
It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.2)随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。
As time goes on we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs.And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests between nations.3)我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。
We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant.Otherwise we will lose our friends.4)信息现在唾手可得。
Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of a small library 5)那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。

Unit1V ocabulary41.他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our hopeless situation and took over our company.2.虽然我们前面仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties lay ahead of us, I’m sure that we Chinese people have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3.只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重的问题。
It is wrong to stress/emphasize/put emphasis on GDP. It will bring about/give rise to many serious problems.4.他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but that is all in vain. People still avoid him as he were poison.5.他不久就爱上了这个村子。
He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with the villagers.6.我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。
We must spend much more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7.当警察到达学校的时候,学生和教师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。

1.London is a very cosmopolitan city伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市。
2. Her mother grew up in the hectic urbon environment.她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。
3 .New York is supposed to be very touristy.纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。
4 .The city where I lived a few years ago was dynamic one.我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。
5. Thetrain was crowded.那班火车非常拥挤。
6. The English often drink tea.英国人经常喝茶。
7 .The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。
8 .Last year, I often went to the library of that university.去年我常去那所大学的图书馆。
9 .He left ten minutes ago.他十分钟前离开了。
10. Where did you got last night.昨晚你去哪里了?11. Who phoned last night?昨晚是谁打的电话?12 .What happened last night?昨晚发生了什么事情?13. What does your brother do?你的哥哥是做什么的?14. Whom is he talking with?他正在与谁说话?15. When did they leave?他们是什么时候离开的?16. Nowadays young people like to surf the net to get all kinds of information.现在的年轻人都喜欢上网冲浪,获取各种信息。

英语翻译基础--英汉互译名词解释英语翻译基础--英汉互译名词解释1、国际组织类已经考过的:apec,国际货币基金组织,G20,世界银行,世贸组织,EU,WTO,关税总协定,安理会常任理事国,CDED,IAEA,ASEM,UNICEF,ASEAN,OECD,APEC,前苏联可能要考的:联合国、联合国大会/联大、联合国安全理事会、欧盟、东盟、阿盟、非盟、20国集团、亚太经合组织、北约、上合组织、金砖四国、八国集团首脑会议、经合组织、关税及贸易组织、石油输出国组织/欧佩克、国际奥委会、国际足球联合会、国际原子能机构、核供应国集团、禁止化学武器组织、国际能源机构、博鳌亚洲论坛、英联邦、独联体、欧洲委员会、世界卫生组织、世界知识产权组织、世界旅游组织、联合国粮食及农业组织、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会、国际劳工组织、国际标准化组织、国际红十字会、亚太空间合作组织、欧洲货币联盟、国际复兴开发银行/世界银行、亚洲开发银行、非洲开发银行、欧洲中央银行、欧洲复兴发展银行、美洲开发银行/泛美开发银行、伊斯兰开发银行、不结盟运动、巴黎俱乐部、南方中心、阿拉伯各国议会联盟、拉丁美洲议会、海湾合作委员会、联合国工业发展组织、联合国开发计划署、联合国环境署、世界动物卫生组织、世界穆斯林大会、世界气象组织、世界和平理事会、国际金融公司、国际海事组织、国际民用航空组织、国际开发协会、国际商会、国际贸易中心、国际捕鲸委员会、阿拉伯石油输出国组织、太平洋岛国论坛、SCO、UNSC、OECD、OIE、OPEC、FAO、UNESCO、UNCF、UNIDO、UNDP、UNEP、UNCDF、UNCTAD、WHO、WMO、GATT、WIPO、WPC、ILO、IMF、IOC、IPC、ISO、ICC、IAEA、NATO、OPEC、EEC、NAM、UNCITRAL、UNDP、UNEP、UNIDO、WB、WCO、WEC、WFC、WFP、WTO、EMU (European Monetary Union)、PLO(PalestineLiberationOrganization)巴勒斯坦解放组织、EFTA/欧洲自由贸易联盟2、中国政府机关名词已经考过的:全国人民代表大会,政协,npc、可能要考的:主席团、常务委员会、办公厅、秘书处、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、国务院、外交部、国防部、国家发展计划委员会、教育部、科学技术部、国家科学技术工业委员会、国家安全部、监察部、民政部、司法部、财政部、人事部、劳动和社会保障部、国土资源部、建设部、铁路部、交通部、信息产业部、水利部、农业部、对外贸易经济合作部、文化部、卫生部、国家计划生育委员会、中国人民银行、国家审计署、国务院办公厅、国务院研究室、新闻办公室、海关总署、国家税务总局、国家环境保护总局、中国民用航空总局、caac、国家广播电影电视总局、国家体育总局、国家统计局、国家工商行政管理局、新闻出版署、国家版权局、国家林业局、国家质量技术监督局、国家药品监督管理局、国家知识产权局、国家旅游局、新华通讯社、中国科学院、中国社会科学院、中国工程院、中国地震局、中国气象局、中国证券监督管理委员会、国家轻工业局、国家纺织工业局、国家海洋局、国家测绘局、国家外汇管理局、国家出入境检验检疫局、中国共产党中央委员会、中央政治局、CPPCC、中央政治局常务委员会、中央书记处、中央军事委员会、中央办公厅、中央组织部、中央宣传部、中央统一战线部、中央对外联络部、中央政策研究室、中央党校、中央翻译局、中央档案馆、中国人民政治协商会议、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会、中国共产党、中国国民党革命委员会(民革)、中国民主同盟(民盟)、中国民主建国会(民建)、中国民主促进会(民进)、九三学社3、美国《时代》周刊评出年度热词已经考过的:defacto,Neet,unfriend,somebody'scupoftea,givethefloorto,thein-thing,infortainment,可能要考的:Vuvuzela/呜呜祖拉、TopKill/JunkShot/StaticKill/T opHat顶部封杀/垃圾弹/静态封杀/盖帽法、深水地平线/DeepwaterHorizon、Bedbugs/臭虫、Eyjafjallajokull/冰岛火山、Austerity/节衣缩食/欧洲紧缩政策、AnchorBabies/定锚婴儿、MamaGrizzlies/棕熊妈妈军团、ReleasetheKraken/释放海妖、Double-dip/二次探底、Bungabunga/强行侵犯俘虏/意大利总理贝卢斯科尼举办的性派对、海地地震、维基解密、援救智利矿工、巴基斯坦特大洪灾、朝鲜半岛局势、也门/反恐战争新前线、基地组织、主权债务/sovereigndebt、实体经4、科技发明类已经考过的:HDTV,CPU,显示器,小排量汽车可能要考的:Semiconductor/半导体、5、近年重大疾病类已经考过的:CBS,TheGuardian,FIT,新华社、CCTV可能要考的:CBC、BBC、ABC、CNN、AP/Associated Press、美联社、路透社、全国广播公司(NBC )、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)、美国广播公司(ABC)、美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、福克斯新闻频道(FOX NEWS)、日本广播协会(NHK)、半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)、加拿大广播公司(CBC)、澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)、东京广播公司(TBS)、韩国kbs电视台(KBS)、家庭影院频道(HBO)、[V]音乐台(channelv)、探索频道(discovery)、美国音乐电视频道(MTV)、NPR(National Public Radio)美国全国公共电台、7、美国之音常用新闻词汇已经考过的:commuter/乘车上班族、lipsynching/假唱、入境签证,Commuter,爵士摇滚,可能要考的:intangibleculturalheritage/非物质文化遗产、holdoff/保持距离、barrage/接连发问sound-detectiongear:声音探测器spam:垃圾邮件hideout:藏身点snap:仓促的coupplotter:政变策划者stemcell:干细胞playup:大肆渲染graffiti:涂鸦feverpitch:高度兴奋,狂热overstaff:人员过多peacesaboteur:和平破坏者comatose:昏迷的crackdown:取缔,制裁down-to-earth:实际的切实的BallisticMissileTest:弹道导弹试验Ordeal:严峻的考验Kidnapper:拐子、绑匪AtomicNucleus:原子核ConfidenceVote:信任票Denuclearization:非核化Blast:爆炸,冲击波GreenBeltMovement:绿带运动Argumentative:爱争论的Cram:塞满、拥挤SnapPoll:即席调查Premature:过早的,仓促的Paralyzed:瘫痪的LiftAnEmbargo:解除禁运Barbecuestoppage:中止;中断abstention:弃权clinicaltrial:临床试验ChrysanthemumThrone:天皇王位VaccinateBlockbusterMascotSleasyCULLOutofwhackhotwords:fie ldworkriotRedtape:繁文缛节ColdfrontAbduct:诱拐,绑架Preemptive:先发制人的Footage:电影胶片Incumbent:现任者,在职者MilitaryChief:军事最高统帅StateVisit:国事访问PermanentMember:常任理事国Relevance:意义,实用性UraniumEnrichment:铀浓缩PowerPlant:发电站Evacuate:撤退、疏散Bayard:骑士,勇武异常者launchpad:发射台Constituency:选区,选民atadiscountTabloidAchilles'heelPostmodernComeout (ofthecloset)Reggae Rap music Platonic Punk Blackball Coat tail Lame duck Independent counsel Preset Orbit:预定轨道Milestone:里程碑,转折点BallisticMissile:弹道导弹HeartBbypassSurgery:心脏搭桥手术Wail:大哭Denunciation:谴责、指责Holeup:藏匿StepDown:辞职,下台Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准BeakedWhale:突吻鲸,喙鲸Procurement:采购Handset:手机Stake:股份Portal:门户网站Showcase:展示Sedan:小轿车StrategicPetroleumReserve:战略石油储备BackT ax:退缴税CrudeOutput:原油生产LogOn:进入系统LagBehind:落在后面TeamUp:合作,协作AudienceRating:收视率PlayDown:对……不太重视FloorTrader:场内交易人APackageOfProposals:一揽子建议OperatingMargin:营运利润率Hedge-Fund:对冲基金Shortfall:不足、差额、赤字Anti-Trust:反托拉斯FullSwing:达到活动的ClawBack:夺回,费力收回BalanceSheet:资产负债表Inventory:货存、库存量MutualFund:共同基金LoanGuarante:借款保函ClassAction:集体诉讼Antidumping:反倾销Confetti:五彩纸屑FederalReserve:美国联邦储备系统Ink:签署(合同、文件等)HSBC:汇丰银行HotMoney:国际套利资本Scooter:速克达、踏板车、单脚滑行车InARow:一个接一个NetWorth:资本净值ABM=anti-ballisticmissile反弹道导弹abortivecoupattempt未遂政变absenttrial(absentvoting缺席审判(缺席投票absolutemajority绝对多数abstainfromvoting弃权abuseofpowerforpersonalgain以权谋私academia学术界academiccareer学历,学业academician院士AcademyAward奥斯卡金像奖academysciences科学院accreditedjournalist特派记者acquit (beacquitted宣告无罪(无罪释放actingpresident代总统activecapital流动资本activesubstance放射性物adversetradebalance逆差advisorybody顾问团after-saleservice售后服务aircrash飞机失事album专辑alliedpowers同盟国all-outban全面禁止all-roundtitle全能冠军alumnus(复数:alumni)校友amendment修正案,附加条款amicablerelations 友好关系amnesty特赦anarchy无政府状态animalyear本命年anti-corruption反腐败anti-robberybell防盗铃apartheid种族隔离appropriateauthorities有关当局arch-foe 主要的劲敌armedintervention武装干涉arm-twisting施加压力arson放火,纵火assemblyhall会议厅assemblyline生产流水线assemblyman议员,装配工assistantsecretary(美)助理部长assistantsecretaryofstate (美)助理国务卿attaché专员,(外交使团的)随员audiencerating收视率audiophile音乐发烧友authoritativeinformation官方消息authoritativesource权威人士autonomousregion(prefecture自治区(州axispower轴心国bachelormother未婚母亲backgroundbriefing吹风会,背景情况介绍会bacteria细菌bail 保释,保释金ballot选票,投票bankbook银行存折bankfailure银行倒闭barcode条形码bargainprice廉价beresponsibleforone'sownprofitandloss自负盈亏behonestinperformingone'sofficialduties廉洁奉公beeperBP 机behind-the-scenemaneuvering幕后操纵benefitconcert义演音乐会bestsupportingactressaward最佳女配角bidupprice哄抬物价biggun有势力的人,名人biglie大骗局bistro夜总会blackbox测谎器blackmarketprice 黑市价blanketballot全面选举blast爆炸blindalley死胡同blockade封锁bloodlesscoup不流血政变BlueBerets 蓝盔部队bluffdiplomacy恫吓外交bombard轰炸,炮击boom(经济)繁荣,兴旺borrower债方botanicalgarden 植物园bottleup抑制bottomout走出低谷boxofficereturns票房收入boxofficesmash卖座率高的演出boycott 联合抵制braindrain人才流失braingain人才引进braintrust智囊团brawndrain劳工外流read-and-butterletter 感谢信bribery行贿bubbleeconomy泡沫经济bureaucracy官僚主义bureaucrat官倒cabinetlineup内阁阵容cabinetre-shuffle内阁改组cablecar缆车cable-staybridge斜拉桥cadre干部cafeteria自助餐厅calamity灾难campaignagainstporns 扫黄运动candidateforexam考生cargohandlingcapacity货物吞吐量carnival狂欢节casualty遇难者,伤亡人员catchphrase口头禅,口号ceasefire停火ceilingprice最高限价celebrity知名人士cellularphone移动电话,大哥大censurevote不信任投票census人口普查ceremonialusherette迎宾小姐chamberconcert室内音乐会charity慈善组织charteredplane包机chinahand中国通China'sactualconditions 中国国情ChinesedescendantinAmerica 美籍华裔cholesterol胆固醇civilservant公务员civilian平民classroomboycott罢课climbout经济复苏closingaddress闭幕辞cloverleafintersection立交桥comfortably-offlevel小康水平complainsbox意见箱computernik电脑迷condo(minium)商品房condolence 慰问,吊唁conductedtour团体旅游confiscate没收,充公conscienceforum道德法庭conscript征兵,入伍conservativeparty保守党constructionofacleangovernment廉政建设conveniencefood方便食品corruptionreportingcenter举报中心countdown倒计时countymagistrate县长crammingsystem填鸭式教学法crashprogram应急计划criminallaw刑法crudeoil原油culturalundertakings文化事业curfew宵禁curriculumvitae履历表curtaincall谢幕dailynecessities日用品dailyturnover日成交量dan (围棋的)段deadlock 僵局deathtoll死亡人数,死亡率defendant 被告deli(catessen)熟食dictatorship独裁disaster-hitarea灾区discjockeyDJdissolve解散divisionchief处长,科长doctorialtutor 博士生导师doormoney入场费dove主和派,鸽派duet二重唱Duma(俄)杜马,俄罗斯议会dux学习标兵,学习尖子economicsanction经济制裁economictake-off经济腾飞ElNino厄尔尼诺现象electricpower电力eliminate淘汰embargo禁运enrouteto 在……途中enlistedman现役军人epidemic流行病exclusiveinterview独家采访expo(sition)博览会face-to-facetalk 会晤fairplaytrophy风格奖familyplanning计划生育fleamarket跳蚤市场flyingsquad飞虎队frame-up诬陷,假案frontpage头条frontrowseat首席记者fullhouse满座gear…totheinternationalconventions 把…与国际接轨grasswidow (widower留守女士(留守男士guestofhonor贵宾guestteam (hometeam客队(主队hawk主战派heroin海洛因highlightsandsidelights要闻与花絮his-and-herswatches情侣表hitparade 流行歌曲排行榜hitproduct拳头产品hit-and-runner肇事后逃走者HongKongcompatriot香港同胞honorguard 仪仗队hostage人质housingreform住房改革hypermedia多媒体ideology 意识形态idlemoney闲散资金inanotherrelateddevelopment另据报道incumbentmayor现任市长info-highway信息高速公路in-servicetraining在职训练inspector-general总监interimgovernment过渡政府invitationmeet邀请赛judo柔leadingactor男主角lease租约,租期manofmark名人,要人manuscript原稿,脚本marriagelines结婚证书masterkey万能钥匙medium媒体,媒介mercykilling安乐死moped助力车Moslem穆斯林multimedia多媒体musiccafe音乐茶座nationalanthem国歌negativevote反对票nestegg私房钱newsagency通讯社newsbriefing新闻发布会newsconference记者招待会newsflash短讯,快讯nominee候选人notions小商品nullandvoid无效的off-hourhobby业余爱好off-the-jobtraining脱产培训onstandby待命on-the-jobtraining在职培训on-the-spotbroadcasting现场直播opinionpoll民意测验overpass(人行)天桥overseasstudent留学生overture序曲overwhelmingmajority压倒性多数palmphone大哥大parliament国会passerby过路人pay-to-the-driverbus无人售票车peacefulco-existence和平共处peace-keepingforce维和部队peakviewingtime 黄金时间pedestrian行人pensioninsurance养老保险Pentagon五角大楼perk外快PM=primeminister首相,总理politburo政治局poorbox济贫箱pope教皇poseforagroupphoto 集体合影留念poverty-strickenarea贫困地区powerfailure断电,停电premiere首映,初次公演pressbriefing新闻发布会presscorps记者团pressspokesman新闻发言人prize-awardingceremony颁奖仪式professionalescort"三陪"服务profiteer投机倒把者protocol草案,协议puberty青春期publicservant公务员questionnaire调查表quick-frozenfood速冻食品quizgame智力竞赛racialdiscrimination种族歧视rapport默契reciprocalvisits互访recital独唱会,独奏会red-carpetwelcome隆重欢迎red-hotnews 最新消息red-letterday大喜之日redundant下岗人员re-employment再就业rep=representative代表ripoff宰客senate参议院tenureofoffice任职期theotherman (woman第三者topnews 头条新闻tornado龙卷风tourdeforce代表作townshipenterprises 乡镇企业townshiphead乡长traffictie-up交通瘫痪truce停火,休战trustee董事two-daydayoffs双休日tycoon巨富umpire裁判V.D.=venerealdisease性病vaccine疫苗vehicle-freepromenade步行街votedown否决well-offlevel 小康水平well-to-dolevel小康水平Who'sWho名人录workingcouple双职工8、国际贸易类已经考过的:installment plan,chenck and balance,boned good,优惠合同,购货合同,报关,贸易顺差,售后服务,安检,POD,L(C,bonded warehouse,转基因食品,可能要考的:9、金融危机相关词汇已经考过的:IPR,Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis,Free Trade Agreement,稳健的货币政策,可能要考的:10、大陆对台政策类已经考过的:CEPA,可能要考的:一国两制、11、中国航天事业类已经考过的:载人航天计划,载人飞船可能要考的:12、美国机构类已经考过的:NASA,USNE,美国联邦储备银行,奥巴马、奥斯卡奖、花旗银行,Arbor Day,可能要考的:ANSI(美国国家标准学会、美利坚合众国、USDA、ACM、USNA、NSC、USMA、AMA、ABA (American Bar Association美国律师协会、ECMA(European Computer Manufacturers Association欧洲计算机制造商协会、IDC (International Data Corporation国际数据公司、NAS(National Academy of Sciences国家科学院、AAA(American Automobile Association美国汽车协会、ABA(American Bankers Association 美国银行家协会、ARC(American Red Cross美国红十字会、IATA (International Air Transport Association国际航空运输协会DA (Department of the Army (美国)陆军部、OSS(Office ofStrategic Services战略情报局、NMD/国家导弹防御系统、13、全球著名快递公司已经考过的:EMS、14、全球航空公司已经考过的:BA(British Airways英国航空公司可能要考的:CAB(Civil Aeronautics Board民航局、AAL (American Airlines美国航空公司、AA(American Airlines 美国美洲航空、15、全球著名企业已经考过的:可能要考的:HP(Hewlett-Packard惠普公司、GM(General Motors美国通用汽车公司、16、各国缩写已经考过的:可能要考的:CAN加拿大SP西班牙IR伊朗PE(Peru秘鲁IRE (Ireland爱尔兰AR(Argentina阿根廷JP(Japan 日本、SFO(San Francisco三藩市、16、各国央行及全球著名银行已经考过的:中国工商银行,可能要考的:ECB(European Central Bank欧洲中央银行、17、全球证交所已经考过的:NSDAQ、创业板,可能要考的:ASE美国证券交易所、SEX((Singapore Stock Exchange)新加坡证券交易所、SSE(上海证券交易所)、ASX澳大利亚证券交易所Australian Stock Exchange、纳斯达克,道.琼斯,香港恒生,东京证券交易所,18、全球运动协会缩写已经考过的:NBA可能要考的:AHL(American Hockey League)美国曲棍球联盟、MLB(Major League Baseball)美国全国棒球协会和盟国棒球协会、NBA(美国)国家篮球协会、NHL(National Hockey League)全国曲棍球联盟、WWF(World Wrestling Federation)世界摔角联盟、CBA、19、中国特色的词汇已经考过的:中国特色的社会主义市场经济,外向型经济,政企分开,恶性循环,自负盈亏,扫黄打非,西部大开发,高度自治,中小企业,打造知名品牌,晚婚晚育,可能要考的:20、百科全书已经考过的:Encyclopedia Britannica, binary opposition,可能要考的:21、古代巨著已经考过的:《论语》《红楼梦》《红楼梦》《毛泽东语录》《论语》《钦定圣经》、可能要考的:水浒、三国、西游记、一千零一夜、天方夜谈、道德经、TAO,孔子、孟子、22、军事外交类已经考过的:外交庇护,战略伙伴关系,Special Safeguard Mechanism,可能要考的:23、节能减排、气候大会已经考过的:节能,温室气体排放可能要考的:24、中国网络热词已经考过的:选秀,囧,绿坝,SOHO、可能要考的:25、中国成语可能要考的:26、中国自然灾害已经考过的:地震,可能要考的:27、中国名盛古迹已经考过的:颐和园,天坛、兵马俑,可能要考的:28、翻译专业述语已经考过的:音译、对等翻译、direct Translation,MTI,Simultaneous Interpretion,会议传译,应用语言学,可能要考的:29、节日已经考过的:老人节,Arbor Day,可能要考的:30、中国特色的评选已经考过的:中国十佳宜居城市可能要考的:31、科技类已经考过的:the king of kings, Dubbling,文本对等,可能要考的:。
新编英语教程(基础英语)第三版第四册课文翻译Book 4 Unit 6珍珠_英中对照

Unit Six第六单元Text I正文一Pre-Reading Questions预读问题Think about the following questions before you read the text.在你阅读课文之前,想一想下面的问题。
1.How do people usually think of pearl?As an ordinary piece of jewellery?A thing of great value?A useless ornament?Give reasons for your answer.1.人们通常如何看待珍珠?作为一件普通的珠宝?一件很有价值的东西?无用的装饰品?给出你回答的理由。
2.What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value?Think of two or three possibilities.2.如果一个非常贫穷的人拥有了一颗非常大的价值连城的珍珠,会发生什么呢?想想两三种可能性。
For your reference供您参考(They are open questions.Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)(它们是开放的问题。
)The Main Idea主要观点Much of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understandthe meaning of the passage quickly.But it is far from incomprehensible.Go over the text once, nottoo rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.这篇文章的大部分语言是隐喻性的,这使得你很难快速理解文章的意思。

Unit 1 Never Give In,Never, Never, Never 绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔Almost a year has passed since I came down here at your Head Master’s kind invitation in order to cheer myself and cheer the hearts of a few of my friends by singing some of our own songs. The ten months that have passed have seen very terrible catastrophic events in the world-ups and downs, misfortunes—but can anyone sitting here this afternoon, this October afternoon,not feel deeply thankful for what has happened in the time that has passed and for the very great improvement in the position of our country and of our home?Why, when I was here last time we were quite alone,desperately alone, and we had been so for five or six months. We were poorly armed。
We are not so poorly armed today; but then we were very poorly armed。

Whatever the future will be like, we should have faith in ourselves.2、他躺在路旁,头部受到严重损伤。
He lay on the roadside with his head badly damaged.3、他是一名推销员,卖些家庭药品、香料或诸如此类的东西。
He is a salesman, selling home remedies, spices or something like that.4、参加面试的时候,外表也是一个很重要的因素。
Appearance is essential in an interview, for it is the first impression you make on others.5、只要你专心,任何困难也无法阻止你实现自己的目标。
As long as you set your mind to it, nothing will stop you from accomplishing your goal.6、在美国长岛,马丁•维根拥有一处夏天独家的理想出去——乡村小屋。
Martin Weigen owned a cottage on Long Island, USA, which is sound for summer vacation.7、他的耳朵有点背,所以只记下了一个对他来说一点意义都没有的名字。
He was a little hard of hearing so he only gotted down aname which meant nothing to.8、那两个难民衣衫褴褛,四肢长满脓疮,眼窝深陷着。
The two refugees wore in rags, had sunken eyes and scores all over their arms and legs.9、让威瑟斯感到吃惊的是,这两个难民尽管受尽折磨,但却并没有表现出满腔仇恨。

3. Hip-hop has its roots in the African traditions of percussion and storytelling.
bac k
Unit 1
Section A
Unspoken Love IV. Trying the Translation
Direction: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. Nervousness hummed in the air as students waited to play.
These cars art being produced on a large scale.
2.这颗炸弹随时都可能引爆。 (at any time)
The bomb could be set off at any time.
Both parts should observe the terms of a contract. The government has recently initiated a massive new house building program.
bac k
Unit 3
Life in Art
Section B Direction: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets. 1.这些车正进行大规模生产。(on a large scale)

Unit11. His word has something to do with animals他的工作于动物有关2. We started early in order to arrive before dark为了在天黑前到达,我们早早动了身3. Judging by her accent, she must be form the North从他的口音判断,他一定是个北方人4. If you need her to come ,inform her in advance如果你们要他来,就事先通知她5. I don’t know why he changed his mind我不清楚他为什么改变主意6. Most people like to swim once they have learn how(to swim)多数人一旦学会游泳,就会喜欢上他的7. The more preparations you make now, the more confidence you will have in the exam你先现在准备的越充分,考试就越有信心8. If you learn English well, you will use it often, The frequent use ,in turn, will make you learn well英语学好了,你就会经常用它,而经常使用反过来又会是你学的更好Unit21.I am taking care of a worker from a neighboring factory我正在照料附近工厂的一位员工2. After going to bed last night ,I turned the matter over and over in my mind but still couldn’t find a solution我昨天晚上上床以后对这个问题反复进行了思考,但仍然找不到解决办法3.No matter how cold or hot it is ,I keep practicing everyday 不管天气多冷或多热,我们每天坚持学习4.To achieve what you hope for ,you should start wording hard from today为了得到所期望的一切,你应该从今天就开始努力5.Although we have been apart from each other for three years , we still keep our friendship going .虽然分别了三年,但我们俩依然保持着友谊6.It rained As a result , none of us could go to the concert.天下雨了7. As is true of many college students, students of our university love to read the novels of this author.如同很多大学生8. My health is to a large measure due to the care by the doctors and nurses.我的健康Unit31. An estimated 200 people attended yesterday’s meeting /attended the meeting yesterday 大约200人2. I like the house wi th two large windows facing the sea, but just can’t afford it 我很喜欢3. According to the new regulation , posting ads without permission can be find as much as 10,000 yuan 根据新的规则4. To a great extent, we are responsible for what we say and (what we ) do 在很大的程度5. We should make the most of all kinds of resources on the Internet我们应该充分6. If you are content to make such a small amount of money every month ,selling newspaper is a pretty good job for you 如果你满足7. Observation and exploration are common means in scientific research that could bring major discoveries 观察与探索8. You can’t understand the relationships until you analyze the situation in great depth只有当Unit41. Nowadays we are increasingly relying on information and computer technology如今…2. This means the new regulation is of great benefit to both the state-owned and the private business这意味3. He is slowly adapting to the life of a laid-off worker他正在慢慢4. The personnel manager said, “First, you must focus on the following problems.”人事部经理5. A dream will never become reality unless one understands what it will take to achieve the dream梦想永远不会成为现实6. As business is bad, the company is going lay off twenty workers由于生育7. The products manufactured by this company are for special purposes这家公司8. Peter is hunting for a job now, as his money will only last him one month彼得正在找工作Unit51. She is very careful. She won’t take a risk when driving 她很小心2. Those who have a passion for football can experience great enjoyment那些酷爱足球3. In addition to teenagers, males and females of other ages also enjoy mountaineering除了青少年意外4. His students looked upon him with respect他的学生对他十分尊敬5. It was Dr. Smith that we invited to give us a lecture邀请来6. One of the advantages of e-mail over regular mail is that it is fast比起普通邮件7. Only with good health, can we study well and work well 只有拥有健康8. If you compare Tom with his classmates, you will find works hard and knows how to relax如果你将汤姆Unit61. The mother went out to work, so the father took responsibility for looking after the children at home.母亲出去工作了2. Research shows that smoking is directly related to lung cancer.研究表明3. Parents should be concerned about their children’s performance at school.父母应该关心4. Your too much worry over your health may really make you sick过分担心.5. The head of the village pointed out that the tree had become a source of income, as tourists hadbeen coming from all parts of the country to see it.村长指出6. Mother said, “Chocolate is okay, but only if you have one bar a day.”妈妈说7. Whether people are satisfied with this policy outweighs all other considerations.人们对这项………8. We should take less greasy food such as butter and eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible to keep a balanced diet.为了膳食平衡Unit71. My brain doesn’t seem to be working well today.我的脑筋2. Her mother often alters her clothes according to the latest fashion他母亲.3. Instead of going to Qingdao for the summer vacation, we’ll go to Tibet.我们不去4. I once talked face to face with that movie star.我曾经5. He walked very slowly as if he had hurt his leg他走起路6. The car is packed/full. We can’t let you in, let alone your luggage and three dogs.车已经7. The girl turned to her mother for comfort.那女孩8. I paid $300 for this used computer but it is worth much more.我花了Unit81. They had taken hundreds of photos before they knew it.不知不觉2. It will take him three years to make the automatic washing machine, bt he believes that it is worth the try.制造出那种3. I had thought that the letter was from my parents, but it turned out to be from one of my teachers.我原以为4. He ordered us around, just like a general who ordered his soldiers.他命令5. How you make use of your spare time is entirely up to you.你如何利用6. The monitor has entered the names of the students involved in the case.班长一记下7. Please write a short composition, keeping it relevant to your English study.请围绕8. Simply put. I want to help my students to improve their speaking and writing.简单的说Unit91. There is evidence to suggest that the car accident was partly due to the driver’s carele ssness and partly due to the bad weather.有迹象表明2. If he can work out the math problem by himself, he must be very clever.他要能独立3. The mobile library’s services have been reorganized, in other words, they visit fewer places.流动图书馆4. I have no money to spend while you have nothing to spend money on我没钱花.5. How does life in Britain compare with life in the United States?在英国6. Even if I had to walk all the way, I would go there.即使我得一路7. It was clear that he lacked confidence in his ability.他显然8. It was said that the material for most of his stories was mainly drawn from his experience in World War I.据说Unit101. The boy traded his knife foe a toy gun.那男孩2. The earthquake accounted for over two thousand deaths.地震3. They charge customers on an hourly basis.他们按小时…4. The photographs went on display yesterday.那些摄影作品5. The doctor dedicated his life to improving medical care in that community.这位医生6. We are strongly opposed to the suggestion of going outing even if it rains.我们强烈7. During the Chinese New Year, the street is packed with visitors.春节的时候8. I caught a glimpse of the waterfall when our train passed by.我闽东火车。

This book covers nearly all the important topics on language teaching.2.如果你来电话时我不在,请给我的秘书留个⼏信。
If I am not available when you call me,please leave a message with my secretary.3.只有⼏级官员才能接触到这些机密档案。
Only high-ranking officials have access to these confidential files.4.看⼏⼏⼏轰隆隆地向他开来,他⼏刻的反应就是跳离铁轨,但双腿却不听使唤。
When he saw the train roaring towards him,his immediate response was to jump of the rail ,but his legs refused to move.5.他这么聪明,⼏且⼏⼏功,毫⼏疑问,他将来会成功的。
He is so clever and he works hard. No doubt he will be successful in the future.6. 当着两个证⼏的⼏,他在遗嘱上签了⼏⼏的名字。
He signed his name on his will in thepresence of two witnesses.Unit21.在新闻发布会上,这位政府发⼏⼏思维敏捷,彬彬有礼地回答了记者们的提问。
At the press conference,the government spokesman answered journalists' questions with promptness and courtesy. 2.教育应当使⼏个⼏变得丰富⼏不是富有。

61.Can you tell the difference between the two pictures? 62. The heavy rain prevented us from having the game. 63.There are different kinds of flowers in the park this season. 64. Tom failed in the interview yesterday. 65. It is impolite to make fun of the blind.
51.你应该多吃些水果,例如苹果、桔子及香蕉。(such as) 52.老师对我的回答很满意。(pleased with) 53.他父母为他的进步而感到自豪。(be proud of) 54.成千上万的人正在保卫他们的城市免遭洪水袭击。 (protect... from 55.我迟早会知道结果的。(sooner or later) 51.You should eat more fruit, such as apples, oranges and bananas. 52. The teacher is pleased with my answer. 53. His parents are proud of his progress. 54. Thousands of people are protecting the city from the flood. 55. Sooner or later I will know the result.
46.一本好书对孩子会有很大影响。(have an effect on...) 47.他的想法证明是对的。(prove to be) 48.这儿的学生学习德语而不学英语。(instead of) 49.我正忙于我的功课呢。(be busy with) 50.他们打算把价格降低50元。(reduce... by) 46. A good book has great effect on children. 47. His idea proved to be correct. 48.The students here study German instead of English. 49. I am busy with my lesson. 50. They were going to reduce the price by 50 yuan.

剑桥翻译练习1.不好意思,请再问一次您的姓是什么 I’m sorry. What’s your last name again2.你怎么拼读你的名字How do you spell your first name3.你在我们英语班,对吗You ‘re in my English class, right4.请问你的手机号是多少 What’s your cellphone number5.-那是什么-是我的英语字典。
What’s that It’s my English dictionary.6.这是什么是一把发刷。
What’s this It’s a hairbrush.7.-我的车钥匙不见了。
My car keys are gone. Relax. I bet they are on the table in the restaurant.8.这是你的钱包吗不,不是。
Is this your wallet- No, it’s not.9.钥匙在哪在盒子下面。
Where are the keys They are under the box.(也可用单数)10.你来自哪里-中国。
Where are you from China.11.你来自中国的哪一个地方What part of China are you from12.你来自中山吗--我家人现在在中山,但我们最初来自北方。
Are you from Zhongshan-Well, my family is in Zhongshan now, but we’re from the north originally.13.你的第一语言是英语吗Is your first language English14.这不是英语。
It’s not English.15.你和你的家人来自加拿大吗 Are you and your family from Canada16.那是谁他是我弟弟。

Part Three I.1.许多中年人去健身房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延缓衰老。
II. Translation exercises1. 如今很多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。
(vain, be obsessed with) Translation:Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them. Practice:2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。
(affair, fall apart) Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was fo und out by his wife.3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。
(inspiration, deny oneself something)For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself ma ny comforts of life.4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。
(excursion, at the mercy of)I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.5.他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作。

基础英语4 第一单元翻译1

Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighbor.2、为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbor, Mr. Green lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house.3、米勒博士向我们推荐的文章集中论述了空气污染问题,同时也提到了诸如水污染、噪音污染和视觉污染等问题。
The article recommended by Doctor Miler centers on the problem of air pollution; meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution、noise pollution and visual pollution.4、要不是她的朋友时常鼓励她、帮助她,她将一事无成。
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friends, she could not have accomplished anything.5、几天前他对这项计划还嗤之以鼻,可是他现在却以高涨的热情去努力落实这项计划,这真是让人难以理解的转变。
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but he is now working hard to with zest for its realization. what a baffling change!6、从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

英语基础句型中译英根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成中文:1 as soon as我一到那就给你打电话。
2 as…as李平做作业不如Lucy细心,所以她老犯同样的错误。
3 as…as possible我会尽快给你打电话。
4 ask sb. for sth.你可以向那边的警察求助。
他从不向父母要零花钱,是吗?5. ask/tell sb. (not)/ (how) to do sth.我父亲经常问我如何使用电脑。
(experiment)6.tell sb. (not)/ (how) to do sth.我妈妈让我不要太早去学校。
7 be afraid of doing/that小女孩害怕独自在家。
8 be busy doing sth.学生们正忙着准备期末考试。
13 either…or今天或明天来看他吧。
14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth. 现在学生们都喜欢以电话的方式进行交谈。
15 find it + adj to do sth.在现代社会越来越多人发现保持健康很重要。

Unit 11.他为这次面试中可能面对的问题准备好了答案He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview.2.他那悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎要哭出来。
His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3.他们俩沿着河边手挽着手散步,有说有笑,非常愉快。
The two of them are walking hand in hand, along the river bank, chatting, laughing, and looking happy.4.他听到这令人激动的消息后,眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。
When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,是因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。
People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for shanghai dialect and suzhou dialect have much in common.6.亨利和妻子正在研究能否在三年内买一幢新房子。
Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.7.对女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终同意让步了。
He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad.8.我们把所有的贵重物品都锁好了,然后才出去度假。
新起点 大学基础英语教程翻译

1我们选举两个子例Let’s start with two examples2对于部分学生而言。
英语是大学里是最重要的课程之一To most students. english is one of the most important courses in college 3你需要的只是勇气Courage is all you need4这项法律不适用于本案The law doesn’t apply to this caseThe law doesn’t apply to this case5令我惊讶的是,我找到了书里所描述的地方Astonishingly ,I found the place described in the dook6作最好的打算。
作最坏的准备Hope for the best ,prepare for the worst7她的姨妈去世后,给她留下了300万美元Her aunt last year and left her with 3 million dollars我无法忍受这个不断加重的课程负担I can’t stand the increasingly heavy coursework1有好几次我见到简我他们工作I have seen Jane with them on several occasions2有人向我提供一份在日本的工作I have been offered a job in Japan3他喜欢球类运动,尤其喜欢打乒乓球H likes ball games ,table tennis in particular4小孩子们都喜欢在户外游戏Young children enjoy playing outdoors5他对政治问题感兴趣He is interested in political issues6我无法弄懂她,她对我来说简直就是个迷I can’t figure her out ;she is a mystery to me7大雪使学校的开学时间推迟了两天The heavy snow delayed the opening of the school fo too days8约翰逊热衷于收集中国的邮票Johnson is keen on collecting Chinese stamps1我宁可做出租车回家,也不愿意走着回家Rather than walking home .I would like to take a taxi2校长的儿子从不把自己看作是一个特殊的学生The son of the president never sees himself as special student3邓小平这个名字已经和中国的改革联系在一起了The name Dang Xiaoping has been associated with china’s reform4请记得,压力可以(被)变成动力Please dear in mind that pressure can de turned into motivation5他正设法得到这份工作He is going after this job6工人们正日夜工作,以期提前完成项目The workers are working day and night .hoping to complete the projectahead of time7他承认开始时他感到格格不入He admitted that he felt out of place at the beginning8也许你试一试或两次没效果,但是最终你会树立起自信心的It may not be effective if you try once twice but in the long run you will build up your confidence1事故时怎么发生的?How did the accident come about2他的故事编的那么好,大家都信以为真了His story was so well told that everyone fell for it3警方从一开始就知道我是无辜的The police knew form the beginning that I was innocent4比起玩网络游戏,在线聊天只是个次要的问题Online chatting to a mysterious person5她与一个神秘的人物订婚了She was engaged to a mysterious person6我们正在策划为你和你的夫人举行一次盛大的聚会We are planning a big party honor of you and your wife7我们连水都喝不着,更不用说喝茶了We had no water to dink not to mention tea8严禁儿童进入那个区域Children are forbidden to enter that area1健康对于幸福来说是非常重要的Health is essential to happiness2对我来说戒烟是一种挑战It is a challenge to me to quit smoking4经常熬夜对健康有害Staying up cate constantly is harmful to health6在贫困的压力下他开始奋斗He began to work hard under the stress of poverty7在炎热的气候里,植物不浇水容易枯死Plants tend to die in hot weather if you don’t water them 8她总是很注重衣着She is always conscious of her clothesCocoa-Cola is the best-selling soft drink in the world .One hundred and sixty-five million “Cokes”are sold every day .but whereas outside the USA Coke tends to be a young person’s drink the USA any body of any age or income can drink it on any occasion .Coke is not the only “cola” drink .Pepsi-Cola is a well-known rival and many people love it ,for it is not as sweet as Coke .There are excellent wines produced in California,but some Americans prefer stronger stuff .Well-off Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the from of cocktail Hamburgers and hot dogs are perhaps the best known American foods .Hot dogs can be dought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners ,And in cheap or medium-priced restaurants ,hamburgers will be on all the menus ,in company with steaks , fried chicken and seafood .In most cases it is certainly good value for money . For dessert you will be offered apple pie , cheese cake and ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream.The American passion for speed has hit the food business. Many restaurants ,in particular , the great chain restaurant company ,McDonald’s specialize in fast food ,food which is served at the counter ready “to go”or “to take out”.The food ,cooked and hot ,is packed into paper and plastic containers ,and hot drinks go into plastic cups with tight-fitting lids . There are also drive-in fast food restaurants where the customer does not have to leave his or her car . They first at a board where the menu is displayed , give an order through a microphone and then drive another twenty yards , where a girl hands them the meal , ready cooked and packed In most cities , large and small , you can eat Mexican or Italian food . And even small towns have a coffee shop serving simple meals , drinks of all kinds-and excellent , freshly-made coffee.You sit at the counter , or are served at a table .Service in restaurants and coffee shops is efficient and friendliness is natural and not entirely influenced by the hope of a high tip . In any case , people usually tip 15 percent of the checkMany Americans still enjoy cooking themselves at home , whey are not too busyI am a fan of science.science,in my mind,is applied honesty,the reliable means we have to find the truth.that is why,when an error is committed in the name of science,I feel the way a man would if his favorite uncle has taken to drink.Over the years,i have come to feel that way about what science has done to food.what American people eat is handsomely packaged;it is usually clean and pure;it is excellently preserved.the only trouble with it is that:year by year it gets less good to eat.Some years ago i married a girl whose mother is an expert cook of the kind called”old-fashioned”the mother lives in the country and still plants an old-fashioned garden.she uses the same materials for a while at her table,it is sad to go back to eating with my friends even at the best city restaurants.Take bread,for instance.most bakeries are interested mainly in how a loaf of bread looks,they are concerned with how little stuff they can put in it-to get how much mony,they are deeply interested in using chemicals that will make the bread seem”fresh”for the longest possible time and look deceptively real.some months ago,i bought a loaf of stuff and experimentally,began pressing it together.with a little effort,i squeezed a whole loaf to a length of about one inch.For years,i couldn’t figure out what has happened to vegetables.i know,of course, that most vegetable,to be enjoyed in their full deliciousness,must be picked fresh and cooked at once.people in paris manage by getting their vegetables picked at dawn and rushed in farmer’s carts to market,where no middleman delays the produce on its way to the pot.Our vegetable,however,come to us through a lang chain of”authorities”-merchants of several sorts-with the result that what were once edible products become mere withered leaves,which my mother-in-law would discard on the spot.no wonder scientists are so keen on finding chemicals to keep them “fresh”they also develop will ripen all at once.the farmer then harvests them.it is extremely profitable because it is efficient.what matters if such peas taste like boiled paper balls?The firs of April is a special day , on which practical jokes may be played without punishment . The origin of the custom is uncertain , but it seems to have come about in France as a result of the change of the calendar in 1582In 16th-centutry France , the start of the new year was observed on April 1.It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with paries and dancing into the late hours of the night . Then in 1582 , Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world , and the new year fell on January 1. There were some people however , who hadn’t heard of or didn’t believe the change in the date , so they continued to celebrate New Yer’s Day on April 1. Others tricks on them and called them “April Fools” . They sent them on a “fool’s errand”or tried to make them believe that something false was trueIn France today , children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends’backs .When the “young fool”discovers this trick , the children yell “April Fish”backs . When the “young fool” discovers this , trick , the children yell “April Fish”Today Americans play small tricks on friend’s and strangers alike on the same day One common trick is pointing down to a friends’s shoe and saying , Your shoelace is untied !”School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled .Whatever the thick , if the innocent victim falls for the joke , others would yell , “April Fool”The “fool’s errands”we play on people are practical jokes . Filling the sugar bowl with salt , stuffing a biscuit with cotton and offering an enpty egg shell at breakfast are good old tricks . Some practical jokes are kept up the whole up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is . Most April Fool jokes are good fun and not meant to harm anyone . The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs , especially the person upon whom the joke is played There are also April Fool letters . They are combinations of tricks , deception , and love . The letters are never signed , but girls , apparently , make a game of trying to guess who sent them .To receive an April Fool letter during April , for it can de sent anytime during the month , is considered a great honor and the contents are shared among good friendswhen the first sprig flowers blossom ,easter comes . Is is the oldest chrisian holiday, marking the rebirth of Jesus Christ.Along with the traditional easter walk , the giving of Easter eggs and ,more recently ,of Easter presents is a main feature of the holiday .parents give their children “Easter eggs”-colored and boiled eggs ,chocolate eggs-Easter bunnies, sweets, and other gifts .In some German regions , children virtually “collect”Easter eggs from their relatives.Usually,the Easter eggs are carefully hidden in the garden or in the house and the children must search for them on the morning of Easter Sunday . They are told that easter bunny has brought them. This mysterious bunny is like Santa Claus at Christmas .but it is less of an “educational”figure than Santa Claus is ,since the eggs are not given to children as rewards for being good.Some Easter egg games have been preserved at certain places in Germany or have ever been newly developed . Children try to outdo each other in rolling colored eggs down grassy slopes , for instance , or they knock the eggs pointed ends together and the child whose egg does not break gets the broken one ,too .In some places ,this custom was even used as the name of a local festivalEaster presents are a source of interesting stories of cultural and social changs . The first historical mention of colored eggs goes bake to the year 1230 . In the 16th and 17th centuries colored eggs were given as Easter presents .In the Baroque period it became customary for young people who wanted to become engaged to give each other colored and decorated eggs . This remained a rural custom in some regions of central and eastern Europe for a long timeThe origin of the “Easter egg” custom is not fully known . One treason for it is that around Easter time the rural household had plenty of eggs .The hens began to lay eggs agin in the spring .Another explanation is that Easter marks the end of fasting during which eggs and meat were forbidden . The decisive factor , however probably had to do with the taxes which the peasants had to pay to their lords and to the Church. Easter was one of the dates when they became due and many eggs ware among the payments delivered at this time1.It is a political problem of great complexity.2.His ideas were too complex to get...3.A town is a complex of streets,...1.They offer opportunities for participation in...2.Everyone in the class...participate active...3.This summer’s children’s...14 participate.1.One of the problems in analyzing the ...2.An analysis of data from Australia...1.At one point ,he...graduate to help.2.Mitch graduated from Stanford in 1998...3.He took a different ...graduation from Oxford in 1962.4.We expect to graduate nearly300...1.He has a ...imitate any sound he has heard.2.Many people think that...by imitation.1.I don’t think opening...preservative way for...2.Norma tried to preserve a normal family...3.A series of laws and...preservation of the wildlife.1.He deceived the ole lady into...2.Is it well known that appearance is deceptive.3Don’t be silly!He isn’t a deceivable person.1.He must have...long way home.2.The shadow of ...lengthen at dawn.3.The length of the stick is...1.It is said there is an experiment farm nearby.2.Jennifer is doing a physics experimental in the lab now3.The scientist mixed...together experimentally.1.These machines have...reliability.2.We only receive ...reliable.3.The people on ...rely a spring...1.To go for hiking, we...necessities such as water,...2.We cannot finish the ...the necessary tools.3.It is not necessarily to go to a ...4.Sometimes it is not necessary1.Her feelings concerning the coming ...2.Bush expressed his “deep concern”about...3.Everybody was concerned about the people in ...1.Your duties are clearly defined in the ...2.What we want is a definite answer by tomorrow.3.Time has changed the dictionary definition of ...1.There is a political motivation for these actions.2.No one really knows what motivated him to do so.1.It’s a waste of time and energy to help him.2.Loud music and dance will make people energetic3.Japan is famous for its energy -saving automobiles.1.I don’t want to make any wrong decision and regret later.2.It was the decisive battle of the entire war.3.Think about it very...decide.1.A historic event is important...2.He’s writing a history novel about the 15th-century France.3.Throughout historical,the achievements of ...1.It is forbidden to drive faster...2.The law forbid the sale of cigarettes...1.He always tries to undo everybody...2.Can someone help me to outdo my seat belt?1.This place is baldly in need of decoration.2.The room is decorated after the...3.A decorator is a person whose job is...1.Her makeup heighten her beauty.2.That apple is too high for me,...1.She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke.2.My grandfather used to smoke a pipe.3.It turned out that the ...a careless smoker.1.Every day the chimneys of factories ...pollutes the environment.2.Pollution poses a threat to the continued ...1.In addition to gene ,intelligence also depends on an adequate...,...2.Genetic engineering will have revolutionary ...1.The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her ...2.The elevator shot us to the top floor.。
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两份报纸two copies of newspaper一块肥皂a bar of soap一件家具a piece of furniture一把剪刀a pair of scissors丢弃throw away陷入困境get into trouble工业产品industrial goods农产品agriculture goods一辈子一次性的收获a one-in-a-lifetime acquisition没有出路的工作a dead-end job付一大笔钱pay good money过时be out of fashion流行be in the fashion批量生产mass-production降低成本lower the cost在起作用be at work物美价廉的产品better quality products at good values 所得税income tax投放市场put on the market小批量in limited quantities大量地in large quantities要求ask for下降go down从商go into business努力做某事strive to do sth.医疗设备medical device劣质产品inferior products一条面包a loaf of bread温和宽容的easy- going人造丝artificial silk假牙artificial teeth对…有害be harmful to警惕be on guard认为某事当然take sth for granted由…组成be composed of一个中年妇女 a middle-aged women一些性格开朗的女孩an open-minded girl 一个意志软弱的人 a weak-minded man一个意志坚强的人 a strong-minded soldier 遭受suffer from由于压力as a result of stress警告信号warning signals交通阻塞traffic jam指出point out逃离run away from自杀commit suicide从事摄影take up photography高度工业化国家a highly industrialized country 工业生产industrial production制成品manufactured goods领先take over the lead失去领先地位lose one's lead赤字in the red就…而言as far as … is concerned易手change hands赚钱earn money金融中心a financial centre贸易中心a commercial centre国际贸易international trade外贸foreign trade商船船队a merchant fleet巨额金钱vast sums of money一大笔钱a large sum of money对付,处理deal with有形贸易visible trade无形贸易invisible trade贸易差额trade gap失血loss of blood高度机械化的工厂highly mechanized factory产品统一条形码universal product code黑白相间的条纹zebra stripes (or black and white stripes) 斑马线zebra crossing油炸土豆片potato chips炸薯条French fries黑白电视机black and white televisions墨画black and white身上青一块紫一块be black and blue光学扫描器an optical scanner激光束laser beam目的是be designed to消灭,消除do away with付账后离开check out到达登记check in现金出纳机cash register在左边on the left side收款台check out counter原材料raw materials制成品manufactured goods近在手边at hand衣夹clothes-peg晒衣绳clothes-line桌布 a tablecloth洗碗布a dishcloth洗碗机a dishwasher原始人primitive people现代人modern people穿着be dressed in从…上刮去scrape…from把…纺成… spin…into…把…制成make…into4000万年前over four thousand years ago在远古时in the time immemorial富人和穷人一样the rich and the poor alike 想到think of剪去cut off讲故事spin a yarn保守秘密keep a secret直接税direct taxes间接税indirect taxes收入所得税income taxes纳税人taxpayer税务员tax-collector免税的tax-free国税state taxes地方税local taxes穷人the poor富人the rich年轻人the young老年人the old高达as high as以…形势in the form of政府机关government offices凭借by means of在某个星期一的早晨on a Monday morning 在星期一的早晨on Monday morning乘火车take train乘公共汽车take bus布莱克一家the Blacks向某人道别say goodbye to sb.向某人道歉say sorry to sb.每隔几分钟every few minutes每隔一天every other day每隔一行every other line不久以后shortly afterwards通向lead to抓牢hold on to一打鸡蛋a dozen eggs在阳光下in the sun注意pay attention to继续作某事keep (on) doting好像as if自信self-confidence自信的self-confident自大的self-important自助的self-service自给自足的self-sufficient自学的self-taught一般的in general确信be sure of习惯于become accustomed to 抱怨complain about说实话tell the truth说谎tell a lie适用于apply to处理deal with依赖于depend on必修课a required course 同…相处get along with考虑think about日复一日from day to day从始自终from beginning to end每况愈下from bad to worse减速slow down在使用中in use不再使用out of use免费入场admission free免所得税free of income tax免费获得某物get sth. free再步行一段路即可到达的距离之内within walking distance 探知,查明find out得到以下结论come to the conclusion that得出结论draw a conclusion交通高峰时间rush hours交通拥挤traffic jams援助计划aid program视觉教具visual aids助听器hearing-aid捏粘土work clay揉面团work dough一定数量的a certain amount of大量地in large amounts小额地in small amounts优于be superior to劣于be inferior to把…与…相混合mix…with…把…与…分开separate…from 把…分成separate…into用尽use up表现了…的特点be characteristic of 究竟,到底on earth五大湖区the Grate Lakes region通知某人某事inform sb of sth.利用take advantage of准备某事be ready to do sth.很容易拿到within easy reach够不到out of reach想出,熟思think out在人力方面in terms of manpower 在理论上in terms of theory投资于invest in以…代替… replace…with…创新进步innovational advances大波动major fluctuations领导,带头take the lead成群,大批in a swarm一大群蚂蚁a swarm of ants生产资料means of production大量购买buy in bulk参考书reference book面对…困难come up against利息率,利率the interest rate货币市场money market企业投资支出business investment expenditure不愿做某事be reluctant to do和…联系在一起be associated with与…有关系be related to归因于ascribe to规模经济economies of scale以空前的速度at an unprecedented rate换句话说to put it in somewhat different words成功地做成某事succeed in doing sth压出,榨取squeeze…out of每一单位投入every unit of input多于,超过in excess of过渡to excess在非常有利的条件下under extremely favorable conditions 优于,胜过be superior to劣于,次于be inferior to在春末in late spring企图做某事,尝试做某事attempt at doing sth攻击,袭击attempt on拆开,拆散take sth apart国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 生产性投资productive investment与…并驾齐驱keep pace with由于…的原因owing to因…值得受到称赞deserve credit for与…对照,与…对比as opposed to外汇分配foreign exchange allocations停止leave off可自由支配的收入disposable income 对…负责be responsible for准备,筹备provide for到现在为止as yet弥补make up for政府支出government expenditures消费支出consumption expenditures时间滞差a time lag总计,合计in the aggregate集中精力于concentrate on与…有很大关系have a lot to do with 与…无关系have nothing to do with逐渐获得,逐渐建立built up免税tax exemptions技术,技能know-how擦去wipe away辨别,区别distinguish one thing from another 建于…之上be based on/upon独有的特权exclusive privileges独家代理权exclusive agency商标trademark商品名称trade name同类卖价,批发价格trade price关于with respect to不管,不顾虑without respect to公平交易fair dealing使…与…相关联attach…to…就…之限度,在…范围内so far as无形因素intangible factors无形资产intangible assets对某事加以考虑take sth into account大约,多少有一点more or less广泛的兴趣a wide range of interest相当独特fairly individual显著,杰出stand out反之亦然vice versa垄断性竞争monopolistic competition常常more often than not纯粹的垄断pure monopoly纯粹的竞争pure competition纯粹浪费时间 a pure waste of time至于as for需求曲线demand curve概言之,一般说来in general阻止某人做某事preclude sb from doing sth排除所有误解preclude all misunderstanding需求计划demand schedule与…竞争in competition with不完全竞争市场imperfectly competitive market 与…配对be paired with以任意的形势in random fashion与…合并be merged with有几分,稍稍in some measure把…至于显著地位bring into the foreground产生arise from部分独立partial independence经济学文献economic literature给…以其应有分量give due weight to集中精力于focus attention on观点point of view与…不协调out of harmony with与…协调in harmony with经济增长的代价the cost of economic growth不惜任何代价,无论如何at all costs丧失,牺牲at the cost of势如破竹的胜利an overwhelming victory极度的悲哀overwhelming sorrow绝大部分公民the overwhelming number of its citizens 渴望,向往yearn for继续,连续a continuation of为…奋斗struggle for心醉于,被迷倒be charmed with踩,践踏tread on sth踩在某人的脚趾上tread on sb's toes相互追逐tread on each other's heels得意洋洋tread on air与某人祸福与共cast in one's lot with sb决不是,绝对不anything but盼望,期待look forward to结果,因此in consequence富裕繁荣的社会the affluent society在富裕的环境中in affluent circumstances对…满意be content with丰富的饮食food and drink in abundance过着丰衣足食的生活live in abundance依次,轮流in turn赶上琼斯家keep up with the Joneses赶上,不落后Keep up with sb/sth继续作某事deep on doing sth更富有,跟舒服be better off生产商诱导而产生的需要producer-induced demand 成为…之一部分enter into sth自然增长或产生accrue from sth英国的工业革命the English Industrial Revolution传统的生活方式traditional pattern of life仅仅,只不过nothing but等于amount to不是,而是not…but…吸引…的注意get the attention of食品杂货店grocery store为…竞争compete for干得好do a good job记在心里remain in one's mind收款台checkout counter国营公司state-owned company合资公司joint ventures白雪覆盖的山顶snow-covered peak糖衣药丸sugar-coated pills营业时间business hors因公on business开始谈正事get down to business激烈的竞争strong competition通货膨胀inflation顺差surplus城市商业区downtown business district保险业insurance不断的never-ending受限于be limited by被认为是be perceived as把…局限于confine…to为了一切有实用价值的目的for all practical purposes 能够做in the position to do使…变成turn…to对…有影响have an effect on总纲general principles以…为目的be aimed at与…相关的relate to与…联系在一起associate with太阳能solar power受…的控制be subjected to引入lead up通讯系统communication system能源危机an energy crisis财政危机a financial crisis业余画家an amateur painter业余摄影家an amateur photographer 道德的基础the basis of morality柱基the base of a pillar自然现象the phenomena of nature故意的on purpose商业银行a commercial bank金融机构a financial institution金融中心a financial centre财政困难in financial difficulties与生俱来的特权the privileges of birth 活期存款账户checking accounts定期存款账户savings accounts州政府the state government联邦政府the federal government答应一项帮助grant a favor答应一项请求grant a request发给银行执照grant a charter to the bank一定量的资产 a specified volume of assets遵循一定的常规follow certain practices隶属于州的银行state banks国家银行national banks活期存款demand deposits与…相结合couple with部分准备制的原理the fractional reserve principle 在任何一次at any one time可用,握有on hand公债government loans内债domestic loans外债foreign loans可能的买主a prospective buyer增加了increase by增加到increase to被看作be counted as防备取款a precaution against withdrawals追溯到trace to法定最低储备金the required reserve额外储备金excess reserves就…意义而言in the sense在某种意义上in a sense自由港free port外贸保税区foreign-trade zones经济特区special economic zones 从事于政治engage in politics忙着工作be engage in business与某人订婚be engage to sb.普通港口a regular port中东the Middle East远东the Far East近东the Near East关税壁垒tariff barriers起作用,生效in operation为…付关税pay a tariff on…索价,要价charge…for原材料raw material制成品manufactured products码头工人dock workers造船厂,修船所dockyard内河航行inland navigation广告媒介advertising media天天,逐日from day to day并肩地,相互支持地side by side 说出,(尤指无意间)吐露throw out吐露秘密throw out a secret有吸引力,引起兴趣appeal to目标观众target audiences有线电视cable television有线电视广告收入cable ad revenues使遭受,面对be exposed to抛却,扔掉throw away旧货商a junk dealer预付费用the advance cost成本效益cost effectiveness被分为be segmented into(广播中的)答问节目talk shows解释,说明account for使(某人)信服convince…of…相当提前well in advance有…倾向的be subject to有很高的重复接触率high repeat exposure 保险insurance保险额insurance value保险公司insurance company保险范围insurance coverage保险费insurance premium作为对…的报答in return for防御protect against不愿意做某事be unwilling to do经商,经营in business因公有事on business赚钱make a profit收入,接受,吸收take in付钱(如福清费用)pay out投保人policyholder保险单policy建于…之上be based on索价,要价charge for毛利gross profit净利net profit国民生产总值gross national product统计学原理a statistical principle大数定律law of larger numbers随…变动vary with在相反的情形下in the opposite situation 使恢复bring sb back to在…之前prior to为此目的toward this end由于…而发生result from导致result in故意行为an intentional act放火纵火set fire to sth在欺诈的情况下in cases of fraud有助于,促成contribute to重置费用replacement cost资本支出capital expenditure资本货物capital goods固定资本fixed capital流动资本floating capital资本积累accumulation of capital原始资本积累primitive accumulation of capital 把…用于employ…in…以同样的方式in the same manner有几分,有点儿in a manner补偿贸易compensation trade在和平时期in time of peace在战争时期in time of war足够的a sufficiency of sth迫使某人做某事oblige sb to do sth侵占,侵害encroach upon/on预定,命中注定be destined for由…所造成的be occasioned by在大多数情况下upon most occasions在那个时机on that occasion曾经,有一次on one occasion很少,不常on rare occasions足以be sufficient to从…而产生出来的be derived from使恢复restore to投资需求investment demand投资规模investment scale消费者需求consumer demand国民收入national income指出point out在…方面起着关键作用be pivotal in设身处地put oneself in the place of可能作某事be likely to do许多a host of对某事加以考虑take sth into account对某事不予考虑leave sth out of account在开始时at the outset从开始时from the outset政府的年限the life of a government企业预测business expectations决定性的因素 a crucial factor在重要的关头at the crucial moment在…方面in terms of国内工业home industries国内产品home products国内贸易the home trade国内市场the home market美国国会the United States Congress外贸保税区法the Foreign Trade Zones Act(英国)议院的法案An Act of Parliament(美国)国会的法案The Acts of congress外贸保税区管理委员会the Foreign Trade Zone Board 董事会the Board of Directors国际商务局the Bureau of International Commerce天津商检局Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau美国商业部United States Department of Commerce市场经济market economy计划经济planned economy决定性的测验the crucial test决定性的问题the crucial question在重要的关头at the crucial moment以分散的方式in a decentralized fashion市场价格机制 a price-and-market mechanism技术工skilled labor劳工与雇主之间的关系labor relations工党the Labor Party纯粹的形式a pure form英国工业革命the English Industrial Revolution法国大革命The French Revolution普遍地at large倾向于做某事be inclined to do sth.全社会society at large有…倾向的be subject to由…产生的stem from实质上,根本上in effect供求机制the supply and demand mechanism完全承袭…传统in the full tradition of对于…感到悲观be pessimistic about对于…感到乐观be optimistic about指出point out个人利益private interest社会利益society interest支持某人on sb's side获胜,击败triumph over高度计划的社会主义经济highly planned socialist economies 用这样或那样的方式in one way or another介入step in决不by no means当然,必定by all means就…而言as far as…is concerned比较利益comparative advantage把…从…解放出来free…from使…束缚于bind…to…生产过程production processes比较利益原则the law of comparative advantage 指…而言refer to把…比作为compare to适用于be applicable to使适应,使适合be geared to/toward为某事给某人报酬或奖赏reward sb for sth把…应用于,使用于apply…to…归类程序sorting process彼此one another相比之下by contrast卷入involve in完完全全的自由贸易perfectly free commerce致力于devote…to对…有益处的be beneficial to整个社会的普遍利益the universal good of the whole 独特的力量the peculiar powers大批量生产mass production总的生产规模the general mass of productions 总收益general benefit商业往来commercial intercourse文明世界the civilized world把…用于… employ…in不得不做某事be obliged to do sth.在…方面低劣inferior in在…方面优越superior in交换in exchange for对…有利be advantageous for使…从…转移到divert…from…to标准化集装箱standardized containers集装箱运输container transport陆运overland transportation海运sea transportation空运air transportation水运water transportation管道运输pipeline transportation联运combined transport承运人carrier托运人consignor收货人consignee铁路运单consignment note空运单air waybill租船合同charter party提单bill of lading订舱单booking note重新占领市场regain market share背负式运输服务piggy-back service 从…方面来讲in terms of专门从事specialize in与…结合merge with失效,崩溃break down存货占用成本inventory carrying costs 短途送货short-distance distribution长途送货long distance distribution汽车装运的货物trucked goods空运货物air freight基础设施infrastructure。