



目录引言 (1)一、已知参数及性能指标 (1)二、切片机整体机构设计 (3)三、传动系统结构的设计 (3)四、主运动和进给运动设计 (12)五、刀体与压紧部分的设计 (14)六、电气部分设计说明书 (15)七、其它 (19)引言随着机械化与电气化的迅猛发展,生产与生活节奏的加快,越来越需要及时有效的提高产品的生产效率,以及在不同的销售季节对生产纲领进行迅速的调整。












一、已知参数及性能指标根据安徽省企业标准,可知本切片机设计所依据的基本参数如下:1、刀片宽度:340 mm2、刀片最大行程:70 mm3、刀片工作频率:186次/分4、工作台板最大行程:720 mm5、配套电机:Y802-4;0.75 kW6、整机外性尺寸(长*宽*高):1300*500*1200 mm设计所要达到的性能指标如下:1、生产率:40-80 Kg/h2、糕片破碎率不大于3%3、切糕片厚度为:3 mm4、噪声不超过78 dB(A)设计所要达到的技术要求如下:(1)切片机应符合本标准的要求,并按照经规定程序批准的图样和技术文件制造;(2)加工件未注尺寸公差按GB1804-79《未注公差尺寸的极限偏差》IT14级的规定;(3)铸铁件不得有影响强度、外观的气孔、冷隔、缩孔、夹砂等缺陷;(4)与食品接触的零部件应采用无毒材料制造;(5)电器线路应安全可靠、绝缘良好。













1 前言1.1 引言随着现代人生活水平的不断提高,家用电器不断涌入家庭,在90年代末,空调、家庭影院等大家电一度主导家电市场,成为当时的时尚!而那时,大家电的市场占有率小,国内仅有几家著名的生产企业,生产出来的产品供不应求,利润空间也相当大!随着我国参加WTO后进口关税的下调,国外著名的家电生产商不断进军我国家电市场,对国内的家电生产商造成了巨大的竞争压力。



统计说明,目前国内大家电的利润约在5 %左右甚至更低,而小家电那么一直高达两位数,这对大家电企业而言,无疑具有巨大诱惑力。

1.2 目的及意义家用食品粉碎机是利用电机为动力,配置一定的刀具或者加工装置,替代人工对食品进行加工处理的小型家用电器。

复合立式破碎机设计 说明书

复合立式破碎机设计 说明书

毕业设计(说明书)题目名称:复合立式破碎机院系名称:机电学院班级:机自063学号:200600314302学生姓名:胡燕华指导教师:张雪松2010年6月目录摘要 (3)1 引言................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1破碎理论 (5)1.1.1表面理论 (5)1.1.2体积理论 (5)1.2一般破碎机械 (6)1.3复合立式破碎机 (9)2 复合立式破碎机详细设计 (11)2.1产品的技术参数: (11)2.2电机选型 (12)2.2.1电机功率计算 (12)2.2.2电机选择 (12)2.3传动机构的设计及计算 (13)2.3.1带传动的设计计算 (13)2.3.2带轮护罩设计计算 (18)2.4主轴部分参数计算 (15)2.4.1 主轴的结构设计及校核 (16)2.4.2 锤式破碎机的主要结构参数及其设计 (21)2.5键的选择及其校核 (25)2.5.1轴键的选择及校核 (26)2.6轴承校核 (27)2.6.1 主轴轴轴承选用及校核 (27)3 结束语 (29)4 致谢 (29)5 参考文献 (30)摘要本设计对复合立式破碎机主要参数的计算及结构设计进行了论述。












关键词:破碎;切碎;切刀;辊筒;辊压轮Past two years, feed processing machinery optimistic about the situation, the domestic models, such as lawn mower, brush mower, pick up the bander, forage harvester, chaff cutter, kneading machine, and dairy machinery sales increased substantially, especiallysilage chopper in the last year, the supply situation. The range of products on the present stage agricultural market, adequate supply, agricultural machinery purchase unprecedented enthusiasm. However, according to expert analysis, China's agricultural products is far from being able to meet the current needs of the rural market. Current of the main obstacles is not the number of agricultural products, but technical obstacles. In this paper, the design of this green fodder cutting machine, mounted on the same drive shaft broken, institutions constitute chopped two functions. The broken bodies of cutter plate and cutter, scraper and roller. Processing tubers materials cross-cut by the cutter, the cutter of the cutting, the scraper is further broken to complete the processing; the same time, chopped institutions processing vines, pole leafy green fodder; and automatic feed roller wheel on the vine. demolition broken parts and put on the ground tooth plate, but also as potato starch, the earlyprocessing machinery, therefore, meets the green fodder processing requirements, but also potato starch processing, to meet the needs of rural aquaculture.Keywords: Breakers;Shredding;Cutter ;Roller ;Rolling wheel目录摘要 (I)Abstract....................................... 错误!未定义书签。











篇二: 让溶液进入机器内部,不可使用漂白粉、汽油或稀释液科密黑金刚碎纸机产品说明书科密黑金刚碎纸机产品说明书 ************************** 碎纸机-简介一、碎纸机原理碎纸机是由一组旋转的刀刃、纸梳和驱动马达组成的。














设计题目:小型秸秆粉碎机的设计学院:金山学院专业年级:机械设计制造及其自动化 2011级学号: 116712159学生姓名:指导教师、职称:2015年 5 月 18 日目录摘要 (I)1 引言 (1)1.1 秸秆粉碎机设计的目的与意义 (1)1.2 秸秆粉碎机械的发展现状 (1)1.2.1 国外粉碎机的发展状况 (1)1.2.2 国内粉碎机的现状 (2)1.3 本文研究的主要内容 (3)2 粉碎结构的选择 (4)2.1 锤片式粉碎机 (4)2.2劲锤式粉碎机 (4)2.3 齿爪式粉碎机 (5)2.4 对堒式粉碎机 (6)3 秸秆粉碎装置方案的确定 (7)3.1 粉碎机的工作原理 (7)3.2 粉碎室的形状 (7)3.3 锤片速度和转子速度的确定 (7)3.4 粉碎室宽度的选择 (8)四设计主机参数 (9)4.1 主机动力 (9)4.2 轴承的选择 (10)4.3 键的选择 (10)4.4 螺栓的选择 (10)3.5 螺母的选用 (10)3.6 垫圈的选择 (10)五带的设计计算 (11)5.1 带及带轮的选用 (11)5.2 确定带轮的基准直径并验算带速 (11)5.3 确定V带的中心距a和基准长度Ld (12)六锤片的设计计算 (13)6.1 锤片材料的选择 (13)6.2 锤片的数目 (13)6.3 锤片排列的确定 (14)5.4 罩板 (15)7 总结 (17)参考文献 (18)致谢 (19)摘要21世纪以来我国大力扶持农业发展,农业机械化的实现已初见成效,不仅增加了我国的国际竞争力,而且给国家带来可观的经济收入,还能够提高我国的国民经济生产总值。









关键词“生物质”“切碎”“高效”“高能”- 2 -abstractThe characteristics of biofuels are small in size, specific gravity are much and fire resistance ,so it is easy to store and transport ,what's more, it's volume is 1/15 of the same weight things, it's air tightness is 0.9-1.4g per cubic centimetre and it's heat value is higher to 3500-5500 calorie. Also it's one of the easier solid fule to volatilize .recently years, our country promote people to exploitation and utilization the bilfuels ,we have built hundreds of power station which rely on bilfuels . however the volume of production can't meet the market demand , It sold at every meal to 450-550 yuan and Form the shortage in the situation. However ,although our country has many straw chopped machine, but mostly for the use of animal husbandry,About this aspect of the machine biomass fuel equipment is few, and specifications are not uniform,According to the National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Agriculture of investors planning to know their views on the preparation of comprehensive utilization of straw, processing and production of straw curing fuel annual output of more than 10,000 tons per meal subsidy of 150 yuan, the local government provide free production sites for production and processing, reduction of electricity, and provide financial support for economic subsidies and other preferential policies, to reduce the burden of investors and enable investors to obtain greater economic benefits , In this background, design a machine automation and production efficiency is very necessary, because it meet the demand of the market,In this foundation,according to the demand,I decide to design this machine.Keywords:Biomass Cut up Efficient High energy- 2 -目录1 引言 ................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1 国内外研究现状 ...................................................................................... - 1 -1.2 秸秆加工机械存在的主要问题及发展趋势.......................................... - 2 -1.2.1 主要问题 ......................................................................................... - 2 -1.2.2 发展趋势 ......................................................................................... - 2 -1.3 设计的目的及意义 .................................................................................. - 2 -1.4 设计内容及应达到的技术要求 .............................................................. - 3 -1.4.1 设计内容 ......................................................................................... - 3 -1.4.2 技术要求 ......................................................................................... - 4 -1.5 设计的基本依据 ........................................................................................ - 4 -1.5.1 功能设计思想 ................................................................................... - 4 -1.5.2 总体设计依据 ................................................................................. - 4 -2 设计方案拟定 ................................................................................................... - 4 -3 总体方案设计 ................................................................................................... - 5 -3.1 性能指标和技术参数 .............................................................................. - 6 -3.2 主要工作部件结构设计 .......................................................................... - 7 -3.2.1 喂入装置的构成 ............................................................................. - 7 -- 2 -3.2.2 喂入辊工作分析 ............................................................................. - 8 -3.2.3 切碎长度及生产率 ......................................................................... - 9 -3.2.4 上喂入辊压紧机构 ....................................................................... - 10 -3.2.5 切碎器及其技术要求 ................................................................... - 10 -3.2.6 动刀 ............................................................................................... - 11 -3.2.7 定刀(底刀) ............................................................................... - 12 -3.2.8 抛送装置 ....................................................................................... - 12 -3.3 机架和箱体的材料选择 ........................................................................ - 12 -4 传动方案设计 ................................................................................................. - 13 -5 设计计算及安全性分析 ................................................................................. - 14 -5.1 V带的设计计算 .................................................................................... - 14 -5.2 V带轮的设计 ........................................................................................ - 16 -5.3 链的设计 ................................................................................................ - 16 -5.4 链轮的设计 ............................................................................................ - 17 -5.5 齿轮传动设计 ........................................................................................ - 18 -5.6 喂入链主动轮轴的设计 ........................................................................ - 22 -5.7 常见的故障原因及排除方法 ................................................................ - 26 -6 结论 ................................................................................................................. - 27 - 参考文献 ............................................................................................................... - 28 - 致谢 ....................................................................................................................... - 29 -- 2 -- 3 -1 引言1.1 国内外研究现状我国是农业大国,农作物秸秆资源丰富、种类多、数量大、分布广,开发利用潜力巨大,发展前景十分广阔。



柠条联合收割机压扁及切碎装置的设计目录1 绪论 (1)1.1课题的提出和意义 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (1)1.3本文的研究内容及方法 (2)2 技术任务书(JR) (3)3 设计计算说明书(SS) (3)3.1传动方案的确定 (3)3.2传动皮带轮的设计计算 (5)3.2.1减速箱主动轴传出的皮带轮组 (5)3.2.2滚筒到减速轴的皮带轮组 (6)3.2.3减速轴到压扁输送辊的皮带轮组 (7)3.2.4减速器从动轴到拨禾链齿轮箱的带轮组 (7)3.3切割器的选择 (8)3.4拨禾装置的设计 (9)3.5夹持输送装置的设计 (9)3.6立辊式柠条压扁输送装置的设计 (10)3.6.1压扁输送辊的整体设计 (10)3.6.2压扁输送辊的长度设计 (10)3.6.3压扁输送辊材料的选择 (13)3.7 立式茎秆切碎装置的设计 (13)3.7.1滚筒式切碎刀的设计 (14)3.7.2平板动刀刃口线的形成 (14)3.7.3刀片安装前倾角φ的确定 (15)3.7.4扭转角α的确定 (17)3.7.5平板刀尺寸设计 (17)3.7.6茎秆切碎长度的计算 (18)3.8 收集料斗的设计 (18)4 使用说明书(SM) (19)5 标准化审核报告(BS) (19)5.1 产品图样的审查 (19)5.2 产品技术文件的审查 (20)5.3 标准件的使用情况 (20)5.4 审查结论 (20)结论 (21)参考文献 (22)致谢 (23)毕业设计说明书中文摘要1 绪论1.1课题的提出和意义柠条是豆科锦鸡儿属的一个种,多年生长灌木植物,柠条抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄、耐风沙、具有极强的生命力和抗逆性。




























使用说明书产品型号:食品加工机产品名称:TC-30电压:220V-240V~ 50/60Hz功率:500W生产厂家:中山特立电器有限公司使用之前必须阅览使用说明书与注意事项.感谢您购买我们的产品,衷心祝愿您及您的家人幸福、健康!为了安全、有效使用本产品各种功能,使用之前请您阅览使用说明书产品特点·本产品为多功能食品加工机,可以加工多种食品,产品功率强劲,搅拌等各功能均能在瞬间完成。








警告事项1. 首次使用榨汁机,使用本产品前请详细阅读说明书。
















石河子大学毕业设计题目:玉米粉碎机的设计院(系):机械电气工程学院专业:农业机械化及其自动化学号: 2002071044 姓名:杨军指导教师:胡斌完成日期: 2006.5.29目录1、中英文摘要 (1)1.1中文摘要1.2 Summary2、研究与设计此课程的目的、意义和方向 (2)2.1研究与设计此课程的背景2.2研究与设计此课程的目的和意义2.3研究的方向3、国内外发展的现状 (3)3.1国外玉米粉碎机发展的现状3.2国内玉米粉碎机发展的现状4、零部件的选择 (4)4.1粉碎机类型的选择4.2 进料斗4.2.1料斗的选择4.2.2进料口的位置的选择4.2.3进料口数量的选择4.3筛片4.3.1 筛孔直径4.3.2 筛片面积及开孔率4.3.3 筛片包角4.4传动方案的确定4.4.1常见的机械传动方案4.4.2机械传动方案的选择4.5动齿盘的选择4.5.1齿盘厚度4.5.2齿盘数目4.5.3动齿盘末端线速度4.5.4齿筛间隙4.6粉碎室形状的确定4.7动力的确定5、齿盘式粉碎机的组成和工作 (5)5.1粉碎机的构造5.2工作原理5.3齿盘式粉碎机的主要工作部件5.4影响齿盘粉碎机性能的因素6、皮带传动的计算 (6)7、齿盘式粉碎机的安装和使用 (7)7.1安装7.2使用8、粉碎机的保养和维修 (8)8.1保养8.2维修9、结论 (9)9.1设计的特点9.2设计解决的问题和未解决的问题9.2.1设计解决的问题9.2.2设计未解决的问题10、参考文献 (10)11、心得体会 (11)1中英文摘要1.1中文摘要目前,国内用于玉米粉碎的主要机型是卧式锤片粉碎机。





a短期,少于 12个星期
b长期,多于 12个星期
f安装 V型皮带
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Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer
入厂煤采样装置设备运行维护手册 破碎机
1-4部件名称 TONY破碎机包括转子,及其轴和锤子(如采用), 带润滑系统的齿轮,带衬垫 的机壳,和传动装置,具体型号破碎机的详细说明,及有关图纸在具体的说明 手册中可见到。 安装与操作人员熟悉与破碎机零件有关的术语十分重要。破碎机零件的全部说 明, 包括 TONY目录号,可见于每次订货提供的零件表图,当破碎机从我厂装 运时,零件表图单独寄出,推荐备件的介绍以及部件订购说明均包括在你的特 定型号破碎机的具体说明手册中。
入厂煤采样装置设备运行维护手册 破碎机
g安装温度显示装置 h电气 I安装挠性联轴节 2-5润滑 a总则 b油润滑 c油脂润滑 第 3部分-操作 3-1操作前检查 3-2安全事项 3-3起动 3-4总的操作说明 a送料 b转子旋转 c转子速度 d破碎后的粒度 e成品输送 第 4部分 维护 4-1维护



Instruction ManualREV 07/26/19Electric Wood Chipper/Shredder3190553WARNING:Read carefully and understand all INSTRUCTIONS before operating. Failure to follow the safety rules and other basic safety precautions may result in serious personal injury.Save these instructions in a safe place and on hand so that they can be read when required.Keep these instructions to assist in future servicing.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSFor your own safety, always follow these basic precautions when using this appliance.1. Read the user Manual carefully for operating instructions. Read all instruc-tions in this manual before use.2. DO NOT use this product for anything other than its intended purpose.3. DO NOT use attachments other than those available from the manufacturer.4. DO NOT alter this product in any manner; doing so is dangerous and will void all warranties.5. DO NOT allow children or adults weighing under 100 lbs. to operate this unit.6. DO NOT operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol.7. DO NOT continue to use this product in the event of mechanical or electrical failure.TECHNICAL DETAILSWARNING SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONSThis is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.DANGER Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result indeath or serious injury.WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result indeath or serious injury.CAUTI0N Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result inminor or moderate injury.NOTICE/CAUTION Addresses practices not related to personal injury.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING When using electric gardening appliances, basic safety precautionsshould always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury, including the following:READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS Power Cord SafetyWARNING To reduce the risk of electric shock, use only with an extension cordintended for outdoor use, such as an extension cord of cord type SW-A, SOW-A, STW-A, STOW-A, SJW-A, SJOW-A, SJTW-A. or SJTOW-A.1. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection should be provided on the circuit(s) or outlet(s) to be used for the gardening appliance. Receptacles are available having built-in GFCI protection and may be used for this measure of safety.2. Do not Abuse Cord - Do not carry appliance by cord or yank it to disconnect from receptacle. Keep cord from heat, oil, and sharp edges.3. To reduce the risk of electric shock, this appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other) and will require the use of a polarized extension cord. The appliance plug will fit into a polarized extension cord only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the extension cord, reverse the plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a correct polarized extension cord. A polarized extension cord will require the use of a polarized wall outlet. This plug will fit into the polarized wall outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. If the plug still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper wall outlet. Do not change the equipment plug, extension cord receptacle, or extension cord plug in any way. This design is referred to as double-insulated, indicated by4. WARNING: The cord of this product contains lead, a chemical known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. (California Health & Safety Code § 25249.5, et seq.)E1Electrical Rating Blade Speed Blade DiameterMaximum Limb Capacity120VAC / 60Hz / 15A 4,100 RPM 7"1.57" Diameter5. Extension Cord - Make sure your extension cord is in good condition. When using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current your product will draw. An undersized extension cord will cause a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of power and overheating.Extension Cord SizeThe following table shows the correct cord size to use depending on cord length andnameplate ampere rating. If in doubt, use the next heavier gauge. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.Connecting CordsTo reduce the risk of the cords pulling apart during operation, do one of the following:a. Make a knot as shown below then connect the cords:b. Or, use a plug-receptacle retaining strap or connector designed to hold extension cords to appliance cords.Personal Safety1. Dress Properly - Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. They can be caught in moving parts. Use of rubber gloves and substantial footwear is recommended when working outdoors. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.2. Wear ANSI-approved safety goggles and heavy-duty work gloves. Use face or dust mask if operation is dusty.3. Avoid Unintentional Starting - Do not carry plugged-in appliance with finger on switch. Be sure switch is off when plugging in.4. Do not Overreach - Keep proper footing and balance at all times.5. Stay Alert - Watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate appliance when you are tired.6. People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before use. Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to heart pacemaker could cause pacemaker interference or pacemaker failure. In addition, people with pacemakers should:• Avoid operating alone.• Don’t use with power switch locked on.• Properly maintain and inspect to avoid electrical shock.• Any power cord must be properly grounded. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)should also be implemented – it prevents sustained electrical shock.E20 – 66 – 1010 – 1212 – 16EXTENSION CORD LENGTH25'1818161450'16161612100'161414150'141212TABLE A – MINIMUM WIRE GAUGE FOREXTENSION CORDS (120 VOLT)Not recommendedAmpere Rating (at full load)Extension CordAppliance Cord12Gardening Appliance Use and Care1. Avoid Dangerous Environment - Do not use appliances in damp or wet locations.2. Do not use in rain.3. Keep Children Away - All visitors should be kept at a distance from work area.4. When servicing use only identical replacement parts.5. Before Starting the Chipper/Shredder, make sure that the hopper inlet is empty.6. Keep your face and body away from the Hopper opening.7. Stay clear of the discharge area. Keep body and hands away from the discharge chute.8. Do not put your hands into the hopper opening while the unit is running. Use the paddle to push objects into the hopper.9. Before feeding material into the shredder, remove any metal, rocks, bottles, cans or other foreign objects that may damage blades.10. Use Right Appliance - Do not use appliance for any job except that for which it is intended.11. Do not Force Appliance - It will do the job better and with less likelihood of injury at the ratefor which it was designed.12. Store Idle Appliances Indoors - When not in use, appliances should be stored indoors indry, and high or locked-up place - out of reach of children.13. Maintain Appliance With Care - Keep cutting edge sharp and clean for best performanceand to reduce the risk of injury. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accesso-ries. Inspect appliance cord periodically, and if damaged, have it repaired by an authorized service facility. Inspect extension cords periodically and replace if damaged. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil and grease.14. Check Damaged Parts - Before further use of the appliance, a guard or other part that isdamaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts,breakage of parts, mounting, and any other condition that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by a qualifiedtechnician unless indicated elsewhere in this manual.15. Disconnect Appliance - Disconnect the appliance from the power supply when not in use,before servicing, when changing accessories such as blades, and the like.16. Keep guards in place and in working order.17. Keep blades sharp.18. Keep clear of intake and discharge chute. Use included push paddle. Unplug unit and allowit to stop before unclogging.Set Up InstructionsRead the ENTIRE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS section at the beginning of this manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.WARNING TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM ACCIDENTAL OPERATION:Turn the Power Switch of the appliance to its “OFF” position and unplug theappliance from its electrical outlet before assembling or making any adjustments.Note: For additional information regarding the parts listed in the following pages, refer to the Assembly Diagram near the end of this manual.E3ASSEMBLY1. Slide the Axle (65) through the holeson the Lower Frame (64).2. Slide a Washer (66), a Bushing (67),a Wheel (68) and another Washer (66)onto one end of the Axle.3. Secure in place with a Pin (63).4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the other endof the Axle.5. Press the Wheel Covers (62) onto the Wheels, over the Pins, using a rubber mallet (sold separately) to lightly tap them in placeif needed.6. Turn the Chipper/Shredder upsidedown and slide the Lower Frameends into the slots on the Base.7. Align the holes and secure inplace with two Washers andScrews.FunctionsE4SlotsBaseLower FrameAxleFigure BFigure ABushingW asherWheel PinWheel CoverControl PanelPower Switch ResetButtonHopperLocking KnobHopperBaseControl PanelLower Frame Figure COperating InstructionsRead the ENTIRE IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION section at the beginning of this manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.Operation1. Before operating the Chipper/Shredder, put on ANSI-approved safety goggles and othersafety gear. Safety goggles and other safety gear are sold separately.2. If an extension cord is used, ensure that it is an outdoor type extension cord and that it is the correct design to accept this appliance’s plug.WARNING!TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK AND SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY:The extension cord must remain secured to the appliance’s plug.Secure the extension cord by either using the knot method explained in the safetywarning section, or by using a device designed specifically for retaining theextension cord (sold separately).3. Check that the Power Switch is OFF.4. Check that the feed inlet is empty.5. Check that the Hopper is securely closed and that the Hopper Locking Knob is turned fully lockwise.Note: The Chipper/Shredder will not run if the Hopper is open, not fitted well, or the Hopper Locking Knob is loose.6. Plug the Power Cord into a 120VAC/60Hz outlet.7. Turn on the Power Switch.8. Hold branches and feed them into the hopper. Release the branches when they begin to pull into the hopper.WARNING! Keep a safe distance from the Hopper opening. Longer material canlash out when being pulled in by the blades.WARNING! Keep clear of intake and discharge chute. Use included pushpaddle. Unplug unit and allow it to stop before unclogging.CAUTION! Keep the ventilation slots clear while working to avoid overheating.9. Do not shred soft, damp material such as kitchen waste as it may clog the Chipper/ Shredder. Let damp garden waste dry for a few days before shredding.10. Remove soil and rocks from roots before inserting them into the Chipper/Shredder.11. Use the push paddle to feed leaves and other small material into the Hopper.12. Feed material into the Chipper/Shredder at therate that the machine pulls the material. Donot force material into the machine.13. Set aside a few dry branches, then feed theminto the machine when finished, to help cleanthe unit.14. Wait for all material to pass through the Chipper/ Shredder before turning the unit off.15. To prevent accidents, turn the power off, anddisconnect the power supply after use. Clean,then store the appliance indoors out ofchildren’s reach.Figure DE5Overload ProtectionThis Chipper/Shredder is equipped with an overload protection system. If the unit clogs while running, the overload protection system will shut the power off. Wait at least one minute before restarting. Press the Reset Button then turn the Power Switch on.Maintenance and ServicingProcedures not specifically explained in this manual must be performed only by a qualified technician.WARNING!TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM ACCIDENTAL OPERATION OR ELECTRIC SHOCK:Turn the Power Switch of the appliance to its “OFF” position and unplug theappliance from its electrical outlet before performing any inspection, mainte-nance, or cleaning procedures.TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM TOOL FAILURE:Do not use damaged equipment. If abnormal noise or vibration occurs, have the problem corrected before further use.Cleaning, Maintenance1. BEFORE EACH USE, inspect the general condition of the tool. Check for:• loose hardware,• misalignment or binding of moving parts,• cracked or broken parts,• damaged cord/electrical wiring, and• any other condition that may affect its safe operation.2. AFTER USE, clean external surfaces of the appliance with clean, moist cloth.3. Replace or sharpen the Blades as needed. (See below.)4. If the motor turns but the appliance does not function, the belt may be broken. Have the belt replaced by a qualified technician.5. WARNING! If the supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced only by a qualified service technician.Cleaning the Chipper/Shredder1. Turn the Hopper Locking Knob counterclockwise and remove the Hopper.2. Clean the cutting Blades and discharge area and remove wood sticks or objects that may clog the Blades.3. Check the Blades for damage and replace if needed.4. Return the Hopper to its upright position and tighten in place with the Locking Knob after cleaning the interior.5. Use a warm damp cloth and a soft brush toclean the exterior of the Chipper/Shredder.Do not spray water or use detergents onthe Chipper/Shredder.6. Check that the ventilation slots are clean.Replacing the BladesThe reversible Blades are attached to theCutter Head with two screws.E6Figure E BladesScrews1. Access the Blades by removing the Hopper.2. Align the slots on the Cutter Head and main body and insert a screwdriver or other metal rod (sold separately) to prevent the unit from rotating while changing the Blades.3. Unthread the two screws holding a Blade and carefully remove the Blade.4. Either reverse the Blade with the sharp edge in the cutting position, have the blade profes-sionaly sharpened/honed, or insert a new Blade.5. Secure in place with the screws. Repeat with the other Blade at the same time.E7PARTS LIST AND DIAGRAMPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYThe manufacturer and/or distributor has provided the parts list and assembly diagram in this manual as a reference tool only. Neither the manufacturer or distributor makes any representa-tion or warranty of any kind to the buyer that he or she is qualified to make any repairs to the product, or that he or she is qualified to replace any parts of the product. In fact, the manufac-turer and/or distributor expressly states that all repairs and parts replacements should be undertaken by certified and licensed technicians, and not by the buyer. The buyer assumes all risk and liability arising out of his or her repairs to the original product or replacement parts Thereto, or arising out of his or her installation of replacement parts thereto.E8Part No.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334DescriptionHopperScraps Defend BlockClamp BarScrewHopper Locking KnobSpringUp HousingFrameSwitch PinScrewPush Paddle“H” Type ScrewHexagon ScrewWasherSpring Washer 1Clamp BlockScrewBladeBlade PlateDrive BlockShaft SheathBlade Defend BlockScrewDown Housing25 Nut 1Nut Frame PlateHex NutSwitchSpring Washer 2Switch Frame PlateScrewPower CordCord SheathCord Clamp PlateQ’ty111231111171211114211111211141412111Part No.35363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768DescriptionConnecting Wire 2Connecting Wire 1Power SwitchReset ButtonMotor CasingMotor CoverCapacitorFanBearingScrewMotor SupportCarbon BrushBrush BoxFieldArmatureBearingWind Defend BoardDown Cover Of Gear BoxSmall Belt WheelNutBearingEccentric WheelBig Belt WheelBeltUp Cover Of Gear BoxBearingSpannerWheel CoverPinLower FrameAxleWasherBushingWheelQ’ty1111111112122111111111111112211422E9Intradin (Shanghai) Machinery Co., Ltd.***************************E10。

飞利浦 Daily Collection 食品加工机 HR7629 90说明书

飞利浦 Daily Collection 食品加工机 HR7629 90说明书

Philips Daily Collection食品加工机• 650 瓦• 小巧型 3 合 1 设置• 2 升加工杯• 附件可实现超过 26 种功能HR7629/90丰富多样的食品,轻松制作制作自制的面包、蛋糕、饮品等这款飞利浦 Daily 系列食品加工机采用小巧设计,包括 2 升加工杯和 1.75 升搅拌机及各种高性能附件。

制作美味的自制美食从未如此简单!优点功能强大,加工准确•PowerChop 技术,实现卓越切碎性能丰富多样的食品•适用于奶油和鸡蛋清的乳化工具•柑橘压榨器,可压榨出新鲜的橙汁或葡萄柚汁•一次可以加工多达 5 份•锋利强劲的 S 形切碎刀片•可翻转的不锈钢切盘,用于切片或切碎轻松组装、使用和清洁•双速设定和暂动开关,实现全面控制•超出 40% 的更大加料管(与飞利浦 HR7625 相比)•650 瓦马达,强大的加工性能•由于去除了内轴,加工杯中心让操作轻松自如•附件可用洗碗机清洗•可轻松释放的吸脚适用于以下国家/地区的预售单页:中国 (2016, 六月 4)特点双速设定和暂动开关为获得最佳效果,请使用低速设置(速度 1)搅打奶油、打鸡蛋、制作糕点和面包面团。

高速设置(速度 2)适合切碎洋葱和肉类、搅拌汤和冰昔或将蔬菜切碎、切片、磨碎或刨碎。

超出 40%的更大加料管全新飞利浦 Daily 系列食品加工机配有比之前的 HR7625 型号大 40% 的加料管,节省对水果和蔬菜的预切时间。





一次可以加工多达 5份超大 2.1 升加工杯(1.5 升加工容量),一次即可搅拌多达 5 份汤。

PowerChop技术PowerChop 技术结合了外形独特的刀片、独特的切削角度和内加工杯,无论软、硬原料,均可实现卓越的切碎效果。





关键词:农作物可调式切碎机效率高1可调式切碎机总体方案设计1.1 机构选择方式本次设计的可调式切碎机,主要机构是由机架、传动机构、挡位可调速度、切碎机构以及出料机构组成。






Philips OnionChef HR2505 26多功能nehizer 食材切割机说明书

Philips OnionChef HR2505 26多功能nehizer 食材切割机说明书

Viva CollectionChopDrop technology2 functions: coarse and fineAutomatic Speed SelectionHR2505/26Perfectly diced onions in secondsQuick and Easy fine choppingAt last you can chop like a chef. Philips OnionChef chopper with ChopDroptechnology gives you dry, regular pieces of onion and other ingredients. Thanks tothe separate high speed blade you can also grind meat, chop herbs and so muchmore.Chop like a chefChopDrop technologyPowerful 300W motorSharp stainless steel bladesNo more hassleAutomatic Speed SelectionDishwasher safeEasy press down operationLarge 1.1l bowlSingle cut neededVersatility for daily useCoarse chopping with ChopDropFine chopping with HS bladeHighlightsAutomatic Speed SelectionPhilips OnionChef chopper is equipped with 2speeds and automatic speed selection. The different functions require a different speed for achieving the optimal result - slow speed for the coarse chopping with ChopDrop technology and high speed for the fine chopping with the separate high speed blade.The product detects the desired function and adjusts the needed speed automatically to ensure achieving the desired end result every time.Coarse chopping with ChopDropThe Philips OnionChef chopper uses an optimal slow speed for its ChopDroptechnology. This ensures you can always achieve dry and regular pieces of onion and other delicate ingredients, such as zucchini,boiled eggs, pepper, mozzarella, as well as hard ones - such as nuts, carrots and more.Ideal for your favourite daily dishes, as well as appetizers (salsa, tzatziki), sauces, risottos and more!Dishwasher safeThe Philips OnionChef chopper is easy to clean. You can rinse clean all parts with water or simply place them in the dishwasher.Easy press down operationThe activation of the Philips OnionChef cannot be any easier - simply press down the top of the product towards the bowl. No extra buttons,settings or switches. Chopping like a chef at a single touch.Fine chopping with HS bladeLike any other chef, the Philips OnionChef chopper with its additional high speed chopping blade allows you also to achieve finely chopped result of a large variety of ingredients, such as meat, nuts, dried fruit,herbs, Parmesan, chocolate and more. Finely grind meat for steak tartare, meat balls, sauce Bolognese or tacos; prepare homemade pesto and humus, energy bars or simply a fresh dressing for your favorite salad.Large 1.1l bowlThe Philips OnionChef chopper comes with a large 1.1L bowl. It allows you to prepare the necessary amount of your essential ingredients.ChopDrop technologyRecognizing how unpleasant and difficult chopping onions is, Philips has cleverlydeveloped ChopDrop technology to allow you to chop them like a chef in an easy way. The uniquely designed chamber keeps the onion in, while the three sharp blades are chopping.Once the pieces reach the optimal size, they are dropped in the bowl: dry & regular every time. Perfect for onions, but also other vegetables, fruit, cheese, nuts & more.Powerful 300W motorThe powerful 300W motor of the PhilipsOnionChef chopper ensures you can chop even hard ingredients quick and easy.SpecificationsAccessoriesIncluded: Coarse shredding tool, Fine shredding toolCountry of originMade in: ChinaGeneral specificationsProduct features: Dishwasher safe Service2-year worldwide guaranteeSustainabilityPackaging: > 90% recycled materialsUser manual: 100% recycled paperTechnical specificationsCapacity jar: 1.1 LPower: 300 WDesignColor: BlackFinishingMaterial blade: Stainless steel© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑11‑02 Version: 4.0.1。

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目录摘要........................................................................................................................... - 2 - Abstract ..................................................................................................................... - 3 - 第一章前言............................................................................................................. - 4 -1.1 引言............................................................................................................. - 4 - 第二章选择方案..................................................................................................... - 6 -2.1总体设计...................................................................................................... - 6 -2.2结构及实现原理.......................................................................................... - 6 -2.3方案选择...................................................................................................... - 6 - 第三章设计与计算................................................................................................. - 8 -3.1电机选择...................................................................................................... - 8 -3.2 传动比选择................................................................................................. - 9 -3.3 轴的强度条件计算................................................................................... - 9 -3.4 精确校核轴的疲劳强度......................................................................... - 11 -3.5 轴承的校核............................................................................................. - 12 - 结束语..................................................................................................................... - 14 - 参考文献................................................................................................................. - 15 - 致谢......................................................................................................................... - 16 -摘要本研究以马铃薯等根茎物料为研究对象,通过对根茎物料特性的分析,确定切碎原理和方法,设计出动力消耗低、力度大小满足切碎成型要求的根茎切碎机。







关键词:盘刀,切碎机,根茎物料,喂入槽,抛送机AbstractIn this study, potato and other root material for the study, by the material properties of the roots of analysis to determine the principles and methods of shredding designed low power consumption, efforts to meet the size requirements for compression molding roots shredder. Promote the comprehensive development and utilization of China's current crop roots material resources of technological innovation and practical application.Through the analysis of raw data, analysis and calculation demonstrate Comparison Programme and the relevant data, mainly to complete the overall design of the shredder, the analysis of the motor and drive program selection, comparison and selection and so on. On this basis, the structure of the shredder body size, the drive shaft structure size, V belt drive, such as design value calculation and detailed description.This machine is mainly composed of a shredder and feeding mechanism, feeding trough, throwing throwing unit, belt drive, motor. The principle is that the material from the feeding trough feeding roots, in effect compacting the feed mechanism and the involvement of institutions. Passive fixed chopper blades consisting of chopped, and finally by throwing device thrown outside.Keywords: disc cutter, shredder, roots materials, feed trough, throwing machine第一章前言1.1 引言近年来,发达国家中的农业生产已经高度机械化,通过先进的技术形成了一些列配套的生产体系和配套机具。














立式简易切碎机由喂入斗和装有4把刀片的圆盘组成.圆盘与地面垂直.工作时,块根装在圆盘左的喂入斗内.当圆盘旋转时,盘上的刀片就将块根切成薄片,由圆盘下方排出口(出料口)排出.这种型式的切碎机,构造简单,使用方便,易于保养修理. 按给定的物料和转轴转速,设计一套切碎系统,切碎机工作完毕后查其切碎的情况。
