冀教版英语Lesson 34 Flying Donuts Unit6说课稿 (3)
【教学设计】Unit 6 Lesson 34(冀教版)

Unit 6 Go with transportationLesson 34 Flying donuts本课的教学内容是第六单元的第四课时, 内容主要介绍Danny 想像中的一种新的交通工具, 引导学生充分发挥想像力、创造力, 设想未来的交通工具, 并用英语表达出来, 从而激发学生的创造力和表现欲, 使他们从中体会到学习的快乐。
教学中, 采用“任务——探究——创造”型的教学方法, 借助多媒体辅助教学, 增加直观性和趣味性。
【知识与能力目标】记忆单词invention, oil, probably 短语stay up late, turn on 等。
激发学生的兴趣, 让学生学会介绍自己想像的交通工具。
【过程与方法目标】Reading and speaking【情感态度价值观目标】培养学生表达自我的能力, 发挥想像力、创造力, 张扬个性, 展示自我。
【教学重点】通过听力训练, 小组合作, 角色扮演的方式, 学会在情景交际中练习语言点, 并提高英语听说技能。
【教学难点】掌握词汇invention, oil, probably,接触词汇presentation, backpack, cardboard, fuel, imagination,学习短语think of, stay up late, at the front of, turn on等。
图片,PPTStepⅠ. Lead inLeading in 【情景1】Show the pictures of transportation, and lead the students to review the names of them.T: What kinds of transportation can you name?Ss: Bicycle/Train/Rocket/Car/Boat/Plane/Bus/…T: Imagine a new type of transportation. Describe it!Allow several students to respond.S1: It would fly in the air, but it wouldn’t have wings. It would go really fast and it would be good for the environment.T: Look! This is Danny’s new invention. He stayed up late to make his invention last night. He c alls it “Flying Donuts”. Today we’re going to know it well. (Write “Lesson 34: Flying Donuts” on the blackboard. )[设计意图]将学习内容和生活实际相联系, 培养学生平时注意观察生活的习惯。
冀教英语八上Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts 教案

Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts 教案Ⅰ. Teaching ContentOral words and expressions: fuel, imagination.Ⅱ. Teaching Aims1. Stimulate students’ learning interests.2. Cultivate students’ listening by catching the useful information in the listening process.Ⅲ. Teaching Important Points1. Encourage students’ to increase creative ability.2. Why is the invention called “flying donuts”.Ⅳ. Teaching Difficult PointsW hat’s the theory of an invention?Ⅴ. Teaching PreparationPictures.Ⅵ. Teaching AidsAudiotape, flashcards, pictures.Ⅶ. Type of lessonNew lesson.Ⅷ. Teaching ProceduresStep1. Play a game:Let some students explain it in English, while the others guess what it is. You must say the transportation. For example:A transporter is very long. It can hold many people in it. It can also take goods. What is it?Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What is Danny’s invention made of?2. Why is it called “Flying Donuts”?3. Will Danny’s invention really work?Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then listen to the tape again and read after it for several times.Step4. Ask the students to read the text in roles. Then act the dialogue in front of the class.Step5. Make sentences with the following language points: on the way to school, turn on, at the front of.Step6. Let’s come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into small groups of three of four students. Each group chooses a type of transportation for the students. Instruct students to begin collecting information about that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timetable of important dates in its development. Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.If the project cannot be finished in one class, it can be continued in the next lesson.Ⅸ. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.。
冀教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts PPT课件

Listen to the tape and fill in Fra bibliotekhe blanks
Danny has thought of a new kind of transportation. It is called Flying Donuts. With his invention, you don’t need an airplane to fly. First you put on the Flying Donuts bag on your back. Then you put it on and jump into the air.
of transportation . • What happened on these dates? Write a
sentence for every date.
Read carefully and answer:
1.When did Danny build his invention? 2. What’s Danny’s invention called? 3.What’s Danny’s invention made of? 4.How did Danny build his invention? (five steps) 5.How did Danny use his invention? 6.What do the donuts do?
2. What’s Danny’s invention called? It is Flying Donuts.
3. What’s Danny’s invention made of? It’s made of a backpack, two cardboard rockets and ten donuts.
冀教版英语八年级上册:Unit 6:Lesson 34 Flying Donuts教案

Lesson 34:Flying Donuts【教材分析】冀教版八年级英语(上)第六单元是围绕“Go with Transportation”展开的。
Lesson34: Flying Donuts是本单元的第四课时,属于听说课。
b. 孩子们都喜欢直观形象思维,想象力丰富,对游戏、竞赛、学生间交流分享比较感兴趣。
【教学目标】知识与技能a. 掌握并灵活运用重点词汇:invention(invent,inventor), probably, imagination, presentation, turn on, stay up late等。
b. 准备语言材料,介绍交通工具。
【重点难点】重点:掌握运用重点单词、短语、句型,如invention(invent, inventor) , turn on, I would like to present my invention. To go ten kilometres, you need ten donuts.等。
【教学过程】Step I. Warm up1.Greetings2.Review all kinds of transportation by watching a video通过学生熟知的未来卡通人物“多拉爱梦”影片来活跃课堂气氛,复习各种交通工具,并激发学生的想象力为后续设计交通工具做准备。

Please turn on the TV. Danny has thought of a new kind of transportation.
Lesson 33 Flying Donuts
He painted them red and glued them onto the backpack.
Teacher:Do other types of food make the rockets go?
Danny:Yes,but donuts are the best.
Teacher:Why is that?
Danny:You can eat them when you get hungry!
Will Danny's invention really work? Probably not,but he had fun,and he used his imagination! You can do it,too!
Now Danny is standing at the front of the classroom. 现在,丹尼站到了教室前面。
at the front of表示 “在……前部”,at可用in代替,指内部的前面。 e.g. The driver is sitting at /in the front of the car. in front of表示 “在……前部”,指外部的前面。 e.g. The boy is in front of the bus. It is not safe.
What are “flying donuts”? Does it mean “donuts flying in the sky”or something else?
冀教版八年级英语上册第6单元《Lesson 34 Flying Donuts 》课件(共25张PPT)

D. “由于” I finished the work with your help.
3.Danny stayed up late to make his invention. stayed up late 熬夜,to make his invention 作Danny stayed up late的目的状语。
课 时
use one’s imagination: at the front of;
1.present(名词) _p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_io_n_(近义词)___g_if_t___
2. with(反义词)_w__i_th__o_u_t__
3. kind(同义词)___ty_p__e__
倍 你认为我昨天歌唱得怎么样?
课 I _th__o_u_g_h_t_o_f his name just now.
学 练
2. With my invention, you don’t need a plane to fly.
to fly 作you don’t need a plane 的目的状语。
速 课 时
9.glue…onto… _把__…__…___粘__在__…__…___上____ 10.other types of food ___其__他___类__型__的___食__物_______
学 练
11.在某人去……的路上 __o__n_o__n_e_’s__w__a_y_t_o______
Don’t wake him up. He _s_t_a_y_e_d__u_p__la__te__last night.
冀教版英语八上Unit 6《Lesson 34 Flying Donuts》教学设计

冀教版英语八上Unit 6《Lesson 34 Flying Donuts》教学设计一. 教材分析冀教版英语八上Unit 6《Lesson 34 Flying Donuts》是一篇关于日常生活的故事。
二. 学情分析本节课的对象是八年级的学生,他们已经掌握了基本的英语语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握与周末活动相关的词汇和表达方式,如“goto a coffee shop”、“eat donuts”、“have a contest”等。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握故事中的主要词汇和表达方式。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定各种任务,引导学生参与课堂活动,提高他们的听说读写能力。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:冀教版英语八上教材、多媒体课件、教学卡片等。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过提问学生关于周末活动的经历,引导学生回忆自己的周末活动,激发学生对日常生活话题的兴趣。
Lesson+34+Flying+Donuts 初中冀教版英语八年级上册

paint作动词,意为“上漆;着色”, 相当于colour。
He painted them red and glued them onto the backpack. 他把它们涂成红色,然后把他们粘到了背包上。
Paint the bed yellow. = Colour the bed yellow. 把床漆成黄色。
Lesson 34 Flying Donuts
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. 1.To be a writer,you need a good _im__a_g_i_n_a_ti_o_n_(imagine). 2.It's too dark now._T__o_s_e_e__ (see) clearly,you need
First, you put the Flying Donuts bag on your back. Then you turn it on and jump into the air! 首先,你 把飞行甜甜圈袋放在背上。 然后你转身跳到空中
OK Danny. But why do you call it Flying Donuts?
Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts
学习目标 Stimulate students’ learning interests. Cultivate students’ listening by catching the useful Encourage students’ to increase creative ability. Why is the invention called “flying donuts”?
冀教版初中英语八年级上册 Unit 6 lesson 34 Flying Donuts教案

冀教版初中英语重点知识精选掌握知识点,多做练习题,基础知识很重要!冀教版初中英语和你一起共同进步学业有成!Lesson 34 Flying Donuts一、教材分析1. 教学目标●语言知识掌握词汇:invention, probably, oil, presentation, cardboard, backpack, fuel, imagination, stay up late, turn on●语言技能理解并能灵活运用书中的重点单词、短语。
2. 教学重点学习Danny运用想象制作的新交通工具,掌握本课重点词汇。
3. 教学难点掌握不定式用法。
二、教学准备多媒体课件、配套教学光盘三、教学步骤Step 1 Class opening(3 minutes)1. Greetings.2. THINK ABOUT IT! What kinds of transportation can you name?通过出示图片,引导学生思考并回答问题,复习之前学习过的有关交通工具的内容。
Step2 New Concepts1. Leading in(1 minute)T: Look! This is Danny’s new invention. He stayed up late to make his invention last night. He calls it “Flying Donuts”. Today we’re going to know it well. 板书本课课题Lesson 34 Flying Donuts.Language points:1. stay up late 熬夜,并造句Don’t ___________________. It’s not good for your health.2. The two rockets are made of cardboard(n.硬纸板)3. Planes, trains and cars are very important invention s. We can travel fasterand farther with them.invent v. 发明;创invent or n. 发明家invent ion n. 发明;创造运用图片进行生词学习,直观明了,有助于学生理解记忆。
冀教版八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 34《Flying Donuts》 课件 (共16张PPT)

Reading Task (2) (4 mins)
Read the text fast and finish Exercise One on Page 89.
1.What does Danny call his invention? Flying Donuts
2.How does Danny’s invention work? First, you put the Flying Donuts bag on your back. Then you turn it on and jump into the air.
think of 想起;想出
2. He wants to give a presentation on it to the class. 他想要给同学们做一个关于它的介绍。
give a presentation on sth. to sb. 给某人做一个关于某事的介绍
3. Last night,Danny stayed up late to make his invention. 昨晚丹尼熬夜去制作他的发明。 stay up late 熬夜
3.Why are donuts the best food to make the rockets go? Because you can eat them when you get hungry.
4.How far will you go if you have five donuts? Five kilometres.
2.Don’t _s_t_a_y_u_p_l_a_te__(熬夜). It’s bad for your health.
3.Tom, the baby is sleeping. Please _t_u_rn__o_ff_(关闭) the TV.
冀教版八年级上册英语 unit6 Go with Lesson 34 Flying Donuts

D. theywantedtoflywithkites
【点拨】根据原文: Man made wings and tied them on their bodies to help them fly. 故选C。
22. Theunderlinedword “filled” means_____C___. A. 混合B. 搭配 C. 充满D. 连接
Withthebackpackonhisback, hecouldj1u8minptotheair.
Andonedonutcouldc19himonekilometre. Hethougahrtrdyonutswerethe________20
1. 熬夜对身体不好。【中考·兰州】 Itisbadforhealthto_______s_t_a_yluatpe.
2.—What’swrongwithyou, Eric? Youlooktired. —I_________toprepareforthefinalexamlastnight.
D 【中考·安顺】 A. pickedupB. wokeup C. putupD. stayedup
3. Thedishwasherisawonderful____in__v_en__ti_on(发明).
4. Mymotherboughtmeanew____b__a_c_k_p_a_ck(背包). 5. Hispaintingsshowgreat____________ (想象力).
【点拨】词义猜测题。根据画线词所在的句子They filled it with hot air and it went up into the air.可 知他们把热空气填充到气球里。fill意为“充满, 填充”,故选C。
Unit 6Lesson34 Flying Donuts 课件2023学年冀教版八年级英语上册

Think about it!
♠ What kinds of transportation can you name? ♠ Imagine a new type of transportation. Describe it!
What kinds of transportations can you name?
n. 展示;陈述; 介绍
I can’t think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字了。
Danny has thought of a new kind of transportation, he wants to know who likes his invention .
n.汽油 adv.可能;大概
n.想象力 熬夜
oil probably imagination stay up late turn on
Read and answer
1. What’s Danny’s invention? 2. What is Danny going to do ? 3.Why did Danny go to bed late last
n. 发明 The inventor invented two new things last year. Both are great inventions.
backpack n.背包
cardboard n. 硬纸板
coalfuelFra bibliotekfirewood
natural gas
Oil is one kind of fuel
Unit 6 Go With Transportations
冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts

Unit 6 Go with Transportat ion !Lesson 34Flying Donuts1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:invention, oil, probably2 .了解介绍交通工具的表达法。
3 .了解一些介绍交通工具的句式。
1 .掌握一些与介绍交通工具有关的词汇:rocket, invention, airplane, carry2.激发学生兴趣,让学生学会介绍自己想象的交通工具。
掌握以下重点句子:①Last night, Danny stayed up late to make his invention.②But why do you call it Flying Donuts?(3)To go ten kilometers,you need ten donuts.④Will Danny's invention really work?Step ILead—inLead in by discussing the following questions:What kinds of transportation do you know? What type of transportation will you invent?Discuss in groups for three minutes. Then let some students present their answers in front of the class.Step 2ListeningListen to the tape and know about the main points of the dialogue.At the same time, fill in the blanks with the words you hear:1.Danny bought ten donuts on his way to2.With Danny's invention, we don't need an to fly.3.____________________________________ Danny says one donut can carry you one ___________________________________ .Finish the task in class in oral.Step 3ReadingRead the dialogue and answer the following questions:1 .What did Danny do last night?2.What is the fuel of Danny's invention?3.How many donuts do we need to go ten kilometers?Read the passage and finish the task in class in oral.Step 4PracticeAsk the students to write a short passage to introduce his or her invention of transportation.Work in groups to finish the task. After a while, let some groups present their passages in front of the class.When the students are preparing, the teacher walks around them to solve the problems that probably happen.Step 5Come to "Let's Do It!"Read the lesson, finish Exercise 1 together. Fill in the blanks of Exercise 2 together.Finish off Exercise 3 in " Let' s Do It!。
Unit 6 Lesson34 Flying Donuts 冀教版八年级英语上册

Content s
1 Lead-in 2 New words 3 Language points 4 Group work
5 Homework
These are types of transportation today.
How to do it took an old backpack made two cardboard rockets painted them red glued them onto the backpack
bought some donuts and put them into the backpack
to do (sth.) 称为不定式。常见用法有:want to do sth. need to do sth. would like to do sth. 本课中用来表目的,译为“为了,要......” to go ten kilometres意
e.g. He got up early _t_o_c_a_t_ch__t_h_e_b_u_s_. 为了赶公交车,他早起了。 _To__b_u_y_a__n_e_w__c_a_r_, I went to Guangzhou.
put on穿上,戴上,背上 turn on 打开(电器等)
take off turn off
e.g. John got up and _p_u_t__o_n___ his clothes quickly. His son was badly ill.
I'm sure my computer has b_e_e_n_t_u_rn_e_d_o_f_f__ .
Unit 6 Lesson34 Flying Donuts 2023学年冀教版八年级英语上册

First,put on the Flying donuts Bag. Second,turn it on and jumo it into the air.
2.What do the donuts do?
They are the fuel. Every donut will carry one kilometer.
1.Learning aims: to understand the passage about Danny’s new invention -Flying Donuts
2. to learn to be imaginative and have fun 3. to learn to describe an invention of transportation
Unit 6
Lesson 34:Flying Donuts
What kinds of transportation can you name?
Can you imagine of flying?
backpack n. 背包
back + pack — backpack
cardboard n. 硬纸板
card + board — backpack
fuel n. 燃料
Petrol is the fuel of the car. 汽油是汽车的燃料。
Coal is also a kind of fuel. 煤也是一种燃料。
He wants to give a presentation on it to the class.
presentation n. 介绍,陈述
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Lesson 34 Flying Donuts Unit6Good morning, everyone,Today, it’s a pleasure for me to stand here and I’m very pleased to have such an opportunity([ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ]机会)to share some of my teaching ideas with you. First, let me introduce myself. I’m No 。
My topic today is taken from Lesson 34 of Unit6 in Student Book 3. The main content of this unit is “Go With Transportation”, and the topic of Lesson 34 is “Flying Donuts”. I have decided to say the lesson from six parts:Part One —— Analysis( [ə'nælɪsɪs])of the Teaching Material ( [mə'tɪərɪəl])One: Status( ['steɪtəs])and Function( ['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n])1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation and the related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 34, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imaginary ( [ɪ'mædʒɪn(ə)rɪ]假想的).2. To attain( [ə'teɪn]达到)“four skills” request([rɪ'kwest]需求)of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the students do some exercise about the text.3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead thestudents to use their imagination and encourage them to be creative ([kriː'eɪtɪv]创造). For example, helping them use English to describe their imaginary transportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say something about what they think the future transportations will be like. In a way, from practising( ['præktɪsɪŋ]实践)such a topic, it can be helpful to raise ( [reɪz])learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language.Two: Teaching AimsThe teaching aim's basis( ['beɪsɪs]基础)is established([ɪ'stæblɪʃt]确定的)according to Junior School English syllabus( ['sɪləbəs]教学大纲)' provision([prə'vɪʒ(ə)n]规定).1. Knowledge objects(1) To study the new words presentation invention backpack cardboardfuel oil probably imagination.(2) To learn and master the phrases “think of, on the way to …, have fun”,etc.2. Ability objects(1) To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and(2) To train the students’ ability of working in pairs.(3) To the students’ abilities of) by learning the useful structures3. Moral objects(1) Through different teaching to make students be interested in study.(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions([ə'pɪnjən]意见) in English.and try to make to making new inventions in the future.Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult PointsThe teaching keys and difficult points’ basis(['beɪsɪs]基础)is established( [ɪ'stæblɪʃt]确定的)according to Lesson 37 in the teaching material's( [mə'tɪərɪəl]材料)position([pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]位置) and function ( ['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n]功能.)1. Key points:(1).Be able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.(2). Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny’s2. Difficult points:Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral ( ['ɔːr(ə)l]口头的)English.Part Two —— The Teaching Methods1. Communicative( [kə'mjuːnɪkətɪv]交流)teaching method;2. Audio( ['ɔːdɪəʊ]声音的)-visual( ['vɪʒjʊəl视觉的) teaching method;3. Task( [tɑːsk])-based( [beɪst]任务型)teaching method;4. Classified( ['klæsɪfaɪd]分类的)teaching method.•As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate( ['kʌltɪveɪt]培养)students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative( [kə'mjuːnɪkətɪv]交际的)”teaching method, “Audio( ['ɔːdɪəʊ]声音的)-visual( ['vɪʒjʊəl视觉的)” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method and “Classified( ['klæsɪfaɪd]分类的)”teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the students get a better understanding of the key structures( [st'rʌktʃəz]). I’ll give the students some tasks and arrange( [ə'rendʒ]安排)some kinds of activities, like talking, watching CAI, and reading in roles([rolz).In a word, I want to make the students the real masters('mæstz主人)in class while the teacher himself acts as director([dɪ'rektə导演). I also hope to combine the language structures( [st'rʌktʃəz])with the language functions and let the students receive some moral education ([ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃn]道德教育)while they are learning the English language.Part Three —— Studying ways1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage the studentsto study the text by themselves.Part Four —— Teaching stepsAs this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit,I have decided the following steps to train their ability of listening,speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and speaking ability.The entire ( [ɪn'taɪə全部的)steps are:Step1 Warm-up and Lead-inShow the students some pictures of common transportations, like car, bike, train and so on. Ask the students: What can you see from the picture? Is there another kind of transportation around us?Purpose of my designing: In this part, have the students say more about what they see or what they don’t see. In this way, they will know today’s lesson has something to do with their discussion.Step2 Presentation( [prez(ə)n'teɪʃ(ə)n]展示)1. Learn new words in groups. The new word in this lesson are fuel, oiland coal. Show them pictures of these things and teach them these new words.Purpose( ['pɜːpəs]目的)of my designing: After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.• 2. Play the tape recorder. Let the students listen and imitate( ['ɪmɪteɪt]仿造)the text. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then finish the exercises on the computer.•Purpose of my designing: This step is employed([im'plɔid]雇佣)to make the students get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening and speaking ability.• 3. Text Learning and a Quiz([kwɪz])I’ll use CAI to present the whole text. I’ll write the key points on the blackboard while they are watching. After watching, I’ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well.After teaching them the whole text, including the meanings of newwords, the use of similar expressions and so on. Get the students to try and say out some phrases on the screen, like I don’t think so, have fun, a new kind of, on the way to school, and so on.Purpose(['pɜːpəs])of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide([prə'vaɪd]提供)a real situation[sɪtjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n](形式)with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships ([rɪ'leʃən'ʃɪp]人际关系)between the students better.4. Key Structures and Difficult Points LearningFirst, I will divide the students into three groups and tell them to have a discussion about what they learn in this lesson. Then encourage them to try to understand the whole text, know what the difficult points are, and so on. At last, I will help them to master them all.For example, I teach the students know the differences between phrases think of, think about and think over. I will show them some sentences and get them to know the use of these phrases. Encourage them to do some exercise about these phrases.Purpose of my designing: By practising using these new words and similar phrases, the students will know how to use them in English and master the use of them better.5. Read and SayGive the students two or three minutes to prepare, and then getthem read the text together in three groups. Tell them to read aloud.Then help the students say something about the future transportation or their imaginary transportation. Encourage them to say more.Purpose of my designing: By reading the text and saying such things, get the students to practise their reading and speaking ability again. •Part Five —— Summarize( ['sʌməraiz])and Homework Ask the students such questions:•What have we learned from this lesson? What does Danny say about his new kind / type of transportation? Do you like his idea?What new phrases have we learned today? Do you have enough confidence( ['kɒnfɪd(ə)ns]信心)to finish these exercises? Now, let’s try!Then show them some exercises and help them to finish them.At last, tell the students what today’s homework is. While doing this, the teacher can have the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.Part Six —— Blackboard DesigningLesson34 Flying DonutsLanguage points:1.think of; think over think out2.at/in the front of / in front of3.on the way to school / on one’s way home4. With……•Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors('fevɚz])the students to knowledge grasping.teaching introspection教学反思•本课采用多种形式展开课堂教学,This class using a variety([v ə'raɪətɪ]多样) of forms of classroom teaching能让学生在轻松的学习过程中感受到英语学习的乐趣。