土木工程地质(双语)复习题一.填空1.Engineering geology is about applying all branches of thegeosciences to assure the (safety),( efficiency), and (economy of engineering )and( environ mental projects.)2.Physical properties of minerals include:( Crystal form)、( Hardness)、(color)、( Luster)、(Streak )、( cleavage)。
3.The classification of rock according to the cause offormation are (igneous rock)、(sedimentary rock)、(metamorphic rock)。
4.The physical properties of groundwater(temperature)、(color)、(taste)、(transparent)、(smell)、(radioactivity)5.Geological environment (geological condition) :(the studyabout topography and landforms)、(the study about the fundamental engineering )、( properties of soils)、( rock)、(geological structure)、(hydrogeology)。
6.relative dating methods:(strata superposition method)、(fossil succession method)、(the method of rock layers contact relation)。
《专业英语》复习题一、选择题1.civil engineering dealt with permanent structures for (civilian) use,whereas military engineering dealt with temporary structures for military use2.attention must (be paid to) the working temperature of the machine.3.diplomatic relations (have been established) between china and theunited states of America4.a direct current is a current (flowing) always in the same direction.5.it’s our duty to (comply with) the specification.6.dose your shop (supply) rebar ?7.neither I nor he (is) fond of music.8.the (above-mentioned)cements(水泥) are widely used on theconstruction site.9.the production of steel has been increased (by) 70%.10.i f the garden is big, some floodlights can be (installed).11.(wherever) you go, you can see many buildings.12.d ams, (bridge), water supply systems, and other large projectsordinarily employ several engineers to work together.13.the bigger quantity you order,(the lower until cost you will beoffered).14.i n modern road constructions, powerful modern machines areemployed to move mountains and fill valleys to make the (surfaces) as direct as possible.15.b esides its ability to sustain loads, concrete is also required to be(durable).16.t ensile failure of (reinforced) concrete happens easily and involvesprogressive micro-cracking.17.c oncrete is (inherently) a porous material (多孔材料)18.–may I use your bike for a moment?--(by all means)(一定,务必)19.conclusions can be (drawn) from the above discussion.20.it’s a small country, yet has a lot of (potential) resources.21.a person’s calorie requirements vary (throughout)22.there is a computer syetem (with which) the company is experiencing problems.23. usually there is (less) traffic in the streets on weekday than on Sundays.24. The thief tried to open the locked door but (in vain)25. cracks would not only be unsightly but would (expose) the steel bars to corrosion by moisture and other chemical action.26.(having packed) their luggage, the tourists hurried to the airport.27.generous public funding of basic science would (lead to) considerable benefits for the country’s health,wealth and security.28.”you are very selfish,it’s high time you (realized) that you are not the most important person in the world,” edgar said to his boss angrily.29.(even if) the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have include all variables and modeled accurately.30.remember that customers don’t (bargain) about prices in the city.二、词组互译1.tensile strength 抗拉强度:pressive strength 抗压强度3.construction engineering 建筑工程4.reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土5.raw material 原材料6.civil engineers 土木工程师7.assemblage technology 装配技术8.simply supported beam 简支梁9.continuous beam 连续梁10.f raming member 框架构件11.b ending strength 抗弯强度12.s hearing strength 抗剪强度13.b ill of quantities 工程量清单14.e stimated cost 预算成本15.t he column-diagonal truss tube 对顶柱桁架筒体16.c ash flow 现金流动17.t hree-dimensional 三维的18.E nglish for specialized science and technology 专业外语19.g eotechnical engineering 岩土工程20.f oundation settlement 地基沉降21.f undamental assumption 基本假设22.b ending moment 弯曲力矩23.s hear stress 剪应力,剪切应力24.n ormal stress 正应力,法向应力25.o n schedule 按时26.b e in equilibrium with 与···平衡27.h orizontal plane 水平面28.v ertical plane 垂直面29.s oil mechanics 土力学30.a erial photographs 航空摄影31.s anitary engineering 卫生工程32.d etrimental agents 有害因素33.j oint action 联合作用34.d eformed bars 变形钢筋35.c urrent situation(present situation) 现状36.p ositive sequence 正序37.n egative sequence 逆序(负序)38.f abrication plant 加工厂(加工设备)39.f inancial budget 财政预算40.d ivide by 除以41.i n charge of 负责(主管)42.t ake account of 考虑到,顾及43.s pectacular achievements 惊人的成就44.u ltrahigh-rise buildings 超高层建筑45.t erminate contract 解除合同(终止合同)46.s pandrel beams 外墙托梁47.e ncroach on 侵占,蚕食48.i ntersect surfaces 相交曲面49.b undled-tube structures 束筒结构50.t ake delivery of 取货,提货三、翻译句子1.The term civil engineering originally came into use to distinguish itfrom military engineering .土木工程这个术语起初是用来与军事工程相区别的,土木工程处理的是民用的永久性建筑结构,而军事工程则是主要负责处理临时性的军用建筑。
《土木工程专业英语》考点提炼二一、词汇汉译英1.初步设计:preliminary design :2.屈服强度:yield strength3.水灰比:water-to-cement ratio4.空气调节:air conditioning5.园艺:horticultural6.承重墙:bearing wall7.管道;沟渠:conduit8.骨架:framework9.有限的;临界的:terminate10.分层:stratification二、词汇英译汉1.Residential:住宅2.high-rise building:高层建筑3.boundary:界限4.refuse disposal:垃圾处理5.sedimentation:沉降6.reinforced concrete:钢筋混凝土7.construction management:工程管理8.refuse disposal:垃圾处理9.water treatment and disposal:水处理10.Air-pollution control:空气污染控制三、句子英译汉1、The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation,is that part of a building below ground.上部结构是建筑物在地面上的部分 , 而下部结构以及基础是建筑物的地下部分。
2、Good planning guides the visitor to his destination in the structure and impresses him,perhaps subconsciously,by visibly relating the several units of the edifice.好的方案可以使来访者在建筑中找到其目的地并留下印象,这种印象也许是下意识地通过把大的建筑体系中一些单元明显地联系起来而造成的。
一、explain the following items(4point/word,total 20 point)1、compression coefficient2、Coulomb formula3、Hydraulic gradient4、Ultimate bearing capacity5、Stress increase二、fill vacancy1、Settlement can be divided into three component .initial immediate settlement ,primary consolidation settlement and secondary consolidation settlement .2、According to the overconsolidated raio ,soil can can be divided to 3 type;overconsolidated soil ,normally consolidated soil and underconsolidated soil3、Factor of safety is the ratio of the shear resistance to driving force4、Compare with Terzaghi’s theory . Hanse’s formulas including more factors such as shape depth inclination and tilt三、answer following questions1、how many types can be divided in the triaxial test according to consolidation and drainage conditions ?explain the consolidated-drained shear strength2、How many modes of shear failure may be defined ?what are the features of general shear failure?四、Calculation1、the volume of a soil specimen is 22.72cm2,and its mass is39.76g 。
成绩徐州工程学院08 级土木(1) 班课程考试试卷考试科目专业英语考试时间学生姓名所在院系土木学院任课教师徐州工程学院印制Stability of Slopes9.1 IntroductionTranslational slips tend to occur where the adjacent stratum is at a relatively shallow depth below the surface of the slope:the failure surface tends to be plane and roughly parallel to the pound slips usually occur where the adjacent stratum is at greater depth,the failure surface consisting of curved and plane sections.In practice, limiting equilibrium methods are used in the analysis of slope stability. It is considered that failure is on the point of occurring along an assumed or a known failure surface.The shear strength required to maintain a condition of limiting equilibrium is compared with the available shear strength of the soil,giving the average factor of safety along the failure surface.The problem is considered in two dimensions,conditions of plane strain being assumed.It has been shown that a two-dimensional analysis gives a conservative result for a failure on a three-dimensional(dish-shaped) surface.9.2 Analysis for the Case of φu =0This analysis, in terms of total stress,covers the case of a fully saturated clay under undrained conditions, i.e. For the condition immediately after construction.Only moment equilibrium is considered in the analysis.In section, the potential failure surface is assumed to be a circular arc. A trial failure surface(centre O,radius r and length L awhere F is the factor of safety with respect to shear strength.Equating moments about O:Therefore(9.1)The moments of any additional forces must be taken into account.In the event of a tension crackdeveloping ,as shown in Fig.9.2,the arc length L a is shortened and a hydrostatic force will act normal to the crack if the crack fills with water.It is necessary to analyze the slope for a number of trial failure surfaces in order that the minimum factor of safety can be determined.Based on the principle of geometric similarity,Taylor[9.9]published stability coefficients for the analysis of homogeneous slopes in terms of total stress.For a slope of height H the stability coefficient (N s) for the failure surface along which the factor of safety is a minimum is(9.2)For the case ofφu =0,values of N ss depends on the slope angleβand the depth factor D,where DH is the depth to a firm stratum.Gibson and Morgenstern [9.3] published stability coefficients for slopes in normally consolidated clays in which the undrained strength c u(φu =0) varies linearly with depth.Example 9.1A 45°slope is excavated to a depth of 8 m in a deep layer of saturated clay of unit weight 19 kN/m3:the relevant shear strength parameters are c u =65 kN/m2 andφuIn Fig.9.4, the cross-sectional area ABCD is 70 m2.Weight of soil mass=70×19=1330kN/mThe centroid of ABCD is 4.5 m from O.The angle AOC is 89.5°and radius OC is 12.1 m.The arc length ABC is calculated as 18.9m.The factor of safety is given by:This is the factor of safety for the trial failure surface selected and is not necessarily the minimum factor of safety.The minimum factor of safety can be estimated by using Equation 9.2.From Fig.9.3,β=45°and assuming that D is large,the value of N s9.3 The Method of Slicesαand the height, measured on the centre-1ine,is h. The factor of safety is defined as the ratio of the available shear strength(τf)to the shear strength(τm) which must be mobilized to maintain a condition of limiting equilibrium, i.e.The factor of safety is taken to be the same for each slice,implying that there must be mutual support between slices,i.e. forces must act between the slices.The forces (per unit dimension normal to the section) acting on a slice are:1.The total weight of the slice,W=γb h (γsat where appropriate).2.The total normal force on the base,N (equal to σl).In general thisforce has two components,the effective normal force N'(equal toσ'l ) and the boundary water force U(equal to ul ),where u is the pore water pressure at the centre of the base and l is the length of the base.3.The shear force on the base,T=τm l.4.The total normal forces on the sides, E1 and E2.5.The shear forces on the sides,X1 and X2.Any external forces must also be included in the analysis.The problem is statically indeterminate and in order to obtain a solution assumptions must be made regarding the interslice forces E and X:the resulting solution for factor of safety is not exact.Considering moments about O,the sum of the moments of the shear forces T on the failure arc AC must equal the moment of the weight of the soil mass ABCD.For any slice the lever arm of W is rsinα,therefore∑Tr=∑Wr sinαNow,For an analysis in terms of effective stress,Or(9.3)where L a is the arc length AC.Equation 9.3 is exact but approximations are introduced in determining the forces N'.For a given failure arc the value of F will depend on the way in which the forces N' areestimated.The Fellenius SolutionIn this solution it is assumed that for each slice the resultant of the interslice forces is zero.The solution involves resolving the forces on each slice normal to the base,i.e.N'=WCOSα-ulHence the factor of safety in terms of effective stress (Equation 9.3) is given by(9.4)The components WCOSαand Wsinαcan be determined graphically for each slice.Alternatively,the value of αcan be measured or calculated.Again,a series of trial failure surfaces must be chosen in order to obtain the minimum factor of safety.This solution underestimates the factor of safety:the error,compared with more accurate methods of analysis,is usually within the range 5-2%.For an analysis in terms of total stress the parameters C u andφu are used and the value of u in Equation 9.4 is zero.If φu=0 ,the factor of safety is given by(9.5)As N’ does not appear in Equation 9.5 an exact value of F is obtained.The Bishop Simplified SolutionIn this solution it is assumed that the resultant forces on the sides of theslices are horizontal,i.e.X l-X2=0For equilibrium the shear force on the base of any slice isResolving forces in the vertical direction:(9.6)It is convenient to substitutel=b secαFrom Equation 9.3,after some rearrangement,(9.7)The pore water pressure can be related to the total ‘fill pressure’ at anypoint by means of the dimensionless pore pressure ratio,defined as(9.8)(γsat where appropriate).For any slice,Hence Equation 9.7 can be written:(9.9)As the factor of safety occurs on both sides of Equation 9.9,a process of successive approximation must be used to obtain a solution but convergence is rapid.Due to the repetitive nature of the calculations and the need to select an adequate number of trial failure surfaces,the method of slices is particularly suitable for solution by computer.More complex slope geometry and different soil strata can be introduced.In most problems the value of the pore pressure ratio r u is not constant over the whole failure surface but,unless there are isolated regions of high pore pressure,an average value(weighted on an area basis) is normally used in design.Again,the factor of safety determined by this method is an underestimate but the error is unlikely to exceed 7%and in most cases is less than 2%.Spencer [9.8] proposed a method of analysis in which the resultant Interslice forces are parallel and in which both force and moment equilibrium are satisfied.Spencer showed that the accuracy of the Bishop simplified method,in which only moment equilibrium is satisfied, is due to the insensitivity of the moment equation to the slope of the interslice forces.Dimensionless stability coefficients for homogeneous slopes,based on Equation 9.9,have been published by Bishop and Morgenstern [9.2].It can be shown that for a given slope angle and given soil properties th e factor of safety varies linearly with γu and can thus be expressed asF=m-nγu(9.10)where,m and n are the stability coefficients.The coefficients,m and n arefunctions ofβ,φ’,the dimensionless number c'/γand the depth factor D.Example 9.2Using the Fellenius method of slices,determine the factor of safety,in terms of effective stress,of the slope shown in Fig.9.6 for the given failure surface.The unit weight of the soil,both above and below the water table,is 20 kN/m 3 and the relevant shear strength parameters are c’=10 kN/m2andφ’=29°. W) of each slice is given byW=γbh=20×1.5×h=30h kN/mThe height h for each slice is set off below the centre of the base and thenormal and tangential components hcosαand hsinαWcosα=30h cosαW sinα=30h sinαThe pore water pressure at the centre of the base of each slice is taken to beγw z w,where z w is the vertical distance of the centre point below the water table (as shown in figure).This procedure slightly overestimates t he pore water pressure which strictly should be) γw z e,where z e is the vertical distance below the point of intersection of the water table and the equipotential through the centre of the slice base.The error involved is on the safe side.The arc length (L a) is calculated as 14.35 mm.The results are given inTable 9.1∑Wcosα=30×17.50=525kN/m∑W sinα=30×8.45=254kN/m∑(wcos α-ul)=525—132=393kN/m9.4 Analysis of a Plane Translational SlipIt is assumed that the potential failure surface is parallel to the surface of the slope and is at a depth that is small compared with the length of the slope. The slope can then be considered as being of infinite length,with end effects being ignored.The slope is inclined at angle βmz (0<m<1)above the failure plane.Steady seepage is assumed to be taking place in a direction parallel to the slope.The forces on the sides of any vertical slice are equal and opposite and the stress conditions are the same at every point on the failure plane.In terms of effective stress,the shear strength of the soil along the failure plane isand the factor of safety isThe expressions forσ,τandμare:The following special cases are of interest.If c’=0 and m=0 (i.e. the soilbetween the surface and the failure plane is not fully saturated),then(9.11)If c’=0 and m=1(i.e. the water table coincides with the surface of the slope),then:(9.12)It should be noted that when c’=0 the factor of safety is independent ofthe depth z.If c’ is greater than zero,the factor of safety is a function of z, and βmay exceedφ’ provided z is less than a critical value.For a total stress analysis the shear strength parameters c u andφu are used with a zero value of u. Example 9.3A long natural slope in a fissured overconsolidated clay is inclined at 12°to the horizontal.The water table is at the surface and seepage is roughly parallel to the slope.A slip has developed on a plane parallel to the surface at a depth of 5 m.The saturated unit weight of the clay is 20 kN/m3.The peak strength parameters are c’=10 kN/m2andφ’=26°;the residual strength parameters are c r’=0 andφr’=18°.Determine the factor of safety alo ng the slip plane(a)in terms of the peak strength parameters (b)in terms of the residual strength parameters.With the water table at the surface(m=1),at any point on the slip plane,Using the peak strength parameters,Then the factor of safety is given byUsing the residual strength parameters,the factor of safety can beobtained from Equation 9.12:9.5 General Methods of AnalysisMorgenstern and Price[9.4]developed a general analysis in which all boundary and equilibrium conditions are satisfied and in which the failure surface may be any shape,circular,non-circular or compound.The soil mass above the failure plane is divided into sections by a number of vertical planes and the problem is rendered statically determinate by assuming a relationship between the forces E and X on the vertical boundaries between each section.This assumption is of the formX=λf(x)E (9.13)where f(x)is an arbitrary function describing the pattern in which the ratio X/E varies across the soil mas s andλis a scale factor.The value ofλis obtained as part of the solution along with the factor of safety F.The values of the forces E and X and the point of application of E can be determined at each vertical boundary.For any assumed function f(x) it is necessary to examine the solution in detail to ensure that it is physically reasonable (i.e. no shear failure or tension must be implied within the soil mass above the failure surface). The choice of the function f(x) does not appear to influence the computed value of F by more than about 5% and f(x)=l is a common assumption.The analysis involves a complex process of iteration for the values ofλ and F,described byMorgenstern and Price[9.5],and the use of a computer is essential.Bell [9.1] proposed a method of analysis in which all the conditions of equilibrium are satisfied and the assumed failure surface may be of any shape.The soil mass is divided into a number of vertical slices and statical determinacy is obtained by means of an assumed distribution of normal stress along the failure surface.Sarma [9.6] developed a method,based on the method of slices,in which the critical earthquake acceleration required to produce a condition of limiting equilibrium is determined.An assumed distribution of vertical interslice forces is used in the analysis.Again,all the conditions of equilibrium are satisfied and the assumed failure surface may be of any shape.The static factor of safety is the factor by which the shear strength of the soil must be reduced such that the critical acceleration is zero.The use of a computer is also essential for the Bell and Sarma methods and all solutions must be checked to ensure that they are physically acceptable.References[9.1]Bell,J,M.(1968):’General Slope Stability Analysis’, Journal ASCE,V01.94,No.SM6.:‘Stability Coefficients for Earth Slopes Geotechnique,.’,Vo1.1 5,No.1.‘A Numerical Method for Solving the Equations of Stability of General Slip Surfaces’Computer Journal,Voi.9,P.388.[9.6]Sarma,S.K. (1973):’Stability Analysis of Embankments and Slopes’,Geotechnique,Vo1.23,No.2.[9.7]Skempton,A.W.(1970):’First-Time Slides in Overconsolidated Clays’(Technical Note),[9.8]Spencer,E.(1 967):‘A Method of Analysis of the Stability of Embankments Assuming Parallel Inter-SliceForces’,Geotechnique,.[9.9]Taylor,D.W.(1937):’Stability of Earth Slopes’,Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers,Vo1.24,No.3边坡稳定9.1 引言重力和渗透力易引起天然边坡、开挖形成的边坡、堤防边坡和土坝的不稳定性。
土木工程专业英语 题库
![土木工程专业英语 题库](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8a262f3f19e8b8f67d1cb970.png)
土木工程专业英语题库一、单选题(题数:45,共90.0 分)1The material costs make up only about()of the cost of the completed steel structure in a building(2.0分)0.0 分A、one-thirdsB、one-thirdC、one-thirdlyD、one-three正确答案:C C2Steel and composite construction is often adopted in()owing to high structural efficiency with large strength-to-self-weight ratios as well as large flexural rigidities against instability and serviceability problems.(2.0分)2.0 分A、super high-rise buildingsB、long span bridgesC、roof structuresD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D3Both elastic theory and plastic theory are used for composite members, the differences being as follows: concrete in tension is ()neglected in elastic theory, and()neglected in plastic theory.(2.0分)2.0 分A、usually, usuallyB、always, alwaysC、usually, alwaysD、always, usually正确答案:C C4Failure modes include()and less rigidity of bending(2.0分)2.0 分A、Strength failureB、Lateral-torsional-bucklingC、Local buckling of platesD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D5(), where the column’s failure is due to the crushing of concrete or due to the yielding of the steel bars under the full load capacity of the column.(2.0分)2.0 分A、Short columnsB、Long columnsC、Slender columnsD、None正确答案:A A6()loaded columns, where the loads are applied at any point on the column section, causing moments about both the x axis and y axis simultaneously(2.0分)2.0 分A、AxiallyB、EccentricallyC、BiaxiallyD、None正确答案:C C7Strictly speaking, all()nonlinearities of the different materials should be observed in calculating the strength of steel-concrete composite column.(2.0分)2.0 分A、geometrical and physicalB、mechanical and geometricalC、mechanical and physicalD、none正确答案:A A8The main structural forms of steel structure are()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Truss structuresB、Frame structuresC、Grids structuresD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D9A tendon with a duct that contains multiple pieces of prestressing steel strand is commonly called a()tendon.(2.0分)2.0 分A、multistrandB、monostrandC、singleD、strand正确答案:A A10The()system makes use of either column capitals, drop panels or both to increase the shear and moment resistance of the system at the columns where the shears and moments are greatest.(2.0分)2.0 分A、flat plateB、waffle slabC、flat slabD、two-way slab with. beams正确答案:C C11The height of Khalifa tower is 828m, and the total number of floors is()(2.0分)2.0 分A、100B、130C、162D、188正确答案:C C12It includes(),keyways, threads, or abrupt changes in plate width or thickness.(2.0分)2.0 分A、holesB、groovesC、notchesD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D13Prestressing by()involves installing and stressing prestressing strand of bar tendons only after the concrete has been placed, hardened and attained a minimum compressive strength for that transfer.(2.0分)2.0 分A、pretensioningB、post-tensioningC、pretensionedD、post-tensioned正确答案:B B14When grease is used, the prestressing steel is permanently free to move relative to the sheathing and the tendon is referred to as an]()tendon.(2.0分)2.0 分A、bondedB、unbondedC、barD、strand正确答案:B B15In()members the prestressing strands are tensioned against restraining bulkheads before the concrete is cast.(2.0分)2.0 分A、pretensioningB、post-tensioningC、pretensionedD、post-tensioned正确答案:C C16Yan Fu, a translator at the end of the Qing Dynasty, thinks that the standard of translation is()(2.0分)2.0 分A、faithfulnessB、expressivenessC、eleganceD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D17This section mainly introduces the professional English vocabulary and expression related to()of steel structure technology(2.0分)2.0 分A、the development levelB、market prospectC、design principleD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D18For walls, a()is a slab wider than the wall and extending the length of the wall(2.0分)2.0 分A、combined footingB、spread foundationC、grid foundationD、mat foundation正确答案:B B19(), because there is only one point at the intersection of the center line of the long and narrow section, which is their shear center(2.0分)2.0 分A、Cross sectionB、Angle sectionC、T-sectionD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D20Reinforced concrete beams not included()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Singly reinforced rectangular beamsB、Doubly reinforced rectangular beamsC、Plain concreteD、Singly or doubly reinforced T -beams正确答案:C C21Standard parts can be measured()(2.0分)2.0 分A、yield strengthB、ultimate strengthC、elastic modulusD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D22The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure is()(2.0分)2.0 分A、0.01B、0.1C、0.001D、正确答案:A A23The classification and grade of steel are()(2.0分)2.0 分A、carbon structural steelB、low alloy structural steelC、quality carbon structural steelD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D24The assumed complete interaction enables definition of()for the whole inhomogeneous cross-section.(2.0分)2.0 分A、section propertiesB、stiffnessC、slender ratiosD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D25()are most economical for spans from 4.5 to 6m(2.0分)2.0 分A、Flat platesB、Waffle slabC、Flat slabTwo-way slab with beams正确答案:A A26The "Structural Welding" provides welding processes for()and SAW.(2.0分)2.0 分A、SMAWB、GMAWC、FCAWD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D27Concrete is assumed to fail when the compressive strain reaches()(2.0分)2.0 分A、0.3B、0.03C、0.0033D、0.003正确答案:C C28In the(), the steel mesh reinforcements of 3-4mm in diameter are embedded into the horizontal mortar joints every 2-5 courses.(2.0分)2.0 分A、steel mesh reinforced brick masonryB、reinforced hollow unit masonryC、reinforced grouted cavity masonryD、composite brick masonry正确答案:A A29In steel mesh reinforced brick masonry,the steel mesh reinforcements of 3-4mm in diameter are embedded into the horizontal mortar joints every 2-5()(2.0分)2.0 分A、layersB、coursesC、piecesD、blocks正确答案:B B30Bending in a main plane is called()(2.0分)2.0 分A、biaxial flexural memberB、unidirectional bending memberC、platform beamD、castellated beam正确答案:B B31Civil Engineering English is set as a required course to cultivate high-quality civil engineering talents, which is beneficial to()(2.0分)2.0 分A、improve the students' attention to professional English learningB、promote the construction progress and height of professional English online coursesC、training senior civil engineering talents with international vision and professional English literacy D、All of the above are right正确答案:D D32It is believed that automobile is blamed for such problems as()and slum conditions in the central areas, and air and noise pollition.(2.0分)2.0 分A、urban expansionB、wasteful land useC、congestionD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D33()has excellent deep drawing and deep drawing properties(2.0分)2.0 分A、Fire resistant steelB、ultra-low yield point steelC、high friction factor steel plateD、structural casting steel正确答案:B B34According to the load, it can be divided into()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Axially loaded columnsB、Eccentrically loaded columnsC、Biaxially loaded columnsD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D35The compressive capacity of unreinforced masonry is far greater than its()capacity(2.0分)2.0 分A、tensileB、bendingC、shearD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D36If the bearing soil capacity is different under different foundations—for example, if the foundations of a building are partly on soil and partly on rock—a()settlement will occur(2.0分)2.0 分A、differentB、differentialC、identicalD、same正确答案:B B37The grade of asphalt is divided according to () technical index(2.0分)2.0 分A、PenetrationB、ductilityC、softening pointD、flash point正确答案:A A38The reinforced concrete confining elements are horizontal members called ()and vertical members called()(2.0分)2.0 分A、ring beams, structural columnsB、structural columns, ring beamsC、ring beams, ring beamsD、structural columns, structural columns正确答案:A A39The advantages of steel structure residence are()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Good seismic performanceB、Low comprehensive costC、Fit with the development direction of housing industrializationD、All of the above are right40Three different types of composite columns:()(2.0分)2.0 分A、steel reinforced concrete columnsB、rolled section columns partly encased in concreteC、concrete filled steel tubesD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D41()was founded in 1969(2.0分)2.0 分A、SSCIB、ISSHPC、ISSD、HCV正确答案:A A42Which of the followings is mechanical imperfection of steel members?()(2.0分)2.0 分A、initial out-of-straightnessB、initial eccentricityC、residual stressD、initial crookedness43The whole instability of solid web compression member refers to()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Flexural bucklingB、Torsion bucklingC、Flexural-torsional bucklingD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D44The section form of compression member is()(2.0分)2.0 分A、doubly symmetricB、singly symmetricC、unsymmetricD、All of the above are right正确答案:D D45The characteristics of vocabulary are()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Professional vocabulary and semi professional vocabularyB、Get used to using compound wordsC、Get used to using abbreviationsD、All of the above are right二、多选题(题数:5,共10.0 分)1As English majors pay attention to the ()of technical problems, the translation standards of professional English are more focused on "faithfulness" and "expressiveness"(2.0分)2.0 分A、scientificityB、logicalityC、correctnessD、strictness正确答案:ABCD ABCD2Factors affecting the properties of steel include()(2.0分)2.0 分A、chemical compositionB、process of steelmakingC、time-hardeningD、cold work正确答案:ABCD ABCD3Applications of steel structures include()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Large-span structuresB、Multi-story &high-rise buildingsC、Buildings of heavy duty plantsD、Portal frames正确答案:ABCD ABCD4Masonry structure can be divided into()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Brickwork structureB、stone masonry structureC、Block masonry structureD、Reinforced masonry structure正确答案:ABCD ABCD5Major Courses You will learn()(2.0分)2.0 分A、Engineering GeologyB、Engineering MeasuremenC、Soil MechanicsD、Foundation Engineering正确答案:ABCD ABCD。
土木工程专业英语2018-2019学年期末试卷专业班级姓名学号教师1.Please Translate the Words into English(10points).钢筋混凝土隧道工程土木工程桩钢-混凝土复合结构2.Please Translate the Words into Chinese(10points).well-graded soil contact stress Precastconcrete corrugated steeltensile strength3.Please Chose the True Words into Chinese(10points).1)Environmental engineering. In this branch of engineering, civil engineers design, build and ( ) systems to provide safe drinking water.A.superviseB.specificationC.scrubberD. structure2)The purpose of a building is to provide a ( ) for the performance of human activities.A.shelterB.specialistC.apseD. structure3)These discharges emanate from large ( ) that carry both sanitary and storm wastes.A.conductB. conduitsC.concreteD. structure4)Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, and ().A.partB. converterC.partitionD. partly5)They also design, build, and supervise projects to control or ( ) pollution of the land and air.A.closeB. innovationC.eliminateD.encroach4.Please Translate the Sentence into English(25points).作为骨架结构的结果,圈墙变成一种帘墙,而不起支撑作用。
土木工程材料英语English: Civil engineering materials are essential components in various construction projects, as they play a crucial role in determining the structural integrity, durability, and performance of the built environment. Common civil engineering materials include concrete, steel, asphalt, and timber, each with unique properties and applications. Concrete, for example, is widely used for its compressive strength and versatility in forming different shapes and structures. Steel, on the other hand, is commonly utilized for its high tensile strength and ductility, making it suitable for reinforcing concrete structures and creating frameworks for buildings. Asphalt is predominantly used in road construction for its durability, weather resistance, and smooth surface characteristics. Timber, on the other hand, is often employed for its renewable and sustainable qualities, making it an ideal choice for structural elements in buildings and bridges. Understanding the properties, behavior, and limitations of these materials is essential for civil engineers to select the most appropriate materials for specific applications, ensuring the safety, longevity, and functionality of the constructed infrastructure.中文翻译: 土木工程材料在各种建筑项目中是必不可少的组成部分,因为它们在决定建筑环境的结构完整性、耐久性和性能方面起着至关重要的作用。
《土木工程专业英语》一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1. Before designing a project, civil engineers should survey both the ( ) and subsoil features of the proposed site.A. photographyB. geographerC. topographyD. graphy2. Dams, ( ), water supply systems, and other large projects ordinarily employ several engineers to work together.A. beamB. columnC. brickD. bridge3. In modern road constructions, powerful modern machines are employed to move mountains and fill valleys to make the ( ) as direct as possible.A. routesB. rootsC. surfacesD. lane4. Between the buildings ()a primary school.A. standB. standsC. to standD. standing5. Tensile failure of ( ) concrete happens easily and involves progressive micro-cracking.A. forcedB. reinforcedC. steelD. unreinforced6. ( ) concrete is used only for footings and concrete slabs laid on the ground, and for other massive structures.A. forcedB. reinforcedC. steelD. Plain7.The laws that ()how the buildings maybe made are building codes.A. tellB. tellsC. toldD. telling8. The steel bars in concrete take the ( )component of the bending moment.A. shearB. compressiveC. tensileD. draw9.It is expensive ()future cities on the sea.A. buildB. builtC. to buildD. builds10. Cracks would not only be unsightly but would ( ) the steel bars to corrosion by moisture and other chemical action.A. adoptB. exposeC. employD.make11. The()cements are widely used on the construction site.A. above-mentionedB. above-mentioningC. above-mentionD. above-mentions12. Besides its ability to sustain loads, concrete is also required to be ( ).A. capableB. considerableC. durableD. beautiful13. It is our duty to ()the specification .A. comply withB. completeC. knowD. make14. Concrete is ( ) a porous material.A. natureB. inherentlyC. madeD. not15. Conclusions can be ( ) from the above discussion.A. drawnB. tensileC. towed C. looked二、单词填空(共10空;每空2分,满分20分)1. The Romans bound their empire together with an extensive system of roads radiating in many directions from Rome.2. Portland cement must pass a series of chemical and physical tests before it can be shipped.3. Concrete consists of water , cement , aggregate and sand .(admixture)4. A simple contract consists of an agreement entered into by two or more parties.5. The presence of cracks in concrete reduces its resistance to the action of corrosion of reinforced bars.6. Concrete is a widely used material in numerous civil engineering structures三、英译中(短句翻译,共10句,每句2分,满分20分)1. Later in history, when well-traveled routes were made sturdier with rocks and stones, the path was raised above the surrounding land, it became a “high way”.史上记载,当交通量大的道路用更坚实的岩石和石头来建造,且路面被建在路基上,它就变成了一条“高速公路”。
土木工程材料英语Civil Engineering Materials。
Introduction:Civil engineering materials are the cornerstone of any construction project. They play a crucial role in determining the strength, durability, and overall performance of structures. In this article, we will explore the various types of materials used in civil engineering and their properties.Concrete:Concrete is the most widely used construction material in civil engineering. It is composed of cement, fine aggregates (sand), coarse aggregates (gravel or crushed stones), and water. The chemical reaction between cement and water, known as hydration, results in the formation of a solid mass that binds the aggregates together. Concrete exhibits excellent compressive strength but has relatively low tensile strength. To overcome this limitation, reinforcement in the form of steel bars is added to create reinforced concrete.Steel:Steel is another essential material in civil engineering. It is primarily used for structural purposes due to its high strength and ductility. Steel structures can withstand heavy loads and are resistant to earthquakes and other external forces. The two main types of steel used in construction are carbon steel and stainless steel. Carbon steel is more commonly used due to its cost-effectiveness, while stainless steel offers superior corrosion resistance.Brick:Bricks have been used in construction for thousands of years and are still widely used today. They are made by firing clay or shale in a kiln. Bricks are known for their durability, thermal insulation properties, and aesthetic appeal. They are commonly usedin the construction of walls, pavements, and arches. However, bricks have low tensilestrength and are susceptible to weathering, which can affect their structural integrity over time.Timber:Timber is a renewable resource that has been used in construction for centuries. It is lightweight, easy to work with, and exhibits good thermal insulation properties. Timber structures are commonly found in residential buildings, bridges, and temporary structures. However, timber is susceptible to decay, insect infestation, and fire. To enhance its durability, timber can be treated with preservatives.Asphalt:Asphalt, also known as bitumen, is widely used as a paving material in road construction. It is a mixture of aggregates, such as sand and gravel, and bitumen, a sticky, black, and highly viscous substance. Asphalt pavements offer excellent durability, skid resistance, and noise reduction. They can withstand heavy traffic loads and are relatively low in cost compared to other paving materials.Aggregate:Aggregates are essential components in concrete and asphalt mixtures. They provide bulk to the mixture and contribute to its strength and stability. The main types of aggregates used in civil engineering include sand, gravel, crushed stone, and recycled concrete. The properties of aggregates, such as particle size, shape, and texture, influence the performance of the final product.Conclusion:In conclusion, civil engineering materials are diverse and essential for the construction industry. Concrete, steel, brick, timber, asphalt, and aggregates all have unique properties that make them suitable for different applications. Understanding the characteristics of these materials is crucial for designing and constructing safe and durable structures. By utilizing the right materials and considering factors such asstrength, durability, and cost-effectiveness, civil engineers can ensure the success of their projects.。
Civil engineering materials郭亚龙 122303304Abstract:Structural engineering depends on the knowledge of materials and their properties, in order to understand how different materials support and resist loads.Key word:∙Iron: Wrought iron, Cast iron∙Concrete: Reinforced concrete, Prestressed concrete∙Alloy: Steel, Stainless steel∙Masonry∙Timber: Hardwood, Softwood∙Aluminium∙Composite materials: Plywood∙Other structural materials:Adobe, Bamboo, Carbon fibre, Fiber reinforced plastic, Mudbrick, Roofing materials1.Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is a metal in the first transition series. It is the most common element (by mass) forming the planet Earth as a whole, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust. Iron's very common presence in rocky planets like Earth is due toits abundant production as a result of fusion in high-mass stars, where the production of nickel-56 (which decays to the most common isotope of iron) is the last nuclear fusion reaction that is exothermic. This causes radioactive nickel to become the last element to be produced before collapse of a supernova leads to the explosive events that scatter this precursor radionuclide of iron abundantly into space.Like other group 8 elements, iron exists in a wide range of oxidation states, −2 to +6, although +2 and +3 are the most common. Elemental iron occurs in meteoroids and other low oxygen environments, but is reactive to oxygen and water. Fresh iron surfaces appear lustroussilvery-gray, but oxidize in normal air to give hydrated iron oxides, commonly known as rust. Unlike many other metals which form passivating oxide layers, iron oxides occupy more volume than iron metal, and thus iron oxides flake off and expose fresh surfaces for corrosion. Iron metal has been used since ancient times, though copper alloys, which have lower melting temperatures, were used first in history. Pure iron is soft (softer than aluminium), but is unobtainable by smelting. The material is significantly hardened and strengthened by impurities, such as carbon, from the smelting process. A certain proportion of carbon (between 0.002% and 2.1%) produces steel, which may be up to1000 times harder than pure iron. Crude iron metal is produced in blastfurnaces, where ore is reduced by coke to pig iron, which has a high carbon content. Further refinement with oxygen reduces the carbon content to the correct proportion to make steel. Steels and low carbon iron alloys along with other metals (alloy steels) are by far the most common metals in industrial use, due to their great range of desirable properties and the abundance of iron.Iron chemical compounds, which include ferrous and ferric compounds, have many uses. Iron oxide mixed with aluminium powder can be ignited to create a thermite reaction, used in welding and purifying ores. It forms binary compounds with the halogens and the chalcogens. Among its organometallic compounds is ferrocene, the first sandwich compound discovered.Iron plays an important role in biology, forming complexes with molecular oxygen in hemoglobin and myoglobin; these two compounds are common oxygen transport proteins in vertebrates. Iron is also the metal used at the active site of many important redox enzymes dealing with cellular respiration and oxidation and reduction in plants and animals.2.Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse granular material (the aggregate or filler) embedded in a hard matrix of material (thecement or binder) that fills the space among the aggregate particles and glues them together.Concrete is widely used for making architectural structures, foundations, brick/block walls, pavements, bridges/overpasses, highways, runways, parking structures, dams, pools/reservoirs, pipes, footings for gates, fences and poles and even boats.Famous concrete structures include the Hoover Dam, the Panama Canal and the Roman Pantheon.Concrete technology was known by the ancient Romans and was widely used in the Roman Empire—the Colosseum was built largely of concrete and the concrete dome of the Pantheon is the world's largest. After the Empire was destroyed, use of concrete became scarce until the technology was re-pioneered in the mid-18th century.3.Alloy is a mixture or solid solution composed of a metal and another element. An alloy contains one or more of the three: a solid solution of the elements (a single phase); a mixture of metallic phases (two or more solutions); an intermetallic compound with no distinct boundary between the phases. Solid solution alloys give a single solid phase microstructure, while partial solutions exhibit two or more phases that may or may not be homogeneous in distribution, depending on the thermal (heat treatment)history of the material. An inter-metallic compound has one other alloy or pure metal embedded within another pure metal.Alloys are used in some applications, where their properties are superior to those of the pure component elements for a given application. Examples of alloys are solder, brass, pewter, phosphor bronze and an amalgam.The alloy constituents are usually measured by mass. Alloys are usually classified as substitutional or interstitial alloys, depending on the atomic arrangement that forms the alloy. They can be further classified as homogeneous (consisting of a single phase), or heterogeneous (consisting of two or more phases) or intermetallic (where there is no distinct boundary between phases).4.Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar; the term masonry can also refer to the units themselves. The common materials of masonry construction are brick, stone, marble, granite, travertine, limestone, cast stone, concrete block, glass block, stucco, tile, and cob. Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and workmanship, and the pattern in which the units are assembled can significantly affect the durability of the overall masonry construction.5.Lumber (American English) or timber (British English) is a collective term for harvested wood that has been manufactured into boards and planks. This process is part of something called wood production. Lumber is predominantly used for structural purposes but has many other uses as well. Lumber is classified as hardwood or softwood.Lumber is supplied either rough or finished. Besides pulpwood, rough lumber is the raw material for furniture-making and other items requiring additional cutting and shaping. It is available in many species, usually hardwoods, but it is also readily available in softwoods such as white pine and red pine because of their low cost. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes, mostly for the construction industry, primarily softwood from coniferous species including pine, fir and spruce (collectively known as Spruce-pine-fir), cedar, and hemlock, but also some hardwood, for high-grade flooring.6.Aluminium (or aluminum) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery white, soft, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% by weight of the Earth's solid surface. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extremereducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite.Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low density and for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation. Structural components made from aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are important in other areas of transportation and structural materials. The most useful compounds of aluminium, at least on a weight basis, are the oxides and sulfates.Despite its prevalence in the environment, aluminium salts are not known to be used by any form of life. In keeping with its pervasiveness, aluminium is well tolerated by plants and animals. Owing to their prevalence, potential beneficial (or otherwise) biological roles of aluminium compounds are of continuing interest.posite materials (also called composition materials or shortened to composites) are materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties, that when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. The new material may be preferred for many reasons: common examples include materials which are stronger, lighter or less expensive when compared to traditional materials.Typical engineered composite materials include:∙Composite building materials such as cements, concrete∙Reinforced plastics such as fiber-reinforced polymer∙Metal Composites∙Ceramic Composites (composite ceramic and metal matrices) Composite materials are generally used for buildings, bridges and structures such as boat hulls, swimming pool panels, race car bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs, storage tanks, imitation granite and cultured marble sinks and counter tops. The most advanced examples perform routinely on spacecraft in demanding environments.8.Other structural materials:Adobe, Bamboo, Carbon fibre, Fiber reinforced plastic, Mudbrick, Roofing materialsConclusion: Materials engineering also consists of protection and prevention like paints and finishes. Alloying is another aspect of materials engineering, combining two types of metals to produce a stronger metal. It incorporates elements of applied physics and chemistry. With significant media attention focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology in recent years, materials science has been propelled to the forefront at many universities. It is also an important part of forensicengineering and failure analysis. Materials science also deals with fundamental properties and characteristics of materials.References bibliography:[1]Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers (Handbook) by Jonathan Ricketts, M. Loftin and Frederick Merritt[2]Civil Engineering Handbook,by W.F.Chen[3]The Architect's Portable Handbook, by PAT GUTHRIE,McGraw-Hill Company.。
Concrete is a composite construction material composed primarily of aggregate, cement, and water. There are many formulations, which provide varied properties. The aggregate is generally a coarse gravel or crushed rocks such as limestone, or granite, along with a fine aggregate such as sand. The cement, commonly Portland cement, and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, serve as a binder for the aggregate. Various chemical admixtures are also added to achieve varied properties. Water is then mixed with this dry composite, which enables it to be shaped (typically poured) and then solidified and hardened into rock-hard strength through a chemical process called hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together, eventually creating a robust stone-like material. Concrete has relatively high compressive strength, but much lower tensile strength. For this reason it is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension (often steel). Concrete can be damaged by many processes, such as the freezing of trapped water.混凝土是一种复合建筑材料主要由骨料,水泥,水。
土木工程英语考研真题试卷一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听短对话,选择最佳答案(共5题,每题2分)- 例题:What is the main purpose of the lecture?A. To introduce a new construction material.B. To discuss the history of civil engineering.C. To analyze the structural stability of a bridge.2. 听长对话,回答相关问题(共5题,每题2分)- 例题:What is the speaker's opinion on using recycled materials in construction?A. It is cost-effective.B. It is environmentally friendly.C. It is not widely accepted.3. 听短文,完成信息填空(共5题,每题2分)- 例题:The new bridge is designed to withstand ________.二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读下列短文,选择最佳答案(共10题,每题3分)- 例题:According to the passage, what is the primary function of the new dam?A. To generate hydroelectric power.B. To prevent flood.C. To provide irrigation water.2. 阅读并回答问题(共5题,每题3分)- 例题:What is the main concern of the author regarding the urban development?三、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
第一部分:翻译(20分)1、 Cement is mixed at or near the construction site with sand, aggregate (smallstones, crushed rock, or gravel), and water to make concrete. Concrete has a high and its strength depends on the proportion in which cement, and stones and water are mixed. It hardens with age and process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.2、用英文给出理论力学的定义。
第二部分:单词(40分)1、高性能商品混凝土2、应力3、脆性4、框架结构5、悬臂梁6、剪力分配法7、材料力学8、工程力学9、永久荷载10、承重墙11、钢筋商品混凝土12、先张法13、挠度14、抗压强度15、砌体16、螺栓连接17、粗骨料18、刚度19、收缩20、桩基础21、内横墙22、踢脚23、屈服强度24、力偶25、伸长率26、素商品混凝土27、高层建筑28、施工机械29、有限元法30、稳定性31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、楼梯大厅上部结构沉降计算简图各向同性结论应力-应变曲线剪力墙建筑施工第三部分:选择题(12分)1、 Who was the first man that called himself a civil engineer?A. John SmeatonB. Thomas ThefordC. sir Benjiamin BakerD.Jamse Brindley2、 Which type of subdiscipline of civil engineer deals with soil, rock andunderground water, and their relation with design, construction and operation of engineering projects?A. structural engineerB. environmental engineeringC. geotechnical engineeringD. survey engineering3、 Building can be classified according to their number of storeys, and thenaccording to this classification, a 12-storey residential building is a building.A.low-rise building B. mid-high-rise buildingC. mid-rise buildingD. high-rise building4、 Nowadays surface.A. RoofB. RoadC. RailwayD. Concrete第四部分:学习专业英语的意见与建议(8分)从教学方法,教材及学习效果和收获方面入手。
土木工程专业英语 试题 第1页(共2页)试卷F建筑工程学院开放教育本科试卷库试题土木工程专业英语试题一、Translate the following into Chinese. (每小题 1 分,共20 分)(3) dimension (4) procurement (5) layout (6) craftsmen (7) perimeter (8) skeleton (9) painter (10) trench (11) plate (12) solid (13) sketch (14) rafter (15) accountant (16) screw (17) architect (18) opaque(19) schedule (20) layer 二、Translate the phrases into Chinese or English. (每小题1分,共 25 分)(3) abutment joint (4) cement mortar (5) convertible shovel (6) hydraulic jack(7) lateral stability (8) environmental pollution (9) Douglas fir (10) golden section (11) performance parameter (12) compacted subgrade (13) equilibrium equation (14) sand finish土木工程专业英语 试题 第2页(共2页)(15) bending moment (16) 平屋顶 (17) 工程管理 (18) 剪切强度 (19) 预应力混凝土 (20) 建筑规程 (21) 电气系统 (22) 防火材料 (23) 施工设备 (24) 壁纸 (25) 安全系数三、Translate the following into Chinese. (每小题 5 分,共15 分)proof, heat and sound insulation, damp proof and fire resistance.(2) The classical definition of flexible pavements includes primarily those pavements having an asphalt concrete surface.(3) A designer using a computer system and the appropriate software can automatically duplicate forms and shapes commonly used.四、Translate the sentences into English. (每小题 5 分,共10 分)(2)环境工程师和建筑师的目标之一就是要确保建筑中的舒适条件。
《土木工程专业英语》课程试题学生姓名:刘文奇学号: 2015610263原文:Modern Buildings and Structural MaterialsMany great buildings built in earlier ages are still in existence and in use. Among them are the Pantheon and the Colosseum in Rome, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul; the Gothic churches of France and England, and the Renaissance cathedrals, with their great domes, like the Duomo in Florence and St. Peter’s in Rome.They are massive structures with thick stone walls that counteract the thrust of their great weight. Thrust is the pressure exerted by each part of a structure on its other parts.These great buildings were not the product of knowledge of mathematics and physics. They were constructed instead on the basis of experience and observation, often as the result of trial and error. One of the reasons they have survived is because of the great strength that was built into them-strength greater than necessary in most cases. But the engineers of earlier times also had their failure. In Rome, for example, most of the people lived in insulae, great tenement blocks that were often ten stories high. Many of them were poorly constructed and sometimes collapsed with considerable loss of life.Today, however, the engineer has the advantage not only of empirical information, but also of scientific data that permit him to make careful calculations in advance. When a modern engineer plans a structure, he takes into account the total weight of all its component materials. This is known as the dead load, which is the weight of the structure itself. He must also consider the live load, the weight of all the people, cars, furniture, machines, and so on that the structure will support when it is in use. In structures such as bridges that will handle fast automobile traffic, he must consider the impact, the force at which the live load will be exerted on the structure. He must also determine the safety factor, that is, an additional capability to make the structure stronger than the combination of the three other factors.The modern engineer must also understand the different stresses to which the materials in a structure are subject. These include the opposite forces of compression and tension. In compression the material is pressed or pushed together; in tension the material is pulled apart or stretched, like a rubber band. In addition to tension and compression, another force is at work, namely shear, which we defined as the tendency of a material to fracturealong the lines of stress. The shear might occur in a vertical plane, but it also might run along the horizontal axis of the beam, the neutral plane, where there is neither tension nor compression.Altogether, three forces can act on a structure: vertical-those that act up or down; horizontal-those that act sideways; and those that act upon it with a rotating or turning motion. Forces that act at an angle are a combination of horizontal and vertical forces. Since the structures d esigned by civil engineers are intended to be stationary or stable, these forces must be kept in balance. The vertical forces, for example, must be equal to each other. If a beam supports a load above, the beam itself must have sufficient strength to counterbalance that weight. The horizontal forces must also equal each other so that there is not too much thrust either to the right or to the left. And forces that might pull the structure around must he countered with forces that pull in the opposite direction.One of the most spectacular engineering failures of modern times, the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940, was the result of not considering the last of these factors carefully enough. When strong gusts of wind, up to sixty-five kilometers an hour, struck the bridge during a storm, they set up waves along the roadway of the bridge and also a lateral motion that caused the roadway to fall. Fortunately, engineers learn from mistakes, so it is now common practice to test scale models of bridges in wind tunnels for aerodynamic resistance.The principal construction materials of earlier times were wood and masonry brick, stone, or tile, and similar materials. The courses or layers were bound together with mortar or bitumen, a tar-like substance or some other binding agent. The Greeks and Romans sometimes used iron rods or clamps to strengthen their buildings. The columns of the Parthenon in Athens, for example, have holes drilled in them for iron bars that have now rusted away. The Romans also used a natural cement called pozzolana, made from volcanic ash, that became as hard as stone under water.Both steel and cement, the two most important construction materials of modern times, were introduced in the nineteenth century. Steel, basically an alloy of iron and a small amount of carbon, had been made up to that time by a laborious process that restricted it to such special uses as sword blades. After the invention of the Bessemer process in 1856, steel was available in large quantities at low prices. The enormous advantage of steel is its tensile strength; that is, it does not lose its strength when it is under a calculated degree of tension, a force which, as we have seen, tends to pull apart many materials. New alloys have further increased the strength of steel and eliminated some ofits problems, such as fatigue, which is a tendency for it to weaken as a result of continual changes in stress.Modern cement, called Portland cement, was invented in 1824. It is a mixture of limestone and clay, which is heated and then ground into a powder. It is mixed at or near the construction site with sand, aggregate (small stones, crushed rock, or gravel), and water to make concrete. Different proportions of the ingredients produce concrete with different strength and weight. Concrete is very versatile; it can be poured, pumped, or even sprayed into all kinds of shapes. And whereas steel has great tensile strength, concrete has great strength under compression. Thus, the two substances complement each other.They also complement each other in another way: they have almost the same rate of contraction and expansion. They therefore can work together in situations where both compression and tension are factors. Steel rods are embedded in concrete to make reinforced concrete in concrete beams or structures where tension will develop. Concrete and steel also form such a strong bond-the force that unites them-that the steel cannot slip within the concrete. Still anotheradvantage is that steel does not rust in concrete. Acid corrodes steel, whereas concrete has an alkaline chemical reaction, the opposite of acid.Prestressed concrete is an improved form of reinforcement. Steel rods are bent into the shapes to give them the necessary degree of tensile strength. They are then used to prestress concrete, usually by pretensioning or posttensioning method. Prestressed concrete has made it possible to develop buildings with unusual shapes, like some of the modern sports arenas, with large spaces unbroken by any obstructing supports. The uses for this relatively new structural method are constantly being developed.The current tendency is to develop lighter materials. Aluminum, for example, weighs much less than steel but has many of the same properties. Aluminum beams have already been used for bridge construction and for the framework of a few buildings.Attempts are also being made to produce concrete with more strength and durability, and with a lighter weight. One system that helps cut concrete weight to some extent uses polymers, which are long chainlike compounds used in plastics, as part of the mixture.译文:现代建筑和结构材料许多早期伟大建筑依然沿用至今。
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1.Mix design calculation show a dry mix of cement 310kg, water 180kg, sand
688kg, and gravel 1220kg. The moisture contents of sand and gravel are
3.5% and 1.8% respectively. Find the field mix proportions.
2.Dry mix proportions of C20 concrete is 1:2.6:4.6:0.6, the other conditions are:
specific gravity of cement=3.1g/cm3, Apparent density of sand=2.6g/cm3 Please calculate;
(1)The amount of each compound in 1m3 concrete.
(2)When check the above mix proportions and 5% of cement and water must be
extra-added to obtain qualified slump, and the apparent density of concrete mixture is tested as 2390kg/m3, please determine the amount of each compound after adjusting its workability.
3.The sieve analysis results of sand is as follows:
Please judge how about the fineness of sand.
4. 500g river sand is oven dried to a constant weight 486g, please calculate water absorption of this sand.
5.The raw materials used in concrete are the following:
Cement: 42.5MPa, Gravel: crushed stone, W/C=0.60
Question: Whether this materials can be used to produce some C30 concrete?
6. One block of standard clay brick, the dimension is 240mm×115mm×53mm. its
density is 2.7g/cm3,its dry weight is 2500g,and its mass at water saturated state is 2900g.
Calculate please:
(1)the dry apparent density of this brick;
(2)porosity of this brick;
(3)water-absorption ratio according to volume.
7. Suppose to test the compressive strength of concrete specimens with the dimension of 100mm×100mm×100mm at 28days. The three test results are 42MPa, 38MPa and 35MPa separately. Please evaluate the strength grade of this batch of concrete.。