
PMC系统与现场PLC通讯接口技术规范(适用于AB PLC 和SIEMENS PLC)Communication Interface Requirementsbetween PMC Data Collector and PLC (For AB PLC & Siemens PLC)修改记录文档目录/TABLE OF CONTENTS1引言/I NTRODUCTION (4)2本文档名称的概念/C ONCEPT USED IN THIS DOCUMENT (4)3PMC数据采集器和车间现场PLC之间的通讯方式/C OMMUNICATION MODE BETWEEN PMC PDU AND PLC S (4)4PMC接口对OEM编程的要求/OEM MUST OBEY THESE RULES DURING PROGRAMMING (5)5PMC接口描述/I NTERFACE DESCRIPTION (5)5.1PMC 接口模块内存分配情况/ PMC interface memory allocation (5)5.2接口详细说明/ Detail Interface (6)5.2.1PMC接口数据交换区/ Data Exchange Area (6)5.2.2生产报警监控区/ Produce Alarm Monitor Area (10)5.2.3生产计数监控区/ Produce Count Monitor Area (11)5.2.4模拟量数据监控区/ Analog data Monitor Area (16)6A PPENDIX 1报警清单文件格式样例A LARM D ATA F ILE FORMAT SAMPLE (17)1 引言/ Introduction本接口要求是一个指导性的文件,需要联网进行生产监控的PLC必须遵循其中的准则,具体的细节要求在技术评估和详细设计时进一步讨论。
This interface requirement is a guideline for those PLCs which need to be connected to the network and monitored. The detailed specifications will be defined during technical evaluation and detail design.2 本文档名称的概念/ Concept used in this document●PDU: PMC数据采集服务器PDU: PMC Production Data Unit (Data Collector Server)●Station:A location where work is performed●Cell:A gated area containing 1-32 Stations and controlled by 1 PLC●Alarm information:Alarm information means the alarm signals which will cause equipment orconveyor to stop.●Warning information:Warning information means the alarm signals which will not cause equipmentor conveyor to stop but need to maintain the equipment.●Starve:Starve means an area is idle because it is waiting for the parts from the preceding area along theproduction line.●Block:Block means an area is idle because the following area along the production line is not able toaccommodate any more parts from this area.●Andon Downtime:An alarm which produced by Andon fault●E-Stop Downtime:The emergency stops Time. Typically a button that you press to stop the machine inthe event of an emergency●Timer:A timer is a specialized type of clock. A timer can be used to clock some alarms.●Counter:A counter used to collect something number of times. Something like the Production.3 PMC数据采集器和车间现场PLC之间的通讯方式/ Communicationmode between PMC PDU and PLCs●通讯协议:TCP/IPCommunication Protocol: TCP/IP●网卡:PLC自带支持TCP/IP协议、带RJ45网络接口的网卡Network Adapter: OEM provide PLC network adapter which has RJ45 port and support TCP/IPprotocol●通讯速率:10/100MbsCommunication Speed: 10/100Mbs●IP地址:固定的IP地址IP address: Fixed IP address●数据采集方式:所有的Alarm以及Information信息由PMC使用Pull方式采集。

1. 在文本显示器编辑软件中 选择功能键按钮 自动生成设置功能码
2. 在功能键中填写属性 PLC 站号:204 线圈号:0x 类型 地址:13 (地址详见后面章节描 述)
此功能为:按 0 号按键的时候 对应的 Y0 输出打开
联系电话:400-6668651 0592-8880569
地 址:厦门市思明区软件园二期望海路 63 号之二
地址码 消息帧的地址域包含两个字符(ASCII)或 8Bit(RTU)。可能的从设备地址是 0...247 (十进制)。单个设备的地址范围 是 1...247。主设备通过将要联络的从设备的地址放入消息中的地址域来选择从设备。当从设备发送回应消息时,它把自 己的地址放入回应的地址域中,以便主设备知道是哪个设备做出回应。地址 0 是用作广播地址,以使所有的从设备都能 认识。
PMC 控制器的地址码是 0xcc(即为:204)
功能码 在 HMI 系统中,常用的功能码如下:
Modbus 功能码
读位(读 N 个 Bits)
读整型、字符型、状态字、浮点型(读 N 个 Words)
0x 位类型 :电机状态
可以读取,可以写入 读取:目前状态 写入:对应功能开启或者
联系电话:400-6668651 0592-8880569 地 址:厦门市思明区软件园二期望海路 63 号之二
控制 X 电机连续左行 地址 30 (0 停止,1 启动) 控制 X 电机连续右行 地址 31 (0 停止,1 启动) 控制 Y 电机连续左行 地址 32 (0 停止,1 启动) 控制 Y 电机连续右行 地址 33 (0 停止,1 启动) 控制 Z 电机连续左行 地址 34(0 停止,1 启动) 控制 Z 电机连续右行 地址 35 (0 停止,1 启动) 停止 X 电机并坐标清零 地址:36 停止 Y 电机并坐标清零 地址:37 停止 Z 电机并坐标清零 地址:38

Draft Standard Physical and Environmental Layers for PCI Mezzanine Cards:PMCSponsored by theMicroprocessor & Microcomputer Standards Committee (MMSC)of the IEEE Computer SocietyP1386.1/Draft 2.4January 12, 2001Draft submitted to IEEE for final standardization approvalAbstract: This draft standard, in conjunction with P1386 (CMC), defines the physical and environmental layers of a PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) Family to be usable on (but not limited to) single slot VME, VME64 & VME64x boards, CompactPCI Boards, Multibus I boards, Multibus II boards, desktop computers, portable computers, severs and similar types of applications. The electrical and logical layers are based on the PCI Specification from the PCI Special Interest Group. The PCI Mezzanine Cards allow for a variety of optional function expansions for the host system. I/O functionality from the PMC may be either through the mezzanine front panel, or via the backplane by routing the I/O signals through the mezzanine connector to the host. Keywords: Backplane I/O, Bezel, Board, Card, CompactPCI, Face Plate, Front Panel I/O, Metric, Host Computer, I/O, Local Bus, Mezzanine, Module, Modular I/O, PCI, Multibus I, Multibus II, VME, VME64, VME64x, VMEbus.Copyright (c) 2001 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.345 East 47th StreetNew York, NY 10017, USAAll rights reserved.This is an unapproved draft of a proposed IEEE Standard, subject to change. Permission is hereby granted for IEEE Standards Committee participants to reproduce this document for purposes of IEEE standardization activities. If this document is to be submitted to ISO or IEC, notification shall be given to the IEEE Copyright Administrator. Permission is also granted for member bodies and technical committees of ISO and IEC to reproduce this document for purposes of developing a national position. Other entities seeking permission to reproduce portions of this document for these or other uses must contact the IEEE Standards Department for the appropriate license. Use of information contained in this unapproved draft is at your own risk.IEEE Standards DepartmentCopyright and Permissions445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USAIEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within the IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside the IEEE which have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard. Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE standard is subjected to review at least once every five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old, and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of the IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formalconsideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAIEEE Standards documents are adopted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles, material, or processes. Such adoption may not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the standards documents.CommentsIf you have questions or comments regarding this draft, please contact the chair/draft editor of this proposed standard:Wayne FischerP1386.1 (PMC) Chair & Draft EditorTahoe Embedded ComputersPO Box 8600Incline Village, NV 89452-8600 USAPh: 775-832-0447Em: tahoewayne@Ws: Change BarsAll paragraphs changed in this draft (2.4) from draft 2.3 are marked with a change bar on the right side of the paragraph. Any table entry that was changed will have a thicker vertical line on the right side of changed entry.Introduction(This introduction is not part of this Draft Standard Physical and Environmental Layers for a PCI Mezzanine Card: PMC)This draft standard provides the specifications for implementing the PCI local bus between a host and mezzanine card based on the P1386 (CMC) Standard for usage on VME64x boards, CompactPCI boards, and Multibus I & II boards. PCI boards defined for the general personal computer market will not fit on these boards since they mount perpendicular on the host computer. This standard provides the necessary mechanical and environmental requirements for the use of PCI based mezzanine cards in a large variety of low profile applications. PCI Mezzanine Cards can provide front bezel I/O, backplane I/O via the host, additional local host functions or a combination of the three.Special thanks are due to Dave Moore, original P1386.1 Working Group Draft Editor, for the generation of the many drafts, Rick Spratt, Cliff Lupien, Harry Parkinson, Chau Pham and Heinz Horstmeier for their contribution to development of this proposed standard.At the time this standard was completed, the P1386.1 Working Group had the following membership:Wayne Fischer, ChairChau Pham, Vice ChairMalcom Airst Dave Horton Harry ParkinsonHarry Andreas Anotol Kaganovich Elwood ParsonsJames Barnette Gary Kidwell Chau PhamJuergen Baumann Tom Kuleza Dave RiosMartin Blake Jing Kowk John RynearsonHans Brand Dees Lambreshtse Richard SprattDave Brearley Sang Dae Lee Nobuaki SugiuraGorky Chin Cliff Lupien Dennis TerryDick DeBock Kristian Martinson Russ TuckIan Dobson Jim Medeiros Jim TurleyWayne Fischer Robert McKee Mark VorenkarmpMike Hasenfratz Dave Mendenhall Eike WaltzRyuji Hayasaka David Moore Dave WickliffRoger Hinsdale Rob Noffke Bob WidlickaHeinz Horstmeier Joseph Norris David WrightThe following people were on the IEEE sponsor balloting committee:List to be provided,When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on XX Xxxx, 2001, it had the following membership:List to be provided,Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standard Board liaisons:List to be provided,Contents1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (1)1.3General Arrangement (1)1.4Dimensions (1)2.References (3)2.1Trademarks (3)3.Definitions, Abbreviations and Terminology (3)3.1Special Word Usage (3)4.Mechanics and Compliance (3)4.1Conformance (3)4.2PMC Voltage Keying (4)4.3Connector Configurations (4)4.4Power Consumption, Heat Dissipation and Air Flow (4)4.5Electromagnetic Compatibility (4)4.6Shock and Vibration (4)4.7Environmental (4)4.8MTBF (4)5.Electrical and Logical Layer (5)5.1Connector Utilization (5)5.2PMC Connector Pin Assignment (5)5.3Comparison of Pin Usage, PCI to PMC (9)5.4Mapping of PCI Reserve Pins (10)FiguresFigure1-1Typical PMC Mounted to a Host Module (2)Figure5-1Connector Orientation on PMC, Side 1 (8)Figure5-2Connector Orientation on Host, Side 1 (8)TablesTable5-1PMC Connectors Pin Assignments (6)Table5-2Pin Use Comparison PCI to PMC (Single Size) (9)Table5-3PCI-Reserved/PMC Relationship (10)Draft Standard Physical and EnvironmentalLayers for PCI Mezzanine Cards: PMC1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis draft standard defines a family of slim modular mezzanine cards for VME, VME64 VME64x, CompactPCI, Multibus I & II, desktop computers, portable computers, servers and other computer systems with the logical and electrical layers based on the PCI (Peripheral Component Interface) Specification from the PCI Special Interest Group.The complete physical (mechanical) and the environmental layers are specified within the Common Mezzanine Card (CMC) Standard P1386 [1]1.1.2 PurposePCI is a high speed local bus being used by a variety of microprocessors. The PCI specification defines multiple board sizes that plug into computer mother boards in a perpendicular fashion. These perpendicular boards are not usable for low profile computer applications. This draft standard defines the mechanics of a slim, modular, parallel mezzanine card family that uses the logical and electrical layers of the PCI specification for the local bus. I/O can be via the front bezel and/or through the connector to the host computer for backplane I/O. Additional local functionality can also be provided by these mezzanine cards.1.3 General ArrangementPCI Mezzanine Cards (PMC) are intended to be used where slim, parallel board mounting is required such as in single board computer host modules with the addition of expander cards or option cards, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. The PMC may be mounted with instruments and panels that comply with the requirements of IEEE Std 1386 [1].For maximum utilization of component space, the mezzanine card is typically placed such that the major component side (side one) of the mezzanine card faces the major component side (side one) of the host board.1.4 DimensionsAll mechanical dimensions are specified in P1386 [1]. All dimensions are in millimeters._____1 The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references in Section 2.Figure 1-1Typical PMC Mounted to a Host Module2. ReferencesThe following publications are used in conjunction with this standard:[1] IEEE P1386 Standard Mechanics for a Common Mezzanine Card Family: CMC 2[2] PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 1998 3When any of the above specifications are superseded by an approved revision, that revision shall apply.2.1 TrademarksThe following names used within this draft standard are trademarked:PICMG and CompactPCI are registered trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group.3. Definitions, Abbreviations and Terminology3.1 Special Word Usageshall, A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers shall implement such mandatory requirements to ensure interchangeably and to claim conformance with the specification. The phrase is required is used interchangeably with the key word shall.should, A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred implementation. The phrase is recommended and the word preferred are used interchangeably with the key word should.may, A key word indicating flexibility of choice with no implied preference. The phrase is optional is used interchangeably with the key word may.4. Mechanics and Compliance4.1 ConformanceA vendor of host modules or mezzanine cards may claim compliance to the P1386.1 (PMC) standard if there are no areas of conflict between the host design and the P1386 [1] or P1386.1 standards. In addition, the vendor claiming compliance shall specify in the product specifications those areas of compliance where optional features are allowed._____2IEEE publications are available from the institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane. PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.3PCI Specifications are available from PCI Special Interest Group 2575 NE Kathryn Street, #17, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124, USA, 4.2 PMC Voltage KeyingThe PCI bus uses either 3.3V or 5V for signaling bus levels. A voltage keying is required to prevent association of host slots and mezzanine card with incompatible signaling voltages. The host shall indicate in its product specification which signaling voltage it uses and has been keyed for. Note that the mezzanine card may be designed to accept either or both signaling voltages.For keying mechanics see P1386 [1].4.3 Connector ConfigurationsThe 32 bit PCI bus requires two 64 pin connectors, Pn1/Jn1 and Pn2/Jn2. The 64 bit PCI bus requires three 64 pin connectors, Pn1/Jn1, Pn2/Jn2 and Pn3/Jn3. When I/O is routed through the host's backplane, the Pn4/Jn4 connector is required for routing of the I/O signals. Any combination of the three connector functions may be used on the mezzanine card as well as on the host.4.4 Power Consumption, Heat Dissipation and Air FlowEach PMC vendor shall document in the product's information the current drawn on the 5V and 3.3V power pins. The average heat dissipated on both sides shall be given as well as the average percent of area, side view, occupied by the components. A user can then calculate the amount of air flow that can be expected to flow across each mezzanine card as well as the amount of air needed to properly cool the mezzanine card.4.5 Electromagnetic CompatibilityEach PMC vendor shall document in the product's literature to which Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards and to what level(s) the product was designed and tested to (if tests were performed).4.6 Shock and VibrationEach PMC vendor shall document in the product's literature to which shock and vibration standards and to what level(s) the product was designed and tested to (if tests were performed).4.7 EnvironmentalEach PMC vendor shall document in the product's literature to which environmental standards and to what level(s) the product was designed and tested (if tests were performed).4.8 MTBFEach PMC vendor shall state in the product's literature the calculated MTBF (mean-time-between-failure) for which environmental level and state what method was used to calculate the MTBF number(s).5. Electrical and Logical Layer5.1 Connector UtilizationThe PMC and associated host connector pin assignments are based on specific signal integrity rules as well as power distribution. The 5V pins are assigned to Pn1/Jn1 connector, the 3.3V pins are assigned to Pn2/Jn2 connector and the V(I/O) to Pn1/Jn1 and Pn3/Jn3 connectors. All signal pins are adjacent to a voltage or ground pin with the CLK (clock) pin surrounded by three ground pins.The Pn1/Jn1 and Pn2/Jn2 connectors are always present and contain the signals for the 32 bit PCI Bus. When the PCI Bus is expanded to 64 bits, the Pn3/Jn3 connector is used for these signals. User defined I/O signals are assigned to the Pn4/Jn4 connector. The Pn3/Jn3 and Pn4/Jn4 connectors do not need to be present on either the PCI Mezzanine Card or the host when those signals are not used. Use of PCI Bus reserve (PCI-RSVD) and PMC (PMC-RSVD) reserved pins are not allowed as their use may be defined by future versions of the PCI specifications or by this standard, respectively. All Pn1/Jn1 and Pn2/Jn2 connector pins are fixed and shall not be reassigned to other functions.Note that the PCI signals are completely defined in reference (2), PCI Local Bus Specification.Pn4/Jn4 connectors are for user defined I/O functions. The mapping of these I/O signals to the backplane is defined in the P1386 (CMC) Standard [1] for VME and Multibus applications. Mapping of I/O signals off the rear of CompactPCI boards through CompactPCI backplanes is defined and controlled by PICMG, .5.2 PMC Connector Pin AssignmentPCI Mezzanine Cards and associated hosts that support PMC slots shall assign the local bus signal pins per the pin assignment given in Table 5-1.See Figures 5-1 and 5-2 for connector orientation on the PMC and on the associated host, respectively.Table 5-1PMC Connectors Pin AssignmentsPn1/Jn1 32 Bit PCI Pn2/Jn2 32 Bit PCI Pin Signal Signal Pin Pin Signal Signal Pin 1TCK-12V21+12V TRST#2 3Ground INTA#43TMS TDO4 5INTB#INTC#65TDI Ground6 7BUSMODE1#+5V87Ground PCI-RSVD*8 9INTD#PCI-RSVD*109PCI-RSVD*PCI-RSVD*10 11Ground 3.3Vaux1211BUSMODE2#+3.3V12 13CLK Ground1413RST#BUSMODE3#14 15Ground GNT#1615 3.3V BUSMODE4#16 17REQ#+5V1817PME#Ground18 19V (I/O)AD[31]2019AD[30]AD[29]20 21AD[28]AD[27]2221Ground AD[26]22 23AD[25]Ground2423AD[24]+3.3V24 25Ground C/BE[3]#2625IDSEL AD[23]26 27AD[22]AD[21]2827+3.3V AD[20]28 29AD[19]+5V3029AD[18]Ground30 31V (I/O)AD[17]3231AD[16]C/BE[2]#32 33FRAME#Ground3433Ground PMC-RSVD34 35Ground IRDY#3635TRDY#+3.3V36 37DEVSEL#+5V3837Ground STOP#38 39Ground LOCK#4039PERR#Ground40 41PCI-RSVD*PCI-RSVD*4241+3.3V SERR#42 43PAR Ground4443C/BE[1]#Ground44 45V (I/O)AD[15]4645AD[14]AD[13]46 47AD[12]AD[11]4847M66EN AD[10]48 49AD[09]+5V5049AD[08]+3.3V50 51Ground C/BE[0]#5251AD[07]PMC-RSVD52 53AD[06]AD[05]5453+3.3V PMC-RSVD54 55AD[04]Ground5655PMC-RSVD Ground56 57V (I/O)AD[03]5857PMC-RSVD PMC-RSVD58 59AD[02]AD[01]6059Ground PMC-RSVD60 61AD[00]+5V6261ACK64#+3.3V62 63Ground REQ64#6463Ground PMC-RSVD64 Note: For PCI-RESVD/PMC Pin Relationship see Table 5-3Table 5-1 (Concluded)PMC Connectors Pin AssignmentsPn3/Jn3 64 Bit PCI Pn4/Jn4 User Defined I/OPin Signal Signal Pin Pin Signal Signal Pin 1PCI-RSVD Ground21I/O I/O2 3Ground C/BE[7]#43I/O I/O4 5C/BE[6]#C/BE[5]#65I/O I/O6 7C/BE[4]#Ground87I/O I/O8 9V (I/O)PAR64109I/O I/O10 11AD[63]AD[62]1211I/O I/O12 13AD[61]Ground1413I/O I/O14 15Ground AD[60]1615I/O I/O16 17AD[59]AD[58]1817I/O I/O18 19AD[57]Ground2019I/O I/O20 21V (I/O)AD[56]2221I/O I/O22 23AD[55]AD[54]2423I/O I/O24 25AD[53]Ground2625I/O I/O26 27Ground AD[52]2827I/O I/O28 29AD[51]AD[50]3029I/O I/O30 31AD[49]Ground3231I/O I/O32 33Ground AD[48]3433I/O I/O34 35AD[47]AD[46]3635I/O I/O36 37AD[45]Ground3837I/O I/O38 39V (I/O)AD[44]4039I/O I/O40 41AD[43]AD[42]4241I/O I/O42 43AD[41]Ground4443I/O I/O44 45Ground AD[40]4645I/O I/O46 47AD[39]AD[38]4847I/O I/O48 49AD[37]Ground5049I/O I/O50 51Ground AD[36]5251I/O I/O52 53AD[35]AD[34]5453I/O I/O54 55AD[33]Ground5655I/O I/O56 57V (I/O)AD[32]5858I/O I/O58 59PCI-RSVD PCI-RSVD6059I/O I/O60 61PCI-RSVD Ground6261I/O I/O62 63Ground PCI-RSVD6463I/O I/O64TO FRONT PANELPn 3Pn 463636464112Pn 16364122Pn 2636412SIDE 1Figure 5-1Connector Orientation on PMC, Side 1T O F R O N T P A N E LJ n 1J n 2J n 36364J n 463641212636463641212S I D E 1Figure 5-2Connector Orientation on Host, Side 15.3 Comparison of Pin Usage, PCI to PMCFor reference purposes, a comparison of pin usage, PCI to PMC is provided in Table 5-2 below, where all the four 64-pin connectors are implemented.Table 5-2Pin Use Comparison PCI to PMC (Single Size)Power Pins Bus Pins PCI PMC+ 5V86+ 12V11- 12V11+ 3.3V129V (I/O118Ground4243Subtotal7569Signals100101BUSMODE24I/O064PCI1111PMC08Subtotal113187Total Pins1882565.4 Mapping of PCI Reserve PinsIn the future, should one or more of the PCI reserved pins become assigned to a new function, the assignment to the PMC connector shall be consistent. Table 5-3 lists the assignment of these reserved pins to the PMC connector. It will not be necessary to update this draft standard whenever this occurs.Assignment of PMC reserved pins will require an update to this standard.Table 5-3PCI-Reserved/PMC RelationshipPCI-RSVD PMC Signal PCI-RSVD PMC Signal9A Pn2-863B Pn3-110B Pn2-992A Pn3-5911A Pn2-1092B Pn3-6014B Pn1-1093B Pn3-6140A Pn1-4194A Pn3-6441A Pn1-42。

第二条采购单价1. 《采购附件资料清单》中所记载的采购单价是根据需、供双方的协议而定的,并将其固定一年,每年按实际需要由需、供双方重新协议而修订。
2. 当采购报价决定后,供方应根据需方所指定的格式、内容,迅速将报价明细提交给需方。
3. 采用月结(季结)方式的产品单价一经双方确认,原则上一年不变,只有当生产此种产品的制造成本上浮或下跌达5%以上(含5%时,影响到本合约所订的采购业务而导致需方或供方希望修订采购单价时,双方应以书面形式预先通知对方,双方协商单价修订及实施日期事项(必要时签订补充协议)。
第三条订货“1. 正常订货,需方应按《采购附件资料清单》中所制定的常采购周期”以书面形式向供方订货,紧急订货则按“紧急采购周期”执行。
2. 需方应在《采购订单》中明确所订物料的交货日期及每次的交货数量。
3. 当需方向供方发出《采购订单》后,供方要仔细审核《采购订单》内容,如质量标准、订单数量、交货日期,确认无误后,正常订货由供方负责人于一个工作日内签名回传需方,紧急订货于半个工作日内回签传给需方。
若不按时回传,需方有权对供方处以100 元罚款,罚款金额从帐款中扣除。
4. 有关制造货品所需的图纸、规格、式样书、样本、技术资料及其他资料(简称“技术资料” ),由需方供给供方使用。

pmc合同范本PMC 合同范本甲方(项目业主):姓名/名称:地址:联系方式:乙方(PMC 承包商):姓名/名称:地址:联系方式:鉴于甲方拟对[项目名称]项目进行建设,并希望乙方承担项目管理承包商(PMC)的角色,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:一、项目概况1. 项目名称:2. 项目地点:3. 项目规模及主要内容:二、乙方的服务范围详细描述乙方在项目管理各个方面的职责和工作内容,包括但不限于项目规划、进度管理、质量管理、成本控制、风险管理、合同管理、协调工作等。
四、服务费用及支付方式1. 服务费用的计算方式和总金额。
2. 支付的时间节点和方式。
五、双方的权利和义务1. 甲方的权利和义务,如提供必要的支持、审批决策等。
2. 乙方的权利和义务,如按要求履行服务、及时报告等。

第一条 项目概况1.1 项目名称:__________1.2 项目地点:__________1.3 项目内容:__________1.4 项目周期:自合同签订之日起至项目验收合格之日止。
第二条 乙方的义务2.1 乙方应根据甲方的要求,组建项目管理团队,对项目进行全过程管理,确保项目按期完成。
2.2 乙方应遵守国家相关法律法规,严格执行项目管理制度,确保项目质量、安全、进度等目标的实现。
2.3 乙方应定期向甲方报告项目进展情况,对项目中的问题及时提出解决方案并报甲方审批。
2.4 乙方应承担因项目管理不善造成的甲方损失,并按合同约定支付违约金。
第三条 甲方的义务3.1 甲方应按照合同约定向乙方支付项目管理费用。
3.2 甲方应提供项目实施所需的相关资料和条件,确保乙方能够顺利开展项目管理工作。
3.3 甲方应对乙方提出的问题及时给予答复,并按照约定时间审批相关报告。
3.4 甲方应对乙方在项目管理过程中取得的成绩给予认可和奖励。
第四条 项目管理费用4.1 乙方向甲方提供的项目管理服务费用为人民币____元整(大写:_______________________元整)。
4.2 甲方应按照合同约定的付款方式及时向乙方支付费用。
第五条 违约责任5.1 任何一方违反合同的约定,应承担相应的违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。
5.2 乙方未按约定完成项目或项目质量不符合约定的,甲方有权要求乙方返工、修复或赔偿。
第六条 争议解决本合同履行过程中发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可以向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。

PMCS723通讯规约的特点是什么?1. 灵活性:PMCS723通讯规约可以根据不同的设备需求进行定制和配置。
2. 可扩展性:PMCS723通讯规约可以轻松扩展以适应不断变化的设备和通讯需求。
3. 可靠性:PMCS723通讯规约采用了错误检测和纠正机制,以确保数据传输的可靠性和正确性。
4. 安全性:PMCS723通讯规约提供了数据加密和身份验证等安全机制,保护设备之间的通讯免受恶意攻击和数据泄露的威胁。
如何实现pmcs723通讯规约?要实现PMCS723通讯规约,需要以下步骤:1. 定义数据格式:首先,需要定义要传输的数据的结构和格式。
2. 设计通讯协议:其次,需要设计通讯协议,规定设备之间的通讯方式和规则。
3. 实现数据传输:接下来,需要实现数据的传输和交换。
PMC916 通讯规约

6 报文数据解释
2)站系统时间(地址 0014H)—
l 年,月寄存器:高字节表示年,范围 00-99,代表 2000-2099;低字节表示月,范
1 1 1
线电压 Uab
线电压 Ubc
线电压 Uca
相电压 Uan
相电压 Ubn
相电压 Ucn
相电流 Ia
相电流 Ib
C 相功率因数(PFc)
40158 01(超前)/00(滞后)
A 相功率因数超前/滞后
40159 01(超前)/00(滞后)
B 相功率因数超前/滞后
40160 01(超前)/00(滞后)
C 相功率因数超前/滞后
40161 01(超前)/00(滞后)
2(连读/写) 2 1 1

pmc合同范本PMC合同范本一、合同双方二、合同背景项目名称:____________________项目地点:____________________项目内容:____________________三、合同条款1. 定义1.1 项目:指本合同所涉及的具体工程或业务活动,包括但不限于设计、采购、施工、调试、验收等全过程。
1.2 PMC:指乙方作为项目管理承包商,负责对项目进行全过程管理和协调。
1.3 雇主:指甲方,即项目的委托方。
2. 权利与义务2.1 雇主的义务2.1.1 提供项目所需的相关资料、文件和技术要求。
2.1.2 按约定支付乙方项目管理服务费用。
2.1.3 配合乙方完成项目管理工作。
2.1.4 保障项目所需的人力、物力、财力等资源。
2.2 乙方的义务2.2.1 按照雇主要求,制定项目实施计划,并确保项目按照计划进行。
2.2.2 负责项目全过程的管理和协调,包括但不限于设计、采购、施工、调试、验收等环节。
2.2.3 及时向雇主报告项目进度、质量和成本情况。
2.2.4 对项目实施过程中出现的风险和问题,及时提出解决方案,并采取措施予以解决。
3. 项目管理服务费用3.1 乙方项目管理服务费用为人民币(大写):______元整(小写):¥______。
3.2 乙方项目管理服务费用支付方式:3.2.1 甲方在合同签订后5个工作日内支付乙方人民币(大写):______元整(小写):¥______作为预付款。
3.2.2 乙方按照项目进度,向甲方提供阶段性成果,甲方在收到阶段性成果后5个工作日内支付乙方相应比例的服务费用。
4. 违约责任4.1 若甲方未按约定支付乙方项目管理服务费用,乙方有权暂停项目管理工作,直至甲方支付相应费用。
4.2 若乙方未按约定完成项目管理工作,甲方有权要求乙方支付违约金,违约金计算方式为:未完成项目部分所对应的服务费用。
5. 争议解决本合同在履行过程中,如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。

pmcs723通讯规约摘要:1.概述2.规约简介3.规约结构4.数据传输5.错误检测与处理6.规约应用正文:1.概述PMCS723 通讯规约是一种用于自动化系统中的通讯协议,主要用于实现设备之间的数据交换与控制。
2.规约简介PMCS723 通讯规约基于工业自动化领域的实际需求,采用标准化的通讯方式,简化了设备间的信息交互过程。
3.规约结构PMCS723 通讯规约主要包括以下几个部分:- 物理层:定义了传输介质的类型、传输速率以及信号传输方式;- 数据链路层:定义了数据帧的格式、传输协议以及流量控制方法;- 网络层:定义了数据路由、分组传输以及网络管理等功能;- 应用层:定义了各种工业控制协议,如Modbus、Profibus 等。
4.数据传输PMCS723 通讯规约采用差分传输方式,可以有效抵抗干扰,提高数据传输的稳定性。
5.错误检测与处理为确保数据传输的可靠性,PMCS723 通讯规约采用了循环冗余校验(CRC)技术进行错误检测。
6.规约应用PMCS723 通讯规约广泛应用于各类自动化系统中,如工厂生产线、智能建筑、交通运输等。
综上所述,PMCS723 通讯规约在自动化领域具有重要的应用价值。

1.PMCS723 通讯规约概述
2.PMCS723 通讯规约的特点
3.PMCS723 通讯规约的应用领域
4.PMCS723 通讯规约的优缺点
PMCS723 通讯规约是一种用于工业自动化领域的通讯协议。
它的全称是“Process Measurement and Control System723”,由中国仪表学会制定,主要应用于工业自动化控制系统、智能仪表和控制系统之间的数据通讯。
PMCS723 通讯规约具有以下特点:
1.开放性:它基于国际标准,遵循ISO/OSI 开放系统互联模型,可以方便地与其他通讯协议进行集成。
2.可靠性:PMCS723 通讯规约采用了错误检测和纠正机制,确保了数据传输的正确性和完整性。
3.实时性:PMCS723 通讯规约支持实时数据传输,可以满足工业自动化控制系统对实时性的要求。
4.灵活性:PMCS723 通讯规约支持多种数据类型和通讯方式,可以根据不同应用场景进行选择。
PMCS723 通讯规约在工业自动化领域有着广泛的应用。
此外,PMCS723 通讯规约还可以用于SCADA 系统和生产执行系统(MES)的数据集成,为工业生产提供实时、准确的数据支持。
PMCS723 通讯规约虽然具有很多优点,但也存在一些不足之处。
其次,PMCS723 通讯规约的技术细节较为复杂,学习和使用难度较高。
总的来说,PMCS723 通讯规约是一种具有优越性能的工业自动化通讯协议。

加弹机定长通讯协议加弹机定长通讯协议1. 简介本协议旨在规范加弹机定长通讯协议的相关要求和规则,确保通讯的稳定性和准确性。
2. 协议范围本协议适用于所有使用加弹机定长通讯协议的相关通讯设备和系统。
3. 通讯协议要求本协议规定了以下通讯协议要求:通讯格式•通讯数据采用固定长度的包格式进行传输。
4. 通讯流程本协议规定了以下通讯流程:连接建立•客户端向服务器发送连接请求。
5. 错误处理本协议规定了以下错误处理方式:数据包校验失败•如果接收到的数据包的包尾校验失败,接收方应丢弃该数据包,并向发送方发出错误响应。
6. 其他规定本协议还包含以下其他规定:通讯安全•通讯过程中的敏感数据应进行加密保护,防止被非法获取和篡改。
加弹机定长通讯协议1. 简介本协议旨在规范加弹机定长通讯协议的相关要求和规则,确保通讯的稳定性和准确性。

研宏科技PMC控制器通讯协议一、数据传输采用数据帧方式请求指令[启动关键字AA][设备地址][操作码] [参数1] [参数2] [参数31] [参数32] [参数33] [参数34] [校验码]回应消息[启动关键值BB] [设备地址][操作码] [错误码] [参数1] [参数21] [参数22] [参数23] [参数24] [校验码] Eg: BB FF 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 FF备注:1、当前控制器支持的操作指令为等长指令,每个指令长度为10个字节;2、地址码为0xff的指令为广播指令。
即:[校验码]= [设备地址]+[操作码] + [操作数1] + [操作数2] + [操作数31] +[操作数32] + [操作数33] + [操作数34] ;二、系统参数设置指令1、设置控制器工作模式par1 [01: 02PC]eg:设置PC机器指令工作模式AA FF 04 02 00 00 00 00 00 00BB FF 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF2、设置控制器地址Eg:AA FF 01 5500 00 00 00 00 00BB 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF3、获取控制器地址BB XX 02 00 XX00 00 00 00 00控制器地址发送:AA FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00接收:BB 55 02 00 55 00 00 00 00 FF4、获取控制器工作模式BB XX 05 00 XX00 00 00 00 00控制器工作模式5、蜂鸣器叫Par3msAA FF 09 00 00 00 00 01 00 006、向输出口上面输出一个Par2 1为高电平,0为输出低电平AA FF 13 01 00 00 00 00 00 00读取输入口状态信息BB FF 3F 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF7、设置电机转动一圈需要的脉冲数。

pmc接口标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在文章《PMC接口标准》的概述部分,我们将介绍PMC接口的基本概念和背景,为读者提供一个总体了解和认识PMC接口的基础。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构文章可以分为以下几个部分:引言、正文和结论。
每个部分的内容如下:1. 引言引言部分提供对文章主题的概述,介绍文章的背景和研究的目的。
牧田工具 通讯协议

1. 简介牧田工具通讯协议是一种农业机械遥测控制协议。
2. 协议内容牧田工具通讯协议包括硬件层和软件层两部分。
在软件实现层,牧田工具通讯协议主要包括以下内容:a. 数据传输格式:数据传输的格式需要统一,以保证不同型号的机器都能被统一管理。
b. 控制指令:控制指令可以实现回传数据、远程设置和控制,进一步提高了智能化管理效率。
c. 状态信息:通过状态反馈,可以及时掌握牧田工具的运作情况和是否需要维护。
3. 优势利用牧田工具通讯协议可以带来以下优势:a. 提高农业生产效率:通过远程控制和监测,在不到农田的情况下,对牧田工具进行控制和管理,方便快捷。
b. 提高作业安全性:远程监测、控制和预警系统能够避免因机械故障造成的人身事故。
c. 信息汇总:利用该协议,可以实现所有农业机械的信息汇总和管理,以便于农业生产和管理部门更好地统计数据和进行计划安排。
4. 应用场景牧田工具通讯协议广泛应用于农田耕作、收获、施肥等各个环节。
5. 总结牧田工具通讯协议是实现农业生产智能化管理的重要一环。

PMC-D726X装置Modbus通信协议(V1.3)目录1简介 (1)1.1通信协议的目的 (1)1.2通信协议的版本 (1)2MODBUS串行通信协议详细说明 (1)2.1协议基本规则 (1)2.2传送模式 (1)2.3数据包结构描述 (2)2.3.1地址域 (2)2.3.2功能码域 (2)2.3.3数据域 (2)2.3.4校验域 (3)2.4网络时间考虑 (3)2.5异常响应 (3)2.6广播命令 (4)3MODBUS串行通信数据帧 (4)3.1设置继电器输出状态(0X05) (4)3.2读寄存器(0X03) (5)3.3写寄存器(0X10) (5)4装置寄存器说明 (6)4.1实时测量数据寄存器 (6)4.2计量数据寄存器 (9)4.3电能质量数据寄存器 (10)4.3.1基本电能质量数据寄存器 (11)4.3.2谐波数据寄存器 (11)4.4需量寄存器 (13)4.4.1实时需量寄存器 (13)4.4.2当前需量最大值记录寄存器 (13)4.4.3上次需量最大值记录寄存器 (13)4.5装置参数寄存器 (14)4.5.1系统参数寄存器 (14)4.5.2I/O参数寄存器 (18)4.5.3定值越限参数寄存器 (18)4.6分时计费参数设置寄存器 (19)4.6.1参数设置 (19)4.6.2计费季设置 (20)4.6.3日费率表设置 (21)4.6.4特殊日设置 (22)4.7时间寄存器 (23)4.8操作寄存器 (23)4.9装置信息寄存器 (24)4.10SOE事件记录寄存器 (25)附录A、CRC-16校验算法 (26)附录B、定值越限参数 (29)附录C、事件定义 (31)附录D、规约修订记录 (34)1简介本规约详细地描述了PMC-D726X产品在MODBUS通信模式下的输入和输出命令、信息和数据,为使用PMC-D726X产品的Modbus通信规约提供参考。

科迈控制器通信协议主要包括以下核心概念:1. 控制器:科迈控制器是一种用于机械设备控制的硬件设备,主要负责接收控制指令、读取传感器数据和控制执行器等功能。
2. 通信协议:科迈控制器通信协议是一种用于数据传输和控制指令交换的规范,定义了数据格式、通信方式、校验机制等内容。
3. PLC编程软件:PLC编程软件是用于编写科迈控制器程序的软件工具,可以通过该软件向科迈控制器发送控制指令并读取传感器数据。
二、学习科迈控制器通信协议的步骤和方法1. 学习基础控制知识:在学习科迈控制器通信协议之前,需要掌握基础的工业控制知识,例如:传感器、执行器、PID控制等内容。
2. 熟悉PLC编程软件:学习科迈控制器通信协议需要使用到PLC编程软件,在开始学习之前需要熟悉该软件的使用方法和功能。
3. 了解科迈控制器通信协议的基本结构:科迈控制器通信协议的基本结构包括帧头、数据标识、数据长度、数据内容和校验码等部分,需要了解每个部分的作用和含义。
4. 掌握科迈控制器通信协议的通信方式:科迈控制器通信协议主要采用请求-响应式通信方式,即发送请求指令后等待控制器响应。
5. 学习科迈控制器通信协议的命令格式:科迈控制器通信协议的命令格式包括读取命令和写入命令等,需要学习每种命令的数据格式和用法。
6. 进行实际操作和调试:学习科迈控制器通信协议需要进行实际的操作和调试,可以使用模拟器进行模拟,或者连接真实的控制器进行实验。
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[启动关键字AA][设备地址][操作码] [参数1] [参数2] [参数31] [参数32] [参数33] [参数34] [校验码]
[启动关键值BB] [设备地址][操作码] [错误码] [参数1] [参数21] [参数22] [参数23] [参数24] [校验码] Eg: BB FF 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 FF
[校验码]= [设备地址]+[操作码] + [操作数1] + [操作数2] + [操作数31] +[操作数32] + [操作数33] + [操作数34] ;
par1 [01: 02PC]
AA FF 04 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB FF 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
AA FF 01 5500 00 00 00 00 00
BB 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
BB XX 02 00 XX00 00 00 00 00
发送:AA FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
接收:BB 55 02 00 55 00 00 00 00 FF
BB XX 05 00 XX00 00 00 00 00
AA FF 09 00 00 00 00 01 00 00
Par2 1为高电平,0为输出低电平
AA FF 13 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB FF 3F 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF
Par3 电机驱动器的细分数
AA FF 61 01 00 00 00 06 40 00
BB FF 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
Par1 (1X2Y3Z) 返回指令中,细分数通过Par3带回
AA FF 62 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB FF 62 00 00 00 00 06 40 FF
Par1 (1X2Y3Z)
Par3 电机转动一圈运行的距离,为4字节浮点数
AA FF 63 01 00 00 00 80 3F 00
BB FF 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
Par1 (1X2Y3Z) 返回指令中,细分数通过Par3带回
AA FF 64 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
返回:AA FF 64 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
注:Par1 操作电机类型(1、X轴;2、Y轴;3、Z轴) Par3 电机加速系数
AA FF 65 01 00 00 00 00 01 00
BB FF 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
Par1 (1X2Y3Z) 返回指令中,细分数通过Par3带回
AA FF 67 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB FF 67 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF
Par1 (1X2Y3Z)
Par3 电机减速系数
AA FF 68 01 00 00 00 00 01 00
Par1 (1X2Y3Z) 返回指令中,细分数通过Par3带回
AA FF 6A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
: Par1(1X2Y3Z)
Par3: 最高速度(Hz)
AA FF 6B 01 00 00 00 25 80 00
: Par1(1X2Y4Z)
Par3: 最高速度(Hz)
AA FF 83 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
AA FF 83 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
: Par1(1X2Y4Z)
Par3: 运行的距离
AA FF 6D 01 00 00 00 00 01 00
BB FF 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 赋值成功
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF 运行中X轴
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 停止
: Par1(1X2Y3Z)
Par3: 运行的距离
AA FF 6F 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB FF 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
注: Par1:操作电机类型(1、X轴;2、Y轴;3、Z轴)
AA FF 6D 01 00 00 00 00 10 00
BB FF 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF
AA FF 71 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 发送停止指令
BB FF 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 返回停止指令确认
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 返回电机停止状态19、慢速停止电机运行
AA FF 6D 01 00 FF FF FF E6 00 反方向运行10圈
BB FF 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF
AA FF 72 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 发送停止指令
BB FF 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 返回停止指令确认
BB FF 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 返回电机停止状态20、将当前位置作为某个电机的0点位置
AA FF 75 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
AA FF 76 01 00 00 00 00 00 00