

1. Mr. Young is old.2. I’d like some salad.3. I often do homework.4. Is Miss White kind?5. They often read books.6. What’s your favourite food?7. What do you do on Sundays?8. I like apples. They’re delicious.9. What is he like?10. Today is Thursday.二、听录音,选择,将正确的序号写在相应人物下面的方框里。
1.—What would you like ,Chen Jie?—I’d like some green beans. ( B )2.—What’s your favourite fruit, Zhang Peng?—My favourite fruit is banana.( I )3.—What would you like for dinner, Amy?—I ‘d like some chicken and fish.( G )4.—How about you, John?—I ‘d like a hamburger .( A )5. —What would you like , Mike?—I’d like an ice cream.( C )三、听录音,连线。
1. We have Chinese and art class on Wednesdays . ( C D)2. We have English and music on Tuesdays .( E G)3. We have science and maths on Mondays .( A B)4. We have PE and computer class on Thursdays .( F H)5. We have English and science on Fridays.( E A )四、听录音,判断,与录音相符的画笑脸,不符的画哭脸。

五年级五年级英语听力材料.docFive Grade English Listening Material1.Dialogue 1 Teacher: Good morning, class! Students: Good morning,teacher! Teacher: Today we are going to learn about animals. Let's start with some questions. What is the largest animal in the world?Student 1: Is it an elephant? Teacher: No, elephants are big, but they are not the largest. Any other guesses? Student 2: Is it a whale? Teacher: Yes, that's correct! The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. It can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh up to 200 tons! Student 3: Wow, that's huge!2.Dialogue 2 Teacher: Today we are going to talk about differenthabitats. Can anyone tell me what a habitat is? Student 1: Is it where animals live? Teacher: Yes, exactly! Different animals live in different habitats. Now, let's match the animal with itshabitat. I'll give you some clues. This animal lives in the ocean, has a shell, and can retract into its shell for protection.Student 2: Is it a turtle? Teacher: Yes, that's correct! Turtles live in the ocean and have shells for protection. Good job!3.Dialogue 3 Teacher: Today we are going to learn about food chains.Can anyone give me an example of a food chain? Student 1: Is it when a lion eats a zebra, and then a vulture eats the remains of the zebra? Teacher: Yes, that's right! A lion eats a zebra, and then a vulture eats the remains of the zebra. This is an example of a food chain. Can anyone give me another example? Student 2: Is it when a plant is eaten by a caterpillar, and then thecaterpillar is eaten by a bird? Teacher: Yes, that's anotherexample of a food chain. Good job, class!4.Dialogue 4 Teacher: Today we are going to learn about thedifferent parts of a plant. Can anyone tell me what the roots of a plant do? Student 1: Do they absorb water and nutrients from thesoil? Teacher: Yes, that's right! The roots of a plant absorbwater and nutrients from the soil. Can anyone tell me what theleaves of a plant do? Student 2: Do they make food for the plantthrough a process called photosynthesis? Teacher: Yes, that'scorrect! The leaves of a plant make food for the plant throughphotosynthesis. Well done, class!5.Dialogue 5 Teacher: Today we are going to learn about the watercycle. Can anyone tell me what the water cycle is? Student 1: Isit the process of how water evaporates, condenses, and then falls back to the Earth as precipitation? Teacher: Yes, that's right!The water cycle is the process of how water evaporates, condenses, and then falls back to the Earth as precipitation. Can anyone give me an example of precipitation? Student 2: Is it when it rains or snows? Teacher: Yes, that's correct! Rain and snow are examples of precipitation. Good job, everyone!These are just a few examples of the listening material for fifth grade English. The actual material may vary depending on the curriculum and textbook used.。

小学语文五年级听力训练材料Ability is not the only criterion, but character is the criterion.人教版小学语文五年级听力训练材料听力练习一1.这则寓言的主要人物和 ..2、狐狸嘴上说蝉唱歌好听;其实是想 ..3.从这则寓言中你明白了什么 ..听力练习二1.根据短文填空:我信步来到桂树下;仔细______着那____________的桂花..在秋雨的______下;挂满枝头的桂花更显____________..4分2. 文章把桂花比作了________ __________ ________3分3. 分析句子修辞手法;仿写句子.. 2分微风拂过;朵朵桂花禁不住风儿的盛情邀请;挣脱了妈妈的怀抱在风中自由舞蹈..______________________________________________________________________4.宋代诗人朱熹赞美桂花的诗句是______________________;______________________ ..4分语文听力练习三1、“煮书”指的是 ___________________________________4分2、短文中提到唐代大诗人杜甫;文中写了他关于读书的诗句______________________________________________________4分3.你还知道其他关于读书的名言警句吗 2分_________________________________________________________ 4、听完短文后;你认为学语文时;应该怎么“煮书” 4分_________________________________________________________语文听力练习四1.我隔窗而立的“邻居”指的是_________________________2分2. 作者由“繁花落尽”联想到了__________________________2分3. 芙蓉花凋谢的时候;________________却在成长..2分4. ____________和_____________是人生的一曲交响乐..4分5. 只要心永远朝着_________;你就会发现;每个早晨都会有清丽而又朦胧的憧憬在你的窗前旋转、升腾;这个世界永远传送着_________的序曲.. 4分语文听力练习五1. 面对着一个对你的疾苦你的忧愁无动于衷的家伙;你会感到________和_________..2分2. 有很多我们丧失的机遇;有若干阴差阳错的讯息;有不少失之交臂的朋友;甚至各奔东西的恋人;那绝缘的起因;都因为我们____________________________..2分3. 你认真倾听朋友的话;他会觉得__________________________________________..2分4.听了这一段话;你明白了一个什么道理呢__________________________________________________ ..4分听力材料一一天傍晚;蝉在大树枝上叫;狐狸从树下走过..“唱得多好呀”狐狸一边说一边向树枝间窥视..“你有这样一副好嗓子;一定长得非常漂亮..下来吧;那我就不仅能欣赏你的声音;又能赞美你的形体了..”而狐狸心里却想到:“啊;那是一只蝉;可以做我饭后的美味小吃..”蝉以前见过狐狸;它没有跳下来;却摘下一片小树叶;让叶子飘到地上;狐狸贪婪地向叶子扑过去..蝉得意地说:“哈哈哈;你露馅了;狐狸;有一天;我看到你的洞外有一堆蝉翅膀;我就不相信你了..现在我知道;我对你的看法没错;如果你愿意;可以欣赏我的歌喉;可我是不会接近你的..”听力材料二我信步来到桂树下;仔细端详着那娇小玲珑的桂花..在秋雨的滋润下;挂满枝头的桂花更显饱满圆润..我欣赏着;遐想着……这些桂花有的像一个个小精灵正酣畅淋漓地吮吸着天地之精华;有的像含羞的少女把自己藏于绿叶丛中“犹抱琵琶半遮面”;有的像顽皮的孩童迫不及待地探出了脑袋……微风拂过;朵朵桂花禁不住风儿的盛情邀请;挣脱了妈妈的怀抱在风中自由舞蹈;而风儿的到来也似乎是在寂寞了一夏后特意赶来欣赏这优美的舞姿的..站在桂树下;任由桂花飘落于我的发间;或在我的肩头逗留;又或从我的身体轻轻滑落..在那一刻;我只想闭眼;屏气呼吸这纯得不含一丝杂渍的清香;恨不得这香气能与我的血液融为一体..桂树啊;只有你;也只有你才能孕育出如此的芬芳;难怪宋代诗人朱熹会赞美你“亭亭岩下桂;岁晚独芬芳..”听力材料三爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅;上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字..我感到很奇怪:书只能读;怎么可以煮呢我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢书放在锅里煮;不是要煮坏了吗”爷爷笑着说:“书是精神食粮嘛;既然是食粮;怎么就不能煮呢煮熟了;吃下去才好消化吸收啊..”爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子;便接着说:“你知道唐代大诗人杜琢甫吧;他小时候读书;就能反复诵读品味;非把书读熟读透不可..其实;这就是“煮书”..这样;他做起诗来就感到得心应手了..所以他说;“读书破万卷;下笔如有神”..我们学习语文;对那些好的文章也应该这么“煮”..否则就很难把语文学好..”听力材料四从我居室的窗口望出去;可以看到一株高高的芙蓉树..在那烟树参差的春日里红点点;煞是迷人..它牵动我的灵感;撩拨我的文思;久而久之;我竟视这位隔窗而立的“邻居”为知己了..可是;有一个早晨;我推窗而望;蓦然发现昨夜的一场风雨已将它剥蚀得面目全非..立时;一种“繁花落尽”的悲凉掠过了我的心头我不由感慨系之:在人生道路上磕磕绊绊;几经周折;几度沧桑;又一次次地失落了许多至爱的朋友;生命不正如同这随风而逝的繁花么这件事过了些时日;也就渐渐地淡忘了..一次;我下乡归来;感觉到室内空气有些沉闷;就不经意地打开了窗户;顿觉眼前一亮:一树火红的三角梅映入眼帘;它在夕阳的背景下定格..意外的惊喜使我几乎不能自制;我诧异;当初在落英的背后;为什么竟没有发现这萌动着的不屈的生命呢是的;芙蓉的最后一叶花瓣凋落了;人们对它的嘉许也遗忘在往昔的记忆里;可是三角梅却成长了;那火焰般灿烂耀眼的红色向人们昭示着生命的更迭与延续..谁能说;失去与获得不是一曲交响乐呢我久久地伫立窗前;深深感悟到:生命中没有四时不变的风景;只要心永远朝着阳光;你就会发现;每个早晨都会有清丽而又朦胧的憧憬在你的窗前旋转、升腾;这个世界永远传送着希望的序曲..听力材料五你找一个好朋友;对他或她说;我现在同你讲我的心里话;你却不要认真听..你可以东张西望;你可以搔首弄姿;你也可以听音乐梳头发干一切你忽然想到的事;你也可以王顾左右而言他……总之;你什么都可以做;就是不必听我说..当你的朋友决定配合你以后;这个游戏就可以开始了..你必要拣一件撕肝裂胆的痛事来说;越动感情越好;切不可潦草敷衍.. 好了;你说吧……我猜你说不了多长时间;最多3分钟;就会鸣金收兵..无论如何你也说不下去了..面对着一个对你的疾苦你的忧愁无动于衷的家伙;你再无兴趣敞开襟怀..不但你缄口了;而且你感到沮丧和愤怒..你觉得这个朋友愧对你的信任;太不够朋友..你决定以后和他渐疏渐远;你甚至怀疑认识这个人是不是一个错误……你会说;不认真听别人讲话;会有这样严重的后果吗我可以很负责地告诉你;正是如此..有很多我们丧失的机遇;有若干阴差阳错的讯息;有不少失之交臂的朋友;甚至各奔东西的恋人;那绝缘的起因;都因为我们不曾学会倾听..好了;这个令人不愉快的游戏我们就做到这里..下面;我们来做一个令人愉快的活动..还是你和你的朋友..这一次;是你的朋友向你诉说刻骨铭心的往事..请你身体前倾;请你目光和煦..你屏息关注着他的眼神;你随着他的情感冲浪而起伏..如果他高兴;你也报以会心的微笑..如果他悲哀;你便陪伴着垂下眼帘..如果他落泪了;你温柔地递上纸巾..如果他久久地沉默;你也和他缄口走过……非常简单..当他说完了;游戏就结束了..你可以问问他;在你这样倾听他的过程中;他感到了什么我猜;你的朋友会告诉你;你给了他尊重;给了他关爱..给他的孤独以抚慰;给他的无望以曙光..给他的快乐加倍;给他的哀伤减半..你是他最好的朋友之一;他会记得和你一道度过的难忘时光.这就是倾听的魔力..。

小学五年级听力训练材料第一部分:图片问答1. 听录音,看图,回答问题。
[录音播放]问题:What color is the bird?回答:The bird is orange.2. 听录音,看图,回答问题。
[录音播放]问题:What is the boy doing?回答:The boy is swimming.第二部分:对话理解听录音,选择正确答案。
[录音播放]1. What does the girl want to be in the future?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A musician.2. Where are they going?A. The park.B. The library.C. The zoo.3. What did the boy do yesterday?A. He played basketball.B. He went to the movies.C. He visited his grandparents.第三部分:短文理解听录音,根据短文内容回答问题。
[录音播放]My FamilyHello, my name is Lucy. I have a big family. There are my parents, my younger brother, and me. My dad's name is John. He works as a doctor at the hospital. My mom's name is Lisa. She is a teacher. My brother's name is Tim. He is six years old. I am the oldest in my family. I am nine years old. We all love each other very much.Questions:1. How many people are there in Lucy's family?2. What does Lucy's father do?3. How old is Lucy's brother?答案:1. There are four people in Lucy's family.2. Lucy's father is a doctor.3. Lucy's brother is six years old.第四部分:对话填空听录音,根据对话内容填空。

湘少版五年级上册教材听力材料以下是湘少版五年级上册教材的听力材料:Unit 1Task 1(Zheng Qi remembers his day.)Yesterday, I woke up at 7 o'clock. My mom prepared breakfast for me. I had a bowl of porridge and some bread. Then, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on my school uniform and went to school. In school, my teacher taught us math and Chinese. We had a lot of fun in class. After school, I played soccer with my friends in the park. We played for two hours and had a great time. Then, I went back home to have dinner with my family. We ate rice, vegetables, and fish. We watched TV together after dinner. It was a wonderful day!Task 2(Andy and his cousin Linda talk about their likes and dislikes.)Andy: Hi Linda! What's your favorite food?Linda: Hi Andy! I love pizza and ice cream the most. What about you?Andy: I like hamburgers and french fries. Do you like playing sports?Linda: Yes, I do. My favorite sport is swimming. It's so much fun!Andy: I enjoy playing soccer and basketball. They are exciting sports.Linda: I see. We have similar likes and dislikes.Task 3(Sam and Tom talk about their pets.)Sam: Hi Tom! What pets do you have?Tom: Hi Sam! I have a dog named Bobby. He is very playful.Sam: That's cool! I have a cat named Lucy. She is very cute.Tom: Do you play with your cat every day?Sam: Yes, I do. I love playing with her and she loves it too.Tom: How about your dog? Does he like playing fetch?Sam: Yes, Bobby enjoys playing fetch. He always brings back the ball.Unit 2Task 1(Lisa talks about a famous place.)Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about the GreatWall of China. It is a famous place in China. The Great Wallstretches over 21,000 kilometers and was built to protect the country from invasions. It is more than 2,000 years old andis considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Millions of tourists from all over the world come to visit the Great Wall every year. If you ever come to China, don't forget to visit this amazing place!Task 2(Mr. Smith interviews Alice about her hobbies.)Mr. Smith: Hello, Alice! What are your hobbies?Alice: Hi, Mr. Smith! I have many hobbies. I love reading books, playing the piano, and drawing.Mr. Smith: That's wonderful! Which hobby do you enjoy the most?Alice: I enjoy drawing the most. I can spend hours drawing all kinds of things.Mr. Smith: Do you want to be an artist in the future?Alice: Yes, I dream of becoming an artist and creating beautiful artworks for people to enjoy.Task 3(Tina and Jenny talk about their favorite subjects.)Tina: Hi Jenny! What's your favorite subject in school?Jenny: Hi Tina! My favorite subject is English. I love learning new words and speaking in English.Tina: That's interesting. My favorite subject is math. I like solving problems and finding the answers.Jenny: Math can be challenging sometimes, but it's important for many things.Tina: Yes, it helps us in everyday life and also in other subjects.。


10分)1.night2.lift3. really4.past5.quarter6.lie7.puppet8.ten to six9.have breakfast 10.give orders二、听录音,选择正确的应答。
10分)1.What's this?2.Are you ready for class?3.Shall we go to the playground?4.Do you like collecting stamps?5.What does Mike usually do on Sundays?三、听录音,完成下列句子,每空一词。
10分)1. Put your hands on your head, please.2. Touch your toes with your fingers.3. Classes begin at half past eight.4. Breakfast is ready. Come and have some bread.5. He is busy from seven in the morning to ten at night.参考答案:一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。
10分)AABBA ACCAC二、听录音,选择正确的应答。
10分)1. Put hands2. toes with3. begin past4. Ready bread5. busy night四、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“√”表示,不相同的用“×”表示(6分)×××√××五、翻译下列词组(12分)1.at night2.站成一排3.jump up and down4.打扫图书馆5.six thirty/half past six6.值日7.his feet 8.刷牙 9.turn left and right10.把你的双脚并拢 11.really busy 12.发号施令六、用所给词的适当形式填空(11分)1.are singing2. to have,go3.get,gets4.teaches5.likes6.doesn't ,like7.to read ,well七、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内(10分)BCBBB AABCB八、连词成句(10分)1.There's no time for rest.2.Do you want to join us?3.There's a football game at a quarter to five.4.The students are trying to follow the orders.5.Can you put the egg on your finger?九、句型转换(11分)1.What time2.like to3.goes school4.Don't lie5.What's the time十、阅读理解。

第一部分:听力材料1. Hello, my name is Jack. I am ten years old. I study in a schoolin Beijing. I am in grade 5. My brother's name is Mike. He is fourteen years old. He studies in a middle school. My sister's name is Lily. She is six. She studies in a primary school. My mum is a teacher. She teaches Chinese. My dad works in an office. He is very busy. I like playing football and table tennis. I want to be a PE teacher when I grow up. My brother likes playing the guitar. My sister likes singing.第二部分:听力内容理解及分析2. 根据听力材料,我们可以了解到Jack是一个10岁的男孩,就读于北京的小学五年级。
第三部分:听力材料所涉及的生活话题3. 这段听力材料主要涉及了有关家庭和兴趣爱好的话题。

Text 1:Hi, my name is Alice. I am twelve years old. I have a big family. I have a father, a mother, a younger brother, and a younger sister. My father is a doctor, and my mother is a teacher. My brother is seven years old, and my sister is five years old. We are very happy.Text 2:Tom: Hi, Sarah. Do you like swimming?Sarah: Yes, I do. I love swimming. How about you?Tom: I like swimming too. Let's go swimming this Sunday. What do you think?Sarah: That sounds great. I would love to go swimming with you.Text 3:Teacher: Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about our favorite animals. Let's start with you, Mike. What is your favorite animal?Mike: My favorite animal is a tiger. It is big and strong. I like tigers because they are very powerful.Teacher: That's interesting. How about you, Lucy?Lucy: My favorite animal is a dolphin. They are very smart and friendly. I like watching them swim.Teacher: Great choices, Mike and Lucy. Thank you for sharing.Text 4:Ann: Hi, Lisa. What did you do last weekend?Lisa: Hi, Ann. I went to the park with my family. We had a picnic and played games together. It was a lot of fun. What about you?Ann: I stayed at home and watched movies. It was a relaxing weekend for me.Lisa: That sounds nice too. Sometimes staying at home can be fun.以上是几段五年级听力材料的示范。

Unit 1 ClassmatesLesson 1 第一课A Listen and match. 听并匹配。
Look at these pictures. 看看这些图片。
These are my new friends. 这些是我的新朋友。
Who is she? 她是谁?Her name is Helen. 她的名字是海伦。
She likes reading. 她喜欢读书。
She is polite and quiet. 她很有礼貌很安静。
Who is he? 他是谁?He is Peter. 他是彼得。
He is very popular in our school. 他在我们学校很受欢迎。
He likes playing basketball. 他喜欢打篮球。
And he is very active in class and in our singing club, too. 他在我们班级和我们歌唱社很活跃。
That girl looks very friendly. 那个女孩非常亲切。
That's Mary. 那是玛丽。
Yes, she's always friendly and very helpful. 是的,她总是很亲切很乐于助人。
Her hobby is dancing. 她的爱好是跳舞。
Wow, that hobby is so cute. 哇,那个爱好好可爱。
That's Tom's jobs. 那是汤姆的工作。
Tom is clever and good at maths. 汤姆很聪明,擅长数学。
Oh, the poor dog. 哦,可怜的狗狗。
Lesson 2 第二课A Look, listen and answer. 看,听并回答。
(Tom is Bill's new friend. Bill takes Yaoyao to Tom's birthday party.) (汤姆是比尔的新朋友。

4分)1. Thursday2. take3. beautifully4. word二、听录音,给下列图片排序。
6分)1 .I like Maths. How about you?I like English.2 .Are you cold now?Yes, very cold.Don’t worry. I can get a blanket for you.3 .Do you water the flowers every day?Sometimes I do.4 .Can he make model ships?Sure.5. Look, Nancy is dancing.Yes, she dances beautifully.6 .What lessons do you have today?We have Chinese, Maths, English and Social Science.三、听句子,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的在图下括号内写“T”,不相符的写“F”。
5分)1. A: What does Su Yang usually do after school? B: She usually watches TV.2. A: What subject do you like? B: I like Music. How about you? A: Me, too.3.A: How do you feel now? B: I feel hot.A: Here is some water for you.4. A: What’s Yang Ling’s hobby? B: She likes washing clothes.5.A: Does Tom swim well? B: Yes, he does.四、听录音回答下列问题。

1. (单词读音)cat - cap。
- 同学们,现在我们来听两个单词哦。
2. (单词读音)big - pig。
- 下一组单词来啦。
1. (句子读音)I like apples.- 听好啦,这个句子是“I like apples.”,它的意思是“我喜欢苹果”。
2. (句子读音)He is my brother.- 现在听到的句子是“He is my brother.”,就是“他是我的哥哥/弟弟”的意思。
(对话读音)A: What's your name?B: My name is Tom.A: How old are you?B: I'm ten years old.- 这个对话很有趣呢。
首先A问“What's your name?”,这就是在问“你叫什么名字呀?”。
然后B回答“My name is Tom.”,意思是“我的名字是汤姆”。
接着A 又问“How old are you?”,这是在问“你多大了呢?”。

五年级上册英语人教版听力材料let'stryunit1Unit 11. Listen and number(听录音,给图片标号)T: Listen to the tape and number the pictures. (播放录音)S1: Number 3.S2: Number 1.S3: Number 2.2. Listen and match(听录音,连线)T: Listen to the tape and draw a line to match the words with the pictures. (播放录音)S1: Match "book" with picture A.S2: Match "ruler" with picture D.S3: Match "pen" with picture B.3. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词)T: Listen to the tape and circle the word you hear. (播放录音) S1: Circle "desk".S2: Circle "chair".S3: Circle "window".4. Listen and tick or cross(听录音,判断正误,打勾或叉) T: Listen to the tape and tick or cross. (播放录音)S1: Tick.S2: Tick.S3: Cross.5. Listen and write(听录音,写出你所听到的单词)T: Listen to the tape and write the word you hear. (播放录音)S1: Write "eraser".S2: Write "pencil".S3: Write "notebook".6. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词)T: Listen to the tape and choose the word you hear. (播放录音)S1: Choose "book".S2: Choose "ruler".S3: Choose "pen".7. Listen and judge(听录音,判断句子与图片是否相符,用T或F表示)T: Listen to the tape and decide if the sentence matches the picture. Write T for true or F for false. (播放录音)S1: FS2: TS3: FNote: These are just sample answers. Actual answers may vary.。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Number1. helpful Number2. clever Number3. polite
Number4. hard-working Number5. kind
1. W: What time is it now?
M: It’s 6:20. It’s time to get up.
2. W: What do you have on Tuesdays?
M: I have Chinese and computer.
3. W:Do you often play football?
M: No, I don’t. I often play ping-pong.
4. W: What do you often do on the weekend?
M: I often listen to music.
5. W:Do you like Mondays?
M: No, I don’t. I like Fridays.
1. What do you have on Fridays?
2. What do you often do on the weekend?
3. Do you often read books here?
4. What’s he like ?
5. Do you like sports?
Number 1. Our new PE teacher will come today.
Number 2. He must be tall and strong.
Number 3. I am helpful.
Number 4. What is Miss Chen like?
Number 5. Robin is short but strong.
1. I watch TV on Sundays.
2. I often play football on the weekend.
3. Do you often read books? Yes , I do.
4. Sometimes I wash my clothes.
5. I do my homework every day.
Children go to school from Monday to Friday. They don’t go to school on the weekend. Mike often watches TV on the weekend . Sarah often read books. Chen Jie often wash her clothes . John likes listening to music . Zhang Peng often plays football .
I have a robot. His name is Robin. My grandpa made him. Robin is short but strong. He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English. He is my good friend.
1. What is robot’s name?
2. What is he like?
3. Who made Robin?
4. What can he speak?
5. Who is my good friend?。