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Text BThe Moon

New Words

remain vi. 1.仍然是,依旧是;2.剩下,余留

for example:

1.In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends.


2.He remained silent.



for example:

After the war, very little remained of Iraq.

observation n. 注意,观察;观察物

observation 的原形--- observe 观察的意思

continually ad. 不停地,频频地

gravitational a. 吸引作用的,万有引力的,地心引力的

diameter n. 直径

disc n. 1.圆盘;2.唱片,磁盘

artist n. 艺术家,美术家

merely ad. 仅仅,只不过

reflect vt. 反射,反映

vi. 思考,考虑(on, upon)

absolutely ad. 1.完全地,绝对地;2.肯定地

uncomfortably ad. 不舒适地,不安地


inhabitant n. 居民,住户

earthlight n. 地球光

moonlight n. 月光

lunar a. 月亮的

occasionally ad. 偶尔地,间或

sunlight n. 日光,太阳光

Phrases and Expressions

except for 除了…外;除去;撇开

except for与except的相同点:都是除了…外的意思;


1.except 是一个简单介词,except for是一个短语;

2.except 在句中作形容词时前后的成份属于同一事物,句子的重心是放在后面的特殊情况上,except for 前后不属于同一事物,表意是除了一点小的不足,其它大的方面都…,句子的重心是放在前面大部分事物上。

for example:

Everyone of them agreed to his proposal except her.

His composition is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.

3.except 后面可以跟从句,而except for则不可以。

for example:

The retired old man often walks with a stick by the canal everyday except when it rains.

4.except 后面接动词时通常用省略"to"的动词不定式,而except for多接名词或名词短语。

for example:

She could do nothing except sit to cry.

The room was actually empty except for bench.

另外,besides和in addition to 表意是一致的,都是"除了…之外,还…",也就是说,它们前后的内容都是包括在内的,例如:This morning I had some bread besides a cup of milk.(今天早上,我吃了一些面包,还喝了一杯牛奶)这和except 以及except for 不同。

to keep … in mind记住

to light up 使明亮,发亮

to speak of 谈起,提到

for example:

Can we speak of the plan for the summer holiday?

The moon(世界上独一无二的东西前+the)

We find that the moon is about 239,000 miles (384,551 km) away from the earth, and, to within a few thousand miles, its distance always remains the same.(我们发现月亮大约是在离地球二十三万九千英里远的地方,(三十八四千五百五十一公里),并且在几千英里以内的地方,它的距离通常是保持不变的。)to within 中的to表示到…地方,within表示在…里

remains the same 保持不变

Yet a very little observation shows that the moon is not standing still.(也有观察显示,月亮并不是静静地呆在一个地方) Its distance from the earth remains the same, but its direction continually changes.(它到地球的距离是保持不变的,但是方向却时刻在变化)

continue = go on 一直在(发生)

We find that it is traveling(运行)in(以…形式) a circle ----or very nearly a circle ----round the earth, going completely round once a month, or, more exactly, once every 27 1/3 days. (月亮通常是以一种圆的形式或者接近圆的形式来绕着地球运转,它是以每月一次的形式绕着地球完完全全地转一圈,准确地说是每二十七又三分之一天绕地球转一周)

It is our nearest neighbour in space, and like ourselves it is kept tied to the earth by the earth's gravitational pull.

Except for the sun, the moon looks the biggest object in the sky. Actually it is one of the smallest, and only looks big because it is so near to us. Its diameter is only 2,160 miles (3,389) ,or a little more than a quarter of the diameter of the earth.

Once a month, or, more exactly, once every 29 1/2 days, at the time we call "full moon," its whole disc looks bright. (每月一次或者更确切地说大约是每二十九又二分之一天一次,在那个时候称月亮为"满月",此时月亮的整个盘面看起来是非常明亮的)At other times only part of it appears bright, and we always find that this is the part which faces towards the sun, while the part facing away from the sun appears dark. (在其他一些时候,月亮只有一小部分看上去是明亮的,并且我们总会发现面对着太阳的那部分是亮的,而背对太阳的那部分看上去是黑色的)

While 在这里不是表示什么时候,它的表意是使前后作对比。

For example: my brother is doing some reading, while I am watching TV

Artists could make their pictures better if they kept this in mind----only those parts of the moon
