2003年中山大学353基础法语考研真题及详解 2004年中山大学353基础法语考研真题及详解 2005年中山大学353基础法语考研真题及详解 2006年中山大学346基础法语考研真题及详解 2007年中山大学736基础法语考研真题及详解 2008年中山大学617基础法语考研真题及详解 2009年中山大学629基础法语考研真题及详解 2010年中山大学623基础法语考研真题及详解 2011年中山大学633基础法语考研真题及详解 2012年中山大学633基础法语考研真题及详解 2013年中山大学638基础法语考研真题及详解 2014年中山大学639基础法语考研真题及详解 2015年中山大学639基础法语考研真题及详解 2016年中山大学638基础法语考研真题及详解 2017年中山大学639基础法语考研真题及详解
【答案】quelconque 【解析】句意:许多邻居认为,如果罪犯不被逮捕的话,他会再次 进行任意的行动。此处使用泛指形容词quelconque,意为“任意的,随便 的”。
6. Marc, le frère de Bernadette, pense que _____ d’entre eux a le droit de savoir la vérité.
10. Sur les vêtements que portait la victime au moment de sa mort, _____ détails indiquaient qu’ils n’étaient pas à elle.
【答案】plusieurs 【解析】句意:从受害者临死所穿的衣物上来看,好几个细节指出 这些衣服并不是她的。此处使用泛指形容词plusieurs,意为“好几个,好 些”。
2013年中山大学外国语学院638基础法语考研真题I.Choisissez la bonne réponse.(50points)1.Julie a dit qu’elle______quand elle______sesétudes mais qu’elle n’était pas pressée.a.se marierait...aura terminéb.se serait mariée..,termineraitc.se serait mariée...avait terminéd.se marierait...aurait terminé2.Ne soyez pas trop sévère avec lui,il a fait tous les efforts qu’il______.a.a pub.a pusc.avait pud.aura pu3.Ils ont déclaréqu’il viendrait______.a.trois jours aprèsb.après trois joursc.en trois joursd.pendant trois jours4.Mes parents m’ont emmenée au musée d’Orsay______mais je ne m’en souviens plus.a.dans deux ansb.depuis deux ansc.pendant deux ansd.il y a deux ans5.Celui qui n’a pas______volontéest semblableàun vaisseau sans gouvernail.a.deb.de lad.du6.Dimanche dernier,nous nous sommes faufilés______lesétalages garnis de soldes.a.dansb.entrec.devantd.vers7.Je pense que nous seronsàl’haeure,______ce ne soit pas sût avec tous ces embouteillages.a.même sib.àmoins quec.sans qued.encore que8.Michel a ratéson bac______ses excellents résultats en mathématiques et en physique.a.du fait deb.en dépit dec.même sid.quand même9.nous sommes en train de construire un grand bâtiment______la première partie vient d’être achevée.a.par lequelb.pour lequelc.dontd.que10.En effet,presque toutes les forêts dans le monde______la marque de l’homme.a.tiennentb.prennentc.donnentd.portent11.Chaque année,une surface de forêt______au tiers de la France disparaît.a.appartenantb.égalec.identiqued.même12.Seuls los hommes ne______rien réussiront.a.négligentb.négligeantc.négligerd.négligents13.______raisons ne peuvent suffireànous convaince.a.Des tellesb.Des telsc.De telled.De telles14.Le prix des fleurs est______de ce qu’ilétait l’année dernière.a.doubleb.doublesc.le doubled.les doubles15.Los pleds de la table sont faits d’une______.a.tige carréeb.tige carréc.carrée tiged.carrétige16.les sociaux______garderont des positions______dans le gouvernement.a.démocrate,clefb.démocrate,clefc,démocrates,clefd.démocrates,clefs17.Loulou a dit qu’elle______àla compétition sportive le mois dernier.a.participeraitb.avait participéc.a participéd.participa18.______puisseêtre leur intelligence,il manque de perspicacité.a.Quel queb.Quelle que e.Quelqued.Quoi que19.Nous sortons domain.Pourvu qu’il______bon!a.ferab.fassec.faitd.ferait20.Sois respectueux comme______est ton frère.a.l’b.lesc.end.y21.______les examens,la plupart desélèves sont rentrés chez eux.a.Passantb.Passéc.Ayant passéd.Etant passé22.Ecrire______,c’est agréable,mais très tong.a.de la mainb.avec la mainc.en maind.àla main23.Le magasin sera fermépour une______indéterminée.a.périodeb.duréec.momentd.temps24.______je suis rentré,je fais tout de suite la cuisine.a.Carb.Dès quec.Avant qued.Puis que25.Si Joseph______l’état des pneus de sa voiture,il n’aurait pas dérapésur laroute.a.vérifieb.vérifiera。
241 英语:①《新编英语教程》(1-3册),李观仪等,上海外语教育出版社,1999。
242 俄语:①《俄语入门》第二册,周鼎、徐振新编,外语教学与研究出版社,2000。
243 日语:①《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册,集体合著,人民教育出版社、光村图书出版株式会社,2005。
244 法语:①《公共法语》上、下册,吴贤良主编,上海外语教育出版社,1997。
245 德语:①《大学德语》修订本(1-2册),赵仲、戴鸣钟等编,高等教育出版社,2001-2002。
246 西班牙语:①董燕生、刘建:《现代西班牙语》第一册,外语教学与研究出版社,1999。
247 韩语:①郭一诚:《韩国语能力考试真题精解及模拟800题(中级)》,世界图书出版公司。
248 阿拉伯语:①新编阿拉伯语( 1-4册),国少华主编,外语教学与研究出版社,ISBN②《阿拉伯语阅读》(上、下),《阿拉伯语阅读》组,出版社:外语教学与研究出版社,ISBN。
308 护理综合:根据考试大纲确定。
332 教育综合:①王道俊、王汉澜主编,《教育学》,人民教育出版社,2004年版。
341 社会工作原理:①《社会工作概论》,王思斌,高等教育出版社,1999(2004)。
343 汉语基础:《现代汉语》344 口腔综合:①《牙体牙髓病学》(第三版),樊明文主编,人民卫生出版社;②《口腔颌面外科学》(第六版),邱蔚六主编,人民卫生出版社;③《口腔修复学》(第六版),赵铱民主编,人民卫生出版社;④《口腔解剖生理学》(第六版),皮昕主编,人民卫生出版社;⑤《口腔组织病理学》(第六版),于世凤主编,人民卫生出版社。
中山大学二外法语考研真题及详解(2012~2014)【圣才出品】10.中山大学二外法语考研真题及详解(2012~2014)中山大学2014年二外法语考研真题I. Choix multiples(30%)选择题1. Avez-vous besoin ______ argent que vous m’avez prêté?A. de l’B. un peu deC. de plus d’D. le【答案】A【解析】句意:您需要我还您之前借给我的钱吗?avoir besoin de qqch需要……,prêter de l’argent à qqn 借钱给某人。
2. ______ dimanche, nous allions souvent au cinema.A. LesB. Tout leC. LeD. Des【答案】C【解析】句意:以前的星期天,我们经常会去看电影。
在日期、星期前使用定冠词le,allion是nous的未完成过去时变位,表示过去的习惯性动作3. J’en ai assez ______ examens.A. d’B. desC. mesD. pour les【答案】A【解析】句意:我受够考试了。
en avoir assez de qqch/qqn,厌烦某物某人。
4. Il me faudrait ______ agneau pour préparer ce petit plat.A. d’B. d’unC. l’D. de l’【答案】D【解析】句意:我需要些小羊肉来完成这道菜。
5. Comment la vendeuse dit-elle merci au client? Elle lui ______ dit très courtoisement.A. laB. enC. yD. le【答案】D【解析】句意:售货员是如何向顾客道谢的?她非常有礼貌的向顾客道谢。
2013年中山大学244法语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Choix multiples (30%) 选择题1. « Nous sommes presque arrivés au restaurant. » Cela veut dire que nous sommes _____ restaurant.A. près duB. devant leC. à côté duD. dans le【答案】A【解析】句意:“我们快要到达饭店了。
près de 在……附近;devant 在……前面;à côté de 在……旁边;dans 在……里面。
2. Vous ne pouvez pas me voir parce que je suis caché _____ rideau.A. à côté duB. sous leC. derrière leD. dans le【答案】C【解析】句意:你们看不见我,因为我躲在窗帘后面。
derrière 在……后面;à côté de 在……旁边;sous 在……下面;dans在……里面。
3. _____ vous ennuyer che z vous, venez donc passer une journée avec nous.A. Alors queB. Bien queC. Au lieu deD. Malgré【答案】C【解析】句意:不要无聊地呆在家里了,来和我们一起度过一天吧。
au lieu de而不是……;alors que当……时;bien que 尽管/虽然;malgré(prep.)不管,不顾;malgré que虽然/尽管。
11.中山大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2011,2013)中山大学2013年语言学考研真题考试科目:语言学概论C(用英文考试)I. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary. (10 points)Example: find —/faind/, beneath —/bi'ni: θ/1. empirical2. plagiarize3. compound4. finite5. clause6. phonemics7. threatened8. epiphenomenon9. beta10. generic【答案】1. empirical — / /2. plagiarize —/ /3. compound —//4. finite — //5. clause — //6. phonemics — //7. threatened — //8. epiphenomenon — //9. beta — //10. generic — //II. Fill in the following blanks. (15 points)1. ______ means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.【答案】Displacement2. ______ are produced “by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction”.【答案】Consonants3. The systematic study of morpheme is a branch of linguistics called ______, which studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.【答案】morphology4. Cohesiveness can be realized by employing various cohesive devices: conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, ______, substitution, etc. 【答案】reference5. American Structuralism is a branch of ______ linguistics that emerged in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century.【答案】synchronic6. The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as ______.【答案】interlanguage7. ______ found that Q-based implicatures can be readily cancelled by metalinguistic negation, which does not affect what is said, but R-based implicatures cannot. 【答案】Horn8. The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is usually known as the principle of ______.【答案】compositionality9. During the whole 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat the inquiry of linguistics as a ______ or autonomous pursuit of an independent science.【答案】monistic10. In cognitive terms, ______ is the use of elements of subject’s situatedness todesignate something in the scene.【答案】deixis11. According to ______ (1996), the speech presentation continuum may have thefollowing possibilities: direct speech, indirect speech, narrator’s representation of speech acts and narrator’s representation of speech.【答案】Short12. With the help of ______ linguistics, recently research has moved into the area ofexample-based machine translation. The method uses correct translation as a principal source of information for the creation of new ones.【答案】computational13. In the IPA chart, the sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels.The consonants are then divided into pulmonic and ______ consonants.【答案】non-pulmonic14. According to Halliday, a clause is the simultaneous ______ of ideational,interpersonal, and textual meanings.【答案】realization15. According to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language isnot arbitrary at the ______ level.【答案】syntacticIII. Define the following terms. (50 points)1. recreational function【答案】The recreational function of language refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, such as a baby’s babbling or a chanter’s chanting. To take one example, the well-known movie Liu San Jie features a scene of “dui ge” mostly for the sheer joy of playing on language.2. pharyngeal【答案】Pharyngeal sounds are made with the root of the tongue anf the walls of the pharynx. Arabic is a language which contains pharyngeal fricatives.3. loanshift【答案】It is a process in which the meaning of the words is borrowed, but the form of the words is native. E.g. bridge means 桥牌。
[考研类试卷]2013年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、音标题1 Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.(10 points)Example: find—/faind/ beneath—/bi'ni:θ/empirical2 plagiarize3 compound4 finite5 clause6 phonemics7 threatened8 epiphenomenon9 beta10 genetic二、填空题11 ______means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present(in time and space)at the moment of communication.12 ______ are produced by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction.13 The systematic study of morpheme is a branch of linguistics called ______, which studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.14 Cohesiveness can be realized by employing various cohesive devices: conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, ______, substitution, etc.15 American Structuralism is a branch of______linguistics that emerged in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century.16 The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as ______.17 ______found that Q-based implicatures can be readily cancelled by metalinguistic negation, which does not affect what is said, but R-based implicatures cannot.18 The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is usually known as the principle of______19 During the whole 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat the inquiry of linguistics as a ______ or autonomous pursuit of an independent science.20 In cognitive terms, ______ is the use of elements of subject's situatedness to designate something in the scene.21 According to ______(1996), the speech presentation continuum may have the following possibilities; direct speech, indirect speech, narrator's representation of speech acts and narrator's representation of speech.22 With the help of______ linguistics, recently research has moved into the area of example-based machine translation. The method uses correct translation as a principal source of information for the creation of new ones.23 In the IPA chart, the sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels. The consonants are then divided into pulmonic and ______ consonants.24 According to Halliday, a clause is the simultaneous______of ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings.25 According to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language is not arbitrary at the ______ level.三、名词解释26 Recreational function27 Pharyngeal28 Loanshift29 Tree diagram30 Sense relations31 Scale schema32 Perlocutionary act33 Emoticons34 Linguistic determinism35 System of signs四、举例说明题36 Languages differ in their degrees of dependence on the morphological components.37 Chomsky's Transformational-Generative Grammar has been challenged by a number of other approaches to language.38 Language learning can take place when the learner has enough access to input in the target language.五、简答题39 What is PowerPoint and why is it so important in language teaching?40 What aspects of language can one focus if one wants to analyze a novel or a story?41 To what extent can one say that a piece of classroom work can be regarded as a task in language teaching and learning?。
目 录2017年中山大学834法语语言文学考研真题及详解2018年中山大学834法语语言文学考研真题及详解2017年中山大学834法语语言文学考研真题及详解Partie de la linguistique 语言学部分 50%1. Quelles sont les différences entre la langue et le langage ? 10%La langue est un système évolutif de signes linguistiques,【答案】vocaux, graphiques et gestuels, qui permet la communication entre les individus, alors que le langage est la capacité d’exprimer et de communiquer au moyen d’un système de signes. La langue est une des nombreuses manifestations du langage.2. Préciser les fonctions des composants (marqués en formedifférente) de la phrase suivante ? 10% Monsieur Ma est un professeur qui aime bien expliquer la grammaire. (Tels que sujet, verbe, complémentd’objet indirect...)« Monsieur Ma » est le sujet ; « est » le verbe ; « un 【答案】professeur » est l’attribut du sujet et l’antécédent de la proposition relative ;« qui » est le pronom relatif ; « aime » est le verbe ; « bien » est l’adverbe ;« expliquer » est le complément d’objet direct du verbe « aime » ; « la grammaire » est le complément d’objet direct du verbe « expliquer ».3. Veuillez expliquer les différences entre le signifiant et le signifié,avec un mot par exemple. 10%Le signifié désigne la représentation mentale du concept associé【答案】au signe, tandis que le signifiant désigne la représentation mentale de la forme et de l’aspect matériel du signe. On utilise le mot « arbre » pourdésigner le réel arbre. Le mot « arbre » est donc le signifiant, alors que ce que le mot désigne est le signifié.4. D'après vous, quelles sont les caractéristiques de la langue française ?(Écrivez un petit texte d'entre 100 à 150mots. Attention aux bonnes expressions, à la structure et à la logique) 20%【答案】Une des caractéristiques de la grammaire française est la richesse de ses temps et modes. Toutefois, cette richesse tend à se réduire à l’oral. Certains temps ne se trouvent guère plus qu’à l’écrit. Comme le français est écrit avec l’alphabet latin de base, elle ressemble beaucoup à l’anglais. Grâce à ses normes orthographiques assez rigoureuses et détaillées, elle est considérécomme la langue la plus précise du monde et souvent utilisée comme langue officielle et de travail de plusieurs organisations internationales.La majorité du fonds lexical français provient du latin ou bien est construit à partir des racines gréco-latines. La langue française se caractérise aussi par les emprunts à d’autres langues : d’abord à l’anglais, puis à l’italien, aux autres langues romanes, aux langues germaniques tels que l’allemand et le néerlandais.Partie de la littérature 文学部分 100%1. Répondez aux questions suivantes (60 pts)1) Comment appelle-t-on les récits épiques du Moyen Age qui ontprécédé l'apparition du genre romanesque ? /5 pts.【答案】Les chansons de geste.2) Quels sont les deux sens du mot « roman »? /10 pts.Au Moyen Age, le roman désigne une oeuvre en vers ou en 【答案】prose, présentant des aventures surnaturelles et rédigées en langue romane. Maintenant, il désigne plus souvent une oeuvre en prose, relativement longue, basée sur une intrigue imaginaire qui dépeint l’évolution et la psychologie des personnages.3) Citez un roman symbolique du moyen Age./5 pts.【答案】Le Roman de Renart4) Citez les caractéristiques de l'Humanisme. Donnez le nom d'un auteur emblématique de cette époque. /10 pt.L’appétit de savoir, l’esprit critique et l’attention à l’humain 【答案】définissent les contours de l’Humanisme. François Rabelais.5) Pourquoi ce nom « Philosophes des Lumières »? Que traduit cette métaphore ?/10 pts.【答案】Ce terme est utilisé pour désigner les philosphes avant vécu。
1 / 452013年中山大学638基础法语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Choisissez la bonne r éponse. (50 points)1. Julie a dit qu ’elle _____ quand elle _____ ses études mais qu ’elle n ’était pas press ée.A. se marierait.., aura termin éB. se serait mari ée.., termineraitC. se serait mari ée.., avait termin éD. se marierait.., aurait terrain é【答案】D【解析】本题考察时态,主句用复合过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态,“茱莉说她将在完成学业后结婚。
”根据句意,“完成学业”这一动作在“结婚”之前,而结婚是对于“说”这一动作之后发生的,所以分别用先过去时与过去将来时2. Ne soyez pas trop s év ère avec lui, il a fair tous les efforts qu ’il _____.A. a pu2 / 45B. a pusC. avait puD. aura pu【答案】C【解析】时态考察。
3. Ils ont d éclar é qu ’il viendrait _____.A. trios jours apr èsB. apr ès trios joursC. en trois joursD. pendant trois jours【答案】A【解析】考察过去时态中相应的时间状语的变化。
2013年中山大学242俄语考研真题及详解一、Выберитеподходяшийвариантпосодержаниюпредложения. (30 баллов).1. ПамятникЛомоносовунаходитпередзданиемМГУ _____ .А. наМосквеБ. вМосквеВ. передМосквойГ. надМосквой【答案】Б【解析】句意:莱蒙诺索夫纪念碑位于莫斯科的莫斯科国立大学楼前。
故正确答案为Б.2. Твойадресяузнал_____.A. ствоегодругаБ. изтвоегодругаB. ктвоемудругуГ. утвоегодруга【答案】Г【解析】句意:我是从你朋友那里得知你的地址的。
3. Явсегдавыполняюзаданиесам, ненадеюсь_____других.A. впомощьБ. напомощьB. запомощьГ. спомощью【答案】Б【解析】句意:我总是独自完成任务,不指望其他人的帮助。
4. Простите, вкакомкинотеатреидетфильм «Москва_____неверит»?A. слёзыБ. слезамB. слёзГ. слезами【答案】Б【解析】句意:请问,在哪个电影院播放«莫斯科不相信眼泪»这部电影?веритьвкого-что或чему意为“相信……”。
5. Этотгород_____хорошознаком, онучилсятампятьлет.А. АндреюБ. АндреемВ. сАндреемГ. Андрей【答案】А【解析】句意:对安德烈来说这座城市是很熟悉的,他在那里学习了五年。
黄国文,男,省饶平县人,1956年生,"英语语言文学"专业博士生导师, 大学校务委员会委员。
1977年毕业于外国语学院英语系,并留校任教;1986年获得"语言学与应用语言学"硕士学位 (外国语学院);1986年晋升为英语讲师;1992年7月获得英国爱丁堡 (Edinburgh) 大学"应用语言学"博士学位,1992年9月至1994年1月在英国纽卡斯尔 (Newcastle Upon Tyne)大学言语系做"社会语言学" 博士后研究,被聘为"研究员"(Research Associate),1994年2月至1996年1月被英国威尔士(Wales) 大学加的夫 (Cardiff) 学院英语系聘为 "大学生指导教师" (Tutor) 兼 "研究学者"(Research Scholar),同时在职攻读第二个博士学位,并于1996年3月获得该大学授予的"功能语言学"博士学位。
1995年6月被大学晋升为教授,1996年1月从英国到大学外国语学院英语系任教,1996年10月被增列为"英语语言文学"专业博士生导师, 研究方向为"功能语言学"。
2013年中山大学638基础法语考研真题(总分150, 做题时间180分钟)选择题1.Julie a dit qu’elle ________ quand elle ________ ses études mais qu’elle n’était pas pressée.SSS_SINGLE_SELAse marierait.., aura terminéBse serait mariée.., termineraitCse serait mariée.., avait terminéDse marierait.., aurait terrainé该问题分值: 1答案:D本题考察时态,主句用复合过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态,“茱莉说她将在完成学业后结婚。
”根据句意,“完成学业”这一动作在“结婚”之前,而结婚是对于“说”这一动作之后发生的,所以分别用先过去时与过去将来时2.Ne soyez pas trop sévère avec lui, il a fair tous les efforts qu’il ________.SSS_SINGLE_SELAa puBa pusCavait puDaura pu该问题分值: 1答案:C时态考察。
3.Ils ont déclaré qu’il viendrait ________.SSS_SINGLE_SELAtrios jours aprèsBaprès trios joursCen trois joursDpendant trois jours该问题分值: 1答案:A考察过去时态中相应的时间状语的变化。
”三天后:dans trois jours在过去时态复合句的从句中变为trois jours après。
《标准日本语》(初级上、下册;中级上册),人民教育出版社、光村图书出版株式会社,1988年第一版262 德语二外考查要点:1. 词汇和语法1.1 掌握德语基本词汇与短语2000个左右。
1.2 掌握《大学德语》修订版第一、二册中所涉及的名词变格、动词变位、动词时态、语态等基本语法知识并能在阅读和写作中综合运用这些知识。
2 阅读2.1 具备阅读不同体裁(故事、随笔、报道等)和不同题材(经济、历史、文化、新闻、科技等)一般德语资料的能力。
2.2阅读速度为50个词左右/每分钟;阅读文章生词量为3%—10%之间3. 翻译3.1 具备短语和句子的德译汉或汉译德基本能力,或短文的德译汉基本能力。
《大学德语》(第一册、第二册),姜爱红,高等教育出版社,2008年8月第三版263 法语二外考查要点:1. 词汇和语法1.1 掌握法语基本词汇与短语2000个左右。
1.2 掌握法语中动词变位、动词时态、语态等语法知识并能综合运用这些知识。
2 阅读2.1 具备阅读不同体裁(故事、随笔、报道等)和不同题材(经济、历史、文化、新闻、科技等)一般法语资料的能力。
一、下锶都Φ漠字 I=振 刂饭名 啻0I十 衣芒1、 。 (尉 10点 ) (D辶 匚(泫 水 0芸 衍 占△(明 b小 汇人 々0氖 持 b者 篁 乃 s世 (ˇ 、 走。 、 (型 ⑵ 彼 泫束京峙代 啻思 ˇ返 △ 愁啻感 C走 。 (3)南 O二 人泫相性力 、 s上 <惫 ˇ 上 0谳。 、 s自 ˇ ⑷ 屯 90厘 b△ 走尾力 然 匚静小汇下 9(巷 走。 (s,辶 O季 钸 泫 上 <木 枯 △力 s吹 巷扌 ♂球。 (6)余 暇OFoB题 泫、渐次重 要尔Foi题 汇浍 o叮 0<。 、 s姿 啻消 △走。 ⑺ 七O子 O母 占 人物力 墨 △ˇ g,古 、 〈 今束西啻Fnib矿 人 FFaOˇ 、 石占二弓饭面 占ˇ 0屯 0l基 必矿存在 △(1`6。 (gl七 0△ 走融通抄 F芑 汾 、 日本人 0走 <亲 △ˇ 用力 啻 o(巷 走O定 。 星 `麻 (1ω 大卒 l啻 人生 O筮 目占言 定上 0。
=、(D冫 夕基汛走 畏 小 屯 △机 志 ˇ 、 占思ˇ
次0鼯 句 0片 饭名啻溪字 k改 抄奋芒1、 。 (尉 10点 ) 、 汇采 b汆 ˇ `oo屯 、彼 漶七 0懿 ˇ `bl,忙 泫ˇ `o `小 汆力 走。 ⑵ 七0利 益泫泺 占南 r掼 失 啻冫 0l已 至 b涂 小 o走 。 、 、 匚 o(uJ。 ⑶ 扎惊彼 汇占 二 o它 冫惫ˇ `十 夏志0小 屯△ 扎惫ˇ 占私泫思 o走 。 ^f冫 ⑷ 彼 泫每年、春 汇志 6占 、沙夕 它冫啻追 o(全 国耆走 9回 6。 (s,辶 O舞 踊泫美 0寺 彐夕毋啻巷扫 b6。 (s,船 会社 r小 b、 全晨 灬船 匚采扎 6屯 0占 力乃 力ˇ 、 △(V`走 bl,r。 、 ⑺ 京都 k泫 冫二七 0吴 服屋 灬多ˇ 。 s生 命活勤 啻阴 氵丙晚秋 汇山里 lI它 亻口中夕啻迎 定 6。 ⑻ 自然力 (g,亻 冫 F洋 0束 海岸 汇冫沙 弋力 s檠 来 △走。 (1ω 猫 0育 咒泫糊心 O情 爱 占煞限 O二 冫夕亻七 O屯 0下 扬 6。
2013中山大学外国语学院日语、德语、法语系考研资料大全考研专业050203 法语语言文学050204 德语语言文学050205 日语语言文学初试科目(1)101思想政治理论(2)241英语(3)633基础法语(4)834语言学概论(用中文考试,日法德专业)(1)101思想政治理论(2)241英语(3)634基础德语(4)834语言学概论(用中文考试,日法德专业)(1)101思想政治理论(2)241英语(3)635基础日语(4)834语言学概论(用中文考试,日法德专业)复试科目F1504法国文学与文化(用法文考试)F1503德国文学与文化(用德文考试)F1502日本文学与文化(用日文考试)初试指定教材《新编英语教程3》(1-3册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社《法语》(1-4册)马晓宏外语教学与研究出版社《语言学教程》胡壮麟北京大学出版社《语言学纲要》叶蜚声北京大学出版社《当代大学德语》(1-4册)梁敏外语教学与研究出版社《新编英语教程3》(1-3册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社《德汉翻译基础教程》张建琪外语教学与研究出版社《高级德语教程》下陈晓春上海外语教育出版社《高级德语教程》上陈晓春上海外语教育出版社《语言学教程》胡壮麟北京大学出版社《语言学纲要》叶蜚声北京大学出版社《日语综合教程》第五-八册皮细庚上海外语教育出版社《新编英语教程3》(1-3册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社《语言学教程》胡壮麟北京大学出版社《语言学纲要》叶蜚声北京大学出版社必备参考资料《2013中山大学834语言学概论考研复习精编》《2013中大834语言学概论考研模拟五套卷与答案解析》中山大学法语语言文学专业历年考研真题试卷2005-2012(基础法语与语言学概论) 中山大学德语语言文学专业历年考研真题试卷2005-2012(基础德语与语言学概论)中山大学日语语言文学专业历年考研真题试卷2005-2012(基础日语与语言学概论)中山大学2007-2012年硕士生分专业考录统计外国语学院050203 法语语言文学31 5 1 外国语学院050204 德语语言文学17 3 1 外国语学院050205 日语语言文学115 9 2日语、德语、法语系师资力量师资日语系德语系法语系教授邱雅芬佟君王蓓蓓蒲志鸿副教授谢崇宁徐爱红程晓昆彭念慈陈元曾晓阳讲师林丽刘文星龙江沈雪侠李享熊玉丹朱谕郭丽娜助教廖文娟洪丽君胡铁辉邱淑鸣袁黎平中山大学外国语学院简介中山大学外国语学院有着严谨求实的优良学术传统,洪深、梁实秋、戴镏龄、梁宗岱、王宗炎、谢文通、俞大絪、桂诗春等一大批著名学者在学院的发展史上都留下了深深的足迹。
1 中山大学 637基础英语2013
![1 中山大学 637基础英语2013](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/164b35e0102de2bd9605888f.png)
中山大学2013年基础英语考研真题I. Reading comprehension (40 points)Passage 1The swimming sky of oceanic expanse in Van Gogh‟s The Starry Night; the human figure born of marble by the careful hands of Rodin; the graceful, ethereal figure of Degas‟s ballerina; all communicate both emotion and essence in a world where aesthetic reigns supreme. Art has forever been humankind‟s tool for expressing the ineffable, a form of communication when words fail or are wholly inadequate. Art challenges the artist by constructing a world in which opposing forces—impulse and control, emotion and thought, ideation and actuality—must cooperate to produce a piece of art. The artist must wrestle an almost untamable creative force for control in order to grant space to its expression. The process of facing and governing this force while conveying it to others makes artistic creation an especially valuable therapeutic tool for the emotionally disturbed.The process of creation and the created product are equally valuable parts of therapeutic art. Creating art requires balancing two aspects of personality that are, in the case of the emotionally disturbed person, especially irreconcilable. Like all artists, the emotionally disturbed person must learn to control and harness the dangerous, unpredictable forces of creation while remaining sufficiently unrestrictive to allow its expression. Balancing these forces in a constructive way while granting full play to both is an important ability to master, one that art therapy teaches particularly well.The emotionally disturbed artist‟s goal is not the perfect expression of an aesthetic ideal. Yet communicating the mind‟s content and having it recognized by others is intensely valuable to the disturbed artist‟s healing. Taking ideas out of the isolation imposed by the mind and reproducing them in a form that can be shared and understood by others releases those ideas from the mind and removes from them some of their power. Using the brush where the pen and voice fail allows others, like the therapist, to recognize, understand, and begin to deconstruct the mind‟s content.Artistic creation allows emotionally disturbed people to communicate ideas they are unable to express in words, and it provides therapists with an otherwise unobtainable window into the mind. Examination of their artistic pieces reveals an inner world that the self of the disturbed person cannot express another way. Art then becomes a new therapeutic medium through which to understand and address the complex issues that threaten and haunt the disturbed person, and in which to free them.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.A. prove that art therapy has made significant strides in recent decadesB. demonstrate how art therapy can transform nonfunctioning individuals into productivemembers of societyC. show how art therapy can be beneficial for emotionally disturbed peopleD. describe the methods by which artwork can be interpreted by a therapist2. In line 4, paragraph 3 “the brush” is used primarily to signify ______.A. the wide variety of artistic equipmentB. the author‟s preference for art over written communicationC. the process of paintingD. artistic creation3. The passage suggests that the main reason a therapist might use art to work with emotionallydisturbed people is that art therapy can ______.A. allow them to address ideas or emotions in a nonverbal wayB. share their innermost thoughts with the publicC. broaden the scope of their social interactionD. encourage them to cooperate with others4. The author su ggests that artwork functions as “window” (line 2, paragraph 4) because artworkA. is transparentB. stiffles communicationC. can be extremely fragileD. allows access to thoughts5. The author‟s conclusion would be most directly supported by additional information proving that ______.A. art therapists are better able to evaluate the quality of art than regular therapistsB. individuals involved in art programs have more control over their emotionsC. there is a documented connection between creativity and attention spanD. painting relieves some symptoms of arthritisPassage 2Since time immemorial, countless scholars have asked the question: What is beauty? As philosophers engage in weighty discourses, designers update the latest fashions, and artists create their masterpieces, what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace. Fifty years ago, the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the American aesthetic value; today, a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyn‟s have taken her place, However, aesthetic values not only differ from generation to generation, but do so along cultural lines as well. The conventions that govern painting and music vary greatly from East to West, Often, what is considered disgusting to one civilization is the pinnacle of aesthetic appeal in another. Thus, when left to the sphere of human design, the search for an absolute definition of beauty remains an elusive one at best.As fundamental physicists, my colleagues and I like to believe that we are involved in a search for a beauty that does not remain uninfluenced by definition. The beauty that we search for is not that which is laid down through the work of people and subject to short-term tastes, but rather that which has been established by Nature. Those not involved with physics tend to think of it as a precise and predictive science—certainly not a field of study fit for the contemplation of the beautiful. Yet, one of physics‟s greatest gifts is that it allows its students to look past extrinsic appearances into a more overwhelming beauty. As a human being, I am captivated by the visual appeal of a wave crashing on the beach. As a physicist, however, I possess the ability to be captivated by the much deeper beauty of the physical laws that govern such a phenomenon. Where the nonphysicist sees a lovely but inexplicable event, the well-schooled physicist is able to perceive a brilliant design.In truth, since the day that Albert Einstein first proposed the notion that there might be one overarching physics1 theory that governs the universe, aesthetics tins become a driving force in modern physics. What Einstein and we, as his intellectual descendants, have discovered is this: Nature, at its most fundamental level, is beautifully constructed. The remarkable simplicity of the laws that govern the universe is, at times, nothing short of breathtaking. And at every step, as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on deeper and deeper levels,we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound. As Einstein himself said, it would seem more likely that we should find ourselves living in a “chaotic world, in no way graspable through thinking.”Yet here we are closer than ever to a full understanding of the universe‟s beautiful clockwork.6. The author mentions Marilyn Monroe in paragraph 1 in order to ______.A. provide an example of today‟s standards of beautyB. discuss her abilities as an actressC. demonstrate how susceptible aesthetics are to changeD. illustrate that the standard definition of beauty remains constant7. The author‟s assertion in lines 6-7, paragraph 1 (“what is considered disgusting...in another”) suggests that ______.A. cultures are destined to clashB. many civilizations are prone to disgusting behaviorC. different societies are fled together by an appreciation for physicsD. it is nearly impossible to say what is truly beautiful8. As used in line 2 paragraph 2, the phrase “laid down” most nearly means ______.A. restedB. createdC. sleptD. set9. In the course of outlining the various gifts of physics, the author cites all of the following EXCEPT ______.A. the ability to look for a beauty that is unchangingB. appreciating the visual beauty era wave crashingC. understanding both extrinsic and intrinsic beautyD. seeing a deeper design in natural events10. In the third paragraph, Albert Einstein‟s proposal of an “overarching physical theory” suggeststhat ______.A. the author believes that there is beauty in simplicityB. the universe is infinitely complexC. aesthetics has no place in physicsD. the physical world will never be understood rationally11. The author quotes Albert Einstein in lines 6-7, paragraph 3 in order to ______.A. detail the way physical laws affect chaosB. emphasize the scope of Einstein‟s influenceC. suggest that Einstein might have doubted the beauty of physicsD. stress just how remarkable the order of the universe really is12. The purpose of this passage is to ______.A. discuss the way various cultures assess beautyB. explain the beauty that is unmasked through an understanding of physicsC. demonstrate the way concepts of beauty change over timeD. finding new relevance for different physical lawsPassage 3For eighty years Thomas‟s family had grown corn on its hundred-acre plot. In hisgrandfather‟s day, even in his father‟s, wheat and timothy were also sown to help feed cattle and pigs. While there had been no animals on the land in Thomas‟s time, Thomas‟s father spoke at length about those days, when he himself had been a child. Back then, Thomas‟s father had dedicated every one of his free hours to taking care of the farm: grinding chop, cleaning up after the animals, mending fences, and performing innumerable other taxing chores. Later, it was just corn, sold to some big company out East that his father said paid them a little less every year. It wasn‟t about the money though; his father would have made do just enough to keep things going. His concern was family and tradition, the agricultural way of life.During harvest, Thomas would ride on the enormous thresher with his father. In the cabin, above the green sea parting before them, he would listen as his father explained the significance of a life dedicated to agriculture. As Thomas nibbled on a lunch packed by his mother, his father expounded upon his philosophy that a man must not be separated from the land that provides for him, that the land was very important. He would say, time and again, “A man isn‟t a man without land to call his own.”He was not an uneducated man, Thomas‟s father. He had completed high school and probably could have gone to college if he wanted, but he was a man of the earth, and his spirit was tied to the soil. Agriculture was not his profession; it was his passion, one that he tried to seed in the hearts of his three boys. Thomas‟s two older brothers had little time for farmwork, however. What chores they were not forced to do went undone or were done by Thomas; their energies were focused on cars, dating, and dance halls.Even at a young age, Thomas was able to see in his father‟s eyes the older man‟s secret despair. The land that had been in his family for three generations was not valued by the fourth. Not even little Tommy, who always rode in the cabin with him and helped out as much as he was able, would stay and tend the fields. The world had grown too large, and there were too many distractions to lure young men from their homes. Boys these days did not realize they had a home until it was too late.Sitting on the hood of his jeep, Thomas gazed out over dozens of acres of orange survey stakes that covered what was once his family‟s farm. The house, barn, and silos were all gone, replaced by construction trailers and heavy equipment. The town that lay just five miles up the road had grown into a city, consuming land like a hungry beast. Thomas‟s father had been the last farmer left in the county, holding out long after the farm became unprofitable. He farmed after his sons left and his wife died; he farmed until his last breath, on principle.Now a highway and several shopping malls were going to take his place, Thomas thought. His brothers both said it was inevitable, that progress cannot be halted. They argued that if the family did not sell the land, the city would claim eminent domain and take it from them for a fraction of what they could get by selling it. Thomas did not feel he had any right to disagree. After alt, he had chosen to leave the farm as well, to pursue his education. Though he didn‟t stand in their way, and though his profit from the lucrative sale was equal to his brothers‟, Thomas was sure he felt something that they could not. The money didn‟t matter much to him; he had enough to get by. It was something about the land. Now that he had finally found his way back to it, he was losing it. He was losing his home.13. Which is NOT CORRECT about the farm in Thomas‟s father‟s day?A. Corn, wheat and timothy grown on the farm were sold for profit.B. Cattle and pigs were raised on the farm.C. Thomas‟s father could make both ends meet.D. Thomas‟s father spent a lot of time doing farm chores.14. In line 5 paragraph 1 the word “taxing” most nearly means ______.A. monetaryC. rejuvenatingB. expensiveD. tiring15. Based on the passage, a thresher (line 1 paragraph 2) is most likely used to ______.A. mend fencesB. construct shopping mallsC. harvest cropsD. plant seeds16. Thomas‟s father‟s statement in the last line of paragraph 2 primarily shows the father to be ______.A. discouraged because he is getting less money for his corn each yearB. overwhelmed by the number of tedious chores he must complete each dayC. convinced that his life as a farmer is worthwhileD. pleased that his youngest son is with him as he threshes the corn17. The most likely cause of the “secret despair” (line 1 paragraph 4) that Thomas sees in hisfather‟s eyes is his father‟s ______.A. sadness that his sons would not care for the family farm in the same way that he hadB. disappointment that Thomas didn‟t help as much as he could have with the farm choresC. worry about his sons‟ preoccupation with cars, dating, and dancingD. regret that he didn‟t attend college even though he could have done so18. The description of Thomas‟s brothers‟interest in the last two sentences of paragraph 3highlights ______.A. the difference between the brothers as young men and as adultsB. the reasons that Thomas performed the brothers‟ neglected choresC. the gap between the brothers‟ values and those of their fatherD. the considerable conflict between the brothers and their father19. An important function of paragraph 5 is to ______.A. establish that the narrative to this point has been a flashbackB. contrast Thomas‟s current life with his past lifeC. summarize the plotD. foreshadow Thomas‟s future20. The last sentence of the passage suggests that Thomas feels ______.A. excited anticipationB. overwhelming despairC. regretful nostalgiaD. unaccustomed reliefII. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. If there is no error, use a √ or write “No error” on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)1. For the last decade, American restaurants were serving larger portions, a trend which nutritionists believe has contributed to an increase in obesity.2. Bill is the captain on the football team, but the soccer coach allows his players to take turns acting as captain.3. We were surprised to find volunteers from the local high school to be as helpful and efficient as those we had trained to assist in earlier emergencies.4. Many countries, including the United States, has signed treaties that address the problem of the warming of the earth‟s atmosphere,5. The botanical garden program familiarizes children with names of different flowers, teaches them the conventions of naming plants, and they have the opportunity to learn skills used by gardeners.6. As the mayor of the city, he had a presence that was comforting to his constituents, who had supported him since he first ran for city council.7. Concerned by the patient‟s chest pains and breathing difficulty, the nursing student was quick to realize that these symptoms were consistent to those of a heart attack.8. Fans of downhill skiing respected the decision by the judges that athletes which take performance-enhancing drugs while training would be disqualified from the competition.9. The human resources department is using online advertisements to recruit new employees because applicants can respond to this more quickly than to print ones.10. One would have difficulty determining which factor contributes more to the success of a great writer—talent or hard work.III. English composition (40 points)Consider carefully the issue discussed in the following paragraph, and then write an essay that answers the question posed in the task.Human beings can attain a worthy and harmonious life if only they are able to rid themselves, within the limits of human nature, of the striving for the wish fulfillment of material kinds. The goal is to raise the spiritual values of society.—Albert Einstein Assignment: You are required to write an essay of about at least 400 words in which you answer the question “Is the desire for ‘wish fulfillment of material kinds’ a good or a bad thing?" and discuss your point of view on this issue. Support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.Marks will be awarded for Content, Organization, Grammar, and Appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction will result in a loss of marks.IV. Translation1. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)Carrara, shut in by the great hills, is a very picturesque town in Italy. Few tourists stay there; and the people are nearly all connected, in one way or another, with the mining of marble. There are also villages among the caves, where the workmen live. It contains a beautiful little Theatre, newly built; and it is an interesting custom there, to form the chorus of labourers in the marblemines, who are self-taught and sing by ear. I heard them in a comic opera, and in an act of “Norms”; and they performed remarkably well; unlike the common people of Italy generally, who (with some exceptions among the Neapolitans) sing terribly out of tune, and have very disagreeable singing voices.Neapolitans:那不勒斯人2. Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)青花瓷(blue-and-white porcelain)能在中国瓷坛独占鳌头,主要因为它与中国人长期追求的文化和美学精神相契合,这就是平淡天真、自然从容。
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050203 法语语言文学050204 德语语言文学050205 日语语言文学
中山大学法语语言文学专业历年考研真题试卷2005-2012(基础法语与语言学概论) 中山大学德语语言文学专业历年考研真题试卷2005-2012(基础德语与语言学概论)
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