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Routing 行程安排because unlike sports ,whenever parallel parking ,the worse you are ,the more people they have routing for you

Peel it off 把它撕下来

The second amendment 第二次修正法案(允许拥有枪支)


Roe v. Wade 罗伊诉韦德案(堕胎合法性)

Friends 第九季01

I 'm really more of a candy kind of guy. 我比较是那种会送糖果的人。Actually ,I kind of need to talk to you too.

Friends 第八季23-24

Semi-private room 双人房conctraction 产前的阵痛

It couldn 't hurt to look. 看看又何妨

We are off to a great start, arne't we? 我们有了个不错的开始

Have some time to kill 有时间供消磨

That's so sweet. 太好了

Check this out. 看看这个

Freak out 吓唬

Screw with sb. 跟某人开玩笑

Back off 后退,一边闪

Am I interupting? 进门的时候说的话

Assuming that you want it. 假设你需要它。

Just hear me out.听我把话说完

We've been through this. 我们已经说过了

Even though I know that you and I are also very close friends

Duck into a stairwell 躲进楼梯间

I haven'tbummed you guys out like this in a while, have I? 使不安

In labor 临产

Damn it. 该死的

He's not really my type. 他不是我喜欢的那一类型。

You get back on that case, ho ney 你来给我报仇

Friends 第八季22

Limos 长礼车

You know, I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for how great you have been during this. I really could n'thave done this without you.


Get out. 赶紧出来

I still want to be acknowleged. 我仍然想被重视

This will be my way of paying you back. 这是我回报你的

So you're n ever actually going to pay me back ?所以你不打算还钱了吗

I don'tthink you're comprehending how slutty this dress is. 我想你还不了


I r m actually with her on this one. 我同意这个说法。Be Short with sb. 对某人不耐烦

Just a tad. 有一点

There are ways to help things alone. 有些方法管用。Good,done. 没问题

Top-notch. 一流的

Specifics 细节,情节

Open up a can of worms 带来麻烦

Can I get some of that action? 我能加入吗?

Which we're still keeping under out hats 还不只是那些Money well-spent 这笔钱花的值

Bookend 结束v ?

Get into a man's pants 惹毛一个人

Friends 第八季21

Abysmal ?/ib?zm?l] adj.极糟的的,可怕的,无底洞Radius n. ?edi?s]半径范围

Humiliate vt.

1. 羞辱;使丧失尊严humiliated adj 丢人的

Bad press n. 负面报导

hang out (呆在某处,或与某人呆在一起)闲逛,出去玩儿

data reconfiguration 数据重整

Do you want these delivered? 你们需要外送服务么?

Don't get too worked up. 别太激动。

I could tell you work out. 我能看出来你健身。

Why are you so fancy? 你为什么那么高兴?

Don't get your hopes up. 别抱太大的期望。

You come off a little needy. 你太心急了

Be torn between sth. 使烦恼;深受…之苦I ' torn between my integrity and my desire to avoid a beating.

Now I 'm gonna grab my coat. 我去拿外套

You missed a button. 你有个扣子忘了系

Hats off to the chef. 向主厨致敬。

I don'tstink. 我还不是很声名狼藉。

Sidestep on sth. 回避…问题

Mess aroud 开玩笑mess with sb.

Friends 第八季03

Apologize accepted. 原谅你。

To save you from any embarrassment, I think maybe I should talk first. 给你留点面子,还是我先说吧。
