设定儿童保护锁后,无论是 工作中还是工作结束后,都不能 随意打开门盖,防止儿童操作洗 衣机发生危险。
洗涤过程中希望添加衣物时, 只需按一次“启动/暂停(解 锁)”键,即可开盖添加衣物 (象波轮洗衣机一样方便)。
洗衣机左右两 个方都可以排水。 必要时,也可以从 洗衣机的正下方排 水。
电子蜂鸣器 可以及时提示程 序结束或出现故 障,也可以取消 蜂鸣提示。
程序启动后,洗涤 过程未结束前,可以变 更洗涤、漂洗、脱水的 内容。(某些特定程序 不能变更)
产品外形尺寸 (mm)
能显示工作状态、洗涤、 脱水、干燥时间、漂洗次数、程序 剩余时间、故障种类等等 ,工作
全自动程序时,也可以根据 自己的喜好,设定洗涤时间、漂 洗次数、脱水时间、干燥时间, 还可以进行强烘干或弱烘干切换 等。
根据需要,可以设定2~24 小时预约洗涤或干燥,特别是可 以设定夜晚工作,避开用电高峰,
洗涤/脱水 驱动方式
600×690×1005 产品重量
DD电机 (直流变频)
膜片式 水位传感器
DD风扇电机 (直流变频)
DD电机 (直流变频)
振动吸收方式 液压式缓冲器
脱水桶转速 400~1100 rpm
滚筒洗衣干衣机使用说明书微信服务二维码目录快速入门使用说明服务指南控制面板介绍 ...........................................洗涤剂盒介绍............................................程序/功能介绍 ..........................................清洁保养..................................................故障现象及处理方法...................................规格及技术参数.........................................售后服务..................................................包修卡.....................................................快速入门..................................................安全警示安全警示 .................................................235 5 1011 13 14 15 15执行标准:GB/T4288 GB4706.1 GB4706.24 GB4343.1 GB17625.1 GB19606 GB12021.4 GB4706.20快速入门安全警示使用说明服务指南快速入门注意:1.在您使用本机器前,请确保机器已经按照安装说明正确安装好。
2.首次使用,建议您在没有衣物的情况下完成一次“筒自洁”或其他高温程序 洗涤。
当洗衣结束后洗衣机会有声音提示; 带显示屏的机器显示屏黑屏或显示"End"字样。
滚筒洗衣机使用说明书微信服务二维码目录快速入门使用说明服务指南控制面板介绍 ...........................................洗涤剂盒介绍............................................程序/功能介绍 ..........................................清洁保养..................................................故障现象及处理方法...................................规格及技术参数.........................................售后服务..................................................包修卡.....................................................快速入门..................................................安全警示安全警示 .................................................235 5 1011 13 14 15 15执行标准:GB/T4288 GB4706.1 GB4706.24 GB4343.1 GB17625.1 GB19606 GB12021.4 GB4706.20快速入门安全警示使用说明服务指南快速入门注意:.在您使用本机器前,请确保机器已经按照安装说明正确安装好。
2.首次使用,建议您在没有衣物的情况下完成一次“筒自洁”或其他高温程序 洗涤。
注意:如果选择默认参数无需操作"设置参数/功能"步骤, 4.关闭机门 插头5.放入洗涤剂(主洗II)打开电源设置参数/功能启动当洗衣结束后洗衣机会有声音提示; 显示"End"字样。
使用说明书滚筒洗衣干衣机微信服务二维码目录快速入门使用说明服务指南控制面板介绍 ...........................................洗涤剂盒介绍............................................程序/功能介绍 ..........................................智能配网介绍 ...........................................清洁保养..................................................故障现象及处理方法...................................规格及技术参数.........................................售后服务..................................................包修卡.....................................................快速入门..................................................安全警示安全警示 .................................................235 5 10 1011 13 14 15 15执行标准:GB/T4288 GB4706.1 GB4706.24 GB4343.1 GB17625.1 GB19606 GB12021.4 GB4706.20快速入门安全警示使用说明服务指南快速入门注意:.在您使用本机器前,请确保机器已经按照安装说明正确安装好。
2.首次使用,建议您在没有衣物的情况下完成一次“筒自洁”或其他高温程序 洗涤。
1二.开始洗衣三.洗衣结束注意:只有机器带预洗功能选择了预洗功能后洗涤剂盒中加入洗涤 剂,,才需要向预洗。
三洋 XQB65-526 528 778 788洗衣机 说明书
![三洋 XQB65-526 528 778 788洗衣机 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/655d044fe518964bcf847cc4.png)
目 录使用说明书82334~56~7家庭用注意事项·保养须知…………………………………装箱说明……………………………………………部件名称……………………………………………安装介绍……………………………………………功能介绍…………………………………………………一般的使用方法 (8)选择“过程”、“程序”的使用方法........................ 9 多种多样的功能 (10)● 预约洗涤 (10)● 洗涤毛毯 (10)●洗涤液的二次使用 (10)●变速洗功能 (10)●漂白剂的使用 (10)●二步净功能 (10)●记忆功能................................................... 10 ● 喷淋漂洗 (10)●儿童锁功能 (10)●其它功能................................................... 10故障诊断......................................................... 11 并非故障的情况 (11)规格……………………………………………………… 封底售后服务………………………………………………… 封底外形尺寸净重额定洗涤容量额定电压额定输入功率220V~50Hz 额定用水量额定洗涤水量额定脱水容量水压27L 新水流0.03-1.0MPa售后服务1.本机自售出之日起,凭保修凭证及购机发票整机保修;2.在保修期内,因本机质量引起的故障和损坏,由本公司免费修理;如有下列情况:①用户因搬 运、使用保管不当;②自行拆卸产品,更换零部件;③异常电压,火灾等外部因素;④不按说 明书及操作说明违规使用;⑤充当非家用产品的公用机、经营性用机(如宾馆、洗衣房的用品 或备用品等)而引起的故障或损坏,由用户自行承担责任,本公司负责收费修理;3.过滤网的更新,进、排水管的延长,本公司备有配件,费用由用户自理;4.保修期满后,本公司将继续根据用户的要求进行有偿服务;5.有关具体维修未尽事宜,请拨打本公司客服电话;6洗涤方式(长)540mm (宽)556mm (高)930mm 6.5kg(干布重量) 6.5kg(干布重量)规 格52L 32kg340W执行 标 准洗 涤 噪 音不大于58dB 脱水 噪 音不大于62dB B/T 4288--2003、GB4706.1-1998、GB4706.24-20000、GB4706.26--2000、GB19606-2004、G B12021.4--2004、GB4343.1-2003、GB17625.1-2003合肥荣事达三洋电器股份有限公司地址:合肥高新技术产业开发区L-2号服务电话:95105958 (全国统一使用,免加区号,市话费用)邮编:230088网址:合肥三洋被允许使用日本三洋电机株式会社的注册商标能效等级:2级 耗电量:0.10kWh/c yc l e 洗净比:0.81┏SANYO ┛┏三洋┛和故障诊断当下列的问题出现时,微电脑将对不正常状态进行检测,并发出报警提示声,数码窗将按下表所示状态闪烁。
Electronics R elated Products GuideAs the need for automation and labor saving increases, the number of small motors, which are key to theirimplementation, is also expected to increase. For the cases that requires high reliability, such as for robots, we can make proposals that are optimized for the operating environment.Electronics SectorDC Motor & Induction MotorMotors consume 50% of the world’s electricity and increased miniaturization, rotation speed, and e ciency are progressing in response to demand for further increases in functionality. With these changes, the adhesives used require heat resistance and high strength.Electronics SectorBrushless-DC MotorSmart phones that are now essential goods for daily living are composed of alot of electronic components and modules and lots of glue.Attachment of a cover panel to a display panel with a UV-curable sheet-likeadhesive enables a screen to be easily watched, and use of a low-temperaturecurable/UV-curable sealant for a case can produce “waterproof and drip-proof”devices.In addition, ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives contribute to making smart phonesand their electronic components and modules thinner and more sophisticated. Electronics SectorSmartphoneby little due to downsizing.ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives can meet all needs.adhesives that cure fast at low temperature are needed to shorten theA lot of adhesives are used for the mechanical components of cameras including a single lens re ex camera. As the design of a camera has been smaller and thinner, UV-LED light source-curable adhesives are needed in order to bond a di erent type of material to another, to reduce the amount of heat applied to materials, and to reduce power consumption in camera manufacturing processes.ThreeBond develops and manufactures adhesives that are the most appropriate to a customer's manufacturing processes and provide such products on a global basis.Electronics SectorDigital CameraDigital CameraPentaprismGlass and resin lensStrobeAF sensorApplication Pentaprism xing Product ThreeBond 3030 SeriesCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High adhesion to resin materials (PC, PPS, etc.)2. Flexible3. Adhesion to di erent materials Application Bonding of lenses Product ThreeBond 3017 Series ThreeBond 3020BCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High strength of adhesion to materials di cult to bond (ole n-based)2. Good surface curability3. Less distortion (TB 3017 Series)Application AF sensor xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3017 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible (TB 1535 Series)Application Strobe periphery xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3164DCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible Image sensorApplication Image sensor xing Product ThreeBond 3036 Series ThreeBond 3114 SeriesCure condition UV curing Characteristics1. Low cure shrinkage2. Low linear expansion coe cient3. High adhesive strength Case / Lens mountApplication Waterproof / Dustproof Product ThreeBond 3081 Series ThreeBond 3166Cure condition* CIPG (Cured In Place Gasket)UV curing (CIPG)Characteristics1. Low compression permanent distortion2. Flexibility3. Reworkable Application Heat dissipation Product ThreeBond 1225 Series ThreeBond 2955 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curingCharacteristics1. High thermal conductivity (1.59 to 4.8W/m•K)2. Low outgassing (TB 2955 Series)3. Low molecular weight cyclic siloxane reduced product Image stabilizer unitApplication Vibration absorption Product ThreeBond 3168ECure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High and low temperature resistance2. Soft gel3. Vibration absorbability * ThreeBond is abbreviated to TB.In recent years, increasing awareness of global security has been accompanied by spreading adoption of surveillance cameras as a deterrent to crime and terrorism.For many years, our UV-curable resin has contributed to security cameras, mainly to the adhesive application for optical parts.Increasing numbers of pixels in recent years have brought an increasing need for “thermal conductivity” as protection against overheating, and for “Sealants” as waterproo ng and protection from insects.Electronics SectorSurveillance Cameraconferences as telework becomes more prevalent, so production levels areincreasing signi cantly. Furthermore, as earphones become more expensive,consumers expect them to last longer, so adhesives must improve productivitythrough “fast curing” and high reliability with a focus on “impact resistance”.Wireless Earphone As automation advances as a substitute for the ve senses of humanbeings, adoption of these devices is expected to further increase. AtThreeBond, we propose the optimal products for sensors and MEMSdevices that require high reliability.Sensor / MEMS DeviceStations for 5G communication are starting to be set up everywhere, evenoutdoors, so adhesives must be incredibly reliable to ensure operationcontinues despite weather conditions. Our lineup includes case sealants,thermally conductive materials used to protect electronic substrates fromheat and more.Electronics Sector5G Base Station The spread of 5G communications has greatly increased the amountof data ying around the world. As for optical transceivers needed forhigh-speed communications, we have a wide range of products,mainly UV resins and heat-conducting materials for parts requiringprecision xation.Electronics SectorOptical TransceiverViscosity comparison[Cyanoacrylate Adhesives]Viscosity comparison[UV Curing Resins]Viscosity comparison[Epoxy resin] Electronics SectorProduct map by viscosity / hardnessWatch our video to see viscosity imagesElectronics SectorAdhesive selection table by materialApplication Equipmentas the equipment to apply and pressure feed them to maximize their performance.As a manufacturer with full knowledge of sealants and adhesives, ThreeBond enables to reduce cost and improve developing such equipment.To provide further added value for customers, ThreeBond has been making e orts to develop and sell the equipment that incorporates new application and pressure feeding technologies.Tank for 250g/1kg bottle or can (TG1-T)Dispense valve (HPNV-50)Pressure feed controller (coater S4)Small capacity precision type ofManual application cartridge pump (ACB-20)Pump for pails (PBIII)+Constant-velocity discharge head ( xed-quantity booster)Air gun for sealant- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - The RTM and RTM-H Series enable products that meet customer requirements to be designed and manufactured.- A lineup of devices that can handle small-amount and large-amount sealants and adhesives is available.- They are suitable for the bead application of solvent-volatilization-type and moisture-curable-type liquid gaskets.- Dispensers that can apply a xed quantity of a sealant and an adhesive without waste are available.- A unit that can reduce the amount of a remaining liquid agent in a pail is available as an option. (Some conditions must be met.)* ACB...Automatic Cartridge Booster * PCB...Power Cartridge Booster * RTM...Rotary Transfer Motor* RTA-H...Rotary Transfer Air-motor by HandApplicationTB1100, TB1300 seriesSingle-component xed-quantity booster ( xed-quantity booster) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators suitable to a wide range of adhesives, such as solvent-volatilization type, moisture-curable type, and aqueous pressure-sensitive type, can be selected.- Application of an instantaneous adhesive that is di cult to handle is automated, which enables a work environmentand application quality to be improved.* LVCT-AC...Low Viscosity Cartridge Tank - Automatic Connection * HPNV-50...Pressure Needle Valve - Type 50* DPB-40...Diaphragm Power Booster* TDV...Triple Diaphragm ValveApplicationTB1500 seriesCartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators are available for each of the single-component type and the two-component type.- The two-component type can be set, according to a mixing ratio.* CIPG...Cured in Place GasketSingle-acting pump for pails (PBIII-45)This is a high-pressure feeding pump for automatic application. When it isApplication Equipment Sector- UV-curing type, anaerobic-curing type, and moisture-curing type Applicators for each of the above types are available.- Auxiliary equipment needed for the process from application to curing is available.- Equipment suitable for CIPG application (design of a special-purpose machine)Cartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series)Application Equipment SectorAK2022035 22 • 11 • SK。
新品无水检测操作方法XQB52-338、XQB52-3483、检测功能3-1 脱水启动特性(1)设定:打开电源,按住“过程”键、按“启动/暂停”键3次,#7蜂鸣音提示进入(2)显示:“标准”灯亮、数码管无水时显示2,有水时显示4,“脱水”灯闪烁3-2 上盖角度检测(1)设定:打开电源,按住“程序”键、按“启动/暂停”键3次,#7蜂鸣音提示进入(2)显示:“标准”灯亮,马达右转。
)3-3 LED检测(1)设定:打开电源,按住“水位”键、按“启动/暂停”键3次,#7蜂鸣音提示进入(2)显示:“水位”灯全亮按“水位”键:“水位”灯全亮全灭转换按“过程”键:“过程”、“防皱”和“儿童锁全灭转换按“程序”键:“程序”灯全亮全灭转换按“设置”键:数码管显示88.全亮全灭转换3-4 无水检测(1)设定:按住“程序”键打开电源,按“启动/暂停”键3次,#7蜂鸣音提示进入。
(3)显示:“标准”灯亮,按“启动/暂停”键:马达右转按“程序”键,“强洗”灯亮,按“启动/暂停”键:马达左转按“程序”键,“轻洗”灯亮,按“启动/暂停”键:牵引器Ⅰ、Ⅱ按“程序”键,“毛毯”灯亮,按“启动/暂停”键:进水阀A按“程序”键,“自定义”灯亮,按“启动/暂停”键:气泵、排水泵、进水阀B (4)同时按下“过程”、“设置”键,进入LED单个点亮测试,#7蜂鸣音提示进入。
按“水位”键:8→7→6→5→4→3→2→1→全灭(循环显示)按“过程”键:预约→洗涤→漂洗→脱水→浸泡→防皱→儿童锁→全灭(循环显示)按“程序”键:数码管左8字各段依次点亮按“设置”键:数码管右8.字各段依次点亮按“防皱”键:数码管左8字各段依次点亮3-5 演示功能:在洗涤过程中气泵一直工作。
滚筒洗衣机基本功能介绍-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1标准:针对普通的衣物进行洗涤的程序快洗:针对不太脏的衣物进行洗涤,时间只需28分钟牛仔:针对牛仔或者厚重衣物的一种洗衣方式,且温度可以选择60℃,最高转速为1200转/分钟真丝:针对真丝衣物的一种洗衣方式,最高温度为40℃,最高转速为600转/分钟内衣:针对内衣和小件衣物的一种洗衣方式羊毛:针对羊毛类衣物的一种洗涤方式,最高温度为40℃,最高转速为600转/分钟手搓:针对较脏衣物的一种洗衣方式,使衣物洗涤结束呈现手搓后的效果童装洗:针对儿童或者婴儿类的衣物的一种洗衣方式有色洗:针对易褪色衣物的一种洗衣方式夏日洗:针对夏天衣物穿的时间不长,且不怎么脏衣物的一种洗衣方式,且因为室温高可以用冷水洗涤,减少能耗夜间洗:针对夜间洗衣,自动降低脱水转速,降低产生的噪音,保证家人的休息。