一单元;1、A maglev is a type of train that is suspended in the air above a single track ,and propelled using the repulsive and attractive forces of magnetism是一种类型的磁悬浮列车悬浮在空中上面一条清晰的足迹,和推进的反感和有吸引力的部队使用的磁性2、Japan and Germany are active in maglev research ,producing several different approaches and designs .日本和德国都活跃在磁悬浮研究、生产几种不同的方法和设计。
3、The effect of a powerful magnetic field on the human body is largely unknown 一个强大的影响磁场对人体是未知4 ,Some space agencies are researching the use of maglev systems to launch spacecraft 一些空间研究机构磁悬浮系统使用发射的宇宙飞船里踱步5,Inductrack(感应轨) was originally developed as a magnetic motor and bearing for a flywheel to store powerInductrack最初是作为一个磁轴承飞轮电机和一个存储能力二单元;1,A classification yard is railroad yard found at some freight train stations , used to separate railroad cars on to one of several tracks一个分类码是发现在一些货运铁路院子火车站,用来分离的一个铁路汽车在几条轨道2,There are three types of classification yards : flat-shunted yards ,hump yards and gravity yards有三种类型的分类码:flat-shunted码,驼峰码和重力码3,F reight trains which consist of isolated cars must be made into trains and divided according to their destinations货运列车由孤立的车辆必须制成火车和划分根据他们的目的地4,The tracks lead into a flat shunting neck at one or both ends of the yard where the cars are pushed to sort then into the right track铁轨引到一个平面并联脖颈一个或两端的院子里的汽车被推到分类然后进入正确的轨道5,they are operated either pneumatically or hydraulically他们要么气动或液压操作三单元1,The most difficult distinction to draw is that between light rail and streetcar or tram systems.最困难的区别之间画是轻轨和电车或电车系统。
The following section is a collection of terms used in the manual手册,说明书. Sources and references are identified for those terms with multiple definitions多重定义.Accident modification factorsA means of quantifying crash reductions associated with safety improvements.Actuated开动,驱使Signal ControlPhase time based on detection data.Adaptive Signal Control A signal control concept where vehicular traffic in a network is detected at a point upstream and/or downstream and an algorithm is used to predict when and where traffic will be and to make signal adjustments at downstream intersections based on those predictions.Added Initial An interval that times concurrently with the minimum green interval and increases by each vehicle actuation received during the initial period. This time cannot exceed the maximum initial.Analysis period A single time period during which capacity analysis is performed on a transportation facility. If the demand exceeds capacity during an analysis period, consecutive analysis periods can be selected to account for initial queue from the previous analysis period. Also referred to as time interval.Analytical Model A model that relates system components using theoretical理论considerations tempered调节的、缓和的、适中的, validated证实、生效, and calibrated标刻度by field data.Annual average daily traffic The total volume of traffic passing a point or segment of a highway facility in both directions for one year divided by the number of days in the year.Approach A set of lanes at an intersection横断、交叉、十字that accommodates容纳、调节all left-turn, through, and right-turn movements from a given direction.Approach grade引导坡度The grade of an intersection approach, expressed as a percentage, with positive values for upgrade and negative for downgrade.Area type A geographic parameter因素、参数reflecting the variation of saturation浸湿,饱和flows in different areas.Arrival rate The mean of a statistical统计的distribution of vehicles arriving at a point or uniform 校服、一律、一致、统一segment of a lane or roadway.Arrival type Six assigned categories生物类别for determining the quality of progression发展、一系列at a signalized intersection.Arterial动脉的A signalized street that primarily主要、首要serves through traffic and that secondarily provides access to abutting邻接、毗连properties, with signal spacing间隔、间距of 2.0 miles or less.Arterial LOS An arterial- and network-level performance measure associated with the class of arterial and the travel speed of arterial under study.Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System An intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology to track vehicle location, speed and other measures within a system. Most applications are found on transit vehicles and systems.Average Speed The average distance a vehicle travels within a measured amount of time.Average travel speed The length of the highway segment divided by the average travel time of all vehicles traversing the segment, including all stopped delay times.Back of queue The distance between the stop line of a signalized intersection and the farthest reach of an upstream queue, expressed as a number of vehicles. The vehicles previously stopped at the front of the queue are counted even if they begin moving.Bandwidth The maximum amount of green time for a designated direction as it passes through a corridor at an assumed constant speed, typically measured in seconds.Bandwidth attainability A measure of how well the bandwidth makes use of the available green time for the coordinated movements at the most critical intersection in the corridor.Bandwidth efficiency A measure that normalizes bandwidth against the cycle length for the arterial under study.Barnes’ Dance A common term for an exclusive pedestrian phase where pedestrians may cross all intersections legs and sometimes diagonally.Barrier A separation of intersecting movements in separate rings to prevent operating conflicting phases at the same time.Base condition The best possible characteristic in terms of capacity for a given type of transportation facility; that is, further improvements would not increase capacity; a condition without hindrances or delays.Base saturation flow rate The maximum steady flow rate—expressed in passenger cars per hour per lane—at which previously stopped passenger cars can cross the stop line of a signalizedintersection under base conditions, assuming that the green signal is available and no lost times are experienced.Call A term used to describe the presence of vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian demand in an actuated detection controller system.Capacity The maximum rate at which vehicles can pass through the intersection under prevailing conditions. It is also the ratio of time during which vehicles may enter the intersection.Carryover A term commonly used for the “extend” setting in controller manuals. It is another way to describe the time provided for a vehicle to traverse from one detector to the next.Change interval The yellow plus red clearance interval that occurs between phases of a traffic signal to provide for clearance of the intersection before conflicting movements are released. Also known as the clearance interval.Clearance lost time The time, in seconds, between signal phases during which an intersection is not used by any traffic.Clearance time The time loss at a transit stop, not including passenger dwell times. This parameter can be the minimum time between one transit vehicle leaving a stop and the following vehicle entering and can include any delay waiting for a sufficient gap in traffic to allow the transit vehicle to reenter the travel lane.Condition Diagram An illustration used to highlight the existing characteristics (i.e., number of lanes, signs, adjacent driveways, turn-bay lengths, traffic control, and land uses) of an intersection.Concurrent Phases Two or more phases in separate rings that are able to operate together without conflicting movements.Congested flow A traffic flow condition caused by a downstream bottleneck.Control Delay The amount of additional travel time experienced by a user attributable to a control device.Controller Memory A term that refers to the controller’s ability to “remember” (i.e., retain) a detector actuation and includes one of two modes (nonlocking or locking).Coordinated-Actuated Signal operations in coordination with other intersections, and using vehicle, bicycle, and/or pedestrian detection to define signal timing.Coordinated Phase(s) The phase (or phases) that is provided a fixed minimum amount of time each cycle under a coordinated timing plan. This phase is typically the major through phase on anarterial.Coordination The ability to synchronize multiple intersections to enhance the operation of one or more directional movements in a system.Corridor A set of essentially parallel transportation facilities designed for travel between two points. A corridor contains several subsystems, such as freeways, rural (or two-lane) highways, arterials, transit, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities.Critical lane group The lane groups that have the highest flow ratio for a given signal phase.Critical movement analysis A simplified technique for estimating phasing needs and signal timing parameters.Critical speed The speed at which capacity occurs for a facility, usually expressed as miles per hour.Critical volume-to-capacity ratio The proportion of available intersection capacity used by vehicles in critical lane groups.Crosswalk A marked area for pedestrians crossing the street at an intersection or designated midblock location.Cycle A complete sequence of signal indications.Cycle Length The time required for a complete sequence of signal indications.Cycle Failure Occasion where all queued vehicular demand cannot be served by a single green indication or signal phase.Dallas Display A type of signal display that attempts to avoid “yellow trap” problem by using louvers on the yellow and green ball indications to restrict visibility of the left-turn display to adjacent lanes while displaying indications based on the opposing through movement.Delay The additional travel time experienced by a driver, passenger, or pedestrian.A detector parameter typically used with stop-line, presence mode detection for turn movements from exclusive lanesDensity The number of vehicles on a roadway segment averaged over space, usually expressed as vehicles per mile or vehicles per mile per lane. (see also: volume-density, sometimes referred to as density timing)Demand The volume of traffic at an intersection, approach, or movement.Detector A device used to count and/or determine the presence of a vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian.Dilemma Zone There are two types of dilemma zones.Type I occurs when yellow and red clearance times are too short for a driver to either stop or clear the intersection before the beginning of a conflicting phase.Type II, also known as an “Option Zone”, ore “Indecision Zone”. This occurs as the result of different drivers making different decision on whether to go or stop, upon the change from a green to yellow indication.Double Cycle A cycle length that allows phases to be serviced twice as often as the other intersections in the coordinated system.Downstream The direction of traffic flow.Early Return to Green A term used to describe the servicing of a coordinated phase in advance of its programmed begin time as a result of unused time from non-coordinated phases.Effective green time The time during which a given traffic movement or set of movements may proceed; it is equal to the cycle length minus the effective red time.Effective red time The time during which a given traffic movement or set of movements is directed to stop; it is equal to the cycle length minus the effective green time.Effective walkway width The width, in feet, of a walkway usable by pedestrians, or the total walkway width minus the width of unusable buffer zones along the curb and building line.Exclusive pedestrian phase An additional phase that is configured such that no vehicular movements are served concurrently with pedestrian traffic. See also, Barnes Dance.Exclusive turn laneA designated left- or right-turn lane or lanes used only by vehicles making those turns.Extend A detector parameter that extends a detector actuation by a setable fixed amount. It is typically used with detection designs that combine multiple advance detectors and stop-line detection for safe phase termination of high-speed intersection approaches.Field Implementation A term used to describe the installation of new signal timings in the controller and the review of traffic operations at the intersection.Fixed Force Off A force off mode where force off points cannot move. Under this mode,non-coordinated phases can utilize unused time of previous phases.Fixed Time Signal Control A preset time is given to each movement every cycle regardless of changes in traffic conditions.Flashing Don’t Walk An indication warning pedestrians that the walk indication has ended and the don’t walk indication will begin at the end of the pedestrian clearance interval.Flashing Yellow Arrow A type of signal head display that attempts to avoid the “yellow trap” problem by providing a permissive indication to the driver that operates concurrent with the opposing through movement rather than the adjacent through movement.Floating Force Off A force off mode where force off points can move depending on the demand of previous phases. Under this mode, non-coordinated phase times are limited to their defined split amount of time and all unused time is dedicated to the coordinated phase. Essentially, the split time is treated as a maximum amount for the non-coordinated phases.Floating car method A commonly employed technique for travel time runs which requires the vehicle driver to “float” with the tra ffic stream while traveling at a speed that is representative of the other vehicles on the roadway and to pass as many vehicles as pass the floating car.Flow rate The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles, bicycles, or persons pass a point on a lane, roadway, or other trafficway; computed as the number of vehicles, bicycles, or persons passing the point, divided by the time interval (usually less than 1 h) in which they pass; expressed as vehicles, bicycles, or persons per hour.Flow ratio The ratio of the actual flow rate to the saturation flow rate for a lane group at an intersection.Force Off A point within a cycle where a phase must end regardless of continued demand. These points in a coordinated cycle ensure that the coordinated phase returns in time to maintain its designated offset.Free flowA flow of traffic unaffected by upstream or downstream conditions.Fully actuated control A signal operation in which vehicle detectors at each approach to the intersection control the occurrence and length of every phase.Gap The time, in seconds, for the front bumper of the second of two successive vehicles to reach the starting point of the front bumper of the first.Gap ReductionThis is a feature that reduces the passage time to a smaller value while the phase is active.Green time The duration, in seconds, of the green indication for a given movement at a signalized intersection.Green time ratioThe ratio of the effective green time of a phase to the cycle length.Green Extension A signal priority treatment to extend a current green phase to give priority to a specific movement or vehicle, typically transit.Hardware The devices that physically operate the signal timing controls, including the controller, detectors, signal heads, and conflict monitor.Headway(1)The time, in seconds, between two successive vehicles as they pass a point on the roadway, measured from the same common feature of both vehicles (for example, the front axle or the front bumper);(2)The time, usually expressed in minutes, between the passing of the front ends of successive transit units (vehicles or trains) moving along the same lane or track (or other guideway) in the same direction.Hardware in the Loop (HITL) A means of providing a direct linkage between simulation models and actual signal controllers.Highway Capacity Manual A National Academies of Science/Transportation Research Board manual containing a collection of state-of-the-art techniques for estimating the capacity and determining the level-of-service for transportation facilities, including intersections and roadways as well as facilities for transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.Inhibit Max A basic timing parameter that removes the Maximum Green input as a phase parameter during coordination and allows the phase to extend beyond its normal maximum green values.Interval The duration of time where a traffic signal indications do not change state (red, yellow, green, flashing don’t walk). A traffic signal controller also has timi ng intervals (min green, passage time) that determine the length of the green interval.Intersection Delay - Average The total additional travel time experienced by users as a result ofcontrol measures and interactions with other users divided by the volume departing from the intersection.Intersection Level of Service A qualitative measure describing operational conditions based on average intersection delay.Isolated intersectionAn intersection at least one mile from the nearest upstream signalized intersection.Lagging pedestrian interval A pedestrian timing option that starts pedestrian walk interval several seconds after the adjacent through movement phase, thus allowing a waiting right-turn queue to clear before the pedestrian walk indication is presented and thereby reducing conflicts with right-turning vehicles.Lane group A set of lanes established at an intersection approach for separate capacity and level-ofservice analysis.Lane group delayThe control delay for a given lane group.Lane utilization The distribution of vehicles among lanes when two or more lanes are available for a movement; however, as demand approaches capacity, uniform lane utilization develops.Leading pedestrian interval A pedestrian interval option that starts a few seconds before the adjacent through movement phase, thus allowing pedestrians to establish a presence in the crosswalk and thereby reducing conflicts with turning vehicles.Lead-Lag Left-Turn Phasing A left-turn phase sequence where one left-turn movement begins with the adjacent through movement and the opposing left-turn movement begins at the end of the conflicting through movement. This option may create a “yellow trap” with some permissive signal displays.Level of service A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, based on service measures such as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, and convenience.Local Controller The device used to operate and control the signal displays using signal timing provided by the user, master controller, or central signal system.Locking mode A controller memory mode used to trigger a call for service for the first actuation received by the controller on a specified channel during the red intervalLost Time The portion of time at the beginning of each green period and a portion of each yellow change plus red clearance period that is not usable by vehicles.Master Clock The background timing mechanism within the controller logic to which each controller is .referenced during coordinated operations.Master Controller An optional component of a signal system that facilitates coordination of a signal system with the local controller.Manual on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)The MUTCD, published by the Federal Highway Administration, provides the standards and guidance for installation and maintenance for traffic control devices on roadways.Maximum Allowable Headway (MAH) / Maximum Time Separation The maximum time separation between vehicle calls on an approach without gapping out the phase, typically defined by passage time or gap time. Maximum allowable headway refers to spacing between common points of vehicles in a single lane, but the term is commonly used to refer to maximum time separation in single or multi-lane approaches as well.Maximum Green The maximum length of time that a phase can be green in the presence of a conflicting call.Maximum Initial The maximum period of time for which the Added Initial can extend the initial green period. This cannot be less than the Minimum Green time.Maximum RecallA recall mode that places a continuous call on a phase.Measure of effectivenessA quantitative parameter indicating the performance of a transportation facility or service.Minimum Gap This volume density parameter that specifies the minimum green extension when gap reduction is used..Minimum Green The first timed portion of the green interval which may be set in consideration driver expectany and the storage of vehicles between the detectors and the stop line when volume density or presence detection is not used.Minimum Recall A recall parameter the phase is timed for its minimum green time regardless what the demand is for the movement.Movement A term used to describe the user type (vehicle or pedestrian) and action (turningmovement) taken at an intersection. Two different types of movements include those that have the right of way and those that must yield consistent with the rules of the road or the Uniform Vehicle Code.Non-locking mode A controller memory mode that does not retain an actuation received from a detector by the controller after the actuation is dropped by the detection unit.OccupancyThe percent of time that a detector indicates a vehicle is present over a total time period.Offset The time relationship between coordinated phases defined reference point and a defined master reference (master clock or sync pulse).Offset Reference Point (Coordination Point)The defined point that creates an association between a signalized intersection and the master clock.Overflow queueQueued vehicles left over from a green phase at a signalized intersection.OversaturationA traffic condition in which the arrival flow rate exceeds capacity.Passage Time (Vehicle Interval, Gap, Passage Gap, Unit Extension) A phase timer that ends a phase when the time from the last detector output exceeds the timer setting.Pattern Sync ReferenceThe set start of the master clock.Peak-hour factor The hourly volume during the maximum-volume hour of the day divided by four times the peak 15-min flow rate within the peak hour; a measure of traffic demand fluctuation within the peak hour.PedestrianAn individual traveling on foot.Pedestrian Recall A recall mode where there is a continuous call for pedestrian service resulting in the pedestrian walk and clearance phases to occur each time the phase times.Pedestrian Clearance Interval Also known as “Flash Don’t Walk”. The time prov ided for apedestrian to cross the entire width of the intersection.Pedestrian PhaseTime allocated to pedestrian traffic that may be concurrent with vehicular phases.Pedestrian scrambleSee Exclusive Pedestrian PhasePedestrian Walk IntervalAn indication to the pedestrian that it allows pedestrians to begin crossing the intersection.Pedestrian walking speedThe average walking speed of pedestrians, in feet per second.Percent Runs Stopped The percentage of the total number of travel time runs conducted during which a vehicle stops.Performance Index An arterial- and network-Level performance measure that allows several measures of effectiveness to be mathematically combined.Performance Measures Signal system related effects on stops, vehicle delay, arterial travel time, or existence of spill back queuing between closely spaced intersections.Permissive Movements A movement where it is allowed to proceed if there are available gaps in the conflicting flow.Permissive Period A period of time during the coordinated cycle in which calls on conflicting phases will be result in the coordinated phase transitioning to non-coordinated phase(s)..Permitted plus protected Compound left-turn protection that displays the permitted phase before the protected phase.Permitted turn Left or right turn at a signalized intersection that is made against an opposing or conflicting vehicular or pedestrian flow.Phase A controller timing unit associated with the control of one or more movements. The MUTCD defines a phase as the right-of-way, yellow change, and red clearance intervals in a cycle that are assigned to an independent traffic movement.Phasing Indication The current display for a given phase (green, yellow, red, walk, flashing don’twalk, or don’t walk).Phase Pair A combination of two phases allowed within the same ring and between the same barriers such as 1+2. 5+6, 3+4, and 7+8.Phase Recall A call is placed for a specified phase each time the controller is servicing a conflicting phase. This will ensure that the specified phase will be serviced again. Types of recall include soft, minimum, and maximum. Soft recall only calls the phase back if there is an absence of conflicting calls.Phase SequenceThe order of a series of phases.Phasing DiagramA graphical representation of a sequence of phases.Platoon A group of vehicles or pedestrians traveling together as a group, either voluntarily or involuntarily because of signal control, geometrics, or other factors.Preemption Traffic signal preemption is the transfer of normal operation of a traffic control signal to a special control mode of operation.Preempt Trap A condition that can occur when a preemption call is serviced at a signalized intersection near an at-grade train-roadway crossing, where not enough clearance green time is provided to clear a queue of vehicles, and a vehicle could be trapped on the tracks with the railroad crossing lights and gates come down.Presence Mode A detection mode where a signal is sent to the controller for the duration of time a vehicle is inside the detection zone.Pretimed control A signal control in which the cycle length, phase plan, and phase times are preset to repeat continuously.Priority Traffic signal priority (TSP) is an operational strategy communicated between transit vehicles and traffic signals to alter signal timing for the benefit or priority of transit vehicle. Green extension, red truncation, and phase skipping are examples of signal timing alterations under TSP.Progression adjustment factor A factor used to account for the effect of signal progression on traffic flow; applied only to uniform delay.Protected Movements A movement where it has the right-of-way and there are no conflicting movements occurring.Protected plus permitted Compound left-turn protection at a signalized intersection that displays the protected phase before the permitted phase.Protected turn The left or right turns at a signalized intersection that are made with no opposing or conflicting vehicular or pedestrian flow allowed.Pulse Mode A detection mode where vehicle detection is represented by a single “on” pulse to the controller.Queue A line of vehicles, bicycles, or persons waiting to be served by the system in which the flow rate from the front of the queue determines the average speed within the queue. Slowly moving vehicles or people joining the rear of the queue are usually considered part of the queue. The internal queue dynamics can involve starts and stops. A faster-moving line of vehicles is often referred to as a moving queue or a platoon.Queue discharge A flow with high density and low speed, in which queued vehicles start to disperse. Usually denoted as Level of Service F.Queue spillback A term used to describe vehicles stopped at an intersection that exceed the available storage capacity for a particular movement.Queue storage ratio The parameter that uses three parameters (back of queue, queued vehicle spacing, and available storage space) to determine if blockage will occur.Quick-Estimation Method A method detined in Chapter 10 of the HCM 2000 that allows an analyst to identify the critical movements at an intersection, estimate whether the intersection is operating below, near, at, or over capacity, and approximate the amount of green time needed for each critical movement.Red Change Interval The period of time following a yellow period indicating the end of a phase and stopping the flow of traffic.Red time The period, expressed in seconds, in the signal cycle during which, for a given phase or lane group, the signal is red.Red Truncation A signal priority treatment to terminate non-priority approach green phasing early in order to more quickly return to green for the priority approach. This treatment is also known as early return to green.RingAn phases that operate in sequence.Ring Barrier Diagram A graphical representation of phases within a set of rings and phases within a set of barriers.Saturation Flow Rate The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles can traverse an intersection approach under prevailing conditions, assuming a constant green indication at all time and no loss time, in vehicles per hour or vehicles per hour per lane.Saturation headway The average headway between vehicles occurring after the fourth vehicle in the queue and continuing until the last vehicle in the initial queue clears the intersection.Section A group of signalized intersections used to analyze traffic operations, develop new signal timings, and operate in the same control mode—manual, time of day, or traffic responsiveSegment A portion of a facility on which a capacity analysis is performed; it is the basic unit for the analysis, a one-directional distance. A segment is defined by two endpoints.Semi-Actuated Control A type of signal control where detection is provided for the minor movements only and the signal timing returns to the major movement because it has no detection and is placed in recall.Signal HeadAn assembly of one or more signal indications.Signal Coordination An operational mode that synchronizes a series of traffic signals to enhance the operation of one or more directional movements.Signal Warrant A threshold condition to determine whether a traffic signal is justified based on satisfaction of an engineering study. There are eight warrants provided in the MUTCD.Signalization condition A phase diagram illustrating the phase plan, cycle length, green time, change interval, and clearance time interval of a signalized intersection.Simple left turn protection A signal phasing scheme that provides a single protected phase in each cycle for a left turn.Simultaneous GapThis parameter requires all phases to concurrently “gap out” prior to crossing the barr ier.Software in the loop (SITL) A means of providing a direct linkage between simulation models and software emulations of controllers,Speed。
一单元;1、A maglev is a type of train that is suspended in the air above a single track ,and propelled using the repulsive and attractive forces of magnetism是一种类型的磁悬浮列车悬浮在空中上面一条清晰的足迹,和推进的反感和有吸引力的部队使用的磁性2、Japan and Germany are active in maglev research ,producing several different approaches and designs .日本和德国都活跃在磁悬浮研究、生产几种不同的方法和设计。
3、The effect of a powerful magnetic field on the human body is largely unknown 一个强大的影响磁场对人体是未知4 ,Some space agencies are researching the use of maglev systems to launch spacecraft 一些空间研究机构磁悬浮系统使用发射的宇宙飞船里踱步5,Inductrack(感应轨) was originally developed as a magnetic motor and bearing for a flywheel to store powerInductrack最初是作为一个磁轴承飞轮电机和一个存储能力二单元;1,A classification yard is railroad yard found at some freight train stations , used to separate railroad cars on to one of several tracks一个分类码是发现在一些货运铁路院子火车站,用来分离的一个铁路汽车在几条轨道2,There are three types of classification yards : flat-shunted yards ,hump yards and gravity yards有三种类型的分类码:flat-shunted码,驼峰码和重力码3,F reight trains which consist of isolated cars must be made into trains and divided according to their destinations货运列车由孤立的车辆必须制成火车和划分根据他们的目的地4,The tracks lead into a flat shunting neck at one or both ends of the yard where the cars are pushed to sort then into the right track铁轨引到一个平面并联脖颈一个或两端的院子里的汽车被推到分类然后进入正确的轨道5,they are operated either pneumatically or hydraulically他们要么气动或液压操作三单元1,The most difficult distinction to draw is that between light rail and streetcar or tram systems.最困难的区别之间画是轻轨和电车或电车系统。
Urban Metro CHARACTERISTICS 城市地铁特点Comfort舒适性Shortcut捷径Punctuality守时Little pollution小污染Safety安全性1、车体2、转向架3、牵引缓冲装置4、制动装置5、采集装置6、内部设备7、电气设备1.Car body 车体◆It is to accommodate passengers and the driver.这是为了容纳乘客和司机。
◆Meanwhile, it is the basic component to connect to other devices or car bodies.同时,它是连接到其他设备或汽车车身的基本部件。
◆For the purpose of meeting the strength requirement while keeping the self-weight at itslowest.为了满足强度要求,同时保持自重最低。
◆Integrated steel structure or light metal structure is adopted.采用整体式钢结构或轻型金属结构。
◆It usually comprises of the floor, the roof, sides and end walls.它通常包括地板、屋顶、侧壁和端壁。
2.Bogies 转向架◆Motor and trailer bogies are located between the car body and the track, to drag andguide the vehicles moving along the track.汽车和拖车转向架位于车体与轨道之间,拖曳和引导车辆沿轨道运动。
◆They cab bear and transfer a variety of load from lines and the car body, easing itsdynamic action.他们从线路和车体上承担和传递各种载荷,减轻其动力作用。
城市轨道交通专业英语flat fare 单一票制swipe 在解码器上刷(卡)interchange station 换乘站concourse 站厅automation vending machine 自动售票机wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车station operator 站务员crowd management plants 客流控制entry gate 入闸机security check 安检mind the gap 小心台阶间跨度classification 编组6-car set/unit 六节编组motor car 动车trailer 拖车pantograph 受电弓cab 驾驶室bogie 转向架coupler buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置brake device:制动装置:air brake 空气制动rheostatic brake 电阻制动regenerative brake 再生制动electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动current collector 受流装置conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器shoegear 受电靴装置collector shoe 受电靴interior equipment 车辆内部设备Electricity 车电Ventilation 通风Heating 取暖Air conditioning 空调Seat 座椅Handle 拉手Device system:设备装置Storage battery box 蓄电池箱Relay case 继电器箱Main control box 主控制箱Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组Power source transformer 电源变压器Electrical switch 电气开关Contactor box 接触器箱Electrical system:车辆电气系统:Power circuit 动力电路Main circuit 主电路Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路Control circuit 控制电路ATO(Automatic Train Operation)列车自动运行系统ATP(Automatic Train Protection)列车自动保护系统ATS(Automatic Train Supervision)列车自动监控系统ATC(Automatic Train control system)列车自动控制系统Console 操作台Unmanned 无人驾驶的Platform screen door 屏蔽门Evacuate 疏散Overhead wires 架空导线Third rail 第三轨UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)不间断电源BAS(Building Automation System)环控系统Sensor 传感器FAS(Fire Alarm System)火灾报警系统Spray 喷淋Linkage 连接、连锁、联动Block 闭塞Interlock 联锁Ccv(Chrysler’s Composite Concept Vehicle)组合概念车High-speed rail(ASK) 高速铁路系统High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统Navigation 导航semi- 半,半自动sur- 上,外,超tender 投标。
assistant line辅助线automatic fare collection自动售检票设备automatic train control(ATC)列车自动控制automatic train operation(ATO)列车自动运行automatic train protection(ATP)列车自动防护automatic train supervision(ATS)列车自动监控AW0空载AW1每位乘客都有座位AW2每平方米6人broken rail force of seamless track无缝线路断轨力Building Automation System建筑设备自动化系统centralized power supply mode集中式供电centralized traffic control(CTC)调度集中close made operation闭式运行(主要靠人工空调系统,并装风帘和屏蔽门来隔绝外界)combined power supply mode混合式供电combined sewer system合流制排放combined substation牵引降压混合变电所computed length of platform站台计算长度concentration supervisory control and management集中监控和管理connecting line联络线(在不同线路之间起连接作用的线,就叫联络线(即地铁线路之间的联络线和地铁与国铁的联络线)cover and cut-bottom up盖挖顺筑法cover and cut-top down盖挖逆筑法cut and cover明挖法deformation joint变形缝depot车辆段designed lifetime设计使用年限distribute power supply mode分散式供电examine and repair period检修周期examine and repair program检修修程fire alarm system火灾自动报警系统gauge of track轨距; gauge; track gauge;标准~ standard gaugegauge限界global position system(GPS)全球定位系统grade of waterproof防水等级high voltage substation主变电所immersed tube method沉管法Intermodality Data Center清结算数据中心local alarm system区域报警系统longitudinal horizontal force of seamless track无缝线路纵向水平力main line正线Man Machine Interface人机接口mining method矿山法Ministry of Corporation建设部monolithic track-bed整体道床Motor Car With Pantograph(Mp(B))带受电弓的动车Motor Car(M(C))动车moving pavement自动人行道NanJing Metro Corporation南京地铁公司NanJing Transportation Card System南京一卡通系统open made operation开式运行(自然通风,用活塞通风原理,靠列车在隧道中运行,带动新风对流) Open Transport Network开放传输网络operation concept运营概念operation control center(OCC)运营控制中心operation speed旅行速度piston action ventilation活塞通风public zone of station车站公共区remote alarm system集中报警系统rigid-flexible joint of sealed zone刚柔结合的密封区Scan Control Alarm Database??供电系统管理自动化seamless track无缝线路shield method盾构法stabling yard停车场stray current杂散电流subgrade路基synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system(SDH)同步数字传输系统system integration(SI)系统集成testing line试车线track structure轨道结构Trailer Car(Tc(A))拖车Uninterrupted Power Supply不间断电源供给urban rail transit/mass transit城市轨道交通6-car set/unit motor car 六节编组动车ATC automatic train control system 列车自动控制系统ATO automatic train operation 列车自动运行系统ATP automatic train protection 列车自动保护系统ATS automatic train supervision 列车自动监控系统Automation vending machine 自动售票机Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路AW3每平方米9人Buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置Concourse 站厅Conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器Console 操作台Contactless Smart Card(CSC)非接触智能卡Contactor box 接触箱Crowd management 客流控制Current collector 受流装置Electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动Entry gate security check 安检Equipment Operating Data(EOD)设备运行参数Flat fare 单一票制High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统High-speed rail (ASK)高速铁路系统Interchange station 换乘站Interior equipment 车辆内部设备Main control box 主控制箱Mind the gap 小心台阶跨度Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组Plants 入闸机Platform screen door 屏蔽门Power circuit 动力电路Power source tranformer 电源变压器Relay case 继电器箱Rheostatic brake 电阻制动Semisurtender 半自动Shoe gear collector 受电靴装置Spray 喷淋Station operator 站务员Swipe 在解码器上刷卡Unmanned 无人驾驶的UPS (uninterruptible power supply)不间断电源Wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车Absolute braking 全制动 3Active long-stator 通电的 5Address 寻址访问 6Adhesion 粘着 7After-cooler 后端冷却器 1Albeit 虽然 1Alighting 下车 3Alongside 在侧面 4Alternating current 交流电 7Alternator 交流发电机 1Angle cock 折角塞门 1Appropriation bill 政府年度预算案 5Arguably 可以说 1Armature 转子 3Asphalt 沥青柏油 2At the outset 开始 1Automatic coupler 自动车钩 1精选文库Ballast 道砟碎石 2Batter slope 斜坡 2Beam guidance 激光制导 5Bearing distance 支撑距 5Bleeding off 排出 1Bogie 转向架 7Bolster-less 无摇枕 4Bracket 支架 3Brake hanger support 制动器支架支撑 3Brake hanger 制动器支架 3Brake pad 闸片 3Brake shoe 闸瓦 7Braking effort 制动力 7Bulky 笨重的 5Bus-rapid-transit 快速公交系统 4Cab 驾驶室 1Cable trough 线缆槽 2Cabling 布线 6Caboose 货车末尾列车员专用车厢 2Camber 不垂直 2Camshaft 凸轮轴 1Cantilever 悬臂系统节 4Cargo 货运 2Carriage 运输部 4Catenary mast 接触网支柱 2Central power station 主变电站 7Cess 人行道逃生道 2Chair 轨座 2Checksum 校验和 6Cherry picker 车载升降台 4Circuit breaker 断路器 1Clamp 钳 2Classification yard 编组车场 2Clip 夹子 2Closed train-set 固定编组车组 6Coach screw 方头螺钉 2Coasting 惰行 7Coefficient 系数 7Cog railway 齿轨铁路 2Coin 创造 4Colliery 煤矿 1Colored-light signal 色灯信号 3Come apart 脱节 3Compressor governor 压缩机调节器 1精选文库Compose 编组 2Comprehensive 四通八达 4Compressor contactor 压缩机接触器 1Cone 使…锥化 3Configuration 布局 4Connotation 含义,内涵 4Consummate 完美的 1Contractor 压缩机 1Converter 变流器 1Converting plant 整流设备 7Cooling coil 冷凝管 1Corridor 通道 5Corridor 走廊;通道 4Coupling head 连接插头 1Crane 吊车,起重机 2Creep 蠕动 2Creosote 木馏油,杂酚油 2Crossing 辙叉 4Curvature radius 曲率半径 1Cyberization 网络化 1Cylinder 缸 7Data falsification 伪造数据 6Dedicated 专用的 4De-energized 失电 3Deflexion 偏移 7Delineate 描述 2Demonstration line 示范线 5Denote 表示指代 5Desiccant 干燥剂 1Desirable 可取的 7Deterministic 确定性 6Diamagnetic 反磁性 5Displaced relatively 相对地位移 7Distribution of electric power 输配电能 7DMU diesel multiple unit 内燃动车组 5Drain cock 排气阀 1Drain 下水道排水道 2Driving wheel 动轮 7Drop to red 掉红(信号词汇,专用) 3Electrification 电气化 7Electrified channel 电气化通道 4Electrocuted 触电的 4Eligible 有资质的 5Embankment 路堤 2精选文库EMC harsh 电磁兼容性严苛 6Envelope 壳层 3Epidemic 迅速发展 4ERRI European Rail Research Institute; 欧洲铁路研究院 6Extreme value 极值 7Fail-safe mode 故障导向安全模式 3Feasibility study 可行性研究 4Feasibility study 可行性研究 5Fishplate 鱼尾板 2Flange 凸缘 3Flanged 有凸缘的 1Flash butt welding 闪光对接焊 2Foot 轨底 2Footprint 足印,柱子占用的空间 4Free running 自由运行 7Freight train 货车 1Fresco 壁画 4Fritting 熔化 6Fulfill the IEC 870-FT2 class 达到了…级标准 6Gangway 贯通道(编组车厢之间) 5Gauge 仪表 1Gearwheel 大齿轮 3Generator 发电机 1Genius 独特优点 3Geotechnical screen 土力屏障 2Given class 给定的一类 7Grade at~地面 4Grade separation 立体交叉 4Gradient 梯度 3Greasing 注油 3Halt 停下 3Hand-plug 手插式 6Hauled coach 拖车 5Headway 行车间隔 3Heavy duty track 重型轨道 2High service frequency 发车间隔短 4Hinged 铰接 5Hollow 中空的 3Horse power 畜力 1Hose 软管 1Hydraulic 液压的 1ICE intercity express 3IEC International Electro technical Commission 国际电工委员会 6IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers电气和电子工程师协会 6精选文库Impending 即将到来的 3Impregnate 灌注 2Inauguration procedure 初运行 6Inductive loop cable 感应的线圈 3Inductrack (线圈永磁)磁悬浮 5Industrial frequency 工频 7Industrial railway 工矿铁路 2Interchanging hub 交换中心 1Inter-cooler 中间冷却器 1Interim 暂时 4Interlocking 联锁 3Interoperability 互操作性 6Jerk 颤动 5Jointly develop 联合开发 6Journal 轴颈 7Jumper cable 跨接电缆 6Junction point 枢纽站 5Kick 后坐力 1Knock off 撞坏 1Layout 布局 2Lead 导线 3Level track 平路 7Levitation 悬浮 2Lifting lug 吊耳 3Light duty track 轻型轨道 2Livening 激活 1Longitudinal 纵向梯度 1Maglev 磁浮 2Main reservoir(MR)主风缸 1Main-line 干线 7Medium 媒体 6Mimic panel 模拟盘 3Mosaic 镶嵌图案 4MU multiple unit 动车组 5Multiple unit 动车组 1Neutral section switch detector 中性段开关检测器 3Nimble 灵活的,敏捷的 5Oak 栎树 2Obsolescence circle 老化周期 5Octet 八位组(一字节) 6One power unit 动力单元/动车 5Operating practice 运营经验 5Operation on electrical sight 电气嘹望运行模式 3Overhead conductor 架空线触网 7精选文库Overhead wire 架空导线 3Own state of motion 原有运行状态 7Pandrol clip 弹性扣件 2Pantograph 受电弓 1Parabola 抛物线 3Particle accelerator 粒子加速器 5Payload-hauling 有效载荷;载重量 5Permagnet 永磁 5Permissive block system 容许闭塞系统 3Pertaining to 附属于 6Pinion 小齿轮 3Piston 活塞 1Pit 井 1Plague 给…引麻烦 4Plate-way 板式铁路 1Pneumatic 气动的 1Point 尖轨 4Poll 轮询 6Polling rate 轮询率/刷新率 3Prerequisite 必备条件 3Preservative 防护层 2Prime mover 原动力 5Prognostic factor 预后因素(推测结果的依据) 2Pump 泵 1Rack 支架 6Rail anchors 防爬器(轨上) 2Railroad tie =sleeper 轨枕 2Rare-earth 稀土 5Rear(in ~) of 后部 4Reciprocating pump 往复泵 1Rectifier 整流器 7Reducing valve 减压阀 1Re-emergence 再度出现 4Reference implementation 实施参考 6Regional rail 通勤铁路 2Repeater 中继器 4Replenish 重装满 1Reprofile 修轮 3Repulsive force 斥力 5Resilient pad 弹性垫 2Retardation 制动 7Retrofit 翻新;(配)装备 6Retrofitting 装备 6Return current brush 回流电刷 3精选文库Reversing time 换向时间 2Right of way 通行权 3Rigid coupler 刚性车钩 5Rolling stock 机车车辆 1Roster 名册 2Rotary pump 旋转泵 1Rubber 橡胶 3Rubber-tyred train 橡胶轮缘 2Rust 生锈 2Scenario 场景 2Section effect at the rear 尾部的截面效应 7Seepage 渗漏 2Semi-permanently coupled 半永久联挂 5Showcase 展示 4Shunter 扳道员,转辙员 2Signal box 调度室/信号楼 3Six-compartment 六节编组 4Sleeper 轨枕 2Sliding 打滑,空滑 7Slipping 打滑 7Snap 折断 2Soaked 浸泡过的 2Specification 规格 2Splice 铰接处 2Spoiler 扰流板 5Sporadic 偶发性的 6Spring up 涌现 2Squealing(noise)尖声噪声 3Staggered joint 错位峰 2Staith 装卸码头 1Standby current 维持电流 1Standstill 静止 7Star coupler 星形耦合器(分路器) 6Status quo 现状 2Steering 转向 3Stick out 显眼 1Straddled-beam 跨坐式 4Stranded train 故障列车 3Streetcar 有轨电车 1Strenuous 艰辛费力的 5Substation 变电所/辅变电站 7Sub-structure 路基 2Superimposed 叠加到 3Supplier 供应商 6精选文库Suspension tube 悬架管 3Switch zone 道岔区 3Switcher 调车机车 2Switching yard 调车场 1Synergy 协同 2Tail lamp 尾灯/后灯 3Task force 工作组 5Technical consideration 技术层面考虑 7Tender 供应 6Thermit welding 铝热焊 2Ticket hall 售票大厅 4Tile 瓦片 4Tilting train 摆式列车 5Timber 木料 2Toll-road 收费道路 1Topology 拓扑 6Topsoil 表土层 2Tow 牵引 4Track slot price 运价 2Train attributes 列车其他参数 3Train depot 车库 2Train order 车次 2Train resistance 列车阻力 7Train spotting 看火车 2Train-borne =on-board 列车载的 1Transformer-coupled 耦合变压器的 6Transit dependent 交通依赖者 4Transverse 横向的 3Tread 踏面 3Trolleybus 无轨电车 7Turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨发动机 5Turnaround time 折返时间 5Twisted wire pairs 双绞线 6Twisted wire segment 绞线段 6UIC International Union of Rail ways 国际铁路联盟 6Uncoupling 脱钩;解编 3Uniform speed 匀速 7Unroll 展开 5Urban rail train(URT)城市轨道交通 1Vehicle/guideway interaction 车轨相互作用 5Wagonway 马拉铁路 1Wayside 轨旁 3Web 轨腰 2Wheelset 轮对 3精选文库Whilst 同时 2WSP wheel slide protection 车轮防滑 3WTB wire train bus 绞线式列车总线 6-- 11。
轨道交通 专业英语
![轨道交通 专业英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3120eff064ce0508763231126edb6f1aff0071f0.png)
轨道交通专业英语概述轨道交通(Rail Transit)是指在固定轨道上行驶的乘客运输系统,一般包括轨道交通列车、轨道系统、电气化系统、信号控制系统以及车站和相应的设施。
轨道交通词汇1. 车辆和设备(Vehicles and Equipment)•轨道交通列车(Rail transit train)•地铁(Subway/metro)•有轨电车(Tram)•高铁(High-speed rail)•轨道(Track)•电气化系统(Electrification system)•信号控制系统(Signal control system)•车站(Station)•站台(Platform)•列车调度(Train dispatch)2. 运营和安全(Operations and Safety)•运营(Operation)•安全(Safety)•乘客(Passenger)•乘车票(Fare/ticket)•车票检查(Ticket inspection)•出口(Exit)•紧急制动(Emergency brake)•疏散(Evacuation)•火警报警(Fire alarm)•撤离指示(Evacuation instruction)3. 设计和施工(Design and Construction)•设计(Design)•施工(Construction)•轨道布置(Track layout)•钢轨(Rail)•超高强度混凝土(Ultra-high-strength concrete)•隧道(Tunnel)•桥梁(Bridge)•填方(Embankment)•复合结构(Composite structure)•前期工作(Preliminary work)轨道交通短语1. 交通出行(Transportation)•公共交通(Public transportation)•出行需求(Travel demand)•交通拥堵(Traffic congestion)•出行时间(Travel time)•交通规划(Transportation planning)•车辆管理(Fleet management)•车站布局(Station layout)•换乘站(Transfer station)•乘客满意度(Passenger satisfaction)2. 设计和建设(Design and Construction)•工程设计(Engineering design)•施工计划(Construction plan)•施工合同(Construction contract)•土建工程(Civil engineering)•设备采购(Equipment procurement)•施工进度(Construction progress)•资金预算(Budgeting)•工程验收(Project acceptance)3. 运营和维护(Operations and Maintenance)•运行图(Timetable)•运营管理(Operation management)•运行维护(Operation and maintenance)•车辆运行检查(Vehicle operation inspection)•安全检查(Safety inspection)•故障排除(Troubleshooting)•储备零件(Spare parts)•维修计划(Maintenance schedule)•运行日志(Operation log)结论轨道交通是现代城市中不可或缺的重要组成部分,掌握轨道交通行业的专业英语词汇和短语对于相关从业人员来说至关重要。
30城市轨道交通英语 (1)
![30城市轨道交通英语 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37ac8a96b14e852458fb57c4.png)
翻译:如果列车司机超过一定的速度范围,导致该列车通过红色(危险) 信号或超过速度限制,该系统使用一个目标速度指示和声音警告来提 醒列车司机。
be likely to 很可能 e.g. He is not likely to be elected. 他不可能当选。 Many jobs are likely to be lost. 就业机会可能会大量流失。
打扰一下,我坐着轮椅,如何才能进入车站上车? wheelchair ['hwi:l,tʃεə] n..轮椅 e.g. She has been able to cast aside (= stop using)
her wheelchair. 她能丟掉轮椅了。
Section Two Listening: Subway in Beijing
4. Why does Luo Bing think Beijing metro is like an invisible wing?
Because he thinks you can take Beijing Metro to fly to everywhere
5. Why does Li Ziqing think the biggest threat to Beijing security system could be in the metro?
铁道信号专业英语考试短语翻译第一篇:铁道信号专业英语考试短语翻译Thetotal volume of goods货物总量thefreight volume 货运总量Railwaytransport铁路运输transport economics 运输经济学Commercialtransport商业运输publictransport 公共交通 Railway-networkcompany 路网公司heavy-duty train 重载列车Transportsector 运输部门loading capacity 装载量Passenger transport 客运freight transport 货运 Railway trade union 铁路公会high-speed rail 高速铁路Rollingstock车辆urban mass transport system城市轨道交通系统 Security screen 安全网traffic congestion 交通拥挤 Side effect 副作用tilting train 摆式列车Conventional wheeled train 传统的轮式车market segmentation市场细分Peak traveltimes 旅游旺季intercity transport 城际交通 Commutercommunities通勤社区Monorail单轨铁路straddle-beam monorail 跨坐式单轨铁路Suspended monorail 悬挂式单轨铁路rubber-tired carriage 轮胎式客车Turnouts道岔Fire engine 消防车Heavytrain 重载铁路Industrial rail 工业铁路Gradeseparation 立体交叉Street intersections 街道交叉口Wheeled mass transit system轮轨运输系统Load-carrying ability 装载能力Particle accelerator 粒子加速器Mass transit公共交通Service frequency 频繁服务Subgrade 路基Ballast bed 有砟轨道Sleeper/tie/crosstie 轨枕Concrete sleeper 混凝土枕Spike道钉lag screw方头螺钉Main line 主干线Sidetrack 侧线High-speed turnout 高速道岔Bilateral turnout 对称道岔Scissors crossover交叉渡线Stock rail 基本轨Lead curve导曲线轨Curred/divergingrail 弯合拢轨Gap in the frog 有害区间Bolted rigid frog 钢轨组合辙岔Railwayswitch 铁路道岔the diverging track 弯轨A facing-point movement 对向运行Right-hand switch 右开道岔left-hand switch 左开道岔Guard rail(check rail)护轨frog(common crossing)辙岔Switch motor 转辙机feed end 送电端Receiving end 受电端single feeding end 一送多受A-c continuous track circuit 交流连续式25hz phase detecting track circuit相敏轨道电路Leakage current 泄露电流relay energized 继电器吸起Relayreleased 继电器释放all-relay interlocking 继电器电气集中联锁 Computer-controlled interlocking 计算机联锁rescue train 营救列车light rail system 轻轨系统rapid transit高速铁路交通people mover 行人运输系统 electrical power 电力frequent service 经常服务electromagnetic energy 电磁能 magnetic field 磁场gradeseparation 等级分离the volume of passenger客流量high-grade service优质服务trackbed 道床monolithic track bed 整体道床wooder sleeper 木枕anticreeper 防爬器subgradeshoulder 路肩dedicate line 专用线speed-up turnout 提速道岔simple turnout 单开道岔three-throw turnout 三开道岔slip switch交分道岔switch point 尖轨straight rail 直合拢轨wing rail翼轨solid manganese steel frog高锰钢整铸辙岔morable-point frog 可动心轨辙岔the straight track 直轨switch rails or point blades 尖轨a trailing-point movement 顺向运行第二篇:铁道通信信号专业一、铁路通信信号专业的性质和特点铁路信号技术已经历了一百多年的发展,形成了今天的现代铁路信号系统,铁路信号技术在进入信息时代的今天,已逐步与通信走向一体化。
destination [ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn] n.目的地 guide [ɡaɪd] sign[saɪn]导向标识 information [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn] office问讯处 boarding ['bɔːdɪŋ] gate[ɡeɪt]检票口 boundary ['baʊndri] n.分界线;范国;(球场)边线 symbol ['sɪmbl] n.象征;标志;符号;记号 consult [kən'sʌlt] w.请教;翻阅;求教于;顾及 in a hurr['hʌri] y立刻;迅速地;急切;乐意地
B: Sure. You can't get there directly from here. You can take Metro Line 1, get on the train at Shenyang Railway Station and get off at Qingnian Street Station which is a transfer station.Then change to Line 2 and get off at Shenyang Aerospace ['eərəʊspeɪs] University Station
vending ['vendɪŋ] machine)自动售票机 interchange ['ɪntətʃeɪndʒ] station ['steɪʃn] / transfer
[træns'fɜː(r)] station换乘站 concourse英 ['kɒŋkɔːs] n.站厅 single ['sɪŋɡl] - way ticket单程票 facility [fə'sɪləti] n.设施、设备
城市轨道交通专业英语复习城市轨道交通专业英语复习提纲考试题型:①英汉互译②选择题(10题)③英译汉④汉译英⑤作文一、词汇Aaccess to platforms 站台入口additional coach 加挂列车additional train 加开列车arrival and departure siding 到发线assistant driver/motorman 副司机assistant station master 副站长ATC signal 列车自动控制信号automatic door operation 自动开关车门automatic train control (ATC)列车自动控制automatic train operation (ATO)列车自动运行,列车自动驾驶Bbaggage office/room 行李房ballast 道砟,道床berth ticket 卧铺车票boarding gate 检票口box car/wagon 棚车Ccab 司机室,驾驶室carriage with cushioned berths 软卧车carriage with cushioned seats 软坐车carriage with hard seats 硬座车carriage with semi-cushionedberths 硬卧车check ticket 检票,查票chief conductor 列车长chief dispatcher 调度长city railway 城市铁路coach NO.6 六号车厢consist 列车编组顺序表【美】;车列【美】container 集装箱crew 乘务组;乘务人员crew car 宿营车crew member/man乘务人员crew room 乘务员室Ddining-car 餐车direct train 直达车down direction 下行方向Eelectric multiple-unit(EMU)电动车组emergency braking 紧急制动entrance 入口,进站口exit 出口,出站口express ticket 特快车票Ggrade crossing 平面交叉;平交道口,道口【美】guests’waiting-room 贵宾候车室Hhead driver=head engineer 司机长heavy rail 重轨high-speed intercity train 高速城际列车hump 驼峰hump yard 驼峰调车场Iinformation bureau 问讯处【美】in transfer to 中转到issuing station 售票站Llevel crossing 平面交叉,平交道口light rail 轻轨locomotive 机车locomotive depot 机务段long-distance passenger train 长途旅客列车lower berth 下铺luggage office=baggage office 行李房,行李托运处luggage storage service 行李寄存处Mmaglev(magnetically levitated)train 磁悬浮列车main-line coach 干线客车maintenance维修,保养metro 地铁middle berth 中铺monorail 单轨铁路Ppassenger service 客运passenger station 客运站people mover 小型快速交通系统personal rapid transit system 小型快速交通系统pick-up goods train 摘挂列车platform 站台points 道岔Rrailway signaling 铁路信号railway station 火车站railway transport/transportation 铁路运输rapid transit 快速交通系统reception and departure of trains 接发列车refund of ticket 退票rolling stock 机车车辆总称round-the-clock service 昼夜服务round-trip fare 往返票价Sservice charge 手续费Service Counter 服务台station attendant 车站服务员station facilities 车站设备Station Master 站长station operator 车站值班员straddle monorail 跨骑式单轨铁路suspended monorail 悬挂式单轨铁路Tterminal 终点站;枢纽ticket office=booking office=reservation office 售票处ticket valid 车票有效期time interval 时间间隔to endorse ticket 签票TOFC(trailer on flat car)平车装运的集装箱挂车tunnel 隧道;地道Uunclaimed baggage 无人认领行李underground 地铁unmanned crossing=unstaffed level crossing 无人看守道口up direction 上行方向upper berth 上铺Vvehicle 车辆;运输工具Wwaiting room 候车室waiting-room for soft seat passengers 软席候车室二、选择题Unit 21、The dictionary definition of a train is a long line ofvehicles traveling in (C)direction.A、differentB、leftC、the sameD、right2、A maglev train floats about(A)mm above the guideway on a magnetic field.A、10B、11C、9D、83、Because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel(B).A、maintenanceB、noiseC、disturbanceD、resistance4、Of the 5,000 km that TGV trains serve in France,only about (C)km is high speed line.A、1,000B、1,100C、1,200D、1,3005、The vast majority of resistive force at high speed is(A)resistance.A、airB、frictionC、electricityD、heatUnit101、A rapid transit usually has high capacity and frequency,with large trains and total or near total(C)separation from other traffic. A、level B、part C、grade D、whole2、Power is commonly supplied by means of a single live third rail at(A)volts.A、600 to 750B、700 to 850C、500 to 650D、800 to 950 3、Metro systems generally use(B)power.A、ACB、DCC、overheadD、return4、Rubber tires system is much (A)than conventional steel-wheeled trains.A、quieterB、noisierC、largerD、smaller5、Some cities with steep hills incorporate(C)railway technologies into their metros.A、undergroundB、suspendedC、mountainD、conventionalUnit141、(A)is a station sited where a railway line ends or terminates.A、A terminusB、An interchangeC、A unionD、A depot2、A(C)is a stopping place that may not even have platform.A、taxi rankB、bus bayC、haltD、pub3、Some stations have unusual platform layouts,due to space constraints of the station location,or the (D)of the railway lines.A、curveB、elevationC、parallelD、alignment4、Considerrations for people with disabilities include elevator or (A)access to all platforms,matching platform height to train floors,etc.A、rampB、humpC、campD、lamp5、There are safety measures for disabled people,such as(B)markingof platform edges and covering of third rail.A、audibleB、tactileC、tastefulD、smellyUnit161、Propulsion for the train is typically provded by a separate locomotive,or from individual motors in self-prolled(B).A、single unitB、multiple unitC、double unitsD、triple units2、A train hauled by two locomotive is said to be(A).A、double-headedB、single-headedC、triple-headedD、multiple-headed3、Special trains are also used for track maintenance,this is called (C).A、RPOB、TPOC、MOWD、TOFC4、Tilting is a system where the passenger cars automatically (A)into curves,reducing the centrifugal forces.A、leanB、goC、moveD、run5、The trains are electrically powered,usually by(B)rail.A、firstB、secondC、thirdD、fourth三、对话A:Are you a conductor? 你是列车员吗?B:No,I am a station attendant. 不,我是车站服务员。
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城市轨道交通专业英语UnitThreeText A Light RailLight rail or light rail transit(LET) is a particular class of urban and suburban passenger railway that uses equipment and infrastructure that is generally less massive than that used for rapid transit systems,with modern light rail vehicles usually running along the system.Light rail is the successor term to streetcar,trolley and tram in many locales,although the term is most consistently applied to modern tram or trolley operations employing features more generally associated with metro or subway operations,including exclusive rights-of-way,multiple unit train configuration and signal control of operations.The term light rail is derived from the British English term light railway long used to distinguish tram operations from steam railway lines,and also from its usually lighter infrastructure.Light rail systems are almost universally operated by electricity delivered through overhead lines, though several systems are powered through different means,such as the JFK Airtrain,which uses a standard third rail for its electrical power, and trams in Bordeaux which use a special third-rail configuration in which the rail is only powered while a tram is on top of it. A few unusual systems like the River Line in New Jersey and the O-Train in Ottawa use diesel-powered trains,though this is sometimes intended as an interim measure until the funds to install electric power become available.DefinitionMost rail technologies,including high-speed,freight,commuter/ regional,and metro/subway are considered tobe”heavy rail” in comparison. A few systems such as people movers and personal rapid transit could be considered as even”lighter",at least in terms of how many passengers are moved per vehicle and the speed at which they travel. Monorails are also considered to be a separate technology. Light rail systems can handle steeper inclines than heavy rail,and curves sharp enough to fit within street intersections. They are generally built in urban areas,providing frequent service with small,light trains or single carsThe most difficult distinction to draw is that between light rail and streetcar or tram systems. There is a significant amount of overlap between the technologies,and it is usual to classify street-cars/trams as a subtype of light rail instead of as a distinct type of transportation. The two common versions are:1.The traditional type,where the tracks and trains run along the streets and share space with road traffic. Stops tend to be very frequent,but little effort is made to set up special stations. Because space is shared,the tracks are not usually visible.2. A more modern variation,where the trains tend to run along their own right-of-way and are of- ten separated from road traffic. Stops are usually less frequent,and the vehicles are often got on from a platform.Tracks are highly visible,and in some cases significant effort is used to keep traffic away through the use of special signaling and even grade crossings with gate arms. At the highest degree of separation,it can be difficult to draw the line between light rail and metros,as in the case of London’s Docklands Light Railway,which would likely not be considered“light”compared with London Undergrou nd.Many light rail systems have a combination of the two,withboth on road and off road sections. In some countries,only the latter is described as light rail. In those places,trams running on mixed right of way are not regarded as light rail,but considered distinctly as streetcars or trams. Light rail is usually powered by electricity,generally by means of overhead wires,but sometimes by a live rail,also called third rail(a high voltage bar alongside the track),requiring safety measures and warnings to the public not to touch it. In some cases,especially when initial funds are limited, diesel-powered versions have been used,but it is not a preferred option. Some systems,such as the JFK Airtrain in New York City,are automatic without a driver; however, such systems are not what is usually thought of as light rail. Automatic operation is more common in smaller people mover systems than in light rail systems,where the possibility of grade crossings and street running make driverless operation of the latter inappropriate.Advantages of light railLight rail systems are usually cheaper to build than heavy rail,since the infrastructure does not need to be considerable,and tunnels are usually not required as most metro systems. In addition,the ability to handle sharp curves and steep gradients can reduce the amount of work required.Traditional streetcar systems and also newer light rail systems are used in many cities around the world because they generally can carry a larger number of people than any bus-based public transport system. They are also cleaner, quieter,more comfortable,and in many cases faster than buses. In an emergency,light rail trains are easier to evacuate than monorail or elevated rapid rail trains.Many modern light rail projects re-use parts of old railnetworks,such as abandoned industrial rail lines.Disadvantages of light railLike all modes of rail transport,light rail tends to be safest when operating in dedicated right-of-way with complete grade separations. Nevertheless,grade separations are not always financially or physically feasible.In California, the development of light rail systems in Los Angeles and San Jose caused a high rate of collisions between automobiles and trolleys during the 1990s. The most common cause was that many senior citizens were unfamiliar with light rail trolleys and often mistook the trolley“T" signal lights for left-turn signal lights. They would then make aleft turn,right into the path of a trolley. The same high crash rate problem existed when the METRORail was first set up in Houston,Texas.To reduce such collisions,brighter lights and lcuder warning klaxons have been added to many at-grade crossings. However, consequently,many people do not like to live next to light rail crossings because the noise makes them impossible to sleep. A more effective means of reducing or preventing automobile-light rail collisions has been the installation of quad crossing gates at gate crossings. These gates block both lanes of a street when the gate closes. These prevent those driving automobiles from driving around the gates when they are lowered.Monorail supporters like to point out that light rail trolleys are heavier per pound of cargo carried than heavy rail cars or monorail. cars,because, they must be designed to avoid collisions with automobiles.History of the Light RailFrom the mid-19th century, horse-drawn trams(or horsecars ) were used in many cities around the world. In the late 1880s electrically-powered street railways became technically feasible after the invention of a trolley system of collecting current by American inventor Frank J. Sprague whoinstalled the first successful system at Richmond, Virginia. They became popular because roads were then poorly surfaced, and before the invention of the internal combustion engine and the advent of motorbuses, they were the only practical means of public transport around cities.The light rail systems built in the 19th and early 20th centuries generally only ran in single-car setups. Some rail lines experimented with multiple unit configurations, where streetcars were joined together to make short trains, but this didn’t become common until later. When lines were built over longer distances(typically with a single track) before good roads were common, they were usually called interurban streetcars in North America or radial railways in Ontario.In North America, many of these original light-rail systems were decommissioned in the 1950s and onward as the popularity of the automobile increased. Though some traditional trolley or tram systems still exist to this day, the term “light rail” has come to mean a differe nt type of rail system. Beginning in the 1980s, some cities began reintroducing light-rail systems that are more like subway or metro systems that operate at street level. These light-rail systems include modern, multi-car trains that can only be reached at stations that are spaced anywhere from a couple blocks to a mile or more apart. Some of these systems operate within roadways alongside automobile traffic, and others operate on their own separate right-of-way.As with other rail systems, the rail gauge has had a lot ofvariations, but today standard gauge is dominant.Narrow gauge was common in many earlier systems, though as systems merged or died out, old lines were often upgraded, removed, or replaced. Some systems still use other track gauges, however.。
铁道信号专业英语考试短语翻译The total volume of goods货物总量the freight volume 货运总量Railway transport铁路运输transport economics 运输经济学Commercial transport商业运输public transport 公共交通Railway-network company 路网公司heavy-duty train 重载列车Transport sector 运输部门loading capacity 装载量Passenger transport 客运freight transport 货运Railway trade union 铁路公会high-speed rail 高速铁路Rolling stock车辆urban mass transport system城市轨道交通系统Security screen 安全网traffic congestion 交通拥挤Side effect 副作用tilting train 摆式列车Conventional wheeled train 传统的轮式车market segmentation 市场细分Peak travel times 旅游旺季intercity transport 城际交通Commuter communities通勤社区Monorail 单轨铁路straddle-beam monorail 跨坐式单轨铁路Suspended monorail 悬挂式单轨铁路rubber-tired carriage 轮胎式客车Turnouts 道岔rescue train 营救列车Fire engine 消防车light rail system 轻轨系统Heavy train 重载铁路rapid transit高速铁路交通Industrial rail 工业铁路people mover 行人运输系统Grade separation 立体交叉electrical power 电力Street intersections 街道交叉口frequent service 经常服务Wheeled mass transit system轮轨运输系统electromagnetic energy 电磁能Load-carrying ability 装载能力magnetic field 磁场Particle accelerator 粒子加速器grade separation 等级分离Mass transit公共交通the volume of passenger客流量Service frequency 频繁服务high-grade service优质服务Subgrade 路基trackbed 道床Ballast bed 有砟轨道monolithic track bed 整体道床Sleeper/tie/crosstie 轨枕wooder sleeper 木枕Concrete sleeper 混凝土枕anticreeper 防爬器Spike道钉lag screw方头螺钉subgrade shoulder 路肩Main line 主干线dedicate line 专用线Sidetrack 侧线speed-up turnout 提速道岔High-speed turnout 高速道岔simple turnout 单开道岔Bilateral turnout 对称道岔three-throw turnout 三开道岔Scissors crossover交叉渡线slip switch 交分道岔Stock rail 基本轨switch point 尖轨Lead curve 导曲线轨straight rail 直合拢轨Curred/diverging rail 弯合拢轨wing rail 翼轨Gap in the frog 有害区间solid manganese steel frog 高锰钢整铸辙岔Bolted rigid frog 钢轨组合辙岔morable-point frog 可动心轨辙岔Railway switch 铁路道岔the straight track 直轨the diverging track 弯轨switch rails or point blades 尖轨A facing-point movement 对向运行 a trailing-point movement 顺向运行Right-hand switch 右开道岔left-hand switch 左开道岔Guard rail (check rail)护轨frog(common crossing)辙岔Switch motor 转辙机feed end 送电端Receiving end 受电端single feeding end 一送多受A-c continuous track circuit 交流连续式25hz phase detecting track circuit相敏轨道电路Leakage current 泄露电流relay energized 继电器吸起Relay released 继电器释放all-relay interlocking 继电器电气集中联锁Computer-controlled interlocking 计算机联锁。
Aa number of times多次a safe train separation列车的安全分离a section of line线路区段a series of一系列a set time设定时间accelerate加速access to入口accuracy精度additional safety in case 额外的安全保障以防止adjacent临近的advance signal外出站信号机advanced starter signal外出站启动信号机ahead前方allocated分配ancient早期的and therefore也因此angle角度applied被使用了apply to适用于approach indication预告指示approach time 预告时间approach time预告时间approaching驶来的arrangement布局as well也aspect含义assembling集合;组装assembly of一个…的集合associated with与…有关assorting分类assume假设assuming假设at grade在同一水准上ATP at stations车站的ATP系统authorized by由…授权automatic train operation自动列车运行Bbahnhof火车站ballast道砟(小碎石)basic rules基本的规则be in effect for对…有效的;适用于be no differentiation没有…差别be used instead of被用来取代beacon警标because of因为best endeavors of尽最大所能block overlaps闭塞重叠区block overlaps闭塞重叠区block section闭塞区段的长度block signal闭塞信号机block system闭塞系统blocking time闭塞时间box塔braking distance制动距离broken up into被分解为but not而不是Ccab signal机车信号cabin塔cantilever悬臂capable of能够carried out进行catenary链状;(电缆)吊线check核查civil engineering国民的工程clamps钳子classifications of tracks轨道分类classifying搭配clear a signal出清一个信号机clear aspect出清状态clearing point出清点clezring time出清时间coast to滑行到colliding with与…相撞command指挥compensate for补偿components of a turnout道岔的组成concrete混凝土conditions条件confirmed证实conflicting routes敌对进路confused with与…相混淆considering考虑consist of包含constructe构筑continuous连续的control length of a signal一个信号机的控制长度control length控制区段controlled signal受控信号机converging trains汇聚的列车converging交汇corresponding相应的critical block section临界闭塞区段crossing交叉crossover station交换站crossovers渡线cross-section of a track轨道的横截面cruising speed巡航速度cruising巡航curve曲线Ddeceleration减速delay too long(火车)晚点太久delay延迟departs驶离depend significantly on…很大程度上取决于…dependent从属derail device脱轨器derailed对…进行脱轨操作designated指定的;要求的destination signal目标信号机destination目标detection探测;侦查determine确定develop to被开发出来diamond菱形distant signal预告信号机distant signal预告信号机diverging route分叉路线docking for door operation用于开门操作的停车dock停车door enabling loops开门使能回路中double frog双辙叉double or scissors crossovers双渡线或交叉渡线draw绘制dwarf signal矮柱信号机dwell time of stops车站停留时间dwell time停留时间dynamic动态的;动力的Eefficient有效的electric city railway电力城市铁路electrically unlocked通过电子解锁electrified电气化elements要素;基本部分eliminated消除enabling使能enforcement强制entrance signals入口信号机equals等于equipped with装备essential difference to与…之间基本不同的是essential difference根本区别establish…as确立…为even if即使even then 尽管那样exceed越过except for肯定主要部分;否定局部exclusively专门地exit signals出站信号机Ffacing point movement对向过岔fails to brake没能刹住车fastener紧固件;纽扣filling the triangle填充三角fixed block operation固定闭塞运行fixed block territory固定闭塞分区flank protection侧面防护following trains后车following trains紧随的列车formerly先前form方式;形式fouling point indicator警冲标fouling point limit platform警冲限fourteen times better高于原先的14倍freight terminal货运frequent连续的frog铁路辙叉fulfilled满足full length of the train整车长度full speed braking distance全速制动距离Ggovern管辖govern控制guiding rails护轨Hhandware硬件headway时间间隔high signal post高柱信号机high speed lines高速线路home signal limits进站信号防护区段home signal limits进站信号机区域home signals进站信号机Iif required如果有需要impact影响imposed施加的;影响的impose施加in addition to除了in advance of在…之前in case of万一in difference to与…有所不同in least one block section至少相隔一个闭塞区段in order installations在有序的安置过程中in spite of即使in the sequence在该顺序的下一阶段inadmissible不允许的incorporated as被合并为increasing use of日益广泛的使用indicate指示(暗示)industrial sidings工业侧infrastructure基础设施inner side内侧installations安装的设备install安装instead of代替integrated整合interlocked route连锁进路interlocking limits联锁区域interlocking machine联锁机interlocking plant联锁设备interlocking principles联锁规则interlocking signal联锁信号机interlocking联锁系统intermediate中间intermediate中间的intersection交叉;相交intersection相交;交叉点;横切intervention干预intervention干预;干涉involve包含issue发布junction station汇接点junction汇接点Lladder tracks梯形图last持续layout布局lead into通向;导致lineside铁路沿线line线路locally or remotely就地或远程locomotives机车(火车)logical合理的long before早在looped cable环形电缆loops回路Mmain signal主体信号机main tracks正线mainline railway干线铁路make up trains编组manually手动地mechanical手动操作的metros地铁minimize使…最小minimum最小的mixed traffic客货混合运输mode方式;状况monitoring监控mounted on放置movable point crossing可移动尖轨交叉movable points可移动的尖轨movement authority行车许可movements on points尖轨运动moving block system移动闭塞系统much greater远大于multi-home signaling多进站信号机Nneighboured相邻的nevertheless然而non-safety非安全的north american北美note that注意到note注意Oobstruction障碍物older早期的on-board checking procedure车载核查流程on-board computer车载计算机open line明线operated with由…操控的operation=run运行operational purposes运行目的operational use使用情况operator操作员opposing movements反向运动opposing相对的originally以前的是overlaps are required对…重叠区有要求overlap重叠区overstay逗留过久overtake train超车Pparallel平行的particular challenge特别的挑战pass into进入passenger货运patch修订plant装置platform screen doors站台屏蔽门platform screen door站台屏蔽门platform track站台轨道platform站台point machine转辙机point 道岔;转辙机points=switch尖轨position位置power supply电力供应practice实践preceding train 前车predetermined预先确定的prevent doors锁闭procedures程序proper适当的protect…against保护…免受(灾难)proved证明是provided配备provision规定Rrail fasteners钢铁扣件rail heads轨头rails钢轨railway铁路rates等级rear后方recalculate重新计算referred as称;指regarded as被看作;认为regular train movements常规运行regular train movements正常的列车运行related to与…有关relative to相对于relative to相对于relaying trains中转列车relay继电器release释放remote control center列控中心remotely遥远地represent代表requirements要求rigid crossing固定交叉rigidly牢固地roadways道路rolling stock车辆route进路run-ins and run-outs车站的驶入和驶出Ssafe routes through an interlocking使用联锁的安全进路screws螺丝钉section signal区间信号机see了解separation分离separation区分;分离sequence序列;顺序shortly简称shunt signal调车信号shunt signal调车信号机shunting district分流区域shunting movements调车活动shunting movements调车运行sidings侧线signal bridge信号台signal head信号灯头signal indications信号显示signal layout diagrams信号布置图signaled 受信号控制的signaling信号系统similar purposes用于其他类似的用途single crossovers单渡线slip crossing滑动交叉slip switches滑动道岔slope for drainage用于排水的斜面slope斜坡slow减速so as to以确保so called所谓的software软件somewhat稍微;有点special distant signals专用的预告信号机spikes长钉staffed配有工作人员的staircase阶梯;楼梯stairway阶梯standard gauge标准轨距starter signal起始信号机station brake command车站制动命令station limits站界station sections车站区间station stops and starts车站停车和发车steel钢材steps级别;等级;步长stop position火车站stop short of停止stop signal停车信号机stop signal停车信号机store cars停放车辆straight route直行路线strongly separated严格区分subgrade地基subway-like类似于地铁的successive interlocking signals同一方向的联锁信号机successive相继的sufficient drainage充分的排水sufficient warning严重警告switch machine转换器Ttake…away from夺去tangent diagrams切线图tangential branching切向的分支tangents切线technically在技术上地terminals终点站;枢纽terminal枢纽terminus终点terms术语territory分区the end of终点;末尾the last points最后一个道岔theory理论tie plate垫板ties轨枕tile瓦片;瓷砖time channel时间通道time interval时间间隔time over distant时间关于距离的touch each other without any tolerance 不允许任何的接触tower 塔track arrangements轨道布局track bed道床track clear detection轨道出清检查track element轨道单元track gauge轨距track section轨道区段trackage轨道线路trackside轨旁trailing point movement顺向过岔train ahead前车train director列车督导员train occupies the track element列车占用轨道单元train standing in the station站内列车trains moving along the line途径的列车transponder应答器turnouts道岔typical常见的;典型的Uunattended无人看管的unimpeded畅通的;无阻挡的unimpeded畅通无阻的universe crossovers常规渡线unlock解锁unobstructed通畅的up to多达used for passing通过Vvaried变化vehicle车辆verbal instruction口头指令verifies that证实;核实view观察Wwayside路边的whilst同时with meanings有多个含义work well工作良好worldwide世界范围的wye with three turnouts三道叉转向线wyes转向线yards站场。
城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction
![城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/75fb2e2da32d7375a41780f3.png)
Subway Enrse evaluated?
Attendance Participation in class Homework 1 tests 10% 10% 10% 70%
Subway English
Unit 1 Introduction to City Rail Service
Section III: Dialogues. In this section, you will hear two dialogues. In dialogue 1, you will learn to give instruction on taking the subway. In dialogue 2, you will learn to talk about experience of subway trips. Dialogue 1 Listen and supply the missing words. Then listen and repeat. Situation: Daisy has just entered Panyu Square Staion and she is now at the Customer Service Center, asking for the way to Pazhou Station.
EvacuationPassage Keep Clear
AccessibleFacilitiesAreBetweentheEntrancesandExits of XX and XX
Each metro station has more than two entrances and exits. Each entrance or exit has its own number, showing the symbol of metro station, the number of Metro Line, the name of station and the number of entrance and exit in two languages: Chinese and English.
destination [ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn] n.目的地 guide [ɡaɪd] sign[saɪn]导向标识 information [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn] office问讯处 boarding ['bɔːdɪŋ] gate[ɡeɪt]检票口 boundary ['baʊndri] n.分界线;范国;(球场)边线 symbol ['sɪmbl] n.象征;标志;符号;记号 consult [kən'sʌlt] w.请教;翻阅;求教于;顾及 in a hurr['hʌri] y立刻;迅速地;急切;乐意地
进站 在距离车站200米至500米的区域范围内,都设有站外导向标志牌 轨道交通车站一般均有两个以上的出入口。每个出入口处都标有中英文
Service center:
We provide various services to passengers, such as consulting [kən'sʌltɪŋ] service, ticket business service,money exchange and repair of damaged public transportation card.
4 interlocking principles4 连锁规则4.1 safe routes through an interlocking4.1 安全进路通过一个联锁The term “interlocking”is used with two meanings. First, “an interlocking”is the interlocking plant where points and signals are interconnected in a way that each movement follows the other ill a proper and safe sequence(see Section 1.2). Second, the principles to achieve a safe interconnection between points and signals are also generally called ”interlocking”.“联锁”的概念在使用中有两个意思。
The route a train could use through an interlocking must meet the following conditions:列车可以使用的通过联锁的进路,必须达到一下的情形:⏹All points must be set properly and locked,⏹所有道岔不许被设置在合适的位置,同时被锁闭,⏹Conflicting routes must be locked,⏹抵触进路必须被锁闭,⏹The track must be clear.⏹线路必须出清。
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4 interlocking principles4 连锁规则4.1 safe routes through an interlocking4.1 安全进路通过一个联锁The term “interlocking”is used with two meanings. First, “an interlocking”is the interlocking plant where points and signals are interconnected in a way that each movement follows the other ill a proper and safe sequence(see Section 1.2). Second, the principles to achieve a safe interconnection between points and signals are also generally called ”interlocking”.“联锁”的概念在使用中有两个意思。
The route a train could use through an interlocking must meet the following conditions:列车可以使用的通过联锁的进路,必须达到一下的情形:⏹All points must be set properly and locked,⏹所有道岔不许被设置在合适的位置,同时被锁闭,⏹Conflicting routes must be locked,⏹抵触进路必须被锁闭,⏹The track must be clear.⏹线路必须出清。
This is provided by the following functions:这些要求可以由以下功能提供:⏹Interlocking between points and signals,⏹道岔与信号机之间的联锁,⏹Route locking,⏹进路锁闭⏹Locking conflicting routes,⏹抵触进路锁闭,⏹Flank protection,⏹侧面防护⏹Track clear detection.⏹轨道线路出清检测On railways where the signals for train movements are separated from those for shunting movements (main and shunt signals), the interlocked routes for train movements are also considered separately from those for shunting movements. Some of the requirements for a train route are not in effect for a shunt route. So, a shunt route may govern a shunting movement into an occupied track. And, flank protection (protection against inadmissible movements on converging tracks) is usually also not required for shunt routes. There are also railways, where interlocked routes are only required for train movements, while shunting movements are carried out without protection by the interlocking system. This is especially typical for ancient German interlocking systems. On North American railways where train movements are not as strongly separated from shunting movements, the same interlocked routes may be used both for train and shunting movements. A train route starts always at an interlocking signal (the entrance signal of the route). The exit of a route can be:在轨道上,列车运行的信号与调车运行的信号是区分开的(主信号与调车信号)。
而进路的终端可以是:⏹Another interlocking signal (the exit or destination signal of the route),⏹另一个联锁信号机(出口信号机或目标信号机)⏹The end of the interlocking or home signal limits.⏹联锁区段的终点或是进站信号机界限Interlocked routes with an entrance and an exit signal are routes between successive interlocking signals within the same interlocking or home signal limits (see Section 1.2). On railways where overlaps are required, even the points within the overlap behind the exit signal will be interlocked to the entrance signal (Figure 4.1 a). Because the clearance of the section between the entrance and the exit signal is checked by the interlocking system, this kind of an interlocked route also directly ensures a safe train separation. Thus, there is no need to install a block system between these signals.有入口和出口信号机的进路是在连续的连锁信号机之间的进路,这些信号机有同样的联锁或进站信号区域(见1.2段)在有重叠的轨道区段,在出口信号机之后重叠区段内的道岔也要与入口信号机相联锁,因为在入口信号机和出口信号机之间的轨道区段的出清检测是由联锁系统进行的。
Interlocked routes with tile exit at the end of the interlocking or home signal limits govern train movements to leave these limits. Such a route cannot ensure a safe train separation. The route leads into a section of line that may be protected by a block system or by written or verbal instructions. On North American railways, the route will always end at a controlled signal facing in the opposing direction that limits the interlocking (Figure 4.1 b). Sometimes, this signal is called an “exit signal”at interlocked routes between adjacent interlocking signals of the same direction as explained above. On European railways, the exit of the route is a track section behind the last points of the route. As an essential difference to North American practice, this track section is not necessarily Associated with an opposing controlled signal.在联锁信号或或进站信号区域末尾的地方有出口指示的联锁进路会控制列车运行通过这些区域。