膀用来飞行,选项B 腿不是用来飞行的,选项C 尾巴不是主要飞行器官,选项D 鸟只有一个头。
7.The dolphin lives in the _____.A.riverkeC.seaD.pond答案:C。
海豚生活在海里,选项A 河流不是海豚主要栖息地,选项B 湖泊也不是,选项D 池塘不是海豚的栖息地。

九年级英语科普知识应用练习题30题1<背景文章>Solar energy is one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. It is harnessed from the sun's rays and converted into useful forms of energy. The principle behind solar energy is relatively simple. Photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells, are made of materials that can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.The advantages of solar energy are numerous. Firstly, it is a clean and renewable source of energy, which means it does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants. Secondly, it is abundant and freely available. As long as the sun shines, there is a constant supply of solar energy. Thirdly, solar energy systems can be installed in a variety of locations, from rooftops to remote areas where there is no access to the electricity grid.Solar energy has a wide range of applications. It can be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops to generate electricity for household use. In addition, solar energy can be used to heat water for domestic and industrial purposes. Solar-powered street lights are also becoming increasingly common in many cities.Solar energy is not without its challenges, however. One of the mainchallenges is the cost of installing solar energy systems. Although the cost has been declining in recent years, it can still be relatively expensive. Another challenge is the intermittent nature of solar energy. Since the sun does not shine all the time, there is a need for energy storage systems to ensure a continuous supply of electricity.Despite these challenges, solar energy is expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting the world's energy needs in the coming years. As technology continues to improve and costs continue to decline, more and more people are likely to turn to solar energy as a viable alternative to fossil fuels.1. What is the principle behind solar energy?A. It is generated by wind turbines.B. It is harnessed from the sun's rays and converted into electricity.C. It is produced by nuclear reactors.D. It is created by burning fossil fuels.答案:B。

四年级英语科普知识与科学探索单选题40题1. When it rains heavily, we should _____.A. go out and playB. stay at homeC. open all the windowsD. touch the electric wires答案:B。
2. A butterfly usually has _____.A. six legsB. four legsC. eight legsD. ten legs答案:A。
3. The sun rises in the _____.A. westB. eastC. southD. north答案:B。
4. A cat likes to catch _____.A. flowersB. miceC. leavesD. fish from the river by itself答案:B。
5. When winter comes, some animals will _____.A. have a partyB. go on a tripC. hibernateD. sing loudly答案:C。
六年级英语科普知识词汇单选题 30 题

六年级英语科普知识词汇单选题30 题1.The giraffe has a very long _____.A.tailB.neckC.legD.head答案解析:B。
2.The kangaroo can jump very high because it has strong _____.A.armsB.legsC.tailsD.ears答案解析:B。
3.The elephant has a long _____.A.noseB.tailC.legD.ear答案解析:A。
4.The bird has two _____.A.wingsB.legsC.tailsD.heads答案解析:A。
5.The fish can swim with its _____.A.legsB.tailC.wingsD.ears答案解析:B。
6.The snake moves with its _____.A.legsB.tailC.bodyD.ears答案解析:C。
7.The monkey has a long _____.B.neckC.legD.head答案解析:A。

四年级英语科普知识普及单选题40题1.The giraffe has a long _____.A.neckB.tailC.legD.nose答案:A。
选项B 尾巴、选项C 腿、选项D 鼻子都不是长颈鹿最突出的长的特征。
2.The monkey likes to eat _____.A.meatB.leavesC.bananasD.fish答案:C。
选项A 肉、选项B 树叶、选项D 鱼都不是猴子通常喜欢吃的食物。
3.The elephant is very _____.A.smallB.thinC.strongD.short答案:C。
选项A 小、选项B 瘦、选项D 矮都不符合大象的特征。
4.The rabbit has a short _____.A.tailB.neckC.legD.nose答案:A。
选项B 脖子、选项C 腿、选项D 鼻子都不是兔子短的特征。
5.The tiger is a kind of _____.A.birdB.insectC.mammalD.reptile答案:C。
选项A 鸟、选项B 昆虫、选项D 爬行动物都不对。
6.The fish can swim in the _____.A.airndC.waterD.tree答案:C。
选项A 空气、选项B 陆地、选项D 树都不是鱼游泳的地方。
7.The bird has two _____.B.legsC.tailsD.noses答案:A。
选项B 腿、选项C 尾巴、选项D 鼻子都不是鸟特有的有两个的特征。
8.The cat likes to play with _____.A.miceB.dogsC.birdsD.fish答案:A。
选项B 狗、选项C 鸟、选项D 鱼不是猫通常玩的主要对象。
9.The dog has a good sense of _____.A.sightB.hearingC.smellD.taste答案:C。

1 Animals get energy for growth and repair fromA soilB foodC waterD air2 A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human’s body produces sweat. These are two ways that organisms may adjust toA cold temperaturesB hot temperaturesC a shortage of foodD a shortage of drinking water3 During which season of the year would a rabbit’s fur be thickest?A fallB springC summerD winter4 Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment?A a bat flying at nightB a deer drinking waterC an owl eating a mouseD a squirrel storing nuts5 An example of a poor health habit isA taking a bath or shower regularlyB handwashing after using the bathroomC playing on a soccer teamD eating candy instead of lunch6 Which substance is usually found in nature as a liquid, solid, and gas?A waterB rockC metalD glass7 Which example describes an organism taking in nutrients?A a dog burying a boneB a girl eating an appleC an insect crawling on a leafD a boy planting tomatoes in a garden8 Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned?A telling a storyB saluting the flagC having blue eyesD riding a bicycle9 What is the main function of scales on a fish?A to protect the fishB to attract predatorsC to help the fish find foodD to help the fish breathe10 Which behavior is an example of an animal adapting to a change in the environment?A a squirrel climbing a treeB a rabbit feeding its youngC a frog eating an insectD a bird migrating southAnswer:B B D D D A BC A D。

九年级英语科普知识应用练习题20题1<背景文章>Solar energy is one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. It is clean, abundant, and sustainable. The principle of solar energy is based on the conversion of sunlight into electricity or heat.Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity can then be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities. In addition to generating electricity, solar energy can also be used for heating and cooling. Solar water heaters, for example, use the sun's energy to heat water for domestic use.The applications of solar energy are widespread. In remote areas where there is no access to the electrical grid, solar power is often the only source of electricity. Solar-powered street lights, traffic signals, and communication towers are also becoming increasingly common. In addition, many countries are investing in large-scale solar power plants to meet their growing energy needs.The future of solar energy looks bright. As technology continues to improve, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar panels are expected to increase. This will make solar energy even more competitive withtraditional sources of energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas. In addition, new applications for solar energy are being developed all the time, such as solar-powered cars and airplanes.In conclusion, solar energy is a powerful and versatile source of renewable energy that has the potential to transform the way we live and work. With its many benefits and growing popularity, it is likely that solar energy will play an increasingly important role in our future.1. What is the principle of solar energy based on?A. The conversion of wind into electricity.B. The conversion of sunlight into electricity or heat.C. The conversion of water into steam.D. The conversion of coal into gas.答案:B。

知识竞赛英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a fruit?A. AppleB. BananaC. CarrotD. Orange2. The word "environment" can be spelled as:A. envoirnmentB. enviromentC. environmentD. enveronment3. What does the phrase "break the ice" mean?A. To start a fireB. To melt the iceC. To initiate a conversationD. To stop a conversation4. In English, the word "photosynthesis" refers to:A. The process of making photosB. The process of plant growthC. The process of converting light into chemical energy in plantsD. The process of making synthetic materials5. The past tense of "write" is:A. writedB. writC. wroteD. writes6. What is the opposite of "agree"?A. DisagreeB. AgreeC. LikeD. Love7. The idiom "barking up the wrong tree" means:A. Planting a treeB. Making a mistakeC. Barking at a treeD. Being very angry8. The word "unique" is:A. AdjectiveB. NounC. VerbD. Adverb9. "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west" is an example of:A. A factB. A beliefC. A theoryD. A superstition10. The phrase "a piece of cake" is used to describesomething that is:A. Very difficultB. Very expensiveC. Very easyD. Very tasty二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The capital of France is ______.12. The ______ is the largest organ in the human body.13. The chemical symbol for water is ______.14. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single______."15. The word "education" has ______ syllables.16. The opposite of "hot" is ______.17. The phrase "green with envy" is used to describe someone who is ______.18. "A rolling stone gathers no ______."19. "To ______ is human; to forgive, divine."20. "Actions speak louder than ______."三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:In the heart of the city stands an old clock tower. It has been there for over a century, and it is a symbol of thecity's history. The clock tower is not only a place where people can check the time, but it also serves as a meeting point for friends and families. Every day, at noon, the clock tower chimes, and the sound can be heard all over the city.21. How long has the clock tower been there?A. Over a centuryB. Less than a centuryC. A few yearsD. A few months22. What is the clock tower a symbol of?A. Modern technologyB. The city's historyC. The city's futureD. The city's economy23. What does the clock tower do every day at noon?A. It rings a bellB. It shows a light showC. It displays a movieD. It tells a story24. What can the sound of the clock tower be heard by?A. Only people nearbyB. People in the city centerC. People all over the cityD. People outside the city25. What is the clock tower used for?A. Checking the timeB. Meeting friends and familiesC. Both A and BD. None of the above四、翻译题(每题3分,共15分)26. 请将下列句子翻译成英文。
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1、Animals get energy for growth and repair fro m ___
2 A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human’s body produces sweat. These are two ways that organisms may adjust to ___
A、cold temperatures
B、hot temperatures
C、a shortage of food
D、a shortage of drinking water Answer:B
3 During which season of the year would a rabbit’s fur be thickest?
4 Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment?
A、a bat flying at night
B、a deer drinking water
C、an owl eating a mouse
D、a squirrel storing nuts
5 An example of a poor health habit is
A、taking a bath or shower regularly
B、handwashing after using the bathroom
C、playing on a soccer team
D、eating candy instead of lunch
6 Which substance is usually found in nature as a liquid, solid, and gas?
7 Which example describes an organism taking in nutrients?
A、a dog burying a bone
B、a girl eating an apple
C、an insect crawling on a leaf
D、a boy planting tomatoes in a garden
8 Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned?
A、telling a story
B、saluting the flag
C、having blue eyes
D、riding a bicycle
9 What is the main function of scales on a fish?
A、to protect the fish
B、to attract predators
C、to help the fish find food
D、to help the fish breathe
10 Which behavior is an example of an animal adapting to a change in the environment?
A、a squirrel climbing a tree
B、a rabbit feeding its young
C、a frog eating an insect
D、a bird migrating south
C A D。